#end of summer update
bradshawsbaby · 2 years
End of Summer Update
Summer is officially coming to an end for me! The new school year is starting, and I’m back to work tomorrow. As I’m sure many of you already know, I’m a teacher. I’ve been on summer vacation, which is why I’ve been able to be so active on here and get so much writing done, but it’s back to the classroom for me now 🍎✏️📚
I still fully intend to be as active on this blog as possible, and to get more writing done when I can, but I just wanted to make you all aware that I won’t be as active, or at least not as active throughout the day. It also may take me a bit longer to get new writing pieces out. But I’m still here and my ask box is still always open!
Like I said last night, I’m not sure how I’m supposed to go back to work and not talk about TGM and Miles Teller 24/7, so you haven’t gotten rid of me yet—there’s still plenty more posting to be done and stories to be told 😉
This summer has been so fun, and I just wanted to thank you all for making it that way! I’ve loved every interaction, every message and ask I’ve been sent, every ounce of support I’ve received even as I’ve rambled and gushed incoherently 😂 Summer 2022, for me, will always be the Summer of Top Gun and Miles Teller, and it’s one for the books! ❤️
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kindahoping4forever · 8 months
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Luke @ The 5SOS Show Tour London
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kylo-wrecked · 29 days
rl updates, go! *multiple pokeball emojis*
may 9-16: i discuss potentially extending my contract with agency. between these days. (yes, we do have the patience for this.)
may 17-19: i drive upstate to disappear into the woods. (no jk, going hiking. yes, we do have gear for that.)
may 24-26: i discount amtrak myself to Lancaster PA for friend weekend. (yes, we have those too.)
june ~1-13: i get on a plane to Spain, go to a party down a red dirt road; three days Madrid; plane hop; nine to ten days en Gran Canaria where i become one with the sea. (no jk, it's back to queens for us >:T land of autoshops and f*** *****.)
and so, frens, if i'm scarcer than usual... sorry ever so, but^
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doggernaut · 9 months
Fic: Don’t Fade
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Don’t Fade by RabbitRunnah
Chapters: 1/?
Fandom: Check Please! (Webcomic)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Relationships: Eric "Bitty" Bittle/Jack Zimmermann
Characters: Jack Zimmermann, Eric "Bitty" Bittle, Shitty Knight, Larissa "Lardo" Duan, Adam "Holster" Birkholtz, Justin "Ransom" Oluransi, Camilla Collins
Additional Tags
Alternate Universe - Summer Camp, Non-Professional Hockey Jack, Nobody Goes to Samwell, past Jack Zimmermann/Camilla Collins, Depressed (Sort Of) Jack, That Last Summer After College and Before Real Life Starts, Canon-Typical Behavior
Jack graduated from college in May with a history degree and no immediate plans for the future. The only thing he knows with absolute certainty is that he doesn’t want to play hockey.
That doesn’t mean Jack does know what he wants. He’s got one last summer here at Camp Samwell, eight weeks to put off thinking about his future.
Chapter 1
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saintchaser · 11 months
hi guys oh my god did you know that i have no self control??? hahaha lol!!! anyways i’m starting a new fic.
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noodlekittyrambles · 1 year
So I’ve been working on a little side project
In an effort to get a visualization on how complicated Genshin’s lore is, and in the stupid hope that I could possibly understand it, I’ve started transcribing all the info into Obsidian.
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First I just started off with all the playable characters and their relationships
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Then I categorized them all by element, region, and weapon type, so I could filter that out when needed.
Then I thought to myself “Artifact lord should be easy, it’s not that complicated right?
Oh how I wish I could tell earlier me the horrors I was about to experience
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This is me 4 hours into mapping out the artifact lore. At this point I’m not even halfway through (to be fair 1 of those hours was just me trying to make the formatting look pretty)
Anywho, I’ve done a bit more work since then, and this is what the Lore Bubble looks like now
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It’s getting there, and it’ll be a fun side project for now. Just did not realize how complex the artifact lore was. I had to do some major digging XD
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otaku553 · 10 months
hi, just wanted to let you know that i discovered you through your fic "homuncular nature" (which has amazing writing by the way!!) and to find out you were a BOMB artist made me shocked (perfect combo of fic writer + artist, i'm super jelly HEBHEJENENEIE). like your art is so good, i'm melting?? it's so soft and if i could touch it, it would feel like cotton candy on my hands. your art reminded me of some of my friend's art and it kind of hit me in the nostalgia train haha^^ looking forward to commissioning you when i have the chance!! <333
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LMAO when I write on ao3 notes that I’m primarily an artist I mean it! I never expected Homunuclar Nature to get as far as it did haha and I’m really glad you enjoyed it!!!!
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keihan · 5 months
I can post these now that Christmas has passed and it's been received-- I crocheted a big cousin Beyond for my little brother @ringmaster-reds-circus this year!
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We both love katamari, so it was fun to see if I could find a way to make this, especially since I'm still pretty new at crochet!
(I'm also happily keeping the little prototype myself 😆 he was made with just vibes and i love him)
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hldailyupdate · 2 years
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Louis photographed by Nikki Marie.
End of Summer Bash. (15 September 2022)
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newvegasceo · 1 year
- mobile-like prince of persia - mortal combat reboot gameplay - interview with creator of MK edward boon - path of exile 2 - exoprimal x street fighter - old news nicolas cage dead by daylight
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yappacadaver · 2 months
he's like 'ive never heard of therapy or even just the concept of healing. let's retraumatize ourselves forever until our amygdalas are fried and we permanently lose our startle response and do it all while our lives are on the line. this will make us in control.'
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Yknow I think my favorite lil habit is what I'll call it that I've had since like middle school (one of like a handful things that linger from that time that I'm glad still do) is that every summer I binge read welcomics I've gotten behind on cause school and scrounge around for new ones or just binge read books in a one every 1-2 days fashion and like I just love reading so much. Like yes show me your silly little guys being silly and little and in love I'll eat that shit up like it's popcorn.
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pastafossa · 2 years
Me after months of not being able to unpack in my room or having things go wrong and now all the boxes are piled up and overwhelmed at the prospect of unpacking because even with what I've unpacked it still feels like there's too much: this is fine
My mom: ...would you like some help this week unpacking?
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kaigoesbrr · 9 months
New chapter update!!!
This one is juuuust after Kai's finally sauntered vaguely downwards to mental hell, the poor boi's gonna have to decide how to deal with their betrayal and it won't be pretty (you're gonna love it as much as I will :))
Also, an update of updates:
I'll try to keep posting at least a chapter per month until the next holidays, but in around a week summertime is over, so I'd have to somehow find some time to get a whole chapter's worth of planning (with Nyx/@enavstars) and writing done by October (on top of the shitload of work I have to do to start out this year...)
Sorry for the rant but long story short, this shit is gonna get angstier as the turning point where the ninja keep breaking Kai and themselves in the process has now officially begun; so I won't likely have the balls to post a half-baked chapter 9 in a month so please bear with me and my now "established" monthly updates :')
(that was a long sentence sorry bye <3)
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cassmouse · 2 months
Okay a continuance of 'what original stuff is Cass working on atm' because I thought these bits were cool and since we're on the topic of me getting all dramatic and romantic about my own characters...
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bstroobery · 2 months
Hey… just wanted to give a quick update on things going on rn irl because it’s interfering with… well… everything.
For starters, we haven’t been doing a lot of drawing or writing lately due to a bunch of school work (especially since we start student teaching in August. We’re literally almost a senior in college and a year from getting our bachelors and teaching license this is so scary). Plus… health issues.
Long and short: vision. Our vision is bad. Like… really bad. So, we’re gonna be getting eye surgery sometime soon (we’re still working out the dates and all of that stuff) and getting an artificial lens in both eyes due to horrible cataracts that have formed and are causing obstructions in our vision. (Long and short of that is we’re going blind and need surgery to see). We’ve also been trying to work in order to save money for student teaching since we’ll literally be paying to work a full time job next semester.
Long and short, we haven’t forgotten any projects we’ve been working on (I personally have been debating about continuing TMNTPIE because it’s just been a weird kinda thing. Blue continues to work on the AFF and PI constantly in the planning stage and has recently taken up another project that makes me want to shake them by the shoulders and tell them to take a damned break).
So… that’s why we’ve been pretty dead on this blog. Nothing to really talk about and no time to talk except for today. So, yeah… we’ll continue to be inactive for a while…
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