#house Jack Randall
ketketstaber123 · 10 months
A Horrible Post. I should be ashamed.
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(Y’all remember this base? Please tell me it’s creator so I can credit them properly)
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the-heartlines · 8 days
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rhaegon (+ jacenyra if you squint 👀)| [e. 1.1k] dead dove 🪦🕊️
(ughhhh wrote this in a feverish haze when i thought of aegon threatening to kill rhaenyra’s sons if she doesn’t fuck him and give him a son. this is chapter 1/2 most likely {definitely})
“offer yourself up to me, sister, and i shall spare our uncle. provide me with a son and i shall spare your sons my wrath—my fire and blood.”
rhaenyra glances over at the body of her bloody, unconscious husband for a brief moment. his body sprawled, broken, but still breathing—just barely. 
time slows, her heart beats, thundering rapturously inside her chest, when she turns to her precious children, chained up, bound, and gagged. jace, who already has a black eye, and a bloodied, fat lip, struggles against his, trying to fight for her, for his mother—his queen.  
lucerys and joff clutch onto her younger silver haired sons who are all frozen, rooted to the spot, tears streaks and snot staining their faces; desperate to call out for their mother to save them. but there is only one way to surely save them, to spare them from the fiery wrath of sunfyre.
her utmost compliance. obedience. submission.
she has already been forced to kneel, forced to bow to her usurper brother. and now she will either bend to his depravity or break. 
but either way rhaenyra knows she will lose, so she bites her tongue and stares daggers as sharp as their father’s—the one her half-brother is twirling carelessly between his fingers—directly in aegon’s direction, defiant and damning. 
for he can bend her body into any shape, but she will not break. she must remain strong. for her sweet sons.
aegon’s lips curl into a wicked smile, cruelness dripping from his voice, evilly and equally venomous. “or if you would prefer, sister, i can fuck you in front of them all. make them watch me rape their mother before your sons die one by one.” rhaenyra hears a low and guttural noise, a growl, leave jace’s throat and they both look over at him. he’s shaking his head from side to side, trembling with anger, trepidation and tears now running down his face. 
it takes two of aegon’s kingsguard to hold him back, his hands clenching into tight fists, rage alight in his brown eyes. another tear falls down rhaenyra’s cheek, because her oldest son reminds her so much of his father in this moment. no longer a boy, but a man, strong and resilient, unbroken.
and she must be brave for him, her future heir, be a beacon of hope, an example of how sacrifices must be made for those you love, those you cherish. 
“yes.” rhaenyra hisses through gritted teeth, wanting to shove their father’s dagger into her half-brother’s heart. to eat it. to  slice his throat and spill all of his blood, until there is none left in his veins, but her fire seeping inside, replacing his cold, heartless body with every fiber of it.
“my king.” aegon corrects, mocking her, reminding her of her place, beneath him, at his feet, his beck and call. with just one word uttered from her lips that gives him all the power, everything he’s ever wanted: her.
“yes, my king.” rhaenyra seethes, voice unwaveringly upset, burning with resentment. and it makes aegon’s ego swell and cock harden hearing her say it with such contempt, such malice. her lilac eyes ablaze with enough malevolence to murder him. and he wishes, hopes she will try to. for when he fucks her for the first time, he plans on leaving their dagger near her. just close enough for the temptation, near enough to coax and entice that violence brewing and boiling beneath her skin. 
for once aegon tells her it was he who killed their father, that he suffocated the sick man like it he was suffocated for years, unable to breathe, to think about nothing but her—his sister will want nothing more than to kill him. to tear him to pieces. seek revenge with his blood upon her hands and teeth. and aegon will let her draw his blood eventually, but first he wants to have some fun. 
“you’re a good mother, rhaenyra. choosing your children’s wellbeing above your own.” aegon taunts, climbing from the throne, ascending the steps and moving towards her. “an unselfish and caring queen through and through. on your knees, where you belong. below me.” 
his crotch is eye level with her and rhaenyra can see the outline of his bulge prevalent against his breeches, hard and unyielding. she clenches her hands into fists, wanting to retch, to run. “kiss it.” rhaenyra whips her head up towards him, mouth and eyes wide as a full moon at the implications. but before she can protest with words, he smirks knowingly, extends his hand to her, with a huge ring, as an offering, a truce. 
and kiss the ugly signet she does, with tight pursed lips, not daring to taste the sweat or salt of his oily skin, not daring to let her saliva coat it.
“take her sons back to their bedchambers.” rhaenyra turns her head back to her sons, giving them a small smile, reassuring them that she will be okay. she feels aegon’s heat radiating off of him, and her skin crawls with disgust when he reaches to wrap one of her loose tendrils of silver around his finger, twirling it and twisting it, already tangling her around him. her four youngest freeze in their tracks, but are forced towards the red keep’s entrance by aegon’s soldiers. 
“i will be fine, i promise!” she yells, hoarse, voice cracking, the doors closing as promise echoes off the walls, wondering if her children even heard her. but she must believe they heard her words, because she knows she will not be. but she must be brave for all of them, strong—
“nephew.” aegon says the word haughtily, and now more of his hands are tangling in rhaenyra’s hair, tugging her head backwards harshly. “you will remain.”
“jace!” rhaenyra cries panicked; his name a plea, a prayer, beckoning her son to her aid, to save her because she’s terrified. and jace, always coming to her rescue, attempts to escape the kingsguard—run towards her. but he’s tangled and twisted into the enemy’s web, unable to escape. an armored fist smashes him in the stomach, making him buckle over, next to daemon, who remains unconscious. “please! no!” rhaenyra begs, trepidation in her voice, and aegon’s other hand encircles around her throat, constricting her oxygen, choking her, further entangling her within his grasp.
“yes.” he growls, anger washing over his face. “your headstrong son,” he pauses spitting the word ‘strong’ out vehemently, “is going to watch his king fuck and breed his mother.” 
and that alone breaks both mother and son, as jace starts uncontrollably sobbing, tears pouring down his handsome face, defeated. and rhaenyra wants to sob, to run to him, hold him close and never let go—but aegon’s hand threatens to choke the life from her. so she closes her eyes instead and tries to picture her son’s boyish face, bright and innocent, held tight in his trueborn father’s embrace. for only those happy memories can save her now as her vision starts to fade and darkness takes hold.
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glitter-ink · 2 years
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“We were our own army. It didn’t matter where we came from, who we prayed to, or why we were there. Grim believed we could be better than God or nature intended, and to let the odds beat us was the worst sin of all. Those who walked the island knew it for gospel, ‘you can’t let it beat you.’ It was all around us, in the smoking wind, in the blackening river, from the rooftops of wicked Manhattan…always calling, always rallying. ‘You can’t let it beat you.’ And lord love a tiger, we sure as hell didn’t.”
— Jack Kelly, Hell is a Sober Crawl
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Today’s disabled character of the day is Jack Randall from House, who has Antiphospholipid syndrome
[Image Description: Photo of Tanner Maguire playing Jack Randall lying against a yellow pillow. He is wearing a light blue hospital gown and looking to the left of the frame. He is also wearing a nasal cannula.]
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ryliesthings · 8 months
New roommates
Tw: cringey af, violent language and actions
A/N: i am so goddamn tired but I hope you enjoy the shit I created (i really don’t care)
Y/n: are you sure you two want to become the new roommates.
Randall: yeah I’m sure.
Koolie: same here.
Y/n: okay just don’t say I didn’t warn you.
(Y/n opens the door and it’s chaos)
(Bo and and Jack get into a fist fight on the floor)
Elias: GIVE IT!
(Elias chases Taylor around the house)
Peter: OW! JOHN!
(John bit Peter)
(Monica and ayano are chasing Micah around with knives)
(Tate and Maison are choking each other out)
tate: LET GO!
Maison: NO YOU LET GO!
Y/n: this is some of the shit you will have to live through every single day
Koolie: oh I don’t mind.
Randall: yeah I don’t mind too.
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morningstarbee · 9 months
that scene after will "kills" freddie is so fucking funny
like when they're in jack's office and jack is like
"she disappeared. right near your house. the last footage of her is at a gas station 6 miles from your house. her last call pinged from a cell tower right by your house. last thing she sent was a voicemail of her screaming and being dragged out her car."
and will is like "oh. yknow well you see, she was supposed to interview me but she never showed up, you see."
and hannibal jumps in like 'oh my god he's so fucking bad at coming up with an alibi jesus christ' "surely freddie lounds has more enemies than will?"
like hannibal was trying so hard to defend him
like will isnt in any danger because jack already knows what happened obviously but from hannibal's perspective will was being a fucking idiot and such a fledgling murderer, especially after the success with randall tier, he's probably like "how did you mess it up this badly???"
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angelofverdum · 2 months
Station 19 7x04
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Are my eyes deceiving or did I just watch a good episode of Station 19? It was so depressing I loved it.
It gagged me so bad that I had to look up the writers and see if they had written other episodes for the show. Mellow Brown wrote 6x05 and this is Sybil Azur's first episode for Station. mmm hello? Why would you hide the talent?
I don't know if it is the best episode but top 3 for sure.
I said it before and I'll say it again this cast is so talented. The storylines are usually so dumb that they can't actually tap into their acting bag.
Barrett's performance has been amazing. Like the pain? Damn. Vic is always joking around and having shitty storylines but I want to know more about this Vic, like what is happening to you, mama?
I'm not Ross' biggest fan, but Merle Dandridge for sure can command a scene. I think that was one of the most difficult calls they've had ever in the show and she had the responsibility to make the audience feel that and she delivered.
I loved this episode so much that Andy was one of my favorite characters, and my relationship with her is complicated.
Some told me that they exchanged Jack for Beckett and hey I'm still bitter about how he bullied Maya but Josh Randall is an actor for real. Grey would get an aneurysm before delivering a scene like Josh did with Boris. (I know Grey's a good guy)
Theo finally did something good. I know he will probably be around but I hope not.
The pacing was perfect too.
Maya and carina are so beautiful together. The scene were Carina needs more diapers and she stops Maya, and comunicate clearly what she needs and Maya complied. Oh I need this in my life.
Every interaction was perfect.
Now, in the most userious way.
You don't understand how loud I gasped when they showed that Carina and Maya were on the same side of the bed. Half of the bed was empty, lmao Carina was all up in Maya's space. Love that for them.
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I don't understand why they are wearing those shoes inside the house. I'm Latina and we used flip-flops inside the house around here, is this an American thing?
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Also, Maya couldn't let her baby cry for 3 seconds, and she thought she was going to be the strict parent.
Also, Carina was tired of Maya. She was let's go right now. And the way she opened her arms like it would be a physical fight. I'm sure she can take Maya but not in a fight.
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undercoveravenger · 1 year
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Pairing: The Knights of St. Christopher X Male!Reader
Requested: Yes Request: “The most unhinged request I can think of is the whole wolf pack from the order trying to see who can get reader to say yes to a date first”
With the pack heading back to the pack house after yet another mission, Hamish had assumed that the day’s excitement was long over. He’s proven wrong by the thunderous snarl that echoes out of the house ahead of him.
He startles to attention, eyes darting to Jack and Lilith on either side of him. Randall. He’d been the only one who’d made it inside so far. If he’d had to transform-  
Hamish breaks into a sprint, ignoring the sound of his packmates rushing after him in favor of bursting through the doorway and crossing swiftly to stand beside Randall, still in Greybeard’s form, halfway to shifting himself before his eyes lock onto the intruder.
His hackles smooth almost instantly as he sees you, sitting sprawled across the couch in the den like you own the place. Well, he practically does, Hamish reminds himself, a broad smile crossing his lips as he starts to approach. His heart warms in his chest at the fond smile that crosses your lips as he gets closer.
“(M/N),” Hamish greets, holding his hand out for you to shake.
You merely roll your eyes, taking his hand and using it to drag Hamish down onto the couch with you so you could loop your arms around him in a crushing hug, “C’mon, Hamish; I’m not some business partner. We’re friends, right?”
Hamish opens his mouth to reply and finds himself interrupted.
“Friends, huh?” Lilith prompts, arms crossed defensively over her chest. “Care to introduce us, Hamish?”
He gulps nervously, eyes darting from Lilith to Randall to Jack, who was standing near the door like he was tempted to run. “Guys, this is (M/N). (M/N)-”
“No, let me guess,” you interrupt, arm curling tighter around his neck. Your eyes narrow as you point at Lilith, “She’s got backbone- fire, which makes her a perfect champion for Timber.” You think for a moment before snapping your fingers as you realize, “That’d make you Lilith, right?” Your grin grows at the stunned nod she gives you and your gaze drifts to Randall’s furred form, “Greybeard, as tenacious as ever. If I remember right, that’d mean you’re Randall.”
Randall transforms back then, shifting slightly in place as he realizes his shift has left him naked in front of the newcomer. He scrambles for a pair of sweatpants that’d been tossed over the back of a chair when they had left earlier.
You look surprised for a split second as you eye Randall but you’re just as quick to shake it off. “Sorry, uh, you look like someone I know from Brakeb-” you cut yourself off with a stunted laugh, like you'd remembered not to finish that thought, averting your eyes to give him some privacy, and turn toward Jack. “Hamish has been kind of quiet as of late, so I’m afraid I don’t know who you might be.” 
He clears his throat nervously and Hamish is stunned to see a faint blush dusting across Jack’s cheeks. “Jack Morton,” he says softly, eyes fixed firmly on the ground. “I’m a kind of recent addition.”
“Makes sense.” You release Hamish then, pushing to your feet to approach Jack, eyes narrowed sharply as you studied him. “You do magic, huh?” You nod to yourself, “Silverback’s champion, then?” 
Jack blinks, staring up at you wide-eyed, still flustered but now more out of shock than awe. “How did you know that?” 
You smile, that same mischievous little half grin that Hamish had grown to love back in the day, and your hand seems to almost flicker for a moment, a pretty purple crocus bloom appearing between your fingers as you extend your hand to him. The grin widens as he takes the flower, eyes wide with shock as he looks up at you, “Takes one magician to know another.”
“Okay,” Randall starts from behind you, seemingly more confident now that he had a robe tied firmly around his waist, “Anyone else wondering who this guy is and how Ham-sandwich knows someone so cool?”
Wordlessly both Jack and Lilith raise their hands.
Hamish knows he should be offended, but he was really too distracted by the sting of jealousy biting at him from how you were looking at his newest packmate. “(M/N) was the one who brought me into the Knights,” Hamish eventually forces himself to say, trying his best not to seem like he’s sulking. As the only other living member of Hamish’s original pack, the last time he’d been able to see you was at Cassie’s funeral before you’d been offered a graduate program at some university so exclusive he hadn’t been able to find anything about it online. Being able to see you again was incredible, but to see you showering your attention over his packmates instead of him-
“What can I say, I knew you were special,” you say, abandoning your mission of flustering Jack to go flop back down by Hamish and sling an arm around his shoulder, tucking him up against your side like it was second nature. 
He hates how easy it is to curl up against you and let himself be held, and how tempting it is to tell you something sappy like how you’re the special one. How you’ve always been special to him.
“Whatever,” he forces himself to say instead, distracting himself by studying his packmates. “What are you doing here anyway? Aren’t you supposed to be off doing your grad-school research at some prestigious school?” Hamish can’t help the derisive twist of his lips as he mentioned your university. It might have been years since you’d left, but Hamish still feels bitter over the abandonment.
“Does it matter?” Lilith interjects, moving to sprawl out across one of the worn out old arm chairs and studying Hamish and the way he reacted to you. “He’s clearly more fun than any of you losers.”
Her words rip a shocked laugh out of you, and, just like that, it's like you’ve been a part of the pack the entire time.
Randall can’t get over the idea of stuffy old Hamish hiding a secret as cool as you from them. Then again, maybe he can understand it; between your looks, your sense of humor, your unparalleled beer pong skills, and your willingness to help people with things? Yeah, he could understand wanting to keep you to himself.
Even now you were sitting across the table from him in the Blade and Chalice with your feet kicked up on the chair beside you, tossing a ball made from a wadded up napkin back and forth with him while you helped him study for his Anatomy and Physiology chapter exam. And he hadn’t even had to ask for your help! He’d been pouring over his textbook with a rainbow of highlighters sprawled around him when you’d walked in. You had barely glanced at what he was studying before offering your help, and you really knew what you were talking about when you offered advice.
“I think that’s about as much studying as I can take for today without my brain melting,” Randall says, stretching his arms over his head, “Think I could bribe you into getting me a beer? Maybe with a kiss?” He bats his eyelashes and puckers his lips in a way that he hopes comes off as playful, even if he himself knows he’d be more than happy to follow through on his proposal.
A soft huff escapes you and Randall tries not to swoon at the sound, though he can’t bring himself to tear his gaze away from you even as you push up from your seat and make your way over to the bar, speaking easily with the bartender for a few moments before bringing back drinks for the two of you. With how comfortable your company is, Randall finds the hours and drinks slipping away too easily, time blurring his vision to black.
He wakes the next morning dressed in a t-shirt and pajama pants that aren't his and tucked comfortably into his bed, his notes and the clothes he’d worn the previous night set neatly on his nightstand next to a bottle of water.
He knows he was far too drunk to have stumbled his way back to the den on his own, especially without having lost his notes, and the smell of you on his new clothes reassures him of how he made it back. A soft warmth stirs in his chest, the knowledge that he actually kind of liked having someone - you - that was willing to take care of him making his heart skip. As if he hadn’t wanted to ask you out before… Now he was determined to date you.
Lilith’s interest had been captured as soon as she observed the easy way you tormented Hamish and then the way you were so quick to pick on Randall and Jack like you’d been a part of their little pack all along.
Through the last few weeks she’s able to see more and more details that have drawn her in further. The teasing quips you say are genuinely funny, though the things you joke about never cross the line into being hurtful. You are ruthless when hunting down the magicians abusing their powers, but never hesitate to demonstrate your own magic for Lilith or the other Knights when they ask. You share advice from your time as a werewolf, but it isn’t overbearing the way like when Hamish tries to offer guidance, just gentle suggestions and an understanding ear. All of which are great features, of course, but what really drove home her romantic interest was much more personal than that.
It had been an awful morning, with Lilith getting dragged into consciousness by her blaring alarm far earlier than she should have been after a long night’s hunt and reminding her of an test scheduled far too-early. She is further aggravated when she sits up, recognizing the sharp stabbing pain of cramps in her lower abdomen and the sting of annoyance at the realization that she must’ve bled through her pajama pants. 
A soft knock on the door interrupts Lilith’s train of thought, and she finds herself surprised when the door creaks open to reveal the very object of her thoughts. 
You step in slowly, careful to keep your eyes downcast until you’re sure she’s dressed. “Good morning,” you greet her, nudging the door closed behind you and moving toward her. You kneel next to her bed, holding out a to-go cup and a warm pastry from her favorite coffee shop. “I knew you had a big test this morning and you said you’d be getting up around now- I thought some coffee might be nice.”
She blinks, stunned by the sudden kind gesture and is too numb with shock to do much more than accept the offerings. “T-thank you.”
“Absolutely, Lils,” a smile creeps over your features, but it dims quickly as you study her, seeming to see something beyond what little she’d said. Your eyes fall to the sheets sprawled around her, catching quickly against a small splotch of red. “You feeling okay?”
“Shit,” she hisses, jerking one of her blankets over the blood stain. She knows that a period is a natural thing and nothing to be ashamed of, but she can’t help the reaction. “I’m fine.”
You sit back on your heels as you look up at her, an understanding grin tugging at your lips, “Of course you are; you’re pretty damn tough. Why don’t you go get a nice warm shower and I can get this cleaned up for you?”
Something about the second-nature way you say it has her agreeing, sliding out of her bed and padding off to the bathroom. She’d never normally accept help like this, but from you- you make it seem easy to let someone support her.
Jack’s had a pretty high number of crushes since he started at Belgrave, but not even Alyssa had been quite like you. She’d never made him feel so flustered when she spoke to him, never seemed to understand him with just a look, and never really made him question how important his grandpa’s goal was the way you did. She had never made him want to do something as crazy as leaning down to kiss her where she sprawls out on the couch right as the pack returns to the house from a hard-won fight with a rogue clan of magicians, covered in blood and freshly back to his own form.
You pull back after a few seconds, eyes wide with surprise as you press back into the couch cushions behind you, though Jack is happy to note that you don’t seem upset at the sudden kiss.
“Gooutwithme?” The words escape him in a rush, blurring together in his haste to get them out before he can second guess himself. 
You blink and Jack is reminded that this is the first time he’s seen you so thrown off. “I-”
“Absolutely not!” Lilith snaps, pushing past Randall and Hamish to plant herself between you and Jack. “I called dibs!”
“Wait, wait-” Randall interjects, putting a hand on Lilith’s shoulder as he tries to insert himself into the conversation, “I wanted to ask him out! I’ve been trying to figure out how to do it for weeks!”
Jack’s brows furrow as he processes his packmates’ protesting, “Well, I asked him out first, so-”
Hamish takes this moment to step in, crossing his arms over his chest as he looks over his friends and the baffled expression on your face. “So I take it we’ve all got feelings for him then?” 
“All?” you echo, stunned as you look at your former packmate and old friend. 
Hamish clears his throat, keeping his eyes on his friends and sighing to himself as they each confirm their feelings. “Then there is only one thing to do.” He finally forces himself to turn and face you, “You know now that we all like you, some for longer than others,” he flushes a little as he admits it, but presses on nonetheless. “And at the end of the day, no matter which of us you choose- or if you decide not to pursue any of us- I will support your decision.”
Randall and Jack nod, moving to stand beside Hamish, both looking hopeful but resigned. Lilith looks a little more torn, like she might make an argument but eventually huffs and moves to join the other three waiting for your decision.
Your eyes pass over each of them, thinking through the traits you admire. Lilith is bold and unafraid of speaking her mind. Randall always tries to brighten your mood, whether by showering you in outlandish compliments or cracking dumb jokes to make you laugh. Jack is sweet, attentive and caring in a way that few people are. And Hamish - Hamish had been there with you since your first pack. Through breakups and failed tests and losing your friends- 
“I don’t think I can,” you finally force yourself to say, unsure for perhaps the first time since you’d returned to Belgrave. “I don’t think I could choose one of you over the others.”
Randall shrugged, moving to settle himself across your lap as easily as if he’d done it a million times already, “Well, I’m up for a poly relationship if you guys are.” 
“I, uh-” Jack seems a little startled by the suggestion, startling out of it as Hamish edges past Jack to claim his spot at your side and leaning up to kiss you on the cheek. Jack swallows sharply, moving to sit at your feet and leaning back against your legs as he turns his gaze to the TV and attempts to focus on whatever movie is playing.
“Seriously?” Lilith asks, studying the cuddle pile forming before her. “Fine, but I’m calling dibs on deciding what we do for Tuesday date nights,” she huffs, moving to snuggle in on your other side. If anyone sees the fond smile that finds a home on her lips, no one forces her to admit to it, too content in the comfort and the companionship brought on by the blooming relationship as you all curl up there, packed together tightly and with no desire to be anywhere else.
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always-outlander · 1 year
The Outlander 31 Day Challenge: Day 6
Day 6: Favorite setting/location
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For me, it will always be Lallybroch. Not just the physical house itself, but the area surrounding it and all the beautiful Scottish scenery. I love the recent seasons, but to me Outlander shines the most when the characters are in Scotland. There’s nothing that compares, and this house and all it represents to the bigger story of Jamie and Claire is so poignant. Not to mention we got many important and touching scenes at Lallybroch.
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Jamie and Jenny’s first interaction with Black Jack Randall took place here. Jamie and Claire’s first “I love you” was here. We met Jenny and Ian for the first time. It became Furgus’ home when Jamie was on the run. It was his secret refuge when he was Red Jamie. He met Marsali and Joanie there, and began trying to start a new life. He brought Claire back again after her return to him.
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Claire also visited here in the 20th century as a way to feel closer to Jamie again and gain closure. And book readers know that we will see Bri and Roger return here again and make this house their home. Jamie and Claire will return once again to Lallybroch as well, which I’m curious to see how true to the books that storyline will be portrayed on the show.
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Lallybroch is central to so much of the plot, and these characters. The location scouts absolutely nailed it when they found Midhope as the location for this iconic home.
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theawkwardterrier · 7 months
WIP Wednesday
Thanks to @walkinginland and @flyinghome-againstthewind for the tags last week! I've been making some progress lately, so here's a longer excerpt than usual.
In some ways, it is easier to keep her head down, not only because it keeps her from being overwhelmed by the amount of work ahead of her, but because if she spent too much time considering all of those here that she cannot help, she might not be able to continue trying to help the others. The most maddening thing is that so much of the care that they need is so terribly simple: more and better food, air which is fresh and uncontaminated by the drift of coal and dust which covers so much here, water which is safe and drinkable. That is the hardest thing, breaking the news over and over that too many of these people will not get better -- cannot get better -- in this place as it is now, knowing that for nearly everyone there is no option to go elsewhere. These people were recruited to come here from other countries, preyed upon by Jack Randall, and brought somewhere which did not offer them the life they deserved but instead trapped them in a place where they might not speak the language, where their bodies and spirits could not thrive but where they had to remain to work off their ever-growing debts regardless. Dwelling on that for too long makes Claire have to clench back a scream, especially knowing that she will have to return to the house where Randall lives tonight and for so many nights in the future. So she does what she can instead: bandages a wound, pulls an abscessed tooth, offers the volumes and pamphlets from her stock to those who have the energy and interest to want something to read. She doesn't truly recognize her own exhaustion until a hand comes down on her shoulder and a familiar voice says in her ear, "This might no' be served on fine china, but it's hot and it'll keep ye going while you travel home. 'Specially because, unless I miss my guess, ye havena exactly been focused on keepin' yerself fed today."  Claire accepts the bowl that he holds out to her, almost blurting that she hadn’t thought he’d be back until it was dark before she realizes that it is already dark outside indeed. Mrs. FitzGibbons -- Mrs. Fitz; she had told Claire around noon that everyone referred to her that way -- must have lit the lamps while she was absorbed in her work. Even with the late hour, she sits down and savors the warm stew instead of racing to finish. Frank has honestly seemed relieved by her late and changeable hours, taking advantage of the new schedule to work later himself. Even if he has made it back earlier tonight, he can manage without her well enough and she knows that it will only be harder to share a meal with Randall and pretend courtesy after seeing the conditions here. "How can you stand it?" she asks quietly, then, as if the emotions are fully hitting her after hours of packing them away so she could keep her focus: "How can you fucking stand it, Jamie? A whole town, generations of families, who he's killed slowly through neglect that he pretends is protection -- and that's if he's not endangering them outright!" She doesn't realize that her hands have pressed so tightly against the bowl until Jamie gently loosens her grip. At the feeling of his fingers smoothing away the tension in hers, she takes in a deep breath -- more startled than relaxed at first, but her breathing soon falls into rhythm of his and of his careful movement. He stops just after, setting down her hand and standing.
Tagging my eternal meme bud @lavellenchanted! I'm not sure who else might be writing something, but if you are and want to share, consider yourself tagged too 😊😊😊
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ketketstaber123 · 10 months
I stole many threads/post to make this low quality thing
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inventedfangirling · 1 year
Hello this is basically a long post about me sorting through my feelings about bad buddy and why it means so much to me.
So over the past few weeks ( i first watched the show 7 weeks ago) ive been trying to figure out what exactly about bad buddy and patpran in particular have got me so inexplicably fond and devoted to them and apart from the usual answers of great writing, directing, performances and the best most electric chemistry and banter known to humankind, i did arrive at couple of other answers too.
First of all pat and (especially) pran are deep and well rounded characters.
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Their worlds feel lived in and real.
Their feelings and thoughts and motivations are of course excellently portrayed by both ohm and nanon. and they gave representation to queer people everywhere. pat being the pan/ bi king he is and pran being the gayest babyboy warrior poet ever. pran especially given his repressed nature and emotional closed-off-ness is somebody a lot of people surely saw themselves in, including myself. seeing myself represented like that starting off the way he is and then taking small steps one by one over the course of the whole show (and over years in the show's universe) to arrive at the more assured, more open, more ready to be vulnerable (but still very much the pran we all loved in the first episode itself) was so wonderful to see.
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The fact that the show happens in a non homophobic universe doesnt take away from just how special it was seeing queer characters fall, be and stay in love. and most importantly that they got their happy ending (i wont be hearing anything against this cos the ending was happy, despite the slightly bittersweet tinge of it, it was happy and there shall be no counter arguments begone i cant with that)
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That episode 12 gave a glimpse of their future.
A world where pat will one day be able to sit with pran in his house eating food made by dissaya. that pran and pat's mom work on a common hobby together cos why not. a world where they no longer have to hide, a world were they could well and truly thrive.
Its so so important as queer people that we get representation and that in a world that is often cruel to the likes of us especially here in asia, that we see happy adult queer lives, where they can be in love in the most mundane of ways.
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Patpran and bad buddy gave us that and i will forever be thankful for it.
That still doesn't capture exactly why i rate them as a couple so so highly in my head.
So i thought of patpran in the context of all the other love stories i could possibly remember watching. i thought of some of my top favourite couples - mondler, phil & claire, schmidt & cece, peraltiago, leslie & ben, jack & rebecca, randall & beth, simon & wilhelm, jaeyong & sangwoo, ji hyun & jaewon, bai lang & xun an, tara & darcy, sumi & rimjhim and so so many more and what stood out for me when it came to patpran was that they were the one couple out of all these couples i adore who didnt let anything get between them once they got together.
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Every other couple among the ones ive listed have had jobs or other relationships or distance or parents or workplace rules /etiquette or circumstances or the royalty standing in between their love and as a result causing the couple to break apart ( a couple of episodes for mondler to seasons of confusion for peraltiago and schmidt & cece etc) even if briefly.
Except for phil & claire (who btw wasnt even sure about marrying phil when she did) almost none of these couples got together and stayed together throughout their relationship. and yes i agree that a lot of these obstacles and circumstances are very real and taxing and no wonder people chose their own peace at least for a while to deal with everything BUT i just cant help feel more appreciative of pat pran even more cos these two 19 year olds figured this whole thing out faster than any of those full grown adults did.
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And yes its fictional and maybe even unrealistic (given the kind of relationships i see irl) yet patpran really do deserve all the love they get. they do deserve a lot of props.
Its not like they didn't have adverse obstacles standing in their way, they had to fight against their families years and years of lies and all the intergenerational trauma and their faculty rivalry and a shitty friend who outed them and any single one of these should have caused at least 12 episodes worth of conflict and miscommunication in any other couple.
And yes i do recognise that bbs didnt have the luxury of time or multiple seasons but they could have kept them apart for a whole episode at least, i was convinced we were in for that at the end of episode 8 as the aftermath of wai outing them. like there is no way the relationship comes out of it unscathed ( i thought! ). and while im sure they personally were rattled and betrayed (pran more so), instead of blaming anybody else or each other they actually chose to handle it together, they worked together and chose to move forward together.
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The fact that such a terrible experience instead of breaking them apart actually reaffirmed to both pat and pran just how much their relationship means to the both of them, that they come out of it actually stronger??
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i was friggin shook to my core.
And then came the gunshots and the family finding out and the running away and the coming back and the fake breakup and the pressures of all of this should have been enough to drive a serious wedge between any two characters, especially at their age and lack of experience. and yet??? and yet at each obstacle they get up, they draw the other closer and they get down to working on it together again.
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Over and over and over and over again.
So for me what separates patpran from everybody else is the fact that ever since they got together, they have chosen eo, intentionally, that has made the difference.
Pat and pran's story may have been destined ( i personally don't know if i believe in destiny). they may have been born neighbours and felt unexplainable intense feelings (that later turned to love) for the other but when it came down to it, at its core, bad buddy soars when the two come together and they choose to keep being together, despite everything that stands in their way.
Love is a choice. love is a sacrifice. but its also a sacrifice and a choice they made for themselves and for each other and above all for their relationship.
Almost all the couples mentioned above arrive at similar destinations but they arrive at it with years of experience and years of struggle. i just cant help marvel at our teenagers who did love better than whole ass adults double their age could.
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And more importantly above the awe i feel inspired and hopeful because they showed me that there's always a choice. thats there's always another option. you dont need to get out of your comfort zone. but you also dont need to be in the comfort zone always. you dont need to keep lying to yourself. you dont need to hide every single part of you. there are always other options. there is always a choice.
That hope is not just a noun its also very much a verb. That you and i and each one of us can make that choice.
That if ever i choose to partner up with someone and if we do proper healthy communication (patpran invented healthy communication and consent btw, they deserve EVERYTHING for just that but thats a whole other post) prioritizing the relationship where it mattered, i too could have something ( even remotely) like their love.
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For the first time in my life probably i felt like that kind of love was attainable for me if i wanted to pursue it. They gave me hope. and they gave me joy. and i will never not be unbelievably grateful for it.
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the-babygirl-polls · 5 months
Babygirl Polls Lineup: Week Three
Hi everyone! Here is the lineup for the third week of the Babygirl Polls! Thanks to everyone for your submissions!
Chris McLean (Total Drama)
Diego Brando (JoJo's Bizarre Adventure)
Spike (Buffy the Vampire Slayer)
Benjamin/Hokma (Lobotomy Incorporation)
Sir Crocodile (One Piece)
Leone Abbacchio (JoJo's Bizarre Adventure)
Getou Suguru (Jujustsu Kaizen)
Yami Bajura (Yu-Gi-Oh Duel Monsters)
Troy Barnes (Community)
Cahara (Fear and Hunger)
Zuke (No Straight Roads)
Five Pebbles (Rain World)
Obito Uchiha (Naruto)
Matt (Eddsworld)
Spamton G. Spamton (Deltarune)
Luo Binghe (Scum Villain Self Saving System)
Raphael (Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles)
Death (Discworld)
Kimimaro (Naruto)
Cronus Ampora (Homestuck)
Lorenz Hellman Gloucester (Fire Emblem)
The Doctor (Doctor Who)
Riddle Rosehearts (Twisted Wonderland)
Klaus (The Vampire Diaries)
Caroline (The Vampire Diaries)
Jammie Tartt (Ted Lasso)
Catra (She-Ra)
Adora (She-Ra)
Natalie (Yellowjackets)
Prince Zuko (Avatar: The Last Airbender)
Caesar Flickerman (The Hunger Games)
Sasha Nein (Psychonauts)
Scott Pilgrim (Scott Pilgrim vs The World, Scott Pilgrim Takes Off)
Vergil Sparda (Devil May Cry)
Aran Ryan (Punch Out!!!)
Raymond (Animal Crossing)
Randall Ascot (Professor Layton and the Miracle Mask)
Peter B. Parker (Into the Spiderverse)
DJ Octavio (Splatoon)
Tape (Paper Mario: Original King)
Tangent (I Was A Teenage Exocolonist)
Gargamel (The Smurfs)
Tobari Durandal Kumohira (Nabari no Ou)
Emil Castagnier (Tales of Symphonie: Dawn of a New World)
Israel "Izzy" Hands (Our Flag Means Death)
Deadpool (Marvel)
Viago (What We Do In The Shadows)
Julian Devorak (The Arcana)
Grimer Wormtongue (Fleetway Sonic Comics)
Will Turner (Pirates of the Caribbean)
Sea Hawk (She-Ra)
Muriel (Good Omens)
Axel (Kingdom Hearts)
Crowley (Good Omens)
Castiel (Supernatural)
Crowley (Supernatural)
Jack Skellington (Nightmare Before Christmas)
Bow (She-Ra)
Scorpia (She-Ra)
Frenchie (Our Flag Means Death)
Oluwande Boodhari (Our Flag Means Death)
Dr. James Wilson MD (House MD)
Seeley Booth (Bones)
Will Graham (Hannibal)
Niklaus Hendrix (Just Roll With It: Riptide)
Ambrosius Goldenloin (Nimona (2023))
Hawkeye Pierce (M*A*S*H*)
Sandalphon (Granblue Fantasy)
Kai (Kung Fu Panda)
Tai Lung (Kung Fu Panda)
Mikoko Mikoshiba/Mikorin (Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-Kun)
Saul Goodman/Jimmy McGill (Breaking Bad/Better Call Saul)
Doctor Starline (Sonic the Hedgehog)
Adam Stanheight (Saw (2004))
Infinite the Jackal (Sonic the Hedgehog)
Xenk Yendar (Dungeons and Dragons: Honor Among Thieves)
Espio the Chameleon (Sonic the Hedgehog)
Neo (The Matrix)
Morgana Pendragon (BBC Merlin)
John Reese (Person of Interest)
Dr. Cameron (House MD)
Anthony "Anton" Herzen (Professor Layton and the Elysian Mask)
Drumbot Brian (The Mechanisms)
Ivan (Shadow and Bone)
Holland Vosjik (Shades of Magic)
Hannibal Lecter (Hannibal)
Jesus (The Bible)
Edgward/Nygma (Batman)
Gabriel Reyes/Reaper (Overwatch)
Big Boss (Metal Gear Solid)
Gunpowder Tim (The Mechanisms)
Gaueko (Nasty Dogs)
Hancock (Fallout)
Mothman (American Folklore)
Harry Wilson (Leverage: Redemption)
Kiyoka Kudou (My Happy Marriage)
Rand al'Thor (Wheel of Time)
Nam Seon-ho (My Country: The New Age)
Steven Grant (Marvel)
Howl Jenkins Pendragon (Howl's Moving Castle)
Redos (cuz i messed up in one way or another)
Jason Todd (DC Comics)
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troublemaker203 · 11 months
Murtagh Fitzgibbons x Fem! Reader - Arranged Marriage Pt. 1
Word count: 1688
Summary: After your father had been killed and your brother had been taken by the Redcoats, you were left behind. A group of highlanders come across your ravaged house and decide to take you with them to Castle Leoch. Since you have lost the protection from your father and brother, it is decided that you should be married, in order to keep you protected from the Redcoats.
Warnings: Murder, assault, some drinking. 
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 The Redcoats had really proven their point. Your eyes filled with tears as you slowly walked through the remains of your home. You had watched them nearly burn the whole place to the ground, killing everyone in it, hidden behind trees and bushes.
             When your father noticed red blotches in the distance, he quickly rushed you outside, telling you to hide in the forest. The forest near your house was dark and it would have been hard for the Redcoats to find you. You had quickly run towards one of the bigger bushes and crouched down, closing your eyes, praying the Redcoats wouldn’t do any great harm. You were able to peak through the branches and saw that the Redcoats had approached your house. Your father had walked outside, followed by your older brother. The captain of the Redcoats, Jonathan Wolverton Randall, a.k.a. Black Jack Randall, said something to your father. Your brother took a step towards Randall, but he was quickly stopped by two other Redcoats. One of them aggressively grabbed him and hit him over the head with the back of his rifle, knocking him out. You wanted to run towards them and yell for them to stop, but you couldn’t, it would be your death. Your father yelled something and reached for his gun; one which was always safely tucked between his belt ever since the Redcoats regularly made their rounds through the villages. Before your father could point his gun at Randall, however, the Captain had already pointed his gun at your father, his finger tightly on the trigger. Your father held his hands up in the air and said something, but that did not satisfy Randall at all and, without hesitation, he had shot your father. You covered your mouth with your hand to stop yourself from screaming; your cheeks warm and wet from the endless stream of tears. Randall turned around, motioned to his men and walked towards his horse. Two of his men grabbed your father; two others your brother. Four others entered the house and started taking everything that might be of value, destroying all other things. After they were done they all mounted their horses, taking your brother and father with them.
             After you had seen your brother and father being taken away by the Redcoats, you had closed your eyes and laid on the ground behind the bush for God knows how long. It had gotten dark by the time you finally opened your eyes. Afraid that the Redcoats might come back, you did not dare to move at first. After a while, without any sign of the Redcoats, you decided to get up and return to your house, what was left of it, that is.
Your house was located on the outskirts of the village, near the woods. Chances were that nobody had heard anything about what had happened. Even if you had screamed, nobody in the village would have noticed a thing.
             A single tear rolled down your cheek as you inspected the ruins that used to be your house. Walking through every room made you realize how much they had taken. Not a single silver item was left behind, or was it? Something shimmering in the moonlight caught your attention. It was covered in ashes from the wooden furniture. You carefully picked it up and dusted it off: it was a brooch of your family crest. Looking at the familiar object, you burst into tears.
             You had been sitting on the floor for a long time, staring into nothingness, stroking the brooch with your fingers, when you heard the soft sound of hooves on grass. Scared of more horrible Englishmen, you crouched down beside the windowsill, carefully looking out the window. To your surprise the men on the horses were not dressed in red, instead, they were dressed in kilts. The bearded men approached your house and you could hear them speaking to each other in hushed voices; their accent being the last clue that they were indeed Scotsmen. Still wary you did not dare to reveal your presence yet, so you waited instead. You saw the men dismount their horses and you saw that there was a woman among them as well. You hadn’t noticed her before, probably due to the fact that she was covered by the kilt of the man who was sitting behind her on the horse. The men quickly exchanged some words and two of them took the lead. The tallest of them, a broad-shouldered, bald man with a grey beard, kicked in the door, or what was left of it, making it fall off its hinges. You were sitting by the window on the left side of the house and because of the darkness, it was impossible for them to see you straight away. You made yourself even smaller and tried to hold your breath so you would not produce any sound.
             The men made their way further through the house, walking straight past you. You heard their muffled voiced coming from the back of the house. “Right, I think we’re clear,” you heard one of them say, “there’s nobody in the house.”Footsteps were nearing your hiding spot. “Er, Dougal, I think ye’re wrong. There’s a lass here.” More footsteps approached and the one who discovered you crouched down next to you. You did not dare to look at him, so you kept your eyes glued to the ground. He placed a hand on your shoulder, making you startle. “Claire!” the young lad, who had shared his horse with the lady, shouted and ran outside. He came back with the woman, who was, apparently, named Claire. She rushed towards you, nudging the man, who was crouched next to you, out of the way. “Please, Rupert, give her some space.” Her accent was soft, unlike that of the Scotsmen; she was English. Her eyes were friendly, but she had a worried expression on her face. “Are you hurt? Is that blood by the entrance your blood?” You shook your head. “What’s your name?” Claire asked. “Y/N,” you said softly. “Okay, Y/N, do you think you can stand?” You nodded and slowly stood up, supported by Claire and the chubby man named Rupert. “Is this your house?” the tall man with the grey beard asked. “Yes.” “Do you live here all by yourself?” “No sir. I used to live here with my father, mother, and brother. But after my mother passed away it was just my father, brother, and me. Until the Redcoats came this morning. They shot my father, hit my brother and took both of them with them.” The expression on the man’s face had changed. “The Redcoats you say?” You nodded. He turned to his man and they whispered something to each other. The man turned himself to you again. “Ye’re coming wi’ us, lass. We’ve still got a long way to go to Castle Leoch, so I suggest we stay here for the night and leave early in the morning.” “But what if my brother returns?” The young, red-haired lad scraped his throat. “I’m sorry lass, but I don’t think yer brother will still be alive. If he is, he will be hanging on by a thread.” You buried your face in your hands at the thought. Claire put a hand on your shoulder in an attempt to comfort you. You quickly dried your tears and tried to man up. “I think there is still some bread and cheese in the kitchen, maybe some wine, too,” you said, walking towards the remains of the kitchen.
             A quick search through the kitchen resulted in a fair amount of food. You returned to the living room area, content with the items you carried in your arms: two hole loafs of bread, a block of cheese and even a full bottle of wine. You put the food on the ground, but kept hold of the bottle of wine, pulling out the cork and taking a big sip. “Careful, lass,” the grey-bearded man laughed. “Just leave her be, Dougal. The lass has just lost her family, for Christ’s sake,” a brown-haired man said. He had a grumpy expression on his face, but he did not seem unfriendly. “I think she might need some stronger stuff, then,” Dougal said, pulling a flask from his belt and handing it to you. You took off the cap and sniffed it; a strong smell penetrated your nostrils. You took a sip and grimaced, but swallowed anyway. The men all laughed and even Claire chuckled. “You’ll get used to it,” she said, winking at you. You could not help but laugh, grateful for the light mood after having witnessed such a horrible scene before, however, you were still anxious about tomorrow, when you would join these strangers to Castle Leoch.
             After having finished the bread, cheese, and wine, everyone in the room felt tired but satisfied. “Right, we’ve got a long day tomorrow. Better get some sleep in,” Dougal said as he stood up and walked to a corner of the room, sitting down in it. “Angus, you’re the first to keep watch tonight. As for the rest of ye… figure it out amongst yerselves.” The short, brown-haired man called Angus grumpily stood up and walked outside. Claire and the red-haired lad moved to another corner of the room. Rupert stood up. “Come on, Willie,” he said to another young lad, who stood up as well and followed Rupert as he walked outside to join Angus. You looked around the room, trying to find a sport comfortable enough to lay down for a whole night. “Here lass,” the grumpy looking man held out his coat to you. You thankfully took it from him. “Thank you, er…” “Murtagh,” he said. You smiled at him. “Thank you, Murtagh.” You watched him turn around and walk towards another corner and you picked your own spot as well. After you laid down, you pulled Murtagh’s coat over you and when your head touched the ground, you realised how tired you were. After you closed your eyes, you quickly fell asleep.
This is just the beginning! Please be patient lol
I'll try to post part 2 as soon as I can <3
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shanxpennywise · 4 months
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My Favourite Villains Part 1 - 7 Art Dump (Old Art.)
Pennywise (1990)
Pennywise (2017)
Slappy (Goosebumps)
Dr Kamikazi (Robotboy)
Chucky (Child's Play)
Fats (Magic)
Billy (Dead Silence)
N-Gin (Crash Bandicoot)
Hypno (Creepypasta)
King Dice (Cuphead)
Baldi (Baldi's Basics in Education and Learning.)
Zander (Dinosaur King)
Gideon (Gravity Falls)
Sideshow Bob (The Simpsons)
Penguin (The Batman: Animated Series)
Dr Doofenshmirtz (Phineas and Ferb)
Mad Mod (Teen Titans)
Defoe (Huntik: Seekers and Secrets)
Little Ogre (Soul Eater)
Dr Phineus Phibes (Shaggy and Scooby Doo Get a Clue)
Dr Calico (Bolt)
Purple Guy (Five Nights At Freddy's)
Mandark (Dexter's Laboratory)
Evil Rick (Rick and Morty)
Mad Hatter (Batman: Animated Series)
The Major (Hellsing Ultimate)
Danzo (Naruto Shippuden)
Vector (Despicable Me)
Archibald Snatcher (The Boxtrolls)
Frollo (Hunchback of Notredame)
Cedric (Sofia the First)
King Candy (Wreck it Ralph)
Gallaxhar (Monsters VS Aliens)
Jack Spicer (Xaolin Showdown)
Jeffery Hawk (Dead by Daylight)
Akainu (One Piece)
Dr.Maniac (Goosebumps.)
Unwanted House Guest (Creepypasta/Meme.)
Jareth the Goblin King (Labyrinth.)
Dr Hannibal Lecter (Silence of the Lambs.)
Syndrome (The Incredibles.)
Dr Eggman (Sonic the Hedgehog.)
Maxie (Pokemon.)
Captain (Armando) Salazzar (Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man Tells No Tales.)
The Look-See (Crypt TV's The Look-See.)
Kureo Mado (Tokyo Ghoul.)
Drei (Hiiro No Kakera.)
W.D. Gaster (Undertale.)
Freddy Krueger (Nightmare on Elm Street.)
Drago Bludvist (How to Train Your Dragon.)
Claude Faustus (Black Butler.)
Stefano Valentini (Evil Within 2.)
John Bacchus (Future Diary.)
Kisame Hoshigaki (Naruto Shippuden.)
Mayuri Kurotsuchi (Bleach.)
Hisoka (Hunter x Hunter.)
Tighten (Megamind.)
2nd Dimension Dr Heinz Doofenshmirtz (Phineas and Ferb: The Movie.)
Dr.Octopus (Spiderman 2.)
Squilliam (Spongebob Squarepants.)
Mr.Chuckle Teeth (The X-Files.)
Laughing Jack (Creepypasta.)
Weevil Underwood (YU-GI-OH!)
Dr.Herman Carter (Dead By Daylight.)
Babadook (The Babadook.)
The Child Catcher (Chitty Chitty Bang Bang.)
Colonel Muska (Studio Ghibli's Laputa Castle.)
Ghetsis (Pokemon.)
The Crooked Man (The Conjuring 2.)
Crocodile (One Piece.)
Danny Dickens (Angels Of Death.)
Kabuto (Naruto Shippuden.)
Yami Marik (YU-GI-OH!)
Byakuran Katekyo (Hitman Reborn.)
Jason The Toymaker (Creepypasta.)
Slenderman (Slenderman: The Movie.)
Igor Neuhaus (Blue Exorcist.)
Captain Kuro (One Piece.)
Guzma (Pokemon.)
Mr.Wood (Goosebumps.)
Professor Venomous (OK K.O. Let's Be Heroes.)
Lyle Tiberius Rourke (Atlantis.)
Faba (Pokemon.)
Petrel (Pokemon.)
Cyrus (Pokemon.)
Lysandre (Pokemon.)
Arlo (Pokemon.)
Evil Dr Phibes (Shaggy and Scooby Doo Get a Clue.)
Papillon (Buso Renkin.)
The Joker (Batman: Animated Series.)
Mr X (Resident Evil.)
Foolscap (Dinosaur King.)
Giovanni (Pokemon.)
Tamatoa (Moana.)
The Toymaker (Harmony & Horror.)
Jean-Louise Bonaparte (Yu-Gi-Oh! GX.)
Benson (Toy Story 4.)
Ed (Dinosaur King.)
Mr Burns (The Simpsons.)
Victor (Boruto.)
Beppi The Clown (Cuphead.)
Scud (Yu-Gi-Oh! The Movie: Pyramid Of Light.)
Sordward (Pokemon SWSH.)
Sheildbert (Pokemon SWSH.)
Sakutaro Morishige (Corpse Party.)
Mr Hook (MAR.)
Malvolio (Twelfth Night Manga.)
Captain Hook (Peter Pan.)
John Ratcliffe (Pocahontas.)
Fagin (BBC's Oliver Twist.)
Jack Randall (Outlander.)
Waluigi (Mario.)
The Toad (Flushed Away.)
Gnauss Wisden (NiNoKuni.)
Orochimaru (Naruto.)
Braz D. Blood (Blood Lad.)
Douman Ashiya (Tokyo Ravens.)
Shidou Dairenji (Tokyo Ravens.)
Dr. Yung (Pokemon: The Mastermind Of The Mirage Pokemon.)
Mr Big (Michael Jackson's Moonwalker.)
Grings Kodai (Pokemon: Zoroark: Master Of Illusions.)
Dick Dastardly (Scooby Doo Movie.)
Greed (Fullmetal Alchemist.)
Hidan (Naruto Shippuden.)
Mandrake (Earwig And The Witch.)
Murder The Clown (Goosebumps.)
Kai Chisaki (My Hero Academia.)
The Grabber (The Black Phone.)
The Gold Watcher (Dark Deception.)
Miroku Yukihiko (Get Backers.)
Sartorius Kumar (Yu-Gi-Oh! GX.)
Schneizel El Britannia (Code Geass.)
Chairman Rose (Pokemon SWSH.)
Koichi Shidou (Highschool Of The Dead.)
The Riddler (Assault On Arkham.)
Sugou Nobuyuki (Sword Art Online.)
The Handsome Young Man (A Tale Dark & Grimm.)
The Pied Piper (Shrek 4.)
Aizen Sosuke (Bleach.)
Demiurge (Overlord.)
I plan on drawing more of my favourite villains at some point.
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wonderlandsakura · 4 days
Saw this thought of this ↓
Hannigram "No Longer You" (from EPIC) AMV
Specifically set in Will's whole fisherman/betrayal arc btw (or like half, it's actually like the whole thing)
"I am the the prophet": The prophet is the stag or sth
"With the answers you seek": It reaches out it's arm to Will, it has the answers to his questions about who the Chesapeake Ripper is, how his brain works
"Time, I've unlocked it": Will's closed eyes, the pendulum swings
"I see past and future running free": Will's time going backwards thingy + hallucinogenic dreams or sth
"There is a world where I help you get home": Will standing in a yard it's uncertain whether it's Molly's or some dream one, there's dogs and a child smiling at him, face cut by sunlight (his son? Abigail? Who's to say)
"But that's not a world I know": Will wakes up covered in blood, Hannibal is there, smiling at him
"What?": Will angrily says this
"I see a song of past romance": Hannigram circling each other warily/before Abigail's death romance scenes
"I see the sacrifice of men": The deaths they saw when they worked together before Abigail's death
"I see portrayals of betrayal": Hannibal betraying Will
"And a brother's final stand": Will seeing Beverly's body
"I see you on the brink of death": the gut cut
"I see you draw your final breath": does he get choked out around the gut cut fight? Put that here then
"I see a man who gets to make it home alive": Will going home after false imprisonment? Or after a whatever with Hannibal while he's honey trapping him?
"But it's no longer you": One of those zoom ins after Hannibal killed Abigail, the exact moment when Will's like, I gotta get Revenge™
"This can't be": says Will, shaking his head
"We've suffered and sailed through the toughest of hells": Those gorgeous sad wet puppy dog eyes lol
"Now you tell us our effort's for nothing?": Angy Will
"I see your palace covered in red": the stag, his house covered in graffiti/the bloody mansion after the meeting with the cannibals/AFTER THE DEATH OF THE RED DRAGON
"Faces of men who had long believed you're dead": Jack, The dudes at the FBI, all the peeps that thought him crazy cause of Hannibal's accusations, Fredrick Chilton, Randall Teir, The guy who had the hots for him what's his name idk
"I see your wife with a man who is haunting": Hannibal smiling at Will, the two standing close together
"A man with a trail of bodies": zooms into will, his eyes downcast
"(who?)": bloodstained Will from the beginning asks
"I see portrayals of betrayal": Will betraying people for Hannibal
"I see a song of past romance": Romantic scenes during Will's whole honey trap
"I see the sacrifice of man": Will murdering people with Hannibal
"And a brother's final stand": Them standing against the Red Dragon, in a lull in the fighting/about to kill him
"I see you on the brink of death": them hugging on the cliff
"I see you draw your final breath": still the cliff, maybe the "it's beautiful" dialogue
"I see a man who gets to make it home alive": Will and Hannibal walking into/sitting in the church/ mishmash future they could have had
"But it's no longer you": them sitting side by side at the church? Idk a zoom in on cleaned up murderous trophy husband Will
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