#dunno if anyone even remembers me on this blog haha but still
awkwardxstars · 2 years
Most of the muses from BNHA and Voltron will be coming with me to the (not so) new blog, and if you’re missing any of my muses, just let me know on my new blog and I’ll probably be more than happy to bring them back.
YUUGA AOYAMA will be moving from his sideblog to there as well, along with KOTARO SHIMURA from my ofaxdescendant blog.
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cosmicjoke · 1 year
Pardon me for asking, even though I know we're far out of the story already, but it's just something I might have missed understand, or there really was no explanation..... Why did Misumi waited for years to take down Hirata if he was broken by the lose of his subordinate Kurobane?
Yashiro said or hinted that Misumi knew or suspected Hirata for killing Kurobane, and yet he let Yashiro nearly died for that motherfucker to get caught. Just to imagine he's the big boss, he could've done an investigation a year after Kurobane died, maybe, but no.... And Yashiro was prolly tailing Hirata's group ( anon at that time ) for maybe 2 months? It just....Im sorry for the term, pisses me off to think, that Yashiro nearly died for him ( and yes, I sort of understand it was also an impulse because what happened with Doumeki, but it was also for Misumi's sake, maybe to give Misumi closure, otherwise why did he had to provoke Hirata and record everything ) and it felt it meant nothing to Misumi, and still pesters Yashiro about joining again. I just dont understand how he can be possessive of Yashiro yet threw in him in danger. Hirata tapped Yashiro's office, couldn't he have done the same, if he only needed hard evidence? I dont believe that he's done nothing because he was worried for the inner politics within their Yakuza, or is that really the reason? I dunno, I guess need help to fully understand why he didn't do anything if he knew....
Hey there, and no worries about asking!
I think, if anyone's read my blog posts of Saezuru, they probably know I don't really trust or like Misumi. I think he has the potential to become the main obstacle that gets in the way of Yashiro and Doumeki ending up together and out of the Yakuza. So I also wouldn't put it past Misumi to recklessly endanger the lives of people he claims to care about.
With that said, I really can't say what the exact reason for him allowing Yashiro to endanger himself might be. I don't think Misumi WANTED Yashiro to engage with Hirata. If I remember correctly, he had some of his own guys watching Yashiro to make sure he didn't do anything reckless, or to endanger himself. He was telling Yashiro to stay put and not go after Hirata, I think? My memory always fails me on these details and I have to go back and look, haha.
As for why Misumi waited years to take Hirata down, I don't really know either. I think, maybe, because while he suspected Hirata as being responsible for Korubane's death, he didn't know for certain, and so there wasn't really anything he could do without causing a big upheaval in the ranks. Though that does sound like a weak excuse, and as you pointed out, Misumi, being so high ranking himself, likely would have had the abilities and resources to expose the truth.
Yashiro did endanger himself specifically to help Misumi, absolutely, while also using it as an opportunity to commit suicide. But that's just how Yashiro is. He's completely self-sacrificial, and it's maybe one of the most tragic aspects to his character. Like I said, I don't think Misumi planned or was okay with Yashiro doing what he did, but then, he didn't do a whole lot to stop it from happening either.
Basically, I think Misumi is a lot more sinister and potentially villainous than people are willing to admit. The way he manipulated Yashiro and trapped him into the world of the Yakuza was horrific. The very definition of cruel. And the way he's acting now, trying to force Yashiro back, has me VERY nervous. I don't trust him at all, and I don't think it would be beyond him to hurt Yashiro in order to keep him for himself.
Anyway, I don't feel like I provided you with any real answer to your question, lol. I'm not sure either on why Misumi waited to take Hirata down. I'm sorry if I wasn't really able to help. I need to go back again and re-read some parts, I think.
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autoplaysdigimon · 1 year
I’m not really one for New Year’s Resolutions, and yet I seem to do them every year. I’m a hell of an optimist, if anything. I guess it’s just a way of trying to get everything in my life back on track at a convenient excuse to do it.
I’ve got a post-it on my wall from last year’s, where I was pretty ambitious about changing my life for the better. It’s pretty similar to what I would want for this next year, so that’s not a good sign, I guess. This time, I think I’d like to focus on what I’ve gained, rather than what I’m missing.
No Zero Days is written up the top, after that one philosophy on Reddit that I liked. I’ve definitely had plenty of zero days this year! But, it’s hard to say I regret them, since most of them have been recovery from one thing or another. Trying to keep my head above water, here.
Learn a new skill. Nah, I haven’t really done that much. I’ve bought a few things to try and learn things, and I’ve been chugging away a little bit at Duolingo, but I can’t really say I’ve learned an actual skill. I did get a minor certification that I’ve been meaning to get, so that’s cool!
okay this one is Doctor Stuff. I’ve made progress in this sector, and I got an entirely unrelated diagnosis about my blood that I wasn’t expecting. (Plus like four or five blood tests about it because idk they just dropped my vial of blood on the lab floor or something, I’m not entirely sure. Didn’t even get a lollipop for it.)
One blog update per month. WELP. That clearly didn’t happen! Damn but I’d love to get back here. just to watch as social media crashes and burns, but hey. I’ve even got asks in my inbox I’ve been meaning to reply to. (I’m not ignoring anyone, I promise!)
One game finished per month. Uh. Well, maybe I’ve finished 12 games this year? Spyro 1, Pokemon Legends Arceus, Dragon Quest 1 both NES and GBC, Pokemon Scarlet, Pokemon UltraMoon... hm. Probably some minor ones during the year that I’ve forgotten. I played Hades for the first time, so that was cool.
One Project finished. That one was a little more vague, and I had no expectation of actually doing it, since most of my projects are over ambitious anyway, but at least I could work towards it a little if I believed, right? The biggest candidate in my mind was a Pokemon one, one that involved sorting specific legendary Pokemon into groups. (I don’t wanna get specific with it haha.) I remember back at the beginning of the year finally getting right into this, thinking I’d finally make some headway on it, then realising that there was a Pokemon announcement due later that very night, and thinking “this is definitely gonna be another new generation just to stuff up my plans, isn’t it?” So yeah I’m to blame for Gen 9 coming out when it did, sorry! I’ve been working on This Thing for the last few weeks in my free time, so that’s been fun!
This one I was sure would be a good one - Create something and put it out there. I was maybe thinking of that Spyro LP I promised, and I did start work on it, but ultimately it never made it anywhere. (Still got the footage, so I can go back to it, I guess.) The closest thing here would be that one Scarlet video I uploaded that was just a clipshow of bits I found funny, so idk if I can call this one completed in any meaningful way.
But hey, I’ve made baby steps. Sometimes that’s all we can ask for.
A lot of this year was just trying to keep afloat, like I said. This year took people I loved away from me, I got into a car crash, I was put into some fucky situations and I cried more than I wrote. I’ve been at some lows this year and it’s fuckin sucked at times. But I’ve also made some interesting progress, and hopefully things are about to start looking up.
I dunno.
It’s midnight here in Aotearoa. Happy 2023!
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dajaregambler · 3 years
AAside - Gyroaxia Band story - Chapter 4 (full)
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Translation of Gyroaxia’s band story from the game ‘Argonavis from Bang Dream! AAside’.
This post contains all parts belonging to Chapter 4.
(Recommendation to read this along the ingame band story, since it’s all fully voiced!)
Part one - “Joint declaration”
-----At GYROAXIA’s sharehouse
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Reon: Kenta-san, have you seen this?
Kenta: What?
Reon: How members of Fantôme Iris are dissing us, and that from there fans started to fight each other…
Miyuki: I saw it too. Like, how Fantôme’s comments started it all, although I’m suspicious if they actually did say that
Reon: I was thinking so too but….
Reon: On the contrary, our fans went out to get revenge after Fantôme’s live had ended…
Kenta: I’m aware of it. I had shrugged it off as baseless rumors that would disappear on their own soon.
Kenta: And then it turned out to be a bigger commotion than I had expected it to.
Miyuki: What’re we gonna do? Are we gonna leave it be or
Kenta: The leader of Fantôme shall be coming here tonight. I intend to discuss what we should do about it.
Miyuki: Haha, always first on the move ain’tcha now
Reon: It’d be good if it didn’t influence the voting for the starting live, but…. today they’ll be announcing the results, right
Kenta: What now, are you not confident?
Reon: That’s not….
Miyuki: Well, I’m not worried about our ranking, it just doesn’t feel too good thinking how these strange rumors still out there
Kenta: I’ll be taking care of it. Leave it up to me
Miyuki: Yeah, yeah. Please do so, Kenta-sensei
----A few hours later
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Felix: ---Then, I shall be taking care of the draft for the statement. Could you verify it for me once I had sent it after returning home as soon as possible?
Kenta: I’m sorry for the inconvenience. I’ll respond as soon as possible.
Felix: I could say the same. Ah… that reminds me, I had forgotten to mention something
Kenta: What may it be?
Felix: Congratulations on reaching first place at the starting live. It’s still an amazing accomplishment, even without the impact of the rumors.
Kenta: Thank you very much. However, I believe that you are not intending to leave things as they are now, right?
Felix: Why of course. We may have ended up last now, but one could say it was a mere warm up for next time.
Felix: It ought to not take long before we get tired of staring down on your backs.
Kenta: …..GYROAXIA will not lose.
Felix: I see… fufu. Now then, I suppose it’s time to---
(Door opening)
Nayuta: Any coffee
Nyankotarou: Nya~
Felix: Good evening, Nayuta. Pardon my intrustion. And hello to you too, you must be Nyankotarou
Nayuta: …..A guest, eh
Kenta: You seem to be well informed, to the point of knowing his cat’s name. 
Felix: Only because I have checked the official blog of your band. A fan ought to know this much, or am I wrong?
Kenta: Haha
Felix: Now, I shall be taking my leave. I would love to sit down and have a nice chat with you when possible, Nayuta
Nayuta: ………
Felix: À bientôt. And to you too, Nyankotarou
Nyankotarou: Nya~
Nayuta: …..What did you talk about
Kenta: I had consulted him about what we should do about these baseless rumors. Nothing that should concern you.
Nayuta: ‘Kay
Kenta: Ah, right there is coffee. I’ll go make some right now
Kenta: (Even though I’m doing everything I can to not distract Nayuta with any unnecessary trouble, it has to blow over as soon as it can.)
Kenta: (If... this would put an end to it, though...)
Part two - “Joint interview”
-----At an office
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Miyuki: Soft and fluffy chairs, some way too delicious coffee…. at last, the kind of treatment we deserve
Nayuta: ….Oi, Sakaigawa
Miyuki: Mh? What’s up, Nayuta?
Nayuta: It’s time. Let’s leave
Miyuki: Eh? I mean sure it’s been a while since it was supposed to start but… wouldn’t it be good to wait for a bit at least!
Nayuta: Tch….
Miyuki: The management of the Fes had set this interview up for us too. Hold it out just for a bit, okay!
Miyuki: Handling advertising is also an important part for the Fes, didn’t Kenta say so too?
Nayuta: Where is he
Miyuki: He said he suddenly had a meeting to attend and is at the office now
Nayuta: ………
Miyuki: I’ll contact the person in charge too, c’mon sit down!
Interviewer: Excuse me. My sincerest apologies for being late!
Shu: So sorry for bein’ late. Was busy with school an’ all that 
Reiji: Forgive us for making you wait.
Miyuki: Eh? You guys are Epsi’s….
Nayuta: ….What’s the meaning of this
Miyuki: Wasn’t it supposed to be Nayuta’s interview today or...
Interview: Huh? Have we not informed you about it? That it’s a joint interview with the frontmen of the participating bands...
Shu: Aah, that’s ‘cuz I asked to not let ‘em know. Wanted to get a good scare outta ‘em!
Nayuta: ….We gotta leave
Miyuki: Heey hey now! This kinda interview isn’t too bad, is it! And it’s not like you speak a lot on your own to begin with!
Reiji: My deepest apologies for spoiling the mood. Ujigawa has a tendency to enjoy pulling suck pranks...
Shu: Aw c’mon, stop talkin’ as if I’m some lil’ kid
Interviewer: We are very sorry for the lack of communication on our part! I promise it will not take too long, so please….!
Nayuta: ………
Interviewer: ----Now then, could you tell us what you think of each other’s bands?
Nayuta: Got nothing
Shu: Eeeh, that’s makin’ me sad. I’mma big fan of Gyro! Nayuta-san’s vocals are a given, but the rest of the band---
Miyuki: Wonder if it’s okay for Nayuta to act like that….
Reiji: Isn’t it more exciting to have an interview with a feeling of tension in the air
Reiji: It’s quite interesting, like Asahi-san himself
Miyuki: Haha… A relief to hear that then
Reiji: ….Speaking of which, that secret live from the other day was exciting too wasn’t it
Reiji: Somehow to the point of Asahi-san collapsing from singing too much….
Miyuki: Hm, aah… that. Yeah, Nayuta just went a bit overboard with giving his all
Reiji: Is his physical condition stable?
Miyuki: All good, good! Not a big deal at all!
Reiji: Then that is fine…. The vocalist collapsing must be undeniably troublesome for the members too.
Miyuki: Well… honestly, what came after that was more troubling than him collapsing
Reiji: Had something happened?
Miyuki: Nah well, it was more silly if anything you know, like a whole coup d’état was being staged! 
Reiji: Coup d'état…. Haha, that does indeed sound quite funny.
Reiji: If you don’t mind, could you tell me more about it?
Part three - “Stand and talk”
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Miyuki: ---And with that, the whole coup fell apart. And one way or the other we all got back together again.
Miyuki: See? Told you it was silly, right?
Reiji: ….It’s necessary for the surprise attack to land its mark, if one wants a coup to succeed.
Reiji: For that moment, you have to bow down to those in power and patiently await your turn to strike...
Miyuki: Uum… What’s that about?
Reiji: ….History that I had learned in class about.
Reiji: Either way, thank you very much for talking with me.
Reiji: We’re respectively having our own fair share of issues due the nature of our frontmen, however we shall be doing our best for the Fes going on forward.
Miyuki: Seriously mature for your age, aren’t you….
Nayuta: Let’s leave, Sakaigawa
Miyuki: Sorry, sorry. Got caught up in talking. So, how did that interview go? 
Nayuki: Dunno. You’ll see tomorrow when we get back
Shu: Nayuta-san, good work. Was plenty of fun to talk with you!
Reiji: Thank you for your time too, Sakaigawa-san. I wish you good luck at the live tommorrow.
Miyuki: Ah, hold on Nayuta! Sorry for this, we’ll sit down to talk again some other time
Reiji: ….How did it go with him?
Shu: Wasn’t fun at all. That mister wouldn’ react at all despite pushin’ his buttons
Shu: Anyway, you seem to have heard somethin’ interesting?
Reiji: Yes. Exactly the kind of thing you enjoy.
Reiji: I’ll go collect evidence from the livehouse and hospital at once. I’ll be able to have it done in a few hours.
-----At GYROAXIA’s sharehouse
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Ryo: Ah, Miyuki-kun and Nayuta, welcome baaack
Kenta: Welcome back, good work today
Miyuki: Huh, you got back too?
Kenta: Yes, it was a simple meeting. More importantly, how did the interview go?
Miyuki: It was… the whole thing turned out different than expected. Nayuta had to do a joint interview with Epsi’s Ujigawa-kun
Kenta: With Ujigawa Shu.... Was there anything strange that happened? 
Miyuki: Nah? It went pretty smoothly, right Nayuta?
Nayuta: Don’t remember. Don’t care
Kenta: Then, that’s fine….
(Door opening)
Reon: Ah, Kenta-san! Did you check online!?
Kenta: What is it, have fans started arguing again?
Miyuki: We commented on it, shouldn’t it have calmed down?
Reon: Not that! Look, it’s about this!
Miyuki: Uuum… “GYROAXIA’s vocalist, Nayuta Asahi has been spotted at the hospital! Troubles arise regarding the continuation of the band”---- 
Ryo: “Which leads to tension between the band members! Are they on the verge of breaking up with LR Fes right around the corner!?”
Miyuki: ...What, what the hell!? Where did all of this come from?
Kenta: I had assumed the possibility about hospital-related rumors spreading but…. not that it would reach about the state of the band itself.
Reon: It’s strange right! And way too detailed! To the point of a coup being mentioned!
Nayuta: ….What’s the meaning of this?
Kenta: I can only think it was one of us that had leaked it. But, how…. doesn’t anyone here remember this?
Miyuki: Think about it, going out of your way to talk about th--
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Reiji: If you don’t mind, could you tell me more about it?
Miyuki: ….Eh? Don’t tell me….him!?
Kenta: Is there something you know, Miyuki
Miyuki: ……..Shit! Sure did it this time!!
Part four - “Reiji’s strategy”
Miyuki: While… Nayuta was doing the interview, I had talked to Epsi’s drummer…
Kenta: The drummer…. Karasuma Reiji
Miyuki: But, we didn’t talk too long ago, and I didn’t say anything about Nayuta’s asthma either!?
Kenta: There was more than enough time to spread rumors online about it.
Reon: It’s about an illness, and with how he collapsed at a live, you can make up as much as you want about it….
Kenta: ….There were a lot of awful rumors about Epsi when they were in Kyoto. How they’ll do anything to crush whoever piques their interest, and the like
Kenta: Which makes me suspect that they’re the ones behind our trouble with Fantôme.
Ryo: Why…. why would they do such things?
Kenta: To cut down the amount of rivals for the Fes…. I wouldn’t know for any other reason why.
Reon: Still, to go like that about it… it’s way too foul!
Kenta: They’re still middle and highschool students, but have plenty of funds and human connections to make use of.
Kenta: An example of what happens when a child who doesn’t know any better becomes drunk on power, I suppose
Nayuta: ……….
Miyuki: Goddamnit….!!
Reon: What do we do? Make another statement?
Kenta: Compared to last time, these rumors aren’t completely baseless. Any wrong moves will increase our amount of problems….
Miyuki: I’m sorry, everyone…. All because I just can’t keep my mouth shut….
Kenta: Apologies are for later. We need to focus on what to do about this right now...
Nayuta: Ain’t gonna do a thing
Miyuki: ...Eh?
Nayuta: We’re gonna rehearse. Get ready
Reon: Is it really fine to just leave it at that!?
Nayuta: Don’t give enough of a fuck to play around with some shitty brat
Kenta: Still… will the fans agree to it?
Nayuta: As if I know
Reon: “As if” you say….
Ryo: Then… wouldn’t it be better to admit to everything?
Miyuki: …..Eeeeh!?
Ryo: Let’s admit it at the beginning of the live. About Nayuta’s illness, and our coup d’état too
Kenta: …..Isn’t that asking to invite even more chaos?
Ryo: It’ll be all good!
Reon: How even
Ryo: ‘Cuz we’ll be doing a live right after it?
Ryo: Once our live starts, everyone’s worries will fly right out of the window and they’ll become happy!
Miyuki: What’s with that…
Kenta: ….I see
Reon: You’re agreeing with him!?
Kenta: Because… it might be a chance to demonstrate our power. Rumors and facts, GYROAXIA’s music will bring it all to the ground
Kenta: If it goes smoothly, we’d be back on track for the Fes...
Nayuta: ……..
Miyuki: Nayuta, I’m sorry…. It’s my fault that your fans came to know about your illness…..
Miyuki: But, it’s as Ryo and Kenta said… If it’s with you…. with our performance, everything will be blown away
Nayuta: Cut it out with the whining….
Reon: You’re so….!
Nayuta: I’m only gonna sing
Part five - “What about it?”
----At the livehouse
Gyro fan A: Hey, did you see it? Those rumors online. Like, “Gyro in a crisis of disbanding” and all… 
Gyro fan B: Isn’t that fake? And, Nayuta’s illness….
Gyro fan A: Yeah but… there’s also how Nayuta collapsed during the last song at this secret live the other day, right?
Gyro fan B: Yeah… and it does seem that the members often fight too….
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Nayuta: …...Listen
Gyro fan A: Eh…. He’s gonna talk? Isn’t this unusual!?
Nayuta: Everything online, those shitty rumors--- All of it is true
Nayuta: I have a respiratory disease. There’s guys that started going on about quitting
Nayuta: But… what about it?
Nayuta: Even if I fall, I’ll sing. Even on my own, I’ll sing.
Nayuta: As long as I live
Nayuta: …...GYROAXIA
Reon: (All you had to say or what… still… it really fired up everyone!)
Miyuki: (Amazing, eh… that it wasn’t “us” either.)
Ryo: (Yeah, this feels nice… everyone looks happy)
Kenta: (Go, Nayuta…. crush them….!)
Gyro fan A: GYROOO!!!
Gyro fan B: NAYUTAAA!!
Gyro fan A: Hey, is that illness part true!? He’s still going at full power during the encore!!
Gyro fan B: The instrumental part was amazing too! No way that they’re breaking up!
Ryo: Aah, how nice… this kind of atmosphere… it’s very happy….
Reon: Haah..haah.. alright! The best performance…. yes… yes!!
Miyuki: Fuuh... for real, he’s some kinda monster... the fact that he pulled off a live beyond flawless
Kenta: You did it, Nayuta…. Alright, time to wrap it up
Nayuta: …….
Kenta: Nayuta….?
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Nayuta: Oi… dunno if you’re here… some damned guy that has the nerve to pull some shit---
Nayuta: Whatever you wanna do, don’t drag me in it
Nayuta: That shit won’t crush my music
Nayuta: Still, you’re an eyesore. Don’t get in my way a second time. And if you wanna keep going...
Nayuta: I’ll destroy you… at the Fes battle
Miyuki: Haha… As if he’s some pro-wrestler
Reon: He.. was considerably angry
Kenta: Really? Isn’t that---
Ryo: Yeah, it’s the Nayuta that we know
Gyro fan A: That was so awesome! But… what Nayuta said at the end there...
Gyro fan B: “I’ll destroy you at the Fes”.... does this mean that a participating band spread rumors?
Gyro fan A: Seriously… that’s straight up awful
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Reiji: ………
Reiji: (Failure, huh… No, they turned the tables around….)
Reiji: (There’s many other bands that aren’t this straight-forward… Well, whether it succeeds or not, either is fine.)
Reiji: (As long as Shu has been entertained)
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our-time-is-now · 3 years
June 24, 2019 (4): Does anyone know how to do injections?
(previous play)
You can find more information about the authors, translators, content   warning and additional information about the plays in the pinned post  on our blog.
Attention! This play includes transgender topics. For more details see our interjection.
Monday, 9:11 pm:
Matteo: *he and David are lying on David's bed* *David has his head on his shoulder and Matteo is playing with his hair* *is relieved that everything with his application has worked out so well* *but then remembers that David had been at the doctor's today* By the way, how was your doctor's appointment? Everything alright?
David: *is happy that they have immediately sent off Matteo's application and hopes that it really all works out the way Matteo wants it to* *briefly thinks about what they would do if Matteo has his job in Berlin but he wouldn’t be accepted into a university close-by, but doesn't really want to think about this right now* *luckily gets distracted from his thoughts by Matteo* Hmm... like always, actually... *hesitates* Well, ... almost... *turns around so that he can look at Matteo and then explains* The next appointment for the testo-injection would be right when we're on holiday... and basically I have three options now: I either go back to Berlin for one day to get my injection, but I don't know if it would be okay to just take Hanna's father's car and if I take the train it would take forever... or I could look for a good doctor there, but I think it would be difficult to find a doctor who is familiar with testo-injections in the countryside... *then sighs and adds* ... or I inject it myself... or you... or someone else... *looks at Matteo questioningly to see what he thinks* *doesn't really know what to do* *would probably lean towards trying it himself but doesn't know if he would really be able to jam a needle into his skin*
Matteo: *nods slightly and is happy that the appointment had been like always* *but then hears his next words and immediately looks worried* *looks down to him when he explains and understands what he means* Oh, okay, that sucks... *immediately shakes his head when David says that he could do it* That's stupid, neither of us has ever done this before... and going back to Berlin also sucks, then you're totally torn from the holiday-feeling... *thinks about what else they could do* Would it be okay for you if someone else did it? You could ask in the group chat... maybe one of them had to do injections before?
David: *nods at Matteo's words* I'm just annoyed because I didn't think of it sooner. But I only noticed when we were talking about the next appointment... otherwise I could have practiced today. Under supervision... *then thinks about Matteo's other suggestion and shrugs* Dunno... who might be willing to do it? I mean, it's not that difficult – you just have to hit the muscle and the one in the thigh is easier to hit than the one in the butt but it's also a little more painful... but the mere thought of having to puncture the skin... *has to shake himself at the thought* Do you know anyone who had to do injections before? Or at least someone who wouldn’t have a problem with doing it? *takes out his phone and opens the holiday group chat* *then hesitates because he's not sure if he really wants to discuss the topic with so many people*
Matteo: *shrugs* No idea... neither of them has diabetes, as far as I'm aware... *then shakes his head* No, no, if something goes wrong... better not. *also grabs his phone and opens the chat* I can also ask if you want me to?
David: *nods when Matteo says that neither of them has diabetes* *hesitates* *shakes his head when Matteo says that he can also ask and says quietly* No, I'll do it... *opens the chat and hesitates again* *then says to Matteo* I just don't really feel like discussing it with everyone and to explain all of it to everyone via text... hmmm... but if one of them says that they'd do it I can text them in a private chat... *eventually starts to type and realizes that he’s a little nervous*
WhatsApp, Team Holidays:
David: Hey everyone, does anyone happen to know how to do injections? I mean, did either of you have to do injections on themselves or someone else?
Hanna: God, no! I couldn't do that!
Jonas: I've never done that... why? What's this about?
Abdi: Do you want to switch to hard drugs?
Carlos: Did Luigi drive you into madness?
Matteo: Haha *middle-finger-emoji*
Amira: No, sorry, never had to do anything like that.
David: I need someone who has experience with it.
Carlos: I could say something dirty now...
Kiki: But you won't!
Sam: I used to have a rabbit that I had to give injections to. I'm sure I could manage.
Matteo: Under no circumstances!
Kiki: I could do some research on it, I'm sure I could figure it out.
Matteo: *sends a shaking-head-gif*
Mia: I don't know anything about it, unfortunately. I'll ask Alex later, he doesn't really read along in here
Sam: Giving injections to rabbits isn't enough? I managed quite well, back then!
Carlos: I'm sure there are people at Zoo Station that know how to do injections...
Hanna: I think you can learn something like that, right? I mean, not me, but if Sam says she gave injections/shots to her rabbit, then it can't be that difficult...
Jonas: Hello? What's this even about?
Abdi: About injections/shots, Brudi! It says it further up in the chat!
Jonas: *eye-roll-emoji*
David: Sorry, Jonas. It's about my testo
Carlos: I see... I thought the doctor does that...
Alex: I can do injections!
Matteo: You do? How? How often did you do it? And why? How long ago was that?
Alex: Umm... I can do injections, isn't that enough?
Matteo: No.
Carlos: Haha, Alex still has a lot to learn.
Abdi: Who will win in a fight: Matteo or Alex?
Sam: Alex
Jonas: Alex
Carlos: Alex
Mia: Alex
Hanna: When it's about David then Matteo.
David: Alex, I'll text you in a private chat...
Carlos: Uuhhh... intimate conversation or what? Don't make Luigi jealous...
Alex: Ok.
Sam: That's mean! I also want to know what this is about!
Mia: Maybe it's simply private!?
Abdi: So do I! Come on, David, tell us!
Matteo: I'm never jealous
Carlos: Sure
Sam: Why private? We all know what this is about
Matteo: Maybe it still doesn't have to be discussed in front of everyone?
Jonas: Luigi is right. If they are going to talk about it in detail not everyone has to know it.
Hanna: Besides, you can also ask David anytime if you have questions! He bites only sometimes :-P
David: @ Hanna: Haha :-P
David: But yes, Jonas and Hanna are right. I'm happy to tell you details in person if you have questions, but I think if we started to talk about it here in the chat then we'd probably still be here tomorrow and my fingers would fall off from all the typing...
Jonas: You can also ask Matteo ;)
Matteo: Better not
Sam: Matteo, Matteo, why so modest?
Matteo: No, but... it's not about me
Sam: So I can ask you questions when it's about you?
Jonas: I smell a trap. Run, Luigi!
Matteo: You can ask anything, I don't have to answer it, though.
WhatsApp, David/Alex:
David: Hey. Sorry to ambush you like that, but I really do need help with my injection. Usually I get a shot of testo in my gluteal muscle every 3 to 4 weeks at the doctor’s office. But the next dose would be right when we're on holiday. Basically, I could also inject it myself... in my thigh muscle, but I've never done it alone and I don't really think I can do it. So if you think you can do it and know how to do it then I'd be really grateful to you if you could do that for me.
Alex: Yes, I can do it.
Alex: I had to do injections for thrombosis. Wasn't that long ago.
David: Really? Thanks! That's really nice of you!
David: For thrombosis the injections also go in the thigh, right?
Alex: Yes, exactly. I figured it out pretty quickly, so don't worry, it's not worth mentioning.
David: *thumbs-up-emoji*
WhatsApp, Matteo/Mia:
Matteo: Mia, be honest: Does Alex really know how to do that?
Mia: *laughing emoji* Oh man, Matteo! Why don't you trust him a little. He wouldn't say it if he didn't know how to do it
Matteo: Yes, you're right. But still... how long ago was it that he had to do injections?
Mia: Not that long ago...
Mia: And in case it helps calm you down: The moment Alex heard that it was about the testosterone injections he opened google. I really think that he would say something if he didn't think he could do it, after all.
Matteo: Oh, that's... nice *emoji that gapes in shock*
Mia: Haha, yes. But don't tell him I told you that, that would ruin his reputation
Matteo: I won't :-)
WhatsApp, David/Hanna:
Hanna: Hey, did it work out with Alex? Could you figure everything out? Otherwise I could ask my Dad again if he knows a doctor in the area or something like that?
David: Hey, it's nice that you want to ask but Alex can do it and will give me the injection! Should he screw it up for some reason, I'll gladly get back to you on your offer with the doctor, but we'd rather not think of something like that, yet *scared emoji*
Hanna: I'm afraid if he screws up then he'll get murdered by Matteo. Then we'll have a completely different kind of problem :-) But I don't think he would offer to do it if he didn't have experience with it
David: Yes, I also think that otherwise he wouldn't have offered it. And it'll be your and Jonas' task to stop Matteo from making Alex and me nervous when he has to do it ;-)
Hanna: Haha, you're really funny. Do you think that we have some magical powers or something like that? Sorry, David, but you chose him, now you have to deal with him. ;-) No, but we'll try, I promise.
David: In most cases I'm really happy to deal with him... but when it's about stuff like this Matteo tends to be overprotective...
David: Don't get me wrong – it's also somehow really cute and I'm really grateful and happy that I don't have to go through this crap alone anymore!
Hanna: Yes, I can understand that overprotectiveness can sometimes be exhausting. But even though Matteo has always been protective when it came to his friends, with you it's something else entirely. It really is adorable to see that. Somehow a completely new Matteo :)
David: Doesn't matter if it's old or new Matteo – for me, he's exactly right! ;-) (Yeah, you can find that adorable, as well :-P)
Hanna: Awwwww. I do. :-)
(next play)
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gallickingun · 4 years
pixxiesdust x kirishima || gallickingun matchups
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@pixxiesdust​ : MOE THIS IS SO AMAZING!!!! Congratulations again!!! I’m so happy for you! Your writing is wonderful and you truly deserve every single follower and so many more. Before I forget, I’m gonna choose the 🌸 emoji for the matchups ^u^ Could I please get a matchup for bnha? I go by Zebra, she/her, and I’d like to be paired up with a male partner c: I love to read and write, make edits, and play the flute! I swim and enjoy eating bubble tea, ramen, and sushi. I love pastel colors, and honestly all shades of blue. alskdjf I’ve never been on a date before •//• but I think the aquarium would be fun, to get to see all the sea animals and stuff! A little about my appearance: I have dark brown hair, but when I go out in the sun, you can see streaks of red in it. My eyes are dark brown as well. I’m 5’2” (a shortie, I know haha). As for my personality, I think I’m generally pretty friendly and can get along well with others! I’m probably an ambivert that leans more toward being an extrovert. I always want to do things well and can have a bit of a competitive streak (though I try not to be mean about it.) And I think that’s it! al;ksdjf oh my gosh I think that’s a lot. Thank you so much for being willing to do these done (and feel free to do mine at the end if you’re getting a lot, I don’t mind waiting!) Love you lots, Moe!
Zeb, you have my whole entire heart! Thank you so much for participating, and thank you so very much for being a wonderful friend and helping me out with bookclub so much! And just in general being a kind, caring, encouraging person that anyone can rely one! I hope you like this 💕
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― I think you and Kirishima both have a wonderful, boisterous energy that could be very complimentary! You would enjoy having a good time together, whether it’s staying in and watching tv, or heading out and doing a stroll through town.  ― Kirishima would be naturally drawn to your kind nature, and it would be easy for you two to go from friends to lovers, as naturally as breathing. Kiri needs someone who he can trust as his lifelong partner, and who better than someone he’s been able to be himself with for so long?! ― You are encouraging, and sometimes Kirishima needs that boost of confidence and reassurance. You’re always there to remind him that he’s a wonderful hero, and an amazing partner.
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❁ Kirishima would love to encourage all of your interests! Even after a long day of hero duties, he’d always ask you what you’d done with your day - had you learned a new song? Had you done some digital design? Was there a new idea for a book flitting around in your head? No matter how many new things you try, Kirishima is always there to support you in whatever capacity he can. 
❁ He loves taking you on spontaneous dates. Once you’re both free for a weekend, he’ll pick you up without telling you where he’s taking you - all he’ll give you is a dress code. Warm, cold, jacket or no jacket, etc. He manages to get you tickets to the zoo, the aquarium, some sports game that you end up eating more than paying attention, and even a musical or a concert. Kirishima loves seeing the way your eyes light up when you get to your destination, and he loves the way you hug him around the neck and hold his hand so tightly for the rest of the night. 
❁ Piggy. Back. Rides. Kiri adores it when you get a little sleepy or a little agitated, because it means he can lean down and scoop you up into his arms, or nudge you onto his back. He’s so strong, and he loves it when you depend on him. It makes him feel very special, and his pride swells when you latch onto him and rest your chin on his shoulder, and his heart rolls around violently in his chest when you press a kiss to his cheek or the crown of his head or his shoulder. Kirishima especially finds it adorable when you fall asleep still clung to him like a koala bear, and he tries very hard not to jostle you too much when he finally gets you home and in bed.
❁ The two of you love to have little competitions going. Nothing serious, because you don’t want to strain your relationship, but this is something that starts out when you’re friends. Who can get to class first, who can make the best sandwich, who can win the most card games, etc. You both love the way it riles you up, getting your adrenaline going, but you can still laugh when it’s all over. The loser always has to buy dinner, but the winner buys dessert. 
❁ Because of his hero patrol duties, Kirishima knows the best hole-in-the-wall eateries. Ramen, dumplings, noodles, sushi - you name it, he knows it. Fatgum teaches him the most cost effective places, and Kirishima makes sure to take you to a new place each month. You have your favorites - the ramen shack just outside of town, the sushi joint beside the bus station - but you’re not afraid to jump out of your comfort zone. And besides, even if you hate the food, Kirishima will eat your plate clean so you don’t have to feel bad. 
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You push yourself further up his back, pointing up toward the sky where there’s a monkey starting to swing around on the vines near the top of the enclosure, “Ei, look!”
Kirishima is careful not to jostle you too much, his arms wrapped firmly around your thighs, the edges of his thumbs brushing against the inner parts of your legs in the most tender way, it makes your heart melt within your chest. He chuckles, leaning into your touch as you brush your knuckles along his jawline, “I see it, babe. Pretty cool, huh? Do you want to go on the safari still?”
“Duh!” You’re a giggling mess in his ear, tucking your face into his neck as he starts the trek towards the safari bus line. With the smallest angling of your face, you’re able to kiss him on the cheek, “Thank you for bringing me here,” you murmur, just loud enough for him to hear, “I know you’re trying to cheer me up.”
“Is it working?” his lips are curled into a smirk turned smile, ruby red irises glinting in the afternoon sunlight. You kiss the corner of his mouth, the fullness of his lips barely out of reach from where you’re latched onto his back. “Of course it is, hero. Thank you.”
Kirishima readjusts you against his hips, securing his hold as he passes through the crowd, “Anything for my girl, yeah? I know this week has been kind of tough on you, and I just wanted us to get away for a day. I hope between the slurpee, the animals, and the safari, you feel at least a little bit better.”
You mock contemplation in your features, tapping your chin with your index finger, raising your brows as you look to the right of him so you don’t break your smooth expression by seeing the humor in his gaze, “I dunno. I think I might need an ice cream cone, and then we’ll see how I’m feeling.”
“Yeah?” He shakes his head, the gruff timbre of his laughter shuddering against your body, making your heart flip, “I think that can be arranged.”
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Matchups Original Post | Ko-Fi | Patreon | Commissions | AO3 | Writing Tag
Please check HERE to see if I’ve done your matchup already. Remember, I will also post your matchup with the tag: “#emoji-matchup”, using your emoji in place of the word, so if you can remember your emoji, you can search my blog for that tag to see if I have completed it already!
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I was tagged by @peanutbutterandgrapejelly. Thank you for the tag, Peanut, this seems pretty loaded, but in a good way, so here goes!!
1. Name 4 fictional characters who showcase your personality the best, with explanations if you want.
Sue Heck! I don't think I let all of it out, but on the inside, I constantly feel like I'm extremely Sue Heck-y, :')
Amy Santiago, in a lot of regards, I'll say. Uh, cares a lot about her friends, ambitious, and would basically die/murder for organization, but also socially awkward and, uh, mostly percepted as a goody-two-shoes. Also, true nerd™.
Mindy Lahiri! (I mean, again, this seems more of a who I feel like I am, and not who I come across as, cause those two things tend to differ on a variety of levels?)
Sam Winchester (you know I had to) Basically, we're both INFJs. I'm not even close to his level, but my brain officially ran out of characters so uh, empathetic, constantly interpreted as "boring" and the "brains", patient, *yearns to settle down with someone they love*, believes in second chances. The whole nine, but toned down XD
2. Aesthetic:
I'd usually have a hard time with this one, but I recently did a long thing about my aesthetic, so! I'm going to say, soft pastel, beige, and shades of white!! A tinge of light academia, but mostly unassumingly modern, and faded rainbows as watermarks.
3. Favorite musical/play? If you've never seen a musical or play, one you'd be interested in seeing?
You got me ~ never seen any. (I mean, school plays don't count, right?) I honestly have a bunch of musicals I want to see, recommendations from friends online, but somehow it always slips my mind. But, off the top of my head, @spot-the-brooklyn-pirate wanted me to check this one out, and I am looking forward to actually doing it sometime: Book of Mormon.
4. What's the best compliment you've ever received?
Mostly, anyone who says I, in any way, made them happy, literally gives me the best compliment ever. And uh, my sister called me inspiring once, and it stuck. When I nagged her into elaborating, she said she thought I was functional in spite of all my flailings, and self-analytic, and it didn't make sense to me, but I still think about that.
And a few people, over the course of time, have named some of my fics as their favorites, and those stay with me for a very long time.
5. How many times have you been in love?
Hardly once. She's still one of the most important people in the world to me, but as somebody great once said, if you don't fight for it, it doesn't count. And we didn't.
6. Embarrassing story or fact about yourself which now makes you laugh?
By far the most embarrassing thing I've ever done, is written a fic on wattpad which revolved around my own life, except for the fact that it really, really didn't. Long story shortened, I was in sixth grade, and had a surface-level-y crush on this guy, and it seemed like a brilliant idea at the time. In the story, we're all in senior year, though the authoress forgot pretty much all the real things about school XD it's not just cringy, but also extremely sixth-grade-y written, and it astounds me to this day that it went on to have like 18,000 views? (I managed to block the entire shtick out, until a few months back, when I randomly remembered and rushed to unpublish the work. *facepalm* it even had all our real names)
7. Favorite Disney/Pixar movie?
This one's so hard. Uh. Ratatouille, maybe?
8. Favorite flower/plant?
I regret having to confess that I probably don't have one :( but hey, my go-to answer for these ones is daisies, because they remind me of the lovely @daisy-jeon <3
9. What's your favorite holiday?
Holi :')
(I miss it being like the older times, though? Somehow it always clashes with my final exams these last few years, and Shelley is often not home, but it still really makes me happy, so just imagine how perfect it used to be, when I was a kid!!)
10. Name three things that made you smile/laugh this past week.
Rewatching The French Mistake!! A really great decision, haha!
The lovely comments an older fic of mine received, (about old Destiel, uwu) since a couple of big blogs happened to reblog it 🙈🙈🙈 and my activity started blowing up!!
A full-blown coffee high, which resulted in me being hilarious through a 98-message monologue to dish, eeeeee!!
11. What song would you play to introduce yourself to someone?
I'd been dreading this question the most, because I'm horrible at remembering good songs when I - need to be. Oofsies.
But I guess I could wing it with 'What About Us' by P!nk.
12. Name something that truly makes you peaceful even at your most stressful moments.
Writing about Character A of a ship going through said stressful moment, and Character B being the best possible responder to all of it. Projection's the key to functionality, kids.
13. What do you, did you, or would you study at college?
Would you, and will you, sound unfortunately like different questions to me, so I'm going to answer the one which is asked. I'd like to major in History, with a minor in English. (And to be crude for a bit, as my sister calls it, thus successfully be left solely employable as a teacher.)
14. This is kind of a weird one, but which outfit of yours makes you feel most like yourself?
My black Avenger's logo t-shirt, with this pink hooded, kinda-down-past-my-hips, not-warm-at-all jacket and any one of my numerous, mwuahaha, grey shorts.
I never said I'd go out of the house in that outfit, did I?
15. What is a quote you live by?
I don't think there aren't any. I'm just here, faking it till I make it. Still, if I had to choose? Misha's "Be Kind to Yourself so You can be Happy enough to Be Kind to Others" is something I aspire to live by.
16. Name the funniest playlist name you have.
I'm sad that I don't have any funnily named ones now. Sorry to disappoint, but I'm hoping that it counts a teensy bit that I have like seven playlists just for background shtuff when I'm working, and they're all named *extremely* similarly, with variations of the word "study" basically, but all have exceptionally different vibes.
But I really am sorry, and I'm going to try and up my playlist-humor-game.
17. Make a reference to an inside joke you have with someone you love with zero context.
'Time for tapwater'.
18. What is a message you'd give your younger self if given a chance?
Don't build your sense of self-worth over the people whose opinions you think matter. You don't have to get everybody to like you. (Oh, and probably don't switch between multiple first-person-pov's, even though you're just writing the most unrealistic self-indulgent fiction EVER.)
19. Who is your favorite family member? (If you have no good blood family members, feel free to mention someone in your found family)
Hands down, my sister. Shelley, didi, @iamcharliebradburylevelperfect, you're like the best part of my life, and you're probably going to be the longest part of it, too. Cause we might not have the best record for funny titles to call each other by, but we still nail the cheesy till the end of the line moments, ;)
20. What's a secret dream of yours?
I, uh. Want to run a completely-revolutionalizing-the-concept-of-education-style school ~ a boarding school actually, with my best friend dish. And as a means to acquire funds for it? We're going to do a whole lotta stand-up. :D
(Oh, and since i've already rambled for at least a thousand words, so what's the harm in a few more? At some point, probably on my birthday, I want to do a YouTube livestream, a pre-planned one of course, and everybody I've ever been frens with, on this dumb, wholesome hellsite???? They're all sent an invitation to join!! And there's nothing to do, really, we just talk and everyone's enjoying themselves, and I dunno, I had a dream about this once, and I've been so ridiculously smitten with the idea since!
Huh, maybe I could rally forces starting now, to make this possible by my eighteenth!!)
If anyone would like to play, these are really awesome questions! @3dg310rdsupreme @mystybloo @thotfordean @bcozwhythefuknot @theninthdutchessofhell @awkward-penguin-in-a-trenchcoat @quicksilver-ships @all-or-nothing-baby @screamatthescreen @telefunkies @elvenlicht @facepalmmylifeu @specialagentrin @noemithenephilim @but-for-the-gods-three-days
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purplesurveys · 4 years
survey by spiritt
Do you play minesweeper or solitare or anything to pass the time? That’s what I did on my old Windows laptops whenever the internet would go out for a long period of time, but I haven’t had to do so in a while now. I’d sometimes play pinball as well, but in the end solitare ended up being my favorite.
Do you believe in life after death? No, I just think of it as sleeping for a very long time which is comforting enough for me to be okay with death. If I think too hard about what can potentially come after, I just get overwhelmed.
What do you think of Oprah? I don’t really think about her in any type of way. I know she had a wildly popular talk show and that she made fortunes out of it and that she occasionally gave out a lot of freebies to her screaming audience from time to time, but other than that I guess I never really cared.
Do you write a lot of surveys or do you just take them? Answered this super recently; I just take them.
What's something you're really good at? Beating deadlines, playing with dogs, and overthinking. Sometimes I do these individually, and sometimes I do them all at the same time loooool.
How big is your bedroom? Not very. I was supposed to have a much larger room in the house, but my sister and I were meant to share it. But after sharing a bedroom with my parents and siblings in our old house, I didn’t want to have to share with anyone anymore – so I called dibs on the bedroom that was meant for my brother; and considering my brother was only 4 when we moved in, it’s not the biggest room in the house. But I took it because I jumped at the chance of finally having personal space, and that’s the story of how I ended up having the smallest bedroom in the house haha. I never saw a reason to complain about it though, honestly...I’m only here to sleep, cry, work, and take surveys. As small as it is compared to other rooms, it provides me with all the space I need.
Do you like to go bowling? I do love bowling. But going to bowling alleys is just so expensive I never really get to go and play a few rounds. And because I’m a bit of a sore loser, I like to keep the bumpers up whenever it’s my turn, ha.
Do you usually remember your dreams? I remember them for a few hours but unless I write them down, I’ll also forget them within the day.
Do you think they mean anything? I don’t think they necessarily reveal a lot; but my dreams are very reflective of what I’m going through and/or my emotions at a given time. So I wouldn’t say they reveal, but rather reiterate.
Have you ever had a crush on a teacher? Yes, but only in high school. In college, one of the professors from the communication research department is super gorgeous and has the most amazing posture and wardrobe, but I never took her classes.
Besides bzoink, which websites do you frequent? Google Suite, YouTube, Reddit, andddd I’ve recently gone back to Twitter because I missed society, tweeting out my thoughts, and being updated with news. Isolation was also starting to not be good for me, so I had to go back.
Who was the last person to come to your house? My grandma and one of my cousins. They came for a quick catch-up and my cousin even got pizzas for us, heh <3
What's your birthstone? Do you have anything with it? Diamond. No, not yet at least.
Have you ever had carpal tunnel? Nope. My wrist has felt exhausted many times before, but I don’t think it was actually carpal tunnel syndrome.
Are you one of those people who is really smart but has no common sense? Hahahahahaha. Yeah I can be, and I’ve occasionally been told that before. I can be a little ditzy, I guess.
Do you think fast? Yes, but I’d rather not. It’s a lot of pressure to think on my feet most of the time.
What browser do you use? Chrome, but I’m increasingly thinking of making the shift to Safari because I’ve just been starting to realize how sleek and clean it looks. I probably wouldn’t simply because I’ve been on Chrome ever since I discovered the internet lmao, but I’ll give it a couple of trials nonetheless and see if I like it.
Are you clumsy? Yep. Tripping is a regular, familiar occurrence.
Paste the last thing you copied. “We were unable to authorize the payment you used to sign up for WWE Network, and as a result your WWE Network subscription has been cancelled.” I’m still figuring out how bank stuff and online payment work and so far no one has wanted to accept my subscriptions. Must be doing something wrong that I haven’t found out yet. I feel welcomed to adulthood, indeed.
Have you ever eaten at Hooters? No. We don’t have them here; but even if we did I dunno if I’d wanna go inside.
Do you like turtles? I certainly don’t dislike them.
Do you have to have goggles when you swim? No. I don’t mind the discomfort tbh, it’s not all bad.
How long can you stay awake? Just a few hours shy of 24.
Where were you going the first time you were on a plane? Boracay.
Do you have a good memory? Too sharp for my own good.
Are you usually more blunt or polite? Eh, I’ve pretty much mastered both. I use either tone whenever necessary.
Does it take a long time to get to know you? Except in the case of this blog, yes.
Is there a specific historical period that you're interested in? Anything but the Middle Ages; for some reason I find that particular period very uninteresting. The whole thing about the knights and peasants and land and feudalism just never grabbed my attention.
Tell me something funny that happened today. I went to PhilHealth today to get my ID and was super excited to take another step into being an independent adult and getting to stuff another Grown-Up™ ID in my wallet. The ID I got is nothing more than a flimsy fucking piece of paper. Barely an ID. This is also the same health insurance corporation whose higher-ups were discovered to have stolen P15 billion from the people’s funds, so. My country never disappoints; a comedy show through and through.
Do you know anyone with a really obnoxious laugh? No.
Do you hold grudges? Yes.
How much was your allowance when you were a kid? P100 a day back in high school.
Can you do push-ups? Very shakily.
I usually assume people online are girls. Do you do anything like that? ??? That’s weird, but okay. Also no I don’t generalize like that.
When you were growing up, did your family move around a lot? Only when I was an infant, so I don’t even remember those times at all.
Do you use public transportation? No. I would if they invested in it and improved on it, but I don’t see that happening.
What's your favorite punctuation mark? I don’t have one.
Have you ever had surgery? No.
What's something you're really proud of? The way I’m slowly learning to be independent. Life-wise, singlehood-wise...it’s terrifying most of the time and I still break down at least once a day. But I’m still alive and doing this survey and breathing, so I must be doing something right. Here’s to feeling and getting better; I know I want to get there.
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ciestessde · 4 years
Author's Note
Well, after over a year of “helping” her -- after hiring professional editors and everything… Tess has decided to post our story FOR FREE.
… And I can’t even really blame her. Not with everything going on. She’s always had a soft heart, despite what she may think, and something on this scale… It was only a matter of time before she tried to do something to ease other peoples’ pain.
*sigh* Welp. I should probably introduce myself officially. I’m Noctu, Ciestess’s… “sibling” I guess you could call me. I’m an energy being that shares her physical form and travels with her through dimensions. I’m also one of the narrators of the story posted below.
“Crossroad of Infinity: Origins” is our way of introducing ourselves to you: Ciestess, the owner of this blog; Noctu, me; and Xihrae, a lovably annoying bastard you haven’t had the (dis)pleasure of meeting yet. Part 1, “Alone” focuses mostly on Ciestess herself. Part 2, “Family,” focusing on yours truly, will be the next in the series. Then Part 3, “Friends” will wrap things up with the story of how Xihrae came to join our group.
One chapter of Part 1 will be posted each week, most likely until all 28 chapters are available (unless Ciestess changes her mind, but I doubt I’ll be able to convince her). If you do wish to show your support through money, you can buy the book on Google (or through Amazon, but, for reasons explained in a previous post, Google is preferred). You can also donate directly to us through Tess’s Patreon or Ko-fi.
With all that out of the way, Pleasant Reading
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
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Ok, let me admit something right off the bat: I’ve wondered more than a few times whether I actually remember anything about my early childhood at all.
Yeah, see, I might’ve just made it all up from pieces of different lives I’ve lived in other worlds. And since I can’t go back and check, I’ll probably never have an answer, either.
But the early childhood I’ve “imagined” is real enough to me. And it was pretty good. I think my parents both cared about me, that I never went hungry or was abused, and that I got to do a lot of things I loved. Sure, my parents were a little over-protective, and they didn’t understand me, like… at all.
But it’s not like they could have, anyway.
I dunno. Maybe it’s just the rose-tinted glasses, since I can’t actually remember things like what their jobs were, what their names were, what they looked like… But what’s the point in questioning it?
I just… I can’t see the point in fighting or fearing what I can’t change. I never have.
And if it makes me happy, then I REALLY don’t see the point!
And remembering the good parts of my homeworld? THAT makes me happy! So I’m going to start off this tale by indulging myself.
Now, I only have the memories stored in the First Memory Crystal to go by. Which, yes, is vastly better than my “memories” of my early childhood, but I wasn’t exactly expecting to continue living after dying in my homeworld. So, while admittedly better (and I’ll give a brief “thank you” to Noctu, that loveable pseudo-demon, for showing me I remembered more than I realized), my memories of my homeworld still aren’t all that detailed. Also, my homeworld was ruled by vastly different laws of physics compared to this world, so, while I’m going to do my best to explain and translate, please keep those things in mind, haha!
First off, we didn’t have a name for our world, per-say -- at least, not one I can translate beyond “our world.” So I’ve chosen to call it “Illunira.” After how it glowed.
It was cold. There was no sun to warm it -- in fact, there was no outer space at all! Instead, the heat from the center of the planet spread to the surface through lava, and our sky looked out upon a different dimension. Plants grew in that lava, and our sky- that dimension? … It looked like a prism.
There were no seasons. No day or night. Instead, we told time by the changing of the crops: the Planting, Growing, Harvest, and Rest. We sowed our crops in spots where large amounts of life-sustaining, silver-colored lava came to the surface. I’m going to call these “volcanoes,” but they didn’t erupt like the ones here do. They only spilled out and bubbled with lava. Our cities and towns formed around these volcanoes. However, never too close. Too close and we burned.
Well… some of us.
There were three species of intelligent beings: the Anima, the Florus, and the Symbi; and the Florus were able to live closest to the volcanoes, as they were plant-like beings (though, of course, sentient and mobile).
I say they were “plant-like,” but… Illunira’s “plants” more resembled flexible crystals than any vegetation from this world. But, unlike crystals, they glowed with energy siphoned directly from the lava. They were what transformed that energy into something that could sustain life -- much like how plants here do with sunlight. And this was how the Florus “ate” -- directly from the lava. However, since they lost the energy they siphoned rather quickly, they could never stray far from a source of their “food.” (In this way, perhaps they were more like reptiles that couldn’t let themselves get too “cold”?)
In contrast, the Symbi, clusters of single-celled beings that worked together to form larger “communities,” stayed far away from the blustering warmth of the lava. It would easily kill some of their members. Far from being crystalline, the Symbi were more like living, coordinated plasma; they only had a solid form or shape when they wanted to. And, as I understood it, it took quite a bit of effort to do so. So they rarely did.
The Symbi gained energy from… … Huh. Y’know, I don’t think I ever saw them feed -- but then, how could I? They were far too small. They almost seemed self-sustaining, in that way. Although I know they couldn’t have been.
The Anima, essentially humanoid beings, were something between the two. We were beings that couldn’t feed from the lava, nor get too close to it, like the Symbi. We held a more solid, crystal-like structure like the Florus, yet we also flowed with formless plasma internally, allowing us greater freedom of movement and separation from our energy-sources than them. We seemed able to feed off of almost anything that wasn’t the lava itself: smaller creatures, the “plants,” and even some… I’m honestly not sure what they were, but there were these floating, excess energy… things that we could absorb.
… Perhaps that’s what the Symbi ate…?
Regardless -- All of us glowed. All of us lived together, fed one another. Ruled over and under each other. All of us had souls. And, when our bodies inevitably died, all of us became the Dead Ones.
The Dead Ones... those whose physical bodies had died, lived on as beings of pure energy in the outer atmosphere -- inside the divide between Illunira and the dimension surrounding it. Though, only for a limited time. Only until their energy ran out.
This dimension I call “Prizmal” because it looked -- and still looks -- like a prism from a distance. Some believed Prizmal to be the afterlife, while others insisted it was what fed the planet’s core with energy. Either way, only the Dead Ones -- who had solely prizmal bodies, without any material elements -- were allowed to travel there. Anyone else would die so far from the planet’s heat.
I know because they tried, once. How could they do that, you may wonder?
Because we floated.
We weren’t tied down to the land. All of us: Anima, Symbi, Florus -- anything that wasn’t a plant -- floated and flew.
Because everything that lived there was only ever half-made of matter. And the other half was energy. So we floated.
  I said everything glowed, but it wasn’t a bright place. On the contrary, it was quite dark! But that darkness just made every light seem to shine that much brighter!
Small animals would skitter across pools of silvery lava, sparkling against it and any other reflective surface. Sometimes you’d see a light come up from under the non-glowing, pitch-black ground to reveal a tiny nose. Or you’d see a mass of similar-shaped flames rushing in one direction and, on closer inspection, realize it was a herd or pack of some larger creatures traveling together. Sparks would flicker in the sky, alone or in droves, looking for smaller sparks to swallow.
All of it against the empty darkness of the ground below, or the shattered, diffused light of Prizmal and the Dead Ones above.
Darkness and light extending in every direction, like a sea of living and moving neon signs on a starless night. Everything glowed. All so many different colors.
… I miss how colorful it was there.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
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notfighters · 4 years
Favorite Musings Challenge!
As writers, we’re usually our own worst enemy. However, there are times where we just read over something we wrote and acknowledge “Oh...that’s good.” and you may or may not end up restructuring the whole reply to fit that one line just cause it was so good, and you spend hours trying to make it work haha...ha.
Anyways, go through a few of your threads/replies/drabbles/any piece of writing you got. Pick out 5 of your favorite lines that you’ve written for your character(s), and in turn tag 5 (or however many others you want) to do the same!
Repost, don’t reblog. And I’m linking my threads/fics to where these lines came from but you don’t have to do that!
tagged by: Stolen from my rwby dash tagging: @thestupidmeanone, @loksenna, @mcrcenario, @perpetualxfire, @abitofafatass, @shotgundammit because I dunno if Ash is checking the bug blog
1. Doyle, from a fic posted on ao3
Things aren’t wonderful right now, but for the moment, he can stop worrying and at least pretend that they are, just for tonight. He’s just happy to have her back, happy that she’s alive. They can worry about the mercenaries and the rebels and the war in the morning. For tonight, it will just be them, and no one else. Right now, he supposes that they’re both in their “happy place.”
2. Emily, from a thread with @britishbountyhunter  on her old blog in her Mad Doctor Grey verse
“Well, it would be just inhumane to cut you open with no anesthetic!”
3. Doyle, from a fic posted on ao3, please note the trigger warnings in the tags
Tell people whatever you like. Tell them the truth, tell them I was too weak to go on, too selfish to live without the woman I loved. Lie to them and tell them the trauma of war took its toll in other ways and I wasn’t strong enough to take it -- well, that part’s sort of true, I suppose. Or don’t tell them anything. It doesn’t matter in the slightest.
4. Emily, from a fic posted on ao3
“… do you remember what I told you when I first diagnosed your condition?” she asks simply, tilting her head as she smiles at him. "That unless the growths were removed, or he returned your affections, the disease would become fatal?”
He nods, but doesn’t say anything. He just coughs again.
“Locus and his soldiers killed so many of ours, and would have killed so many more. He plans to kill so many more. We can’t even really be sure that he and his comrades didn’t orchestrate General Brackett’s death. Locus turned his back on us. On you. He never cared about you. I know that that hurts to hear. And I never want anyone to be in pain. It’s not your fault that your emotions and your illness got the better of you, or that he manipulated you so terribly. And I couldn’t be more sorry that that happened to you. But he intended to see you dead.”
The general coughs again, trying to politely cover his mouth and looking away, embarrassed, as he fails. A few more petals and drops of saliva and blood splatter down onto her hand. She, however, continues to speak, as if she didn’t notice.
“And if you let those parasites remain where they are, then, technically, he still will kill you. You will either drown in your own blood as they continue to damage and eventually rupture your organs, or you may get lucky and choke to death before that! There is no alternative. Whichever course your illness takes, you will spend your last moments in immense pain, and utter terror, as you will no longer be able to breathe. Or, you can let me remove the growths, and repair the damage, and you will be able to see him brought to justice for what he’s done.”
5. Doyle, from a fic I haven't finished yet
Emily’s face flickers in the front of his mind, framed by black hair that always rested in choppy, uneven layers whenever she wore it down, because she cut it herself. Her ever-present smile and her wide eyes, sunken into their sockets and rendered dramatically shadowed by dark circles in the corners by her nose. He had never been able to decide if her eyes were hazel or gray. They seemed to change with the light, or just depending on the day. He’s always loved her eyes: he has such trouble making eye contact with most people that the eyes he does manage to look at always stick out.
There hasn’t been light in them for years, not like there used to be, before all of this. But that had come with the war. The lifeless eyes and the… admittedly sometimes unsettling smile and the random giggling and the asking “huh?” aloud when no one had spoken and the talking to herself, they had all come with the war. As time had gone on, as the casualties had mounted and she started to run out of blood and bandages, and the corpses had started to pile up… he hadn’t been able to see the cracks until they were too deep to fix.
Honorable Mention: Emily, from a fic I haven't finished yet that was inspired by this ask from @thestupidmeanone
She can’t stitch her face up again with her fingers gone, just like she can’t do anything to stop whatever is hacking off her fingers like cuts of meat at a butcher shop.
She can’t save herself.
She can’t save anyone.
She’s useless.
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fatebreaking-a · 4 years
In an effort to not spam the dash. I wrote all these at 4 am so they may not make sense. Go find your section underneath:
( @sacredtempest , @sparrowofthesands , @hacion , @tidal-wanderer , @fxlgurkinesis , @hugefy-me / @darkseraphscorner​ )
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You’re a nerd, ilu. Your support of me over the years has been a blessing and the fact that even though we RP less ( kind of? D&D hype-! ) we’re still chums is... well, it’s nice. Even though your dreams of Fieram being a real boy scare me. :T But your creative mind and your unique aesthetic taste is something that shines through, as is your sass.
Listen, the octagonal house still doesn’t make sense, okay. It doesn’t.
Not a lot I can say to someone I spend 3 hours with a week and sometimes talk to late into the night as well. You’ve seen my lows and my highs, and we’re still riding this ride. Thumbs up. You’re pretty hella. 
dang dude that’s a lotta hearts. So listen, even though we don’t RP a ton together, you’re someone I see as consistently decent. And so while I appreciate your support of me ( a whole bunch, seeing you be like ‘tall sona is good sona’ is delightful ), I also really appreciate that I can kind of count on you to just be a decent person. Not a perfect person, not a saint-like person, but a decent human being. Someone who tries to help others, cheers them on, etc etc- I’m always hoping for the continued success of your charity streams. The ‘outward looking’ attitude you have is really nice. You’re good people, trying to do what you can in the way that you can. It’s cool stuff. Also being the ‘beach episode’ to your ‘zombie apocalypse’ was pretty fun, honestly. I still cackle at it. ( Also your other blogs are pretty cool too )
me, having flashbacks to the 5 part saga of our characters and their friendship, cool dancing moment ( still an all time favorite for moments with a lot of depth ), betrayal. Also your strong inspiration for my own portrayal of ‘Lista... I weep. So good. You were my benchmark.
Listen I think you’re pretty great. I’ve known you since you were a little sproutling, but having reconnected with you now? It’s been so good to hear about you spreading your wings ( or branches, for the sake of the analogy ). and to see you grow as a person. A couple years ago, I had the distinct feeling that you were someone that I ought to just... hope for the best for. That you were really on your way, and all on your own, you’d end up being amazing - I just had to do my duty as your older friend and watch ( and give a thumbs up whenever you looked my way ). Maybe that was arrogant or condescending of me. I dunno. But!
You did. You’re pretty amazing. You’re doing great things, but you’ve also grown a lot. You seem... not only more mature, but more confident in yourself, but you haven’t lost sight of yourself and the things that are important to you. You still seem as genuine as ever. I can’t put my finger on it but, talking to you now...
I’m just happy for you. It feels like watching the neighborhood kids grow up. I always have your back if you need it, you know I’m in your corner if you ever need anything. Oh and ofc, thank you for your kind words and I’m glad you approve of my various portrayals :^)
Also we should talk about my revamped OC except superhero because someone needs to bug Helen.
First of all, obviously, thank you. Second of all, Peachieeeeeeeeeeee...
Aaaaah. Really, thank you. For you to approve of my So/na means a heck of a lot ( I still remember the So/na server w/ you & Tea and a bunch of other people tbh ). 
Third of all, let me just say that I adore your interpretation of Nemnems. You mix a curiosity into poise that works delightfully well, and it’s a treat to just keep an eye on. Also, since I have a moment to say it - I’m glad you’re finding new comfort zones and setting boundaries more. Seeing you stick up for yourself more- It’s just good. It’s good to see that because it also feels like, ‘wow ok I’m not the only one, I’m not being a petty complainer’. Anyway all of this is meant to really mean ‘I appreciate you’, because I think you’re pretty delightful. I hope we can stay cool mutuals / peeps in the future and if you ever need someone to wave a flag of support, I gotchu. Anyway, bottom line: Dang, you’re neat, and thank you. 
fxlgurkinesis :
You are so fucking nice I almost can’t believe it, what the heck.
Okay let me rewind that. First. Thanks! Writing with you is an absolute blast, you’re real neat to talk to, and the angst we pour into everything is pretty A+. Also tearing out your heart with cosmic Ori content heheheheh. I’m glad you like our interactions and also that So/na is neato to you.
Okay now it’s compliment time again. So I repeat, what the heck. So, before your hiatus, I did kinda skulk around and cheer from afar and sometimes send you nice asks but... I mean, we didn’t know each other. Ofc. The strange thing was that everyone seemed to be absolutely thrilled with you. ‘Oh but that’s just because I’m popular for some reason?’ No no no no. Nope. I mean everyone was thrilled by you. I’ve never heard anyone say anything bad about you ever to the point where I went “ok so is this person a literal angel or what?”
Turns out you’re a literal angel.
It is so unbelievably rare to, unprompted, hear someone say nice things about another person. It just is. While people love to talk to each other and talk about various things going on, it’s rare for someone to mention an outside party and take the time to just praise them for no reason. It doesn’t really happen... Except when you’re involved, apparently. No joke. I can mention it without revealing who said nice things about you but- Really, that’s a sign that you’re spectacular.
And I agree. You’re super easy to talk to but I can also trust that you’re genuine and I hope you don’t ever feel pushed around by me! That and you just taking the time to talk to me even though we didn’t know each other much when I was struggling, your constant support.
Heck. You’re great and you should know it. 
Listen. Well, first of all: Hey thank you. That you like me writing is pretty darn rad.
Okay now listen. Listen, listen, listen- There’s such a small space to exist in that is simultaneously serious and silly without toppling so far in either direction that it becomes impossible to recenter. Too much silly and you won’t be taken seriously, and vice versa.
Somehow, somehow, you’ve managed the astounding feat of writing Lu/lu ( bless her heart ) as both of these things and still maintained a balance somehow. She can be both serious and silly and people don’t double take or misread her. And you’ve done that while also setting up ‘sunday traps’. 
Huh? It’s genius, right? It really is some kind of incomprehensible genius that puts your Lu/lu in such a unique position.So, let me also say that I so appreciate your portrayal. Not only for this weird balance, but for the refreshing cheer it brings to my dash - it really just seems like you’re having fun, and that’s so nice to see. You’re a delightful presence on the dash and also sorry for getting tired / running out of time and dropping small interaction threads with you literally constantly.
haha I’m pretty cool aren’t I. nice job, me. 
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trubilee · 4 years
7 min freewrite pray
hmm. the memory logging has been unexpectedly v physically tiring.  i’ve been sleeping more than usual, and i guess my body manifests more of my subconscious than i would normally be aware of in years past.  (the body keeps the score, as everyone recs--i’m never going to read that book, i say, but i know now to not say “never” about stuff anymore.)  
it’s true, i did the deep dive, i faced the truth, as much of it as i could find anyway.  a lot of it was freeing.  so demystifying and it tickled me how different it looked in real life compared to in my imagination.
and seeing how time passes, years pass, and now everyone is in these 33s and 34s and whatnot, just overwhelmed me.  and the thing i was writing felt really quite foolish.  why am i revisiting things that are objectively so small and insignificant?  felt so foolish.  so much of my time is me feeling like gahhhh this is such a stupid idea.  etc.  and i was talking to paul about it and he talked about how when he did his map tracing thing just the other day he felt the same way, haha.  but he thinks that it’s not foolish for me to do it, it is good that i do it, he thinks that i should do it because i, he, anyone, just has to keep doing it and practicing doing it without being even if you’re afraid that it’s bad (and also, for me, stupid and insignificant and embarrassing and pointless and all the pathetic things) and you just have to keep getting stuff out and yes this includes the bad stuff, you have to keep getting the bad stuff out, just keep at it.  it’s good to do it.  bc that is how you will get good.  (i think that’s what he said?  he’s on a work call so i can’t ask him to clarify and jog my memory.) 
i asked if he had watched and was he talking about the christoph niemann abstract episode that i finally got around to watching on GJ’s blog yesterday.  bc it was like the same exact idea.  and yes he had watched that when it came out, and no he was not talking about it but yes exactly that’s what he did and stuff.
anyway.  i still feel so awful and foolish writing this--i say foolish bc it’s less harsh sounding than stupid, but what i really hear in my head is that it’s stupid and pathetic and just self-indulgent in the most pitiful insignificant way.  what i hear in my head also, esp. after the deep dive that i admit was not the best thing to do probably but i did it anyway since i was on a truth kick, is that i am all these pathetic things etc.  oh my quivering ego.  i thought it had been destroyed in the fire but i guess that sometime after the spring rain and sunshine it sprouted up again and grew since then.  eh.  
i will write it.  i will try to be honest and not serve myself in doing so.  how do i take my ego and defensiveness out of it when i do it though?  again, it all feels so stupid ah.
i also talked to paul about how sort of gaping it feels to once value and ache for a thing so much and then one day, most often after your first baby is born, find yourself not value and ache for the thing anymore.  how disconnected and--like i’m in pieces or something?  but that now that thing had been replaced lately by this other thing now that we are, as i mentioned before, in my 33s and 34s, and only climbing in age.  and i revisited the whole question of what do you think your purpose is, what would you want to be remembered for when you die, and we exchanged our answers of the moment.  it’s still unresolved.
oh, and we talked about how it’s harder as you we get older to really find your identity in God.  like, oh so that’s what the pastors were talking about.  about the “world” and all that stuff.  i dunno.  i wondered why it has been hard for me lately haha.  to just say “yeah.  i am loved by God.  what more is there to say have to present about my worth, my being?”  yeah i dunno.  the past few months i just have not been there.  
i’m also reading a book on grieving.  it’s pretty good so far.  i like it.  called scarred faith.  haven’t visited those questions in a long time.  i guess it sort of touches on my whole “what is life” bent lately.  also i’m always scared of what could happen.  
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steve0discusses · 5 years
Yugioh Ep 24 S3: Blimp’s Ultimate Form
So, I realized as I sat down to the blog today that I’ve been doing this for like...a year and half now? I think? So I figured...how many of these have I MADE? Cuz I thought...I MUST be getting close to the 100th recap pretty soon, and guys, the answer was shocking.
This is, in fact, the 121st recap (including Season 0). That is a LOT of content. I don’t think I have that many pages for my own webcomic (which basically only tells you how long and physically exhausting the drawing process is more than anything else). Along the way I realized I was a.) really bad at numbering episodes, and b.) reaaaaally bad at spelling Kaiba at the start of this series, really cringey how I used to spell everyone’s name, I can’t really look back there.
Anyway, in case you are curious, the 100th episode was the “Pharaoh turns Karibo into a rainbow for some reason” episode. So, unfortunately it wasn’t that extraordinary. I forgot to write down which episode was 69, which is a colossal failure on my part.
So that being said, this is the last episode of this arc! Honestly, this arc could’ve been a lot shorter because at this point the only resolution left is for Noah to be a decent person once in his life and for Kaiba Sr. to die (which he’s already done, so...mission already accomplished)
Noah recently came on the PA system to inform us that he accidentally decided to kill everyone (congrats, recently reformed Noah), and so he’s going to do the decent thing and let them know where the exit is without actually doing a damn thing to make a portal to get them to said exit.
Guess where the exit is?
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I don’t know why the hell this show keeps going back to the local Dave and Busters where Tea got attacked on a dance machine.
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At this moment, Gozaburo decided to turn into some sort of giant red ghost devil.
Yes. Exactly what it sounds like.
Apparently this was a thing he could just do this entire arc.
(read more after the cut)
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The fact that Seto’s Dad can just morph into a giant red demon is like...not even a problem for anyone on this cast. He literally goes back to his side of the field and goes right back to playing cards. Cuz youknow. Cards.
It’s basically a "Anyone with a millennium item can shoot lasers but never actually does” but demon format. Gozaburo *could* turn into the hulk but like...why?
Meanwhile the rest of the cast are playing cards against the card monsters, that are really just 3D models that Gozaburo had on file. He could have used...literally anything to throw at these people and he went with cards. He could have just dropped a boat on them but...I dunno, maybe he didn’t know where the boat folder was.
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Yugi trying really hard to not acknowledge the annoying as hell Joey face and give it any more attention than it already has.
Tea and Serenity scramble to the exit largely unscathed, dragging Tristan with them because he is too small to hold a card hologram and is too monkey to be at all useful back on the front lines.
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And they just wake up. Just like that. Just like they woke up from a simple nap or something.
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And voila, Tristan is no longer a monkey, his brain is back to normal, the writers were like “we really have to focus on Noah right now, please forgive us if we just pretend line all that brain damage Tristan went through, his brain being 5 DIFFERENT PEOPLE at the same time, having his brainwaves turned into an actual monkey, and then back again within the space of a few hours- just pretend he’s fine now. 
It’s fine. Tristan’s fine.
Tristan wasn’t really...all that bright to begin with so...he’s fine.
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And so, as our B team is getting back into the real world, Noah sees this little post-it note on the side of his computer that says “PS, Yugi is a main character and must be present for the finale although he will serve little purpose there” and so Noah pressed that intercom mic button to say:
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And it’s at this point that Noah says “I’ll just make you a portal and warp you right there” and then I guess everyone standing around Noah kind of looked at eachother and was like “NOW you do that? NOW? AFTER the chase through the monster copy-paste factory?”
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The show is desperately trying to convince me that Noah is now fully a good brother but ehhhhh he’s not. Like, I’ll be honest, they give him the best send off they could have possibly given to such an irredeemably evil character. Like, Seto himself is such a bag of pistachios that you really have to stretch Noah pretty far into evil territory to make Seto look like the good guy in comparison, and it sort of made me not really buy this whole Noah redemption arc.
It’s more like a prequel to a redemption arc that apparently won’t even happen in this series of Yugioh. He comes back at some point, and I only know that because I had to do a google image search of this kid for some reason and it was like ah, yeah, this is definitely a screen cap of a later, glossier looking Yugioh. But, for now, I’d say that Noah’s arc isn’t so much about him coming closer to his family or turning towards the ‘light’, as Pharaoh put it last episode. It’s more about Noah finally letting go of his Father, which should have been the arc of Seto Kaiba.
Instead, Seto did absolutely nothing to let go of his Dad, to the point that Seto is now fighting a computer that just kind of looks like his Dad during a missile strike aimed at Seto’s own face, and Seto did not stop till he won, because of his own damn pride.
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Like I think I mentioned this in the last recap, but if they wanted to have Seto show any changes in this arc (which he hasn’t done) then he should have walked away. Instead, he’s very clearly still using his past trauma to fuel the obsessive reasons why he’s playing cards in the present.
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Oh, and PS, Yugi’s here, I don’t know why he is, but it does make for some good scenery shots for the commercials so you know, why not.
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Gozaburo decides it’s about time to turn into a 50 ft rage monster, and he pushes them to a ledge. Ah, dangerous ledge trope, it’s been a while.
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And, finally, as was hinted basically since S1, Yugi gets Seto to jump directly off a ledge of a very tall structure. It finally happened.
Don’t think about it.
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And into a portal? That gets them to the exit? Like y’all...this is a kid’s show and all so I shouldn’t question any very convenient plot devices but like...what?
Anyways, they’re fine now, don’t worry about it.
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And so, now for a brother pow-wow between Mokuba, who is either still very, very much in Stockholm Syndrome Territory or maybe just doesn’t know that Noah dropped a rocket on his face while Moki was AFK.
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And so Noah walks off into the fog cloud because he is the only person on this entire show who would rather die than share a brain (and you know Moki would’ve been down. Moki/Noah as the next Yugi/Pharaoh could’ve been a great thing but youknow, also very much way too complicated for this already complicated show).
It was very melodramatic.
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And TBH, I will miss Noah a little bit, he had a fun, insane sort of snobby sass, but I can understand why they might not want to keep even more villains around on this show that is already like...dozens of villains, just so many villains.
Anyway, remember that they woke up in a lab and not in a blimp, so they still have to like...get off this damn boat.
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Lol nearly forgot this was an anime. Glad Noah got a magic girl moment before he kicked it.
Also, I’m pretty sure it was shirtless Noah in this glowing yellow farmer’s tan that got this episode flagged for Adult Content when it was still in my drafts folder. Tumblr’s bot got super excited to shut this one way down lol.
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And then what follows is like one of the best animated loops in Yugioh. One so good that you bet your ass I clipped it to view for my own leisure.
Mokuba, sensing he’s slowing down for no reason makes the mistake of telling his brother “I’m not going to make it” and so, as an unsuspecting Duke Devlin reaches out and says “grab my hand,” Kaiba does...THIS
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when the entire time Kaiba was strong enough and had enough jumps to do THIS
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Like he could have easily picked up Mokuba but youknow, any chance to throw a kid at Duke Devlin’s face shoe-first, I guess.
Maybe this is why Moki wears a puffy vest?
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And so it was here, as the flames encroach on my wonderful blimp baby that I was getting ready to say goodbye, but guess what, she ain’t dead because...of a completely insane reason we’ll get to in a bit.
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Oh, and PS Kaiba’s Dad is a flame monster now. Because of...technology?
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It’s probably supposed to be metaphorical flames but youknow, apparently Kaiba had the foresight that someone at some point would become a flame demon and try to devour his entire blimp, and so he made a feature you can add onto what ever blimp you decide to buy from him just so you can outrun fire people attacks.
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And it turns out Blimp was the real Magical Girl all along.
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Blimp lore is getting pretty wild y’all.
Imagine playing cards on it now...
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And then everyone collectively decided that Noah WASN’T DEAD. It was very unhealthy! Thanks 4Kids!
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The irony about this exchange is that it is Bakura who is the one who’s uploaded to a flash drive, not Noah--Bakura is on a flash drive around Yugi’s neck but they have never discussed this. Like I’m pretty sure no one even has still picked up that Bakura died and that’s going to be the thing I look forward to the most next episode. If they even address it. Which they might not.
And so, Kaiba looks at the wreckage and the rocket parts that he now has to explain to the UN (and probably not for the first time) and he says:
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And thus ends the Kaiba’s Kojima-esque War Crimes arc.
Oh man, next time we get to go back to Marik.
Man oh man.
I don’t even REMEMBER what was going on in that arc guys. It’s been like...man.
I might have to read my own blog to refresh myself haha, I honestly have forgotten a lot of details.
Anyway, in memory of when the blimp still looked like a blimp, I guess this is the last time I can ever post this song:
And here’s a link to read these recaps from the beginning in chrono-order
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standfortheangels · 5 years
Instructions: Always repost with the rules, answer the 11 random questions left for you, and leave 11 more for the people you tag!
Tagged by: @illicreatxm
This got long so I’m going to stick it under a read more ^^
1. If you could write any canon character, which would it be and why?
Hm. I’m not sure. I have roleplayed a couple of canons before, but I find it harder to keep the muse for them. I could probably do Elsa okay, I could jump between her locked in the castle personality and her open, welcoming character post-film, which might help, but the inconsistencies in her Over-powered Powers annoy me, so I think I’d add a few limitations in there.
2. Favourite Disney movie?
Maybe Aladdin because Robin Williams is of course amazing and so perfect in that role~ Ohh but there’s also Atlantis.. And Dumbo! Aw no... Let’s just call this my top three before I get carried away >w>
3. Least favourite MCU character?
I haven't seen the more recent ones, so, I can't take into account characters like Thanos or Dr. Strange or, whoever else they've been bringing in. So out of what I've seen, I'd have to go with Bruce Banner/The Hulk.
It seemed in the earlier films that they didn't give much attention to Banner. They were all over using the Hulk to make bits interesting, but Bruce was boiled down to "quiet smart guy who CaN TuRN inTo THE HULK" so, yeah.
And the hulk himself later did like a 180° change for me. In his stand-alone film I think Hulk says like 3 words, maximum. Then rarely talks in his appearances in the other avengers brand films. Cool. We had "Puny God" and that was a-okay. One short, memorable, funny quote seems perfect.
But then what was all that when Whedon got his hands on it? (I mean don't get me started on that, I am really reigning myself back here but) They start off needing ways to calm Hulk down enough to get him back inside and give control back to Bruce, fair enough. But then like... He winds up not letting go of Bruce's body even though he isn't enraged anyway? And suddenly he's emotional enough and smart enough to take- what was it a plane? And seperate himself off from everyone and look all solemnly at Natasha before he does it or something?
Obviously my memory of it isn't great, honestly I stopped paying attention after Natasha's "I'm a monster- not because I was raised in a heartless environment full of violence and raised to literally kill people, that bit's whatever- but because they took away my fertility and now I can't have babies." speech. And that's the last MCU film I watched. I didn't want anything to do with them after seeing what Joss Whedon did with the characters and the overarching plotline and... Everything. x') So I might have gotten some of the hulk stuff wrong.
(I did watch Deadpool though, that I enjoyed~)
4. If you had to create any new character, what occupation would they have?
Ooo good question.
I think something proactive, where they could seek other characters out, but.. I'd kinda like a bad guy~ Someone who lies so much for their job, they have a dual personality to work with. They can be your smiling friendly neighbour, wishing you well on your holiday, then turn around and grit his teeth because this poses a major problem for his mission, and he can't lose his target, so now he has to follow, but he can't do that as your happy neighbour, no, you know he isn't going on holiday, certainly not today, not on your flight, not to the same ski lodge you're going to. No, he has to make a new cover- maybe say his neice phoned him with a family emergency and he'll be leaving to go be with her a while. Then shed this identity, find out where his target is going, quickly pose as some other tourist who blends into the background and get to the lodge first, all the while planning out some plausible skiing accident he can set up.
Wow that got more detailed than I expected x'D I think I just reinvented hitman, whoops.
5. Favourite sport?
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[Image ID: Kiki from Kiki’s Delivery Service, laughing hysterically.]
My biggest concern when I'm on my feet is not falling over so, obviously sports aren't really my deal. x')
I used to swim a lot when I was a kid, I loved that, but, don't do it now.
And I'm not really into watching sports either tbh. Most of it seems over-hyped. Most football teams (real football, it is not soccer. The hint is in actual football, the ball, is hit, with your feet. Picking it up and running with it and then sometimes kicking it does not qualify as football, come on USA. Your thing is closer to Rugby than Football.)
Anyway most teams aren't much better or worse than any other if you actually watch objectively, which makes it look like they both suck because they're too well matched to score goals more than once in a blue moon.
Rugby I don't really understand the appeal of either. Scrums are weird and it wouldn't be entirely bizarre to see a guy walking away from the game with blood down his face and an ear in his hand. You'd almost expect him to stick the ear on ice and be back in a few minutes with his bandages on.
Really the only sports than interest me are the gymnastic types. Ice skating is good for a while but it can start getting dull if you don't have people willing to break the mould a bit. (Which is why I absolutely love the free skate bit. Where they aren't being scored and they just do whatever the hell they want, omg I live for that)
Floor routines are awesome, the pommel horse and rings are usually a little samey for me but the one with those two bars at different heights, that's fun to watch~ there's a little more variety there.
(And I don't wanna hear anyone in the replies saying these aren't sports, every example there including figure skating is a separate event in the Olympics, so. There.)
6. What’s your dream car?
I don’t really have one. At this point in my life I don’t actually have the option to learn to drive so I haven’t really thought about it. My only criteria is, it has to have a nice face. x)
Since I was tiny I have always seen cars as faces. The headlights would be eyes, and usually the number plate would be the mouth, but some cars have other stuff like a grill that might be the mouth instead. So like...
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This would be a grumpy car with a pig-like nose and frown.. Actually those look like jowels either side of the mouth part. It looks kind of like a bulldog. X’)
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And this would be a happy car. That black part around the number plate it wide and smile-shaped, and the headlights- rounded on top and straighter on the bottom, like the little creases we get when we scrunch up our eyes laughing~
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This car looks like someone just said something really stupid to it, and it is not impressed, and lets the silence hang not knowing what to say.
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Happy car
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Terminator car
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Happy car but in a mean way.. Like it’s on its way to cause mayhem or poking fun at someone. You get the general idea -w-
7. A movie that you think should have a sequel?
Hmm... this is a toughie.
8. A movie sequel that you think should be deleted from existence?
I don’t remember which number it was or even the title, but the Shrek sequel where Shrek like, hates having kids so much he makes a deal to change time? And Fiona winds up as like a vicious warrior leader because no-one ever saved her from the tower, and rumplestiltskin is in it? What even was that...
9. Design your dream outfit using this game ?
I wouldn’t say this really is my dream outfit, but from the options on offer~
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(also discounting the enormous hair bun >w>;)
10. Favourite fairytale?
I’m not sure if this actually counts as a fairytale, but I love the story of the jolly roger. That classic skull and crossbones flag has a story behind it that a lot of people don’t know.
In a nutshell, a man (i guess a pirate) develops an intense crush on a young woman, who is about to get married. But just before her wedding, she dies. She is buried, but the man doesn’t take death for an answer. He digs her up and has sex with her body. When he’s done, a disembodied voice speaks to him, telling him that he has basically impregnated this corpse, and to come back in nine months.
For some reason, he does. He digs up the woman again. And sat below her pelvis is a small skull and two bones. The disembodied voice tells him to take these bones with him on his ventures, and they will bring him luck.
It’s bizarre, and kinda gross, and.. I dunno if being rewarded for sexually desicrating a corpse is the best moral? x’) But I was amazed when I heard this story, because I’d had no idea there was this whole tale behind the flag~ and I still love that it exists~
11. Create an avatar of your favourite muse using this creator? ?
First, it’s so cruel to ask me to pick my favourite child how dare you >w> haha
I went with Chester though because he’s the one I’m usually most connected to.
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I can’t think of anyone I want to tag right now (at least not anyone who hasn’t probably done this already), but I’ll put the new 11 questions for anyone who does feel like doing this~ :) __
1. What’s one thread/plot you really want to do that you haven’t had chance to yet?
2. What is the reason for, or meaning behind, your blog icon?
3. Do you have any pets? Tell us a bit about them!
4. What is one thing you would never want to change about your appearance?
5. There is an ultra secret spy group, and you’ve just uncovered their existence. Now they say that you must either work for them, or they’ll find a permanent way to keep you quiet. What kind of work would you offer to do for them?
6. If you met your muse in real life, how do you think the two of you would get along? (multi-muse blogs, pick one of your muses at random.)
7. You have been given a huge budget to remake one film in your own vision. You can change anything, add anything, choose the cast, you have no limits. What would you do?
8. What is one skill you wish you could automatically master?
9. A genie offers you a deal. An unlimited lifelong supply of one food of your choice... But, you have to sacrifice your ability to chew. Does any food still tempt you?
10. What do you think is the funniest animal?
11. Share one memory you have that makes you happy to think about~
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yoshimickster · 6 years
RETURN OF THE RWBY MICKSTERECAPS-(Rwby Volume 6x01 “Argus Limited” spoilers)
HEY EVERYBLOODY-sorry I’m a day late, went to a punk show and got home around 2 AM-EITHER WEITHER-let’s get to the show!
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A niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiice and snowy landscape, *SIGH* so peaceful-BUT SUDDENLY-
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0:28 First rule of Rwby, any scene that starts with a train is gon’ have SHIT GOIN’ DOWN YO!
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0:32 See that? Giant fluffy Manticore Grimm-BUT THAT FUCKER GETS SLASHED-
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0:38 I love the smell of Grimm dust *SNIIIIIIIIIIIIIIFF* smells like victory-BUT THEN-
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0:45 A WILD WEISS APPEARS-all smilin’ and KICKIN’ ASS!
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BUMBLEBEE-fighting together with absolutely no awkward tension between the two of them at a-PFFT-HAHAHAHAHA-oh I couldn’t say that with a straight face, but seriously they’re in a better place than last season. ALSO-
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1:05  TEAM JNR-fashionably late as always, the sassy bitches.
And everybody just starst BLASTING THE SHIT OUT OF GRIMM-Ren sniping with knife guns, Jaune blocking with his shield, and Nora just doing her thing-ALSO-
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1:17 FIRST RENORA MOMENT OF THE SEASON-at least ONE section of the shippers will be sated...although I DO find it weird how the two haven’t kissed on screen  yet, I mean like why not? They are UNDOUBTEDLY a couple now, what they tryna hide? Its kinda like how in a lot of Shonen manga when NO official couple kisses on screen, just odd to me.
Everything’s going fine...well fine for battle standards-UNTIL-
Damn Miles has some pipes.
Everybah starts RUNNIN’ to the tunnel-BUT-
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WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWeiss gets suckerblasted by one of the manticore Grimm-IS THIS HER END?! 
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NOPE-almost girlfriend to the rescue! AND THEN-
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WOO-that was one god damn minute and a half, like seriously! After that triumphant scene I’m sure we won’t transition to something absolutely horrifyi-
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2:23 Jeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeesus Adam, you do NOT take getting dumped lightly do you? Ah well, at least he has that expensive chai-
2:32 *SLASH*
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DAMMIT ADAM-what’d that chair ever do to you? Could’ve at least sold it at a Pawn shop, got a couple hundred Lien I’m betting, absolutely wasteful, SHAME Adam-SHAME! 
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2:44 THE TRAIN STATION FROM AVATAR THE LAST AIRBENDER-but in the fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuture! Nah it ain’t, but it TOTALLY looks like that right?
Qrow than gives a shameless recap-I MEAN-reads his own letter that he’s sending to General Ironwood(he probably wrote it drunk so I’m betting he was checking for spalling erors...don’t you JODGE me) which he ends with-
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3:43 “See you soon, bro”.
BUT THEN-a wild Ruby appears, utterly excited that her train’s coming up so she could get out of that god damned train station! I understand her antsyness, the wait can be a NIGHTMARE!
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Well that hall way has enough space, I’m sure Ruby can just saunter on over to the gift shop-
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...or use her semblance and dash on over there like a crazy person. One of these days your gonna HIT someone young lady-GAH!
Team...RWBY...OJNR...Ruby O’Junior, yeah let’s go with that, then has a short moment of shooting the shit.
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Heh, look at these two, fussing over gifts-PROTECT THESE SWEET BABY CHILDREN AT ALL COSTS! 
ALSO-a random Nora Beach fantasy!
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...that apparently leaked its way into reality. Oscar H. Pines, Nora is so thirsty to see Ren in a swimsuit she alters time and SPACE!
BUT-just when you thought everybody is completely happy about this-
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4:31 WEISS-casually reminds everyone how hard it was for her to escape her abusive father, and how this is hard for her-CONTINUITY!
After Ruby than gives the obligatory pep-talk-WE ARE INTRODUCED TO-
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-Dee and Dudley, two corrupt pro-huntsman who try to shake down Ruby O’Junior, one of whom is JUST 2 weeks from retirement.
They also condescendingly tell them they’ll give them extra protection if they pay them...did...did these idiots NOT watch the news?! THEY’RE PRACTICALLY A SUPERHERO TEAM!
AND NOW-the greatest Rwby Reaction pose of ALL time-
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THIS right here, THIS is art.
Qrow than shows up and GIVES THEM THE BUSINESS! No-one tries to shake down HIS kids! 
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Look at Dee’s dumbfounded ass face after talking back, this is Qrow fucking BRANWEN mother fucker! Now go lock that gate that Adam sneaked into!
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5:48 Oscar: I’m sure glad its our job saving the world and not theirs.
Jaune: Yeah, now if ONLY one of us didn’t hide a billion secrets from all of us because reasons.
Ozpin: Okay let me at him.
After that, everyone in Team Ruby O’Hara is READY to go, except for Blake which Weiss points out...in the best way possible-
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5:55 Weiss: Just waiting for Blake, as usual.
HAHA-she abandoned her team for months on end.
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6:02 Blake saying good-bye to her almost-ex-girlfriend Ilia, and its just SWEET.
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6:24 WHOA-that’s a little forward Ili-
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6:25 Ooooooooooh that was DIRTY Rooster Teeth, YOU KNOW WHAT YOU DID! DAH-but its still a cute good bye-ALSO-
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6:55 BEST BOY SUN WUKONG-here to say good bye as well!
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OH-and Neptune’s here too. Hi Neptune, still living under that idiotic lady killer facade?
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Neptune: OH...I didn’t know Ilia was gonna be here.
7:22 Blake: Wrong tree.
Sun: Yeah teaching him gaydar is one of many many MANY reasons I gotta rejoin my team.
The two than have a nice heart to heart about where they’re going in life, Sun needs to go back to Vacuo to be with his team he LITERALLY abandoned, Blake needs to save the world from a Maleficent cosplayer, they’re just passing ships in the night and it comes to a head...when Sun says this-
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7:55 Sun:I GO WHERE I’M NEEDED...and...you don’t need me anymore!
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Blake:...well when you say it like that it sound sad.
Aw man, sad Blake ears.
Sun(paraphrased): Despite everything I had a lot of fun but-
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-you’re with who you’re supposed to be with now.
Bumblebee shippers will interpret THAT how they want to and I. Do. Not. Blame. THEM!
Sun and Blake than finish off their good bye saying they’ll probably see it again(and by probably we know definitely because COME ON Michael Jones is one of the heavy hitters in Rooster Teeth). The good bye then ends-
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-with a cute Blacksun peck on the cheek. Feel conflicted about which ship for Blake is better yet? If not, you haven’t been watching this show so...what the hell are you reading this blog for? SHORT CUT TO-
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Neptune: I dunno man, it feels like your just letting her go.
Says the guy who can’t stick to one crush for more than five seconds. Notice how he didn’t say hi to Weiss? Because she’s logically MAD you blue haired Lothario!
AFTER THAT-there’s THIS little scene:
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Sun: Now that your leader’s back and hardened from battle, I’ve gotta focus all of my time on getting you boys ready for the wastelands.
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Anyone else think Neptune’s sigh might mean something more than just annoyance? I know Sun said his team was okay with the small hiatus, but what if they weren’t? Also maybe he was insulted by Sun implying that his team was just standing around without him, that while Sun was going on his adventure time standed still with them. Sun’s a good kid, and was mature enough to let Blake go once she got her real team back, but even to his own admittance he’s not the best leader. Just saying, food for thought.
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9:05 A nice snowy train where nothing bad is gonna happen. And INSIDE THE TRAIN-
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-a totally not-suspicious looking Maz Napata from Star Wars meets old lady Katara from Legend of Korra who will TOTALLY not interact with the main cast...totally. BUT-enough about that-BEHOLD-
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9:22 ALL of team Rwby sleeping in a bunkbed room like the good old days-HUZZAH! But all is not well AS THERE IS ALSO-
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SUPER AWKWARD TENSION BETWEEN YANG AND BLAKE! But nah, Yang tells Blake that while things are weird and it’ll take a while before things get back to normal, she glad she and her posse are back together which PROMPTS-
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THIS cuteness, which Whiterose shippers will interpret how they will.
Either way its TIME TO PLAY VIDEO GAM-
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DAMN that was a tough crash, it made Qrow lose his usually iron grip on booze! A THEN CUT TO-
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...the...beginning of the episode...yeah I don’t know why they wrote the story like this either, I guess to start the season with a bang in showing how team RWBY is back in sync but I dunno.
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But hey don’t worry, DEE AND DUDLEY are on the case, and I’m sure it TOTALLY doesn’t matter that Dee is two weeks from retirement!
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*GASP* I am truly shocked. You shall always be remembered Dee, as a creepy weirdo who tried shake down a bunch of highschoolers for money.
THEN fighting fighting fighting, AND THEN-Dundey remembers he’s a security officer in charge of a high tech train!
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I show four pictures here to point out that that WHOLE sequence took less than a MINUTE! Its like WE GET IT Rooster Teeth, you have an animation budget now! 
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It also activated the turrets which take out ALL four of these Grimm, which I’m SURE the boss Grimm won’t notic-
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12:46 Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhit it  noticed. It tells the lesser Grimm to attack the turrets and...oh god I found this by accident but it must be shared-
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And as to be expected knocking out the turrets didn’t JUST take out their defenses-
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But ALSO-put the passengers in danger. Its like, use the turrets some Grimm die but they’ll attack the train more, DON’T use the turrets and they’ll attack anyway with less dead grimm, its a total catch 22!
Obviously bad-ass Qrow Branwen realizes and gets his TOP GUY TO STOP DUNDY-
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...Oscar...desperate times I suppose.
Dundey like an idiot DOESN’T listen to the logical decision to turn off the glowing red fuck me spots for the Grimm to hit, and even MORE idiotically-
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...decides to hang from the SIDE of a train going into a tunnel....instead of finding a way to duck...how many good Huntsmen/Huntresses did Salem’s unnamed faction kill, because I can’t help thinking he and his late partner were scraped from the bottom of the barrel.
BACK in the train, everyone’s as completely calm as they possibly could be.
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14:19 Qrow: I SAID, turn those damn things OFF! *SLAM*
Seriously, in this situation Qrow is SUPER calm, I’d wanna kick his ass too.
Ruby then ACTUALLY calmly asks the guy to turn off the turrets(she’s got resolve of STEEL that one) AND THEY COME UP WITH A PLAN-to use a combo of Jaune’s Aura-booster powers and Ren’s emotion mask powers to mask the train. A plan that I’m sure will go off without ONE hit-
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15:32 Oscar: I’m afraid there’s one complication.
Son of a god damned bitch Oz, I SWEAR TO GOD!
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“The Grimm are also attracted...to this.”
Logically team Rugby O’Shaunnesy is as pissed at Oz as the fans for putting everyone in danger without telling them because he’s a mysterious wizard.
BUT-they gotta stay on task and kick Oscar in the nuts later, THEY MUST SAVE THE PYORPLES!
Sadly, they realize that they have to seperate the car with the passengers masked by Ren and Jaune, from the one with Team RWBY Qrow and a dumb old man in a child’s body. The two teams have to say good bye.
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Jaune: Only if you’ll promise you’ll meet us there.
Ruby: Promise.
Weiss: Just know it’ll probably take a LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONG time for us to get there.
Qrow: I estimate about 12 to 14 epis-I MEAN days.
Team Bad-name-pun then SPRINGS INTO ACTION-getting all the passengers in the front car-
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-including this one bespectacled passenger who will in no way affect the plot in any way no and forever QUIT ASKING ABOUT IT!
Blake then cuts the cable cars-BUT SEES-
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GAH-stalker much? I can’t believe Adam followed them-OR DID HE-
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Is it actually Adam, or PTSD induced hallucination, FIND OUT NEXT EPISODE!
And what’s cool about the next sequence is that it needed NO explanation, you get it obviously from what you see.
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Rubes gets JUST enough of a signal from Nora-
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-so the MOMENT the Grimm land-
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-they start the maneuver.
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No real comment on here other than how I LOVE how the black and white color palette over-takes the colored train car.
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And dear GOD there are so many great Grimm-kills here, so many I’d be here ALL day cutting and pasting every single one so I’ll just put the boss take down-STEP ONE-
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Yang slides herself to the back-
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-Blake THROWS it to Yang-
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-tying that greasy Grimm in PLACE-WHICH WEISS CONTINUES-
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-with a classic “Freeze that fucker’s wings off attack”(with assistance from Ruby and Qrow of course for shattering said wings)-and then Uncle and Niece-
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-get they scythes in gear-
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BUT-the beast lets out ONE last fireball knocking them off track and....EVERYONE IS OKAY-incluuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuding-
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-THIS LADY-whose name I’ve read is Maria Callavera! Turns out she WASN’T just a random side character, I couldn’t tell with how HEAVILY lampshaded it was!
AND THAT’S VOLUME 6 EP 1-a fantastic start to the season with AMAZING action and animation, and great story-progression. Minor criticism, I still feel they didn’t need to do a “Something hours earlier” thing with the train battle, they could’ve easily done the story in sequential order and it would have worked just as well if not better. BUT-I still loved it and I hope you did to. If you liked what you read, consider donating to my Paypal on my blog page, I’d appreciate it. SEE YA NEXT WEEK ON MICKSTERECAPS!
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totaldramafan-lauri · 5 years
Gee, it’s swell to finally see my Tumblr friends....
So, uh.....um......Remember how I said that I’d be on here more when I got my new laptop....?
I guess I have some explaining to do.....
First off, I’m sorry that I poofed for so long. I don’t really have a good explanation for it. My new laptop has been treating me well (besides the fact that it hates Twitch, and ONLY Twitch, for some reason, so I had to get the mobile app for that) and I haven’t really been super stressed at all save for some sleeping problems that only started this week, so....how do I explain this? XD
I’ve still been active on Discord and have been liking things on Twitter, but Tumblr, I just....didn’t have it in me to blog. And with every day, my dashboard would just get fuller and fuller, and I lacked the willpower to look at it all, so I stopped.....
I have NOTHING against Tumblr, or any of you reading this. I’ve just been distracted.....more distracted then I have been in years.
I’ve been introduced to this new show, and.....well, yeah, you probably know where this is going. New character obsession. A BIIIIIIG one. And just so you know, this happened way back in, like.....June? But I was able to keep it together and hide it for a while, mainly due to Spla2n, but....after Final Fest was over, there wasn’t anything more I wanted to TALK about.....
.....I didn’t wanna think of anyone else but him....and I KNOW that’s embarrassing, but it’s true! This is yet another case of a character that checks SO many boxes for me....part of me felt awful for moving on from Max quicker than I expected, but Max made me laugh when I was forgetting how, so I’ll always like the guy......but THIS.....this is a whole other level. This brought me back to early 2016......except this time, it’s mixed with FEAR, in the best....possible....way.....>/////////<
So why didn’t I feel like sharing? Well, here’s the thing.....
.....The show.....isn’t out yet.
It’s an indie project that’s taking a lot of time to make. I’ve been exposed to it due to finished clips, streams, fanart, streams, and *twitch* more streams.....>///////> But yeah, the pilot’s not finished.
So....that’s why. I didn’t wanna jump to conclusions when it’s not out yet. It looks really good so far, but at the same time, I’m REALLY not wanting to get my hopes up about this being a new special interest. For all I know, it could end up disappointing me. As for That Guy, well, my feelings for him COULD persist through that, or it could just fizzle out if the whole thing ends up not being my cup of tea. I dunno. I’ll never know until I watch it.
All I know is that at the moment, I’ve got it BAD, and being addicted to watching the streams, combined with that caution that I don’t wanna gush about something not out yet, is the main reason I hid it for so long. XD
But today, I finally got that motivation I needed to come back, in the form of another, much more recognizable, character, and.....here I am! Hopefully for good this time! Haha!
So, I’m sure you’ve heard this story over and over again, but I’ve gotta gush, so gush I shall!
(Spoiler warning for a new movie)
YES, I saw the Steven Universe movie, and YES, I LOVED it!!
(I also JUST saw it, so this is from someone who has it fresh in their mind, just a heads-up:)
It exceeded ALL my expectations! The songs are spectacular! I love when songs can enhance the emotion of a scene rather than act as filler, and lemme tell ya, that’s what we got here! On top of just being good dang songs! Easily some of the best in a show’s history!
And the villain, oh. My. God. That villain. Spinel is the most I’ve enjoyed a single SU character EVER, in just ONE movie, whereas my previous favorite character Garnet had the entire show to be awesome. What can I say? I’m a SUUUUUCKER for crazy villains!
Competent! INSANE, yet competent! And entertaining as all HECK! Her first scene, her introductory song, just MMMM, talk about grabbing you right from the start! (Also best song in the movie, just try to change my mind) Poofing three main characters like it’s nothing, just giggling, GIGGLING like a madwoman all the while, even while being sliced across the face! That kind of villain from THIS SHOW!!
And and and later on, we find out that she wasn’t even MADE to fight! And yet she made it work!! She took abilities meant just to entertain and ended up being threatening! She’s a jester turned evil mastermind!!
What more can I say? SHE’S! SO! FLIPPING! COOL!
....And yes, her backstory is heartbreaking. But it doesn’t take over her entire character for me. She was still entertaining even after I started feeling sorry for her.
....Um, um, what else? After all, Spinel wasn’t malicious and crazy the whole movie.
The idea of Gem amnesia was really interesting, and I liked seeing how it played out! And I like how the Diamonds are clearly still learning how to be empathetic, and....
.....THE SONGS! I can’t praise the songs enough! Every scene that hit me hard - Pearl and Garnet returning, the new fusion, Spinel’s backstory, that awesome final fight - all hit SO much harder due to the songs playing alongside them! And Bismuth’s solo too! Her voice is so good! <3
But let’s be honest, Spinel made this movie. Even when she was amnesiac, she was cute and funny and all.....but her scenes at the beginning and end were the most memorable parts for me. Even when she was overcome with rage, I loved EVERY. SECOND. she was onscreen. And I really do hope we see her again, even though....it won’t be the same, since she got redeemed.....I’m happy she’s happy, but will she ever be as fun to watch again? Eh, at least we got this movie.
Props to the team for making such a good movie with such good songs and such an entertaining, unforgettable villain.
Geez, every time I think I’m done talking about SU, it keeps finding ways to top itself.....and here I thought Change Your Mind would be a hard act to follow....
.....Am I done? I think I’m done.
So yeah......I found something to tide me over and bring me back to rambling on Tumblr! Woo!
The pilot of my potential new show will be out sometime next month. Until then, I’ll try to make talking on here a regular thing again, and if not, reblogging Spinel stuff and checking my dash again. I probably won’t be checking it aaaall the way back to when I stopped, though.....I’m probably just gonna start anew.
Again, sorry for my absence~
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