#financial advice is evolving
rogergrandnat · 2 years
How financial advice is evolving, using TikTok and targeting Gen Z with Eunicia Peret - MAF291
NEW EPISODE: How financial advice is evolving, using TikTok and targeting Gen Z with Eunicia Peret - MAF291
This week let’s talk about how financial advice is evolving. We’ll also look at how to make financial planning more attractive to younger clients and we’ll challenge some of the financial advice being given on TikTok. My guest is Eunicia Peret and this is episode 291 of the Marketing and Finance Podcast. What you’ll hear about in this episode: How Eunicia went from a strategic career to…
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mortallynervousfart · 1 month
Project Serenity - 33% Life-time Commissions Digital - membership area
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#Finding Financial Peace with Project Serenity: A Membership Worth Exploring#Financial planning can be a daunting task#especially in today's ever-changing economic landscape. For years#I felt overwhelmed by investment options and unsure of how to navigate the complexities of the financial world. This is where Project Sere#A Curated Approach to Financial Education#Project Serenity is a digital membership area designed to empower individuals to take control of their financial futures. The platform pro#including insightful articles#informative webinars#and interactive workshops. These resources cover a wide range of topics#from investment fundamentals and portfolio diversification to wealth-building strategies and navigating the ever-evolving world of finance.#Expert Guidance for Informed Decisions#What truly sets Project Serenity apart is its focus on expert guidance. The platform offers insights from seasoned financial professionals#wealth managers#and experienced investors. Their knowledge and experience provide members with a valuable framework to make informed financial decisions#A Supportive Community for Shared Growth#Project Serenity fosters a supportive and collaborative environment. Members can connect with each other through online forums and discuss#ask questions#and learn from one another's financial journeys. The sense of community is valuable#especially for those who might feel lost in the world of finance.#Building a Brighter Financial Future#Since joining Project Serenity#I've gained a newfound confidence in managing my finances. The platform's educational resources have equipped me with the knowledge and too#Important Disclaimer: This review is for informational purposes only and should not be considered financial advice. It's crucial to condu#Overall#Project Serenity offers a valuable resource for anyone seeking to improve their financial literacy and build a secure financial future. I#expert guidance#and a supportive community make it an excellent choice for individuals at any stage of their financial journey.
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dragongirlbunny · 1 year
gotta love financial "advice" like:
get paid 40-60% more
evolve beyond a need for food and water
stumble upon a large sum of cash
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redwineandtarot · 11 months
your talents
hi! today's pac is all about your talents! as people we are so diverse so not all of your talents may be in this reading. however i hope this helps you discover yourself more! take what resonates and leave what doesn’t. i would love to hear your feedbacks <3
🥀paid readings🥀
Disclaimer: My readings do NOT replace any professional advice. Use your own judgment while making decisions. You have your own free will. Take everything I say light-heartedly. All of my readings are for ENTERTAINMENT PURPOSES.
pick a pile
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piles 1-2
i do not own these pictures
pile 1
You are great at giving people honest and genuine advice. You make people see parts of themselves that they may have not seen before, good or bad. 
You may be great with finances. Or have the potential to be, if you learned more about it. You could study finances or economics. Don't have to, but you may still learn a bit about this topic. I think this will benefit you. (I am not a financial advisor or professional, this is just what cards are telling me!)
Being some sort of a teacher/advisor may suit you well too. Economics professor just came through but you could also be a dance teacher, therapist etc. Just something where you help people broaden their visions. 
You are great with new beginnings. You know how to make something blossom. You are also great with endings.
What I am seeing is you can materialize any interest of yours. Like maybe you want to learn guitar or learn how to cook, you can become quite good at them(to be more specific anything you want). Also this applies to material gains. The world is your oyster, I heard your guides say. 
Some of you may be talented at fashion. Whether it is designing or just making great outfits in daily life. 
You are also great at thinking ahead and planning. 
You are probably at peace with your shadow self or you are on the way to be. 
You have an earthy vibe to you. Your self confidence and calmness makes you a great manifestor. You could also be great at meditation, yoga etc. Anything that makes you connect with the universe and yourself more. 
Messages from spirit:
You still have full autonomy regarding ‘it’. “Nothing is yet set in stone.” You have a lot of potential.
You may need to release something. What is it? Think about this if you don’t know. Because deep down you know it.
thank you for reading <3
pile 2
I see a strong emphasis on your beauty. You could be / have the potential to be a model. Regardless, you are attractive and you may use this to your advantage. I am not saying you inherently have bad intentions. You are just good at charming people and getting what you want. You also probably would do great at things that require you to be in the spotlight. 
You are great at saving money.
You are a great fighter and a diligent person. You are persistent with what you want. Even if the situation seems hopeless. You find a way to make it work. And this usually gets you where you want to be (or even better places) in life. 
You know how to balance things in life. It just comes naturally to you. You know sometimes life does not evolve the way we want. And you trust the universe even in these times. You know you can get your ideas to real life even in the darkest times. 
Your words are powerful. You could use words to manifest. You could also be a writer of some sort (book writer, lyrics writer etc.). 
You may be great with plants, flowers or you may be good at biology. 
The numbers 8 and 6 might be significant.
You are good at dealing with emotions. You are an emotionally intelligent person.
You have natural talents to share your wisdom and your talents. You could benefit from being some sort of a teacher or a performer. Someone people watch.
You have a great understanding of life. The occult and history might be suitable fields of search for you. (I’m especially getting Egyptian mythology.)    
Messages from spirit:
You might be holding onto something out of pride. For most of you this is something from the past that you cannot let go of. 
Look at your situation from a different perspective. People who you deem wrong may be right.
thank you for reading <3
pile 3
You have a natural ability to lead and gather people. Whether for a cause or a project. In your work field or in a hobby that you do, you may pave the way for some sort of thing. For example you may start a new way of doing things, or you may be the first to do something in your hometown etc. 
You may have a talent for singing and/or public speaking. This also ties in with leadership because a good leader should also be good at speaking. Even if you lead a small group of people, good communication is key in my opinion.
You are also good at ending conflicts and finding the middle ground. 
You are also great at comforting people. You can transmute people’s worries. And you are also a great friend. You friends value you a lot.
You can tackle a lot at once. For example you can do modeling, studying, working at a part-time job all at once. Or if it’s just one job you can do different elements of it. Like youtubers; they film, edit and advertise their videos on their own. As a continuation of this, I see that you are a multi-talented person. 
I see you handling fast-paced life well. And this is because after all this running around you know how to come back to yourself and sit still. Maybe you do yoga, meditation, or any type of mindful activity.
When you love something, you also have a GREAT passion for it. This makes you also stand out at what you love. You can do the hard work for what you want.
By harnessing all of these talents of yours, you can achieve great success (whatever success is to you).
You have great spiritual protection around you. From your guides.
Messages from spirit:
You may meet a soulmate(platonic or romantic) or a romantic partner of yours soon. Or you may enter a phase of your life in which you’ll meet your romantic soulmate. For most of you it's the latter. And for this, spirit wants you to hold on to your visions.
thank you for reading <3
pile 4
You have a youthful energy to you. You spread happiness to those around you. You give them energy. While you have youthful energy, I see you as a wise person. You have an immense intellect. You could have gone through some hardships but you got to the other side with great strength and important lessons. Despite this you protected your child-like spirit. Your inner-child feels safe and heard with you.
You have a great imagination. Your dream world is probably pretty big. I get neptune-ish vibes from you. I heard that you may be a poet, if not I suggest you give it a shot. If you do not like poems, you can do other things that get you to use your imagination and emotions. Because I see a great potential in you. 
Some of you may be life path 22 or 7. Even if not, your life path is important for you.
You probably have a close bond with spirit. You are a great manifester. Despite your lighthearted energy, I see that you may have an interest in the occult. 
You have a talent for dancing.
You could also do well in areas where you need to have a quick wit. I hear politics for some of you. The term “crazy like a fox” applies to you. 
Despite appearing playful, you are pretty grounded. Even some of you may not realize this. You just need to work on it a bit more maybe.
You are graceful in the things you do.
Messages from spirit:
The thing you are asking for is within your reach! However while working towards it, you need both spiritual and practical effort for it. (Spiritual effort may be visualizing it for 5 minutes every day, etc.)
thank you for reading <3
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brujaluas · 2 years
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Disclaimer: Don't blame me for maybe not listening to something you'd like to hear, I just say what the cards show me, english is not my first language so there may be spelling mistakes, I'm sorry
Pile 1
His future is in a very delicate situation, I see who are very flawed as you can see, he presents financial stability, and this shows a good professional position that he conquered and this ended up making people seeing him with so much envy even the people closest to him don't like his success side, I see a stormy side in his life, where he doesn't know what to do, because he has a great bond with his emotional side, he don´t use often your rational side. He's a mature person, doesn't like fights and may be older than you. I can also see that he is very affectionate but doesn't know how to show it very well, he looks like a cold person but is very soft hearted. lots of male energy. He probably has problems at home, doesn't get along with a family member (maybe a male figure) who constantly disapproves of him and is very hard on him. Big problems in sight but it will come out of this and be fine You will meet him when he start to know how to deal with the afflicts now, I see that he is going hand in hand with you and, you will be great partners. you are at the moment, you are getting to know each other when he moves to another city, will meet by chance, but it was fate. Make him see who is true in your life because there is falsehood from all sides around him and don't fall into provocations because before he met you, he was more naive but you instructed him to see things clearly, don't be too jealous and unprotected from envy.
i started this reading and felt a very good smell in the air. wow, he really has a lot to say.
Pile 2
I see that you will meet they in something new, it could be a co-worker, a new college colleague, or a neighbor, a new colleague of your friend, is a person with a free spirit and adventurous, detached , may be younger that you, you feel that this person has not had a troubled term in they life and I feel that have one person in they life that does not accept you, or it may be from the family that is very much against the relationship, can be a ex too. I see that things will develop quickly, you and they will get engaged or live together in months, I would say that in less than a year you guys will live together or getting married, I see misfortunes and immaturity on both sides but they will know how to deal with these adversities because have a lot love each other very much, I see you and they will grow financially together, you are the his adventure partner and I see him becoming more committed to things after meeting you. much, much, much love.
It was a fast read because this person's energy is like "I don't have time for this but I love you, hope to meet you soon, take care and feel my big kiss" hahaha a fun person I would say. They can be earth sign, you can open a business together, this person can be a foreigner and you can also meet they in a trip.
Pile 3
This person knows how to live life in a good way, knows how to be kind to himself and will teach you that. You can be the same age or close age, and that person will be very romantic, you know those fairy tales where a gentleman with a white horse comes to save you? because your person is exactly like that, I see you receiving flowers, being pampered, traveling together and happy with great harmony. He can give you good news, but I feel like he needs to work some area in their lives to evolve together in the relationship, he need to let something go, and you, well I have GREAT advice: be careful with someone in your life, big cruelty coming from that person , it could be someone in your family, learn to defend yourself, know that you need to love yourself and you don't deserve to be treated like trash, you deserve more, end this toxic relationship that you have with or never show this person about your life, if you don't do that, all the beautiful relationship you have with your future spouse will end, I also see him being very protective with you, probably, my little roxinol, have a lot problems in your life too, but now it's time to be happy, love yourself first to love him later, don't worry, your love will wait for you.
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weergang · 2 days
One nice thing about reading (old) books about the age of sail, is learning that there was something like Sailors Guilds.
They were an early form of insurance, sailors became a member for a small fee, and if they were lost at sea their widow and/or family could be given a financial compensation. They evolved into charitable organisations, funding historical research and current maritime education, but also beacons of knowledge about sailing matters often asked for advice.
A bit of googling later I found out that a four of those still exist (in the Netherlands).
In the old days, captains got their own flag. To be flown from the mast top. These flags have a number, and all captains had an almanac so they could check who they were meeting out at sea or in a foreign port. (Whether or not the almanacs only listed names from their own guild, or from all guilds I do not know.)
But as I said, four still exist. So naturally I signed up for the one closest to me. And to my surprise, flags aren't only issued to captains anymore, but to all sailors.
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dnofsunshine · 2 years
wholesome headcanons (digimon edition)
i’m doing this for haikyuu on my kagehina blog and after reading Onee-chan by @patamon, i’ve been inspired to do it for my chosen bbys so here it goes:
daisuke teaches ken how to cook; you’d think it’d be the other way around, but if his mother isn’t around, ken resorts to depression meals. this becomes daisuke teaching the rest of the 02 kids cos hikari can barely boil water, miyako relies on her family’s convenience store snacks, takeru’s diet consists of mainly tv dinners unless he goes to yamato’s, and iori just wants to learn to help out his family
takeru starts calling sora Nee-san at like 12—it’s an accident at first but then he just continues to call her that and sora’s secretly warmed by it
you can’t tell me koushiro doesn’t game on like Steam or something, he really enjoys puzzle games. he’s secretly competitive and loves online play.
the chosen share acct info for many active subscriptions/streaming services and it’s kind of the perfect set up:
youtube? somebody has premium, there’s only 5 or 6 profiles available so they share
taichi prbly pays for crunchyroll
amazon prime? hahah yep many addresses are saved
netflix? hulu? mimi prbly pays for that
if someone is having trouble financially or they’re like “hey guys sorry we’re gonna have to skip this month for [x subscription], money’s tight” someone else is like “nah fam i gotchu, don’t worry abt it” 
food delivery services for groceries and/or dining?? yamato prbly pays for that specifically to ensure his little bro gets some nutrients when he’s not available to cook 💙💛 (also he supports daisuke teaching takeru learning how to cook but requests frequent updates and pictures so he knows takeru isn’t getting hurt)
nintendo switch online? xbox game pass? someone has something; takeru prbly spends a lot of time gaming with hikari and taichi/yamato like to make bets on mario kart
also pirating galore 
the chosen have a discord server that started for digital world-related things but evolved into a chaotic mess of digimon/pet pics, tv show/book/anime/manga/music recs, memes, school/homework help, advice, and other random shenanigans
so many memes. yamato & jou are tired
koushiro gets a dog. yes i know i wrote abt this already but i can’t stop thinking abt koushiro being a lonely kiddo and his mom knows
food is a great way to bribe someone—jou with coffee, takeru & hikari with sweets, koushiro with tea, etc.
hikari has a massive sticker collection, she hoards them the way taichi hoards video games
miyako is not above commissioning fanfics from takeru; she writes them herself too but gets a lot of writing pointers from takeru
mimi has a big following on social media and she pulls a lot of the other chosen into it, including an exasperated jou, a very confused koushiro, and ofc famous rock icon Ishida Yamato
after (prbly accidentally) learning that ken suffers from depression, the older chosen create a separate chat for mental health <333 they’re always finding ways to spend time together so nobody is lonely (lookin at you, takeru)
should i do a part 2?? any requests for certain characters or relationships (platonic or otherwise)?? please let me know, this was fun!! 
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digimonirl · 9 months
Hey there, big fan of your blog.
My partner and I are reaching the point where evolving to Adult level may become a possibility, and while my Digimon is super excited about it, I'm worried about the ramifications for our living environment! Most Adult levels are pretty large! Obviously, I'd make any changes necessary, but part of me feels bad for centering my own comfort over my partners desire to evolve.
We'll be sitting down for a conversation soon, but before we do, do you have any tips or advice? Is it rude to float the idea of just remaining a Child for the time being?
Hi there! Thank you for the compliment, the amount of positive feedback me and Felt get on this blog is wild!
I think the most important thing in this conversation is to give everyone the opportunity to discuss their feelings before going into the practical aspects of it. Your partner could be excited to digivolve and you may be really happy for them! But if your partner is looking to become a JumboMamemon or a similarly large species, it may not be feasible with your living arrangements. It's not rude to ask your partner to consider your situation or your limits, be they physical, emotional, or financial. Be frank with them when you have your conversation and be open to compromise if the opportunity arises. I hope you'll be able to find a solution that'll work for you both!
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tarot-and-stuff · 1 year
Pick A Judgment Card
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Readings are under the read more.  Video version is also included in source link.  
I chose this theme, since Judgment seemed like it came out quite a bit during the first half of the general February readings I did (Fire & Water Signs).
Pile 1/Rider-Waite
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The first card to come out for this pile was The Empress.  This is a card associated with someone who has a good balance of all the suits in the tarot.  They are often a nurturing individual whom knows their worth and value.  Basically, I feel like this is meant to represent you evolving into (or closer to) your best self.  
The second card to come out for this pile was the 4 of Swords.  This is a card associated with healing and relaxation.  Basically, taking a step back from a situation to clear your mind and recuperate.  The situation that you’re healing from may be rather painful considering that this card is after the 3 of Swords numerically in the tarot, which is a card filled with pain and hurt.
The third card to come out for this pile was the 9 of Swords reversed.  This card being reversed is great, since that is about working to release negativity and things that are weighing you down.  This is a major step of healing for you.
This pile basically seemed like you’re being called to work on yourself and show/realize how you’ve grown from experiences you’ve gone through.  This pile feels like it is all about healing and becoming the best you that you can be.  
For your oracle card, you got Play.  This card is associated with doing things to lighten your mood.  A bit of a message to do something to make yourself smile or to make your happy for a moment.
Pile 2/Teddy
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The first card to come out for this pile was the 7 of Swords.  While this card can be connected to deception, in this case, it seems to be more strongly connected to acting strategically and forming a plan.
The second card to come out for this pile was the Page of Swords.  This card is associated with communicating and coming up with new ideas.  These ideas are often in early developmental stages at this point.
The third card to come out for this pile was The Hierophant.  This card is strongly associated with tradition and beliefs that you’ve been raised with.  This card can also be associated with a mentor or someone that can give you advice.  This suggests that either your beliefs and/or a mentor may be able to give you valuable assistance as you formulate a plan.  For most of you though, I feel like it is the tradition aspect rather than another person.
The oracle card that came out for this pile was Trustworthy Guidance.  This card suggests that some guidance you are receiving is trustworthy.  This card tends to reference more of guidance coming from your guides/angels/ancestors/etc rather than someone in your life, although it is possibly the person that The Hierophant may represent for some of you.
Basically, this pile seems to be called to formulate some strategy/plan for a situation in their life.  
Pile 3/Alice In Wonderland
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The first card to come out for this pile was the 9 of Teacups reversed, which is basically the 9 of Cups in this deck.  This is a card associated with unhappiness.  Basically a lack of emotional fulfillment in some way.
The second card to come out for this pile was the 9 of Hedgehogs, which is basically the 9 of Pentacles in this deck.  This card is associated with independence and financial stability.  This can also be about taking some time to indulge a bit, while also needing to remember not to overindulge.
The third card to come out was The Mystery, which is basically The High Priestess in this deck.  This has to do with trusting your intuition, as well as knowing their is more to a situation than meets the eye.  
The oracle card for this pile was Notice The Signs.  This card references things being placed on your path, such as feathers, that are messages that you aren’t alone.  
Basically, I feel like this pile is being called to examine why they are unhappy when their outer situation seems like it isn’t the cause.  This also may just be a difficult period for some of you so it may just be encouraging you to do something for yourself with a bit of small splurging.
Pile 4/White Cats
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The first card to come out for this pile was The Emperor.  This is a card that is strongly associated with responsibility.  Like The Empress that was in this position for Pile 1, this card also has a balance of all the suits of the tarot.  
The second card to come out for this pile was The Moon reversed.  This card is connected to releasing feelings of fear and anxiety.  I feel like this is a lot with accepting that there are things that you can’t control, so knowing that stressing over these things isn’t helping you.
The third card to come out for this pile was the Ace of Cups reversed.  This card has to do with keeping emotions in.  I feel like this is more of what your obstacle is rather than what it is advising you to do.  Like by keeping these emotions in, it’s blocking you from fully releasing that fear and anxiety.
The oracle card for this pile was Blessing In Disguise.  Basically, something that you thought/think is a burden is actually some kind of blessing in disguise.  I feel like this blessing in disguise is something that is meant to help you overcome any issues you may have with releasing control in situations.
Basically, the message for this pile seemed to be about working to release the stress that comes from things being out of your control, which is likely very difficult for you as The Emperor, which is associated with control quite a bit.  
Pile 5/Light Seers
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The first card to come out for this pile was the Page of Cups reversed.  This is connected to someone who doesn’t communicate their emotions.  This can also suggest some emotional maturity.  I don’t think that this represents you though, but rather the type of people that you generally attract or date.  
The second card to come out for this pile was the Queen of Cups.  I feel like this is the card in this spread that represents you.  This card is associated with emotional maturity and an openness with feelings.  This is someone who is willing to accept love and give love.
The third card to come out for this pile was The Emperor reversed.  This is generally associated with someone that is overly controlling.  Again, I feel like this represents another person - the type of person you generally attract or date.
The oracle card for this pile was What Do You Desire?  Basically, this card has to do with deciding or thinking about what it is that you desire.
Basically, the main message for this theme seemed to be about realizing that the type of partner that you usually have isn’t what you desire and that you deserve someone better.
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hawkeyedflame · 1 year
I won’t lie your constant exposure to carnivore diet and other things you talked about have intrigued me but I’m currently a poor uni student with no job rn. Do you have any small tips for me on a low budget? I know I should be more specific about the advise but I’m asking as a catch all I guess. Sorry if I’m being a bother
(Sorry for the ramble I get sidetracked easily)
You're not bothering me. To some degree my advice will depend on whether you're a man or woman and what animal products you're willing to include/exclude. The "purest" form of carnivore is only red meat (meat from ruminant animals such as beef, lamb, elk, venison, goat, etc) with no dairy and no eggs. If that's not your style then include whatever you like. HOWEVER. I strongly recommend making fatty red meat the primary food, as well as eggs and butter if you like them and have no allergies. A lot of people think that the trick to keto/carnivore is that it's a low carb and high protein diet, but in fact the key to carnivore is that it is a high fat diet. Fat is the body and brain's optimal fuel source, so make sure you eat a lot of it. Lean meats like poultry and lean beef/pork cuts will not produce good results. If you're a woman, you will likely find that a caloric ratio of about 80% fat to 20% protein will feel the best. It is unclear exactly why women seem to benefit so much from this while men don't see much difference, but this means that women seeking this so-called "high fat carnivore" will have to supplement their meat with extra fat sources such as butter or fat trimmings. Personally, I get beef fat trimmings from a local butcher and cook them with each meal. If you're not a woman you can still do this, but it may not give much benefit over just eating meat normally (although there are male athletes who report that high fat is better for them, so for men it may come down to activity level). My theory for why women thrive more on a higher fat ratio is that large megafauna, most of which are now extinct, likely had a fat-to-muscle ratio that was closer to what the female body needs to support optimal hormonal and reproductive health. In the evolutionary timeline, these animals have not been gone for long and there's no reason to assume our biological processes would have evolved to be fully adapted to their absence yet. That's just my speculation though.
Anyway, for affordability, I think the most obvious answer is to shop the sales on everything and learn to work with cheap cuts of meat. I personally buy my beef by the animal, so I end up with a small handful of the prized cuts such as ribeyes and strip loins, and a whole lot of roasts, ribs, and ground beef. as a university student you do not have the financial bandwidth to do this, so you are stuck searching for the cheaper cuts like chuck, shank, top/bottom round, sirloin tip, as well as ground beef. all of these cuts can make delicious meals, especially if you opt to continue using seasonings (i personally do not, but neither do i begrudge those who are unwilling to give them up). these cuts are leaner, but if you add extra fat (trimmings or butter) then you can still get a good caloric ratio out of it.
if you or anyone you know has a Costco (or equivalent store) membership, you can also buy wholesale primal cuts. upfront cost is a bit high, but the price per pound is significantly cheaper than grocery stores. you can get brisket for like $2/lb at Costco
chicken is generally pretty cheap, especially if you buy the cheaper cuts like drumsticks and thighs. but again, it's very lean so be mindful of that. same goes for pork. also salmon is a really good and fatty option if you like fish.
i also save the melted fat which comes off when I cook beef fat, and reuse that whenever i need cooking oil for a different meal, so i don't burn through store bought tallow/lard or butter.
one of the biggest factors in determining your cost will be whether or not you are fussy about conventional vs pasture raised meat. if you are happy to eat conventional, then your costs will be significantly lower than if you insist on pastured products. as far as the impact on your health, there isn't much information about the difference between the two, i know people who eat conventional and others who eat pastured, they all feel good. for myself, and many people who choose pastured products, it's an ethical decision more than anything.
lastly, again i don't know your financial situation but if you have some wiggle room, you can look into an online butcher such as butcherbox, moink, betterfed, and others. the meat is a bit more wholesale so the price per pound tends to come out much cheaper than buying from a grocery store, however this again, like Costco, has a higher upfront cost.
i hope this information is helpful! let me know if you have any other questions and i'll do my best to answer them (hopefully with less rambling next time).
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monratarot · 21 days
Hi Moni! I'd like to please take part in your free readings.
My question is why does my friend group tend to push me away when we are all together.
My initials are C.A, my birthday is December 8th 2004. An event that happened in the past month is that I have been dealing with feeling energetically low, always tired and always lonely... It's actually super draining in all aspects of my life like socially, emotionally, educationally and physically.
Hello, dear @plutoasteroids! Thank you for your request. Hope that my reading will help you and bring clearance to your situation. 
Feedback is very much appreciated and if you consider tipping me, you can do so on my ☕️ko-fi.
Count of questions/requests and answers 10/15.
Without wasting any time, let's get into your reading!🎀💌💓
The cards indicate that you are giving up your time for another person(your friends) and that you want to spend valuable time with them but this makes you feel neglected. I can see that you will receive some gifts, or your financial circumstances will improve. This can be a reason why your friends tend to push you away because you are blessed with some stuff that they don't have in their life. Maybe you are the type of person who likes to exchange small gifts of appreciation to your circle of friends and this is frustrating them. They don't know how to appreciate what you are doing for them and they can also be jealous of you.
Also, you can be a lucky person who can have an easy life and this can irritate them. They are frustrated with everything you do and I think that they don't want you to evolve or grow. The good part is that you are way ahead of them and also better than them. You are like a threat to them. Because of this situation, you can deal with some migraine and intense pain. 
You need to know that soon you will be forced to decide on this situation because you cannot continue like this. You feel vulnerable and confused but soon you will be illuminated and make a change. This change will happen because it's inevitable and due to forces that aren't in your control.
If you want advice from me I think now is the time to change the people that you have close to you because they don't want what is beneficial for you. All this response you are getting from them is like a blessing because the influence is not beneficial for you. Don't see this change as a bad thing, this detachment from them will force you to find something better for you, a better circle of friends that will support and understand you. 
Angel message: You are reminded that your essence is divine so let no one diminish you. When you feel serene and at peace you are powerful, for no one can upset or influence you. Your angel guidance is to find your still, quiet center, then heal your anger, purify your emotions, rely on your judgment, and take your decisions. The power is based on inner strength, self-worth, and confidence. 
Affirmation: I am serene, powerful, and confident. 
Wish you only the best!🍀
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niiikkii · 3 months
Adapting to Changing Travel Trends: Maximizing Travel Experience
In recent years, there have been significant shifts in the travel trends. The once exclusive practice of tourism has evolved into a popular entertainment and tourism trend with affordable travel and a rich cultural heritage. The travel business has seen a significant transformation because to new technologies like digital platforms, which give visitors access to advice and recommendations from other travelers as well as locals.
For the past 5 years, here are some of the biggest travel trends in 2019 including the Regenerative Travel which are the challenges of sustainable tourism have drawn attention, which focuses on striking a balance between financial advantages and environmental and societal benefits. Secondly, the B-Leisure Trips which means leisure and business blends together became increasingly popular. While business travelers saw the in-flight experience as a means of leisure and time off, they also often viewed the airport as a nice place to work.
Micro-vacations, sometimes referred to as mini-vacations, have grown in popularity since 2019. These quick getaways provide travelers with instant happiness and relaxation, enabling them to make wonderful memories and depart with favorable impressions. The next one is the Insta-Holidays, travel planning in 2019 was greatly helped by Instagram, particularly for Gen Z travelers. Last but not the least travel trend for the past 5 years is the Wellness Travel, which describes travel experiences that seek to enhance and maintain health in a range of areas of human being, such as the physical, mental, emotional, intellectual, and spiritual.
For the next and possible travel trends that we expected, the first one is the Home Swapping, is a more cost-effective option to booking expensive hotels or Airbnbs when travel expenses keep rising. The second one is the Eco Diving, the Reef-World Foundation, a UK marine ecology nonprofit, discovered in 2022 that 95% of divers desired to make reservations with sustainable operators but found it difficult to do so.
Sports Tourism, the Olympic and Paralympic Games serve as the main event of the 2024 sporting calendar. The fourth is the Coolcationing that the year 2023 is declared the hottest on record. Family vacations are especially well-suited to cooler weather.  The last possible travel trend for the next 5 years is the Gig-Tripping that for many years, the main attractions at retreats were athletes and wellness experts. Taylor Swift is the main reason for the more than 50% increase in destination concert business, according to Janel Carnero, travel advisor at Embark Beyond.
As a tourist in tourism industry, we should expect that we can have more technological and advanced travel trends that a tourist can surely enjoy now and in the future.
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Level Up Your Online Game: A Positive Review of the Internet Millionaire Digital Membership Area
The digital landscape is brimming with opportunities, but navigating the path to success can be daunting. Enter the Internet Millionaire Digital Membership Area – a comprehensive platform designed to equip you with the knowledge and tools needed to thrive in the ever-evolving world of online business.
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Whether you're a complete beginner or a seasoned entrepreneur looking to refine your strategies, Internet Millionaire offers a wealth of resources to propel you forward. Here's why I wholeheartedly recommend this membership:
Expert Insights and Mentorship:
One of the biggest strengths of Internet Millionaire is the access you gain to industry experts and successful online entrepreneurs. Forget generic, theoretical advice. Here, you'll learn from those who have "walked the walk" and built thriving online ventures. Through exclusive training modules, live webinars, and insightful interviews, you'll gain invaluable knowledge and practical strategies that you can implement right away.
Actionable Content, Not Just Theory:
The membership area doesn't overwhelm you with theory. The focus is firmly on providing actionable steps and proven techniques. From in-depth tutorials on e-commerce strategies to mastering the art of affiliate marketing, the content is well-structured, easy to follow, and designed to get results.
Continuous Learning and Support:
The digital world is constantly evolving, and Internet Millionaire recognizes that. The membership offers ongoing support and access to fresh content. Regularly updated modules and webinars ensure you stay ahead of the curve and learn the latest trends and tactics. Additionally, the supportive community fosters a collaborative environment where you can connect with like-minded individuals, share experiences, and get valuable feedback.
A User-Friendly Platform:
Gone are the days of struggling with clunky interfaces. The Internet Millionaire membership area boasts a user-friendly platform that allows for easy navigation and access to all the resources. Whether you're on your desktop or mobile device, you can seamlessly access the content and learning materials at your convenience.
Investing in Yourself:
An investment in the Internet Millionaire membership area is an investment in yourself and your online future. The knowledge and skills you gain here can empower you to build a sustainable online business, achieve your financial goals, and unlock the true potential of the digital world.
Is it a Magic Bullet?
While Internet Millionaire provides exceptional resources and guidance, it's important to remember that success online requires dedication, effort, and consistent implementation of the strategies you learn. However, with the comprehensive roadmap and expert support offered by this membership, you'll be well-equipped to navigate the online world with confidence and take your entrepreneurial journey to the next level.
In conclusion, the Internet Millionaire Digital Membership Area is an excellent resource for anyone serious about achieving online success. With its expert guidance, actionable content, supportive community, and user-friendly platform, it empowers you to take control of your digital future and turn your online aspirations into reality.
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greatdevourer1231954 · 2 months
Ingenuity and creativity.
Two words that can best describe dwarves and their ability to forge the most incredible structures, weapons and artifacts in the Nine Realms.
Who are they
In Norse Mythology, a Dwarf is a human-shaped entity that dwells in mountains and in the earth and is variously associated with wisdom, smithing, mining, and crafting. Dwarves are sometimes described as short and ugly, although some scholars have questioned whether this is a later development stemming from comical portrayals of the beings.
In my AU, as much as their appearance resembles that of a person, dwarves have no genetic relationship with humans, in fact they are not even part of the primate family or much less mammals.
In my AU, the dwarves are descendants of a species of arthropod that a long time ago fed on the waste of Ymir and other primordial beings like them.
When Ymir was killed, the ancestors of the dwarves, after eating the flesh of the dead giant, coincidentally ended up absorbing his primordial magic, which quickly made them evolve, gaining reason and a humanoid form.
So in my God of War AU, the appearance of the dwarves, like that of Brok and Sindri is a little more insectoid.
Famed for their architectural skills, renowned blacksmiths and outstanding builders, the Dwarves are very well known for their ingenuity and creativity, by men, elves, giants and even gods, for their indisputable talent for creation.
They also display unparalleled business and financial accumen, meticulously exploiting their virtually unlimited resources in perfect symbiosis with their homeworld, realm of Svartalfheim, which is also known as Niðavellir by them.
The warm and wet environment of Niðavellir as well as its particular geology greatly favored the development of Dwarven infrastructures all around the realm, which in turn facilitated the establishment of numerous workshops and pit mines, from where the Dwarves extracted their high quality ore. Displaying an unparalleled talent in architecture, they built exquisite houses that gradually gave birth to small and reclusive communities. Traditionally associated with smithy and weaponry, Niðavellir is also the richest realm in minerals and natural resources, making it the financial heart of the Norse realms.
 Thanks to their wise management, it is safe to assume that Svartalfheim thrives much better than any other realm.
However… This is far from the truth.
While it is true that Niðavellir thrives and even though the Dwarves are rather unwelcoming and discreet people, unwilling to share the secrets of their realm or mix themselves with the other races, they inevitably caught the attention of the Aesir tribe, who needed high quality weapons and Svartalfheim's mineral resources to ensure their conquest of the Nine Realms. Instead of conquering the Dwarven realm by force, Odin cleverly chose to blackmail them by economical means, thanks to the advices of his best partner in crime, Mimir. Since Svartalfheim was in no position to put up a fight, and that the dwarves had made no alliances with the Trinity Alliance, the Aesir progressively imposed a forced industrialization of the realm by the setting up of mining rigs, harvesting ore for armaments and fat from marine cetaceans for oil, all to Asgard's sole benefit.
The cities and key installations were soon placed under Aesir surveillance, and many alarm systems cleverly installed. More than that, the Dwarves notably offered their skills to build high-tech war machines to help Odin prepare for Ragnarök.
However, because of this, the environmental pollution caused by this campaign of industrialization eventually forced the Dwarves to rely more and more on Asgard in order to get food, slowly but surely strenghtening Odin's hold on the the realm. In order to keep the Dwarves on check and aware that he needed Svartalfheim's support, the All-Father deliberately granted them a privileged treatment compared to the other realms. This cunning policy proved highly successful as even the resistance movements were rather inefficient and quickly dealt with, while monuments to the glory of the All-Father were erected.
One example of such act of resistecne, was the rebellion caused by a dwarf named Durlin and his partners and one of the Aesirs most wanted warrior, Laufey the Just, who tried to lead a coup with the dwarves in an attempt to resist the Aesir. Unfortunately, however, the rebellion turned out to be a failure as the Aesir was able to put it down easily. Durlin had his head burned by Heimdall as punishment while Laufey managed to escape.
 Despite all of that, what was once supposed to be an amicable settlement between the two realms progressively became a firm alliance, a fact acknowledged by both sides.
From what is known, the political and economic bounds between Asgard and Svartalfheim are still very strong to this day, with the Dwarven realm remaining loyal to the Aesir until the very end.
Last but not least, Odin sealed the access to Svartalfheim, jealously keeping the realm's richness for Asgard and allowing nobody to visit it - save for the Aesir and the Dwarves themselves, who were still free to come and go as they pleased.
Magic: Because of their magic, Dwarves are famous across all the Nine Realms as a masterful weapon and armor smiths, marvelous builders, and some were peerless alchemists and scientists.
They are capable of using impossible materials in their works; one example of that was how they could make an indestructible chain out of "a cat's footstep and bird spit". This is due to Dwarven magic being all about the nature of something rather than the form, with some stating that it is about intangible aspects of an object.
In my AU the reason why dwarf are capable of doing that, is that their magic is able to manipulate the atoms of the environment around, in a way they can actually make the atoms do certain things, creating something that seems impossible to make, like the sound of the wind, that creates a spear.
Walk between Realms: Dwarves also possess the unique ability to "walk between realms", being capable of phasing from one realm to another for fast travel. While doing so they remain invisible to non-Dwarves, thus they can avoid conflict and never have the need to use the weapons they make. However, for some reason the Dragons seem to be the only ones who can spot the dwarves while they phase through realms, thus being the Dwarves' only real menace.
In my AU the reason for that, is because dwarves release a unique pheromone, that while other races cannot smell it, dragons are able to, thus allowing to track and find exactly where the dwarf is.
Second pair of arms: Due to their arthropod ancestry, dwarves have a second pair of arms in my AU, although they are smaller and only have three fingers.
Even so, they still have a function, as dwarves use them to hold certain objects with extreme care, inspect or even open them with extreme ease.
Resistance: Dwarves, due to their arthropod structure, are able to withstand the harshest of environments, being able to survive several days without water or even food; they are even capable of consuming certain materials that humans normally could not digest such as wood, metal and many others.
Anatomy: Just like many insects in nature, dwarves have many of their vital organs in their abdomen, or better said in their butt, meaning if a dwarf were stabbed in the chest, he would later be fine.
Pheromone detection: Dwarves have small antennas that capture the smallest of pheromones; this is one of the reasons for them to understand the quality of a weapon or artifact they find around.
Conclusion Even though they don't trust other races much, the dwarves are a fun people to live with and the closest thing you can get to having something of a modern-day civilization.
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tfcfinance · 2 months
Investment Tips: Navigate Your Financial Journey with Confidence
Hey there! Looking to level up your investment game? Here are some insider tips from the pros at TFC Finance to help you steer clear of common pitfalls and make the most of your money. Let's dive in! 💼💰
1. Set Your Sights: Before diving into the investment pool, take a moment to define your financial goals and the timeline for your investments. Whether it's saving for retirement, buying a home, or funding your dream vacation, clarity is key! ⏳💡
2. Spread Your Wings: Don't put all your eggs in one basket! Diversification is your best friend when it comes to investing. Spread your investments across different asset classes like stocks, bonds, real estate, and even cryptocurrencies to reduce risk and optimize returns. 🌟📊
3. Craft Your Plan: Every successful investor needs a game plan. Map out your investment strategy, including your risk tolerance, target returns, and preferred investment vehicles. Having a roadmap will keep you focused and disciplined amidst market fluctuations. 📝🚀
4. Keep Emotions in Check: The stock market can be a rollercoaster of emotions, but don't let fear or greed drive your investment decisions. Stick to your plan, stay rational, and avoid making impulsive moves based on short-term market swings. 🎢😌
5. Knowledge is Power: Invest in yourself by continuously learning about the financial markets, investment strategies, and emerging trends. The more informed you are, the better equipped you'll be to make informed decisions and spot lucrative opportunities. 📚💡
6. Stay Agile: The investment landscape is constantly evolving, so it's crucial to stay nimble. Regularly review and rebalance your investment portfolio to adapt to changing market conditions and keep your financial goals on track. 🔄💼
Remember, investing is a journey, not a destination. With the right mindset, strategy, and a dash of patience, you'll be well on your way to financial success! 🌟💸
Got questions or need personalized advice? Reach out to our team at TFC Finance—we're here to help you navigate your financial journey with confidence. Happy investing! 🚀🌐
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barrybulakites · 2 months
Navigating the Path to Success: A Comprehensive Guide to a Career as a Financial Consultant
In the ever-evolving landscape of finance, the role of a financial consultant has emerged as pivotal. Balancing analytical prowess with an empathetic approach to client needs, financial consultants are the navigators in the complex world of personal and corporate finance. This comprehensive guide delves into the intricacies of pursuing a career as a financial consultant, outlining the steps to success, the skills required, and the impact one can make in this dynamic profession.
The Blueprint to Becoming a Financial Consultant
Educational Foundations
The journey begins with solid educational foundations. A bachelor's degree in finance, economics, business administration, or a related field is typically the minimum requirement. Courses in investments, taxes, estate planning, and risk management provide a strong base. Advanced degrees or certifications, such as a Master's in Business Administration (MBA) or becoming a Certified Financial Planner (CFP), can significantly enhance one's prospects and credibility.
Gaining the Right Experience
Hands-on experience is invaluable. Internships or entry-level positions in banking, insurance, or investment firms offer a practical understanding of financial products, market strategies, and client relations. Experience in customer service roles can also be beneficial, as they develop the interpersonal skills crucial for consulting.
Licensing and Certification
Depending on the services offered, financial consultants may need to obtain specific licenses. For example, selling insurance products requires a license in the relevant state, while offering investment advice might necessitate Series 7 and Series 66 licenses. Pursuing certifications like CFP or Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) not only legitimizes expertise but also signals commitment to professional development.
Essential Skills for a Flourishing Career
Analytical Acumen
At the core of financial consulting is the ability to analyze complex financial data. Consultants must interpret market trends, evaluate investment opportunities, and understand regulatory impacts to provide sound advice.
Communication Mastery
Translating complex financial concepts into understandable advice is an art. Practical communication skills ensure that clients are informed and comfortable with their financial decisions.
Ethical Integrity
Trust is the cornerstone of a financial consultant-client relationship. Upholding high ethical standards and transparency is essential for building and maintaining this trust.
The financial landscape is continuously changing. Successful consultants stay abreast of new regulations, products, and market dynamics. They adapt their strategies to serve their client's evolving needs best.
The Impact of a Financial Consultant
Financial consultants make a significant impact on their client's lives and financial health. They guide individuals through life's financial milestones—be it saving for education, planning for retirement, or managing wealth. For businesses, consultants can optimize financial performance through strategic planning and risk management.
Navigating Challenges
Like any career, financial consulting comes with its challenges. Economic downturns, market volatility, and evolving financial regulations can test a consultant's resilience and adaptability. Building a client base takes time and requires consistent effort in networking and reputation management.
The Road Ahead
The demand for financial consultants is expected to grow as individuals and businesses navigate the complexities of finance in an uncertain world. Embracing technology, staying informed about global economic trends, and prioritizing continuous learning are keys to a prosperous career in financial consulting.
A career as a financial consultant offers a blend of analytical challenge and personal satisfaction. By guiding clients towards financial security and prosperity, consultants play a crucial role in the economic landscape. The path to becoming a successful financial consultant involves a commitment to education, ethical practice, and a deep understanding of financial markets. With the right skills and dedication, the journey can be both rewarding and impactful.
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