#except for the lila anon
charlietheepicwriter7 · 7 months
Hey, Little Songbird
Final Chapter - AO3
Three days after the defeat of Gabriel Agreste and the arrest of Lila Rossi, Felix was invited out for ice cream by his classmates.
A little flustered, he’d agreed without thinking. Rationally, there was little reason to why Lê Chiếninvited him to join, and even less of a reason why Felix accepted. There was still too much to do in the wake of Hawkmoth’s arrest; lawyers to speak to, statements given to police and press alike, entertaining his mother who’d overtaken his home to take custody of Adrien… Frivolities like ice cream socials couldn’t be entertained.
Despite that idea, Felix found himself smiling under the sun, surrounded by classmates as they all took turns at the food cart.
Couffaine and her girlfriend—a few days of diligent study only unearthed a few of his classmates names, not all—stepped out of his way, a sundae to share between the two. He approached the ice cream stall and—“Where is your menu?”
The man, Andre or something similar, smiled merrily. “Ah, so this is your first time at Sweethearts Ice Cream? Allow me to explain.” Picking up his scoop, Andre started to fulfill his order despite Felix having never ordered anything. “Sweethearts Ice Cream has a special ablility; to connect the hearts of two people in love. The harmony of two hearts in love influences the flavors of the ice cream. And there!” With a flourish, Andre offered him his waffle cone ice cream. “Blackberry for her hair, blue bubblegum for her eyes, and black cherry for her secret you keep in your heart.”
“…This is a terrible business model.” Despite his words, Felix paid the man and took his cone. “I don’t even know who this could refer to.”
“Really? You have no idea?”
Nearly dropping his ice cream, Felix whirled around. “M-Marinette!? When did you get here?”
“Just now,” she said, squeezing up beside him at the counter. “Hey, Andre.”
“Marinette! You’re ready to give Sweethearts Ice Cream another chance then?” Andre grinned at them both. “Or… would you two like to try my Couples Sundae? It’s free for new lovers.”
Felix flushed, a protest frozen in his throat. Fortunately, Marinette could still speak. “No, thank you,” she said, voice pitched higher than usual. “Just a regular ice cream, please.”
“Of course, of course.” Changing his scoop for a fresh one, Andre started on a new waffle cone: a base of yellow with dark chocolate, with a scoop of bright blue on top. “Banana for his hair, cotton candy for his eyes, and…” He flipped the cone over and dipped it in chocolate, “…a dark chocolate shell, since you broke through his.”
Blushing, Marinette accepted her ice cream. Felix offered her his arm and escorted Marinette towards a bench separate from the class, who were watching them. Lê Chiến even offered Felix a grin and a thumbs-up, to which he awkwardly returned with a nod.
“How…” She paused to take a bite of her ice cream, dark chocolate snapping between her teeth. “How has everything been? I’m sorry for not being in class the past few days, but it’s been so busy…”
“I can only imagine.” Marinette—or rather, Ladybug—has been in and out of the police station as often as Adrien was, giving her statement. Between that and the press conference Mme. Bustier stopped class to let them watch yesterday, if she’d spent more time as Marinette than Ladybug these last few days, Felix would French-kiss Rossi. “It’s been quiet, especially once Ladybug announced that Gabriel was Hawkmoth. Ms. Bustier tried to make us talk about our feelings, but everyone’s still a bit too shocked to discuss it.” After all, it wasn’t every day when you discovered your classmate’s father was the terrorist who turned you into a supervillain. Reporters had hounded their class from the moment the news dropped.
They were even worse towards his family.
“The school’s talking about shipping in a therapist for us,” Felix explained. “Not only that whole Akuma Class nonsense, but also because we were in direct contact with a terrorist for months on end. So, you have that to look forward to when you get back.” Rossi was allowed unrestricted access to vulnerable minds for over half a year. There was no doubt his class needed therapy… including Marinette.
“At least she’s been expelled from the country,” Marinette said, sighing. “Honestly, that was harder than giving my statement ten times over. The Prime Minister wanted her trial on French soil. I had to argue with the Prime Minister! All for Lila.”
“Why?” Felix would never do anything to help Rossi.
“News of her involvement is going to drop any day now. People are already trying to attack Gabriel in his cell; when the mob of public opinion finds out about her, they’ll start trying to get her too. At least this way she’ll be tried back in her home country, by people who were never directly affected by her actions.”
Felix didn’t like it, but “It’s understandable. People are also trying to get to Adrien, despite his innocence.”
Marinette nodded, half-expected that. “How is Adrien? I haven’t heard from him at all.”
“One of his photographers leaked his phone number, so Mom took his phone away so he wouldn’t have to read all the vile filth people send him. He’s getting a new one soon.”
It wasn’t that Felix didn’t understand why people were so upset. Gabriel turned Paris into a battleground and friends into foes, but… the police had already released a statement denying Adrien’s cooperation regarding Hawkmoth, yet there are still hateful phone calls and texts coming in at every hour from people who wanted someone to blame. At least Mother was keeping a record of who sent the more illegal messages: the threats, the doxing, the… suicide baiting.
Their family lawyer would be well fed in the coming months.
It was hard with Adrien in his house. Awkward. Despite Adrien’s frame-job, he was still family, and Felix was someone who supported his family. But that didn’t mean Adrien was forgiven. Felix didn’t forgive, and he’d never forget.
Surprisingly, the tabloids were kind towards Felix. He made no effort in hiding his involvement in the case, both as the whistle blower for Hawkmoth and as a hero involved in the final take down. Mother had cut out some particularly flattering articles out to hang in their manor parlor, but fortunately the threat of arrest and restraining orders kept most of the rats away.
“How’d Adrien take it?” she asked.
Felix bit his ice cream, so he’d have time to answer. Damn that ice cream man. It was delicious. “He didn’t believe it at first… didn’t want to believe it. He’s seeing a therapist on Friday.”
Marinette wrapped her hands around her ice cream cone. “Poor Adrien…”
“He’ll recover; he’s stronger than you think. He’s already made plans to hang out for the weekend.” He gestured at Alya and DJ Boy, leaning against each other and sharing a sundae. Alya caught his eye and waved. “Everyone’s going to be okay now.”
“Yeah.” Marinette drank in the sight. Not just Alya and her paramour—though they earned a smile for finally making up—but their other classmates as well. Felix had never been invited to a class outing before, but even though they’d broken up into subgroups of couples and friends, everyone looked happy. “We’ll recover.”
The sun shined down on them all, warming skin like a heated blanket. Felix studied the melting treat at hand. “So. Ladybug?”
She flinched.
“I haven’t told anyone,” he reassured. “I understand why it’s a secret. I understand why you didn’t tell me. But…” He sighed. “I’ve been keeping this to myself for days. Can you please just… confirm?”
She took a deep breath. “Yes.” She peeked at him from the corners of her eyes. “This is me, confirming. Yes.”
Okay. A shiver ran through him. Marinette was Ladybug. His best friend was a superhero and trusted him enough to be a superhero too.
He was in love with Ladybug.
As was Chat Noir. And half of Paris. Shit.
“So, what gave me away?” she asked.
“Little things. Nothing anyone else could put together.” Little things that added up into the big picture. The way Ladybug knew he’d worn a hoodie earlier that day, the inherent trust she had in a man she previously punched in the face, the way she looked at him. But most importantly, Felix felt that she’d wanted to get caught, that Marinette had wanted him to know she was Ladybug, and that was what removed the block in his mind preventing him from realizing.
“Small mercies,” she muttered. “Did you really think I was Rena Rogue?”
Felix hid his face in his ice cream. “…It made sense at the time?”
She laughed at him. “Alya’s never going to let you live that down.”
Alya? Why would Alya care—? Oh. He felt his face growing red and it had nothing to do with the weather. “She really won’t, will she?” He asked, sounding faint.
“Yeah, you really dropped the ball on that conclusion. You should have heard her complain! “Your boy is so stupid, how do you even stand him?””
And now Felix was blushing for a different reason. Her boy?
“—I tried to keep her from talking about it in front of the other temporary heroes, but I think Viperion knows. Carapace definitely does.”
“Did she complain in front of Hawkmoth too?” he grumbled, wishing he was wearing a hoodie to better hide his face. “Throw Rossi into the loop while she’s at it? Maybe my mother would like to know all my follies?”
“Oh! Speaking of your mom—” Marinette pulled a chain out from under her shirt. His breath caught in his throat. She’d kept it on her person? “You can finally return this to her.” Threading the wedding ring off her necklace, she placed it his hand, its matching pair resting on his finger.
He squeezed it, the smooth ridges cutting into his palm… and returned it to her. “Keep it. It’s exactly where it needs to be.”
“What? But this is the entire reason you were here!” She tried to give it back again. “It’s your family ring!”
“It’s my family’s wedding ring,” he corrected. “And while most would consider this too forward of an approach, the realization that you’re the most eligible bachelorette in Paris is making me react… strongly. So, I was thinking about a spring wedding? After we graduate Lycée, of course, so it would be a long engagement—”
Marinette covered his mouth, face blush red from the tips of her ears to the neckline of her shirt. “What!?” She asked, voice cracking. “M-M-Marriage!? Felix, we can’t…”
“Well, yes, not right now. That’s why I said after Lycee.” Obviously. “I don’t see what the issue is? My family has had arranged marriages for centuries, and we like each other. Right?” Had he misidentified her feelings? She always acted sweet with him and blushed when he flirted, but what if he was wrong? What if he humiliated himself and ruined their friendship in one swift move—
“Of course I like you, but you haven’t even asked me out on a date yet!” She burst out, causing the rest of the class to glance over. She buried her face in her hands and continued, voice muffled, “Dating comes before marriage; I can’t believe I have to explain this to you!”
Oh. That was the issue. Gently pulling her hands away, he dabbed at her tears with a handkerchief. “I’m sorry, Marinette. I got ahead of myself.” Alya glared at him from over Marinette’s shoulder. Nosy overprotective reporters, getting in everyone else’s business… “I didn’t mean to pressure you. What I mean with the ring is… a promise. I would love to be in a relationship with you, if you’d have me.”
She looked up at him from underneath her lashes. “A promise?”
“To stay by your side and support you in your endeavors.” His family’s marriage vows echoed in his mind, passed down from his grandparents, from his grandfather who was so in love with his grandmother that he couldn’t think of a world where she wasn’t his equal. “As long as you stay by my side and support me in return. To lift you up through the hard times and rejoice with your success. To be equals in all things. That’s what I want to promise you.”
Tears budded in her eyes. “To stay by your side… to be equals… that’s all I’ve ever wanted.”
“Then, would you do me the honor of being my girlfriend? And going out on a date with me?”
Her tears ran down her face, but her smile lit up the entirety of Paris with her joy. “Yes. I’d love to, Felix.”
Taglist: @graduatedmelon @novicevoice@dur55@kris-pines04@18-fandoms-unite-08@moonlightstar64@bee-a-garbage-shipper@sol-o-shade@kittyotakunoir666@tinyterror333@allieoftheenemy@marichat00@xgxmxtx@two-faced-biatch@feliciakainzofspades@evil-cricket@emilytopaz@spicybelladonna@chocolateherringtacofan@user00000003@wannajointhecrabcult@happymonster-pants @duquesapincarrasca  @throneoffirebreathingbitchqueen  @sxltinette @kittydemon9000 @thetrashypanda423 @unoriginalmessess @toodaloo-kangaroo @troycattribunny@nikipuppeteer
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(Chloe's canon skills anon) EXACTLY! Like, I took high school classes that had photography & I can barely remember any of the terms unless I look them up. But I can see Chloe shadowing Adrien at a photoshoot & pestering Vincent for tips on how to make her photos look exceptional. Maybe even get some tips from the models. She's a rich kid, give her the rich kid skills like horseback riding, fencing, & multiple language classes. I bet she took many dance classes so Adrien would be her partner
Yeah like.
In Frightningale she mentions having 8 years of private dance classes with a famous ballerina. And unlike Lila, Chloé can put her money where her mouth is on claims to fame.
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flightfoot · 1 year
Regardless of the actual quality of the episode Charmeleon might just be the worst episode just because of the impact it's had on the fandom. It's like 4 years old and people are still writing New Salt about it.
I don't get it.
What is it about that episode that enrages People that much?
Do you have any ideas?
When it first came out, a lot of it had to do with opening up these plot threads, this threat, that went unresolved. Lila threatened to turn all of Marinette's friends against her, so naturally people took that and thought of how that could happen, what that would look like, and what the consequences would be.
Then people just went completely batshit with it.
I think people gradually started being less angry about Chameleon itself, and more seized it as an excuse for a plotline that tends to be popular whenever someone opens the door for it: the "all my friends are treating me badly so I get to show them just how special and necessary I really was, how underappreciated I was, and get righteous revenge on them while my new, better, more powerful, true friends who would never wrong me or disappoint me in any way help me to get my vengeance on my old false friends" plot.
The Harry Potter fandom has Azkaban fics, where Harry's falsely sent to Azkaban, befriends the poor, misunderstood Death Eaters imprisoned there, and breaks out and gets revenge on the Wizarding World with their help. The Percy Jackson fandom has betrayal fics (often Chaos fics), where he was chased out of Camp Half-Blood, Annabeth cheats on him, and then he discovers that he has an even cooler, more powerful bloodline and abilities than his already OP status in canon. Pokemon has the Tournament fics, where Ash's companions all mock him for losing a tournament (except whoever the author wants as his love interest) and then he goes away and trains for several years and then shows back up to completely annihilate a tournament and prove he's the best that ever was. And the My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic fandom has the Anon-a-Miss fics, which are the most similar I think, with Sunset's friends believing that she's the person anonymously revealing embarrassing information about them (which to be fair, she'd done that kind of thing before in order to purposely break the Mane 6 apart), and shunned her as a result.
Notably, Pokemon's and Percy Jackson's betrayal fics don't stem from any sort of canonical trigger. Someone got the ball rolling, and that's all it took for copycats to spring up. Honestly it could happen in ANY fandom, so long as someone opens the door.
I'm just glad it hasn't hit The Owl House yet at least. I don't need to see Gus and Willow made to beat up Luz while Amity cheats on her to give Luz an excuse to connect to the Titan, become supreme empress of the Boiling Isles, and then throw all her former friends in the Conformatorium.
The sheer vitriol and popularity of ML's Saltdom, now that's just... ugh. Especially since the particular way that these plots manifest in the ML Saltdom has some very bad implications on top of the general distastefulness of the demonization itself, particularly with how Alya is usually treated in these plotlines.
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starlight-vixen-emiko · 6 months
Okay I'll say it here, Why the fuck is everyone having a crush on Marinette? First, it was Nathaniel, then Nino, then Luka, then Adrien, and now Zoe?! I'm not one of those type of fans who point the Mary Sue gun at Marinette, but if majority of the cast have a crush on your main character, isn't that kinda a red flag when writing or developing your characters? What's next? Juleka's gonna have a crush on Marinette? Socqueline's gonna have a crush on Marinette? Alix?! Plagg?!
I get having at least 2 or 3 people crushing on Marinette, but the majority of the cast.............
Thanks for the ask! But anon, I am not sure if you read my pinned about me but, this is a pro Marinette blog!
But fine, just because I am pro Marinette doesn't mean I don't think there isn't flaws in her character...
Honestly anon, I am not sure why a good chunk of the cast has romantic interest in Marinette...Honestly the Miraculous writers certainly love to write on autopilot and they think romance is the most important part of the story.
But one of my pet peeves about this fandom is how people would give Marinette flack for issues that Adrien has as well...But even worse.
At the very least, Nathaniel, Nino, and Zoe got over their crushes on Marinette quickly...The only exception is Luka.
But with Adrien there is Chloe, Lila, and Kagami...And also that Adrien fanboy that seems like a creepy gay guy stereotype. Not to mention random background girls who swoon over Adrien. I mean perhaps it's more understandable because Adrien is a popular young model...But even then.
Not to mention I consider it a bigger red flag that everyone is obsessed with Adrien in this show. Like everyone has to talk about how absolutely sugoi Adrien and usually all the girl group does is talk about Adrien.
But hey, I guess that's the big double standard of fandoms...Female characters being called Mary Sues for stuff like having multiple admirers but male characters not getting the same treatment.
Also, I love how you mentioned that Adrien was the second to last person who took interest in Marinette. Like, I remember years ago Love Square stans getting upset at me and yelling at me that Adrien cared more about Marinette than Luka but Adrien didn't humor the idea of romancing Marinette until S5. And when he finally did it didn't feel earned...It just felt arbitrary because the writers felt if they didn't make Adrien and Marinette date now people would surely lose interest in the show. And yet, people are still eating out of the palm of Astruc's hand.
Again, thanks for the ask.
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joeyclaire · 1 month
Every time you fake beef with someone I’m always SO curious on how the conversation before that goes? Liek “hey chat can I pretend to hate someone in here for 5min on Tumblr.com”
i was wondering if i had curious followers! my dear anon it goes exactly like that except we often brainstorm all the posts ahead of time together it is a usually a group effort and SO much fun. when i fake beefed with lila i did genuinely have her blocked though.
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miraculermarinette · 2 years
For a show that kept repeating the message “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing,” Miraculous Ladybug sure does encourage it's viewers to stand by and do nothing when it's in their power to confront people doing harm, and actively tells it's audience that they need to stay in abusive relationships for the sake of the abuser, that it's better for you to set a good example by being nice to the bully that has tormented you for years than it is to give as good as you get or make an effort to get help dealing with them;
Adrien tells Marinette to NOT expose Lila's lying and manipulation to not only the class but the teacher as well on the basis of "we don't want to hurt Lila's feelings, being mean to bad guys never made them into good guys" and then Adrien just complacently allows all of his supposed friends to be manipulated by Lila without batting an eye, except for when his reputation was on the line (he only ""stood up"" for Marinette when she was expelled because she would have told others that Adrien knew Lila was lying all along, and his "standing up" for Marienette was him literally rewarding and further enabling Lila's behavior.
Adrien sees people celebrating their years-long bully leaving school?
He's sad his friend is leaving (even though his friend is delighted to be going to New York with her mom) , so that means he needs to make Marinette's problem and guilt trip her into convincing Chloe to stay no matter how racist Chloe has been to Marinette and no matter how horrifically she's treated Marinette for the past 4+ years,and continues to bully Marinette long after this episode, and Adrien is shown as being correct despite not making *any effort* to stop his friend from bullying his "friends".
(I am extremely sorry for the late answer anon, I didn't have enough time to answer asks since I am at my relatives house for my vacations.)
Miraculous preaches about how good people should stand up against bad people but at the same time they show the exact opposite happening when they make Marinette do nothing about Lila and her manipulation just so Adrien can be right.
Adrien literally tells the victims of bullying to forgive or just do nothing about their bully so the bully doesn't get hurt. He was never the one suffering from the bullying but thinks that the victims should do better. The show, the writers and the narrative bends backwards too, just to support his illogical ideas.
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simplysmilingdrew · 2 years
Tickletober 2022
Okay guys... you better be prepared, because I have a magnificent evil plan, and I need your help...
Tumblr media
Since I couldn't celebrate properly my 1000 followers milestone (still can't believe it guys, really), I had an idea that could work: would you like to help me with this Tickletober... by sending me your prompts from @lizzienaut​ Tickletober 2022 list?
Isn’t it a great idea?😁
So now, here's the deal:
You have time from NOW until midnight CET of September 13th.
The list is quite long and due to different reasons (life in general, my job, unexpected events and other stuff) I think I will mostly draw sketches, like these: KiriDeku, SerOchako, ShinrArthur, GaloLio
I don't know if I will be able to post the sketches on time, but I will try. If I can't don’t worry, I'll post later.
I'm taking for myself day 14, since is "self-insert"
You are more than a thousand now... I have to choose😟 ... you can ask for just one day and I will choose the prompts that inspires me the most and I am taking the liberty to combine asks from different people if they are similar.
You like a particular spot? You want to write a sentence to give me the inspiration? A specific scenario? Carte blanche or something else? Dunno hahaha🤣🤣 Write me everything if you want something specific or just to help me with the idea, you are welcome.
Now, I'm sure that I will recieve a lot of requests from Anons and it will be impossible for me to understand if someone has already made a request or has made one with the Account and then anonymously. So I kindly ask you: be fair, please. Only one message per person.
Domestic comfort atmosphere and playful tickles are my workhorses.
MHA: class 1-A, I can try class 1-B, All Might true form, Aizawa, Yamada, Shirakumo, Mirko, Hawks, The Big 3, Shinso, Melissa, Rody and siblings, Mahoro and Kazuma, Eri and Kota are all in. For the children: ONLY platonic, playful, family, cheer up and comfort tickles.
Family related: kids and their parents or siblings. Nana Shimura, Dadmight and Dadzawa are in, but ONLY platonic and playful tickles!!
Class ships like platonic, romantic, rare... I don't mind them.
EraserMic, HotWings
I’m kinda sure that MHA will be in the spotlight, but if you want I am accepting also these fandoms now:
Fire Force: Fire Force Company 8, Vulcan, Lisa, Victor (I watch the anime, not reading the manga)
Promare: Galo, Lio, Aina, Lucia, Gueria, Meis.
Promised Neverland: all the kids are in, and the adults from Goldy Pound (I watched the anime and read the manga)
Miraculous Ladybug: all the kids are in (and I love MariChat💖🖤)
Pedophilia so NO Teacher/adult X student/kid
Anything offensive
Religious themes
Tickle torture with bondage or any kind of restrictions, unless it is in the Prompt List (like trapped) but only playful things.
Day 7 Machine is out.... I am sorry guys, but I feel uncomfortable with machines😣
LoV or Villains in general
Pro Heroes, except those that you can find in my “Will do” list
For Promised Neverland
Demons and adults, except the two from Goldy Pound
For Miraculous Ladybug
Gabriel Agreste, Hawk Moth, Chloe, Lila, Villains in general
Well... Okay guys, I think this is all... I hope. Can’t wait to see what ideas you will send me, and let me tell you this: have FUN!!!
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cleverclove · 2 years
Ben and Allison Stan’s have been through the absolute worse of any season bc the writers don’t know how to write characters of color accurately, makes me hope we don’t get another season tbh
Anon, I couldn’t agree more :/
Which really sucks because it IS a pretty well-made show on the whole!! Costumes, sets, CGI, acting is all on point.
To add on to that, it hails itself as a very progressive show. And it is: see Viktor’s transition and relationship with Sissy and Klaus casually being a genderqueer person! But it’s only when it comes to white people’s sexuality and gender. Diego, Allison, and Ben are the only three non-white siblings (Lila’s there too but she’s not really a sibling lol) and are arguably the least developed/focused on in the show. It tends to focus on Klaus, Five, and/or Viktor, three white guys. And yeah, Viktor’s marginalized in that he’s transmasc and Klaus in that he’s pan, but that’s really nothing to do with race.
Ben was dead before the series even started, making him inherently underdeveloped. He only ever has interactions with Klaus and only really serves to further his arc. It was obvious he was cared about, but who really was he aside from being the dead sibling? Hm?
Not gonna talk about Sparrow!Ben btw. He’s mid in my eyes.
And I’ve said my peace about Allison. There was a lot of gratuitous racial violence against her in season 2, as many people mentioned. Of course, it was the 60s and racism was really unavoidable. And genuinely, there IS trauma that this mainly white fandom will never, ever understand. I really, really wish the writers hadn’t made her really irredeemable in S3. This show is a beautiful story about how anyone can be redeemed, no matter who they are or what they have done (see Luther, Klaus, Viktor even!)…except when it comes to a Black woman.
Allison was an atoner this WHOLE time. She’s done her time trying for forgiveness. Her arc in Season 1 was to make things right with the black sheep sibling as well as get her daughter back, and her arc in Season 2 was contributing into civil rights efforts, DESPITE knowing it could cost her her life.
And I’m NOT against a villain arc for her; after everything that happened, she deserves to lose control. But the writers never portray her actions as sympathetic in season 3; therefore, the audience doesn’t feel sympathy for her. By the time S3EP5 rolls around (when That Scene happens), she has lost any narrative empathy; now she is a bitch. Now she is a monster. Now she’s irredeemable, an outsider from her 5 siblings. Nothing the writers could potentially do could save this character now.
And isn’t that a damn shame?
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temporalbystander · 1 year
is there anywhere on to get info on faybon and talli?
Umm... No... Oh boy did I screw that one up didn't I? Okay so this is going to be a very long post and I am sorry in advance but thank you anon for bringing this up. Warning. Brief mention of suicide.
Okay so Faybon? Is an orphan from Tules orphanage. He's attended Francois Dupont for the last couple of years but nobody except the teachers and the orphanage caretaker Miss Netta would be able to tell you that. He's only shared the same homeroom as Marinette for one year before this current one. Once Marinette got the miraculous though? She somehow noticed him. As for looks? He's essentially a taller, tanned, more filled out version of Marc Anciel. With ice blue eyes and black hair to his shoulders like Nathaniel. He most often wears a dark green hoodie that Marinette made for his birthday. His key traits are being invisible, observing people and refusing to keep any secrets of his own.
However there's a little bit of a secret behind him. For, you see, the Miraculous Ladybugs don't heal him. Sure they'll undo any mind control effect or if it turned him into a suit of armour or a statue, original Akuma idea of mine, but any injury or knowledge gained? That stays. As you can imagine this leads to a bunch of problems with him not only needing to hide his injuries but any more.... Severe... Circumstances. That's where Bunnix pops in, rewinds time, and shows him what happened that ended up in his death this time.
Talli? Well... ah screw it. Talli was originally a Miraculous Hawk moth created in an alternate timeline using the knowledge of the grimoire and Lila's akumatised chameleon powers. However shortly after her creation Ladybug and Chat Noir showed up sending the new Miraculous flying. That's where Faybon found her. She didn't have a name so he called her Talli and he would have given her back to Ladybug except he now has someone he can talk to about everything.
As the after named Kwami of Dissimulation, and is based on Lila's powers, Talli grants her holder the ability to turn into anyone else. but there's a catch. If they're a miraculous holder? The person using her has to already be familiar with the miraculous. If they're an Akuma villain? The holder has to have already been akumatised. This is where Faybon has an advantage as, in multiple alternate timelines his death has been caused by, wielding all the miraculous at once, collapsing from exhaustion after being akumatised and, more than once, tricking Chat Noir into using the cataclysm on him. So he's able to mimic every holder, bar HawkMoth, and every Akuma victim, including the ones only he is aware off.
Now the reason this timeline was erased was because Talli was unfinished. When camouflaged as someone else the protections of the miraculous aren't as great and the side effect from using multiple miraculous still applies even if Talli is just mimicking another one, or two in the case of fusions. As Faybon could only ever wield three before starting to feel sick? Talli plus, let's say bunny noir, wears on him quickly. This lead to him getting beaten down enough that the last confrontation made him collapse. Cue reset.
Now, how does she exist in this timeline? Simply put he breaks his one rule regarding secrets. Once Bunnix has, once again, stopped him from a dangerous plan during Risk that results in a broken Marinette and a near all powerful Monarch? He gets mad. So he goes to London to talk to Felix realising that the giant butterfly head no longer has the peacock miraculous. Yep... After agreeing to not reveal Felix's knowledge or location, and not use the power to fight him, he lends Faybon the peacock to create SentiTalli, filling her with all the knowledge he has on kwamis and her powers from the original timeline. His first move once he makes her is to give her the amok, which doubles as the miraculous, and lets her talk with dusuu before deciding if she's willing to help him.
Thankfully she does agree and here we are. Faybon now has a metal charm bracelet that allows him to turn into Kameo and is keeping her existence a secret from everyone. Something he swore never to do, as he follows his own path to bring down Monarch.
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sunfoxfic · 1 year
bible spoilers and an answered ask under readmore
Anonymous asked:
Please feel free to just not publish this ask, I read the ml bible recently and wanted to discuss about something in it which has been stressing me out lately I am really apprehensive about Lila apparently manipulating Kagami against marinette? And being the class rep or whatever?Because I just. I am honestly having no thought about it except that I hope it's executed delicately and I am so fucking scared:( However the Bible didn't have much details either (like even the marichat kiss wasn't even mentioned, and so was the reveal?) So I hope it's just something super vague and not like...chameleon or something:( What did you think about it? (I don't have a Tumblr, otherwise I would have loved to discuss this more)
I get where you're coming from, anon. The thing is, and this is both a blessing and a curse, the show does not give a flying fuck about the fandom. It has never catered to or against us, despite what some would have you believe; it does what it does, which is for the best.
The reason why this is a curse is because the episode content may play directly into a salters' preconceived notions. And the unfortunate thing is that that's the episode's fault. It isn't wrong for what it is; the salters are engaging with no intention of giving it a chance. No matter what it is, the salters will salt, but it will definitely be worse if the content of the episode is more dramatic.
The bible is incredibly vague, which is what I'm been trying to tell people for the longest time; so there's a lot of room for it to be well executed. But there's also a lot of room for it to play right into the negative preconceptions of salters.
Here's the thing: you gotta make peace with the fact that these preconceptions are not based on evidence. There is nothing canon could do to disprove what these people think, so there's no point in canon trying, especially if it's going to degrade the story being told. And I have faith that the story being told is a good one, even if salters don't.
I feel you, anon. A lot of what you're worried about sounds like it's what's hitting me so hard about reverse love square: It's not so much that canon is bad, but that the fandom reaction to it is uncomfortable. And unfortunately, this fandom is polarized and impossible to control. Cultivate your experience as best you can (I don't know if that's easier or harder without a Tumblr account yourself, but I hope it's the former) and try not to pay mind to those who will never see that episode as a good thing no matter how sensitively the story is told.
If you want to talk more, I'm perfectly okay holding a conversation through my inbox; I might respond like this to avoid spoiling other people, but I do want to provide a space for people to talk about the bible without it being salty (because a lot of the people who read the bible are salters, unfortunately). But I know where you're coming from. Lots of love <3
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bookdragonlibrary · 4 months
What would you think if an evilized villain(maybe a wishmaker-like villain or maybe even a villain that's unrelated to the butterfly miraculous) caused Chloe and Zoe to switch bodies somehow, and nobody fully understands what's going on, so Zoe(in Chloe's body) is taken by Audrey back to London, despite Zoe desperately trying to explain things. But Chloe enters a fugue state(heavily due to trauma caused by the neglect of her parents) and genuinely thinks she's Zoe, and is even able to recall some of the things Zoe did due to being in Zoe's body. Everyone thinks "Zoe's" change in behavior is due to the psychological effects of method acting, since "Zoe" is playing Chloe in Astruc's new movie. Meanwhile, in London, Zoe is trying to get back to Paris.
Anon, you should write this into a novel, it's a great story! :D
I don't know what to think of it though... Everyone will think both Zoé and Chloé's behaviour change as "Chloé" would appear nicer and for Zoé she would appear weird I think xD But if Zoé is in New York or London, it will be easier for her to act as herself as nobody knows her (except Félix in London).
In the case Chloé wants to steal Zoé's identity and stay in her shoes: At the end of season 5, Chloé is more alone than ever. Sabrina ditched her, Lila used her for her own gains and disapeared. But now, she is experiencing true friendship, people treats her different. It's good and nice, but it's definitely different than when she was "respected" due to her position. Chloé has been used for other profits (Lila, Hawkmoth), neglected (Audrey) or being given everything (André, Mr Damoclès, etc.) but she never experienced a true relationship, one who isn't associated with profit/benefits for one and nothing for the other, as neglect is more an absence of relationship than a relationship of some sort.
So yeah, I can see why Chloé wants to stay in Zoé's body and how she will be taken aback at the beginning by this new situation.
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duckmumbo · 2 years
in your hc/mla au bdubs is lila (homewrecker) except he's not as bad mostly he just lies for fun
Oh my god. Lila’s first big lie was about having the fox miraculous. Bdubs would do anything for a clock. There’s a clock miraculous.
How does it feel to be so big brained anon
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gale-gentlepenguin · 2 years
Oh hey, gonna use the opportunity to ask as anon, thanks! [mild spoilers for s4 final, i assume] Not sure where the final episodes are going, but the title ''shadowmoth's last attack'' seems hinting to SM losing a miraculous, and it's probably not buterfly one. Him losing it to heroes kinda pushes everything to end: Duusuu can just tell their previous master's name. I was thinking about the peacock miraculous being destroyed (at least duusuu can't be damaged, i guess, they just will have they "abstract pre-miraculous form") and it might a) stay this way; b) put the beginning of new "power trainings" in order to return duusuu. Or it's just a silly thought and the final special name doesn't nod to any of this. What do you think/expect from the episode?
Well Kwami cant expose their masters (thats shown in Sand boy and Reflekdoll)
Or it could be that Shadowmoth gets the miracle box with all of the miraculous EXCEPT for the Ladybug and Cat miraculous and thus Shadowmoth becomes Guardian Moth or some stupid s*** like Dark guardian.
And Season 5 involves fighting akumatized miraculous wielders with sentimonsters.
Oh wait that would be amazing, so now I dont think that will happen.
Odds are that Gabriel loses and we finally get a new Hawkmoth (My bet is Lila)
or Maybe Emilie wakes up and reveals that she is the real big bad all along.
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So I have not seen the newest episodes,, but Tumblr loves to spoil me and I do know that Marinette has nightmares about Chat Blanc.
Oh boy does this get my angst brain going :)
So think about it, Marinette waking up from another nightmare but this time it's such a bad one she doesn't calm down from it.
And ya know Fuckmoth,, the dude never sleeps. So of course he sends a sentimonster and wham-bam Sentimonster Chat Blanc is in the real world and Marinette is now hiding in an alley, panic calling alya while Blanc searches Paris for her.
And Adrien wakes up bc he's like, ugh,, who tf is calling me. And it's Alya doing a speedround of explaining that Marinette is having vauge nightmares and needs saving and she's asking for help from everyone (except chole and Lila bc obvs)
Adrien transforms and sees this other version of chat walking around and he's like,, well that's not right.
Anyways my brain is also skipping many important details and just like,, imagine Blanc holding onto Marinette and asking why he didn't help her and Marinette apologizing all on front of Chat and he's just confused as fuck but also very much,, protect Mari,, she deserves the world not whatever the fuck this is.
I am a clown,, you are a clown,, we are a marichat clowns and now I'm gonna only think about this for the next 12 hours goodbye mwah
last thing i needed after watching wishmaker was mariblanc angst anon you have destroyed me 😔
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thesaltyoceanwaves · 3 years
I'm not really a shipper I just like the show for other reasons, but wait would you please explain your opinion on why you don't think Adrien and Marinette would be a healthy couple? Weren't they fine in Oblivio? Do you think they would be too codependent or something.....?.... (Sorry if you've explained already)
In regards to Oblivio specifically:
This episode revolves around resetting the dynamic entirely, which means eliminating the history that they have together. So we're already off to a bad start. You shouldn't need to essentially reset the relationship of your main couple in order to make them work in the first place. Instead, you should have them gradually grow closer together, and explore the various dynamics between both the civilian and superhero identities (ie take advantage of your Ladrien and Marichat set-ups). While some developments in s2 seemed like they were going to get the relationship to progress (ie Marinette kissing Adrien at the end of "Hero's Day), too many s3 episodes reverted that progress so that Marinette had difficulty making conversation with Adrien for the sake of comedy. The fact that they are able to converse normally in this episode is only because they lack memories of each other, and think they're already dating,
The episode itself, other than the deceit of it being an amnesia episode, is fine, except for that ending. You know. The part where Alya takes a photo of the two kissing, while they still don't have their memories. When they do get their memories back and see the photo:
Tumblr media
Ladybug is NOT happy about it.
So does Chat Noir ask Alya to delete the photo, realizing that his partner isn't comfortable with such a photo being posted? Does he apologize to Ladybug for not taking her feelings into account (or you know, apologize for the fact that he caused the whole situation in the first place, being the one lazing about during a fight prior to the memory swipe, and causing both of them to undergo amnesia)?
This is what he says to her about the photo:
Cat Noir: Well one thing's for sure, we would make a good-looking couple. We're meant for each other m'Lady. You're the only one who doesn't see it.
And this is what he says in the privacy of his home, when looking at the photo again.
Adrien: You know what? It doesn't matter. If it happened once, it can happen again. At least now, I know my dream can come true.
Again. No concern whatsoever for Maribug's feelings. This is despite the fact that she's already rejected him twice by this point (in Glaciator when he confessed and she rejected him, telling him she was in love with someone else, and in Frozer, when she had to remind him about this, and then he later ran off on her in the middle of a fight and never apologized to her about it).
And if we're looking at the bigger picture, then we'll be here talking for days, anon. While some of the issues I hold Adrien accountable for (how he guilts Marinette into feeling bad about Chloe leaving, him threatening to quit in Syren because Ladybug has a secret that isn't hers that she's keeping from him, how he keeps sacrificing himself in the middle of battle now knowing that he says he does it for her sake), a lot of it just also stems down to the blatantly sexist writing and double standards of the show. When Adrien gets jealous in "Copycat" he's never held accountable for his behavior toward Theo, nor the fact that he lied to Ladybug about what set him off (which is something she hates, by the way). He doesn't have to change or at the very least, think over his behavior.
But when Marinette is upset with Lila in "Volpina"? She's still crucified, to this day, over saying literally anything to Lila. Despite having plenty of justification for calling her out. Sure, she might have taken it a bit far, but it's nowhere near as bad as most people make it out to be. She called her out in front of one other person, and that was after she was making claims about knowing Ladybug and being a superhero.
Now, that's not to say Marinette doesn't have unhealthy behaviors either. Her pursuit over Adrien isn't great either. She steals his phone in s1 to delete an embarrassing message off his phone. She makes dozens of gifts and stores them in her room for Christmases many years into the future. She can be entirely distracted by her crush on him and end up having that take priority over other things. She never disagrees with him on anything or just gives in to what he wants instead of arguing her case or sharing her opinion.
But considering A. something always goes wrong for Marinette in her attempts to romance Adrien and B. she's not allowed to make a move on or move on from Adrien and C. the show insists that Marinette always has a lesson to learn, I tend to be a bit kinder to her in comparison. Especially after the catastrophe that was Puppeteer 2.
Anyway, I could go on forever, but I'll stop there for now.
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kisilinramblings · 3 years
I often hear people claim that Adrien would make a better protagonist. In what ways do you think that would not work? We'd probably understand the other characters less since Adrien interacts with them less due to less free time. Adrien's also usually stuck at home with what is shown onscreen as the rare free time he has, so an Adrien pov show would usually show him at home/work? It would also probably work better for a shorter, more serious show rather than a long comedic series like ML.
(Pt 2) Someone could argue that they could just make Adrien have more free time if it was Adrien-pov, but I'd rather not the show compromise the restrictiveness of Adrien's home life like that. With more "free time" to show him interacting with other characters, his isolation from the rest of the cast because less apparent (Compared to Marinette, which the show can work with what its trying to do because she interacts with many characters and meddles into situations, for better or worse)
I think you have made your points, Anon ^^ I can hardly add anything more.
One argument I have stumbled upon recently in favor of "Adrien should be the protagonist" is that Marinette comes from a loving and caring family and therefore she doesn't have problems 🙃
As if a loving and caring family prevented Marinette to be bullied before the story started, to have little to no friend before meeting Alya and had so much low self-esteem of herself to the point she believed her taking actions would only make things worse. Insecurities which still ressurface from time to time, both as a civilian and as a superheroine. (Pharaoh, Timetagger, Miracle Queen, Furious Fu to name those)
The thing about picking a protagonist isn't about picking who has the most tragic backstory ™ as the main character. It's picking the character you want your audience to experience the story you want to tell.
Also, those people often forget that when Marinette became Ladybug, her life changed too! While Adrien jumped on the occassion to be a superhero with both feet, Marinette was reluctant. She didn't even think herself up to the task put on her shoulders (not as her first mission as LB and not when she became the Guardian).
While Adrien experienced freedom, Marinette became burdened.
After making her first mistake as Ladybug and seeing the consequences of it, she spiraled down. Everything is her fault. She only creates catastrophes. She only makes things worse for everyone. She quits.
She only started to be Ladybug again when she saw she was the only one who could help Alya and Chat Noir.
She chose to become Ladybug. She chose to accept the burden on her own.
Becoming Ladybug has allowed Marinette to face adversities such as bullies (Hawkmoth, Chloé, Lila) or her mistakes. It also allowed her to stand up for herself, to acknowledge her mistakes, to learn from them and to make things right. But it doesn't mean some of her mistakes aren't affecting her on the long run.
Becoming Ladybug allows her to grow and become a better person. She inspires people to do the same (both her classmates and the audience) and that is what we see throughout the show.
But by becoming Ladybug, by accepting to carry the burden, Marinette kept pressuring herself so much that she believes everything rests on her shoulders and her shoulders only. As a result, we have seen she has hard time accepting to delegate and share the burden on the long term because she has to keep things under control. She doesn't allow herself to be vulnerable.
Marinette's creativity is her greatest asset and allows her to find solutions to problems but at the same time, it is also her creativity that leads her to overthink things and imagine the worst case scenario.
Also, because of her background -- because Marinette trusts her parents as well as their advices and their rules -- she more easily believes authority figures like Fu, Bunnyx and Su Han. She thinks outside the box, yet she doesn't question people who have more experience regarding the Miraculous. In fact, she listens and relies on them to guide her. She follows their directions, but doesn't question if those directions actually fits her. So she molds herself and becomes someone she doesn't recognize and she feels like she isn't true to herself anymore.
Marinette wants to be a normal girl with a normal life like she used to be, except her secret forever prevents her to ever be that again. And Marinette is mourning that fact. (Gamer 2.0, Miracle Queen, Gang of Secrets, Rocketear).
Adrien? Adrien, in opposition, never had a normal life. Everything is dictated to him. His schedule, how to pose and behave. You have an emotional burst? Keep it down. Even better, hide it! Bottle those emotions up. You have to keep appearances. No wonder Adrien doesn't know who he is. He always had defined himself through others and what they expected of him. He has never learned to define himself on his own.
As a civilian, Adrien is trapped. Both litterally and figuratively. If he makes a mistake, his father tends to punish him severely, stripping away the little liberty Adrien has as a civil. Chat Noir allows Adrien to break free and more importantly, break free, incognito. But it doesn't solve his problems which all boils down to his father's authority and control. Instead, Adrien runs away from his personal problems and it is not a reproach. Adrien has good reasons to do so as it is how he survives. But it is not healthy nor safe for him on the long run.
Whereas Marinette can make various mistakes and has the power to fix them. In other words, she can confront her mistakes. She is allowed to cope with her different emotions. She has the latitude to do so. She is allowed to make her own choices which will affect her as well as the others.
And the show is centered about emotions because life is filled with them and we grow up to deal with those.
But just because Marinette is the protagonist doesn't mean Adrien is irrelevant as a character. In fact, he is the deuteragonist. The second most important character to follow. The one who foils and complements the protagonist.
Both characters have a story that is being told. Marinette's point of view is favored because it is the one that provide the widest array of possibilities and because Ladybug always find a solution to fix a problem.
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