#hippo attack lion
rudrjobdesk · 2 years
VIDEO: यूं ही नहीं हिप्पो को कहते हैं सबसे खतरनाक जानवर, शेर से लेकर मगरमच्छ तक से ले लेता है पंगा!
VIDEO: यूं ही नहीं हिप्पो को कहते हैं सबसे खतरनाक जानवर, शेर से लेकर मगरमच्छ तक से ले लेता है पंगा!
शेर को जंगल का राजा माना जाता है. ऐसा इसलिए क्योंकि शेर को सबसे खूंखार शिकारी बोलते हैं. उसके आगे कोई दूसरा जानवर टिक नहीं पाता. मगर ये वास्तव में ये सही नहीं है. जंगल में कई ऐसे जानवर होते हैं जिनके आगे शेर की चल नहीं पाती और जब शेर (Hippo attack lion video) उनके सामने आता है उनकी खटिया खड़ी हो जाती है. हाल ही में ऐसा ही एक वायरल वीडियो में देखने को मिला जब शेर के सामने एक हिप्पो आ गया. मगर इस…
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topfunnyanimalvideo · 2 years
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rpmemesbyarat · 2 years
If animals, real or imaginary, feature heavily in your story, give this a read. In fiction, carnivores are frequently depicted as incredibly vicious and as attacking every other living creature on sight, whereas herbivores are depicted as gentle, benign, and typically only hurt humans on accident if they panic, such as by rearing or stampeding. This is bullshit. Firstly, many herbivores are incredibly vicious and are in fact far more likely to attack a person just for being nearby. This especially goes for large herd ungulates like rhinos, hippos, Cape buffalo, and moose. All of these are highly aggressive to humans and in general. Bison are considerably more chill than their African cousins, but they still send tourists flying (sometimes to their graves) in Yellowstone due to people trying to get too close and treat them like a petting zoo. Deer, often imagined as the pinnacle of fearful and delicate, will typically choose flight over fight. . .but should they choose to fight, especially a male in rut or a female with a fawn, they can and will kill a human being. Even a rabbit will do its best to fuck someone up if they feel they are threatened. Remember, every animal will fight for its life with all its got, and to herbivores, EVERYTHING is a potential threat. If an animal they’re not familiar with as “safe” is nearby, they will assume it’s a threat. There are some prey animals that are surprisingly docile---videos I’ve seen of people interacting with a wild potoroo and a Bosavi wooly rat show them to be incredibly chill, and the quokka is famous for its lack of fear towards humans—but these are the exception, not the rule. Wild carnivores aren’t cute pets just waiting for the right special animal-loving protagonist to take them home, but they aren’t these constantly-aggressive, constantly-angry, constantly-ravenous monsters either that so much media makes out. They most certainly will hunt when they’re hungry, and in the rare instance they decide to make a meal of a human, that human is indeed fucked (it’s hilarious to me how many people think they could fight off a lion, tiger, etc.) but unless it’s truly starving and desperate* most of them are not going to make a point of pursuing a potential meal, human or otherwise, to the exclusion of all else. Especially not if there’s other options around. Why expend all these energy chasing after the protagonists if there’s literally anything else they could catch and eat instead? And why do so many of these monster-animals seem so interested in catching and killing the protagonists, but not in actually eating them; a ridiculous number of predators in fiction will straight-up leave the body of a person they JUST killed behind in order to catch another human. Why? This makes no sense, I don’t care if it’s a fictional animal like a dragon or manticore, it’s not conducive to survival. Unless this animal is MEANT to have an actual sentient grudge (which CAN happen, a man in Russia once shot a tiger and took its kill; the tiger waited for him in his cabin when he returned) do away with the Super Persistent Predator trope. Especially when it’s an animal like a great white shark, whose preferred prey not only isn’t humans, we’re actually downright nasty to them because we don’t have the fat content of the seals and sea lions they typically eat (most great white “attacks” are just them checking us out or mistaking us for a delicious sea mammal) There are exceptions to this rant, though most are small creatures. For instance, stoats do engage in “surplus killing” and stockpile the bodies, and shrews are very aggressive little predators due to having incredibly fast metabolisms that mean they basically have to eat all the time to stay alive. And, yes, there are some large ones; the tiger shark will eat anything, bull sharks are pretty bad to be around, and the polar bear has actively hunted humans when the opportunity presents itself. But as with the “super gentle chill wild herbivore that is basically domesticated” they are the exceptions. And I’m sure you know of other exceptions; the fact they are “exceptions” in the first place means it’s NOT the norm. If there’s a reason the animals in your story are hyper-aggressive and persistent to a point they seem almost consciously evil, that’s fine---genetically engineered that way, for instance---but have there be a REASON. It’s seldom the default in nature. Think of it this way: You’d fight a lot harder to save your life than you would to get a hamburger (unless saving your life required that hamburger). Consider that when you write real animals, and when you craft fictional ones.  (* Which admittedly most real life man-eaters are; most large mammals that turn to actively hunting humans have been sick, elderly, or injured in such a way they can’t pursue their normal prey. But in fiction, the animals that are absurdly focused on eating humans alone always seem in perfect health and are seldom revealed as otherwise, or even having a reason at all. It’s just presented as their default behavior. Which it is not. That’s the point of this rant.)
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feyhunter78 · 1 year
I'm gonna assume this is about Pink Pastels, and gladly give you what you're asking for👀
Pink Pastels Pt 6
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Description: It's time for Gabi's field trip, and wouldn't ya know, you and Miguel are in the same group.
Pt 7
Miguel’s never been a chaperone before. During Gabi’s Kindergarten field trip he was away on a business trip, but this time he made sure to be there, not just because Gabi’s class was going to the zoo, and she loves the zoo, but because of you.
There’s this need to protect you, like an itch beneath his skin. He can’t forget the look of fear on your beautiful face, or the way you clung so tightly to him, desperate and terrified. The crunch of that man’s bones beneath his fists, the fear that ran through your attacker as Miguel tore into him, talons and fangs covered in his blood, crimson drip, drip, dripping down to the pavement below, it was an almost ecstasy.
Your broken and discarded shoes are hidden in the back of his closet, along with your hairband. It’s pathetic, really, the makeshift shrine that’s beginning to form, and he knows that his actions could so easily borderline being creepy, but you’re his. He knows it. You’re meant to be together, and he’s simply showing his devotion.
“Papá, Papá, we’re here.” Gabi tugs on his shirt sleeve, her face lit up with pure, innocent excitement, and he resists the urge to crush her to his chest and never let her go.
“I see, where do you want to go first, Mija?” He asks, adjusting her baseball cap and making sure it’s snug on her head. He doesn’t want her face to get sunburned, but she hates the feeling of sunscreen, so they compromised.
“I want to see the hippos!” She says, bouncing in her seat as she turns to talk with her friends behind her, little, high-pitched voices discussing and debating which animals were the best.
“Mr. O’Hara, here’s your map, and safety packet. I trust you went over the info online ahead of time?” You hand him a manila envelope, smiling brightly at him.
Your hair is down today, the crown of your head covered by a white bucket hat, and you’re wearing jeans with a sage green T-shirt that reads SRE Field trip, in big white block letters. He’s wearing the same, everyone is, to ensure if a child is lost, they can be easily returned to their group.
He takes the packet from you, nodding. “Of course, can’t leave my chaperone partner to do all the heavy lifting.”
You laugh a little at that and continue down the bus aisle, handing out the remaining packets.
He lets Gabi pull him off the bus and is soon swarmed by five first-graders, each one a friend of Gabi’s—she makes friends so easily, something he can’t take credit for.
“Okay everyone has their groups, please stay with your chaperone, and your buddy, don’t go wandering off, and meet back here, at the entrance at three o’clock.” An older teacher says, before she gathers her own group and heads through the zoo gates.
You bend down to face the kids, an excited smile on your face. “Alright, what animal are we seeing first?”
A chorus of answers rings out, and you turn to Miguel. “Mr. O’Hara? Do you have any suggestions?”
You look so pretty, the sun shining down on you, the casual outfit, the way you tap your finger against your lips in thought, clearly putting on a show for the kids. If he ignores all the others and focuses on only you and Gabi, he can almost imagine this is a family outing, not a field trip.
“Last time I was here, they had snow leopards?” He feigns ignorance, but when your face lights up, he feels that intoxicating shot of dopamine.
Snow leopards are your favorite animal, the one you’ve voiced your desire to go see many times while in the school’s teacher’s lounge. One which has cameras, that Miguel has access to. Obviously.
“They still do, they’re my favorites.” You confirm what he already knows, and the children immediately change their answer to match yours.
“Why don’t we go there first, then if the kids see any animals, they want to visit on the way there we’ll see them afterwards?” He suggests, still acting oh so innocent.
“What do we think? Everyone agrees with Mr. O’Hara?” You ask the children, straightening up and throwing him a smile when they all agree to his plan.
Miguel stands back behind you and the children, watching as you join them up at the glass, helping them read out the informational signs, and marveling over the big cats.
The environment set up for the leopards is lush, full of greenery and stone. Perches and outcroppings meant to mimic their homelands, and mounds of snow that they seem to disappear into, reappearing with a flash, causing Gabi and her friends to jump back in surprise then burst into giggles.
You soon join him, your arms tucked behind your back as you watch your students. “I think this is one of my favorite days of the year. I know it’s stressful, and tiring but seeing how excited they all are, just really makes me happy.”
“Gabi loves the zoo, we come here every year on her birthday.” He tells you, desperate to include you in their life, if only through shared pieces of personal information. “I’ve got all the photos in my office, my coworkers’ joke that by the time I retire I’ll have half my office wall covered.”
“I used to go to the aquarium when I was a kid, there’s something about standing underneath those giant tanks, with the way the light plays through the water—it’s breathtaking.”
You���re breathtaking. He wants to say, but he doesn’t. Instead, he says, “I know the feeling.”
You smile shyly at him, and for a moment he’s back on the side of your building, watching you through your window. He didn’t intend to be there, to watch you, he only wanted to ensure you were okay. You were fast asleep, hair askew, in a soft looking oversized t-shirt, the moonlight dancing across your peaceful face.
He couldn’t tear himself away, enraptured by the sight.
You let out a huff, and in his peripheral, he spies the name on your phone. Todd.
He hates Todd.
“Everything okay?” He asks carefully, his eyes on Gabi.
“Yes, sorry, just some personal issues, nothing serious.” You say quickly, sliding your phone into your pocket.
“Ms. Y/N, can we go see the hippos now?” One of Gabi’s friends, Emma, comes up to you, looking up at you with big blue eyes, her hand tugging at your shirt.
“Is that what everyone else wants to see?” You ask, gaze sweeping over the other children.
“Yes.” Emma says confidently, running off in the direction of the large animals, Gabi following closely behind.
“Girls!” You call out, looking from them to the others.
“Go, I’ll bring the others.” He reassures you.
You take off after them, and he gathers the remaining four children, who huddle around him like ducklings.
“Is Ms. Y/N mad? She looked mad.” One of the little boys—Tony, named after the Avenger or a family member, Miguel isn’t sure—asks him, chewing on his bottom lip.
This is that Tony, Gabi’s told him about this boy, how he’s very nice, and funny, but gets scared easily. She likes him, maybe not in a way she yet understands, or that Miguel is ready for, but if his baby girl has to have a crush on anyone, an easily scared little boy isn’t the worst.
“She’s probably mad at her dumbass boyfriend.” Dahlia, a girl he can tell is from the Bronx by her thick accent, speaks up, and it’s all he can do to keep from laughing at the scandalized look on Tony’s face.
“Don’t tell Ms. Y/N I said a bad word, but that’s what I’ve heard Ms. Melissa call him.” She says quietly when she sees Tony’s face.
“I won’t tell if you won’t.” He promises.
“Gabi’s right, you are the coolest.” Dahlia says, grabbing his hand and swinging it back and forth as they walked.
The coolest? He wanted to run ahead and scoop his daughter into his arms, she thought he was the coolest.
Tag list: @nyctophilic0vitnir, @miggyoharaswife, @badbishsblog, @imisshim2much, @wanderlustingcastaway, @lynn-9703, @sleepyamaya, @erensbbg, @sweetea85, @ilovemiguelohara, @natthernandez, @stxrrielle, @ihateuguys, @jenniferdixon05207, @blep-23, @luvisaaxoxo, @minimari415, @emerald-09, @violet-19999, @kenchosaikuo, @groovycass, @youcantseem3, @lovefks, @nightshxdex, @dusstory, @aesniri, @munsonssecretblog, @kirke-is-my-name, @starbearieee, @chatoicboy, @act1839, @needsleep3000, @totally-not-georgia
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autumnsnuggling · 9 months
"I Have a Room Here"
Thanks to @stargazing-enby for the screaming, @rei382 for the alpha, and @annanother-thing for the beta!
2.5k words. TW: Minor panic attacks. Draco has anxiety.
“I have a room here,” he blurts out. 
He’s in the hallway, making his way out of the building when he sees him entering. Sees his eyes widen in recognition. Sees his carefully constructed world set to crumble around him. 
 “I— I mean I live here. Now. I’m not here illegally, or doing anything dodgy. While I'm—” His leg jigs. “I— I have a room here and I like it and I can't move, please don't make me.”
He frowns, and it's almost convincing, almost makes him believe he's not just a lion lying in the grass, waiting to pounce.
“I'm not here to make you leave. I have a room here too. I moved in last week. Ask the landlord.” He regards Draco for a moment. “I couldn’t make you move if I wanted to, Draco.” He pauses, as though for effect. Draco’s skin crawls. “And I would never want to do that.”
He knows it's a lie, that it’s just a matter of time, but he nods and scarpers anyway, door slamming too loudly behind him.
“Oh.” Draco claps a hand to his mouth, heart pounding when emerald eyes land on him. 
“No, wait—” he calls, and Draco curses the way his entire body freezes. 
“You don’t have to leave. Just— come and do your laundry. I’m almost done anyway.”
He can’t keep from chewing his cheek whilst loading the machine. And then his change won’t fit in the slot. And then the air, too humid and sweet and dizzying, starts to close in around him.
“Er, Malfoy—”
“Shut up.”
He can feel him staring, can imagine the self-righteous look, can hear the taunt in his voice. 
“I just—”
His eyes sting, his fists clench, and the stupid coin keeps hitting the steel slot.
“Please, can I—?”
“Just leave.”
He’s wailing and he knows it, but a moment later there’s a sigh and slow footsteps recede, and he finally takes a shaky breath. 
On the next try, the coin clunks into the machine. 
“You weren’t in so I signed for your parcel,” he says.
Scowling isn’t polite in these situations, but it’s all he can do right now. 
“Th—thank you.”
“You’re welcome,” he shrugs slightly. Draco fiddles with a bit of brown tape. “You can look at me, you know. I’m not going to burn your retinas with my ugliness.”
The forced lightness in his voice fails to hide a deeper ring of something, and it’s unmooring. He never used to play games like this, and it makes Draco’s hair stand on end.
“If that’s all…”
There's a beat, but then he sighs heavily. “Yeah, that’s all.”
“Hey, Malfoy, you’re okay.” 
He’s not okay, how can he be okay? He can’t find his keys and he dropped his change and his coat is too old so rain’s dripping down his back and there were all these kids and where the fuck are his keys—
He blinks, bright eyes suddenly there while warmth holds his elbows. Which appear to be shaking.
“I’ve got you, breathe with me, okay?”
He can barely swallow, let alone breathe, but he chases that voice regardless, the praise so kind his knees tremble and ungodly noises crawl up his throat. 
Too much time has passed when he asks, and now too much tiredness weighs down each slower, steadier breath. Bronze hands still hold him gently, and he squirms at the wetness on his face. 
“I— I have to go.”
His smile is tentative yet blinding, and his ‘Hey,’ is low and private, like they’re sharing a secret instead of passing on the stairs. 
“I got your note.” He stops, so Draco has to stop too, right on the stain on the carpet. It looks like a hippo from this angle.
“You’re welcome, Draco.”
It sends shivers down his spine, hearing his name like that, and he sounds so real, so genuine, he can’t stop his eyes from flicking back to his. They’re just as dazzling as ever, and happier than should be humanly possible. He feels his cheeks heat.
“I want you to know, I’ll always help you if I can. So, if you need something, just—” he shrugs, “knock on my door.” Then, when Draco’s brow pinches, as it always does, “I mean it, Draco. I’m not going to make you move. You can trust me.”
And when his voice is so gentle, he really wants to believe him.
“Fuck, sorry.”
Footsteps run towards him as he bends to pick up the apple.
“Apparently one of my shopping bags broke, and, well, decided to attack my neighbours with fruit.”
“Maybe they’re trying to escape your horrendous hair.”
His bark of laughter covers Draco's choke at his reckless words, and Draco's stomach does a weird flippy thing at the sound. 
“Maybe.” His grin could light up an entire city. “It’s either that or it’s trying to escape the crumble it’s destined for.”
Crumble. His mouth waters, and from the quirk of his lips, it’s far too obvious.
“You could come over for some, if you wanted?”
“Uh— I— I don’t— Um—”
He chuckles softly, and it shouldn’t sound fond. 
“Just think about it,” he says, and there’s that soft, too-beautiful-to-be-real smile making his head spin again. “I’ll save you a bit.”
He swallows hard. “I'm returning your bowl.”
“I can see that,” he grins too easily, lounging against his door frame. “Did you enjoy it?”
Too much. “It was pleasantly surprising.”
The answering laugh curls his toes and flips his stomach. “I'm honoured to receive such high praise.”
“Don't get used to it.”
“Oh, no,” he smirks. “Of course not.”
Draco bites his lip as the silence extends, hands too empty, cheeks growing hot.
“I could make some tea, if you'd like?”
It's quieter than the other requests—more gentle. Devoid of all pressure but cushioned by tentative hope, and Draco begins to want. 
“Not yet,” he murmurs, tongue too traitorous for his heart. But he gives a light huff, and through his lashes, Draco glimpses that sugar-sweet smile.
“Okay, not yet.” And it's a promise Draco knows he'll have to keep. 
The bass drums through the walls, into his skull, and his fingers clench.
'Get some space. Take a break,' his head whispers. But outside is too dark, and his chest tightens.
'It's just a bad night. Just one party.’ He tells himself, trying to stay calm. Then fails when his thoughts run away from him.
His feet landing in his hall tell him he's moved, as do his shoes, now on his feet, and his jacket in his hand, but he can't tell how they got there. Someone knocks on the door before he reaches it.
“Sorry, I didn't want to startle you,” he says, hair wild enough for birds to nest in and just as cozy. “I just wanted to make sure you were okay with— this.”
He doesn't mean to whimper, or sway on the spot, but another shriek of laughter lances through him and it's so loud it hurts. 
“Obvolvere,” he murmurs, and then it's barely there, just a distant thud beneath his feet, and his eyes flutter closed.
“Thank you.”
He says it before he can think through the lingering buzz, but he can't summon the energy to care. 
“It's nothing.” His molten emeralds shine only with concern, and for the first time in months, he feels cared for. “Get some sleep, Draco.” 
“Wait—” He blinks, panic hissing at the threat of him leaving. “Um, would— would you like— t—tea?”
A slow smile warms him from the inside out.
“I'd love some.”
“You should sleep.”
He knows this. Knows from the way his eyes are heavy and itchy and weeping. Knows the disappointment at the idea of letting him leave, the fear of the noise—the gap between them—returning.
“You're one to talk.”
Potter snickers, and it's unfairly pretty. “I'm not the one falling asleep on his sofa.”
“Hmm.” It's all he can say, eyes drifting closed once again. 
“C'mon,” he murmurs, and then there's a hand, solid but gentle, at his elbow. “Bed.”
He stumbles willingly into Potter's solid warmth and sighs. Safe.
“I won't come in,” Potter murmurs, chivalrous to the core. “Just wanted you to get some decent rest.”
“Will you—? Um, I mean, when will—? Can we—?” His brow hurts from wrinkling.
“Can I come see how you slept, tomorrow?”
He shivers at the care in his voice.
He's always kept his word. Draco knows this—scorned him mercilessly for it in a previous life. Yet still his heart leaps, relieved, when Potter smiles at him as he opens his door.
“Hey,” Potter breathes, and butterflies, beautiful and wild, explode everywhere in Draco's chest. 
“A movie I wanted to watch just came out on video,” Potter says. “Want to watch it together?” 
Draco barely knows what movies are. He nods immediately. 
Potter’s too-bright smile is impossible not to return, Draco’s stomach jumping like the kernels of corn Potter shoves in the microwave. They smell almost as good as him. 
“Okay,” Potter soon sits beside him, remote in one hand, bowl of popcorn in another. He flashes Draco another smile, a hint of nerves hiding in the dimples of his cheeks. “I hope you like it.”
He nods, knowing he won’t be able to focus on anything but the warmth coming from just centimeters away.
The buttery smell emanating from the bowl is too alluring, and after Potter’s crunched on a few mouthfuls, it seems socially appropriate to reach for some popcorn too. His fingers brush Potter’s. Electricity crackles on his skin. 
“After you,” Potter murmurs, his smile as sweet as the kernels. Draco thinks kissing him would be even sweeter.
His mouth waters at the scent wafting from the oven, and he bites his nails. 
The last three haven’t been right—too burned; too flat; too bland. But this one smells dangerously promising. 
He still jumps when the timer dings, despite watching the final seconds tick down, and the heat of the oven takes his breath away. But these lemon cupcakes are golden, springy, and perfectly risen. 
He flits from the sofa to read, to the radio, to the bathroom to clean whilst waiting for them to cool, then painstakingly slathers on the lemony icing. Once they’re arranged just so on a plate, he sucks in a deep breath, hesitantly walking up the corridor.
“I made cupcakes,” he blurts as soon as the door starts to open, Potter’s face not yet fully in view. Potter’s kind chuckle threatens his already shaky grip on the plate.
“I can see that. They look amazing.” Potter leans forward, inhaling deeply. Draco curses the heat rushing to his cheeks. “I could make some tea for us both, if you want?”
Heart rabbiting in his chest, he nods once. “Y-yes, please.”
Potter’s beam warms him down to his toes. 
Cooler air teases at his cheeks, the first hues of autumn painting the leaves. He burrows further into his thick scarf, letting his eyes fall closed.
“You look so cozy,” Potter audibly smiles as scuffed his trainers crunch on the gravel path.
“Not everyone can be a walking radiator,” he snips, knowing the scarf doesn’t hide his smile at Potter’s chuckle.
“Well excuse me for having good circulation and a bit of meat on my bones.” A shoulder knocks into Draco’s, then stays much closer than before. He has to remind himself to breathe.
“You’re not excused.”
Potter’s laugh seems to dance on the breeze, loud, and carefree, and infectious, and Draco wants to bottle the sound; to clutch it close and bask in it. Then the shoulder knocks into him again, and this time long, sure fingers hook around his gloved ones, halting the earth in its path. 
“Hmm, what if we get a hot chocolate and a cinnamon bun?” Potter asks, low and private. “Would I be excused then?”
Tentatively intertwining his fingers with Potter’s, Draco forces his voice to stay steady.
“We’ll have to see, won’t we.”
“I should probably get going,” Harry frowns. “Apparently, I have to be up in the morning.”
“However will you cope?” Draco rolls his eyes, his heart sinking slightly all the same. 
“Your kind words support me endlessly, did you know?” 
Draco pokes his tongue out. Still, the warmth of Harry’s leg pressed against his disappears, and he rushes to stand too. To delay the inevitable. Harry just smiles, slots their fingers together. Squeezes tight. 
“I’ll come round tomorrow? After 3?” he asks, standing in front of the open door but facing Draco, emerald eyes sparkling and kind and reassuring. 
“After 3,” Draco nods. “And we’ll make pasta?”
“We will,” Harry promises. “I’ve already got the garlic bread.”
The seconds stretch into more, but his grasp on Harry’s hands never wavers, and neither does Harry’s smile. Then those emerald eyes flicker lower, to Draco’s lips, and Draco’s breath stutters.
“I’ll see you tomorrow, Draco,” Harry murmurs again, lower this time, closer too. Draco’s vision clouds as Potter creeps into his space. Just close enough for soft, plush lips to brush against his.
Draco just stands, still as a statue, barely breathing. 
He manages to gulp as Harry leans back, wanting to melt back against Harry’s lips. 
“Cuppa?” Harry asks over his book. His hair is mussed from lying down on the sofa. Draco wants to run his hands through it.
“Cuppa,” he says, stretching. “I’ll help.”
A hand finds his, warm and soft, guiding him up from his seat and safely into the kitchen. His grasp feels empty when Harry lets go and moves towards the kettle, but he turns to dig out some mugs anyway. Harry always came back.
There are teabags already plucked from the barrel and waiting when he turns around again, and a hand on the centre of his back tells him Harry’s reaching for a teaspoon, while he gets the milk. 
“We make a good team,” Harry murmurs close to his ear, an arm snaking around his waist. 
“Hmm. Maybe you’ve just been stalking me,” he whispers back, leaning into him. 
“Always,” Harry grins, pressing his lips to his temple.
Warmth. Endless warmth is all he knows as he slowly floats into consciousness. 
“Morning, gorgeous,” Harry’s sleep-husky voice rumbles in his ear. 
“Mm,” he moans into Harry’s chest, purring when fingers stroke through his hair. “Too early.”
He grumbles when Harry snickers, jostling him unfairly, but then the arms holding him in place tighten around him, and maybe he can forgive the indiscretion. 
“So I guess I’m not allowed to go to the toilet yet, either?” Harry asks. Draco wraps his legs more firmly around him.
“Message received,” Harry chuckles again, lips close enough to graze his forehead. Draco sighs approvingly when they stay there; a prolonged kiss. 
Long seconds, minutes, or hours later, his hand finds Harry’s jaw, thumbing gently over the stubble that’s grown in, then leans up to capture Harry’s lips with his. 
“I really like our room,” he murmurs. 
Harry smiles against his lips, giving him another sweet kiss back.
“Me too.”
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I'm in the mood to write poor whumpee getting attacked by an animal so, whatever wins I'll have attack the wumpee and post a little fic.
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strawbs-screaming · 6 months
my guess on if the boxers went to jail or not
i just feel like making this right now, enjoy
Glass joe - hes gotten into some fights but he usually loses them, ending up in him causing people to go to jail because theres no evidence thats clearer than a thousand bruises and a few broken bones
Von Kaiser - got framed for a robbery once but got proven innocent, not much other than that
Disco Kid - got some noise complaints for blasting his music a bit too loud during a party + some speeding tickets but hes clean other than that
King Hippo - public indecency issues thanks to his pants but got over that pretty quickly
Piston Hondo - hes a tad bit paranoid about laws & police so hes squeaky clean (for now)
Bear Hugger - went to court for having "illegal pets" And had to explain how mrs bear was his trainer and his Squirrel was a motivational speaker, they somehow accepted it
Great Tiger - also a careful with laws but has been pulled over for speeding, he actually hasnt had to get any fines or tickets since he teleports away as soon as he stops his car when getting pulled over
Don Flamenco - got into some fights during his teenage years, specifically with carmen's ex, he got into a nasty fight and had to stay in jail for a while
Aran Ryan - oh boy. Has been in jail for basically everything in every age, from sneaking into places hes not supposed to be in to kidnapping his pet mountain lion back from authorities, hes been to jail multiple times and usually gets anyone around him thrown into jail as well
Soda Popinski - No, but is on thin ice for his shady soda business and so are his doctors
Bald Bull - multiple times, actually! Usually from assault thanks to him attacking the paparazzi, had to be bailed out by macho mans 39 lawyers
Super Macho Man - his 39 lawyers will not let that happen, but if he didnt have said 39 lawyers he would be in jail and be swimming in fines
Mr Sandman - wrecking a entire building is sure to get some attention, specifically from the law, hes squeaky clean other than that
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blackbackedjackal · 11 months
So much irl shit is going on aside from Lobo
We almost lost the farm and nobody told me shit till the day before. Had to basically beg the tax collector and got an extension for another month.
I spent 2 hours, an hour each, yelling at my parents to get their shit together. I’m fucking exhausted.  My mom promised to get this house fixed ages ago. Now it’s to the point I can’t take a shower in the house because of how bad the plumbing situation has become. I’ve fucking had enough. I put my foot down. And if two whole ass adults can’t get their shit together, I’m kicking their asses until they do.
Found out there’s some drama going on behind the scenes on tumblr like, listen. Just because someone harasses me doesn’t mean I need defending or that it’s your business to attack the other person. I can handle my shit. I block and am over it. Digging into the other person doesn’t solve anything, especially if you’re not involved. I have ADHD, drama doesn’t interest me or provided dopamine to my silly little brain. I said my peace, it’s over, let it die. I’ve never facilitated a space for people to be shitty to others or advocated for anyone following me to attack someone. You’re not helping, you’re bullying. I’m allowed to vent my frustrations, I’m having a shitty go with life rn, but my frustrations are not your problem.
I’m not exaggerating when I say I’m a stubborn motherfucker (haha) when I need to be. Jackals are small but they’ve survived and thrived in an environment with lions, leopards, hyenas, crocodiles, hippos and when the going gets tough they know when to hold and when to fold. Take that analogy to understand that I can roll with the punches and I’ve got a loving and wonderful partner and wonderful friends who lift me up when I need it. Like yeah, I’m a little fucked up rn, I’m exhausted, but I’m too stubborn to let any silly shit stop me. I may go through this rough patch kicking and screaming but I promise, once the dust settles, I’ll be ok. I always am.
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ancientcharm · 2 years
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Fresco from the House of the Ceii, Pompeii. 
A meticulous restoration using the most modern techniques has returned the frescoes of this Pompeian house to their former splendor.
In the central panel that has just been restored, the fights between predators and prey in the natural world stand out above all, such as a big cat about to attack a pair of rams, a lion about to pounce on a bull, even a deer that it looks back in terror as a wild boar chases it.
On the side walls of the garden, landscapes are shown through which African hunters move, who are in the shadow of Egyptian-style buildings and prepare to hunt hippos and crocodiles on the banks of the Nile, which suggests that the owner of the house was a great lover of Egyptian culture.
"In this case, in all probability, the exotic and religious theme of the paintings seems to testify to a link and a specific interest that the owner of the domus had for the Egyptian world and for the cult of Isis, present in Pompeii in last years of the city ", affirms Massimo Osanna, general director of the Archaeological Park of Pompeii.
Photographs: Luigi Spina
Info from National Geographic / Spain (May 6, 2022)
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mask-of-prime · 11 months
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VG: Speed Run
It was early in the morning. A certain rhino paced as he thought up his speech. He took a deep breath as he contemplated returning to the Pridelands. He was onto the next part of his plan... "Hey." The rhino in question sighed in annoyance before turning to the voice. He saw that it had been Mrembo, the monotone, hairy lion. "Any idea when our next mission will be? Dying to get something to eat." "No missions today!" the rhino then grimaced, "And you know how uncomfortable it makes me when you talk about the types of things you eat! Now, please! I've got a very important speech to make to a few friends." "Oooh! Can we come?!" Jeuri suddenly piped. "NO! Absolutely not!" the rhino roared, "I-I mean... why don't you try Flat Ridge Rock, I thought I spotted some nice big lizards there..." "Lizards? Again?" Mrembo sighed in annoyance, "Better than nothing, I guess." Jeuri rushed to the cave he and his made a home in. "Hey, Kiume, no missions today!" "Good," the older lion glared from the shadows, "I don't want anybody to see me like this..."
____ Later that morning... The cacophony of several impatient, angered, and hyped calls made by various ungulates and birds rang across Mizimu Grove. There, they awaited the return of a certain pachyderm they placed all of their trust in, especially as of late. The crowed turned to the sound of stomping. It had been their glorious leader, Ngurumo, surrounded by an intimidating, austere crash of elite rhinos guarding him. The crowd cheered in delight. The cheering, however, gradually ceased as Ngurumo gracefully held up a hoof, preparing his rallying speech. "My fellow prey... It seems every day I hear more and more about the violent nature of our oppressive leaders after my undeserved banishment! I understand that some of you, my dear, faithful bretheren, have been caught in some of these fights these barbaric creatures keep starting amongst themselves?" "YEAH!" a few notable supporters shouted. "Ngurumo? Sir? How are you receiving this news?" asked an inquisitive Oryx doe. "I'm glad you asked." the rhino smiled. "While I stood in the outskirts of the Pridelands, where I had been mercilessly ejected to by the very perpetrators of these attacks, I was only able to hear of the goings-on of the Pridelands from my trusted, loyal tickbird, Uongo!" The bird in question smirked cunningly as he flew into the scene, as if on cue. "Now Uongo, what was it you heard these lions say about us poor herbivores?" The tickbird, who possessed a drongo-like ability to mimic voices to an uncanny level, formed shapes with his mouth to recreate voices of a few lions: "Kupatana?! -- nobody cares about that holiday!" the bird cherrypicked in Vitani's voice. "We could've had them now, then it'd be over with!" he said in Shabaha's voice, completely out of context. "Just beat 'em black and blue like the usual deal." he then said in Vitani's voice once more, and once again devoid of the true context. The ruminants gasped, as did Ngurumo. "Such violence!" he said, "The King orders bloodthirsty huntresses -- not even from here -- to form his new Guard. Not only was it such a foolish thing to get rid of his old Guard -- one that had a hippo, by the way --, but he allowed his own enemies to keep us in check, and now they want to eat us all! Siding with anything so long as they're predators, and specifically lions at that!" The crowd of herd animals yelled in disgust. "I don't know about you, but I wouldn't hire my own killers. What an idiot, that Simba is!" he cleared his throat, "But anywho, I hear a few brave animals, here, fought back at the Lion Guard, is that right?" Karani screamed loud for Ngurumo to hear, and the vicious hippo that hogged the watering hole -- who was currently concussed -- bellowed proudly. "Yes, heh." Ngurumo's chuckling face became a sympathetic frown, "I, too, am saddened by the senseless attacks made on some of you by these monsters for leaders. Especially around Kupatana! A day of supposed unity! These lions have morphed the very meaning of Kupatana. To them, it's their one day of the year where they gaslight us back into trusting them, in 'the spirit of the holiday'! Bah! I say we take inspiration from the bird and hippo, and fight back! I say we take back the true meaning of Kupatana -- what it meant to all of us since before these predators came about! The real origin of the holiday..." The animals listened intently. They supposed they didn't know the old meaning of the day due to being younger generations raised under the rule of carnivores. They trusted in Ngurumo, who seemed to have knowledge of the past. "In the Spirit of Kupatana, I shall hereby declare all the herds as one! Together, with my lead, we shall overthrow this so-called 'King of the Jungle.' For your loyalty, I promise tickbirds for everyone!" The united herd screamed joyously as the tickbirds made their way to them. A few members of the crowd -- especially Kutoba, the scrappy, short-tempered Oryx -- enthusiastically rooted for the war that would rage on the coming holiday. As the tickbirds became aqcuainted with their new partners, Ngurumo chuckled to himself, speaking in a low voice that most couldn't hear: "Such easy animals to please. Anything works on them -- OW!! Not so hard, Uongo..." The yellow-billed oxpecker glared slightly as he continued burrowing his beak into the rhino's hide. ____ Afternoon... "Oh, man... it's too quiet!" Shabaha lamented, "Where's the excitement? I'm LOSING it!" "Why are you wishing for something bad to happen?" Tazama squinted. Vitani ignored her Guard as she looked and listened still. Today's patrol, so far, had been rather uneventful. No herbivores screeching derogatory remarks, no rogues hunting and marking things that didn't belong to them, all was quiet for now. Peaceful as it was, for once, the Guard was still on-edge anyhow. Though it was only natural for the former members of Zira's pride to never trust a day going too well, silence was strange at a time like this. Vitani had identified this phantom sensation as something called an 'anxiety attack', courtesy of Kiara's education on healthy ways to deal with trauma. She, and all the members of the Lion Guard suffered these, especially after this recent series of intense, violent events. She'd pondered if maybe her anxiety was unwarranted today. Still feeling like she couldn't be too sure, she proposed an idea: "Kasi, why don't you make your usual rounds and scan the area? I'm still too achey to go too far." "You wanna bet I can cover more land within the same time as last time?" "I guess we have a little time for fun." Vitani smirked, "You got until sunset." "I'll be back before the sun touches the top of Mekundu Cliffs!" Kasi was off, "Time me!" The Guard smiled warmly and confidently as they watched the Fastest dash. After moments of silence and staring, Shabaha plopped down in the grass. "Soo... now what?" ____ Though Kasi was on a timed mission, she quickly took in her surroundings as she brushed by them. She had many parts of the Pridelands memorized, showing the remarkable amount of work and traveling the Lion Guard has done for about a year, now. Feeling adventurous, and ambitious, she let her paws take her to parts unknown. Before she knew it, she'd been far on a border if the Pridelands she hadn't seen before. Feeling the grass vanish and be replaced by dry, cracked land was a sign she'd essentially left the kingdom. She was exhilarated as she felt downhill gravity make her sprinting go even faster. A huge cloud of dust gathered beneath her paws, making her feel powerful. Bordering this dry wasteland was a forest that Kasi didn't know what territory it belonged to, be it the last bit of the Pridelands, or the beginning of the Backlands. Something caught her attention, she almost could've sworn a pair of eyes and a pointed face poked from the bushes of the forest. She came to a screeching halt. "Good, I was beginning to think you were never gonna slow down." "Kelele..." "In the flesh." grinned the wolf, "Pleasure seeing you again --" Kasi turned the other way. Growling, Kelele quickly stopped her. "Don't run." the wolf relaxed her pose, "I'm not your enemy..." Kasi backed away slowly. She saw that Kelele's tail had been singed slightly from Vitani's first ever use of the Fire Roar. "You have to believe me..." Kelele urged. "I dunno, I mean you literally kidnapped a puppy because you thought he had powers..." "And it's because of that, I cannot return to the Pridelands. I've got something I've been wanting to tell the Roar-wielder for a long time." "Alright. You can tell me, and I'll see if I want to deliver it to her." "Fair enough..." the wolf grinned again as she bowed her head, "While I have come to challenge the Roar, I don't plan to exterminate it. That's not what this is about. I wish to learn more about it, and bring that information back North, where I come from. There aren't very many of us left. I want to make my small pack proud by making history that will live on in paintings and legend." Kasi listened intently. She still had her doubts, given the fact that Kelele's story sounded a tad self-centered, and it didn't at all explain why she threatened Sauti's life over it. But, then... what would the real story be if she turned out to be lying about it all? The slender lioness continued to hear Kelele out, allowing her mind to open more. If it was all a lie, she could just warn Vitani. If it wasn't, maybe it was life-saving information for all parties. ____ Over a course of hours, Kasi settled beside Kelele. Their initial rocky start blossomed into similar things they bonded over, such as a shared competitiveness and snarky, dry humor. Though, speaking of competitiveness... The Fastest's eyes suddenly caught the change in color of the sky, she glanced back to see an orange sun about to set. It looked like it was much further below the top of Mekundu Cliffs, she feared. Maybe there was still just a bit of time left. "Oh, no... I really gotta go..." "That's too bad." Kelele perked up, "Hey!" "Yeah?" "If you don't tell Vitani the things I wanted to share with her, I understand." Kasi nodded. She was unsure if Kelele's self-awareness was out of modesty, or possibly manipulation. "Fastest way back is through the woods. Less steep this way. Safe travels." The slender lioness took the wolf's word for it, eventually finding her word to be true. She wondered, if Kelele was being genuine about the way back, were her intentions genuine, too? ____ Kasi watched as the sky fell into twilight. She cringed. She knew it was long past the time she'd promised everyone. Her sprint turned into a gradually-slowing scamper as she panted heavily. She saw the Guard all bonding. Shabaha was telling outrageous hypotheticals, resulting in some of the liveliest banter they've had in years. The leader of the Guard stood up as she saw Kasi on her way. "You're way late, Kasi!" Vitani balked, "Very uncharacteristic of you. What kept you, you make new friends along the way?" Kasi's panting slowed. A piercing question that happened to be. "Maybe..." She was still unsure of her judgment in Kelele. But she could save it for now, either way... ____ ((Author's Note: This is one of those episodes where I just started drawing and THEN worked a story around it. Kasi's a hard character to really figure out so I blanked out pretty bad on her story for a good while. After all these years of trying to figure her out, I finally reached a rather meta final idea: She's supposed to be an enigma. She's blunt and comes off mysterious, but is passionate and experimental, trying all sort of crafts and adventures. Her adventurous, risk-taking side is explored here as she daringly explores niche parts of the Pridelands. I also really projected my struggle of constantly not being on time, especially times I promise/estimate to people. Fun Fact: I actually worked Kelele into this story because I'd originally planned an episode where she would find Vitani alone and try to learn more about her, but then I started getting that idea to explore the other Guard members, so I revived most of the concept and made Kasi the one who ends up stuck with Kelele. Another Fun Fact: Ngurumo's campaign scene (which would totally be a musical number) was originally set to take place in the original concept of Moral Eyes, which was originally gonna fully revolve around Kupatana since Tazama and Jeuri's bond symbolized unity and peace. Kupatana will be even more significant later Yet another Fun Fact: It's believed that tickbirds and herd animals actually do not have a mutual relationship in which the birds feed on parasites off the backs of the mammals, but rather that the tickbird is a parasite, itself, as it feeds on more than just ticks; it apparently deliberately cuts the skin of the mammals they're eating off of in order to suck their blood. We'll see how well that relationship between Ngurumo and Uongo/the herbivores and other tickbirds goes lol Lastly, to make things relevant to Pride Month despite it not being too obvious in the story, my headcanon for Kasi is that she's Panromantic/Asexual. She may or may not find a love, but that doesn't take away her attraction to others. People with romantic attraction but no actual romance going on: Y'all valid [insert "Well, of course I know him, he's me" meme here]))
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rudrjobdesk · 2 years
Video : विशालकाय हिप्पो ने किया 3 शेरों पर अटैक, जान बचाकर भागा जंगल का राजा !
Video : विशालकाय हिप्पो ने किया 3 शेरों पर अटैक, जान बचाकर भागा जंगल का राजा !
Hippo Attacks 3 Lions Crossing The River : जंगल का एक ही नियम है, जो यहां ज्यादा ताकतवर होता है वही अपनी जान बचाकर रह सकता है. यूं तो शेर को जंगल के राजा की उपाधि मिली हुई है और उससे सभी जानवर खौफ खाते हैं. फिर भी शेर अगर किसी दिलेर जानवर (Lions and Hippo Video) के पल्ले पड़ जाए तो उसके छक्के छूट जाते हैं. एक ऐसा ही वीडियो (Wildlife Viral Series) इस वक्त वायरल हो रहा है, जिसमें एक हिप्पो के सामने…
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otakween · 8 months
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Cyborg 009 BGOOParts Delete (2020) - Volume 3
This manga is clearly meant to be binged and not read extremely slowly like I've been doing, so I'll try to read more at a time to do things properly. I'm still really frustrated that this is such a rehash of tired material. It might be acceptable if this was a reboot, but it's supposed to be more like a sequel/continuation so...
Ch. 15
The monologuing continues! Apollon and Joe talk about their respective squads, what makes them similar and different. Joe emphasizes the fact that the numbers cyborgs resent being made and plan to eradicate all of Black Ghost's cyborgs from the face of the Earth.
Helena asks Francoise to help her stop the fighting, but Francoise says that she can't because she doesn't want to abort the mission. Helena knocks Francoise out and turns into her dark, Artemis form, complete with creepy looking wings jutting out of her cyborg spine. They drew her all sensual this chapter which made me kinda uncomfortable lol.
007, 002, and 006 fight the lesser Mythos cyborgs in the background. They're not given much to do and it's hard to care about their part of the story.
Ch. 16
This chapter was straight up incomprehensible for me. Not only do they shout out some new attack name every two seconds, but half of them aren't even in Japanese or English. Also, a lot of the characters use old timey Japanese. At this point I'm just hear to admire the art.
Artemis' body is now the Dolphin apparently. What is this Arpeggio of Blue Steel??
At least 005 and 008 got some screentime this chapter. Every time 008 does stuff outside of the water I'm like "he's just a dude" lol. The Aquaman conundrum...
Ch. 17
Geronimo's battle wraps up with the Minotaur dude. DAMN that guy was annoying. I think he said "The Dark Labyrinth" about 50 million times. I was so pissed off having to read it over and over lol. Like...shut up already (thankfully, he did).
I really love how Pyunma has been drawn by this artist. He's come a long way. He acknowledged how limited he is outside of the water in this chapter, which I appreciated. Chang comes to his aid.
Ch. 18
Apollon monologues himself to death lol. The dialogue is sooo bad in this manga. They keep repeating the same phrases ad nauseum and it feels cheesy for them to be ranting so much during a battle. Just have them fight in silence and monologue after or something.
In addition to the dialogue being cringey, the action isn't really good either. The Mythos cyborgs keep dying and I keep thinking "wait...how'd they die??" It's not drawn clearly at all. Apollon gets shot up and then set on fire somehow, but they didn't draw Joe doing any of that so I'm like ???
Ch. 19
Okay, Hippo Man making 007 melt was pretty disturbing body horror, I gotta say. 004 then easily takes him out in a pretty boring battle. Hippo man went on and on about his "true name" and they made "kaba/baka" puns. Hey Cyborg 009, aren't comic relief characters supposed to be...funny?
Artemis is pissed at Joe for killing Apollon, but what did she think was gonna happen? This is such a blah retread.
Ch. 20
Lion dude turns into Heracles (which looks like a guy wearing a lion fur and wielding clubs). The cyborgs all gather for their final battle (aside from Artemis probably)
Who was the hairy dude in the beginning? I'm sure I'm just supposed to know who is his but I forgot lol. It's so hard to follow this manga when no one's documented it on the 009 wiki yet boohoo
Joe looked pretty badass showing up at the end there ngl (plus the shippers probably like to see him carrying 002 like that)
Ch. 21
Okay, this last bit was interesting (finally). They talked about how the numbers cyborgs have already defeated Black Ghost and are now just cleaning up their ooparts. Heracles disagrees and says that the Mythos cyborgs ARE Black Ghost because they're following through on their mission.
I had to remind myself what ooparts are. It stands for "Out of Place" parts. It's supposedly an American term, but I've never heard of it. It's related to cryptozoology and refers to anachronistic artifacts. I guess the Mythos cyborgs kinda fit that, but instead of being new stuff in olden times, they're old stuff in modern times? IDK. I wonder if OOParts is a well known concept in Japan or just this mangaka's hobby?
GDI Helen showing up at the last second to resurrect everyone is cheating >:/ now this arc will never end!
I like learning random stuff from manga. Heracles kept bringing up the Nemean lion so I looked it up and basically it's a lion whose fur was impervious to weapons. Never heard of that myth before! With the added context I appreciated Heracles' design more.
The mangaka's fanart sketches at the end were really charming, I liked their little self portrait too (they didn't need to draw 008's OG design though -cringe-)
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be-the-creature-fan · 2 years
Wild Kratts Season 2.
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One sentence review (1 being the worse - 10 being a masters piece) Hope you enjoy :)
Bad Hair Day: It was an alright start to Season 2 but why did the WK crew leave the paint on the lion cubs for that long? 7/10
Race for the Hippo Disc: I'M SORRY BUT CHRIS SHOULD HAVE JUST LET ZACH DIE, it would have solved so many problems in future episodes (sorry zach fans) 8/10
Creature Power Challenge: Zachs drawings were hilarious but not as funny as Jimmy and Zach's conversation also acorn powers return (this whole episode wouldn't have happened if Zach was offed in the previous episode) 7/10
Neck and Neck: All I can think about is what would Martin's life have been like if they weren't able to fix the problem and how technically chronologically you can take off the suit at any time sooo.... ._. (6/10)
Happy Turkey Day: Chris and the WK kids trolling Gormond is pretty funny also R.I.P Martin's tail feathers. (8/10)
Termites v.s Tongues: This episode was overplayed on my local pbs station but the moment when Chris thought he was too late in saving was very heartwarming (but why did Koki and Aviva scream "help me" like that?) (4/10)
Bugs or Monkeys: I just love how when Chris looses Martin he's just like "Oh no Martin is gone ._. But when Chris is lost, Martin be like
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Also Martin with Grabsy are some of the best moments in the show (9/10)
Secrets of the Spiders Web: Donita creates a spider sweatshop, you know for kids ( and why did the WK crew send the fabric to Donita? She doesn't deserve it.) (7/10)
Shadow the Black Jaguar: (One of my personal favorite episodes because Jaguars are my favorite animals) The Jaguar CPS suit should be used more often if it's capable of turning into a Shadow like that. (10/10)
To Touch a Hummingbird: insert gif from THAT one scene (10/10) (Martin's trumpet 4th wall break was also great)
Rainforest Stew: Martin's Gormond voice is spot on, Chris sounds ummm... bizarre with sloth powers, but is it concerning that Gormond knows what the Kratt Brothers smell like? (7/10)
Seahorse Rodeo: Martin having an awkward conversation with Donita while Chris dies from 2nd hand embarrassment never fails to make me laugh. Also poor Dabio (9/10)
Speaking Dophinese: The dolphins were pretty cute but beef stems from them having a full episode of them saying Sharks are not the bad guys, but then in this episode they make a Shark the bad guy. (6/10)
Aqua Frog: Those Frog CPS are lowkey cursed and WHY didn't the WK Crew review Zach's invention journal? (F-f-f-frog/10)
Tortuga Tune Up: Robbed of a freshwater turtle episode just because Jimmy wanted to SEE TURTLES, though the shark chewing sound effect was very satisfying for me and I don't know why. (8/10)
Blowfish Blowout: I loved the water balloon fight intro and how it connects to the final battle, also poor Martin and Dabio. (9/10)
Snow Runners: Spends the majority of the episode thinking that we were getting our first Hare CPS then Aviva going JK and making a Lynx CPS for Martin and makes Chris suffer in a basilisk CPS while wearing Santa hat and bunny costume then almost getting his bucket kicked by a Lynx, I love it. (8/10)
Road Runners: An amazing homage to the Roadrunner and Coyote cartoons and HOLY CRAP! how did they not die from that fall? (10/10)
Rocket Jaw Rescuer of the Reef: How is Donita on the same intelligence level as Zach? (7/10)
Attack of the Tree Eating Aliens: Chris has a voice crack and gets his brain rattled while Martin chases himself. (10/10)
Rattlesnake Crystal: Jimmy almost kills the Tortuga and not gonna lie I was on the edge of my seat during the climax, and Chris almost dies. (7/10)
Skunked: HOW IN THE CREATURE WORLD CAN JIMMY MISTAKE A SKUNK FOR A CAT?! But to be fair how he was interacting with the skunk was very cute, also Zach loves tomato soup the more you know. (8/10)
Gilla Monster Under My House: WHY is Zach spying in on Children?! Also why did the WK Crew help Zach out again? (7/10)
Desert Elves: Chris' being a drama queen?!? I'm all for it (10/10)
Groundhog Wake Up Call: Finally someone mentions the dangers of deactivaing a CPS at the wrong time, also Groundhog Creature Powers lowkey sucks. (7/10)
Journey into the Subnivian Zone: Aviva and Koki destroys a habitat, R.I.P Freezy (8/10)
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askmadcomcrew · 1 year
What are all your favorite animals
Hank: Cats.
Sanford: I like big strong animals like Rhinos, Hippos, and Elephants.
Deimos: I'd have to give it to cheetahs just 'cuz of how fast they are. Really something else to watch them just run.
Doc: I think I like hawks and other large birds of prey the most. I appreciate their hunting tactics, attacking from above when their enemy is unaware.
Crackpot: Small birds you can keep as pets, like parakeets and cockatoos.
Jeb: I think I would have to give that title to Lions, they are great, powerful, and prideful. You can't help but stop and admire them when you see one.
Sheriff: I've become a big fan 'a horses recently. Might as well just fill all the stereotypes I can. Other than that, prolly dogs. They're a helluva lot more trustworthy than most folk in Nevada.
Phobos: When I return to Nevada, I would like to have two pet tigers I keep chained to my throne.
Auditor: Dogs. They are loyal and unquestioning. They do as they're told and the only ask for your appreciation in return.
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devilsrecreation · 8 months
More headcanons about Kiburi’s dad, Piga (feat. Kiburi’s relationship with him)
Pt. 1 here: https://www.tumblr.com/devilsrecreation/727651200084967424/more-lion-guard-ocs-i-have-in-my-mind-cuz-i-need
Voice claim: For now, I’m gonna go with John Cena although it may change
He almost never smiles. Like his son, his main two facial expressions are looks of annoyance and semi-amused smirks if he likes you. But with Kiburi (and ONLY Kiburi), he’ll actually smile.
Thinking about WHY Piga only smiles when Kiburi’s around and I’m gonna say that while Kiburi has most of his dad’s personality, he has his mother’s looks. After his mate died, he saw his son sort of as a reminder of her. With that, his love for her and his boy only grew and he promised himself how he would love Kiburi more than anything in the world. He promised to teach, protect, and overall be there for him no matter what. For his mate.
So I already said he could talk to Kiburi as a water spirit if his son needed advice, right? Now that I think about it, Kiburi probably needed to talk to him ONCE, and it wasn’t even directly. He was alone thinking about something and he said something like “If only dad were here. He’d know what to do.” and Piga appeared. Every time after that was when he sensed that something was bothering Kiburi (like how Mufasa did with Kion) and Kiburi, knowing he couldn’t lie to his own dad, tells him about his problems
He was not prepared to learn that he’s a grandfather. First time he was ever caught off-guard. He was even more surprised to see that his granddaughter was albino. But it doesn’t stop him from watching over her (and giving Kiburi parenting advice)
During his chats with him, Kiburi tells him how things are going and catches him up without revealing WHY he’s in the Outlands to begin with. He eventually learns what truly happened to Kiburi during the dry season and why he “left” Makuu’s float (from none other than Pua, actually). Needless to say, he was NOT impressed. He raised Kiburi to be confident and hard-headed, not do stupid shit like assassinate the king. He kinda gets why he did it, but even he wouldn’t try to kill royalty
If he was still alive during the events of “When Sleeping Crocs Lie”, Kiburi would still live in the Pridelands. There is no way Piga would let his boy go as far as he did.
Kiburi never forgot the day his father died. Piga took him to a lake he and his mate used to go to back when she was alive. While the two were play-fighting, they were confronted by Hatari, the hippo which the lake happened to belong to. A fight broke out. Hatari tried to attack Kiburi first, but was blocked by Piga. While Kiburi ran out of the water and hid in a nearby bush, he…..well, let’s just say he saw what hippos are capable of doing to crocodiles. As he was left to die, Piga used his last moments to tell Kiburi how much he loved him and to make him proud. With a smile and a “That’s my boy…”, he completed his journey on the circle of life. It was the last time Kiburi ever cried
This part’s more of a Kiburi headcanon, but something inside him changed that day. He stopped showing emotion as much and began pushing everybody away…and it soon began to strain his friendship with Makuu
Due to their similar personalities, they genuinely had (and still have, since Piga first appeared as a ghost) a really close father and son bond. They always tell each other everything and would never lie to one another. Believe it or not, they never had a single fight. Kiburi’s had disagreements with the other hatchlings and Piga’s certainly had his fair share of arguments with Pua, but never have they fought with each other. That being said, Piga wouldn’t hesitate to slap some sense into Kiburi if he needed to. He’s definitely given him a verbal lashing when Pua told him what Kiburi did to get banished, among a couple of other things.
Like Kenge with Maji, Kiburi actually listens to and respects him.
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paganimagevault · 2 years
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Amazon attacked by Panther by August Kiss 1841. Altes Museum.
"For thee [Artemis], too, the Amazons, whose mind is set on war, in Ephesos (Ephesus) beside the sea established an image beneath an oak trunk, and Hippo performed a holy rite for thee, and they themselves, O Oupis (Opis) Queen, around the image danced a war-dance--first in shields and armour, and again in a circle arraying a spacious choir. And the loud pipes thereto piped shrill accompaniment, that they might foot the dance together--for not yet did they pierce the bones of the fawn [i.e. to make flutes] . . . And the echo reached unto Sardis and to the Berekynthian range. And they with their feet beat loudly and therewith their quivers rattled. And afterwards around that image was raised a shrine of broad foundations [i.e. the Ephesian shrine]. That it shall dawn behold nothing more divine, naught richer. Easily would it outdo Pytho [Delphoi]."
-Callimachus, Hymn 3 to Artemis 240 ff (trans. Mair) (Greek poet C3rd BCE)
"Karl Friedrich Schinkel, the designer of the museum originally wanted to place here the equestrian statues of the two Prussian kings donating the museum, Frederick William III and IV. In fact, the museum, built between 1823 and 1830 as Königliches Museum, housed the royal private collections, and aimed at sharing their antique heritage with the educated bourgeoisie. However, Frederick William IV did not want royal statues here. Nevertheless, the idea was already on its way, and the stair railings cried out after equestrian statues.
The first equestrian statue, the Amazon killing a tiger or simply Amazon by the Silesia-born but Berlin-educated sculptor August Kiss was placed on the right rail in 1843. The September 30 issue of Illustrirte Zeitung reported in detail about its set-up and also provided art criticism. According to the author monogrammed L. R., the greatest merit of the work is that it was cast from public donation. The artist “was bold enough” to model the sculpture in life size in his studio, and only later a “large association of enthusiastic friends of art, led by the King” (of which Schinkel was also a member) collected the sum necessary to casting. This is, then, the first – albeit not visible – link between the museum and the sculpture: the active participation – “sacrifice” – of the educated burgeoisie in the enrichment of the new center of bourgeois culture – or, in the vocabulary and conception, its “temple”.
The prolific critic Karl August Varnhagen also praises the sculpture for this reason: “It is a great, bold, expressive and powerful work. … One can see that the horse is already lost, but the person is triumphing. The beautiful amazon radiating with spiritual superiority will survive, and will at least take revenge for the horse.” This concern for a secondary figure is unusual from a critic, but we know that Varnhagen fought the Napoleonic wars under Austrian, Prussian and Russian flags, and was able to exactly gauge what it means to lose a horse in an emergency. However, no one is yet concerned for the tiger at this time.
The Fairmount Park Art Association (now the Association for Public Art) acquired the plaster casts for both works in 1889, but the Amazon cast was in such poor condition that it could not be shipped to the United States.
With the assistance of the German government, a new plaster cast was made from the original bronze and exhibited in Memorial Hall until 1909. The decision to commission only American art prompted the Association to present the Amazon as a gift to Harvard’s Germanic Museum. However, once construction began on the new building for the Philadelphia Museum of Art, the Association arranged to cast another copy so that it could sit across from The Lion Fighter."
-taken from associationforpublicart and riowang's blogspot
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