realniklauss · 1 year
e-Tips de Salud nº 304: Vino tinto para matar las bacterias de las encías - #VinoTinto #Encias #Bacterias #Gingivitis #Periodontitis - #eTips #eTipsDeSalud #Medicina #Ciencia #Actualidad #Consejos #Salud
e-Tips de Salud nº 304: Vino tinto para matar las bacterias de las encías – #VinoTinto #Encias #Bacterias #Gingivitis #Periodontitis – #eTips #eTipsDeSalud #Medicina #Ciencia #Actualidad #Consejos #Salud
Cedido By Copyright © 2022. Ediciones de Salud, Nutrición y Bienestar, SL Vino tinto para matar las bacterias de las encías. Estimado Lector, Si disfruta del placer de una copa de vino tinto de vez en cuando, la próxima vez que visite a su dentista puede decirle orgulloso que ha estado trabajando concienzudamente para prevenir la enfermedad periodontal (enfermedad de las encías).Según los…
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katiajewelbox · 1 year
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In honour of Mother's Day in the USA and many other countries today, here is the enigmatic mother of Allen and Celena Schezar, Encia Schezar. 
We don't know much about Mrs. Schezar apart from her identity as a mother and that she loved flowers and nature. She was very devoted to her husband Leon Schezar and kids. Losing her husband and daughter is implied to have caused her untimely death in the anime. Her absence still haunts Allen in the story of Escaflowne.
I feel that Encia represents the “ideal woman” in the patriarchal Asturian culture. She seemed to have no desires or ambitions beyond supporting her husband and children and appeared to be very traditionally feminine in her appearance. 
This Picmix portrait features official animation art from Vision of Escaflowne along with my original composition.
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kindabizarreart · 1 year
Finished that sketch of my OC today :D
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You know originally this was just supposed to be a quick pose study, but it turned out to be a finished drawing lol
I would've drawn the lines I usually include in my finished drawings but I was too lazy lmao
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sailor-plut · 10 months
fui al dentista despues de mucho tiempo pero fue mas como en hellraiser
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shuttershocky · 2 years
Silverash family road trips be like
Enciodes: Ask me why the Doctor calls me babygirl.
Enya: No, Encia don't–
Encia: Yeah what's up with that?
Enciodes: OKAY SO—
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ayasenisan1713 · 7 months
Ah, right, Raon was flustered at least two times during this mission.
Encia’s first words to Raon: You are so damn handsome!
Federick’s request: Show me a smile.
And then his face turned red…
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lesbiano-idiota2 · 26 days
Low cost soft horror: cada dia me levanto con mas dolor en la mandibula sólo para descubrir como se me estan apiñando los dientes por esas muelas de mierda que me los estan picando desde abajo de la encia.
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lovebatty · 9 months
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El joven Romantic encontró su uniforme y se lo puso, asegurándose de enderezar su corbata previamente saliendo de su habitación, buscando por todas partes dónde podría estar su rosario rosa antes de ir a desayunar.
Romantic: Ayato-kun, ¿puedo entrar?
Preguntó él antes de pasar por la puerta.
Ayato: Claro, entra ahora...
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—Cuarto de Ayato—
Ayato espero jugando con sus encias y miró hacía la entrada de su habitación, encogiéndose de hombros al mirar entrar al niño tan vestido.
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Ayato: ¿Qué pasa, Chibimushi?
Dijo, con una sonrisa juguetona aludiendo al apodo que le había dado hace tiempo ya, provocando risas en él, más en el recién llegado no tanto, quién seguía angustiado de no encontrar su amuleto.
Romantic: ¡N-no es gracioso!
Romantic: Por cierto, ¿sabes dónde deje mi rosario?
Ayato: ¿Tu rosario?
Preguntó con una de las cejas arriba de la otra, sentado en la parte superior del sofá y con las piernas cruzadas mientras miraba al contrario.
Ayato: ¿Para qué? ¡¿Eres religioso o algo así?!
Romantic: No realmente, es un regalo de mi madre...
( 💗 )
Susurró las últimas palabras que menciono, acomodándose los lentes mientras hablaba con el chico recostado en el sofá y quedándose parado en el mismo lugar sin querer moverse demasiado a los lados.
Romantic: Pensé que lo sabías, Ayato-kun, lo tenía conmigo desde la primera vez que llegué a la mansión.
Ayato: Hm, no sabía que eras tan niño de mamá.
Ayato: Entonces… ¿Cuál es el propósito? ¡Dime!
Romantic: Lo uso como protección...
Ayato: Proteccion de...
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Ayato se preguntó nuevamente, ahora recostado en la cama con ambas manos detrás de su cabeza, mirando hacía el suelo con cierta confusión pero sobretodo credulidad.
Ayato: ¿Lo usas para protegerte de qué? ¿Te asustan los demonios o algo así?
Ayato: Como si un rosario me diera miedo.
Romantic: Para nada, el rosario se utiliza para poder rezar ayudándote de las cuentas que tienes, normalmente para las causas difíciles.
Ayato: Bueno, ¿y si Dios no te escucha?
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Ayato dibujo una sonrisa pícara en el rostro con completo descaro, al mismo tiempo que continuaba mirándolo con una expresión seria y con un ligero aire de suficiencia, como si estuviese a la defensiva por las “creencias cortas” del muchacho.
Ayato: Me sorprendería mucho si realmente se preocupa o escucha las súplicas de la gente.
Romantic: B-bueno, no lo sé. Yo–
Ayato: ¿Qué? ¿De qué te sorprendes tanto?
Romantic: …
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Una vez que estuvo fuera del sofá, el pelirrojo se burló entre carcajadas. Después se volvió hacía el niño, lo levantó y le acostó debajo de él y sobre el sillón, mientras lo miraba con esos ojos codiciosos suyos.
Aquellos orificios tan enormes, simulaban esmeraldas tenues que dejaban libres a cientos de mariposas por su cuerpo saturado, tratando de forcejear con la poca fuerza que tenía, sin éxito.
Ayato: Te lo digo, Chibimushi, ¡a Dios no le importan tus oraciones y cosas así!
Ayato: Ya sé. Se me acaba de ocurrir algo bueno.
Romantic: ¡N-no!
Ayato no pudo hacer mucho más que mostrarse con seriedad, una sonrisa suya fácilmente transformándose en un cierto jaleo contagioso que hacía al otro sentirse impotente bajo él.
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Mientras que este desviaba la mirada del extraño rostro del pálido chupasangre, muy enrojecido en ambas mejillas, este parecía actuar como si estuviera demasiado molesto para mirarlo, no parando de retorcerse como un insecto a los ojos del vampiro.
Ayato: ¡Oye, deja de ser tan ruidoso!
Ayato: ¿No te diste cuenta la última vez? No aprendes la lección.
Romantic: Um...
Ayato: Anda, acércate...
( 🍓 )
Respondió él, pasando su brazo alrededor de la cintura del rosado entretanto miraba a su chico, ahora acercándose un poco más e inclinándose… hasta rozar sus labios tiernos con los suyos.
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El chico de cabello negro jadeó de la impresión y gradualmente contuvo la respiración durante varios segundos. El corazón le latía con fuerza, la cabeza le daba vueltas, tenía los labios entreabiertos y el corazón hecho un poema, como si deseara desesperadamente ese beso.
Y así, por pura coincidencia... que sus ojos volaron al torso de su compañero al no saber dónde mirar, chocando uno al otro sus narices.
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De repente, Ayato sacó lo que parecía ser el rosario del niño de su bolsillo. Él sonrió con picardía y lo agarró con sus dientes afilados en medio de la provocación, tratando de burlarse de él.
Romantic: ¡...!
Romantic: Mi rosario...
Ayato: Recuerda esto.
Ayato: No te acerques a las iglesias. Ore-sama odia ese lugar, ¿entendido?
Romantic: Está bien... Yo– no soy religioso y tampoco pienso ir más a ese lugar, más si no te hace sentir cómodo.
Ayato: Me alegro de que lo entiendas a la primera.
Dijo, lo suficientemente firme como para que lo mirara a los ojos, deslizando sus dedos sobre su rostro para sostener su barbilla.
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Ayato: No es a Dios al único que debes ver, si no también a este Ayato-sama.
Romantic: (Ayato-kun...)
Romantic: ¡S-si!
[ Con esas palabras que dijo Ayato-kun... realmente pareciera como si estuviera celoso de Dios. ]
[ Sé que puede parecer tonto, pero, no puedo evitar sentir curiosidad... respeto su forma de pensar y la entiendo. ]
[ Puede que– Ayato-kun, simplemente… ]
[ quiera acaparar su juguete favorito. ]
~ END Dark 10~
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fayrinferno · 1 year
The Mystery of Leon Schezar
@radical-rad1986 @konstantya in response to this post:
Don't blame the messenger, lol. But yes, it does say that.
But then, I was thinking... what did I think of the whole thing, really? Why would he be so desperate to meet this girl he only talked for a while again? Why else would Allen flip out when Dryden reads about her from the journal? Well, the obvious take is that he "fell in love" with her and dumped his family for that. What's your take?
This actually gave me a reason to do something I had planned for a longer while: to take a closer look at the Leon and Hitomi's grandma situation.
I never really paid too much attention to that part of the story, because yes, it's sort of creepy as it is and it's also sort of complicated with the timeline revealed through Hitomi's visions, random flashbacks and excerpts from Leon's journal. So maybe it will be nothing new for those who were actually analyzing it before already. But here goes, and chronologically this time.
The First Meeting
First revealed part (cold start to ep. 16)
What do we know of the first meeting? Younger!Leon (or let's call him Moustache Leon) climbs some sort of mountain. It's windy and foggy but not frozen; he just climbs a mountain for whatever reason, wherever he is, during his search for the secrets of Atlantis. On the top, a pillar of light hits, bringing a girl with it -- with a summer yukata and a pinwheel.
Second revealed part (Hitomi's vision)
Their revealed conversation goes something like this:
ML: "I can't believe it. You're from the Mystic Moon. I left on this journey to leave all my ties behind. But when I look at you, at your eyes... I think that maybe it was all in vain. You'll forgive me, won't you?"
HG: ... (gets whisked away by the pillar of light)
This doesn't seem to be something that a man falling in love on a first sight would say? Also, what is interesting, Allen gives the very same "you'll forgive me, won't you?" line to Hitomi in "present day", as he flips out about his dad and she is concerned.
Anyway, how old is ML at this point? Are the ties he mentions his family here already? I was hit by an idea that he could possibly be not married yet? Later on, he calls it an "encounter of his youth". Is it possible, he met the girl before marrying Encia, he tried to forget her and the whole Atlantis discourse but later on, he can't escape the restless wish to look into it further?
Whatever it is, he is supposed to be much younger here than his bearded self that appears in the other visions and such. If this is actually the first time he had left his family, I believe he would be in his late 20s or older (Allen is about 10 at the time). If this is before starting a family, perhaps even early 20s. Making the age difference same as Allen and Hitomi/Millerna.
The Search
First revealed part (Leon's journal)
Year of Crystal Northeast, Green, 12th Moon
In his search, Leon (the Older or Bearded; BL) is coming to the dark continent of Asgard, where "no man has set foot before". This means that the first meeting with the girl did not take place in Asgard! I believe I never realized it before.
Also, Leon is not searching for the girl per se (meaning he expects to find her there), he is searching for "the Mystic Valley, where the power that makes miracles happen resides - the Power of Atlantis".
Next, we are shown the leviship that is about to crash into the seas near Asgard. Leon "paid a large sum for the ship and the crew" and will not let them turn around. He is then shipwrecked and washes ashore of Asgard, possibly after several days. He mentions "the memory of girl reappeared, and that the gods led him there". It was "destiny". He also reveals he is seeking to "ascertain his feelings for the girl" and that "everything he looks for is in the Mystic Valley". I feel like he is planning to use the power of Atlantis to summon her.
Blue, 16th Moon
Bearded Leon reaches "driven snow and jagged rocks" that block his path. He also meets "Isaac" an old man saying he comes from the Mystic Moon.
White, 3rd Moon
Bearded Leon walks the misty moor that he is convinced is the last obstacle just before the Mystic Valley together with Isaac, but loses him in the fog. He doesn't care much as he is hell-bent on "revealing the mystery of Atlantis", and "meeting that girl, because if he can meet her..." Aaaand Allen has a ragefit and won't let him finish.
The Reunion
First part (revealed by Allen's vision in the Mystic Valley)
Bearded Leon is injured and runs from the Zaibach soldiers. He says "they chased after him since he left the valley" and that they were after "the mystery of Atlantis". But then, his whole visit to the Mystic Valley happens offscreen, doesn't it. And without any obvious results. What does happen to him there? What is the content of the torn journal page? Did the gate open for him, like it did for Hitomi and co.? Because apparently, the big realizations come only after he leaves the valley, is assaulted and left for dead by Zaibach.
Who, as it turns out, just wanted his journal, but he was cleverer than them and had ripped the important pages out. They, on the other hand, were dumb enough to kill him even if they wanted information out of him (you were supposed to be smart, Isaac). Defeated Isaac/Dornkirk leaves, left to his own devices about Atlantean power.
Then, using the pendant (that he has now and can be assumed found in the Mystic Valley as the only thing that confirms he was even there), Leon summons the girl one last time. Upon seeing her being the same age as she was the first time, Leon understands that wishes "transcend time and space" and "the power of Atlantis is the power of human heart (or wishes)". He also says his "hunch had been correct", meaning, he had assumed this earlier already. Finally, he sends his journal home, to his beloved wife, Encia.
One more thing is funny here, how did Allen not realize the final part of Leon's journal should not be at his villa? But maybe he just thought it was delivered by some sort of messenger and his mother never told him cause it was too painful or something.
Anyway, Allen, sill pissed at his cheating homewrecking father (also, the large sum of money that Leon used to "buy the lives of the crew" of the Asgard leviship was surely missed in the household budget, which is something the artbooks confirm as well), finally sees the truth which is that his parents truly loved each other. But he still can't understand why Leon left.
What Leon says to that is that "he wanted to break free of his destiny" because he married and had family out of duty. Finally, he says something like "what did it matter finding out if the Power of Atlantis is the power of wishes/feelings, when I didn't even understand my own wishes/feelings"... he concludes that he "loves Encia" and encourages Allen to "follow his heart" as well. The wishes/feelings duality comes from the word 思い (omoi) that Escaflowne uses very often. And means both, btw. That's why I didn't use literal translation of that line, cause I think Leon is talking more of his feelings there.
Also, I want to say something the words for "love" that were used:
恋する (koi suru) in the artbook for Leon / Hitomi's grandma
愛する (ai suru) Leon in his own words towards Encia (Allen also uses this in his confessions).
Ai suru is definitely the deeper type of expression, where koi suru can be sort of the infatuation, crush, yearning; ai suru is something you do not say lightly and shouldn't be something short-lived.
(My Own) Conclusions
So from all this, I feel like I want to headcanon that Leon met Hitomi's grandma even before Encia. I believe nothing that I've seen in the anime contradicts that option (even if the artbook kinda does). It would also be the most merciful one that puts him in the better light. He was researching Atlantis, met this mysterious girl on one of his trips but went back and married for duty. But the "what ifs" haunt him and the call of Atlantis prevails over his "destiny" in Asturia. The age difference of their meeting would also be way less creepy.
The worse option would be, he actually left the family first, met the girl and spent all the years searching for the power of Atlantis that could lead him back to her again. But I don't think it necessarily had to mean romantic love. Actually, I decide it doesn't. She probably personifies his obsession, the goal of his Odyssey. Imagine, he gives up on everything, including his own family and life, in search for something pretty unspecific. And then, at the end of one torturous journey, a girl falls from the sky. Probably, the fate would have him believe he searched for that girl, right? There has to be some higher meaning to their meeting. It's really as if one of these scholars and adventurers searching for Atlantis (on Earth) could suddenly talk to someone who lived there. Of course they would become obsessed. Their talk was too short, if he could talk to her some more, maybe he would understand. It would give a meaning to his journey. But in the end he realizes he had it wrong. He was searching for something he already had with his wife and family.
One last thing that would be interesting to look into is how it all influences Allen. One strong thought I had was, at one point in the episode, it really looks like his father abandons his "duty" for a woman which is something Allen doesn't do with Marlene. But I always feel like it haunts him a little that he gave up on his first love like that. So would he understand Leon a little, if it wasn't for all the grief he caused his mother? I really like the "heroic story can be forged out of the playboy Allen" from the artbook btw. I think this sort of captures the creators intentions for him. As for Leon, he still remains kind of an enigma... also wish I hadn't noticed today that the color of Hitomi's mother's eyes seemed dark blue in some shot... damn, I don't even want to go there X_X So I won't. This is it for today.
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mlynar-nearl · 1 year
alright i have about 15 minutes so here we go.
one: “silverash bloodline” jokes are already unfunny to me. that said if you wanna talk about the silverash bloodline man up and fuck him yourself, because it’s not like enya or encia are theoretically available in a noble birthright scenario. even if this was a concern for him, it’s very much not for mlynar, or did we all miss the part where he renounced the nearls’ titles? the nearls are not recognized nobles, and he is very clear that margaret and maria are old enough to make their own decisions and live with the consequences. he is not likely to force anything on them apart from trying to dissuade them from doing anything he thinks is risky, which is, for real, normal older person to younger person behavior.
two: they wouldn’t get along in the slightest. enciodes is very interested in building a reputation and a business and playing the game, and mlynar is not that. he plays the game, but he hates it, and he wants out. they would tolerate each other at best. further, i just dont think they would have anything to talk about, despite being the functional “heads” of both their families. they’re in completely different worlds.
three: they do not have the same type of relationship with the doctor in the actual slightest if you read their dialogue for five minutes. to enciodes, you’re a respected business partner, and possibly even a friend. to mlynar, you are another hopeful idiot who is just not going to be able to achieve anything like he was. he thinks you’re making a mistake by pursuing rhodes’ ideals this way, but agree to disagree, because you both want to help people. they aren’t competing for your attention on the same level at all. one of the many things i like about arknights is that not necessarily every character is obsessed with the doctor, or thinks of the doctor in the same way. that’s fun. it adds texture. you have operators who dislike you or distrust you, operators who disagree with you, operators who respect you, and some who maybe do love you. it’s not all or nothing, and that’s fun.
their gameplay niche overlap =/= any sort of meaningful lore comparison.
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legofrans · 2 years
Anyways one of the reasons I fucking hate the "Silverash bloodline" joke is that now after Break the ice and getting a bit more insight into Enciodes as a character is that now I can legit see him trying to find Encia a suitor that would somehow further his/Kjerag's/Karlan Trade CO.,LTD.'s economic/political gain.
Like, I don't think he'd force her, but find someone and set them up and ask her to meet them and give some subtle hints. I don't think he's above that.
Also when the jokes are about Enya it's just dumb.
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theaftermath-rpg · 8 months
¡Hola, Iris! ¿Es la convergencia alguna especie de apocalipsis donde solo sobreviven algunos o estoy entendiendo mal?
¡Hola Anón5mo!?
Tod*vía no sabem8s si podemos catalogar la Conve.+encia como un apocalipsis, pero sin du[ALERTA][AL3RT4][163694]
Los elefantes s_n los únicos ani7ales que no pueden saltar.
#os pulp9s tienen tres corazone¿.
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katiajewelbox · 9 months
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The intrepid explorer Leon Schezar travelled to faraway lands to discover the secrets of Atlantis in the anime Vision of Escaflowne. There, he met a mysterious girl from another world who changed the course of his life! He is the father of Allen and Celena Schezar and husband of Encia Schezar.
This character portrait is made with Picmix graphics featuring a still of the original animation art from the 1996 anime series Vision of Escaflowne.
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vomitoplomo · 11 months
otra vez me levanto tarde la rutina de la desesperanza el dia se muere / la noche amenaza huye de mi la luz por los huecos de una ventana adormecida escucho los gritos de la ciudad afuera caos del dia que ensordece el silencio es aun mas ruidoso cuando la calle esta hueca las persianas bajas y las flores marchitas me susurran que: hay arboles que nunca abandonan el otoño meditan hasta secarse por dentro un sahumerio con olor a basura recorre el diagonal mientras mis dedos frios y quebrados intentan mantener el calor frotandose compulsivamente hasta sangrar el sabor a hierro en las encias la muela sin nervio que ya no duele pero sigue evidenciando el vacio
ahora que no quiero tener a nadie ahora que no puedo dormir de noche la madrugada es el centro del crisol la hora pico de la creatividad anestesiada escribo toco y pinto sin pensar corregiré quizas al otro dia como si la embriaguez noctambula enmascarase en el fondo las ganas de salir al sol.
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eco-ins · 1 year
Calentamiento global: el mayor desafío ambiental de nuestra época
El calentamiento global es un fenómeno que ha capturado la atención de la comunidad científica, los gobiernos y el públic o en general en todo el mundo. Se refiere al aumento gradual de la temperatura promedio de la Tierra debido al aumento de los gases de efecto invernadero en la atmósfera.
Este fenómeno ha generado cambios significativos en el clim a y en los sistemas naturales de la Tierra, lo que tiene consecu encias graves para la biodiversidad, los ecosistemas y los seres humanos. El aumento del nivel del mar, la desertificación, las s equías y las inundaciones son solo algunos ejemplos de los efe ctos negativos del calentamiento global.
Es importante tomar medidas para reducir las emisiones de ga ses de efecto invernadero y limitar el aumento de la temperatur a global. Esto requiere la cooperación y el compromiso de los gobiernos, las empresas y las personas en todo el mundo.
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