fishrpg · 15 days
Coming This May On FishRPG...
Yeah, buddy, we gonna have PIRATES! And the PDF of Sundered Isles just came out, so I'm gonna be using those sweet random tables in conjunction with my own creations to make cool things happen. Since the big draw of generators in Sundered Isles is creating islands for exploring, I've created the outline of a big sea and left some blank spaces for my islands.
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fishdreams · 4 months
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Dream Journal 2024-01-04: A New Cereal Appears!
This one is short and to the point: Kellogg's made a new spinoff cereal for Corn Flakes. It was just regular corn flakes that were crushed into a powder and then baked until they turned brown.
And Kellogg's called it Corn Dirt.
Image credit is Kellogg's because of their product art, but I'm not linking to their website because I'm a heathen who likes the cheaper store brands.
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fishdavidson · 5 months
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2023 State of the Mackerel
Hello fine internet people! The blog portion of my main account has been dormant for quite some time, and I've been wanting to put something here to give the few people who are following me an update. I've also wanted to change a few things on here, so with the end of the year upon us, I wanted to put forward something to help provide some clarity about the blog's past, present, and future.
The Past: Noteworthy Life Events
Since my last official post on here on August of 2021, obviously at least a few notable things have happened in the intervening two years. Here is a quick rundown of the highlights, presented as fake headlines:
Fish Davidson gets over by a minivan and yells swear words
"Guess I'll go back to school," says local internet weirdo
Studies indicate minor promotion at work leads to corresponding minor improvements in life satisfaction
Combining a bunch of words, Fish Davidson writes a book
Yep, tabletop gaming is a thing and it's not going away
Fish Davidson learns to make two sounds at once
Okay, so now that I've hopefully piqued your interest, here's a little bit more detail about each of those items. In November of 2021, I was walking across the street at a crosswalk and was hit by a minivan. The driver wasn't going very fast, but it was enough to break three bones (including my tailbone) and put me on crutches for a while and I needed special orthopedic pillows for my butt for about 18 months. I'm mostly back to normal now, but it was a long road.
The next big thing was that I went back to grad school in an online program. I've been a student for about a year now, and I'm about halfway through the program. Whatever intermittent dreams I would have and wanted to write about have been shoved aside to make time for the seemingly endless papers of graduate work. It's stressful, but I'm glad to be back in school.
Part of the reason for going back to school is because I got a minor promotion at work. Predictably, it came with more responsibilities, but it also came with a little bit more money. I'm going back to school to learn more about things that are related to my job, but also to leverage it into another potential pay raise.
Now we get to the personal creative pursuits of the recent past. I wrote a novel called Power Frank about a superhero whose only power is that he can open any jar. And he has to leverage that power to both overcome family dysfunction and save his desert hometown from being destroyed by malevolent hogs. I'm starting the querying process for agents and hope to have it published eventually!
I also finished up my multi-year Dungeons and Dragons campaign, Shits and Giggles that ran from level 1 to level 20. Several smaller (much smaller) campaigns happened after that. Then Wizards of the Coast did some stupid stuff with their Open Gaming License, and now I've redirected the bulk of my gaming money to provide support for smaller independent creators and lesser known systems. I've really gotten into several OSR systems like Shadowdark, Basic Fantasy, and (if you count these as OSR) Cairn and Knave. Other non-fantasy systems that I'm currently really digging into are Orbital Blues and Mothership. Granted, I don't currently run those games for people yet, but I do like reading the books and seeing different approaches to solving certain mechanical problems. I've also been creating a bunch of random tables for things.
The last important creative pursuit is that of Tuvan throat singing. Tuva is a region in the geographic center of Asia that is known for a style of singing that allows the singer to produce multiple notes simultaneously. I've been fascinated by it for decades and tried off and on to learn it, but this summer I finally made progress and am finally learning how to do it. It takes a lot of practice and making weird sounds, much to the chagrin of my (very patient and supportive) wife.
The Present and Future: Lumped Together For Expediency
I want to write a dream journal and that's what this blog was primarily conceived for. Unfortunately, my dream output has been incredibly fickle and the other demands on my time (professional and academic) make it difficult to report or even remember dreams. Does that mean I'm closing up this blog? Nope! I'm still on tumblr almost every day. But if I'm not able to reliably post dreams on here, what should happen to this blog?
That's the question I've been wrestling with for the past few months. What should I do? Since fishdavidson is my primary blog and I can't easily swap over to a new primary blog to archive my content, I've decided to pivot a little bit. Even outside of tumblr, I use Fish Davidson as my basically my brand (obligatory shoutout to the 1-800 contacts commercial).
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So it makes sense to keep using Fish Davidson for personal promotion and creative pursuits. I'm not going to be deleting or moving any of my old posts, but new posts will be relatively rare and limited to mostly things that I create.
However, tumblr lets me create a bajillion different sideblogs for my various interests. I've got several different blogs, all geared toward different interests. Future dream journal entries, if and when they happen, will be published to fishdreams instead of here. Other posts and reblogs will be spread across my various sideblogs. So without further ado, here are
My Various Sideblogs and What They're For
fishdreams - dream journal stuff
fishcrap - various reblogs and anything that I find interesting but outside of the scope of my various side blogs
fishability - for disability awareness stuff
fishrpg - this will be where I post a lot of tabletop RPG stuff. I'm planning on participating in Hexplore24, which is a tiny daily challenge for RPG creation that starts in January.
tuvafish - stuff about throat singing (and maybe even some of my practice sessions) will go here as I find stuff to post (currently empty)
brownstonarmy - probably won't be updated, but if you want to read a novel-length account of the entire Shits and Giggles campaign, here you go!
Thank you all for being such cool people on tumblr, have a great holiday season and new year, and I hope we stay friends on here.
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godbroccoli · 1 year
Tag people you want to know better!
Agh thank you @viksalos for tagging me u are like a minor deity I swear. Did not get to it until now as I saw it in a feverish haze.
Last song: uhhh...Chakra pt 4 - Emerald Green by Joel Andrews... it's instrumental harp
Last Show Movie: oh God...my boyfriend made me watch the guardians of the galaxy Christmas special it was truly awful
Currently Watching: um...Fundie Fridays YouTube videos? I'm not a TV guy
Currently Reading: A Column of Fire by Ken Follet. Historical fiction. Not the best, not the worst. Just too hetero for my tastes...
Current Obsession: Um...casseroles.
I'm gonna tag some ppl I already know pretty well and some I don't so.... @gutterpunktrash @fishdavidson @carameld-light @cockwrangler @esquizoanalise @sacrificialroses @thoreau-ly
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brownstonearmy · 3 years
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Infernal General Summoning Cards
Gifted to the party by the Lord of the Nine Hells himself, each of these cards allows a single Infernal General to be summoned to aid the party. Each card bears a different image, indicating who it will summon.
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This is less of a direct adventure request, but do you have any advice about running mass combat (like >100 monsters) for high level players while still balancing speedy actions and keeping the tension on the players?
Alright, not to sound glib but... don’t?
I understand the desire to have battles against overwhelming numbers of foes, but the baseline d&d combat is already grindy as hell and unless you’re at the top of your DM game its hard to run large numbers of enemies without turning it into a complete slogfest. I’ve had experience with this on both sides of the screen and let me tell you nothing puts you off “mass combat” like the DM deciding that 200 zombies are actually a really good idea for an encounter and the party then sitting down for 4+ hours of slow erosion against foes that are literally interchangeable. 
The best encounters are ones that have interesting mechanics that the party explores as the rounds progress, and ones that are tied in with foes the party has some relationship with. 
If you DO want to beef up the numbers of enemies in a regular encounter without slowing down the game: 
Create mobs by using level appropriate stats for opponents, making them take up more space and give them a swarm attack to simulate getting ganged up on by a bunch of mooks. That way in the battle with the goblin king, you can simulate the fighter getting dogpiled by 20 goblins without having to add 20 more steps to the initiative order. 
Be sure to intersperse these mob opponents with normal, sttated out baddies, as chopping through mobs gets boring sometimes and people like to choose targets tactfully. 
If epic, LOTR style battles are what you’re after:
Try searching for mass battle rules online until you find something you like. 
Matt Coville has some well thought out ideas on the subject,  
As do the folks at legendary games
Worse comes to worse, find a simple army skirmish game and run that as a warfare minigame in your own campaign. 
If you want my quick and dirty solution to playing out warfare: 
Have the uints on the battlefield represented by the stats of one NPC, so a group of knights is represented by a single knight, a group of scouts by a single ranger, etc. Make the battlemap a larger scale than you normally would. ( 50ft rather than 5ft) and just run combat like you normally would, but with these simplified characters. 
Hell, if you really wanted to make it a campaign subsystem, represent better supplying and equipping your troops by “ leveling up” your npcs, and give your party knowledge of just what their mustered forces are like.  
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littleladymab · 4 years
@fishdavidson replied to your post: Hey, repost with how obscure your music taste is...
Holy crap, I got an obscurity rating of 100% and a score of 91. MUSIC SNOB STATUS CONFIRMED.
holy SHIT my dude asdflkj congrats CONFIRMED HIPSTER
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dungeonsandkobolds · 5 years
Hey, fellow DM here who wanted to elaborate on the post a few days ago where another DM asked for advice about giving out goofy magic items. This is something that I do for my campaign and my players really like it. I've made a wild magic surge table with several hundred potential effects and triggers, then I roll a few random minor items (usually common ones from XGE) and give the item the extra effect. One player has a rod of angling that spawns hammer pants when used, and the party loves it.
This sounds absolutely awesome (and efficient wow some of y’all are real organised)!!!!!
Posting for inspiration and future reference for myself lmao
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theparadoxmachine · 5 years
fishdavidson replied to your post: Are you shitting me with this?
Ughhhh. It really sucks and I’m still processing it. 
My brother called tonight. I figured it was about my belated birthday plans, and yeah we talked about that, but his first words were “I have bad news.” 
My least favorite phrase.
Our uncle is in hospice with some serious health problems from which he is not expected to recover. Because of my own health issues and car trouble, it’s unlikely I’ll be able to visit easily. We aren’t terribly close but he’ll text and check in, which most of my other distant relatives don’t bother doing, and I don’t have much family to begin with. He’s not the most lively of people to hang around but I still care about him a lot. He’s had a lot of health problems before so I’m not shocked, but it’s still upsetting. 
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thejazzdesign · 5 years
fishdavidson replied to your post: @ponchohuman
I have a telescoping back scratcher thing that I use to scratch my wife’s back from my desk when we are watching Netflix in the office
That’s #wholesome. :3
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fishrpg · 3 months
Next Month, On FishRPG...
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The mighty Random Table of Genres hath spoken with a natural 20, which means February's theme will be underwater related. And with the change of theme also comes another change:
Now that school has started back for me, I've realized that the level of detail I've been putting into my entries needs more time than I'm able to provide after accounting for all the research and paper writing that grad school entails. While school is in session for future months, I'll scale back a bit and focus on a smaller element each day like an individual encounter or a notable feature instead of doing an entire hex each day.
Thanks for understanding!
Image credit is "Underwater Booty" by Sergey Zabelin.
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fishdreams · 4 months
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Dream Journal 2024-01-26: New Concoctions By Fish Davidson!
It's been a long time since I had a dream-based invention, but before we get to the explanation of this thing, let's talk about the
Dream Fragments
I was eating nachos, but instead of jalapenos to go with my sour cream, cheese, and beans, there were tiny cats. Completely normal (and alive) cats, except each one was no larger than my thumbnail. I thought it was unusual to eat them, but those were the nachos I had at hand and I wasn't going to let them go to waste.
Main Dream: Behind The Scenes Of Nissan's New Commercial
Note: the videos in this post have flashing/strobing effects.
The entirety of this dream was basically an in-depth look at a commercial for a new car by Nissan. The car is not important, and I recall pretty much nothing about the car other than it being a sedan that looked like any other modern sedan, and I think it was red.
What is important is the practical effects the commercial employed for the vaguely sci-fi bits (because cars can't be cutting edge without being from The Future). There was a white room that textured with lines of filaments the thickness of uncooked spaghetti noodles, and inside this room was a pedestal with a circular holographic projector on top that broadcast the headshot view of some alien from outer space who looked like a cross between a dog and a stag.
Instead of using a guy in a costume for the alien, the commercial used a special zoetrope to provide the animation for the alien's speech. The original zoetrope used a sequence of still images arranged in a strip that in turn spun around a cylinder to give the illusion of movement. Here's a video that describes a newer variety of zoetrope (though there is a discussion and example of the original zoetrope at the 1-minute mark of the video).
The variety of zoetrope that the commercial creatives used was a step beyond the ones show in the prior video. Instead of using multiple rotations of the cylinder/platter to show a repeating animation, the commercial used multiple nested platters that could rotate independently of each other and could also rotate in different directions.
You can hopefully understand how the device is constructed by looking at my crudely-drawn diagram in the header image of this post. I drew a dog instead of an alien because it wouldn't look anything like it did in the dream, and most people can intuitively recognize a poorly-drawn dog.
Apparently I was one of the people who worked on the commercial, because I had a lot of access to the props and stuff on the set. I spent a long time playing with the zoetrope, too, which is how I was able to recall its construction.
Each platter contains variations of a different part of the alien's head. The outermost platter contains different positions for the alien's mouth, lips, and tongue. The middle platter contains a smaller number of positions that account for blinking and small movements of the upper/lower eyelid. On the smallest platter is the back part of the head and it controls small movements in the position of the ears.
Because each platter is controlled by motors that can rotate forward or backward, it can play play an animation of effectively unlimited duration as long as you can move the platters into position quickly (and precisely) enough. The "holographic projector" was really this special zoetrope, and it was controlled in such a way that the movement of each platter made it look like the alien was talking about wanting to purchase the car (though the actual dialog would presumably be added during post-production). It gave the alien a cool stop-motion look when the platters were spinning.
Lastly, the final version of the commercial used Powerman 5000's song, "When Worlds Collide" as its soundtrack. My wife happened to have that song as her alarm when the dream was happening, but it was muffled by the bedsheets and didn't wake me up immediately. Instead, the song just crept seamlessly into the dream. Below is the official music video for that song, which I'm including because it's a good song and also because I forgot it had sci-fi and aliens in it.
Nissan, if you're reading this, I am willing to license this technology to you. Call me and let's talk.
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fishdavidson · 3 years
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Dream Journal 2021-08-18: Be Careful What You Wish For!
For three people in a dying town on a sweltering summer day, things are about to take a drastic turn. None of them have names that I can recall, though there were two men and a woman, and all appeared to be somewhere in their early twenties. The guy who kick starts the plot into gear is living in a house with a broken air conditioner and an overgrown driveway. His next door neighbor has an old limousine resting on cinderblocks in the yard, and the house across the street is little more than a pile of rotten rubble.
Anyway, this guy’s changing his car’s oil in his overgrown driveway when he wishes that he could leave this horrid town. This minor declaration of fantasy is enough to summon some sort of wish-granting entity into existence. Whatever the thing was, I’m not entirely certain: devil, genie, or fairy are all possibilities because I could never look directly at it because it was made of bright light.
One thing that I new for certain about this wish-giver was that it was risky to deal with. Sure, the wishes would come true, but there would always be a caveat. To offset this somewhat, the wish-giver offered four wishes instead of the usual three.
The first wish had a bunch of extra conditions on it so you could really only use it to determine that the wish-giver was actually capable of granting wishes. Our guy uses his preliminary wish to get his oil changed and BAM! Oil is magically changed and guy realizes he’s got an opportunity on his hands.
He does what I imagine nearly anyone else in his situation would do and call his two closest friends to come check out the situation and potentially share the wishable riches. The friends come over and they spend a wish or two on slightly more extravagant things. Exactly what they wished for isn’t important, but the three of them did learn about the need for careful wording lest you get unfavorable results.
Eventually the group decides on their final wish and it’s some long monstrosity of clauses that are very narrowly-defined to avoid obvious pitfalls. They want to live a lot longer and they define how exactly how strong they’ll be and how high they’ll jump and how much money they’ll have, among other things.
The wish gets granted and we get to see it play out... Including how it goes tragically, tragically wrong. Everything starts fine enough, though. The trio can now lift heavy things and jump several meters into the air. They become celebrity basketball players with fat contracts and leave the town on international tours.
Because such care was taken in specifying exactly how strong and wealthy the trio was, it seems like everything is good. But they neglected to include provisions that would keep them on top of the world’s stage. Soon the other athletes of the world began growing in strength and dexterity.
A few years after the last wish was finalized, everyone in the world is now stronger and can jump higher than these three. Plus there was a big round of hyperinflation, so those fat contracts weren’t worth much now. The dream ends with the trio being decades in the future but in the same metaphorical trap they found themselves in before the wishes were granted: stuck in a dying town, broke, and now everyone in the world is more athletic than they are.
Only this time, they don’t have any more wishes to fix their problem.
“Deal With The Devil” artwork by Steven Rhodes
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fishcrap · 7 years
I was tagged by @wildblueyoshi and @unichrome to do this, and although I don’t normally do stuff like this, there have been high-stakes negotiations involved and I am consenting to do this in order to promote international diplomacy. Also I’m doing this on my side blog, so if you don’t know who the heck Fishcrap is, that’s because this is a sub-blog of @fishdavidson
1) Name/nickname: Fish

2) Gender: XY

3) Star sign: Pisces (HENCE THE FISH)

4) Height: Acceptable

5) Hogwarts House: Ravenclaw

6) Favorite animal: Atlantic Mackerel

7) Hours of sleep:  7

8) Dogs or cats: Yes.

9) Number of blankets: I have a general purpose blanket, but I have a whole bunch that I never use in various closets about my home. Am I supposed to count all of those blankets? What sort of stupid question is this? I feel personally attacked right now.

10) Dream trip: Every night. (It’s funny because I run a tumblr about dreams and I take a trip to dreamland nearly every night! I know this joke is terrible, please don’t unfollow me)

11) Dream job: Anything that will let me create weird and whimsical stuff for the hell of it.

12) Time: I have 27 hours of crap to do, and only 15 to do it in.

13) Birthday: <REDACTED>

14) Favorite Bands: Clutch, Pine Box Boys, Los Whitos, Saor Patrol, Alestorm, 16Volt, AC/DC

15) Favorite Solo Artists:  Moby, Enya, Nine Inch Nails, Joe Satriani, Blues Saraceno

16) Song Stuck In My Head: ”Late At Night (Tomcraft Remix)” by Futureshock

17) Last Movie I Watched: Bad Words

18) Last Show I Watched: Cleverman

19) When Did I Create My Blog: December 20, 2013

20) What Do I Post/Reblog: @fishdavidson posts about dreams, while @fishcrap reblogs all sorts of bizarre and funny stuff.

21) Last Thing I Googled: Credit information for a particular image via reverse image search

22) Other Blogs: I have many. No, they will not be listed here, because they are hyper local.

23) Do I Get Asks: Very rarely

24) Why I Choose My URL: Because Fish Davidson is the best nickname, and therefore, it must also be the best tumblr name.

25) Following: 256 (YEAH, NERD NUMBERS!)

26) Followers: 240ish depending on how many bots got banned today.

27) Lucky Number: 3

28) Favorite Instrument: I love some throat singing, but if you have to pigeonhole an answer that involves something you can hold in your hands, I’d probably go with either dobro or sitar

29) What Am I Wearing: Hoodie and shorts

30) Favorite Food: Turkey and wild rice soup

31) Nationality: I am from the loudest country you can imagine.

32) Favorite Song: "Talderoy” by Pirates Charles

33) Last Book Read: Transmetropolitan, if trade paperbacks of comics count, or the strategy guide for Earthbound. Otherwise probably some random home improvement book about plumbing.

34) Top Three Fictional Universes I’d Like To Join: Parallels, The Magicians, Sanjay and Craig
Some of the people I would like to see do this survey are:
@gramizar @4rd3n7 @cornerof5thandvermouth @weirdellis @shantallandbooks @vaguemanifesto (even though I know you’ve already done it)
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brownstonearmy · 2 years
A Behind The Scenes Look At The Construction Of The ‘Shits And Giggles’ Campaign
There was a lot of content to plan and create for the Shits and Giggles campaign, and I thought it might be fun for you to see some of the original plans that I came up with at the very beginning. My initial skeleton outline of the whole campaign was printed out before the start of the campaign in earnest, and I periodically annotated the outline as the campaign progressed. I kept using that same packet of papers for the entirety of the campaign (which was about three years, if I remember correctly), so there are lots of little notes on there.
Surprisingly, most of the broad strokes of the campaign came to pass as they were originally planned! Some characters ended up with different names, and some events got pushed around to occur earlier or later, but I tried to leave enough space in the outline so that the granular bits of the actual adventures would have room for proper shenanigans. My beloved players did not disappoint, but if you’ve read the adventure logs for this campaign, you already know that! :)
Anyway, as I was packing up all of my old notes to make room for the next campaign, I scanned in that skeleton outline for everyone to peek at my process. Check them out after the jump!
Note: The notes are scanned in order, but the first two sheets have stuff written on the back of the pages which is why it looks kinda weird. None of the other sheets had stuff on the back, though.
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littleladymab · 4 years
@fishdavidson replied to your post: oh my god maybe i can finally run a game of tomb...
Hello, fellow internet person! If you are interested in running a game with random people, I can volunteer my services as a player (depending on the time commitments, that is)
hello!!! I'll know better once this week progresses and we figure out what the schedule will be come april (finance + hospitality = still have work to be done, just not a lot) but i'll keep you updated!!!! I'll throw an ask your way when things start clearing up :)
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