#even tho ur not even FOLLOWING ME BACK YET SMH
ventigh · 1 year
i rly hate emmets team in pokemon. now unfortunately gamefreaks completely forgotten abt him wc fair but liek rly his team is so bad
pokemon rant under the cut
both his doubles and super doubles team is so aaaaaahgg. ofc back then, even ohkos are like so-so (meaning they're not as viable as now duhh. pokemon power creep much?) buuuuut
i wish his crustle ran a shell smash+white herb set instead. why tf does his crustle have earthquake when his first doubles team composes of the crab, klinklang, garbador and durant??? r u aiming on taking urself down??
whyyy does his klinklang have a steel gem instead of the obv choice wc is leftovers? if it's a steel type sp.att that has protect and toxic, then give that guy a regen! steel is one of the best defensive types n the protect rly leads u to believe it'd benefit as a staller, esp if its doubles where bulk would be better for a pokemon rather than power. outlasting ur opponent is esp good!!! u need all the players u can keep in doubles! nice!!
garbodor's coverage is just blergh. nvm the fact that emmet's team doesnt have a ground cover, he should have at least had a dark type-learned move to go against psychic. other than stab venoshock (an iffy choice for a poison move btw), garbodor has psychic and focus blast wc what? what is ur coverage? whats the psychic for? who r u taking down????
and durant is sorta okay. i mean i love durant duh but again,, what is that item? durant's sp.def is non-existent and atp an occa berry aint doing favors against a quad effective flamethrower lmaooo. give it a life orb and milk that speed for all its worth -- since it's the only speedy boy in the team :')
even his super doubles team sucks bc of mold breaker haxorus running earthquake, effectively decimating chandelure, excadrill, and eelektross (srsly what is up with that ground weakness??) also ofc, i dont rly like the held berries against ice moves -either run focus sash or forget abt it already lmaoo- but two dragon moves when they could have had a fighting one instead? (tho the berry may be better than sash ofc bc doubles....)
exca doesnt even have a steel-stab (or a set-up like come on)! chands is fine,,,,
n i love emmets ace, i rly rly do but i could never viably use eelektross ever :'D his set is especially bad bc yyy have gastro acid when just dont use haxorus to begin w? (i forgot if exca also had mold breaker) y waste a turn and a move slot trying to disarm urself? also discharge and thunderbolt are basically the same im crying. eelektross is useless against ground types -the eel didnt rly have access to water moves like aqua tail and liquidation back in gen 5 but grass knot at least?? :') what abt electric-resistant mons too? :'))) its so ironic that a lot of competitive players ignore the eel seeing as eelektross has virtually zero weaknesses hahah
and in almost all of these, none of them are remarkably fast. they have no synergy or visible flow to follow. it's not remarkably suited for doubles --probs bc he shares his team w a singles master. he looks like he's playing two singles battles at the same time instead of taking advantage of the doubles format (smh after all only one pokemon has protect)
now im not rly letting go the hc that ofc emmet's a good battler [even tho it pains me bc i was vocal abt geeta being a subpar champion! n yet my bias prevents me from seeing emmet as the same?? (⁠@▽@⁠)] but im just saying maaaybe dont share pokemon w a singles master emmet!?!??!??????
but who cares if u have eq in singles bc the only hurt ur aiming to give is to ur opponent (wc it will bc eq is an elite ground move)
almost all ur pokemon's moves are there for coverage wc hurts the quality of ur double battles bc it's the format where playing slow, steady, and smart wins over opportunistic single matches. run more protects for pete's sake!!! protect is crucial in doubles esp when u have an earthquake team!!!
it's so simple rly bc imagine if eelektross had protect instead of thunderbolt or discharge or whatever
sigh. emmets team sucks. they'll prob not rectify it. gamefreaks never made a good double battler anyway. probs bc doubles is more complicated than singles. ugh.
at least it could then protect itself while the earthquake happens then emmet could wait for the protect to recharge before choosing earthquake again. but ofc they wouldn't do that bc protect barely does anything in singles if you're not stalling for poison (wc ingo most obv is not lmao. n i dont see him pivoting any time soon after all so why waste a slot and a turn for protect in gen 5 singles right????)
that is all.
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soliloquys-blog1 · 7 years
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                   There's  a  ringing  in  his  ears   &   a  knotted   TWIST   in  his  stomach  that  have  refused  to  subside  since  he'd  first  encountered  the  man  who  so  cleverly  called  himself  Andrew  Blackthorn,   since  he'd  been  tied  up  and  tortured  according  to  Jonathan  Morgenstern's  whims,   but . . .   he's  up  and  about,   and  he  supposes  that  it  has  to  count  for  something.   He's  not  exactly   STUCK   in  the  Institute   ( not  officially,   at  least ),   but  despite  the  near - constant  looks  of   PITY   that  he's  bestowed  with  each  time  he  congregates  with  the  rest  of  the  Institute's  inhabitants  for  the  morning's  briefing,   he  is  never  quite  distracted  enough  to  go  without  noticing  that,   while  he  hasn't  been  tasked  with  scutwork  as  of  yet   ( despite  being  a  relative  newcomer ),   he  isn't  actually  being  tasked  with   ANYTHING   at  all.  
                    It's  getting  to  the  second  week  that  he's  been  out  of  the  Infirmary  when  he  finally  approaches  Alec  Lightwood  after  the  conclusion  of  a  briefing,   expression  set  with  determination  in  spite  of  the  withdrawn  shadow  that  is  almost  always  clouding  his  features,   nowadays.          ❝ ----With  all  due  respect,   I'm   FINE   to  leave  the  Institute, ❞          is  how  he  poses  the  beginnings  of  his  request,   arms  folding  across  his  chest  as  he  casts  an  uncharacteristically  beseeching  gaze  towards  the  other.   He  needs  the  distraction,   needs  to  do   SOMETHING   in  an  attempt  to  forget  about  having  had  his  life  in  the  hands  of  a  murderer,   even  if  it's  just  for  a  moment.   He  needs  to  feel  as  if  he's  in   CONTROL   of  his  life  again;   which  is  probably  why  he’s  allowing  himself  to  put  this  level  of   VULNERABILITY   out  on  display.          ❝ I  can’t  stay  in  here  forever.   Send  me  out,   Alec. ❞          A  pause.          ❝ PLEASE. ❞
( @warricrsbcw. )
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blxetsi · 3 years
HIIIII!! can i get a pieck finger dating headcanons if that’s alright with you of course? your stuff makes me soft, stay safe!
yuh ‼️ tysm for your request
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pieck finger dating headcanons (modern au)
pieck finger x gn!reader
warnings: literal fluff, no angst or anything i love pieck
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- bc pieck is assumed to be like 23-26 this wont be a uni au or anything
- idk i rlly think you guys wouldve met in a mundane way
- like you bump into her on the sidewalk and try to the really awkward "oh im so sorry i didnt see you there- no really it was my fault- are you sure youre okay ?- okay great- no im not hurt- yeah- okay have a good day and again im so sorry !!" thing with her
- and then maybe you guys see each other again at a coffee place, youre there with your friends and shes there with hers, and you dont wanna talk to her obv bc that would be awkward
- then ur friend makes u go and order another coffee for them, and while youre waiting for your order pieck comes and stands beside you
- and shes very observant yknow ?? if she sees a face its very hard for her to forget it
- so she immediately recognizes you and blurts out "its you !"
- and you have to be like "oh yeah ! it is me ! its you too"
- she finds it quite cute and giggles about it
- a very laidback person but also a very blunt person
- she doesnt find any harm in asking "can i get your instagram @" look she doesnt wanna be a creep and ask for ur number right at the start
- and it gives her a chance to find out what kind of person you are
- it would absolutely suck for her if such a cute face was posting fishing pictures and alt right propaganda yknow ??
- so you two do and then both of your orders come so you two give awkward goodbyes before going back to your groups
- her instagram is very pretty, nice themes
- she posted a couple of hours ago, with her and her friends in a park, taking a couple of posed photos while some looking like they were natural
- shes adorable and you cant help but feel your cheeks go warm as you basically stalk her page
- she dms you and says "are you too busy looking at my feed that you havent followed me yet ?" and you see this mf staring at you across the room like 👁️👁️
- okay nosy lets calm down now 🙄🤚
- you try to defend urself but ur typing so quick you keep making errors in your writing, she ends up saying something else
"you know, i was doing the exact same thing. youre beautiful you know"
- thank you pieck 🥰
- over the next couple of weeks thats how you two communicate. she'll send you instagram memes and edits of her favourite shows, movies, games etc. and you find yourself having a lot in common w her
- you check her story so frequently it becomes one of the first accounts on the top of your homepage
- and FINALLY, when she feels she can see you as a friend and not just some pretty stranger she met on the street she asks you out
- it was a simple thing, just to the movies, and she even let you pick which one !! (imagine its pre covid idfk)
- you two go and its an awkward hug before you both head inside
- you pay for your tickets and she gets an extra large popcorn and a drink
- you assume shes just v hungry but before you can order yourself something shes like "what are you doing i got this for us !!"
- rlly cute bitch omfg
- during the movies, after she eats literally most of the fucking popcorn, she pulls your hand out of your lap and holds it with her buttery one 🥰🤚
- this bitch had crumbs and didnt even think to wipe them off
- you still held her hand tho anyways
- after that night you parted ways in front of the theater after making sure you two would be getting home safe
- and that became routine for a couple of weeks, not going to the movies obviously bc thats expensive but watching movies together !! youd go over to her apartment or she would come over to yours
- one thing about pieck is that shes very touchy
- one way or another she will end up cuddled with you on the couch
- it doesnt matter if its you being forcefully pulled on top of her body or her draping herself over you like shes a blanket, you two WILL be cuddling and you WILL enjoy it
- but finally, as if the gods gave you mercy, she finally kissed you
- it felt so nice, her lips were soft and sticky from her lip gloss and she tasted like the swedish berries you had gotten for her to munch on
- and the rest of the movie you two just sat there, kissing each other and giggling like teens
- she ended up staying the night, and complimented your bedsheets
- your relationship moved pretty fast after that
- she had already told all of her friends about you, they werent very surprised
- when you got officially introduced her friends zeke and porco tried to do that whole "if you hurt her.." speech before she slapped them and had marcel pull you away to safety
- other than that the night was very fun, you got to talking about your career, why you moved to the city, and other mundane topics
- pieck is actually a graphic designer, and everytime she comes to sleep over she just HAS to bring her laptop with her
- its basically just her laying in between your legs while she types away, youll pet her hair and lay soft kisses on her neck, and occasionally ask what shes doing
- she likes to tell you, has no problem in answering the questions you have, even if you think theyre stupid ones, shes very soft with you
- also a bit of a trickster
- for your first april fools together she slept over, you didnt have anything planned for her bc youre a good person and wont hurt the ones you love
- she stuffed your breakfast muffin with mustard 😁👍
- you gave her the cold shoulder for the rest of the day until she apologized by getting you a new muffin
- now she always dropped the l bomb to you, but she never needed you to say it
- thats why, when you were helping her cook dinner at her place you softly said "see ? and thats why i love you" she kind of,,, stopped what she was doing
- you realized why she wasnt washing the knife she used to cut your vegetables and tried to backtrack, but it was too late, she was already tackling you into a hug and taking you down onto the floor
- she just gave you kisses while repeating "i love you i love you i love you" over and over again
- bc of her you burnt ur fucking chicken smh
- you spent that night eating junk food and watching movies
- piecks a very observant person, so she always knows when youre sad too
- when you give that little huff when you come home to your (new !) shared apartment she knows something is up
- she'll slowly trail behind you as you walk to your bedroom, stripping to your underwear and changing into your pajamas
- you crawl into bed just wanting a nap to forget about the day, and she'll crawl in with you and hold you
- you never like to cry but youre so frustrated and upset at your coworkers, at that rude customer, at those deadlines, that you just breakdown
- and she lets you, she lets you almost suffocate yourself in her chest with how much your pushing your head into it, she strokes your hair while you choke on your own cries and hands you tissues when you need to blow your nose
- "what do you need my love ?" "i just need you" "okay baby"
- communication is a big thing in the relationship, and because shes been so open and honest from the beginning, talking about how you feel has never been easier
- in fact, you like talking about how you feel about your relationship, or how you didnt like what pieck said to your friends the other day, this and that, you feel comfortable and safe with pieck no matter what, which makes talking about even the most hardest things seem so simple and natural
- all in all, even when she wakes you up with spontaneous ice cream dates or asks that you put raisins in the popcorn during movie night, even with the fights and the crying and the exhaustion the next day, life would be much duller without her, and you only have to thank your clumsy self
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uhh i feel like this is very short but yeah ❤️ requests are open so go crazy mfs ‼️
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minniepetals · 4 years
MA’AM ITS OKAY TO FALL PT2 MAKES ME WANNA PART 3 WHYYYY ok but for real tho it’s really good and i really like it a lot n ur really talented n i tell u this a lot but do t overwork. but u don’t really listen so remem
(smh, what else am i supposed to do? rest? pssh)
— part 3 / more here
The minute the hospital discharged you, you're back to working without any rest in between. You should have taken a few more days away to rest up but nope, you decide upon continuing to work.
They start seeing you more often, watching you carefully, and falls at a loss when you do not complain one bit and does not ask for any favor despite being the little hero to the big boss, falling into a situation that could have costed your own life.
Yet you ask for nothing in return.
And they wonder why.
"Why'd you do that?" You look up from dusting the books to find Namjoon leaning against a shelf, his face showing no emotions as always.
"Do what, sir?"
"Threw yourself in front of a bullet," he says. "You aren't looking for me to repay you so it seems so what was the point? It did nothing to benefit you."
"I never hoped for it to benefit my self," you tell him sincerely. When his brows creases, you go on to explain yourself. "Sometimes doing the kindest thing for others is the best thing one can do."
"I don't think just anyone would jump in front of a bullet for anyone else like that." You turn at another voice that comes in the form of Park Jimin. "Whether it is out of kindness or whatever."
"Do you not value your life, is that why?" Yoongi asks.
"I certainly do."
"So why do it?"
"You could have gotten seriously hurt."
"And you could have died," Namjoon points out in a low growl. "Do you have any idea what you risked back there? You risked your own life, Y/N, for someone who doesn't even matter that much to you."
"But you do." You pout. "I told you that I loved you."
You don't know whether the scoff that follows it is something that is meant to sound surprised or to have a bitter distaste because he's disgusted by you. You don't know what to think anymore honestly.
"You still do?" Seokjin asks.
You nod.
"Why?" The leader demands. "Can't you see how much we hate it?" Your heart stings. "Can't you see that every time you give us that dumb smile of yours, it makes me want to punch a wall? And how your voice is still so soft and gentle despite the things we'd tell you? You're so annoying, you and your stupid kind heart that refuses to see the bad in others no matter how rude they are to you. We keep pushing you away but you only pull back and why the hell do you never shed a tear? Can't you see? We hate you, Y/N, and we hate that we can't actually stupidly hate you."
Your eyes widen at his last words and you aren't sure whether you heard it right or not. Surely you hadn't, right?
"Why would you love us?" Taehyung wonders sincerely. "We've given you plenty of reasons not to even like us."
"Because I know there is good in you," you say. "You push me away but despite all that, I still wanted to let you know that you're capable of being loved. You're not the monsters you think you are, you're just a little lost."
"Why love when you expect nothing in return?" Jungkook asks.
"Because I'm happy alone just knowing you can find comfort in each other. That love itself, between the seven of you, is something I'd never want to ever break apart."
Hoseok sighs as he watches the smile on your face, wondering how in the world you can still smile despite all of this. "Do you not believe you deserve some love yourself?"
"I don't really care," you shrug with one shoulder as your other one is still healing. "I'm just happy being able to give love."
Oh how lonely you must be deep inside.
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cloveroctobers · 3 years
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IG info/bio: @/theeallegrabianchi | 303k followers| Entrepreneur | bad bitches go to therapy thxz 🦭👄
(24) 26 years old
From Swansea, Wales
Ofc she knows who Catherine Zeta-Jones is...her mother literally resembles her and remembers people coming up to her mom countless times asking for a pic growing up, and Allegra hated taking pics for these imbeciles...mainly because the attention wasn’t on her
has a dysfunctional family...
her mother is critical of almost everything she does but at least she paying attention?
and feels her father is neglectful and only seems to be heard when she’s in his face
all they know how to do is scream at each other instead of talking calmly to one another
her mother is of Venezuelan heritage
And Her father is of Italian heritage
her father’s side of the family resides in calabria italy
he named her after his high school gf that passed away due to his irresponsible drunk driving on their senior prom night
Her parents do not have the healthiest of relationships due to her father constantly cheating on her mother in the past...leading to verbal and physical fights
also has a kid or two outside of their marriage because of his unfaithfulness and allegra learned to hate them because of the hurt her mother showcased
In the beginning she was only around them because her father enforced it, that she needed to know her family “blood is all you got in the end.” He would always say but that was bs
Would take her, her half sibs, and her full sibs on day trips/weekend trips in his suburban
Has three full older brothers and one full younger sister
Because of this, Allegra did not have a clear view of what love was supposed to be and felt that anger in a relationship is supposed to be somewhat of the norm?
Many times she wished at night in her bed with a pillow over her head that her parents would just file for a divorce already when their fights would get bad to the point things would get broken and her mother would h*t her father (once with a metal bat) and throw him out of the house
Has had the cops called on their household before and cps definitely has/had a file on them
Has been in family therapy before and is currently in therapy mainly for herself because of the trauma & how it’s messed with her spirit as a person
Loves? Cares for her parents from afar but will never understand their relationship and why they’re still together to this day
Can go months without speaking to any of her family members and be completely fine with that
Had her younger sis, Nerina put her PRIVATE shit on blast via internet after love island aired and completely cut her off since she is “a clout chaser and money hungry bitch who can’t take care of own her child cause she opened her legs to a meth head who loves prison” OOP
she only has a decent relationship with one of her brothers who’s two years older than her, Vito. They seem to be the closest out of the sibs and he’s the only one she bothers to speak to from time to time
She’s a “cocktail entrepreneur” so I’m guessing she has her own business where she specializes in her own cocktail drinks? Working in some upscale rooftop/penthouse bar where she successfully makes profits from her signature drinks or has a brand that focuses mainly on cocktails
It took years for her business to take off and hasn’t been easy, not one bit. At times it felt like everyone wanted to see her fail and she has openly spoken about her struggles as not only a entrepreneur but as a woman in this business where no one wanted to take a chance on her
That just lit the fire that’s already inside of her
Aries sun + Leo moon + Scorpio rising? (Personality vs how you react to things emotionally vs you’re outside shell for those who don’t follow this too much. I’m not too in depth about it but I do find it interesting!)
Or should she be reversed as a Leo sun with a Aries moon? Aries are direct, fiery, one step ahead of others, impulsive, and know how to take charge. Leo’s are dramatic, loves attention, passionate, loyal, warm, and have a need to express their passions, and scorpios are intense, secretive, mysterious, and work strategically
anyways, I feel like she’s definitely improved as a person over the span of two years? Or at least I hope she has cause everyone goes thru changes
And she was frustrating in s1 so I just know she had some deeper issues going on so I really think therapy is helping her ass I wish it would help me lmao
Being cheated on honestly made her feel like her mother, weak in her mind she was with this dude for awhile—3 years and he just up and thought it was okay to cheat on her? With his personal trainer?! Yet he didn’t gain any muscle mass?! The ultimate disrespect!!! but one thing she knew? She wasn’t going to stick around like her mom did
But she was bitter about it foresure. She ultimately wanted to corner the girl for messing with HER man but part of her knew she wasn’t the only one to blame. However that didn’t stop her for cussing her out via voicemail a couple of times while intoxicated
Allegra always strived for love cause she’s never really seen it before or felt it
Sure she’s had many boyfriends before?And their names didn’t matter not only because she didn’t remember them? But she never felt the spark with them in the first place?
Maybe she wasn’t meant for love so she kinda put on this bitchy front and always been that way with some shitty friends she had around her until she recently cut them off a year ago
has gotten herself into trouble as a kid: trespassing, and destroying public property, smoking in the girls bathroom, physical altercations, cutting class, being assigned community service, etc... all with these friends she’s had for years!
Before she met her problematic friends in secondary, when she was in her pre-teen stage she was involved in the handbell team and in the Color guard but hates to admit it even tho her parents have pics all over the flat
went away to uni for a semester and wanted to join a sorority but the hazing was extreme to the point she was sent to the hospital then accepted? Which led to more trauma in her life so she dropped out
A few years later she decided on online courses and moved out of her parents flat as soon as she could with the $ she saved up and did not leave in the house since it was not safe to smh
Therapy was really helping sis, she felt a lot better and was working on her deep rooted issues mainly the anger and hurt and never really realized how it revolves around her life. She was super thankful for her therapist and reshaping herself
Many didn’t buy it but she knew she couldn’t give that much of a fuck? She couldn’t. In order to grow you got to learn that you have to involve for yourself and not others
She didn’t like the person she saw watching the show back but when she came back to the reunion a part of her hoped people saw some sort of change in her—even if it’s only been a few months since the show then
Sometimes she’ll slip back into old habits, wanting and doing so by snapping on people and blacking out by getting intoxicated and knowing that healing is a process and valuing yourself is the exact same
has a toy poodle that she loves deeply
doesn’t have many outside friends after cutting off the ones that were toxic
is pro-ab*rtion and had one herself which was aired out by her sister online
has a cozy flat that has a lot of brick exposure inside, a navy sofa which is her favorite piece in her house, and a view to die for!! which erases the fact that her apartment is “cozy” which she uses to replace the fact that it’s much smaller than what she originally wanted. She dreams big ya know!!!
currently has a crush on her art teacher who resembles Adam Rodriguez
but also feels like liking your teacher/instructor is a bit weird? Even tho they’re both grown
yes she is taking art classes now outside of work to find something that’ll bring her peace and these pass months they have until COVID hit where classes had to be cancelled yet she was contacted to continue online but she felt her art was truly shit but he says art is subjective
She feels like there’s a connection there? But at the same time isn’t looking for another relationship until she fully works on herself first! That took awhile for her to accept after she fell into some relations with a few ppl after the show
from there she realized that she might like girls too? And got a little annoyed that it took her this long to figure out especially with the way she felt around MC and cherry
doesn’t like to admit this but her fav holiday is Christmas? Even tho the theme is majorly corny to her but it actually makes her happy?
Feels like that was the only time her family showed love towards each other, and even tho they didn’t come from much, they always followed thru with their traditions
and she misses them a little bit around this time and might be the first one to call them even if the calls are short lived and kinda awkward at first
Loves making gingerbread houses and cookies
i feel like she now embraces her forearm hair but still gets everything else lasered
Miss Allegra has inches okay?! But I definitely feel like now in 2020 she’s chopping that shit off into a pixie cut and when she posts on the gram her hair is usually always damp when she shows it off
some comments — jake: lovely! Jen: babe, ur beautiful! Erikah: 😍 Tim: how hot! You’ve got the whole resident evil thing goin for yous
“Did he just call me a virus?”
And she might get a like from mason that’ll make her feel some type of way
We all have to go thru some growth you know so do you girl!
You can’t tell me she doesn’t play stabscotch!
Used to be obsessed with social media way before going on love island but lately doesn’t mind disappearing for months at a time? You have to cleanse yourself from that shit
idk i see her being mostly cool with jen or erikah and will hang out with them from time to time? Maybe they experienced some growth too, shit I sure hope so
still feels something for mason??? But at the same time maybe it was mainly superficial since mason wasn’t fucking with her like that, not 100% but at the same time gets frustrated that he still doesn’t see where she’s coming from and it’s been 2 years???
She loves hard if given the chance and then feels like shit when it doesn’t work out cause it feels like she wasted a fuck load of time
she no longer follows him because she feels like it’s better for her spirit or whatever and she doesn’t need to see him with someone else
the only guy that she really interacts with is Tim, yet tim is cool with everybody!
Otherwise there’s no real connection with her and anybody else? She wants to keep love island separate from herself now because she’s not exactly the same as she was two years ago? And hopes someday people will get that
Probably watches those auction shows on the telly late at night when she can’t sleep, hoping and can afford some of those things one days
I feel like she has chronic migraines too?
Once had a significant other buy her Allegra-D in all seriousness for her birthday because it reminded them of her & thought it would help her headaches 🤨
Loves the snow, but hates cleaning it off her car! S/O to those HOA fees, bless it cause leggy’s deff bussed her ass once before breaking her collarbone and sued like a mf!!!
Since her hours are hardly consistent since she’s mainly her own boss, she’ll have late nights/early mornings when she returns home and has to shift days where she cleans the flat but when she cleans??? It’s best everyone stays tf out of her way
And don’t try to help her cause you’re doing it wrong 10/10 of the time, she loves cleaning and has dropped mad money on those super expensive vacuums
Only knows how to make what’s relative to her culture: arepas, penne alla vodka, and cawl but otherwise than that? She’d rather clean then spend hours in a kitchen cooking unless she’s making cocktails ofc!
also loves shopping for clothes but shoes are her fav things to shop for
Deff has a steamer over a iron for her clothes
Keeps eucalyptus and lavender oil in her purse at all times
posts mainly on her stories and made a deal with her supporters that she’ll go live once a month since she feels like she owes them that? Since she’s not as active anymore but she really doesn’t owe anybody shit but out of the newfound kindness of her heart...she does
Believes she got Covid before they all decided to do a shut down/lockdown of restaurants, bars, etc.. and her suspicions were proven correct after she decided to get tested
her anthem? Kali Uchis — Dead to me (acoustic version)
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bangtansfavwriter · 4 years
💘bangtan as boyfriends: namjoon💘
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(this cutie tho💕💗💞💓)
- the touchy kind of bf, your relationship can be described with one word: sensual
- bonds with you mentally and physically (👀)
- at the same time, very awkward with you when the guys are around
- but whenever it's just the two of you... oh my ..... you're in your own personal and highly intimate bubble
-a man of ... dualities... will talk about Aristotle with you and then ask you about your favourite pokemon
-will teach you about the richness of the finest wines while he's sipping on his capri-sun
-very passionate about your relationship and highly protective of you
-helps you deal with life in general, mostly with some daily tasks, will be ur mental support when actually can't be with you
-sends you pics of everything he finds interesting when he's away, there's a "joon on tour🌏💕" folder on your phone with pictures of unique statues, selcas, amazing food and loots of photos of landscapes and the sky. and of course.... 🦀☺️
- you cry at over trivia: love at least once/month, as it is the one song that always lifts your spirits, you once had an awful day where absolutely nothing was right and you crawled into bed in hopes to just fall asleep already (at 6pm smh) just to forget how shitty life can be sometimes. you listened to music, hoping that this would help you fall asleep, but no avail, you were just laying there, trying to keep yourself from crying. you didn't even notice that namjoon slowly snuck into the bedroom, until you felt the weight shift in bed and him pulling you into his chest. he knew. you knew by the way he held you and caressed your hair. "y/n?" he whispered and lifted your face to look at him. your teary eyes couldn't avoid his, but you couldn't complain. He smiled at you warmly, hugged you again and then softly sang the chorus of trivia: love, reminding you of his love for you (and laughed/cooed when you finally started sobbing)
-he took the supporting thing to a questionable level when he tried to cook for you and almost burned the house down and you reminded him of that incident everytime you saw a fire extinguisher, it became a running gag between you two
fire extinguisher:
you: oh, reminds me of the time you almost turned the kitchen to -
joon: i did it in good will and this is what i get
- manliest man in every other occasion, babiest baby when he's drunk, one loud mf tho (you once took scissors away from him when he was shit-faced drunk and he got emotional bc "you love me that much huh y/n, you protect meeee~, love you so so so much, y/n~", and you have to remind yourself why you signed up for this)
- very soft for you, will try to initiate cuddling but gets shy very often, you're his reminder that being soft and gentle is indeed something good
-will get inspiration to write when you guys are together, whether you are cuddling, going out somewhere or even fighting
-you cussed the shit out of him once when you trusted him to hand in an important paper for you, as you had fly to another country for urgent business and .... he forgot. he literally has no reason, he simply forgot and this was the only time you actually cussed at him and it was, well... believe it or not he wrote his cypher pt.V verse based on that
-and a heart-wrenching ballad after that because you were so mad that you said you needed a break, said break lasted 2 days after maknae line was at your doorstep and asked you to take namjoon back bc "he literally didn't sleep ever since your fight and barely leaves his studio" (jimin) and you knew that over working himself like this was a very obvious sign that he's not in his right mind, so you gave him a call and you two met up and reconciled ("your hook in cypher seemed awfully familiar tho" - "....i wrote a ballad for you" - "cypher always wins, joon" --- 2 years later it turned out said ballad became spring day pt 2, it wouldn't leave the charts --- "y/n, even the charts won't let me forget the one time i screwed up" - "and neither will i" - "petty lil shit")
- your thighs have become rock-solid bc this man would take u biking every damn weekend, "why are you wheezing like that?" - "idk, joon, maybe because my lungs are failing" - "don't be so dramatic, y/n" (proceeds to laugh about your misery)
-but he'd make it worthwhile with a nice picnic during the day
-makes it even better with a candle-lit dinner at a cozy restaurant near his place, that had fantastic pasta aglio e olio ("joon, this is the best food i had in a while, but you may have to carry me home" - "same, I'm so full but it was so worth it" - "hell yea, but...I'm serious about the carrying part" - "??" - " I can't move my legs" - "oh my god" - "this is what happens when im forced to do sports")
- you spent many cozy nights with him where you just pampered yourselves and talked about all sorts of things
-he could listen to you for hours, no one fascinates him as much as you do and he's convinced that you're the most hilarious person he's ever met, although you can't quite understand why he thinks that, he never really explained it either
-you have discussions about all sorts of things, he loves it when you challenge his views, bc that keeps the fire alive ya know
-tbh he's quite possessive , ngl there.. he once saw you joking around with jungkook who smiled and stared at you with heart eyes (!his opinion!)
- namjoon was very disgruntled but didn't say anything bc jungoo is babie and so are you, but it was a whole other thing when jin drunkenly flirted with you one day but it wasn't anything harmful tbh, yet namjoon was FUMING
-jimin was so kind to drag his hyung away from you, since you were too polite and too awkward to tell bangtans oldest off, but you knew how chaotic jin could be, especially when drunk, so you didn't bother much tbh..... but namjoon did. the following day, when you went over to theirs, a very distressed jimin opened the door. you shot him a quizzical look to which he simply said: "yesterday's aftermath". jin stormed towards the door when he saw you, which startled you, but jin grabbed both your hands and profusely apologised for his behaviour the day before. you noticed namjoon glaring in the back, while you listened to jin, who was unaware of namjoon in the back. "so are we good? we have to be good or namjoon's gonna kill me". you started laughing and reassured him and all of you were ok again, jimin took a deep sigh in relief.
- very loyal to you, almost fought a staff member who bad-mouthed you when your relationship became known to bighit
- that was the time you knew namjoon would always have your back, and you knew that this man was worth every kind of hassle that could await you and your relationship (like a unintentional arson by a clumsy man who just wanted to cook)
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ryncorrect · 4 years
university!au: day6 sungjin
i’ve abandoned this au for so long istg my life is a mess yall please forgive but anyway im back with my bullshit and ready to spread my cringe-worthy stuff to the world again
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name: park sungjin
major: practical music and arts
other activities: leader, guitarist, and vocalist of university band, president of music club, member of cooking club
park sungjin is the embodiment of leadership
i mean he’s the band leader, the club president, also the president of his class since year one, like he’s so trustworthy and responsible, literally nothing can go wrong under his sight
and even when things do go wrong (life is a bitch) he’ll still make sure everyone is fine and having the time of their lives pun intended
anyone who meets sungjin for the first time will probs say he has this tough man aura, cold,,, tsundere-ish idk
but as someone who have known each other for so long, you never understand when anyone says sungjin looks cold
you know damn well the moment sungjin opens his mouth he gonna throw dad jokes with his satoori dialect
dad jokes are fucking funny fight me
you once said sungjin should start his own comedy club
......he’s currently considering it
oh right he also talks about food all. the. time.
he joined cooking club for a reason okay
no, he can’t and doesn’t really cook he’s only there to taste food and people let him there because he’s nice and he knows how to appreciate the cooks
uh we love a man with manners
so, who is sungjin for you exactly?
he lives next door, one year older than you, was a leader even when you were little ayeee childhood friend cliche
can you imagine little sungjin leading his friends in game its so pure brb crying
you told him everything you couldn’t tell ur parents because they were busy, you asked for his advises, he made sure you were safe and happy
you still depend on him even after you two have grown up
you enrolled to the same university, took the same major with him, and even joined the clubs he’s a member of
this isn’t because you’re indecisive, it’s just that you spent so much of your childhood with sungjin that you two became similar to each other, up to your hobbies and interests and even palate lmao
that’s why he loves to eat with you because you two never argue about the menu
the only club you can’t join is the band, and that’s because jae rejected your application
reason: extremely close personal relationship with sungjin, therefore sungjin will take your side if we ever had an argument
you denied that; no, sungjin wont take anyone’s side based on feelings bc he’s a logical person and he always listens carefully to every side of the parties before he makes a decision..... but jae wont listen
"you only rejected me because im a better guitarist”
“lalalalala cant hear you over my authority as the important band member”
“fuck you”
“i don’t accept offers”
anywayssss you did fail to join the band, but you’re friends with them, theyre literally so used to your company that sometimes they forgot youre not actually in the band
you and the guys teamed up for sungjin’s surprise birthday party
the surprise failed because dowoon accidentally added sungjin to the group chat
sungjin being nice and playing along anyway because he didnt want to disappoint you
and then its sungjin’s turn to ask the guys for help for your birthday party
failed again because dowoon AGAIN accidentally invited you, in person, to your own birthday party
dowoon what the heck?????
yeah its all cute and sweet but thats all of your relationship with sungjin, you treat him like a dependable brother and he treats you like his own little sister
thats what you tell to your friends too when they ask if you two are dating
they’re glad thats the case
because they have a crush on sungjin LMAOOOOO PLOT TWIST
they’re hoping they can get to sungjin through you yanno like asking you to send him snacks and letters or to tell him they say hi
you dont mind i mean you know sungjin is one admirable person ofc everyone likes him
sungjin never rejects nor accepts it hes just like “yay snacks!”
“god damn it sungjin just date any of them im tired of being a matchmaker”
“then dont?? literally no one asked you to”
little did you know that sungjin had the same problem
some of his classmates are interested in you but whenever they come to him he just says, “dont ask me i dont know anything and if i do i wont tell you”
this one sandeul guy has started asking you out and stuff
“ehhh youre so nice i’ll think about it!!”
you, immediately texting sungjin: ur friend sandeul ask me out what should i do
sungjin: do you like him tho
you: not really idk him yet
sungjin: just tell him your mom said no
you: damn nice
but this guy is so persistent and you gotta admit hes kinda cute and after a few tries you finally said yes to him
so you two went together and it was pretty fun
sungjin isnt too happy when he hears about it from sandeul
he asked you, “why didnt you tell me first?”
“well i dont think its a big deal. it was just a date anyway”
but you always told him everything
sungjin never speaks about it again
you go on another date with sandeul the week after
you tell sungjin later and he doesnt ask how it went
hes just “oh”
idk he’s kinda distant now, he rarely talks nor replies to your texts
he doesn't visit music club nor cooking club either so you don't see him often
have i told you im uncreative and all my aus are lame???
you think its probably because hes focusing for the finals, but even after it’s over sungjin doesnt really hang out with you or the band anymore like he only comes for practices and leaves right after
weirdly no one says anything about sungjin’s absence
but you cant stay quiet any longer and decide to ask dowoon whats wrong with sungjin
you shouldve known dowoon cant help much
“honestly i dont know either, maybe you should ask wonpil he’s sungjin’s roommate”
“but what if wonpil told sungjin”
“told sungjin what?”
“that i asked about him”
“asked him what?”
you asked younghyun
younghyun doesnt help either
“i dont know, just ask him yourself. i thought you were the closest to him??” why you so salty man
okay fine lets ask jae
“i’ll tell you for fifty bucks”
“dude im broke”
“then deal with it yourself”
you had no choice but to ask wonpil
“he’s just tired”
you know wonpil lied but this little shit refuses to tell anything
“please dont force me to answer i will cry really loudly and it’ll be embarrassing for the both of us”
why do you befriend them in the first place smh
oh youre right about wonpil telling sungjin that youre worried, and he does tell him to talk to you if he got something in mind
sungjins hesitant but in the end he only says, “no... its just that i didnt realize until recently that my little sister has grown up a lot”
“dear god wtf you sound like her grandma”
skip the boring part so uh a few more days passed awkwardly between you two and after your failed attempt at asking around you decide to confront sungjin in person
youre in the band practice room, the others are present, sungjin’s about to leave early as usual, and you find yourself jumping up your seat, “whats your problem with me?”
you know sungjin hates confrontation but you cant stand it anymore. you tried giving him time but if theres anything you seem to be more of a stranger to him
“i dont know what i did wrong and i wont know if you dont tell me, so let me know. i’ll listen and i’ll apologize if its my fault, but dont give me silent treatment like this. its so unlikely of you"
you can see sungjin clences his jaw as he replies calmly, "people change"
"you don't change, youre being childish. if you're mad you should talk about it. if you don't want me here you should tell me to go. if you don't like ME dating your friend you should tell me not to!!!"
drama much ryn
"youre your own person and you make your own choice, its your life and i cant keep telling you what to do or what not," and the end part kinda slips, "i don't hate you dating my friend or anyone, okay? im just not used yet to be a second person for you and im afraid youll get hurt"
"youre never?? a second person sungjin where does this idea even come from youre the only one for me i dont want anyone else???"
and suddenly there's a train of awkward coughs and you come back to your senses and you realize you're being watched
jae pretends to make a phone call, "mom pick me up im scared"
lame jae lame
dowoon mumbles, "can we,,, make an exit first before you two declare your undying love bc its privacy yanno"
you feel the heat spreading across your face as you open your mouth the same time as sungjin, both want to deny dowoon, but younghyun beats yall to it, "yeah you two are in love with each other we been know"
you and sungjin stares at each other, confused, "we don't???"
"oh honey,,, my dear,,, ive read enough sappy shit in writing club to see where this is going"
the conversation was cut there and neither of you bring it up again,
because the idea of you loving sungjin or sungjin loving you is so weird that you refuse to think about it, and so is for sungjin
but ever since that, sungjin has drastically come back to normal its almost hilarious, he spends a lot of time hanging out in the music club, practicing with the band, visiting the cooking club, making a joke here and there
sungjin is himself again with you, a caring dependable brother whom you come to whenever you need to talk or just hang out with and he always makes sure he has time for you
you know hes always been like that but why does it feel different now??? the way he smiles or pulls your hand so youre walking on the inner side of the road,,, how he neatly places your spoon and chopsticks on a napkin when you two go out to eat together,,,, why
tender love baby chICKEN TENDER
mydayexol follow me
andddd so one day, someone asked you out. again.
wow ur so popular i cant Relate
you, texting sungjin: sandeuls friend jinyoung something invited me to a party next saturday should i come
sungjin, replying to you: hmm
you: ???
sungjin: i think its up to you
for some reason youre disappointed by his reply,,, but he’s right tho its your call if you wanna go then you go its not about what sungjin says
but suddenly you got another text: but if you ask for my opinion i would say don't go
you: actually i dont want to either lol so what should i say
sungjin: tell him you already have a date
you: nice
sungjin: with me
you: ayyeee
you: wait what
sungjin: i mean its just a suggestion
sungjin: which you can accept
sungin: or reject
for some reason you can imagine sungjin’s cheeky smile through his texts and it makes your inside tingles and you wanna giggle
so yea you thought it was a joke but he actually did take you out for a movie and dinner
it was really nice
so yanno the weird thing is that neither of you ask the other to be “official” but you just. are dating.
ur friends are mad like “bUT YOU SAID YOU TWO WERENT A THING”
“lol sry i changed my mind”
“fuck you”
“no thanks sungjin can do that... bUT DONT TELL SUNGJIN I SAID THAT hes gonna kill me”
“is he ur mom”
“basically yeah”
this sucks real bad but who cares
not me obviously
ill be back soon (or not) with dowoon’s one lets hope i can do better than this dnsjfsndfj lnjajnfdjs lmAO I LOVE YALL AND HAPPY NEW YEAR IN ADVANCE
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advernia · 4 years
moved this over to a text post, hope u don’t mind anon! ( ᐛ )و
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ANYWAY EEEEEE THANK YOU AND I’D BE MORE THAN HAPPY TO SHARE!!!! o(*≧□≦)o tbh this headcanon is me 100% refusing to accept that post-route!alice just stays in red/black army hq as a… uh, maid??? cook??? cheerleader??? idk lmao but imo alice has a lot of potential with her canon profession lolol! okay so maybe they did her justice in kyle’s route bc she ends up as his assistant but as for other routes fight me cybird (ง •̀_•́)ง
context side a
i got the idea after reading fenrir’s dramatic end, where alice gets a job in cradle’s best confectionery (like wow lmao if only getting a job was that fast irl). anyway!!! i’d like to dream that alice does this for all routes + a month after the route events (sans kyle’s). you’d think she doesn’t need to get a job especially if her ikeman’s part of the red army, but she does this bc she wants to. and to feel less like a freeloader lmao. since the situation’s different with the neutrals, this isn’t much of an issue.
so, yay! she feels better about passing time productively + having her own lin to spend but tbh she doesn’t really buy much stuff???? eventually she saves up quite the amount that it becomes a problem - what could/should she do with that much cash????
tbh the idea to start her own business came from her boss lol…. it started from his objective assessment that she was good enough to open her own shop… eventually she starts entertaining the idea…. then she gets second opinions from friends + ikeman…. and she actually does it after much consideration?!??! her boss is shook, but he wishes her well anyway! he gets a free slice of cake whenever he visits the cafe lol!
so alice ends up with a cafe! since confectioneries were more on selling than service + she’s on her own now & has a lot of stuff to handle on her own, she becomes pretty busy and takes some time to adjust, but eventually she gets by! it’s tiring, but she enjoys her every day!
any of her extra profits she chooses to donate to various causes + she eventually ends up becoming some sort of sponsor to the armies with all her donations HELLA RAD ೕ(•̀ᴗ•́)
context side b
alternatively, in a common route scenario where amon still gets his ass kicked + alice stays in cradle but doesn’t fall in love with that one ikeman (no one falls in love…. not yet LMAO), she lives with the black/red army + works in a confectionery until she has enough to buy a home of her own. blanc + oliver + mousse have been secretly helping her scout around for a good place. it’s only when everything’s ready that she talks to the black/red army about her intentions.
get this - her general explanation goes this way: she starts off by saying that she’s very thankful that everyone has accommodated her and she’ll always be in their debt, but now that she’s living as an actual resident of cradle and no longer just a guest, she’d hate to impose on them any further. to boot, she’s not even an official part of the army + a soldier, so it may look odd that she’s still staying within army hq. stuff about reputation and pride, something like that.
the black army (see: seth) is sad about this, but they understand her sentiments and let her go. after a three-day long party. aaaaand of course, they’re more than willing to do any heavy lifting for her move + just anything in general - all she needed to do was ask!
the red army respects her decision as well, and they’re… more subtle in expressing their disappointment (how is jonah’s blatant frown even subtle lol). like the black army, they let her go + remind her that she can always ask them for help. 
so alice lives alone for a couple of months.... then the armies hear that she’s planning to open a cafe from blanc.... ha.... the black army totally helps her out with general recontrustion + repairs. she does not take no for an answer when she pays them for their work lmao. plus, they totally helped her out by giving her tours around the stalls on the central quarter market that give the best bargains + freshest produce! the flowers alice put up for decoration + plant outside her yard are always sponsored by canis major..... and seth drops by regularly to talk about trending aesthetics alice could adapt in the cafe!
the red army’s idea of helping her out with her cafe is to send her furniture + kitchen appliances + sets of tableware.... they’re gorgeous + simple but UMMMM????? alice literally panics about the kitchen, especially about the stove + oven bc it be so fine.... and expensive-looking.... but negotiating with lancelot + jonah is like talking to a brick + diamond wall so edgar + kyle + zero convince her to just take it lmao - it isn’t much, but lancelot gets a free drink & jonah a free mille-feuille each time they visit!
again: she donates to various causes + sends the black/red army a fair amount of her extra profits each month! she’d give more to the red army bc she still can’t get over their....... generous gifts and how much they probably cost lmao....... edgar stops her there though bc honestly..... do u think the red army needs more money??????????
the cafe
so why in central of all places? actually, it does make sense to set up a business there since it’s like the country’s central business district. but if i’d base it from alice’s general personality, i think she’d choose central bc that’s where every citizen of cradle; whether they be from red, black, or neutral territory, all gather together. in central, she can see every side living side cradle, not just red or black - and in a simple establishment like a cafe, something simple like food can bring all those different sides together.
she set up her cafe in central with the thought of helping in the efforts of bridging the gap between the armies + to have an actual experience of how it is to live as a citizen of cradle. technically she is one already, but sometimes living in cradle is really so different from living in london. it makes her feel displaced sometimes.
her cafe is probably somewhere close to blanc’s house or smth and u bet that blanc is very happy to have a pretty lady living close by/around his neighborhood lmao! but if you want to be serious about it, this is intentional on blanc’s part bc her safety isn’t exactly assured after the magic tower fiasco - disciple stragglers might come back for her, and since the whole of cradle already knows that she’s the alice the second, there may be other people/groups lurking around that are interested in her power......
in comparison to most cafes in central, alice’s place is relatively small - she doesn’t mind though, since she’s running the place on her own. the thought of expanding makes her doubt her capability of providing + distributing the same quality of service + attention she usually gives to a small crowd.
alice changes the cafe decors + scents according to each season!!! in general, she wants her cafe to have a homey, relaxing feel, doing her best to impart a feel of london + her hometown in her cafe. you’d think that seasonal redecorating would be a hassle, but magic makes that process very easy... once she learns about cradle’s unique holidays + festivals, she also redecorates + tweaks her menu in tune to the special day!
a variety of sandwiches + light meals such as pastas are on the menu now and then, but her cafe is well-known for the desserts. like the decor, the food + drink selection adjusts accordingly to the season.
her edge among her competitors is the fact that she’s from the land of reason - her techniques + use/handling of ingredients + and other assorted methods are quite different from that practiced in cradle since they have the advantage of magic. tastes, colors, textures, and even presentation end up differently. plus, she knows how to make various foods + sweets unfamiliar to cradle, so some of the stuff she makes are seen as novelty to the locals!
she does pay attention to what tastes of london are positively + negatively recepted in cradle though - from there she experiments or improvises her recipes, and seeks out feedback immediately.
following context side b, i’m all in for the romance with her ikeman developing here instead OH YEAAAH ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) it’s a lot more hectic tho since it’s an open playground and there are the.... common interferences..... coughsethcoughlokicough LMAO
also!!! following all the not-so-spoilery content of her + seth, i’ve recently been digging the idea of nojisha / rapunzel (localization ain’t being subtle anymore lol) working + possibly living in alice’s cafe too bc god knows that alice needs an actual girl friend among all that testosterone lmao!
rapunzel’s more of a waitress but is totally into designing whatever cakes + drinks + pastries alice has on the menu and on display… takes dibs in writing out the menu on the chalkboard as her chance to practice some pretty lettering… and also actively helps out alice in picking seasonal decors + packaging for the cafe!
on the sidelines rapunzel also keeps a close eye on alice bc… heh… them odd folks coming in for the foods but staying longer for the girl(s)… those red army officers dropping by more often even if they’re on patrol…. dudes from the civic center + other colorful characters talking so familiarly to alice…. yaaa~n! pick up the pace, onii-chan!!! lmao
depending on who’s the ikeman out for alice, rapunzel can and will cockblock, omfg...... she’ll totally stop if she sees that alice has mutual feelings for the guy but sometimes rapunzel really has impeccable, unintentional timing haha... seth hyde, what have u been teaching ur little sister smh (ಡ艸ಡ)
opening time: 6AM, closing: 7PM. accepts orders of wedding + birthday cakes, does not handle catering. for any inquiries, pls call....... (^ц^ )
alice’s cafe develops different reputations depending on who she ends up with LMAO........ local newspapers + cradle’s grapevine love her cafe and totally not bc they can get a glimpse of the red/black army chosen if they get their timing right haHA..... here’s a couple of examples:
if she’s with mousse, her cafe has quite the interesting reputation! while there’s a good selection of the local teas/coffees in her menu, there’s also a fair share of exotic blends with brief details about the country where the blend is from + how the beverage is prepared + possible tastes, written by no other than mousse himself! sometimes alice showcases some limited edition sweets + pastries made from an interesting mix of local and foreign ingredients + spices too......
if she ends up with a king, novels/tales + plays + songs/poems about royalty/nobility falling for the common worker (lancelot) or adventures of a hero and a maiden (ray) suddenly become a thing™….. the boom is especially huge in black/red territory, be it from nobles to commoners.... another common point??? there’s always a cafe referenced in there, a rendezvous point some way or another in the story… and it sounds veeeeery familiar, even if they switch the setting into a tavern/inn, hmmmm....
did you know that one cafe in central quarter is owned by alice the second, the woman who’s rumored to be the lover of cradle’s most notorious criminal + strongest wizard???? no???? are they really a thing??? do you think the stuff she sells in her cafe is fit is for consumption???? does she make those cakes herself or does she ask the wizard to make it through dark magic or are those smuggled goods??????? man, those cakes are damn good though!!!!!
newspaper headlines: students of cradle’s local boarding school promptly create a literal lake of tears in the central quarter after spending time and meeting a kind cafe owner who happens to really be their terror professor’s lover (side note: this article was removed upon the request of a certain mr. d.)
the sole exemption i have for this hc is kyle’s alice! she has her hands full + committing herself to being a doctor’s assistant so opening a cafe doesn’t cross her mind, but that doesn’t stop her from making treats now and then for their patients… in fact, becomes a thing among the children of cradle that if you be a good boy/girl who takes their medicine + shots from the redhead doctor without complaining, the pretty assistant lady will give you a tasty treat for being so well-behaved! (*≧▽≦)
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demaury · 5 years
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boys online. prologue. (social media influencers au)
7916. 124. 10. These are the numbers that define Eliott and Lucas’ relationship, either they want it or not. 7916 kilometers between them, from Paris to Vancouver. 124 days since they first said ‘I love you’ last spring. And nearly 10 hours, until… well, until they meet for the first time. (ao3)
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hey, you okay??
                                               i was doing just fine
                    then my appendix gave up on me 😬
ow shit that sucks :/
how u doing now?
                  better than this morning that's for sure
                                                    i'm a bit dizzy tho
get some rest
i promise you’ll feel better tomorrow
                                                      u better be right
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                                    are congrats in order? 😉
what? why?
                                          your girlfriend’s story
so now you’re stalking my gf too 👀
                  she popped up in my suggestions 😂
                 i didn’t even know she was your gf tbh
             so? bringing a lil monster into this world?
jeez no, thank god 💀 
tho technically i'm supposed to be
an uncle?
                                                           your side?
nah, lucille’s
i live in the constant fear that someone
ask me to hold any kind of relevance 
in their life the horror 
                                      they aren’t even born yet
                                don’t be so full of yourself 😂
kids like me for some reason
dogs too
                                                   and you don’t?
never had either so, not really 
                                   your gf seems excited tho
she is yeah. A bit much if you
ask me but that’s just how she
is in general i guess
Eliott Demaury would like to facetime.
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Lucas Lallemant would like to facetime.
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                                                        u there?
                           so you’re an uncle now? 😉
                                        i saw lucille’s post
i guess so
                                                       u okay?
we’re like, in a break or something
it’s complicated and tbh i'm fed up with 
               you’re not sure whether your want
           your relationship to work out or to go 
                                           down in flames?
something like that yeah
i mean i still have feelings for her but
i'm not sure how much is genuine and 
how much is, like, the force of habits
we’re going round in circles
                         how long have you guys been
                                                    dating btw?
almost six years
               my longest relationship so far lasted
                 for two months and i was 14 and in 
                                            the closet rip me
jake seems nice tho
                                     yeah he’s adorable 💕
Lucas Lallemant
Missed Facetime Call (2)
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                                     how are you? 😊
fine, you?
                                                    fine too
                i’m shooting and rehearsing at
              the same time, i'm exhauuusted
oh, yeah, i'm sorry i didn’t give 
you any feedback for your last
cover things got complicated 
here for a while
                                don’t worry it’s okay!
                     nothing too serious though?
no it’s fine now
i got back with lucille btw
we talked about stuff and it’s 
better now
           that’s cool (: i'm glad for you guys
what about u?
                          nothing groundbreaking
and your anniversary?
last time we talked you were going
on a weekend with jake
            jake and i aren’t together anymore
shit what happened?
              he just wasn’t it you know but it’s
                  fine it’s been like a month now
sorry i wasn’t there
                     i’m the one who broke up tbh
yeah but still
Eliott Demaury
Missed Facetime Call (1)
i've got good news
                u know it’s not 6 in the morning
                                                  here right
that’s why i said ‘wake up’
let’s facetime
                  i literally just woke up you don’t
                             wanna see my ugly face
shut up and pick up, ur always cute
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                idk when you’ll wake up or when you’ll 
              see this but i just wanted to tell you that
                                    it was amazing to see you 
                       and like, i hope we will get another 
                                   occasion to meet in person
                                                     emo hours smh
                                         anyway, good night 💗
                   pls don’t ever end up on the wrong
                                                 side of the tracks
                         i’m fucking dead after last night
you liked that movie
and you loved hearing me complain
                                                                   i did
                             my sleep schedule didn’t tho
                      i’ll die from sleep deprivation just
                     bc i want to spend some time with
                                               a Parisian weirdo
yeah but you love your Parisian weirdo
                                                                     i do
                           but you’ve got that stupid face
                                and i can never tell you ‘no’
               hence why i’m begging you to stay on
                                     the good side of the law
               bc you’d convince me to rob a bank in
                 two minutes and i can’t afford to end
                                                              up in jail
you’re too cute for jail
it’s okay i can’t afford either 😉
next time i’ll be pulling an all-nighter
               it means i get to choose the movie? 😏
i’m scared
you’ve got terrible taste
                    it will give you something to criticize
                                            while we’re watching
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corey_lulakk lucas looks like he wanna die lol
missmanon he’s fed up with third-wheeling 😂
can i call you
                                                          everything okay?
i broke up with lucille
i really need to talk to you
                              wait i’m searching for a quiet spot
                                                             alright let’s go
Eliott Demaury would like to facetime
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110 notes · View notes
borhapstyles · 5 years
HC : dating Gwilym since shortly after he came back from shooting BoRhap, you’re not in the business and the Globes are your first big event together, you meet the whole band, instant bff with Lucy and Joe ... i mean i’d continue for hours but please explore ✨🥰
You and gwilym were friends before he started shooting Bo Rhap
but he liked you and you liked him
spoiler ur relationship was like one big slow burn fanfic
happy ending of course cause u guys r together now *fireworks*
before when you guys were just talking and he was still filming
he’d send you snapchats of himself on set or text you stories of the randomest shit that happened that day
“Joe and Ben stole my phone while I was getting my wig fitted on and they took selfies. This is the end result.”
“my god, you should’ve been there today when Ben realised he didn’t have to play the drum solo, he looked like he was gonna shit himself while simultaneously wanting to kill Rami”
Gwil talked about the bo rhap boys non stop and so you were really excited to meet them
but the way it was to happen stressed you out a bit more than it should’ve
Gwil knew the next time they’d all reunite was at the golden globes
so when Gwil was planning out his trip to the globes,
he didn’t even really bother asking you, it was more so just assumed you’d go
“i’m going.. as your girlfriend?”
“no, as my pet llama. yes as my girlfriend” he rolled his eyes (jokingly tho)
you were so so beyond proud tho
but you were also scared
“Gwil you do realise we haven’t really gone public with our relationship yet”
and he just tugged you close and kissed your temple and said
“i know, darling. I figured we could at the Globes, if you’re okay with that. I’ll only do it if you’re comfortable with it though, I don’t want to make you do anything you’re not up for.”
so you kissed him and told him it was probably for the best that you do it there
that didn’t stop you from being nervous though
as someone who isn’t in the film industry whatsoever, you weren’t sure what to expect at the globes
so walking around the red carpet with everyone throwing questions at you and Gwil?? not inviting
but everyone was quick to realise you guys were dating when Gwil kissed your temple
a small gesture but it drove everyone mad in the best way
cause y’all would be so damn cute and the entire bo rhap fam would be supportive
y’all bitches better be supportive of whatever relationship they get into irl smh 
but to the rescue the bo rhap cast came when you met them
and no amount of Gwil’s descriptions could prepare you for how much you loved them
and they adored you from the start
and they didn’t fail to mention just how much Gwil spoke about you on the set of Bo Rhap before you guys were even together
Joe: “This guy was head over heels for you, and that’s not an exaggeration. He was telling us something about you when he tripped over a pair of heels that was lying around in the dressing room.”
Ben: “Yeah, you’ve got yourself a good one there, Y/N. He said you can call him sweet, like he’s some kind of cheese.”
but the very very first interaction you had with them?? you couldn’t help but mess with Joe
you had the whole cast in front of you, huddled around in a mini circle
“Y/N, this is Joe”
“oh, you’re the one with the perm who didn’t know a perm stood for permanent, right?”
Joe scowled at Gwil and you just played along even further
“i-i’m sorry, that’s the only description of you he gave me.”
jsksj the rest of the cast laughed
Rami was a sweet jelly bean when you hugged him tho
and in the middle of the night when u were trying to video everyone’s happiness?? rami stopped u and told u that you guys could take a picture instead
Lucy was your best friend right away (as she should be)
The first five minutes of your friendship she set up a date to go shopping together and that’s how u knew she was gonna be ya main hoe for life
“it’s nice to finally meet you, Y/N.  you’re even more lovely than Gwil described”
and when Joe, Gwil, Ben and Rami were all dancing around, she noticed how you were just watching Gwil with the smile on your face
she smiled and said “that’s the face Gwil got whenever he spoke about you on set. you two are perfect for each other”
Joe too tho he was such a big advocate for your guys relationship
sometimes more than you and Gwil combined lmao
if he came across pictures of you and gwil together online he’d send them to you and hype you guys up
“power couple of the century, they give Harry and Meghan a run for their money” he’d say
but the whole night, Gwil wouldn’t be able to keep his hands off you and
not that you minded, it was his night and the sex that followed after oh lord
but also he knew how anxious you were about the whole affair so during the night he’d be checking on you to see if you were alright and overall just wanted you to be comfortable
your comfort and your well-being would be the most important thing to Gwil
didn’t matter if you guys were at the globes or just getting coffee somewhere
how you felt was key to him being alright as well
and when Gwil wasn’t around the follow morning but you were with the rest of the bo rhap cast
they’d tell you thank you and say they’ve never seen Gwil in this light, so happy
because Gwil loves you with all his heart and soul and he’s so glad to have you around
soz if this sucks, darling! it’s almost 2am where i’m from but i couldn’t sleep and i wanted to do this, i hope it works! lots of love xx
307 notes · View notes
seoulscenarios · 6 years
Romeo, Romeo wherefore art thou Romeo?
Genre: light angsty fluff, high school au, female reader insert
Member(s): Stray Kids’ Minho (ft. Jisung and the lads)
Word count: 2991
Warnings: light swearing, light pda at the end
Summary: you and Minho had been best friends since you could walk but it seems only you had developed a crush on him. Will a late class and a small two man production of Romeo and Juliet change his mind or does he really not like you? Featuring the rest of the crackheads with their leader, Han Jisung, love is in the air at school and a certain someone is just oblivious to it.
Authors note: based off the following request “All time fav cliché best friends to lovers with Minho (stray kids) angsty fluff where reader (preferably female) thinks her love is one sided, but turns out it’s not. Good ending”. I hope this is something to what you wanted and sorry it’s not heavy on the angst pls enjoy !!
-You and Minho had een best friends for years and you always had the tiniest crush on Minho but it escalated a lot over the summer as Minho glowed UP
-Wow u are whipped
-However whipped as you are for him he never seemed to reciprocate it
-You even went out with on valentine’s day 3 (three?!) years in a row but his thick skull didn’t acknowledge it and just thought it was another friends doing friends things
-So, you moved on
-I mean he’s your best friend you can’t let your crush get in the way of things
-You were there for him whenever he argued with his parents or friends, he was stressed about school or failed a test and uwu
-You’re just the bestest of friends and everyone is jealous (tho most think you are dating)
-You guys always hang out in school together bc you’re in the same friendship group
-And youre in most of the same classes, so you normally walk together
-Minho managed to make the BOTH of you late to ur first class bc his dumb ass slept through his alarm and u had to basically drag him out of bed lmao
-So u rock up late for class
-Ur teacher is NOT impressed
-So as a punishment they give u a script of a play and told to learn it by next week
-U groan when u see the title of the play
-Romeo and Juliet
- Oh no
-This won’t end well
-You glance at Minho to see if he has any reaction bc,,,,, hello ur dying on the inside and probably the outside and you can hear Jisung and felix trying to hold in their laughs at u
-(you make a mental note to beat their asses later)
-And Minho
-Is very unfazed as he flicks through the script
-Ur kinda disappointed
-I mean it’s not fair how you’re a literal MESS trying not to let the floor swallow u up in embarrassment tbh
-So,, the two of you practice outside of class at ur guys’ house and you can’t help but notice how utterly unfazed he was by this whole ordeal
-Ur both literally reciting the most well-known love story on this planet and yet,,,,, nothing
-Not an ounce of feeling that he likes you
-I mean,,, he’s not a bad actor and his romeo makes u SWOON but honestly you swoon for irl Minho not just romeo Minho
-As you stutter over some of the lovey-dovey lines u hear Minho laugh a little and tells u to redo it
-his little shit
-After a week of practice, you guys are ready to perform this goddamn piece
-I may add that ur teacher only gave you the condensed version and not the whole play
-It just so happens that the condensed version only focuses on romeo and juliet’s love
-Bc English teachers amirite?
-So the two of you turn up to class ON TIME this week, not wanting to get ur ass beat again
-And ur just the tiniest bit nervous bc !!!! hello !!!! ur performing with ur crush !!!!
-U glance over at ur seatmate Jisung who gives u a big thumbs up
-Everything is going well, u don’t stutter and Minho is just the perfect romeo
-Until the final scene I may add
-As you lay “dying” as Juliet, Minho runs onto the scene and spots u laying down
-He walks up to u and goes to kneel
-Before you both knew it, he stumbled
-And fell
-Lips centimetres apart from each other
-OWO what’s this
-U swear the whole class are holding their breaths and can hear ur damn heartbeat
-U stare at Minho in shock for what must have been a minute
-Neither one of you tearing ur eyes apart from the other
-It wasn’t until you hear ur teacher cough slightly that the two of you snap out of it and Minho pulls away
-He finishes the scene off with no problem and honestly,,,, u don’t even register it’s over until Minho offers his hand to help you stand up
-You grab it, flushing a hella lot bc,,,,, u nearly kissed ur crush in front of ur whole class RIP
-Ur teacher was impressed with u guys and let you off the next assignment ur class had (if only u were aware of this then u would hear the whole class esp Jisung groan)
-As u go back to ur seat,,, ur eyes drift back to Minho and ur thoughts go back to that last scene and his lips……
-“yah Y/N ! u and minho were so close I swear you were gonna kiss you shoulda seen ur face!!!!! I thought for real that Minho was just gonna plant one on you !”
-Smh Jisung
-Poor baby,,, u just sit in shock trying to concentrate
-Hint: it doesn’t work
-Ur plagued with thoughts of Minho for the rest of the day,,,,, I mean you already were but now it’s like sensory overload but with Minho
-But u know he doesn’t like you
-Lmao why would he
-He surely would’ve spoken to you about by now esp after that near kiss in class
-But this dumbass is still oblivious
-School ends and ur trying to forget about the near kiss
-But in this, you forget that Minho has a habit of walking you home
-So there he is
-Leaning on your locker waiting for you to turn up
-His blazer was off, shirt sleeves rolled up, blonde hair tousled and wavy (ladies, imagine Minho like this I’m crying)
-U feel ur heart literally stutter
-I swear that’s a medical condition Y/N
-“Let’s stop by the convenience store, my treat” he smiles down at you as he moves out the way so u can get to ur locker
-Dude,,,,, u need to stop before I melt into the floor
-“Uhhhh I can’t I have,,,,,, a study session at the library gotta work on some literature stuff u know ahaha”
-Minho frowns but doesn’t react massively
-Secretly he thinks its hella cute that ur tryna avoid him but that’s for another time
-“Okay, don’t study too hard and I’ll treat you another time. Text me when you get home”
-Anyone who overhears this would be like wow 10/10 relationship goals tbh
-U however, a self-proclaimed dumbass, don’t dwell on it too much
-You guys tend to grab food after school together
-Minho pulls you in for a hug before leaving
-Oof ur heart is stuttering again
-How you made it to the library for ur study session is a wonder tbh
-25 minutes later finds you groaning into ur books cursing minho’s name
-That’s when u realise 2 things, 1) that wow ur a FOOL bc there is no literature homework bc of ur work from earlier and 2) Minho is very bad for your health and u gotta avoid him for ur own sake
-U walk into school with this resolve
-It doesn’t work
-Minho is in practically every single one of ur classes
-So u practically have to run from each class to avoid him
-Which leaves Minho very confused
-He doesn’t walk with anyone else from class or treat them like he does to you
-Which makes Jisung very jealous,,, bc why can’t Minho treat him like this
-Little did you know Minho has a PHAT crush on you and Jisung is PLAGUED by the both of u gushing about the other
-So when you start avoiding him even more Minho is extremely put out bc what does he do now who does he spend time with now
-(jeongin: we’re still here hyung!!!)
-Being the good friend he is, he gives u space but is still v sad about it
-And honestly, ur sad too bc as much as you love spending time with Jisung,,,,,, he’s no Minho lmao
-One night after school Minho is kicking round the football field with the others and that’s when he realises
-He’d much rather spend his time with you
-It’s not that he doesn’t love his friends, he just happens to love you even more
-But how can he reach out to you when ur avoiding him still
-Jisung notices how glazed over Minho’s eyes and knows
-*cracks knuckles* it’s time
-Jisung sends Minho home telling him to grow some chest hair n text u lmao
-Minho does go home but does not text you bc he’s just a nervous boy
-Jisung to the lads: “now he’s gone, we gotta make a plan for the two lovebirds they’re so BLIND I’m sick of it I might just confess to Minho myself”
-Chan: “……….”
-Jisung: “that was a joke old man, let’s focus pls ladies”
-So the plan
-Was it an elaborate one?
-Definitely not
-Lmao have u seen these kids they’re a bunch of crackheads
-Baso,,,, they’re just following the classic let’s text them separately to meet up as a front but SIKE it’s just the two of you alone
-Fool proof right?
-Somehow it is???
-The two of you don’t expect anything is going on
-So it’s the weekend when the plan is put into action
-It’s been 17 days since you last spoke to Minho not that you had been counting haahaha okay yesyouhaveitsnotlikeyoumisshimoranything
-You wake up to a text from Jisung saying that him, felix, hyunjin, and changbin were going for ice cream and whether you wanted to go
-Which duh??? Ice cream???
-U needed it so you dragged yourself out of bed to get ready
-Little did you know that Minho too had received a text from Woojin saying that him and the others (a.k.a the family,,,,, Woojin, chan, seungmin and jeongin) were going for ice cream
-And Minho wasn’t passing up the chance esp when there was a high probability that chan would pay lmao
-*in the master gc of getting Minho and Y/N together*
-Jisung: excellent
-So 1pm rolls by and ur there at the ice cream parlour waiting for the others to rock up
-U go to order bc honestly boys take so long to get ready istg
-As you give ur order a voice behind goes “and a matcha ice cream as well please”
-Why of all the ppl to turn up
-It’s the one ur trying to avoid
-U turn to face him
-Felix, somewhere: beYONCE?
-Ur in shock bc 1) why is here? 2) who allowed him to look so good in white ripped jeans ur DYING HERE 3) where is everyone else?
-That’s when u realise
-Jisung is a snake and ur friendship is over
-Y/N is taking applications for a new friend who isn’t called Han Jisung thank you
-Ur heart is stuttering bc Minho looks so boyfriend ur not okay
-Safe to say those 17 days did NOTHING in swaying your crush on him
-“Is that all?” oh yikes yeah this isn’t a drama scene Y/N where ur crush confesses to u, someone has to pay at this point and the queue behind the two of u is getting impatient lmao
-You whip around blushing “uh yeah that’s everything” u reply stuttering and trying to whip out ur card
-Before you can, Minho’s arm stretches out in front of u and taps the machine in front of you
-Istg u feel butterflies in ur stomach at Minho being in such close contact with u
-U can feel the heat radiating on ur back
-You get ur ice cream and u go to leave the shop but Minho grabs your arm
-U turn to him questioningly to be met with slightly hurt eyes
-Did I do that to him?
-Yes u fool
-“Sit with me. Please?”
-How can you refuse that
-It’s so awkward
-“Are you okay? Why are you avoiding me? Did something happen? Just let me know if you’re okay?”
-Owo my heart
-“uh,, no nothing’s happening….. I’m just busy u know??? Hahaaha school is really kicking my ass”
-Minho just nods and takes a spoonful of ice cream so u do the same
-“Just let me know if I can help you in anyway, I’m always here for you. Don’t suffer alone, I hate seeing you so down?”
-Honestly,,,,, u just about melt at this
-Putting ur spoon down and u look at him
-Now or never, Y/N
-“Okay…. I’ll let you know what’s the real problem. It’s you, mr lee Minho.”
-Minho is SHOCKED why is he the problem
-“Please let me finish or else I’ll never have the courage to do this again. You have no right to be stealing my heart yet again by nearly kissing me in the middle of class. Do you know how embarrassing that was, I really just wanted to kiss you and I would’ve combusted if you did but you didn’t which made it worse. Why didn’t you kiss me? I’ve literally been sending you signals for nearly two years, and that’s saying something because I saw you in your awkward teen phase and still liked you, and you haven’t even responded. So I avoided you because my heart keeps stuttering whenever I’m near you I’m surprised you can’t hear it. I mean you’re so hot I just wanna kiss you, especially since that day all I can think about is your lips as you were SO close to me this is the worst time to confess but I really like you Lee Minho.”
-And breathe Y/N
-And Minho is no better
-How dare his crush confess before he can smh
-He sits in shocked silence trying to process this information
-You, however, are dying
-That’s it, he’s not replying he doesn’t like you Y/N LEAVE
-So u try to
-But as you stand up so does Minho
-And his hand shoots out to grab your shirt and he just plants one on you ????? in the middle of a damn ice cream parlour?????
-Ur in shock
-The man of your dreams,,,,, kissing you ???? more likely than you think ??? so u kiss him back ??? ofc u do how could you not
-It tastes of matcha and strawberry ice cream and something,,, so inherently Minho u just wanna keep kissing him tbh
-Y’all break apart and honestly,, you sit back down in shock
-“That…. Was some confession Y/N”
-“Shut up!”
-“Hey, it’s okay babe. I like you too. Sorry my confession isn’t as grand as yours but,,,, I like you and always have done”
-“So please, Y/N, be my girlfriend” his hand stretches across the table nervously
-You smile as u see his hand creep across the table and you reach for him, intertwining your fingers
-He smiles back even bigger and pulls you out of the shop
-You guys had a lot of time to make up for ajbfaiubsag
-So,,, Monday rocks around and you walk to school with Minho this time, rather than mooching in with headphones in
-You guys walk to your normal spot before school starts and Minho is telling you some story about Felix, Changbin and Hyunjin when u hear a scream and lots of wolf whistles
-Spoiler: it’s Jisung and the lads
-You laugh as you take a seat next to him as chan grumbles about his wallet being drained AGAIN by his kids’ appetites
-As the hollering quietened down Jisung taps ur shoulder
-“Sooo, you guys are official now? After years of pining ???”
-Rather than deigning Jisung with a worded response a wicked plan forms in ur head
-You tapped Minho’s shoulder to divert his attention from Seungmin
-As he faced you, you grabbed his tie and pulled him in for a kiss
-He was a little shocked at how brazen you were bc hello this is school and these are ur friends but honestly,,, he freaking LOVED it
-He smiled into the kiss and one hand rested on your waist as the other rested on your jaw pulling you deeper into the kiss
-“there ARE CHILDREN HERE OH MY GOD” u heard chan yell distantly
-You couldn’t help but break apart from Minho, laughing as you catch chan covering jeongin’s eyes in distress
-You turned back to Jisung
-“Does that answer your question?”
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gimmesumsuga · 6 years
So I was in bio dissecting a pig and trying to not vomit when some fuck decided to throw a firecracker into the hallway and I thought we were being shot tf up and I'm very pissed atm so your sts update is clearly a sign from the heavens as a token of apology God bless you
Oh jesus :/ I hope it made up for what sounds like a pretty trauamatic day otherwise! 
Anon: A part of me feels bad for namjoon.. the other part of me feels bad for everyone else, namjoon tried to kill yoongi before with no real reason and now I’m anxious
Yeah, I just feel kind of bad for everyone, to be honest.  What kind of sadist even writers th-.... oh... >.> lol 
Anon: Oh damn....oh thank god but I don’t really like Sam knowing who knows it’s strange but thank god the boys helped hopefully jimin and Yoongi find out what happened and go to her. I’m loving this chapter and I’m loving the protectiveness that Jin, Tae, and Kookie showed damn just perfect brb reading it again
I hope you enjoyed it just as much the second time around, nonnie! 
Haha I’m gonna take that as a good god dammit, hopefully?  
@shedevil65 - Wow how is MC not traumatized
I don’t think she’s had chance for it to all sink in yet, to be honest 
@shynerdybtssblog - *shakes* holy moly that was not what I was thinking what was going to happen!  
Pt 2. I love you and take your time 
Always nice to have a surprise, right? :P  Thank you sweetie
@riverlakepondstream - Yo with all due respect fuck you dude
I probably deserve that lol 
Pt 2. Ok wow. So I read it. Took me long enough. Now what am I supposed to do????????? How can I wait???? Aghhhh you’re such a good writer ♥️
Ah I’m glad you liked it, and I hope you didn’t get in trouble at work! haha thank you lovely 
Anon: i'm so angry at namjoon in sweeter than sweet oh my g o d. i genuinely thought that maybe he would get a redemption arc-- and i was rly rooting for that too!! but after this shit he jos pulled??? bitch needs to die smh there really is no excuse for him fuck that noise anYWAY i lov ur fic sm and i got so excited by this update that i fuckin hit my ankle on my coffee table :(( i'm suing u
Ow ouch!  I hope it didn’t bruise too badly anon! Don’t sue *smooch*
@keideonseu - I've been following Sweeter than Sweet since Chapter 9 and I gotta tell ya, YOU REALLY KNOW HOW TO KEEP ME HOOKED!! I mostly read it on Archive of our Own, and just recently did I find your tumblr. 😂😂 I am hella torn between Jimin and Joon tho... Joon is my UB but Jimin is just a CINNAMON ROLL who deserves all the love
Ah I’m glad you found me here! I can’t blame you for still feeling conflicted, especially when Joon is your bias! 
@einekleinecubasianfraulein - Woman! YOU'RE KILLING ME, SMALLS!! I love STS so far... The angst is so real. I'm only allowed to leave kudos once on AO3, which is a very stupid system. I'LL LEAVE ALL THE DAMN KUDOS I PLEASE!! All the love to you, gorgeous. Hope you're well. 🖤
Aww thanks sweetie! I appreciate the want to leave more even if you can’t lol 
I soooooo enjoyed writing Jin very differently to how I usually would!  It felt great! Glad you liked it ^^
@nnn3r5 - Lord STS wrecks me further into oblivion with each new chapter. You truly are great at what you do Steph. You're such a good writer😭😭😭💜💜💜💜
Thanks hunny, I try my best :) 
@yoonnggii - OMG i just finished reading chapter 67 and IT WAS SO GOOD!!! I CANT WAIT FOR CHAPTER 68, i’m in love w this series!!! IM SO GLAD THEY KICKED NAMJOON OUT but i’m sad jimin and yoongi weren’t in this chapter:((( either way i still loved it!!! THANK YOU SO MUCH💓
You’re welcom, and thank you very much!  Yoongi and Jimin should be back next chapter! 
Anon: Omg!!!! Namjoon is kicked out!!! I have a feeling he’ll be back though. I really hope Jimin and Yoongi Forgive Her And they can have more cute couple time together I miss that they was so cute!!!!! UWU
Ah, I miss it too.  In desperate need of some fluffy times in STS again soon! 
Ohhhh, I hope you recovered just as quickly anon! 
@jaetaebum - *slams fists aggressively on a table* WHAT THE FUCK !!!!!!!!!! I WAS LITERALLY HAVING A PANIC ATTACK DURING THAT FIGHT SCENE AND I HAD TO STOP READING FOR A MINUTE TO CALM MYSLELFV???? i'm dtill hyperventilating and idk what to do with mysenlf??? help??? i'm in love !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! omg !!!!!!!!! you are an absolutely legend and im sp inspired by you
Bless you sweetie, you’re so cute! lol you’re welcome *hug* 
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biaswreckingfics · 3 years
Well, ahem. Mayhaps I can share some songs I like.
While I haven't listened to their bsides yet, here are some 2PM songs I enjoy very much! Also My House and A.D.T.O.Y are favourites of mine so good taste.
• Hands Up and Go Crazy!* (Hype songs!!)
• Without You, Again and Again, Heartbeat* (emotions)
• Higher (wooooooo)
These are the ones I like so far! Catch me singing, "can you feel my heartbeat? It's beating for you!!" anytime, anywhere. A BOP. And Go Crazy is LEGENDARY. Please watch the MV and mayhaps the dance practice too ajjsjskkfkf.
As for VIXX 😍 I'm only an hour into my 9 hour playlist of VIXX's discography from debut to near present so while I haven't heard every bside yet, I have quite a few I can recommend anyway aajskdkf
• Scentist*, ON and ON, Error (title tracks that are a must listen!)
• Love Me Do*, The Closer, Black Out (sexy eheheh)
• Hyde, Trigger (spoopy eh)
• To Us, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 (soft vibes, rare for VIXX, still sad tho, kinda remind me of bsides EXO would have done back in the day)
• Parallel (funky doobop, no N in this one)
& of course Super Hero and Rock Ur Body anjsjskmd
Also I bought the Shangri-la album so there's that.
I added astericks to personal favourites, and Shangri-la and Fantasy are also favourites of mine!
Yes!! Their songs have so much more meaning behind them too. Nowadays it's just following the trend and making your song as loud as possible though. No thank you, I want to be Big Sad while listening to VIXX or have fun listening to 2PM, thanks. Give us more talented vocal powerhouse groups like EXO please ♡
I'M SO SICK OF THESE SO-CALLED SCANDALS OVER BULLSHIT RUMOURS! UGH. Be more like SuJu folks and power through it ahajjsjdk I don't see Shinhwa disbanding after all these years smh, this new era is weak.
Not even an inkling?! Oh no! I went and looked for things that were a little different from what others picked and went from there. I want to be as unique as possible within the genre requirements but we'll see 😂
I will add these to my list of things to listen to and let you know what I come back with!!
I would do anything for more powerhouse groups like EXO. They're so different from everyone else and their vocals are the best istg 😭😭
I agree!! This new era of kpop is just so mass produced, cookie cutter and soft overall. Idols aren't even allowed to have opposite sex friends at this point 🙄🙄 netizens and saesangs will lose their shit if their idols are having any hint of fun 🙄🙄
I'll hopefully start working on it this week, but I'm not gonna push myself... I'll start freaking out about it in June or something lol
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franeridart · 7 years
But he isn't dabbing
smh at u anon Dabi’s constantly dabbing in his soul, it’s, like, an intrinsecal state of being, a neverending condition of his spirit, don’t doubt the dab in him why do you think he picked that villain name the fact that it’s the word for cremation is pure coincidence tbh
Anon said:aaaaaaaaaaaahhhhh my fav artist drew my fav boy my day couldn't have started any betterr, BLESS UR SOUL AND THANK YOU FOR THE DAB
Anon said: hOLY SMOKES YOUR DABI IS A+++++ and I would die for his shoes
Tumblr media
Anon said: I just wanna say I really love your art? I know u get it a lot n stuff but like i love ur art style,it's so unique and ur colouring style is so pretty too. Your shippy art is just so wholesome and pure. And your poly art is a godsend a and the best portrayals I've EVER seen of poly ships in fandom. Bless u. Bless u for ur contribution to the fandom. Bless u for ur existence. Also i ask if it's weird that i kinda ship fatgum and rappa, i just really like rappa and don't wanna see him goooo
Thank you so much oh my gods ;A; this is!!!!! such a great nice ask I’m cry ;A; and also I dunno if it’s weird to ship them but if it’s weird I guess we can be weird together hi hello to the club here’s some good art for them I found on my dash yesterday and cried over
Anon said:A powerboat traveling at 24 km/hr relative to the water has a compass heading of 95°. A strong tidal current, with a heading of 35°, is flowing at 12 km/hr. Find the resultant velocity.
If you’re looking for physics answers anon you came to the worst place you could pick numbers and formulae are my worst enemy
Anon said:Hello!!! I just wanted to say that I absolutely L O V E your art!! It's simple but yet so pretty and unique and I just???!?! I just get happy whenever you post something and it really inspires me to draw too! I hope you have a great day!!!
Anon said:I'll try to make this quick but, okay ever since I started following your Tumblr which was like about a year ago I originally did bc of Haikyuu and way before season 2 came out I begun watching bhna from seeing your fanart and talks about it, since then I never regretted it and I love this anime so so much I even continued reading the mangas when updated and everything and i've even gotten some friends into bc of you and I really wanted thank you for basically introducing bnha to me ily ❤❤
AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH I’m glad!!!!!!! Oh my god!!!!!!!! I hope you’ll keep on enjoying it for a long long time and make even more friends in the fandom, anon!!!!!!
Anon said:I was wondering if I could draw bakushima's children, Mako and taiyou? I thought they were super cute... credit for the characters will go to you of course!
SURE!! As long as you don’t change the designs and link back to me it’s more than fine!!!!! Thanks for liking them *O*
Anon said:Aizawa canonically had a bowl cut as a child I'm ehebdjd and I thought you needed to know this if you didn't already
I’VE SEEN IT I JUST. CAN’T DEAL. G O D. I think the Tokoyami part might be just speculation by the other 1A kids, I’m not sure, but Aizawa. W h y.
Anon said: Hello! I was wondering; how did you feel the first time you posted your art online? Were you really nervous about it? If you were, how did you get the courage to do it anyway? Sorry for all the questions, but I'm currently in a situation where I really want to share my art with people but am too scared to do it. I feel like my art might not be "good enough" to share with people online, or that people will hate on my art/ideas and call them "cringey".
Ah, the first time I posted my art online I was... between fourteen and fifteen and it was on a really small community made of people who were just learning to draw, like I was, so it wasn’t nerve-wrecking for me since I sort of eased into the whole “letting the world see my crappy art” thing, which means I can’t help with that specifically orz
What I can tell you tho is this: 90% of what I post I look at it and I’m like “w h y am I posting this” and “I’m the only one who’ll enjoy this” and “...man this is so fucking embarrassing” and so on. It’s nervewrecking and, uh, it’s that sort of feeling that doesn’t really ever go away completely - I have some comics that randomly come back around in my activities and I just sit there feeling incredibly ashamed I posted them to begin with and also wondering why people like it at all. 
So here’s how it is, some things, mostly the self-indulget ones, are gonna feel weird to share because you feel like no one aside from you is gonna enjoy them, and because they keep a part of yourself in them you might be scared people won’t like, and that’s normal, and it’s okay. Through personal experience, I can tell you that in most cases you’ll manage to find someone who’ll love what you drew and will think “OH BOI exactly what I’ve been waiting to see god bless!!”, but believing this regarding your own art might be hard until you start posting and see it happen, and that’s okay too. If it doesn’t happen, and people actually don’t like your ideas, that’s okay too - mostly, you make art for yourself, because you love it and it makes you happy, and as long as it made you happy using your time to make it won’t have been a waste. And if the lack of response is too much to bare, you can always just stop posting! No one is saying that once you start you gotta keep at it! It’s your art, you do with it what you want!
But you won’t know what people’s reactions to your art will be until you start posting it - so take a deep breath, feel nervous as hell, post it anyway. Wait a week. If after that you’ll still feel like posting it was a mistake, take it down. It’s not a definitive decision, you’re free to go back on it whenever - I’m sure it won’t be as bad as you’re thinking right now, though!
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