#dr heart stealer
culustalgia · 9 months
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medical malpractice
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isabeauwolf · 1 month
“My princess” and it’s a fictional man with an insane criminal record.
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Found this on Twitter, and figured, I'd share it here we well as my answer. XD
Of course, I'm going to choose both Trafalgar Law, The Surgeon of Death, and Kai Chisaki, Overhaul!
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mystxcfire · 1 year
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Trafalgar Law’s devil fruit as a stand. Dr. Heart Stealer is similar to the ope ope no mi but with a few drawbacks. If devil fruits have, like, a gender, I feel like the ope ope no mi is a feminine person since to me it’s feels like a female. I wanted to give the stand more of a trafalgar look because why not.
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hrrystylesbookclub · 6 months
okay, i finally saw tbosas and here are my thoughts
1. i personally think it would have benefited from being split into two movies, one in the capitol, one in twelve
2. i feel like sejanus wasn’t fleshed out as well as he could have been. i absolutely adore him but in the movie he came across as more reckless as opposed to filled with righteous fury, and his death wasn’t as painful as i was expecting (let’s be honest i wanted to fall to my knees sobbing at his death and instead i was just ‘ahhh noooo ☹️’)
3. ma deserved to be better featured in the movie + she would have helped flesh sejanus out (also to show snow’s relationship with the plinths in general would have really hammered in HOW evil he is)
4. i wish we had been able to spend more time in 12, seen snows HATRED for mockingjays spelt out clearer and spent more time with the covey and see how close they all are and how much they genuinely did trust snow
5. changing the ending of the games with everyone dying from the snakes was a little disappointing but i did laugh when the students started chanting “get her out!” (also when dr gaul said she didn’t care if there wasn’t a victor vs snow demanding there has to be a victor, which 64 years later comes to bite him in the ass was MWUH chefs kiss)
6. critiques aside, every single actor was PHENOMENAL. not a single weak or subpar performance in sight, even characters without any/much dialogue were incredible and scene stealers (shoutout to irene böhm as lamina)
7. the sets and costumes were EVERYTHING, almost everything was exactly how i pictured and if it wasn’t plucked straight from my brain it was even better than i could have imagined
8. rachel zegler and tom blyth please marry me please
9. the part where marcus comes over and tells lucy gray that she can run and get out KILLED me, oh i could just feel my heart shatter in my chest
10. OH MY GOD lucky flickerman being an absolute scene stealer, what an ICON, i laughed at everything he said
okay that’s all i can think of at this moment. overall i did love it but i do find myself being all “the book was better 🤓” but very rarely do movies come close to being as good, and as far as adaptations go i loved it and could make peace with most of their changes
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10piecechickennuggy · 4 months
Happy Birthday, Captain - Law x Fem!Reader - Oneshot
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DISCLAIMER: I do not own One Piece or the art featured above. This is a fan created work.
Y/n stared at the calendar, uncertainty wavering through her stomach and causing nervous bouts of nausea. In her lap sat a beautifully wrapped box, its yellow speckled paper adorned with a brightly colored bow. Trembling fingers toyed with the shiny ribbon, bending it slightly as a sigh fell from painted lips.
October sixth. The date mocked her from across the room, circled with enthusiasm and boasting in large penmanship “Captain’s Birthday!” 
It had taken several of her crewmates’ begging, along with her own, to convince their grumpy captain to agree to any sort of celebration. 
“It’s just another day. There’s no need to make a big fuss over my aging.” 
She could still hear his gruff voice as the scene replayed in her memory. After enough pestering, he’d finally relented to a small gathering in the Polar Tang’s mess hall accompanying tonight’s dinner. There would be a cake prepared by the ship’s cook, Jean Bart, and everyone intended to present a gift of some sort. But the sleep deprived captain had adamantly refused any additional festivities.
That was all right though. Being able to celebrate his birthday, no matter how grandiose or quiet, was all that mattered. She hoped that despite his initial refusal, she’d be able to make this day a special one for him.
“Ouch!” Stinging pain erupted from her fingertip that had been manipulating the ribbon. Looking down she saw crimson begin to pool lazily on the skin’s surface, threatening to overflow onto the pristine wrapping below.
Quickly, she stood and placed the box down before rushing out of her bedroom. Hurried footsteps carried her towards the sickbay, the injured finger having been thrust into her mouth instinctually. The taste of metal coated her tongue.
Entering the room, she immediately began searching for the first aid kit. Cabinets were opened and rummaged through one handed before a cough brought her attention to the desk tucked along the room’s far wall.
Turning with a sheepish expression, she smiled around the digit still held between her lips. Golden eyes framed in dark circles bore a quizzical look as her captain stood from his seat. A sigh of indignation escaped Law as tattooed hands removed a pair of glasses from atop his nose before placing them, folded neatly, beside the open medical textbook he’d been studying. 
“What have you done this time?” His tone was not unlike a parent’s - energy lacking and patience worn thin by far too many demands.
Her eyes dropped to the floor as the finger was removed from her mouth, fresh blood seeping from the open wound within seconds of air exposure. “Just a paper cut.” She held the injured digit up for him to inspect.
Law’s expression morphed from one of annoyance to a softer look. He moved past his subordinate swiftly, opening a cabinet she’d yet to search and withdrawing a package of bandages.
The Surgeon of Death. Dr. Heart Stealer. Trafalgar D. Water Law. Captain of the Heart Pirates. He went by many names, some more appealing than others. But to her, he was simply her beloved captain.
As he reached up once more to close the cabinet door, she felt her eyes wander south. Those spotted jeans were quite tight, leaving little to the imagination. 
“See something you like, Y/n-ya?”
Her gaze snapped up immediately, a deep blush overtaking her features. He’d caught her, and the look he wore only added to her embarrassment. She couldn’t decide which was more enticing; to wipe that smug smirk from his face or kiss it. Her brows furrowed in annoyance.
Of course she harbored romantic feelings for her captain. Who wouldn’t? The man was tall, dark, and handsome. A dedicated doctor, a skilled fighter, and a fearless leader. If only he wasn’t so painfully aware of his own charms. 
“Shut up.” She sounded like a child as she turned away from him, her arms crossed and cheeks puffed out in mock defiance. Law only chuckled as he took her hand in his, gently wrapping a bandage around her injured digit.
“Careful with the attitude.” A brief pause elapsed, the man seemingly mulling over his words. “I’d hate it if I had to punish you.” His voice betrayed his shit eating grin.
A playful gasp escaped the woman’s lips as she yanked her hand away, clutching the appendage close to her chest. “I am very well behaved, thank you.” 
“Is that right?” A devious glint formed in his eyes as he moved closer to his companion. When she’d backed into the wooden desk, muscular arms seized the opportunity to trap her against the large surface. Leaning in close, Law growled before speaking into her ear with a husky tone. “Then maybe I should reward you instead.”
What was happening? Her captain had never shown such interest in her before, nor had he ever made any type of advance on her. Was checking out his ass really all it took to break his stoic demeanor? 
“Umm, Captain?” She looked up at him with wide, doe eyes. Trying her best to look innocent, thick lashes fluttered beneath raised eyebrows. She’d hoped to confess her feelings during tonight’s birthday celebration, but this was completely unexpected.
As if being awoken from a trance, Law shook his head before backing away from his subordinate. “Sorry, Y/n-ya.” He rubbed the back of his neck while directing his gaze anywhere but at her. “I don't know what came over me. Please, just forget that anything happened.”
Was he hurt? Had she misread his intentions? No. He was obviously trying to make a move on her, and she’d chosen to react surprised instead of receptive. But more than that, was her captain being vulnerable with her right now? 
“Hey.” A gentle hand came to rest on the man’s arm, bringing his attention down to her smiling face. “I was just a little surprised.”
At her admission, Law’s eyes morphed from guilty to hopeful. Seeing this change, an idea popped into the woman’s mind. “Would you like one of your gifts a little early?”
Confusion crossed Law’s features for the briefest of moments before his companion lifted to her tiptoes and gently pressed her lips to his. The kiss was soft, careful - as though she were afraid anything more would cause the man before her to crumble. She lingered for only a second or two, but the affection she expressed in that small span seeped into Law’s soul like a burning flame. Her retreat began before he could even think to kiss her back.
When she pulled away and allowed her feet to fall flat, there was a deep blush covering both their faces. The pair remained silent like, her hand still on his arm and their forms a breath away. Their gazes were locked, conveying a million emotions and sentiments without a single word. 
And then Law smiled.
Not his usual smirk. Not a smug grin. But a true, genuine smile.
“Happy Birthday, Captain.” Her words came as a timid whisper, afraid to break this pristine moment they’d created.
“Happy birthday, indeed.”
“For he’s a jolly good fellow! For he’s a jolly good fellow! For he’s a jolly good fellow! Which nobody can deny!” 
The Heart Pirates sang loudly, a chorus of off-key voices echoing throughout the Polar Tang’s metal halls. The mess hall had been decorated with banners and balloons, confetti strewn about and music playing in the background. A table had been set to one side, hosting a large pile of gifts and sweets, centered around a large cake reading “Happy Birthday!” In yellow and blue frosting.
The man in question currently sat before his entire crew, a conical hat strapped to his head and a scowl of disapproval painted across his face. His ears were ringing as a result of their awful singing. His stomach hurt from all the cake they’d made him eat. And the damned hat he’d been forced to wear was causing a massive headache. When would this annoying celebration end?
“Captain! You should open your presents now!” Bepo’s voice was full of enthusiasm as he brought a pile of wrapped gifts to his friend.
Law took the first package and thanked the polar bear before opening it. 
“That’s from me!” Shachi spoke through the crowd, his anticipation palpable.
When the bright red paper had been removed, Law held a small stuffed bear with the Heart Pirates’ jolly roger embroidered onto its chest. The bear looked similar to Bepo, though its white fur wasn’t nearly as soft as the real thing. 
“Thanks.” Law’s tone was flat as he sat the toy down and reached for another present.
Many of the crew had gotten him gifts that were surprisingly thoughtful. Ikkaku had gifted him new cleaning supplies for his sword. Penguin had gotten him a new lab coat with his name and Jolly roger printed across the breast pocket. Even the stuffed animal from Shachi was right up his alley - though he’d never admit aloud his love for all things soft and fuzzy. 
When it came time to open Bepo’s present, Law was met with a new hat. It looked similar to his old, circular brimmed one. though this new hat more closely resembled a baseball cap. The fabric was the same soft, speckled design he was fond of. Without a word, he removed his current headwear and replaced it.
“Me next! Me next!” Y/n came forward carrying her gift to Law. Bright yellow paper mimicked the submarine’s exterior and the spots splattered across it were reminiscent of his hat and jeans.
Law took the box gingerly, surprised when it was heavier than he’d anticipated. He raised an eyebrow in puzzled amusement before noticing the woman’s stance. 
She bore a wide smile, her eyes dancing with anticipation. As though her energy were too great for her body to contain, she hopped lightly from one foot to the other. The sound made a little tip tap with each step against the steel floor. 
Law couldn’t help but chuckle at her childlike excitement.
Placing the hefty gift onto the table, Law removed the wrapping and couldn’t believe what lay before him. There, sitting on the table in pristine condition sat the complete saga of Sora, Warrior of the Sea. The plastic shrink wrap still clung to each volume, catching the fluorescent lights in streaks of artificial shine.
“How-?” He was speechless. He hadn’t told anyone of his near obsession with the comics. Sure, every kid in the North Blue knew of the fictional battles between Sora and Germa 66. But they were in the Grand Line - most of his crew were from scattered parts of the world and wouldn’t even know the series existed.
His heart swelled at the amount of love and care his entire crew had shown him through their gifts.
“I saw you eyeing it a few islands ago.” She spoke with a smile on her face, knowing she’d struck gold.
“Thank you, Y/n.” Law spoke from his heart, the awe and appreciation he felt evident. He quickly rose and pulled her into a hug, leaving the entire crew stunned.
For the second time that day, the woman found herself uttering three words which she hoped conveyed her feelings as they reached her captain.
“Happy Birthday, Captain.”
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soranatus · 8 months
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Dr. Heart-Stealer — By Keo Chu, permission to re-upload was given by the artist
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lorillee · 2 years
honestly speaking i think there are few things funnier than the fact that law has a character song called "dr heart stealer" and how its literally just because hes an organ thief . its literally
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loofyloofy · 4 months
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dawg so like, i have hcs that law can secretly play guitar / ukeleles / piano AND can sing, but nobody doesn't know.. not even his crew 👉👈
(bc he is a church child after all, he definitely was in the choir. AND LOST IN SHINSEKAI / DR. HEART STEALER GUYS 🗣️‼️✨)
and then my homie said law is defo a reggae mf, AND AS A DREAD RASTA..
anyway watch him sing reggae songs to his man 💕💕
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culustalgia · 9 months
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isabeauwolf · 20 days
Wanted to share these fanmade openings for Law! They are so good
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third-arch · 6 months
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Law’s Novel-Thoughts
Spoilers ahead!!
An unedited ramble
I’m just going to be honest and say I was kinda disappointed. I feel like this story had so much more potential that kinda just went down the drain. I think it had a really good idea but didn’t see it through. Like the first part of the story made me hooked. I was interested in his childhood, how he met Bepo, Shachi and Penguin, and Wolf. I thought how they got a job and trained was neat. But, I felt like the whole stuff with Wolf and his son wasn’t necessary. It answered a lot of questions about like the submarine and how they got their name as the heart pirates and how Law got his tattoos (which was super random to me LOL). It’s nice seeing that despite it all, he’s still a kid.
Also idk if it was just me, but I felt like in the beginning he really tried to not rely on his powers unless he absolutely needed to.
I guess overall it really changed the way I see Law as a character. It made me feel good that I’m taking his character in the right direction, obviously with some tweaking for romance and fluff purposes, but it just made me feel good that I get his character.
He’s a lot like Batman I guess.
After doing some research last week, I think his character just makes sense for me full circle.
Below, are all just my thoughts for why he did these things LOL
His drastic change of character is most likely due to the fact that he’s finally realizing that he needs to go back to Dressrosa. The start of his long plan is in motion, and emotionally and mentally it’s very demanding. He has to be serious (or at least he tells himself that). He’s living in the “now” and he can’t slack off.
Also despite it all he did sort of go against his convictions by stealing those hundred hearts. He probably did not want to do it, but it was the best way. And he didn’t want to kill, so he only stole their hearts. It’s why he’s called “Dr. Heart Stealer” and not “Dr. Person Killer” LOL. Again he’s like Batman. He doesn’t wish death upon others, it’s a reminder for himself that death will always be near him. Just how important life is, and to give him courage, all so he can protect others. “Putting himself in the frontlines/harms way”.
He doesn’t like making mistakes.
He’s a really good guy. But things will catch up to him and change him. He’s still a child at heart who wasn’t able to properly grow up, even with Wolf. He was always made to be the leader, always felt the responsibility to take care of others and hide his emotions because they’re “silly”. He doesn’t want to be seen as weak.
He’s focused and he’s not wanting to waste time. He thinks about a plan and listens to others.
Still, he’s bratty, he’s traumatized, and he needs to remember that others are there for him.
He struggles asking for help. It takes a bit to build up trust with him, but once he sees the good in you, he’ll validate you. It’s okay to make mistakes.
And lastly is that he wants to live. He wants to protect people and he does see the good in people. He judges people on their character and focuses on their morals. He doesn’t like fighting, he’s a protector and a healer. That’s his role as a surgeon. He’s giving it his all.
I think for my fanfic, I want Reader to serve as a reminder that it’s okay to be emotional. It’s okay to step down and be on the same level as others. And when he finally starts to fall in love, he starts to experience these things.
Overall it’s definitely a nice read. I skimmed over a lot of the fight sequences, really only paying attention to like Law’s dialogue and inner thoughts. There’s still a lot to his character I have yet to nail down, so it’ll be a process of trial and error.
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keithyaa · 2 months
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DR. Heart Stealer🫀
—He fine as hell
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aligma1825 · 1 year
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Dr. Heart Stealer
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beanghostprincess · 5 months
I find it hilarious how Law has a song called Dr. Heart Stealer being all sexy and talking about 🔥❤️‍🔥stealing your heart❤️‍🔥🔥as if he wasn't being 100% serious. He is going to steal one of your organs. He is not being sexy. He's gonna keep your heart and either study it or sell it to the black market.
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turtletaubwrites · 1 month
i miss misty eyes sm 🥺
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Me too!!!!! 😭😭😭 Lol, Misty Eyes was supposed to be a smutty one shot, but I just couldn't write that scenario without the piles of context and backstory that filled my mind when I got that request. I paused it after the request was completed, but don't worry, it'll be back!
I just have to feed the Numbers Game fiends (I love all you gremlins 😈🥰) before I lose myself in the story I've got planned for our misty eyed reader and her long lost friend.
I thought Bend Until You Break was going to hold the lead on my faves for a while with how personal it was for me, but Misty Eyes has taken my heart. (Dr. Heart Stealer strikes again 😅🖤)
I'm so glad you like this story! I've already got outlines and notes, but I had to pause because I don't know if I'll be able to stop once I get into the next leg of their journey.
I'll see you on the Polar Tang 🥰
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Look at this man. He listens to Mcr on repeat. Has the happiest most adorable crew in the world and still looks like a 2005 scene queen. Eyeliner for days. Definitely cried when Ryan Ross left patd. This man is constantly pretending that he hates everyone and everything but has an alliance with the most sunshine boy in the world. Wears his dead adoptive father's symbol on his back for the drama. Only wears black. Eyeliner for days. Mikey Way coded in that he constantly looks like a shivering wet Chihuahua.
A deadly surgeon who lost his entire town to the paranoia of the elite, and then lost his surrogate father to a cruel reflection of those elite. Became a pirate to get his revenge. Only problem? He’s the only serious person in a circus of a sea. Watching him deal with the Straw Hats is a delight.
He's basically the shadow the hedgehog of one piece, aka the egdy boy with a tragic backstory most fans have a crush on. Hes covered in tattoos, including two knuckle tatts that both say "DEATH". His fearsome pirate nicknames are "The Surgeon of Death" and "Dr. Heart stealer". Constant undereye bags/eyeliner(?) (I think its both). He spends almost all of his time pre-timeskip looking smug and mysterious and half his screentime post-time skip getting his shit kicked in (heaving, bloody, on the floor <3). Hes WAY over serious all the time which is why its so fun to see the silly strawhat crew interact with him
He did a blood sacrifice with his own blood for no known reason. If that isn't edgy I don't know what is.
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