#from october 7th
snowe-zolynn-rogers · 4 months
Solar: KC, please stop flirting with the kitchen appliances. You are not going to find love in a toaster oven.
Kill Code Moon, drunk as hell: NO!
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wanderrnest · 7 months
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This is 74 year old Canadian Israeli Peace activist Vivian Silver.
Silver dedicated her life to promoting peace. she co-founded Women Wage Peace, an interfaith grassroots organization, and was a board member of the human rights organization "Bzelem". she volunteered in "On the Way to Recovery," accompanying cancer patients from the Gaza Strip to hospitals in Israel. she was co-CEO at Ajik - an Arab-Jewish organization working since 2000 to support Bedouin society in the Negev and promote shared life for Arabs and Jews throughout the country.
When asked about her aspirations for the future of her grandchildren, she said, "May they have Arab friends, Palestinians. May they not be afraid."
On October 4th 2023, Silver helped to organize a peace rally in Jerusalem which attracted 1,500 Israeli and Palestinian women.
The last connection with her was on the morning of october 7th, when she hid in a closet and texted her son. she wrote "well, the terrorists are in my house". he wrote "i'm on your side". "i feel you" she answered.
She was believed to be kidnapped, but today, 38 days later, her body was identified.
May this kind soul rest in peace. The mind can't comprehend that this was her fate. Thank you for everything you did. May we will get to witness something of your aspirations come true in our lifetime.
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fallahifag · 7 months
glory to the resistance
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humanbeanvitaminsea · 2 months
Finally someone writes an honest article. Thank you. Because the only "genocide" that took place was perpetrated by:
Hamas, Palestinian Islamic Jihad, Popular Resistance Committees, Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine, Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigade (Fatah's military wing), Palestinian Freedom Movement and Palestinian Mujahedeen Movement, (Let's admit the word ANTISEMITISM is convenienty now missing from Wikipedia pages about these TERRORISTS; in fact Wikipedia seems to be being constantly edited by antisemites.)
-against the general Israeli population, on October 7th.
My head is hurting. It's a little relief to finally read an article by a journalist who isn't full of hatred against Israel, who is unafraid to challenge the grotesque narrative which blames Jews for antisemitism, and Israel for all the world's problems.
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chaiaurchaandni · 3 months
im sure by now youve all seen the video of israel using drones to hunt and kill four Palestinian young men who were walking through their destroyed neighborhood. just in case you believe that israel somehow unlocked a new level of barbarity in this genocide, i want you to know that israeli terrorists have already done something similar to Palestinian children in 2014. a decade ago.
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The 4 boys who were playing on the beach in Gaza back in 2014.
They were killed by ISR missile. They were playing near an empty shipping container, one of the boys went inside it, he was killed first. As the others tried to flee, they were targeted and hit. Other boys were injured. The four boys that were murdered were between the ages of 9-12.
ISR claimed it was a mistake, evidence, and many witnesses contradict this. ISR doesn't make mistakes. It has always targeted Palestinian civilians.
What we are witnessing is not new. ISR is a terror state, and it needs to be held accountable.
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rainingmbappe · 1 month
I hate then people say "you don't have to be so aggressive or overtly emotional about this" eveytime I start debating zionists. Cause listen, I can have cordial arguments about a lot of things but unfortunately a genocide is not one of them. I will lose my shit and and you can fuck right off
Literally a week ago I had the weirdest conversation of my life where an older man was telling me about how feminism has ruined our world and how women shouldn't be in places of power and should bear children. I made it out that conversation without blood on my hands guys, pls can I get a round of applause. But oh god save me, when I open my mouth against a zionist. I literally see red and tbh, countering the typical zionist talking points can be my professional career atp
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hikelesbian · 1 month
I have realized today that Jews will only ever be safe in Eretz Israel
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sugas6thtooth · 3 months
I think this is rather important. Palestinians had lives before Oct. 7th; Don't look at their plight and say that's them, look at their life and you will find what truly makes a Palestinian.
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I’ll expand upon it later, but,
If you called October 7th resistance/self defense
You don’t get to cry what’s happening in Gaza is a genocide. 
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snowe-zolynn-rogers · 4 months
Solar: KC, why do you always feel the need to prove that you're manly in every single situation?
Kill Code Moon: If I'm not manly, then what am I?
Moon: A TWINK!
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Posted from the official Israel twitter account
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I love how they remove their history from this video. HAMAS exists because of the constant abuse and control the Government of Israel was enacting against the Palestinian people caused a group of people to adopt more extremist views and terror tactics because that became the only choice and way out of occupation they could see. HAMAS exists because of the Zionist Israeli government and their constant oppression and occupation of Palestinians.
I do want to state that I am in no way trying to excuse HAMAS’s horrific attack on October 7th as well as their previous attacks on the Israeli and Jewish population. I am in no way trying to justify HAMAS’s terrorist tactics and slaughtering of innocent civilians.
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his-heart-hymns · 3 months
America is concerned about the environmental hazards that the chemicals and fertilizers from the sinking of the UK ship by the Houthis may cause.🤡
Aren't these the same mfs who used depleted uranium shells in the Iraq war, causing cancer and birth defects in thousands of babies?And they are still supplying these depleted uranium shells to Ukraine.
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humanbeanvitaminsea · 4 months
What are you achieving when you post extremist, strongly anti Israel, anti Zionist comments and content on social media? What is your purpose? What do you hope to achieve?
You might think your strong, angry opinions are going to "save" or "help" the Palestinian people.
They're really not. They're not going to change anything outside of the circle of people you know in your own daily life.
What you're actually doing is isolating people, causing distress to people who, before you started your hate campaign, felt a little safer around you. Now they're scared of you. Is that what you wanted to achieve?
You want peace in the Middle East? I don't think so. I don't think you give two shits about anyone in the Palestinian territories.
Feels to me like you just care about what other, perhaps more influential haters think about you.
If you did, you'd understand that you don't achieve that by posting hate on Facebook.
Don't you think the Israelis and Palestinians would have made peace already if they could?
You honestly think your hate comments are going to help anyone?
They're not. They just destroy friendships, make people frightened and isolate people.
I think you're too arrogant to stop stirring up more and more hatred in the town where you live.
Stayon your soapbox as long as you want, but be aware that no one likes a bully.
You're hurting people who don't even live in the Middle East. You're hurting people who live in your own town.
You are a bully.
Stop it.
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sliimehag · 4 months
The level of demonization of the Palestinian people that the Israeli media portrays is insane. They literally sound like Borat saying that Jews are shapeshifters. They wanna say "We have explicit video proof of October 7th, but we edited out the baby-beheading and anything too bad, and we're only going to show it to specific communities so that they can spread word of mouth about how Hamas played with Israeli women's tits like footballs" but provide no actual proof of this cartoonishly evil shit? I don't buy it. The IOF killed those people at the Nova music festival.
Free Palestine 🇵🇸
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news4dzhozhar · 2 months
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notaplaceofhonour · 4 months
I’ve been a listener of Behind the Bastards (as well as other Robert Evans podcasts and the leftist podcast network he co-founded with Sophie Lichterman, Cool Zone Media) for years. There have been iffy takes along the way, due to Robert Evans’ over-the-top persona & edgy sense of humor, and I obviously haven’t always agreed on everything on the show, but I found the show entertaining & informative. This last year, however, I’ve been increasingly concerned about BTB and the broader Cool Zone Media ecosystem.
Since 10/7, coverage of I/P on It Could Happen Here (a podcast that started as a series of speculative essays by Robert Evans about what a Second Civil War might look like if it happened, and has since been turned into a daily/weekly show covering topical leftwing topics, hosted by other people on his team) has been iffy at best. I tuned out the second they hosted Sim Kern—someone I was introduced to pre-10/7 as a queer Jewish booktok-er who had some out-there takes but some decent ones but has since pivoted to hardcore promotion of JVP & their talking points. From what I have listened to, ICHH’s coverage of I/P has not been The Worst™️ I’ve seen, but definitely has some serious issues that have pretty heavily shaken my faith in CoolZoneMedia’s judgment regarding the content they produce.
Jason Petty (aka Propaganda), who is a frequent BTB guest, also has a show on the network (Hood Politics), and I’ve had a glowingly positive view of for a while, but he’s said some stuff recently about I/P that rubbed me the wrong way. I know he also recently started a mini-series on Hood Politics about I/P that I haven’t listened to yet (I may not ever; I think I’m at my limit for what I can handle, media diet-wise tbh), which I can’t comment on besides my initial gut feeling of “this gives me pause”.
But what has been the nail in the coffin for me in terms of interest in BTB and the entirety of Cool Zone Media has been this:
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The most fair I can be to this is to acknowledge that Robert Evans stops just short of advocating for copycat suicides, but that is a grotesquely low bar that it physically churns my stomach to entertain as somehow a point in anyone’s favor.
This goes so far beyond irresponsible coverage. This is active lionization of self-harm and suicide. Robert’s “willing to give up their own life” is such a repulsively fucked up way to spin suicide.
Aaron Bushnell did not “give up his life”. He killed himself.
Cut the euphemistic bullshit, using indirect, flowery language to spin a guy fucking drenching himself in gasoline and burning himself to death while calling Jews genocidal colonizers as somehow romantic and commendable.
He killed himself.
He believed fucked up shit disconnected from reality and tried to “protest” it by killing himself—an act of self-harm with no material connection to improving the world in any way. If you’re promoting that as a “principled” act of “moral courage”, there is something severely fucking wrong with you—whether that’s mentally or morally, I do not care.
You are harming people and I want no part in it.
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