#gameplay: free spirit
albiorixsims · 3 months
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ganondoodle · 5 months
something i just realized about the sages (ignoring how frustrating to use i find the sages abilities overall) when they get their enigma stone they are like wow look at how much stronger i am now!! when its really just a ... clone of them, without the parts that make them interesting- the personality, and they "give" it to you (it doesnt feel like its really yours tho bc, unlike botw, its not intergrated into your moveset- which could have been solved by just adding them to another ability wheel- so it doesnt even feel like they are really yours) but ok i can see why its stronger even if i find it boring to just duplicate the character isntead of actually making their ability be more-
but then at the very end, they join you in the battle and .. dont even make use of it? what where the engima stones even for then? i guess you could bend over backwards and say well its bc their powers cant reach you all the way down there so they have to physical join you- BUT .. when they are right next to you .. shouldnt the connection to them be back anyway? so their clones should return shouldnt they? or is the entire arena just so surpressive of that power that it wouldnt work either way? then again ... what was its use then to get them to have those stones? like how ultra hand is supposedly the focus of the game but doesnt matter to the narrative at all?
(can you unsummon them when they are there?? i havent tried it but i dont think so ..)
like obviously it would be wayy too chaotic if all sages where there twice, especially together with all the ganondorf clones too- but it kinda .. once again... makes it feel meaningless that you even got them the stones? sure they only get to you when you do it but its really just again another check box with no substance, isnt it?
(... actually .. did anyone actually need the stones? aside from ganondorf getting that huge powerup somehow- like even the original sages and sonia and stuff, are you telling me she couldnt rewind ..................................... a tea cup, on her own? or i guess the only time sonia does anythign with her stone is when she gives its power to raurus laserbeam attack he never does again ... and the other sages arent shown to gain anything from it either?? are they?? what even would minerus ability have been bc she wasnt a -utterly useless- mech back then ... the shield she does doesnt seem unique to her either bc rauru literally does it too after sonia gets falcon-punched to death to block ganondorfs .. goo beam .... i mean i guess it doesnt matter anyway bc all we see them actually do is .. stand around and talk, sometimes "hurt" (dirty) sometimes not ... so whatever i guess?)
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rainymoodlet · 5 months
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hee hee… horsey 🏜️
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javitrulovesims · 4 months
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Meet Maaike Haas:
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Bookish, Creative, a bit of a Snob... That's Maaike Haas. While she wait her turn to become the next big literary sensation, she works as a personal assistant of a rather... excentric household. The pay is extremely good which is needed because she and her girlfriend are trying to upgrade their little countryside cottage but the schedules can be quite wacky and that can affect their relationship as well
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minty-plumbob · 9 months
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welcome muddy! she's rowan's baby <3
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maxispremades · 7 months
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Майке Хас прихорашивается у зеркала — это что-то из ряда вон выходящее. Что же случилось?
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А случилось то, что под предлогом обсуждения научной фантастики Майке собралась навестить предмет своего обож... ой, простите — старого друга, а заодно рассмотреть поближе недоразумение по имени Ева (так Майке мысленно именовала молодую жену Гюнтера).
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Осенний день выдался прохладным, и девушке пришлось сменить облегающую водолазку на один из множества просторных шерстяных балахонов. Дойдя до дома Гюнтера, живущего совсем рядом с Коттеджем-на-Озере, Майке напустила на себя максимально самоуверенный вид и постучала в дверь.
— Заходи, открыто! — послышался с той стороны громкий, высокий женский голос.
Войдя внутрь, Майке сразу же увидела Еву, сидящую на диване и с интересом смотрящую телешоу. «Бедненький мой!.. — подумала Майке. — Из-за этой пустышки ему приходится целыми днями терпеть болтовню зомбоящика!..» Вслух же Майке выдавила из себя благовоспитанное приветствие и даже попыталась завязать светскую беседу с Евой.
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За несколько минут этого неловкого разговора девушки успели проникнуться устойчивой взаимной антипатией. Как и следовало ожидать, при ближайшем знакомстве Майке нашла Еву совершенной дурой, а Ева даже не пыталась подавлять смешки при взгляде на свитер, юбку и колготки собеседницы.
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В гостиную вышел Гюнтер и застыл в уголке, озадаченно слушая то, как жена и лучшая подруга зачем-то спорят о политике.
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Гюнтер предпринял неловкую попытку помирить своих дорогих женщин, но из этого не вышло абсолютно ничего хорошего —Майке сидела за столом с покерфейсом, а темпераментная Ева уже начинала вскипать от раздражения.
«Встречайся с этими фриками в своей занюханной кафешке, а не в нашем доме!»
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Запинаясь и мямля, Гюнтер начал извиняться перед Майке за то, что его благоверная сегодня не в духе. Благоверная же в это время сидела на своем любимом фиолетовом диване и пускала искры из глаз.
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Итогом визита Майке к старому другу стало поспешное вручение подарка (та самая злополучная научно-фантастическая книга) и скорейшее исчезновение из поля зрения домашней мегеры.
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Бонус: Ева поспешно сваливает от дурацких занудных разговоров, а затем выпускает пар излюбленным способом.
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fruitcak-e · 9 months
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Week 6
Stayover, living room rennovation, Gertie gets a rainbow treat, girlfriends, meet Nugget
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simmerkate · 3 months
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Xtra Interactions | Cupids Calling Add-on Mod (FREE)
Welcome to "Cupid's Calling," the enchanting Valentine's add-on mod for "Xtra Interactions" that brings a touch of romance and passion to your Sims' lives! Delve into a world of heartfelt connections and intimate moments as you explore a variety of social interactions and buffs designed to ignite the flames of love and companionship.
Heart-to-Heart Talk: Engage in deep conversations that foster a "Heartfelt Connection" or risk the pain of "Heartache" if things don't go as planned.
Love Language Discussion: Discover your partner's love language and bask in the "Love Language Understanding," but beware of the frustration of "Miscommunication Frustration."
Promises and Commitments: Embrace "Committed Devotion" as you make promises, but be wary of the fallout from "Broken Promises."
Secret Love Letter: Experience the thrill of being a "Secret Admirer" or face the awkwardness of leaving someone "Weirded Out."
Talk about Fantasies: Explore "Fantasy Fulfillment" together or risk feeling "Vanilla" in your relationship.
Talk about Fairy Tale Endings: Dream of "Fairy Tale Dreams" or face the reality of feeling "Tied Down."
Discuss Spirit Animals: Find "Spiritual Harmony" or navigate through "Spiritual Discord" in your relationship.
Discuss Soul Mates: Affirm your bond as "Soul Mates" or confront the doubt of being unsure about your connection.
Whispered Desires: Unleash your desires and revel in the passion of "Desire Unleashed" or face the discomfort of "Ick!"
Naughty Pillow Talk: Connect intimately with "Naughty Pillow Talk" or deal with the aftermath of a "Headache."
Passionate Goodnight Kiss: End your day with "Goodnight Bliss" or experience the sting of being "Ignored."
And don't miss out on the highlight of the season: the Valentine's Ball! Host a romantic gathering, complete challenges, and strive for gold, silver, or bronze status as you create unforgettable memories filled with music, dancing, and heartfelt moments.
Get ready to embark on a journey of love and romance like never before with "Cupid's Calling." It's time to celebrate love in all its forms and create lasting memories with your beloved Sims!
This is a standalone add-on, you don't need Xtra Interactions but it adds to the gameplay.
 Xtra Interactions v2 is available for early release right now here (xx)
 but you can still get the v1 for free on Curseforge (xx)
Follow me on insta @SimmerKatex
Download The FREE add-on from Curseforge (xx)
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thisisutl · 8 months
The real dog that inspired Ghost Trick's "Missile".
As many people on Tumblr have already pointed out, Ghost Trick is a game that is best experienced going in fully-blind. It offers amazing puzzle-based gameplay, a charming cast of characters and a unique story with plenty of twists and turns that will leave you both stunned and fulfilled by the end. My one true regret with the game is that I can't experience it for the first time again.
So, in trying to hype up the game for its release on Steam, Switch, Playstation and XBox, I decided to go for a novel approach: Instead of gushing about the game and potentially spoiling it for you, I will instead offer some facts about the real-life dog that inspired one of the game's most memorable characters. Knowing those facts won't spoil the game for you and will in fact make you appreciate its story a whole lot more, so feel free to reblog away, adding any facts that I might have missed about the game's Charismatic Cheerful Capable Caring Canine.
You know… This adorable little guy: 
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Ladies and Gentlemen, meet Missile Takumi!
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Missile was a pomeranian Puppy adopted by Shu Takumi on 2007. He was named after a dog appearing in Gyakuten Saiban 1 (aka Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney 1). The dog in the original game was a throwaway gag, not essential in the overall game’s story. The real-life  little pomeranian however proved to be an essential part of Shu Takumi’s life.
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(More facts after the break)
Missile was Shu Takumi’s best friend. The little doggie was always there for him, always available to lift his spirits with a cheerful bark when he was feeling down and always offering a friendly paw even in the gloomiest of circumstances. Missile was a truly loyal friend, offering unconditional love and friendship, helping Shu Takumi get over even the most difficult of times.
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So when time came to make Ghost Trick, a game about ghosts, regrets, mystery, loyalty, friendship and ultimate redemption, it was perfectly natural for Shu Takumi to give his best little friend a part in the story.
The game’s developers didn’t initially want to put Missile in the game. They didn’t have a problem with putting a dog as a character, they had a problem with the fact that the dog was a Pomeranian and they would have problems animating his fur in-game. Shu Takumi however insisted and eventually, after meeting the little doggie and falling under its charm, the developers relented into putting him in the game in all his Pomeranian glory.
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(Image from lparchive)
Not only did they put him in the game, in fact, they went above and beyond in capturing his charm perfectly. They studied his moves and mannerisms, in order to get his movements down pat.
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(Image from lparchive)
Missile’s iconic in-game bark was actually a recording of sound-designer’s Nobuyuki Shimizu Labrador Retriever who was coincidentally also named Missile! Shu Takumi wanted to record his own Missile, but Shimizu-san also wanted to put a part of his own dog in the game and Takumi eventually relented.
So, yeah, Missile in the game was voiced by Missile. Just not THE Missile.
In order to make up for not recording his own dog for the game Shu Takumi made a “character song” for Ghost Trick’s Missile:. 
Yes, those barks you hear in the song are recordings of THE Missile, no substitutes this time! This is how the little Pomeranian used to bark!
The song was made to celebrate Ghost Trick’s 3rd year release anniversary and even though the song talks about Ghost Trick’s Missile, a lot of the behaviors mentioned in the lyrics (such as Missile’s tendency to climb on the sofa and then needing help to get back down) are things that Takumi’s pomeranian friend used to do.
The song was later remade by CAP-JAMS and included in the soundtrack of the 2023 remaster of the game.
And, yes, the original Missile’s barks are still there.
If it’s not perfectly clear, Shu Takumi really wanted to tell everyone how awesome his little dog was. He made the little dog an essential part of Ghost Trick and stealthily  made the world, at least that small part of it that played Ghost Trick, fall in love with him.
Ghost Trick was released under critical acclaim, even receiving a nomination for Gamespot’s Best 2011 Puzzle Game, but the fact that it was released near the end of the DS’s lifespan and a lackluster advertising campaign made it 2011’s “Best Game You’ve Never Played”.
The game, however, slowly gained a cult following and within that following, the story of Missile resonated with everyone and became one of its standout points. He might not have been the player-character but he was definitely the show-stealer.
(To tell any more would be going into spoiler territory, but seriously go buy and play Ghost Trick any way you can. It really deserves a bigger audience).
So beloved was the little dog in fact that when Ace Attorney was eventually adapted into an anime, the animators couldn’t resist putting him into episodes 13 and 30 of the first and second season respectively. In fact, in the anime Missile was indirectly responsible for the “class trial” incident that shaped Naruhodo/Wright’s life.
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Before you ask, no, Missile was not voicing himself this time (something about working with animals and children). He was voiced by Tomokazu Seki in the Japanese version and by Kyle Hebert in the English dub. Still a nice tribute to Takumi’s little doggie.
One final Missile fact that I can’t find a proper segway for is that Missile also got along surprisingly well with Wagahai and Sankichii, the cats that later also entered the Takumi household, though, the way Takumi tells this, it was the cats that called the shots more often than not. 
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Missile passed away on the 10th of November 2018. The way Shu Takumi puts it, the valiant little doggie waited for him to return from the US, to spend some final time with him before passing on. We don’t know the exact details just that it was sudden and unexpected.
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Missile is no longer with us, but his memory lives on. He will always be remembered by Shu Takumi as the friend that always was by his side… and always will be with him.
…and he will always be remembered by the gaming community as the little Pomeranian that stole everybody’s hearts and made Ghost Trick a truly memorable experience.
(Missile’s Launched!)
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its-opheliasgarden · 30 days
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Meet the Aguirres | Sims 4 Gameplay (ft. Silent Pines)
Ines Clara Aguirre: your stereotypical 90s sitcom OC...she's just a teenager trying to figure out her so-called life. a self-proclaimed movie buff, ines dreams of a life that's 'just like the movies'. her nosy and daydreaming tendencies often get her into trouble...
Gael Aguirre: a proud descendant of ranchers, Gael recently made the hard decision of selling the family farm. in need of financial stability, he moved his family to silent pines where he hopes for a fresh start...
Sonya Wainscot-Aguirre: a brilliant journalist, sonya adores the life she has built with gael but still yearns for something more...she's uneasy about if their move to silent pine was the right decision...
Jaqueline 'Jacki' Aguirre: the 2nd eldest, Jacki is free spirit who is enjoying her indefinite gap year(s) by chasing her passions...this month it's crystals and gemology...
Miguel Aguirre: the eldest, miguel is a sophomore at FB and a typical overachiever...he graduated top of his class with a full ride to play soccer...
David 'Avi' Aguirre: as the youngest, Avi is showered with love and adores being the center of attention. now a spoiled and charming toddler, his inquisitive nature continues to grow...
Currently losing steam on my regency gameplay, but got super inspired recently after seeing people post their awesome gameplay with @silentpinessave! Took me a day to create this new family and download a bunch of 90s cc but excited to get some gp posts up soon and can't wait to explore the save more!
Also will be posting a lookbook for Ines soon!
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the-world-of-nai · 5 months
venus in the signs˙ᵕ˙𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪
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part one
venus in virgo
these people are self deprecating in romance. they will be self critical and over give to their lover, even if it causes them pain or hardship. could overthink a lot as well when it comes to romance. they keep their feelings to themselves and analyze them like hell. they would want someone who is calm, grounded, collected, nerdy, quiet, logical, helpful, thoughtful. they would want someone who is simple and clean. someone organized and structed.
venus in scorpio
these people are devoted and borderline obsessive lovers. their love is soul deep. they will kill for you! they want that kind of otherworldly love with someone who is all theirs. they may like to be in relationships where there is a bit of gameplaying (not in a toxic way). like they may enjoy feeling jealous, or the cat and mouse chase. loyalty and emotional vulnerability is very important to this placement. they want someone who truly understands them on a soul level. when they fall, it is deep and intense, and they want that shit reciprocated.
venus in sagittarius
this placement values fun and excitement above all else. they would want someone to travel with and go on adventures with. they would want someone free spirited, independent, rebellious, confident, straightforward, juvenile, and funny. these people may be into poly or non-committal. keep it light and fun. also they want to discuss your philosophical beliefs LOL. "let's make a bucket list!" type beat.
venus in capricorn
people with this placement can be a little hard to win over. they do not fall in love very easily, and can even come off as rather cold or uncaring in romance. they would want someone sensible and practical. they value tradition and stability in romance. their love language would be acts of service. they want to be with someone who ambitious and hard-working, yet grounding and calm as well. maybe someone who is nerdy too.
venus in aquarius
another placement that does not fall in love very easily, nor are they the super romantic type (depends on the rest of the chart ofc). people with this placement would most likely treat their lover as their best friend. they value freedom and friendship in their romantic connections. they would want someone smart who stimulates them mentally. someone who gets along well with their friends too. this placement would also be a bit harder to pin down, but they're easy to get to know as they are open and friendly.
venus in pisces
bruh these people are starry eyed dreamers. they love romance and love. when they fall in love, they think everything about that person is beautiful even their dirty fingernails... they may romanticize people quite easily. they would want someone who is sensitive, creative, and warm. they value emotional intimacy as well as a spiritual connection of sorts. think: soulmates, twin flame kind of love.
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albiorixsims · 4 months
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Ночные купания. К такому скаутская школа парня не готовила 😅😂😂
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radiofreederry · 7 months
Dorothy's Top 5 Games of 2023
2023 was a remarkable year for gaming. The number of major, high-quality releases was truly astonishing, both in the AAA and indie scenes.
2023 was also the year I started leaning more into gaming as a hobby, beginning to do Twitch streams in April. Because of this, I thought I'd go through a few of the best games I played this year, and talk a bit about what made them so enjoyable. Consider this my "games of the year" list, like I know so many people are going to be doing this year.
My list is reflective of my own preferences and tastes; I tend to play a lot of RPGs, action-adventure games, and platformers, so you won't find a lot of fighting games or shooters in contention here. Feel free to comment or reblog with your own list - you don't have to write little essays about everything like I did, but it'd be fun if you did!
Honorable Mentions:
Pentiment (Obsidian Entertainment): Released in November 2022, but didn't play until this year. One of the most gripping and original RPGs I've ever played.
Persona 5 Royal (P-Studio): Released in October 2022 for Xbox, but I've been streaming it and having a lot of fun with @lakemojave and others.
Katamari Damacy Reroll (Namco): Released in 2018 for Switch, but played it for the first time this year and had a blast.
And now, the list proper.
Fifth Place: Hi-Fi Rush (Tango Gameworks)
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There was a sort of game prevalent in the sixth generation of consoles which doesn't exist much anymore outside of the indie space. These were bold, bright, games which were unapologetically "video gamey," and wore their medium on their sleeve. Playing Hi-Fi Rush, I felt as if I was Anton Ego eating the titular dish in Ratatouille, and being transported back to that forgotten era of gaming. Hi-Fi Rush is stylish, hilarious, and deliriously fun, mixing the rhythm and action genres to create an experience unlike anything else currently on offer in gaming.
With addicting timing-based combat, a killer soundtrack featuring a suite of certified bangers (such as a cover of "Free Radicals" by the Flaming Lips, one of my favorite bands), and a delightful cast of colorful characters, Hi-Fi Rush carries the off-beat spirit of games like Jet Set Radio and Viewtiful Joe in its DNA, and had it been made 20 years ago, I do not doubt that it would have an animated adaptation airing on Kids WB.
By evoking the spirit of a bygone era while remaining utterly unique, and by virtue of its slick presentation and impossible-to-put-down gameplay, Hi-Fi Rush manages to punch far above its own weight and snag fifth place on my list.
Fourth Place: A Highland Song (Inkle)
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A Highland Song came out of nowhere at the tail-end of the year and forced me to completely reevalute my game rankings. It is one of the most delightful and charming games I've ever had the chance to play, and has managed to do what I thought was impossible: create a roguelike experience that I actually want to see through to completion.
A Highland Song does this through its emotive embrace of the Scottish Highlands as a setting, with those ancient hills acting as both the main antagonist and a stalwart companion in main character Moira's journey to cross the mountains and reach her uncle's lighthouse by the First of May.
The Highlands are your dear friend. They will provide you food, shelter, and the tools you need to complete your journey. The Highlands are your worst enemy. They will deny you a safe haven when you're exhausted, out of energy, and being soaked through by torrential, bitterly-cold rain; they will give you tools long after you've passed the point where they would have been useful. The hills will preserve you. The hills will kill you.
It is in these contrasts that A Highland Song shines. It is a game about finding yourself, and pushing forward in the face of impossible adversity. There is an indescribable joy to spending days in-game exploring a section of the Highlands, trying to find the way forward, and finally running through one of the game's rhythm-based sections, triumphant Celtic folk music blaring in your ears as you finally find your way. All the while, Uncle Hamish's warm, fond recollections of Celtic folklore and Moira's descriptions of her family life make you want to push on, to learn more about this magical place and the people who inhabit it.
You will not make it to the sea in time in your first run through A Highland Song, nor likely your second or third. Yet each time Moira passes through the mountains, you learn more about them, become more familiar with the slopes and pathways that carve through these lands that are older than time. You will stumble, you will fall, and then, eventually, you will make it to the sea by Beltane.
Third Place: The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom (Nintendo EPD)
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How do you follow up one of the most important and well-regarded games of the 2010s, improve almost everything about it, and even correct its flaws? Tears of the Kingdom manages that and then some. The direct sequel to 2017's Breath of the Wild, Tears of the Kingdom follows that game's version of series lead Link through a melancholy journey through a world ravaged by unnatural weather, blight, and time. Link is himself nearly torn apart by the corrupting influence of returning series antagonist Ganondorf (voiced in this installment in fine fashion by Matt Mercer), and the hastily replaced arm granted to him by the sage Rauru grants him new abilities, which replace and improve upon the ones he possessed in the last game.
With these new powers, the game becomes a truly open sandbox. Link is able to build almost anything with his Ultrahand ability, and the Fuse ability not only virtually eliminates the previous game's major flaw, its weapon durability system, by allowing the player to turn virtually any weapon top-tier by properly leveraging fusion materials, it also creates a resource management loop that discourages being stingy with strong resources - since they can be used to create very powerful weapons. Meanwhile, the Ascend and Recall abilities open new avenues in traversal and speed up exploration through Tear's of the Kingdom's massive map, which not only uses the previous game's world map as a base - with lots of altered and added locations to signify the passage of time, including a host of explorable caves - but more than doubles it by also adding floating islands in the sky and a dark, hostile undergound below.
The intense focus on exploration, not to mention some of the best dungeons and bosses in Zelda history, make this a game I had genuine trouble putting down at times as I sunk hundreds of hours into it, as I always felt like there was something new to find around the next corner, or some new treasure to find deep in the underground. Tears of the KIngdom is a masterclass in crafting an open world experience, and easily secures a spot in my top five. It only places so low on this list as a consequence of some blemishes on an otherwise extremely polished and technically impressive product - specifically its story and progression, which feels too much like retreading the structure of Breath of the Wild and not enough like it's blazing its own trail.
Second Place: Cyberpunk 2077 (CD Projekt Red)
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Let's get this out of the way first: Cyberpunk 2077 originally released, infamously, in late 2020 in what was essenitally an unfinished state. However, with its 2.0 update that fundamentally restructures how the game is played, as well as the massive Phantom Liberty expansion dropping this year, I feel comfortable regarding this game as a 2023 release.
I didn't expect to have Cyberpunk 2077 on this list. I certainly didn't expect to see it so high on this list. And yet, here it is. I went in with almost no expectations, and came out with one of my favorite games of the year, and one of the most thoughtful RPGs of the decade. Cyberpunk 2077's great strengths lie in its richly detailed game world and its extremely strong writing, both of which impressed me beyond any preconceptions I may have had, especially given how the game originally launched as a broken, buggy mess.
Cyberpunk 2077's Night City is as fully realized a game world as I've ever seen, brimming with detail and things to both see and do. It is incredibly immersive, and I often found myself forgoing the game's fast travel system in order to simply cruise the moody, neon-soaked streets on my motorcycle as I sped from one gig to the next, taking in little details like the ethnic enclaves in different districts, or how infrastructure differed in poor areas compared to rich ones.
Cyberpunk 2077 tells a story about struggling against impossible odds, and finding hope and beauty in a hopeless and ugly world. In a future where capitalism's atomization and hyperindividualization rend the flesh of society at-large, the life of protagonist V is enriched through the human connections they are able to make as they race against time to save themselves from the biochip in their head eating away at their existence - a piece of technology stolen and then impulsively inserted during their first big job, a job taken in pursuit of the ephemeral and ambiguous glory that comes with being a legend of Night City. Their deteriorating condition throughout the game, and the ever-present acidic commentary of rockerboy Johnny Silverhand, serve as constant reminders of the folly of chasing such impermanent glory.
Whether it's Johnny's former bandmate Kerry, whose insecurities lead him to ostentatious acts of violence and destruction, or Judy, who has suffered loss after loss and desperately tries to find a situation she can control and someone who won't use or leave her, my journey as V centered around finding these connections, and using them not only to save V's life, but preserve her humanity. These themes carried through with the Phantom Liberty expansion, which explores such topics as freedom, survivor's guilt, and governmental corruption and exploitation, and features a delightful turn by Idris Elba as a weary government agent burdened by regret. There are plenty of bombastic setpieces, cleverly-written quests, and moments of intense action, but the things I think I'll always remember are quiet, intimate, human moments, from sitting with and comforting a girl whose girlfriend just killed herself, or meditating with a monk who has no ulterior motive but to bring V a rest in the midst of a grueling situation.
All that to say that while I had a lot of fun with the gameplay, the game world and the writing were what made me fall in love with Cyberpunk 2077, what will likely keep me coming back to the game on replay, and what landed it at number two on the list. The only reason it didn't end up at number one was because there's just one game I played this year which impressed me just that much more - and even then, it’s a thin margin.
First Place: Baldur's Gate 3 (Larian Studios)
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Here I must confess not only have I never played the original Baldur's Gate games - early works by BioWare, a company whose work I generally respect - I had until this year never touched Dungeons and Dragons or any ancillary media. Total blind spot! Never even saw the movie this year! I'd played plenty of tabletop, but never any DnD.
What a treat, then, to be introduced to the world and mechanics of DnD through such a game as Baldur's Gate 3. This game glistens with careful and thoughtful design, and proves the vibrancy and potential that still remains in the classic CRPG style. Baldur's Gate 3's great strengths shine in two major areas, which I will go in more detail about now.
Firstly, the game offers a truly remarkable amount of freedom to the player in allowing them to resolve a situation in a myriad of ways, emulating the flexible nature of tabletop storytelling to an extent I've rarely seen in the video game medium. Want to defeat a boss that's giving you grief by running up to him and shoving him off a cliff? Sure, that works! Want to stealthily surround an enemy camp with explosive barrels and then cast fireball? Ok, go for it!
The other side of this coin is that the game permits a lot of flexibility in permitting the player to truly fuck up royally, while keeping the narrative going and not forcing them into a game over because they "played wrong." Took too long to save some gnomes from a cave-in? Too bad, they suffocated to death! Allowed an important NPC, whose spell was protecting a community from a curse, to be defeated in battle and captured? Tough luck, all those people have died a horrible, agonizing death! It's your fault! Now keep moving. In Baldur's Gate 3, all of your decisions, good or bad, have consequences, and you have to live with them.
Baldur's Gate 3's other great strength lies in its character writing. Every major character, and many minor characters, are written with such depth and nuance, with varied motivations, backstories, and moral alignments, which the player can both influence and be influenced by. Notable standouts include Astarion, the cynical vampire whose acid tongue is a defense mechanism to not let anyone get too close and who delights in thumbing his nose at others and seeking power for himself, but who can be guided towards a more empathetic and caring place; and Shadowheart, the cleric of the dark goddess Shar who finds herself torn between what she sees as her duty to her goddess and what she knows deep down to be the right thing to do.
Every character in Baldur's Gate 3 has a story to tell, and they're all good ones. That alone would land it on this list, but combined with the astonishing freedom it allows players and its infinite replayability rocket it to the top spot. Baldur's Gate 3 is my game of the year.
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sprintingowl · 11 months
TTRPGs As Terrariums For Blorbos
One thing that I think isn't covered enough in TTRPG recommendations is styles of play.
There's a lot of "this game has this tone," or "this game is this amount of crunchy," but less "what are you playing towards?"
In games like Microscope and I'm Sorry Did You Say Street Magic? and The Quiet Year, you're playing to see what happens to the setting.
In games like Mork Borg and Into The Odd and Mothership, you're playing to see how far your character can get.
And in a lot of games, you're playing to create a blorbo, an OC, just a little guy, and the soul of the gameplay is the story of who your guy is and who your guy becomes.
This is blorbo style play.
And the thing about styles of play is that you can apply them to any game, even games that aren't really built to enable them. So I wanted to take a moment to shine a spotlight onto some games that do specifically enable you to fully blorb out. (I'll try to cover a mix of genres and tones, but the rpg scene is vast so if you have a favorite that I missed please feel free to shout it out in the replies.)
-Golden Sky Stories. This is the English translation of the Japanese TTRPG Yuuyake Koyake. You play as shapeshifter kids and spirits in a small town and, instead of tracking EXP, the thing that you carry from session to session is your relationships with other characters. The tone of the game is heartwarming, and if combat happens, both sides lose. There can be emotional turmoil, but this isn't a game where you have to worry about bad things happening to your blorbo.
-New World Of Darkness. On the other hand, let's say you *want* bad things to happen to your blorbo. You want to play a guy that's really going through it. If you also like modern supernatural stories, New World Of Darkness was built for you. Characters in NWoD can be entirely non-combat, or a literal werewolf, or a noncombat werewolf. The game places a lot of emphasis on navigating through the setting socially, as its supernatural creatures tend to run in factions and starting a fight usually means making a bunch of enemies.
-Pasion De Las Pasiones. Of course, not everyone wants a fantastical setting. Sometimes good old melodrama is hearty and comforting. Pasion De Las Pasiones is a playable telenovela, and it encourages you to play your characters bold and recklessly. Every class even has a built-in Meltdown, where if you're pushed to the edge they become extra reckless, ensuring a broad fallout of messy drama when they do manage to calm down.
-Cortex System / Unisystem. Perhaps you want to drop your blorbo into an existing fictional universe? But you also want stats and meaty character creation instead of just freeform roleplay? There are easily a dozen games on the Cortex engine, including Supernatural, Firefly, Smallville, Battlestar Galactica, Marvel, and Leverage. And on Unisystem, there's Buffy, Army Of Darkness, as well as a somewhat rare I Can't Believe It's Not Planet Of The Apes.
-Lancer / Gubat Banwa. If you like blorb-y play but still want a heavy side of combat, both of these games have you covered. Lancer has a sprawling scifi universe focused on mech pilots, and Gubat Banwa has a violent and lavish mythological Philippines setting. Both of these games also have stunningly beautiful artwork, so if you like seeing a setting visually come to life, these are for you.
-Fabula Ultima. My final recommendation is also an extremely gorgeous looking game. Fabula Ultima is built on the bones of Ryuutama (itself an excellent travel-fantasy game) to enable meaty, blorby Final Fantasy style campaign play. Combat is a rich and deep option in Fabula Ultima, but so is everything from spellcasting to crafting, and players have built-in resources they can spend to affect the story. If a scene isn't quite going the way you want it to, you can spend a point to nudge it in the right direction. Fabula Ultima also feels extremely complete without being too complicated.
So there you go. Eight options, and that's barely scratching the surface of the sea of blorb-y games (Seventh Sea, Exalted, Blue Rose, Legend Of The Five Rings, Coyote And Crow, Timewatch, Nahual, and more!)
It's also not wrong to play non-blorb-y games in a blorb-y way. Do whatever you're comfortable with! But you might enjoy dipping into these titles.
Finally, if you've read this far and you're somehow still looking for MORE recommendations, I wrote this game about runaway changelings trying to find their place in the world, and it's probably the blorbiest in my catalog.
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flirtysimlish · 1 year
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Werewolf Holidays
Hello again all! It's been a hot minute since the last time I made any holiday templates for my calendar. I've been playing hardcore lately and got inspired by my gameplay to make a calendar, customs and lore for Werewolf sims. Please use these as inspiration for your own games as much as you wish :) In my sims' world, The Moonwood Collective and the Wildfangs celebrate holidays in ways that reflect their pack ideals. Not only that, but the Wildfangs are exclusively aged late teen and up so they tend to have a wilder approach to things.
The explanations for each holiday and customs are below the cut:
~ Spring ~ Replacements for Love Day
Bonding Ritual - The Moodwood Collective
Spring brings life and renewal and the Moonwood Collective honors the goddess of the Moon by letting nature take its course. Werewolf sims should get romantic with their partners and get a little frisky. Typically, members of the Moonwood Collective tend to see their families increase in number after this holiday ;) This holiday pairs very well with the Free Love N.A.P and adds another layer to your werewolf community.
Art & Music Spirit
Give Flowers
Go on a date
Romantic Spirit
Full Moon Chase - The Wildfangs
The Wildfangs aren't as interested in procreating as the Moonwood Collective, but they still have that animalistic instinct. These werewolf sims celebrate Spring in a different way. Gather your werewolf pack and get ready to chase the moon...and some tail. Werewolf sims should get pumped with their pack and run through the wilderness at full speed. This rush of adrenaline and living free will bring your sim closer to their pack members, and maybe really close if they can sneak off to that bush over there.
Romantic Spirit
Go on a date
~ Summer ~
Lupine Outreach - The Moonwood Collective
Summer is the perfect time to work on Werewolf Diplomacy. The Moonwood Collective will travel to Granite Falls in an effort to raise werewolf awareness and visit their sister tribe. This is a time of merriment as werewolf members will eat, drink and intermingle with all sorts of sims. This is also the perfect time for teen werewolves to break away from their pack and transfer to the sister branches and explore new territory.
Go on a Vacation or Travel
Art & Music Spirit
Water Fun
The Gathering - The Wildfangs
As temps rise, the Wildfangs tend to get a little...heated. Summertime means that the Wildfangs will hold a gathering for their pack and what ensues can only be described as the biggest rager in all of Moonwood Mill. Werewolf sims will party their hairy behinds off, pick fights and play pranks on one another, all in comradery of course. The Gathering is also an important ritual for the Wildfangs as it is the only time that a pack member may challenge the Alpha for leadership. Win or lose, the party afterwards will always be legendary! This holiday goes well with the Roughousing Encouraged N.A.P to add detail to your werewolf community and reduce negative effects.
Air Grievances
Party Spirit
Mischief Spirit
~ Fall ~ Replacement for Harvestfest
Harvest Moon - The Moodwood Collective
The last harvest of the season brings great joy to the Moonwood Collective. This signals the end of their growing season and to celebrate they throw a huge feast! The pack Alpha brings everyone around the Star Tree and tells the story of their origins and Werewolf creation. This feast lasts late into the night and when the moon finally rises to the very top, the Moonwood Collective make their way to the mountain peak and howl to the Moon goddess to show their thanks for the bounty.
Thankful Spirit
Invite Guests
Grand Meal
Tell Stories
The Wild Hunt - The WildFangs
The Wildfangs deeply respect the Wild Hunt as an initiation ritual. Teen werewolves that are close to aging up may be brought in by older members and must attempt to gain membership by completing the 3 trials. Once completed the Wildfangs will celebrate with a pack hunt, the first of many for the new Pup level werewolves.
Party Spirit
~ Winter ~ Replacement for Winterfest and New Year's Eve
Frosty Paws - The Moonwood Collective
Ironically, the werewolf members of the Moonwood Collective don't believe in a mythical man who brings you presents. Instead, they tend to enjoy the company of those around them and love to give rather than receive. Tradition dictates that all gifts must be handmade and the Moonwood Collective isn't short on talented members. The Wildfangs on the other hand typically doesn't like to celebrate Frosty Paws. The cold temps of winter really put a damper on their moods, so they bunker down and enjoy some cozy solitude.
Festive Spirit
Give Gifts
Grand Meal
Festive Lighting
Somber Howl - Both Packs
The end of Winter is a time to reflect on the past year and those that aren't with us anymore. Both packs honor this holiday as the grim reaper doesn't discriminate and pain is shared on both sides. During Somber Howl, the werewolf packs will gather and tell stories about lost loved ones, visit with their ghosts, and make resolutions (usually to better themselves the next year).
Tell Stories
Spooky Spirit
Make Resolutions
Countdown to Midnight
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thepettymachine · 10 months
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Not So Berry Plus Challenge for the TS3
I just wanted more for the TS3 version of this challenge and honestly, who wouldn't. I didn't create this challenge, I simply added and modified somethings to fit more for what TS3 has to offer while trying to keep to the NSB playstyle and heart of the challenge. So if you like the NSB but want more to do in the TS3 version of it, this is a challenge for you.
Disclaimer: I didn't make this challenge, @lilsimsie did. I also incorporated ideas from @simlovinggirl from her TS3 version of this challenge. Also inspiration from @sweetlysimss from their updated version of the TS4 version. Also sim wikia page for all information i need in terms of gameplay.
Tag: the normal nsb tag or "nsb plus" or "nsb +" or "@" me
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Do you like the rainbow? Do you like the idea of playing with berry Sims but hate berry Sims? Do you want to mess around with aspects of the game you’ve never used before? Boy, do I have the challenge for you!
You can follow the orignal rules of the NSB but I'm not requiring it for this.
You can keep the color scheme for each generation or just stick to the objectives of each generation. It is up to you as the player
2-3 traits are required but you don't have to have all of them for the heir if you don't want to.
Have fun!
If you wish to keep track of the generation goals/your progress, @rcpunzel created this spreadsheet for the challenge
🔬 Generation 1: Mint
What a mischievous scientist you are! As a career-driven individual, you still try to hangout with your friends and family and want what’s best for them. But in your free time, you enjoy the misfortune you cause others and love the idea of luxury in your life. Minty fresh indeed.
Traits: Vegetarian, Ambitious, Friendly, Inappropriate, Green Thumb
Aspiration: Become a Creature-Robot Cross Breeder
Career: Science
Reach Level 9 of Science Career
Master the gardening, fishing, and science skills
Have 3 best friends that you hangout with once a week 
Make 3 enemies
Meet your match: Marry a sim with the inappropriate/mean-spirited trait whom you get into a fight with. 
Own a garden with excellent quality with rare fruit (life fruit, death flower, omni plant, etc)
Own expensive luxury items in your home
Spoil your children rotten (get them anything their wishes desire)
Complete the Gems & Metals collection
💋 Generation 2: Rose
You were spoiled rotten as a child and it made you into an irresponsible insatiable person who hungers for more. Whether it's in your career in politics or lovers you left in tears, you always get what you want and leave the mess for someone else to clean up. Even if one mess ended up with your beloved child.
Traits: Flirty, Workaholic, Charismatic, Irresistible, Schmoozer,
Lifetime Wish: Master Romancer
Career: Politician
Only have one child that resulted from a one night stand 
Gain the “Casanova/Natasha” reputation (for 7+ relationships/romantic interests at one time) or gain the “Player” reputation (for 9+ relationships/romantic interests but none at the same time)
Reach level 10 of Politician career
Throw campaign parties
Master the Charisma skill
Break off an engagement
Get married as an elder
Be distant with your child, provide for them but never be there for them. 
Become publicly disgraced for something
Become best friends with your boss
Live in a big house with maids + butler
🔭 Generation 3: Yellow
Growing up, you never had a great relationship with your parent but you did gain your grandparent’s interest in science, specifically space. As a child, you spent the majority of time enjoying your own company while obsessing over black holes, planets, and traveling to the stars. You spent your whole life dreaming of space, now it’s time to make it a reality. No matter the cost.
Traits: Loner, Handy, Socially Awkward, Brave, Computer Whiz
Lifetime Wish: High Tech Collector
Career: Astronomer 
Your best and only friend is your Grandparent. No close relationships or friendships until they die.
Find a star and name it
Master Logic and Advanced Technology skills
Own a Hoverboard, Dream Pod, Food Synthesizer, Holo Disc, and Jet Pack
Join the Astronomy career and go into the Space Explorer branch
Travel to Simulon V
Never marry because space is your one true love
Neglect your own children but still be friends with them. (no teaching of skills, not caring about hw, etc)
Get abducted by aliens and have an alien child
⚽ Generation 4: Grey
You always enjoyed playing sports and being in the great outdoors, contrary to what your family is interested in. You dream of becoming a professional athlete but you’ve always felt second place to your parent’s obsessions growing up and didn’t want the same for your children. You want to be there for your kiddos as much as possible. So while you’re hanging out with your family, you find music is something that brings you closer together.
Traits: Athletic, Virtuoso , Nurturing, Loves the Outdoors, Technophobe
Lifetime Wish: Superstar Athlete
Career: Professional Sports
Be in the Scouts as a child
Reach Level 10 of Sports career
Master the Athletic skill and a Musical Instrument
Teach all your children the xylophone
Be best friends with all your children
Have 3 failed relationships before finding the one. 
Do outdoor activities with your family (going to the park, beach, camping, etc)
Jam out with your family (once the kids get older) on your instrument of choice
Celebrate the seasons together:
Go to seasonal festivals, host seasonal parties, and decorate the home for family fun.
🎤 Generation 5: Plum
Everyone has always told you how talented you are. You’ve always been naturally good at everything to the point that nothing ever challenges you. This causes you to search for something that will. You tried different careers and learned some new skills, heck, you even tried being a Doctor. But one day at a karaoke bar, you sanged your heart out and realized that you love music and wish to become a singer. Is it too late to pursue your dream in your adulthood? Let’s find out!
Traits: Daredevil, Diva, Lucky, Commitment Issues, Natural Born Performer
Lifetime Wish: Jack of all Trades
Career: Multiple jobs, Medical, Singer 
Make straight A’s as a child and teen
Pick 3 different jobs before deciding on the Medical career
Quit the medical career as an adult to pursue your dream as a Singer
Master 3 skills, one of them has to be a musical instrument. 
Complete all of your midlife crisis wishes
Get divorced and then remarry the same sim
Move to 3 different worlds in your lifetime
Reach at least celebrity level 3 as a Singer
Perform at a big private venue
🖕 Generation 6: Orange
Growing up, homelife was competitive and hectic. You never had stability with your parent’s constant hedonistic whims affecting your life. You also didn’t reach academic success like your siblings who always outperformed you in everything, making you feel like a loser in your own family. But while your siblings were doing their thing, you were doing yours. Stealing. The joy of taking something without getting caught is like adrenaline in your veins and you want more. You also want to learn more about cooking as it calms you down. 
Traits: Loser, Natural Cook, Evil, Kleptomaniac, Hot-Headed
Lifetime Wish: Become a Master Thief
Career: Criminal (Thief branch)
Reach level 10 of the Criminal career in the Thief branch 
Master the Cooking skill
Steal from your neighbors and other townsfolk 
Marry a fellow criminal or someone with the Evil trait. 
Only have twins for children
Cook your favorite food + everybody in the household as well. 
Learn 28 recipes/Menu Maven challenge
Live in a fixer upper home/apartment in YA years
In Adult years, live in a house you can’t afford and purchase weird expensive items for aesthetic
Have at least 5 enemies
📖 Generation 7: Pink
You grew up watching your parents be irresponsible with their finances and let you have a little too much freedom in raising yourself. This causes you to become a very practical individual who believes in the steady 9-5 corporate hustle. Your twin on the other hand, dreams of becoming a big time Director in Bridgeport and you can’t help your envy as you also have a secret dream of becoming a best selling romance writer. As you see your twin succeed in their dream, maybe you too can try to pursue your dreams. Maybe you too can find the love you’ve always dreamed about.
Traits: Frugal, Unflirty, Bookworm, Hopeless Romantic, Neurotic 
Lifetime Wish: Professional Author
Career: Business, Self-employed Writer
Master the Writing skill
Live with your twin while they reach the Director branch of the Film career
Live in an urban city in your YA years, move to woodsy/rural town in your Adult years
Quit the business career  to pursue your dream of being a writer as an adult 
Own multiple bookshelves in your home
Write 5 Romance books in order to become a specialist in the genre 
Write 5 books outside of your genre
Find love as an adult through online dating 
Send love letters to your romantic interest
🕵️ Generation 8: Peach
As a child, you loved the stories your parents read to you about dashing knights, charming adventurers,and mysteries to be solved by the world’s greatest minds. You’ve always wanted to become a detective but you also have a thirst for adventure. Why not both?! You work primarily as a detective by solving cases and investigating clues but when you get that itch to explore, you catch a plane to your next destination and meet the locals who will tell you their stories.
Traits: Perspective, Good Sense of Humor, Genius, Adventurous, Photographer’s Eye
Lifetime Wish: Pervasive Private Eye
Career: Private Investigator
Reach level 10 of Detective profession
Move to a different world than the one you were born in
Visit explore different worlds (can be custom/WA destinations)
Master the Photography skill
Bring back souvenirs from your travels
Play chess in the local park and play against other townies for fun
Marry a local
Make all your friends through jokes & funny videos
Have a dog and be best friends with them
🎮 Generation 9: Green
So popular! You’ve always been the life of the party as you are an outgoing person who's always down to have a good time with friends. But no one would suspect that you’re really just a giant nerd that loves playing video games and painting in their spare time. That’s why it’s such a shock to some that you decided to major in Technology and become a Game Developer. You’re a hard worker who wants to develop amazing games but will party to the break of dawn with no regrets.
Traits: Party Animal, Social Butterfly, Excitable, Computer Whiz, Artistic
LTW: Reach Max Influence with All Social Groups
Career: Video Game Developer (Game Artist Branch)
Moonlight as a barista at bars for extra cash/side hustling 
Hacking is also another side hustle for extra cash (Computer Whiz trait exclusive)
Attend University as a Technology major
Unlock the Video Game Developer career by maxing out Nerd social group status
Master Mixology, Social Networking, and Painting skills
Accept every invitation to parties/outings with your friends
Own a comic book collection
Have a personal  blog
Have at least 5 good friends
Marry your best friend
🍼 Generation 10: Blue
Your dreams are a reality now that you have married the love of your life, had beautiful children, live in your dream home, and work your dream career. What could you possibly want more than this?! Actually… alot. You find yourself dissatisfied with your present circumstances and your eyes have begun to wander onto things you shouldn’t but want to have. As you begin to question and explore your new found cravings, a one time affair produces a bundle of joy and now everything you hold close to your heart is now in jeopardy of breaking apart at the seams.
Traits: Perfectionist, Good, Family-Oriented, Grumpy, Neat
Lifetime Wish: Surrounded by Family
Career: Teacher
Marry your high school sweetheart and stay with them until death do you part
Join the Education career
Host a big wedding
Move into your dream house
Adopt at least 1 child
Teach your children all of their skills
Toddlers - Teach, talk, poop, logic, music
Children - encourage their skills and help them with their homework
Teens - help them with homework and teach them to drive
Have a secret affair that results in a child
Confess to your spouse that you’ve cheated in order to rebuild your marriage
Purchase the “Clean Slate” lifetime reward to clean up your reputation
Gain the Eternally Faithful moodlet
Thank you for trying this challenge. Feedback is always welcomed!
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