#frames and lens
erin-gilberts · 1 year
I have a firm belief that the only way Yellowjackets can end is with the death of each of the remaining survivors and [redacted] was just the first (second, really) of what will be all of them in time. "The wilderness" will reclaim them one by one because they weren't supposed to leave. But also they will be swallowed up by their own darkness in their refusal to acknowledge it and that will be the great tragedy of it. All of their deaths will be preventable, but inevitable in light of the cycles they keep on repeating.
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rileyclaw · 2 years
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i just think the idea that optometry in the boiling isles is magic-based is VERY funny
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rrrauschen · 25 days
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Len Lye, {1957} Rhythm
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westwing19 · 1 year
Do you think Kirby has drawn meta knight and his crew before. Just asking
Yeah I'd think so, he's a regular artist!
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They'd get the fanciest frame they could find and hang his work in the middle of their executive meeting room.
(just the doodle below the cut)
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(courtesy of: my left hand)
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smalltimidbean · 4 months
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I was drawing something else, and I had a Realisation
Pep can't wear glasses - At least not properly, one of him eyes is too high up!!!
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kenobihater · 24 days
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1917 - dir. sam mendes / mental cases - wilfred owen
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unhinged-snake-jaw · 7 months
patroclus in tsoa:
oh... i accidentally killed sarpedon??? i'm not built for violence, really. that's achilles. i guess he's always protecting me... i love him, i can't make myself argue with him— i'm so in love with him i don't know to be angry at him. ever.
patroclus in the iliad:
*invents gamer's rage by killing clysonysmus*
{kill count: so high that homer's just listing names at one point}
*kills sarpedon and then KILLS ANYBODY WHO TRIES TO TAKE HIS BODY* (the dead man's father ended up intervening i believe)
"hey patroclus... you're crying like a girl what's wrong??" "what's wrong? what's wrong??? what's wrong is yOU MOTHERFU—"
*knocks hector's charioteer onto the floor with a stone that fucking kills him* 10/10 my guy that was a perfect dive!! trojans seem awfully good at diving out of their chariots, don't you think??
"on my own? i would have killed TWENTY hectors, and you know that."
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grendelsmilf · 19 days
okay while we��re at it, i’ve seen ppl clown on kabru for being all “they seem to be very good friends” about falin and marcille, but like, he’s not wrong? they are childhood friends first and foremost. beyond being dungeon dykes who take sexually charged baths together, their relationship is very much defined by their history together as inseparable schoolmates and that formative bond that unites them in a way that defines and also sort of complicates the romantic and sexual aspects of their relationship. like, i definitely do think those elements are present, don’t get me wrong, but i also think that a lot of their closeness, the intimacy and comfort and protectiveness and possessiveness they display around each other, is also largely a product of the fact that they were extremely close during a very formative period of their lives, and that kind of formative intimacy never really goes away, especially between young girls. and that adds a really fascinating layer to their relationship, i think, so it’s sad that people dismiss it in favor of being like “i love lesbians” because i, too, love lesbians (naturally), but i love them, specifically, because they’re interesting.
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biracy · 8 months
I said I wasn't going to discourse abt this and I know it's an old topic but oops here I am lol. I cannot help but notice that the Groundbreaking Revolutionary 5D Gender Chess! or whatever thing is only ever applied to gnc cis people, most often gnc cis (white, skinny) men who "pass" as women, never to gnc trans people. I am a trans guything who "looks like a girl." I have long hair and breasts and I don't dress Particularly "feminine" most of the time, but I do wear a lot of "women's clothes" (I wear jeans that fit, I'm basically a Barbie doll) and I'm not on hormones. Some of this is my choice, some of it is not, but that's besides the point lol. Never in my life have I seen me or anyone remotely like me praised for Doing Epic Groundbreaking Incomprehensible Gender That Confuses The Conservatives or whatever, we're called stupid little girls or something. I have never in my life seen a butch/otherwise "masculine" trans woman be praised for Doing Epic Groundbreaking Incomprehensible Gender That Confuses The Conservatives. With someone like f1nnster, there is an assumed "discrepancy" or "contradiction" between his gender presentation and his (assumed) genitals, assigned sex, etc., that even a lot of self-avowed Trans Allies do not apply to trans people of similar presentation. To a looooot of people, a very feminine trans man is not "a man who looks like a girl", he's just a girl, and a very masculine trans woman is not "a girl who looks like a man", she's just a man. People really like throwing around the term "gender essentialist" in this discourse, but it's usually not lobbed at the correct people in my opinion lol
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tomfowlery · 1 year
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I am VERY honored to say I was able to acquire a traditional pencil frame for Green Eggs and Ham: The Second Serving, animated by none other than John Pomeroy (Milo from Atlantis, The Secret of Nimh, and more).
Bonus: closeups!
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reputayswift · 11 months
scenes that were lit with the sole purpose of annoying literati editors:
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of-two-lands · 1 month
44°58'23.5"N 6°03'54.8"E
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guard-en · 3 months
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everyone's favorite vocal synth Sunhat Micheal (featuring thing☝️ and thing ✌️)
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hi have a meme I redrew with Len
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doodliver · 3 months
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Rin🍊✨ (wipp)
She's a fragment from the last animation I'm making for a course :0, after I finish it I will start one about environmental concept art, the ko-fi subs are making it possible, thank you! c:
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kitsune-kaos · 2 years
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New glasses came in!!! ✨🥸💕
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