#i don't doubt that he has the money and the people who follow his dog's nutrition habits but to promote it to the public with that pride
cloudiness · 2 years
Didn't know that Roscoe is on a plant based diet..sorry but I think applying human morality to animals is just plain selfish and ignorant
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I tried so hard not to be parasocial about it but this letter thing is fucking me up, man. I've written a few overly flattering letters to evil government officials before myself. but how did someone convince all these reasonable-seeming people (strangers that I do not know) to publicly sign this centrist-ass letter? I understand they probably got Taika Waititi and Jack Black with the everyone can share, peace and love on the planet earth wording, but Jordan Peele? what. how did that happen. it makes no sense to me.
Ok I'm gonna front load my position on the Israel-Palestine conflict before I answer this ask so that no one can accuse me of shit I didn't say. If you want to see what I have to say on the letter itself, scroll to the big font. I'm as anti-zionist as they come I don't think that governments should even exist at all, I consider Israel to be an illegitimate state the same way I consider the country I live in (USA) to be an illegitimate state. I think that if we're going to have countries at all, which we shouldn't, that country should be Palestine and individual Jewish people certainly should be welcome to move there for whatever reason they want, including religious, but that the people who already lived there shouldn't be displaced because of it. And if they wanted me to support Israel on the basis of Jewish people needing somewhere to go after the Holocaust, they should have put Israel in Europe in 1945 instead of in the Arabian Peninsula in 1918. I tend to think the hard core zionists who aren't Jewish are trying to deport diaspora Jewish people somewhere based on the way I have heard other goyim speak about Israel. I am sympathetic to Jewish people who believe this has nuance but ultimately I cannot condone the displacement of Palestinians. That position might lose me followers but really I don't care.
Now that I have gotten that out of the way
(This first paragraph is for everyone who's out of the loop and has only seen the Tumblr posts about this issue, Anon does seem to know what I'm about to say) I do also think this whole thing with the letter is being blown out of proportion a little bit? That's not to say it's a good letter, it does contain language which blames Hamas for the conflict which is the western propaganda line so that countries like the United States and Britain don't have to admit that they caused and are funding this whole operation because they hate brown people. However celebrities are rubes who fall for government propaganda all the fucking time. What the letter itself actually calls for is Biden to facilitate the release of Israeli hostages. I consider this letter to be the vaguely Zionist equivalent of that time all those celebrities got on zoom and sang imagine because COVID was happening. I certainly doubt that the man who produced Get Out and Us supports the genocide and I also question whether the man who directed Reservation Dogs does either. Most likely they were asked "will you sign a letter calling for the release of Israeli hostages?" And they said "well releasing hostages sounds nice."
(this paragraph is for anon) Despite the fact that I think "these 70 celebrities condone Palestinian genocide" is incredibly reductive I would encourage you to see these people as human beings, and more specifically idiot millionaires who are out of touch. I believe that Taika Waititi understands the Maori struggle and generally tries to be a nice liberal but ultimately he is a man who grew up in the 80s with a lot of money who has an interest in keeping that money. His gaff transphobia tweets (which I didn't think were that bad considering he made it in 2013 and wasn't even talking about trans women, but they were still transphobic) and his pearl clutching during the BLM riots made this abundantly clear (both of these incidents are Taika Twitter originals that people have sent me trying to get me to hate him and I saw both of them and was like "that's what I thought you'd say old man"), and the fact that he married Rita "blackfish" Ora. I'm way less plugged in to what Jordan Peele is doing because I've never had an anon send me his call out post but I'm going to assume that the same thing is true of him: he understands the struggle of black people in the United States, despite this moment of basedness I probably politically disagree with him on many many counts. As for Jack Black he donates to autism speaks so he's coming for me and the Palestinians. Although that said so does Gaga and I'm still very much a fan of her.
I've basically had to come to terms with the fact that no celeb that I like the work of agrees with me about politics because all of them are rich and I am a communist. That's not going to stop me from liking their work, it's not going to stop me from bothering some of them at cons when I get the chance. Because again they're just guys. And most guys are idiots. I am an idiot about a lot of things. We don't expect Taika Waititi or Jordan Peele to know about every conflict in the world we expect them to make entertaining and perhaps insightful movies. I am not here because I think Taika agrees with me on all things. I am here because I want to watch a rom com about gay men who murder people, one of whom is just like me for real.
Anyway do your research
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shelbystales · 9 months
Honor and Blood - Part Twenty
Tommy Shelby x Reader - Masterlist
Read previous parts here:  1 -  2  -  3  -  4 -  5 -  6 -  7 -  8 -  9 -  10 -  11 - 12 -  13 -  14 -  15 - 16 - 17 - 18 - 19
Summary: you are a gypsy and your family lives near Birmingham. Tommy Shelby needs a favor and Johnny Dogs says you’re the one he should ask for. A meeting is scheduled and when Tommy meets you, he is instantly drawn to you.
Warning: Swearing, angst
A/N:  Please comment and interact. tell me what you think! it means a looot to me if you do!
English is my second language so I apologize in advance for the grammar mistakes.
"Y'know, Red, sometimes I think you don't take what I say too seriously," Billy remarked, lounging in his chair with his feet up on his office desk.
"Ah, I do," Red replied, trying to hide his building anger.
"I gave you simple instructions. Find the fucking weapons," he said as if it were a breeze, "but here you are, playing house."
"I'm out there looking for answers," Red shot back.
"Right, but we already have the answers, Red," he shrugged. "When you're out there asking who has the weapons, the answer is unanimous, isn't it?"
Duke nodded in agreement, "The Peaky Blinders."
"Yeah, easy peasy. So do something about it," he said, removing his feet from the desk and leaning in with his forearms on the table to get closer to Duke. "The shop was a warning. You don't want the next one to be the depot with those expensive machines your lovely daughter bought, do you?" he taunted. Duke was seething with anger.
"I've been doing me best to find out where they are," Duke responded, giving Kimber a deathly glare.
"Have you really? The Red I know would have had Thomas Shelby tied to a chair, bleeding the answer from his mouth. I hope your lovely daughter isn't the one to blame in here” Kimber continued.
"Keep her out of this," Duke warned, his voice laced with tension, which only seemed to amuse Kimber further.
"Please, Daddy, don't hurt him," Kimber taunted, his words dripping with sarcasm. Duke's grip tightened on the armchair, his knuckles turning white from the force of his grasp. "I need to know who's loyal, Red. You know what happens to those who prove disloyal to me. Maybe the shop wasn’t enough incentive? Should I pay her a visit?"
In that moment, Duke visualized himself vaulting over the table, his small yet sharp knife carving a vicious path across Kimber's throat, from ear to ear.
"There's no need," Duke said, rising to his feet. "I'll get your bloody guns." He left Kimber's office, a wave of nausea washing over him. He couldn't believe he was being pushed around like this by a man like Kimber. 
Walking down the streets, Duke's mind raced with conflicting emotions. He couldn't shake off the feeling of being manipulated by Kimber, a man he despised. He clenched his fists, a physical manifestation of the storm raging within him. 
He was used to being the one in control, the mastermind behind the scenes. But now, his power was slipping through his fingers, and he hated every moment of it.
Meanwhile, you were at the camp, organizing the house and preparing for a small meeting to address the concerns of your group. Your group was sizeable, but not as large as the Less family. While they had around 50 people, your group consisted of about thirty.
"What are we going to do when the money runs out?" someone asked, their worry evident in their voice.
"Is it even worth going back? What if they do it again?" another voice chimed in.
"What's the point of our efforts if we'll just be crushed? Maybe we should head south, follow the sun," another member suggested.
You listened attentively to the concerns of everyone. You understood each person's perspective, as they talked among themselves, fueling each other's fears with questions and doubts.
"I know things aren't going as planned," you began, your voice cutting through the chatter, "but we can't let them win. Whoever they are. If they slap us, we offer them the other cheek. We're not afraid of wolves, we're not afraid of bears, so why should we fear them?" you spoke, capturing everyone's attention. "We're fine, we have food, and we have a decent stash of money to fall back on if needed. You don’t have to worry about that, let me worry about that. We'll resume our lives as if nothing happened, because this is just another obstacle in our path. In the meantime, we keep learning how to use the machines, we need to learn how to make clothes to start selling them. We can sell them on the streets or at fairs like before. We'll find a way. What we can't do is let fear guide us, never."
"The city council is going to inspect the shop tomorrow," your brother spoke at your side, "as soon as they give us the green light for construction and repairs, we'll start taking action."
“The Shelbys are helping us to find the one responsible for this, and trust me, they will” you added 
Your words had a soothing effect on your people, calming their nerves. To shift the focus and lighten the atmosphere, you asked about one of your cousin's upcoming marriage plans. The topic transitioned smoothly, and you spent the next few minutes discussing and excitedly planning for the future.
As the conversation shifted towards happier subjects, the worries and fears that had been hanging in the air slowly dissipated. Laughter and smiles replaced the tension. 
"Good save there," your brother said as you two found yourselves alone. "You always know how to handle things well."
"It's always good to remember that bad moments aren't just bad.Hey, did you see Dad?" you asked, noticing his absence.
“No, he left right after breakfast” he answered making you frown
Where the hell is he? you wondered
Duke went to the Garrison in search of Thomas, but he stumbled upon someone even more suitable – Arthur Shelby Sr. He took a seat beside the family patriarch, and they started to drink. Well, Arthur started to drink. Duke, on the other hand, discreetly discarded his drink whenever he had the chance.
Duke attempted to steer the conversation towards the guns, asking Arthur about them. As anticipated, the old man was clueless about it all. Instead, he rambled on about his plans and investment ideas – a bunch of nonsense that Duke paid little attention to.
The situation became more intriguing when Arthur Shelby, the eldest son, joined them at the table after a bit of convincing from his father.
Duke waited for the right moment to bring up the subject. In the meantime, he allowed the Shelbys to drink themselves into a stupor. He took the time to observe the atmosphere at the Garrison, taking note of the young bartender who seemed a bit too engrossed in the conversation at their table. Nosy one, he thought.
"You know what I'm sick of?" Duke finally spoke up, seeing that the two Shelbys were already stumbling over their words.
"Tell us, Duke, what's bothering you?" Arthur Sr. asked with a grin.
"I can't stand this whole gun business anymore. It's all the newspapers talk about, it's all people discuss on the streets. Today, I went to the restroom, and the guy next to me was blabbering about it while he was taking a piss!" Duke exclaimed, pretending to be agitated. Both Arthurs burst into laughter.
"Don't even get me started on those damn guns," Arthur said, downing the contents of his glass in one gulp. "I got beaten up over this bloody mess, and I didn't even do a damn thing!" He shook his head, frustration evident on his face. "All because of Tommy," he muttered under his breath, just loud enough for Duke to hear. "I got a thrashing for nothing!" Arthur's voice grew louder.
"Hey, but you're tough, huh?" Arthur Sr. chimed in, putting his arm around his son. Arthur grinned, pleased with his father's recognition.
"Tommy?" Duke questioned, not attaching much importance to what had just been said. "His fault for what?"
"Oh, nothing. He's just a pain, that's all," Arthur said, deflecting the topic. Duke leaned back in his chair as the Arthurs began discussing boxing matches.
He realized that he wouldn't be able to extract any more information from the two Arthurs and decided to go straight to the source for answers.
Thomas lifted his gaze from the documents in front of him to see your father standing at the doorway of his office.
“Duke? What are you doing here?” Thomas asked, surprised.
"We need to have a serious talk," Duke replied firmly, walking inside and closing the door behind him. 
Thomas stood up and poured two glasses of whisky, handing one to Duke. Despite the gesture, Duke didn't show much interest in the drink. He got straight to the point. "I know you have the guns, kid."
Thomas's face remained composed, but his eyes gave away a flicker of surprise. He took a slow sip from his own glass, buying himself a moment to gather his thoughts.
“You do now, eh?” he asked, voice firm. as he sat down
Duke leaned forward, his gaze intense. "Don't play games with me, Thomas”
Thomas leaned back in his chair, a hint of a smile playing on his lips. "And what exactly do you want from me, Duke? You want me to admit to something I didn't do? You want a confession?"
Duke's jaw clenched. "I want the truth”, he said sitting on the chair in front of Thoma's desk
"And what will you do with it?" Thomas asked, his gaze locked firmly onto Duke's eyes.
Duke's expression remained stern as he leaned back in his chair. "Depends on what the truth is."
Thomas took another sip of his whisky, his mind racing. He had to choose his words carefully, weighing the risks and benefits of revealing any information.
He wondered if you knew that your father was here, if you knew what he was doing. But he assumed you didn’t. 
Thomas held his gaze steadily, his own thoughts working overtime behind his calm facade. What would he do if he found out? Thomas wondered, thinking the events that would follow.
“You don’t want the truth, Duke,” Thomas finally spoke, his tone measured and deliberate. Duke's reaction was immediate and explosive.
"You stupid child!" Duke's voice thundered through the room, his frustration and anger exploding as he stood and paced the room. Thomas remained composed despite the outburst, his demeanor unflinching. “i need those guns” 
“Why?” Thomas asked, lighting himself a cigarette.
Duke didn’t answer, he just watched Thomas, considering his moves. He couldn't hurt Thomas, no… you would never forgive him. but he couldn't risk you as well. Kimber was threatening you and he couldn't have you hurt.
“What does Kimber have on you, Duke?” Thomas finally mustered the courage to ask, catching the man off guard. The question hung heavy in the air, the tension palpable between them.
He took a deep breath and sank back into the chair across from Thomas. He felt defeated, realizing that either way, he would come out on the losing end, and you would be harmed in the process. In that moment, he considered that Thomas might be his only way out.
"Helena’s death was me fault," he replied, rubbing his face wearily.
"Who's Helena?" Tommy frowned, his brows furrowing in confusion.
"Y/n's mom," Duke answered, his voice low and filled with regret 
"I remember you mentioning that she was poisoned," Thomas spoke, trying to piece together the puzzle as he took a drag from his cigarette.
"Yeah, by Kimber himself. You know, I didn't think he would actually do it," Duke shrugged. "I worked for that fucker for a very long time. When he threatened her, I thought he was just talking. Empty words. And then he gave me a bracelet, told me to give it to her, a wedding gift. There was something in that bracelet that poisoned her. Day by day, she got sick. I gave her the bracelet. Me. When she passed, he told me what he did"
Thomas's face hardened as he processed the revelation. He understood the weight of Duke's guilt and the complexity of the situation.
Hearing that information about your mother would undoubtedly be a shock to you. The revelation that she was deliberately poisoned, and that your father had inadvertently played a role in her death, would stir up a mix of emotions within you.
“Y/n can’t know,” Duke said, his voice carrying a warning tone.
“Duke, you didn’t do anything willingly. It's not your fault,” Thomas stated, trying to ease the heavy burden of guilt that Duke carried.
Duke shook his head, his eyes filled with remorse. “I was fooled, Thomas. I should have seen through his games. I should have protected her. It's on me. I will carry that guilt into me grave” he breathed heavily “and now... he’s threatening y/n, i won’t make the same mistake and assume his words are empty”
“What?” Thomas asked, his brows furrowing as he leaned forward, immediately concerned for your safety. He couldn't bear the thought of you being in danger.
“He was the one who burned the shop. He thinks I'm not doing a good enough job searching for the guns,” Duke explained.
“What does he want with those bloody guns, anyway?” Thomas asked, a hint of frustration in his voice.
“He said something about going after the Sabinis” 
“The Sabinis? That's a big step” Thomas said, connecting the dots. 
Thomas leaned back in his chair, his mind racing as he considered the implications of this new information. He took a contemplative sip of his whisky, his eyes fixed on the amber liquid.
Duke wondered if what he was doing was the right thing or the worst mistake he could have ever made. But the thing is, Thomas cared for you and well, maybe that was enough. 
“I’ll keep y/n safe. I’ll do me best, I promise you” Thomas said after a while of thinking. “We need to be smart. Kimber is a greedy man, maybe we can use that to our advantage. I’ll think of something and I’ll let you know as soon as possible” 
Duke nodded and held his hand for Thomas to shake, Thomas reached out and firmly shook Duke's hand, their grip a silent agreement to work together. No more words were needed.
Duke left Thomas' office, headed home.  
“Fuck” thomas whispered feeling stressed, he downed the whisky in front of him and begin to work some sort of plan in his head. Your safety being his biggest concern.
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krishakamal · 9 months
𝐌𝐚𝐲𝐛𝐞, 𝐖𝐞 𝐉𝐮𝐬𝐭 𝐖𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐧'𝐭 𝐌𝐞𝐚𝐧𝐭 𝐓𝐨 𝐁𝐞
— Ram x Female Reader
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SYNOPSIS : In the grief of losing a position, Ram losses the most important person in his life .
WARNINGS : Angry!Ram, break up, angst, 0.9k words.
KAMAL'S NOTE : Hey guys, another fic here. This one was requested by @meenammaisslay in my other account. Hope you like it baby (I'm so bad with angst 🥲)
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The clay vase collided with the wall, shattering into millions of pieces. Ram grabbed his forehead in his hand and fell down on his knees on the ground. This was not supposed to happen. No no no. Where did things go wrong?
He worked his damn life off to become a special officer. He stayed separated from his people, worked for those British basterds, obayed them like a dog just to become the special officer and help his people but everything went down in vain. Instead of him, someone else was appointed to the position.
Ram felt lost. What will he do now? He had no idea. Unaware of his misery, you were hopping towards his house, humming and singing. A permanent smile stuck on your face. Today he was going to be appointed as the special officer and you were sure of it.
As his house came into the view, you fastened your speed. Walking up to the front door, knocked on the wooden door and frowned when you got no answer.
"Ram? Are you in there?" You yelled but still got no answer from inside.
Strange. He was supposed to be home by now. Was he late for work or something? Maybe you should come later. But just as you turned to leave, a sound of something shattering came from inside, followed by a scream you knew so well. Before you knew it, you were pushing the door and entering without permission.
The scene in front of you filled you with dread. Nothing was in its place. Things lying here and there, broken pieces of vase spreaded all over and in the middle of all this Ram sitting on the floor, his head bent down, defeated.
You could not control the gasp that left you, "Ram, what on earth happened here?"
You exclaimed as you made your way through the mess. You crouch down in front of him and shake his shoulders, "Ram, are you okay?"
Ram remained silent but he jerked your hands off of him. You awkwardly drew your hands back. Even though you were hurt, you didn't show it. Now was not the time. Ram silently got up and started walking up the stairs.
You followed behind him, "Ram, what happened? Come on, if you tell me then maybe I can help. Crying and hurting yourself isn't going to fix anything. Ram, just tell m—"
"WILL YOU JUST SHUT UP!" Ram grabbed your both arms and brought you in front of him.
You flinched at his loud voice. He had never shouted at you before. You knew Ram would never hurt you but his bloody red eyes were scaring you. You breathed heavily and tried not to panic.
"R-Ram, c…c-calm down please." You plead. Eyes prickling with tears, threatening to fall down.
Ram shook you aggressively before releasing you harshly, "Oh! How will you even understand that?"
You cupped his face, "Ram it's okay. W-We can find some other way o-or opportunity."
Ram pushed you back again, "Don't act like you understand me." Ram fisted his hair, "I-I don't understand. I did everything they told me to but they still didn't choose me. Do they, do they know about my plan? Did someone tell them? B-but who would—"
Ram suddenly stopped and looked at you, observing you. Your heart sped up. You didn't like the look in his eyes, full of doubt, anger and betrayal.
Ram started marching towards you and backed away with each step, "Did you tell them? Huh? Did you tell them about my plan? You did right? What did they offer you? Money, is it?"
Ram grabbed your arms again, making you yelp in pain, "Y-You are…. hurting m-me."
"And you know how much you have hurt me? Tell me, did they offer you money? Or was it something else? Did you fall in love with a Britisher behind my back and slep—"
"I didn't do anything." You couldn't help but raise your voice, "Leave me. Fucking leave me, Ram."
You forced your way out of his clutch. Your hurt was hurting. You knew how important it was for Ram but he had no right to talk like that about you.
"You probably did something stupid and now you are facing the consequences."
Ram raised his hand to hit you. You instantly closed your eyes, waiting for the pain but nothing came. You opened your eyes hesitantly and saw the arm still in the air. Now you couldn't stop the tears streaming down your cheeks.
Your lips trembled as you choked out the words, "R-Ram, you really were g-gonna—"
Words got stuck in your throat. Before you were sure that it didn't matter how angry he was, he would never hurt you. But now, you could not even recognise the man standing in front of you.
Your Ram would hit you, or shout at you, neither would he ever question your character.
His eyes widened when finally realised what he was going to do, "Y-Y/N, I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry baby. I d-didn't mean to."
Ram tried to hug but you backed away, scared. Something broke in his heart.
"I'm really sorry baby." Ram whispered.
"Don't." You gulped down the sobbs that wanted to come out, "Don't call me that. I'll call Babai. Sober up and fix yourself. Maybe then we'll talk."
Maybe, not then. Ram knew he had messed up big time. He didn't try to stop you as you hurried out of the house, finally letting those sobbs out. You walk out of the house and probably his life without any intention of ever coming back.
The couple rings dug in your palm as you clutched them tightly in your fist. Maybe we just weren't meant to be.
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© 𝐊𝐑𝐈𝐒𝐇𝐀𝐊𝐀𝐌𝐀𝐋 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟑, 𝐀𝐋𝐋 𝐑𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓𝐒 𝐑𝐄𝐒𝐄𝐑𝐕𝐄𝐃 — all content rights belongs to KRISHAKAMAL. Do not plagiarize any works and do not repost or translate onto any other sites.
All the rights and credits of the characters, gifs, songs and pictures used here belongs to their rightful owners.
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apples4day · 22 days
BLAME || Yandere! TDWT x Fem! Reader
1/2 EPISODE THREE (Super Happy Crazy Fun Time Japan)
This is part 5 of my series, go read the parts before if you haven’t!!
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Noah gave you a weird look as you stood up to follow behind Alejandro. He didn't say anything though.
Alejandro was already sitting down in the confessional. As if he were about to speak to the camera but turned to look at you when you walked inside. "So Y/n, what exactly is my plan? You say you already have me figured out, but this is only the third episode." He said, gesturing for you to sit on the counter next to the sink. You propped yourself up, swinging your feet.
Alejandro was slightly worried that you had him all figured out, but he doubted it. He figured you just knew that he was planning to flirt with everyone. Which is true, but it isn't his whole plan. "You really switch up when your alone with people, huh? Calling me sweet little nicknames and caressing me, and then being all formal and intimidating when we're alone." You pointed out, smiling because you thought it was amusing how he changes when he talks to you. Not in a good way.
"Why? Do you like how I call you cariño and kiss your hand?" He smirked, starting to think that you were falling for him. "No playboy, it's just amusing. Plus why would I? You do it to every girl here, even Heather."
"Yeah? Would you like me to only do it to you?" He continued, trying to get you to say something that would make it seem like you had fallen for him.
"Oh shut it. Your whole plan is to flirt your way to the money. Bridgette is already your dog, who's next? Leshawna? You'll just get rid of everyone after they no longer serve a purpose to you. That's your plan. It's so obvious. Heather has it figured it out too, her reactions say so. Now that me and her know, you're definitely not gonna last more than two episodes before I get rid of you. You're a real threat." You said, basically exposing everything you thought of him.
It would've been smart not to say literally EVERYTHING but jerks like him always got on your nerves. He looked interested, but not threatened. "It's so cute how you think you can vote me out. I don't know if you've noticed, but I'm already well liked. You have nothing, Heather has nothing, so cut it out cariño before you get a one way ticket home."
You blinked awkwardly. You hadn't thought about that yet. So threatening him wasn't exactly the best option. "But ill give you another option because you look like a kicked puppy. You can either join me in an alliance or have me get everyone against you. It won't be hard to do that, like you said, Bridgette is already head over heels. Most of the guys here adore me. So?"
This backfired for you. More than you expected it to. You weren't expecting this whole thing to go well, but definitely not to be given an ultimatum. "I know this isn't something you can decide on quickly. So I'll give you until the end of the next challenge. Pick wisely." He stood up and left. Leaving you sitting on the sink in shock.
That..didn't go as planned. I couldn't even get a word in while he was telling me my options.
When you finally went back to economy, team victory was there too. Without Ezekiel, as expected. You didn't know where you guys were heading next but figured it would be at least 4 hours. You didn't wanna sit next to Alejandro, so you sat in between Owen and Noah.
"So..Noah. Where do you think we'll go next?"
"Hopefully somewhere where I can get away from these basket cases."
You laughed lightly, before leaning against the plane walls(?) and sighing. "I'm gonna get some rest. You should too." He nodded, glancing at you.
When you woke up, Owen was sweating a crap ton and Noah was reading a book. Team victory was doing whatever across from you. "AHH IM TOO YOUNG TO DIE!!" Owen yelled. Noah gave him a weird look, "stop sweating lunchbox, air travel is like the fifteenth safest mode of transportation unless you're in a death trap."
You looked around, this looks like a death trap nerd.
A hole in the plane opened up, you decided to comment and add to Noah's sentence. "This one for example." Everyone began screaming. Noah grabbed onto you, and you grabbed onto him and the seat. Once again, basically cuddling. Just like when Chris was making a whole ass tornado with his megaphone.
Leshawna was clawing at the seat, trying not to get killed. "This is not the way Leshawna is leaving this world!" She said, right before she couldn't hold on anymore and starting flying to the hole.
Alejandro grabbed onto her at the last moment and pulled her close to him. "Such beauty will not fall into giant air plane holes on my watch!" You rolled your eyes at the scene but continued cuddling with Noah. 😘
Owen's safety harnesses broke and he got pulled into the hole, closing it up with his body. Harold looked a bit upset, "I could've done that I just prefer to leave the ladies wanting more." You and Noah looked at each other with wide eyes before awkwardly letting go. "Uh..sorry?" You said, he nodded slowly before turning away in embarrassment.
"She wants more alright, more Alejandro." DJ replied to Harold. "DJ you know nothing about women." Harold said.
Leshawna looked like she was enjoying the touch. "You can put me down now, I mean if you wanted! Or not, heh, your choice, heh. Because this is nice.." Leshawna placed her head on his chest. "Mhm..nothing." DJ said to Harold.
"Not that this isn't fascinating at all, BUT HELP MY BUTT IS BEING SUCKED OUT OF A PLANE." Everyone ignored Owen's cries for help. Leshawna looked like she was in heaven. Harold was kind of upset, DJ looked smug, Izzy was..Izzy, and you and Noah were looking like tomatoes due to embarrassment.
"So um.." Noah began, picking his book up. "Uh..what are you reading?" You asked, your face still flushed. His was too though.
"This is your captain speaking, it's time for everyone to join me in the common area. And I mean EVERYONE." Chris' voice was heard throughout the whole plan. You were quick to get up, not wanting to feel the tension with Noah anymore.
You decided to stand next to DJ, you hadn't talked to him since the introduction. "Welcome to today's challenge! Its-" Harold cut off Chris, "is it a reward or elimination challenge?" Chris raised his finger, "good question Harold andddd like I'm gonna tell ya!" Tyler began whispering. "Two of us got booted out last time, so today has reward written all over it." Lindsay began fantasizing, "I could use a reward! I hope it's candy. Or a whole bunch of shoes, or shoes made of candy!"
Chris is unpredictable, it honestly could be another elimination round. You thought, glancing to Chris.
"And I hope you all brought your giant radioactive monster repellent because we're about to land in JAPAN!" Chris gestured to some doors, that chef broke out of in what seemed like a cultural outfit. "Gosh you guys! That's totally a Chinese outfit." Harold said, you glared at him to shut up.
"Thank you Harold. Now remember, anyone who doesn't sing-" Chris continued, but Harold kept going. "You'd just- you'd really think you'd work harder to get it right!"
"Harold! Anyone who doesn't sing is immediately disqualified-" anddd guess what? Harold cut him off again, "your cultural insensitivity is just- GOSH- I mean- gosh!"
"Harold shut up." You said, earning a few looks.
Chris gave Chef a look, and chef went to slice open a door. Everyone was immediately sucked out of the plane.
You and DJ looked at each other with wide eyes before screaming. Somehow you ended up floating over to Noah, and once again...clinging onto each other. (Wow!) The musical bell went off and everyone stopped screaming. "Seriously? I mean..seriously?!" Noah yelled.
Chris peaked out of the plane, "sing! And I might think about saving your musical buttocks, maybe you'll try harder this time ay?"
When everyone is listing what they wanna do before they die, you sing after DJ and before Sierra. "Strangle Harold"
You continued falling, looking down at what seemed to be a giant bowl of rice. Then you only saw darkness, and felt someone stepping on you. You got to the top of the rice and stuck your head out, only to see Lindsay stepping on you. "Oh my gosh! I'm sooo sorry...by the way, you're actually so pretty!!" She said, helping you up. You smiled at her, "it's fine. And thank you, you are too. I love your hair."
She squealed and grabbed your arm, leading you away. "I can already tell we're gonna be besties!!" So now you were standing with team victory, Lindsay was holding onto your arm. You probably should be with your team, but honestly you didn't mind having a cute girl on your arm. "Okay! First challenge is inside a Japanese game show studio. Bow down before super human mega pinball smash!" Chris said, a giant pinball machine was revealed.
Tyler and Harold cheered. Chris hit the gong and began speaking, he explained the rules and game.  "So teams! Select a ball guy or gal, victory?" He asked.
"We choose DJ," Leshawna replied. DJ looked shocked. "We do?" Chris threw a panda at DJ, and DJ began panicking and exaggerating some 'curse.' The panda began scratching and biting DJ and you winced. "Awww!! Cute!" Chris said. You looked at Lindsay and then smiled, "hey Lindsay. I'm gonna head over to my team, I'll see you around."
"Okay!! Bye bestie!" She waved rapidly. You stood next to Tyler. "Team Chris is really really really really hot?" Chris asked. Your whole team began looking away. Noah put his pointer fingers together, "I'm uh, I'm allergic to panda dander. I get hives." Tyler pointed at Noah, "what he said."
You decided to take one for the team, "I'll do it." Chris looked like he didn't wanna give you the panda but began getting ready to throw it. Your whole team looked a little surprised, not expecting you to want to do it. "Allow me, señorita." Alejandro said, smirking. Chris looked more pleased with that and instead aimed the panda at him. "Wicked! Incoming!" The panda looked like it was gonna attack but..
The minute Alejandro caught it, it became loving. Alejandro began baby talking to the panda. "Awww!!" Everyone said, except you. You were looking at DJ getting absolutely abused by his panda. "Anddd team Amazon?" Chris asked. Heather punched one of her hands into her other, "Gwen's face could use some remodeling." Both Gwen and Courtney looked mad.
"Nice, I hate to tell you but we're on the same team so you might wanna flip the witch switch back to off!" Gwen reminded. Courtney joined the conversation, "would you guys like some leadership? I'd be glad to choose-"
Cody had enough, "stop bickering! I'll do it!"
"You might wanna bring a toothbrush Cody because the beast you'll be sharing your space with is SIERRA!" Chris pointed to Sierra, who looked like she was foxy from fnaf. She jumped on Cody and squealed.
I kind of feel bad for Cody. I'll give him a break later by distracting her. You thought, furrowing your brows.
It was interesting to watch, especially DJ's ball because he and the panda were rolling around inside it. Cody was being harassed by Sierra. Alejandro was getting help from his panda. Your team had the most points. When Cody and Sierra finished, Cody fell to the floor with kiss marks all over his face.
You grimaced at the sight. "Ugh! If we got a point for every time she kissed me in there..." Sierra smiled at his sentence, "we'd be millionaires!"
Cody picked at his ear and pulled gum out of it. "Is this her gum?! EUGHEWWWW"
When DJ finished, his panda looked on the verge of death. Even though DJ had scratches, the panda literally looked like it wasn't breathing.
"I can't believe I hurt that poor little cuddly- ah! My own tears, they're falling into my scratches!" DJ cried out.
Alejandro finished last, and with the most points. The panda looked rather happy. Your team cheered. "With a score of 462000, team I am really really really really really hot takes the super human mega pinball smash! And wins a leg up in the next Japanese challenge." You smiled at the win.
DJ was still crying. "I wanna go home!"
Chris began his outro, "will we let him? Will T'sing T'sing the make a full recovery and give DJ and unplanned claw cut Mohawk? Stay tuned! There's more wacky cappy mackie teriyaki action after the break!"
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NOT proofread
Part six out already. Follow for notifications!
I think you can tell Noah is my favorite😭
Which other characters should Y/n get close with?? (Message me)
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cinyemina · 1 year
Analyzing Lee Jinsung/Zack Lee
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"A strong fighter is not one who always wins, but one who stands after defeat”
Do not repost, or copy my analysis without my permission. I’ve poured my heart and soul into it. 
I've seen many people write analysis on characters like Gimyung, Jiho, Shinwoo or Johan, but I've never seen one about Jinsung, so I decided to write this to break down his personality and elaborate his character development.
i. fighting prowess:
ii. design:
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Without a doubt, Jinsung is one of the most beautiful characters of Lookism, especially with his hair down. He has a very good fashion sense, paying attention to his looks when it comes to outshining his peers. He tends to wear gray scale colored brand clothing. On several occasions, he has worn earrings. Jinsung has a serious resting face, with sharp glaring eyes, which in turn, easily intimidates those who look at him. He only occasionally smiles, and this typically takes place either when he is with Mijin or when he is fighting someone of great strength and beating them. When he’s extremely sincere in a fight, his eye is drawn glowing sky blue.
I don’t have much to write in this section, but I just wanted to point out how beautifully he was drawn, especially in the God Dog arc.
iii. bullying and redemption
TW: Mention of bullying and rape
1. It is stated that he saved Yohan/Johan from getting bullied several times in the past, when they were in elementary and middle school. This involved severely beating up the bullies.
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Jisnung was kind-hearted despite his bad manners and extreme imprudence even before meeting Hyungseok. He assisted Mira and Yohan in numerous circumstances relating to their pasts, such as rushing Mijin to the hospital (episode and 94) and protecting Yohan from bullies, but this kind of generosity was largely reserved for those who were close to him.
2. In the beginning, he had a pretty rocky relationship with Hyungseok/Daniel. When Little Hyungseok, who was trying to start over after transferring schools, approached him and Mijin, he thought that he was harassing Mijin and beat him up. He went to a convenience store where Hyungseok worked at night to buy alcohol and cigarettes. He beat up Hyungseok, bought some cigarettes and alcohol, and then he left. Even so, he proudly boasted about it again the following day at school and punched Big Hyungseok, who was attempting to stop him out of a fit of rage.
3. He engaged in a fight with Big Hyungseok but was unable to hit Hyungseok's perfect body with even one effective blow and kept missing. Finally, Hyungseok delivered a body blow, ending the fight.
In the Cult Arc, it was revealed that Jinsung was regarded as the strongest student at his middle school (episode 133). This significantly boosted his ego, which when combined with his extremely short fuse and bad temper, was the primary cause of the majority, if not all, of his fights as well as the aggression he showed toward the helpless.
4. He kept his word to Mijin/Mira and didn't react when getting bullied by the bullies who got into a fight in the "Deviation" episode. He appeared to have at least partially realized that bullying is bad because it appeared that what he was facing now was similar to what he did in the past. 
5. He said, "Hey, you guys, don't bully him," to the group of Jin Hobin/Vin who were attempting to harass Jiho. Hobin and Jiho were taken aback by the words.
6. He asked Namsoo to buy some sneakers from Craigslist, but Namsoo accepted it as an order even though he smiled and spoke kindly (because of his past as a bully). Because of that, Namsoo begged sellers to sell cheaply, not daring to say that the money Jinsunng gave him was quite less. Namsoo traded the sneakers, but it was a scam, and he was robbed of his money and even beaten up. In response, Jinsung went to the swindlers with Hyungseok, saying that he will get his money back, and Vasco, who heard everything about the scam, followed along. He was initially injured in a surprise attack, but he held out until the end because Mijin was watching and single-handedly defeated the three imposters.  
7. He helped Jiho and also regarded Jiho as a friend.
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8. Jinsung suffered arm and rib injuries while battling Zeus to prevent Mijin from being raped. Assistant Instructor Won Bin, who had recently lost his teeth due to being struck in the face by Zeus, crawled on the ground at this point and caught Zeus by the ankles, startling him. When the students, who were making fun of Won Bin because he was ugly while Zeus was handsome, said, "Won Bin is the criminal," Jinsung became enraged, told them to keep quiet, and bowed down to Won Bin to show respect as he was being taken to the hospital.  
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9. While being beaten by Shin Daehoon, he thought back to the time he beat Park Hyungseok by himself the other day, confessing, "I was like that." and feeling regret for his past deeds.
10. Jinsung was suspicious when little Hyungseok came to school instead of big Hyungseok due to body mix up. Of course, he did not doubt that he has two bodies, but he suspected that Little Hyungseok was being bullied by Big Hyungseok. Then, when Taeseong/Logan started a fight with Hyungseok again, he saved Hyungseok.
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Jinsung gradually changed after meeting Hyungseok. He had to maintain his composure in the face of those making fun of him because he had promised his Mijin not to fight, and in doing so, he discovered what it was like for his own victims. He began to stop bothering those under him after realizing his immature empowerment actions were wrong (episode 19), and he was even shown to be remorseful. Although his friends made comments about this behavior, Zack didn't find it to be particularly bothersome to waste time picking on others. His tolerance allowed him to mature impressively in a short amount of time.
When someone tried to annoy him, he would try to reason with them instead of getting into a fight. In terms of how he treated other people, he would reprimand them for unfair behavior but tried to control it before it escalated to violence. Even though there was nothing to apologize for, he kept his cool. This is because he doesn't want to physically fight people and cause them to think he's weak-willed, which would make Mijin unhappy.
iv. guilt
1 . He has helped Jiho countless times, but he felt that it was his fault that Jiho ended up going in the wrong path, ending up etc. He also grieved Jiho’s death and felt that he could’ve done more to help Jiho learn the correct path.
2. Youngmi Heo/Jasmine Huh sold paraphernalia using Mijin’s picture to pretend to be her. Jisnung was able to catch Youngmi and he threatened her to never show her face around him and after that she ran away from home and joined Hostel A.  
Jinsung went to find Youngmi after her father told him he missed her. Jinsung felt guilty because he thought that Youngmi ran away because he threatened her. He was able to find her and ordered her to come with him, but she refused saying her father sexually assaulted her. Jinsung decided to let her go a second time. It was only after that he realized that she lied again.
After all the incidents, he went to visit Yohan’s mother in the hospital. When Yohan's mother asked Jinsung to tell Yohan that she wanted to see Yohan. He vowed that he will bring him back so that he doesn't become like Wang Ohchun/Olly, who committed suicide. In this case, Jinsung also blamed himself and felt guilt, and was strongly determined not to let any incident like Ohchun’s suicide happen again.
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It was stated that he went looking for Yohan and Youngmi every morning.
In the end, he found Yohan and told him to go back to his mom. Johan refused, smiling bitterly. Jinsung claimed that he was going to force Yohan. In the end, he started fighting with Yohan. Even though Jinsung was able to put up a good fight, he held back a little because he was aware of Yohn’s eye condition. 
Jisnung eventually decided to help Yohan, who wants to take revenge on Gun.
Here, we can see that Jinsung feels that he has a huge responsibility in helping his acquaintances. Being unable to do that makes him feel regret. This can also be linked to his past as a bully, since he used to prey on these kinds of people. This makes Jinsung's character much more humane, as it beautifully overlaps with his redemption.
v. love and jealousy for mijin
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1. During lunch time, when Lee Taesung/Logan’s right-hand man, Jegal Gong, was looking for something to make him fight with someone in order to show off Taesung's power to the whole school, he pushed Jinsung, who was passing by, to spill side dishes on Taesung's clothes. Of course, Taesung, who was angry at this, almost got into a fight, but when Mijin persuaded Jinsung not to fight, he apologized to Lee Taesung but when Taesung poured soybean paste soup on Mijin's head as revenge, Jinsung became enraged and a fight broke out. 
2. He told Vasco to be 'gentle and fast' and to be 'kind but manly' when he was asked for dating advice.
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3. He went on a date with Mijin and was surprised to see a child with her. He thought it was her child and started assuring her about how he was going to be there to support her. After hearing Mijin’s explanation on how she found the girl alone in a restaurant, Jinsung decided to help her.  
4. When he found out that his classmate, Heo Youngmi, was selling stockings by stealing Mi-jin's picture, he robbed the stocking buyer and warned Youngmi.
5. While on a train trip to Cheongryang with his friends, there was a bit of a fight with local gangsters on the train, but they still arrived in Cheongryang without much problems. He promised Mijin that he will shave his head if he fights one more time, but he got into a fight with Cheongryang-fam, so he later shaved his head.
It has been shown numerous times in the whole series that Jinsung has romantic feelings for Mijin. Many of the fights in early Lookism occurred because Jinsung wanted to protect Mijin. He has an urge to prove that he is the best to her, which was clearly demonstrated in sports day of J High. Jinsung was unable to beat Hyungseok in almost every sport because Hyungseok had a perfect body. However he was able to catch Mijin’s phone from falling from the ground even before Hyungseok could. 
From the redemption section, we can already see that Mijin played a huge and prominent role in Jinsung's redemption. Jinsung decided to stop fighting because of Mijin but he could never tolerate anyone harassing her and he would break his promise in that case.
He was always shown to be jealous when anyone seemed to like her, or make comments on her. When they were young, Jinsung was jealous because Yohan had feelings for Mijin.
vi. pride and ego
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In the God Dog arc, he started his training in boxing again. While reminiscing at this time, he argued with his boxing director, saying that he wanted to become a pro, but his boxing teacher said that he had emotions in his punches and told him that he wouldn’t teach him unless he removed those emotions. According to his boxing teacher, he was born with the talent of boxing, and has learnt everything. So, his boxing teacher decided a training routine for him that involved jumping ropes and jogging, so he would get a stronger lower body. 
He was shamed by a few of God Dog’s members (who were in the same gym) for jumping ropes. At this point, Jinsung calmly replied by saying that he wasn’t an amateur boxer, but he was a pro. Afterwards, Kwon Seungryong threw a glove at Jinsung and sarcastically said, "Teach an amateur a lesson. Pro." Jinsung refused, saying that he needs to get rid of the emotions in his punches. At this time, the boxing teacher came and saw him patiently enduring ridicule from his juniors and Seungryong. After getting approval from the teacher, he climbed into the ring and the match between the two began.
Afterwards, Jinsung effortlessly dodged all of Seungryong's punches and was driven into a corner, however, Jingung was able to defeat Seungryong due to having a strong lower body. After that, he went to jog again, but Kwon Seungryong, who came to retaliate with a group of God Dog, Then Jinsung said, "I don't fight unless it's on the ring. Cause I'm a pro. No, I don't 'fight' outside. I beat you to death." Saying that, he easily brushed off Kwon Seungryong and God Dog. Afterwards, Kwon Seungryong said, "I remember you now. You came in second place in that middle school boxing tournament. You're Zach Lee." He also revealed the fact that the head of God Dog was Seong Yohan.
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Afterwards, he saved Yohan from getting his teeth pulled out by Gun and asked Yohan "Are you okay?". He introduced himself as the guy who beats up anyone who bullies Johan since their childhood to Gun. Jinsung prepared to fight Gun, as he was 'bullying' Yohan. Gun was impressed by Jinsung's strong lower body, his flexibility and speed. Jinsung ignored Gun's praise and almost hit Gun with a follow-up hit, but he was counterattacked and was about to get hit when Vasco and Hyungseok rushed in and helped.  The situation ended when Gun decided to resign.
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Even at school, Jinsung continued to train his body. At this time, he showed signs of reflecting on what he had done in the past.
From this section, we can see that Jinsung paused boxing after he became second in Middle School Boxing. Boxing was his passion, that was hugely tangled with his pride. After losing to Yohan, he gave up on his hobby, but still maintained a confident and strong attitude about his fighting ability. This showed us that he was sensitive about his fighting skills, and he refused to show anyone his vulnerable side.
vii. depression
Jinsung immediately rushed with his bicycle to Club Vivi after Kim Gimyung called him and said that Hyungseok was in danger. After he arrived there, he and Vasco had to fight Yohan to get into the club. When Jang Hyun/Eli tried to intervene, Jinsung grabbed Yohan's foot and told the others to go in and he'll take care of Yohan.
Jinsung was defeated by Yohan and passed out. And after everything was over, he decided to help Johan, but he blamed himself for not doing anything, lamenting his situation. After that, he clutched his chest and sobbed, and entered Heat Mode.
In the Summit Arc, where the four major crews were gathered, Jinsung came to save Yohan. He said that he was weak but he was going to try and save Yohan. Later, Mandeok, who was asked by Yoojin to deal with Hyeongseok, knocked Jinsung to the floor. However, Jinsung got up and stood behind Mandeok to stop him and complained how he never won any fight (which wasn't true, but we can assume that he was talking about his recent fights) but his boxing instructor said that he was a genius and was full of talent.  After Mandeok punched him again, Jinsung asked if he really was a boxer. He was ignored and punched again but he got up and complained about his boxing. He got punched in the side of his face and flew away. However, he suddenly rotated his body and threw a punch at Mandeok. Hyungseok was surprised by this because he saw his body do that in the ultra instinct state but Jinsung never witnessed that.
In response, Yoojin became interested in Jinsung, and when Mandeok asked him his name, Jinsung said, "Me? Lee Jinsung." and prepared to fight properly.
Mandeok hit him again, but Jinsung didn't show much reaction and asked why he kept hitting him with just that. Mandeok punched him, but Jinsung landed an uppercut at the same time. Then, he grabbed Mandeok's arm by his armpit and punched him in the head. When Mandeok hesitated, he grabbed him by the back of the head and headbutted him, saying that boxing is done with the head. Mandeok punched him in the chin and he flew away, but he stepped on the blind Yohan's face and blew Mandeok's head with a bang and said, "Fuck the pride. I won't lose anymore." 
Later, Jinsung asked Yohan if his eyes were okay. Then, Yohan said thank you and said he would repay the debt by allying with Jinsung, Hyungseok, Burn Knuckles and Hostel.
Afterwards, Jinsung asked Hyeongseok, who came to school, what conversation he had with Yoojin that day and why he disappeared with Ilhaehoe. However, Hyungseok hesitated and did not answer. When Park Haneul informed him that the teacher was calling, Hyungseok apologized and went to the principal's office, saying that he will explain soon. Because of Hyungseok's suspicious attitude, Jinsung looked at him with meaningful eyes.
Following Beomjae's strategy, he and Beomjae infiltrated an entertainment establishment in Gangbuk as guests. However, when he learnt that some minor girls were somewhat forced to work there, he became furious and overturned Beomjae's plan and beat down all Gangbuk thugs who look after the establishment, saying that he won't lose anymore. Beomjae, who saw it, monologued that it was more complete than before, and that it was like watching Yohan fight.
Jinsung asked the gangsters where Ansan Public is stationed, but the gangsters said they didn’t know. Then, Choi Changwon, who seems to have come to raid the business, appeared and started fighting, but Jinsung confronted Changwon.
Observing Changwon's posture, Jinsung noticed that kickboxing was his base, prepared for kickboxing and tried to attack with a custom tactic, but was halfway trampled by Changwon's irregular tattoo pen attack and lost with a knee kick to the face. Jinsung's facial expression at this time was the same as the crying face right before entering the body heating state in the 3rd affiliate arc, and the monologue said that his body was becoming hot.
After that, he fainted and woke up and lamented that he lost again, and when he saw Vasco crying as he hugged Beom Jae, who had been hacked up by the tattoo pen, he blamed himself for losing, and searched all the businesses in Gangbuk to find Ansan public. He found Jaehee and challenged him to a fight, but he lost mercilessly and despaired.
After that, he went looking for Changwon when he encountered Jaehee. Jaehee tried to irritate Jinsung by saying that it was okay to lose and it was easy to give up and Jinsung became enraged and started a fight. Jaehee commented that he was stronger than Changwon. Jinsung was seemingly defeated when his body heat activated. Jisnung clinched Jaehee and bit his ear, and in the monologue, Jinsung said he would show Jaehee what boxing is. Jinsung stuck Jaehee in a car, and punched him repeatedly. Then Jinsung said “Winning is a damn tough thing to do. You said you were stronger than that guy, right? Then since I won against you, I didn’t lose today.” and he monologued “ I caught up to others too. It’s for real now.”
Afterwards, Jinsung hit Taesoo Ma using a chain with a pivot blow. He said “I picked this up on the way. But it’s pretty useful. I look like a real boxer now.” The situation ended when Lee Jihoon came and defeated Taesoo.
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Later, he was seen eating Haejangguk at a restaurant, feeling ashamed of his disastrous record at the 2nd affiliate and his own talent. The lady at the soup restaurant asked where he got hit, and no matter how he explained it, the lady claimed that it looked like he was beaten one-sidedly, which made it even more miserable for JInsung. He didn’t even shed tears, as if he's used to losing now. While eating soup, he meets Ma Cho-il and Ji-gong.
While talking with Cho-il and Ji-gong, he was surprised to hear that Cho-il and Ji-gong used to fight before. Then, following the advice of Ji-gong, he went to Daeho Temple in Daeho Mountain. He begged Ji Gongseop to teach him how to fight, and he received instruction, but was cheated into doing chores.
Still continuing to clean the courthouse, he got angry at Gongseop for not teaching him how to fight and just playing him. He threw punches with all his might, but there was no damage at all, and Gongseop told him to go down the mountain because he only needed to clean the courtroom. Then Jisnung said that he wanted to learn because he had never won properly. Those words moved Gongseop's heart, and he decided to teach Jinsung.
It is pretty clear that Jinsung's depression has triggered him to get into heat mode several times. At this stage, he's pretty crazy too, except he lacks excitement and a maniac smile, unlike Hyungseok and Seongeon. He has said things like boxing is done with the head and that fighting with chains is proper boxing countless times during this phase.
vii. reformation and strenghtening
In episode 411, Gongseop finally came out with the teachings including the transfer of the realm. As much as he learned directly from the first-generation king, Jinsung became greatly stronger. At this time, the narration described him as a boxer rather than a dirty boxer after a long time. It may have been that he regained his pride because he was taught by Ji Gong-seop that 'the important thing for a boxer is not winning'. However, even when he fought Kenta, he just came out as a boxer, so maybe he just put it in.
In episode 423, he finally showed up. After being ordered by Mandeok to burn down Big Deal Street, Kenta Magami threw a lighter on the greasy street, and Jinsung snatched the lighter and held it in his hand.
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In episode 424, it was shown that he succeeded in growing up while being trained under Gongseop and completely overcoming the slump. According to Gongseop's comment, as Jinsung’s boxing instructor said, Jinsung’s specs were certainly high, but his excessive entanglement in the shock of defeat prevented him from exerting his full strength. In other words, he was trapped in a vicious cycle of 'I was defeated - I was caught up in this defeat and couldn't fight properly - and because of that, I lost again'. In a way, it was natural that even Seongeon and Hyun risked their lives against the first-generation king to barely reach the level, but Lee Jin-seong also reached the level or just below it in a month at the longest. In other words, in terms of level, he had already reached a level similar to them, but he was entangled in his defeat slump and couldn't exert his strength. 
Jinsung received Kenta’s attack and subdued it with a single blow. After that, he quickly approached Mandeok , who was fighting Vasco, and even knocked him down once by feeding him a series of attacks. Even in episode 425, Mandeok's power-packed punches were easily blocked and continued to give critical hits, but when Mandeok used capoeira, Jinsung was pushed against the wall. However, there was no sign of blood splattering while the wall was being smashed, and it showed a crazy toughness to stop it again . After that, the confrontation with Mandeok was canceled due to the appearance of Gun. Soon after, Jihoon, who was brought by Yoojin, appeared and had a confrontation with Hyung-seok and Vasco.
The moment Jihoon evaded Vasco's compression low kick, Jinsung tried to hit it with a punch, but failed, and Hyungseok and Vasco slammed into the floor or wall, but Jinsung was the only one who endured it. After that, looking at Jihoon, he thought of him as a mountain to overcome and fought again, but was fooled by an invisible attack.
His personality appears to be calmer than after receiving Gongseop's training.  In particular, when Park Hyeongseok recruited Ahn Hyunseong into the Allied Crew, he was very reluctant, but in order to prevent a large force, he briefly set aside his past bad ties.  If Jinsung were still the same as he was in the past, he might have managed without any of that.
ix. flaws
He has a very rough personality, so he has a strong tendency to resolve his intentions through fighting, whether it's good or bad. In fact, Kim Mijin/Mira acts as a brake for Jinsung.
When they first met, he assaulted Hyungseok in the street. Later, when they ran into each other at the convenience store while he was buying alcohol and cigarettes, he assaulted him once more. His friends even took pictures of his genitalia and silenced him. 
It should be taken into account that Hyeongseok in the beginning of the series also appeared as a strange character who monologues that he was happy to be regarded as a friend among the people who harassed him. In other words, it was a ridiculous representation in which the victim of school violence thought and perceived the perspective of the offender. 
x. thinking and intitution
Throughout the series, it was clear that Jinsung wants to be self-reliant, to prove his strength and resist weakness, to be important in his world, to dominate the environment, and to stay in control of the situation. For example in the God Dog arc, Hyungseok said "Don't hurt Zack" and Vasco said "Power exists for the weak" and Jinsung immediately got embarrassed and angry at that because he believed that he doesn't need any other people's help.
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He wants to keep the environment, and especially other people, from hurting those he care about (Mijin, Yohan). From an early age, he understands that this requires strength, will, persistence, and endurance—qualities that he developed in himself. He prided himself and his talent in fighting and bragged about it quite a lot.
His basic desire and fear revolves around the security of people he loves. He always protected Mijin from any danger and he got involved in gangs to protect Yohan. The more he built up his ego in order to protect, the more sensitive he became to any real or imaginary slight to their self-respect, authority, or preeminence. 
As the series progressed and his opponents got stronger, Jinsung became more desperate. He went on trying different methods and changing his mindset to win in the fights, but he kept losing. Jinsung became depressed and kept saying how he never won a fight, ignoring his previous records.
In the beginning of the series, he never wanted anyone, especially Mijin, to witness his vulnerable side, which was mostly losing in fights. He wanted to prove that he was capable to the people he wanted to protect. When his depression phase started, his sensitivity and vulnerability got more exposed to his friends. But he realized that his friends were stronger than him and were capable of protecting themselves, which hugely contradicted his pride and his urge to be self-reliant.
Now that he's calm and stronger after receiving training from Gongseop, he has regained his self confidence. He doesn't feel the need to prove anything to anyone anymore, for he knows that he's capable and strong. Winning is not the biggest factor to him right now.
xi. quotes:
Quotes about Jisnung from other characters:
“Lead the way, thug specialist.”
Hyungseok to Jinsung in chapter 226
“When he came back and said he wanted to wear the gloves again… I was worried. How was I supposed to train him? Because there was… nothing left… to teach! He was already… full of talent! ”
-Jinsung’s boxing teacher in chapter 207
“This guy is.. beyond complete.”
-Jinsung’s boxing teacher in chapter 300
“How about you, kid? You interested? You look better than your friend over there. Talent is one thing… but you’re a go-getter too.”
-Gun in chapter 212
“I did see it. I saw the light in him. It’s up to him to catch. If I do it for him, it’s meaningless. You’ll be having doubts on yourself. But you have to remember it. On that day, when you were next to Johan Seong, I acknowledged you too.”
-Gun in chapter 363
Notable quotes of Jisnung:
“I’m gonna end you. Kill or be killed.”
Jinsung to Taeseong in chapter 126
“Yeah, well… you’re right. I have no excuses. But… you… never thought of us as friends either, did you? Did you even interact with us… before calculating the benefits beforehand? If you’re a friend… try to be more honest with yourself.”
Jinsung to Jiho in chapter 166
“I don’t know any amateur boxers. I’m a pro.”
Jinsung to God Dog in chapter 206 
“Put your headgear on… you amateur.”
Jinsung to Seungryong in chapter 206
“Me? I’m the one who beats up… any one who bullies Johan… or as long as I can remember, Johan.  Did this guy bully you?”
Jinsung to Yohan in chapter 212
“You need thugs… to fight other thugs. I’m the thug specialist… you see. Thanks for bringing me back to my old days.”
Jinsung to Hyungseok in chapter 226
“I’ll lend you my experience to pair with your talent… so show those bastards… exactly… what a duo is.”
Jinsung to Hyungseok in chapter 226
“This is what I truly love. Mira may have taught me boxing, but I like boxing itself now. So, don’t copy me. You’re not even interested in boxing, but I am. All things I’ve earned with hard work, don’t you dare take it away at once like that.”
Jinsung in chapter 272
“Something you cannot copy, because your body is perfect.  My lethal move, that belongs to me only. The pride of a boxer.”
Jinsung in chapter 272
"I thought about it a lot. How can I win? How can I stop losing? The answer was damn simple. I just had to forget about all the things that eat me away."
“I was not a genius. Thank God I am not. Since I’m not a genius, it doesn’t matter if I lose. I can just try harder until I can become one. Now that I put everything down, I can give it all I’ve got.”
Jinsung in chapter 273
“Get rid of positive thinking. Put some emotions in my attacks. Throw away my pride. What is boxing? Boxing is about winning.”
Jinsung in chapter 351
“In boxing… you fight with your head.”
Jisnung in chapter 352
“Screw pride. I’m done losing.”
Jinsung in chapter 352
“I’m zack Lee, a classic boxer.”
Jinsung in chapter 384 (said this while hiding a chain behind him)
“I’ve never properly won a fight. You said I was already strong… yet I’ve never been able to win. Not even -once.”
Jinsung in chapter 404
“I no longer fear the storm for all I need to do is not get wet.”
To be honest, analyzing Jinsung was difficult because different events, people and aspects brought out different sides of him. Regardless of that, I think he had one of the best character developments in the series, even though his depression phase was a mess.
Analyzing Lee Jinsung/Zack Lee’s Fighting Prowess (part of this analysis that was too big so I had to post it separately)
also read:
Analyzing Kim Gimyung/Jake Kim
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madamspeaker · 3 months
There is a certain hit dog/hollering predictability when it comes to Nancy Pelosi saying something and how the far-left react to it. Firstly it is important to make clear that during her CNN interview on Sunday she said "some" pro-ceasefire groups should have their funding investigated. Some, not all. Of course that distinction immediately got lost in the hoopla of faux outrage that followed from some quarters of the internet. She also said that there are large numbers of people out there who are sincere in their concern and their protests. You wouldn't know this though from the storm that followed.
Let's be clear, only a naive person would believe that there aren't some nefarious outside parties using the current situation in the Middle East as a wedge among Democrats. It's a pattern that we have seen before - notably in 2016 and again in 2020. It makes perfect sense to assume that it will happen again in 2024, and indeed is already happening. If it hadn't been the issue of the Middle East, then it would have no doubt been something else. 
Israel/Palestine isn't a new conflict, in fact it is very old indeed - but the sheer number of new groups popping up in the last new months should raise red flags as to what their exact concerns are. Another red flag is that only Democrats are targetted. Now you might counter that a Democrat is President, but given the GOP control the House (and in turn the money), and that Israel is one the very few issues that most Democrats and Republicans agree on, you would assume that the GOP should be getting some of the flak from protest groups too. I have yet to see one GOP member get yelled at or protested on the issue of Gaza. Speaker Mike Johnson appears to be sailing through life without so much as a whimper in his direction from the ceasefire contingent. Trump sure as hell is. I have yet to see one person ask him to call for a ceasefire, and he a) besties with Netanyahu, and b) running for the job that so many of the protestors say they don't want Biden to have anymore because of the current situation. Red flag number three is that some of these groups have infiltrated Dem fundraiser events. Those events aren't cheap to attend. A seat at a dinner, like the one that Nancy attended on Saturday in Seattle, and that she was interupted repeatedly at, is at least a couple of grand per person. How many protest groups do you know that have that kind of income to hand to just use on stunts like the one at the weekend?
The thing is, much like Cassandra of Greek myth, and indeed Hillary Clinton of modern times, Nancy Pelosi knows what she is talking about but frequently pisses off people who don't like to hear what she has to say. She has been around long enough to know that causes get corrupted, used, taken over by forces that couldn't give a fuck about the issue, but instead seek to create chaos and division. She has seen it for 17 years on her own door step in the form of Code Pink - a supposedly anti-war group that is actually funded by the CCP, and who among other things take the view that the Uygurs are absolutely fine in China, that the war in Ukraine would just end if the US and the rest of the West stopped giving them money and let Russia win, and that Iran should be allowed to build missiles because the US has them. Incidentally, Code Pink were the group in the clip that did the rounds yesterday. For the record, none of the women in that clip are Asian, it was from a couple of months ago (some brazenly claimed it was from this week), and Nancy was again hitting the nail on the head when she said they should go back to their headquaters in China - because, as verified by the New York Times, that is indeed where their money is coming from - the CCP. If China can so easily fund a group in the US like Code Pink, then it stands to reason that other countries are doing the same. It makes perfect sense to question how some groups can afford to pull off stunts costing several thousand dollars. Where is the money coming from? Why are they only targeting Democrats? In a Presidential election year, in which the choices are a guy that Putin hates or a wannabe dictator who does his bidding, it's not unreasonable to ask the question as to how some protest groups can afford to do what they are doing. Asking that question doesn't undermine legitimate protests.
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solar-pxwered · 2 years
If you know me at all, you know I'm cynical of real life romance but I'm a SUCKER for fictional romances...especially slow burns and friends to lovers or enemies to lovers.
That being said, it was only a matter of time before I started having shippy feels while watching the great adventure that is One Piece.
That brings me to my current top ship (which I doubt will ever NOT be top ship): Sanji and Nami.
I know, I know, Oda has stated many times that this isn't a story about romance and that this is about friendship and adventure and family. But, hear me out...why do those two things need to be separated? The answer is...they don't. The perfect example of this is the TV show, Friends. Romances bloom and die and finalize over the entirety of this show, and the friendships, although tested, do not fail and the family dynamic remains all the way through.
Many people tell me that the superior ship for Nami is with Luffy but I can't help but get the Joey and Rachel vibes when I think of it. They WORK, sure, and it's even really cute and funny...but they just don't...have the momentum to push past that friendship vibe into something else (I'm only in the Skypiea Arc so maybe my thoughts will adapt on this). Sanji and Nami give me Chandler snd Monica vibes (she's strict, he's a known womanizer, she doubts his genuine affection, but he IS capable of faithfulness, it's a slow and satisfying burn). Long thought short: Romance and friendship can and should go hand in hand without interrupting the plot of a story or drastically changing the dynamics of a group.
One Piece EXCELLS at this, in my opinion, with Sanji and Nami.
My observations supporting them are as follows:
1. Started out as comedy, but is slowly and steadily progressing to just plain endearing. I find myself less and less amused and much more happy about their interactions.
2. Sanji IS a gentleman in spite of his tendency towards being an irrepressible horn dog. More often than not, that chivalry is directed towards Nami (and every woman) but extends to his entire circle of people. He DOES have that Chandler Bing type potential to be domestic and loyal, he just needs someone to take him seriously. He's not simply trying to impress the ladies, he TRULY means to protect them and treat them well and it shows because he can and does back up his protectiveness.
3. Nami, for all her money lust, does genuinely care for her crewmates, complaining over and over about how much of a failure everything was since they got no treasure or money for their deeds. However, she ALWAYS chooses her crew in the end. Nami isn't just bossy or gold digging!
4. The. Honorifics. Used. In. The. Original. Japanese.
I'm gonna expand on this point specifically because when I noticed this, it actually changed me from a casual "aw, cute" shipper to a "Okay, this HAS to be endgame" shipper.
Honorifics in Japanese are very deliberate and each one means something very specific. The way these honorifics are used could be (and I hope, are) little sprinkles of foreshadowing because Sensei Oda loves to do that.
Chan - an honorific used in a cutesy, casual, playful way more often than not. It's often attached to a name of someone younger, someone you consider cute or endearing.
Kun - an honorific similar to chan but more commonly used for males. But when used by a female to a male, it can and often does signify a strong emotional attachment and familiarity.
San- an honorific that is still casual, but denotes respect and equality.
Here is how I noticed these being used by Sanji and Nami.
Chan: This is the most commonly used by Sanji. EVERY girl he meets is "Name-chan" squealed and gushed in all manner of wackiness. He genuinely does mean it when he says every girl is cute and endearing.
San: Nami-san. It's ALWAYS Nami-san. As of right now in my watch through, I have not heard Sanji call any other woman by this term (if he did, then please correct me). But even so, this basically means "Nami, who I respect and hold in higher regard than anyone around us including myself". He does mix this up and make it cutesy by using Nami-SWAN sometimes when he's less serious, but he RARELY ever says her name without adding the honorific of respect.
Kun- As far as I remember again, Nami exclusively uses this honorific with Sanji. At first it started as her way of using him for whatever she needed, her over dramatic way of dragging it out or saying it sweetly always got him running to do what she asked (he always does anyway, but whatever). But now, the addition is constant. "Sanji-kun" is her go to, almost always now, and it no longer holds that fake sweetness, it's just...natural to her.
I have heard told that very recently in the newest episodes Sanji has called Nami "MY Nami-San" which apparently he has never said before so that's cool but I haven't got there so I can't read into it too much yet.
Theese are details dub only watchers might miss!
There's a LOT more to unpack about them and why them getting together WOULD work and not disrupt the dynamic one bit. However...my hope is that thing continue like they are, small details that grow and change with them so you hardly even notice until you do, and then at the VERY end either they're confirmed or a very solid promise of confirmation is given. Slow burns are always the best.
Anyway....they're cute, I ship it hard, let my Strawhat babies be a family no matter that looks like ❤️
(This "little" observation got way longer than I intended...)
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theoldaeroplane · 1 year
two short stories about my Blades in the Dark character, a kobold named Autumn, and her partners. She's turned to a life of crime to try and support the three of them, as one of her partners, Eli, has become afflicted with a mysterious disease, and is trying to keep it a secret from both of them.
thanks for reading!
Sun drips through the lone window, set deep and high in the wall. It's the only glimpse of the outside world you can get in this particular spot, the basement of a forgotten brick building. The beggars and pickpockets avoid it. After all, someone once summoned a demon there. It's abandoned for a reason. But Autumn figures the demon probably wouldn't have cared to stick around after it was summoned, so she isn't too worried. And that summoner guy died, anyway, so he's not using it. She's thankful to them both. It keeps other people out.
After the river debacle, after the dog and pony show with "Healer John," after another day of coming home late to be met with Flute's doubtful gaze and questioning silence---Autumn needs a break. She's earned it.
So she spent a little money on some shiny wire, and picked through the refuse where the people who bet on the roosters threw the losers. None of them were fresh enough to be edible today, but they had the beaks and spurs she wanted.
The thing in her brick basement hunches in the damp light. It covers its face, howling in some secret joy or sorrow. It is as big as she is, and is by far the most annoying project she has yet undertaken. Or nearly is.
It is rare for her solitude to be breached, and Autumn keeps knives at hand both for their usefulness in her work and for their usefulness in making other people leave you alone. And the silence is about as close to complete as you can get here, so when she hears the careful steps and creaking stairs, she pins her ears back flat to her skull and fishes out the current favorite. The knife that settles in her grip is a gold painted handle and serrated blade, rusted just enough to make it look even more dangerous. She turns.
Eli, who settles down to lean against the sturdy guard rail, lifts his brows at her. "That for me?" he says, nodding at the knife.
He looks a little better than normal today, in that he is only panting a little and doesn't seem to be about to start chanting in a foreign language. The bags under his pale eyes are less shadowy. He's even summoned the energy to comb the little tuft of fine orange hair that springs from between his horns.
Autumn looks him over and pockets the knife. "You're supposed to be resting," she says, parroting the last overpriced doctor they had managed to hire. "Flute's going to lose her mind."
"Flute's out til tomorrow," Eli says, and fishes out his little tobacco pouch. It's supple fish leather, one of Flute's first gifts to him, dyed a luxurious umber. His pipe follows, and a book of matches. "I was tired of resting, anyway."
"She'll go ahead and kill you if she finds out. Put you out of your misery."
Eli snorts, smoke curling from his nostrils. "Oh no. She'll chain me to a wall, make sure I never escape, is all. Joke's on her. I'll just break my hand and slip out again."
Autumn says ugh and Eli laughs grimly, the pair of them keenly aware of the last time that very situation happened.
"Well, you're here," Autumn says at last, because he is, and you couldn't reverse that. "Give me a puff of that."
She climbs up next to him, sitting on the step below his. Eli, stout of both heart and body, takes the opportunity to reach over and riffle his fingers through her hair. The pipe surrendered, she takes a long drag and studies the thing she is making.
If she thinks about it too long, she always psyches herself out. The things she makes don't have meanings. She is no artist, no sculptor with a vision. She wires trash and bones and rocks together until they look too much like something else to ignore, like a cat or a dragon or a person, and then off they go to be deposited in somebody's garden or on the deck of an abandoned fishing boat. She never thinks about them again.
So she doesn't like it, the fact that this one makes her heart flinch and clench whenever she looks at it.
Eli follows her gaze. "What is it?" he asks mildly.
"How did you even find me?"
He considers this. "You're deflecting."
"Shut up," she says with an elbow going for his ribs. "I've never taken you here before."
"Maybe that's part of my disease," says Eli. "I get to know all your hiding spots."
They can't joke like this in front of Flute. She would start to cry, and nothing could make you feel more like a monster than that. So they take what they can get in the long stretches of time where Flute is off working, with their dark humor and bullshitting.
Because it is terrifying. Because the first time either Flute or Autumn learned about this illness, this disease, Eli was standing in the kitchen at the break of dawn, burning the flayed body of a rat with a vacant stare. It looked like some kind of ritual. He'd snapped out of it when they lit the lamps, and could not explain what had happened.
But in the present he is grabbing for his pipe back. "What is it, then?" he asks after he gets it. "Looks like a bird."
"I don't know. Some kind of monster. Demon, maybe. Or a god."
"Oh, the priests would just love to hear that one."
Autumn is silent, rolling her own idle musing around in her head. A god. Medicines had failed to cure Eli. Perhaps a deity, sufficiently pandered to, could.
It did not make the weight upon her shoulders lessen, but it was at least something to think about.
"Looks guilty to me," Eli says, and puffs on his pipe like his words hadn't sent a cold shock of dread down her spine. She does not look at him; she does not look at the sculpture. She tries not to look at anything.
Then he sighs, like he had been waiting for something that never came. He knows, she decides there and then. He has to know. He must know, and he's testing her.
She nearly bites a hole in her lip in surprise when Eli says, morose, "New moon tonight. I put the ropes on the chair."
Autumn's eyes slide back up to the metal thing hunched in front of them. Its empty sockets bore into her.
"Maybe you won't need them," she says.
"About knocked out your teeth last time we tried that."
"I don't need them that much."
Eli snorts. "Come on," he says with a sigh, slowly pulling himself to his feet. He tries to shake her off when she rises to help him; he's too weak to manage. "It'll be dark soon."
Autumn catches his arm, slings it over her shoulder. His weight sags onto her at once. "Yeah," she says.
They make the climb back up to the city streets, leaving the monument to her guilt alone with itself.
Flute gets in when Autumn heads out, and it's a rare day where they overlap more than a few minutes. In part, it is by necessity. Eli cannot be left alone too long, anymore. It's to his chagrin and theirs, but the risk of him wandering off or being seized with some strange symptom is too great.
But he sleeps, too, and it's not like Autumn has a job with the gang lined up every night. She has to keep up appearances, yes, keep her partners thinking she's found steady work---but there's leeway there.
So when Flute stops her for the customary kiss and bye, honey, love you, Autumn leans into her touch and tells her she's got the night off. Flute is surprised, then worried, and then mollified when Autumn assures her it won't affect her pay.
And anyway, Eli just fell asleep, so could the two of them figure out dinner or something?
It's not exactly what she means to say, or wants. Words do not come naturally to her the way they do to Flute. What she wants to say is I miss you.
She's not sure if she gets it through, because she can't read people like that. But she can tell when Flute's face lights up.
So Autumn makes for the nearby bodega while Flute gets out of her work clothes. She works taking minutes for some bigwig legal outfit, meaning she wears more or less the same beige and white outfit every day. On Autumn's return she looks much more like the person Autumn thinks of her as: embroidered pastels flow off her shoulders and her favorite jewelry nestles against her dark scales. Flute greets her with half a meal already pulled together, because Flute is nothing if not an overachiever.
"I got eel," Autumn says sheepishly; it's all they can afford. Or all they're supposed to be able to afford. The cash from the crew's scores is for fixing Eli, but … "And these."
Flute looks. Her eyes widen, orange marbles that glimmer in the lamplight. "Oh, Autumn," she says after a moment. "Cherries?"
There's that worry again. The nearest cherry tree is probably a week's ride away. "They're about to go bad," Autumn says. "And they fell on the ground, so they were discounted even more. I washed them off."
The cherries have never touched the ground, and there is not a moldy one among them. They are the best cherries she could find, because Flute deserves nothing less. The lie is easy.
Flute bites her lip. The prize before her is too much. "I could make a pie?" she says, hopeful.
"Only if I don't eat them all first."
"You will not," Flute says, and snatches the basket away.
She's giddy for the next two hours. Autumn gets to watch her flit around the kitchen making dough and pitting the cherries, stopping now and then to make sure Autumn hasn't forgotten how to debone an eel. She never stops talking once, about the latest gossip at her job, about the annoying new client, about the pretty riding-bird she passes on her way to work each day. She's named it Bluebell. "Is it blue?" Autumn asks, poking at the half stale bread the eels will be going on.
"No," says Flute, "it's the prettiest shade of lilac."
She does not ask Autumn about her week for nearly another hour after that, which is nearly a record. It was almost impossible to get Flute to learn Autumn did not want to be asked. There's never a good answer. But by then they're halfway through the cherry pie and some of the pear brandy Flute's kept tucked away for ages. Autumn feels sleepy and agreeable. Flute's happy prattle warms her lonely heart, and the motion of those breasts beneath that shirt doesn't hurt either. So when Flute walks her fingers up Autumn's arm and says, "How have you been, baby?", she doesn't cringe too badly.
"Okay," she says. "Busy."
"What's new at the potion shop?"
"I'm learning about antidotes," Autumn says. The lie is easy. "A gnome keeps coming in and asking for tinctures that will keep his husband going in bed." Flute giggles and snorts when she does. The lie is easy. The lie is easy.
I missed you.
"I'm so glad you've got that apprenticeship," says Flute. Her straying hand tucks a lock of Autumn's hair behind her ear. "It'll be worth it when you have your own shop."
The next bite of pie Autumn takes floods her senses with nothing but guilt. The shop again. Flute's favorite what-if.
"Maybe if we're lucky," she keeps going, and Flute practically glows when she talks like this, about the future of their little triad, "I can quit the firm and just help you."
It's hard not to choke on the shame when Autumn swallows her mouthful. "Mm. Mm-hm."
"Wouldn't that be nice," sighs Flute, dreamy. "We could see each other again. Have our own building, with an apartment on top---oh, it would be so much easier to take care of Eli if he's still sick---"
Autumn grabs the brandy and takes an enormous shot. Then she grabs Flute and kisses her, because she can't think of anything else that will make Flute stop talking about a future that will never come to pass.
It's going to be worth it, Autumn tells herself later, as they peel off each other's clothing and remind themselves of each other's bodies. It's the only way, she tells herself in the heat of their passion, her mind as far from their bed as it will go. What Flute and Eli don't know won't hurt them, she tells herself in the aftermath, cozied in Flute's arms as the sweat dries.
"Baby?" Flute says. It's muffled. Her snout is in Autumn's hair.
"You feeling okay? You seemed a little distant tonight."
"Oh," says Autumn, grateful she doesn't have to meet Flute's eyes. "Yeah, I'm fine. Just thinking."
Flute makes a sound of relief, of contentment. "About what?"
How much I miss you. How much I hate lying to you. How much of a fucking idiot I am. How you deserve better than this.
"---about what to name the shop."
The lie is easy.
The lie is easy.
The lie is easy, and Autumn is a coward.
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i-need-air · 3 years
"Dude" — Bakugou Katsuki x Reader.
Summary: Your former bully, Midori, has confessed her undying love for one of the most famous guys at U.A.; you're just venting gossiping about it with Mei, not knowing Bakugou Katsuki is right around the corner, listening;
Warnings: None. Well, Bakugou Katsuki having various anger induced strokes > the normal > no warnings; light crackfic? subtle ending;
Word count: 4.5k;
[ Part 2 ];
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"She confessed to him." You grinned, throwing a bunch of fries into your mouth like the absolute animal you were.
Mei on the other hand continued her work on whatever in the world her new prototype, or "baby", was. Still, you had the honor of having half of her attention, which was a compliment to say at least.
She just smiled, shaking her head, leading you to continue, not knowing a blond was quite literally behind the corner, just outside the door leading to the support department, frown on his face.
"She came to class giggling like an idiot saying she's got a plan." You made a face into the distance, remembering your classmate's obnoxious squeal. "Ugh, she started telling the Divas how she's gonna have The Bakugou Katsuki in the bag." An ugly snort left your body, which earned an amused chuckle from Mei.
Both of you were pretty well known to be very good friends, and as much as you hated to admit it, you were both quite the social pariahs too. She was a little bit strange or weird, as some called her, but not for a single second she cared, which was the reason you admired the girl so much in the first place. Meanwhile you've taken the role of the bitch of the whole school by far. Sadly, you were placed in the same class as your archenemy, only increasing your chances of being called said endearing term.
Middle-school was a nightmare to say at least, getting bullied for your looks, the way you spoke or dressed, anything really as long as you were the one being mocked. And who was the one doing the bullying? Midori. Stunning, graceful, baby-faced Midori. Petite yet elegant, a devil in disguise. Whoever crossed her path suffered her malice unless she had something to gain from them.
And now, sweet Midori was in the U.A.'s General Studies, coinciding with you in the majority but not all classes. It had to do with the tragedy that your quirk was so rare that the principal Nezu had to adjust a new schedule just for you. Just kidding, it was amazing. The actual tragedy was seeing her face every day.
Back to your heartbreaking backstory and origin; time made you tough, comments made you build a wall so tall and thick nobody could crumble it. Backstab after backstab made you learn that not everyone has good intentions, but in your loneliness you found Hatsume Mei. So honest and dedicated, so raw and passionate. A good person. The type of person your parents promised you'd someway cross paths with and gain such a strong friendship that nothing could tear it apart.
Becoming friends with her was easy, kinda. It took snapping back at Midori when she started her normal bullying routine on Mei, which ignored it without a care. You stepped in and the rest is history. It did feel good though, calling her a pathetic bitch before turning to the stranger with a cool gadget in her hands to compliment it. And, since she's a sucker for her babies, you had to deal with an hour of sparkly eyes and monologues about her plans and prototypes.
Funny girl, Mei. You remember thinking but the following day you passed by her usual spot to fill your curiosity, asking if she did solve the problem she was complaining about.
"He was the one she was planning to ask out?" She screamed at you, head inside a giant metal gauntlet and the reason you two started talking about said man in particular. News were extra-fresh anyway.
"Oh, yeah!" You shook your head, ashamed to exist in the same general proximity as a person like your former bully. "He's gonna be so rich and famous!" A high pitched squeal left your mouth as you tried to copy her voice. "Poor fucking guy, if only he knew."
"But people know she's a bitch!" She screamed again, repairing or adjusting something with almost all of her body inside the gauntlet. A smile, genuine and soft this time, formed on your face. The pink-haired girl wasn't one to talk bad about others or even care, but it was clear she wasn't particularly fond with Midori either, although the conversation was more for you to vent rather than gossip. Sure it was.
"Like the people from the Hero Department even care about us, the commoners." With a roll of the eyes, you followed. "If he's smart, he'll run away. If he's an asshole, he could use her too."
"What do you mean?" Pink flocks of hair suddently submerged from the gadget, eyes curious zooming on you. That probably got more than 50% of her attention and it was a new personal goal while she was at the workshop.
With shrugged shoulders, your answer came nonchalant. "He could date her and dump her like she's nothing. Would serve her right for all the shit she's talking about him." But the only response you got was a short quizzical look, followed by your exagerated sigh. "She's talking shit about him constantly, but then says he's hot and that his personality doesn't matter anyway. Money, fame, looks. She has a whole fucking life-plan! Then calls him a rabid dog!"
"Woah—" that surprised her.
"Woah indeed! Insane. It's insane. I don't know the guy but no one deserves that shit." When you got no response, you continued your speech, munching in the food with passionate hunger, words coming out almost indistinguishable. "Doubt he'd play her though. He looks like a smart guy. I've seen the Sports Festival—" you picked up your burger, giving it heart eyes. "—and I've seen the news. He's probably a good guy too, the issue is people don't see that and... Well, I understand what's it to be judged... Not many have what it takes to be a real hero but he does. Hope he finds happiness in life." Much talk for someone that doesn't know shit about the guy in particular, but even so faint, your gut instinct was trained well enough to spot malice and he lacked that. "And a therapist." And there's the little shit in you that had to drop a cheeky comment.
Mei's gaze turned downwards and even if you could see her brain do mental gymnastics to solve whatever problem she had in front of her super-eyes, she also contemplated your words with great care.
"He comes here from time to time—" she grins, smacking the grenade looking gauntlet with her weird utensil. "I noticed you two are similar." Your face twisted, eyes wide towards the girl.
Similar how? He was loud, bold with a foul mouth, definitely needed a therapist for those unresolved anger issues... But he was also bright as in whenever he went, people looked in his direction, like he shined; obviously strong, also from what you've heard smart, popular, lucky to be surrounded by kind people. Example being that very nice pink girl that had a joyous conversation with you the very first day of school and, much to your surprise, continued greeting and having sweet small talks with you every single time you saw each other. Or the blond haired guy that showed off a little bit too much and made dumb flirty comments with no bad intentions, the same blond that waved at you with enthusiasm when you'd cross paths. There was the red-head, Kirishima, that was an absolute gentleman, opening doors for you even if you had two functioning hands and smiled so bright it made your corneas burn, or also the dark haired guy, Sero, that you've seen helping literally anyone in need around the school campus with an easy going attitude and gentle grins. Bakugou Katsuki was surrounded by good people, good heroes just as amazing as him and if they liked him, he must've definitely had some good in him, right? Another point appeared in your mental presentation about the brash hero in the making was that he was way too attractive but the wise burried deep inside of you made that particular point dissappear. No need to think about that. Overall you weren't even remotely similar. Not even close. Two completely different human beings from two completely different worlds that would never collide. With that being said, there was the small chance that Mei hinted for you to get a therapist too, who knows.
"How even—"
"I mean!" She screwed something in place. "I mean in your— determination?"
"I wouldn't know that." You muttered.
"He screams I'm gonna be the best every time he's here—"
"Cute..." You vomit that endearment without thinking, but thankfully it got ignored.
"—and it always reminds me of you." A small chuckle left your mouth.
"Don't make fun of me."
"You say it too~"
"I just heal, Mei, it's not the same." Principal Nezu's speech, the speech he gave your parents months into the first year as they found themselves aware of your power made you hold your words. You had it in you. The potential. If incredible people like your teachers, like Shuzenji Chiyo or Principal Nezu twisted things around for your quirk, for how rare and powerful it is, you'd accept it.
"But you're gonna be the best healer ever, aren't you?" She taunted.
"Of course. Which reminds me—!"
"Hmm?" Her attention faded away slightly, but it wasn't a problem.
She cheered, both at you and at her finished masterpiece and proceeded to eat too, passing through the lunch hour without interruption.
"Recovery Girl is putting me on active duty at the infirmary from now on. Finally!"
Innocent pale purple eyes stared into deep crimson ones, furrowed brows covering them.
Bakugou Katsuki wasn't one to enjoy being annoyed or surprised and this extra managed to make him feel both things in a short notice.
Everyone around him froze in fear or wonder, awaiting his response without breathing or moving an inch. Meanwhile Whoever-she-was held a pink envelope in front of him, a perfume too sweet coming from it making him want to literally gag in the spot.
Another thing the boy did not appreciate was to have someone bullshit him. His senses were telling him to back off, alarms ringing in his head and those purple eyes held hidden intentions; he wasn't having any of it.
"Fuck off." He snapped, yet his stance was casual as he refused to move out of her way since she was the one that had the audacity to run into him.
Some gasps, even coming from his so-called idiotic friends, could be heard and an indignant Bakubro behind him as he got slapped in the shoulder but he did not care. Not until her lips started to tremble as she retreated her confession letter towards her chest dramatically. His eyebrow started to twitch at the sight.
It was a spectacle for anyone surrounding him.
"What's going on?" Shushes and whispers.
"Bakugou Katsuki just got a confession!" Gossip.
"What!? Who?!" Confusion.
"You said Bakugou Katsuki?!" Shock.
"Oh, she's pretty!" Awe.
"He told her to Fuck off! What an asshole!" Outrage.
"Is that Midori?" Surprise.
"The nerve—" Anger.
"Midori from—" Disbelief.
"Oh, my God, she's really doing it~!" Giggles.
He frowned deeper. If people were to talk about him, they should be talking about all the crap he's been doing and all the lives he saved, not because of a fake bimbo decided to cross his path.
Bakugou wasn't stupid either. With time he knew these things would eventually come in his direction, stuff he'd have to deal with in the future as fame would take over, but not now. He did not have time to entertain this show anyway.
There was only one destination in his mind and she was keeping him in the middle of the whole school cafeteria with prying eyes on them both.
"Bakugou, do something, she's about to cry!" Dunce Face harshly whispered, but turned towards the white haired girl that looked devastated in front of them. "Ignore him! Ask me out, I would never make you cry!"
He rolled his eyes so back in his head it almost hurt. With a need to hurl the food he just ate, he made a step to leave the scene but small hands with claw-like fingernails gripped his arm and he looked at her in utter disgust.
"No, I would never! He—" she sniffled but had no tears in her eyes. He gave her a scowl, trying to take his arm out of her grip but she scratched him in place with her tiny rat hands. "You're the one I love! I—" her bangs covered her face as she continued her show.
"Bakugou! Dude! Do something!" Shitty Hair said, his dumb and blind trust in people buying the act. A vein almost popped on Bakugou's forehead.
"I fucking said—" he pulled his arm so hard she fell on her knees by his side. "Fuck. Off."
Another set of gasps filled the room.
One thing he did not want, even if he could tell it was a foul theater, was to hurt somebody. His asshole act ended at that but his pride stopped him from saying anything.
Glancing to see if she's hurt, Pink Idiot was by her side, helping her up and asking way too many fucking questions.
"No, I'm fine..." she said with such a meek voice he scoffed, also hearing all the shit everyone around him was talking.
"He's such a brute."
"What a mean guy—"
"She's crying!"
"Fucking asshole."
He gritted his teeth.
After the disaster with the League of Villains in the first year, people started to respect him for who he was yet one single, minuscule shit like this and they were all at his jugular.
"I took Bakugou-san by surprise." She excused his behavior to Ashido, which then suggested they should eat lunch together sometimes to make up for the trouble after apologizing in his behalf.
"Yeah, we'd love to have you around! Isn't that right, Bakugou?" The apologetic and almost pleading voice of his blond friend, if he ever was going to call him that anymore, just made him bare his teeth. If they wanted to get played like fools it was their problem, not his.
And that's how he found himself eavesdropping on the weirdo and an extra.
And with a single "Whatever." he left the cafeteria, going to check if his gauntlets were ready, annoyance oozing off him, making the sea of people part from his path. Except he didn't notice you rushing away a little bit in front of him, holding a bag of food, all amused.
Why the fuck was everyone talking about him? Can't they fucking keep his pretty name outta their mouths? With time and without finding a reason why the hell he was glued in place, he listened attentively, his suspicions confirmed and his ego hurt, but whoever was talking about him calmed his nerves a lot. He just needed to put a face to that voice. Just to see who's gossiping about him, nothing else.
With a full belly and a whole afternoon to study by Recovery Girl's side, you marched towards the infirmary after you bid your farewell to Mei. There was still time to walk around, grab something sweet for later and save any poor soul that Midori decided to sink her teeth in. It was common at this point, you getting in between her and her victims and taking the hit, yet somehow also being called a bitch by everyone. That's how high-school worked. She did have friends and they spread any word she spat. Vultures.
It was fine though. Hero [Y/N] is there to save the day no matter what. You scoffed at your own stupidity, turning the corner just to step on a leg that was sprawled on the floor.
He clicked his tongue, getting up with no worry in the world, but made no action to leave, settling for observing and analyzing you way too intensely.
"Watch where the fuck you're going, idiot." The man of the hour, the guy you've defended in front of your friend just screamed at you as he dusted off the imprint of your shoe left on his pants. Meanwhile you just paled in place before regaining your composture.
"Why are you sitting on the floor?" You said, tilting your head with a frown, already knowing you will not apologize.
Unimpressed by what was going on, even if you truly couldn't point out what really was going on, you made an attempt to move past him towards the vending machines not far behind, but he caught your arm in a firm grip.
You blinked stupidly at the skin contact.
"Heard you were talkin' shit."
Your stomach dropped. Legs almost gave up too if it weren't for his iron grip holding you still. In the silence and at the satisfaction of the reaction you let out, he smirked and raised his chin, only Mei's singing voice coming from her workshop could be heard. Realization hit you. Hit you? Bitchslapped you in the face and left a mark for sure, because your cheeks started feeling heated, tingly.
He dragged you away, maybe to have the privacy to murder you in peace, but your common sense kicked in and you came back from the land of the mortified.
Much like he did before, action you saw with your two own eyes and repeated, you pulled out of his strong grip and stared as he turned towards you, mouth already opened to probably eat you alive.
"I wasn't talking shit about you, dude." You quickly spoke first.
"You don't fucking know me." He growled back, taking a step towards you but like hell you'd back down.
"Don't need to be besties to say what I said." Without understanding why he was so agitated, the only thing left to do after this beautiful turn of events was to defend the honor remaining in you, so you raised your chin to be at par with him. The action clearly took him by surprise, making him glare more, if even possible.
"I don't fucking appreciate when extras talk about me behind my back!"
"I don't give a shit what you appreciate, dude." Your laugh was the complete opposite of his menacing loud voice, like ying and yang.
"Bakugou, the name's fucking Bakugou, you extra!" Bakugou recovered quickly at your snappy self, getting more bothered as you talked.
"Okay, dude." His hands fisted, shaking in place as he stared you down but did not continue.
Silence; the hallway was now filled with silence as he boiled in his own anger and as you raised your brows in confusion. Now what? Was it time to leave? You've never met anyone like him, this was peculiar—
A second passes; two; at the third you're wheezing your lungs out, laughing at the ridiculousness of the scenario.
"What the fuck are you LAUGHING AT?!" His voice got louder just to top your howling. You did not expect that.
Through a sigh, regaining your breath, you say "It's [L/N] [Y/N].", seeing him retreat in his form and cross his arms. He was still seizing you up.
"If you have shit to say to me, say it to my fucking face, understood?"
"I—... Say what now?"
"I—." He copied in a mock, getting an incredulous look from you. "You stupid or what?" Your upper lip lifted, ready to cuss him to infinity and beyond but he continued. "Like about that bitch from before and shit—" even if he still was loud, he placed his hands in his pockets and looked more interested in the way the tiles on the wall were placed instead of your person. "An' like you told the weirdo—"
No time to be shocked at the implied; his last word enraged you, making your body shake with rage. "Don't fucking dare to call her a weirdo ever again."
Like a challenge, he snapped his face back at you, ready to take it.
"Or what?"
"Listen here, fucker—" now that was a nice surprised face he was pulling. "Just because I gave you a pat on the back in there doesn't mean you can disrespect people just because you think you're the shit. You're not. Now get out of my fucking way." With a final push to his shoulder, your mind was focused on going to the infirmary, steam almost coming out of your nostrils.
"Hey, extra!"
Ignore him, ignore him, ignore him. went through your mind, marching away without a glance back. Not until—
"[L/N]! You're a healer, hah?" That's interesting. He stood where you left him, watching.
"What's it to you?"
Someone sane would've left at your tone but this guy walked towards you then showed you his arms, recently scratched. Images came back to you about the cafeteria incident but did not underst—... did he want to get healed?
You scoffed.
"They're scratches, dude."
"They annoy me. Now heal." All the energy you had left in your body was channeled towards the slow blink you threw at him, at which he scoffed. But they did look nasty— and Midori did them. It was a curse by itself to look down at your own arms and remember that face, so the guardian angel in you decided to take control and be the better person.
Gentle fingers barely tapped his muscular arm. Smile crept up on your lips, feeling absolutely delighted at his obvious stiffness at the skin contact and the clear interest in his eyes, specially when the scratches started disappearing into nothing, leaving smooth silk skin under.
"Hey— Wha— Where the fuck do you think you're going?!" raspy voice got lost in the distance and one thought in your head.
"Want a lollipop for being a good patient too?" You mock and his face explodes in all shapes of red. It would've been great to mock him more, enthralled by his reactions, but with that you turned and left, ignoring the tingling under your fingers that should not be there and your stomping heart.
Did he wait all the lunchbreak to talk to you?
A long queue was ahead of you, earning the longest sigh out of your lungs. Life was pain sometimes. Mei couldn't hang out, food was too far away, the delicious croissants Lunch Rush made ran out as far as you could see. Pain. Just pure pain.
And disappointment. When you walked away with your food in a bag, maybe to sit under a tree and enjoy some peace and quiet, you saw her. Midori sitting at a table you did not expect. At the same table where Ashido Mina, Denki Kaminari, Kirishima Eijirou and Hanta Sero sat at. Good people. Honest, good people about to get bitten by a snake. If she was there, then Bakugou decided—
"You. Sit."
Thinking about the boy somehow summoned him behind you. Food in hand and bored expression on his face, he passed you not without giving you a stink eye. Indeed, disappointment.
You shrugged, trying not to pay much attention to the pang in your heart as you moved forward, but a voice— his voice stopped you in your tracks.
"You. Get the fuck out of my face." His growl made everyone around him turn to watch, you being one of them. There was no excuse to what came next, no way to run away past it and dissappear. He nodded his head at you out of all people and pointed at the seat still occupied by Midori; her purple eyes big, shocked, running between your frame and the blond's.
Do you know what it felt to be put in the spotlight without warning? Well, congratulations because that was your life now.
"Ba—Bakugou-san?" Her voice, now highed up and meek followed, then a small scream as Bakugou slammed his food on the table. His friends sat there, wide-eyed, but made no attempt to interrupt.
"Did I fucking stutter, bitch? Or want me to turn into a rabid dog for fucking real?"
You choked on your own spit, bag of goodies about to drop on the floor once you saw her horrified face. She knew that he knew. And when her pale eyes, filled with sudden malice, act dropped, turned to you it's when you realized she figured out where he found out from.
Not like you cared, really, but the little shit that always had to poke out every time she was in the same room as you decided to finally show up, making you wave and send her a wink.
"I said MOVE!" now— that growl, raspy and filled with anger startled her. The orange juice in her hands spilled all over her uniform and woke her up from whatever delusion she was in. With zero time to reconsider, every belonging of hers was picked up with trembling hands and she ran away to her group of cockroaches.
A smile was already settled on your face; your brain was storing that whole interaction deep within, ready to bring it back up whenever you needed a good laugh.
Life was pain and disappointment, you say? No. Life was great. Or more importantly, Bakugou was. Not like he needed to know. But he was a decent guy as he proved—
"THE FUCK YOU STANDING THERE LIKE A DUMBASS?! I SAID SIT!" —to be a pain in the fucking ass and the bane of your existence.
You gave him a face then turned to walk away, even rushing more when you heard his chair screeching on the floor. The exit was so close, so near, freedom never felt this great, the sunlight kissing your skin giving you a new hope to live. But not for long because he grabbed your hand and started dragging you towards his table.
Your hand was in his hand and he was dragging you—
Your hand— his big, warm, a little bit sweaty hand—
How could you ruin such a beautiful moment? Eyes on you two, shocked, silence, his adorable red ears being the only thing you could see as he was completely in front of you, still dragging you towards his friends...
"Did you wait all lunchbreak yesterday to talk to me?" You collided into him as you finished the sentence, his way taller form stiffened so much you felt you single-handedly broke Bakugou Katsuki for good.
But when he turned... Oh, when he turned. Biggest deer-caught-in-the-headlights eyes you've ever seen on anyone, cheeks painted so red you almost melted in the spot, lips trembling as his head worked a thousand miles per second just to find a retort. And you prepared yourself for—
"NO, I FUCKING DIDN'T! WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT, YOU FUCKING EXTRA? I'D NEVER WAIT FOR SOMEONE LIKE YO— ARE YOU EVEN LISTENING TO ME!" Mina's waving hand caught your attention and smiled at her. Your hand was still in his, gripped harshly as he still hasn't noticed it's still there.
"Hey! [L/N], long time no see!" She cheered, ignoring the living shit out of her screaming friend, like she's used to it.
"Hey, chill, dude. Now let go of my hand, I wanna talk to Ashido." You smiled sweetly, making extra effort to wave your linked hands arond until he finally noticed. He zapped his hand away so fast, like he's been bitten by a wild animal. Maybe even a rabid dog, if you will.
You couldn't ignore your own flustered state as you walked past him, giving him a one up, adding the absolute scandalized face he had into the back of your mind for safekeeping.
"Come sit with us!" The pinkette offered.
"Oh, hey, I know you! You're by Hatsume's workshop all the time!" Kirishima intervened with a surprised face that broke into a grin. "Nice to officially meet—"
"I fucking said." he appeared, sitting in front of you. "My name's Bakugou."
"Ok, dude, but I'm talking to someon—"
"BAKUGOU KATSUKI!" Could be heard from the stratosphere.
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Note: I just realized Midori means Green [ fucking duh ] but I'm not gonna change the name or her description. I think her parents fucking up her name was the start of many accidents leading into the Midori we all know and hate. Also, I know you understand. We all know a Midori in our lives. Much love.
Note 2: I keep editing it but tumblr dot com slash Install App on Phone fucks my editing and switches paragraphs all around! If you find any PLEASE tell me, I'd really appreciate it!!!
938 notes · View notes
rjshepherd · 3 years
4 Lords headcanons - Karl Heisenberg
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Karl is my new favorite resident evil character. He’s just so unlike anything we’ve seen before in any of the other games. Ricardo irving MAYBE but he didn't quite hit the nail on the head with the dark humor and likeability. I saw a tweet from Al yang ( resident evil resistance’s director) who said that Karl and daniel fabron would be besties because they have the same style and interests and i am 10000% behind that. You all know how much I love daniel.
Anyway, here are some of my headcanons for Karl heisenberg. Long post under the cut.
So im getting this one out of the way first: i've been canoning karl as jewish since before the whole N*zi discourse started. No reason for this in particular besides the fact he’s german and he reminds me of my best friend who is also Jewish. It made my friend happy so I just decided to roll with it.
I don't think Karl is practicing, or that he follows a particular belief system. I doubt miranda would allow such things and he really strikes me more as an atheist, particularly after all he’s been through. It's mostly a heritage thing, something he might actually be interested in learning more about if given the chance.
Speaking of discourse, that necklace of his is just a trinket. It's not his or even a family heirloom, hence why it's blank. I canon that Karl likes to collect stuff from the junkyards or post war scrap yards around the village. When he was younger he often snuck out of the village to go exploring and brought back things he found to keep or repair, like Moreau’s television or the Half-track motorbike Ethan uses.
I imagine he found a large box of factory reject dog tags and just decided to take some. He strikes me as a “well I'll find a use for it” kind of man. When he got distracted by more important projects, he decided to just wear one. It went with his aesthetic after all.
Also that compass on his necklace is now completely non functional. Karl’s powers have ruined its magnets. He keeps it for aesthetic and sentimentality, yes but he also likes to use it to check his power levels, the faster it spins the stronger he’s getting.
Despite mostly collecting Junk that he can use or repair, Karl also likes to find intact things. He can be a bit like a magpie, taking things he just finds cool or aesthetically pleasing. He had a room much like Ariel from the little mermaid, filled with stuff from the outside world. Unfortunately, much like Ariel, his treasure trove was destroyed by Miranda when she discovered it. Thankfully though, she never tied it back to him. He’s sad that it’s all gone but is too afraid to start collecting again, lest it get destroyed once more.
His favorite things to collect are tokens from Germany. Things from the DDR, Metal figurines, war medals, pins and old money are his favorites but he also has a few old toys ( like train sets) and even has a piece of the Berlin wall in his collection.
He’s not fussed on war memorabilia. He has no use for it, prefering to take scrap leftovers so he can make something new from it.
He can't speak german unfortunately. Maybe a few words here and there but nothing substantial. He was able to speak it as a child, but since Miranda raised him to speak English, he lost more of his mother tongue the older he got. He can speak some basic romanian, mostly for communicating with people just outside the village or trading for scrap but he’s far from fluent.
He can , however, speak decent sign language.
Miranda was a terrible english teacher. I'm very surprised Karl doesnt have more of a stutter. As a child, when he spoke german, she would hit him and if he spoke english incorrectly, she would berate him in front of others.
Speaking of stutters, Karl has mostly grown out of his, but when he is tired, frustrated or nervous for whatever reason, it comes back .
He’s trying to teach himself german again as an adult but he has little time for it. His german books are gathering dust in some forgotten corner of the factory while he works on his plans for revenge.
In his very rare moments of free time , he can usually be found either reading, listening to LPs or tinkering. His favorite books are , unsurprisingly, Science fiction but he also likes crime novels as well as technical manuals.
Given that Karl enjoys collecting things, I believe he likes to create collectibles too. I can see him making a series of little metal sculptures to have around his factory. They're only small, he doesn't like to waste precious scrap on frivolous things.
Despite his family crest being based on a knight, Karl isn't fond of chess. He can play, but he just doesn't have the patience for it. Not to mention all the other lords take it far too seriously and are both sore losers and sore winners. Looking at you Alcina.
Additionally, Karl is a little uneasy around horses. When he was a child, one kicked at him. He only got a small scar from it but since then he hasn't been too fond of them. He is able to ride one but would rather walk if there's a choice.
We all know that in another world or another lifetime, Karl would have made an amazing performer. Maybe he would have had a youtube channel for showing off his creations, like man at arms .
He comes across as someone with a bombastic personality, someone who likes being the center of attention. Part of that is the lack of attention given to him as a child but more so his lack of self esteem. His confidence is all surface level; he fears rejection and is perhaps even more self conscious about what Miranda has done to him than Moreau, although he hides it better.
Behind closed doors he’s a very quiet introverted man. He prefers his own company and has gotten to the point where he even finds meetings with the lords draining. He's not shy like donna nor does he purposely lock himself away but if another lord came to his factory he would absolutely pretend not to be in.
Karl suffers from severe nightmares as a result of what Miranda has put him through. He often doesn't sleep for days at a time, only to collapse when the exhaustion becomes too much.
I know we all canon karl as a lycan and an outdoorsy type. I write him that way a lot because it's what people seem to like, but it's not actually how I envision him. To me, he’s sort of a stay inside type. He rarely leaves the factory and has little interest in hunting or survivalism or even in the lycans .
That’s not to say he’s bad at these things. He’s skilled at tracking, hunting and surviving off the land, but he would prefer to remain at his factory with electricity and indoor plumbing.
Speaking of hunting, Karl prefers not to use guns. Ammo is at a premium in the village, not to mention very loud. He is far more accurate and silent when just using magnet controlled knives or scrap to kill his targets. For bigger targets, or when he wants to make a statement, he’ll use his hammer but it is mostly for show.
He’s kind of a nerd to me. His background is in mechanical engineering, but by the time of re8 he’s branched out to electrical engineering and biomechanical engineering too. He’s a rough and tumble hands on kinda guy but he’s also surprisingly delicate when he needs to be, with an eye for detail and a genius mind.
I canon he has some medical training. I know he’s based on Dr Frankenstein but I very much doubt Karl has the patience or training of a medical doctor. I'm thinking more like EMT, First-aider or maybe a combat medic? I don't think he’s ever been to war or even ever enlisted, but it's possible someone from the village is a veteran and was able to pass on their knowledge to him.
Aside from the medical training, he is entirely self taught.
He really has little to do with the Lycan pack. They're too dumb for his purposes, too hard to organize and worse of all, loyal to Miranda. He can direct them, probably better than any of the other lords , but he tends to stay away from them unless he needs something to test his soldat against.
He rarely leaves the factory except for the above headcanon, lord meetings and getting parts for his experiments ( either scrap or dead bodies). He despises the cold of the village in winter and the insane amounts of pollen in the summer
I don't think Karl was ever fully brainwashed by Miranda. He is an incredibly stubborn individual and is skilled at pretending, charming and manipulating. I believe he had miranda fooled or at least they reached a point where he had certain freedoms or she didn't care to rein him in because she saw him as little threat. Alcina has never been fooled by his act.
His favorite food is anything from a german deli. He would love to go to the KaDeWe some day and try all of the deli’s there.
Karl has the biggest sweet tooth out of all the lords, even over donna who practically lives on cakes. He metabolises energy very quickly, particularly when he’s generating electricity himself for his experiments. Virtually all his favorite sweets are from Germany: black forest cake, gummy bears, Berliners , marzipan and stollen to name just a few
what else? Man loves his carbs, definitely the type of person to fill up on bread before a meal and take a few more rolls home with him for good measure.
He doesn't have a least favorite food to be honest. He’ll eat pretty much anything you put in front of him and always tells you how much he enjoyed his meal. I canon miranda used to starve her experiments as punishment, so he’s always grateful for food. I think he might turn his nose up at Liver however. It's not the taste or even the texture, but with its incredibly high iron content he swears he can feel it moving around in his stomach when he uses his magnet powers. Whether that's true or just psychosomatic is unknown.
Karl doesn't drink often but when he does, he drinks a lot in one go. He has a terrible habit of mixing beer and spirits and spending the rest of the week regretting his poor decisions. He likes German beer, obviously, as well as polish and russian vodka and the occasional drink of expensive whiskey. He really , really doesn't like jagermeister. He says it tastes like cough syrup left in the sun.
He’s sort of a sloppy drunk. Lots of singing and dancing on the villagers tables and getting carried away. One of the (many) reasons Alcina doesn't get on with him is that he lacks decorum when drinking and prefers to party or drink with others ( like the villagers) rather than have a “sophisticated” drink after dinner.
Alcina invited him to a wine tasting once, forgetting to mention you aren't actually meant to swallow the wine. Karl didn't get this memo and now feels quite nauseous when presented with red wine. Alcina had to throw out her favorite rug after he left.
Sexuality headcanon? Hmmm well much like the others, i don't hold a particular one as true. I tend to treat most of my characters as fluid so I can write them for anyone. If absolutely pressed i would say he's got some strong bi/pan vibes. He flirts shamelessly with anyone and everyone but the moment it actually goes anywhere or someone reciprocates he starts to malfunction and forgets how to talk or act like a human.
Karl has no love for any of the other lords. Looking at them and how brainwashed they still are makes him uncomfortable. That being said, he still feels a great deal of pity for them. I canon Donna was the last infected, I imagine Karl may have tried to prevent this without giving himself away to miranda. He carries a lot of guilt around for not being able to prevent another child becoming like him. Moreau disgusts him, both physically and morally but he still cant help but pity the creature he’s become. I hc Moreau used to be a doctor, an intelligent and respected man who actually gave a shit about the village. These days Karl finds it hard to look past his grotesque form and even more disgusting devotion to miranda.
As for alcina? In some way’s hes a little jealous of her. He hates that she got to live a normal life and still threw it away to come to the village. She’s still one of Miranda's playthings but she takes an absurd kind of pride in being their abuser's favorite that he just doesn't understand. He does pity her at the end of the day but that pity is buried under a lot of animosity and dislike.
When he was a bit younger, maybe a teenager, he had a habit of pulling his hat down over his face when embarrassed.
He’s a very fidgety person, although not as bad as daniela. He has plenty of fidget toys to play with while he works, sometimes they help him think or concentrate. Others are just to keep his hands occupied so he doesn't scratch at his scars.
Karl is very good with his hands, he always has something to keep them occupied. He likes to roll his own cigarettes and cigars. His favorite cigars are cuban, imported by the duke but he saves those for special occasions. He chain smokes regular cigarettes when he’s stressed but usually only smokes a few a day.
He’s ambidextrous, he writes with his right and does most other things with his left.
Like most of the lords, he's very good at art! He leans more towards sketching and sculptures than crafts like donna or painting like alcina. He’s also really good at sewing! Almost as good as donna! Mind you, he’s mostly sewing himself from the various cuts and scrapes he gets or stitching up dead bodies.
Karl was crystalised like Zoe Baker at some point in his life. Possibly as a punishment from Miranda, possibly when he first merged with the cadou. This resulted in his white/silver hair despite only being around 30 years old. Similarly, he was born with green eyes that have faded to blue/gold as a result of his crystallization.
His facial scars are from fighting with alcina but he has many more that we cant see, particularly across his back.
He can generate static shocks of his own will. He mostly uses this to zap people he doesn't like coughalcinacough. He gets power from thunderstorms but has difficulty with cold and damp conditions as they don't conduct very well.
Scent headcanon? I know people like these for some reason. Karl generally smells like oil and cigar smoke but that's sort of a given. When he’s been using his powers a lot he smells like ozone and damp and when he’s freshly washed he smells vaguely minty.
Animals really don't seem to like Karl. Maybe it’s his mischievous aura or mayne his magnet/ electric powers make their fur feel weird. Birds don't like him because he messes with their navigation and cows don't like him because as a child he liked to run through the fields and spook them. They have very long memories.
wow i absolutely have more but i had to take a step back and think "maybe you should keep some things a mystery". if i over elaborate on him there wont be any room for headcanons will there?
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writing4mycuties · 3 years
Life in Quarantine
Part 2
***please don't copy or post my work, but feel free to reblog, like and comment! ***
It wasn't a hard decision to make. Chris wanted me to stay with him for now while the world dealt with the crisis of this virus. Every state had different rules in place but for the most part, it was very similar. The first thing I did was call my parents. Not because I needed permission, I was well past the age of that, but out of respect and common courtesy. This was pretty serious and I would always be their child so I wanted to talk this decision through with them. Chris and I called them via video to talk to them about it.
The conversation went well and they gave us their blessing to ‘live together’ instead of being separate for who knows how long. They knew I would be well taken care of and with technology today, we could talk through video. My job also contacted me with my next contracted assignment and it was going to be set up remotely which meant I could work from wherever I wanted. Chris made a space in his office for my computer and things I would need right next to his.
His live video interviews would be done in the alcove off of the kitchen/dining room or in his bedroom for the most part. This would be safe for keeping our relationship private longer. We had done a good job so far, aside from the occasional speculations made throughout social media and his fans. This pandemic would be easy to keep our secret going since we didn’t plan to be out until we knew more about things. I had seen how some fans, not many when compared to amount of fans he has, would react to the knowledge of Chris having a girlfriend in the past. There was no doubt in my mind people would hate me, but I knew that going into this.
Scott was doing some things remotely for work just like Chris and I. His room was over the garage on the other side of the house. It was actually like a living suite almost. Needless to say, he’d be just as comfortable there as an apartment or him mom’s. Jennifer Garner started a charity for kids when the quarantine began and of course Chris found out and signed up to participate. I followed Chris on Instagram but we decided he didn’t need to follow me because fans would definitely pick up on him following a random girl. He had a private Instagram with a fake name that he followed friends and family and me on. I was in the middle of setting my things up in the office when I received a notification that Chris had posted something. Yeah, corny I know, I get notifications for my boyfriend, but what can I say? He is pretty damn cute.
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Watching the video of Chris reading, ‘If You Give A Dog A Donut’, my smile basically split my face in two. At first I wasn’t too keen on him cutting his hair. But watching this video reminded me of how much I loved this look on him. Sometimes I couldn’t understand how this man made flannel and a buzzcut look as hot as he did.
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That cute little smile made me feel like he actually pictured himself sitting in a preschool reading this to a bunch of kids and it warmed my heart. Seeing the soft side of this big, strong man always made me feel like I won the lottery.
Right when the video ended, I was brought out of my own thoughts when Chris snuck up on me. “YOU ALREADY WATCHED IT? Oh man! You need to turn off those notifications!”
March 22 Scott buzzed his head too, just not as well as Chris had.
Chris had buzzed his head since he knew he wouldn’t have any work for a while. He found it easier and more comfortable not worrying about having to brush or style if for video conferences calls. Once Scott saw Chris being as carefree about his hair he followed along behind his brother. He missed quite a few spots and asked me to help him but I didn’t want that responsibility so he asked Chris.
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Chris joined in on a few more charities to raise money.
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ASP finally launched and Chris was so nervous.
Dodger had been scheduled to get a hair cut but then the quarantine changed those plans. Chris thought he could do it himself. He was wrong.
May 14, 2020 Chris had an interview with Jimmy Fallon and showed the picture of the haircut he attempted on poor Dodger. I had been recruited after he cut it too short and finished the job but that part was left out for obvious reasons. He also just said he was in quarantine with Scott, leaving out the whole girlfriend part.
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The guys played a game with Jimmy and I made sure to stay clear of hearing anything. I knew there was a big chance of me giggling at them because they were so cute together when they did things like this.
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mopillow · 3 years
Red Yarn...
I didn't forgot @granny-fujoshi when a person ask me about He Cheng I read all the chapters he appears on again because I just adore him, now saying that please bear in mind that I'm completely bias about him
So does He Cheng wants to be baddest of them all???? In short No he doesn't want to but in order to protect He Tian he will.
Almost all kids grow thinking that their parents are the most amazing people ever and usually one of them is the love of your life, now think about young He Cheng a beautiful boy who listen to what his papa says and fully in love of his mother but she dies and leaves him the most amazing present ever, a tiny version of herself so fragil and pure, what would you do???
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Check this again with me please, and excuse my drooling, "I hate weaklings" yes understandable but who's the weakling that you hate??
For sure He Cheng was trained since he was young and no doubt his father was in charge of him.
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He Cheng should write a book full of inspirational quotes, with pictures of himself just being the majestic being he is, maybe some pictures of Qiu and the dog, just saying. Anyway back to the yarn
Then why is he under Mr. Jian orders now?? yes I know that this is not what you asked but bear with me, please.
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We don't know how Mrs. He died but the posibility that she was colateral damage exist, when He Cheng says he hates weaklings he could be saying this because being weak means loosing people that you love.
So let me ask again, why is he working for Mr. Jian? It could be that Mr. Jian is the big boss who lurks on the back moving all the strings giving orders here and there, maybe all the He's work for him, maybe they had old money but his dad wasn't as good as grandpa for business so Mr. He got a new business partner, a shady one.
Or maybe because he did what his father failed to do. Last time I checked Mrs. Jian is still alive and giving orders and Jian Yi is a carefree kid, while his dad has a new wife and doesn't put attention to HT.
He Tian was still a kid when he lost his mom but He Cheng wasn't, in He Cheng's mind he needs to be strong to protect He Tian you know why?? Because his father was weak so He Cheng follows not to please his father but to actually do something for the one person he cares the most it doesn't matter if he hates him or not what matters is to keep He Tian safe, He Cheng hates weaklings and he is on his way to be the boss himself because if you can't protect your own family then how can you call yourself strong.
He Cheng is like Batman when he was part of the League of Shadows or Darth Vader when he was part of the Empire and his dad is a sadistic asshole who tries to ruin our lifes
Please check this one too
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✨ REQUEST: Oh can I have a Nestor imagine where Miguel ends setting the pair of you up??? 💜♥️💜♥️💜
Gif credits: to the author.
WORDS: about 1.6k.
❚❙ A/N: this writing hasn’t been edited, you may find some grammar mistakes, I’m sorry about that. If you find a description about body or a word out of place or something that makes you feel uncomfortable / unrepresented, let me know by a private message and I will change it delighted ❤ — this work also includes sentences in Spanish, as reader can speak it.
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“Two coffees, please”.
You were with your back to him when you heard his husky voice and a soft latin tone in it. You couldn't help but raise an eyebrow with some kind of confusion at his order. Who comes to a Starbucks just asking for two coffees? Turning at the man with your lips pressed in a funny smile, you took a second to look at him behind the counter.
He is familiar to you. You know him from somewhere.
His black braids were the first thing that caught your attention, before focusing on the red and black shirt under the jacket of his suit. His hands were hidden inside the pockets of his pants, but you noticed his nervousness in the way he had closed them in two fists.
“Normal or decaf? With or without milk? Normal milk? Lactose-free? Soya milk? Almond milk? With sugar, saccharine, or mocca? With or without cream? Do you want it hot or do you want it iced?”
“Normal, no milk, no sweetener, no cream, no ice. Just two coffees”.
You were about to laugh until you heard him talking again. A tone more firm letting you know that he wasn't in the mood for jokes. You could see him gulping a little ashamed when you changed the gesture in your face, but you didn't say anything else. The order was easy and ready in less than one minute. Closing the cups and offering him, you tried to show him another gentle smile but you couldn't. Offering you ten dollars, you waved a hand between the both of you.
“It's on me… Sir”. You told him, an instant before he threw the money inside the tips jar.
Watching him leaving the cafeteria made you feel strangely bad, not knowing exactly why. Sighing as the black car, parked in front of your workplace, disappeared from your field of vision in a jiffy. You hadn't seen that man before, but you wouldn't mind seeing him again. To apologize for being so stupid, of course.
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“I fucked up”.
“Yeah, we all have seen the face of that poor girl. I bet you scared her”. Miguel laughed in the back seat of his car, taking a sip from the coffee.
“What the fuck you told him, man?” Vargas stopped the vehicle at a red light, turning at his boss.
“I asked for two coffees, and she started to… give me a lot of options, like milk and sugar and I just got nervous”.
“You? Nervous?” Miguel leaned forward, placing his forearms in both seats, sticking his head out of the gap between both. “The fearless Nestor Oceteva feeling nervous?”
“Fuck off, Mickey! I've been trying to talk with her for a week”.
“Yeah, and you scared her. Did you forget you only had to scare people while you're working?” The other man raised his eyebrows, making his boss laugh behind them.
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When the night came and the cafeteria had emptied of customers, you turned off most of the lights inside and locked the main door, to count the cash and write it down in the account book. Playing some soft music on your phone, you took off the green cap and the apron of the same color. It was a long day and all you can think about was in that mystery man with two braids, and who made you feel frustrated for some reason. It wasn't like you wanted to make him smile or to know his name, or maybe get his phone number. Of course not.
Knocks on the crystal door claimed your attention, turning your head towards it and interrupting your task. Gulping nervously finding two suited men with his hands tangled in a big fist, respectively, under their abdomens, you stepped out from behind the counter to lead your feet to their position.
“Are you alone?” One of them asked without any doubt in his words.
Simply nodding, the other man walked to the car parked behind them. Then, you watched Miguel Galindo coming out from it. And now, you were fucked. Of course, you knew the man who came that morning. Licking your lips, freaking out, you unlocked the door to let him walk in.
“Buenas noches”.
“Buenas noches, se—señor Galindo”.
“Are you occupied? May I come in?”
With your heart racing, you gave him enough space to pass you away to the inside.
“I'm sorry if… he tho—thought I was making… fun of him. I didn't me—mean to be disrespectful”.
Your hands were sweating, rubbing one against the other behind your back. Barely breathing. Praying anything you knew.
“Tranquila, it's okay. Do you think I came to… make you something?” His calm attitude gave you shivers. The kind of ones that put your body to tremble. The laugh that echoed all around the empty cafeteria provoked your nausea. “The truth is… you like him. He has been some days trying to encourage himself to ask you out, but my brother is a little dumb”.
Tilting your head with confusion, just like a dog would do, you narrowed your eyes not sure if he was being serious or he was teasing you to have some fun.
“I do—”.
Miguel raised a forefinger to stop you, as soon as his phone rang inside his jacket. Grabbing it from the pocket and reading the name on the screen, he answered the call with the speaker on.
“Are you fucking kidding me, Mickey? Emily just told me you went for two coffees. The fuck you have? Five fucking years old? Leave the waitress in pace!”
Feeling like shit, you bowed down your head because of his words, recognizing the voice at the instant. The man in front of you watched the gesture frowning his brow.
“Nestor, the speaker is on”.
Pi, pi, pi. He had hung up.
“Can you, please, leave? I think you have had enough fun. And you should be ashamed of using your position to do this kind of bullshit to someone humble, who only wants to live her life without being a target to your free time”. Trying to be polite, you pointed at the door with a hand.
“No, no, lis—”.
“If you don't leave right now, sir, I'm calling the cops”. You ruled, taking a step forward with your eyes glued to him, about to cry because of rage. The rage that helped you to lose any fears about confronting the dangerous Miguel Galindo.
In silence, he nodded only one time, turning around to leave the cafeteria. After locking the door, you let the tears fill up your eyes and run down your cheeks. Needing a little break before finishing your work and going home.
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A few days have passed since then, not being able to stop thinking about it and why you. Why they decided to play that prank. It wasn't funny. At least, it wasn't funny for you. But you were sure that, later, they commented it and laughed about your gestures. Turning the filter holder of the professional coffee maker, to fit it into the gear, you can't help but look through the reflection on it over your shoulder. Your heart jumps when you find Nestor bent over the counter with both forearms, waiting to be attended to.
“What would you like, sir?” The question comes out from your mouth with a cold tone of voice, not even looking at his eyes, ready to take his order in the TPV.
“Two coffees”. He replies trying to not show any kind of emotion, taking off the sunglasses covering his dark eyes. “One like… just coffee. And another of your choice”.
Filling up the cups with the drink and securing them with the covers, you put them over the counter to grab back the money and give him the change. Holding one with his right hand, the man offers you the other with his left.
“Do you have a moment?”
“Por favor”.
“I said no”.
“I'm going to stay here, till you say yes”. The smile curving his mouth, showing you two perfect rows of teeth, convinces you somehow.
Rolling your eyes and tapping your co-worker's shoulder, you make him a gesture to cover you to take a short break. Nestor follows you then to the back alley, not saying a word but trying to prepare a monologue to apologize. Stopping your track and facing him, having a sip from your coffee, you wave your hand waiting for something.
“I told him to not do it”.
“So… was it a bet, or what? Were you bored and thought that could be fun making me feel stupid and ashamed?”
“None of that”. His jaw tensing calls your attention, bowing his eyes to the drink between his hands. “I really wanted to ask you out, but I wasn't sure if you were going to accept. I was nervous and… Miguel thought that he could help me”.
“He didn't”.
“I know”.
“And you, shouting through the phone, either”.
“Yeah, lo siento por eso”. Looking at your eyes again, with regret, he keeps his free hand in a pocket. “If you don't want to hang out with me, it's okay. I came to apologize for what happened”.
“Thank you”. You just whisper.
He tilts his head, pressing his lips and forcing a smile. Nestor waits one second, hoping that you add something else like you would like to have a date, but you don't talk again. Giving up, he nods turning around disappointed, walking out of the alley.
But actually, you're just making him suffer a little. It's called payback.
“I'm free tomorrow night”.
With a brow raised, the man turns around, facing you some steps away.
“We can meet at Jin's chinese restaurant. At seven”.
His smile appears again, infecting you with the same gesture.
“I'll be there at six”.
“Why?” You chuckle, not understanding him.
“To not make you wait”.
“Todo un caballero…”
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sincerelyasomebody · 4 years
Give An Inch || Oscar "Spooky" Diaz
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(GIF Credit: @merakiaes)
A/N: Not proofread, apologises. Feel free to point out any mistakes with the Spanish translations. Thanks!
Pairing(s): Spooky x Reader ▪︎ The Core 5 x Reader (platonic relationship) 
Summary: A helping hand is mistaken for something else. 
Warnings: fluff, language, mention of smut (very light), mentions of a baby, sexist comments, 
Word Count: 1815
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"Come on, (Y/N)." Jamal begged, trying to snatch the bag filled with candy, "just one more and I promise I'll stop asking." 
"No, Jamal," she reprimanded the teenager, "you've eaten enough candy as it is."
He huffed, the rest of the group laughing at his misfortune. Oscar shook his head, wrapping his arm around her shoulders, clicking his tongue, "eh, just give him one." 
She looked at him, "and have him throw up on himself? I don't think so." She glanced over at the group and back at him, "besides, he keeps grabbing the (flavour) ones and there's hardly any left." 
With a laugh, he kissed her forehead, "so it's not about his well being? It's 'cause he keeps taking the ones you like?" 
"Shut up," was her response. 
That made him laugh harder, causing the group of teenagers to look back at the couple. Cesar smiled at how carefree his brother looked whereas his friends were still surprised, despite knowing of the couple's marital status. 
They and their families, the Santos and (Y/N)'s family were present at the courthouse, a simple but elegant affair. Despite her mother's protest about a big wedding, (Y/N) was more focused on spending the rest of her life with Oscar and Cesar (they were a packaged deal). She didn't care where they got married. 
It had been months since that court appearance and (Y/N) and Oscar had fallen in love with each other more everyday. Yes, they had their disagreements, but before the sun set apologises were said and a round of cuddles were given. He may have been a tough Santos leader, but Oscar was big on affection. 
A relaxed date night for the pair turned into an eventful group outing. (Y/N) didn't mind, having grown accustomed to having the teenagers around (even Jasmine with her big personality, something she really admired). Oscar was annoyed, but adjusted to having her attention shared. 
The teenagers began to disagree on whether to try their luck with the games or grab a bite to eat. The girls wanted to play some games and the boys wanted to get some more food. (Y/N) decided to make the decision for them, looking at Oscar, "you go with the boys and I'll go with the girls," she laughed, taking note of his unimpressed look, "they're not that bad." 
Right on cue, Jamal and Ruby began arguing about the most problematic person in the 90 Day Fiancé: Before the 90 Days cast. Cesar stood by, saying nothing and somehow got dragged into the debate. (Y/N) shook her head and pecked Oscar's cheek, "good luck." 
And with that, she walked off with the girls in tow. 
The three walked around for quite a bit before deciding on playing Whac-a-Mole; no lines, reasonably priced and the prizes were really good. (Y/N) handed the attendant the money and watched the game light up. 
"How do you plan on winning?" Monse asked, knowing that a bunch of the games were rigged. 
"By imagining something that pisses me off," she replied. Both girls quirked an eyebrow and watched as she hit almost every single mole that popped out of its hole. When the game ended, she glanced over at them, "see?" 
They laughed at her chosen stuffed animal being a wolf, knowing her obsession with dogs, when the attendant asked about her prize. Taking a step back, she allowed the girls to decide if they wanted to play a game. 
Unbeknownst to her, a figure had been watching from afar and decided right at that moment to start up a conversation. 
(Y/N) felt a presence move closer, she smiled thinking they were passing by, but instead stopped right in front of her. Her eyebrows furrowed, as she took in the person; solid build, tall and tanned skin. 
"The name's Damian," he introduced himself.
She nodded, "hello, Damian, I'm (Y/N). Did you need something?" 
Before he could reply a mallet hit the side of his head. She covered her mouth to stifle her laughter, eyes looking at the direction of where it flew to find Monse nodding towards Jasmine, the girl giving a sheepish grin. (Y/N) turned back around to find Damian rubbing his head.
"Well… uh, that was… something," he muttered, picking up the object and holding it out. 
"Sorry," Jasmine apologised, taking it and giving it back to the attendant.
(Y/N) noticed his cheek darkening, "you might need some ice for that," she held up her finger, "follow my finger, please." A couple seconds later, she concluded, "you don't seem to have a concussion, but you should check out the medical tent." 
He smiled, "you in the medical field?" 
"A nurse at the local hospital." 
"Beauty and brains," he complimented
She shook her head, "come on I'll take you," she glanced over her shoulder, "tell the guys where I'm going, okay? I shouldn't be long." 
Monse and Jasmine nodded at her instructions, sharing a look when she walked around the corner, hopefully Spooky wasn't nearby. 
But of course, luck wasn't on their side. 
"You girls win anything?" 
They turned around and found Cesar walking ahead of the group, a grin plastered across his face holding up a teddy bear and handing it over to Monse. Jamal and Ruby holding a slushie and a churro in their hands. Spooky took notice of the missing figure, his eyes staring at the pair, "where's (Y/N)?" 
Jasmine piped up, "at the medical tent," when she noticed their concerned faces she quickly added, "don't worry, she's not hurt. She took a guy there 'cause I hit him in the head with a mallet." 
"You hit him with a mallet?" questioned Ruby, taking a sip of his slushie. 
"Sí, pero no propósito," she gestured to the truck, "I was using it for the game, they really need to tape that shit down."  
Jamal's eyebrows scrunched together, "aren't those things attached?" 
"Yeah, they are," Monse replied, "well.. one used to be." 
As the group got on the subject of other carnival games, they didn't notice Spooky slipping away to find (Y/N). Always being down to help whoever with whatever, it didn't come as a surprise to him hearing she had walked the guy over to the medical tent. It was a trait he loved about her, but of course it had setbacks. 
With a heart as big as hers, there were some people who liked to take advantage of her goodwill. 
If the guy fell into that category, then he was in for a rude awakening.
He walked around the corner, avoiding a bunch of kids running with their parents trying to keep up with them. Passing by several tents he found the one he was looking for. It wasn't that hard as an ambulance, cots and paramedics stuck out among the food trucks and carnival games. 
His eyes focused on her, her hands clutching a stuffed animal, a smile crossed his face taking note of it being a wolf. She let out a laugh and continued talking to the person next to her. He moved towards them, his pace picking up when he noticed her twiddling her thumbs, a subtle sign that showed she was beginning to feel uncomfortable. 
"Cariño." He called out. 
Her head turned in his direction, a big smile on her face as she rose to her feet. When he was close enough, she wrapped her arms around his waist, resting her head on his chest. When she released her hold, she pecked his lips. 
Quickly bending down to pick up the wolf plushie.  
After shaking it, she held it up to his face, "say hello to the new love of my life." 
He kissed his teeth, "new love? The only new love of your life is gonna be the baby I put in you, esta noche." 
She gasped and hit his chest, laughing when he pulled her in and kissed the top of her head. 
"Uh… you're taken?" 
The couple turned to the figure holding the ice pack to his cheek. (Y/N) nodded, "yep, happily taken." Holding up her left hand to reveal just how taken she was.
Damian shook his head, "you're married and walking around as if you're single? Wow, aren't you a great catch." 
Her eyebrows furrowed, at the switch in his tone, "excuse you?" 
"You led me on."
"Led you on?" She scoffed, "how?" 
He gestured to the tent, "you brought me here." 
"Yeah, I brought you here to make sure you were okay," she replied, "and before you say anything about me staying with you, I thought I'd keep you company before your friends arrived." 
"You have to train her better," Damian shifted his focus to Oscar, "can't have your wife leading men on like some bitch in heat." 
Before (Y/N) could blink, Oscar gripped the front of Damian's shirt and pulled him close their nose centimetres apart, "don't fucking talk to her like that, understand me?" Damian just blinked, causing Oscar to give him a shake, "I asked you a question." 
He nodded, "yeah, I won't. Ever again." 
Oscar loosened his grip, nodding towards the bruising on the side of his head, "next time it'll be a bullet," at the scared look he received, he smirked, "now, apologise to my wife, pendejo." 
"I'm sorry." 
"She has a name." 
"I'm sorry, (Y/N)." 
"What are you sorry for?" 
"I'm sorry, (Y/N) for calling you a bitch and assuming that you were interested." Damian apologised. 
She nodded, "thank you." 
"When a woman is interested, she'll make it clear that she's interested." Oscar explained, "if she isn't interested, back off." 
"Right, got it." 
"But with your obscured view on women, I doubt they'd be interested," (Y/N) snickered, "all that muscle on you and you're nothing but a punk ass bitch." 
Oscar held her hand in his, giving the back of it a kiss, "come on," when they were about a metre away, (Y/N) called out, "enjoy the rest of your night, Damian. You sexist pig." 
This received a few stares from those surrounding the other tents but the couple kept walking as if nothing had happened. (Y/N) allowed Oscar to lead them back to wherever the group of teenagers were. When she spotted them, she stopped her movement, causing Oscar to halt in his.
"What's wrong?" 
She smirked and moved in close, fingers fiddling with the button of his shirt, "do you wanna get started?'
His eyebrow arched, "get started on what?" 
"On putting that baby in me…. Unless, you've changed your mind and -" 
She laughed when he gripped her hand and dragged her in the direction of the car, throwing a comment about texting Cesar that she wasn't feeling well and to stay the night at Monse's when she asked about the group noticing their disappearance. 
- ♤ - ♡ - ◇ - ♧ - 
Spanish Translation(s): 
Sí, pero no propósito - yeah, but not on purpose
Cariño - dear or darling 
Esta noche - tonight 
Pendejo - asshole or bastard
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Same anon who just asked about jekyll turning into a vampire during college, so you mentioned there may have been a vampire with the maggot dog. What if said vampire is starving they had just attempted to drink from the dog but I doubt the dog had any good blood left so then Henry passes by gets attacked but the vampire in their hunger turns him, proceeds to run away leaving Henry in pain. Henry then in his first hunger for blood ends up killing some people, when he finally comes back to himself he's so so guilty but he's also just as scared of being captured. So in his guilt he makes HJ7 trying to cure himself of vampirism and trying to get rid of everything he hates about himself at the same time. Also would jasper know that jekylls a vampire? Or would the mint smell that seems to follow jekyll make jasper not notice? Maybe jekyll uses mint as something to hide his vampirism? Along with his other potions he uses for it. On a fluffier note bat like jekyll my beloved I can now imagine Henry hanging upside down somewhere sleeping not as a bat only for a lodger to come across him and scream as one does when they see their boss hanging on the ceiling. Jekyll wakes up falls down and just starts to hiss before realizing the situation. Also maybe jekyll would only appear in maijabis mirrors? Or! Jekyll being invited to some fancy ball but just waiting outside awkwardly because they never gave him permission to come inside. Anyway I'm done now this ask is too long srry I'll be marking it off just in case I get more ideas to share if you don't mind -💉
Oooo! Named anon! Syringe anon my beloved <3 congrats on being my second ever named anon 🎉
Yeah!! That's pretty similar to what I was thinking actually! It's late, theres no one around, and this vampire is hungry. So they decide to eat the closest flesh around, being a maggot infested days old mutt. But it only serves to make the vampire hungrier. The scrawny weak human, who has a clear smell of exhaustion, but such fresh, warm blood, such a fast heart. He's an obvious target, and he doesn't stand a chance. But miraculously, he survives the attack, at least, long enough for the vampirism to completely run through him
Hmm I dont think he'd make HJ7 actually, this is what, a whole decade before the events of tgs? And with Jekyll only making Hyde eh, 2 years prior to canon? Considering current and the book, I really dont think a young vampiric Jekyll could survive so long with a Hyde, not to mention not having the supplies or money for ingredients. BUT! I think itd be a great extra reason for Jekyll to want to make Hj7 when he does. I mean think about it, Jekyll wants to get rid if his evil, and his vampirism is no doubt apart of himself he considers evil. I mean, in college he killed and ate like 5 fellow students/teachers after his initial turn, so he lives knowing he's killed, that he got away with it, that he could easily, and probably even has killed more people after that, and to live with that for so long, to know he's killed and that he's a "monster" and that hes kept it a secret the whole time. It would certainly strengthen his depression, and his desire to split the soul, to be perfectly good, there's no cure to vampirism once you "die" with it, so all he can do is find a way to suppress it, to hide it
Oh Jekyll most certainly hides the smell of being a vampire with peppermint! More so when Jasper enters the party. But considering Jasper is observant, I think itd be fun to still figure out somehow. Because then for the very first time Jekyll can have someone know about his vampirism. Not only that, but someone who supports him, who tells him he's not a bad person and that he's not a monster. Someone who helps him, and they can even be supernatural buddies <3 with lil bat Jekyll hanging out (hehe) with wolf form Jasper. Oh! Them running through the woods or something with their supernatural speed or whatever and just having a fun time. With Jekyll probably being happy about something related to him being a vampire for the first time-
:0 Jekyll being a funky vampire father figure to Jasper :]
Hehe I adore making characters somewhat animal like when its possible, so yes absolutely, bat like Jekyll my beloved <3
Ha, I bet Jekyll figured out he can show up in mirrors as long as they have dont silver backing. And making sure the society doesn't include any silver mirrors, or silver anything, he gets away with this quite easily as the lodgers adore supernatural creatures. What if Maijabi's mirrors showed his Vampire features while he had them hidden with alchemy or whatever though :0 we really know nothing about how those mirrors work other than that the invisible mice are visible in it. As I cant remember if Jekyll ever shows up in Maijabi's mirrors in canon or not. But I think thatd be fun. And the room is so filled with fog and "souls" with the hidden mirrors being low enough away from Jekyll's face that they simply never notice that Jekyll's reflection has bat features
Bsksnsks oh no XD. Luckily most banquets, from what I can tell, always make sure to invite the individuals in. And hey do letter invitations count? Then "not being invited" would never be a problem for Henry trying to enter a party he was invited to. If not. Than London/ the party hosts can simply assume Dr. Jekyll was reasonably angered about not being greeted inside, and chose to ignore the party for this Horrible Slight Against Him. (In reality he acts more like a kicked puppy) And they never even consider Jekyll being a vampire because "Hey! Not greeting a guest is rude, and Jekyll had every right to leave 😤"
Asks my beloved <3
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