#funniest fucked up little shit in the seven seas
areyoudoingthis · 8 months
izzy's clearly still going through it from "can't do the job, someone else will." he hasn't stopped looking like a drowned rat since that happened to him and it's so funny to me!!!!!!!
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elsaellaelys · 11 months
Heyyy what’s up?
Can I make a request for JJ Maybank where Kiara is in love with him and he’s in a relationship with the reader? Kie tries to get JJ away from the reader and all and to make her realize that he is hers the reader sucks him off in the Chateau’s living room with the door open so that everyone else, including Kiara, hears. And then some more smut?
Just a reminder of whom he belongs to
pairing: JJ Maybank x fem!reader
1.085 words
WARNINGS: 18+, sex content.
a/n: Oh my God! I'm so happy my first request is such a good one, I loved it! Hope you enjoy.
It started in the Pogueland.
JJ asked Y/N to come fishing with him, she hesitated, caught up in helping Sarah braid some coconut tree leaves, then Kiara gladly accept something that wasn't offered to her. JJ went to fish, leaving his girlfriend with a kiss on the cheek, they came back some time later happy with a Manta Ray, Kiara hugged JJ for too long and Y/N found it weird, wasn't Kiara the type of affective neglectful person?
She noticed the girl's long looks to her blonde boy, her boy, always finding a reason to walk alone in the beach with him, flipping Y/N out of any conversation, creating internal jokes that she didn't wanted to explain. Of course when they all were  around the fire JJ would instinctively sitted next to his girl, putting a arm around her, smelling the sea in her hair, Y/N couldn't hold herself from kissing him deeply every time she caught Kie staring, fidgeting his shark tooth necklace, hands running down his abs, holding tight the waist of his shorts, just to make sure she knew who he belonged to.
That wasn't enough to keep her away though, especially when they were back to OBX.
This night the pogues decided to have a little bit of peace in the hot tub, the seven of them trying to fit together, Y/N staying in her boyfriend's lap. He got up to grab more beers, complaining about being the one to do it, Kiara squeezed Y/N into Cleo's side, JJ came back, setted the beers in the ice bucket, looked around the tub and took the free place beside Kiara without saying a thing. The water was hot in her legs, but JJ was the one keeping her shoulders warm with his arms, her jaw clenched lightly. Talk floated in the time, Y/N didn't felt like participating though, cause her boyfriend was in the funniest flirty conversation with their friend, the ultimate limit was when Kiara leaned on his shoulder, hands rounding his arms, holding a little too tight, and Y/N had enough. Brutally getting off the hot tub she stood behind JJ pocking his shoulder, he untangled himself from Kiara to turn around.
"Are you busy?" she questioned and with clear exasperation in her ton completed. "It seems like you are."
JJ furrowed his eyebrows confused. "No, I'm not. What you're talking about?"
"Can you come inside with me?"
The silence was screaming between the friends as he got up and followed her, they were probably going to say something like "He's fucked." or "Dead ass." if Kiara wasn't the reason and if she wasn't right there watching Y/N walk JJ like a little dog.
The couple were inside the Chateau, but their talk could be plainly heard trought the open door.
"What the fuck was that?" Y/N asked shoving his shoulder.
"That what?"
"You! And Kiara! Fucking cuddling in the fucking tub!"
"We weren't cuddling!"
"I'm fucking full of this shit! Kiara is being all over you since the Pogueland and you're pretending nothing is wrong! She tasted John B., Pope and now she's wanting a piece of you. No, better saying, she wants you all for her!"
JJ didn't got time to defend himself cause Y/N was angrily shouting at him cornering he towards the couch. "But she can't..." he tried to say, but she cutted him. "Yes! She can't! Cause you're all mine. Do you want me to show that to you? Because it looks like you need a reminder."
Y/N pushed JJ to the couch, taking his swim shorts down his legs grabing his cock so fast he didn't even realized until she pumping it, bringing it up too quickly cause he was already half turn on by her anger. His eyes fluttered shut when he felt her spit slip down his length, the feel of her tongue running on him making his dick rock hard.
"Fuck Y/N." he whispered.
"I know, moan for me, I want everybody to hear how good I make you feel." Her voice wasn't angry anymore, it was sweet and sexy but dominative, he could just groan in answer.
"Do you like this? Do you want me to put you in my mouth?"
"Yes! Shit! Oh fuck!" he cursed over and over, his tip was now hitting the back of her throat.
"Uhmm... You're so tasty." she pleased as she pulled back. He moan again, loving the amazing blowjob and dirty talk he knew just Y/N could give him.
"You wanna fuck my mouth, baby?" His eyes begged, in ecstasy with the offer, hands going to her hair to hold her mouth in the place, his hips bucking into her, he felt the warmth grow in his balls.
He gave up the sensation as it was starting to feel too much, Y/N notice it, softly stroking his dick, the other hand cupping his balls. "Does it feels too much, baby? Do you wanna cum already?"
"Then beg for it. I might let you cum inside my mouth, and you know I'll swallow."
He almost cummed at the thought of his seed down his pretty girlfriend's throat. "Please Y/N, please, let me cum. I'll be good, I promise."
She smirked with his cock between her lips, JJ loved this view, he sure wanted she to know that he wasn't giving her up for anything in the world.
"Fuck, babe, I'm cumming." he warned, she opened her mouth, tongue hold out, just the way she knew he liked, cumshots landing on it. She sucked his dick one more time before swallowing his cum, trying to milk every drop, he whined out of overstimulation.
"Thought you were going to be good for me, good boys don't whine, J." She said, going up and down with her mouth around him, he cried in pleasure, her hand was bumping him, her tongue swiping and he couldn't hold, falling apart inside her mouth again.
She pulled back, JJ tried to reach her for a kiss but she didn't accepted.
"Lay down, I wanna sit in your face. You're gonna get so pussy drunk that you're going to forget everything but my name."
Outside, Sarah putted her hands over her ears. "Oh my God, can someone please play some music?!" Kiara just wanted to drow in the tub.
"Totally." Pope agreed reaching for his phone looking around for a speaker. "Oh fuck, I think the speaker is inside."
Bonus (because I had to write it):
Imagine the next morning, JJ comes out of the room, hair all messy, looking so satisfied. For the first time he goes for a glass of water instead of his usual beer. "Thirsty?" John B. mockingly asks. JJ just shrugs going to lay on the couch besides Y/N, putting her into his lap. "Not anymore, John B." Y/N answered. "Not anymore."
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supercasey · 4 years
Okay so, I know you got the au where you show certain avatars as parents, but super curious, how do you think the other characters would be as parents? (Aka Tim,Jon, Martian, Sasha, etc.)
Boy howdy, I’m only doing the kids listed in the AU, or else this is gonna be way too long of a post.
Jonathan Sims: Great dad, but he gets overprotective sometimes because he fears his children will end up like he did. Is a lot better with older kids than younger kids. Has never lost a game of “but why” before. In a Jonmartin scenario, he is surprisingly enough considered the more laid back father.
Martin Blackwood: Gets overprotective like Jon, but even more so. Has a hard time letting his children’s younger years go, and ends up a ridiculous amount of their old toys and clothes. Cries whenever his kids have to get injections/shots. Surprisingly good at showing authority when it’s needed.
Tim Stoker: Absolute champion at making his kids laugh after something bad/scary happens. Very laid back parenting methods, to the point that his kids are pretty reckless. Likes to rough-house when his kids are up for it. Loves taking his children on trips, especially for outdoor activities!
Danny Stoker: Calls his parents and brother constantly to ask for advice when the kids are little, but after that he’s fine. Has the funniest reactions to his kids doing stuff. Scrapbooks damn near everything. Takes his kids on yearly camping trips with Tim and his family. King of piggyback rides.
Sasha James: Calm and collected mom that is never phased by anything ever. Best listener in the world. Teaches all of her kids, no matter their gender identity, how to do makeup and tie their hair in different ways. Loves doing art and science projects with the kids. Loathes parent-teacher conferences.
Melanie King: Has never once given into a tantrum, and she never will. Even if it’s a bit embarrassing for her, she’ll still play pretend with her kids. Doesn’t even blink when her kids break shit; it was bound to happen. Can’t keep from laughing when her kids do something stupid. Best hugs.
Julia Montauk: Absolute queen of waking her children up at three AM to go to the grocery store and buy candy/sweets. Longs for snow days more than the kids. Teaches her children how to fight as soon as they’re school age. Invites Trevor over a lot and introduces him as the kids’ granddad (yes, Trevor cried).
Alice “Daisy” Tonner: Literally terrified to be a mom, and gets overprotective when the children are babies. Carries her kids everywhere until her S/O convinces her to let them walk on their own. Gets really aggressive with other parents when their kids are bullying hers. Has a really hard time raising teens.
Basira Hussain: The chillest mom known to man, even chiller than Sasha, but this isn’t always great; tends to under-react to big events. Teaches her kids to read way earlier than most other parents. Never argues with her kids. Also has a hard time with teens because she struggles with their mood-swings. Loves her kids so, so much.
Oliver Banks: Comes off as an incredibly anxious father, but he’s much more level-headed than he looks when it comes to his children. Always knows what’s wrong. Has the best advice. Much less stressed during the baby years since he’s used to not getting a lot of sleep.
Georgie Barker: Has made it to every single event for her kids without fail, and she throws the biggest, most amazing birthday parties ever! Loves goofing around and hanging out with her kids, especially once they’re teens. Hates homework, so she doesn’t bug her kids to do theirs. Low-key sucks at putting her foot down.
Mike Crew: I don’t really see him wanting kids tbh. Wine uncle. Lets the kids jump on the couch and scream as soon as their parents are gone. Sucks at cooking, but can at least make mac and cheese from the box. Refuses to watch kids who are teens, for fear of them pressuring him into letting them drink.
Helen Richardson: Does and says shit that absolutely flabbergasts other parents, but her kids are too accustomed to notice that she’s a bit weird. Best baker in the seven seas; her after school treats are to die for. Queen of multitasking. Better with babies than kids, but either way she’s an amazing mom.
Jane Prentiss: Like Mike, I feel like she’d rather not have kids of her own, but she sure as hell would make for a great aunt/babysitter! Brings her bug collection over and lets the kids look at/hold them as much as they want, so long as they promise to be gentle. Gives them too much sugar.
And I think that’s everyone! Thanks for coming to my Ted Talk, in which Ted can never shut the fuck up.
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aneekapaneeka · 4 years
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big fic rec masterlist here!
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📝 - ongoing series ✔ - finished series 🎯 - bulleted 🎀 - one shot
Anonymous Love by @mortaljin - Pairing: ??? x reader - Genre: fluff, high school au - 🎀  - Summary: One sticky note turns into two, two into four and then four into dozens. Who in their right mind would confess their love for you, anonymously, via sticky-note? Why do your seven best friends have shit-eating grins on their faces?
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Anonymous - by @bloomsuga - Genre: smut, fluff, angst, social media au - ✔ - Summary:  Searching for inspiration, a chart-topping rapper who keeps his identity hidden from the public, going by the stage name RM, stumbles upon you singing in a coffee shop and finds his new muse in your voice. He makes you an offer to collab with one catch: you can’t see his face.
The Rich Man’s Cortchet Club - by @kpopfanfictrash - Genre: smut, humor, college au - 🎀 - Summary:  When they were freshmen in college, Namjoon began a club with his six closest friends. The one thing they all had in common? V i r g i n s as fuck. Obviously, they couldn’t call the club the Virgins Club and so, the Rich Man’s Crochet Club was born. Until time passes and Namjoon is the only one left. Now, the Club has one, final mission: to get Namjoon laid.
Reasons Wretched and Divine - by @hollyhomburg - Genre: fluff, hybrid au, angst, poly - 📝 - Summary: You live on an isolated but sprawling farm with your abusive husband, but things start to change for the better when your husband adopts a retired police dog hybrid named Namjoon
Beauty & The Bookworm - by @jungshookz - Genre: librarian namjoon🤩, bratty reader, reader is rlly dumb in this one, fluff, smUT, angst - 🎀 - Summary: You discover that there are more things to check out at the library besides books. 
far far away - by @lilac-park-jimin - Genre: fluff, college au - ✔ - Summary:  when an accidental text from someone that apparently breaks everything, who’s name is namjoon ends up turning into something bigger than the both of you expected.
live & love - @lysjeon - Genre: fluff, angst, social media au - ✔ - Summary:  namjoon always liked you but for some reason he never thought you would be interested in him. and you are too scared to tell him you like him too.
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Life Is A Whisk - by @readyplayerhobi (you’ll be seeing this gal a lot here) - Genre: fluff, humor - 🎀 - Summary:  You have no problem with Kim Seokjin most of the time, in fact you even consider him to be handsome and funny and he feels the same about you. Until you are both placed into a kitchen, and then it becomes the battlegrounds for World War Three, the Bake-off edition.
forever boy - by @lysjeon - Genre: fluff, angst, social media au - ✔ - Summary:  how annoying can the handsome popular guy get? the answer is: really annoying, specially when you tell him he isn’t that handsome to you.
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Ghosted - by @bloomsuga - Genre: social media au, angst, ghosts, smut, fluff, crack - ✔ - Summary: Your new roommate is everything you could ask for: quiet, never makes messes, a killer dry sense of humor… and oh yeah—he’s dead.
my kind. - by @hobios - Genre: soulmate au, fluff, angst, humor - 🎀 - Summary: “i promise i won’t get enough, think you’re one of my kind.” or, when you make a connection with the handsome guy at the laundromat late one night, you start to wonder if Fate ever makes a mistake when it comes to soulmates.
A Boy Like You - by @cinnaminsvga - Genre: FLUFF, coworker au - 🎀 - Summary: for whenever you are feeling low, always remember that there is a boy you know who would lift the sky for you. {or alternatively: Min Yoongi loves you, though he never says it. He’s always been a firm believer in that actions speak louder than any words ever could.}
Of Fire and Love - by @hollyhomburg - Genre: fantasy au, dragon yoongi, fluff, angst - 📝 - Summary:  When Dragon Yoongi finds baby Jungkook in the wreckage of a house he burned down, he can’t bring himself to kill the child. Months after someone drops a baby at your door, you start to notice something- or someone, lurking at the edge of your farm. Why does the man you catch glimpses of have horns?
Reasons Wretched and Divine - by @hollyhomburg - Genre: fluff, hybrid au, angst, poly - 📝 - Summary: You live on an isolated but sprawling farm with your abusive husband, but things start to change for the better when your husband adopts a retired police dog hybrid named Namjoon 
  The Sugar Wars - by @hollyhomburg - Genre: soulmate au, idol au, fluff - 🎀 - Summary:  Maybe tasting everything his soulmate eats wouldn’t be so bad if Yoongi’s soulmate didn’t have the largest sweet tooth Ever. Maybe you wouldn’t need to sweeten everything if he didn’t drink his coffee so bitter.
basketball captian!yoongi - by @jungshookz - Genre: fluff, smut - 🎀 - Summary: min yoongi - captain of the basketball team. y/n y/l/n - water girl.
chromatic - by @jintobean - Genre: fluff, comedy - 🎀 - Summary: “Fuck, he looks like a sparkly anime boy.”
never judge a cover - by @dulcaet - Genre: fluff, angst, humor - 🎀 - Summary:  never had you thought you would find comfort in the character of min yoongi, resident bad boy.
slytherin to my heart  - by @bangtan-insfired - Genre: fluff, enemies to lovers, hogwarts au - 🎀 - Summary: You hated Min Yoongi. He hated you. But the both of you were about to find out that hate was just a way to mask another passionate emotion.
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Peppermint - @readyplayerhobi
- Genre: fluff, coworker au, angst - ✔ - Summary:  Achieving your dream job is something that very people manage to do, which is why you’re all the more happier when you land a job on the film team at Poppin’ Culture; the biggest pop culture website, blog and YouTube channel around. What you don’t expect however, is to fall for the exceptionally shy and awkward colleague who is not even remotely your type. Or is he?
Night Stalker - by @readyplayerhobi - Genre: action, angst, smut, fluff, vampire hunter hobi is the hottest hobi, violence - 🎀 - Summary:  Vampires are a thing of legend, and yet you find yourself being saved by a self-proclaimed vampire hunter. Only your saviour is half-vampire himself, and struggles with his base instincts. What happens when you get to know him more and feel an attraction you can’t help?
A Universe To You - @readyplayerhobi - Genre: fluff, angst, smut - 🎀   - Summary:  Life for you has always been dull and grey; not only because you grew up on the most over-populated and polluted planet in the galaxy but because you’re colourblind. You’re convinced it’s because you have a soulmate out there, but soulmates are a forgotten concept now that humanity has spread across the stars. What happens then, when you finally escape Earth and discover colour with the touch of a man on a planet in which soulmates are just a tale of myth?
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Wonder - by @smaubts
- Genre: crack, fluff - ✔ - Summary:  In which jimin has a crush on y/n and decides to make it his task to make her fall in love with him, two crackhead personalities unite and make the funniest duo.
Reasons Wretched and Divine - by @hollyhomburg - Genre: fluff, hybrid au, angst, poly - 📝 - Summary: You live on an isolated but sprawling farm with your abusive husband, but things start to change for the better when your husband adopts a retired police dog hybrid named Namjoon
Part Of Your Own World - by @readyplayerhobi - Genre: fluff, angst, merman jiminie - ✔ - Summary:  Jimin has always longed for the wide-open skies of the Above Sea. After saving the life of a beautiful human woman, he seeks to find her and finally live in his dream world. But young mermen should be careful what they wish for.
Insert Quippy Title Here!! - by @readyplayerhobi - Genre: CRACK, deadpool jimin, smut - 🎀 - Summary: There is no synopsis. It’s just you…me…and a real good time sweet cheeks.
Star Light, Star Bright - by @readyplayerhobi - Genre: fluff, angst, single dad jimin, tattoo artist reader, smut - 🎀 - Summary: Life has not gone exactly how Park Jimin imagined, and yet he can’t possibly imagine his life any different to what it is now. After six hard and stressful years, he’s now the happy owner of a degree along with being the proud dad of his little girl. But what happens when he meets you and his life is tipped upside down once more?
The Evolution Of You And I - by @readyplayerhobi - Genre: fluff, angst -  🎀 - Summary: For 15 years, Park Jimin has been in your life in some form. From childhood penpal’s to the closest of friends now, you can’t imagine your life without him even if you’ve never actually met him in person. It doesn’t help that you’ve fallen for him, even across the distance that separates you. But what happens when you finally meet up and you discover he’s been keeping something secret?
Beneath the Water - by @jungshookz (this one is so good, it’s funny asf!) - Genre: fluff, humor, merman jiminie - 🎀 - Summary: Moving to an apartment by the beach just got a whole lot more interesting
Under the Sea - by @bloomsuga - Genre: smut, fluff, humor, merman jimin  - 🎀
sorting hat - by @bangtan-insfired - Genre: fluff, hogwarts au - 🎀 - Summary: You were nervous to delve into the unknown Wizard world, but luckily for you, Jimin was there to help.
expecto patronum - by @bangtan-insfired - Genre: fluff, hogwarts au - 🎀 - Summary: You were the first of your class to perfect the patronus charm & Jimin is curious about the memory you used.  
the howler - by @bangtan-insfired - Genre: fluff, hogwarts au - 🎀 - Summary:  Not being able to take any more of Jimin’s passionate rants about you, the boys decide to take matters in their own hands and send their dear friend a howler.
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Papillion - by @readyplayerhobi - Genre: angst, fluff, pregnant reader, childhood friends - 🎀 - Summary: Kim Taehyung has been a constant presence in your life for the last 25 years. The bestest friend a girl could ever want; he’s been there for you through all the good times and the bad. What happens though when you find yourself pregnant and abandoned? What happens when your best friend steps up in ways you never imagined?
Seven Seas - by @readyplayerhobi - Genre: fluff, smut, atlantis au, angst - 🎀 - Summary: Atlantis is a myth; a hidden city, a sunken island, a missing continent. Only…it’s not a myth. Just hidden out of choice. As the daughter of an Atlantean and a human, you are a halfling that is unwanted by the underwater continent and misunderstood by the surface. But what happens when you finally go to Atlantis and meet an Atlantean who is oddly kind to you?
Sehebon - by @httpjeon - Genre: smut, fluff, angst - 🎀 - Summary: You find yourself on izo huen, home to the sehebon. luckily for you, you’ve arrived at an interesting time.
Apartment 512 - @moononthejoon - Genre: fluff, smut, humor - 🎀 - Summary: After finally finding a decent place to live, you couldn’t believe that you landed next to the loudest neighbour in existance.
Fish Are Friends - by @httpjeon - Genre: fluff, smut, hybrid tae - 🎀 - Summary: After moving to the seaside, there is a dreadful storm. when all is clear, a man washes up on shore…only he isn’t quite human.
Falling in Crayolove - by @jungshookz - Genre: fluff, tiny bit of angst, kindergarten teacher tae - 🎀🎯 - Summary:  Y/n is a very single mom and taehyung is a very single kindergarten teacher. emma knows exactly what she needs to do.  
Stuck With You - by @jungshookz (have you ever heard of the song stuck in love with ryan ross?) - Genre: fluff, smut, ENEMIES  to LOVERS MATE, university au, fratboii tae - 🎀🎯 - Summary: Kim Taehyung becoming your new roommate is definitely up there on the list of the worst things that have ever happened to you. 
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Crinkle - by @worldwidebt7 - Genre: webtoon, hybrid au, fluff! - ✔ - Summary:  You find yourself adopting a lonesome-looking bunny after hearing about him from a friend who recently adopted her own hybrid. The minute you looked at his big doe eyes, it was all over… - Beautifully done artwork, I definitely recommend checking all @worldwidebt7‘s work out!
Crush -by @jungxk - Genre: fluff, smut, amnesia au, husbang guk, comedy, angst - 🎀
Hopping Mad For You - by @readyplayerhobi - Genre: smut, fluff, flatmate jk, hybrid jk - 🎀 - Summary: For two years you’ve lived with your rabbit hybrid roommate, Jungkook. He’s been a model roommate and you’ve found yourself with little complaints. But his behaviour lately has been a little…unusual.
So You Wanna Be The Best - by @readyplayerhobi - Genre: crack, fluff - 🎀 - Summary: Every Pokemon trainer has a rival, and it’s just your luck that you got stuck with your hometown nemesis Jeon Jungkook. As any good rival, he’s determined to beat you to the title of Pokemon Master and he might have a chance at both that and you…if he wasn’t so dang inept.
neighbour!jungkook - by @jungshookz - Genre: fluff, smut - 🎀🎯 - Summary: Cute new apartment and cuter new neighbour.
gymrat!jungkook - by @jungshookz - Genre: fluff, smut - 🎀🎯 - Summary: The gym isn’t half-bad, you suppose.
badboy!jungkook -by @jungshookz - Genre: smut, fluff - 🎀 🎯 - Summary: It’s like he stepped straight out of a fanfiction.
drummer! jungkook - by @jungshookz - Genre: smut, fluff - 🎀 - Summary: ba dum tss
caramel macchiato - by @jungshookz - Genre: FLUFF, barista jk, smut - 🎀 - Summary: one caramel macchiato. one shot of espresso. six ice cubes. ¾ skim milk. ¼ whole milk. no whipped cream. a drizzle of caramel. a squirt of vanilla. and a sprinkle of cinnamon.
Love Letters - by  @jennieluvclub - Genre: fluff, angst - 🎀 - Summary:  You get a crush on a certain poet named Jungkook, while secret messages start appearing in your locker… you’d think that poetry and romance and mystery would go well together, think again…
felix felicis - by @bangtan-insfired - Genre: fluff, hogwarts au - 🎀 - Summary:  Jungkook has a huge crush on you, but is too shy to confess. Luckily for him, his friends make him drink some liquid luck potion that may have been that extra push he needed.
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Paris | Day One
When your parents decide to travel with your best friend’s family that you haven’t talked to in a while, who you have a massive secret crush on, what could go wrong, right? Right?! (best friends to lovers)
*It’s my first series, hope you love it!
*Word Count: 6.3k
*Warnings: cursing, slight angst and Shawnie boy being cute.
*Posted: December 7th, 2019
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Pants? Check! Gloves? Check! Fuzzy socks? Check! Charger? Check! Passport? Check! Phone? Shit! Where’s it again?! Oh, yeah, I’m holding it.
I rolled my eyes to my own stupidity finishing my mental packing checklist. I think I might have everything I needd with me. Well, I’ll only find out whenever I need something from across the ocean and notice that I probably forgot it on top of the sea of clothes that I decided not to pack laying on top of my bed.
I don’t even know why I’m so apprehensive about this whole family trip thing. We always travel together at least once a year, the only difference is that this time, the Mendes’ family would be joining us, which wasn’t the first time as well. I mean, maybe the first time in a few years, but still, nothing that I haven’t been through before. Shawn is not even going to be joining us! I mean, not that I care.
The buzz from my nightstand captured my attention from my thoughts and I stretched as best as I could to reach for my phone without getting up from the soft spot on my bed. I internally rolled my eyes at the photo of my younger sister lighting up the screen.
“Sup, kiddo?”
“I’m not a kid anymore, you know?” She said trying to contain the anger laced on her tone.
“Yeah, sure, whatever you say, kiddo”
“God, sometimes I really hate you”
“Awn, I love you too, Flo, so, why did call the most amazing human being on the whole wide world?”
“Y/N, seriously, you’re so annoying”
“Whatever, but, ‘seriously’” I said mocking her tone, earning a light chuckle from the other side of the line “what can I do for ya?”
“I’m just calling you to check if things are ready, mom’s been driving me crazy” Florence said and I swear to God that I could imagine her rolling her eyes in annoyance, but I could not blame her.
I mean, I love my mom, but she is a general when it comes to traveling, she needs to double check every little thing possible, finding mistakes where you could not even imagine. But after all that stress, you could be 100% sure that nothing would go wrong if she planned everything, because she had a plan “D” for everything. That’s right, a plan “D”.
“Everything’s in the right place, double checked and ready to go” I said between giggles.
“Great, she said you can leave in ten if you want, dad’s just finishing some stuff so that we can go to the airport”
“Kay, I think I’ll just go now, I’m pretty bored anyway”
“Fine, see you in ten”
“See you, kiddo” I said ending the call before she could kill me.
I took a deep breath and got up, closing my huge suitcase, but not before going through the whole mental checklist thing, and with all the strength I had, getting it on the floor. I grabbed my phone and tossed it on my backpack, put my sunglasses on the top of my head and got out of my small apartment. Took a deep breath again to lift my suitcase to put it on my car, and got it, starting it to go to my parents house.
It was weird saying their house, I mean, they bought it, so it’s theirs, but I sort of grew up there and I just recently moved out, so I guess I’m just getting over the fact that I don’t live with them anymore. It’s not like I live that far, it’s just that I decided to move closer to college to make my daily routine easier, so I moved to a small apartment that’s just a seven minute drive to campus, or a twenty minute walk. But it’s not like in a non insane traffic rush it would take me more than 10 minutes to get to their house. And since we moved almost five years ago to Toronto, we got much closer, since we had to readjust and make new social circles in the Big City, so I guess that’s why it’s so weird to me to not be around them the whole time.
After the whole nostalgic thoughts and a few jamming sessions on the car, I entered the building and parked on my spot, typing quickly on my phone saying that I was already there to my sister. She replied almost instantaneously, telling me to wait in the garage and that they were on their way down. So I just sat on the car, waiting for them, scrolling through social media and feeling my heart beat a little faster when I saw a picture Shawn posted on his stories, on a FUCKING airport. That had to be a coincidence. He wasn’t going to Paris with us, he simply couldn’t.
Let me get this story straight. My family and I used to live in a small town in Canada, called Pickering, and we used to be the Mendes’ neighbors. Our parents clicked almost automatically when they moved, because someone took French classes with someone when they were like seven and whatever, you know what I mean. So me and Shawn, Florence and Aaliyah kind of didn’t have an option on not becoming like best friends. Flo and Aaliyah had a similar age, my sister is 17 and Liyah is 16. Shawn is 21 and I’m 20, and since we’re literally at each other’s houses all the time, we automatically became best friends basically since the day we were born. And I wouldn’t want it any other way.
The problem is that Shawn Peter Raul Mendes is the definition of perfection. He’s not just the hottest person to live on earth and probably the whole galaxy, but also the funniest, kindest, most talented and caring human being I’ve ever met. And there’s a bonus, he knew me better than anyone. So it was impossible to not fall for him when I discovered what that is/was. Okay, maybe not fall for him, but I did have a major crush on him growing up, but I never said anything, cause, duh, who would?! I’d never do anything that could make our relationship weird. Even because he never showed any signs telling me he felt something as well.
So yeah, I had to swallow seeing him with other girls, having a heartbreak because of other girls and all that with a smile on my face, like it didn’t feel like having someone pinching my heart every damn time. But what made everything worse was the day I found out we were moving to Toronto when I was like 15. I ran into his house, straight into his room and cried the whole night, and when I told him the reason why, he couldn’t hold it in, so he cried with me. In the end, he helped me pack and promised me that we would still be best friends, no matter where I was moving to, that he would call and text all day, that he would be only a couple miles away, and I believed him. And I can’t say he didn’t keep his promise, at least for the first year.
We would se each other every holiday and text non-stop, but than he started dating some random girl and suddenly, he couldn’t come on the holidays or answer my phone calls. And to avoid another heartbreak, I decided to let it go. It’s not like we don’t talk anymore or don’t see each other in years, it’s just that, it’s not the same as before. But I don’t blame him, this is inevitable, our lives are so different. He’s one year older and he travels a lot, he took a whole year just to wander around the globe with his friends, he’s in music school somewhere and is dating a girl that looks like just got out of a runaway. I’m just someone who finished high school and went straight to college to become a doctor, so my life is quite boring, I study a lot, work an insane amount of hours for a student with my stepfather to gain experience (and that’s it, no money for me), I’m finishing a research and my last fling didn’t go as well as I expected, turned out I was not his only one. So yeah, completely different lives.
He cannot come to this trip and mess with my head that I took many years to get in the right place. He simply can’t.
“Darling?” The voice of my mom reverberated through the whole garage startling the shit out of me.
“Geez, mom, are you trying to kill me or something?” I said jokingly standing up from the seat and going to greet them.
“It’s just a little revenge for every time you scared me”
“Hi, Y/N, where’s your suitcase?” Dad asked me kissing my forehead.
“Hi, dad, it’s in my car”
“Okay, you girls get your stuff on the car and I’ll grab the suitcases, Okay? Karen said they’re already here, waiting for us to go to the boarding area”
“Kay” Flo said getting her backpack and jumping on the backseat of the car. Mom was already on the passenger seat.
“Do you need help, dad?” I said as I watched him get my bag from my car, putting it into his.
“No, sweetheart, I’m done, the rest is already here, thanks”
With that, I just nodded and climbed on the car, that a few moments later was already on the streets of Toronto heading to the airport.
“Oh my God, is that Shawn?!” Flo whisper yelled to me, getting my attention that was on my phone to her. We were close to the check-in desk where our parents where checking-in our luggage.
“Dunno, don’t care”
“Oh, come on, Y/N, he’s your best friend and there’s like ages since you last saw him, it was on summer!”
“Yeah, so? Six months it’s not that much”
“God, you’re so annoying”
“What are you two already arguing about? This is vacation you guys, try to chill a little bit and behave, please” Mom said as they approached “Now let’s find Karen and Manny”
“I think they’re there, love” Dad said pointing towards what Flo said Shawn was, but I just didn’t want to look just yet.
“Oh, yes, that’s them, let’s go!”
“Karen!” Was the first greeting to be heard as we got closer to the them, obviously it came from my mom, cause she was born without the power of being embarrassed.
“Oh my god! You look amazing!”
And than everyone started talking and hugging and all that stuff. I was a little behind, too focused on the level I was on CandyCrush to look up, but when I bumped into a wall I immediately looked up and tried to stabilize myself, but that was just a stupid idea. It wasn’t a wall. His scent was the first thing to make me weak on my knees. But than my eyes met his honey colored ones and that beautiful grin that showed all his perfect aligned teeth. And before I could fall on my butt, his strong hands gripped my waist firmly, steadying my body and keeping me close.
“Sh-Shawn” I sighed practically a whisper “oh, shit, I’m sorry, I didn’t see you” and all I could hear was my heart beating wildly and his melodic chuckle.
“S’okay, honey, still playing CandyCrush?”
“Uh... yeah, yeah, it’s a nice game”
“Yes, it is, God, you look so...”
“Y/N, my dear!” Karen cut her son in the middle of the sentence, making my heart skip a beat. I don’t know if I should thank her or be mad at her “Shawn, can you please let her go, I didn’t see her in a while too”
“Sure” He said, cleaning his throat and letting go of me, scratching the back of his neck. Am I really missing his hands on me?!
“Hi, Karen, how are you?” I said smiling politely before being engulfed in a bear hug.
“I’m extremely happy to be here with you guys, and you? Oh, you must have so much to tell me! You look so good, you get prettier everyday! Are you dating someone new? How college?” She asked too many questions making me dizzy for a second.
“Sweetie, calm down, you’ll be with her for a long time, don’t make her regret coming just now, hey there, Y/N” Manny said giggling, making Karen smack his arm playfully.
“I’m good, college is amazing, too much in such a little time, but still amazing. And thank you?!” I said trying to answer everything.
“That’s really good, dear, but don’t worry, we’ll have time to catch on everything”
“I’m pretty sure we will”
“Liyah! Loved your hair” I said hugging her.
“Oh, thanks!”
As we walked down the aisles to the boarding area, everyone was talking cheerfully to each other, catching on everything they could. I was a little behind in the middle of Flo and Liyah, listening to her new crush when I felt something reaching for my wrist, making me look back, seeing Shawn with a shy smile on his face, so I went a little to the side to walk beside him instead.
“I never greeted you properly”
“I guess you didn’t”
“Hi, Y/N, how are you?” He said reaching his hand out, I grabbed it smiling and you shook them.
“Hi, Mendes, I’m fine, and you?”
“So much better now” he said winking in my direction, making me blush lightly “I can’t believe that I can still make you all flushed that easily”
“Oh, shut up, pink cheeks”
“Oh, drop it, you’re sister’s right, you’re annoying as heck, but I still missed you”
I froze as the words fell off his lips.
“Everything okay, honey?” Shawn asked turning around with concern written all over his face “did I say anything wrong?”
“You stopped out of the blue”
“Oh, I just remembered that I have no idea who I’m sitting with on the flight, ya know?”
“Oh, didn’t know that was a issue, are you still afraid of turbulence? Is that why?”
“Hm, yeah”
“Oh, than you can chill, you’re with me, your parents and mine put us together to catch up”
Great. Just what I needed.
“Oh, that sounds nice”
“So, how’s life?”
“Really? But what about that guy... Roger?”
“Rick? Oh, turned out you were right and he was a dick”
“What did he do?! Did he hurt you?!”
“Well, he did cheat on me, so he kind of hurt me, but not physically”
Shawn mumbled something I couldn’t hear.
“What was that?”
“Hm? Nothing”
“Nothing, honey, I swear” he said looking straight ahead. So I decided to just drop it. He’s just too stubborn.
“So... how’s your life?”
“Mine? Great, I’m moving back to Canada”
“Really? When?”
“Actually, just moved back to Toronto like two days ago”
“I can’t believe it!”
“Me neither” Shawn chuckled “I was supposed to surprise you, don’t know, just show up at your door or college”
“You thought about surprising me?”
“Of course, you’re my best friend, honey”
“‘Oh’? Why do you sound this surprised?
“I don’t know, we just aren’t that close anymore, and we didn’t see each other for like six months, and you didn’t call on my birthday and...” I couldn’t finish because someone was asking for my documents and stuff.
So we went through the whole process and going through the gate, sitting down close to each other on the plane without a word. After what felt like ages, I felt something brushing the sides of my thigh. I look down and it’s Shawn’s knee bouncing. And for now, I just ignored it, knowing he had a lot to say, just wasn’t comfortable enough to do it now. So we got in the plane and sat on our seats, I sat next to the window, and I let him take the aisle due to his gigantic legs.
My headphones were quite loud when I felt the plane starting to move, making my hands grip the seat tighter involuntarily. Before I could start feeling sick to my stomach, I felt a hand covering my knee, giving it a little squeeze. I just breathed in a little deeper and looked at his face, but he was already looking at me. He leaned in, kissing my forehead and letting go of my knee, turning his palm up, so I instantaneously held it, threading my fingers with his.
“It’s okay, princess, you’re fine and I’m here with you, okay?” He said in a calm and low tone near to my ear, making my whole body melt into the seat “do you want me to do anything to make it better?” I just shaked my head “no? Is this enough?” I nodded “okay, so just breath for me, eh? Can you do that for me, honey?”
I nodded starting deep breaths and felt my hand being lightly squeezed, in encouragement.
When the plane was finally stable, I slowly let go of his hand and snuggled into the wall. I could feel Shawn’s stare on me, but I couldn’t simply look at him, so I just closed my eyes and focused on whatever artist’s voice was playing through my earphones.
An hour or so later, when everyone seemed to be asleep, including mister “I miss you”, my bladder decided to work, so I really needed to go to the bathroom. I got up and started trying to jump the sleeping giant by my side, but something made him stir wake while I was literally in the middle of jumping him, with his legs between mine, and he just grabbed me by my hips.
“Hm, Sorry, did I wake you?” I practically whispered, trying to gain some balance I placed my hands each side of his head on his seat.
“No, baby, whatcha doing?”
“I need to go to the bathroom”
“Oh, sorry” he said with his eyes not completely open, in a zone between sleep and consciousness.
I just gave him a tight lip smile and ran to the bathroom. Okay, did he just called me “baby”? I shook my head and threw cold water on my face. Getting back there made my heart get a little warmer. Shawn was laying with half of his body on my seat, with his arms crossed and the softest look on his face.
“Shawnie?” I whispered laying my hand on his chest and he whined still asleep “handsome, I need to get back to my place”
Shawn slowly opened his eyes again, rubbing his whole face, mumbling a “sorry” and sitting straight. I jumped his legs back and sat down.
“Do you want to lay on me, big guy?”
“Can I?”
“Sure” and as I said, he quickly lifted that seat divider and placed his head on my chest, snuggling on my side and wrapping his arms around me.
“Thank you, honey” he said as I started running my hand through his hair, making him groan softly, and in a matter of seconds, drift off to sleep again. So I just chose a random movie to play and tried to fall asleep, since I didn’t have much to do other than stay quietly because of Shawn standing basically on top of me.
Fortunately, I ended up dozing off pretty quickly, but half and hour later, I felt something on my neck making me wake up, but I didn’t want to open my eyes just yet.
“What?” I groaned as lowly as I could.
“Shh, baby, you can go back to sleep” Shawn murmured against the skin of my neck.
There he goes again with the baby thing.
“Shawn? What are you doing?”
“Nothing” he said nuzzling his face even deeper in my neck.
“Shh, baby, there’s people trying to sleep, and you should be doing the same” he said and I felt his lips brush against my skin, giving me goosebumps.
“Seriously, what the hell are you doing?”
“I just missed you, do you want me to back off?” He asked and I pondered for a while, than I shook my head  and he mumbled a simple “good”.
He peppered light feather kisses along the side of my neck, making me feel those damn butterflies on my stomach, and also making me feel like I’m 13 all over again.
“Go back to sleep, honey” he said running his nose through the extension of my neck.
“You woke me, I can’t”
“Sorry, you’re just so warm and cozy, I couldn’t resist”
“You” Shawn said like it’s obvious giving a longer kiss on a particular sensitive spot, pulling from me a little whine and making me thread my fingers between his curls. Shawn chuckled lightly against my skin “yes, honey, anything you want to say?”
“What about me?” He said leaning his head against my shoulder, turning my head by my chin to look at him.
“You’re just confusing”
“I’m confusing?”
“Yes! Why did you wake up?”
“The person behind me tripped on my feet on their way back to his seat”
“Oh, I see that, do you... hmm...”
“Do I...?”
“Do you want to go back to sleep?”
“I wouldn’t mind” he said straightening his back and getting back to his seat.
“Where are you going?” I asked pouting involuntarily and he just smiled. More of a cocky grin than anything else.
“Just adjusting so you can lay on me”
“Oh, okay”
“C’mere, honey” he said patting his chest and I just laid there, wrapping my arms around his middle, and having him do the same “now sleeps, I’ll be right here”.
“Kay” and with that, he kissed the top of my head and held me even tighter, starting to play with my hair. How can you not immediately go back to sleep with that?
I woke up a while later with the sound of the flight attendant offering dinner to another people a few seats ahead of us. I grabbed my phone and saw that we still had a four hour flight to Paris and sighed. Well, at least I had a giant warm pillow by my side. I tried sitting properly but Shawn wouldn’t let go of me, so I just gave up and relaxed against his chest, grabbing my sketchbook to look through it.
I got so lost in over analyzing my past few drawings that I didn’t notice that he was awake and looking through them with me. At least, not until I quickly went through one that I didn’t finish and he placed his hand over the page, stopping me from turning it. I looked up to meet his honey colored ones already looking at me.
“What is this one?” He said extremely low due to the nap we took, making me warm inside.
“It’s nothing, I didn’t even finish sketching it”
“Is it us?” He said taking his hand from the page and looking at it.
“It was supposed to be, it’s a recreation of that picture we took at your place on Christmas, wrapped up in christmas’ lights”
“Dunno, guess I just missed you a little bit more than usual that day”
“No, why didn’t you finish it?”
“Oh, sorry, I... I guess it seemed odd to draw the both of us, especially because at that time we weren’t even talking because of...”
“Yeah, and I’m sorry about that”
“It’s okay, I guess, it’s over”
“She was wrong though”
“Your ex? Obviously, she was jealous for no reason, you’ve never seen me as more than friends”
“And neither have you”
“Yes, I know that, she didn’t”
“I made a lot of dumb choices, eh?”
“Yeah, you did, Shawn”
“And I wish I could just go back and fix them”
“Fix what’s not broken? You don’t need to fix anything, I’m right here, aren’t I?”
“Yeah, but you are hurt”
“Am I?”
“Honey... we need to talk about it, we’ll never go back to normal if we don’t”
“I don’t have anything to say, Shawnie”
“But I do, honey” he said taking a deep breath “I know I’ve been the shittiest friend in history, that you didn’t always come first in the past few months and I’m truly sorry for that. I’m also sorry for promising things to you that I didn’t keep, like always being there for you when you need me and stuff. And sorry for the ex girlfriends that made us go further apart, obviously for my mistake, but anyway, I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have done that...”
“Please, Y/N, I really need to get that off my chest”
“And I will let you do that, is just that she’s...” I didn’t finish the sentence, just pointed to the flight attendant offering dinner.
“Oh, sorry” he said flashing her a smile that probably almost killed the poor woman. Yes, that’s Shawn Mendes effect.
We grabbed our trays, thanking her and placing them on the little table thing.
“Okay, keep going”
“Okay, and I’m sorry for everything I did you wrong, for example, not calling you on your birthday, just a quick text, but I just did that cause I was so ashamed of all of the things that I did to you, I almost didn’t come to this trip to not put any sort of pressure on you for forgiving me. But specially, the most important thing I should be apologizing for is for making you feel like you don’t mean the world to me and that you aren’t one of the most important women in my life, and I love you with my whole heart and I missed you like hell, and being away from you was one of the hardest things I’ve ever done in my entire life. And I never want this to happen again. I’m sorry, Y/N, for everything”
I couldn’t breath. Really, all the air that was on my lungs simply disappeared. I just stared my shoes for what felt like a really long time.
“Honey? Y/N? Are you okay? Do you need me to leave?”
Oh, okay, it was a long time.
“Hm, Sorry, I’m just trying to, ya know, absorb everything”
“Okay” he said stating the back of the seat in front of him.
“Hey” I said placing my hand on his thigh squeezing it lightly “it’s okay, big guy, I’m not mad at you, I love you too, and it’s okay, I just figured we were going through different times in life and stuff... but it’s okay”
“It shouldn’t be, you should hate me”
“Not really, but I just can’t” I said and he placed his hand on top of mine.
“I love you so much, Y/N”
“You’re my best friend, dude, you kinda have to”
“Yeah, yeah, that’s it” he said sighing.
“Isn’t it?”
“Of course it is, honey”
“Good, now can we eat? I’m starving” I said and he giggled.
“Yes, we can, Y/N”
After that, we chose a movie and started watching it. His hand made a discreet way to my knee, and I just looked at it, but didn’t say a word. The movie was a random rom-com movie and I can say it was starting to get boring, but since people around us were falling back asleep, we didn’t have much to do. I felt his fingers starting to come higher on my leg, stopping in the middle of my thigh.
“What are you doing?”
“Watching the movie”
“Hm, yeah?”
“Yup” he said popping the ‘P’.
“What’s the name of the main character?”
“Yeah, you’re such a bad liar, where are you, big guy?”
“No, you’re not”
“I’m just... enjoying you...r company” he said tracing random figures with the pad of his thumb “I really missed you”
“What do you mean?”
“I just feel the need to touch you”
“Well, you are”
“I know”
“Do you mind?”
“Not really”
“Okay” he said squeezing my thigh and than grabbing both of them and putting them over his lap, pulling me even closer.
“Dear?” Karen called making us both jump in our seats “oh, sorry, didn’t mean to scary you”
“It’s okay” I said chucking and trying to take my legs from Shawn’s lap, but he wouldn’t let me move “what happened?”
“Nothing, I was just going to the bathroom and wanted to check on you guys on the way back, do you need anything?”
“We’re fine, mom, I think we can handle this”
“I know you do, sweetheart, doesn’t mean I don’t get worried”
“Well, everything’s great, Karen, thank you” I said giving her a smile, which she gave back.
“Okay, I’ll just go back to my seat, we have another two hours” she said going away.
“Shit, she scared me” I said and Shawn laughed “shhh”
“Oh shit, sorry”
“It’s okay, dummy”
And that’s pretty much how we spent the rest of the flight, laughing, talking and watching that movie.
A few hours later, we were already at the hotel, checked in and heading to our floors. Both of our parents were at the same floor. Me, Shawn, Flo and Liyah were almost at the top, both of our sisters were in the same room at the left of the hall, and me and Shawn were to the right, but each one in one room.
Five minutes after I closed the door, someone knocked on it, so I turned around and opened it. Shawn was standing awkwardly in the middle of the hall scratching the back of his neck.
“Yes? Can I help you?”
“Hm, nope, I thought maybe you needed some, with the bag and stuff”
“Well, I didn’t even take a look at the view, so I guess maybe? Well, you can come in, I don’t think I’ll be sleeping any time soon, we slept a lot during the flight”
“Yeah, exactly... so, where do you want me to place your bag?” He asked stepping into my room.
“Hm, there?” I said pointing to a random corner of the room and going to the balcony, opening the doors and heading outside, just staring at the view of the Eiffel Tower.
“Holy shit” Shawn mumbled behind me.
“Yeah, it’s so... magical”
“Mhmm” he said standing by my side “we’re lucky we both got his view”
“My room is right next door”
“Is it?”
“Yeah, I think we even have a door between them”
“Oh, wouldn’t you like that, Mendes”
“What do you mean?” He said flushing hard under the moonlight, making those stupid butterflies appear again, making me remember everything I’ve ever felt for him “honey?” He called making ME flush for being caught staring at him.
“Oh, shit, sorry, well, you always like to scare me randomly and stuff, so that would make things a lot easier”
“Do you think I’m twelve?”
“No, of course not, big guy, I’m 100% sure”
“Oh, please” he said rolling his eyes at me playfully and chuckling “let me check that door thing again”
I just laughed as he walked back to the room. I just leaned on the balcony railing, enjoying the view and the light breeze from the cold night, that was giving me light goosebumps. And for a second, just a little moment, I allowed myself to imagine what would be like to have something with Shawn. I mean, I’ve done that a lot when I was younger and stuff, but nowadays I just don’t allow myself to do that, not anymore.
But being with him would probably be amazing. He always do this thing where he just puts his whole heart into everything he does, especially when he loves it. So just imagine being with someone so passionate, and caring, and kind, and sweet, and smart, and hot as him. I just can’t see any bad points in it.
“What’s going on on that pretty little head of yours, honey?” Shawn said lowly next to my ear, making my heart skip a beat and almost die.
You see, I wouldn’t mind the closeness and stuff, cause that guy has no idea of what personal space means. BUT, I would always see it coming and prepare myself to not freak out. But I did not see him coming, and did not expect him to be right behind me, close enough so that I could feel his hot breath on the back of my neck, since I was with my hair in a messy bun. His hands grabbed the railing in front of me, standing beside mine. Shit, he’s close.
“Mhmmm, I don’t believe you” he said pressing his lips gently on my skin, making me bite me bottom lip to hold back a whimper.
“I... it’s nothing”
“See, it is something” he said rubbing the tip of his nose against the extension of my neck “I know you, baby, just tell me”
“I was just thinking how this trip would be a perfect scenario for me to be with someone... you know... romantically involved with someone”
“Oh” he said and I could feel his arms tensioning around me “anyone in particular?”
“Hm?” I said playing with my fingers but I felt one of his hands on my waist, turning me around to face him, but I just couldn’t, so I stared at our feet.
“So...? Anyone?”
“Oh, shit, sorry, no... not a single soul in particular, no one, no”
“Yeah, sure”
“Yeah, don’t believe you right now, but I think I’m going back to my room to let you rest, you seem really tired”
“Do I?”
“Yes, you can’t seem to concentrate on what I’m saying, and you were staring at nothing in particular when I got here, so I guess you’re just tired”
“Yeah, that’s probably it”
“So... let’s go back inside?”
“Hm?” I mumbled looking up for the first time since he turned me around, and I regretted it almost instantaneously, why did he have to look so fucking good? And than he smiled, making me feel like my legs were turning into jello, making me grab his arms for support.
“Do you want me to carry you to bed?”
“I need to take a shower first”
“Okay, let’s do it like this, I’ll take you to the bathroom and I’ll let you shower and I’ll leave the door between our bedrooms open, so I can shower and come back before you, than I’ll tuck you in bed and go back to my room, okay? Sounds nice?”
“You’re perfect” I said without thinking and than flushing, because I noticed what just left my mouth.
He just chuckled wrapping his arms around my middle, taking me off the ground and to the bathroom, placing me on top of the sink. He went back to the room and returned a few moments later with my PJs, my shower bag and my bag of underwear.
“I’ll leave you to shower and stuff, and whenever you’re ready, I’ll be waiting for you in your room, okay, honey?”
“Okay” I basically whispered and he smiled, placing a delicate kiss on my forehead before leaving.
I just hopped off the counter top and locked the door, stepping into the shower a few moments later. A nice steaming hot shower later, I had my hair in a messy ponytail, makeup free face, lotion on my body, fuzzy socks and sweats on, and with that, I stepped out of the bathroom only to die a little more.
The room was already dark, only with the tv on, my things were nicely organized on the nightstand or on top of the suitcase, and Shawn... He was laying in the middle of my bed, with his curls a little damp, wearing his flannel plants and hoodie, barefoot, scrolling through some social media, oh so casually. God, he’s going to kill me without even trying.
“Hi” I said in a really soft tone, softer than I intended.
“Oh, hi, honey, are you ready for bed?” He asked and I just nodded “c’mere” he said opening his arms for me and I just crawled into bed with him, getting lost in the warmth of his body and scent.
“You’re the most caring person I’ve ever met”
“Thank you, I truly try to be”
“I know, and you are, and I love you”
“I love you too, Y/N, you have no idea”
Oh, I do.
“Thank you, for everything”
“You don’t have to thank me... but I won’t turn this into a discussion, so... what time are we getting up tomorrow?”
“Dunno, what time is it?”
“A quarter past midnight”
“8:30? So we can be downstairs at 9 am for breakfast? They said they’re going to leave the hotel at ten o’clock sharp so if we do this, we’ll have time”
“Yeah, that’s nice, but since I’ve been to Paris before, if you wanna do something separate or something they don’t want to, just tell me, and I’ll take you anywhere”
“Okay, great to know I have my own tourist guide” I said between a yawn and he chuckled.
“Okay, I really need to let you sleep” he said letting go of me and getting up, straightening the duvet on top of me and kissing my forehead “goodnight, honey, knock if you need me, okay?”
I nodded and held his hand.
“What, baby?”
“Thank you, for apologizing and making up for it, I missed you too” I said and he gave me a half smile.
“I’m still on the process, I hope someday I’ll be able to make it up to you”
“You already have... I... goodnight, Shawn” I said nuzzling on my pillow and letting go of his hand, but not before squeezing it lightly.
“Goodnight, Y/N” he said almost like a whisper as he left the room and I let the slumber take over me.
*Please reblog or like this post if you liked it so I'll know if I'm supposed to keep posting this series thing.
*I'm sorry if there are any spelling mistakes.
*Please do not repost this without giving me the credit, this is a completely original piece and I do not give permission to copy this!
*Hope you guys enjoyed it!
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leslieohdamnjr · 7 years
One Date
Rafael Casal x Reader
Word Count: 1750 (a shorty but a fluffy)
Summary: “If you say yes, I’ll call you every day until you agree to go on one date. Say no, and I promise not to call you again.”
Warnings: It’s pretty much fluff, a little sad in a few bits but it’s not that bad, there’s only dialogue... so if that bothers you?, language as always, a little implied smut.
Tagging: @bad-hatter
A/N- Okay! Yay! I finally finished something! So this is pretty short, it’s just written in dialogue/phone calls. Kinda my first whack at a fic in this style, so please don’t be too harsh. Italics are Y/N, regular is Rafa. I’m pretty sure that’s about it! I hope you like, let me know what you thought :)
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“Hi, you’ve reached Y/N L/N, I can’t make it to the phone right now, please leave a message. Thanks!”
“Hi, Y/N, it’s Rafael. From the other night. That was fun… Anyway. I thought I’d call to ask if you wanted to go out sometime. Call me back… Oh. And please call me Rafa, Rafael sounded a lot cooler a few days ago but uh… now I really like you and… yeah… Call me back.”
Day One
“Uh, hi… Rafael… it’s Y/N.”
“Y/N! Hi! I called you a few hours ago-”
“I know, I was in a meeting.”
“I can’t.”
“I uh… Yeah, I can’t.”
“Oh shit, are you… with someone?”
“No no, I just... gave up on dating I guess.”
“How about a deal?”
“...What do you mean?”
“If you say yes, I’ll call you every day until you agree to go on one date. Say no, and I promise not to call you again.”
“Fine. Yes.”
“Nice, I’ll talk to you tomo-”
Call ended
“-did you just hang up on me?”
Day Two
Rafael One Night Stand Calling…
“Hey, Y/N.”
“So you’re really doing this?”
“I like you, Y/N.”
“So you said.”
“Why’d you say yes?”
“Don’t know.”
“What’s it going to take for you to give me good answers?”
“What’s it going to take for you to ask good questions?”
Call ended
“Fuck. Again? This is gonna be harder than I thought.”
Day Three
Rafael One Night Stand Calling…
“Why’d you hang up on me?”
“I decided to, Rafael.”
“Why’d you ‘give up on dating’?”
“It sucked, Rafael.”
“Rafa. That’s it?”
“Did you want my whole tragic backstory?”
“There’s a tragic backstory?”
“If you want there to be one.”
“You’re kinda strange.”
“Yet you keep calling.”
“It’s a good strange. What do you do for a living?”
“Food and lodging”
“I ask myself that every day.”
“What are you, four?”
Call ended
Day Four
Rafael One Night Stand Calling…
“I will hang up again.”
“I was just going to ask what your job was, you never specified.”
“Uh-huh. I’m a computer programmer.”
Call ended
Day Five
Rafael One Night Stand Calling…
“Ask me ‘why’ and I’m blocking your number.”
“Fine. The last one still stands though, what made you become a computer programmer.”
“I like working with computers.”
“What do you do?”
“I write things.”
“Oh how the tables have turned.”
“Answer the question.”
“You didn’t answer mine.”
“I did, I said I like working with computers.”
“Alright then, I like writing.”
“Do you make money, Rafael?”
“Rafa. And no, I live on the street, we definitely didn’t have sex in my apartment last week.”
“So, you make money?”
“Yes, I make money.”
“Just from writing?”
“And producing, and acting and rapping, but I write most of the things I produce and act and rap. So, yes.”
“That’s actually really cool... Can you read me something you've written?”
“I guess so. Lemme find my notebook.”
“Here it is. How much do you want?”
“However much you want to share, I guess.”
“Love is the ferry a man takes into his own heart, once boyhood has scared the swimmer from him and he's far exhausted from splashing knee-deep in fleeting comforts. Thank you, for keeping the waters as calm as you could, while we sank to the bottom of each other to find ourselves. You're a good girl- I simply haven't got the sea legs for this yet.” (Dear Annie, Rafael Casal, instagram post)
“Um… wow… that's- that's beautiful.”
“You came up with that?”
“My very own brainchild.”
“Holy shit, you're a genius.”
“I wouldn't say-”
“That's amazing.”
“I um- thank you. I don't really know-”
“Look, I'd love to talk more-”
“You would?”
“But I gotta roll. That was amazing, Rafael. I'm excited to talk tomorrow.”
Call ended
Day Six
Rafael One Night Stand Calling…
Call rejected
“Hi, you’ve reached Y/N L/N, I can’t make it to the phone right now, please leave a message. Thanks!”
“Hi, Y/N. I uh… hope you had a good day or whatever. It kinda worries me that you didn't pick up. Call me back?”
Day Seven
Rafael One Night Stand Calling...
“Why do you care?”
“That I didn't pick up yesterday. ‘it kinda worries me that you didn't pick up’. Why did you care?”
“Um… I don't know, you picked up all the days before at that time.”
“You've known me for a week.”
“I'd say it was a few days more than a week.”
“Why are you suddenly all cold again?”
Call ended
Day Eight
Rafael One Night Stand Calling…
Call rejected
“Hi, you’ve reached Y/N L/N, I can’t make it to the phone right now, please leave a message. Thanks!”
“Alright, no more worrying. I'd still like to talk to you again. Please pick up tomorrow?”
Day Nine
Rafael One Night Stand Calling...
“Why are you still calling?”
“I told you Y/N, I really like you.”
“No you don't, not after talking to me. Is it a bet? Is it a spite thing?”
“What? No. I, honest to god, like you romantically. Otherwise I wouldn't be calling you every day to try to convince you to go on a date with me.”
“You know, you haven't really asked.”
“That’s a good point. Y/N?”
“Will you go on a date with me?”
Call ended
Day Ten
Rafael One Night Stand Calling…
“Hey, how was your day?”
“It was fine. Nothing interesting happened.”
“What did happen?”
“Like I said, nothing interesting.”
“Doesn’t have to be interesting, what happened?”
“Got up, got coffee, went to work, came home, you called.”
“What’s your coffee order?”
“Why do you ask?”
“Just curious.”
“I order it black and then add cream.”
“Will you go on a date with me?”
“You didn’t hang up.”
“No. I didn’t.”
“That’s dif-”
Call ended
Day Eleven
Rafael One Night Stand Calling...
“Will you go on a date with me?”
Call ended
Day Twelve
Rafael Say Yes This Time Calling…
“You haven’t given up.”
“I won’t until you tell me to.”
“So you’ll keep calling?”
“Unless you tell me to stop.”
“Well, what if you have a meet cute with some girl at a coffee shop and fall completely in love with her and it’s like a rom-com. Then will you keep calling?”
“That won’t happen.”
“Who says it won’t?”
“I do.”
“But you can’t say that with complete certainty-”
“I’ve already got my eyes set on somebody, and as far as I know, I’m not gonna fall for anyone else anytime soon.”
“Wait, don’t hang up!”
“I wasn’t going to.”
“I can hear the lie in your voice.”
“Fine, I was going to. But I didn’t. So what were you going to say?”
“Will you go on a date with me?”
Call ended
Day Thirteen
Rafael Say Yes This Time Calling…
“Rafa. And, I have a new proposal.”
“I’m not going to marry you either, Rafael.”
“And she laughs!”
“Well, don’t get used to it.”
“I’ll get it out of you again.”
“You have ambitious goals, Rafael.”
“Right. Proposal?”
“Not a date, but we meet and talk, and I’ll take you somewhere, and we’ll part ways and I’ll call again the next day.”
“Right… Not a date...”
“Nope, not a date. Just a chance for you to see my beautiful face again.”
“I definitely won’t go if you say shit like that.”
“So you’re considering it?”
“I was.”
“You pick the time, the day, I will make myself free. Just give me one hour with you, I’ll pay for everything, let me take you somewhere, no strings attached. You can leave after an hour, or sooner I guess if it’s really shitty, or you can stay with me.”
“I’m guessing this ‘somewhere’ isn’t going to be revealed?”
“Fine. One hour. Non-date.”
“Yes! When?”
“Tonight. In… three hours.”
“Alright. Seven. I’ll pick you up.”
“I will… text my address. And as a forewarning, I keep pepper spray in my bag.”
Call ended
“Hey, Diggs, I need a cute non-date idea for a girl? I have three hours.”
Day Fourteen
Y/N Calling…
“You called first.”
“That’s new.”
“Last night was okay.”
“Okay? You stayed until midnight.”
“I did not stay, we walked. And… alright, yeah I stayed.”
“I’ve never seen a girl get ice cream on her nose so many times in one evening.”
“You don’t have to laugh that hard.”
“You’re laughing again.”
“Like I said, don’t get used to it.”
“And like I said, I’ll get it out of you again. Y/N, you have a really beautiful laugh.”
“What a creative compliment, Rafa. I’ve never heard that one before.”
“Alright fine, you have friendly ears.”
“There it is again.”
“Stop pointing it out or I’m hanging up before I start laughing every time.”
“Fine. But you really had fun?”
“You bought me ice cream.”
“So you had fun?”
“Fine. I had fun.”
“So, will you go on a real date with me?”
“I… uh…”
“C’mon Y/N, what’s stopping you?”
Call ended
Day 15
Rafa Calling...
Call ended
Day 16
Rafa Calling…
“You keep calling.”
“You keep answering.”
“Tell me you want me to stop and I will.”
Call ended
Day 17
Rafa Calling...
“Are you okay?”
“You’re crying.”
“Yeah. What do you need?”
“Are you alone?”
“I’ll be there in a few minutes.”
Call ended
Day 18
Rafa Calling…
Call rejected
“Hi, you’ve reached Y/N L/N, I can’t make it to the phone right now, please leave a message. Thanks!”
“I get it. I get why you’re scared. But Y/N you’re the most beautiful, smartest, funniest, cutest girl I’ve ever met. I thought it was adorable how many times you got ice cream on your nose, and how often you bumped into me when we were walking over the bridge. I think you’re beautiful and it might be stereotypical, but your laugh is perfect, and your eyes are perfect, and even when you’re crying, you’re perfect. And if I haven’t said this enough, I really really like you. Just one date. One real date and after that, if you really want, we can never talk again. Please Y/N, I know this isn’t just one sided, not completely. One real date, and that can be it if you want it to be. Call me back.”
Day 19
Y/N Calling…
“Will you go on a date with me?”
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