#cw: teeth
eyesofshinigami · 2 months
Loose Tooth
Rating: G
CW: Dental and teeth related things (I guess?)
Tags: Established relationship, kid fic, fluff, parents being parents
It was bound to happen, sooner or later. Steve just didn't expect to get a call about it in the middle of the day.
"Mr. Munson?"
Immediately, Steve was on alert. His Mom Senses (as Eddie so affectionately calls them) were tingling. "Yes, this is he. Can I ask who's calling?"
"This is Mrs. Schwartz, Eleanor's teacher..."
Oh god. It could be anything. They've never had the school call before. What if Eleanor was hurt? What if she was bleeding? Why were they calling him if she was bleeding out on the floor. Why-
He cut himself off. "Is everything okay? Is Eleanor all right? What happened?"
The teacher had the audacity to laugh. "Oh, no, nothing like that, Mr. Munson. I just wanted to call you and let you know that Eleanor's tooth came out!" Silently, Steve let out a breath of relief as the woman on the other line continued to talk, "She was eating crackers for snack and it popped right out! She was so excited!"
"Oh, well, we kind of figured it would soon. I was literally telling her last night that it wouldn't be long now. I'm glad it didn't hurt her or anything," Steve said, trying to keep his voice even. It was true that Eleanor's tooth had been lose for nearly a month now; Eddie had play-threatened more than once to pull it out for her, but Eleanor wasn't having it. Even with the big one showing up behind it, she was adamant. Stubborn, like both of her dads, really.
"Not at all, she was fine. If anything, it's been a distraction because all she wants to do is look at herself in the mirror," the teacher laughed, which made Steve feel a bit better. "I'm sending her home with it in a little envelope. Hopefully the Tooth Fairy comes tonight!"
Oh shit, Steve thought. I guess that's a thing we're going to have to do now.
"What's the going rate for the Tooth Fairy these days, you think?" Steve asked Eddie as they finished clearing up the dinner dishes. Eleanor was busy setting up her room for the impending arrival of the Tooth Fairy, swearing that she needed to change her sheets and find her special cat stuffed animal for the occasion. Who were they to argue with her?
Eddie shrugged. "Hell if I know. I never even got visits from the Tooth Fairy, if I'm honest."
Depressing, but if Steve thought hard about it, well. "Neither did I, now that I think about it." They both got quiet for a minute, lost in their own thoughts. "Kid deserves at least two bucks, right?"
"Oh, absolutely. I'd give her five if I didn't think it would set a dangerous precedent," Eddie said, grinning wide.
Steve rolled his eyes. "Apparently this Tooth Fairy is made of money."
Eddie checks him playfully with his hip. "Come on, only the best for Ms Rigby, right?"
Yeah, okay, maybe Steve could be talked into it. It was her first tooth, after all, and it was pretty amazing.
Ultimately they decided on three, like the chumps they were, but they both knew that it meant ice cream over the weekend. Eleanor was going to insist on paying, like she always did when she had her own money. Steve loved how generous she tried to be, even if her ice cream was always twice the size of theirs.
They waited a couple of hours before they snuck in together, pulling the little tooth out from its hiding place under her pillow and slipping the folded up bills in its place. Eleanor was none the wiser, snoring like a man three times her age. Blissful, but noisy.
Once they made it out and head up to their own room, Steve held up the little baby tooth in his hand. "What the hell are we supposed to do with it now?"
"I guess keep it in your jewelry box? She can't know we have it, it'll ruin the magic for her." Eddie walked over to their dresser, grabbing the stupid fancy box Steve's mom had insisted on getting him for his thirtieth birthday. He never used it, so it just sat there, collecting dust. Maybe they could find a use for it after all. "It's kind of metal, don't you think? We have our kid's face bones in a box on our dresser!"
"Please don't ever call them that again," Steve insisted as he dropped the tooth into the box. "I don't even know why we keep them in the first place. It's kind of weird, don't you think?"
"Who are we to question the bizarre and archaic rituals of our forefathers? Besides, I still think it's pretty fucking cool."
"You would," Steve teased as they puttered around, getting ready for bed. Once he laid down, he rolled over to where Eddie was settling down next to him. "You know what this means, right?" At the shake of Eddie's head, he adds, voice a little wobbly, "It means our baby isn't a baby anymore."
And if they both had a good little cry about that, that's between them and their bedsheets.
(brought to you by my own feels at my kiddo having lost her first tooth. I am Steve, everybody)
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whyeverr · 2 months
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"My tooth!"
"It's loose!"
"You should pull it! Then we can be twins!"
"No, gross! Your face stinks!"
"No it doesn't!"
"Does too!"
[bickering continues]
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articus-icecream · 2 months
A friend on discord requested this
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Part two from this post
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pumpkindogart · 7 months
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Day 3: teeth
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randomgooberness · 2 years
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wolf studies 
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kocourmokroocko · 1 year
CW: Zuby
Rodinně dědičný duch prokletých zubů mne dnes opět navštívil, tentokrát v podobě stoličky, co se prostě... rozpadla vejpůl. Jakože čau. Nazdar. Sbohem. Jsem jest byvše rozpolcena jak Voldemortova duše do relikvií smrti. Na pohotovosti mne doktor překvapil, když kulišácky vyndal pouze JEDNU půlku! Nabíd jsem mu, že se nemusí stydět a může si nechat i tu druhou, ale nechtěl jí. Mám jí prej dát jinýmu doktorovi. Má vůdčí hypotéza jest, že ten druhej doktor je jeho soulmejt a on ho nemůže v tak velký nemocnici najít, hlavně s těma strašně krátkejma přestávkama na kafe, ale skrz ty dvě půlky jednoho zubu se konečně shledaj. Třeba jim začnou vibrovat v kapse, když se budou míjet na chodbě, nebo tak něco. Jsem pyšný, že má stolička bude začátkem něčeho romantického a krásného. Každopádně novej fanfiction námět objeven, RIP, zube, jsi nyní součástí omegaversu brněnský úrazovky. Díky za pozornost.
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cmrosens · 1 year
The Monster's Teeth
cw: human teeth, graphic sensory descriptions
He wasn’t meant to be here. 
He knew he shouldn’t touch anything when he was in the Big House, and his mother had told him to stay in the kitchen.
He could hear grown-up voices shouting and calling from all over, some commotion and cries of “Fetch the doctor” and gossip from the parlour maids. The kitchen was too hot, too crowded, and half the staff were rushing in and out when they had no reason to be, just to hear the latest from the cook and the housekeeper, who had repeated their stories a hundred times and had enough tea and biscuits to repeat it a hundred times more. Normal service was suspended. 
He didn’t understand what was going on, only that there were too many people. 
Nobody noticed when he slipped away into the quiet panelled corridors where he could breathe, and snuck around the grand staircase to the other side of the house. Here was the master’s study, the smoking room, the big, long dining hall, and he crept into the first empty room he could find as a place of temporary solace. 
He wasn’t meant to be here. 
The study was an avalanche waiting to happen, drifts and peaks of papers and books everywhere, coloured chalks scattered on the bare boards with the rugs rolled up in thick sausages, the grate empty and cold. 
He shouldn’t touch anything. 
He knew that.
But there was a cabinet full of tiny drawers, none of them labelled – or if they were, the labels were in such tiny, spidery writing that he could barely make out the words. Thomas, said one. Araminta, said another. 
He opened the drawers one at a time, and the tiny boxes slid out, contents nested in hanks of wool. 
Tiny milk pearls with bumpy ridges, pronged roots embedded in the softness underneath.
He opened others, unlabeled. The contents of these were bigger, yellowed, decayed. Their roots were rusty, stained. He didn’t understand, but he was transfixed. 
Each drawer contained more treasures, pitted and ulcerous, pearly and perfect, molar and premolar, cuspid and incisor. They rolled hard and sharp between his finger and thumb, gritty and salted under his tongue, grating under his own teeth as he bit them to test their authenticity, like a man biting coins. 
Chips scraped off in his mouth like tiny shards of eggshell, little bits of grit that felt wrong in his mouth. 
He explored the bumps and hollows, the points and planes, growing used to the contours and forbidden taste of iron and salt.
He made the collection his own by touch and taste, placing the possessive stamp of saliva on each and every one he could find no matter how his taste buds rebelled, detecting traces of chemicals and cleaning fluids, until the collection was entirely his own. 
Sliding the last drawer back in place, he heard his mother calling his name. 
“Dicky Pendle! You’re for it, when I find you.”
He snuck himself into a musty corner of the study and waited for the door to open, for the heavy hand of righteous fury to descend on his shoulder and yank him out for a belting. It didn’t matter, when he had a bright new secret to keep.
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dontmeanyoudontmissit · 5 months
The problem with my dentist impressing upon me that I can't put off my root canal for months is that I'm a hypochondriac and now I'm 95% certain my tooth is actively infected and will fall out of my head
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do-kontsa · 3 months
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I hate mcdolnads.
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m3r0t · 6 months
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TRICK OR TREAAAATTTT <333 (a drawing I made of me in a witch costume for the occasion <333)
Ahhhhh it so good!! What the heck!!!! Witches are elite tbh!! This is actually the cutest thing ahhhhh
cw: teeth, blood
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Little teeth mousepad drawing a did a bit ago (more of a graphite artist than digits artist sorry:3)
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whyeverr · 2 months
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Of course, there's no such thing as a truly quiet day at home—not living with these goobers. The loose tooth saga continued well into the evening...
"Your tooth! It's gone! Dasia lost her tooth!"
"What? Where?!"
"I don't know! You didn't feel it?"
"I was wiggling it before! I, I— Did I swallow it? OHHHMYGOD! ITHINKISWALLOWEDMYTOOOOTH!"
"That's— Oh. Um... Yeah. I'm sure you'll be alright."
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sheocheese · 9 months
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All And Nothing Less.
Little portrait of my sona, mainly testing out this fur brush. Ended up liking it enough to make it my icon pretty much everywhere.
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I've never played Cult of the Lamb or seen anything from it but I'm so invested in your AU- what exactly is a 'beast of hunger'? Like- what would Jay/Blue look like?
The Beast of Hunger is a creature of legend that once ate the ocean whole, much like how the Great Devourer wanted to eat everything on land. When it died, it's blood seeped into the earth and enriched the life that grew from the soil, and the water seeped from its rotting body to of the fish life inside of it ate it from the inside out.
Prophecy tells of a new Beast of Hunger would be bred among the sand, and from it's first feast it shall shed the blood from its growing molars to saturate the desert and bring a new oasis to the sandy death valley.
And uh-
Jay (when forced under black magic) looked like this-
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pumpkinskull27 · 7 months
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Happy spooky month!!
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whumper-dumps · 2 years
Whumper ripping out Whumpee’s teeth every time they lie. The issue, everything is a lie to Whumper. Saying something hurts when it shouldn’t? Lie! Telling Whumper they’re LITERALLY starving to death when they had a bowl of rice? Lie! Eventually, Whumpee has no more teeth, and their mouth is always bruised.
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grymmdark-uberdeth · 7 months
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I'm being creative this year.
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