#clipe love again
missmielyhoran · 1 year
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in which Harry cheated on you...
[Warning- Angst, cheating, pregnancy, Breakup, crying, Fluff, really bad grammer cause I'm tired and wrote this cause I couldn't focus on studying]
Two years, seven months, eighteen days...
That's how long you knew Harry or so, you thought.
Your relationship with Harry was pure bliss. He cared for you, loved you in a way no one ever had. So, never in your nightmares you thought he would just up and break up with you only to find his arms around some blonde a week later.
It broke the worst way possible. For weeks, you stayed in your bed and ate when your best friend force fed you, which ended up in your toilet anyway.
That was almost a year months ago.
You still were very much hurt, and the sight of Harry still almost sent you down a spiral. So, when Jeff asked you to come back as tour manager, you tried to deny it, but there was a contract, and nowhere in hell did you have 10,000 laying around to break it.
So, you went back and did everything in your power to avoid Harry and his girlfriend.
But fate was never in your side.
Just a few days in tour, and you were already having a bad day. You saw a woman standing in the cafeteria with her back to you. Hair cliped up in a bun, a mask covering half of her face and her hand caressing her huge belly.
You immediately got up from your place on the couch and offered her. Her eyes squinted, which you took as a smile.
Then she removed her mask, and you couldn't breathe.
It was the same woman of your nightmare.
"Thank you so much sweetheart, can't tell you how much this pregnancy has been killing my feet," She said, huffing and laughing.
You couldn't say anything. You just stared at her belly. She was almost 7 to 8 months pregnant, you thought.
Was it an accident or did they planned it? Harry always wanted family with you, he talked and raved about having a little you and him.
Now he was having that with someone else.
You ran when you saw Harry walk in the room from the corner of your eye. You couldn't do this, you didn't care you had to fight in court or you had to pay hefty amout you to get out you just couldn't work there anymore.
Tears streaming down your face, you ran to Jeff's office and slammed open his door. He looked up from his laptop annoyed at first, then concerned when he saw your state. Then realization hit him, and his face morphed into guilt and sorrow.
"I can't do this anymore, Jeff. I can't." You cried more. He got up and took you in his arms, and you sobbed harder.
"I know. I know." He assured you his hand running up down your back consoling you.
"I understand baby, but I need you to wake up now," He said suddenly. You removed your face from his chest and looked at him weirdly, surprised by the nickname and the sentence.
"What the fu-"
"I need you to wake up Baby" He said again a bit harshly this time, his eyes a bit serious and panicked, "Y/N wake up-"
You jolted up from bed heaving. Your body was covered in sweat. Confused, you looked around and found a dark room. Moon was shining brightly from the window, and the soft buzzing of AC and your pants were filling the room.
A large hand came up to your jaw and then the brightest green eyes. Harry looked at you sweetly and smiled.
"There she is. You were having a bad dream, baby." He said softly, wiping sweat off your face. You looked down your hand immediately, going to your belly almost protectively, and Harry's followed right after.
Then you turned around and hit Harry's bicep harshly. His eyes widened, "Ow baby. That hurt." he said, holding your hands in his.
"How dare you" You said angirly, "What did I do-" He asked confused.
"How dare you cheat on me?!" You exclaimed. Harry looked at your wide-eyed and then started laughing hysterically.
At this point, you also realized how ridiculous you sounded and your face turned red with a grumpy pout. Your arms around your belly, you looked like a cute angry baby chicken.
"Oh sweetheart, what will I do of you?" He said, lovingly leaning down to take your lips into a sweet kiss.
Hehehehehe...I was bored
Taglist- @tenaciousperfectionunknown @that-daydream-look @harryspirate @tiaamberxx @lomlhstyles @vmpellie @sunshinemoonsposts @jayde515
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I will be back with posting from next monday♡
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marxistfringe · 14 days
Há algumas semanas, fiz um texto sobre o novo som da girl in red. Passaram dias, o novo álbum foi lançado, e bom.
Eu prefiro a girl in red do antigo testamento.
Tava ansioso pelo álbum dela, mas os singles tinham me deixado desconfiado, eu confesso. Too Much é bom; Doin' It Again Baby tem personalidade; e You Need Me Now? é um som bom (embora a parte da Sabrina seja um pouco mais pop do que eu gostaria). Bons singles, mas nada espetacular. Nada que chamasse a atenção ou que entrasse em definitivo na minha playlist.
E o álbum, pra ser sincero, foi bem nota 6.
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Passando pelas músicas por alto; o álbum tem alguns pontos positivos, mas tem muitos pontos negativos. O som ficou menos profundo e mais genérico, rimas mais manjadas, letras mais superficiais. Algumas melodias são boas - mas, se eu não soubesse, não diria que são músicas da girl in red, porque falta algo.
Digo; ela é artista, então ela tem crédito pra seguir o caminho que ela quiser e expressar os sentimentos que ela sente. If I Could Make it Go Quiet é produto dos sentimentos dela naquela época, que mudaram desde então - e tá tudo bem. Não tinha como o álbum ser idêntico ao primeiro; mas o álbum novo merecia um pouco mais de carinho. A divulgação foi muito pesada em comparação ao trabalho nas músicas, mesmo, que deixou um pouco a desejar.
Música por música, lá vamos nós:
I'm Back
Vi que teve gente que gostou. Eu não fui uma delas. E também não entendo essas pessoas.
A melodia do piano no começo é caricatural e não melhora no decorrer da música. O clímax é sem graça, e a letra é direta ao ponto e bem básica. Assim; bem básica. Quero traçar uma comparação no ponto em que a letra fala de morte; I'm Back aborda a temática da seguinte forma:
"It's not like I wanna die At least not now, I love being alive"
Em comparação, We Fell in Love in October:
"Don't bother looking down We're not going that way At least I know, I am here to stay"
Entende? A mensagem é semelhante, diga-se de passagem (tirando o subtom romântico na segunda). Mas a primeira é tão on the nose que perde a graça.
Honestamente, nem soa justo comparar as duas músicas. Parece que a segunda é feita por uma artista profissional e a primeira é um experimento de um aluno no primário, na aula de música.
Vou dar um desconto porque é uma música pra dar o clima do álbum, mas, honestamente, essa eu nunca mais vou ouvir.
Eu já escrevi sobre essa. Não é de todo ruim; a melodia é pegajosa, irreverente. Mas eu também já tinha falado: a música é composta por aquelas coisas que você pensa/escreve no seu íntimo, quando você está no topo da sua autoestima.
A gente não costuma verbalizar as coisas que a gente pensa nesses momentos, e é por um bom motivo. São reflexões bobas.
Isso, em uma música, não é de todo ruim. E a música de fato não é horrível, porque pelo menos - repito - a melodia é pegajosa e irreverente. Mas não tem substância, né? Cansa. Ouço algumas vezes e acabou. É isso. A música não me provoca nada a mais.
Acho engraçado que a música foi lançada há mais de um mês e não tem uma contribuição sequer no Genius; nenhuma pessoa sugerindo nada sobre o significado da letra. Porque não tem nada a sugerir. É o que está lá, escrito. E nada mais.
3. Too Much
Provavelmente a melhor música do álbum.
O ritmo é legal; a música tem uma progressão e constrói um clímax; o refrão não é o mais elaborado do mundo, mas é memorável; consigo identificar alguns elementos da música da girl in red e a letra tem um pouco mais de complexidade (apesar do "You're on Earth, I'm on Mars"). Até o clipe é irreverente de um jeito positivo.
Mas faço esses elogios de uma forma comedida. É uma música boa, mas é difícil de achar algo de genial nela. Dentro do If I Could Make it Go Quiet, não seria top 5.
4. Phantom Pain
Essa é a que eu mais gostei dentre as músicas que não haviam sido divulgadas. Briga com Too Much pelo posto de melhor do álbum.
Essa daqui é boa de um jeito diferente. Ela não lembra muito o estilo das últimas músicas da girl in red, mas ela tem um estilo experimental bom - mais ou menos o que eu esperava dela, mesmo. Um riff de guitarra mais pesado, um final um pouco mais caótico (que foi controverso, mas eu adorei, porque deu personalidade pra música).
A única coisa que impede ela de ser melhor é o mesmo problema de todo o restante do álbum; música curta e letra rasa.
"I wish I never met you in the first place My life would be much easier today You're a con, you're an angel You look so sweet, but you're not though"
Uau! Inspirador.
5. You Need Me Now?
Riff de guitarra toca no começo. Meus ouvidos apuram. "Hmmm. Prossiga", eu penso. Primeira estrofe toca; é mais puxada pro rock, uma batida meio industrial.
A letra é, de novo, básica ("you're swinging right back, like a pendulum, babe"? Uau! Que ideia original, comparar algo que balança com um pêndulo), mas pelo menos o ritmo é pegajoso. Chega um pré-refrão, que é bom; aí chega o refrão de vez; rimas são, curiosamente, boas. A sonoridade é ótima. E tudo isso se repete na segunda estrofe. Uau! Talvez a música seja de fato boa!
E aí vem aquele "You know what would be really fucking cool on this?" e já gela a minha espinha. Eu tinha ouvido isso em um story dela, e já tinha achado meio cafona, mas tá bom. "Divulgação", pensei comigo. Mas não era divulgação. Era, SURREALMENTE, uma parte da letra. Bizarro
E aí veio a Sabrina, e a estrofe dela nem é horrível - tirando a letra rasa, como sempre -, mas, por algum motivo, ela cortou o refrão. O pré-refrão virou um refrão. Parece que tá faltando algo, sabe? Esqueceram do refrão na segunda parte?
Tinha tudo pra ser boa, mas descarrilhou.
6. A Night to Remember
"Can you feel the chemical reaction? You triggered my desire and attraction"
Pior rima que eu já vi na minha vida.
Parece algo que eu escreveria, mas eu sou terrível em lidar com os meus sentimentos e escrever música não é o meu emprego.
Além disso, alguns trechos da música estão forçando muito o som pra se aproximar da sonoridade da Taylor Swift.
Não gostei desde a primeira vez que eu ouvi.
7. Pick Me
É uma música com mais sentimentos, e o ritmo é um pouco mais lento, mas eu simplesmente não consigo lidar com esse piano aparecendo de novo nas músicas. Tipo, metade das músicas do álbum têm um piano? Qual a necessidade disso?
Será que o pessoal na gravadora dela sentou e pensou "como passar mais sentimentos? Já sei! Piano" e acabou a reunião em três minutos pra ir pensar na divulgação?
Enfim. Ter mais sentimentos é bom - pelo menos fica um pouco menos genérico -, mas a música ainda assim não é a mais inspirada de todas. "Let the loser win" foi dolorido de ouvir - e não dolorido em um sentido bom, como as músicas do antigo álbum.
8. Ugly Side
Em primeiro lugar, vamos matar o elefante que tá na sala: todo mundo concorda que essa música é uma versão do álbum novo de "Body and Mind", né? Com uma pitada de "Serotonin".
Digo. Melodia com algum nível de inspiração no reggae. Temática semelhante quase idêntica. Ambas as letras com referências ao título de "If I Could Make it Go Quiet" e até alguns trechos semelhantes. É a versão 2.0 de Body and Mind, simplesmente.
Tendo dito isso, a diferença é bem sensível.
Body and Mind sabia que estava lidando com uma questão séria. O humor e a melodia um pouco mais animada era usado como uma válvula de escape, pra tampar o desespero, que ainda era palpável nas entrelinhas. Ugly Side não tem esse desespero, então o tom de humor na música faz parecer que ela está levando essa questão na brincadeira.
"Keep calm and carry on Wise words to live by, but I'm likely doing it all wrong I can shine like the sun But if I don't get it my way, next thing you know, the storm is on"
Dá pra levar a sério a questão com essa letra?
Pelo menos não é a pior do álbum. Só de remeter a algumas músicas no passado, traz uma certa familiaridade. E a letra também não é rasa na música inteira, tirando os trechos bem pouco inspirados.
9. New Love
Gostei da melodia e a instrumentação lembra algumas músicas antigas dela. Essa é um pouco mais sincera com relação aos sentimentos, um pouco mais melancólica - talvez um pouco mais do que eu esperava.
Só tem um problema: o harpejo lembra o do McDonald's.
Ah, e a música é muito curta.
10. ★★★★★
A letra é um pouco mais profunda do que a média das músicas do álbum, mas a música é ESTUPIDAMENTE curta. Porra, menos de dois minutos?
Sem contar que o arranjo industrial lá no começo pode até se ligar com a ideia de "writing a hit/In the factory", mas todo o arranjo some no decorrer da música, afogado em uma melodia meio pop que não combina muito bem com nada. E a letra também tá em um ritmo um pouco mais rápido do que faz sentido tanto com o arranjo industrial quanto com a música pop - parece que tá rodando no 1.5, sabe?
Enfim, a música tá all over the place. Tudo isso, em dois minutos.
Enfim. Talvez eu seja muito amargo, mesmo. Todo o sucesso pra ela, mas eu vou precisar de um novo artista pra preencher o vácuo da girl in red do antigo testamento.
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sptribeiro · 9 months
V 'Love Me Again' Official MV
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jellyfishinthedark · 11 months
When I was younger, my mom likened me to a dog in my loyalty,
You call my name, I come running over to you, my tail happily swinging back and forth.
You leaned down and cliped a leash to my collar, oh how I loved my collar, and you opened the front door.
You walked out to your truck, me joyfully trotting behind you, not minding where we were going, as long as it was with you.
We drove, we drove for a while, you rolled down the window and I stuck my head out, smiling in the wind.
And when we finally rolled to a stop, we were in a field, and for a long time it was feild, speckled with spottings of trees, and in the distance, a dark forest.
You opened the door and I hopped out, my toes meeting the damp ground. I looked up at you and you looked down at me. I couldn’t tell what that look meant.
You unclasped the collar around my neck, I was confused but didn’t mind too much as I watched you remove my favorite yellow ball from your pocket.
You reached your arm back, not looking at me anymore, and threw it, as far as you could. I watched the ball fly through the air before I darted off, not waiting for it to hit the ground.
When I finally reached the ball and scooped it up into my mouth, I turned around, ready to dash back to you for you to throw it again. Instead I saw the form of your retreating truck, growing ever smaller.
I sat. Confused. My ball fell from my mouth. Why did you leave me? Please, please come back.
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bruno-brun · 1 year
Dua Lipa - Future Nostalgia (UK Edition Digipack) - 2020
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Não há dúvidas de que o Future Nostalgia elevou o patamar de Dua Lipa para diva pop A-LIST. Com todo o alvoroço da pandemia acontecendo, esse álbum dançante nos divertiu durante esse período triste e caótico. Essa foi a obra pop mais bem trabalhada e aproveitada desde talvez 1989 da Taylor Swift, com vários singles, cd de remix, relançamentos e clipes e mais clipe e um show gravado intitulado de Studio 2054. Me tornei muito mais fã nessa era e ela segue sendo uma das minhas artistas prediletas.
Faixas Favoritas:
Break My Heart
Love Again
Don't Start Now
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gazeta24br · 1 year
Depeche Mode acaba de confirmar a data de lançamento de seu esperado novo álbum, “Memento Mori”, que será lançado no dia 24 de março, pela Columbia Records. A data do álbum foi anunciada junto com o lançamento do primeiro single, “Ghosts Again”. A nova faixa representa nada menos do que o clássico de Depeche Mode: imagens líricas evocativas de Dave Gahan, incluindo “sentimentos desperdiçados, significados quebrados… um espaço para escondermos as lágrimas que derramamos” e a guitarra hipnótica de Martin Gore, com um groove edificante e otimista. “Para mim, ‘Ghosts Again’ captura o perfeito equilíbrio entre melancolia e alegria”, comenta Gahan. Gore acrescenta, “Não é muito comum gravarmos uma música que eu simplesmente não me canso de ouvir – Estou animado por poder compartilhá-la”. O clipe de “Ghosts Again” e a capa do álbum “Memento Mori” foram interpretados visualmente pelo colaborador de longa data do Depeche Mode Anton Corbijn.  O vídeo, já disponível, traz uma sublime interpretação de Corbijn, em tons monocromáticos. “Memento Mori” é o 15° álbum de estúdio do Depeche Mode e o primeiro na formação da dupla Gahan e Gore, após o trágico falecimento do cofundador Andrew “Fletch” Fletcher, em 2022. Produzido por James Ford, com colaboração de Marta Salogni, a produção de “Memento Mori” teve início no começo da pandemia de Covid-19, resultando em temas inspirados neste período. O álbum de 12 faixas traz uma variada extensão de moods e texturas, desde sua abertura sinistra até as faixas finais. Da paranoia e obsessão à catarse e alegria, atingindo uma miríade no caminho.   Confira a tracklist: My Cosmos Is Mine Wagging Tongue Ghosts Again Don’t Say You Love Me My Favourite Stranger Soul With Me Caroline’s Monkey Before We Drown People Are Good Always You Never Let Me Go Speak To Me   A Memento Mori Tour coincidirá com o lançamento do álbum. Apresentada pela Live Nation, é a primeira da banda em 5 anos. A tour se inicia em 23 de março com uma série especial e limitada de datas em arenas norte-americanas, com paradas em Nova York, Los Angeles, Chicago, Toronto e mais. Em seguida, a banda seguirá pela Europa em 16 de maio, com datas confirmadas em Paris, Berlim, Milão e Londres. Eles também farão apresentações em diversos outros mercados – para mais informações, acesse depechemode.com. Com mais de 100 milhões de discos vendidos e tendo tocado para mais de 35 milhões de fãs no mundo todo, Depeche Mode segue como uma força em constante evolução, influente no meio musical. Uma inspiração indelével para fãs, críticos e artistas, a banda continua avançando, com o álbum “Memento Mori” e a turnê, que representam a abertura do mais novo capítulo de um legado incomparável.
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thedeacanedous · 2 years
Jesuton - I'll Never Love This Way Again [Clipe Oficial]
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barracodoedson · 2 years
Tudo começou quando o maestro, tecladista e produtor Maurizio Bassi estava em busca de um novo projeto. Foi aí que ele conheceu Jimmy McShane, um cantor e dançarino que sabia fazer ótimas performances em público. Maurizio recrutou Jimmy para ser o frontman do grupo.
Jimmy McShane:
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Imagem retirada do site: https://www.belfasttelegraph.co.uk/entertainment/news/tragic-derry-pop-star-jimmy-mcshanes-tarzan-boy-a-big-hit-again-thanks-to-new-wonga-ad-34662956.html
Maurizio Bassi:
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Imagem retirada do site: https://rikardomusic.blogspot.com/2022/02/farsas-italodisco-tarzan-boy-1985-de.html
Reza uma lenda que a voz principal não era feita pelo Jimmy, mas sim pelo produtor e tecladista do grupo Maurizio Bassi. O Jimmy fazia os backing vocais no estúdio e apenas dublava a voz principal nos shows. Mas como eu disse, isso é uma lenda e nunca foi confirmada por alguém que trabalhou no projeto.
Seu maior sucesso com certeza foi “Tarzan Boy”, que fez parte da trilha sonora do filme “As Tartarugas Ninjas III”, de 1993.
Os vídeo-clipes continham uma emoção fora do comum. E a performance de Jimmy McShane dançando e fazendo as coreografias era simplesmente demais. As letras das músicas são tocantes. Veja a tradução das letras de algumas canções e surpreenda-se.
Baltimora era o pseudônimo do cantor Jimmy McShane. Ele era conhecido por Baltimora e algumas vezes a banda aparecia no fundo do palco durante os shows. Outras vezes a banda não aparecia. Vale lembrar que Jimmy sofria um preconceito tolo, apenas porque era homossexual.
Jimmy faleceu em 1995, vítima de AIDS.
A banda ainda contava com vários backing vocalistas, entre eles podemos destacar a cantora e compositora Naimy Hackett e o cantor Silver Pozzoli. Esse último seguiu carreira solo, onde fez muito sucesso e lançou grandes hits. Contava também com o guitarrista solo Giorgio Cocilovo, o guitarrista base Claudio Bazzari, o baixista Pier Michelatti (mais tarde substituído por Dino D’Autorio), o segundo tecladista (tecladista solo) Leandro Gaetano e o baterista Gabriele “Lele” Meloti. A cantora Linda Wesley fez uma participação na música “Global Love”.
Nota: Acredito que um dos dançarinos do vídeo-clipe da música “Woody Boogie” é o produtor Maurizio Bassi. Acho que ele faz uma ponta no clipe dessa música. Tem um dançarino que é idêntico a ele, mas não tenho certeza se é ele mesmo. E também acredito que a moça do vídeo-clipe de “Woody Boogie” que dá um beijo em Jimmy McShane seja Naimy Hackett.
Baltimora - Membros
Jimmy McShane - Voz, performance e composição
Maurizio Bassi - Teclado, piano, arranjos, sintetizador, produção e composição
Giorgio Cocilovo - Guitarra solo
Claudio Bazzari - Guitarra base
Pier Michelatti - Baixo
Dino D’Autorio - Baixo
Leandro Gaetano - Teclado principal, sintetizador principal e programação
Gabriele “Lele” Meloti - Bateria
Naimy Hackett - Composição e backing vocais
Silver Pozzoli - Backing vocais
Lella Esposito - Backing vocais
Malcom Charlton - Backing vocais
Moreno Ferrara - Backing vocais
Silvano Fossati - Backing vocais
Betty Vittori - Backing vocais
Linda Wesley - Segunda voz (participação especial na música “Global Love”)
Malcolm McDonald - Backing vocais
Marco Ferradini - Backing vocais
Saxofone - Claudio Pascoli
Abaixo, fotos de mais alguns membros da banda. Como o grupo musical é dos anos 80, algumas fotos são bem antigas. Outras são mais recentes.
Naimy Hackett:
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Imagem retirada do site: https://www.discogs.com/pt_BR/artist/274648-Naimy-Hackett
Silver Pozzoli (Silvio Pozzoli):
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Imagem retirada do site: https://www.letras.mus.br/silver-pozzoli/
Giorgio Cocilovo:
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Imagem retirada do site: https://www.discogs.com/pt_BR/artist/274633-Giorgio-Cocilovo
Claudio Bazzari:
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Imagem retirada do site: https://www.discogs.com/pt_BR/artist/443964-Claudio-Bazzari
Pier Michelatti:
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Imagem retirada do site: https://www.discogs.com/pt_BR/artist/232559-Pier-Michelatti
Dino D’Autorio:
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Imagem retirada do site: https://www.discogs.com/pt_BR/artist/290275-Dino-DAutorio
Gabriele “Lele” Melotti:
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Imagem retirada do site: https://www.discogs.com/pt_BR/artist/305016-Lele-Melotti
Linda Wesley:
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Imagem retirada do site: https://www.discogs.com/pt_BR/artist/249238-Linda-Wesley
Dos clipes abaixo, apenas os 4 primeiros são oficiais. Os outros são shows ao vivo ou foram montados por fãs com gravações de shows e partes de alguns vídeos. Temos alguns covers na lista também.
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illicithawke · 3 years
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𓏲 ·˚ 🌷 𖦆 ָ࣪᪥𖡎 Ꮺ original ⅌ꪯ᥉𝐭 ხᥡ ⵓ ˖࣪ ✶ ๋࣭ 𔐬 𓄳﹙ ﹫romanoffstar ﹚ / [ 𝑖𝑧𝑧𝑖𝑒 ] ּ ֗ ִ ּ ۪ ⊹ ☺︎☺︎ꜝꜝ 𓏧 ʕ·ᴥ·ʔ . ˚ 𓂃 𖤐 / !?◞ 𓍯 ᝬ ،، ﹏﹏ 💭 I love you so much!!! 𓏲 ♡̸ ┈─ without psd: @romanoffstarwpsd ࣪ ٬ 📺 | 🎭 ࣪ .
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Frank fathering a little girl,
but shes older now hcs
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Reader: Female (highschooler so like 16? 17?)
Type: headcannons/ rough outline for something possibly in the future
Note: I liked these ideas, plus i fell in love with Frank dad wholesomeness. Also technically part 3 but whatever, also trying out a new format style
God. Your such a handful.
Especially now that he's let you go to highschool
You bet he's still trying to braid your hair, and you let him.
First day...Junior year... half way through the year
Thanks matt for pulling strings-
You were the end locker which was fine, some guys besides you.
"This is Ned. Im peter."
"Y/n. Y/n Castle."
New nerd friends?
"Your dads the Punisher!?-"
"Right. Right sorry!"
You got two new friends and an opportunity to make more. Maybe it wouldnt be so bad.
It was bad. It was so bad. Everything they taught you, especially in math you refrence weaponry
"So if the sniper shoots from this angle- its 45 degrees. The sniper has to be still to make a precise shot to make it there but it still works-"
"y/n- you cant talk about guns like that in class."
Peter and Ned have saved your asses multiple times by telling you thinks that can and cant be said in class.
For PE they were all doing basic state testing practice, climbing rope and sit ups.
"Ooo pull up bar."
Ah so Flash bullies Peter so hes gonna bully you too
"You can't do a pull up-"
You easily hop up and do pull ups with your bag on your back no warm up or anything
You seen alot of the girls sitting off on the bleachers and were confused.
"No they dont have to do it."
"I don't know waver maybe?"
So you wander over, asking with no care in the world to ask
"Oh its the castle girl."
"Yeah? And?"
"Be nice."
Liz is pretty intrested in you, you seem pretty rough around the edges to her.
She runs into you again in the bathroom, you washing your hands while she's redoing her mascara.
She sees your intrested is peaked and ask you if you wants some, you tell her you have no idea what it is. And she starts explaining it to you and doing your eyelashes up with mascara (dont share makeup guys-especially eye makeup- just roll with it)
Frank notices something diffrent when he picks you up all hidden away in that black truck but he cant put his finger on it
He asks about your first day of school and you said it was good. He's happy you're fitting in but whatever is off can't stop bothering him.
The next day your up and tiredly walking into the small living room/kitchen/dinning room- basically the main room and theres black all over your eyes.
He thinks you got in a fight now, and he demands you tell him who did this, but after brushing under it and some gets on his fingers he's like "excuse me- what the fuck is this-"
"Some girl Im friends with called it mascara it looks intresting so I tried it. Don't worry. Im not gonna do it again."
Then you start hangin with Liz more
He starts to notice less and less because you always make sure you wipe it all away if Liz expirements on you with diffrent colors.
Its like drawing on your face and you love it.
You still dress the same till Liz ask you to go shopping with her over the weekend, you can even stay at her house not to mention you have the wrestling orination and you're goin to that too and you know how he feels about you in any "violence"? Lets just say rage.
Telling Frank oof. That was rough;
This time you walked home, a black tanktop and cargo pants on with black boots, hair cliped up due to the warm day.
Climbing up the steps and to the small apartment you unlocked the door.
"Hey Kid."
"Hey ol man."
You stopped, watching him work on his guns and what not, the radio silent.
"You goin out?" Y/n asked, "again..."
Frank was silent for a moment, "yeah..."
Y/n nodded, tossing her bag down and going to het a cup of water.
"I won't be long. Its just for tonight. I promise."
"No. No its okay. I understand what you do." Y/n told, "Im uh...spending the night at a friends over the weekend anyways.".
Akward silence much? Y/n drank her water, Frank had stopped cleaning his arsonal.
"Yeah. Stay safe." Frank responsed, going back to work.
Y/n nodded, grabbing her bag and went to her room to pack some clothes for the weekend.
You leave about an hour later and Liz is out waiting with some of her girlfriends and guys.
Frank does not trust any of your friends tbh
And the weekend starts out nice, you know, make-up here and there? Nothing huge. Then they wanted to go shopping and you've never really been shopping
But you were glad that you had friends even if they did make you uncomfortable
Then they started drinking and you were like "no thanks." But they insisted saying "the Punisher's daughter cant handle it?"
"Back off man!"
"Dude come on. It's just a little booze-"
"I said back the fuck up man!"
You only left, and as you were walking god knows where you got a call.
"Y/n! Y/n! Y/n!"
"Come over! You gotta come over! Like now! ASAP!"
He sounded so worried, so you rushed over, and practically broke his door down you knocked so hard, pulling the pocket knife out of your bag.
Aunty May opened the door, you with a knife to her
"Peter! Peter!"
"Shut up you old bitch! Where is he!?"
"Woah! Y/n! Woah Woah Woah! This is my aunt! My Aunt May!"
You apologized: "Yeah, uh. sorry... I think Peter's kinda the only one that truly understands me at the moment, ma'am."
At this point you didn't even know what Peter wanted to show you: but Aunt May was nice to you and kinda figured you were like an Avenger, but the first thing about being Avenger is that you don't talk about being an Avenger.
So Peter finally showed you what he was so excited about
"What is that?"
"It's the death star! Well, a Lego Model."
He's shook, you don't know Legos?! Like at all!?
So instead of spending your time at Liz's you spend your time with Peter, and Ned when he comes by
Aunt May asked your favorite and you said PB and J or Ramen.
Yeah you and Frank don't eat too good sometimes, so she just ends up making Ribolitta which you fall in love with.
You wish Frank was there with you though, and are tempted to call him multiple times, but don't want to bother him.
Sunday you go home after breakfast with Peter and May.
"Ol' Man! I'm home!"
He's dressed and ready to leave, seemingly waiting for you; "Let's go."
"It's Sunday."
Oh...Sundays you guys go eat breakfast together always. "Can I uh...rain check this one? I um...already had breakfast with someone..."
"uh...yeah. Yeah, whatever next week."
He's losing you; well he feels like he's losing you
When you're at school and he's at home, he just stares at your room. And he realizes the little lego man on your nightstand, is an army soldier. At least it's not makeup, he rather you play with toys, makes him feel like you're still a kid.
Asks him if you can wrestle and he's against that idea 101% , that's fine you won't wrestle whatever- gives you time to be involved in Peter's Avengers stuff which is even worse.
"Okay! Okay! So if you're gonna be a vigilante, you're going to need a mask. Like Captain America! Or Daredevil! What do you like? What represents you?" "I like guns and knives,"
"Okay...great start! Great Start!"
Peter helps you in making a vigilante outfit and gives you the name 'Bullet Red' which okay sounds kinda cowboyish but you're going with it.
That's until you guys do your first "Assignment together" and bullets were left behind dented like they hit something but failed to actually inflict damage.
People call you 'Bulletproof Armour of the Backstreets'
You're pretty good at hiding it from Frank too which is really surprising.
Till he catches you stumbling in through the window one day he turning the light on and all.
"Hey there Old man! hehe....you're up past your bed time-"
"Cut the crap-"
"Alright! Alright! You want to truth?"
He only does the dad arm cross as he waits.
"I was out yes. Without your premission, with...my boyfriend... well with my boy thats a friend You know!"
Is that lie going to work? Maybe, "and what were you out doing with the friend thats a boy?"
"...sitting in the back of a car?"
Yeah you didn't realize that ment someting else..., "and what did you do in the back of this car?"
"Hold hands?" You laughed nervously
"You're grounded. I will know if you leave this room, I will know when you eat when you use the bathroom, do you understand?" "
Yes sir."
Your so proud of just being grounded and text peter then hide your phone.
Yet when he said grounded you thought you were grounded grounded: like not leaving at all.
So when Peter showed up to your window terrified you'd been hurt he was confused.
"Why arent you at school!?"
"Im grounded." "Thats now how being in trouble works." "Oh-"
Frank barely sees you come out your room, so he came to you with pancakes, and Peter jumps out the window so quick.
"You been eaten kid?"
"Not hungry lately is all."
You guys are sitting on your bed now eating pancakes and he's trying to give you the sex talk
You're really confused but he's real awkward about it gives up and just says your ungrounded.
"Just come home before 11 now."
"Yeah I promise."
He can't help but loom over the idea that you're gonna get hurt or worse killed.
So when you go to school he goes into your room, he knows for a fact that theres a pistol under your pillow, its for protection.
He cant help himself but check it, make sure its loaded full.
But he kicks something that was quickly shoved under your bed sticking out. He pulls it out to realize its an light body armour and with it a mask.
He realizes that mask right away, and goes to the news paper. Franks more than mad, hes livid.
You're actually in the middle of class when it happens. Your called out of class and theres Frank in a hoodie and cap
"You wanna explain this to me?!" Frank scolded her.
Y/n's silent, "Its bad enough I let you have a gun in your room for protection. And your goin behind my back and doin this shit!"
"I don't understand the problem-"
"You don't understand!? What you need to understand is that this shits dangerous! You're not made for this shit! You can't do this!" Frank argued, "you're gonna get kill doin this! Is this what you do with your little boyfriend?!"
"You do it!"
"Because I need to!"
Y/n scoffed rolling her eyes: "What you need is a girlfriend!" She argued, "Someones going to have to take care of you one day, and that someones going to be me."
You honestly wanted to semi follow in Franks footsteps, to repay him
Thats why you try and be "hard" as some kids put it. You worked out heavily and you did that "vigilante crap" as Frank put it
At the end of the day you wanted to make sure all loose ends were covered so no one could come after her old man again.
When you went home there the stuff was sitting on the table, and Frank was gone.
So you quickly grabbed it and left, you figured you just get ready on the roof tops and thats what you did
You went the whole night, running into some other vigilantes
But you did go to far. Even if the temporary partner did take your weapon away
"No killing"
"Oh god damn it" the man looked at you, "Religious too. Great."
Combat boots are a girls best friend you know
You got home early morning, Frank cleaning his weapons at the table, sitting in a chair.
Its the first thing you see walking in and the first thing he sees when you walk in.
You're covered in blood, some of it yours most of it others. You're tired and you look gone.
You're walking lethargically over to him, arms wrapping around his neck and falling into his lap hugging him as tight as you can with exhausted arms
He could only sigh, and picked you up, you: a 16-17 year old girl, picked up by her old man, like shes a child again.
He helps clean you up and puts you to bed, your head in his lap.
"I just wanna help you."
"Yeah. I know kid. I know."
You tell him everything, things that worry you, like what happened with Liz and her friends, and how you've made better friends since then
"You've been hanging around Karen to much you know. Stickin your nose in places they never should be kid."
"Stubborn just like my old man."
"Just. Trust people more than I do. Don't be alone...alright? Be stubborn but not an asshole"
Offers to braid your hair like old times, its comforting, knowing you'll always have him
"Oh and old man?"
"I wasnt having Sex. I was sneaking out to beat the shit out of people."
He could only laugh, kissing the top of your head as he was braiding your hair: "I figured that by now kid. And- I wanna meet the Peter kid, hoping he has a better influence on you than me."
Family dinner is happening now and Aunt May made her
"So Mr.Castle." Aunt May spoke, passing a basket of bread to Y/n who sat infront of her, "What do you do for work?"
"Frank is fine ma'm." He responded, "and uh. I'm lookin' for work at the moment."
"We're always looking for people to work at the shelter." Aunt May spoke with a smile.
"I don't think that's a good idea ma'm."
"Well the offer always stands." May smiled, "I can see how you and Y/n are related. Lovely young woman, sweet, caring, respectful. She has a real good influence on Peter."
Y/n and Peter just try and not laugh as Frank tries and conversate casually.
"Im glad your kids influencing mine rather than me influencing her." Frank spoke.
"Well if it means anything you seem like a good influence to me." May smiled, "and to Y/n."
Y/n only smiled nodding eating her soup.
"So...uh Ma'm how's your day?"
You were both cracking up on the way home, Frank only shaking his head at you, but he could only laugh with you
It was such an awkward dinner you couldn't help but laugh.
"It wasnt that funny.'
"It was. Come on!"
"....okay it was funny."
You guys stopped for icecream on the way back despite having dessert with May and Peter.
You only smile as you guys drive no where, just the headlights and open road infront of you.
"You know. That kid up there? He's got your back. He's not tryin to change you. Im glad you've got a good friend like him. You've gotta have his back. Keep each other close."
"How close-"
"watch it kid."
"Thanks for being my old man."
"And im never gonna stop kid."
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h0neyjaehyun · 3 years
☁︎ 𝐇𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐌𝐚𝐝𝐞 ☁︎
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Summary // Song-ho mailed a beautiful dress to Tali with dream admiring her.
Characters // Talia Flores + Nct Dream (mention. Song-ho)
Month / Year // July 2017
Word Count //
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Song-ho always loved making clothes for his friends, especially Karma and Talia, they both could literally rock anything. So every once an a while when Song-ho was free, or had inspiration he would make outfits or pieces of clothes for the girls and mail it to then since he is always out of town or lives far as he doesn't like being in one place.
He decided to mail out Tali a beautiful white dress one day.
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"Tali you have a package!" Chenle yelled as he wasn't bothered to go to her room. Tali groaned as she had to fight her way through 2 pairs of arms as both Jaemin and Jeno were sleeping beside her. Talia tried to sit up but no luck as both tighten their hold on her.
"I really care about you both and your beauty sleep but I would love to get my package." They shook their heads lazily.
"You can get it later." Jaemin bargained, Jeno nodded in agreement.
"No, its a gift from a friend, and he wants my reaction to it." Tali stated, both boys looked up at her when she said 'he'. As in a guy.
" 'He' ? Talia? Who is this he." Jaemin questioned her right off the bat.
"An old friend and he got something for me and wants me to try it on, and the clothes he makes are beautiful so excuse me." She tried to sit up once again but once again failed to do so.
"Nope, we can only give you gifts." Jeno stated holding her down as she whined in protest.
"Noona?" Chenle called out for her again wondering whats taking her so long. She tapped the boys arms as a signal to let her go. The both sighed and let her go in defeat.
"Coming!" She jogged to the living room to see a package in Chenle's hands, the 2 boys followed her still looking sleepy.
"What is it noona?" Chenle asked in anticipation. He sat next to her as the other two stood behind the couch behind her. (Does that make sense?)
"I don't specifically know but all I know its clothes." Tali opened the box to see a wrapping dress with a white head band attached to it with a note cliped on the plastic part. She opened it to see a cute note.
Sup butterfly, I saw you wear this all white outfit on your performance for Whistle backn in January so I took the all white inspo as it looked beautiful on you and made it a dress with a headband.
It bring your innocence out, so do me a favor and make a mini photoshoot? I bet your members will do it as they a literally will do anything for you. I'm becoming one of those fans, but no they love you Talia, but I think if make you hair wavy and innocent make up it will complete the whole look.
I love you and take care please, last thing we need you is dying on us so take care.
- Love Song ho
Talia smiled at the note and put it to the side so the boys can read it as she felt the stares of curiosity. She got out the dress it was this long flowy silky sweet heart neckline, with puffy sleeves, with a bow around the waist, and leg slit dress. Tali looked at it in aw, as the boys did too. Chenle grabbed it and got up with Talia confused.
"Wanna try it on?" Talia smiled and nodded. She got up and went to put on the dress. The guys all sat down waiting for Tali to come out. The heard the front door open the turned to see Renjun, Mark, Jisung and Haechan coming.
"Hey guys what are you three doing sitting?" Mark asked joining them.
"We are waiting for Talia she got a package from a friend who seems like he designs clothes and sent one to Talia as a gift she trying it on right now." Jeno explained still looking at the door waiting for her in anticipation. The other 3 joined the wait and kept asking questions on what the dress looked like but they kept saying to wait till she comes out.
Tali is actually quite quick with the outfit change and decided to do the hair and make up since it was gonna be simple. She was glad she had short hair and not her long hair. She heard the boys ask questions what the dress looks like while the other 3 say just to wait.
She giggled and went to her long mirror and saw the full outfit, he was right it did bring out the innocent side of her. She put on heels white heels that had a bow on the front of both. She walked to the door and opened to reveal the outfit to the guys, the boys stopped talking and looked at Talia in aw. Jaemin got up first and spinned her around showing off her outfit more.
"Noona you look so pretty." Haechan jumped up to hug her she gladly accepted.
"He's right Flower you look really really pretty." Mark said as the other agreed.
"Great lets take some pictures." Tali clapped excited, the guys paused and looked at each other, she noticed and got confused.
"Whats wrong?" Jaemin looked at her and smiled softly.
"Well, if we post them guys are gonna come after you." Jaemin said chuckling while the others agreed. Tali rolled her eyes.
"Thats nonsense." She waved off but they shook their heads.
"No its not, you are our noona, well except Mark hyung, but we would like to keep you single for longer." Jeno said ask they nodded. Tali sighed.
"Even if I get in a relationship I will not leave you guys now come on lets do this before it gets dark." She shook Jaemin's hand while pouting, the guys sighed and started to get moving.
"Alright come on Flower." Mark said putting his jacket around her the guys surrounded her making sure no one will get near her and she was oblivious to it. They made it to the park with a flower field with it. Renjun helped her get in the middle of the field she smiled shyly as Jaemin started taking pictures. She saw some people looking at them, and she looked down embarrassed.
"Ah noona you need to look up." Chenle said trying to get her attention. The boys found her shyness adorble as her cheeks got more rosy.
"Ah cute."
"Noona don't be embarrassed you look really pretty."
"He's right noona."
Tali shook her head and looked up. The guys smiled at her. After a few minutes it was over Tali went to look over Jaemin shoulder to see the pictures. Jaemin looked at her for split second, his breathe hitched as he admired her but Jeno noticed and quickly nudged him to come back to reality.
He cleared his throat and showed the other guys the picture. Jeno and Jaemin looked at each other, Jeno's eyes soften as he sees his bestfriend flustered. He looked back at Talia who hand no idea what happened. Haechan and Renjun looked at Jaemin then at Jeno who made eye contact with both of them. The boy sighed, and moved on.
"Can we go get ice cream?" She asked Mark as he usually does the decision making. He can usually deny her but the outfit and makeup doesn't help one bit. He nodded and her face lit up she hooked Renjun and Haechan's arms and started walking to the nearest ice cream shop. The rest followed really just really admiring Talia.
Jeno looked at his bestfriend for a second, he saw him looking at Talia with heart eyes, like girls would when they looked at Jaemin at school. But he can't necessarily blame him she looks gorgeous, but he knows those eyes are not just admiration. It way more than that, he noticed since she became a trainee at sm. He looked at her differently, not like the other guys did.
Not like Jisung who sees her a mom, not like Chenle that sees her like a older sister, or Haechan who sees her as his soulmate, maybe even Mark who admires her like a role model, Renjun who sees her as a precious older sister, or like him who sees her as a little sister. No its bigger than that way more.
And he knows he can never do anything about it.
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larentsbr · 3 years
Mari,fala o que você sente,sobre o que é e suas teorias sobre fine line(álbum) sobre todas as faixas?
esse post será muito maior que do hs1 porque para mim ele precisa de muito mais explicações para entender a mensagem que eu acho que o harry quer passar.
e sim, eu acho que algumas músicas falam sobre as lutas com os pensamentos dele sobre identidade de gênero. Começando com a capa do álbum.
E eu sei que é um assunto que muita gente não gosta de falar, mas assim como muita gente teve que abrir a mente para babygate, eu acho que as pessoas deviam também abrir sobre esse assunto. - se quiser saber mais sobre isso, no final dessas análises tem uma instrução de como chegar nos posts.
Agora vamos às músicas:
pra mim é uma música romântica e não tem como ser para o harry do passado ou do presente para o futuro.
é so analisar o clipe junto com a música. ele está correndo e correndo atras da felicidade.
Mas antes de existir o clipe as pessoas ja falavam isso, então vamos para a letra:
"So you wait for me in the sky
Browns my skin just right"
[Então você me espere no céu
Doure a minha pele perfeitamente]
a pessoa é o sol do harry, que ilumina o caminho dele. não tem como o harry de hoje iluminar o passado dele, já passou, já aconteceu, nao tem como mudar.
A música inteira é baseada em um sol que o faz cada dia ficar mais forte e mesmo quando ele esta quebrado/machucado, amar a pessoa (o sol) é o antídoto para mantê-lo forte. E mesmo que até sol esteja com medo, ele nao esta sozinho porque tem o harry o amando.
Eu já vi gente falando que é sobre a relação do harry com a indústria. Tem possibilidades também.
sunflower vol.6:
o uso da palavra Volume significa um novo começo, um novo capitulo de um livro ou uma série. Então é um novo ano, novas coisas que ele quer deixar para trás algumas coisas, tudo o que não pode ser falado.
Eu também vejo como se fosse a lua de mel deles, aproveitando os momentos e deixando o passado para não ser falado nesse momento.
ps: ficou péssima essa análise, nunca fui muito a fundo sobre essa música.
treat people with kindness e lights up:
tpwk eu acho que é a euforia de auto-realização e tem total orgulho disso. Diferente de lights up, que mostra o processo de encontro a luz e mostra o negativo e positivo. Do tipo "o que você quer dizer com isso?" "Eu sei quem eu sou." Lights up também me passa a vibe de
"I'm sorry the old Taylor can't come to the phone right now. Why? Because she's dead."
[Me desculpe, a Taylor antiga não pode atender o telefone agora. Por que? Ela está morta.]
conta o processo de auto-aceitação e finalmente ter visto a luz no fim do túnel dos próprios pensamentos e descobrimentos.
análise de lights up
Já em tpwk mostra ele feliz por se aceitar e tem total orgulho de ser quem é hoje, mostra toda a felicidade com a dualidade dele (o clipe) e espera que o mundo aceite a felicidade dos outros, assim como ele se aceitou.
"Maybe we can
Find a place to feel good
And we can treat people with kindness"
[Talvez pudéssemos
Achar um lugar para se sentir bem
E nós podemos tratar as pessoas com gentileza]
eu acho que é sobre ele e somente ele. é uma discussão entre Harry e ele mesmo. Ele com medo de se perder e não saber mais como se encontrar.
I'm in my bed and you're not here
[Estou na minha cama e você não está aqui]
Vou falar dessa parte mais para baixo do post, na análise de She.
"There's no one to blame but the drink and my wandering hands"
[Não tem ninguém a culpar, só a bebida e as minhas mãos errantes]
Normalmente pessoas bebem para enterrarem sentimentos e pensamentos que não querem sentir e pensar. Então o Harry acha que está traindo a si mesmo por querer enterrar tudo isso e deixar de baixo do tapete ao invés de tentar entender a si ( ("mãos errantes" - muita gente faz uma alusão a traição, e por isso estar traindo a si mesmo).
"Forget what I said, it's not what meant"
[Esqueça o que eu disse, não é o que eu quis dizer.]
Divagações bêbadas, sugerindo que talvez ele não seja bom em admitir verdades para si mesmo.
"And I can't take it back
I can't unpack the baggage you left"
[E eu não posso retirar o que disse
Eu não posso desfazer as malas que você deixou]
Depois que ele parou para pensar sobre o assunto, ele não conseguiu tirar mais da cabeça. O que ele pode fazer? Só ignorar e se reprimir não vai adiantar. Ele já tentou ter essa conversa com ele.
"What am I now? What am I now?
What if I'm someone I don't want around?"
Quem eu sou? Eu sou harry styles? Está definido quem eu realmente sou? Será que não existe outras possibilidades? Mas se não me aceitarem porque eu só quero ser eu? E toda a imagem que criaram de mim? Se eu estou tendo dificuldades de saber dizer quem eu sou, de me aceitar, de me querer por perto, será o que os outros também vão me aceitar?
You said you cared, and you missed me too
[Você disse que se importava, e que sentia a minha falta também]
O começo em que ele fala sobre estar falando, se questionando e tendo as divagações bêbadas. Ele chegou em um ponto que ele se questionou e ficou "mas eu gosto de mim assim, eu gosto de quem eu sou, será que eu só simplesmente vou deixar de lado tudo isso? eu sinto saudades de ser quem eu era, quando eu não ficava me importando com a opinião dos outros e me aceitava". Ele ainda está perdido, será que posso ser ele um dia e amanhã outra pessoa? Ele está preso no 8 ou 80, não tem o meio termo (até ele se aceitar e chega em fine line)
"And I'm well aware I write too many songs about you"
[E eu estou bem ciente de que escrevo muitas músicas sobre você]
Only Angel, She, Fine Line...
It kills me that I know we've run out of things we can say
[Me mata saber que não temos mais coisas que podemos dizer]
A parte de "poder" é como se ele estivesse dando permissão para ele mesmo, como se o próprio harry e talvez outras pessoas estabeleceram uma barreira do que ele pode ou não falar.
I get the feeling that you'll never need me again
[Eu tenho o sentimento de que você nunca vai precisar de mim de novo]
O harry continua preso nas extremidades, não está encontrando um meio ou uma segunda alternativa. Essa parte foi a que eu mais fiquei em dúvida de como descrever, mas é como se, se ele assumisse o seu verdadeiro "eu" - que ele está lutando para se aceitar - se ele deixaria de lado o que ele é no passado, talvez ele esteja com medo de perder a essência de quem ele era antes de começar a se questionar.
Em she, eu sinto que é a mesma vibe que Carolina. Só que ao invés de personificar a droga, está personificando o lado feminino dele, então está contando o processo de descobrimento de modo a criar uma história, como se fossem duas pessoas, mas é só uma.
Primeiro o homem; fazendo os seus trabalhos, batendo meta, coisas do cotidiano. Mas ele volta a pensar sobre ela, sobre quem ele é, ele segue a vida dele, mas não quer dizer que ele não deixar de ficar se questionando.
She lives in daydreams with me
A woman who's just in his head
And she sleeps in his bed
While he plays pretend
[Ela vive na minha cabeça]
[Um mulher que só está na cabeça dele
E ela dorme na cama dele
Enquanto ele finge]
Faz parte dele, de quem é ele, não tem como simplesmente mandar embora, ela está na cabeça dele na cama com ele, ele vai dormir e acordar e ela não vai ter desaparecido - e é aí que eu acho que entra falling e ele falando sobre a bebida para tentar esquecer. Ele pode fingir que está tudo bem, continuar a vida, fingir ser alguém que não é, mas ela continua lá.
O paralelo em falling "E eu estou na minha cama" e em she "E ela dorme na cama dele".
She's the first one that I see
[Ela é a primeira que eu vejo]
O harry dorme e acorda e ela continua lá, ele se olha no espelho e ela continua na cabeça dele. Ela é a primeira que ele vê. E nessa parte que eu também vejo um paralelo com only angel.
only angel: "E terminamos nos encontrando no corredor todas às vezes. E não há nada que possamos fazer sobre isso" e "Ela é a primeira que eu vejo".
He takes a boat out
Imagines just sailing away
And not telling his mates
He wouldn't know what to say
[Ele pega um barco
Imagina que está navegando pra longe
E não diz aos seus amigos
Ele não saberia o que dizer]
Ele tira um momento para se questionar e procurar saber o que está acontecendo, começa a pesquisar. O que todo mundo sabe quando está em dúvida sobre a sua orientação sexual ou identidade de gênero. Mas o que ele faria para os amigos? Nem ele sabe quem é ela, quem é ele. Ele está perdido ainda, não sabe o que fazer. É o momento que ele têm de tentar se auto conhecer.
watermelon sugar:
pra mim fala as primeiras emoções de um relacionamento, os primeiros momentos, as primeiras borboletas no estômago. E "coincidentemente", ele gravou o clipe na mesma praia de what makes you beautiful onde "I feel in love to this song", onde ele se apaixonou.
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também tem a análise de ser sobre sexo. E aí vem Beyoncé e drunk in love:
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adore you:
o harry já falou que é a mesma coisa que watermelon sugar, que é sentir as borboletas no estômago de quando você se apaixona e vai vivenciando o amor.
eu acho que essa musica fala sobre quando o harry se apaixonou
"Walk in your rainbow paradise (paradise)"
para mim faz alusão a comunidade lgbtqia+, em como "entrou na comunidade" assim que percebeu que estava apaixonado.
E a letra fala o quão perdido e apaixonado está, que até andaria no fogo por ele.
"I'd walk through fire for you"
além de ser stunt song total, para mim fala sobre o relacionamento da camille com o ex dela.
post explicando (ele está em inglês, não achei em português, sinto muito)
to be so lonely:
me lembra just a little bit of your heart e o ciúmes/tristeza de que o louis sai na rua para fazer os stunt e ele não pode fazer nada, não é culpa dele que ele só era um pequeno garoto que se apaixonou.
"Don't blame me for falling
I was just a little boy"
O filme preferido do Harry é "The Notebook" e uma das falas do filme é "And you tell me I am beeing an arrogant son of bitch" e o contexto é que a menina está com um cara e o homem quer que ela fique com ele. Ai eles estao discutindo e ele fala isso. E no caso seria que o harry queria que o louis não fosse fazer um pap walk com o stunt e que ficasse com ele.
"And I know I'm just an arrogant son of bitch
Who can't admit when he's sorry"
[E eu sei que eu sou só um filho da puta arrogante
Que não consegue admitir quando se arrepende]
Don't call me baby again
You got your reasons
I know that you're tryna be friends
I know you mean it
[Não me chama de baby de novo
Você tem as suas razões
Eu sei que vocês estão tentando ser amigos
Eu sei que você quer dizer isso]
eu não acho que eles terminaram e não acho que é o louis tentando reconciliar depois do término chamando o harry de baby. eu acho que é o harry só bravo com toda essa situação, do louis precisar sair e não estar com o harry, e o ter que demonstrar que pelo menos ele está tentando não deixar um clima estranho nos pap walks e por isso que a parte "eu sei vocês estão tentando ser amigos", tipo, para tentar não ficar desconfortável. E pelo o harry estar tão bravo com todo esse cenário que ele não quer ser chamado de "baby" porque machuca ouvir isso em quatro paredes, mas depois o louis vai estar lá fora fingindo estar com qualquer outra pessoa.
I just hope you see me in a little better light
Do you think it's easy being of the jealous kind?
Cause I miss the shape of your lips
[Eu espero que você veja em uma luz melhor
Você acha que é fácil ser ciumento?
Porque eu sinto falta do formato dos seus lábios]
Aqui eu acho que tem a ver com o verso de cima e como harry se sente em ver toda a atuação e ver que o louis está tentando amenizar a situação com beard e assim demonstra que são no mínimo amigáveis e suportam a presença do outro. Mas mesmo assim incomoda o harry ver toda essa interpretação. Ele não queria passar e ver tudo isso, ele sente falta estar em quatro paredes e não que ele saia por aí. (me lembra muito o exemplo que eu usei na análise de just a little a bit of heart)
Mas então, - próximo verso - ele percebe que tudo isso não passa de ilusão, que ele sabe que o louis ama ele e quer estar com ele. Então ele também fica triste por ficar triste por conta de uma situação que ele sabe que não é real (Não é real de tipo, o louis demonstrando um carinho com uma beard, o harry sabe que é só para fingir. Como também ele sabe que o louis saindo por aí com qualquer outra pessoa é só para paparazzis tirarem fotos e ficar falado na mídia) ↓
it's just a trick
And this is it, so I'm sorry
[É só um truque (ilusão)
E só isso, então me desculpa]
canyon moon:
para mim fala sobre saudade de casa e o período que ele estava em tour.
"I heard Jenny saying
"Go get the kids from school"
Jenny é a esposa do Kid Harpoon, produtor musical. Mas o harry está nem aí com o que está rolando, ele continua pensando no luar.
"Quick pause in conversation
She plays songs I've never heard
And old lover's hippie music pretends to not know the words"
Aqui é a parte que faz referência ao estilo de música que pelo o que parece a Camille gosta.
Mas então vem o próximo verso, que também vem logo depois que o Harry cita a Jenny.
"And I keep thinking back to
A time under the canyon moon"
O harry continua não dando a mínima para nenhuma dessas pessoas, ele só quer estar novamente sob o luar no beachwood canyon.
lista da wikipédia de pessoas que moram/moraram no beachwood canyon
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"Carry the feeling
Through Paris, all through Rome"
E ele continua carregando a saudade enquanto faz a tour.
fine line:
eu não acho que é uma música de amor, eu acho que é sobre ele e somente ele. É sobre ele descobrindo, o sentimento de vazio, ele se questionando o tempo todo, não sobre o trabalho, mas como ele se identifica na sociedade e se perguntando sobre e como ele é. É uma conclusão sobre o álbum inteiro e está terminando falando que esta tudo bem se questionar, se sentir para baixo. Ele está se expondo muito mais maduro do que muita gente o enxerga e acha que ele é. Ele esta dizendo que existe uma linha tênue, que existe um médio, não precisa ser sempre os extremos, e que não precisa ficar sempre feliz e nem sempre triste, e que no fundo tem uma esperança para se encontrar.
Essas são as minhas análises e o que eu sinto quando escuto. Não leve isso como verdade absoluta. Se tiver outras análises e quiser compartilhar, fique à vontade.
Se quiser saber mais sobre o harry não ser cis, entre na tag #harry não cis. O sistema de tags funciona melhor no computador ou pelo navegador do celular.
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rafamundosims · 3 years
I was tagged by @purpleflowerbread Rules: we’re snooping your playlist! Put your entire music library on shuffle and list the first 10 songs and then choose 10 people. - - 🇧🇷 - pt-br: Regras: estamos espionando sua playlist! Coloque toda a sua biblioteca em ordem aleatória e liste as primeiras 10 músicas e, em seguida, escolha 10 pessoas. Eu sinceramente me considero eclética... Coloquei o flow do Deezer pra tocar e realmente gosto de todas essas músicas que tocaram...minha playlist é uma bagunça, igual minha cabeça skpakspakspa.
Linkin Park - Lost in The Echo
Depeche Mode - Enjoy The Silence
U2 - New Years Day
Midnight Oil - Beds Are Burning
Paramore - Careful
Henrique e Juliano - Recaídas
Sound of Legend - Infinity
Avril Lavigne - Nobody's Home
Foreigner - I Want to Know What Love Is
John Newman - Love Me Again
Comentários aleatórios: 1 - In My Remains é de longe minha preferida do álbum Living Things, mas Lost In The Echo também é boa. 3 - Essa música me lembra um livro que li muito tempo atrás, era um suspense policial, mas meio um terror psicológico tbm: O Beijo da Morte - James Patterson. O vilão do livro parecia o Bono Vox (segundo a descrição do autor) e quando li isso, eu estava ouvindo justamente essa música, agora sempre lembro do livro quando ouço kkkk 5 - Eu com meus 14/15 anos todo dia assistia MixTV e esperava tocar essa música e também Your Love is a Lie do Simple Plan, bons tempos. 6 - No vídeo deles cantando essa música em Barretos, eles começam a chorar durante o show, daí eu comecei a chorar junto, me julguem. Desde então se tornou uma das minhas músicas preferidas da dupla. Aliás, eu gosto de sertanejo, Jorge & Mateus, aqueles álbuns antigos, nussss, amo demais! 7 - Coloco essa música pros meus Sims dançarem nas baladinhas do centro que fiz, o Infinite Black Sky - ♥ 8 - Essa também é muito triste, se eu tiver de TPM e me sentindo sozinha, me dá vontade de chorar também. 9 - Sempre fico melosa quando escuto essa música e vou abraçar meu namorado. 10 - Essa música tem uma vibe muito boa. Dá vontade de sair dançando igual os dançarinos no clipe kkkkkkk aliás, falando em clipe, a primeira vez que vi o final dele, fiquei tipo (whyyyyyyy???) além disso me dá uma sensação boa de nostalgia por conta do FIFA. Eu gostava muito...Closer, do Travis (FIFA 08) mora no meu coração ♥
I’m going to tag @azothic, @tegamisim, @kairisu, @trotylka, @back2thesims2, @marja87, @slyndseysims, @simsmilasmith, @amisdesims and @berrynooboos
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1. (eu lembro que eu ouvi wmyb em 2014,lá pelo final do ano, e depois disso, falava que 1Dnl era minha banda fav, considerava, tanto que eu achei uma resposta em um livro da escola de 2015, que tinha haver com isso, e tava "one direction", mas eu entrei mesmo para o fandom, por outubro de 2016,bem na fase que tava rolando uma votação lá, no Twitter.. Por aí entrei em grupo do watts tbm.. Aí tem a história com o app W kkkk, aí eu entrei madrugando já tbm kkkk briga com beliber.. Bons tempos, aah e lance da fiitnha vermelha, q eu cheguei a usar 2,em 2018 perdi a Última e parei de usar )
2. (Nem é o Niall) ) / 3 (eu fico entre four e mitam) / *n vou conseguir escolher só uma de cada álbum kkk vou dar um max de 5, top 5 kkk)
4 (same mistakes e more than this)
7 ( *então, eu tô com o comp pra ouvir as músicas kk e percebi que take me home tem muita música q eu amo dms kkk nostálgico * mas vai (they don't know about us, over again, last first kiss)
3 (right now, half a heart, better than words, best song ever, story of my life)
28. (não tá fácil escolher 5 não kkk senhor kk isso pq era pra ser só uma kkk (fool's gold, night changes, once in lifetime, 18,  act my age, no control, vou parar, pq é quase o álbum inteiro kk tirando umas 3)
34. Cof cof, o álbum inteiro kkk, brinks, if could fly, love you goodbye, infinity, perfect, long way down.
39. Infinity né, que foi gravado e as coisa não lançou, vms ficar velinha gaga, esperando.
15. A melhor letra de uma das canções da banda....ninguém poderá descordar, que letra linda cara , inspiradora, dá diabete de tão doce.. Faz vc sonhar com aquela letra.. E pensar.. "será que eu vou ter isso um dia", com borboletas no estômago.. Queria saber expressar meus sentimentos assim.. No control... Temporary fix.. Quer letra mais bonita?
ave, amiga.. entrou praticamente quando a banda deu a pausa. NOSSA EU LEMBRO DESSAS FITINHAS SKSKSSKSKSK PUTA MERDA! ótimos tempos!!
NIALL????? JURA?????? 
‘More Than This’ é incrível mesmo! falando dessa música, você já reparou que o comecinho dela é IDÊNTICO a ‘Half a Heart’ do terceiro álbum?? 
‘Take Me Home’ é hiper nostálgico mesmo. dá um aperto no peito toda vez que escuto.. saudade absurda!!! e essas músicas aí são tudo de bom, ‘Last Firts Kiss’ foi minha preferida por bastante tempo.
é, ‘Midnight Memories’ E ‘Four’ pra mim são álbuns que eu não sei escolher uma só música SKKSSKS
SKSKSKSKSKKSSK CAMIII!!! só música obscena!!! mas não nego que a letra é inspiradora KKKKKKK
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sofiaberninimangeon · 4 years
Assista a "Jesuton - I'll Never Love This Way Again [Clipe Oficial]" no YouTube
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victorianwestpiano · 4 years
What would it be like if Colette and Holt lived in 2020 (without the virus!) but there was no Dreamland? What jobs might they have? How would they meet? How did Holt lose his arm (war? accident?). Is Colette famous? If so, for what?
Oh so many ideas, but here’s the one I’ll respond this ask ;)
Kentucky, June 2020
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Holt Farrier, ex horse showman, was reading the newspaper in the morning like he always does every day. Although today, it was for him to concentrate because of his son Joe, who was playing with his new Xbox he got last Christmas.
It annoyed a bit the cowboy that Joe was so addicted with this technology with high volume and at this early hours. His daughter Milly was not different, when she was younger once in a while sat on her father’s lap and read the paper together alongside with his wife Annie. But now she prefered watching the news on her cellphone, searching science updates in the world. The worst part was the uncountable TikToks they do with their friends, now that summer began, TikTok was their only way to communicate apparently.
But in some way it didn’t surprised Holt at all that his kids were so submerged in their gadgets. Since their mother died of an illness almost an year ago, his children coped with their loss in the best way they could. In some parts, Joe dealt with Annie’s death better than Milly but it was still hurtful for both of them.
However, Holt felt he was suffering the loss the worst, he lost the love of his life while he was away on a excursion on the mountains with his friends Arav, Puck and Rongo. He felt guilty for not being there for her and for his kids. And if it was not enough, some days before Holt received the news of the death of his spouse, he had a terrible accident while he was climbing on the rock mountains. According to his friends, Holt was barely on the top, trying to reach one of the picks, but out of nowhere he slipped and fell many feet in the air. His body crashed somewhere in the rocks and woods. The last thing the cowboy remember is that he waked up in a hospital...without an arm. His left arm was gone and some days after his wife was gone too.
Holt and Annie were horse showman and woman, touring around USA doing  tricks with their stallions since that was the thing they loved to do the most. Their connection with horses was one of the things that united them even more. They loved the aesthetic of old-school circuses, but nowdays people are not longer interested on circuses anymore which brought Holt many economic problems.
Now without the love of his life, without an arm and without a job, Holt’s world was no longer the world he adored, so he decided to move with his daughter and son to his childhood town and buy a small house with the few savings he had kept. It wasn’t much but it was something, they had at least a roof upon their heads, electricity, hot water and of course wifi which is very expensive. Not living in tour anymore felt weird; static like a rock and being in just one place, it was practically boring.
Holt’s friends, who came from different parts of the country and the world, tried to convince him and lend him money until he find a job, however, Holt was so proud to accept money from his friends. If he wanted money, he had to earn it and he did not want to be in debt with the people he cared.
Just in very rare ocassions he accepted his friend’s monetary help and became stubborn promising a lot of times he’ll return what he owes, even though his pals said to him is not a big deal, that he’ll pay when he can.
That’s why Holt was reading the newspaper, so he could find a decent job, although, what job would accept a handicapped guy?. The rider from Kentucky was desperated, mostly for his children.
Suddenly, a knock of the door was heard, Holt reacted to the sound and quickly lifted his head up. The cowboy looked at his son sitting on the couch, which was nearer to the door, playing with his Xbox, super concentrated.
“Joe would you get the door?” Holt asked the boy.
“I’m busy dad, I’m in the middle of a mission right now.” the kid responded.
Holt rolled his eyes and spoked again, “Joe, c’mon, or I’ll plug off that damn thing this instant” he warned out loud.
Joe turned his head to see his father and reluctantly the kid obeyed him. He paused his game and circled the couch to get to the entrance.
“It was an important mission you know?” Joe protested.
“Yeah you said that yesterday 12 o’clock PM, you’ve been playing all week boy”
Joe’s eyes widened and then he nodded embarassed, “Non taken.”
The boy headed to the door and opened it, only to find a short man, he was the same height as Joe. He was around his sixties, had white curly hair, a pair of shades on his eyes, brown shorts, black flip flops and a radiant colorful hawaiian shirt.
“Hey Max!” Joe exclaimed in surprise seeing their family friend.
“What’s up little buddy!” Max responded in glee, “Tell me, is your dad here? I have excelent news for him.” the short man said excited.
“Max!” Holt waved him from the kitchen, “Come on in and sit.”
Max Medici, a not very succesfull sales man, was best friends with Holt’s dad and him when the rider was just a lad. Holt enjoyed his company, his optimism was very contagious even when his plans not always go as he wanted. Anyway, Medici’s smile made everyone smile too, that was one of his gifts.
“What is it Gustavo? Please sit” Holt invited his friend to sit with him at the kitchen table.
Max sighed at the mention of his real name, “Please Holt, just call me Max, ok? You’ll ruin my reputation here.” he took off his sun glasses and cliped them into the collar of his shirt.
“Ok sorry,” Holt chuckled, “What are this incredible news you have for me? Oh, please don’t tell me you had another fail in your bussiness and you need cash.” Holt sat slowly, expecting the news to be bad, since, now he’s used to them “Don’t ask me money pal, I still owing you those $100 bucks from last month---”
“Can you please shut up cowboy” Max interrupted him. “Jeez, I didn’t came here to bother you, on the contrary, I came here to cheer you up, bud.” he said with a huge smile.
Holt rose an eyebrow and listened. “So, what is it?”
“Look, a friend of a friend, of a friend, of a friend of mine, said that a famous actress has a ranch here in Kentucky, and she needs a foreman to take special care of it, mostly the horses.” Max said with a trusting glance.
“Wait, wait, wait a minute. Work for a famous actress? Who?” Holt was curious and wary of proposal.
“Colette Marchant the french actress of course!” the old man made a happy gesture with his hands to encourage his friend.
The name of the woman ranged on Holt and Joe’s ears, so much so that the boy left his game and turned around to face the adults.
“You’ll work for Colette Marchant dad!?” Joe asked happily, “I love her movies, and she’s so pretty. You will work with her dad?”
“What happened? Why is Joe so excited?” Milly enetered to the living room with cellphone in hand and her curly hair combed into a bun.
“Dad is going to work for Colette Marchant, the actress!!” Joe was very happy about the news.
“Wow, really?” Milly looked curious at her father.
“Kids uhhmm, I haven’t decided this  yet, I just found out. Go to your rooms and I’ll tell you later, or go outside.” Holt said to his children who obeyed him after a few minutes.
After that, Holt continued, “You want me to work as a foreman for a celebrity?” This didn’t conviced the cowboy very much,”Remember Max, I used to be a celebrity as well, I was like a superhero on top of my horses, if my friends find out that now I work as a foreman... they’ll think I fell so low.”
“Yes I know, but now things changed lad, this is a great job and the pay is very good. Look, this woman will stay in America all summer, from June to September 3rd. The rumor says she wanted to leave her home France for a couple of months and be alone, or somethng like that. She says she loves horses and needs somone efficient for the job. And don’t worry, she does speak english.”
Holt started to think massaging his chin, “And how is she, I mean, she’s bossy or calm?”
Max inhaled through his nose, “I heard she’s quite, well, spoiled but nothing that you can’t handle.”
“And where’s her ranch?”
“In Louisville, right in the north.” Max answered.
Holt’s eyes opened wide, “Louisville? But that’s too far! Mhmmm, I don’t know Max, I’ll have to think about it...” Holt was trying to considerate the offer.
“Well,” Max said a bit nervous, “in your place I won’t think it that much because... I’ve already talked about you and maybe I’ve send you refferences as well.”
Holt looked at his friend in shock, “You did what!!? How can you do that without telling me!? Are you insane!?.”
“I did it because I knew you were going to doubt and think this kind of job is below you.” Max stated strictly. “Here,” the older man took from his pocket a card with a number, “this is the phone number of her butler, if I were you I’ll call him now and accept the job.”
Holt gave a glare at Max, he couldn’t believe that his friend did all this behind his back.
“Holt c’mon, is a good payed job, surrounded by nature, taking care of horses and have your kids taking fresh air, isn’t that what you wanted?” Max stood up and left the card on the table. “Do it pal is a great opportunity.” the short man put his shades back on his face, approached the door and left.
Holt passed his only hand through his hair and looked at the card, this was all new to him he didn’t know what to do. But at the same time, working for a celebrity could be very interesting not to mention to payment, it could be higher than he can imagine. Also, the most important thing for Holt now are his children, he needed to give them a secured and stable life.
The cowboy reached for his laptop and searched about Colette Marchant, some pictures were showed on Instagram and the most recent one was a photo of her black and white, already in Kentucky sunbathing, in the backround there was her big house of her ranch.
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Then Joe’s words about her resonated on Holt’s mind, She looks...pretty... I’ll give her that, he thought. He had never seen any of her movies but now he knows why a lot of people admires her or talks about her as soon as he read the reviews of her films. Then he searched for more pictures of the place, including her horses, which looked very healthy and beautiful. Holt went to the kitchen table and stared at the card with the number one more time. He made a long sigh and took it.
“I must be very crazy right now.” he said trying to grab his phone too.
A couple of days later and some other calls made, Holt and his kids finally flew all the way from the south of Kentucky to the north in Louisville to get the foreman cadre. In the airpor they were greeted by Sotheby, Miss Marchant’s english butler.
He gently guided them to the car, which he personally drove, and headed to Marchant’s ranch.
After 30 minutes travelling by car, they finally arrived and admired the big splenderous house. The vehicle parked in front of the property.
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“Wow!” Milly and Joe said at the same time in awe looking the place through the window. “ Look at this place! I want to get in now!” the Farrier boy exclaimed opening the car door.
“Now, now lads,” Holt stoped Joe making a sign with his hand, “This is gonna be my working place, let’s go with calm.” Holt exited himself from the car and then his children followed him. He was wearing a dark blue short sleeved t-shirt, blue jeans, snikers and his lucky white cowboy hat. As soon as they were getting closer to the house, Milly took a couple of pictures of it and post them on Twitter.
Once they were on the porch, Sotheby told them to stay there, “Just wait here, Miss Marchant will talk to you in a couple of minutes, please sit.” the english butler politely offered to the Farriers.
Three minutes passed and Holt was already getting nervous, so he decided to talk to the children.
“So, how do you imagine Colette Marchant is behind the cameras?” Holt asked.
“I don’t know,” Milly answered “I heard she’s a diva, I watched her latest film Femme Fatale with my friend some months ago, she was very good in it, but...the plot sucked.”
“I see...” Holt rised his eyebrows. He remembered when he read Colette’s film reviews, some the critics said practically the same, Colette was stunning, but the direction and script by the known famous director VA Vandevere, where just ok or not very good.
Suddenly Sotheby appeared again, the Farriers rose up from porch couch and waited for the butler to speak.
All of the sudden, coming out from the door, there was a woman on her mid thirties, with almost wavy black hair, black dress, make up on her eyelids and intense blue eyes. It was her.
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“Mademoiselle Marchant, this is Holt Farrier and his children, he came here for the foreman job.” Sotheby intoduced the cowboy and the actress.
Joe and Milly where in awe by looking at the elegant actress, Joe tried his best to not squeal, while Milly couldn’t contain her big grin.
Holt put his head steady and took a deep breath. “Hi, is a pleasusre to meet you,” the rider offered his hand to shake with hers.
But when Colette turned around to see clearer the man, her face showed a shocked expression. Then she started to talk.
“Uhhhmm, excuse moi but, what is this?” the french lady questioned staring at the cowboy.
Holt’s eyebrows frowned in confusion, “I’m sorry? I came here for the job Miss. that’s why I’m here.” he retreated his hand took off his white hat.
Colette’s eyes were fixed on on the man’s left side.
The cowboy noticed that and looked at where his left arm once was. Holt exhaed a quiet laugh and spoke up again. “Yeah, I know what you’re thinkin’ but don’t worry, it didn’t hurt that much.” he said trying to erase the uncomfortable topic, “and it doesn’t hurt now---”
“You don’t have...an arm monsieur.” the french celebrity was obviously dissapointed.
Milly and Joe glanced with concern at their father. They knew how hard it was for him to deal with a missing limb, it was something that made him more insecure with time. But they also knew that their dad tried to ignore it and move on, he hated when others feel pity for him.
“Well, yes Miss,” Holt started to get even more puzzled, “I mean....you didn’t know?” he looked at Sotheby who was just as confused as him.
Colette sighed impatiently “Do you think I would’ve hire a handicapped man as my foreman if I knew he was handicapped?”
“But, with all respect, I thought they had send you my refferences. My friend send them to you.” Holt explained.
“I have recived them and nothing in there mentioned a missing arm.” Miss Marchant said bluntly.
Holt started to breathe through his teeth with impotence, “Max you idiot!” he quietly muttered a bit enraged. First Max send his refferences without asking him first and he didn’t even mention the thing about his arm? The rider wanted to kill his friend at that moment.
The european lady sensed Holt’s discomfort and clasped her hands, “I’m sorry, but I cannot hire someone who is not capable.”
Holt turned his head to face the woman, breathing deeply and swallowing , “I am capable, please Miss, give me a chance.”
“You are not up to my standards, ma cherie.I cannot force a cripple to do this kind of work, because they can’t---”
That word hit Holt right in the chest, like bullet to his heart. That single word made his blood boil and encreased his anger, “I’m not... a cripple.” he said low and serious.
Colette’s eyes opened wide giving him a sarcastic shocked reaction, “Then I am not french!” she stated joking with irony, “Oh, my parents will be glad to hear it!”.
“Very funny.” Holt gave her an unamused sideway smile, “Look, if I’m going to stay in this place to be insulted, I’ll get the hell out of here. Let’s go lads.” Holt put his hat on, taking his children with him while walking away from the woman and her butler.
Colette crossed her arms, exhaled an unimpressed sigh, denying her head. She looked how the Kentucky rider was leaving the porch walking by her loan, until she spoke again.
“With that attitude of yours you are not going to get anywhere. You are too proud, cherie.”
The Farriers stoped as soon as Holt stoped, the rider bit his lip and slowly turned around. He wasn’t going to let this woman to have the last word.
“And you, princess,” the cowboy challenged, “you’re too spoiled”. His kids looked at eachother in surprise for what his father had just said.
Colette’s mouth fell open at Holt’s statement, “What an attitude.”
“What an ego.” Holt interjected again teasing her, imitating her tone and with a rised eyebrow.
“You have a problem?” Colette’s voice became demanding. She started to walk towards him.
“You’re my problem. Princess.” Holt smiled like a child.
“Do not take that tone with me. Do not disrespect me!” Colette approached the cowboy until she was just one meter from him. “And please, do not call me a ‘princess’.”
“You called me a cripple, and I call you princess. I think is pretty fair.” Holt rested his hand on his hip. “It is what you’re. You’re spoiled, believing you’re better than me, also, you like to whine when people tells you the truth. Oh, I’m sorry, did her majesty got her feelings hurt.” he teased her with a exagerated pout.
“How dare you---!” before Colette would say or do something else, the cat and dog fight was interrupted by Sotheby who ran towards the two of them.
“Miss Marchant, if I may please!” Sotheby calmed his boss, “Try to considerate this man, we have read his file, he may not have an arm, but his expirience is very good. Better than the other ones, and Miss, if I you give me your permission to say this, yesterday you said you liked his profile, that it was what you needed.”
“Don’t worry mister.” Holt stated directly to the butler. “Is not necessary to defend me, we’re going now, have a nice day. C’mon children.”
But Milly did not move, “No dad wait.” she exclaimed and turned to face Colette.
Holt and Joe stayed where they stood when Milly spoke. Her dad whispered to her, “Milly, what you doin’?”.
Milly walked towards the actress with her chin held high and honesty in her eyes, “Miss Marchant please forgive my dad, I know he can be a bit, well, stuborn.”
“I saw that.” Colette gave a glare at Milly’s father for a second. Holt rolled his eyes.
“But... he tried for months to get a job that we don’t know if he’ll ever get another opportunity like this one anytime soon. Please, give him another chance.”
The girl’s pleading moved a little the french woman, she amired how determinated she was, it reminded of herself when she was Milly’s age.
“Please Miss,” the Farrier girl’s voice suddenly became melancholic, “since...my mom died, life has been hard on us.” she turned to see her family, “It was very hard for my dad too, he lost his arm in an accident, but he’s still strong, he always was.” the girl smiled at her dad.
Holt felt overwhelmed by his daughter’s words and smiled back at her. Then he faced once more at the actress who was just moved as him. Sotheby also felt the emotions of the girl.
Miss Marchant placed a hand on her heart and showed a genuine worried expression, “Your mother died, petit? I’m so sorry...I didn’t knew.”
“It’s ok.” Milly answered.
“What was her name?” Colette asked.
“Annie.” Holt responded for his daughter, “Her name was Annie. She left us an year ago.”
“I see, and what is your name petit?” Colette asked to the girl.
“And yours monsieur?” the actress looked at the boy at Holt’s side.
Joe froze as the famous celebrity talked to him, “I-I’m Joe, a-a-and I’m your biggest fan.” Joe said nervous.
Colette laughed a bit at the boy’s presentation, she thought it was kind of cute. She glanced over Holt again and approached him litte by little, making him suspect on what this woman is going to do now.
“How much do you need this job?” she sternly asked at the rider, not breaking eye contact.
Holt blinked and inhaled deeply, “Honestly....very much.”
“Tres bién, I’ll give one more chance, I’m not giving it just because you are capable, we will see about that with the time. But also because this will be good to your children as well, do it for them, not just for you.”
“I am”. Holt answered firmly looking at the woman’s sapphire eyes.”My kids... are the most sacred thing I have left in this world.”
She gave him a trusting grin, “That’s the attitude I wanted. You are hired ma cherie.” she gave him her hand.
Holt looked at her elegant and white hand and gently, he took it and shaked it, sealing the deal. He glanced again at her face forming a tiny smile and feeling the softness of the lady’s hand.
“And I’m sorry if I insulted you, is just you can really push a person’s buttoms, monsieur.” Colette said not letting go the gentleman’s hand.
“I can say the same thing about you, but I’m sorry too. Thank you for givin’ me this chance, I hate to admit it but I’m forever in your debt.” Holt’s voice became quickly smooth with real remorse on his apologizing words. Then, he winked at her to give her trust.
All of the sudden, Colette’s cheeks turned pink, she was blushing. She didn’t know if the cowboy noticed, they were in summer so he could see her cheeks became hot for the heat. But Holt would never guess what was happening inside Colette’s body, because Holt’s commentary and the soft look in his eyes made her heart skip a beat.
The woman coughed and gently released her hand, she still could felt the roughness of the rider’s hand on her palm and fingers. But... somehow....she liked it.
“Tres bién! Let’s go inside, shall we?” Colette guided the Farriers to her house. Milly and Joe rushed inside the mansion, leaving Holt and Colette behind. The two giggled at the kids’ enthusiasm.
“They are very charming, monsieur.” Colette said walking alongside Holt, Sotheby was heading to the house a few meters away from them.
“Yes, they are. I’d give my life for them.” Holt turned to see the actress.
“I know they will enjoy being here, you will have good rooms to stay and later I will show my horses.”
“That sounds nice.... princess.” Holt teased her, containing his laughter.
Colette, as soon as she reached the entrance door, she turned again back to him with a warning stare, “Do not play smart with me Holt, I mean it.”
“Sorry...” he took off his hat and put it behind his back, he was smiling in a very naughty way.
“Non, you are not.” Colette crossed her arms, smiling in the same way as him.
“True.” with that Holt entered in the house. Leaving the french lady denying with her head, rolling her eyes and laughing to herself.
“Oh mon dieu, this man!” she entered to her house and closed the door behind her.
@vavandeveresfan​ This was fun, not my best work but still fun, I hope you liked it ;)
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