#feel free to use this as a phone bg or whatever
noctilia · 1 year
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seeminglydark · 1 year
Writing up a little FAQ, cuz, i see a lot of OP directed questions in the notes so figured I'd put this here.
First things first, almost all my art is original character art unless stated otherwise!
That being said, I'm actually fine with people projecting and tagging blorbos and ships on them, especially the 'Detention' piece.
Yes you may use my art as phone or pc bg, or icons and avatars (it would be cool if you credit me tho, either SeeminglyDark here on tumblr or Raptorjules on any other platform)
You can read about my characters if you want too, I have two comics, Seemingly Dark and Mil-Liminal, both can be found on Webtoon and Tapas!
I do have an INPRNT shop and a ko-fi shop, just search raptorjules, feel free to let me know if theres a print you'd like me to add.
Yes, the detention piece is Queer, you are welcome to decide in what way works best for you! canonically it is (left) he/him ace gnc character and (right) they/them closeted trans masc/enby character (and for those of you who went to look, you are right, it IS John and Caro's high school days)
i LOVE asks, please come say hi and tell me you read my comic or whatever you want. interaction is the best
tag me if you make something inspired by my art!! fan art, cosplay, fanfic based around my stuff (even if its just that my art inspired your fic of your otp from another fandom) i just think its neat, show me. i AM ok with you making ocs for my worlds, and sonas like caro and johns soul-sonas. i'm not ok with copying my ocs or concepts without my consent, tracing my work or outright stealing my work. credit to the original creator goes a long way when youre inspired by something.
You can find me on other platforms too, twitter, bluesky, and Instagram under Raptorjules 💞
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ran-orimoto · 9 months
How would you rewrite Junpei and Izumi?
Hi Anon~. Sorry for being late. In truth I’m being late with almost anything you have requested or asked me about because……….I’ve been sinking into the sea of a game and it has been occupying the free time my mind can spend without studying lmaooooo. Anyway, I had written a draft so I’ve corrected it. I hope it’s decent as an answer! I have got so many feelings about a possible rewriting for them🥺. Sometimes I really feel like they are the characters the writers care about the least. BUT DON’T WORRY! I’M HERE, BBIES!
Hm, important note, I won’t really talk about the evolutions because I’m not even a big fan of the evolutions coming after the ones they own. Deepest wish is for them to have a fusion🤫 but that’s another story💕💕.
- I would give them a family bg because that’s the first alarm giving me the impression the writers just didn’t care about them. They are the first characters in the whole Digimon franchise history who don’t have an explained family bg and this breaks my heart, because knowing about a character’s family is useful to understand so many aspects of that character. I would have been okay if Junpei’s parents had never been shown, though. At this point you must know his bios have convinced me this boy either lives with an aunt and uncle or with his grandparents.
- Izumi’s problems with her classmates have to be rebuilt and rewritten completely. I want her to hold in herself a clearer story of xenophobia. I also kinda would desire flashbacks about her leaving Italy, her sadness, her nostalgia; why not, also flashbacks of what her life used to be like in Italy in comparison with the one she’s leading in Japan. It would be cute if one of these flashbacks featured her enjoying italian wind, because ,SERIOUSLY, the bond between the kids and their element need to be explored.
- Junpei is the one who has got the least amount of flashbacks and insights about his life in the real world. I really feel moved about his issues at building relationships and real friends, but I would have adored if they had given a reason why Junpei acts the way he does. Personally, I would have adored hearing Junpei has taken an interest on magical tricks because originally he wanted to get attention from his absent parents. Parents give him so much money so he can buy chocolate, cards, whatever he thinks the other kids like, and they think in this way Junpei can feel loved so he has got a messed up perception of relationships, of the way you can create meaningful links with others etc… Moreover, his attention about magical tricks makes him even a worse student than what he is like and this makes his father or both his parents infuriated, which compromises their weak family bond even more. In this way that frame from the” Innocent” ending scene, which is way too specific in his case for my tastes, could finally get an explanation in the anime.
- Oh yes, I would describe Junpei’s bedroom being messy and full of toys and other stuff he buys to be liked by other kids; stuff the other kids will rarely be interested in; stuff he accumulates, -just like his chocolate-, in his bedroom and will never use. I would like to clarify he eats so many bars because nobody really wants to eat them.
- I would give both Izumi and Junpei a reason to jump on that train or, at least, make them question why they have done it, especially Junpei:
• Izumi might have had a very bad school day, something common for a kid but an experience which is the last straw making the camel’s back break to her. She is sick of her school life. Maybe she has heard that girl she has helped with her foot laughing about her, joining the others in some petty chorus, and this sends Izumi on the edge of tears. She comes back home, puts her pizza in the microwave while she is sadly thinking about what has happened and that’s when Ophanimon’s message makes her phone vibrate.
• In the first 5 episodes Junpei is always like “It’s better if I had stayed at home!”; “I really don’t want to stay in this world!” and then he jumps on the train again and we don’t know what happened in his head. I WISH for that part about Izumi being the reason why Junpei has stayed to remain, but I also would like to make it more meaningful, and not a stupid crush joke. It’s very precious that Junpei felt Izumi was as lonely as him so I wanted this part of his bios to take a consistency in the anime. Probably, I wouldn’t really reveal it that soon. When Junpei is on the train, I would like to see him thinking about his life in the real world, maybe remembering his parents are going to come back too and he will be scolded about his grades. He is not a kid who likes giving voice to his most delicate thoughts, so he would also think about his classmates , wince because of an unexplainable melancholy creeping in his soul, and then look at Izumi. And feel it.
- I’d love making Izumi and Ranamon have wholesome moments too, because Ranamon is the other female presence we need in this season and she didn’t have to necessarily be entirely bad and obnoxious. After some adventure they’d share together, I would love seeing Izumi using her kindness to make Ranamon understand she has got other qualities that are more important than beauty. I would still let Ranamon be annihilated tho… With tears on her face and a smile because now she has understood her true worth and hopefully in another life she will be more sincere to herself. In a nutshell, I would like if if Ranamon got more human feelings. I LOVE RANAMON., okay.
- AGAIN, I’D STRENGTHEN THE CONNECTION BETWEEN THEM AND THE ELEMENTS. Jesus Christ, Junpei’s fear of about thunders and lightning is so pitiful and mocking. Why haven’t they given it a DEPTH. Like you already know from my fics, I’d gladly link it with his loneliness.
- I would rewrite the episodes of Tsunomon and Whamon.
• The Tsunomon episode wouldn’t be focused on only Izumi because her feeling Tsunomon’s isolation is relatable to her has got a very weird execution. I would make it an episode about loneliness in general; about BOTH feeling their loneliness intensely and maybe face each other about it with some flashbacks. Thus, they would reach a first level of mutual understanding and respect, because , after all, like a dear friend said, they are two faces of the same coin and just have to realize it. - The Whamon episode has to be about both as well, because it’s shameful Izumi stood still in a situation that was about her, letting Junpei be her shining knight in armour. You are supposed to be a heroine, girl! Do you want to sit on the stands for the nth episode while Junpei is doing everything and putting his life at stake for your sake? I want her to snap out of her | *shaking voice* “I-If only I could digievolve🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🐑*. I freaking want her to help Junpei gain his control on the Beast like Tomoki did for Takuya, at least. Junpei was going berserk in the original episode too and what helps him gain his control? Remembering he wanted to get Izumi’s spirit back. So I think Junpei would go berserk and she’d help him with her voice, -like Bokomon would suggest-, which would also be a faint hint Izumi has got a tendency to keep control in similar situations as well. Izumi should exploit that feeling of hopelessness she has experienced while being unable to fight to REACT; to start wishing for a sort of “redemption” and get stronger; to discover her strength.
- AND AND AND AND, I would frankly make Izumi pay Junpei back for that, allowing her to rescue him for once. We had got so close in the episode in which Kerpymon steals the kids’ digivices and Junpei is the first one getting his stolen. Shutumon flies to his side and insists on helping him, but Loweemon stops her. WELL, either I’d make Loweemon shut up or I’d turn Junpei in Ranamon’s prince prey in captivity. So, Izumi would finally have someone to rescue and HOPEFULLY she wouldn’t drown lol, because let’s stop making Izumi drown everytime. This would be Izumi’s new evolution moment ✨.
- Finally, I’d make Tsunomon come back because another thing I hate is how they are the ones who have been shafted away in the most embarassing way in the final episodes. You don’t want to make Kokuwamons and Floramons come back? Fine, because those would have been an episode for each. Well, then, make Tsunomon come back, now evolved in Gabumon and make them save what they care about the most, thank you. Two episodes for Tomoki? Now I’m giving you the chance to give Izumi and Junpei a single episode for both.
And that’s it, Anon. I took two or maybe more weeks to write this because my tw friends make me come up with the worst ideas, honestly, and I needed to write them down. I don’t know when I will post this, but I really thank you for the patience💕. I’m sure there would be so many other things I would add, but this post can (not ) be a papyrus. I also want to say I really want to write some of these someday, especially Izumi rescuing Junpei because I want to see him acting miserable in some cage until Ranamon will threaten to drown him while he’s melting due to her Jelousy Rain.
Ah! So much Junzumi in this post hhhh💕💕💕💕
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Hi! I love everything that you write and heh I am a fan! 😄 tbh this is my first time requesting something on Tumblr! If you don't mind and if I am not being a bother...can you write about how the guys would react If MC suddenly starts making meme references? I don't know how I got the idea but I am REALLY curious. And love you! :D
Hiya! Tyvm for the kind words, and apologies that this took a while! I hope you have the chance to enjoy it regardless ❤️❤️❤️ Love you too, sweet pea! I promise to get to the next request you’ve sent ASAP~
Aight but this would be hilarious because the range of the reactions is just ungodly. I will be putting this under a cut after Napoleon so I don’t clog up everyone’s dash, but all the suitors are included below otherwise! 
Comte is the one that recognizes a few, but didn’t really stay in modern times long enough to be as well-versed as a Gen Z kid might. Regardless he finds the wittiness and absolute chaotic fuckery to be delightful, and will 100% support the harmless nonsense. It never fails to get a laugh out of him
Mozart that first day be like: “Buzz off MC I hate you” MC, because she likes swinging bats at wasps’ nests: “Well that’s not very cash money of you” Mozart: ?????????? Comte, giggling in the bg like the secret fae he is This one’s just because I’m petty, but after the events of Comte rt I just imagine them encountering Vlad again and MC’s just “I lived bitch.” while Comte is flipping him off behind her lkjahgkjhdsg
Comte @ Leo when he finds the latter under his desk: Had it not been for the laws of this land, I would have slaughtered you.  MC: wheezing from the hallway as she’s about to give him his letters
MC: So how was your day, honey? Comte: Good, good--briefly had to go beastmode upon the punk that pilfered my lint roller MC, biting her lip to keep from laughing: So does Leo still have his kneecaps? Comte: for now.
Comte, @ literally anyone upsetting the MC: I won’t hesitate, bitch
Comte: Be careful with my emotional baggage, it’s designer
MC: What if I was evil and ran towards you at very fast speeds Comte: My arms are strong, I would catch and hug you
Leo and Dazai are the ones that don’t have a single reference point but are filled with so much dumbass chaos energy that they just. Understand immediately???? Nobody knows how or why, but they just catch on so fast--adapt the language in a matter of weeks. Never underestimate the power of combined boredom, depression, and humor
I swear to god I just see MC taking them their Blanc/Rouge and being like “here you go sir, one enslaved moisture” and they just go fucking hog wild from day one. MC starts impersonating Theo when he leaves the room around Dazai, like fake deep voice “you all only hate me because you do not like me and I am mean to you. grow up.” Or like the MC meets a baby on her travels with Leo around town and she holds them and says v seriously and sagely “So you are Baby? I have heard tales of your exploits.” and Leo about loses his shit right there. They both think MC is the funniest person alive--they’ve never been more eager to throw a ring at someone in their entire life.
Also a bonus for my beloved Dazai:  MC, facing even the slightest inconvenience (like dropping her fork) in the most dramtic voice possible: Life is not daijoubu. Dazai: wheezing
MC, after watching Theo turn down a woman at the bar in the meanest way possible: bro quit letting the darkness consume you u r scaring the hoes Dazai, literally rolling around on the ground, half-drunk and dying:
MC, walking alongside Dazai and stopping to stare at her reflection in the River Seine. Dazai’s expecting some sad or twisted shit, since people often feel comfortable talking about those things around him, but instead she just: “Oh, it’s you. The source of all my problems.” And he about falls into the river from shock HAHAHA
At this point don’t be surprised if his next book is about an absolute madlad woman similar to MC
Napoleon finds it to be a delightful quirk more than anything? He doesn’t really understand it, but he finds it funny when they change their voice for effect or speak in exaggerated tones. If it’s just comprehensible enough for an outsider to understand--or Sebas gives him context--chances are it’ll send him into a laughing fit
For this one I just imagine MC singing that Ratatouille meme song obnoxiously bad while cooking, and Napoleon and Comte are just so wildly amused by it bc it makes zero sense and it’s only vaguely French at this point
MC @ Napoleon while they’re cooking brunch: Can I offer you a nice egg in these trying times?
MC, conflicted because she’s tired and wanted to sleep in but also got to see Napo’s cute sleeping face for a few hours: For my next stunt, I’ll wake up at 5AM on the day I can sleep in. Sebas: Early to bed and early to rise makes a person healthy, wealthy, and wise MC: early to bed and early to rise makes me a massive bitch Napoleon: laughing in agreement
Isaac is the type to be bewildered and concerned at first (especially when he hears the more nihilistic ones hoOOOoooOO BOY) but eventually begins to understand it’s some bizarre attempt at humor (that hurts Zack baby). While some part of him laments that it reminds him of Dazai and he’s secretly jealous of how she and Dazai bond over it, he will sometimes join in the chaos when the mood strikes him and he’s feeling mischievous
Isaac: How are you feeling? MC: Oh, I’m not Isaac: seconds from dialing 911 Isaac: Are you okay? MC: Oh yeah dw I just suffer from that syndrome where your neutral expression makes you look like you’re an angry serial killer Isaac: say sike rn
Isaac, tutoring MC and correcting something:  MC, muttering while redoing it: The risk I took was calculated, but man am I bad at math. Isaac: unable to help a laugh
One time MC was avoiding Isaac for fear of hurting his feelings and he just confronts her like: Isaac: back by unpopular demand, me! What’s wrong, MC pls MC was so hecking proud of him
Isaac, telling MC about a recent discovery he learned at uni from another professor: bones typically heal stronger after they’ve been broken--so long as they’re set properly, of course MC, looking him dead in the eyes: So what you’re saying is that I should break every bone in my body until I become superhumanly powerful? Isaac: please do not, no
Mozart and Jeanne are just. Totally lost. Why are you talking like that??? Why are you making “crab hands”???? They don’t understand. Maybe never will. They reach a point where they just kind of laugh and shake their heads, endeared by the oddity after they’re used to it and have determined it isn’t a threat/insult. 
MC: It’s a cold and it’s a brooooken, Waluigi. Waaaaluigiiiii...waaaahluigi..... Mozart: surprised, then starts snickering and playing along on the piano
Arthur, asking MC very personal questions out loud because he is an idiot sometimes: Soooo MC, are you a top or a bottom? MC: I’m a threat. (If he asks a second time, the response will be “Wouldn’t you like to know, weatherboy.”) Jeanne, fighting a smile:
MC, about to punch an asshole: Your free trial of being alive has ended Jeanne, seconds from laughing for the first time in 100 years:
Also, because I genuinely can’t help myself. You know that knight meme like “Parry this you fucking casual.” I cannot stress enough that it is literally the personification of Jeanne’s entire character. I’m not even joking.
Arthur and Shakespeare are utterly fascinated by the rapid evolution of wordplay and the sheer hilarity. They will ask all about these so-called “memes” and ask for examples of them if MC can show them (either somehow accessing her phone or drawing them). MC draws Arthur the knife cat meme and he about a s c e n d s at the hilarity of it all, points and yells THEO IS HOLDING THE KNIFE. He is correct. They will be delighted and follow along eagerly, and--god forbid--will make their own based on late 19th century struggles.
Is this where Shakespeare got the idea for “What, you egg? stabs him” and “You are a saucy boy.”? I’m too scared to ask. Don’t even get me started on “The Fool jingled miserably across the floor.” That one is just too on the nose...
I can’t even imagine what would happen to Shakespeare if MC like translated vines and memes into Ye Olde English around him. Imagine she’s at one of those noble balls and hears rumors of these two guys living together and they’re so obviously gay and he says “And those gents w’re roommates.” And in the most false surprised tone ever MC just replies “oh mine own god, those gents w’re roommates.” Imagine having a wife that’s just as hilarious as you are and hits you with all the force of a bag of wet mice every time you speak in retaliation, he’s going into palpitations.
Every time Arthur does smth stupid MC just: “I Pretend I Do Not See It.”
Vincent is tickled pink by MC’s penchant for finding joy and/or amusement in nearly everything they do, and he smiles gently when he sees them muttering and laughing to themselves. He wants to be able to join them in what they love, but he has a harder time following along and understanding the darker humor sometimes. Mostly gets confused??? Please give him the easier ones to mimic and laugh when he tries--or just include him in your jokes MC. He’s babie your honor...
But he also. Will not. Stand any kind of self-deprecation or borderline verbal self-harm. He’s usually very easygoing and calm, but for whatever reason that stuff makes him go deathly quiet and upset.
MC, after something goes horribly wrong, hugging Vincent: Oh Vince, we really in it now Vincent: giggling a little despite his worries, relaxing
MC: Theo stop simping for Vincent that’s my job
MC, when Theo leaves the room and she gets Vincent all to herself: The evil is defeated.
MC: And this is where I would put my will to live...if I h a d one! Vincent: ;-; MC: oh shit, oh fuck, I was only kidding Vincent wait (MC was subsequently lectured and loved on for many hours)
Theo is conflicted because on the one hand, he loves to see you smiling and having fun. On the other, you’re clowning as hard as Dazai and Arthur and he can only handle so many monkeys in his circus. Most of the time he will roll his eyes and be the straight man of this comedy, but you might find him cracking a smile--or accidentally letting a chuckle slip past his lips now and again.
MC, after meeting Theo: I’m a nice person, but I’m about to start throwing rocks at people.
Theo, those first days: Oh? You’re approaching me? Instead of running away, you’re coming right to me? MC: I can’t beat the shit out of you without getting closer.
Theo: Every time I ask MC to explain “vibe check” to me she hits me with some kind of improvised weapon
MC, after the “incident” (you know the one): This year, I lost my dear lover Theo Theo, in the distance: QUIT TELLING EVERYONE I’M DEAD! MC: ;-; sometimes I can still hear his voice...
Sebastian is last because oh boy. OH BOYYYYY I LOVE HIM. Okay so the way I see this happening with Sebastian is just. So wild. Because at first he’s t r y i n g so hard to be the proper butler man. He does not meme. But then he starts to drift closer to what Niles from The Nanny was, where he’ll quip and joke in private or when the situation is just beyond the amount of absurdity he can handle without making a snarky comment. Everyone in the house can’t fathom how Sebas and MC got so close so fast, but there are points where they’re just “Are they even speaking English anymore???” It’s 11 times funnier than normal because Sebas almost never smiles or laughs when memeing, the deadpan quality of his playing along sends MC every time
Has ABSOLUTELY said “HEY. PANINI HEAD. ARE YOU EVEN LISTENING TO ME???” jokingly when MC made a mistake in the kitchen. They laugh about it for y e a r s
MC: I can’t date someone who keeps a lamb as a pet, that’s so weird Sebas, brushing Lotte in front of MC: MC: MC: Okay, I will make an exception because she looks very polite
MC and Sebas, fully aware of the fame some of the men will reach in modern times: We will watch your career with great interest.  (I s2g that’s like half of Sebas’ rt right there I’m crying)
Sebas rt with Lotte be like that 500 dollar Mareep meme: “sometimes a family can be just a boy, his gf, and their 500 dollar two foot tall Lotte”
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xskyll · 3 years
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The BNHA x Chobits AU that no one, not even Mineta, asked for.
The ramblings of my mind under the cut. Warning, it’s loooong.
Okay, so bear in mind that I only watched four episodes of Chobits and it was probably about 14 years ago, and also I didn’t really like it, lol
-Todoroki finds Midoriya laying on some bags of trash next to a dumpster.
-First he’s like “oh no, I need an adult,” because for all his “training,” dad never actually told him what to do when he found a dead body, (this is the summer before he starts U.A., so he’s still living at home). Endeavor is away for a week, and Fuyumi doesn’t count to him (sort of an Aristocats, “she’s not [an adult,] she’s just a sister!” thing). While he’s trying to remember that the police exist, he notices this dead body has very strange ear-like things. He comes closer to investigate. There are lots of weird body types in the world, because of quirks, but these things look metal, which isn’t unheard of, but something about these ears just strike him as unnatural.
- Good news, it seems like a robot, not a dead body. The ears open easily, and there are buttons inside. A power button (that’s right CHOBITS!! It’s in the ear! My love story isn’t going to start with molestation), some USB ports, an aux port, a slot for a microchip or SIM card or whatever, some sort of safety switch (he flips that on)…what really convinces him this is totally a robot are the blutooth and volume buttons (that’s right, Midoriya in this au can charge phones AND he’s a speaker, although the volume buttons’ primary function is to control the volume of his voice).
- He has no good reason for taking this thing home. It weights a ton, it’s awkwardly naked, except for some bandages wrapped around it, which do nothing to hide how anatomically correct this robot is, and he already has a phone charger, so he really has no use for it. 
- He feels weird about it though. While he was checking out the ears, he touched its face and the skin was soft and warm. He checked for a pulse, just out of curiosity, and found one. It looks like a person, aside from the ears, and it feels like a person. He feels bad leaving it in the trash. So he takes it home.
- Cue comedy routine where he gets this thing, not just in the house, but to his room without Fuyumi noticing.
- Once in his room, he hits the power switch. Nothing happens. He holds the power switch. Bingo. Robo-boy powers to life, bright, adorably large green eyes open. He’s holding it in his arms, and it’s still all tied up. It looks up at him and says hello.
- He drops it.
- He apologizes as he picks it back up, tugging at the wrappings to try to get its arms free. He realizes he needs to get pants, or at least boxers, for it, because it’s awake now and very much naked.
- For the very first time, he realizes that this adorable, thin-yet-lean-muscled, between 14-16 looking robo-boy might have been someone’s weird sex doll. They probably threw it away because they found a real person to date and they didn’t want them to know about their underage sex robot. This also sort of explains the pulse; the mystery pervert person probably programmed a fake pulse and did something to make his skin warm, to make him feel more real. Gross.
- He’s broken from these thoughts when the robot speaks. It says, “Please insert memory bank files or turn on base memory.” Todoroki is already freaking out, because this thing wants its memories, and he doesn’t have them. He opens the ear again and investigates. Next to the empty slot, there’s a small button labeled BM. Base memory? Sure, why not. He pushes it.
- The robot goes blank faced for a few seconds. When he comes to, he looks at Todoroki, then the room, then down at himself. He flexes his arms, trying to break the bands around him, but stops, saying, “Safety mode is on.”
- Todoroki finishes helping unwrap him, awkwardly doing so while pointedly looking away, once he gets to his lower half. Once he’s free, he goes and gets a pair of boxers and throws them in his direction. “Can you put them on?” He’s curious if the robot can do something like that unaided, and also he doesn’t want to cloth it himself, because even though this is a robot, it looks like a very cute boy his age. And it has a pulse. He can’t stop thinking about that.
- The robot puts on the boxers, after inspecting them for a second. He honestly does struggle to figure it out for a moment, cause he has zero common sense, but he does figure it out. It probably takes him about a minute. Once they’re on, he stands and starts inspecting the room.
- “Do you have a name?” seems like a dumb question, but he asks anyway and the robot answers, “I’m Project Midoriya.”
- Background info time. Midoriya is not fully a robot. He was kidnapped just seven months ago, coming home from school. It was the day of the sludge villain attack, but he got nabbed before they could cross paths. AFO wanted a quirkless person to experiment on. He did his research and found Midoriya Izuku, a quirkless boy with no friends and little family, who wouldn’t be missed very much. He’s confident enough that he won’t get caught that he titles his new project by its name: Midoriya. Midoriya’s memories are still in his mind, but they’re suppressed. AFO found it easier to backup his memories to a chip, so he could remove them as needed. When they were installed, Midoriya responded best to his own name anyway, so calling him that was also the easiest thing. Without his memories, AFO found him a bit annoying, because he had no social skills or common sense. He needed to be taught, which he didn’t have the patience for, so usually he just left the memories in. He was a timid boy anyway and easy to intimidate, especially if he threaten to hurt his mom.
- The cops figure his disappearance was maybe a runaway situation, but given his track record and the profile on him they’d compiled from listening to his mom, classmates, and teachers, they figure it’s more likely a kidnapping or murder. Fun fact though, he got kidnapped the day Bakugou told him to kill himself. Obviously no body is found, but he knows people go to forests to hang themselves, or put weights in their pockets and drown themselves. Those bodies can take years to find. So while all of this is happening, Bakugou is out there just every day, “what have I done, what have I done, what have I done?” When they finally see each other again, Bakugou freaks out and Midoriya’s suppressed memories are triggered. Bakugou demands answers, Todoroki is confused and defensive, and Midoriya is just, “System overload. Shutting down,” and then face plants to the floor.
- Anyway, back to Shouto. He asks Midoriya if he remembers anything. Midoriya has exactly one memory (or at least, one easily accessible memory), and it’s this: “A man. He looked like this.” He put his hand over his face. “He said, ‘Sensei put so much work into you. Why are you so useless (Deku)?’”
- More bg info, AFO gave Midoriya to Shigaraki, telling him to try to make him useful, and Shigaraki DID try for a couple of months, but he was over the whole situation after basically one day. With his memories, Midoriya was scared and traumatized, had morals, cried a bunch and sometimes tried to escape, and was just UGH. He could mute his voice, but even that didn’t help, cause this kid was just sooo annoying. Without his memories he was awkward and boring and still annoying. Eventually he just yeeted him into a trash heap, but took his memory chip, since it technically contains LoV information.
- Midoriya considers his only memory and thinks being called Deku feels sort of normal, so he says as much. “Deku might also be my name. You can call me that, if you want.” Todoroki says he’ll stick with Midoriya, because Deku isn’t a nice name for his new robot friend.
- So the first section of the story after this is fairly light-hearted. Todoroki has to keep Midoriya a secret from Endeavor and Fuyumi (I feel like she does find out eventually, but agrees to help hide him, as she sees it’s good for her little bro to finally have this (maybe?) living thing/person to talk to and take care of.) Speaking of care, Midoriya is very easy to care for. He can eat, drink, and sleep, but doesn’t need to. He has some sort of self-charging system. Most of his “care” involves teaching him social skills (which oof, blind leading the blind, but they say teaching is the best way to learn, so this is actually good for Shouto too). Embarrassing stuff happens. Fluffy stuff happens. It’s a good time.
- Shouto spends the summer with Midoriya this way. Most of their interactions are fluffy and light, but not all. The first time he comes back to his room after training with his dad, he learns two things: Midoriya has first aid knowledge programmed into him and he’s capable of crying. As the trainings continue, Midoriya eventually reveals that he has over a hundred fighting styles programmed into him and knows over 70 ways to kill a person, but he can’t access any of that information while his safety is on. Todoroki is just like, “Uuuuuh, that’s really good to know…but we’re gonna keep the safety on for now, okay? I hate my dad but also please don’t murder him. He’s famous so we wouldn’t get away with it. Also murder is bad, don’t kill people.”
- Midoriya wants to know if all heroes are like Endeavor and Shouto is like, noooo and shows him the debut video of his personal favorite hero: All Might. Watching this video is the first time Midoriya has a “System overloading. Shutting down” moment. Shouto has an absolute panic attack, because if Midoriya reboots and his memories are wiped, then he’ll have lost the best friend he ever had. But Midoriya restarts and he’s fine. He explains that sometimes he shuts down, to prevent a system failure, which would damage his…idk, hard drive or whatever. He quietly admits that the All Might video is very familiar, and he thinks maybe it used to be important to him. Shouto questions him about his memories and Midoriya theorizes that perhaps he has them backed up, but he isn’t sure how to access them. 
- This is exciting for Shouto, because he thinks maybe if Midoriya experiences more “triggers,” like the video, he might regain his memories and be able to shed some light on the general mystery of where he came from/who made him/what his purpose is. Whenever Endeavor is away, he tries to sneak Midoriya out, so he can see the real world. He isn’t too concerned about his ears, because in a world of quirks, there are plenty of odd looking people around. So far he’s been wearing Todoroki’s clothes, which a little too big on him, so they go shopping and get him clothes. None of their outings seem to trigger anything, except one time when they pass a park where Midoriya and Bakugou used to play as kids. Midoriya grows quiet and seems far away for a moment, but he doesn’t overload and shakes off the familiar feeling.
- Whenever they see All Might stuff he’s just !!!!!!! He can’t remember why he likes All Might, but he remembers how he feels about him. The more All Might stuff he sees, the more his old feelings return. One day they pass a large All Might poster and Midoriya says, “I think maybe I wanted to be like him, once.”
- Eventually Todoroki starts school. He feels bad about leaving him, but Midoriya is content to stay in his room and occupy himself until Todoroki comes home. He’s part computer, so he’s a total boss at helping with math homework. He likes doing homework with Todoroki in general, because he likes learning. This is great for Todoroki’s grades because again, the teaching thing helps everything stick better for him. 
- The attack on USJ happens and Todoroki sees Shigaraki, who has a hand on his face, and he’s like, “Shit, shit, shit, this is the guy who threw away Midoriya,” and he has NO idea what to do with that information. Midoriya belonging to the LoV does explain the “70+ ways to kill” programming though. He tells Midoriya what happened and Midoriya is kind of whatever about it. He says, “Maybe I belonged to villains, but I belong to you, now.” And Shouto is like, “No, no, no, no. You do not. You belong to yourself” and Midoriya is just ????
- I think for the Sports Festival, Midoriya convinces him to use his fire. It’s sort of like, “It’s your power, even though its origin is Endeavor. Just like how everything I can do is my power, even though I was programmed by villains. Being made by villains doesn’t make me a villain. Using the resources they gave me doesn’t make me a villain. Being Endeavor’s son doesn’t make you Endeavor, and using your fire doesn’t either.” Todoroki turns off Midoriya’s safety, confident he has nothing to fear.
- Midoriya watches the Sports Festival on tv (using his blutooth, he can actually just hear the volume in his head, so he can watch silently). He sees Bakugou. Seeing him on screen doesn’t have a huge impact on him, but he does feel something. Fear, unease, admiration, and affection. He’s confused and uncomfortable, and ends up looking away from the screen whenever he’s shown for too long.
- Shouto actually starts making friends at school. Being with Midoriya has taught him a lot about being kind and the joy having other people in your life can bring. Still, he doesn’t trust anyone enough to tell them about Midoriya. He’s terrified of losing him.
- For the Hosu incident, Midoriya is home alone, probably doing something on Shouto’s laptop. He sees the breaking news and is just, “Welp, that’s where Shouto, the official best person in the world, is, so guess I’m going to Hosu to make sure he’s safe.” He leaves the house alone, for the first time ever, and just runs to Hosu. Idk how far away Hosu is from the Todoroki residence, but Midoriya doesn’t fatigue and he’s also outrageously fast, so it’s fine. Also he can see in the dark, but only if he activates his night vision, which makes his eyes glow. Not good for sneaking, but very pretty and cool. I’m not sure how he finds Shouto, or how Shouto found Iida, but I imagine Stain is like, seconds from skewering him and then Midoriya comes out of nowhere and collides with Stain (which is a big deal, cause remember, Midoriya is filled with metal parts and is super heavy). They fight together and at some point Stain cuts Midoriya and he bleeds, which for Shouto is like !?!??! And then he licks his blood and the paralysis works and Shouto is just !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- Later, after the life threatening stuff is over, Todoroki has some seriously thoughts about this, because what if Midoriya is human? Or part human? That would be a huge development, and also kind of relief for him, because he sort of feels like he’s been falling in love, but he’s been desperately stomping down on those feelings, because he knows falling in love with a robot probably isn’t healthy. But falling in love with a half robot? I mean, Iida could be called part robot, with his legs, if you want to get technical about it. And Todoroki does want to get technical about it, thank you very much. If Iida is dateable, then so is Midoriya.
- Back to Hosu. They beat Stain and, after securing him, Todoroki tells Midoriya to go home, before his dad arrives. Once he leaves, he begs Iida not to tell anyone he saw him and promises to explain later. For ease of narrative, Native was unconscious the entire fight.
- Endeavor shows up, as does the Nomu. It takes Shouto but Stain rescues him. At the hospital, Todoroki explains the Midoriya situation to Iida, revealing that this incident was the first time he realized Midoriya had blood in him. Iida agrees to keep the secret, but urges Todoroki to tell someone. Maybe Aizawa. He agrees to consider, but he doesn’t want Midoriya to get taken away and like, locked up to be studied or something. He and Iida become better friends, bonding over almost dying together and sharing the secret of Midoriya. 
- Midterms! Shouto scores higher because he has an awesome robot tutor. He doesn’t actually care, but good for him regardless.
- Summer field trip time. Midoriya can’t come, obviously. I’m thinking during this time, he decides to sneak out of the house and explore on his own. He feels guilty, because Shouto would worry if he knew, but he just feels this draw. He feels like maybe his old memories were important, and he’s becoming curious. He keeps thinking about the boy from the Sports Festival and about All Might. He ends up in his old neighborhood. He sees his middle school and he doesn’t remember anything, but seeing the building makes him feel lonely and sort of bad about himself. It reminds him of Shigaraki calling him Deku, and the familiar feeling that gave him. He leaves and finds himself on his old street. He isn’t close at all to his old home - he can barely see the apartment building - but he can still see it. He almost shuts down, but turns away quickly and starts back the way he came. He doesn’t remember anything, but seeing that building fills him with overwhelming emotions. The strongest one reminds him of his feelings for Shouto, but it’s different. He can’t place it, but he knows he’d die to protect Shouto, and he feels like maybe he once knew someone in that building that he would also die to protect. Once he gets home, he realizes he’s crying. He decides to sleep and he dreams of green eyes and a smile that looks like home.
- Shouto is injured during the villain attack and goes to the hospital. Once he’s released, he agrees with Kirishima that they’ll go rescue Bakugou. That whole thing pretty much goes at it did in canon, except All Might never found a successor, so he’s more powerful. He defeats AFO and does not have to retire, though he’s feeling an overwhelming pressure to find a successor now, because he knows he’s hanging on by a thread.
- Dorms!! Shouto is bringing his boy with him. He figures he can hide him just as easily there as he can at home. Getting him in is a little tricky, but he manages. From there, it’s smooth sailing.
- Except not really, because living with 18-19 other people (19 if Hitoshi is in the class, which, maybe) is way different than living with 2. Midoriya is discovered in like, a week and everyone is freaking out, most of all Bakugou, who basically breaks down. He tries to hit Midoriya and screams at him, about thinking he was dead and going to his funeral and how it was his fault and having to face his mom and did Midoriya even think about his mom??? As previously mentioned, Midoriya just shuts down and face plants to the ground.
- Shouto finally learns Midoriya’s full name. Midoriya Izuku. A+ name. Very cute. He plans to use it immediately.
- Bakugou’s insight changes the situation completely. Now they know Izuku was once 100% human and something awful happened to him. They end up bringing him to Aizawa and explaining the situation and everything they know. Todoroki gets scolded, cause Izuku could have been dangerous and he should have known better, but he doesn’t even pretend to have regrets. Endeavor would have made him throw Izuku back into the trash where he found him. His best friend isn’t trash.
- Now the name of the game is helping Izuku restore his memories. Bakugou is a huge help, but patience is required, to keep Izuku from overloading. He remembers bits and pieces at a time, all centered around Bakugou. Aizawa agrees to let him attend classes, so they can keep an eye on him. He’s also hoping a school setting might trigger more memories. He meets All Might and he doesn’t even get to announce his system malfunction before he’s out. He sees him, starts smoking at the mouth and hits the floor. All Might is very alarmed.
- Tsukauchi is made aware of the situation. He wants to keep things under wraps though. If the LoV is aware Midoriya is out and about, they may target him. If they can restore his memories though, they may gain insight into the group’s plans. That being said, he thinks it’s only right that they tell Inko. They tell her they have information on her son and make her sign a contract, agreeing not to release any information. Once she agrees, they brief her on what they know and, at the end, bring in Izuku.
- Izuku has been talking with Bakugou about his mom, to prepare for this (he usually wants Shouto with him for these conversations, and Shouto and Bakugou sort on inadvertently become friends). He can’t remember her at all, but he remembers the face in his dream. He knows it’s her. While talking, he’s shut down a few times (which drives Bakugou up the wall, and also scares him a little, cause he kind of looks dead when it happens), but he thinks he might be ready to see her now. He’s brought in and he does not shut down, not fully, but he comes close. He definitely glitches a little, maybe doing a quick reboot, quick enough that he doesn’t even fall, and his voice comes out cracked and metallic when he speaks, and there are sparks in his mouth, but he manages, “Mom?” They both cry and she holds him while he tells her, voice wavering between sounding normal and sounding robotic, that he doesn’t remember her, but he loves her, he knows he loves her so so much and he knows he’s missed her, even though he didn’t know who she was. It’s very emotional, and extremely hard for both of them when they finally have to separate, because Izuku can’t go home with her. She’s allowed to visit though, and each visit helps him restore little pieces of his memory. Between her and Bakugou, he starts making enough progress that he stops shutting down when he gains a new memory, and he starts remembering his old hopes and dreams. He doesn’t remember what AFO did to him, but he remembers enough of his past to feel self-conscious now, about his body. He breaks down one day and Shouto holds him while he grapples with his identity, his humanity, and his future. 
- I’m picturing a scene where he’s crying and Shouto takes his face in his hands and explains all the beautiful things about him that make him human, and he finishes up with something corny like, “I know you, Izuku. You’re human. You have to be human, because I’m in love with you.” And then they KISS and it is ROMANTIC!
- He decides he still wants to be a hero and he becomes a real member of 1A, instead of just a visitor. The whole class helps him design a costume and come up with a name and in general are just like, “Cyborg Hero, yay!!”
- And that’s all I got. I think eventually he would fight the league, and probably retrieve his chip, giving him 100% of his memories. There’s a LOT of trauma to deal with there, because he was basically torn apart and put back together several times by AFO, but they do gain all the information they need to take down the LoV for good. And the Overhaul arc is in there. Izuku might still intern with Nighteye, because All Might is like, “Robot successor? Maybe???” and he wants Nighteye’s opinion. Nighteye can’t see his future, because he’s not fully human, but eventually he gives his stamp of approval. Eri is rescued and that’s a very personal fight for Izuku, because he identifies with what she’s gone through. And of course she loves him and thinks his ears are cute and his glowy eyes are pretty.
- Oh, and the School Festival. I honestly don’t even know what to do with him. He can learn any instrument just by like, downloading some YouTube tutorial videos. He can learn any dance by watching it once. He’s really strong, really fast, and can also operate as a speaker (though that can be awkward, cause it’s through his mouth, so he’d just be standing there with his mouth open). They might keep his role same as canon, idk. They’d probably all fight over him.
- I’m sure none of this was anything like Chobits. Sorry. I just think the ears are neat, really, and liked the idea of Izuku being a cyborg (Chobits isn’t even about cyborgs, lol).
Sorry this is outrageously long! If you want to write this into a full fic, feel free to use my ideas! Just give me a shoutout, maybe? And tell me about it, so I can read it!
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ying-doodles · 3 years
ello, I'm ying! (¯∀¯)
Welcome to my little corner of the internet~ If you're new to my blog, feel free to read the guide below to know me a bit better. =]
short version: read my carrd
about me!
Hey there! I'm Ying and I draw whatever I feel like. :D Currently it's a whole lot of llojavi/javisuho- I also liveblog TGED/CPSM (both webtoon and novel) and ramble- Be sure to follow me on my other socials as well! (*´▽`*)
Birthday- october 3, 2001
Pronouns- they/she
Ethnicity- chinese
Personality- infp-t
common q's
What do you use to draw?
Medibang Paint on my laptop with my
Wacom Intuos S tablet, and also ibisPaint
on my phone or my iPad Pro (1st Gen).
When did you start drawing?
I started taking art classes around 7 and
just never stopped drawing so here I am.
Can I repost / use your art?
• Using my art for layouts / bgs / etc:
Okay but please credit me!!
• Reposting / stealing / selling / tracing:
NOT OKAY!! I will come for you- >=(
Do you do art trades / collabs / requests?
I'm open to requests but please note I will
be slow doing them!! I don't have time for
art trades or collabs right now though; sorry!!
my socials!
My Side Blog
@ying-dawdles: Reblogs and WIPs.
Instagram Accounts
@/ying_doodles: Main base.
@/ying_scribbles: OCs and sona art.
Shop / Commissions
Redbubble: Old Animal Crossing merch.
Ko-fi: Future shop and commissions?
Other Platforms
Twitter: Same art; different platform.
Art Tiktok: Speedpaints and shxtposts.
Alt Tiktok: Silly videos! Mostly plushies tbh-
Youtube: Tuna Club (games and chats)!
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banglatown · 4 years
21 tips i’ve learned in my 21 years for relationships
MAKE! YOUR! INTENTIONS! CLEAR! if you do not want a committed long-term relationship, pls make it known, your wants and needs are valid, do not feel pressured into a commitment you are not ready for, if they respect you, they will understand.. not to mention; you can always change your mind, just remember to communicate!
do not just assume someone is your significant other .. use your words and TALK TO THEM .. other human beings do not exist for you to project onto them, if you’d like them to be your significant other, ask .. they might just say yes lol
less serious .. but if anyone ever asks you to turn on your location for them on snapchat ... don’t . just don’t . trust me that it is an unhealthy tool to utilise .. on either side .. snap is creepy and will let the person who has your location on know what you’re doing at tht exact time .. honestly 🚩 the moment they ask but if you want more of an explanation, it will let them know if you’re asleep... if you’re listening to music.. if it’s raining where you are... if you’re driving.. if you’re on a bus.. and of c the last one, when you were last active 🙃 just don’t, okay
for god’s sake, if you buy your significant other something, that’s great, cool, fine, don’t constantly bring it up over and over again .. whether it’s how hard you worked to get it, how much trouble you went through to get it, or how expensive it was... no, just stop .. don’t .. it’s so crass .. and i promise you, they’ll probz never want you to buy them anything ever again .. so .. just give the present and Go
IF they make apparent to you that valentine’s day is something they want to celebrate... I DON’T GIVE A FUCK ABT WHAT COMMERCIALISED HOLIDAY DO RE MI FAH SO LA LA LA .. you fucking participate.. if they mention valentine’s day more than TWICE .. they rly want you to at the very least acknowledge valentine’s day w them .. don’t be that ‘valentine’s day is a commercial jssuejjejwksjd-’ prick, no, friendly reminder that this is why no one likes you .. if you feel tht the person you love wants you to acknowledge hearts day w them .. just do it fgs ..
no. 1 cuntiest thing you can do is to assume someone has free time, no, no they do not, if you’re going to assume anything, assume that they’re busy, at least this way you’ll come across as being courteous when asking them whatever it is you want them to engage in whether it's a phone call or wanting to go out w them, do not think you are entitled to someone else's time
don’t fall for potential .. some ppl just don’t change .. ik some ppl can’t handle hearing tht but i’m sorry darling we don’t live in a fairytale world where ppl w toxic tendencies drop them as soon as they see your face, we live in this one and it’s not your place to try and fix them
nip things in the bud, ppl make mistakes as we are all human and therefore intrinsically flawed but if any foul play ever takes place nip it THERE AND THEN ..
sometimes ppl need their space, different ppl cope w hurt in different ways so if you ever do upset the person you love, don’t just expect them to accept your apology the moment you feel bad and say sorry ... when apologising to someone you need to give them their own time to process
this ones for my muslims, if a significant other ... EVER ... tells you to cover your hair .. x them out of your life ... nope nope nope .. your relationship w god is PERSONAL .. and the very fact that some ppl think it’s appropriate to go abt telling ppl to ‘cover their hair’ is fucking ridiculous.. they’ve very clearly over estimated their own importance in this situation, they’re not shit .. you don’t need someone like tht i promise
i’m a firm believer of how a person treats their friends shows a lot of their character .. if they without any ounce of irony say the sentence “i hate all my friends” ... do not get involved w them, they’re bad news, trust me, if they can’t be nice to the ppl they call friends, sweetheart what makes you think they’ll be different towards you?
this one’s for my desis .. pls do some form of a bg check on their family ,,, PLEASE .. if you’re desi yk .. if not idk .. good for you innit 
but speaking of families .. this sounds peculiar but ask abt their relationship w their relatives .. don’t just assume tht just bc you get on well w your familials, tht they will too, ask them abt their family, don’t be overbearing abt it .. but ask cordially
i was debating on whether i should include this or not but some of you completely lack human decency so i suppose i have to .. for the love of all that is fucking holy, if someone ever asks you the question “did you miss me?” SAY YES .. FOR GOD’S SAKE .. you don’t need to get into the semantics of ‘well, i didn’t have time’ 🚫 ‘well do you want me to lie’🚫 or whatever else you heartless cowards say ... simply, say “yes, i did” it’s something so small but it can make someone so fucking happy
listen, rly fucking listen, don’t listen w the intent of saying whatever you want to say, rly take in what tht person is saying to you and anyway “when you talk you repeat what you already know, when you listen you might learn something new”
in a similar vein, don’t assume that just bc someone is complaining or venting or ranting to you tht they want your advice ... they don’t .. the only time they want advice is .. shock horror .. when they ask for it .. sometimes ppl just want to rant, let them, be a safe space
idk why the whole ‘arguments are normal’ thing .. is a thing .. bc it’s not and i feel as though it’s as a result of such thinking that many ppl stay w ppl who just aren’t right for them bc ‘arguments are normal’ but .. newsflash .. they’re rly fucking not, i promise you, yes, where there is more than one person, disagreements are BOUND to arise, but arguments? full fledge shouting matches? .. where the both of you are intentionally trying to hurt each other, no . this is not normal, an argument is serious and should be dealt as such, do not start an argument for no reason, idk why being ✨toxic✨ is a thing .. you are dealing w a real person w real emotions ..
love is mutual generosity, you CANNOT afford to be selfish, the moment you become selfish you will hurt the other person, for the sake of god rmbr you do not own the other person, so pls don’t treat them like they’re property .. it’s not a nice feeling .. i only say all this to bring up, another human being’s BODILY AUTONOMY HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH YOU ... you either get it or you don’t
REPEAT AFTER ME! anyone who tries to dull your sparkle instead of enhancing it IS NOT WORTH YOUR TIME!
pls don’t take this the wrong way but .. try to avoid ppl who are insecure as fuck.. insecure ppl will suck the living light out of you ... ik ik i sound mean but you’ll thank me for it later .. sweetheart, ik, they’ve gone through tough times and they’ve somehow managed to make you feel like ~yOu’Re gOiNg tO bE tHe oNe tHt sAvEs tHem~ but no .. baby, therapists make good money, don’t do that shit for free, not to mention; oh they will be cruel to you :) -10/10 do not recommend
last but not least, do not bother pursuing a relationship w someone who has completely different morals to you .. by tht i mean if you’re a feminist and they’re the type of person who slut-shames women for breathing ... yk, as the adage goes “when someone shows you who they are, believe them” 
#it’s taken me a while to compile this so i hope you all like it! i just thought since a lot of you found me after i began my shenanigans w#big sis beebs hours 🕰🤎🧸#i always wanted to do like a list of things which i believe ppl don’t talk abt enough when it comes to relationships .. some of you may know#tht tumblr has been w me throughout my entire developmental teen years & so it’s watched me bloom from a 13 yr old to now 21 .. which is#kinda wild .. but anyway; i stopped using tumblr when i was 18 i believe? this is when all the big changes took place and tumblr suddenly#became a v stressful place for me to be ... but then as lockdown began i found myself missing tumblr so i came back a whole 2 years later#lol .. and i am#so glad i did as i have found my own community of ppl who i love oh so much .. you all mean THE WORLD to me! i hope you know tht!#the fact tht so many of you see me as a big sister means everything to me and as a big sister i feel obliged to keep you away from things i#wish i had known .. which is what this post was born out of#i would like to thank you all for your never ending support and kindness shown my way; you all rly make my heart so happy; all of you; even#my babies on anon 🥺🍓 w you all i have own circle and i hope you know how much i value you 💖💓✨💕#for my birthday; all i want is for you all to be kind to yourselves; that’d mean the world to me 🏹💌🌷✨#thank you for all that you all havs done for me ✨💌 i hope this post is helpful! i am always here for you 🦋#oh also; one more little thing; rmbr we help ppl to learn to love their insecurities; not give them new ones 🔐#beebs.txt
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mellady · 3 years
The Sims 4 Teen Fixer Upper Challenge
A New Challenge
You can start this challenge by starting a new game and creating your new Sim, or by taking a teen that is just not having it with their family and move them out.  Really the first way would be more challenging as the sim wouldn’t have any skills already, but to each their own.  If you want to make up a back story, then go ahead.  There really is no wrong way to start this challenge if it is just one teen sim being moved onto the lot.
As for the lot, I would recommend using the gallery and searching for fixer uppers that are more than just ugly.  You can always build your own, but then you may have an idea of the finished product in mind while building, and that’s just not as much fun! The price and lot size is again, up to you. The bigger it is the harder the challenge will be.
The one that I used will be linked below.  
This challenge is more about designing the house and improving it through gameplay than anything else, so the age span can be whatever you want it to be. Play how you usually do.  If your someone who usually plays the normal age span you can have a generation like play with this, if your life span is typically longer, that’s ok, and heck, if you play with aging off, cool.  It really is more about the building and design challenge, on a budget, and putting your sims through the manual labor and hard work.
So now the rules, rules:
The lot:
After whatever building you are using whether downloaded or built is finished, your sim can only have a hundred dollars.
The lot trait Off the grid needs to be added to the lot.  No positive lot traits can be added but can be bought for 200 simoleons. (you’ll have to minus them using some type of money cheat)
Negative lot traits can be added to make the challenge harder or for story purposes if you wish. Also any custom content lot traits, feel free to use, just use your judgment, is it good or bad?  Does it help you get Simoleons quicker? Give you a boost in your skill building?  If so, you can have it...for 200 simoleons
Your sim should buy a punching bag or weight bench before you put money to 100.  This can be replaced (for free using cheats) after getting electric with a treadmill.  Anytime your sim is renovating, and the work is physically demanding, you will have to use work out equipment to replicate the physical labor. Use your judgment.  
The sim:
As talked about this is a teen.
Any traits can be used.  
No skills can be cheated.
No mood/needs cheats
We are going to think of our teen as 16 and older.  They will not be limited to interactions with other teens and children only, but instead can freely interact with any sims.  
However, like the original teen challenge, you can’t cook or shower in anyone else’s house.
You can use community lots, like the gym, for these purposes still.
The teen will start out with 100 simoleons… maybe they saved it from a birthday
They will not have a phone.  You can use mods (like the one linked on the bottom) to achieve this or just put the phone on silence and ignore the phone completely.  No games, texting, calls, nothing with phone to start.
They will be able to buy a phone once they have 500 simoleons to buy and activate the phone.  You must deduct the 500 simoleons to begin using the phone.
You can get rid of the off the grid cheat for 1000 simoleons and begin using electric, internet and water.
They can go to school if you want… this may actually make it harder.
They can have a part time job, do odd jobs, or work as a freelancer.
With odd jobs, freelancer careers or really any tech-based career such as writing, they will have to travel to a different lot as they will have no electric, internet or phone to start with.
They can sell anything they make, crafts, artwork yada yada.  To make it a little harder I would make them sell these things at the flea market until they get a phone, or on plopsy once the phone is active.
They can sell fish they catch, but other collectibles are out.  This too has exceptions.  If they collect fruits and vegetables, they can replant these on the lot and sell them.  Flowers can only be sold if they make flower arrangements using the table. No money for things they dig up.  Digging is out unless you use Jungle adventures and have the money to send to get them there on vacation in which case archeological finds can be used, but I doubt that will happen.  
As you are redecorating your rehab you will receive money for things that are not realistic.  This is where the challenge may get a bit annoying. I’m going to try to break it down as easily as possible.
No money for junk
You can get money from any furnishings or décor items you remove. (Actual décor, not junk)
You cannot get money from any stones, plants, random wood, or walls…lets face it no one is buying your weeds or torn down walls.  
Exceptions:  If you decide to use wood working, you can always cheat back your money with the mindset your using scraps from demolition
Eco lifestyle Exception: Although you cannot get any money for these things, you can use the amount of simoleons you would have gotten and split it up to add to your bits and pieces using the UI extensions cheat located at the bottom.  
You can get the nanocan that gives you money for throwing things away once you have the money to buy it.  This can be thought of as taking your cans and bottles back to a redemption center.
Watch me play this on twitch
-Gallery fixer upper I used
Gallery Id:  femmeonamission           Direct Gallery Link
Disable Phone cheat:
-BG - Disable Phone For Good | Zero's Sims 4 Mods&Comics on Patreon
-Money Cheats:
              -Without mods:
                 -First, open the Sims 4 cheat console with Ctrl + Shift + C
                 -Then, you’ll need to type in ‘testingCheats True’ then enter
                 -Finally, Money X (where X is the amount of simoleons you want)                          then  enter
                   -to close the cheat box hit escape
             -With mods:
                   -UI Cheats Extension v1.21 | weerbesu on Patreon
                         Right click on where the money is viewed and use the pop up to                           add, subtract or set the amount of Simoleons.                                                        *This will also be where those with the eco lifestyle can add to                              their bits and pieces  
Note : I don’t really see a viable way to add bits and pieces without the mod.  There are cheats but they either add an unrealistic amount or the fabrication machine is needed.
2 notes · View notes
King Falls AM - Episode 9: Jack in the Box Jesus
View on Google Docs
Summary: September 1, 2015 - An alleged sighting of the Lord & Savior at a downtown fast food restaurant has the residents of King Falls ready for deliverance, meanwhile Sammy & Ben try to navigate the flood waters of this revelation.
[podcast intro music]
Mayor Grisham Ladies and gentlemen, I promise you that while it is a terrible inconvenience that our modern electronics are out— this is not the end of the world. It could be a refreshing change of pace! Instead of reading, on your tablet, go down to the King Falls library, and check out the real thing! Instead of texting your BFF, go enjoy some pancake puppies at Rose’s! and have a face-to-face chat. This isn’t as bad as it seems— and it could be a blessing in disguise.
[KFAM intro music]
Sammy Good morning guys and dolls, you’re listening to King Falls AM—
Ben —That’s 660 on the radio dial.
Sammy And this is day 13 of what has been dubbed the King Falls Electrolocaust.
Ben This has easily been the hardest two weeks of my professional career.
Sammy It has been tough, but Ben and I want to thank you, and everyone out there listening, for the continuing support of the show.
Ben We got another doozy of a show for you tonight, King Falls. During hour two, we’ll be interviewing Maria Chandler, manager of the King Falls Apple store, and speaking about the effects the shut down has had on business.
Sammy As well as fielding your calls and talking about whatever’s clever this evening.
Ben I miss computers, Sammy. I miss the schedule. Our automated systems, my alarm clock. I’ve went through three the legal pads in two weeks!
Sammy [sympathetic] I know, buddy.
Ben I would literally watch Channel 13 if given the chance.
Sammy Wow. That’s saying a lot.
Ben [softly] I need my life back.
Sammy King Falls, how are you taking the modern electronic shut down of 2015? Are you refreshed? Reliving the mid-90s? Or— are you falling apart like our dear Ben Arnold?
Ben I’d listen to boy bands, to have a working smartphone. I’d wear, puka shell necklaces and sell my pog collection,[1] if you give me five minutes with my email.
Sammy Look on the bright side, Ben. You’re spending all your free time down at the library, and I haven’t called you out on it!
Ben That’s calling me out on it.
Sammy Eh-Well- and you know it’s nice hearing the birds tweeting instead of @kingfallsam. I’m not saying I don’t miss it but, I’m enjoying this a little bit.
Ben ♫It’s tearing up my heart when I’m with yoouu♫[2]
Sammy The references are not gonna bring back your goods.
Ben [hurt] Dammit Sammy, let’s just take a call from our jury-rigged phone system.
[bg music being provided by Chet’s record player]
Sammy You’re live with Sammy and Ben.
Cynthia Yeeaah, I wanna talk about the outages.
Sammy Cynthia Higgenbaum, ladies and gents. How are you doing during this electronic crisis?
Cynthia [blissful] I feel the warm embrace of the chastity belt that’s been placed on society. I’m relieved, de-stressed, marvelous!
Ben *chuckling* Whoa, heh, that’s- that’s a heck of a change!
Cynthia [suddenly aggressive] What are you trying to say, Ben?
Sammy It’s just you’re usually- you’ve been a little… pessimistic in the past.
Cynthia [mostly calm again] Ohhh, I still have problems; I’m full up with issues. But right now, I don’t have to worry about what websites my husband is perusing, what brain-dead TV my kids are watching— I’m at peace! It’s just me and my harlequin novels. Plus, with Jesus back and all—
Ben [jokingly suggestive] 50 Shades of Cynthia
Cynthia [angrily] Don’t be filthy Ben Arnold! I Know Your Mother!
Sammy I-I’m sorry, Cynthia— did you just say that Jesus is back?
Cynthia [gossipy tone] Have you guys not heard the news?
Ben Is she talking about Jesus Jesus?
Cynthia There’s only one.
Sammy Wellll, I think Mexico would disagree, but please tell us why you think Jesus—
Cynthia [snappy] I don’t think Sammy, I know! [softer] Earlier this evening, he was spotted glowing and speaking in tongues at Jack in the Box.[3]
Ben The one off Main Street or Red Oak Avenue?
Cynthia Ew, nobody does to Red Oak.
Sammy [softly] Jack-in-the-Box-Jesus.
Cynthia Oh, Hell no! I will not participate in that blasphemy. You’re gonna get smited—
Sammy Oh, I- I mean- I wasn’t- I’m sorry, I’m not meaning to, uh—
Cynthia Tell it to Satan! In Hell, Sammy! [hangs up forcefully]
[dial tone]
Ben This is big.
Sammy [slightly reluctant] If you or someone you know has had a sighting of *clears throat, Ben laughs* Jack in the Box Jesus please give us a call. Uh, 424-279-3858
Ben You’re on King Falls AM.
Deputy Troy Now I know what you’re thinking: how could the second coming of God’s only son happen and ol’ Troy here didn’t clue you in.
Ben Not what I was thinking.
Sammy What do you know Troy?
Deputy Troy Well I got a suspicious persons call out at ol’ Yack[sic] in the Box around 9. So, I hit the lights and cruised over to see what the fuss was about. And lo and behold, back by the dumpster with a mess of people looking on— there he was.
Sammy Now, are you really telling us that— [still reluctant] you saw, or, you believe you saw the son of God and the King of Kings bangin around outside the Jack In The Box?
Deputy Troy Well, he was a man. Somebody’s son, no doubt. Bearded. Good lookin’, if-if you’re into that sort of thing. He had a robe on—
Ben [cutting in]We can solve this right now. Was he white or was he black?
Deputy Troy He was more of a greenish color. Like a glow really.
Sammy The man had an aura around him.
Deputy Troy It was shinier than a damn Fukushima foxhound, fellas. Like, I felt a need to put on the old aviators, but I- I didn’t want to be cliché.
Sammy Alright, Troy. So, work with us here; you’re in the back of the Jack in the Box, there’s a uh, a Jesus-type guy—
Deputy Troy Just-a-ramblin’ on.
Ben Speaking in— tongues?
Deputy Troy Speaking in somethin. The last time I heard gibberish like that was comin’ from the back of my Chevy with Shell Snyder’s daughter.
Sammy So what happened next?
Deputy Troy Well a group of looky-loos had descended, as I said, and since it was only me, there was no perimeter set up yet. So I start ta approach this glowing Christ and somebody— Roy Higgins if you gotta know/— hollered out “It’s Jesus!” and the whole parking lot just went bonkers!
Ben Well, di-did you speak to the guy?
Deputy Troy Damn skippy. I told Roy that this was official police biz. And he shouldn’t be squawling around like a little baby.
Ben No, Jack in the Box Jesus.
Deputy Troy Oh, well no. I- I turned around and he was gone. Split right off into the woods, I suspect.
Sammy Did you follow him?
Deputy Troy Sammy. So you’re tellin me that you’d follow a 6-foot-tall and glowing perp into the woods??
Sammy [muttered] Point taken.
Ben So any other sightings?
Deputy Troy Well, not as of yet. But there were so many people they could’a had a revival in that parkin’ lot. So I’m guessin’ that’s how word spread so quickly. And without internet, too? That’s pretty damn impressive.
Sammy Is there an APB out or anything?
Deputy Troy For what, dilly-dallying around with a jumbo jack? He wasn’t doin nothin bad. Just acting a fool— Lord forgive me— where he shouldn’t’a been.
Ben And glowing.
Deputy Troy That’s right.
Sammy Well, please let us know if get any more info on this, Troy. We’d appreciate it.
Deputy Troy You bet. I’ll be sure to keep you boys and the listenin’ public informed. But if you should happen to stumble upon Jesus? Do not approach, bother or pester. You just call up Ol’ Deputy Troy.
[hangs up]
Ben …or your local church. [dial tone]
Sammy Deputy Troy, ladies and gents. Now we’re just going to take a quick break and hear from one of our new sponsors: Carl’s Candy!
Ben Yeah I don- I don’t think we should play this
Sammy What? Ads pay the bills remember?
Ben Folks, as a workaround with all the tech issues, uh, I went out and recorded a few spots of some of our sponsors- uh, new and old. Emphasis on Old, after this one.
Sammy Okay, so the audio is bad.
Ben *sucks in breath* You could say that.
Sammy This company’s paid up! They’re scheduled in one of your many notebooks. Let’s do this. We’ll be right back folks.
[slow, creepy xylophone music]
Carl [voice is soft and creepy, like you expect from a guy who offers kids candy from the back of a van] Do you know why they call it a blow pop? I sure do. And if you come on down to Creepy Carl’s Candy, I’ll fill ya up! I mean in. [whispering] It’ll be our little secret.- A sweet tooth is a terrible thing to waste. Come find a new sugar daddy to butter your fingers at Creepy Carl’s! Come in and grab a sack of Carl’s Boston baked beans while you’re at it. Oops, one fell in my pocket. Free if you can find it! *Ben groaning “oh no”* Every child’s welcome at Creepy Carl’s, big mouths, small mouths, white mouths and brown mouths. We’re equal opportunity! And just cause they shut down the ol’ brick and mortar doe’n’t mean you can’t buy it from my van. Be sure to ask your parents’ permission first, kids. Creepy Carl’s Candy, where the suckers don’t suck themselves. [Police sirens]
Deputy Troy [through megaphone] Carl, turn off your ignition. You are too close to the school zone.
Carl I gotta go! Catch ya later [tires squealing]
Ben [desperate, in bg] The mic!
[sirens fade out]
Sammy … Never again.
Ben I tried to tell you.
Sammy I know. Let’s never speak about this.
Ben [whispering] I need a shower.
Sammy *sigh* …Moving forward, we were just talking about a sighting that happened a few hours ago around the 9 o’clock hour, just off Main Street. It seems quite a few people believe that we may be experiencing a religious phenomenon. Perhaps the second coming of–
Ben [slightly gruff impression] “Don’t call it a comeback, I’ve been here for years!”[4]
Sammy *chuckles* Right, let’s go to the phone lines.
Ben [happily] That was good though right?
Sammy It was good. Good evening, you’re live on King Falls AM.
Reverend Hawthorne Ask and ye shall receive! King Falls-uh. It is the gooD Reverend Xavier “Right. With. Gaawwd-uh” Hawthorne.
Ben Reverend Hawthorne? Are you back in town?
Reverend Hawthorne [speaking over Ben] The One and Only, and we are turnin’ the wagons arounD as we speaK-uh. And we’re headin’ back to my flocK-uh. How’re y’all feelin’ tonighT, King Falls- I said How are you, Feelin’!
Sammy [softly] We’re feeling alright.
Reverend Hawthorne Praise GoD-uh! Hallelujah! Now a little birdie, uh-just chirp’n on my shoulder, told me there was a SighTing. A Vision. Dare I say it, eyeballs were laid on our Lord and Saviour at a burger joint in our fair city.
Sammy Yeah, about 9 o’clock here.
Reverend Hawthorne Could it Be-uh! that our 5-week-revival worked. Could it Be-uh! that our prayers have been brought forth the lamb of God-uh. Can I get an amen!
Ben Reverend Hawthorne we—
Reverend Hawthorne Amen! This miracle-uh, this sight from our God-uh, perched on a Mountain of Sanctity, says that he is ready to lead-uh, his most Highly Favored, Congregation bacK to the promised land. Gimme some organ, Deacon Reggie [organ music begins playing in bg]
Sammy [aside] Do you think Reggie has to wheel that thing around just in case?
Ben This is getting good.
Reverend Hawthorne Play it dirty, brother. We are going Home-uh. Take us back to Calvary, take us BACK-uh! … Samuel, Benjamin may I ask you gentlemen if you have a relationship-uh with the Author of the E-ternal Sal-vation; [organ goes silent] [softly] are ya saved?
Sammy I’m—
Reverend Hawthorne Then let me tell y’all, [organ starts again] because if you aren’t-uh, I’m coming back to town. One weekend only, the Xavier “Right with GoD-uh” Hawthorne Experience will be wheelin’ bacK into King Falls Fairgrounds this very night-uh. We are hoping to get One- On- One with the Risen Christ and start preparin’ for Kingdom Come. But just like old Xavier, you gotta come on down-uh so we can get you TurnT uP With GoD-uh. [click, dial tone]
Sammy Xavier? Hello?
Ben He’s, gone. Sammy.
Sammy Well, you heard it here first folks. Xavier Hawthorn’s Travelling Roadshow is coming back to town. Will Jack in the Box Jesus make his stage debut?
Ben [muttering] Tch- Jesus.
Sammy Literally.
Ben Do you think we could get an interview? Would it be Mr. Christ? Or-
Sammy Something tells me that there is something more to the story than what we’ve heard so far, Ben.
Ben Tsk. I get that, but this is King Falls, Sammy.
Sammy What a perfect place to make a return: a rinky-dink town with no internet.
Ben Line- [muttered] dammit, there’s only one line. Uh, you’re on with Sammy and Ben.
Archie Good evenin’ fellas!
[small dogs barking in bg]
Sammy Is thi-
Archie It’s Archie Simmons!
Ben He-ey Archie, how’s Princess Von Barktooth?
Archie Well, I do have news concernin’ the princess, and I just want to possibly recant some info from our previous call a few weeks back.
Sammy About the werewolves?
Archie Correct.
Sammy Wow. I mean, you sounded pretty convinced that you saw a werewolf.
Archie And now I’m saying that maybe I was misinformed.
Sammy I think you should probably tell Troy and the Sheriff’s Office, Archie.
Archie *giggles* You silly Sally, Troy’s on his way over now
Ben Why the change of heart, Archie?
Archie Well, new information has come to light boys, I mean with the Divine One making his triumphant, and let’s be honest, dramatic return to King Falls.
Sammy You’re talking about the glowing man at the Jack in the Box?
Archie [softly] Let’s be real here, it’s the J-Man, of course a heavenly carpenter would pick King Falls. So many projects to keep busy with.
Sammy [dryly] Uh-huh.
Archie Plus, with the princess and this new information, we have to believe this.
Ben You keep saying that, what’s going on with the princess Archie?
Archie She’s in a delicate condition.
Sammy Oh, of course. I mean she’s been through a lot.
Archie *giggles* No Sammy, I mean she’s with child. Ch-children. Puppies? There’s a bun in my $2400 oven boys!
Sammy Wait. She’s pregnant? From the werewolf attack?!
Archie [softly again] Well, that’s the thing. While I believed in my heart of hearts that the hillbilly beast from the trailer park had gotten to the princess, I think…
Ben What. What do you think Archie?
Archie I mean it was dark, I know it was a full moon but I was scared and recently awakened, sleep in my eyes etc. and so on.
Sammy You don’t think it was the werewolves.
Archie I’m thinking with this new evidence and the fact that I saw a long-haired, bearded man in a Biblical Act— Yeah I-I- I think- there’s a chance it could have been [whispering] the man upstairs.
Ben [stern] Upstairs from whom?
Archie Mankind! Come on Ben, get with the picture!
Sammy He’s saying that because there’s been a holy sighting tonight- which we should all be a little bit doubtful of- then maybe it wasn’t the werewolves, but the Alpha and the Omega.
Ben No! NO WA- That’s too much, Archie. You saw the werewolf. He looked you in the eye and howled at the moon.
Archie I don’t know what kind of weird things Jesus is into.
Ben No way. This is ludicrous.
Archie You just wait and see Ben! The princess may have lost her Westminster dreams, but it was all part of God’s plan.
Ben We’ve got to go Archie *laughs* you’re crossing a line that we cannot cross at King Falls AM.
Archie Judge Not, lest ye be judged boys. Kardashians[sic] 3:16 or a Psalm or something. I think Troy’s coming around the bend anyways boys, laters!
[click, dial tone]
Sammy You know? When I walk in the door every night I say to myself, “Nothing’s gonna surprise me tonight” And more times than not, I am just Dead Wrong.
Ben Let’s give the phone a rest for a moment, Sammy, the record player is just begging to be used.
Sammy *chuckles* Not a bad idea Ben.
[phone pings]
Ben What? *gasps* My phone! [several pings] OHH it’s back baby!
Sammy Me too! What’s going on?
[pinging continues]
Ben What’s up! Oh my God, I could literally kiss the apparition of Steve Jobs.
Sammy Hey, I’ve got a text here, Unknown Number.
Ben Okay, what does it say?
Sammy “I- I know why this happened. I know how to stop it. We need to talk“
Ben What?
Sammy No, that’s what the text said.
Ben You don’t think this has anything to do with… Thank You, Jesus.
[KFAM outro]
[1] Pogs - Pogs, generically called milk caps, is a game that was popular among children during the early-mid 1990s. The name pog originates from POG, a brand of juice made from passionfruit, orange, and guava; the use of POG bottle caps to play the game preceded the game's commercialization.
[2] “It’s tearin’ up my heart when I’m with you” - Lyrics to the song “Tearin’ Up My Heart” by NSYNC, an American boy band from the mid-90s
[3] Jack in the Box - American fast food chain, primarily along the west coast and southern states.
[4] “Don’t call it a comeback, I’ve been here for years” - lyrics to the song “Mama Said Don’t Knock You Out” by LL COOL J (also came out in the 90s)
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666psds · 4 years
Tumblr media
666PSDS’ AFFORDABLE COMMISSIONS.    hi ! my name is v and im a 20 y/o bi girl who is unemployed due to mental illness and lack of transportation ! currently, im living with my boyfriend and his parents, and neither of us are mentally fit to hold a job at the moment, so moving out is going to be a process. ( not to mention he has a chronic illness that makes him unable to leave the house most days. ) i recently lost the ability to drive my car because .. it's basically totaled. i don't have the money to keep pouring into it. at least that means no more car insurance ! however, i do still have a phone bill to pay every month and need to save up money to get us on our feet and able to become independent. right now, i need as much money as i can get. which means, commissions!      CLICK HERE FOR EXAMPLES OF EVERYTHING I DO ! 
ALL PRE-MADE PSDS WILL BE ANYWHERE FROM $1 - $2.    that may be subject to change at any time. i am open to making a psd for you with a color scheme you suggest, or otherwise just based on a character or show. whatever you want. depending on how complicated, the price for that could range from $1.50 to $2. 
( these are the costs of base icons. if you would like a psd, an additional $1.50 will be added to the total. ) :
50 icons = $2
100 icons = $4
200 icons = $6
300 icons = $9
400 icons = $12
.03 x icon amount = total. the maximum amount of icons i will make at a time is 500.
1 dash icon = $1.50 ** specify if you’d like a simple transparent bg, or regular square.
promo = $5 ** specify if you’d like a 4 picture, two picture or just one large picture. all cost the same. 
mobile header = $3 ** specify if you’d like a gif texture overlay, simple, etc. 
dash headers = $2 each ** specify what type(s).
simple graphics ( psd over picture, minimal editing ) = $0.50 each
gifs = $2 each
theme bg = $8 ** i cannot make codes, but i can recommend base codes and help you with editing the html for free.
all transactions will be handled through paypal unless you’re purchasing a psd posted on deviantart. we can discuss the details through ims! also, if u dont wanna commission and just would like to donate, which is heavily appreciated,    here’s my paypal!    
if for whatever reason you can’t get ahold of me through 666psds, feel free to send an im to my rp account, @pistollips!
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wilsonsnest · 5 years
[w&s] taking shots
all you need to know is that i wrote about a romantic archery date and its the best thing i’ve ever done up to this point in time.
pairing: sambucky (bg. samsteve) word count: 2,787 summary: sam learns three things about bucky - he can keep a secret, might actually be a genius and takes some good shots.
“You know,” Natasha said loftily as she topped off Sam’s coke. “This could be easily solved if you all just moved in together.”
Sam avoided answering by quickly taking a long drink while Steve just chuckled next to him, bumping Sam’s shoulder companionably. If he was bothered by the suggestion, he didn’t show it. Since they had arrived separately it meant Sam wasn’t drinking and Steve was Bucky’s ride home.
“You haven’t met Redwing, Nat.” Steve answered solemnly, sliding a look over at Sam. “I think he could be a difficult roommate.”
Sam rolled his eyes and put his glass down. “Redwing is an absolute gem. You’d be so lucky to share in his living space.”
He glared at Steve, but could only hold if for so long before they both burst into laughter. Natasha scoffed at them both, but there was a pleased glint in her eye. She’d spent her share of time listening to all of three of them waxing poetic about one another before they’d figured the relationship out. The redhead glanced down the bar to see her partner leaning over the counter, locked in discussion with Bucky.
Pursing her lips she commented. “They’ve been gossiping all night.”
“We noticed.” Steve said, leaning back to look around Sam at his best friend. “Any idea whats up with that?”
“Hmm.” Was the only thing Natasha provided before sliding down the bar and slapping Clint on the shoulder. He whipped his head around an indignant look on his face. Whatever Natasha said, it made him roll his eyes and he gestured once to Bucky before waving Natasha off.
It was an odd interaction, but Clint and Bucky only spoke for a moment longer before Bucky grabbed his beer and headed toward Sam and Steve.
He looked a little tense around the shoulders, but didn’t hesitate to climb up on the stool next to Sam’s and lean in to kiss him on the cheek. He glanced over at Steve with a small smile before turning his attention back to Sam.
Then the counter. Then his beer.
Something was up. He kept glancing between all three of them, never really quite focusing. Eventually Sam looked over at Steve and the smaller man shrugged.
Steve chewed on his lip, contemplating for a moment before he slid off the barstool. “Hey, I’m gonna run to the bathroom.”
That got Bucky’s attention, his head shot up. Steve just smiled at him and turned to head toward the restroom, leaving Sam and Bucky alone together.
Sam turned to look at his boyfriend, leaning over into his space, trying to determine exactly what he needed. Red/Hawk’s wasn’t particularly busy at the moment. But sometimes after being at Stucky’s all day, just being out anywhere could be overstimulating.
Bucky took in a deep breath, putting his beer on to the counter. Sam was surprised to see him trembling, just slightly.
“Are-you-free-tomorrow-afternoon?” Bucky asked in a rush, not quite able to look up at Sam. “Around 3?”
Sam blinked owlishly for a moment, not expecting that question. “Um, yeah. I usually close up at 2:30 but I could ask Lang…”
Bucky breathed out a sigh of relief and all the tension seemed to leave his shoulders. A tentative smile appeared on his lips and he finally looked at Sam. “Great. I’ll pick you up at yours.”
“Oh-kay.” Sam wanted to ask more, but Steve announced his presence as he returned. He could see the slight shuttering in Bucky’s eyes, and it was clear that whatever he was up to, Steve didn’t know about it.
Sam wasn’t sure what to make of it. But Bucky seemed more at ease, reaching around Sam to punch Steve lightly in the shoulder. They relaxed into easy conversation and Sam tucked the information in the back of his mind to be dealt with tomorrow at 3pm.
x x x x
Bucky was quiet in the truck after he picked Sam up. Other than a short greeting, he kept his eyes on the road and let the radio play to fill up the silence. He seemed tense, reminding Sam of the first and last out of town date they’d ever been on. It was sort of making Sam nervous to be honest, because he really wasn’t sure what to expect.
Sam checked his phone, having to resist to urge to text Steve and ask him if Bucky had been acting odd lately. He couldn’t do that to Bucky though, it would be a huge breech of trust. It was obvious from their interaction last night that whatever this was, Bucky didn’t want Steve involved.
The road suddenly got a little rougher and Sam looked up, surprised to see that they had turned onto a familiar dirt road. Sitting up a little straighter, he realized they were heading toward Clint and Natasha’s place. He recalled last night, when his boyfriend and the bar owner had been conspiring together.
“We’re visiting Nat and Clint?” Sam asked, turning to look at Bucky. “Not that I mind, but…”
Bucky just shook his head, his flesh hand flexing on the steering wheel. He stared straight a head as they continued on the road as the big farmhouse got closer. Suddenly though, he turned to look at Sam. There was a crease between his brow and he looked a little apprehensive.
“Trust me, okay?” The request was so earnest. Bucky’s eyes were gentle, and pleading.
Sam could never say no to that look and he let out a long sigh and he nodded.
They pulled up in front of the house along side Natasha’s jeep. Bucky was so quick to turn off the truck and get out that he was there to open the passenger door and help Sam down. After locking up, Bucky took Sam’s hand and led him around the back of the house toward the impressive acreage that their friends owned.
Sam tucked himself close to Bucky’s side, the air crisp and his ears a little cold. He regretted not bringing a hat with him, but he hadn’t exactly been sure of where they were going.
When they rounded the corner he was surprised to see three large targets set up along the back of the house. Sam had seen this sort of thing before, large round colorful foam pads set up on tripods. Even from a distance, he could see that they were absolutely littered with holes. Someone had drawn out lines with white paint in the grass, which he guessed marked the proper distances to shoot from.
Sam looked quizzically up at Bucky, only to see his boyfriend waving in the opposite direction. He looked to see Clint coming out of a small shed maybe thirty yards away. He was carrying two bows over his shoulder and a black quiver bristling with arrows in the other. He didn’t seem to notice anyone had arrived until he looked up and saw them.
Clint waved for a second, before making his way over to them. Despite the relatively cold temperature, he was dressed in sweatpants and a purple t-shirt. Clint dropped the bow and arrows at the farthest line of the archery field before approaching Bucky and Sam.
“Hey Clint,” Sam started, but then noticed belatedly that the other man had started signing to Bucky as he approached. Sam let go of Bucky’s hand so that his boyfriend could respond as he tried to follow along.
Whatever they were talking about was far too quick for Sam to follow and before long, Bucky was patting him on the shoulder.
“I’ll be right back.” Bucky said before heading off toward the shed that Clint had just come from.
Sam nodded mutely before looking at Clint. He bit his lip a little sheepishly and signed along while speaking. “Hi Clint.”
The blonde smirked a little, but his eyes were kind. When Sam had moved to Hopeway six years ago, he’d been at a party during Lake Day and he’d mentioned that he had started learning sign language in High School. It had been six beers in that Clint and Sam had found themselves huddled around a campfire while Clint drunkenly quizzed Sam on how much he knew and tried to add words to his vocabulary that would never be used in polite conversation.
Of course, after that, Sam had legitimately asked Clint if he could help him study and he did. He had learned during that time that at home, Clint preferred not to use his hearing aid and both he and Nat mainly used sign at home.
“Have you been practicing?” Clint asked, slowing down for Sam’s benefit.
Sam could feel his face heating up and he shook his head. “No,” He paused for a moment. “I’m out of practice.”
“You need to come over more often.” Clint responded, and Sam smiled.
Eventually Bucky returned to the archery field, he was pulling a wagon, covered in a tarp behind him. Clint said a quick goodbye to Sam before going over to Bucky, saying a quick word and heading off.
Sam watched from a distance as Bucky pulled the tarp back from the wagon, unsure if he was supposed to come closer. Whatever Bucky had brought seemed a little bit more complicated than the bows and arrows Clint had dropped off.
Sam’s eyes widened in surprise as he watched his boyfriend take off his coat, fold it and then place it to the side. He only walked over when he realized Bucky was removing his prosthetic next.
“Uh, Bucky?” Sam asked, just a little concerned. Clint might walk around half-dressed in the cold, but that didn’t mean Sam approved of the same thing for his boyfriend.
Bucky flashed him a quick, reassuring smile before he placed his arm in the wagon. Sam watched as Bucky picked up a white fabric sleeve and pulled it over his nub and up his arm, and then picked up what looked like a partial prosthetic that stopped at the wrist. Sam had seen some of Bucky’s other prosthetics, old ones or just ones he used for different tasks but he hadn’t seen this one.
“So, um,” Bucky muttered, fiddling with the prosthetic. Sam could see it had straps near the top to keep it secure. “Always stay behind the shooting line, I’ll let you know when I’m done shooting. Ah-”
He sounded so nervous that Sam wasn’t about to question it. He stood well enough back, and watched as Bucky notched the arrowed in the wagon bed first before using his right hand on the bow grip and the prosthetic’s tiny hook to hold the string. With practiced easy, Bucky pulled the bow up and aimed at the middle target.
After a moment, he released, quicker than Sam was expecting and the arrow hit inside the blue area of the target. There were a million things on the tip of Sam’s tongue, but he squeezed his hands together to keep himself from blurting something out. He watched, marveling as Bucky shot five more arrows, each one getting closer to the center yellow bullseye. The last arrow made it just outside the inner yellow ring and Sam let out a slight groan.
“So close.” He said, but he sounded so clearly impressed. Bucky put the bow down in the wagon again and turned to look at Sam, his face was inscrutable and he seemed to be waiting.
“Bucky.” The name bubbled up, happy and pleasant on Sam’s tongue. He grinned wide, wanting to reach out for his boyfriend. “When did you take up archery? This is awesome.”
Bucky finally met his eyes, a small pleased smile playing on his lips. Sam watched as his hand drifted to the prosthetic, touching it like it was precious.
“Clint mentioned he put this up a while ago.” Bucky answered. “I did some research and I asked him if he’d help me out. He’s really good.”
Somehow that didn’t surprise Sam in the slightest. He looked around the field, looking at the six arrows imbedded in the target then back at Bucky. Sam wasn’t an archery expert by any means, but with only a few months of practice Bucky didn’t seem half bad himself.
“Don’t tell me you’ve been practicing for months just so you can show off.” Sam teased, smirking a little.
“No,” Bucky scoffed. “Part of it was just making this.”
He gestured to the prosthetic as though it weren’t a big deal. For a moment everything in Sam’s brain came to a halt and his eyes widened almost comically. His jaw worked open and closed for a moment before he stuttered.
“Bucky… d-did you make that?”
Bucky’s brows knitted together and he nodded. “I researched some ones other people used first.”
“Okay, but you built this. Yourself.”
“Clint helped a little.” Bucky’s face was turning a lovely shade of pink and it was not from the cold.
“Bucky, what the fuck.” Sam said, awed. “Your a genius. Holy shit, I’m dating a genius.”
“God, Sam. It’s not like it was hard.” Despite his protests, Sam could see how pleased Bucky was.
“It’s not like it was hard!” Sam barked out a laugh, grinning wide. “Oh my God, Bucky, I can’t with you sometimes.”
“But I’m glad you can most of the time.” Bucky quipped back, any tension remaining in his body quickly seeping out. He bit his lip, and shifted from foot to foot before gesturing to the bow and arrows Clint had left behind. “D’you wanna try?”
Sam nodded enthusiastically and without hesitation stripped off his own coat. All of a sudden the cold was of very little consequence when Bucky explained to him how to pick up the bow and crowded behind him to adjust his stance. Bucky very carefully went through how his arms should be held, touching Sam a lot more than was probably necessary before instructing on how to nock the arrow.
“Take your time.” Bucky whispered close in his ear, not at all helping Sam keep his composure. If he wasn’t trying so hard to focus, he would have glared at his boyfriend. “Make sure to look at the target, not the arrow.”
With Bucky’s body warm against his back, Sam pulled back, steadying himself and then released. The arrow hit the foam squarely in the black area and Bucky pressed a kiss behind his ear.
“Great job, Sammy.”
They spent the rest of the afternoon shooting arrows together. Sam improved with some tips from Bucky, and Bucky found every possible excuse to crowd into Sam’s space when he was taking his turn. Somehow, Sam was pretty sure all the touching and sweet murmuring would have been agains the rules in a competition setting.
Eventually though, the sun began to set and Clint ambled his way around to them. This time he was at least wearing a sweatshirt, though had chosen to forgo shoes. He stood to the way side while Sam finished his shots, raising an eyebrow as he watched Bucky pressing kisses to Sam’s cheek when he was done.
“Interesting strategy.” Clint signed as Bucky went to collect the arrows from both his and Sam’s targets.
“I learn better hand’s on.” Sam replied without a second thought. As soon as he saw the glint in Clint’s eye he regretted it immediately and fumbled through a few of not-so-appropriate signs Clint had shown him by the lake several years ago.
The three of them cleaned up the rest of the bows and targets, moving them to Clint’s shed. Bucky changed his prosthetic, folding it up securely before placing it under the tarp. The sky was purple and blue by time they were done and they headed around the front of the house to say their goodbyes. Clint seemed surprised when Sam hugged him tightly, but just smiled and reminded him to stop by any time.
Once they were safely in the truck, heat cranked up, Sam couldn’t help but stare at Bucky. He was sure he had the goofiest, sappiest smile on his face but he didn’t care.
“Have you told Steve yet?” Sam asked. His other boyfriend would be over the moon if he knew about Bucky’s new hobby.
“Nah,” Bucky answered quietly, shaking his head. He seemed relaxed, exuding happiness. “Wanted to show you first.”
Sam felt warmth blossom in his chest, and he couldn’t resist reaching over and placing a hand on Bucky’s knee, squeezing gently. “I won’t say anything,” He promised. “As long as you don’t tell him that was the best date I’ve ever been on.”
Bucky glanced at him, his smile bright. “I can do that.”
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Big God
Fandom: Inuyasha Rating: M Word Count: 3,367 Chapters: 6 of ?
Read on FF||Ao3
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Chapter Six
Kouga had needed a couple days to nurse his wounds. He continued to leave baskets for Kagome, but he didn’t stay. He couldn’t, not with how beat up he was; he didn’t want to cause her any unnecessary worry/stress with her already stress-filled life. One could argue that if he felt that way he shouldn’t be courting her, but that was different.
His wounds weren’t necessarily bad, they were just numerous. In the past, the skirmishes they had on their borders were always random, without any warning and just started with the heat of the moment. This one though, this one was planned, calculated. He wanted time to try and piece together this puzzle he was now faced with.
The youkai they fought off weren’t low in the ranks of whatever family they came from. Of course, they weren’t super high up either, but they were high enough to cause significant damage and smart enough to execute a plan. This was different than what they were used to dealing with.. he would need to talk to the head of the family when he had the chance. Activity has been increasing as of late and Kouga was never good about keeping up with current events. He only stayed up to date if they concerned him, which was honestly a habit he needed to break out of if he was going to take over in the future.
He went back to focusing on the task at hand: cooking. He was going to ask Kagome out tonight and he wanted to make her another home-cooked meal. He had gone back to giving her groceries and other things for her baskets while he recovered. But, he felt the need to step it back up, especially since he planned on taking her out. He hoped that she would get a day off soon.. hopefully tomorrow. However, he would wait as long as he needed to to see her again, as long as he got to do it.
He let out a sigh, physically shaking his head side to side to try and refocus his attention. His eyebrows furrowed together as he went back to mixing the ground beef with the other ingredients.
He wanted to make her a nice, hardy meal. From what he gathered from their conversations on her break, she always ate something light, mostly salads. While salads were good, he knew she needed more substantial things if she was going to keep working like she was. He realized she didn’t have a choice in how much she worked, but she did have a choice in how she ate and treated herself. On that front, there were multiple things he didn’t agree with, and he knew that she knew better, seeing as she was a doctor. But he guessed that’s what he was here for, to help her out in any way he could, especially in this period of their relationship. He needed to prove himself to be a suitable mate.
Everything was soon mixed together and he started to make patties with the meat mixture. He shaped them with his hands, forming them into an almost oval shape. Once he had the patties formed, he placed them in the pan and started to fry them.
He set a timer to go off for when he would need to flip them. Usually he could eyeball it, but he knew deep down in his soul that his mind was going to drift off to another place as he cooked. Gods he was so useless lately... The miko left his mind a muddled mess, but he couldn’t really complain.
It was then that his thoughts drifted back to her, as they tended to do these days. He would be lying if he said he wasn’t nervous about tonight. There was a part of him that feared she would reject him, but he knew deep down that she would accept. He hoped at least. His beast was certainly cocky and confident, and he hoped he would be able to draw from its confidence tonight. He ran a hand through his bangs, stomping his anxiety down and doing his best to focus on the food.
His phone vibrated on the counter.
His head snapped around and he couldn’t stop the grin that graced his features as he picked the device up and unlocked it. Of course, it was from the very miko that had been plaguing his every thought.
[ I’m so tired, oh my god ]
[That bad, huh? ]
[ Like you wouldn’t fucking believe ]
[ Tell me all about it ]
[ It’s kind of a lot, can I call you? ]
[ You can say no ]
His heart was hammering in his chest. She wanted to call him.. They hadn’t breached over to calls and it had been so long since he had last heard her voice. He had to shake his head to clear his mind. He needed to respond.
[ You can always call me at any time ]
There was a small pause before his phone lit up with her call. He answered immediately.
“Well, hello.” he said with a lopsided grin.
“Hey..” she replied, sounding a bit breathless. “Are you sure you’re okay with me ranting, because it really is a lot this time...” He could hear her nervousness over the phone and it made him frown slightly.
“I told you before didn’t I? You can come to me with anything that’s bothering you. I’m here to help in anyway I can, Kagome. I promise.”
There was a small pause before he heard her let out a sigh. “I really appreciate that..” Her voice was so soft and it set his heart racing. Oh gods what he would give to see the look on her face right now, to just have her here with him, in his arms, making her forget all her troubles. He managed to push the raunchy path his thoughts were starting to trail down out of his mind just in time for Kagome to launch into her rant.
It was long, not that he minded, but she went through an array of emotions throughout the entire phone call. It mostly ranged between burning, fiery rage and utter sorrow. It broke his heart to listen to her whenever she would reach a sad point. He could tell by the way her voice wavered and cracked that she was trying to fight back tears. He wanted nothing more than to just show up at the hospital and take her away. He wanted to wipe away her tears, shower her with kisses and make her forget. Hopefully he could remedy her mood tonight.
When she was finally done, she was sniffling and Kouga was certain that she was crying. His beast was in a frenzy, screaming at him to go to her, kill whoever had made her upset. Kouga, however, was more rational than that. He gave her a moment to collect herself before he spoke up.
“I’m sorry it’s been so rough for you.”
“I’m just ready to get off this shift and spend these two days off in peace.” she replied, sounded utterly exhausted. Despite her obvious upset, Kouga couldn’t help but feel excited about the fact she had two days off.
“What time do you get off?”
“I’m supposed to get off at 8, but we’ll see if that actually happens.” He could practically see her rolling her eyes. He couldn’t help but chuckle slightly.
“Is there anything I can get you?”
“If you could get me out of the rest of this shift, that would be phenomenal.”
He laughed a bit harder at that. “As much as I would love to, I don’t think I’m capable of such things.”
“You sure about that, given your.... profession?”
“Do you really want me to do my work at a hospital?” he fired back, a huge, dorky grin on his face.
There was a small pause before he heard her sigh. “Well I mean... there’s some pros and cons about that... so I’m a little conflicted...”
“Oh really now?”
“Yeah, I mean... we have patients here so.. that’s a con.. but a pro is that we’re a hospital. So.. y’know... it’d be easier to do our job in that sense. And there’s a morgue as well.. down in the basement.”
His smile grew, if that was possible. He grabbed a spatula and flipped over the patties. “Resourceful.. I like that.”
There was a huff on the other line before her response. “Look.. I’m just saying.”
“I know, I know.” He set the spatula to the side and the leaned back against the counter, crossing his free arm over his chest. “But in all seriousness, is there anything I can get you? Anything at all?”
“Hmmm....” Other than her small, occasional hums, the line was silent as she thought. Kouga could picture what she looked like. Her eyebrows just ever so slightly furrowed, index finger curled at her chin, her teeth pulling her lip into her mouth. Her full, plump, pink kissable lips... Gods what he would give to have them–
“Chocolate. I don’t care what it is, as long as it’s chocolate. No dark chocolate though.. I want something sweet.”
His cheeks were dark, his skin hot as he tried to forget where his mind had been traveling. “Consider it done.”
“Thank you, Kouga, it really means a lot.”
“Of course, anything for you Kagome.”
He heard her laugh and it warmed his heart. He was glad to have provided her some sort of solace in her shift. “I have to get going, but I’ll text you when I can.”
“Yeah, of course. Have a good rest of the night at work.”
She snorted. “Yeah, hopefully nothing too crazy happens in this last 45 minutes.” she replied.
“Talk to you later.”
“Talk to you later..”
And with that, the call ended. Kouga stood there, staring at his phone for a couple moments, a goofy grin on his face. He chuckled a bit to himself before he slipped his phone into his pocket and did his best to focus on the food he was preparing. Thankfully, it didn’t take him too long to finish the meal up and he quickly had it packed away. He placed it into the basket and covered it up with a cloth, hoping to help contain the heat. Now all he needed to do was get her chocolate and everything would be perfect.
Kagome left the hospital with a sigh, rolling her shoulder as she stepped into the alley. She was only leaving 10 minutes after her shift, a new record for her. She pulled out her phone, sending a quick text to Kouga.
[ I’m freeeeeeeeee! ]
It was a little silly, but she felt comfortable with him. The thought made her blush and she tucked the device back into her pocket, however the action was useless as it vibrated almost as soon as she put it away. She couldn’t help but laugh a bit at how quick his response was.
[ Glad to see you survived ]
[ You and me both ]
[ So what do you plan on doing with the rest of your night? ]
[ Probably TV and then passing out, hopefully in bed and not on the couch ]
[ Have you considered moving your TV to your room? Cut out the middleman? ]
[ No I haven’t. If I had my TV in my room then I probably wouldn’t ever sleep, haha ]
[ Besides, how would I enjoy TV with my guests when I have them? ]
[ You can always move it back ]
She snorted a bit at that.
[ Sounds like a lot of work ╮(▰´△`)╭ ]
[ I don’t know if you realize this, but I try to enjoy my time off and do as little work as possible ]
[ Ah, I see. My bad then ]
She laughed a bit more at that. She turned down into the next alley that would spit her out at her complex.
[ What are your plans for the night? ]
[ Not sure yet ]
[ Oh? No trouble that needs getting into? ]
[ Not that I can tell ^.~ ]
[ And just what is that supposed to mean? ]
[ ╮ (. ❛ ᴗ ❛.) ╭ you tell me ]
Kagome rolled her eyes.
[ Whatever, lol ]
She was soon in front of the stairs that led to her apartment. Kagome let out a sigh and tucked her phone into her pocket. She always hated climbing them at the end of the day, but there wasn’t really anything she could do about it. It was better to just get it over with... and so she did.
She took the steps as quickly as she could, and once she was at the top she took a quick breather, popping her back and shoulders before she walked down the hall to her apartment. The lighting for the hallway wasn’t the best, had never really been the best, and it certainly didn’t help that some of her neighbors didn’t turn on their little “porch light” at night. She wasn’t sure what else to call the light in front of the door. A door light? She was tired.. she needed sleep.
As she drew closer to her apartment, she could see a silhouette near her apartment. Her eyebrows furrowed together. Who could that be? She was a bit more cautious now, readying whatever reiki she had left in her, just to be safe, but as she came closer, her worried disappeared as her breath caught in her throat.
He was here. He was actually here.
Kouga was leaning against her door frame, arms crossed over his chest. He had on a pair of blue jeans, a white T, and of course, his black leather jacket. The only thing he was missing was a toothpick in his mouth. While a part of her wanted to laugh at that mental image, the majority of her, or as she referred to as her dumb monkey brain, was just screaming, “Kouga! Here! Hot! Titties!” It took everything in her to try and fight the heat that threatened to warm her cheeks, no, her entire body. She failed, of course.
Kouga’s head soon turned to look at her, and when he flashed her that lopsided grin, she was done for. Her knees felt weak and she willed them to hold. How embarrassing would it be if she were to collapse in front of him after not seeing him for close to two weeks? It would be downright pathetic, and she had an image to try and keep.
“Hey Kagome.”
“Hey Kouga.”
He pushed himself off the wall and walked over to her, and that’s when she noticed the basket he had tucked into the crook of his elbow. He reached for the basket, slowly, as he walked towards her. She could feel his eyes roaming over her and it sent chills running through her. She tried to not visibly shudder. He was soon standing right in front of her, the basket held in between them. She took it carefully and forced herself to look away from his baby blue eyes to see what he brought her.
A small gasp escaped her as she looked into the basket. Half of it was filled with all different kinds of chocolate and the other had what she knew was a home cooked meal for her. She looked up at him, stars in her eyes and it just about floored him. “You cooked for me again.” It wasn’t phrased in a questioning tone, more breathless and taken aback, shocked.
“Yeah, of course.”
She looked back down at the basket, then back up to him, basket, Kouga. “Th-thank you. It.. it really means a lot. You didn’t have to go through the trouble–“
He pressed a finger to her lips and Kagome had to remember that she needed to breathe in order to live. “I don’t know how many times I have to tell you that it’s no trouble. I’m trying to impress you, after all.” he said, shooting her a wink.
His finger lingered on her lips for a couple more seconds before he pulled it away, allowing her to reply. “And why would you need to do that?” she teased.
His grin grew. “You think I don’t need to?” She shrugged in response and Kouga let out a hearty laugh. It warmed her heart and caused a smile to break out on her face as well. When he was done, his eyes were shining and Kagome felt weak all over once more. “That’s quite the compliment, you know?”
He stepped closer to her and Kagome removed the basket from between them, holding it at her side. Her breath caught in her throat and she knew, she knew that Kouga heard her, because his grin grew. He brought a hand up, tucking a couple stray hairs behind her ear and Kagome’s skin lit up at the brush of his fingertips.
“So, since I don’t have to try to impress you.. would you like to go out to dinner tomorrow, at 7?”
“6..” she breathed, surprising the both of them. Her cheeks grew hot, turning bright right red in color as his eyes went wide for a couple seconds. He chuckled a bit and cupped her face with his hand, brushing his thumb along her cheek.
“Well, 6 it is then.” He then slid his hand down her face, taking her chin between his thumb and index finger and tilting her head down ever so slightly. He then pressed a kiss to her forehead, and before Kagome could react, or even fully process what was happening, he was gone.
Kagome’s breath hitched and caught, trapping a moan in her throat. She shuddered as she climaxed, her body lifting off the bed slightly as her hands pulled away from her clit and her nipple. She flopped back onto the bed after a couple moments, her breathing labored as she laid there and tried to collect herself.
Here she was, taking care of an urge that kept nagging at her, one that sparked back up at a near instant from just the sight of him. It had been bright, burning, blazing... and insistent. Since the moment she had seen him, she hadn’t wanted to let him go. She wanted to invite him in, bring him to her bedroom, let him have his way with her.
Kagome somehow managed to roll ever just enough to bury her face in the pillow. Gods, she embarrassed herself with her own thoughts at times. She was eager for their date tomorrow, but she wasn’t sure if she’d be able to control herself... She wasn’t going to jump him, but she couldn’t say whether or not she’d be turned to putty by the end of the night. If he just so happened to want to come in at the end of the night, then she wasn’t going to stop him. If he wanted to move things to the bedroom, so be it. If he wanted to rest his head on or between her thighs, then by golly gosh...
Kagome hooked the blankets with her foot and started to pull them up, soon switching them off to her hand. If she kept going down this path, she was going to end up needing to take care of herself all over again. She sighed as she was soon fully tucked under the covers. She shifted so she was fully on her side and a hand reached down to tug up her underwear, which was slightly offset.
As the miko began to drift to sleep, now worn out from her activities, she realized she had a call to Sango in her future. She grumbled, burying her face back into the pillow. She was going to die, and for a multitude of reasons. She would definitely need to rest up for the scolding she was about to receive from her best friend...
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ultra-despair-kins · 5 years
monaka is here~
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hello hello! i’m a new mod for this blog~
feel free to refer to me as monaka! (she/her)
but without further ado,
here’s things i can do:
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♡ aesthetics & moodboards!
♡ icons! (sprite icons, heart eyes icons, anthology icons (unicolor, b&w png with colored bg or fully colored ones!))
♡ wallpapers! (especially phone ones)
♡ minor sprite edits! (ex. coloring hair, eyes, dress, adding some details, blush freckles & so on... nothing too complicated!)
♡ edit sets!
♡ kin-matchups!
♡ kin commonalities! (but i’m an honest person! so if two characters have nothing in common i’ll say it)
♡ headcanons! of (almost) any sort!
♡ minor animations of dr official art (ex. moving mouth, eyes, expression ‘nd so on)
♡ + only on private request!! (msg me) doodles (nb: please don’t post them anywhere. they’re only for your personal use.)
important: please be as much specific as you can when making a request! specifying colors, sizes, and in which way you want something is really helpful!
*abt icons/wallpapers/sprite edits: pride (flags) stuff is A-OK! (even tho i’m not too informed about it, so my apologies if i mess something up!) feel free to request abt it!
+ no incest, pedophilia, abuse (ok if recovering) & gross stuff of the sort.
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& that’s it! feel free to request whatever you please! and lmk if there’s something you didn’t get! have a nice day everyone~
©︎: art fearured in icons is from Danganronpa 3: The End of Hope's Peak Academy - Future Arc & Despair Arc Comic Anthology (DNA Media)
-mod monaka
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jeongjaehyuns · 6 years
ok since kellie posted her fancam i thought i’d finally stop being lazy and do the same too :’)
i mentioned this a little bit before but earlier this month, i was lucky enough to get tickets to see nct 127 at the apple music event in la and was able to see them perform! this was by far one of the most amazing and intimate experiences i’ve ever been able to be apart of and being able to see nct 127 doing what they do best together is something i’m going to cherish in my heart for a very long time! here is the link to the full playlist of all their performances!! 
underneath the cut will be a much more detailed and in depth account of everything that happened at the event if anyone is interested in reading more about it! ♡
ok hello if there are people who actually decided to keep reading thank u so much and buckle up bc u are in for a riiiiiiiiiide (ridin on that VAAaaaaAAAAan, KEEP dRIVINGGGggGGG) ok anyways! HERE WE GO!
[ ! ] btw the first part is just me talking about everything that happened before the concert so pls feel free to just skip to the last paragraph instead LOL
so when news came out that nct 127 was going to be coming back to the u.s. and perform on jimmy kimmel and that tickets were FREE, my friends and i hi kellie, hi tracey all tried to get some tickets for both the taping and the concert and was able to make it on the waitlist! i don’t live in california but both of my friends do so i told them that if any of us got confirmed tickets, i’d be flying over there for the weekend to attend the show! it’s kind of all a blur now bc the only thing i can remember within that week was stressing out so hard over tickets because the way the whole thing was set up was just SO STRESSFUL because despite being on the waitlist, there is no 100% guarantee that you’d get tickets and they start giving out tickets to people from within a week before the taping to the day of the actual event so really, it was just one massive waiting game. but a week went by and none of us saw any signs of getting tickets and flight ticket prices kept fluctuating for me so i just went ahead and booked my flight anyways without a confirmed ticket pls don’t ever do this omfg please please PLEASE don’t ever do this!!! and PRAYED that one of us would be able to get tickets ;; a few days went by and then nct kept releasing more news and how they’d be performing at mickey mouse’s 90th birthday celebration so tickets for that were also available too and once again, we made it on the waitlist!!! and played not one but now two (2) waiting games!!!! :-)))
honestly i rly don’t remember much that happened during this small time frame bc i was so stressed and anxious over these tickets that it rly took a toll on me physically and mentally LOL but yeah so on wednesday the 3rd, nct 127 posted on their instagram about how they’d be having a special performance partnered with apple music and i was about to start my math exam but the moment i read their post, i ran to the bathroom faster than i’ve ever ran before and of course, i requested tickets and made it on the waitlist again!!!! SO NOW IN TOTAL, IT WAS NOT ONE, BUT THREE (3) WAITING GAMES!!! GAMES THAT I WAS STARTING TO GET SICK OF PLAYING!!! anyways yeah so basically my friends and i made it onto all 3 waiting lists and at this point we really just wanted to be able to make it to at least one event ;;;
fast forward to friday, aka 1 day before mickey mouse and 3 days before kimmel and apple music and also the day my flight leaves for la!!! my friends and i all got a big fat no from mickey mouse saying they wouldn’t be able to accommodate our ticket requests bc they were full so we we re like ok!!! whatevs!!! we still have kimmel and apple to try for!!! so here i am… at the airport… getting ready to leave with no!!! confirmed!!! ticket!!! my flight was quite early in the morning so i was at the airport overnight and it was like around 11:30pm when i was doing homework and i got a notification on my phone… thinking it was just some random notification when in reality, I GOT MY CONFIRMED TICKET FOR THE APPLE MUSIC EVENT :’) it’s a blur to me bc it happened so fast and so suddenly but all i remember was that my jaw literally dropped for the longest time and my hands were shaking so badly bc i cOULDN’T BELIEVE IT??? i wasn’t able to sleep that entire night nor was i able to sleep on the plane from all the adrenaline so that saturday really was an interesting day for me LOL anywho i made it to la safe and sound and spent saturday and sunday hanging out with my friends while we prepared for monday :’)
ok so then despite getting tickets, we had no idea where the location of this event was going to be bc 1iota (the event organizer) wasn’t going to release the information until 10am monday morning and we were planning on waiting in line like early early to get a good spot so we had to be ready and out of the house by 9am!!! bUT WAIT!!! 9am was also when the english version of the mv was going to be released so me and kellie were both !!! bc we wanted to gif the mv so bad!!! so now at this point it’s like 7am and we’re all like half awake trying frantically to get ready and i’m over here trying to stream nct on the radio and listen to the world release of regular eng ver and then somewhere in between all of this, both kellie and tracey ended up getting their emails for confirmed tickets too??? so yeah at this point all three of us are running around like crazy ppl bc we weren’t expecting all of us to go but now all 3 of us get to go!!! so yeah i brought my laptop with me and tried to gif in the car but the connection from my hotspot was so slow so i just sat and cried instead :-) ALSO!!! remember how information about the location was supposed to be released at 10am? yeah well they changed it on us again!!! they delayed it to 2pm so at this point me and kellie rly wanted to d*e bc we did all of that rushing for nothing omfg but fast forward to 2pm, they released the information for the location and since we were already in the hollywood area we went there right away so when we lined up, we were like number 10 in line!!! :D
i wasn’t able to eat at all that entire day just bc i was so stressed and so nervous from everything that the hunger didn’t hit me til like 20 mins before the actual event omg ;;;; i remember saying “omg i’m so hungry” and the girl beside me was like “well sweetie, you’re about to be fed real good rn” and i just died laughing oh my god but yeah i had a priority ticket so i was let in around 7:30pm-ish and the event started at 8! i got barricade again just like last time at kcon ny, my view was reeeeeeally good!! ! i would say even better than kcon’s even tho i was front and center for kcon ;;; back when we were in line, the event organizers kept asking us how we were doing and each time i would tell them that i was super nervous and they’d ask why and i would explain that i just get super nervous before seeing nct omg it’s really true tho idk what it is but i just feel so QUEASY before seeing them… like the fact that you go from seeing them from your screen to seeing them in front of you is just a very STRANGE FEELING FOR ME OK but they kept repeating how we were all going to have a good time and that the space inside was super small so it’s going to be nice and intimate with them and they said how no matter what spot you get, you’re still going to be super close to them… one of the staff members was like “you’re going to be so close to them they’re going to sweat on you” AND GOD THIS JUST MADE ME EVEN MORE NERVOUS KASDJKSAJDKAJDKA
OK ANYWAYS ENOUGH OF THAT, ONTO THE ACTUAL CONCERT! when we got in, the event was actually on a rooftop and so the scenery behind the stage was just soooooo pretty and then they had a playlist of their songs playing in the bg and it was just really nice to listen and enjoy while we waited for them to come out :’) the members kept hiding behind this door and some of them started waving and they were all teasing us so hard bc the moment we saw someone there, we would all start screaming and they just wouldn’t stop :’) then they finally played the apple music documentary video for us and i just remember all of us screaming a lot LOL but then the lights went off again and then we all watched them walk onto the stage one by one and oh my GOD the wait for them to finally start just felt like forever and then next thing i know, the sirens went off and all i hear is “GET IT LIFTED” and then firetruck started omg i was trying to get jaehyun’s attention but then mr. nakamoto yuta… YUTA… looked over on our side and me and him made eye contact for a good solid 3 seconds and i just about lost my shit omg… HE IS SO INSANELY GORGEOUS IN REAL LIFE I WAS RLY GOIN THRU IT… JAEHYUN WHO??? AND THEN HAECHAN OMG… haechan came over to our side like 75% of the time and he is the cutest, most adorable person on this planet!!! he was always smiling and waving and i really can’t think of anything else to describe him other than the sun bc he quite literally was shining that night!!! i think it was halfway through firetruck that we started to realize that the stage was like… a little slippery??? but it wasn’t until limitless started where we really noticed the members starting to slip and stumble here and there ;; also there’s this one part where jaehyun went up super close to me during limitless and i about died… i’ve said this before and i’ll say it again but even after seeing him irl, HE IS SO HANDSOME IT’S UNREAL… HIS VISUALS ARE OUT OF THIS WORLD I CAN’T GET IT OUT OF MY HEAD but yeah the staff members would go on stage after each song to try their best to dry the stage but for some reason that wasn’t enough ;; i have no idea why the stage was so slippery but my guess was that it was pretty cool up on the rooftop and with the amount of people there, there was so much body heat in the air and then that mixed with the cool air = condensation??? i also think the shoes the members were wearing had like absolutely no friction at the bottom so it made them slip even more ;; they were also using a fog machine too but idk if that was actually the reason why the stage was so slipper omg but yeah after firetruck, they performed limitless and then they had a small ment here and mark talked about how it was a very special day for them (bc they just came straight from performing at jimmy kimmel too) and then johnny screamed something along the words of being apple music’s next up next artist and he was just so happy!!!! and then mark said that they’ve got october all to themselves and they were so happy to be able to be here with all of the fans! jaehyun also said that the place was so wonderful and said all the fans there were so wonderful and johnny came in to say that they had rehearsals the night before but being there with all the fans, it was a totally different feeling ;~; after that they performed touch and then when it came to cherry bomb (OT10 VER WITH JUNGWOO BTW), this was when things started to look a little :/// bc taeyong had already fell back during touch and at this point i was already beyond worried bc i would rather have them stop the whole thing all together rather than have them risk getting injured just to perform for us??? i shouted so many times to “be careful” in both korean and english T________T IT WAS LIKE THE DREAM CONCERT ALL OVER AGAIN WHEN THEY PERFORMED IN THE RAIN not to mention they had comeback promotions to do once they back to korea too so i rly just wanted them to stop ;;; i also think the members were all starting to get a little discouraged from all the slipping and stumbling during each performance and it kinda just looked like they were all really sad that they couldn’t put on a perfect performance ;; at this point the stage was soooooo slippery and i think they were more focused on not falling rather than performing and my heart rly just was in pieces ;;; taeyong fell again in cherry bomb during the leg split dance and it looked so painful oh my god i was just so WORRIED and i wanted it all to stop so bad ;~; but after cherry bomb ended, i think the members went back down to talk to the staff and then they came back up with different shoes! but finally!!! alas, they performed regular!!! since they switched shoes, the performance went pretty smoothly so i felt a little at ease! taeil, doyoung and mark were still wearing their original shoes so there were a few times when they slipped a little but thank god none of them actually fell ;; despite the song being a released earlier that morning, a lot of the fans did really well in learning the fanchants and singing along with the boys so i think it really helped in boosting the members’ confidence after the prior performances ;; there was a small ment here and doyoung talked and johnny translated it saying how basically the members felt really apologetic that they couldn’t put on good performances bc of the slippery stage and i was yelling with all the energy i had left in my that it was ok!!! that they were doing amazing and that they shouldn’t feel sorry!!! IT WAS KILLING ME INSIDE THAT THEY FELT THIS ASKDJKASDJAKJSDKD I WANTED TO ACTUALLY D*E but then they promised they’d come back to show an even better performance and doyoung held up his lil pinky!!! and then johnny asked how taeyong was doing and he answered back “i’m okay!!!” IN THE CUTEST WAY POSSIBLE… I JUST WANTED TO GIVE HIM ONE BIG FAT HUG T________________T and then taeyong said the last mission they had left was to take a picture with the fans and took out the selfie stick to take a picture with everyone! it was so cute TwT 
but yeah, overall the whole experience was really really amazing minus the slippery stage and for the most part, i was really impressed with how organized 1iota was! i’m really grateful i got to be apart of it and it still feels like a dream that i got to attend the event and see them perform and promote their new album here in america!!! they were amazing performers and did so well despite everything! i was really really proud of them ;; anyways, thank you to everyone that made it this far!!! i hope you enjoyed this fan account! i know it’s a super long post but if i don’t write it all out now while it’s still somewhat fresh in my mind, i’m going to forget it by the end of the month so i hope you all understand! thank you so much! ♡
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camillesoo · 6 years
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ok so i knew i'd still be in the city when accounts would go up, hence this being essentially dropped almost the second they are.. give or take a few minutes since my phone died and i just got home after a lnng day out gkskgkd
anyways hi, i'm kat ( 20, gmt-3:30 or nt if you want it put simply dsfgj, she/her, your local somin stan ) and i have fuck all to say abt camille at the moment — aside from being a weird, old bitch who cares abt the kids, would 10/10 snap back at people if she didn’t have solid self-restraint and needs a hug sometimes, an indiscreetly discreet emo brat basically sdfgjlk — so you can find what you need, or should i say might want, to know with her bg and stuff HERE and HERE, and i'll have a few other little things up later, including a proper plots page when i get home in a few hours ( update: NOW jdkfgs ). i have a pinterest board for her as well that's still.. lacking admittedly, but it is what it is rn fkskf. i can't wait to plot with you all, so feel free to hmu or like this if you're up for it ! 
is that LEE SUNMI ? no, silly, that’s CAMILLE SOO ! they’re the TWENTY-FIVE ( lit abt to turn twenty-six, js gfdjskd ) year old MAIN VOCALIST of VALKYRIE. everyone says that they’re-CAUTIOUS, and -UNEQUIVOCAL, but i think they’re really+CHARISMATIC, and +INQUISITIVE. their musical anthem is ALL THE WAY DOWN by KELELA. god, i can’t wait to see HER on tour !
just gonna include some wanted plots below real quick:
first friend during her trainee days ( bitch was closed off af, so perhaps someone quite sociable or not easily dissuaded would work best here )
best friend(s) ( assuming the first friend might be one of them.. but perhaps not )
rumoured s/o who may.. be her fwb ( bc why not, idols need to get laid too FKSKFKD feelings involved or not, and if it's been a few years of the rumours/relationship can be worked out with us )
younger idols she's protective of/almost sisterly towards ( she's been in the industry for a few years, not to mention she knows how ugly people can be regardless of being famous, so i'd imagine her to want to look after the kids in the company fkskgld )
perhaps almost lovers/exes ( didn't work out for whatever reason, tbd )
frenemies/enemies ( someone she perhaps hasn't liked since her trainee days for x reason, or it's been recent bc of a falling out )
drinking buds ( she's still.. the type to get drunk and be dumb as hell when she's feeling it, so a couple of people to indulge with to relax after promotions and such would be cool )
the other basic plots we're familiar with tkskgkd
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maraariana01 · 6 years
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i made this for myself but feel free to use it as phone bg or lock screen or whatever :v •~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~• if you use it here or on other sites PLEASE credit me
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