#evil!michael fic
theballadofmars · 5 months
My new fav hc (that I may be writing) is that Michael and Jeremy are not a terrifying duo because they're amazing at being night guards or they start to destroy animatronics Gregory style, no.
It's because they're gay and feral and somehow they're still laughing and are two guys with trauma who found comfort and a bit of happiness and acceptance in the middle of hell, and that is making the animatronics have a identity crisis. Because freddy's is supposed to be a place for the death and the shadows, but now they remember what love feels like.
And that's scarier.
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saintbleeding · 1 year
Is it okay to ask for Distortion(s) just having a good time because those nerds are my gender and I just want them to be happy ;^; also i love your work keep it up you’re cool
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[ID: Digital drawing of Michael and Helen the Distortions from TMA. Michael wears a slightly shabby suit and Helen wears a pencil skirt, blazer, spiral-hoop earrings, and stiletto heels. Both of their hands are long and pointy, and they both have curly hair, Michael's in a ponytail and Helen's worn out. They lean against opposite walls at right angles, Helen clutching Michael's face in one hand, and Michael holding the ankle of one of Helen's legs, which is lifted in the air. They are both smiling, and Michael's facial features are slightly distorted. He is coloured in muted orange and she is coloured in purple. The background is purple and pink. End ID.]
there are only two genders: used car salesman and four-star hotel general manager
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quietwingsinthesky · 6 months
How about #15, I'm a sappy motherfucker ❤️ I'm sure you'll make it appropriately angst-y 💝
RIP i tried to write you a straight michifer fic and it ended up also being a stealth amara/chuck fic apologies. but it does have angst :)
Michael and Lucifer are the template in many ways, the first story — the first that God gets to control every part of. He has to get it right.
The betrayal comes later; that part is easy. Michael is unerringly loyal to Him first. He can’t be any other way. God won’t let him be. He’ll serve His purpose well. Lucifer is perfect: curious and creative and clever.
He makes them two part of one greater whole, but Michael existed before Lucifer. He knows how to exist without him, where Lucifer will always feel broken without him.
God gets to say how it was now. He suffered more, didn’t He? He’s the one with a gaping wound where His sister was, while she never felt any of that. Never loved so deeply, never needed Him, so He made a sacrifice.
Lucifer will make one, too.
And Michael-
Michael won’t feel the pain of it as sharply as-
(Michael begs to not have to do this, and He’s not expecting that, not sure how to respond but to tie the narrative’s threads tight around Michael’s throat until he obeys.)
The point is to tear them apart.
He suffered worse. Lucifer will suffer. It’s a gift. He’s always wanted to understand why God does what He does.
The point is that He was right.
The point is that He’s in control now.
Lucifer is a beautiful, bright angel who loves Him. Who will do anything for Him.
Michael will do anything for Him.
He destroys them.
It isn’t enough. He starts another story. If He can only prove it- That She would have killed Him first if- He drags Lucifer and Michael across the board again, adds new pieces. One more time.
The betrayal is easy to write.
It’s everything before that he struggles with. They love each other. He has to make sure they love each other first.
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darthpastry · 6 months
Been thinking about how in one of my AUs Glitchtrap doesn’t have a gender and uses it/its pronouns.
“What’s your gender?” “I don’t have one!” “Yeah, but what’s in your pants?” “I’m not wearing any!” “So what do you identify as?” “Your DEMISE!”
But also imagine it doing a gymnastics routine while talking, then brutally murdering them using Vanessa as a meat puppet, and then joking to her about it afterwards.
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mishwanders · 2 years
Play Out Your Fantasy [Kinktober Day 26: Role Play]
Pairing: Chris Redfield x GN Reader
Genre/warnings: Smut. Adult content, knife play. minors DNI.
Summary: A Halloween party at Kennedy’s place gets a little hot in the bathroom.
It was Halloween night and you found yourself bent over the sink in the bathroom at Leon’s costume party, a hand gripping tightly to your hip with a knife was placed against your neck, forcing you to watch yourself get railed by the man behind you in the mirror.
Chris had come to the party dressed as Michael Myers and you’d been eyeing him all night, flirting and trying to coerce him to follow you away from the business of the party for some fun.
And fuck was he easy to convince.
You couldn’t keep your eyes off of him as he continued to fuck you to the beat of the music outside the door. He still kept the mask on, keeping up with the facade. But the jumpsuit was unzipped all the way, sleeves falling around his shoulder watching every muscle move as sweat on his body began to glisten under the glow of the bathroom light. You could barely hear the grunts from under the mask as he tried his hardest to keep any moans escaping him. There were people right outside the door after all.
“Shit ~”
You gripped on tighter to the edge of the sink, feeling yourself coming closer to your orgasm. Luckily, Chris sensed it too. He moved his hand away from your hip and covered your mouth. He pulled back, forcing you to arch your back into him even more so he could get the perfect angle.
Soon Chris could hear your muffled moans escaping through his fingertips, reaching all the way to his ears. He watched as you squeezed your eyes shut, pleasure surging through your body, cuming for him as he continued to fuck you. You looked too damn good like this and spurred him to chase his own high, using you like you deserved until his hips stuttered against your ass, filling you up. He bit down on his lips, trying to keep any noises from escaping him still, but you heard him whisper under the mask.
He lowered his hand and the knife from your throat, the both of you trying to regain your composure after the experience. When you two finally came back down to earth, you helped each other clean up, making sure you looked just like you had before.
Before you walked out of the bathroom you stopped him and raised the mask up just enough to see his lips and plant a feverish kiss on them.
“Come on.” You said, “let’s get back before anyone thinks we’ve gone missing.”
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m1chael-langd0n · 4 months
I've just thought of the most deplorable, jail worthy, criminally toxic, behead worthy situation I could possibly put Near in, and all I need is the help of @user-null
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phone-in-the-attic · 1 year
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adreamoverlife · 5 months
I wish there was like a teaser tab for ao3 even though I know it would be used for evil but what if it was for me only
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camgirlkaminari · 2 years
ugh i MAY OR MAY NOT have fallen into a deep hole i cant get myself out of. my commitment to the bit will be my downfall. im like some sort of. rule 34 gajinka. human erotic tulpa generator. anyway last night i drew bowuigi porn
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"Little Red RIDING Hood: I Got Isekai'd Into a Fairy Tale World and Now I'm Being Bred by the Tsundere Wolf?! (starring jack howl)" tags: breeding, size difference
"Oi, listen I'll help you find your grandmother's place after this, okay? It's the least I could do for what you're doing for me--tch, of all times for this to start."
Despite his initial grumbles, Jack was soon snarling lowly against your neck in pleasure as he helped himself to a delicate bite. While his clawed fingers sunk further into your ass, his ravenous thrusts into your core continued to spiral further into primal mercilessness. With the thought of his seed trickling down your thighs and staining the inner-side red cape and frilly knee-socks, this only fed into the scorching frenzy that his heat cycle kept him trapped within.
As he continued to find much solace and bliss in the sensation of your hands clinging onto his broad shoulders and the sweet mewls of his name from your lips, his eyes to yours, his cheeks flushed as he then stammered out with a small grin,
"Guess you can tell her she can expect some grandpups too or something. I'll--I'll take responsibility, alright?"
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misslavenderlady · 2 years
The Boys Who Wouldn’t Grow Up - Chapter 9
Summary: With tensions higher than ever between father and son, David decides to run off and clear his head. What happens when he finds a train bridge and hears a little voice in his head that is messing with his choices?
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This chapter has the beloved bridge, with a bit of twist!
WARNINGS FOR THIS CHAPTER: Dangerous Situation, Risk of Death, Intrusive Thoughts
Previous Chapter Next Chapter
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For the past few hours, David had been locked away in his room, trying to block out the world and all the stress that came with it. He was sick to his stomach, guilt-ridden from what he said to his father in the heat of the moment. He may have been a pain and a nag about everything in his son’s life, but he still loved his father. As the hours ticked away and he lay in bed all he could think about was whether or not Max would ever forgive him.
At various points during the day, his family tried to get him to open up. First Marko had knocked on the door, offering to go out for some food and a walk. When David didn’t respond he said that he’d be on standby whenever he was ready.
A little later Grandma gave the door a tap, saying she had made some oatmeal cookies and there was plenty if he wanted some. Again, he remained silent and she assured him she’d save a plate and a glass of milk for later.
As the afternoon began to wind down, he heard the sound of Thorn’s paws scratching at the door. He was tempted to answer, especially when the pup started whining, but he ultimately found that not even Thorn could help.
David simply looked out the window of his room, his mind blank and his eyes hazy as the sun gradually set. He realized that he couldn’t stay here forever. At some point, Max was going to want to talk about things, and it would be a hard, bitter pill to swallow. David’s heart pounded in his chest and it felt as if a lump was forming in his throat. 
He wasn’t ready for this. For any of the unknown, scary things in the world. Even if he miraculously reconciled with his father, there would still be more talks about the future, more disappointment in not meeting expectations, and more pressure to make decisions he wasn’t ready for. David wished he was stronger. That he wasn’t so sad or angry all the time. He felt…broken. 
The only thing that would fix this feeling was by getting away. 
Without thinking, David pushed himself off the bed and took hold of a beat-up, brown knapsack bag in the corner of his room. He stuffed random supplies inside: a change of clothes, his journal, a few pens, a box of cigarettes, a lighter, some crumpled-up dollar bills, a water bottle, some granola bars, and a flashlight. He wasn’t stupid enough to run away, especially in a dangerous place like Santa Carla, but he just wanted to leave the house for a day or so. It was the only possible way he could clear his head. 
To put his family’s worries at ease he scribbled out a note explaining he’d be back and slipped it under his door for whoever found it first. With everything set, he took a deep breath to calm down his raging nerves and pushed open the bedroom window, ready to escape into the night. In just a few, short moments David managed to get out, safely climb down the side of the house, locate his bike and push it down the driveway without any notice. If he played his cards right maybe he could become a spy someday with all this successful sneaking around he was doing. 
With the coast clear, he gunned the engine of his bike and sped off down the road into the city. The familiar sensation of riding soothed him as he passed by miles of buildings, home,s and sidewalks with plenty of people enjoying their evening. Even with all the noise and the rowdiness of Santa Carla surrounding him during his ride, he was only focused on getting as far away from home as possible. Out of sight, out of mind.
After several miles of mindless riding, David made his way off the bustling streets and found himself on an emptier, quiet road near more of a wooded area. He remembered a previous vacation where he came to this part of Santa Carla with Marko and his grandparents when he was a little boy.
There was a massive train track and after a peaceful walk, they had a picnic in the grass while watching the train go by. Being children they were fascinated with a massive, powerful machine, so curious as to where it was going and what was on board. 
It was eerily quiet now that he was by himself at night. Everything seemed like a forgotten memory, lost with time and no longer the same as it was. It made him a little sad thinking about how even if he tried to recreate such a memory, his grandfather wouldn’t be around to see it.
For the moment, David parked his motorcycle and shut the engine off. He propped it on its kickstand in the dirt and took hold of his bag. Even if he was by himself he still wanted to admire the bridge and the tracks that covered it. Maybe he could just stretch his legs and walk along the outside of the set of tracks. It would be the safer option if a train came speeding by.
You should walk on the tracks, David…It’s perfectly safe…
David paused for a second, curious where such a thought came from. He may be a kid, but he wasn’t stupid enough to do something like walk on active train tracks. It was just a silly-
Don’t be scared, David...Just take a quick walk....you know you want to...
Maybe a quick walk along the tracks wouldn’t hurt. He was sure he was fast enough to move if he needed to. There was plenty of ground to jump onto if a quick escape were necessary. 
It really wasn’t like David to put himself in such danger, but if his conscience was assuring him that it would be okay, then there really was no need to worry about his safety. He made his way down the grassy hill, watching out for any rocks or holes in the ground that he couldn’t see in the dark. At the end of the path, he walked across the gravel that lined the steel tracks, the rustling of the rocks echoing out in the quiet night.
When he reached the start of the train tracks, he felt himself hesitate for a moment. He wasn’t actually going to walk across this, was he? Before he could even think to turn around and head back up to his bike, he swore he heard that voice a little louder this time.
Walk, David…
It was as if his brain completely shut off and he was now moving beyond his control. He stepped over the rails of the track and stepped onto the wooden sleepers that were lodged in the gravel. Without questioning anything he began to follow the path, carefully stepping on each plank towards the main bridge that stretched over the land. It would be a long way down if someone were to fall from there, but the surrounding guardrails would keep that from happening.
Not that David was worried about falling at the moment.
David’s mind was completely blank as he walked across the path, the world around him now blurred and blocked out. If he was more coherent he would either be trying to enjoy the evening walk or be alert for any on-coming trains. But that wasn’t the case at all. A sliver of consciousness in the back of his head was saying how dangerous this could be, but instead, his body kept moving forward, no sign of worry in sight. 
It wasn’t entirely clear how long he made his way down the railroad. He moved at a  painfully slow pace with every step he took, yet it felt like time was just speeding by. Everything was hazy, unclear to his mind, but that didn’t say much considering nothing was crossing his mind to begin with. The teen boy was just moving as an old puppet would be pulled by the strings of a master. 
David, stop....stay right where you are....don’t move...
He wasn’t even questioning this voice in his head at this point. David simply stopped, feet planted firmly on the wooden sleeper in the gravel. Maybe it was better to have his brain turned off like this more often. To be on auto-pilot and coast through life without worry clouding his judgment. It would be easier to cope with the troubles that he had with his father and the stress that came with all the responsibilities as a kid nearing the transition into adulthood. 
Maybe it was all for the best. 
A switch went off in David’s head and everything was so clear again. He was coherent and aware of his surroundings, realizing now how dire his situation was now. With a quick turn of his head, David was met with the pulsing light of a train that was barreling down the tracks in his direction. It was the thundering sound of the train whistle that had finally broken the spell he was under.
“SHIT!” was all that came out of his mouth, his voice shaking with terror. 
The sheer panic and confusion were overstimulating his brain. Why did he do this knowing a train could come? Why did he only now feel the vibrations of the tracks and see the light shining so brightly?
Most importantly, why couldn’t he move???
The shock had taken hold of poor David and he was paralyzed, only staring back at the massive train barreling down towards him. It looked a lot faster when he was in front of it instead of safely away watching it pass by. He wanted to run. To jump over the guardrail and get to safety. His brain was screaming at him to move, but as the shaking tracks tossed his body around, all he could do was stare.
He regretted what he said to his father more than ever before. It was going to be the last thing he said before David was run down by this locomotive. The final thought that entered his head before he shut his eyes and braced for the impact was that he hoped they never found his mangled body. His family didn’t deserve to see him that way.
But the ending blow never came. Instead, David’s body was forcibly pushed off the tracks and his back harshly slammed against one of the towering, iron rods that bordered the bridge. It was a painful impact, but nowhere near that of getting hit by a train. David desperately wanted to open his eyes and see what had pushed him, but he didn’t want to watch the train that nearly killed him pass by. Instead, he shut his eyes and waited out the rest of it to pass. 
“It’s okay, David. You’re safe. Just keep breathing and it’ll be gone in a minute...” a voice whispered in his ear. 
He knew that voice...
Sure enough, the train had sped down the path and out of sight as soon as it had appeared. David did his best to slow down his breathing, counting carefully so he wouldn’t hyperventilate. When the tracks no longer vibrated and the engine couldn’t be heard, only then did David feel brave enough to open his eyes and see what, or rather who had saved him.
Brunet curls. Pale skin. Blue eyes that could freeze you on sight.
“Michael?!” David gasped, finally able to use his words again. As hard as he had tried to calm his heart rate after escaping that terrifying moment, it sped up all over again from the surprise of seeing his friend again. A friend that was currently pinning him in place with very little space in between their figures. 
“That was pretty close, huh?” the brunet said with a playful smile, no doubt trying to lighten up the mood. “If I had been a second late, you would have fit nicely into a sandwich”
With how ramped up David’s nerves were in the moment, he didn’t even think to laugh at the joke. His brain was completely wired, a million thoughts and questions about what just happened flooding in at once. Michael must have sensed that the blond was far too stunned to even comprehend him because he held out a hand as an offer to help him move.
“C’mon, let’s get you off this track” 
Despite how icy his touch was, David didn’t dare let go of Michael’s hand, firmly grasping it out of fear of what would happen if the two got separated. Once they were off the gravel and back on the grassy hill, David felt calm and collected enough to finally speak.
“What’re you doing here? How the hell did you find me?” he asked as he fished around in his bag for one of the cigarettes he brought along. He was aching for a smoke to help calm his nerves. Michael smiled, a little too smugly if David had been paying better attention to his expression.
“I come here often for some fresh air at night. The boardwalk is pretty crazy, and sometimes ya need some peace and quiet” he explained. “It just so happens I got lucky and picked the right night to come here. Glad you’re not a pancake on the railroad, man”
David tried to light up his cigarette, but his hands were still shaking from the leftover panic of what just happened. He couldn’t get a good grip enough to ignite the lighter properly. After half a dozen failed attempts, he groaned out in frustration and shoved the lighter back in the bag before tucking the stick behind his ear. Better try again later.
“Wait a damn minute! How did you even get to me??” David questioned, replaying the scene in his head. There were certain things that didn’t quite make sense. “The bridge had the area blocked off, there was no way you could ha-”
There was that feeling again. The one where David didn’t feel like he was in control of his thoughts. His mouth shut and he found himself staring at Michael, who was now reaching out to cup the side of his face in an act of comfort. Surprisingly, he didn’t feel the cold temperature of his skin this time. Nor did he feel the worry he had before. Being with Michael was surprisingly…calming. He couldn’t help but lean his cheek a little closer to his hand, allowing Michael to brush over the skin with his thumb.
“You’ve had a rough night so far, buddy,” he said to the blond, voice as smooth as silk. It made every muscle in David’s body relax in a mere second. “Why don’t we go back to my place for a bit. We can get you some dinner, hang out for a bit, and help you forget all this stress~”
David assumed that the “we” meant his brothers and Maria. That did sound nice, but there was still a sense of guilt that came from imposing on them, especially after Michael saved his life like a real superhero. It was all so much, so fast. 
“I....well...are you sure?” he asked. The smile on Michael’s face never faltered.
“How far are you willing to go, David? ”
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gamequeenanya · 2 years
Tickletober Day 15: Spider
(FNAF: Purple Girl / Evil!Clara AU) switch!Henry, switch!William )
A/N: Dedicated to @trashyswitch ! Hope you enjoy! :)
(Warning: past child abuse/marital abuse)
"The itsy bitsy spider~!" William sang, slowly dragging his finger up Henry's arm. Henry giggled, and pushed his hand away.
"Seriously William, this is how you cheer me up?" Henry said lightheartedly.
Shrugging, William replied, "We both need something to cheer ourselves up. I think this is a suitable way!"
Their restaurant was currently closed down due to an ongoing investigation. They were both worried for their business. And William had just been through a divorce with his wife where he'd gained custody of the kids. He was lucky to have numerous pieces of evidence she was abusing them. She'd abused him, too, but William thought it unwise to emasculate himself in front of an entire courtroom. He'd hoped to get a conviction, but the judge ruled not to. Currently Clara was moved away, living on her own.
In the meantime, he hoped to cheer Henry up. After having his dream business closed to due some human filth, Henry deserved to smile again.
"Come on, William!" Henry grabbed him around the waist.
"EEp! Nohohohooo!" William shrieked. Henry spidered all around his waist. "Eheheeheheeheheee, quihiihihiiit ihihihiiiiit!"
Michael, in the meantime, entered the room to go get an energy drink. Henry invited Michael over.
"Help me hold him!" He chuckled.
"Uhh..." Michael quickly shook his head, going to the kitchen.
"Yes! Victory is mine!" William shouted, turning the tables on Henry by getting his underarms. "You cheater!"
Squealing, Henry rolled around on the couch as William tickled all over his torso. Getting his ribs, sides, and belly. William chuckled, teasing him to surrender already.
"Heheheehehheeheee! Alright, alright!! I surrender!" Henry cried, curling up. William pulled his hands away.
As he panted on the couch, William grinned.
"You didn't really think you could use my own son against me, did you?"
Henry shrugged. "Well you never know..."
Michael then came back from the kitchen, rolling his eyes. Sarcastically, he made a remark.
"Dad, I'm hungry. Help Dad Number 2 make something for us."
William blushed. Henry laughed, humoring him.
"Which one of us is Dad Number 2?"
Michael just grinned coyly, sipping his energy drink. Upstairs, there was the sound of Evan and Elizabeth playing. They were having a tea party in space. After he finished his drink, Michael tossed his can in the bin, heading upstairs to join them.
"Not so fast!" William shouted playfully, running after Michael. "I had better be Dad #1, you hear?"
William caught him, and the sound of Michael squeal-laughing from upstairs followed.
Henry smiled. The past week may have taken a toll on them, but deep down he knew things would be alright.
As long as William was here with him, things would be alright, he reassured himself.
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seldomscilence16 · 2 years
Whumptober day 22: Pick Your Poison
Fandom: Be More Chill
Allergic reaction
Oof haven't been here since off broadway ocr… uh this ones pretty short and could be triggering so. Read with care. 
He takes the pill.
He takes that damn pill. 
He loses everything he knew. 
He gains some things he hadnt known.
He learns what he hadn't thought to learn.
But mostly, he suffers silently in the wake of suffering he caused, because he deserved it. He deserved everything.
Everything about me is so terrible.
Everything about me makes me want to die.
Jeremy shivers, reaching blindly for the covers he'd thrown off a moment ago. His joints object to the movement, his head screaming as its jostled from its hidden position in the pillow. He sniffles pitifully- gods dont think of that worddontthink- getting hot the minute the sheets touch his feet and groans. He slumps back down, wondering if some pizza would help his mood, only for the minute hunger to turn to churning nausea, his eyes get teary as he mutters angrily into his pillow.
Maybe he should have taken a page out of Riches book, done something to put himself in a coma so he didnt have to deal with the effects. But then again, maybe Rich didnt have these, maybe this was part of his punishment. As far as he knew no one else had either, but that was only when he could stand to look at his phone. 
It made sense, his SQUIP had been… intense. To fix him it had to do a lot of work, so the symptoms of not having it anymore would be intense too. 
Except, it wasnt quite gone was it.
Another reason to keep his face in his pillow. The glitching blue blur across the room- with piercing eyes that glare into his soul- has continued to slowly make his way closer everytime Jeremy has peeked out. His voice glitches quietly in the back of his mind, repeating his past lessons or his name. Its nothing new, nothing he doesnt know, nothing thats not true. But gosh is it annoying as hell. 
His head throbs something fierce, hasnt let up since before the play- though it hadnt been rainbows then either- and at times it got ten times worse and left him in a worse state. The blue glow only he can see stabs into his eye and straight through his head. Bile rises in his throat, as dots dance in his vision, and another wave of bone heavy exhaustion weighs his limbs down. If his body would just have one symptom at a time, he'd handle it better he's sure.
Not that he deserved to handle it better.
Im such a slob, terrible
Everything about me sucks
Nerdiness is Ugly
Such a chore
The next time he opens his eyes the light in the room has changed, and the SQUIP is right in front of him, glitching terribly. 
"I want some peanut butter." The voice sounds like his own. 
He blinks, the lights similar but slightly different, he really wants some peanut butter. 
He never liked the smell, made his throat tingle, so he'd stayed away from the stuff. But if he was craving it…
Yeah, he wanted some peanut butter. 
He hears a familiar jingle-
He really wants some peanut butter.
Standing up is a chore-
Stammerings a chore.
His fingers twitch as a chill runs down his spine, he flips his hair on instinct as his very brain shivers. 
Your ticks and fidgets are persistent and your charm is non-existent…
He shuffles awkwardly down the hall, swaying this way and that as the world warps around him and darkness edges his vision now and again. The stairs are a looming task, literally taking them one at a time as each step sends his brain for a loop. 
There's a note on the counter, his dad's scratchy handwriting there- where's the peanut butter?
He pulls out a big spoon, and the jar from the pantry, popping the lid off. His throat feels weird as he gets a whiff, and he swears his stomach flips but he 
Peanut butter.
He scoops a large glob, and sticks it in his mouth before he makes the choice, almost as if his arm had moved on its own. His spine tingles, wrists ache- everything hurts
He's on the ground.
He can't breathe.
Why can't he-
Everything about me makes me want to die. 
He deserves this. 
He's terrible. 
Everything is his fault.
If he called for help, it would just annoy everyone anyway. Why would they want to help him? When he almost ruined their lives.
"If I have to go, I'm taking you with me Jeremy."
A door opens somewhere, but he is silent as he twitches on the ground, air barely breaching his windpipe, his lungs begging for more that won't come. And all the while
He smells of peanuts. 
"Just hold on."
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quietwingsinthesky · 7 months
Michael babysitting Jack and Marie?
“You are aware,” Michael says as he corrects Marie’s grip on the blade he gave her, “that these are dangerous weapons, not fictional, not toys.”
Marie looks up at him, the little braid, twin to the one she’d been putting in Jack’s hair when Michael arrived, that dangles at the side of her face curling and smacking against her cheek with the movement, before she says, “Yeah, but isn’t the world scary enough when we aren’t pretending?”
When they spar, Jack makes swishing noises for each swing of his blade and Marie calls him “Padawan” and they both call Michael “Master” when they’re bobbing on their heels waiting for new instruction, but Michael sees beneath that the careful way they move, like they were soldiers first and children playing second, and it makes his heart ache for how familiar that feels.
(birthday 3 sentence ficathon! come toss a prompt!)
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calumsash · 2 years
now i definitely need a fic where they go to a haunted house cause michael wanted to explore, ashton gets possessed cause he got too cocky, calum ends up crying and somehow luke is the one to figure it all out while being a ball of anxiety
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angeygirl · 5 months
I love the fnaf fandom. You go to read one fic and Purple Guy is actually the worst person ever, how did he get married? idk his wife left him and he hates his kids for no reason at all. Go to a different fic and he's just a silly little guy who was perfectly normal until everyone around him died. Try a third fic? Well who knows? Maybe he's just jaded and trying, maybe he's just looking for a chance to go off the deep end, maybe he's a scientist, maybe he's a theater kid maybe he's suspiciously flirty and flamboyant
What about Michael? Is he jaded? A goofy goober? Totally traumatized? Coping with sarcasm? Just kinda chill? Who knows! I doubt Scott does
Maybe teen Mike is trying to be a good brother because his dad won't, maybe he's full of sibling jealousy, maybe he's acting out to cope, maybe he's not acting out at all, maybe he needs to be slapped my consequences to not end up just as evil as his father, maybe it was a genuine mistake
Uhh when did these kids die? idk. That just means motives change based on what happened :D
Did C.C. See Elizabeth get taken by Baby? did he see a spring-lock failure? the MCI? Up to you! Did Elizabeth hate Michael after getting their brother killed? Was she the only one to comfort him? Was she too young to understand? Did William kill Charlie first to get back at Henry and developed a taste for blood as a result? Was Charlie the final nail in the proverbial coffin? I dunno, who cares!
It's all for fun anyway and that makes me happy
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