#gloups! je suis un poisson
lu-mi-ki · 4 months
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An unexpected meeting under the sea! -under the sea ~ 🎶
Another merboy Fly drawing! This time, meeting Sora from Kingdom Hearts video games saga, in his Atlantica form. Sure they’d have get along very well! And fun fact, they have the same french voice (and a great one, if you wanna know!)
Btw, my very first drawing of the year 2024! Yeah!
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Liste de mes longs métrages préférés
Spiderman : New Generation - Marvel
Spiderman No Way Home - Marvel
Your Name - Makoto Shinkai
Le château dans le ciel - Studio Ghibli
Le château ambulant - Studio Ghibli
Demon Slayer : le train de l'infini - Ufotable
Dragon Ball Super Broly - Toei Animation
Frère des Ours - Disney
Lilo et Stitch - Disney
Peter pan - Disney
Frozen 2 - Disney
Ratatouille - Disney
Raiponce - Disney
La princesse et la grenouille - Disney
La planète aux trésors - Disney
Volt : chien malgré lui - Disney
Dragon - DreamWorks
Les cinq légendes - DreamWorks
Shrek - DreamWorks
Spirit l'étalon des plaines - DreamWorks
Arthur et les minimoys - Luc Besson
Ron débloque - Locksmith Animation
Sing 2 - Illumination
Gloups ! je suis un poisson - A. films
Jappeloup - Christian Duguay
Le fabuleux destin d'Amélie Poulain - Jean-Pierre Jeunet
Sauvez Willy - Simon Wincer
Cruella - Craig Gillespie
Forrest Gump - Robert Zemeckis
Retour vers le futur - Robert Zemeckis
Kill Bill - Quentin Tarantino
Pulp fiction - Quentin Tarantino
Star Wars - George Lucas
Rocky - John G. Avildsen
Charlie et la chocolaterie - Tim Burton
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shae-la-hyene · 2 years
Top 10 songs that are just genuinely pretty and make you happy
(yup still despising msmojo)
No, they're not the best songs from animated movies. But they are pretty, and don't serve any other purpose than to make you feel good. We need to appreciate and celebrate that.
10 Chim Chimney Cheree
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Feel good, optimistic song. It's just... about simple joys. He doesn't expect much so every little thing he gets is a source of joy and happiness and it makes him a happy man. Sometimes it just doesn't have to be complicated, you know ? It's just an homage to life, from poor people for which life isn't easy. Made us love chimneys for a long time...
9 Hail to the princess Aurora
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Sounds better in french so I kinda get if english speakers don't... see the appeal I get. This song is part of the very old disney animation movies. Personally, I love it. Aurora is my fave princess and a song that celebrates her just makes me feel good. It's very melodious, very poetic and fluid sound-wise, it's a chorus that blends all voices perfectly. It's an euphoria filled celebration, it has the medieval aesthetic nailed, it sounds just this side of intense and serious. I love it, I think we should all be more grateful for old animated movies.
8 Suddenly - Help I'm a fish
Ok this one, I couldn't find an english dub for. It's german so maybe there isn't even if that surprises me. Help I'm a fish is very very good movie that sadly isn't known enough for my tastes. The story is very good, the villain has a lot to love, and there are good songs, and my favorite is this one ! It's a celebration, it's feeling good, it's feeling amazing and just plain enjoying the experience of getting to live as a fish, when you're a kid it feels like a dream. I wish I was a fish...
7 Your mother and mine
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Soooo cute ! It's the exactly feeling of having your mom tucking you to bed with a soft voice and a gentle care, and you falling asleep to it. For some of us it's something we only imagine, but that imagination is always based on that scene. It's care and love and just summarize the 'mom' experience so much. Not me agonizing over getting the 'mom' in the heart tattoo from Mr Smee...
6 My own home
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Just a pretty little song, something a child could sing irl, a little rhyme that you could hear anywhere in the world... I really love that song. It's cute and beautiful and soft and melodious and simple. Speak of a simple dream for the future. It's just that simple to get into my metaphorical pants.
5 Tomorrow is another day
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Now this one is a good one. It's an 'optimistic through hardship' kind. It's a 'see the sunshine through the rain' one. I need that, sometimes. To remember there is beautiful things in the world, that I'll see that again tomorrow, when the rain will be gone and the sun will rise. It's a lullaby, it's something to listen while drinking coffee before work, when the sun isn't even up yet. It's the song you want to hear after you cried. It's seeing flowers in the asphalt. Sure, it's for kids. But we're all kids from time to time, and we are ready to believe pretty lies.
4 To the fairies they draw near
I really like that piece, that one minute long song. It's just light and sparkly like a fairy. A little rhyme to sing before going to sleep. It's pretty, it's hopeful, it's bright and cheery, it speaks of moonlight and spring and secret fairies that, during the night, make the world pretty and alive for you to witness in the morning. Those hidden little helpers without which the world wouldn't be as bright. Little fairies in the moonlight and a promise of spring, what else could we ask for ?
3 With a smile and a song
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A classic. First Disney long movie, they just made a song to be pretty and cheerful and starting the long tradition of animated characters singing at random just to be happy. With a smile and a song, everything is better, the world doesn't seem as gloom, and your heart is a little warmer. It's that simple. And if haters mock you for spontaneously start singing out of nowhere, don't listen to them. Singing feels nice, even when you sing terribly.
2 All in the golden afternoon
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One of my fave, of the ones I'm ready to make a cosplay and cover in a video for. Yes, it'd be of the buttered toast butterfly. I prefer the french version but it's probably only because I heard it first. 'Our thoughts are sometimes very deep, it's good to hear our opinions, because we are the beauty of the world in that flowery morning of may'. I just love it. It's pretty, it's flowers, it's beautiful and soft, a feel good song in the middle of a wild ride of a movie.
Honorable mentions
Stories (only listen the the french version, the english one is rubbish) : The Beauty and the Beast 2 shouldn't have existed. We mostly agree on this one. But I like the christmas song, and I love Histoires (french version of Stories) more than life. It's the song I listen to when I can't write and I feel like a impostor for calling myself a writer. It's forcing me to go back to basics, to remind myself that I love stories and that I love telling them, and that it's the reason I'm a writer. Powerful, fantastic, eerie, it's all the books you ever read, all in one song. I love it so much... Listen to the french version, please. Ditch the english along the rest of the movie.
God help the outcasts : it's hopeful if not too much, it's freaking beautiful visually, it's powerful while being a simple message, it's full of love and care that gets lost too easily, it's sad, but it's hopeful too. Beautiful.
Once upon a december : it's a classic and there's a reason for that. It's too powerful and intense a song to actually be in the top ten, but it's beautiful, with a fantastic aesthetic, and it really nails the vibe of the music box melody, at least at the start.
Heaven's light : yes it's in another top ten posts. I love it, okay ?? It's the musical embodiment of soft moonlight in a summer night, it's a shard of hurt wrapped in a blanket of soft hope, it's love in its purest and most innocent form, it's just the simple, unassuming joy of being in love. I'll die defending Heaven's light.
1 Little april shower
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Clap clip clap little april shower. Only Bambi was truly an hymn to the beauty of every little parts of nature and life. The simplest beauties in the mundane moments. That little april shower that is warm enough not to chill you to the bone. Falling slowly like little diamonds or little stars. It can easily transform into a storm that destroys everything, but it's not, it's a harmless little rain that sings a song and make everything shine. It's a song about something that make us happy, so it makes us happy just as easily.
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New cats just dropped. I love the top two with all my heart and I called the hippocampus one Sacha in reference to a shady childhood movie I used to watch all the time
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faustinemerle · 6 years
gloups je suis un poisson ! 
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la-bucolie · 7 years
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“La Prophétie des Grenouilles” et “Gloups ! Je suis un poisson”
Deux films que je regardais tout le temps quand j'étais petite et que j'aimais déjà la mer.
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sparkingmoon-blog1 · 7 years
Day 13 - samedi 20 mai
Tout se déroulait un peu trop bien, il était temps pour que le pépin arrive ... et Ben voilà : done. Gagathe La patate est de retour. Alors que je sirotais un jus de banane face au Gange tout en remplissant mon carnet de voyages je me suis rendue compte de ma grosse boulette ... absolument persuadée que je rentrais le 28 mai, j'ai acheté un billet d'avion Amristrar/Bombay pour le 27 ... oui mais non. Mon vol pour la France est à 1h du matin ... le 27 et non le 28 ! Ce qui veut dire que je dois être à Bombay le 26 au soir !! C'est un peu la panique, vu la qualité de la wifi, j'ai essayé d'envoyer un mail au site (un truc de vente low cost indien) pour expliquer ma situation et essayer de changer mon vol ... maintenant je croise les doigts pour avoir une réponse, positive si possible sinon ça craint du boudin ... non seulement je risque de devoir repayer un billet mais en plus je perds une journée sur ce que j'avais prévu ! Aie ouch ! Enfin bon ça fait partie des aléas du voyage on va dire ça comme ça ... sinon tant pis je serai obligée de rester en Inde ... too bad ! Bref sinon j'ai bien profité de ma dernière journée à Rishikesh (snif tristesse). Ce matin je suis allée manger mon ananas (le fameux) face au Gange, sur une espèce de petite plage aménagée bondée aux heures où le soleil tape le plus mais déserte le matin. Je me suis fait aborder par un type bizarre qui cherchait à me vendre tout ce qu'il possédait : collier - haschich - argent ... si je lui avais demandé un tournevis ou un un brocoli je suis sûre qu'il me les aurait sorti de son sac ! Après avoir réussit à le semer et savouré mon ananas, j'ai pris la route pour un trekking en direction des waterfalls. On est parti pour une dizaine de km sur les traces de Tarzan. Après avoir longuement marché sur la route (où on risque notre vie à chaque seconde mais d'où la vue est magnifique), je me suis enfoncée dans la forêt où je suis enfin parvenue aux chutes d'eau. Bon ce n'était pas aussi exceptionnel que je le pensais, peut être que je n'étais pas au meilleur endroit mais c'était sacrément chouette quand même ! Après avoir fait demi tour et bien fatiguée de ma balade matinale, je me posée la au Zébra Organic café que j'avais repéré hier. L'ambiance est super cozy, on s'installe sur des banquettes avec coussins et vue plongeante sur le Gange. J'ai mangé un curry de Tofu et de chou fleur qui était absolument delicious ! Peut être le meilleur repas mangé en Inde (rien à voir avec la cantine de l'Ashram d'hier). Cet après midi, j'ai mon objectif à remplir : me baigner dans le Gange. Je ne suis pas hyper motivée, un peu fatiguée mais il est hors de question que je reparte avec des regrets ! Alors hop hop hop on est parti. D'abord les pieds ... c'est froid ! Non très froid. Je suis épiée de toutes parts alors je ne peux plus reculer sinon c'est la mega honte ! Allez 1,2,3 ... gloup gloup, ca y est je suis dans l'eau !!!! Han finalement ça fait du bien !! Je commence à nager et me rends bien vite compte que je ne suis pas maître de mes mouvements. Ce n'est peut être pas pour rien si c'est marqué "baignade interdite" un peu partout. Les courants ! Je n'y avais pas pensé ! Je suis en train de me faire emporter ! J'active donc le mode poisson et essaie de me ramener vers la berge. Réussit. Pfiou. Du coup je suis restée à barboter près du bord et vue la chaleur je peux vous dire que c'est super agréable !!! En moins de 10 min mes vêtements sont secs. Alors de retour à l'auberge, je prends une bonne douche et ... m'endors une petite demi heure ... à croire que ça devient une habitude ! Enfin bon la sieste c'est une belle invention aussi ! Ma journée s'est terminée au Lotus café, conseillé par cet adorable couple d'australiens rencontré à l'aéroport de Goa. Ils avaient raison, la vue est époustouflante. J'ai passé un très bon moment à remplir mon carnet de baroudeur qui aurait toutefois été encore meilleur si je ne m'étais pas rendue compte de mon erreur de billets d'avion (quoi que enfaite c'est pas plus mal que je m'en rende compte maintenant ...). 20h45 à l'autre bout du monde, j'écris ces quelques lignes depuis la terrasse de ma guesthouse, avant de retourner dans ma chambre pour boucler mon sac... demain on reprend la route ! Départ à 16h de Rishikesh pour un loooooong voyage en bus avec une arrivée prévue à Dharamsala vers 7h du matin ... en espérant que mon éventuel compagnon de route ne ronfle pas trop fort ! Allez sur ces bonnes paroles je file, à demain Les pandas 🐼
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noemiette · 7 years
Dont ask why, I just started watching the cartoon of my childhood: Gloups ! Je suis un poisson (Help ! I’m a fish). I watched it sooooo many times when I was a kid !! And I was in love with the first song of the movie and with Anggun’s voice.
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helpimafishblog · 7 years
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Help! I’m a Fish - French Presskit Art [1/?]
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lu-mi-ki · 8 months
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Some merboy Fly sketches I’ve drawn lately
I like to think he could turn as one if he drinks less fish potion than before! 🧜🏼‍♂️
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Another one here, with an amazed MacKrill! Beware of the octopus…
(This one’s unshaded)
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Angry Fly! 🐙 is really bothering him!
(Here again, only flat colors)
I think I might post some more later!
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morghn · 10 years
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s-so. I redrew a scene from Help! I'm a fish [2000/2001] Technically in this scene this char is into water and .. Screw backgrounds but ahh this is like one of the magistral movies of my childhood... and this scene traumatized me so much and i'm sure it made me so attracted to gore topics.. Honestly It unleashed something.  It's so well done, the movie is so epic.. haaah
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lu-mi-ki · 6 months
🎃 Happy Halloween you all! 👻
Dropping some drawing for today 🍬
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Fish kiddos ready to go search for 🍭🍬 But that won’t be easy like this…
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Silly doodles related to the previous drawing hehe
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And here, some Halloween costume doodles for the kids!
Happy Halloween again everyone 🎃
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lu-mi-ki · 1 year
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Since it’s April 1st and so April fool day ! In France, we usually secretly attached paper fish to people, without them noticing 🐟
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lu-mi-ki · 1 year
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What if Fly was against the crab in human form? Meaning the crab is a real nightmare also…
I always wanted to draw « missing scenes » from the movie and also scenes in « reverse form » meaning human form instead of fish form for example. It could be really interesting I think!
I think I have to draw the terrible moment that followed this drawing.. maybe soon, who know? My poor Fly… 😢
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lu-mi-ki · 10 months
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It’s been some times I didn’t post something here.. So here’s a little something!
I added a grainy filter on it, almost look like an old pic like this
An older version of our fishy trio! Like if it was taken in 2009
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Don’t worry, they are not mean with Chuck, only teasing him haha >:]
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lu-mi-ki · 5 months
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Here is a scene redraw form Help! I’m a fish
I love so many things about this movie (what a surprise hehe), and Chuck and Fly interactions are one of them!
Could you recognize every frame? 😁 It was very fun to draw!
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