#gi hun scenarios
luvsae · 9 months
does anyone have squid game requests? ill write for anyone !!
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Do's and Don'ts
Hello everyone! I'm not really that new to Tumblr, so I do know how this whole thing works. I just kinda deleted my old acc, and made this one for a fresh start so yeah:)
Girl x girl
Boy x boy
Gender nuetral reader/non binary reader
Platonic age gaps
PLATONIC family pieces (like, brother x sister, sister x sister, platonic stuff yk)
Huge age gaps (from four years apart and up)
Character x animal/furry kinda thing
Kidnapping (unless it is part of a story and the kidnapper is platonic e.g. the grabber x platonic!reader etc)
A scenario in which the reader dies
Spirit x Reader (like a ghost kind of spirit, because that's js weird)
Specific AU's (e.g. Mafia!Seungcheol x reader. I'm general I js think it's a no)
People who I write for:
All members
Alice In Borderland
Shuntaro Chishiya
Yuzuha Usagi
Ryohei Arisu
Suguru Niragi
Ginji Kyuma
Daikichi Karube
Akane Heiya
Kotoko Shiga
Sunato Banda
Kōdai Tatta
Oki Yaba
All Of Us Are Dead
Lee Su-hyeok
Choi Nam-ra
Lee Cheong-san
Nam On-jo
Yoon Gwi-nam
Park Mi-jin
Jang Ha-ri
Jang Woo-jin
Min Eun-ji
Han Gyeong-su
Yang Dae-su
Stray Kids
All members
All members
All members
Any Kpop groups
Squid Game
Kang Sae-byeok
Seong Gi-hun
Hwang Jun ho
Abdul Ali
Front Man
Cho Sang woo
There might be more added to this, but I will try to make a Masterlist sometime soon. So cya, and have a lovely day. Don't forget to drink water and eat something, love you all!
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heather1815 · 2 years
*The group playing cards*
Patryk: Babe this is Uno-
Yuu: Dude we’re playing Uno. U N O.
Paul: …Checkmate..
Ak: *Holds up Uno box for emphasis*
Paul: ….Yahtzee.
Tord: *Stares deadpanned into the camera like in The Office*
Why stop there? Let’s keep going!
Paul: “looks like you guys are going to the shadow realm, jimbo!”
Yuu: “Paul, you don’t even what yu gi oh is!”
Paul: “Full house!”
Patrick: “hun, please...”
Paul: “right hand on red!”
AK: *slowly reaches out to touch Red Leader’s arm*
Paul: “it’s muffin time!”
Tord: “goddammit...”
Any scenario where Paul is being an absolute goof and Tord is miserable for it are A+++ for me, srsly.
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brctherfound · 2 years
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Not entirely a headcanon but more like world analysis.
After re-watching the scenes with the VIPs, I can confirm that there are “Squid Games” in other countries ; HOWEVER, they are not called Squid Games. They are referred to by different names since one of the VIPs refers to them as “Editions,” South Korea’s contest being his favorite. The games could be based entirely on whatever the FINAL game played is in the contests as their respective titles ; however, if your muse is not from Korea, this would be the best way to place them into that scenario (or, you know, make them a VIP because they have the funds on their own). 
Either way, verses are possible but remember that not every muse is gonna be bumping elbows with Gi-hun or throttling Sang-woo.
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weirdesplinder · 11 months
Podcast amiche di drama e trama: Perchè guardare i drama asiatici? 
File mp3 scaricabile del podcast in modo possiate ascoltarlo quando e dove volete: https://www.dropbox.com/s/0yxnpwjd12npyfy/Perch%C3%A8%20guardare%20i%20drama.mp3?dl=0
Drama e libri citati nel podcast:
- Squid game, kdrama
Link: https://www.netflix.com/it/title/81040344
Trama:  un uomo divorziato e sommerso  dai debiti, Gi-hun, viene invitato da un uomo incontrato per caso a  partecipare a una serie di giochi tradizionali per bambini per vincere  una grossa somma di denaro. … Chi rifiuta di giocare verrà eliminato, o meglio ucciso.
La mia opinione:  chi non conosce questo drama? Avvincente e adrenalinico, non gioca solo  sull’apparenza, ma ci mostra anche uno squarcio di umanità realistica e  grottesca che ben si sposa con la crudezza dei giochi per bambini, così  crudeli nella loro semplicità.
- Battle Royale, romanzo di Koushun Takami
Link: https://amzn.to/43y8Glc
Trama: Repubblica  della Grande Asia dell'Est, 1997. Ogni anno una classe di quindicenni  viene scelta per partecipare al Programma; e questa volta è toccato alla  terza B della Scuola media Shiroiwa. Convinti di recarsi in una gita  d'istruzione, i quarantadue ragazzi salgono su un pullman, dove vengono  narcotizzati. Quando si risvegliano, lo scenario è molto diverso:  intrappolati su un'isola deserta, controllati tramite collari radio, i  ragazzi vengono costretti a partecipare a un “gioco” il cui scopo è  uccidersi a vicenda. Finché non ne rimanga uno solo…
La mia opinione: Edito  nel 1999, “Battle Royale” è un bestseller assoluto in Giappone, il  libro più venduto di tutti i tempi; diventato fenomeno di culto, ha  ispirato celebri film, manga sceneggiati dallo stesso Takami e  videogiochi. Scritto con uno stile insieme freddo e violento, “Battle  Royale” è un classico del pulp, un libro controverso e ricco di  implicazioni, nel quale molti hanno visto una potente metafora di cosa  significhi essere giovani in un mondo dominato dal più feroce darwinismo  sociale.   Battle Royale descrive nei dettagli la  violenza perpetrata e subita dai ragazzi coinvolti nel terribile  programma, mettendone in mostra l'inutilità e la gratuità. Non si può  dare senso a tanto sangue per quanto lo Stato cerchi di giustificarlo, e  non si può negare che l'uomo qualsiasi uomo, se messo alle strette sia  capace di tali atrocità.Questa in soldoni l'amara verità di  Battle royale, insieme a un triste dipinto della gioventù odierna.  Perché allora leggere questo libro? Perché in fondo è lo specchio di una  generazione, la nostra quella dei nostri figli, alla stregua di film  come Fight club è bene che ci si renda conto di quanto la violenza sia  ormai considerata normale, giustificata e assimilata attraverso  videogiochi e altri mezzi mediatici. Ed è bene rendersi conto di a cosa  ciò potrebbe portare. Ma a parte questa visone  morale del libro, si tratta anche di un bel romanzo, scritto bene, che  merita di venir letto. A mio parere almeno, siete liberi di non  condividere la mia opinione. Da ragazza cresciuta a forza di  cartoni animati giapponesi ambientati nei licei giapponesi non mi ha  sconvolto più tanto come lettura, mi era già chiaro come quelle scuole  dividessero i ragazzi in caste e come li potessero ferire.
- What’s wrong with secretary kim, kdrama
Trama: Puoi essere così egocentrico da non aver idea di cosa stia veramente succedendo intorno a te? Lee Young Joon (Park Seo Joon)  è il vice presidente dell'azienda di famiglia, Yoomyung Group. È così  narcisista da non prestare attenzione a quello che la sua fidata  segretaria, Kim Mi So (Park Min Young), cerca di dirgli il più delle volte. Dopo  nove anni cercando di mettere Young Joon in buona luce e gestire il suo  enorme ego, Min So decide di lasciare il lavoro. Il fratello maggiore  di Young Joon, Lee Sung Yeon (Lee Tae Hwan), è un attore famoso ed è innamorato di Mi So. Potrà Young Joon accettare il fatto che Mi So non vuole più lavorare per lui o se ne farà un'idea sbagliata? "Cosa  c'è che non va con la Segretaria Kim" è una serie drammatica sud  coreana diretta da Park Joon Hwa. È basata su un romanzo di Jung Kyung  Yoon. Un fumetto online del 2016 di Kim Young Mi è basato sullo stesso  romanzo.
- Touch your heart, kdrama
Trama:  Oh Yoon Seo (Yoo In Na), un'attrice famosa, viene coinvolta in uno  scandalo insieme al figlio di una ricca famiglia. Con la sua carriera in  rapido declino, cerca un'ultima possibilità di tornare sugli schermi e  finisce con l'ottenere la parte di segretaria in un film drammatico  scritto da un famoso sceneggiatore. Per potersi calare nella parte, Yoon  Seo inizia a lavorare per sei mesi come segretaria per conto di Kwon  Jung Rok (Lee Dong Wook), un avvocato famoso per il suo perfezionismo.
- Alice in Borderland,  jdrama
Trama:  Un appassionato di videogiochi e i suoi due amici si ritrovano in una  Tokyo parallela, dove per sopravvivere sono costretti a partecipare a  una serie di giochi sadici.
La mia opinione: Così come  Squid game, Alice in borderland fa parte dello stesso filone a cui  appartengono molti altri film e telefilm per lo più giapponesi, dei  giochi mortali, che mostrano l’umanità al suo peggio durante la lotta  per la sopravvivenza. Vedi ad esempio Battle Royale, che è anche un  romanzo.
-My roommate is a Gumiho, kdrama
Link: https://www.viki.com/tv/37880c-my-roommate-is-a-gumiho?locale=it
Trama:  Dopo aver vagato sulla Terra per gli ultimi 999 anni, Shin Woo Yeo sta  per realizzare il suo più grande sogno. Dopo aver passato gli  ultimi mille anni a raccogliere energia umana nella sua preziosa perla,  questo gumiho millenario è finalmente pronto a liberarsi della sua forma  di volpe e diventare completamente umano. O almeno lo era fino a quando  una ignara studentessa di nome Lee Dam, ha rovinato tutti i suoi piani.  Mentre cerca di aiutare la sua amica ubriaca a  tornare a casa, Lee Dam ingoia accidentalmente la perla di volpe di Woo  Yeo. Sapendo bene che ingoiare la perla finirà per uccidere l'umana, Woo  Yeo non ha altra scelta che affrontare Lee Dam svelando la verità.  Senza una vera idea su come risolvere la situazione, Woo Yeo suggerisce  di vivere insieme, finché non troveranno una soluzione.  Lee Dam accetta  l'insolita richiesta di Woo Yeo. Ma la convivenza li aiuterà davvero a   trovare la risposta che cercano, o porterà solo una serie di problemi  completamente nuovi?
La mia opinione: di nuovo un  drama con elementi fantasy perchè conoscete i miei gusti letterari, ed è  questo tipo di trame che posso trovare più spesso nei telefilm coreani  che non americani. Questo mix di realtà e fantasia. Una storia dolce,  senza grandi conflitti. Ad un certo punto inciampa nel clichè  dell’amnesia, ma per fortuna lo supera in fretta. Molto bello l’inizio e  la fine, la parte centrale ralleta un poco, ma è comunque una favola  molto bella su cosa significa essere umani e su come diventarlo.  
- Extraordinary you, kdrama
Link per guardarlo: https://www.viki.com/tv/36728c-extra-ordinary-you
Trama:   La liceale Eun Dan Oh, figlia unica di una famiglia facoltosa, soffre di  un problema cardiaco congenito. Un giorno inizia a domandarsi perché  stia continuando a perdere i propri ricordi. Scopre così di  essere il personaggio di un fumetto, e che tra una scena e l’altra può  uscire dalla personalità del suo personaggio ed essere se stessa, così  decide di cercare di cambiare la sceneggiatura in modo da non morire.  Nel frattempo, un personaggio  più che secondario, che non ha neppure un  nome nel fumetto ma è  noto soltanto come il liceale n. 13 della Seuri  High School,  vive nello sfondo insieme a tutti gli altri personaggi. Questo finché la  sua vita non cambia grazie all'incontro con Dan Oh. I due iniziano la  loro misteriosa avventura per scoprire il funzionamento del mondo del  fumetto,  e cercare di riottenere la propria indipendenza.
La mia opinione:  bellissimo sia intellettualmente come concetto che come estetica. Trama  stupenda, attori bravissimi, vi farà provare ogni tipo di emozione.  Super consigliato
- W two worlds apart, kdrama
Link: https://www.viki.com/tv/30854c-w?qId=b26aac1720f56c7e0431eb489ccd3695#episodes
Trama: Il padre della chirurga toracica Oh Yeon-joo scompare  misteriosamente durante la realizzazione dell'ultimo capitolo del suo  webtoon  “W”. Recatasi nell'ufficio dell'uomo, Yeon-joo rimane scioccata  trovando sul computer una scena in cui Kang Cheol, il protagonista  dell'opera, muore. Mentre legge una nota lasciata dal genitore, una mano  emerge dallo schermo e la trascina dentro “W”, trasportandola in cima  all'edificio dove Kang Cheol giace sanguinante. Yeon-joo riesce a  salvarlo e apprende di poter tornare al mondo reale se i sentimenti di  Kang Cheol cambieranno. Quando succederà, la parola “continua” apparirà  sullo schermo e verrà teletrasportata nuovamente a casa sua.
La mia opinione:
altro drama con elementi fantastici, dove mondo reale e modo virtuale  si incontrano. Un disegno scoprirà di non essere reale ma solo creazione  di un artista e questo cambiareà per sempre due mondi. Adrenalinico,  molto veloce come ritmo (cosa rara per un drama), appassionante, un  piccolo gioiellino, forse non esente da qualche difetto (alcuni  personaggi secondari sono solo abbozzati e praticamente inutili da  esempio), ma le performance della protagonista femminile e dell’attore  che fa suo padre da sole bastano a renderlo un drama di alto livello. La  trama innovativa fa il resto.
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24hlevi · 3 years
Squid game characters react to s/o who smiles for the first time
im posting this bc im in need of fluff and im sure you all are too after all my angst posts recently w/ squid game so here <3
Squid Game Characters Reaction To Their S/o Smiling For The First Time
Squid Game Characters (Gi-Hun [456], Sangwoo [218], Sae-Byeok [067], & Junho X Gn!Reader
Gi-Hun [456]:
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- gihun was starting to get worried that you didn’t like him with how many jokes he made that failed to make you laugh and even smile
- but one day, he made a joke/pickup line that he thought would make you laugh and so he told it to you when you got home from a stressful day at work
- “hey, y/n, why did i lose my heart? because you stole it!” he said to you with a wide smile on his face
- a smile lit up across your lips as well which surprised gihun as he hadn’t seen you smile even before
- he got so much more happier that he ran up to you and hugged you
- “i made you smile! that means you don’t hate me, right?!”
- he would then keep coming up with terrible pickup lines just to keep telling you them so that he would see you smile more
- but he wouldn’t mind if it took more time for it to happen, he is perfectly fine with knowing he at least made you smile once!
Sangwoo [218]:
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- we all know sangwoo doesn’t smile basically at all so he really wouldn’t give a shit if you didn’t either
- so he didn’t try to make you smile either, it just happened naturally one day
- he was out on the porch smoking a cigarette early in the morning and you had woken up because of it when you walked out and took the cigarette away from him and took a hit of it yourself before saying “y’know smoking can kill you.” and then smiling
- let me tell you my man was shook to the point that all he could say was
- “that’s very attractive of you.”
- since then he would tell you when he’s going on smoke breaks if you both were together at the moment in hopes of seeing you smile again which he didn’t even realize
- he was whipped for you from that point on and he didn’t even know which you thought was funny especially when you told him and he just denied it over and over again
- but he knew he was, he couldn’t help it </3
Sae-Byeok [067]:
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- saebyeok didn’t care much about if you didn’t smile or laugh around her, but there was still a tiny piece of her that would be sad about it despite being the same herself
- she didn’t try to figure out ways to make you smile but then she came up with the idea of kissing you for the first time and seeing how it went
- so while you two were sitting inside your place on the couch and talking, saebyeok suddenly just stopped your talking by kissing you
- and when she pulled away, the first thing she saw was a smile plastered on your face, resulting in her smiling back
- “i guess i’ll just have to kiss you a lot so i can see that smile more.”
- she wasn’t lying, she really did that so it would work which is very hot of her
- but eventually she would try and find different ways to make you smile more after seeing how beautiful your smile was and because she wanted to see it more
- this would also cause saebyeok to smile a lot more too, because seeing your smile makes her smile despite how much she denies it
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- junho is another one who thought you didn’t like him genuinely which made him really sad because he thought the reason was his job
- so he took a “vacation” for two weeks when it was him staying at home with you the whole time
- junho got you to smile when you came home from wherever and he had made you a full course meal all by himself with a smile on his face as he stood in the dining room with his hands open, gesturing to the table that was filled completely with food and wine
- “i made you this dinner because i love you, and i hope you love me too.”
- he really thought you didn’t like him so please reassure him that you do or else he’ll do this everyday and won’t stop until he knows completely
- he would be so happy that he got you to smile with this idea and that it worked so every two weeks, junho would take the day off work and make a full meal like that day so you both can be reminded of when you first smiled and when he knew that you did love him
- he would try other ways to make you smile and every time it worked, he would write it down so he knows how to make you smile for literally everything :( he’s so sweet
- junho would always work so hard just to make you smile because he loves seeing it so much that he can’t help but have to work his hardest just so he can see it once more
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lady-of-endless · 3 years
Seong Gi-hun (456) x reader headcanons
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Author's Note: Forget about those, please. There's nothing serious. I just got way too invested in this tv show and Seong Gi-hun and got carried away.
- His hugs are the best if you can get one. There is no in-between, his embraces are either incredibly rare or quite often, between the games. When the pressure is too much, he either appears reserved and closed off or he'll simply come to you for hugs with no other explanations. He'll get embarrassed like a teenager if someone points out that physical gesture between the two of you.
- It is already known that he is cautious with everyone, reasonable or dangerous. Expect to be approached by him during the first few rounds when he thinks that having a team is an efficient idea. Once he learns that you're a sensible and kind person deep down, he'll promptly invite you to his team for your safety.
- Honestly has no idea of what he's doing strategy-wise during the games so he'll be willing to listen if you'll come up with ideas (we've seen this happen before with Sang-woo).
- He sure acts like an extrovert but there is so much overthinking behind all of that. Also, there is a slight indecisiveness in his morals. That kind of gets you closer to him faster though!
- There was this one time you tried to warn him about Sang-woo but his illusion of that friendship only made Gi-hun doubt you. You'll even try to warn him before the honeycomb game and make him choose an easier shape but you'll only discover how stubborn and devoted he is to the ones he cares about.
- If he starts falling for you, expect to find him glancing at you a lot. You'll have to snap him out of it (which is very cute). After a tough round, your recovery will certainly come from seeing him relieved that you survived. This thing goes the other way around as well. He can't remember when was the last time someone was so enthusiastic to see him, besides his daughter.
- He's not going to open up so fast despite his warm and sympathetic way of being but stress slowly cracks him. He will ask himself if telling you more about him is a good idea before doing it hesitantly.
- Close to the last rounds when he starts overthinking hard, Gi-hun will even start thinking about how your presence in his life before the game would have changed everything in good.
- He is pretty motivated to stay alive and be a good father for his daughter. These motivations for the future seem to include you as well lately. He wants you to be happier, he wants you to stay alive as well. Gi-hun will fantasize about both of you getting out of that hell, even if he knows it's egotistical.
- After the glass bridge game, you offer to clean his cuts. Even if Gi-hun is extremely tense and only looks at Sang-woo, one of his hands will grip your free hand tightly. You can feel all of his anger and deception. Please calm him down and take care of him.
- He openly wishes you good luck before each game even if you get closer to each other romantically or not.
- During one lunch, out of instinct, you moved one of his curly strands of hair out of the way and he froze. Ali asked him something and Gi-hun started stuttering nonsense. (just wait until you see his smile and you’ll be the stuttering mess)
- Because of the exhaustion, he might get cozy in your bed by accident when the light shuts down one night. Don't wake him up though. He's a warm guy naturally, you'll be having the best sleep ever during this stressful period, ironically. Gi-hun will pull you closer in his sleep by instinct. His face will be unforgettable in the morning when he understands what happened.
- Oh and after the honeycomb game, you could not make straight eye contact with him. That technique and position were the things that slowed you down a little when you noticed. Let's be honest.
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writemekpop · 3 years
Mask Off | Kim Doyoung
Pairing: Kim Doyoung x Reader
Summary: You’re a guard in Squid Game, and you realise your ex-boyfriend Doyoung is a player. You’ll do anything to save his life… even risk your own.
Genre: Squid Game AU, Ex!Doyoung, suggestive 
Word Count: 1.7k
Warnings: Violence 
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You never wanted to be part of Squid Game. Yet here you were, trapped in a black mask with a triangle on it, watching innocent people fight to the death. 
Everyone was roaming around the large room, trying to pick a shape for the next game. They could either choose a circle, a triangle, a star or an umbrella. You barely noticed what was going on. Though your body was in stiff attention, you were a zombie, barely awake.
Until… you saw something. A gasp stuttered through your lips. Because, marching back and forth in a green player’s tracksuit, was Doyoung. The rush of memories was so strong it almost choked you.
Doyoung was the love of your life, who brutally broke your heart three years ago. He was the fierce, passionate doctor working beside you in the free health clinic you’d set up in Seoul. When you ran out of money and the clinic doors shut… Doyoung blamed you. He trashed your apartment in rage and vanished from your life. You’d never recovered from your break up.  
You had no idea Doyoung was in Squid Game. If you’d known, you could’ve helped, protected him- 
The thought of Doyoung dying was unbearable.  
Love wasn’t like a tap, you couldn’t just turn it off. The truth was, you’d never stopped loving Doyoung. 
You had to protect him. But as you stood there, frozen, you saw him join the umbrella line. You’d stirred that sticky sugar all night. You knew the candy game was coming – and picking umbrella was as good as suicide. 
You had to direct him to the triangle option - but if you were found to be helping a player, you would be shot in a second. 
You suddenly remembered the object in your bra. A piece of candy that you’d stashed to eat later. Gripping your gun, you stepped casually around the sides of the room, stopping close to Doyoung. 
His soft, handsome face was the same - only the purple bruise on his cheekbone was new. 
When you thought the guards were distracted, you bent down, pretending to fumble with your zip… and dropped the candy by his feet. 
Pulse thudding in your ears, you strolled back into position. You prayed: please, please, please understand… 
But you looked up, and your heart fell. The candy was lying undisturbed and Doyoung was still standing in the umbrella line. Red-hot frustration crackled through you. Was Doyoung determined to get killed?
When the candy game started, you were standing in the hot open field. Your breath turned the inside of your mask into a sauna. There were only five minutes left to go, and poor, doomed Doyoung was scratching away at his impossible umbrella shape. 
How could you help him? 
You caught sight of a long-faced man licking his candy. Yes! The spit could dissolve it! But Doyoung hadn’t noticed, still bent over his own doomed plate. 
You edged towards Doyoung. As if you were inspecting his candy, you trained your gun on him, all the time waiting for the bullet in your back, for a square-mask to catch you. 
Leaning over, you quickly lifted the bottom of your mask and spit on his candy. Would it work? Could you save him? 
Only… the glob of spit missed his candy and wetted the dust near Doyoung. Oh no! You begged him to notice, to put two and two together… 
Doyoung did notice, but from the stiffening in his back, you realised he just thought you were bullying him.
You cursed every god who had ever lived. Tears ran hot inside your mask, making you smell salt. 
Three minutes left. Doyoung was still scratching to his doom.
In that moment of utter despair, a memory shone in the back of your eyes. 
“I wanna be the big spoon,” Doyoung whined, trying to roll you over. You were lying in bed together. 
“Why can’t I do it for once? Let me protect you,” you returned. 
But with a mischievous chuckle, Doyoung flipped you over and cradled you with the whole solid warmth of his body. You sighed in pleasure, and Doyoung laughed at your obvious satisfaction. 
He began placing little, loving kisses in the back of your neck. It tickled so bad that you squirmed around laughing - but inside, you were blazing with warmth.
“Stop! I need to sleep!” 
“You don’t need sleep when you’ve got me,” he cooed, slipping the strap of your night dress down your shoulder slowly... 
Your eyes refocused, slightly blurred with tears, and you saw something. 
Doyoung was furiously licking his candy. Yes! He was way behind the other players, but there was still a chance…
When Doyoung’s number, 47, was called out, you almost drowned in relief. Doyoung had passed the game. He would live another day. 
But Squid Game wasn’t over. And Doyoung’s life was still on the line. 
That night, you were pacing around the darkened dormitory, on night duty. Before, you hated night duty - who wanted to get stabbed in the darkness? But now, you loved it. Ever since you realised Doyoung was here, it killed you leave him for even a second. It was all you could do not to stand at the foot of his bed, his secret guardian angel. 
You were forcing yourself to walk in the opposite direction from Doyoung – you didn’t want to look suspicious – when someone wrenched your gun out of your hand, pressed their hand over your mouth and pushed your gun into your back.
It happened too quickly to scream. In horror movies, they have swelling violins to warn you something bad will happen. In reality, there’s nothing but terror, thick and fast, filling your mouth like sand. 
The hand on your mouth smelled like sickly sweet sugar. You were building up a scream when a husky voice said:
“Make a sound and I’ll shoot you.” 
Any normal human being would be terrified by those words, but you felt a rush of relief - because the person speaking was Doyoung. You’d know that voice anywhere. 
Doyoung continued, keeping his voice low so only you could hear. “I don’t know who you are or what the hell you want, but you better stop messing with me.” 
You tried to say who you were, heart pounding, but it just came out as a muffled moan. The gun pressed harder into your back, making it ache.  
“I saw you spit on me! What’s your damn problem?” Doyoung said.
You’d always found Doyoung’s raging temper funny - it was so easy to wind him up. But now, that temper might just kill you. 
In a rough motion, Doyoung pulled the gun away from your back, and swivelled you so you were facing him. You sagged. But Doyoung’s hand was still gripping your shoulder. 
“I need to see you.” 
Doyoung said:
“Take off the mask.”
Doyoung couldn’t bloody believe it. 
First, he had to take part in this murder game. And if that wasn’t bad enough, he now had some triangle-faced thug messing with him? 
The guard, who he guessed was a woman from the soft curves evident under the red jumpsuit, was writhing about in his grasp. He almost wanted to laugh - it had been so easy to catch you. Well now you were about to get a taste of your own medicine. 
Your hands, trembling, rose to your face. Doyoung could just make out the white triangle in the half-darkness. For some reason, he felt his pulse jumping. What was he expecting? An alien? It was just gonna be some stranger, anyway. 
He couldn’t shake the feeling that when he saw your face, something massive would change. 
You pulled off your mask, and Doyoung knew that an alien would have been less surprising. 
His voice choked out: “Y-Y/n?”
Your heart-shaped face, the startling clearness in your eyes, like you could see right through him… it was all the same. And, god, you were beautiful. You were the most beautiful woman he’d ever seen, he was sure of that. 
A pang of long-forgotten love hit his chest. 
And just as strongly, came a pang of guilt as he remembered how he’d broken up with you in your darkest hour. Doyoung had spent every night fretting about you, bringing food to your mother, too ashamed to see you face to face because of what he’d done. 
Of course he still loved you.
“I’m so sorry, I only just realised you were here, I was trying to help you, but I couldn’t…” you started. 
You broke off, but Doyoung suddenly understood what you were saying. The spit, the candy… You had been trying to help him. The selflessness of it was unbelievable. 
“After all I did… don’t you want to see me dead?” He asked, and realised he meant it. 
You scoffed, hurt flashing over your face. “Want you dead? I could never! Doyoung, I love-“
You broke off, biting your lip like you’d said something wrong. 
A smile spreading over his face, Doyoung stepped forward and gently cupped the side of your face. The skin was so soft it brought tears to his eyes. 
For the first time in three years, he felt happy as he said, “Y/n, I still love you too. I’m so sorry about everything I did in the past.” 
He met your lips in the lightest of kisses, like an accidental brushing of skin, a breath of wind. But in that small meeting of lips was enough love to light up the whole room in a million colours. 
Doyoung pulled back, but you leant forwards and kissed him once more, deeper, urgently, like a promise sealed with the touching of tongues. 
When it was complete, you held one of Doyoung’s hands with both of yours. “You’re gonna get out of here. I know you will.” 
Smiling, Doyoung pressed a kiss to your knuckles and met your eyes in fiery determination. 
“We’re gonna get out of here. I know we will.”
Let us know what you thought in the comments or on anon! 💋
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theganymedes · 2 years
hi! i’m obsessed with your writing like omggg you’re so talented and i can’t stop rereading your stuff. if you don’t mind, i’d love if you could write a possibly christmas themed love letter from saebyeok to fem!reader she’s crushing on, like a letter where she finally expresses her feelings down on paper since she isn’t the best talker ? christmas theme is honestly optional lmao i just love this time of year.
thanks for reading this!
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content warnings — profanity.
note — hi anon! thank you so much for the compliments and support. it means the world to me !! here is your request, i hope you like this one as much as i do, and thank you for sparking this idea <3
synopsis — the freckled face cutie who comes into the café (where you work) every night just before closing, simply to order a single slice of coffee cake leaves you a letter along side her tab.
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Twelve months out of the year and the last one has always been your favorite.
December— It truly is the most wonderful time of the year. Evergreen trees strangled in strands of kettle corn garlands and cherried with candy canes, hot cocoa and snug slippers, secret santa and mistletoe make-out sessions.
    Most of all, cozy late nights at Seoul Café ! — Perhaps spending four to eight hours in a small shop selling caffeinated beverages and baked goods at the dead of night seems like a waste of the festive seasons to some...
  Not you — This little dead-end part time job held a tender sentiment in your heart. You were a busy college student by day who was swamped in studies and credit card statements til eventide, looking for a consistent cash flow to drag you threw the semester.
  What you loved the most about this job, this little shop, this shift was the experience. The scent of scorched nutmeg and gingerbread wafting from the kitchen after your coworker Gi-Hun had managed to burn something (again). Watching traffic simmer under the nocturnal skies, streets going shy while Noel lights twinkled brash as ever. Dithering customers dawdling through the café, in search of a sweet sober-upper or a honeyed haven to hide from all and sundry…
  At least, that's what you've been trying to convince yourself that you love the most about work. It seems less creepy than admitting you have a crush on a customer.
And your lovely coworkers found joy gloating about it. Sauntering from the kitchen with a stained apron and smug smirk is your most favorite confrère, Gi-Hun, leaning against the front counter beside you.
"Ahhh, (Name), you look very pretty tonight," He teases, noting your sudden lack of sweatpants and false lashes. "Remind me — have you always gotten this dressed up to stock creamers and sugars in the middle of the night? Or is it just because you know she's coming to see you?"
  She, as in your customer crush — The Café's one and only regular that habitually arrives at the peak of moon-glow. The quiet girl who likes coffee cake and closing time — A face of freckles absorbed into a hardcover copy or macbook screen, never straying from her single order of a slice of coffee cake and any booth specifically in your section.
    "Shut up, old man!" You groan out, rolling your eyes at him. "I-I like to look nice for the holidays... And she's not coming to see me."
    Shaking your head, your index finger taps against the cash drawer in a jittery spell of angst while glimpsing out at the dimmed horizon — Whether she’s coming to see you or not, she’s still coming... Which may or may not be the real reason you're so dressed up.
    "Oh, yeah?" Sangwoo, (your least favorite supervisor) chimes in from the supply closet behind you, a scoffed chuckle leaving his lips. "So you think Coffee Cake girl has been coming here almost every night for the last few months to visit the two old men then?"
  "She comes to the Café because it's a Café!" You defend. "And she likes coffee cake."
    Sangwoo shakes his head. "Nobody likes coffee cake that much."
    Maybe you'd agree if Coffee Cake girl wasn't alike a labyrinth to read. You were still unsure if she was a subtle flirt, or just a really nice and frequent customer. If you watched carefully enough, sometimes you'd catch her stealth gaze lingering, you might even receive a quick compliment before she scurried out of the shop — And never before she left did she ever forget to give you (and you only) a proper thank you and goodbye.
    Then again, you didn't even know her name. Her presence often spoke more than she did, a devastatingly beautiful mystery to you — She'd smile, shake her short bangs yes, solicit a hum of approval or mumble a faint sentence, the formally florid hue flushing her fair skin made obvious by the pinpricks of pigment clustered on the apples of her chiseled cheeks.
    Most of the time, you did all the word-vomiting out of sheer nervousness. There’s an outstanding chance she probably thinks you’re missing a few marbles.
   "Your girl's about to walk in." Gi-Hun says, nodding toward the entrance.
   Sure enough, you fix your sights to see her — Strutting up to the café in classic sweats, one hand holding some hardcopy novel, the other was pushed into the pocket of her oversized bomber jacket, features apathetic and jet dark strands waving with the wind.
   Her beauty was the composer to the symphony of heartbeats bruising against your ribcage, caroling a melody your lips don’t even know the words to.
   You gulp thickly, trying to swallow the nerves twirling on your tongue.
  "Try asking her out this time," Gi-Hun whispers, a comforting pat to your shoulder. "It's probably more affective than stalking her from a distance."
   You send him a harsh glare, the bells above the door jingling, "Shush! She's coming!"
   Bickers become mute as she walks up to the register, but telling from the way she ducks her head and chews on her bottom lip to discourage a smile, you know it’s too late.
She definitely heard you say that.
    Once making it to the front-counter, she nods to you, her coffee brown orbs blazing with the enigma of unspoken words.
     "Hey." She utters softly with a gravelly monotone, boring her unblinking gaze upon you, dark eyes trailing on you like a map.
    You clear your throat, pretending as if your heart doesn't stop when you glance up to meet hers.
    "Uh, hi." Breathlessly, you grin, massaging the lobe of your ear. "Welcome in... again, I guess... Cause you know, you're always here when I'm here so, we kinda do this a lot—"
     A sharp pinch to your abdomen (from Gi-Hun) tells you to get on with it,
    "What could I get for you, Coffee Cake girl ?"
  She huffs a short laugh, licking her pouty lips nervously. "Um, the same is fine.”
   "Slice of coffee cake, coming right up." Gi-Hun smiles before disappearing into the kitchen, leaving you alone at the cash register. (With an eavesdropping Sangwoo hiding in the stock closet..)
    "Perfect... $3.25 please." You ring her up as she pulls out her debit card, head buried into the computer screen.
    The freckled skin girl leans across the counter slightly while sticking her card in the machine, "You look very nice tonight."
    OK, OK... be completely normal. Don't make it obvious you got ready for work today with the thought of her dancing in the back of your mind. Just play it cool, alright?
  "Thanks — I-I usually try to dress up for the holidays… Even though I'm like, always swamped in school work and studying for finals and Christmas shopping and stuff — It can get really hectic and sometimes I forget to put on deodorant in the morning—"
   Not alright. Before you know it, words are flying from your big mouth faster than you can process — Embarrassing ones too.
  "Not that I don't wear deodorant during the holidays — I totally do! I’m wearing deodorant right now. It's just um— like I keep a travel size one in my purse now, so It's — It's all good..."
    You look up at her finally, and she blinks at you. Her heads bops profusely, jarring and squinting some as she desperately tries to keep up with your rambling.
She almost speaks, but you continue to blab before she can.
    "Um, do you have any plans for the holidays?" You manage to squeak, running your fingertips along your scalp as the awkward tension shrills your bones.
    "I do." She starts... And finishes, apparently. That's it. That's all she says.
    You nod and smile like a mad woman, the unsettling urge to fill the silence becoming of you.
    "Oh, cool! That's, like so cool, you know I—"
     "Here's your coffee cake!" Gi-Hun unknowingly interjects, returning from the back area.
    "Yep, there's your coffee cake!" You sputter in a blunder, scratching the back of your neck, overwrought.
    She huffs a dry chuckle, assuming the small dish. "Um, thanks..."
   And she wanders off into the Café, finding a outlying table (in your section) to hibernate in.
   Gi-Hun giggles giddishly and shakes your shoulder. "Sooo, how'd it go?"
"She blew it." Sangwoo’s uncontrollable chortles echo from the storage closet.
   "Fuck you guys!" You whisper-yell with a pitiful pout. "I told you that was a horrible idea. Now she's gonna think I'm—"
   Suddenly, the scent of charring cinnamon loiters the air.
   You sniff, "Gi-Hun... Is there something else in the oven?"  
    His eyes go wide, a reindeer in headlights and you both immediately double back into the kitchen.
    By the time you finish diffusing the flammable disaster in the oven and get back to your cash drawer, the Café is empty once again.
    Coffee Cake girl has vanished. Without saying goodbye this time.
   You frown, looking out onto the vacant booths and chairs like a lost puppy — There's nothing left to wonder now. She definitely thinks you're a weirdo.
   "Why so glum, kiddo?" Sangwoo sneaks up on you from behind, carrying a mop bucket and wet floor sign.
   "She left?" You ask him, the ruins of your ego churning in the pit of your gut. "She just left?"
 "She did." He confirms with a nod. "But she left this on a table in your section. I presume it's for you,"
   Toward you he gestures a festive green envelope decorated with a red bow, unaddressed to anyone particular.
   You stare at it blankly in utter confusion, reluctant to accept.
    "Well?" Sangwoo hums, gesturing his outstretched arm once more.
     In a haste, you snatch the envelope from his hands, eagerly ripping it open.
    To your surprise, inside is a three-fold letter— handwritten, with the gentlest strokes of a pencil adorning the beige page down to the very last corner, and it reads...
“To (Name), the girl who works the night shift at Seoul Café,
This is already weird. Promise I’m not a stalker, but I’m also not good with words. Sometimes they get mixed up.
So that first night, when I barged in right before closing and I asked you for a slice of coffee cake, what I meant to say was that I was walking past the shop on my way home, saw you in the window and came inside because I wanted to know what your voice sounded like.
Instead of saying that, I got nervous and ordered the first thing I saw on the menu — I hate coffee cake, by the way. Like a lot. But I really liked the smile on your face when I said it, so I didn’t bother to correct myself. When you assumed it again a few days later, I just went with the flow.
So I guess I like coffee cake now.
I’ve spent most nights at the Café since trying to figure out how I would introduced myself to you properly. This is all I’ve got so far, but I think it’s a good start.
I’m not much of a romantic, I don’t think. I’m pretty sure you can tell that by now… But I can learn to be, if you want. I’ve learned to hold my coffee cake, haven’t I?
What I’m trying to say is I like you. ( Sorry if this is weird…)
I like how much better you are at talking than me because I’m much better at listening. I like how passionate you are about little things— how adorably excited you get when you finish re-organizing the caramel creamers and low fat packets of sugar. Or making sure I’m satisfied with the disgusting coffee cake tonight and wondering about the book I’m only half-reading,
… I like how pretty you are even when it’s rainy out and everything around you is ugly.
I think you like me too. At least a little. Enough for me to over hear your coworkers hassling you about me every time I walk in. Enough for you to unironically mention that you listen to girl in red. Enough for me to be writing this.
If that’s true, then maybe we can talk officially sometime. I assume you’re pretty busy with school (as you’ve mentioned) and holidays and stuff coming up, so if you want, I can swing by here on Christmas Eve Eve, buy you something on your break, or possibly walk you home after closing?
(I’m asking you on a date right now, just so you know…)
Oh, and my name is Sae-Byeok. Kang Sae-Byeok. Not coffee cake girl. I hate coffee cake.
(+82)-###-### .”
By the end, butterflies are blitzing the dormant pits of your stomach as your fingertips glide against each word written. A fond warmth crawls up the nape of your neck, causing the wildest flutters of your heart to break out in the form of goosebumps and a dizzy beam. For a moment, you forget the world is still moving around you.
  "So..." Sangwoo implies expectantly. "What does it say?"
   "Wh-What?" Your grin falters as you recoil, placing the letter behind your back. "Nothing. It's stupid young people stuff, you wouldn't get it."
He scoffs, re-adjusting his glasses onto the bridge of his nose and pushing past you. "Whatever you say, (Name). Don't forget to count your drawer again!" He yells back.
   "Wait, Sangwoo! Unrelated question — am I on schedule for Christmas Eve Eve?"
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  wonderland wayfinding. squid game m.list.
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moonvyx · 2 years
I think you'd like this story: "○△□" by Isimpforcartoondudes on Wattpad https://www.wattpad.com/story/291807529?utm_source=android&utm_medium=com.tumblr&utm_content=story_info&wp_page=story_details_button&wp_uname=Isimpforcartoondudes&wp_originator=IEWA6gLMfRrCkG4cFjD0869r6duBXoZRmuOBP34D5mAE0Puu%2BQC%2BnPqsgT%2Bi1lIco46Sz1ZoSX1KZeue9SsQzcd%2FBsLjv5wonlimx2hs4kIsQLCjdvy%2BvABe9M0c%2By26
I made a fluff and angst book for Squid Game in wattpad :)
And there'll be slow updates because I still have school 😭
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seravph · 3 years
not 2 be annoying but the more I think abt the ending of squid game the more i realize that him deciding not to get on the plane is actually the only true ending… imagine if he did get on the plane like really imagine this. In that scenario the commentary is that although it was immoral, unfair, unethical, and traumatizing, the games were ultimately charitable and the hosts were correct because it would have caused gi-hun to turn over a new leaf and become a great person. But choosing not to get on the plane conveys that even after reaping the rewards of the games, it doesn’t really matter because the ruling class has still dehumanized and degraded him to the point of survivors guilt and trauma that he can’t escape. He KNOWS it’s the wrong decision! He knows he’s not a great person! And the narrative knows it too!! But it makes the most sense with the theme of the show, that the ‘charity’ of the bourgeoisie doesn’t actually allow for change or growth
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comegetyallvitamins · 2 years
⌦ genre: drabble/thirst/scenario/headcanons, smut, fluff, stepcest
⌦ pairing: stepdad!professor!cho sang-woo x fem!reader, professor!seong gi-hun x fem!reader
⌦ summary: stepdad!professor!sang-woo headcanons
⌦ WARNINGS: pseudo incest, stepcest, no one is of blood relation AT ALL in this, everyone is also of age okie, cheating, threesome, soft!sang-woo, soft!gi-hun, age gap, anal, dp
⌦ word count: 1,190
MINORS DNI PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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cold and mean stepdad!sang-woo who is only soft for you, his stepdaughter.
he can spend all day monotonously giving his lectures to his equally bored students but when he comes home to his cute little step daughter greeting him at the door with a beaming smile, he melts into a completely different man who's heart nearly jumps out of his chest when you hop up onto your tippy toes and plant a big wet kiss onto his smooth cheek, the thought of you waiting for him at home is what gets him through the day.
at the start of your little affair, the both of you had at least a little bit of shame, having the decency to keep your sexual endeavours strictly to your bedroom where he would sneak in once your mother was passed out and devour your pussy for a while before he would climb on top of you and try to control himself and his thrusts enough so that your unstable bed wouldn't creak incessantly as he fucked you.
over time though he started caring less, not worrying about your mother waking up or catching you, he was too drunk on the feeling of your tight walls wrapped snuggly around his cock to care about your headboard repeatedly slamming against the thin wall as he hammered his cock into you, or the sound of your screams and moans that were probably waking the neighbours but somehow not your mother.
he stopped covering your mouth with his hand so he could hear your angelic cries of 'daddy, daddy, daddy!', something in him wanted your mother to hear her beloved husband fucking her precious little daughter like he'd never fucked her before. he wanted your mother to finally see that the only reason he was still married to her was so he could have you.
the next day when sang-woo was leaving for work, you of course sending him off with a loving kiss and a delicious lunch looking gorgeous in your pretty little sundress, the next door neighbour man approached him, stopping him from climbing into his car and asking him bluntly about the noises he and his wife heard from sang-woo's house late last night. 'your wife must be insatiable man, not to sound weird or anything but i hear you guys going at it hard every night.' all sang-woo could do was smirk to himself as the nosey man congratulated him, wanting to say it was his step daughter that was getting fucked like a whore every night but the fear of the shit storm that would happen if he said that stopped him, he was extremely tempted however.
he loves when you sit in his lap while you're visiting him at work, wearing a cute little skirt so he can feel the soft globes of your ass and the outline of your little pussy rub deliciously against his hard covered cock when you squirm, always guiding your hips with his large hands to subtly guide you against his bulge no matter where you guys are.
it always ends up with one of you pulling your panties to the side and slipping his aching cock into your tight pussy, bouncing on his dick in the middle of the large lecture hall that was soon to be full with students that had no idea their hot professor still had his cute stepdaughters delectable juices covering his cock from when she had ridden him desperately in his chair minutes before they had filed in.
the most fun times were when he invites his fellow professor gi-hun over, you'd swap between sucking their cocks for hours before they would even think about touching you. your jaw would be aching and your spit would be everywhere when they'd finally give you the relief of their soft tongues lapping together at your soaked pussy, occasionally their tongues would brush against each other in their desperation to taste your juices as fingers harshly squeezed at your boobs and some entered your clenching pussy.
they would work together to make you cum over and over again on their tongues and fingers, coos of 'good girl' from gi-hun mixed with the harsh degradation of 'cum you little fucking slut' from sang-woo making your head foggy and your toes curl.
sang-woo would definitely definitely fuck your ass while gi-hun fucked your pussy, he loved the feel of gi-hun's dick moving in your abused pussy through the thin wall between them mixed with the feel of your tight ass milking his cock, it was heaven on earth. they would use your body in all different positions for hours on end, cumming in all your holes and covering you in ribbons of their thick loads over and over again before gi-hun would leave with a sweet kiss on your sweaty forehead and a 'see you next time sweet girl!', only to be repeated next weekend when your mom once again went away on her spa weekend paid for by sang-woo of course.
he would be so proud of his little girl for taking gi-hun so well, showing him what a good girl you are and how well sang-woo had taught you. his aftercare, at least for you, is very good and sweet. he would pick your exhausted body up and take you straight to the bathroom so he could clean you of their drying cum, cooing words of appreciation to you while you had a hot shower together. he would most definitely sweetly fuck you with your back against the steamy glass doors before he cleaned the two of you off and took you both butt ass naked to pass out in your bed, limbs tangled together.
mornings when you could wake up together would be so nice, caged protectively in his strong arms making you feel so safe and secure in your groggy sleepy state. you would lay in bed for a while just talking and giggling before you would put on his shirt from yesterday and make breakfast together, just enjoying your last few hours alone together before your mom came home.
it pisses your mom off how much he spoils you and how affectionate he is with you, always taking you shopping and buying you whatever you wanted, hell he even bought you a brand new car for your most recent birthday and yet he hardly remembered when it was her birthday. he ignores it though, as far as he's concerned he can do whatever the hell he wants with his own money, plus she doesn't complain when it's his money she's spending on her own shopping habits.
absouloutly adores you, he would give you anything you asked for but he would teasingly make you beg for stuff just to see your adorable puffy lips turn into a pout. the sight of it always made him want to smother your face in tiny little kisses, you were just so cute.
you knew you would get it without the begging and pouting though cause you're baby :)))
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a/n: i might make more headcanons for this soon i really like stepdad sang-woo uhhm if you have ant thirsts/drabbles/headcanon requests send them in!! stay safe everyone
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iamsolonelyhaha · 3 years
HIHI could i request saebyeok n sangwoo(seperately) w a clingy s/o??
A/N : of course you can!! i just assumed you meant headcanons as they are most of my page rn. if you meant like actual scenarios i will also happily do that too!! :) sangwoo might be a bit OOC. - he is a hard character to nail on the head with his personality.
» at first, sangwoo was nervous to be in a relationship with you : it wasn’t that he didn’t like you, no, he adored you.. but it was the fact that you would get hesitant every time he had to go out and get something, like necessities.
» at first in the relationship he saw you as a bit of a weakness of sorts. if you were incredibly clingy to the point where you followed him around, he was worried people would be aware of your clinginess and sort of use it to their advantage, yk. this increases in the games, too.
» once he got used to it, he appreciated you and how insistent you were on spending time with him. it made him feel appreciated, in a way.
» in the games, he was almost grateful. you stuck around him, not because you didn’t have a choice, but because you had the need to be beside him. this, despite some others thinkings it’s a problem keeps you and him safe because people wouldn’t attack you when you were in a duo
» he kind of got used to it like everyone around, they just sort of adapted to you sitting beside him all the time, or wanting kisses
» with sangwoo, due to his serious and wise personality i feel he wouldn’t show himself being grateful for the PDA that you show around other people because it makes him feel soft.
» if you were looking for angst, if your clinginess was bad, like to the point where you were sticking with him during every game, then a fight would probably stir between you too - not to mention it would be a one sided fight. sangwoo seems like the person to need his thinking space and if you are in that bubble constantly - he might just need to tell you to back off a bit.
» and oh my god. he would feel pretty shit afterwards trust me
» if you only met during the games, sae saw you as a bother. of course, she didn’t really want to say anything, she more put it into questions of confusion as to why you were bothering her. why not stick around someone who would listen, like gi hun??
» she has dealt with her brother before. she knows what it’s like to have someone stick around her, so she would probably be more used to it than sangwoo.
» sae would probably also want to keep a cool and dangerous composure. if anything, she sees it as a strategy to make people not test her in the games.
» she really does love you, even if she tries not to show it around other people - and if you were the type of clingy to show romantic affection, she would probably accept all of your hugs and kisses in private.
» once you first got into the relationship and you were wanting to stick with her for every game, she was worried people would use you as a way to send insults to her. - of course, she is always worried about you getting insulted too.
» but anyone who does that gets a subtle glare - and if they go too far, maybe a few insults shot back at them.
» sae probably wouldn’t be too forward with you if she needed space to herself. she would try to be nice about it, especially if she knows its something you can’t help, or it’s a fragile topic for you.
» overall, it doesn’t really matter who your S/O is out of them - people like ali or gi hun would probably poke fun at sangwoo and sae for having such clingy S/O’s who clash with their dangerous personalities.
tysm for requesting !! i enjoyed writing this one! i hope you enjoyed it, i tried my hardest lol
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sangwooshusband · 3 years
Sang-woo: What would you say if I confessed my love to you right now?
Gi-hun: I’d more than likely say I love you too
Gi-hun: That was just a “what if” scenario, wasn’t it..?
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24hlevi · 3 years
TW: sh
could you do squid game charas when they find out you sh?? u dont have to do this if it makes u uncomfy ofc
its not likely that i’ll be uncomfortable with these requests unless it’s really descriptive of how the sh is done just so everyone knows
Warnings: Talk of Self Harming
Squid Game Characters Finding Out You Self Harm
Squid Game Characters (Gi-Hun [456], Sangwoo [218], & Sae-Byeok [067] X Gn!Reader
Gi-Hun [456]:
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- gi-hun would end up finding out when the sleeve of your hoodie lifted up and he saw marks on your arms that he had never seen before
- he would ask you about it that night when you two were about to go to sleep, not thinking that you were self harming at all
- so when you told him, he was in complete shock, he even showed it on his face which he realized immediately after and quickly apologized before asking why you do it
- hearing your reason would make gi-hun extremely sad and he would reassure you that you don’t have to do that and that you shouldn’t be injuring yourself in such a kind way, not like he was demanding you to stop
- he would then ask you everyday how you were doing right in the morning then in the evening, even if his answer might be the same every time
- gi-hun would be so kind throughout helping you recover from this, he would listen to you rant about your problems instead of doing it, or he would get a rubber band or hair tie to put on your wrist and snap it when you felt like doing it (i actually recommend this bc it worked for me)
- “i love you more than anything. i would do anything for you if it meant you would be happy.”
- he would put up sticky notes when he was out for you at home to always remind you that he loved you and that he wasn’t going anywhere
- gi-hun would help you hide the scars if you wanted them to not be shown like getting you long-sleeve shirts or jackets that would cover them or buy makeup and apply it to the scars to cover them up because he looked it up and thought it might work
- if you didn’t want to hide the scars, he would be the one to answer the questions if people ask what those were from by making up random lies on the spot like your cat that you didn’t own or from being in a gang fight
Sangwoo [218]:
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- he would probably flip the fuck out ngl
- he would see the marks on you somehow and would immediately know what it was and he would ask right at the moment if you were self harming, not even sugarcoating it at all
- when you replied yes, sangwoo would get more angry mixed with sadness as he walked up to you and asked how long you had been doing it
- if it had been for a while, he would feel like you lost trust in him and would be more upset than angry, but if it wasn’t a while then he would be more angry
- “you’re stupid for doing this but i understand so don’t feel bad.”
- sangwoo would have you try smoking with him as a replacement to self harming and if you did he would make sure to take smoke breaks with you whenever you were feeling the need to self harm
- he sucks at talking about his feelings but it would be noticeable through his actions that he was clearly upset that you had been doing this, but he would never admit it
- sangwoo would be much more protective over you after finding out because of the worry in the back of his head that you could have died one day because of it and how much regret he would feel for not noticing quick enough
- he would never pressure you into talking more about it in deeper context if it made you uncomfortable but if you wanted to talk about it he would listen quietly, taking in all of the words you were saying before replying with his opinion
- sangwoo isn’t one to cuddle very much, but every night when you two would go to bed he would make sure that he had at least one arm wrapped around you in some way so that he was still touching you to make sure you hadn’t gone anywhere
- he would read a lot about how to help people who self harm so he can help you the best he can and would actually buy physical copies of books about it to show how much he does care and want to help
Sae-Byeok [067]:
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- she would probably take it the hardest tbh
- she found you in the middle of the act, and she ran up to you and grabbed your hands to stop what you were doing as she spoke loudly out all of what was crossing her mind at that exact moment, which was very unlike her
- after realizing that she was almost yelling, sae-byeok quieted down and asked why you were doing it before grabbing the first aid kit and helping tend the wounds
- when you explain to her why you were doing it, she would immediately hug you and pull you close to her as possible
- “you could have told me about this, y’know. but i don’t blame you for not. just know that i love you.”
- that night, sae-byeok went to sleep with you and wrapped her entire body around you, occasionally kissing your neck and whispering how much she loved you, hoping that you wouldn’t hear but you heard every word
- the next morning she was awake before you because she couldn’t get any sleep and threw away everything that you had used and made sure that it wouldn’t happen again
- cuddling happened a lot more after that even though she already likes cuddling with you
- since then, she would try to express herself more with words, even if she stumbled a little bit whilst doing so
- so everyday sae-byeok would come up with a different way to say and show that she loves you, always letting you know that you’re loved and if you left that she would be utterly heartbroken
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blu-joons · 3 years
When They Notice That You’re Without A Team ~ Squid Game Reaction
As soon as he saw you sat without any team around you, Gihun made his way up the steps and across to you, regardless of what he had been told by Sangwoo. There was no chance of him leaving your fate in the hands of someone else, especially as stronger teams began to form and only the weaker teams were left.
“What will your teammates say?” You asked him as he took your hand and pulled you across, not even giving you the chance to protest against him.
Gihun didn’t care what any of the others had to say, even if others wouldn’t be happy with his decision to bring you along, he wasn’t running the risk of losing you when he had the chance to be the one to make sure that you were safe.
“They’ll get over it, what choice do they have?”
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He was conflicted as he noticed people continuing to walk straight past you, although he had a picture of what he wanted on his team, you were his partner, his family, and that was always the most important thing to Sangwoo, opting to put his pride to one side and approach you, knowing he was your best hope.
“Don’t say a word,” Sangwoo instructed as he picked you up, knowing that several questions were going to be asked by the others in the team.
Although he didn’t want to let onto them all that he knew who you were, he had to do enough to convince them all that you were someone worth investing in, despite going back on his word to them, it was a small sacrifice for Sangwoo to make in order to make sure someone who he was participating in game for was safe.
“Y/N’s amazing, all you guys have to do is trust me.”
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She was tentative as she neared you, with several others walking away when she tried to approach them. She had hoped that someone would pick you up, but when no one did, Saebyeok knew that it was almost meant to be that the two of you would be drawn together even if none of the others knew you were together.
“I want you with me, we said we’d do things together, even if we were far apart,” Saebyeok reminded you as she extended her hand out to you.
Despite receiving several glares as you returned with her to her team, Saebyeok stood her ground and assured them all that they needed to be prepared for all kinds of scenarios. You tried to walk away, but each time she pulled you back, insisting that you stayed, with several of the others soon agreeing with her too.
“You guys picked who you wanted, and so did I.”
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His eyes flickered across as he saw you sat by yourself before looking around at his team, noticing that ten were already made up. No matter how much he wanted to, Deoksu just couldn’t leave you, spotting the weakest member of the nine men stood around him, pushing them out of the team without any explanation.
“Get that one,” he coldly instructed his follower, pointing to you sat at the top of the stairs, without dropping any emotion to any of the guys.
You did as he said as he approached you, feeling everyone’s eyes on you as you joined up on the group. Deoksu ignored you too until he managed to catch your eye, making sure that no one else was looking at you before offering you a weak smile, nodding his head too to let you know that he had your back.
“I don’t want anyone else seeing how sappy I am.”
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As soon as they got told to go and find someone to join their team, Ali ignored all of the instructions and made his way straight over to you. Whilst you worked individually, he was happy to let you do your own thing but at just the mention of working as a team he knew that it was time for him to step up and make sure you were safe.
“You’re coming with me,” he told you before you even had the chance to protest, refusing to see you go somewhere that wouldn’t keep you safe.
Despite the scolding that he got from Sangwoo especially when he returned, he pleaded with them to trust in him, assuring them he wouldn’t pick you unless he knew you’d be valuable for the team. Luckily no one picked up on the fact that it was clear that Ali knew you, he was just relieved to have you right by his side.
“We’re getting out of here together, like I always told you.”
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The two of you found yourselves together on the staircase, with no approaching either of you, with a safe distance between the two of you too so that no one knew that you knew one another. As you noticed someone walking across to Jiyeon, her eyes looked to you as she began to be given a proposition of an offer.
“What about her?” Jiyeon asked the girl that walked over to her, trying her hardest to subtly keep you with her and not leave you hanging until the end.
The girl looked down at you with furrowed brows, glancing across at the team that she was a part of before reluctantly agreeing to take you over too. Despite the stares that you got when the two of you arrived, you exchanged a glance of relief together, thankful that you had been able to stay together without anyone realising.
“We’ll work together, we won’t be beaten then.”
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He couldn’t believe it as he looked around the room seeing you stood by yourself, with one spot left on Sangwoo’s team. Although there was nothing he could do, as he watched you Junho was willing Sangwoo to help you out, even if he didn’t know who you were, or just how special you were to his brother either.
“Y/N just go over and ask him,” he whispered to himself, struggling to keep himself in character as he watched you sit in despair, whilst Sangwoo watched you too.
Eventually their group was left with no other choice, and whilst Sangwoo didn’t know just how amazing you were, Junho watched on with a smile knowing that Sangwoo’s team was perfect with you on it too. But most of all Junho was relieved to see you teamed up, trusting that you’d be well looked after there as well.
“The team looks strong; I think you’ll be alright.”
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You didn’t know what to do as groups began to form, until a worker came up beside you. Slowly you began to find yourself cornered in amongst a group full of men, strong, smart, everything that Inho knew would be enough to see you through another round, making sure that the workers knew to keep you where you were.
“You don’t let that team say no, if they do, you shoot,” he warned them as he filed them out to head into the room to keep an eye on the teams forming.
You were convinced that someone was looking down on you, unaware that they actually were, and although the group were slightly reluctant to take you on, behind his mask in the control room Inho couldn’t have been happier to see that the workers had done their job and given you the best chance of survival too.
“She’ll be fine with this team; I know she will.”
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The Salesman:
You were left stranded in amongst the crowds as everyone else began to team up, whilst you were left with no one. As you looked around, you remembered the advice that you were given before you took the card from The Salesman, the one person who knew the game and wanted to see you get out of there.
“Someone smart,” you whispered to yourself as you looked around, trying to find someone who would be able to get you out of there like you were supposed to.
He hated not knowing what was going on whilst you were in the game, all he could hope was that you were listening to his advice. Although you were on your own, you had to play the game well and make sure that you still only thought of yourself whilst on the teams, just like he had whispered into your ear as he sent you away.
“I’m going to get out of here, I’m better than all of them.”
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