#euro cosplayer
kirakirastardust · 1 year
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I’m a barbie girl
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idkanameatall · 1 year
Guess who went to a convention today 👍
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margieargie · 7 months
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did find a truck/trailer paint combo with btr stuff and the perspective on bocchi when you look back is... quite something
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mello-avian · 2 months
hi, my name is felix, im an 18 year old queer cosplayer and artist, and im looking for some help to buy a cane and two knee braces.
mobility aids are quite expensive and im looking for some help to get them!
i currently have 2 knee braces i got from a pharmacy but they don't work that well with me and in fact cause me more pain.
as i mentioned before i cosplay, and go to cons, but in recent years ive been getting worse and going to cons now involved me needing to sit down a lot more frequently, and be in pain for most of the con, using mobility aids will grant me more freedom to enjoy not just cons, but be able to get out more and walk for longer!
a good cane costs around 30 - 40 euro, and two good knee braces cost about 30 euro each!
if you can't donate, i would appreciate sharing the link a lot!
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nardo-headcanons · 7 months
My Roommate can't possibly be Sasuke Uchiha!
tags: crack fic, abusive neighbors, slight angst character(s): Sasuke Uchiha Chapter 1 - Arrival and Departure
I looked at my mobile phone. Five o'clock already. "Shit," I cursed to myself as I hastily gathered my sports clothes. Well, good start to the new year. After refilling my water bottle, I looked around for a suitable bag. After a moment's consideration, I decided on my black, large training bag with the Naruto logo, which I had bought at a GameStop with my miserable pocket money when I was 13. While I put on my shoes, I glanced at my report card from last year's semester, which was full of A's and B's. It was ironic that I had so little control over my life after being at the top of my class in several subjects. I think, when I had bought my Naruto sports bag, I had hoped for more.
I had to hurry now or I would miss the bus. To be honest, I wouldn't mind taking the bike either, however, my last one was stolen by some wankers after a few days. And it was already a goddamn piece of junk. To make matters worse, I saw the bus already turning at the intersection. I briefly considered if I should run.
Sitting on the bus completely out of breath, I took my headphones out of my bag and turned on my commuting playlist. Bless the inventor of noise cancelling.
The workout at the gym was pure torture. All around me were wiry musclemen with six-pack abs giving me unsolicited weight loss advice and women in fancy sports bras who had more strength in their little finger than I had in my arm. While I pedalled my legs off on the gym bike, telling myself that the fact that I was panting like a coati was good for my heart, I looked at the TV on the wall. "Inflation in Europe is at a record high. In this quarter alone, food prices have risen by an average of 10%," the presenter began. My headphones had unfortunately gone dead during the journey, which is why I listened to this depressing news channel to distract myself. "The Putin regime has not commented on the renewed bombings in Odessa. There were a total of 22 people killed" I switched to the leg press. This workout will reward me with some serious muscle soreness.
After the workout, I bought a protein bar at the counter. I especially liked the ones filled with peanut butter. At the price of 4 euros for a measly bar that weighed less than 50 grams, my guts tightened. Maybe I should start making these things myself.
Freshly showered and changed, I made my way back home while the moon watched me clamber awkwardly up the stairs to my flat. The whole way home I somehow had the feeling that I was being watched. However, I couldn't see anything in my surroundings.
I went to sleep with the same queasy feeling.
I couldn't believe it. It was Sunday morning and some arsehole dared to ring me out of bed at 7am. Was it my neighbours? A repairman? Actually, I hadn't made an appointment, so it couldn't be. I wasn't expecting any mail either. While still wearing my pyjamas and bonnet, I looked through my peephole and opened the front door. "What's up?"
Standing in front of me was a young man, around 16, with night-black hair and brown eyes. He reminded me a little of Sasuke from Naruto. However, his clothes looked like he picked them up from the nearest dumpster. "I am Sasuke Uchiha. You must help me."
After two seconds of processing what I had just heard, I closed the door as quickly as I had opened it. It couldn't be. He's probably a cosplayer or something. The doorbell rang again. The guy was still standing there. "Hey, open up please!" He drummed on my door. Armed with my pepper spray, I opened again. The man looked me in the eye. His jet black eyes had turned a red colour. "That looks fancy," I replied, unimpressed. It was only when the black tomoe moved that I realised what kind of situation I was in. "What the hell? Why isn't my genjutsu working on you! Are you immune?" I quickly sprayed the entire contents of my pepper spray in his face. Frantically, he rubbed his eyes and cried out. "Bloody hell, what was that all about?!" I opened the chain-secured security crack of my door. "What do you want from me! Aren't you supposed to be in Konoha?!" I was stunned. Was this reality right now? Is this the real Sasuke Uchiha? What is he doing here? What does he want from me? This has to be a dream, right?! While I counted my fingers and painted one clock face after the other, Sasuke groaned from the pain and Mr Kaluschke, my neighbour from the mezzanine, opened his door. Even though I couldn't see him right now, I could picture him waltzing up to his door in his boxers and singlet. " Landmann!" he yelled "Now will ya shut the fuck up or do ya want me to come the fuck on up there?!!" The Sasuke imposter piped up. "You're the only one who can help me here!" Without much thought, I took him by the sleeve and pulled him to me in the flat. Trouble with Kalushke was the last thing I needed in this situation.
To keep a clear head so I could think about how to deal with the fact that I might have Sasuke Uchiha himself in my flat right now, I had locked him in my bathroom and backed myself up against the door. "You know I could break out of here at any time, right?" he spat sarcastically. "If you do, I'll throw you out in the streets," I hissed. Silence. "I want you to put water in the bathtub and stand on it. If you really are Sasuke, then that shouldn't be a problem." Sasuke did as instructed and I soon heard water running into the bathtub.
After a while I heard a dull rumble. A glance through the door slit told me that Sasuke had sat down in the bathroom leaning against the door. "Why are you here in this world?"
"Kakashi sent me here. He was going to use a jutsu on me and apparently something went wrong."
"You mean Kamui?", I asked, trying to make a connection.
I pulled my knees closer to my body. "And why did you follow me?"
"I looked around and realised from your bag that you were from Konoha."
Now it hit me. My sports bag, which I had taken to the gym, must have been his only clue. Silence again. Sasuke said no more. I felt sorry for him. Having been taken to a completely different universe without warning, no one with him that he knew. "I'm so sorry, I'm actually not a Konoha shinobi. There is no Konoha in this world, and no shinobi either." He turned off the water. When I opened the door of the bathroom, I saw him standing on the surface of the water. "Is that proof enough?!" he barked offendedly. Now there was no doubt. In front of me was the real Sasuke Uchiha. Perplexed as to what to do now, I placed two towels and a bottle of shower gel before him. "Take a bath first, okay? Then we'll figure it out."
In the kitchen, I sat down at the kitchen table and typed "Sasuke Uchiha favourite food" into Google. Narutopedia immediately provided me with ideas: Onigiri and tomatoes. Therefore, I dug out my rice cooker from the kitchen cupboard and washed some sushi rice while Sasuke was still in the bathroom. Afterwards, I cut some leftover tomatoes into bite-sized pieces and put them on a big plate. Sasuke was surely starving. After filling and shaping the onigiri, I placed the plate on a tray along with a large cup of green tea with the corny inscription "Happiness is what you make". To be honest, I only got it because it can hold a whole can of tea. I then knocked on the bathroom door. There was no answer. "I have made you something to eat. Take all the time you need." I put the tray down next to the door and went into the living room. There, I sat down to my lab report, which I had been putting off for a week now. After two hours, I heard the bathroom door close. The plate and the cup had been emptied. As I went to open the bathroom door to get my toothbrush, I realised he must have locked it. "Sasuke? Will you please pass me my toothbrush, toothpaste and mouthwash?" No answer. I sighed. "You'll find spare toothbrushes in the cupboard above the sink." Once again I heard the bathroom door and before it stood my tumbler of toothbrush and mouthwash. After brushing my teeth over my kitchen sink, I continued to work on my lab report. There was still a lot to do. Just as I was groaning in despair because I had once again forgotten an equal sign in my Excel spreadsheet, Sasuke came into the living room. I looked up from my table. He said nothing else and sat down on the couch. Looking around, he saw something on my shelf. "Why is my face on there?" It was a dusty Naruto manga. I hadn't read that one in years. Before I could stop him, he grabbed the book and flipped through it. "I remember this," he began, but then stopped when he saw the drawings of himself as a Ge-Nin, riddled with Haku's ice needles. "Naruto became a fox after I was unconscious?" I nodded.
"Does that mean," he quivered, "in this world I'm just a manga character?" His hands trembled. I looked sadly at the ground. There was nothing I could say. No words of mine could have comforted him. He sank to the ground. "All the things I had to go through, all the pain, is fictitious, for entertainment?"
Sasuke spent the rest of the day on the couch, buried in my old manga. Along the way, I tried to get advice on social media. Unfortunately, all I got were questions like "What would his perfect girlfriend look like?" and "Does he actually have a thing for Naruto?" As a result, I quickly abandoned the search for guidance. Towards the evening, I feverishly considered where Sasuke could sleep. "Unfortunately, I only have one bed…" Sasuke folded his arms. "That shouldn't be a problem, should it?" Then an idea hit me. "Wait, actually..!" ... He made himself comfortable on the couch. I handed him a T-shirt I had once borrowed from my grandpa. "Here, you can wear this to sleep." Before I disappeared from the living room, he called me back. "Hey!" I looked at him. He peered straight down at the carpet. "Thanks for all this" "Just don't break anything, will you?" With those words I left the room.
In bed I tossed and turned, my thoughts on Sasuke. How had he gotten here? What was there with Kakashi's Kamui? What would happen next? By two o'clock in the morning, the realisation that brooding now would not provide me with any answers had finally entered my head and I fell asleep.
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magicnightfall · 6 months
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Raggiunta una certa età è inevitabile che si acquisisca anche consapevolezza nella gestione del denaro. Per quel che mi riguarda, posso senz’altro dire di essere diventata finanziariamente avveduta ed economicamente oculata: per esempio, nel portafoglio tutte le mie banconote sono ordinate dal taglio più grande a quello più piccolo e scusate se è poco.
What's it like to brag about raking in dollars
Pertanto, consapevole che John Maynard Keyens non può che spicciarmi casa, quando ho visto il prezzo dissennato del biglietto per Taylor Swift: The Eras Tour, ben venti euro, che al cambio odierno sono sempre venti euro, ho detto: “Mi par giusto! Più che giusto, mi par doveroso. Posso aggiungerci financo una cistifellea, o qualsiasi altro organo semi vitale, chemmefrega. Taylor, che, ti serve un rene? Un pezzettino di fegato? Ho fatto le analisi adesso e i trigliceridi ce li ho a posto”. Perché ormai è chiaro che, per rispondere al quesito ontologico posto da Francesco Gabbani, “per un motivo in fondo esisterò”, il mio motivo è quello di dare soldi a Taylor Swift.
I forgot that you existed 
Così, più leggera di venti sacchi ma priva di richieste di riporre i miei organi nei sacri canopi, mi sono recata al cinematografo armata soltanto del timore che, durando la proiezione tre ore, a un certo punto i jeans potessero premermi sulla vescica e dunque compromettere il godimento di questa storica esperienza. Perché non so se ci rendiamo conto: dopo dodici-anni-dodici in cui Taylor forgot that we existed, ci becchiamo addirittura il film-concerto al cinema. Di tutti gli eventi accaduti e che accadranno negli anni ’20 di questo secolo, questo è senza dubbio il più improbabile, e pertanto decisamente epocale: per forza di cose lo racconteremo ai nostri figli (non io), ai nostri nipoti (non io), ai nostri gatti (io). 
It turned into something bigger
Ora, considerato il prezzo del biglietto pari al PIL del Principato di Andorra, credevo — e un po’ speravo — che in sala fossimo solo quelli che vedevo prenotati nell’app, cioè tre compresa me. Alla fine eravamo una ventina, cifra piuttosto standard per una proiezione pomeridiana, e per la prima volta in vita mia sono stata contenta di questo “affollamento”. Perché un po’ come con le fiere dei fumetti, dove per qualche giorno l’anno sento di essere davvero tra la mia gente, per una sera ho potuto sperimentare dal vivo quel senso di comunità nata intorno alla bionda gattara che per quattordici anni ho vissuto soltanto online. E sì, sì, ero al Mediolanum Forum e tutto, ma all’epoca il culto devozionale della divinità swiftiana era appena agli albori e la cosa si esauriva un po’ nell’ognuno per sé. Ricordo che nel bagno dell’autogrill sulla strada del ritorno c’era una ragazza con un 13 disegnato sulla mano, e io, con un 13 a mia volta, mi sono limitata a registrare l’informazione senza dirle nulla, poi pentendomene. In effetti non ho detto nulla manco ad Andrea Swift che a un certo punto mi sono trovata di fianco nel parterre, e quello è tutto un altro tipo di pentimento.
Adesso, invece, il taylorismo è un’altra cosa, enorme e superlativa: è Charizard livello 100, è l’eruzione del Krakatoa del 1883, sono i tre ettari cubici di denaro nel deposito di Zio Paperone, è il caffè della signora Pina a 3.000 gradi Fahrenheit.
So make the friendship bracelets, take the moment and taste it
Alcune ragazze nella mia stessa fila erano venute preparate, con una congerie di friendship bracelets da soddisfare il fabbisogno della Repubblica di San Marino, castelli compresi, e il loro invito a scambiarli, in una sala fino a quel momento tipicamente normale, ha acceso una miccia di interazioni tra perfette sconosciute che però, in quel momento, parevano amiche da sempre. È stato proprio come alle fiere del fumetto, in cui quando ci si incontra tra cosplayer, ma anche tra cosplayer e persone in borghese, si saltano i convenevoli e le frasi di circostanza e si arriva subito a parlare del sugo della storia di manzoniana memoria, che per me è ciò che nutre le persone in senso spirituale: i loro film, i loro libri, le loro serie, i loro  personaggi preferiti, la loro musica. E perciò via, quando avete iniziato a seguirla io da Midnights ma mi sono proprio innamorata io sono affezionata a Speak Now perché è il primo suo album che ho atteso qual è il vostro album preferito qual è la vostra canzone preferita ma è vero che hanno tagliato Long Live e The Archer ma ci sarete a San Siro io l’anno prossimo ho la maturità spero non mi capiti proprio il giorno dopo voi avete avuto problemi a prendere i biglietti mio fratello ascolta il mentecatto™️ Kanye mio fratello invece è metallaro ma davanti a Fearless si toglie proprio il cappello…
Poi vabbè, che, non lo dici che stavi ad Assago nel 2011 e non le racconti le circostanze che hanno fatto sì che riuscissi a darle il cinque? Lì mi sono sentita come nonno Simpson sotto l’albero dei limoni che illustra alla gioventù i gloriosi tempi andati, e per uno strepitoso momento sono stata la persona più importante di tutta la fila M. 
Ora, poiché il film mi ha presa alla sprovvista (ma per il concerto sarò prontissima) non avevo preparato alcun braccialetto, e anche se mi sono sentita in colpa a non aver nulla da scambiare me ne hanno comunque regalati due e il mio cuoricino è aumentato di tredici taglie. Cioè, non è meraviglioso? In altre circostanze ‘sta cosa mi avrebbe comportato soltanto una banale diagnosi di cardiomiopatia ipertrofica.
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Are you ready for it?
Ridendo e sclerando, a un certo punto si sono spente le luci. Una rapidissima richiesta di ammenda per tutti i tuoi peccati perché sai che il rischio di restarci è altissimo, e via che si parte.
Ora, io di questo tour avevo visto soltanto poche clip, per un motivo: perché me veniva da rosicà, dato che ancora non erano uscite le date italiane e temevo che non sarebbero uscite mai. Quindi si può dire che tutto quello che ho visto, l’ho visto lì per la prima volta. In ultra HD. Su un megaschermo. In Dolby surround. 
I don't wanna look at anything else now that I saw you
E adesso posso proprio dire che questo tour è una cosa mostruosa, nel senso etimologico originale: un prodigio, un portento, qualcosa che trascende i confini dell’umano. Perché diciamolo, Taylor che per tre ore ininterrotte se la canta, se la suona e se la balla, in uno spettacolo che ripercorre diciassette anni di carriera e dieci album, attiene più all’empireo che al terreno dove siamo collocati io e voi. In effetti, la domanda su come sia possibile che apparteniamo alla stessa specie Homo sapiens un po’ te la poni.
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The crowds in the stands went wild
Ma voi cantate? Perché noi volevamo cantare, hanno chiesto le ragazze della mia fila, come a volersi giustificare preventivamente di quello che stava per accadere. La risposta è stata un sì più che mai lapalissiano.
Senza che uno potesse aspettarsi nulla di meno, alle prime note di Cruel Summer la sala si è trasformata in uno stadio - una sorta di piccola prova generale per l’anno prossimo, solo che quella volta sarà finalmente dal vivo (sto scrivendo queste righe su una barella di pronto soccorso perché una sincope mi ha fatto cascare giù come una dama vittoriana, quindi più che altro mi auguro da viva).
Got a feelin' your electric touch could fill this ghost town up with life
Abbiamo cantato, abbiamo tenuto il tempo, abbiamo interagito e scherzato tra di noi, e quando l’intera sala ha battuto le mani in sincronia dopo “When you know you're about to cry” di You Belong With Me, e ha fatto il cuore in Fearless, e quando ha mostrato allo schermo i friendship bracelets durante il bridge di You’re On Your Own, Kid, ecco, è stato davvero tanto bello.
E mi rendo conto della fortuna di aver trovato una sala viva e partecipe ma tutto sommato ammodo, perché ho visto testimonianze sui social di gente che ha dovuto passare tre ore in compagnia di scimmie urlatrici in gita sociale al mercato del pesce di San Benedetto del Tronto. In quel caso, forse avreste letto di me non sul blog ma sulle pagine della cronaca nera.
I had a marvelous time
E poi niente, a un certo punto si sono riaccese le luci, anche se io sarei volentieri rimasta lì a oltranza — mi fosse venuto in mente avrei invocato “Diritto di asilo!” come Quasimodo sulla balconata di Notre Dame. Già tornare al mondo reale dopo essere stata al cinema per me è traumatico in genere, figuriamoci tornare al mondo reale dopo tre ore di Taylor Swift formato maxi.
Ma vabbè, ora non mi resta che tenere duro durante i nove mesi che mancano alle due tappe italiane dell’Eras Tour, con Taylor che ritorna in Italia per la prima volta dopo, vedi tu il caso, tredici anni. E se per un film stavamo messi così, possa Iddio avere pietà dell'anima di chi dovrà, mmmh, tollerarci...
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**** Le mie recensioni agli album:
Red dead revolution
‘Cause she’s still preoccupied with 19… 19… 1989
(Frankly, me dear, I do and I don’t give a damn about my bad) reputation
(If you wanna be my) lover
That’s all folk(lore)
Quoth the raven, “evermore”
Once upon a midnight dreary, while I pondered, weak and weary
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thaliagrayce · 1 year
Hi mj! Number 2 "how many do you even need?" For jasico?
hi!!!! i hope you don't mind i did this in my ladybug au, i figured you might appreciate it :3 send me a number or drop a prompt in my ask box for a jasico drabble!
Jason wasn’t watching where he was going as he rounded the corner. Being Chat Noir made him clumsier in his civilian life, probably—he had gotten so used to enhanced senses telling him when he had to dodge or change directions that now he didn’t actually look where he was going. That was the excuse he had, at least, when he crashed headfirst into the person using the vending machine outside the library.
“Oh, sorry!” His books scattered everywhere and he bent down to pick them up. “I should have been paying more attention, that’s completely my fault.”
“Don’t worry about it,” came the reply, and a hand reached out to help him pick up his books. A red-and-black spotted hand. Jason looked at the person he had crashed into.
It was Ladybug. Not just some cosplayer, he could tell that this was honest-to-God Ladybug, here at the vending machine outside of the library, fully transformed. Jason hadn’t heard anything about an akuma, but maybe he had missed something.
He finished picking up the books and Ladybug turned back to the machine. He took a Euro out of a pocket in his suit (where? What pocket? Jason had never seen him use pockets before, how was this possible?) and fed it into the machine, then pushed one of the buttons. The vending machine whirred and made a ka-chunk and Ladybug reached down to grab the can of Monster energy drink. He then put it in a canvas bag by his feet that Jason hadn’t noticed before.
Inside the bag were five different colors of Monster. This new one made a sixth. Ladybug squinted at the machine and fished around in his pocket (???) again.
“So, uh,” Jason hedged, “is this official superhero business?”
Ladybug didn’t look away from punching numbers into the machine. “Uh-huh. Very important and serious stuff.”
“Is Chat Noir collecting Red Bull?”
Ladybug cut a glance to him as the machine spat out yet another Monster.
“…Yes. It’s. I need this for superhero reasons, to save Paris.” He put the energy drink in the canvas bag. Jason tried to tamp down any expression on his face. Maybe he should be more upset that Ladybug was lying to his face, but it was such a stupid lie that he didn’t care.
Ladybug brought out another Euro, half looking at Jason as he fed it into the machine.
“How many do you even need?” He was fascinated by all the cans in the bag. What was Ladybug even doing with them? Would he tell Chat later, or was this just one more quirk that Jason would never get answers about?
“Seventeen,” he answered, too fast. Jason narrowed his eyes. “Ideally. Maybe more.”
“Why.” It didn’t come out as a question. He could see some red on Ladybug’s face, and he didn’t think it was a reflection from the mask.
“Saving Paris reasons, like I said.” He dropped the can into the bag and scooped it up, ignoring the dull metal clanking from inside.
“Watch where you’re going next time. Look both ways before you cross the street.” He gave Jason a little salute before he threw his yo-yo to an adjacent building.
His swing was wobblier than Jason had ever seen it before, and he saw Ladybug basically immediately after he became a superhero. The drink bag bulged.
With a smile, he started walking. He could go home, put the books down, then go hunt down his partner again. Maybe he would bring a can of Red Bull. For saving Paris reasons, of course.
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noodle-schrammy · 6 months
Hold up
I tried to pull a cheap cheap maybe about 19 euro cosplay out- as I was at a convention in dresden
My hair my shiny ass ginger hair has been fitting the style so I wanted to go as Crowley- i.. I didn't fail but didn't succeed
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But I met amazing people AND an aziraphale and Crowley duo- beautiful
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And the doubles of the marvel boys
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Also a zoro cosplayer gave me a matcha pocki as transformers cosplayer came trough the mall
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And I met my bestie in the shingaki cosplay I can't tell you how excited I was to meet them
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a-romanic · 1 year
The life of a cosplayer summarized;
-Need some stuff for a cosplay not found in normal stores
-spends hours looking for a good site with good reviews, but not to expensive products
-finally find exactly what you need
-Shipping; 30 euros, will arrive in over half a year
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kirakirastardust · 10 months
Barbie in the real world?
That’s impossible…
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froggyoyabun · 2 years
ღ [FR] Osomatsu-San : première convention avec Choromatsu ღ
TW : Mention de nourriture.
Genré neutre
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ღ Que tu sois un.e fan de mangas/animes/jeux vidéos/groupes d'idoles ou pas, Choromatsu est absolument choqué que tu aies accepté de l'accompagner à cette convention !
ღ Il estime que la pop culture nippone a une place importante dans sa vie, et pouvoir partager sa passion avec toi sonne comme le plus doux des rêves !
ღ Il est beaucoup plus enjoué que d'habitude. Sérieusement Y/N, tu ne l'as jamais vu aussi comblé. Il ne cesse de sourire comme un idiot <3
ღ Il veut absolument te montrer pleins de choses : son stand de nourriture préféré, te parler des cosplay des autres qu'il reconnait, tout ! Si en plus de cela tu partages sa passion et son euphorie, c'est encore mieux !
ღ Vous allez beaucoup marcher lors de cette convention, et il aura tendance à foncer droit devant lui et a t'emmener avec lui. Rappelles lui que tu es là aussi et il arrêtera aussitôt de te trainer derrière lui comme un petit chien ^^"
ღ Pardonne-le, il est si heureux et il veut te montrer absolument TOUT ce qu'il aime qu'il en oublie de s'arrêter un moment et de profiter de l'instant présent avec toi :(
ღ Si tu veux faire une pause il te rejoindra volontiers, t'offrant même l'un de ces nombreux "Menu Manga" à 10 euros dont seuls ce genre de conventions ont le secrets ;)
ღ Il achète tout pleins de goodies : des figurines POP, des mystery bag, des tee-shirts, porte-clés, des fanart et travaux d'artistes amateurs etc. !
ღ Cela ne change pas de habituellment, à la seule différence qu'il veut aussi t'offrir pleins de trucs ! Surtout des accessoires qui s'accordent pour vous deux, genre des colliers ou des sweats qui match !
ღ Warning ! Y/N si tu as des goûts difficile en matière de nourriture, il est temps de fuir car cet homme veut te faire goûter une multitude de choses !!! KitKat à le menthe ou au wasabi ? M&M's au beurre de cacahuètes ? Fuis !
ღ Les. Photos. Chaque fois qu'il croise un cosplay d'une œuvre qu'il connaît il veut ABSOLUMENT prendre un selfie, et avec toi !! Il insiste pour que tu sois sur la photo X)
ღ Si toi aussi tu es un.e fan de mangas/anime/jeux vidéos/jpop/kpop, il prendra en cachette une dizaine de photos de toi émerveillé.e devant un stand qui te plaît ♡ Il souhaite uniquement capturer pour toujours l'éclat qui habitait tes yeux à cet instant là ^^
ღ Il est important de parler des free hugs. Choro n'est pas fan lui-même des free hugs (sauf si c'est Nyaa qui propose) mais il n'est pas opposé à l'idée que toi tu aimes ça. Le troisième de la fratrie n'est pas jaloux que tu en fasses à plusieurs personnes de la convention. Cependant, dès le moment où il voit que la personne est louche/insistant.e/flirt avec toi il interviendra directement. Sans violence, il passera simplement ses bras autour de ta taille pour lui montrer que tu es déjà pris.e. ♡
ღ Si tu veux te cosplayer faites un cosplay à deux !!! Je vous vois bien lui en Eren, toi Mikasa/Livaï.
ღ À la fin de la convention si tu as mal au jambes / es très fatigué.e Choro te portera sur son dos ! Et dans la navette pour rentrer il caressera doucement te cheveux en te submergeant littéralement de compliments !!
" Merci beaucoup Y/N, j'ai passé une superbe journée avec toi, tu as été parfait.e. Je t'aime ! "
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lamilanomagazine · 24 days
Ancona Comics&Games al Palarossini, atteso in città un grande numero di appassionati
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Ancona Comics&Games al Palarossini, atteso in città un grande numero di appassionati. Un grandissimo numero di appassionati e cosplayer provenienti da tutta Italia è atteso in città per il 13 e il 14 aprile, in occasione della quarta edizione di Ancona Comics&Games che si svolgerà al Palarossini – PalaPrometeo Estra (orario 10-19). La manifestazione, organizzata da Fiere del Fumetto, è patrocinata dal Comune di Ancona e sarà il punto di incontro per neofiti, cultori di videogiochi, illustrazioni, fumetti, figurine, gadget, cosplay e storia della tv. Le dichiarazioni "Siamo lieti – afferma il vicesindaco e assessore allo Sport Giovanni Zinni – di ospitare ad Ancona questa manifestazione che sarà sicuramente di grande richiamo. Si tratta di un evento che unisce la dimensione ludico-sportiva a quella culturale delle nuove generazioni, senza dimenticare però le radici storiche, che ci riportano al mondo della tv, dei fumetti, dei giochi che sono appartenuti e appartengono in modo trasversale a tante generazioni". "Ancora una volta – afferma l'assessore al Turismo e agli impianti sportivi Daniele Berardinelli – avremo l'opportunità di promuovere lo spirito di accoglienza della nostra città e potremo farlo anche grazie alla versatilità del Palarossini, un contenitore sportivo che nel tempo ha dimostrato di poter essere un valido punto di incontro anche per altri tipi di eventi, sia musicali, che culturali e fieristici. Anche questa manifestazione servirà quindi ad aumentare la visibilità turistica della nostra città". Gli ospiti Saranno ospiti dell'edizione 2024 Cristina D'Avena, Pino Insegno, Giovanni Muciaccia, Danilo Bertazzi ed Elisa Rosselli, ma il programma, affermano gli organizzatori, sarà anche ricco di sorprese. L'animazione di BHC COSPLAY curerà tutti i panel sul palco principale e i meet&greet che si terranno dopo ogni spettacolo. Le esperienze e gli eventi Nell'intento di Ancona Comics&Games c'è anche la volontà di proporre al pubblico una serie di esperienze attive: per tutto il weekend, in collaborazione con 8 Bit Inside e Ak Informatica by P&C Computer, si potranno provare gratuitamente videogiochi e console next generation con i migliori titoli, e mettersi alla prova con molteplici e-sports, oltre che fare un viaggio tra le console vintage. Associazioni ludiche e sportive saranno presenti all'evento e consentiranno di provare anche nuovi giochi da tavolo. Uno spazio sarà dedicato al KPOP, a cura di KST - KPOP SHOW TIME. Saranno inoltre presenti gli stand fotografici di AIFA COSPLAY e domenica 14 aprile si svolgerà la GARA COSPLAY a premi, per la quale sono già aperte le iscrizioni. La mostra mercato La mostra mercato offrirà i migliori stand italiani dove trovare Action Figures, Limited Edition, Funko Pop, abbigliamento a tema, fumetti, videogiochi, DVD e molto altro ancora. Biglietti Per l'acquisto dei biglietti di ingresso è già attiva la prevendita on line. Info sui costi e biglietteria on line si trovano al link https://www.diyticket.it/organizers/147/blu-nautilus-srl . Il costo del ticket giornaliero è di 10 euro (acquisto in cassa 14 euro). L'abbonamento per i due giorni costa 18 euro. Ingresso gratuito per i bambini fino a sei anni. I biglietti saranno disponibili alla cassa fino alla chiusura della manifestazione. Manifesto Il manifesto dell'edizione 2024 è stato realizzato da Vincenzo Cucca, fumettista e illustratore professionista per Disney e Marvel, docente presso la Scuola Internazionale di Comics di Pescara. La colorista del manifesto è Maria Cristina Federico, in arte Marycry, che con Cucca ha lavorato a una serie di tre numeri di Bitter Dream per la Interweb Comics. Entrambi saranno ospiti della manifestazione per tutto il weekend e sarà possibile incontrarli nell'area DADA Editore per i firmacopie. Informazioni e programma dettagliato Il programma completo della manifestazione è consultabile sul sito web www.fieredelfumetto.it. Informazioni e aggiornamenti sono inoltre disponibili sui social di Ancona Comics&Games.... #notizie #news #breakingnews #cronaca #politica #eventi #sport #moda Read the full article
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mypickleoperapeanut · 3 months
"Notte da Oscar"
Spettacolo e Stile all'Otel di Firenze
Un tributo scintillante alla magia del cinema,
la "Notte da Oscar" , martedì Grasso, 13 Febbraio 2024, un evento senza precedenti dalle 21.00 nell'esclusivo OTEL di Firenze.
L'emozione di calcare il red carpet per lasciarsi avvolgere dal glamour di una celebrazione indimenticabile.
Star del grande schermo a sorpresa si mischieranno tra gli ospiti in una serata dove la musica sarà la vera protagonista, danzando sulle note di rinomati DJ set ed esibizioni live.
Non solo movenze scatenate e melodie coinvolgenti, ma anche un momento solidale con la raccolta fondi per il progetto Lions a sostegno di Casa Marta.
Ogni singolo contributo può fare la differenza, divertimento e solidarietà durante una sofisticata light cocktail dinner, brindando in compagnia e circondati da un'atmosfera stravagante.
Per gli appassionati del cinema, avventure tra i mondi dei film con i cosplayers più originali, mentre ballerini professionisti animeranno la notte con performance da togliere il fiato.
L'invito è aperto a tutti, si richiede un'offerta di 25 Euro.
Ogni momento sarà un ricordo prezioso, rimarrà deluso solo chi non partecipa.
Per assicurati il posto nella atmosfera di questa grandiosa serata contattare
Whatsapp: 3394339279
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au-bit-lait-yr · 4 months
pertinent experience question:
(b4 terminally online) have you been to eastern europe or scandi land? do you have any exp with Nazi nazis? I mean, neo-nazis that borrowed family garb or w/e but.
outside a grocery store, seeing a group of 15-20ish +18yos in FULL nazi shit, boots pants jackets red and white swastika armbands... as a foreigner and uhhh target of that shit I was afraid and wanted to not pass through to get inside, grabbing hand of partner, when locals informed me, and demonstrated:
they want to impose and feel powerful. if you flinch that gets them off, you literally need to walk on/Through them and laugh. mock them.
that's at least what you do in suburbs or touristy metro area in countries that have strict gun laws.
if you can't physically punch a nazi (skipped arm day or too short uh, on a visa or visiting and not fully prepared to engage with law enforcement), second best is treating them like morons and man lemme tell you how much they hate Cringe stuff, like MCU. it distracts and deflects, and makes their attempt to project a strong authority image a failure.
absolutely treat them like idiot cosplayers and if you're in Helsinki underground thing by the gamestop*, you absolutely go full Idiot American and go buy a Captain America funko pop and pose next to them like you're gonna punch them. make them movie props. it's so fucking cringe and guess what? they can't do anything but get mad online cry about it. only NAZIS are trying to market their image and project strength and importance.
undermine that.
context is critical though. be in public place where many regular people are, and where local law enforcement is anti-fascist (but law protects all dressing & "presence" of people who are displaying.. uh, symbols? - sadly including nazi, but also protects the multicultural and Jewish and Islamic immigrants etc - as long as potential troublemakers are not "doing" anything except loiter in areas where you are allowed to loiter, like parks and malls)
* in the year uhh (avengers movie playing @ kino, trump running/freshly elected can't remember)
also don't be in places where they can kill you with cars (like proud boys in Charlotte, NC). euro safety bonus !
lethality of hitting someone with a shitty scooter or bicycle is low. and most of the nazis literally took the train looking all Tough n Scary (sarcasm) with eeeeveryone else, they hate that! unless you act afraid and all the poc/foreigners hide as far back, which is their goal.
online shit is another animal but jfc
you don't give them the train car. you don't give them the Fucking Authority to do or be anything but laughable fleas. you don't give them the area. if they scare away the arab immigrant families at the park, if you feel safe enough, absolutely challenge and troll their presence.
if you guys actually deal with anything irl. btw
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lagendageek · 1 year
Le Retrogeek festival 2023 aura lieu à Vesoul (70) du 10 au 11 juin 2023. Fort du succès de ses précédents opus, le Retrogeek festival revient pour une 6ème édition, avec toujours plus de nouveautés et encore plus d’enthousiasme pour cette convention devenue incontournable pour les geeks de tous horizons. Grand rassemblement des différents univers de la culture geek et des années 80 et 90, le festival réunit les fans de jeux de société, de vieux jouets, de jeux vidéo, de cosplay, de BD, de manga et de cinéma fantastique (et bien d’autres !) le temps d’un week-end d’échanges et de convivialité. Avec de nombreux cosplayers en tenue de gala, plusieurs grands espaces jeux vidéo consacrés aux tournois et au rétrogaming, des invités sympas et accessibles, des salles annexes dédiées aux jeux de société et des exposants en pagaille, nous avons plein de bonnes raisons de sortir de nos grottes ! Rassemblement des fans de la culture geek des années 80 & 90 ! Jeux vidéos, jeux de société, mangas, cosplay, youtubers et beaucoup de nouveautés pour cette 6ème édition pleine de promesses ! INVITEZ VOS AMIS GEEKS AU RETROGEEK FESTIVAL 2023 !!! Parc des expos de Vesoul Samedi 10h - 20h et Dimanche 10h -19h 8 euros la journée, 14 euros le week-end Demi-tarif pour les – de 10 ans Toutes les infos sont sur www.retrogeekfestival.com  
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nn-ee-zz · 3 years
hullo! your art is gorgeous and I love it.
um, do- do you have any advice, or tips for wannabe artists?
Thanks! Have a good day!
Hey! So, let’s begin:
-Be clever with your sketchbooks;
I often saw artists around me buy expensive sketchbooks and abandon them less than halfway, because they were afraid they'd ruin it. So I ALWAYS recommend everyone to get a cheap sketchbook that they wouldn't feel sorry to 'ruin'. I always have two sketchbooks; one for more complex ink stuff, and another for messing around. Despite posting more works from the ink sketchbook online, my favorite one is the messiest. Someone said that sketchbooks should be an experimentation lab and not a gallery, and that's 100% true. My REAL sketchbook is an A5 of 300pages that cost around 3 euros (here it is bellow, next to my ink sketchbook)
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-Practise anatomy and don't shy away from references;
Draw people and poses! I began studying anatomy by re-drawing drawn pose references from deviantArt. To make it more appealing, you can always sketch your fave characters instead of having blank models. Now, that's a good beginning, but it's always good to know how to draw poses from real people. There's plenty of stock poses online.
For a more complex breakdown of what's happening under the skin, I also have these books. The title seems to change depending on the country, but the books are by Michel Lauricella. Easy to grasp, beautiful, and priced very friendly in comparison to other anatomy books (I got the big one for 17Eu)
Also a fun practice to do is to find cosplayers of the characters you like and sketch them (If you ever post it online, do make sure to credit them)!
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Now, this one might be controversional and it's a hard one to balance. I will speak from my own experience. Staying away from posting art on social media for the first 2 years or so when I was learning how to draw helped a lot.
It's nice to get feedback, positive reinforcement is great. Unfortunately I see so often people posting art and being disappointed when it doesn't reach the numbers they wanted. Then one drawing does, and they tend to shift their whole artstyle/direction according to the drawing that made them most popular.
When I began focusing on drawing, I was surrounded by people irl who also drew, so I could share without social media. So share your art with your close friends, or any art clubs nearby, or discord servers. It doesn't mean you're forbidden from posting online, but be wary of how online numbers can make you feel.
Thank you for the support and the question! Best of luck!
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