#digimon babamon
dewphox · 1 year
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Daphne as a kid! She arrived in her nightgown with 6years old and then worked hard to stay with babamon who was the first digimon she’s encoutered. As always more lore under the cut bc you should choose yourself if u wanna read my walls of text babes <3
The nightgown holds incredible sentimental value to Daphne since it’s the one things she has from her home, so she uses it until it no longer fits and then adds on and does some changes to still wear it.
Babamon’s spare is prolly selfexplanatory but ykno for the longest time it was her only real piece of clothing other than her nightgown. If she wanted new clothes she had to make them herself and it took some time until her hands really had the finesse needed to make something presentable. But with all things textile she’s a fast learner with it being something her family was known for so it was in her blood so to speak.
Hometown memories is an outfit she’s very proud of which she made with her limited memories of her homevillage and what her mother used to wear. The thing on her waist is a handspindle btw.
Scattered pieces of cloth is how she more often than not dresses herself since it’s quick n easy to thrown on something lying around.
Baba also gave her one of her earrings which she’s enchanted to always know where Daphne is, since she’s known to be quiet the troublemaker.
Their relationship is based off of the fairytale ‘‘frau holle’‘ as it’s a special one for me. Babamon ofcourse being the strict teacher like figure of frau holle, however i intend her to be a bit more grumpy yet secretly very sweet. And Daphne is both gold and pechmarie! She does as she’s told to the best of her abilities and because she geniuenly wants to help and pull her weight, but she can also drop all her chores if there’s something she saw out of the corner of her eye and she just HAS TO investigate UU Or she’s told not to play with Babamons broom and she complies, but yknow.. just once <3
the alchemy things really only start like i think after 10 yo or maybe the first signs she’s on to something start with her being 9, but I imagine she’s pretty much confined to babamons home and at the very best has a disguise for when she really has to go out (or for her to sneak out) until then.
After that i’ve already mentioned that she first can make potions to look like babamon and then later has her alraumon persona and a pretty big assortment of other stuff :D But again, no one but Babamon knows there’s a human living with her. And Babamon isn’t her partner digimon, just a caretaker/mentor.
I looked for which digimon might fit her but i’m not a 100% on any and if at all i would make one myself, then i found dressmon which was perfect with the sewing theme but that’s an appmon and apparently those don’t live in the digiworld but an inbetween space, between human and digiworld within peoples smartphones and like how tf is Daphne supposed to get even a mobile phone to become her buddy or what’s it called She’s from the medieval times and thinks Digimon are fairies, basically the last person to own let alone understand phones </3
Maybe i’ll come up with a convoluted plan that she, she’s on in her dreams, makes a puppet and somehow can like bind one to that puppet body don’t @ me by god she’s either staying partnerless or I’ll make it happen myself 😤
and yeah i tried to lean into the 02 artstyle, bc i think it’s the most fun haha. not that the the new art styles are bad, ghost game and tri especially look so clean and nice, but 02 had so much personality and it was so...shaped <3
okay heyyy, hiii, hello, hallo read all the way through again huh? you know what has to happen now uu MWAH! kissy for you, hope it was entertaining, have a wonderful rest of the week or weekend who knows, thank you for the attention <3<3<3
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digimonarchive · 8 months
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Ruki Makino/Rika Nonaka and Renamon in episode 26 picspam
Also appearing in the picspam: Hirokazu Shioda/Kazu, Kenta Kitagawa, Babamon and Jijimon
Digimon Tamers episode 26
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hlrart · 1 year
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Joseimon aka Young Babamon + earlier designs & inspiration
Counterpart of my Otokomon, like him she is an Angewomon that got corrupted by data from 80′s pop music
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anipekopeko · 9 months
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otakween · 9 months
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morgannox · 1 year
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An actual scribble this week as the holidays are as busy as expected. Happy Holidays!! No. 11 - Holiday Scene Featuring Babamon and Jijimon along with their Mikemon housemate and a mildly panicking Chuumon trying not to get caught stealing the fruitcake (They just let him take it.)
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jaymisaeki · 1 year
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Some more mugshot commissions, first row and the first in the second row are OCs belonging to Sableyefan, Arrancarfighter, and Sabedile over on dA.
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gerbelx2000-blog · 8 months
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Been doing these in My Comic Scene class.
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lopmonappreciation · 1 year
Digimon the owl house au: Eda clawrhorne and Babamon
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Fresh: kuramon
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In training: tsumemon
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Rookie: tsukaimon
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Champion: witchmon
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Ultimate: warudamon
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Mega: babamon
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zordonmlw7 · 2 years
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digimonloving · 2 years
Babamon and Jijimon helping a parent who fell into digiworld along their very young child stay safe from harm. The child has a digivice, but there does not seem to be any other digimon around and they are too young to use it.
Babamon and Jijimon helping a parent and their very young child stay safe while in the Digital World
Babamon and Jijimon are very caring Digimon, and when this poor parent stumbled upon their home on accident, they welcomed the adult human and their child with open arms! Seeing such a youngling with their parent, they just had to do something to help.
The Digital World was a dangerous place, and it seemed that despite the fact the young one did have a Digivice, there was no Digimon around for them to call a partner. Nor did it seem like the Digivice was fully active, but that might be because of their lack OF said partner as well. Either way, they weren't going to toss a poor, helpless parent and their child out. So, they were ready to show the best hospitality they possibly could!
Babamon, being the grandma that she is, makes such large meals to keep both the parent and their child nice and decently fed while living with the two. While there may not be much to do, Babamon and Jijimon do love to talk! And they sure do love to try and entertain their guests the best they can!
Babamon and Jijimon also take to defending the two should something dare to try and sniff them out. Being mega levels, even if they don't look strong, are quite powerful when put together at that! The two have nothing to worry about, no Digimon trying to eat them, and no Digimon trying to take advantage of them either.
They do what they can, and they also try to help the parent get back to the Real World. They're not too sure why their child didn't get to meet their Digimon when they first came to the Digital World, as most Digimon are always waiting for them where they know they'll enter the world... Maybe something was wrong?
But for now, until they figure it out, the two humans have nothing to worry about. They get plenty of food, and they get plenty of protection, and not to mention a nice roof over their heads and a good bath! The two do what they can to make life comfortable while the two are with them until they can understand more.
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dewphox · 1 year
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sketches her yesterday and decided to just some bits so i have something small to upload for once heehee. More lore under the cut.. if you even care 😔
Elfenberg was once a smallish mountain covered in lush forests. At it’s border at the bottom was a tiny village. Daphne lived there with her mother, grandmother and younger brother and loved playing in the mountains though since it were the medieval times her mother still cautioned her stay away and never visit after dark otherwise the faeries would steal her away!
Long story short as she was in the forest at night searching for an item she had lost during the day a gigantic wormhole sucked up the entire mountain and relocated it to the digiworld in the future. The cause of it is unclear but it’s speculated that maybe it was an experiment gone rogue by either humans, or digimon.
A babamon found her and Daphne adopted herself into her old lady household, since babamon wasn’t too keen on any freeloaders but she reminded Daphne of her grandmother which is why she did everything to stay. (Babamon obviously took a liking to her eventually ya’ll know me UU)
Daphne thinks that the Digimon are the faeries her mother told her about, since when she was teleported she was still 6 years old and in her timeperiod not even electricity had been a thing. Code, data and all that are magic to her. Babamon tried to explain it to her several times and while she kind of understands some of it, she doesn’t exactly have the framework to truly get it the way a modern person could. She still calls digimon faeries.
However due to her weird worldview she started to understand the digiworld in a different way, not correct but not wrong either. sort of like using a different method in an equation to come to the same conclusion. And that has led her to invent Digital Alchemy using her understanding of the world to create new things and weave her own destiny.
Kohl was the first creature she accidentally created when she actually wanted to make something else. It formed out of the leftover residue in her cauldron and is now just sort of there, at her house. It eats the cauldron clean after experiments so win win she doesn’t have to clean herself anymore and it never leaves the house because the direct sun turns it solid.
Her first successful transformation was into babamon, mostly because she had the direct supply of the important ingredients right there. As a kid she impersonated babamon and caused quiet the embarrassing or weird rumors to circulate around her. As she got older she’s settled mostly for the Alraumon persona which may or may not have been influenced by babamons wrath once she found out, but it was fun while it lasted for little mischievious Daphne.
Anyone still here? You really read it all? Aww c’mere muwah <3 just between me and you, ur my favourite, yeah you UU i bless your day with good luck thank youuu <3
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bethanythebogwitch · 9 months
Giving Owl House characters Digimon partners
Because I'm a huge nerd, I'm combining to franchises I like and giving Owl House characters Digimon partners. For TOH fans who don't know how Digimon works, typically a human character will have a partner Digimon that somehow reflects parts of their personality and character development. Digimon also evolve up and down through different levels, but I'm not going that deep with this. Side note, I could not figure out a Digimon I liked to partner with Gus, so sorry, but he's not here. There will be spoilers.
Luz is the easiest, she's partnered with Witchmon. Witchmon is a witch, she's a bit creepy (which Luz would love), and she's very dedicated to learning magic like Luz is. Witchmon also goes through a parallel but reversed journey to Luz. While Luz goes from Earth to the magical world of the Boiling Isles, Witchmon comes from the magical world of Witchely (the setting of another virtual pet series by the same company) to the (allegedly) scientific Digital World.
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I gave Amity Ranamon, which seems weird but I think works. Ranamon's personality in Digimon Frontier (the English dub anyway, haven't seen the original) is very much based on the same mean girl archetype that Amity fit before her character development. Amity's early persona was mostly the result of her mother's influence and Ranamon in Frontier is the corrupted version of the originally benevolent spirit of water. Abomination slime is kind of like water I guess. I also like that Amity's hair goes from green like Ranamon to purple like Ranamon's rival Fairymon/Kazemon.
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Willow will be partnered with Togemon, a cactus with boxing gloves. The plant connection is obvious but I went with Togemon specifically to match how Willow is physically tough and and athlete. While I said that I won't be discussing evolutions, but I do want to mention that Togemon's usual evolution Lilymon is very cute plant fairy. I think the combination of the rough and tough Togemon and cute, feminine Lilymon really fits Willow.
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I'm going to give Hunter Leomon. Leomon is pretty much the archetypical noble and heroic Digimon, but just like Hunter started out as a villain, it can go bad. I'm specifically referencing its dark alternate MadLeomon and the Leomon in Digimon Adventure (original) that was mind controlled into evil twice. On a darker note, the series has a running gag of a Leomon or variant showing up in different series only to die and Hunter is the latest in a long line of clones that Belos keeps killing.
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King is getting partnered with Impmon. I'm specifically going with the characterization of the Impmon in Digimon Tamers. Both start out their series as very weak and childish critters with delusions of grandeur but do eventually gain great power. Hopefully King's growth into an adult titan will go a lot more peacefully than Impmon's evolution did. You could also draw a comparison between King being an orphan looking for his father and Impmon abandoning his human partners due to their mistreatment of him.
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I'm not super satisfied with what I came up with for Eda, but I'm giving her Babamon. I wanted to try to draw some parallel to Eda and the owl beast but there really aren't many Digimon who switch back and fourth between a sapient and non-sapient forms. The closest I could think of was Belephemon Sleep Mode and Rage mode or ChaosDukemon/ChaosGallantmon and Megidramon and those are both way too evil for Eda. So Babamon it is. Babamon is based on a grandmother and Eda has been prematurely aged by her curse. Babamon is also a sorceress and is even sometimes used as a mega/ultimate level evolution for Witchmon, drawing a connection with Luz. Babamon being a grandmotherly figure but also (in the Digimon Tamers English dub) pretty sassy fits Eda's personality and her growing to become Luz's second mother.
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Two quick ones I don't have too much to say about are Lilith and Raine. I'm giving Lilith Wisemon. She is the most scholarly and book smart of the core cast and is a historian and Wisemon is a scholar who preserves a record of the Digital World's history. Wisemon is also a time traveller and Lilith was very prominent in the time travel episode. If you want Lilith to have a mega/ultimate level to match Eda she can have AncientWisemon instead, it's essentially a more powerful Wisemon. I was tempted to give her Lilithmon, but aside from the name they have no connection and Lillithmon is too evil even for season 1 Lilith. Raine is getting Sirenmon and I fully admit its because Sirenmon is the only musical Digimon I could think of. Except the Geckomons, but they're too gross for Raine.
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The Collector is going to have a Monzaemon. I think someone who loves play as much as the Collector would love to have a giant teddy bear partner that loves children and just wants people to be happy. However, just like the Collector's childlike innocence drives them to horrible acts in pursuit of fun, Monzaemon is hinted to have a dark side and that there is something very dark and scary hiding inside the big plushie.
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Finally we come to Belos and I have given him Titamon as a partner. Titamon isn't exactly known for being the long-term schemer that Belos is, I think there are a lot of parallels that still make it work. Belos is driven by his hatred of anything magic and Titamon is born from the hatred of evil Digimon who were defeated by the heroic group known as the Olympos XII. Titamon also wears the skulls of his defeated enemies and draws power from them like how Belos sustains himself by eating palismens. Furthermore, Titamon can use the skulls to summon an army and Belos has his own personal army in the form of the Emperor's Coven. And of course, Titamon's name comes from titan and the titan is central to Belos's plan. Furthermore, Titamon is now used as the main mega level evolution of Ogremon. Ogremon is the natural enemy of Leomon, further emphasizing the enmity between Belos and Hunter. If Caleb also had a Leomon partner then the conflict between their partners could definitely parallel how Celeb and Phillip/Belos became enemies. Hell, Hunter's Leomon could even be the same Leomon that Caleb partnered with, reconnecting with his old partner's clone to avenge Caleb and stop Belos and Titamon's evil. I love this parallel and can see a fanfic in this.
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skydigiblogs · 4 months
Digimon and Disability
Realizing I can't think of any Digidestined characters from any anime that are implied or stated to be physically disabled. Might just be me not remembering right, but idk? I know the series explores a lot of psychological topics, but I just can't really think of a character who deals with a chronic physical condition while the screen is on them.
The reason I'm thinking about this is because I want to design a cane you could imagine seeing in the Digital World (as a person who uses mobility aids, I kind of want to draw my sona with a cane sometimes), and, like... the closest I can think of in terms of a main character with disabilities is Hikari/Kari.
I haven't gotten to the Dark Master arc yet, but I know her getting severely ill was a huge plot point, and it's also heavily implied that she missed out on the first trip to the Digital World because of a cold (which is reasonable, even if you aren't disabled and deal with difficult periods of illness). At the same time, though I know that she gets used as a mouthpiece for the light when she's ill in Machinedramon's city, so??? I'm not sure what to think of that.
I also can't really say if that's backed up in 02 or other sequels because I just don't remember them that well at the moment.
The only other anime character coming to mind with a confirmed disabling condition is Thoma/Thomas's sister in Savers, but what I do remember doesn't instill me with confidence in the treatment of her character as a person with a disability. I'm sure I'll have more to think about in terms of her when I get to that part of Savers.
And the only example of Digimon I can think of are, like, Jijimon and Babamon, and that's only because they have walking sticks they use to whack shit with. Which like... ehhhhh. We'd really be putting the bar on the floor if we counted those two as disability rep, I think.
I also guess that Erika in Digimon Story Cyber Sleuth: Hacker's Memory counts but... I also don't know how to feel about that one as disability rep. Between her, Thoma's sister, and even Kari, their respective illnesses (regardless of how chronic they are) always seem to end up with emotionally constipated older brothers who feel obligated to "protect" their "weaker" sibling.
I at least like Erika as a character, and I do think CS:HM does a little bit more to interrogate what that means for her, but I still have no way of naming what Erika was even sick with in the first place. Wikimon doesn't even have a summary of her symptoms, and from what I recall the jist of her disability was "if I get too stressed, I pass out." Which. I know people who experience that due to things like seizures, but I still can't help feeling a little bit miffed that Ericka really is the closest to disability rep I can think of in the series.
I'd like to see more of us in the series, if only because it would make me feel a bit more welcome in my favorite series.
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moth-thief · 9 months
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Babamon BT15-041 C <03>
Mega | Vaccine | Ancient
[On Play] [On Deletion] 1 of your opponent's Digimon gets -6000 DP until the end of your opponent's turn.
[End of Opponent's Turn] By deleting this Digimon, you may play 1 [Rosemon] or [Jijimon] from your hand without paying the cost. Then, activate the [When Digivolving] effect of the Digimon played by this effect.
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otakween · 8 months
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Digimon Tamers - Episode 40
Woohoo! 40 episodes :D I feel accomplished
This episode was mostly upbeat with some ooky-spooky stuff thrown in there for good measure. This show has a lot of tonal whiplash. I truly have no idea where they're going with this plot, so that's exciting. Compared to Adventure and 02, this is definitely the most unpredictable season. (Well, I know it'll have a happily ever after because its a kid's show lol).
Beelzebumon gets zapped by a buncha digimon until he de-digivolves. I interpreted that as him getting attacked on purpose? Maybe? All the bug-like digimon swarming him creeped me out.
Culumon's ultimate (hehe) purpose was to perform "shining evolution" which insta-digivolves all the digimon to ultimate (at least those that have an ultimate form lol). I guess it also just calls out to digimon that are already ultimate too since Jijimon and Babamon show up. (Wait, why didn't it affect the main digimon? Ah well)
I kind of thought the Gods would have wanted to keep Culumon around permanently, but I guess they only needed them to help fight the D-reaper? I thought Culumon had more of an everyday purpose with digivolution...
Kenta's future partner shows up and just loves him instantly for no apparent reason lol. I guess it's just like when a stray cat chooses you. MarineAngemon is a lot tinier than I expected based on the videogames...
It's hard for me to comment on what's going on with Juri because I have no idea. At first it seems like her puppet is possessed and then she goes behind a rock and becomes possessed herself? Is she being controlled by some nefarious digimon? The true big bad? Guess I'll find out! (The puppet suddenly talking on its own was effectively creepy).
Hirokazu assuming Juri was hiding to use the bathroom made me wonder...do the kids feel the urge to go to the bathroom ever? Does it go by the same, weird ~belief~ logic as hunger? If he made that assumption, they must have been going to the bathroom this whole time I guess (somehow lol).
It was kinda cool seeing a bunch of ultimate digimon gather for good (as opposed to an evil army). Hirokazu geeking out over them was a nice touch.
They played the dial up sound! The nostalgiaaaa
Their plan to request help from randos around the world via email would never work nowadays haha. Straight to spam.
The Gods being like "we got this, you can go home now" felt kinda like a unique plot beat for Digimon. Usually the kids and their digimon are the only ones who can save the day, but I guess they don't go by "chosen children" in Tamers. Of course, they'll probably still need to stay and fight...something.
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