#i also love how jack thinks he's being misogynistic at first
the-acid-pear · 2 months
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Saving this on tumblr bc it's hands down my favorite moment in dsaf 3 and not enough people seem to care about it
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immediatebreakfast · 7 days
It's proposal day! It's another Lucy day!
One thing that I noticed in between the suitors, and Lucy's non explained accepted proposal is how the tone in the paragraph where she talks about the sexist ideas of women being lesser than men seems to be... dejected, and I dare to say exhausted.
I suppose that we women are such cowards that we think a man will save us from fears, and we marry him.
The language that Lucy uses, the sudden inclusion of it when she is talking about the proposals, all of it feels like a rehearsed point that has been hammered into Lucy's head many times. It reads as she is is trying to interrupt her sadness over rejecting Quincey and Jack by reminding herself that her feeling don't matter in the situation.
This is not only simple misogynist ideals that Bram Stoker included in a female character, but also there is something deeper there that alludes to Lucy restricting herself because of her education as a lady.
Mr. Seward, and Mr. Morris are the ones suffering after the proposals, not her. She, the 19 years girl who is for the first time steping into the role of victorian woman, is the cause of their suffering, so Lucy as a woman cannot feel bad for herself because her own existance isn't noble nor worthy. Lucy must center her conflicting feelings, and her tears around the two gentleman she had to reject.
This is not an opinion for Lucy, it's a fact that her entire social, and cultural environment has been telling her since she was born. However there is this little detail that makes her comments a little bit worse for her mental space.
why are men so noble when we women are so little worthy of them? Here was I almost making fun of this great-hearted, true gentleman.
Remember that this is Lucy writing to Mina, and consequently Jonathan because she gave her permission to tell him; two people that she is implied to know since chilhood, and two lovers that definitely do not follow the picture that Lucy paints. In this letter Lucy is almost baring her soul enough to Mina, who despite most likely holding the same ideals doesn't experience the actual whole weight of them as a woman.
Even if it's very clear that she is utterly smittem with Arthur, does Lucy longs for the odd for the times dynamic of Mina and Jonathan? Does she feels that as much as she loves Arthur with all of heart, all of that stuff will still resonate in every step, and action she takes in their marriage?
Oh, why must a man like that be made unhappy when there are lots of girls about who would worship the very ground he trod on? I know I would if I were free—only I don't want to be free. ... I am very, very happy, and I don't know what I have done to deserve it.
Lucy is midly aware that her position is a cage, even if she chose the man she will marry she still views her own decision as the entrance of a cage. However, thanks to her upbringing, Lucy doesn't see this as an opportunity to try, and build a relationship with equal footing like Mina, instead Lucy tells herself that she, as a woman, doesn't deserve enough the happiness she feels.
And that is so tragic.
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minnesota-fats · 2 years
I have seen many of Talia and Bruce are Dannys parents and heard of Danny being Selina's son and but NEVER have I saw Danny still being Maddies son, but Bruce is his biological dad too.
( It could be from a very drunken one-night stand and while Jack knows Danny isn't his biologically, he still treated him like his son which made Maddie love him more )
Maddie doesn't even bother telling Bruce out of fear he might use his money to take Danny from her and the whole Playboy Image wasn't helping.
Like imagine the meltdown from Damian since he's not the only blood son on top of being the youngest son to boot. And if he sees Dani he slowly gaslights himself into thinking she's the secret love child of his father and Selina and might worries there is some weight to Bruce's Playboy Image and there's a 4th blood sibling out there.
Talia wondering who the heck is this Madeline Fenton and how the HELL did she get give Bruce a son first? She's now in the top 5 on her shitlist.
And Vlad having a stroke at the realization that Danny is NOT Jack's bio son but freaking Bruce Wayne, the Playboy from Gotham. And if Bruce and Vlad don't like each other than this will be even more hilarious.
I have seen a fix with Jason as the blood father and Maddie still his mom but not Bruce!
I wonder how they would have met, Maddie and Bruce? Was there a engineer convention at Wayne tower? I bet Bruce had to go and Maddie and Jack were there because SCIENCE!
But Jack probably ran off leaving Maddie at the bar and Maddie just straight up NOT having a good time because this was the 90’s and if I am not mistaken a good chunk of the engineering field was male dominated and a bit misogynistic. And she got fuckin’ plastered and in her drinking haze might have even mistaken one tall black haired blue eyed man for another and decided that leaving with an equal (probably less so but still) drunk Bruce was DTF this random red head because he was also sick of all the misogynistic scientists around. (Also we all know that Bruce has a thing for women who can kick his fuckin ass!)
Or if your not into that the only other thought I had was Jack and Maddie have an open relationship and the reason Maddie doesn’t date Vlad is cuz he’s a big creep! (Jack would so date Vlad if he was given the chance!)
Anyway, after she wakes up and takes one look at the man next to her and is like, “that’s not Jack…” before hightailing it’s out of there!(probably in some sort of eccentric way) She looks for her actual husband the morning after. She realizes what has happened and was going to go home and sleep off her hangover before she tells her husband what had happened. Depending on the scenario Maddie would either be a bundle of nerves or she would be excited to say she found out she slept with Bruce Wayne of all people. (Even though he is known for his Brucie persona, both Jack and Maddie know no simple minded man can run a business like Wayne Industry’s)
Either way Jack would be hyped cuz BRUCE FRICKIN WAYNE!!!! And when he found out Maddie was prego be ever MORE FUCKIN HYPED cuz OH MY FUDGE ANOTHER BABY! (They may not be the best parents but they sure as shit love their kids) Maddie isn’t sure she should keep Danny but seeing Jack so excited she realized it didn’t matter because if he was so happy and she would be happy too.
Cue danny being born and Jazz being a big sister who is very excited to finally know where babies come from (and for her new baby brother I guess). Years later it probably would have never come up again but Vlad during his cloning phase decides to look into Danny’s dna some more. “Probably jacks dumb dna messing with their proses!” (Vlad would so gaslight himself into believing that even though intelligence doesn’t effect dna) and he finds not a sing bit of Jack in Danny.
After recovering from the shock of it Vlad starts scheming, comes up with a plan to use this to drive Jack and Maddie apart. Goes to Jack and in the most dramatic way possible tells Jack about the SHOCKING discovery that danny isn’t his son!
And Jack is like, “oh I know that! And don’t be silly Vlad! Danno might not be mine biologically but he’s still my boy!” And Vlad is about to rip his hair out because of course Jack wouldn’t be bothered with that! What a FOOL!!!
Then Vlad thinking he could salvage this decides to tell Danny who just thinks Vlad is fucking with him until Vlad barrages into the house at 9 am after looking more into who Danny bio dad would be and in the most offended outrage Danny has ever seen from the older halfa says “you slept with BRUCE WAYNE????” To Maddie causing both Danny and Jazz to spit out whatever the hell they were eating all over the table. (Jack: I know right? Pretty cool!!)
After that discovery Danny yeets himself into the ghost zone cuz wow, isn’t that a world shattering discovery to be thrusted upon you at 9 in the morning!
How the Batfam find out I’m not entirely sure? Maybe Danny wanted to meet him (probably not) or maybe it was ghosts hearing about it from some fight that Vlad and Danny have in the GZ and spreading rumors from ghost to ghost until it reaches the undead ears of Boston Brand (Deadman) who tells Constantine or Zatana who tell Bruce who just is plain confused as to why ghosts of all thing would know he has an unknown son (who may be dead???) Or maybe Talia finds out first and sends assassins to kill Maddie (who takes them on like a fuckin’ champ!) and Bruce follows the league of Assassins activity and finds that one woman he had a one night stand with and sees her son who looks too much like him to be a coincidence. Or maybe Damian found out first and this was when he first came to live with Bruce and he was still a little murder-y. He fucking tracks Danny down and is like “there can only be one!” And Danny is like “one what???? But jokes on you there is also more than one of me!” (Dani/Elle) thus causing Damien to go into a rage only to be stopped by what ever Batfam came to stop him! (Danny: what’s with the small angry child?) Dami pouts but moves on. (Can’t kill what’s already dead, maybe???)
Either way Danny would be welcomed into the bat fam with open arms! (Dami is reluctant but comes around when he finds out about Cujo (Dami: and I guess Danny is ok too))
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akookminsupporter · 8 months
Hope this isn't taken negatively because I don't mean it as such.. But lately I've come to a conclusion that while I love all 7 of them (with a slightly more particular fondness for the two this blog is on) I'm kind of heavily interested in the artistic directions (career choices) of only 4 of them - jhope jimin rm suga (even though I'm not really a huge rap enthusiast) . Jungkook also used to be on that list but I've been feeling kind of jaded by some of the music choices he's been trying out recently.
Regarding 3d, I think it's an okay song but my main problem lies with Jack Harlow's rap verses.. They're very adjacent to being overtly misogynistic and objectifying. And it's just not something I thought I would hear in a bts member song. Anyway would like to hear your thoughts on the lyrics if you want to share!
If I may I would like to make a few comments on your two points.
On the first point or paragraph: This is totally understandable and something that has been said a lot in this second chapter and definitely has been said several times on this blog. It has been interesting to see the direction their solo projects have taken and how they have handled/planned them. I don't want to say too much yet because although Jungkook has released a few songs, he still hasn't released an album or EP yet and I want to wait and see if anything changes but for some time now I've been thinking that although I share the same taste in music/songs as Jungkook, i.e. the kind of songs he always listens to on Wlives or recommends, his musical direction in this solo stage doesn't exactly go with my musical tastes. I was expecting songs like Still With You or Delcalcomania and that doesn't seem to be the direction he wants to take and that's fine, it's completely my fault for having expectations about something I have no control over.
As for the second point or paragraph: The song is very much to the taste of today's young consumers, especially in markets such as the US. The lyrics of the song are… they don't offer much depth and that's what's in vogue, I think. I think the intention is just to have fun and come up with songs that are catchy, fun and easy to remember, I guess. Jack Harlow's part is… no. I remember a couple of years ago or was it last year? he was quite popular on social media and I never understood the hype, I think a lot of people loved him for his looks and I didn't understand why, I'd never heard a song from him I think and I was surprised that he's a rapper. For a long time, I thought he sang country music. His two verses, and I'm surprised it was 2, are too clichéd and cringy.
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kenonade · 2 months
for the ask game—3, 5, 18, and 25 for peter wiggin?
THE GUY!!!!!!!!!
3. Least favorite canon thing about this character?
It’s hard to say because, and I say this with shame—I haven’t read the books in a long, long time. Off the top of my head though, I didn’t like that part in Ender’s Stocking where he became weirdly misogynistic. That was weird. I’m not and have never been a genius teen boy with a younger sister who got rejected by a girl at high school so I can’t say if the interplay between those specific factors would create that outcome—but I sure can say, I didn’t like it.
5. What's the first song that comes to mind when you think about them?
Ether Strike - Akira Complex. It’s hard to explain because it’s a rhythm game song (hello Arcaea fans) whose lyrics consists of like 4 unique lines but I’ll try. “An intense dissatisfaction with the world / And a compulsion to do something about it / Heaven and Earth / My guiding star” It is a compulsion, right? The way he decided he’d be the one to be in charge of it all. Fueled by a sense of desperation for any amount of validation and the guilt that came with. “My guiding star” reminds me of the conversation he had with Ender at the end of Shadow of the Giant where he said that he’d always think, what would Ender do? It helps that I hear a lot of grief, longing, and determination in the drop, too. Honorable mentions to All You Had To Do Was Stay by TS and Mirror Man by Jack Stauber.
18. How about a relationship they have in canon with another character that you admire?
Admire is a weirdly specific word in this context. There’s Bean, Petra, his parents, Graff, Achilles, Ender, Val whom I can see him having notable relationships with. Honestly, none of them are quite admirable? These relationships are interesting and complex and I like reading about them but I wouldn’t say that I look up to them for guidance on what to do with my own social life? The only exception is his relationship with Petra. He gave her space to grieve and a cushion to fall back on. He learned to love and they learned to trust.
25. What was your first impression of this character? How about now?
Dude, the first time I read Ender’s Game I was 12 years old. I don’t even remember how I felt towards the book overall. If I had to guess, I probably didn’t like him. At that stage in my life I would’ve related more to Ender. I do, however, remember the first time I picked EG up for a reread. I fell in love IMMEDIATELY. From the moment the book underlined his hatred with how he felt he wasn’t good enough, I knew he was THE standout character. The scene where he apologizes to Ender thinking that Ender’s asleep… HEARTWRENCHING. His heart-to-heart with Val… MY HEART BROKE. Meanwhile he was also so silly and goofy… literally the most crass character, always saying some wild out of pocket thing that made me go “hang on, we read this in sixth grade??!??” Now, with the part of the Enderverse that pertains to him completely in my pocket, it’s hard to pin down how I feel about him. From a personal perspective, he’s still by far my favorite character. His struggles and triumphs are vivid in a way that the other character’s just don’t live up to, and his failures are incredibly real. Viewing the books from a more critical view, Peter’s existence is interesting in and of itself because he occupies a lot of gray areas in the narrative. He’s a major antagonist in EG, and the only one that changes from an antagonist to a protagonist. He’s meant to be untrustworthy while being likable, making him rather unserious. In a narrative that usually frames characters as People We Should Listen To and People We Shouldn’t Listen To, Peter is the only character that we sorta kinda maybe should listen to depending on how much despair he’s experiencing. He’s explicitly allowed to make terribly embarrassing mistakes that threaten to debase his entire character, but he’s allowed to be helped. He’s allowed to crack jokes; the narrative is allowed to crack jokes about him. There’s an inherent levity to any scene he’s in. He can’t take the moral high ground in any argument—we’ve all seen him at his worst—yet he’s also working towards putting more good in the world. He’s a character filled to the brim with contradictions and even more determination to work through them. As a result, his viewpoints have a nebulous, fluid quality that made it impossible for OSC to use him as a personal megaphone, since, though the reader encouraged to challenge Peter’s assumptions, at the end of the day we’re still on Peter’s side—we want him to succeed, but we know that he WILL fumble doing it. He’s personable. And vivid. Which makes him a poor tool and a fabulous icon. A role that sort of echos his treatment in the novels themselves. Anyway. I think he’s neat.
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alexenglish · 5 months
I remember a few years ago there was a conversation about young parenthood on your blog and I found it really refreshing, especially since it's hard to hear about queer parenting in the first place unless you're actively seeking those stories out. Feel free to ignore, but how did you ever find the courage to navigate life as a queer young parent in an increasingly cis-centric world, and, if I can ask, what have been some unexpected positives about it (or positives you didn't think would happen but happened). (Sorry this is so formal, lol, I don't know whats up with me)
honestly, i have such a strong set of beliefs that i am compelled to parent in a way that is authentic to those beliefs, how i experience the world, and my own identity so it's less about courage and more about me being insufferable and correct and knowing what matters lmao
i do have the immense privilege of an incredible support system. even if the outside world is telling my kiddo that unicorns are for girls and boys shouldn't be sensitive, everyone who has a hand in raising him has a lot of the same fundamentals to teach him from. they either completely understand where i'm coming from when it comes to teaching him certain things/allowing him to express himself in certain ways, firmly believe those things themselves, or are willing to try to understand when it's something important. not having to defend myself to those close to me goes a long way. we are undoubtedly safe and comfortable and, most importantly, consistent. i don't have anyone close to him undermining us and telling him he can't cry or can't wear his hair long or that there are only two genders.
the most unexpected positive for me is talking to other parents who want to do what i do but don't really have a blueprint for it. a lot of people raise their kids like they were raised and parrot a lot of stuff their parents said and don't even realize that it doesn't align with what they actually believe or the values they want to teach their kids! they're just adhering to a script and they don't know they can go off it and make a generational change. i love having casual conversations with parents where i can refute the script and make them kind of light up in epiphany. and it's funny because it's not like i know jack shit either! we're all just learning! but sometimes what i think is obvious isn't to them and when we talk about it, it shifts their perspective. it's fun to be the person that makes them think more deliberately about how they're parenting!
anyway idk parenting is SUPER weird and it's a little bit of a landmine because it's a very sensitive subject for a lot of people, but it's between your family and your little and that's the framework that matters most. the work you're putting in at home. what you believe. what they believe. encouraging them to draw their own conclusions. we've personally done a lot of 'if you like it, that's what matters' work in the last couple of years because the kids at school telling him boys shouldn't like unicorns and he shouldn't paint his nails and pink is stupid, and while we're working on how important it is to deconstruct misogynistic thinking, he also has to has the confidence in himself and his interests outside of what his peers think of them and it's my responsibility to give him that confidence.
uhm honestly i'm not sure if that was the answer you were looking for, but thanks for asking. i really love talking about parent shit.
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lepetitloir · 1 year
Gathering my thoughts on Ada Vessalius, because I keep being conflicted about her. (opinions under cut, warning: SPOILERS)
Very noticeable about Ada is that she's mostly there to help the arcs of other characters (Noise, Vincent). Beside that, she's portrayed as an innocent woman, sort of oblivious about what's going on around her. Characters purposefully leave her out of it in order to protect her, ever since she was 8. So, of course it's not her fault that she's oblivious.
The story points out many times that Ada is very much a woman. She's pretty, she easily cries, she's soft, and Vincent the Misogynist hates her (the chapter Persona makes us very aware that Ada is a woman).
In Pandora Hearts it's portrayed as a feminine trait to be innocent and oblivious, but it is also portrayed as feminine to overcome these traits (I'm thinking of Sharon and the Rainsworth ladies here). In fact, I think it's meant to be a sign of female strength to overcome these traits. Ada is dragged into the story more towards the end, and in the face of the darker themes that people kept her out of, she stands tall and accepts that she's different, but that it doesn't mean she can't be with the other characters. I think admitting that (accepting you are different and that's okay) makes her very strong. Not only that, but also that she still tries to understand those who are different than her.
It's beautiful and strong that she is the one to understand Vincent and his trauma, understand that he struggles with himself, and that she wants to face him and tell him it's okay and she forgives him. It's strong that she is the one to directly address the issue, where other fail to do so.
Except, it would be nice if that was the case, but it's not really like that, is it?
She's able to directly address the issue because she hasn't really seen the other side. Sure, Noise tells her that Vincent manipulated her, and Ada describes there being a sadness around Vincent, but she doesn't know what he did during the series?
When it's revealed that she and Vincent are dating, I got the reaction "Oh no Ada doesn't know what Vincent has been up to in the story". Later events were able to convince me that Ada stood strong and that she sort of knew what she was doing (trying to get to know Vincent, which means she knows she doesn't really know him). Yet, after reading the manga, I come to the realisation "Oh no Ada still doesn't know what Vincent had been up to in the story". The initial issue of her not knowing of Vincent's actions is still there. So when she says she forgives him, it feels wrong.
I was thinking of the way white-haired Alice and Vincent """forgive""" Jack, but in those cases, Jack gave them some self-worth and to them, that outweighed Jack's manipulations. (Side note: I use the word "forgive" just for the comparison, they don't actually forgive him, but they appreciate the good he's done to them) The point is, they are aware of Jack's bad actions, but still decide his good actions were worth something. They have the full picture.
Ada doesn't, so how much value do her words actually hold? Despite that, I know it's important for her to say those words, and I find it really sad that Vincent is touched by them, no matter how much weight they actually hold (and he most likely is aware of the lack of weight). He's just that desperate to be forgiven. Good for him.
But it takes the strength out of the moment if I look at Ada. It would have been such a Moment if she'd forgiven Vincent knowing the full picture. Oh well.
Err anyway, Ada's oblivion is also portrayed as strong on its own. I like that, the idea that you could be doing something good even if you're not aware of it. "Just be kind" is the message, and yeah no one can dissagree with that.
I don't hate VinceAda! Let me be clear, I remember absolutely loving them as a couple after I finished the manga for the first time in 2016. But ehmm... the reason I like them is because I adore Jun Mochizuki's choice to not let them be together at the end. In the last official guide (the only one I own ;-;), in the interview with her and Chizuru Kobayashi, she mentions that Vincent has done too horrible things to stay with Ada, and Jun Mochizuki couldn't image them ending up together. I respect that so much, because I agree! It's what makes this couple so perfect for me: the author not forcing them into something.
Lastly, here are some smaller thoughts I have about Ada:
I like that one of her attempts at getting to understand Vincent is trying to find similarities in them (so she tries to talk about the occult with him). It's nice that later, she can accept that they are most likely two completely other people.
I think a part of Noise's arc is overcoming internalized misogyny. That's why it's so important that Ada is very feminine. She is the sort of woman Noise would hate. An "other girl", not like her.
In the end, when Gilbert tells Ada Vincent is dead, Ada cries because Gil telling her that means that Vince is alive.
(aaaahh that was the end of my silly takes! English isn't my first language so sorry if my grammar is off!)
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velvetstreets · 9 days
Thank for answering this, I really appreciate it!! I’m still in my obsessed with Jack era so I need to hear what helped other ppl move out of it lol I need to not be so obsessed with him 😫
Can you pls elaborate on the things he said, shared or did that gave you childish vibes? And anything else that helped you stop being obsessed with him plsss? 🙏🏼 I need help lol
Thank you soooo much! I appreciate it and respect your opinion. Hope you’re having a great day!
LMAOO no worries 🫶🫶 hahah it’s okay to be in the obsessed era! I was there for a long time
🚨warning for mutuals, Jack Harlow criticism under the cut, read at your own will! 🚨
I don’t know if I can really pinpoint the childish vibes, just the way he tends to avoid talking about serious topics (in person/interviews) and turns to humor (which isn’t totally a bad thing, he likes to keep the vibes light which I get and it’s an attractive trait) but idk his team/a lot of the people he keeps around him are……… not good people lol
He’s very big on keeping the same circle/bringing people with him up on his success journey, big on loyalty- but like… sometimes it’s good to move on from people in your life. Especially when some of those people are just bad. KY Engineering (one of his close producers) and Nemo his creative advisor have previously stated horrible misogynistic takes on Black women several times, and their attitude towards women in general are…………….. yeah
And for someone like Jack who loves to boast about how much he loves and respects women it… yeah! Idk he often gives me a vibe of his morals are in the right place but he’s not one to correct his homeboys publicly at the end of the day- especially if there are no women present.
(This part isn’t childish, more just sad and upsetting) He also continuously told the story of how he lost his virginity during his last tour which was so horrible bc it was clear the girl he lost it to groomed him :(((( and he/the people around him don’t see that/understand that because its common as a man to be proud that you “bagged” an older girl and it’s like…. Baby lemme hold ur hand and tell you no it’s not…
And he spoke on the Megan the Stallion/Tory L*nez incident and didn’t remove Tory off his song unlike other (female) artists, saying he didn’t feel like it was his place to speak on Tory’s actions, but hoped that Megan was doing okay which was so???????????????????? Like I don’t understand how you can acknowledge she was shot and say that you know you’re a good person and have integrity but then keep her abuser and the man that tried to kill her on your song…. The math is not mathing!!!!!
I just… he has some evolving and learning and growing up to do, and I felt like me personally I fell out of love w him bc we’re the same age and I couldn’t understand how he was not consciously on the same wavelength in terms of mentality ya know :/
I still think he’s a good rapper and makes good music, and I think he’s continuing to evolve mentally (his 3rd album showed more of that), and I don’t believe he’s a bad person at his core, but the lack of action/opinion in certain areas just made me wake up and was like oh i don’t love him like that anymore
But also he’s a white man from Kentucky so I shouldn’t have expected much from him in the first place lmao that’s my fault!
(as a black woman w academic parents and from a socialist environment I forget that people… don’t have/grow up with the same mindset? And then that makes itself known and I get shook lmao)
(P.S. I don’t blame or judge others for liking him still!! His aura is very charming and likable I completely understand, I just personally lost interest in him that way)
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@quarkfcker asked me to compile a list of my favorite works of critical theory - here you go! if anyone is interested in the titles i’ll try to find links later (i’m currently stuck in bed with an endometriosis flare up and posting this from my phone lol)
Susan Sontag - Illness as Metaphor (deals critically with attaching morality to health; in one of my favorite sections Sontag discusses the vocabulary around getting better - “fighting” cancer, “beating” a disease, etc)
Cassie Pedersen - “Encountering Trauma ‘Too Soon’ and ‘Too Late’: Caruth, Laplanche, and the Freudian Nachträglichkeit” in Topography of Trauma: Fissures, Disruptions, and Transfigurations (Deconstruction of Freud’s notion that trauma is time-based and only recurrent after the action)
Judith Butler - Gender Trouble (one of my favs forever)
Eve Sedgewick - “Epistemology of the Closet” and “Between Men” (Between Men especially)
I would try very hard to muscle through a little bit of Jacques Lacan just to understand the concept of the Other. It’s not gonna be easy or fun though.
Sigmund Freud - “Three Essays on the Theory of Sexuality” (I know I know boo we hate your pussy Sigmund but I think it’s important to read Freud so you can have a leg to stand on when you’re arguing against him. He also wasn’t wrong all the time, and a lot of his theory gets picked up by feminist scholars, especially these essays. I think often it’s a matter of needing someone who wasn’t a misogynist to contextualize his work.)
Edward Saïd - Orientalism
Frantz Fanon - Black Skin, White Masks and The Wretched of the Earth (both are postcolonialist theory. Fanon is a huge name in poco that you should know.)
Louis Althusser - “Ideology and Ideological State Apparatuses” (don’t fuck with the working class etc. This one gives you cool and smart-sounding words like The Superstructure.)
Rosi Braidotti - The Posthuman (Good way to dip your toes into the never ending pool of posthumanism.)
Deleuze and Guattari are interesting but I would watch some Youtube videos explaining their work rather than just reading them because it is not brain friendly to me. Check out “The Body without Organs” and “Rhizomes” specifically. However be mindful that reading firsthand is always a good start to understanding, and videos should be supplemental.
Walter Pater and Matthew Arnold are dear to me because I’m a Romantic/Victorian scholar but if you’re not then you probably won’t get as much out of them. I still think Arnold’s Stones of Venice and Pater’s Studies in the History of the Renaissance are good foundational reads to understand a lot of the basis of art and criticism today.
Sigmund Freud (again) - “The Uncanny”
Zora Neale Hurston is incredible and a good name to keep in your pocket. She was a Black anthropologist and a lot of her work is deeply astoundingly moving.
Roland Barthes - “Death of the Author” (this is required reading for everyone.)
Peruse a good bit of Foucault.
Jacques Derrida - “Spectres of Marx,” “Hauntology,” etc. (I LOVE DERRIDA!!!! I’d definitely read an introduction to deconstruction first.)
Toni Morrison - “Unspeakable Things Unspoken: The Afro-American Presence in American Literature” (you should already be reading Toni Morrison.)
Sandra M. Gilbert and Susan Gubar - The Madwoman in the Attic (Loove this one. Feminist reading of Victorian literature.)
Hélène Cixous is a good name to know and have in your filing cabinet, as is Julia Kristeva.
Any and all bell hooks you can find, especially “Postmodern Blackness” and Feminism is for Everyone. If you’re planning on being anywhere near the sphere of education, check out Teaching to Transgress.
Jack Halberstam - “Female Masculinity” (Butchness and how it differs from male masculinity)
Rob Nixon - “Slow Violence and the Environmentalism of the Poor”
E. Ann Kaplan - Trauma Culture: The Politics of Terror and Loss in Media and Literature (connection between the individual and cultural trauma)
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xevanescentxx · 5 months
so i think its clear im bad at wording things so ill just put it bluntly
im very curious as to what it seems to be everyone's problem with lorraine?? T-T like damn what did she do that they hate her guts sm
also, i just wanna know about the group (frankie, tony, them lot yk)
made me curious
also, i have to say that i love your headcanons and how everything fits together and my brain just goes 🫶
hehe lowkey i’ve been waiting for this question 😭 BUT yes i will explain! i’ll start with the first question,
lorraine has built herself quite the reputation in the underworld. she’s worked for countless people. the biggest of those being slenderman. however, like most proxies in the underworld lorraine isn’t liked to much. not as liked as jeff, but not hated as much as jack.
lorraine is a thief. i mean, come on you gotta survive right? she’s made the mistake of stealing weaponry and priceless antiques from those higher up. and here’s the thing, normally nobody would bat an eye, but the things she’s stolen are extremely valuable. most of them being magical objects, weapons design for specific demonic species, etc. the ‘person’ she’s stolen from countless times is beezlebub. he’s sent many people after her to kill her, and everytime— they don’t come back. he’s weary of sending tony’s group after her, he knows how powerful his son and his friends are, but he’d rather not take the risk. funny enough, lorraine works at one of the strip clubs the beezlebub owns. reason as to why he doesn’t particularly know, is that this particular location isn’t one where he visits repeatedly nor even cares about. it’s not a nice club or bar by any means. it’s trashy.
as for the rest of the underworld, people don’t hate nor love her. it’s honestly kinda depends on how you’d ask. she has her fanboy and fangirls, no doubt about that— but she does have hate groups also. kinda funny to be honest.
okay, onto the next question!! i absolutely love all four of these guys. two of them are partially owned by a friend of mine, so i don’t have exact defining backstories for them but i can tell you what they look like.
Crosseye is human. He has long brown hair and wears a priests outfit which had been cut up and fitted to his liking. he also wears light blue wash dirty ass jeans. he has a (sort of) mutilated face(?). he has a huge scar of a cross covering his entire face. it’s pretty wicked.
Steven is a literal octopus hybrid thing. my friend loves him, he’s the gentle giant of the group. genuine sweetie, wouldn’t hurt a soul. he’s sort of a blue-ish purple color? and he wears a large black cape.
we already know about frank, but he’s the ‘logic man’ of the group you can say(?)
and, my favorite one :3 tony. tony is a fucking ASSHOLE. he’s a womanizer, manipulator, (HUGE) misogynist, murderer (duh) and so much more. he has a boston accent like frank, and is the leader of the group. being beezlebubs son, he’s always invited to the most extravagant parties and bars, which his friends are also inclined to join. most of the time, frankie is the only one who goes with him. those two are best friends. however, frank does get very irritated with tony’s comments about women. frankie does have some mild internalized misogyny, but he’s not a sexist by any means. tony wears a black suit, with a red undershirt and a black hat with a red ribbon line. he’s smoking cigars daily, and drives one of the best looking cars you’ve ever seen.
by the way when i say tony’s my favorite, i mean he’s my favorite to write and talk about. i wld genuinely hate this mf if he was real smh.
ok that’s it! thank you so much for all your questions !! <3 im glad you like my headcanons. i love to answer any questions about the characters or even my own characters. if you have anymore don’t hesitate to send them!!
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newar · 2 months
netflix 3 body problem: episode 3 thoughts (book spoilers)
• jin cheng talking about saving the little girl in the game… i think cixin liu is quite misogynist in his portrayal of cheng xin but i’m glad they kept that detail of her caring about children still
• i’m really loving how they adapted the VR game, and the way the characters are interacting with it. cheng trying to save the little girl over and over and da shi saying that THAT is the only part that feels like a real game, not the equations and the observations etc… the only part that matters is the human element
• cheng’s dimension talk over dinner hwshsjbssb i love her omg and also the foreshadowingggg
• raj’s dad talking about throwing a grenade at pakistani soldiers???? um what are they trying to say here exactly…
• speaking of raj i’m not sure who his book counterpart is. i saw someone say he might be zhang beihai which makes sense considering raj is a naval officer
• also will downing is kind of annoying like his beef w raj just comes across as him being jealous and a bit racist…
• isaac newton x alan turing homosexuality references… well yes!
• and i liked the way the giant human computer looked! i wish they’d spent more time explaining the principles of it because i think people would find it interesting! i feel like they’ve skirted around the science a lot in this series
• seeing the trisolarans take off was chilling, i think the reveal could have been built up slower tho. i feel like this, along with wenjie sending the message, should have been one of the last things we see before we move on to the events of the 2nd book
• i can’t believe they killed off jack like realistically he’s the least relevant member but still. i was barely invested in him in the first place to really care so. there wasn’t really any point
• OVERALL: not bad, the episode was engaging but i think having read the books, the horror element that i was expecting isn’t really there. the tone of the series seems too light-hearted. the feeling of dread isn’t really there except for the really intense scenes like auggie seeing the countdown and the fleet flying to earth. the whole tone of the series needs to feel more doom-like i think
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Opinion on Watt's relationships with Milo Strange and Jack Walker?
who are you and why are you after my blood
theres a read more. look what youve made me do. this is a long detailed rant on why i dont like the watts plot in s15, including some good old fashioned resentment for jackwatts. proceed at your own risk
jack was really nice at first, i shipped them, i wrote a short fic or two even. of course he was bland but like the entire fandom held on to the idea that he'd eventually be developed slowly as the episodes go by right. right. idk i think it's the love of a soft and reserved and "normal" love interest for our guy whose life has been so much turmoil, so far from "normal" for so long. but we never really got good jack development did we, the most of his character being mostly made up in the fandom's heads. (ive skimmed aios, really good fic, murdoch fandom staple, like im at least somewhat cultured).
and then well it happened, ministry of virtue, everything goes to shit, their relationship has hardly been anything onscreen and now its over and i lose my mind because i'd been so hopeful. like i didn't sleep well that night because Murdoch Mysteries Is A Show. in a vacuum the whole marriage thing was an interesting way for the plot to go, jack bringing up how watts's profession clashed with so many other parts of his life was really good and i fucking love it, but hardly of it was built up to or worth it and before during and afterwards it never got the attention, screentime, etc, it deserved. dear god. and then they got back together but then next season jack's kind of a jerk now? much of it is warranted because of the awful things hes been through but "some things are worth the risk" had been such a staple line for him and their relationship and it was just. not romantic anymore. and importantly watts wasn't happy anymore. and it was just such a weird direction for the writers to take the ship.
also there was the funnies with the well lit kisses lmao and then milo strange happened?????? god i love milo i think theyre very funky and lovely and the weirdest character the show's made technical-wise because he kinda doesn't need to exist and the fact that he does ends up as just an insult to watts's story, milo the character, and his actor. like. ok. we have an issue: wonderbread barbie prince ass white boy jack walker being boring and now being too afraid to be out with watts. how does the show seem to try to fix it? flamboyant polyamorous black poet named milo strange who's as out and proud as you can be in edwardian toronto without getting arrested or killed. he's devastatingly lovable because of his whimsy and opinions and how easily they make watts smile and even laugh. not the most characterization but somehow more remarkable than jack ever was, at least before ministry of virtue. he and watts were very nice together and though i don't ship it much anymore because the show hates me i still have an ongoing fic with them but thats mostly just because i'm slow and forgetful.
anyways. then we get into the really bad shit. like. um. jack's wife dies. and this shit sent me off the edge like. this show is so bad? fridging the wife is like one of the first things people tell you not to do when they teach you how to Not Write Like A Misogynist/An Idiot In General? dude??? watts and jack fight about it and its devastating but you kinda knew the relationship was going there after all this. and then jack kidnaps the baby and escapes to greenwich and i was happy because the writers committed a misogyny but at the very very very least jack walker is gone and i am free from this stupid hatecrimes plotline.
BUT NOOOOOOO like now we get into how watts himself was at his worst in season 15. like daniel maslany's acting is always so good but his writing. was bad. at the beginning he was not the best at communicating, letting his problems (the love triangle) be solved for him instead without any effort from him--like. this point has been hammered into the ground recently but love triangles if done well could symbolize for different values different choices that one can make right? like the famous one is the hunger games agressive gale vs softer peeta but like even the george-nina-louise triangle was a better example, like george made an active choice to go back to nina because despite louise being a more proper partner with similar values in wanting to settle down some day george chose nina's loyalty and kindness. but with watts? idk hes just really confused and i know watts has the personal emotional skills of a potato but narratively it sucks. because he doesnt make a decision. the decision is made for him when jack's wife is killed by her ex. what was the point? why couldn't they have made him at least a bit more active in all of it?
ohoho but it gets worse. because the plotline's not even done yet we still have half a season. watts spends time with milo and they're very sweet but watts comes to the realization that milo is polyamorous. like. milo has talked about this before. they make it pretty clear. and maybe it's my own brainworms, believing watts would have been more open or at least more understanding to it because of his open nature, but watts gets frustrated, he tries to convince him to change, he calls milo greedy. like hey man that may not be your thing but thats so uncalled for. and is that not out of character? watts, who has always been so sympathetic and understanding, especially for those who are different? even under all the duress. i dont know. it might be more reasonable in other interpretations. the worst part is that he never properly apologizes. but we'll get to that.
and they continue to stay together in some sort of limbo until the end of the season and watts gets shot. and watts goes through this shit every tuesday but that mustve been a lot for milo to go through in a minute. and watts gets back up like nothing happens and milo later expresses that he's willing to change his lifestyle, willing to become monogamous for watts. thats. thats not a light statement. but fucking guess what watts receives a letter from jack???? and i guess theres a lot of apologizing and sappy stuff in the letter but we never see or hear the contents so all we have to process for now is that watts once again is letting his problems being solved for him? like as a character it sucks that it takes all these conveniences to switch him around to choose and narratively all these conveniences are bad in the first place. ugh. he tells milo to not change who he is and embarks for new york. and we. we never see milo again. and i am going to set something on fire.
and the thing is after the season premiere's homophobia of the season watts's conclusion is really good, like ive talked about it before him quitting the force and leaving to find himself was such a satisfying decision after all his moral and emotional turmoil! and i'm hopeful that jack is not coming back. but.
milo was done. so dirty. because we're back at the point about watts's arc. because regardless of the way you see it it's shitty. if jack was always his first choice and milo was only a rebound he didn't care as much for, not only is that just. bad taste. but its also shitty to milo, watts seeming to be so keen on being together but only on his terms then ditching at the first chance of being back with his old boytoy; not only is it a shitty thing for watts to do but in writing a character it's stupid. and if watts actually did care for milo and genuinely want to be with him, only to go back is even more confusing and again begs the question of the point of it all. why was milo introduced? why did you get us invested in a relationship that went nowhere and can be cut? watts and jack couldve still split, all homophobia and misogyny and kidnapping intact, and watts could have still come to his conclusion that he needed to be on his own, but instead of the polyam hate we couldve just had him wandering off on his own for half a season instead, and when he received the letter and went back to jack he couldve realized that hey. i was actually feeling good by myself, like i was going somewhere by myself. or something. i don't know. i love where watts's character is at currently but i hate how he got there.
and it's utterly devastating because milo was a lovable character! they were so fun! but he was doomed from the start and it's fucking awful. it never amounted to anything. his own little arc wasnt even allowed to finish properly, while jack's technically was? we never get a conclusion to milo strange but we know that jack's still doing ok with the baby in greenwich after brackenreid ended homophobia there ig /j
anyways. in conclusion i dont ship either anymore but at least i still like millewellyn because i resent jackwatts for what it represents
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regalpotato · 2 years
I'm curious, what are your reasons for shipping Pikeuna. I ship them too I'm just curious as how you got into it :)
Oh I have so many reasons, Anon. And I'm not even gonna 'read more' this because I want people to see the gifs I put effort into making.
Firstly, I watched The Cage pilot when I was a teenager, and fell absolutely hopelessly in love with Number One.
She was the First Officer of the Enterprise (back in an era where women were meant to be quiet and look pretty - evidenced by the fact that the network told Roddenberry he could keep the woman or the alien), she was cold and calculating and good at her job. But wore nail varnish, and obviously had emotions she kept under wraps. I was smitten.
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I'm a sucker for the Talosians calling her out over her CANONICAL feelings about Pike. (Always love when a ship has basis in canon)
And I mean, they just look like a good power couple okay? And I always love a good power couple.
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So I liked the idea of them from the get go, since I was a teenager.
Then Star Trek Discovery happened. And I found out Number One was in Season 2 (played by the original Mystique no less) and I was hooked again.
Here they are making eyes at each other and flirting over Number One's spicy food choices.
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I thought, 'they're not going to keep Number One's crush on Pike are they?' I mean they've changed Pike from being a misogynist (thank god), so would they keep that?
But Number One knows him far too well (she told the Enterprise's engineer that Pike would think the holograms were too much like ghosts). So much so that Spock even calls her out on it:
Spock: You have made a most careful study of the captain.
Number One:
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She freaks out and then slams her hand against the communication panel to contact the engineer and change the subject. GIRL STILL HAS IT BAD GUYS.
I love unrequited love (as long as it's secretly or eventually requited...)
And they just look GOOD together (Anson and Rebecca have such good chemistry)
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And finally, I always ship the 'mum and dad' pairings. Roslin/Adama (BSG), Sam/Jack (SG1), Sheppard/Weir (SGA), Picard/Crusher (TNG), Janeway/Chakotay (Voyager), DeWitt/Dominic (Dollhouse) - and I'm sure I'm missing some. I just like the power couple who are also kind of the parents of the group. It's just my otp vibe.
Plus Una is my fave character, and I always enjoy shows more when I get to ship my fave with someone. And let's be honest GIRL BOSS/MALE WIFE is the best otp type to have.
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eulchu · 2 years
mow the jack post made me think again, because he literally during that stream said that he'd love if somebody explained to him how it was misogynistic, as well as him saying he has not watched Dreams stream. (he did not inform himself at all, he just ran in head first)
it felt like his whole "addressing it as quick as possible" was sort of forced. ran, scrambled to get out of hot water.
like. man. i wouldn't even have been mad if he had tweeted out "hey, sorry for those comments, was really stupid, heard what you guys said", but instead he had to double down without even considering informing himself beforehand.
Maybe he's right, maybe it was interbalized misogyny but it's LITERALLY because of comments like his. There is a reason so many girls go through this phase of hating their interests. Why they mock their piers about trivial shit like liking pink, because they are made to hate themselves.
I adored Jacks content, geniunly, but I cannot look at him anymore without being upset.
George has never directly mocked his own chat for enjoying his content. He's defended his audience. He's never made me feel bad for watching him. (Same with Dream.)
add sapnap's gaslighting his own valo team for saying shit about dream stans to the shooters4fans pile.
also idc saying ohh that fandom is intense and toxic because it's run by overwhelmed 15yo girls IS inherently misogynistic brother
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zumpietoo · 2 years
And Here We Have
Some world view, etc that is soooooo fucked up and twisted, every time I read it? I find something new and further disturbing in it:
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Ummm.....first off, this goes back to when they rather triumphantly attended RL’s party, which apparently continues to have them triggered, buuuutt....again:
A) while neither half of Cari is remotely “unpopular”, so fucking what if they are? 
B) if they are that “unpopular”, how can they also be Pee Arr?
C) who knew like maybe 2 11 year old fangurls (if this is actually true) constitutes a “majority”/have influence?
D) Yeah, it’s as if Ari simply happens to be the pretty blonde lady COLE prefers and loves----for her MIND, huh? It’s as if he thinks he can be with whomeever, because he wants to and values them as a person, not a decorative object!
E) even if they were the most hideous, washed up, “unpopular”, destitute couple ever, so fucking what? Those are all shallow, superficial things----they’d still have value as human beings, as does everybody else....
We (and this is usually applied to women primarily, so thanks for showing us all what misogynists you are) do not exist exclusively to be decorative. Or for some troll’s amusement approval....none of us do. 
Reducing everything to being completely transactional and done for fame/career/popularity is just beyond vile and disgusting. Frankly, WTF is wrong with you that you see things that way? Why would you everrr think any of this matters?
It’s also, ironically, the definition of “prostitution”, something you keep insisting Ari is for Cole.....except, she has her own career and, even if she didn’t, even if he pays every bill, doesn’t that just make her the less affluent, non-working partner? 
And if that IS your definition of “prostitution”, well, then every non-working/earns less significant other is also a “prostitute”.....and thusly includes PP when she was with Cole (and if your booty call for John Mayer/Chris Evans were true, then, as well), certainly Dayna (with Dylan and Jack Schlossberg) and, OFC, Breetch.....
So yeah, this led me to their “Chantal wants Ari to make a living on her back”...even tho Ari, again, has her own career, family $$$ and, by this argument, every GF Cole’s ever had has been a prostitute.....including, again, your kween....
And LBR, that WAS the only Amy did like about him....because that was likely her goal for PP....I mean, by this argument, she’s certainly Dan’s whore, amirite?
I await your somehow debunking this one.....cuz that’s some corner you’re in rn!
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if you're still in the mood to ramble, thoughts on peggysous? full disclosure, i havent seen agent carter, but i've seen ppl talk about it and how sousa was pretty misogynistic (but grew as a person or something idk) and then after endgame it was like "steve ruined peggysous! the horror" which 🙄 anyway
Hi! Whoo hoo, okay. *cracks knuckles* Strap in, everybody.
I've touched on pieces of this here and there over time, but let's just get it all in one spot.
Let me preface this all by saying that when I first started the first season of Agent Carter, I liked Daniel. He seemed like a decent dude and clearly had a thing for her, which I was down with and thought could be good for her. Initially. But it became very apparent, very quickly that that was not the case at all. Hell, even after season one I still thought both him and the ship had potential, but the show squandered it, hard.
Because yes, Daniel is a misogynist and arguably one of the worst kinds. The kind that thinks because he isn't screaming slurs or being ~~hateful~~ that that makes him one of the good ones and such a. Nice. Guy. His misogyny is insidious and paternalistic, all wrapped in some "I'm just trying to protect you" nonsense. His respect and niceness is tenuous at best, because he will turn on a dime once he thinks a woman isn't living up to his standards for them, as Peggy herself called him out for here.
And no, he did not grow. Not in AC, anyway. If anything, he became more of a dickbag as the show went on, but we'll get there. I've seen folks say that he did grow as a character once he jumped ship to Agents of SHIELD, but I haven't seen it and I don't want to and given what little I have seen of it, I have my doubts. He still seemed to be on the paternalistic shit, but Daisy was into it, so I guess that makes it alright? Whatever. Not my problem.
Now, since you didn't watch AC, Nonnie, let me give you a quick timeline of how P*ggysous went down. Season one of AC takes place over the course of a few weeks around March or April of 1946, which means it happens about a year after Steve "died." Peggy was not in a good place, obviously. She wasn't even ready to open up to having friendships with people, let alone a romance. During the course of the season, she does open up and get close to Angie Martinelli (a waitress at the diner she frequents) and Edwin Jarvis (Howard's butler), but romance is still not something she's ready for. During the season finale, Daniel asks her if she'd like to get a drink after work, but she politely declines as she already has plans with Angie and Edwin. It's also obvious in the way she smiles once Daniel turns away that she isn't opposed to the idea, it's just not good timing (for many reasons.) But the show very much leaves that door open. Fine, cool.
Season two takes place around July 1947 about six months after Daniel transferred from NYC to California. By the time Peggy arrives there for the case she's investigating, Daniel's with a new girl, Violet (who's lovely, had better chemistry with him, and didn't deserve any of this shit) and he is already planning to propose to her. Yet we're still subjected to multiple characters (especially poor Rose and even Violet) being relegated to mouthpieces for how obviously in love Daniel is with Peggy. Not to mention how the season kicks off with Jack (the SSR’s resident shithead) playing matchmaker by sending Peggy to LA, in the first place. Meanwhile, the only indication of what their relationship was between seasons is a mention of how he refused to answer her calls once he got out to LA. Then the season ends with Peggy's other, better romantic prospect, Jason, leaving the country to work with Howard and Peggy decides to stay in LA and kisses Daniel. And then the show got canceled.
(And per EG and AOS, they broke up some point before 1949.)
Like, what? It's so rushed and so stupid. Both of them had options that were better and made more sense, yet the show still forced this ship. And not only was it pushing this ship hardcore, for some reason, it also made a big deal about how Peggy had to chose between him and Jason, immediately, right now. Despite the fact that the show made it very clear that it was never going to let her pick Jason anyway. Everything about the ship was so sudden and urgent, out of almost nowhere. Yes, the ship was teased in the first season, but it's still remarkable how suddenly it escalated and again, for almost no reason.
It’s not like they had some whirlwind romance off-screen that turned sour or that Peggy was stringing him along, no. Dude asks her out once, she says no (because duh), then literally nothing happens between them for months, but he’s so incapable of dealing with or moving on from his work crush that he fucks off across the country to immediately hook up with some other girl, who he immediately drops once Peggy’s back in the picture. Seriously, fuck this entitled dumbass. I’m not the least bit sad that Marvel broke up this train wreck. The bottom line is this: Agent Carter ruined P*ggysous, not Endgame and certainly not Steve.
And no, despite what many want to claim, Daniel is not Peggy’s Nameless Husband. We are given one piece of information about her husband in TWS, which is that Steve saved him at some point during the war. Maybe AC’s writers intended to go down that route with Daniel, but as of the end of season two and the show as a whole, there is no indication at all that that factoid applies to him.
Even if he was the Nameless Husband that changes nothing for me, because, well, the ship sucks, but also! Different timeline, different rules. Peggy’s allowed to make different choices under different circumstances. And the concern trolls who claim Steve somehow took away her choices and her life? They damn well know that, as evidenced by the fact that no one’s crying over the Captain Carter timelines hurting Daniel or the Nameless Husband, who are apparently oh so entitled to her in the prime timeline. The post-EG fawning over Daniel and worry over the Husband was bullshit from the get-go, but the lack of any of that same concern post-WI or post-MoM confirms what the real problem always was: Peggy can make any and every choice she wants to as long as she doesn’t choose to be with Steve. And I’m sorry, but there’s no way for me to describe that other than fucking bullshit.
(”thoughts on ___” meme)
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