#i just want that 'lower levels of portal 2' energy maybe
system-architect · 4 months
i desperately wish gw2 had more food-centric lore. i think about asura food more than is probably particularly reasonable. they're sort of implied to like molecular gastronomy in the lvl500 chef quests which is fitting and makes sense, but surely not every asura is eating bespoke Pea Spheres day in and day out right? i think my favorite angle on them is a sort of 50s-80s american-esque food style where there's a huge emphasis on things being Convenient and Scientific, so you'd get a lot of absolute slop tv dinners and canned items that have labels boasting how they were nutritionally fortified and contained your day's complete vitamin intakes and so on. a lot of jellied things. i do also fully believe they would have + eat soylent.
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yetanothergreyjedi · 3 years
What We Might've Been: Part 2
Part 1 Part 1.5
Part 3
Inspired by @liminalhollow 's Spork AU
For @dargeon-lissa @dp-marvel94 @aethtalon
“I- Uh- I’m not you- I-“ Danny racked his brain for an explanation that wouldn’t immediately get him killed. He'd entered the ghost's haunt. How had his room become a ghosts haunt?! But the thing didn't attack, didn't possess him, or use some mind altering power. It only tipped its head and watched him flounder for words. It seemed to notice it’s disguise slipping. The light in its eyes faded, leaving behind a dead grey-blue.
It sighed, "Did Vlad do this?"
"Vlad Masters. Did he do this?"
"Why would Dad's creepy friend send me to the future?" He still didn't think it was the future, ghosts could have some crazy powers but that? No.
"Because he's a fruitloop." It answered immediately, and accurately, the guy from Wisconsin wouldn't leave his mom alone. But why, how, could he have anything to do with this?! The thing stopped, its eyes flashed green again for a moment as it said, "Wait- Future?!"
Danny nodded, he'd barely been sure what was happening but he was certain that's was what the ghost had said. Surely one ghost's explanation would be more accepted than the other?
“Where’s your medallion then?”
“My what?”
“Clockwork’s medallion. I know how time travel works."
Danny opened his mouth, then closed it. Ignoring the utterly bizarre statement. This was a trap, a trick. The ghost masquerading as him either wanted the object for itself or it wanted to remove his only protection against the other one, the one that had frozen him in place without seeming to expend a drop of energy. No, no, it couldn't have it. But there weren't many other options. He should've known better than to bring up the time question! He needed to get out of here!
He threw the first thing he could reach, hoping to catch it off guard and ran towards it— Through it, even better. He sprinted down the stairs. There was a flash of bight light behind him, he dodged low, almost throwing himself down the stairs before he realized nothing had been fired.
"Whoa, hang on!" Its voice echoed in a way it hadn't before. He kept running, not wasting a moment to glance at it, and ran directly into someone.
"Whoa! Hey, Dann-o! You came outa—"
"Ghost! In my room!" His dad didn't miss a beat, the gun was up by the time he finished the word 'ghost' and he was firing by time the sentence was over.
The specter dodged the first blast, made a shield for the second and paused to speak, "So not cool, man!"
His mom heard the commotion and joined the fray, while Danny sprinted to the basement. He needed a weapon, that thing had been mimicking him. He barreled into the lab, to the weapons case. Opened it and—
He barely jumped back in time to avoid getting crushed.
Who filled the case with all this junk?!? The case was the second most important piece of the lab (the portal took first), not even Dad wouldn't do this?!
"Danny?" Sam looked at him from the other end of the room, slightly baffled. Tucker was also staring. "Did you bring it?"
"Bring wha—"
"Dude, what's with the jumpsuit?" Tucker cut him off, "Is it really that dangerous? I thought you said you blasted it?"
"What? We talked about the jumpsuit!"
"Did we?" Tucker looked to Sam.
"No." She affirmed.
"Could you explain it again, then?"
"Its cause of all the ghosts..." Danny said slowly, they should know this, he'd been wearing them since the first ghost attacks... Suspicion crossed both his friend's features.
There was a long pause, the pair shared a look and Sam demanded, "Secret word."
"Uh, what?"
"What's the secret word." Tucker clarified, as if that clarified anything.
"What are you guys- Hey! Whoa!" Three ectoguns were now pointed at him, Sam with twin wrist blasters and Tucker with a laser-y thing that had come out of his PDA (When did he do that? It was a very good idea).
"Who are you?" Said Sam.
"Is Vlad cloning again?" Asked Tucker.
"What? No! I mean I don't know! I'm not impersonating me, the ghost upstairs is impersonating me!"
"Nice try. Now answer."
"Uh... Sam?" Tucker was focused on the PDA screen. She glanced at him, quickly, before focusing back on Danny. She'd used these before, not like Sam... His Sam, who avoided any involvement with ghost hunting, who refused to accept that they were just monsters. "His scans are weird..."
"What kind of weird?"
"He's a level 2.5." Tucker switched to a whisper.
"What?" Sam followed suit, "That's too low for a shapeshifter."
"Uh... that's normal..." Danny lied, well kind of. He normally was a level 1.3 but he'd also just been in a ghost's lair (two lairs if you counted not-future-him's bedroom) and had a ghostly artifact in his pocket. Those things were likely to temporarily raise an ectosignature's power rating. He was 76% sure.
Another pause, Sam tried to gesture something while still aiming, there were some whispers he didn't catch. Then Tucker asked, "Did Vlad... raise you?"
"No!? Why does everyone keep talking about Vlad?! The Fruitloop lives in Wisconsin, I've seen him maybe twice!" The pair shared another look. He had no idea how to read those expressions.
He sighed, "You guys won't believe me."
"Try us."
"Yesterday I was at the—"
"Guys! We have a problem!" His hair stood on end as the ghost dropped through the ceiling. Danny shuttered. It was so much worse now that he got a look at it, it was wearing a Fenton hazmat suit, his suit, no, a mockery of it. The colors were inverted and the FentonWorks logo was replaced with some other symbol. That wasn’t the only thing inverted, twisted, he was staring at his own face only not. It’s tintless white hair stuck up just like his, and it’s eyes burned deadly ectoplasm green. Danny still didn’t have a weapon. “Oh, you found him! We have slightly less of a problem.”
“He’s saying Vlad has nothing to do with this... I’m not sure if I believe him.” Sam lowered her blasters, because he was somehow more of a threat than the monster crackling with unused power.
“Yeah, no... he said something about time travel—“ both of his friends groaned, “Then! He sicced my parents on me,” It turned his attention to him, “which is rude by the way! Honestly, I was getting close to being able to ask about a truce, but now they’re gonna be chasing me around for ‘attacking their son!”
“Oof,” Tucker added, as Sam asked about something the ghost could do to get his parents back on his side. Danny stopped listening and scanned for something useful in the pile of discarded machinery. Weapon, weapon, weapon... this wasn’t promising. There were blenders and half disassembled watches and a few things that looked like they’d been pulled out of a trash fire. The thing that looked the least like junk was probably a scanner, but his parents had started putting tasers in those, so it was something.
“Hey,” too late. the ghost was in front of him, he dove for it. Grabbed it. Rolled with the momentum and brought the scanner up as he got to a kneeling position. The thing came to life with a whirring sound.
The ghost laughed, the sound lasted longer than it’s mouth had been open, “That’s the ghost Gabber.”
“That’s the Ghost Gabber. I am a ghost, fear me!”
“Look, I don’t know what’s up with you, but really it’s better for everyone if you go back to whatever time you’re from.”
“Look, I don’t know what’s up with you, but really it’s better for everyone if you go back to whatever time you’re from. Fear me.”
“Could you please turn that off.”
“Could you plea—“ The sound died as Danny flipped the switch and tossed it back on the pile. Why did his parents even make that?
“Why should I trust you, Ghost?!”
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infinite-xerath · 3 years
Runeterra Retcons: Ruination Episode (Finale)
Finale 1/2
From the darkness, you emerge into a field of lowers. Dawn breaks over the horizon to illuminate crumbling ruins all around you: what looks to be the remnants of a once-great kingdom. The Black Mist, the screaming of the wraiths and the sounds of battle have all vanished. The scene before you is almost tranquil, but that tranquility is cut short when you notice the figures ahead of you.
Lucian: “AAAAAAHHHHH!!!!!”
Lucian lets loose a flurry of light from his Relic pistols, but Viego seems entirely unfazed as the light fails to pierce his armor. Vex stands behind him, and further back, you see the unconscious form of Senna hanging from a pillar by ethereal chains. At her feet are the now-lifeless fetters, laid out almost like an offering.
Viego: “Do you see now how futile it is, Sentinel? How powerless you are to save the one you love, just as I was?”
Lucian: “Damn it!”
You hear the Maiden of the Mist whispering to you once more, beckoning you to succumb to her influence.
Maiden: “Yes. It is meaningless to resist. Come. Let us be as one.”
Though her words are oddly enticing, they also spark a realization within you. Suddenly, Yorick’s words click in your mind as you rise to your feet.
“We haven’t lost yet, Lucian!”
“Don’t give up yet!”
All eyes turn toward you as you race up the hill, your fingers digging tightly into Yorick’s shroud of darkness.
Lucian: “Rookie!? What the hell are you doin’ here?”
Viego: “Another uninvited guest? Well, no matter. Welcome to Camavor, child. Soon, my queen and I will be reunited, and all will be as it should.”
“You’re wrong, Viego.”
“You missed a piece.”
Viego: “What?”
Vex: “Ugh, what’s this idiot talking about now? Honestly, I can just finish him off right here. Just give the word, boss.”
“You’ve gathered up Isolde’s light, but you completely ignored her darkness.”
“There was a fetter right under your nose all this time, but you couldn’t see it. No… You never wanted to!”
Viego response 1: “Ridiculous! My queen is perfect! Pure! She is the light of my world! There is not a shred of darkness in her!”
Viego response 2: “Impossible. You speak nonsense, child. The last remnant resides in her, the Sentinel! There… There is no other…”
“Isolde was just a person, Viego, and everyone has a little darkness inside of them!”
“You want your queen to be perfect, but even she can feel hatred and sorrow Let me show you!
You toss Yorick’s cloak into the air and the darkness forms into a ghastly figure: the Maiden of the Mist. Viego’s face contorts in horror as he watches the specter manifest, as though unable to believe what he’s seeing.
Viego: “It cannot be… But there is no doubt! I can feel her inside this… Creature! Isolde!?”
Maiden: “Ah, my king! Our king! You wrenched us from our slumber, now you would abandon us!? You said you wanted to be one… Then join us! Join us in eternity!”
The Maiden reaches out her hands as her, filling the air with her inhuman wails. A chord of darkness forms between her and Viego as the Maiden siphons his power away from him.
Viego: “No! Stop this! STOP IT!”
Vex: “What did you just do!?”
“Lucian, now your chance!”
“Lucian, get Senna!”
Lucian stares in disbelief at the scene before him a while long, but quickly shakes himself from his daze. As Viego struggles against the Maiden, Lucian makes for the pillar, blasting Senna free from her restraints. Senna falls to ground, but Lucian is quick to catch her.
Senna: “Ngh…”
Lucian: “Senna!”
Senna: “Lucian…?”
Lucian: “I’m here. I’ve got you.”
Senna rises to her feet, clutching her head. A look of visible confusion corsses her face as she scans the scene before her.
Senna: “What’s happening? Where are we? Is that… Viego?”
Viego continues to struggle against the Maiden’s pull, but to no avail. You see strands of light mingling with the darkness as the Maiden feasts, though a familiar shadow soon manifests behind her.
Vex: “Get off of him!”
Vex and her shadow sever the connection between Viego and the Maiden, causing both to cry out in pain. The Maiden soon reverts back into a cloak of darkness, falling unceremoniously onto the ground.
As the connection is severed, whisps of scatter all around you, darting about the ruins before finally embedding themselves into the fetters at Senna’s feet. One finds refuge within your Wayfinder, restoring the Relic’s light.
Senna: “Just what is happening here, Lucian?”
Lucian struggles to think of an explanation, but before he can, the doll at Senna’s feet suddenly floats into the air and springs to life. In a flash of light, Gwen is standing beside her commanding officers, her form fully restored.
Gwen: “Goodness! I think I just had a most awful dream… Oh, hello Lucian! Senna! Rookie! And…”
Gwen frowns when she sees Viego and Vex.
Gwen: “Ah, it seems now is not the time for happy reunions!”
“Welcome back, Gwen!”
“Welcome back, Senna!”
Viego turns his gaze toward you, his eyes full of malice.
Viego: “You! You will pay for this, child!
Viego screams with rage and charges you, leveling his sword straight for your heart. You reach for your Relicstone shard, though it quickly becomes apparent that you won’t be able to grasp it time.
Senna: “Rookie! Look out!”
Finale 2/2
Just as it seems Viego’s sword is about to run you through, a swirling barrier of violet energy surrounds you. The blade of the Ruined King glances harmlessly off and Viego staggers back in surprise. Shen and the other Sentinels all appear manifest you, as well as those you set free from Viego’s control. The Eye of Twilight falls to the ground, nearly breathless.
Shen: “It seems… We were not… Too late.”
Akshan: “Indeed! Now, what is happening?”
“We’ve got Viego on the ropes!”
“Viego’s weakened! Now, let’s finish him!”
Vayne: “I’m not sure what you did, kid, but it looks like we can finally put this monster down once and for all!”
Viego: “Ngh… How dare you!?”
Senna: “Sentinels! Let’s wrap this up!”
Taking charges of the group once more, Senna directs each Sentinel’s efforts toward bringing down the Ruined King. Though weakened, Viego still holds a great deal of power at his disposal, conjuring swaths of Black Mist to keep you and your allies at bay. Despite your greater numbers, you can feel the exhaustion of the last several hours earing down on your, and your allies are clearly nearing their limits as well.
Suddenly, the Relicstone shard in your pocket flies from your grasp. You turn to see Senna standing behind you, her cannon now broken up in several different pieces lingering in the air before her. Your piece soon joins them as a web of radiance and darkness spreads between.
Senna: “I’ve got you!”
Energy courses through you as a wave of power washes over the battlefield, surrounding you and your allies in shimmering barriers. Viego, on the other hand, is thrown back into the grass, his armor breaking apart from the impact. He seems almost pathetic as he scrambles to his feet, desperately seeking a way to turn the tides in his favor.
Viego. “This cannot be… Our reunion was nearly at hand!”
“Admit it, Viego! You never really loved her! She was never anything more than a prize to you!”
“She may have loved you once, Viego, but not anymore! Not after what you’ve become!”
Viego: “Damn you!”
Vex: “Viego! Come on!”
All eyes turn to see Vex standing before another shadowy portal. Upon realizing that she’s been spotted, the yordle leaps through, not even daring to look back.
Lucian: “Don’t let him get away!”
Viego creates a Harrowed path along the ground as he sprints across the field, appearing and disappearing so frequently that it’s impossible to get a clean shot it. Ultimately, the Ruined King flees through the Vex’s gateway just as it closes, leaving you and your allies alone in the silent ruins of Camavor.
“We’ve gotta go after him!”
“Where did they go!?”
Lillia (if option 1 is picked): “But… But where did he go? Back to those dreadful Isles, maybe?”
Gangplank (if option 2 is picked): “Back to the Shadow Isles I’d wager, the slippery bastard.”
Shen: “My apologies… I would follow, but…”
Jayce: “Hey, don’t push yourself. I’m still not sure how this spirit stuff works yet, but it clearly took a lot out of you to get us here.”
Senna: “Nothing for it. For now, let’s gather up the fetters and get back to headquarters, or what’s left of it. We’ll discuss out next move there. Rookie, that Wayfinder still intact?”
“The Wayfinder is back online!”
“Good to go!”
Gwen and the other Sentinels gather up the fetters, though you quickly note that Yorick’s shadow cloak has vanished. Deciding not to dwell on it, you raise the Wayfinder and let its light carry you back to headquarters.
The sun shines on the remnants of the Sentinel outpost. Not a trace of Black Mist is to be seen anywhere, and as you look to the world map, you see that the Harrowing has receded back to the Shadow Isles.
Tryndamere: “It seems that things are returning to normal. Speaking of…”
The Hallowed Mist begins to dissipate from those you freed from Viego’s control, returning them to their usual selves.
“I guess the Wayfinder’s power only lasts for so long.”
“I guess those snazzy new looks were only temporary.”
Draven: “Eh, this is more Draven’s style anyway. I don’t need any of that Mist stuff show how awesome I am!”
Riven: “As if the Mist really makes a difference with you…”
Gwen: “So then… It seems we’ve won? We stopped Viego, gathered all the fetters, and drove back the Black Mist!”
Senna: “Well… Viego’s still out there, but without the power of the fetters, he won’t be able to go beyond the boundary of the Shadow Isles. For the time-being, I’d call this a victory.”
A wave of relief washes over you as you collapse onto the ground, exhaustion finally taking its toll. After all that transpired last night, you find yourself too excited to even properly celebrate, but you still take comfort in knowing that you’ve stopped the end of the world.
“So… What happens now?”
“What’s everyone’s next move?”
Lucian: “Well, seems to me like our fight ain’t over quite yet, and I’m lookin’ at a whole bunch of new Sentinel recruits. Whaddya say we get you all sworn in and-”
Tryndamere: “I’ll pass. Much as I’d love to run that Ruined King through with my blade, I’m needed back home. I… Have a lot of explaining to do when I get back to my wife.”
Senna: “Speaking of… Lucian, you wanna explain where you were when our base came under attack, and where this Shuriman came from?”
Akshan: “Ah, so you’re Senna? Lucian… You are a lucky devil.”
Lucian: “Heh… Yeah, lucky enough to be married to the most beautiful woman in the world.”
Senna glares at Lucian, unfazed by his flattery.
Lucian: “Uh, anyway! What about the rest of you?”
Draven: “Pass. I mean, I can TOTALLY get wanting Draven on your team, but that’s not how I roll. Besides, I gotta get back the arena for my triumphant return.”
Shyvana: “I must also return and ensure that the king is unharmed, as well as my allies in the Dargonguard.”
Lillia: “U-Um… I’m flattered by the offer, but… I’d much rather not go back to that awful place! That was terrifying!”
Viktor: “Though these Relicstones and fetters warrant further analysis, my primary concerns must be rebuilding my lab and beginning developing countermeasures toward future mind-altering attempts.”
Atreus: “My battle lies elsewhere. I must tame these embers that Pantheon left inside me to ensure they never rage out of control again.”
Gangplank: “Not interested. I’ve still got a city to reclaim, and a grudge to settle. Speakin’ of… Graves! Don’t think I’ve forgotten about you!”
Graves: “Uh oh. Guess that’s my cue to hit the road! Honestly, this hero business don’t really suit me anyway. Seein’ as my partner’s still nowhere to be seen, there ain’t much reason to stick around.”
Diana: “I, too, must depart. The Lunari need me, even if the Aspect within me has yet to fully heal.”
Shen: “Likewise, I must return and ensure that my brothers and sisters in the Kinkou are unharmed.”
Olaf: “Hmph. I still haven’t found my glorious death… But perhaps that’s fine. This will become another chapter in the glorious saga of Olaf! Now, I depart to find my next foe, and build my legend even higher!”
Rengar: “I, too, have a worthy foe to seek. The Ruined King is your prey, but mine still lurks somewhere in the jungle…”
“So that’s it? Everyone is just leaving?”
“So much for our army of Sentinels…”
Vayne: “I wouldn’t be so sure about that. This… Little adventure of ours has made one thing clear: there are monsters out there that Demacia is nowhere near ready to face on its own. I think I’ll take over that abandoned Sentinel base and see about boosting our numbers a bit. If the Mageseekers have a problem with it, well… I’ve never exactly played by the rules, anyway.”
Jayce: “Can’t say I’d consider this Sentinel thing a full-time gig, but after everything that’s happened, I can at least pitch in and help Ada and Dess out, from time to time. A hero’s gotta help however he can, after-all.”
Akshan: “Well said! Though Shadya’s killer remains at large, I would happy to lend you my assistance again, if and when you need me. It is what she would want from me, after-all.”
Riven: “I’m… I’m honestly not sure what’s next for me. I could use a little time to think things over, if that’s alright.”
Gwen: “And you can be certain that I’ll pitch in however I can! Where the Black Mist goes, the Hallowed Mist will be there to fend it off!”
Lucian: “Heh… Well, we’ve still got a long way to go toward rebuildin’ the Sentinels, but it’s a start.”
Senna: “That’s right. We’ll get this base repaired and find a safe place to store the fetters, in case Viego ever tries to go for them again. On that note… Rookie, come here.”
You rise to your feet and approach the world map uncertainly, though Senna’s smile puts you at ease.
Senna: “Now that I think about it, you never did get properly sworn in, did you? I think it’s about time we make it official, and start your training in earnest. Repeat after me.”
Senna guides you through the ancient oath, carving the words deep into your soul. You can almost feel the Wayfinder thrumming in response as you take your first steps toward becoming a true Sentinel of Light.
I swear by the light of the ancients...
I will not run from darkness. I will light the way with a steadfast heart, And face each shadow with a ready weapon As a beacon, a warrior, a Sentinel, I defend myself, my fellows, and my world. May we stand together in the light, or fall in darkness.
Fight bravely and remember your oath.
Amidst the remnants of Helia stoops a lone figure, his fist tightening around his blade.
Viego: “How could this happen? I do not understand… My queen… You were within my grasp! That bitterness… That sorrow… Was that truly you?”
Thresh: “Ah, the sweet tones of misery…”
Viego: “Thresh.”
Viego rises to his feet and glares at the warden.
Viego: “What do you want, warden?”
Thresh: “Your anguish is every bit as delightful as I’d imagined. She was so close, wasn’t she? So close, and now she’s been stripped away from you a second time.”
Viego: “It matters not! I can find her again… However long it takes, I will find her!”
Thresh: “Yes, good. That sweet delusion still persists. It will be so satisfying watching the remnants of your resolve shatter.”
Viego: “You think to shatter me, warden?”
With a wave of his hand, Viego summons several wraiths to his side.
Viego: “Your lantern cannot ME, Thresh. Every soul within these Isles bends to my will, for I am their king!”
???: “You are no king.”
Suddenly, the ghosts of the kiilash leaps from the shadows, pouncing upon Viego’s wraiths and rending them to shreds.
Viego: “What is this!?”
???: “You are nothing more than a petulant child, lashing out over the loss of your favorite toy. You are unfit to call yourself Lord of the Dead.”
A massive figure looms over Viego, staring down at the Ruined King with contempt.
Viego: “Who are you?”
???: “I have many names. Founder of the Immortal Bastion. The Iron Revenant. Mordekaiser.”
Mordekaiser: “But you may call me Master.”
To Be Continued…
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hispydamy618 · 3 years
She-Ra and the Princesses of Power x Spaceling: Glitch in Space
Tumblr media
Summary: After opening the portal, it tears a hole across the dimensions giving an entrance for the New York heroes: Utopix Jones, Georgine Wilson, Gabriel Rodriguez, Oliver Schmidt and Makena Jones, to fall right through. Together, they'll need to recreate the disaster that brought them to Etheria alongside the Princess' Rebellion in order to go back home and fix what was broken... but not before defeating the obstacles on the way.
Disclaimer: Contains spoilers for She-Ra’s season 3 finale and Spaceling’s issue 10-12 events.
(Thank you so much to @catlliecal​ for co-writing this with me!)
Masterlist: Chapter 1 // Chapter 2 (you’re here!) // Chapter 3 // Chapter 4 // Chapter 5 // Chapter 6 // Chapter 7
Word Count: 3.0k
Check Spaceling out!
Chapter 2: Trail of Light
"And then we went through the portal and- BOOM! All white, no noise." Gabriel dramatically reenacted their arrival. Bow was simply mesmerized by it, unlike Glimmer and Adora, but it was something that they've gotten used to.
"He's not... smart, is he?" Adora leaned near Glimmer's ear and whispered her concern.
"You're all from another dimension!?" Bow's eyes seemed to form stars. "You might have gotten here after what happened with-" Adora placed a hand on his shoulder to prevent him from speaking any longer. "...after something that happened here."
"Seems like it." Georgine crossed her arms over the metal plate on her chest. "What is this place exactly?"
"You're on Etheria. You never heard of it?" Bow shook his head at the last sentence.
"Should I?" Georgine's hand rested on Utopix's hip who was sitting on her lap for safe measure.
"Georgine! I-I'm so sorry, Your Majesty. Georgine is a little bit... stubborn on foreign grounds," Makena apologized to Glimmer who was holding her father's staff at all times, giving the clear impression that she was royalty.
"It's okay. We just wanna know one thing," Glimmer pointed the staff at them, holding it with both hands to avoid it from slipping off. "Are you from the Horde?"
"The Horde? Are we supposed to know what that means too?" Georgine interfered again.
"Your Majesty..." Oliver softly spoke, catching Glimmer's attention at his addressing. "We- I think that.. whatever happened here, it's what brought us here. If you gimme enough material, I'm sure I can find a way to recreate whatever brought us here and-"
Glimmer stomped her staff on the floor, creating a loud sound to catch their attention. "Recreate!? That... THING nearly killed us all if it wasn't for..." Tears began to form on her eyes, keeping her head low to avoid the others from looking. "Y-You are to stay in our sights, until we find out how to get you back home. Dismissed." Her voice trailed off at her last wish, going back to her room and out of the strangers' sights.
"I-I... I'm sorry. Did we say something?" Utopix stood up, making Georgine scoot forward to analyze his next move.
Adora's breath shook at his question, but after regaining whatever strength she had in her, she answered his inner doubts. "Glimmer's mom... Queen Angela... she..." her palm wiped the sudden tears, feeling it all play again in her head. Bow stood near his friend, caressing her shoulders and speaking for her. Utopix's heart sinked on their actions, knowing perfectly what it meant.
"She sacrificed herself to save us all from Etheria being destroyed by a portal that the Horde created. It... hasn't been that long." Bow lowered his head, sighing in defeat.
Utopix didn't know why he also started shredding tears. Maybe because he related to their pain in a deeper level. "I-I understand... M-My mom... also- k-kinda..."
Once Georgine noticed Utopix's voice dragging off, she quickly stood up, embracing him as much as she could to prevent him from crying. "It's okay, baby," she sweetly whispered in his ear as he began sobbing.
"Did something similar happened to you?" Bow's eyebrows furrowed, imagining the same scenario.
"His mom helped him escape his planet from an evil queen months ago. He landed in our... province by accident, but she followed him and we've trying to defeat her ever since." Gabriel explained to the best of his ability. "He isn't sure, but he thinks that his mom... might be gone. But we are gonna be here for him even if it isn't true."
Bow glanced at Adora whom had finished wiping her tears to exchange a quick smile. "We'll try to help you get back home, but we may have to fill you in a few things."
Gabriel's eyes sparkled as he squeezed Oliver's arm in excitement. "They're gonna tell us more about their planet."
"I don't think I got your names," Bow smiled at them, attempting to lighten the mood a little. "I'm Bow, and this is Adora."
"I'm Gabriel! Master of Illustration and Poetry!" Gabriel posed as if he was a superhero of some kind.
"Fanfiction isn't poetry, Gabriel." Oliver interfered.
"That's what you think!"
Makena stood up, chuckling at their comments. "I'm Makena, and this is Oliver. That's Georgine, as you know already. And Utopix. An artificex, a robot species."
"A robot!? Like- from space?" Bow nearly squeaked.
"Is that why the Queen is following him?" Adora crossed her arms, taking a closer inspection at Utopix.
"No, no, no. You see- they are all robots. But the Queen wants him dead because his family committed treason against the Queen!" Gabriel commented once again. "Isn't that exciting?"
"Uhh..." Adora awkwardly smiled. "Bow, does this make sense to you?"
"Absolutely," he nodded in approval.
After hours of explaining and exchanging adventures, though avoiding the word of She-Ra for safe measure, they had finally begun setting in their guest rooms. "Utopix can stay in Glimmer's room and Georgine can stay in the-" Adora begun assigning their rooms but was interrupted by Georgine's sudden handling.
"I don't think so," she held Utopix close to her body. "I'm not going to leave Utopix near that... thing."
"You mean Shadow Weaver?" Adora whispered, wanting to avoid to summon her in any way possible. "Look- I get it. I don't trust her that much either, but you don't have to wo-"
"I appreciate your concern, Adurhra-"
"Adora," she grunted.
"Adora."  Georgine's eyes narrowed at her semi confrontation. "But if something happens to him-"
"I can assure you that he'll be okay."
"Under what grounds, Adora?" Georgine stepped forward, meaning to establish her position and territory in front of the other tan-haired girl. "Because so far it seems like you and your friends can't seem to handle problems."
"You'd be surprised of what we can do together."
"Like what? Putting others in dangers for the sake of survival?"
Adora's body stood still at her words, letting Utopix know that he needed to interfere. "G-Georgie... S-Stop it."
Once Georgine felt Utopix's hands upon hers, she allowed her body to feel more loose, kissing his hand before retiring to a place far away from the individual she found suspicious.
"...A-Adora, I'm so sorry. I-I've barely have known Georgine for some months, but I don't know why she's so... harsh at times."
"No, I'm- used to it. I used to think like that a long time ago. Plus, I don't blame her. Being suddenly trapped in a place that you don't know can be... annoying."
Utopix lowered his head in disappointment. "I-I understand if you're upset, Adora."
"Oh, no, no!" she waved her arms around, clarifying the misunderstanding that the one in front of her had. "You're... uhh... great." Adora awkwardly chuckled, letting her hands rest upon her hips.
"Thank you," Utopix returned the welcoming smile, leaving her to her inner delight to find Georgine.
"Why do we have to do his dirty work again?"
"Come on, Catra. Don't look at this as a bad thing! Think of it as a chance for us to have a bonding experience!"
"Whatever keeps you sane, I guess."
Catra smacked a tree branch down as she and Scorpia were wandering through the woods. Apparently Hordak had detected some sort of huge energy reading over at Bright Moon and decided to make Catra's life even more annoying by sending her and Scorpia to check it out. She had smack talked him earlier, saying how if he found it so super important that he should go check it out,  but he couldn't resist weaponizing her last failure, twisting this mission into a chance to "redeem herself" or some bullshit like that. There wasn't much she could do against that, so she grabbed Scorpia and stormed out of the Fright Zone before Hordak could utter another peep.
The branch decided to add salt to the wound by flinging itself right back at her. Catra was thrown back a bit by the impact, landing onto the ground with all the grace of a new born gazelle. "Let me help you up," Scorpia held her hand out.
Catra let out an annoyed growl before reluctantly accepting the help. She could have gotten up just fine, but the last thing she needed was another thing for Scorpia to be moping about.
"You wonder how Entrapta is doing?" Scorpia asked.
"Probably struggling to survive, if I had to guess." Catra ducked under the branch this time.
"She's smarter than that, don'tcha think?" Scorpia countered. "I mean, you saw all the tech she made for the Horde. She's probably managed to build some sort of super amazing device to help her tame the beasts!"
"No one who gets sent to Beast Island manages to last for long," Catra stated. "Whenever a trainee would slip up a lot, they'd get threatened to be sent off to the Island as a punishment for their failures. Once you get sent there, you don't come back."
Kinda like Adora after encountering that stupid magic sword.
"I guess you have point..." Scorpia sighed. She went silent after that. Good. One less thing to get on Catra's nerves.
The two continued in silence, twisting and turning around the trees; Catra didn't want to deal with any more branches wacking back at her. As much as she wanted to stop and just relax away from Hordak and any other bothersome Horde leaders, she wanted to get this stupid mission over first. Besides, she could relax once Hordak was off her back. She knew all the nooks and crannies of the Fright Zone like the back of her hand.
The clearing finally ended, and the way too sparkly Bright Moon finally was in sight. Catra chose to weave around the edge of the forest, not wanting to get caught by any Moon guards. The last thing she needed was more hell to deal with.
She heard some footsteps and quickly ducked behind the trees, pulling Scorpia's massive body next to her so she wouldn't blow their cover.
"What's going on?" Scorpia whispered.
"That's what I'm trying to figure out, genius. Now stay quiet or you'll get us caught!"
Catra turned in the direction of the footsteps. She saw one person with a sweep of dirty blond hair covering one side of their head, the other side shaved. There appeared to be piercing on their ears. Next to them, there was someone with short, black hair along with strange bright green marks under their eyes.
"Who are they?" Scorpia asked, placing her head on top of Catra's, letting out a single gasp. "Is that Adora's twin? I can't handle two of them, let alone, one!"
"No clue. But whoever they are, they made things a lot more interesting."
Maybe there was something to gain out of this journey.
Moments had gone by, and Georgine's mind had wondered off elsewhere. It hadn't been hours since they crashed into the harmless dimension and her discomfort grew stronger wherever she went. But she was clearly not paying attention to her surroundings, despite how beautiful they were to the human eye.
"Georgie?" Utopix's fingers caressed her clenched fist, his voice sweetly trailed into her ears, snapping her back to reality. "It's okay. We'll get back home soon." His reassurance was misplaced, but it was still genuine.
"That's not what I'm worried about, hun."
"I-I don't think Adora and the others want to hurt us. They all seem really nice."
"It's not her who I'm concerned about, Uto." Georgine's eyes glanced around the castle, placing Utopix between her and the balcony's fence. "It's that... lady." She looked down at Shadow Weaver from the balcony they were standing at.
"I-I thought it was Takara at first... It scared me."
"I'm just curious as to why they have her around just like that," she let out a long disappointed sigh. "Just... stay near me, okay?"
"And you try to be more nice to them," Utopix's eyebrows furrowed upon his request.
"Hey." Georgine felt offended on his sudden comment.
"I-I mean it, Georgie. They let us stay here and... I can tell that they've gone through a lot... just like we have."
Georgine's eyes slightly rolled around, but after reconsidering her motifs, she accepted. "Fine."
"Plus, this place looks gorgeous! I wonder what's beyond it!"
"Fine, fine. Maybe we can go together."
Adora's eyes laid on the pair of lovebirds as a slight grin adorned her face. Interactions of this kind reminded her of a time she spent with a certain grouchy cat back on the Horde. But she wanted to keep her mind off of things... not after what happened.
"Ugh!" Mermista's voice groaned as usual after Adora and Bow explained what had happened. "Why can't we just have a normal day for once?"
"Well, I think it's wonderful!" Perfuma's hands happily clapped together.
Frosta's expression scrunched as she stared at Adora and Georgine multiple times, clearly making them uncomfortable, but what could they expect from a 11-and-three-quarters-child. Suddenly, a gasp escaped her mouth, making them back away. "Are you TWINS!?"
"Frosta! Come on!" Adora roared at her expression. "She looks nothing like me."
"Tsk." Georgine crossed her arms upon her chest.
Gabriel was hit by another epiphany. "What if we're here because she's your lost twin and destiny has brought you together!?"
"Gabriel! Come on!" Georgine similarly roared at the other's comment.
"Yeah, sure. Noooooo similar at all." Mermista rolled her eyes, laying against her tall chair with little care.
"We just need to infiltrate into the Horde to find some tech for Oliver to create a small portal for them to go back to their dimension." Bow explained as he displayed said plan on the giant holographic screen. "He knows what to do to avoid it from becoming unsteady, so we have to be careful when we go there."
"I'll go!" Utopix raised his hand like a kindergarten kid.
"No, my love." Georgine kissed his forehead, raising his chin to let him meet her eyes. "I need you to stay here with Makena and the other princesses. We'll just be in and out."
"But... y-you asked me to stay near you."
Georgine lowly chuckled at his comeback, sending chills down his sensitive spine. "Not in this situation, my love."
"Okay, so-" Glimmer swiped the screen to a red toned one. "Adora, Georgine, Bow, and I will be in Team A. Team B will be Gabriel, Mermista and-"
"Ugh!" Mermista interrupted with her whining. "Not those sewers again."
Glimmer's eye twitched at her reaction and after a single exhale got back to explaining. "Gabriel, Mermista and Oliver will be Team B to help him get the supplies. Team A will help distract the Horde long enough for Team B to go unnoticed. Perfuma and Frosta will stay here with Utopix and Makena in case the Horde decides to do any sudden attacks during our absence. In the meantime-"
"Did somebody said Swift Wind?" Swift Wind's hair marvelously waved around as he barged into the room and the meeting.
Gabriel nearly lost all of the breath in his lung once he contemplated the mystical creature. "It's a- I-It's a-!" He gasped multiple times before collapsing into Oliver's arms.
Swift Wind huffed as he approached the table. "...Okay- uh... who let him in?" His ears perked up once he saw Adora and Georgine together. "Oh. My. Goodness. Adora! You-!"
"We are not twins!" Adora and Georgine exclaimed in unison.
"Yeah." Swift Wind scoffed, smirking at their common response. "Pff. Sure."
"That's what I was saying!" Frosta pouted like the child she was, crossing her arms to add onto her passive anger.
"If you're not twins, then I am not the oh-so-loyal and gorgeous steed of She-!" Adora shut his giant mouth and shushed him, preventing him from revealing their secret, but it wasn't enough for Georgine to begin raising suspicions about her.
Night finally fell upon Etheria, allowing everyone inside the Bright Moon castle to finally rest. Glimmer was still helping Utopix accommodate the bed to his liking. Her fists would gently fluff the pillows, delicately placing them on the bed near the window. "A-Are you sure it's okay for Georgine and me to sleep in your room?" Utopix asked, holding one of the pillows near him.
"Yeah, don't worry! It'll be fun to sleep with Adora and Bow! A Best Friends Squad sleepover!"
Utopix sweetly giggled at the name of her gang. But after sitting near the edge of that bed, that same smile quickly faded away. "...I-I'm sorry about your mom."
Glimmer's hands stopped fixing the bed. Tears beginning to form on the corner of her eyes. Her saddened expression laid upon him, observing his timid behavior act up once again.
"I-I know it must be hard hearing it... but I... I-I lost mine, too." Utopix begun to shred tears, quietly sobbing to himself. "S-She.. also saved me from something... but I-I miss her..."
Glimmer let out a single sob before wiping the small tears that threatened to roll down her face. "I miss mine too... but they'd both want us to be strong. To live." The purple princess sat near the robot, placing a hand upon his cheek in a desperate attempt to comfort him. "And we can not let both of their sacrifices go to waste." Her constant-sparkling purple eyes gazed into the tiniest sparkle within his, her hand still resting ceaselessly on his tender cheek. "So, let's live. For them."
Utopix's eyes were filled by tears once again at the sound of her words. "Oh, G-Glimmer..." His body squeezed hers into a tight hug, her arms returning the pleasant gesture to the other, gently caressing his back as he cried his heart out. After there were no tears left to cry, they gently let go of each other and exchanged a warm smile amongst them.
"Hey. How about we go for some ice cream? That always cheers me up!" Glimmer happily suggested.
"C-Can we?" Utopix wiped his tears away, letting out a giggle on the process.
"Of course! I can easily teleport there so there's no problem!"
Their sweet laughs made Georgine smile who was leaning against the door frame, unnoticed.
Yet, thousands of miles away, Catra had delivered the news to Hordak, alerting him of the two strangers for good measure. She could have kept it to herself, but she didn't want him stepping on her toes any longer... not after finding someone more valuable to her own use.
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mr-entj · 5 years
Mr-entj, I'm a senior in college and starting my career soon which this blog has been an abundance of valuable information. What have you seen in your experience as the biggest jobs hunting MISTAKES college students make at this phase? I would like to learn from those common mistakes if possible because I do treasure wisdom and experience. Thank you.
Related answers:
Resume and Cover Letter Guide
Job interview tips
Job hunting 101
Off the top of my head, top 3 below.
Top 3 job hunting mistakes college students make
1. They think it’s easy
This is how most students think job hunting goes (theory):
I attend college
I do relatively well and graduate with a degree
I submit some job applications to my favorite jobs
I interview
I get a job offer!
This is how job hunting actually is (reality):
I attend college
I do relatively well and graduate with a degree
I submit some job applications to my favorite jobs
I get all rejections or no responses from the jobs
I apply to more jobs
I get no responses
I apply to more jobs
I get no responses
I apply to more jobs
I get maybe 1 interview
I interview but I don’t get the job and have no idea why I didn’t get it
I start to get frustrated and lose hope
I have been unemployed for months post-graduation
I start to panic
I settle for a crap job
WTF happened?
It’s overconfidence mixed with a huge dose of naivete due to a lack of real world experience.
To avoid underestimating this process:
Understand that job hunting is a highly subjective process– it’s not an objective process. That’s why it’s so difficult, it’s like dating. A candidate can have all the qualifications and be a “perfect” fit but can still be rejected because the company didn’t “like” the person or the timing was off or the position was filled or the company knows someone internally who’s a better fit or [insert other rejection reason here]. There are many unknown variables that are invisible to the job applicant. Often times, job applications submitted via websites are rarely seen, interviews are expedited for people with specific connections to the company or skills relevant to the role, schools/majors/grades weed people out immediately, and offers are only extended if the stars align for the candidate. This is why preparation is critical to success.
Understand that job hunting is ultra competitive. There are hundreds, if not thousands, of people applying for the same position and they’re just as smart and just as qualified– if not more. Often times, students think because they academically excelled at their specific university that they’re competitive against a field of graduates from other universities when they’re actually a big fish in a small pond. This is a mistake. Exercise humility, treat every position and organization with respect, don’t assume you’re a special snowflake overachiever, and always assume that you’re the underdog.
Prepare like hell. There are tons of resources on this blog and everywhere on the internet to help craft compelling resumes, make professional/industry connections, improve interview performance, and give huge advantages to people that seek them out. Be proactive.
2. They don’t leverage their network
Pop quiz. What’s the advantage of going to college if you can learn most of this stuff on the internet? Why are you paying $XX,000 thousands of dollars per year for an education if Google, free visits to the library, and discount books online can relay the same information? Why?
Answer: The main advantages of a formal education from a reputable university are that it establishes external credibility, grants an academic cohort that eventually becomes a professional network, and provides career resources.
Advantages are only advantages if you actually use them.
To leverage a network:
Attend career campus events. Colleges work around the clock to get companies to come on campus and hire their graduates– do not miss these events. Polish your resume, dust off your suit, and come with your best smile to explore opportunities and meet students.
Visit the university career center. There are people employed and paid solely for the purpose of getting you a job. Any company or alum looking to hire a graduate from your school will go through the university career center so staying close to the staff here will get you first pick.
Use the university job board. These are positions usually offered by alums in other companies that are exclusive to your school. This gives you first pick of positions that may or may not be live on other job websites.
Network with alumni. Get a professional mentor, reach out on LinkedIn, volunteer at alumni events. Alums are former students who have been in your exact position so they understand the struggle. Any alum who commits time and energy into attending an alumni event usually has school pride and wants to give back. Engage them.
Join on-campus professional groups. Professional frats, affinity groups, study groups, etc. Shared interests = shared bonds = relationship building.
3. They start too late
I’m going to repeat this over and over until people get it: the most difficult time to get a job is straight out of college when you have little to no relevant work experience that separates you from a sea of candidates. For this reason, do not procrastinate.
Remember that employers want to minimize the risk of hiring the wrong person and maximize the chance of hiring the correct person which is why college graduates have a tougher time entering the job market than experienced professionals who have projects, references, and bodies of work (empirical evidence) to vouch for their abilities. Once a college graduate accumulates years of experience this problem goes away but until then they need to be proactive in searching for opportunities while in school. It’s imperative that students start job hunting, internships, and recruiting activities before they graduate college to avoid missing critical deadlines only available to them as students.
It’s exponentially more difficult to find a job after graduation because all the desirable positions will have already been filled. One of two things tend to happen to people who don’t recruit well during college and who graduate without a job:
They’ll scramble for low-level positions they’re overqualified for that don’t require a college degree, that are lower paying, but more difficult to get because of the larger applicant pool
They’ll apply for positions for experienced professionals that they’re underqualified for because the new grad entry-level positions are already gone but they also have no substantive work experience for these experienced positions
This is a form of professional purgatory where they’re neither here nor there; a college graduate overqualified for menial jobs but also underqualified for entry-level jobs that require 1-2 years of experience. This is not a good position to be in; do not be in this position. Career procrastination and the failure to recruit properly during college will create something called career debt because bad job placement post-graduation will set a career back years especially in pursuit of leadership positions.
To get a head start on job hunting:
Have meaningful internships throughout your college career. Graduating without an internship is not a good look. It basically tells the world that you didn’t do anything outside of the classroom; no exposure to the professional world, no extra effort into researching your career, and no additional parties to vouch for your work. This means that in a crowd of graduating students, nothing differentiates you from the herd. Search online for internships, there are tons of resources for this and most companies will post internships directly on their career pages:
Apple internships
Amazon internships
Start job hunting 6-9 months before graduation. There are positions aimed specifically for new grads and they’re marked with (wait for it) “NEW GRAD” in the job title. They’re hard to miss. These positions are specifically for college students without any work experience but they have strict deadlines and cut-off dates that shouldn’t be missed. Examples of those are below.
Deloitte New Grad Portal
PwC New Grad
Google Students
Facebook New Grad
JP Morgan New Grad
Kaiser Permanente Early Career
CNBC Early Career Opportunities 
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wat3r-w1tch · 5 years
Chapter 2
[word count: 2052]
Impuse was, frightened to say the least. Zed and him walked through a random nether portal, got dropped in the middle of nowhere and now he's holding a demon at sword point. His morning could have been doing a lot better. His fear only grew as he felt Zed's shivers and shakes through his grip. But he swore he would keep Zed safe, even if its the last thing he does.
Tango was a different case. He could barely hold in his excitement. His wings twitched as he quickly put his hand out to greet the humans.
"Hello! I can't believe this is happening, This is awesome!" 
Impulse jumped at the movement of the demon. He pushed his sword closer to the demon, Hoping that would keep him from getting any closer. Tango tilted his head and pushed the sword aside
"Do all humans use gold? Diamond is much better!"
Tango stood up and stretched. He proceeded to shake all the sticks and leaves from his body. Zedaph took a few steps back, Pulling impulse with him. This demon was, Very tall. The light elf gulped as he adjusted his sword again.
"N-no, i use gold because I like it! Wait- Who are you! What do you want with us?"
Tango stared at them for awhile before pushing impulses sword aside. He cheerfully put his hand out again, Flashing a huge grin
"Im Tango Christopher Tek! But please, Just call me tango! I've, Never seen humans before!" his tail swung behind him and he waited for the human to shake his hand. After a while without a response he gained a confused look.
"Is shaking hands not a normal human thing? You guys don't talk about do you? Man! Humans are so small!" he jumped from comment to comment, circling the two. Impulse was terrified. Why did this demon not care about the fact he was holding him at sword point?
"Well... Actually, We're elves..." Zedaph said in a soft voice. Impulse gently elbowed Zed in the chest. Tango halted his movement and his ears shot up.
"Really? That's even better! What are your names?" 
He went back to standing in front of the two. He bounced on his heels waiting for a response. When he didn't get one he thought of something
"Heh, I'm not going to hurt you, You do know that right?"
He watched as taller elf's stand softened. He was still gripping onto his sword but at least he wasn't pointing it at him anymore. The smaller one's grip on the other had been let go.
"I've, Been stuck in a city full of only demons forever! I've never been able to see humans, nonetheless Elves! When I made that portal thingy i didn't actually expect it to work!"
Impulse's ears shot up at the mention of the portal.
"Wait wait wait, Your the reason that random portal showed up in the nether?"
"Nether? Is that where those portals lead? I've never heard of that" He walked around the pair and went towards the portal. He reached his hand out to it and traces his fingers around the obsidian.
"Y-Yeah! Its a huge realm with tons of lava and these weird white monsters called ghasts!" Zed jumped up and started to explain what the nether was. Tango's eyes lit up. His wings started to flap as he ran back to them.
"That sounds so amazing! Please tell me more!"
Zed proceeded to go on about the mobs in the nether, such as the blazes and wither skeletons. Impulse quickly jumped in and went on about glowstone. Tango watched with wide eyes as the elves in front of him talked with their hands, watching when they would reach parts they were very passionate about. They rambled on for a few minutes before they stopped. Tango took a second to process all the information he just got.
“That’s… amazing!!! I would love you know more about the other realms ... uh… what’s your guys names?”
“Oh! Im Zedaph and this is impulse!” Zedaph grinned as his ears perked up.
“Nice! Also, if you both are elves, why do you both look so different?” He said gesturing his hands to zed’s ears and hooves. Impulse looked over to Zed, hoping that he’d be the one to answer. But when Zedaph gave him the same look, his eyes darted back to the demon and gulped.
“Ah, well. There’s multiple types of elves. Like me, for example! I’m a light elf! I basically have electricity surging through my body. I can power Redstone lamps and basic redstone circuits. And in certain situations i can give energy to plants!”
Tango looked so amazed, he didn't think that elves were capable of such things. “And Zedaph is a Nature elf. They take care of animals or plants! Depending on what they choose they will gain the same appearance as the thing they take care of! Zed takes care of sheep, and that gave him his ears and hooves! There’s a bunch more but we’re the only two examples here right now”
Tango clapped his hands and had a slight bounce in his movements. Tango went on and on about how amazing they were. He managed to lead them to a nearby spot in the forest that he had set up earlier. He sat down with them and talked for ages about whatever came to mind. Impulse didn't expect it to be this easy when talking to tango. He didn't feel any fear. The demon would mention a certain topic and both elves would jump on the train as if it was nothing. They rambled on for hours and hours, just bonding over the simplest of things. Then, as the sun started to set, Tango got up and stretched. “This was, Amazing!!! You guys are so cool!!! Maybe, if you want, we can meet back up here tomorrow?”
 Impulse gave a nervous smile, a gentle nod and gently shook the sleeping zedaph awake. He mumbled something into Impulse’s sleeve and softly snored.  He chuckled and moved to pick Zed up. Within moments Zed had latched himself onto Impulse like a baby koala.
“That.. would be nice tango… Thank you for letting us ramble with you” He chuckled has the demon’s wings flapped and tail swayed. The elf gave a wave to the demon before watching him disappear into the dark forest. Impulse shifted and moved the sleeping nature elf to a comfier position. He slowly walked back to portal with his thoughts racing. What had he gotten zed and himself into?
======================================================================= Tango grinned from ear to ear as he walked through the forest. Impulse and Zed were very fun to talk to. They seemed to really like him. The demon council were a bunch of liars, Humans- No elves are very nice! Tango’s ears twitched at the thought that he was going to get to see his new friends tomorrow. When the city came into sight he took a deep inhale and lowered himself. He slowly crawled till the gate was in front of him. He climbed a tree and started at the guards. He glanced at the moon and started counting. He had done this many times, this was nothing. As soon as the guards slipped away from the gate tango leaped down and crawled back into the city. He creeped around the back alley just so no one would see him. He was right next to his house when he ran into something. Or better yet, someone. He shuddered as he recognized the color of the clothing. Tango quickly stood up and shot his eyes above him.
“O-Oh… Hello Council Hastaur… Mighty fine to see you tonight… at my house… just as I get back from a walk…”
“Tango Christopher Tek, Do Not Lie to Your council” His voice was deep, Rough, and demanding. Hearing his full name in such a tone made his whole body shiver. Tango knew he had messed up. Usually it was Proserpine or one of the lower demon councils who’d show up at tango’s house. But no, It was Hastuar. He was the head of the council. He loomed over tango, His lime green eyes flaring in the dark.
“I-I would Never lie! How dare you even accuse me of such-” Tango quickly cut off his sentence as Hastaur let out a bone shaking growl. “What were you doing out of the city young man?” “I wasn't doing anything wrong i swear! I was just exploring! It gets boring in this city!” Tango’s wings were slowing wrapping around him. It was something he did when he was scared. Hastaur let out another growl and walked closer to tango. With one hand he opened up the bag on his hip and pulled out a book. He threw it into tango’s arms and He instantly recognized it. He knew he should have taken it with him. “They would you like to explain why this book is missing a page? And why multiple city folk saw you running through the library and main street like a mad man?” “Hastaur, Please! I can explain if you just let me-”
“Tango i swear to any of the demigod’s still out there, if you did Anything to put this city in danger, I will Have your Wings cli-”
Hastaur Cut off his sentence as he looked at the small demon. His wings were around his body, ears pinned down and his eyes flashed with fear. He took a step back and ran his hand across his face. “......Im, sorry Tango. I didn't mean to threaten that….. Listen, today has been long.” He sighed as he walked from the alley, gesturing tango to follow. Tango shivered and slowly followed. When they got in front of tango’s house, Hastaur looked at the smaller demon.  
“Three other council members were looking for you, and to find out that you had left the city…. It made them go overboard” Somehow, within a few minutes all anger from his voice had left. Hastuar’s voice was soothing and soft. He always tried his best to keep tango out of trouble, and to not scare him. He watched this demon grow up.Seeing anything happen to him would made Hastaur sick. He crouched down to be at eye level with tango.
“Tango i need you to listen to me. I try my hardest to keep you safe from the council, but you make that so Hard when you go around doing this! Had I not been the head of council, Your wings would already be clipped! I, I don't know how much longer I can defend you from them”
Hastuar gently put his hand on tango’s shoulder. He looked off to the side, still feeling bad about saying what he did earlier. “I need you to promise me something tango. You will stop all of these shenanigans. Promise you'll stop going behind the council's back and to not leave the city ever again"
Tango looked Hastaur in the eyes. He shifted uncomfortably under his grip and sighed. He gently nodded and to his relief, Hastaur let go of his shoulder. He stood up and stretched his wings. Tango yawned, eyes slowly trying to close.
"Alright Tango, Try and get some sleep. The council would like to talk to you tomorrow, So please be up by then"
And within a few seconds, Hastaur was already out of sight. Tango get out a shaky exhale. He hated lying to the demon council but he was gonna see impulse and Zedaph tomorrow, even if that meant not being able to come back. His mind raced thinking about the two elves, but soon all his trails of thought led back to the moments before. He didn't want to go to the council meeting, so he was gonna have to wake up early to avoid it. It was just going to be them yelling at him anyways. Nothing he hasn't heard before.
He walked into his house and threw his bag on the ground. He flopped down onto his bed and let out a loud groan. He quickly shuffled under his blankets and wrapped his wings around him. As he slowly started to drift asleep, he couldn't help but still feel a little bit of joy for tomorrow.
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dragonnan · 5 years
In-Progress Fics (Multifandom)
These are the stories I’m actively working on.  If there are WIPs not on this list it means they’re on long term hiatus.  I’ve included links (where applicable) and small teasers for each story.  This is a bot long so I’ve included a cut.  Fandoms include: Sherlock, Doctor Strange, Avengers, and Psych
Painted Wings and Giant Rings (rape/noncon warning) Current chapter in development: epilogue Words in chapter so far: 309 Teaser: The dragonflies were reluctant to lift off from the sidewalk – even with three pairs of feet headed their way.  A lazy last second hover relocated one of the bright green insects to the bumper of a blue car – though not out of danger. Pudgy fingers reached to grasp it – only to be denied their prize as the child they came with was lifted high out of reach.  “Sorry, Phin, mom said no bugs today.” Squirming, face furious, the baby struggled to get back to the ground – a tiny hard shoe kicking wild and impacting a sensitive belly. “Hey -ow!  C'mon Son, don't be the Snuffleupagus that only Big Bird can see.”  Still wriggling, the toddler grabbed two fistfuls of his father's short beard instead – cackling at the wincing face his actions triggered.  “Snuff-up-gus!” he chortled. Behind them both, Juliet giggled – unable to hold her stern expression towards the wayward child. “Shawn, did you just say c'mon son... to your son?” Twisting out of the clutching fingers – surely leaving behind several pieces of beard – Shawn flipped the youngster upside-down – holding him tight by the waist.  “I am the father of irony, babe.” Further back, protecting his dollar cup of mini donuts, Gus snorted.  “Father of bullsh... uh... baloney, you mean.” “Boney!”  Phin chortled – waving his arms. Gently spinning the tiny terror right-side up, again, Shawn rubbed his beard against a petal soft cheek – nearly losing his hearing at the piercing shriek that followed. “Jesus, Spencer, do I need to write you up for disturbing the peace?” Shawn spun on his heels and pressed a broad hand against Phin's left ear; mashing the right one against his chest as he glared at the approaching detective and his family. “Dude, no bad language in front of the kinder!”
OOMPA LOOMPA DO BA DE DIE - Virtual Season 9, Episode 5 (unpublished) Current chapter in development: 2 (of 4) Words in chapter so far: 7,496 Teaser:  “Alright, everyone!  Are you ready for the first stop?” Shawn gave the room a swift back and forth scan.  “I… thought this was the first stop?” Veronica grinned.  “Haha!  Not exactly, Mr…?” “Spencer, Shawn.  And this is my partner, Fannie May ‘Spanx’ Nicoletti.  I call him ‘Gummi Bear’ for short.” “Bouncin’ here and there and everywhere.”  Gus shared a fist bump with Shawn - toning down his typical come hither leer to a neutral grin.  He was, after all, a taken man. “Uh huh,” addressing the group as a whole, Veronica stepped towards a set of plain gray double doors.  “So then, if you would please follow me, it’s time to see some magic!” A press of the thumb against the green button next to the doors, and they began to swing apart.  Shawn and Gus pushed and wriggled their way to the front - Gus keeping just ahead of his friend with a wicked hip check that sent his buddy plowing into a set of cooling racks.  Metal clattering and a round of grousing followed as Shawn disentangled from the rolling racks - almost wobbling into a blue cabinet on the far wall before he got his bearings again.  “Dude, cheap shot!” Glares all around from the better mannered members of the tour - the small girl leveling a kick to Shawn’s ankle as he shuffled past her and her grandpop.  “Ow!  Hey!” Her tiny nose wrinkled at him - her elderly backup pushing up a sleeve in mild threat. “I’d avoid any geese that lay the golden eggs if I were you.”  He muttered before moving on to rejoin Gus near the front of the group.  But all dreams of technicolor vengeance vanished at the vista that opened before him. Color - like a thousand pixies had just waged battle with a thousand unicorns; their glorious war leaving their brilliant hues across every surface.  Bright blue walls, orange ceiling, green floor, blazing yellow packing crates… even the uniforms of the factory works were splashes of rich lavender vibrance. Veronica was nearby; expounding on the factory and the management of blah blah.  Shawn, however, was locked in on the source of all that was right with the world.  A glorious, gushing masterpiece of culinary and engineering mastery. “Gus!”  His hand latched to the right, gripping with fervor at the same moment that Gus snatched his arm right back.  A hard swallow, and they both spoke with the awed wonder of two supplicants meeting their Master. “The Cocoa Cascade!”
The Tiger and the Shark (rape/noncon warning) Current chapter in development: 21 Words in chapter so far: 2,349 Teaser:  While Sherlock was settling, once more, John pressed the button on the control pad, next to Sherlock's bed, to alert the nursing staff.  With Sherlock awake they'd want to do a vitals check now rather than have to wake him later. “Any pain?”   Sherlock opened his mouth and John lifted his chin.  “Don't lie.” Grimacing, the detective pushed out his lower lip.  “Some.  Shoulder, mostly.” “How about the arm?” Sherlock rotated his right hand and jerked with a hard flinch.  “Tender.” “Yeah, I'll bet. Maybe try not to move it next time, ta.”  Another touch to Sherlock's brow; concern when Sherlock didn't so much as roll his eyes this time.  The numbers on the monitor hadn't changed in the last ten minutes and John rubbed his fingers across his lips. “Is it bad?” His eyes may be glazed over but Sherlock's perception was still sharp. John dropped his hand back to his lap where he rolled a loose thread from his jumper. “Well, it's not good.  Fever hasn't gone down, yet.  We can change out your ice packs, however, and your nurse should be...” The smart knock finished his sentence as a young man eased open the door and popped his head in. “Oh, hey, look who's awake, then.”  He smiled through his thick Welsh.  “Now then, Mr. Holmes, I understand you'll be needing a top off.” Clearly less than thrilled by the affable man, Sherlock pulled his right arm towards himself, in spite of the wince it caused.  “Go away.”  
Unpublished Molly-centric story fill set between TRF and TFP - eventual Sherlolly (domestic violence warning) Teaser:  “I just wanted to let you know that... well, Dennis is scheduled to be released this afternoon.  I didn't find out myself until twenty minutes ago.  I know he was meant to be in longer but... well we both know the justice system is a joke.  Listen... call me, alright?  Let me know... well, I'm here if you need me, yeah.  Christ.  Just, look after yourself, Molly.  I'll talk to you soon.” Molly hung over her sink long after Greg's message had ended.
Avengers: New Beginnings (not Avengers Endgame compliant) Current chapter in development: 3 Words in chapter so far: 1,415 Teaser: His head was throbbing.  Anxiety wasn't new to him.  Since The Bite he'd felt various degrees of nervous energy plucking at the back of his skull.  Those first weeks, while trying to make sense of sticking to everything and breaking way too many glasses in a suddenly astounding grip, he'd also been trying to get a grip on the flood of adrenalin surging through his blood on a regular basis.  But this... since coming back from the Dusting, he couldn't stop the feeling like... like his senses were going crazy. Like, at first he'd just thought it was because he'd come back in time to see Mr. Stark collapse; arm charred and body starting to seize.  He'd thought Thanos had been terrifying but to stand there and helplessly watch Tony just... dying... But then Doctor Strange had opened one of his spin-y portals and Mr. Stark had been carried through and Peter had raced after them and then he was in a hospital and everything had gotten blurry in his memory but he remembered sitting next to Happy and eating Kettle chips until he'd suddenly had to throw up and then he couldn't stop throwing up and for some reason Happy had been holding his head and then Peter had been crying... But Mr. Stark had survived.  They'd had to cut off his arm but he'd survived.  And Peter had... well he'd smiled at him, when he'd started to wake up and was all groggy and Tony had made a joke and Peter had smiled.  But then... but then he'd... cried.  Just cried and rubbed his eyes and it wouldn't stop and Mr. Stark and grabbed his sleeve with one hand and pulled him across his chest... It had been nice.  Weird and sad and happy but... nice.
“What Did You Do?” Stephen Strange 2019 Bingo Prompt (unpublished) Teaser: “I groveled.  I groveled my ass off. And then I made sure that I followed through on every single promise that I made to her.”  Was the answer to the question that Stephen had never, actually, asked.  Was there something on his face that screamed “single guy in desperate need of dating advice”? “What?” Tony smirked.  “You have been ogling the pretty lady doctor for five minutes.  Either you are more of a creeper than I'd pegged you for or there's a history with you two that resulted in the lost puppy face you've been sporting.” Stephen crossed his arms.  “I'm not ogling Doctor Palmer.  I'm making sure she doesn't just pass me off to; shit...” Tony lifted an eyebrow as a slender young man, pushing at least seventeen, toyed with his Harry Potter rims before angling their way through the soup of damaged, disgruntled, and one seriously put out Doctor.
“Whump” Stephen Strange 2019 Bingo Prompt (unpublished) Teaser: The corded straps tightened over his wrists with every turn of the of the bar; corkscrewing the restraints until the joints in his wrists popped under the pressure.  Stephen grunted through his teeth and rocked his head back against the wooden headrest.  Muscles twitched in his cheek from the grinding movement of his molars.  Zings of pain lanced through his fingers in a steady heartbeat; sharp and electric.  The turning bar was locked into place; his hands purpling under the crushing pressure.  Too much longer and he'd start to experience tissue death.  He couldn't even appreciate the spreading numb as circulation was pinched off – the pain of crushed tissues firing a throbbing ache all the way to his elbows. “There, now.  Lovely, yes?  You have such beautiful hands, Doctor.  A shame about the scars.”  A touch traced across the back of his fingers; feather light across darkened scar tissue and Stephen locked his arms around the impulse to flinch. A backlog of remarks sat, wasted, on the back of his tongue – locked behind his teeth with a wad of blue silk.  The fabric carried the traces of expensive cologne and sweat; a nauseating blend of sour and bitter that caught in his sinuses.  His eyes, alone, remained free to observe; though what there was to see was limited in the darkened space.  A bedroom; that much was clear; a large bed layered in heavy quilts, several lamps; all dark save for the one with the shade tilted towards his face.  The floor, however, was bare wood; though it wasn't too dark to note the rust dark stains overlapping and soaked into the grain. A simple grocery run.  No other worldly battles, no inter-dimensional carnivorous slugs, no maniacal purple aliens, not so much as a flerken in a tree.  In fact, his purchases currently resided in a corner of the room – milk warm, by now, the deli meat likely a total loss.  No robes, no cloak, no Eye of Agamotto.  His sling ring was currently worn by his unwelcome companion – though it was a tight fit on his thick fingers.  The ring, along with the rest of his possessions, had been pocketed sometime after the heavy blow had stolen his consciousness.  His skull still throbbed and he could feel the tickle of blood on the back of his neck.  Unclear how long he'd been out but concussion was almost a certainty.   The larger figure circled the modified chair to which he was bound �� much like a heavy-duty school desk with restraints bolted at every joint as well as his waist and throat.  He could curl his toes and roll his eyes but even his head was held face forward by a clamp surrounding his skull – preventing him from following the movement of his captor as he moved out of sight.  He could hear him, however; a gait marred by the drag of his disfigured right foot; an impediment that had certainly not hindered him in abducting the Master of the New York Sanctum.  Yes, the thought carried all of the sarcastic weight he'd been prevented from expressing. “I've watched you.  Oh, for years, now.”  The drag-step moved to his left side and this time Stephen did flinch as heavy fingers brushed across his cheekbone; mortified at the muffled grunt that pushed against the mouthful of smooth fabric.  The hand dropped away and then the man was before him, once again. “They never truly, appreciated you, did they; your peers.  All of those miracles... all of those lives saved... only to throw you away when they no longer thought they could use you.”  The touch returned to his scars and Stephen swallowed – hand jerking against his manacles.  “All because of an accident.”
Untitled Irondad and Spiderson fic (unethical medical experimentation and torture warning) (unpublished) Teaser: Tony had, by now, moved from the roof to the sidewalk and it was, pun regretfully employed, child's play to enter – alarms disabled with a flick of his AI.  His last visit, an hour earlier, had been a more restrained affair due to the warehouse being in operation.  In fact, he hadn't even entered – keeping his surveillance covert (in spite of Nat's assertions otherwise, yes, he could do subtle).  The first red flag had arisen upon noting the level of security wrapping the building like a Christmas present.  On paper, the place was a manufacturing plant for the military.  Nothing weaponizable; more along the lines of meal trays, pop up buildings, carabiners, and the like.  The second red flag was location.  Why would the military have a contract with a small manufacturing warehouse in the middle of the suburbs?     “Interior scan.” The recording had continued to play as he walked; mostly the sound of idle chatting as Peter explored the warehouse.   “... I mean it isn't like she can't grow things; she raised me, right?  Maybe we just need better fertaliz... what was that?” “I am not detecting anything.” “No – no there was... it wasn't a sound it...” A piercing throb blasted through the speakers; though not as ear-splitting as his first time hearing it.   “...en?  Karen!  Shit!  What was...  Oh crap, oh crap!  Karen!  Karen – Mr. Stark!  I, ow!  Mr. Stark I don't... I don't know if you're still getting this but... but...  No!” A flurry of sounds – clangs and what sounded like an electrical hum followed by Peter giving a sharp cry and, most disturbing, a damp CRACK and a scream.  There were several seconds of silence.  Then...           “It's coded to the suit!  Mr. Stark, it's code-” And that was it.
“Sed Diabolus” (unpublished - massive multi-chaptered story conceived with the brilliant assistance of @kitcat992) There is very little actual story text at this point - the current development stage is outlining this beast.  However, I can share a smidgen of what this fic will entail.  This is yet another “fix-it” for endgame.  Without giving too much away it involves a a villain from Stephen Strange’s past along with a terrifying and malevolent being from the comics.  There will be crossing between universe’s, threats of world domination, death and destruction, fire, explosions...
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I have just a small little teaser below but I promise more once the story goes into full production!
Stephen gaped as the floor peeled away from the massive form; pointed ears and red skin; cliché devil it may be the utter horror it projected swallowed any quip he may have conjured.  Searing heat baked from its flesh and reddened through his own ghostly form in a way that should have been impossible!  
“Sorcerer...”  The voice rattled from its throat like a plague of locusts and it grinned with bladed teeth.  Without further comment it thrust a clawed hand through Stephen's form... and he screamed as he was engulfed in fire.
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kiapet2 · 3 years
Aperture Sides Facility, Chapter 2: Fifteen Hundred Megawatt Aperture Science Heavy Duty Super-Colliding Super Button
Chapter Summary: Thomas meets some new friends, and learns some new names... including his own.
Chapter Warnings: Captivity, Death Mention
The next few chambers fly by quickly, once again devoid of life. You try to distract yourself with the solving of the puzzles so you won’t start worrying about where Logic and Morality went, or what the Voice wants with you, or who else might be lurking around. It doesn’t work terribly well, and by the time you’ve completed the third test chamber where no one appeared, you’re once again starting to wonder if they’ve given up on visiting you entirely. You’d think your anxiety would come up with some new material, but no such luck.
For this reason, when you enter test chamber 9 you’re already on edge. At this point, you’re used to the others dropping in at odd times, and so have learned to expect someone to suddenly begin speaking to you from the ceiling or wall.
What you were not expecting, however, was to have someone show up directly behind you.
You shriek and jump, whirling around, then you do a double take at what you see. It’s a Core, made of the same dark metal as Logic, but unlike Logic he isn’t attached to tracks in the ceiling or walls, but instead is floating in the air at about chest height, gently drifting slightly up and down. What really draws your eye, though, is the two robotic arms coming out of either side of the Core, which hang casually at his sides as he regards you with a deep purple eye.
“Oh!” you say, catching your breath. “Hey there. Are you here to introduce yourself?”
“Yeah, no. I’m here to tell you to give up,” the Core says, his voice a low rasp.
You raise an eyebrow. “Give up?”
“You can’t solve this puzzle,” the Core says. “It’s impossible. You shouldn’t even bother.”
“I… highly doubt that.”
“Oh, really, Mr. Smarty-Pants?” he says snottily. “Well, let’s look at the facts, shall we? What you’ve got there is an Emancipation Grill. You can’t shoot through it, if you try to bring that cube through it it’ll be vaporized faster than you can say ‘oops’, you walk through it and all your portals disappear. You see where I’m going with this?”
You rub your temples with one hand. “Well, yes, but there has to be-”
“Nope, nadda, don’t even bother looking,” the Core interrupts. “You’re going to get trapped here and die of thirst, which I’ve heard is a really sucky way to die by the way. Might as well curl up on the ground and cry.”
“O-kay, I think we’re done here,” you say, turning away and doing your best to ignore him..
After a few minutes playing around with the Emancipation Grill, you’re starting to think Anxiety’s assessment was dead on. You move back and forth through the field several times, shooting portals at different angles, but nothing gets through, and you don’t see any way around.
You feel like you could focus better on the puzzle if the Core watching you would lay off the “helpful” comments.
“Let’s hope it doesn’t ‘Emancipate’ your teeth this time,” he says casually as you walk through the field again. “Let me know if you taste blood, that’s probably a bad sign.”
You shiver and subconsciously swipe your tongue across your teeth before you can stop yourself. Then you turn and glare at the Core.
“Could you shut up already?” you growl. “I’m trying to think here!”
“Well excuse me, Your Highness,” the Core drawls.
“Did someone say Your Highness?!”
Another Core pops down from the ceiling, this time clearly hanging off a movement rail like Logic and Morality. Unlike Logic and Morality, this Core is a pure white, and his eye glows a bright red. His handles are uniquely shaped, as well- where Logic’s and Morality’s were relatively simple, this Core’s handles look almost crown-like. It’s an elegant look overall, and gives you an inkling of which Core this may be.
“Greetings, my good-” the white Core starts, then stops as he turns and sees the other Core floating behind you.
“Oh,” he says, eye narrowing, “It’s you.”
“Hey, Princey,” the floating Core drawls.
“What are you doing here, Anxiety?” Princey shoots back.
“I’m helping, can’t you tell?” Anxiety says, his eyelid lowering in a smirk.
Princey scoffs. “You, helping? Please.”
“Hey, now-” you start, but Anxiety cuts you off.
“And you think you can do any better?”
“But of course!” Princey declares. “As a princely Core like myself, it is my duty to aid brave adventurers in perilous quests!”
Anxiety crosses his arms and cocks his head- er, himself- in challenge. “Oh, really? Well then, how would you suggest he solve this?”
Princey gestures broadly towards the Emancipation Grill. “Why, it’s simple! Just g-AAAAAAGH!”
“Princey!” you shout, half-expecting him to explode or something, but after a moment the scream dies off with him looking none the worse. Princey takes a deep breath before turning to glare at an audibly snickering Anxiety.
“That was a dirty trick,” he growls.
“We can’t give solutions to test subjects, idiot,” Anxiety says. “It literally goes against our most basic programming.”
Princey huffs. “Well excuse me for not remembering every minor detail! At least some of us are trying to be helpful!”
“Hey, it’s alright guys,” you say. “I’ll just figure it out myself.” Eventually.
“Hmm,” Princey says, pensive. “I may not be able to give you the solution, but that does not mean I cannot aid you more… creatively. When faced with a challenge that seems insurmountable, it can often be helpful to find a different perspective.”
Princey turns and gives a significant look behind himself, before quickly turning away, whistling to himself.
A different perspective, huh? You look back towards where Princey was looking; it’s this level’s orange portal, set into the wall above a platform about the level of your head. You saw it before when you entered the room, but had been more preoccupied with how to get your blue portal through the Emancipation Grill. But maybe, you could see more from atop there.
You shoot a blue portal on a nearby wall and walk through, making sure to grab the cube you’re supposed to be moving before doing so, and come out atop the ledge. The room doesn’t look all that different from up here, and you’re starting to think you took Princey’s advice the wrong way, when something catches your eye. Above the doorway which the emancipation grill blocks, there is a small, square hole in the wall, one that unlike the doorway has no noticeable glimmer of energy. Lifting the portal gun, you shoot a ball of blue light through and watch as the blue portal appears on the opposite wall. You turn and walk through the orange portal behind you, and find yourself- and the cube- on the other side of the Emancipation Grill, never having needed to have walked through it.
You hear a whoop as Princey pops back up into the ceiling, then reappears above where you’re standing.
“You did it!” he cheers.
You grin at him. “Couldn’t have done it without you. You’re my hero, Princey.”
“Nonsense,” Princey scoffs, but you can hear in his voice that he’s touched. “You would have prevailed no matter the odds. I simply helped move things along.”
“This is so sweet I think I’m gonna puke,” Anxiety says sardonically, following you through the portal. “And I can’t even physically do that so you know it’s bad.”
“Could you just lay off for once?” you snap. “What even is your problem?”
“Sorry, dude, but it’s kinda my job,” Anxiety says, shrugging. “Deal with it.”
Princey waves one handle in a shooing motion. “Off with you, Marilyn Morose, you’re not wanted here.”
“Ugh, whatever, you’re just going to fail the next test anyways,” Anxiety grumbles. A floor tile recedes, creating a hole that Anxiety floats down through, the floor tile sliding back into place behind him.
You look back at Princey, wincing a bit. “Were we a little hard on him?”
Princey scoffs. “Of course not! That villain is likely plotting your demise with your dastardly captor as we speak.”
“He… works with Voiceover Guy?” you say uncertainly.
“Why do you think he’s all floaty and arm-having?” Princey says. “He-” he nods towards the nearest security camera, “altered Anxiety to be like that for a reason. We need to be ready for whatever villainous plan those two are concocting together.”
“Maybe he just really likes hugs?” you try.
Princey gives you an incredulous look, and you wince. “Yeah, it seemed a bit far-fetched to me too.”
“Mark my words,” Princey says, “Those two are up to no good.”
That torpedoes the conversation for a moment, both of you falling into silence as you contemplate the fact that you’re completely at the mercy of someone Princey just described as “villainous”. It doesn’t exactly feel great to think about.
“Well, regardless of the danger,” Princey finally says, “you have no need to fear! Not when you are under the protection of Yours Truly!” He strikes a heroic pose, and some of your fear fades into amusement.
“It’s the Creativity Core, right?” you say. Morality’s previous mention of a Creativity, combined with Princey’s appearance and demeanor, make that fairly easy to figure out.
“Indeed, I see my reputation precedes me!” He dips forward in an approximation of a bow. “I am most pleased to make your acquaintance, Brave Adventurer.”
“It’s nice to meet you too,” you say. “Uh, should I call you Creativity or Princey? I’ve kind of been calling you Princey in my head but I know the other Core- er, Anxiety- called you that and you don’t like him much, so…”
“No, no, Princey is fine,” the Core says. “Despite such a name being wasted in the speakers of a ruffian like Anxiety, I must admit that I am… partial, to it. A princely nickname for a princely Core!”
“You are quite prince-like,” you agree. “You have a crown and everything.”
“Why thank you, my good adventurer!” Princey says, bowing again. “I shall endeavor to live up to such a title.”
“And uh, the other Core is the Anxiety Core, right?” you say. “You keep calling him Anxiety, so…”
Princey waves a handle dismissively. “He might as well be. His real title is something more official-sounding- Threat Detector or whatever- but everyone just calls him Anxiety.”
You nod. Thinking back to the Core’s behavior, you can see how he attracted that kind of nickname.
Unable to put it off any longer, you hop down and place the cube on its corresponding button, opening the door in front of you to reveal another elevator. You’re really starting to hate elevators.
You turn back to the Core above you. “Thanks for your help, Princey.”
“It was my pleasure,” Princey says. “Perhaps we will meet again, in the coming trials.”
“I would like that,” you reply.
Nodding one last farewell, Princey disappears into the ceiling as you turn and head into the elevator.
Aperture Science would like to congratulate you on solving the test in such an atmosphere of extreme negativity, the Voice says as the elevator doors close in front of you. Cake will be available at the completion of all nineteen testing chambers, as a reward for your tenacity.
The next chamber- Test Chamber 10- is devoid of any traces of life, machine or otherwise, apart from the mysterious Voice’s impersonal instructions. You try to focus on the test and not let the anxiety creep up on you again- or Anxiety, for that matter, you think your heart is still recovering from that last jump-scare- but you do miss the companionship.
The Enrichment Center promises to always provide a safe testing environment, the Voice says as the elevator doors open on Test Chamber 11. In dangerous testing environments, the Enrichment Center promises to always provide useful advice. For instance, the floor here will kill you - try to avoid it.
“Great, thanks,” you mutter, moving forward to a large window overlooking the test chamber. Sure enough, the floor of the room below is covered in the toxic sludge you’ve seen in previous test chambers. A second later your eye is drawn to the raised pedestal in the middle of the room, on which a very familiar object is placed. A familiar, gun-shaped object.
Like the previous room with a portal gun, the device is spinning and shooting portals at different points in the walls. Unlike the previous room, the portals being shot are orange rather than blue.
The thought of the other portal gun room makes you think of the Core who introduced himself to you there- the first one you ever met. You could use Logic around right now, to explain how the heck you’re supposed to wield two portal guns when the one you currently have uses both hands.
Actually, now that you think of it, could you have Logic around right now? Could it actually be as simple as…
“Logic?” you say to the empty air, “Logic, hey, are you there?”
For a brief moment nothing happens, and you start to think this was probably a stupid idea. Then a ceiling tile slides away, and a familiar black and dark blue Core lowers himself through the opening.
“Ah, Subject One,” he says. “I see you have made progress. What is it that requires my presence?”
You shove down the twist of discomfort at the clinical form of address, trying to focus instead on the excitement of Logic having actually shown up.
“That gun,” you say, nodding towards the device shooting portals at the walls, “how am I supposed to wield it? I only have so many hands.”
Logic looks over at the gun. “Well, it would help for you to actually access the chamber in which the device is held.”
You roll your eyes. “Yeah, Logic, I figured that one out myself.”
“Well there’s no need to get huffy,” Logic says, ironically sounding rather huffy himself. “I’m just trying to help.”
“Is he going to huff and puff and blow the test chamber down?” Morality says playfully, popping down through the ceiling next to Logic.
“Morality!” you exclaim, grinning. “You’re here too!”
“Of course, kiddo!” Morality says. “I couldn’t let you solve all these puzzles by yourself, now could I?”
“Wait, this was supposed to be my chamber,” Logic complains. “He called for me first!”
“Oh, get over yourself, Calculator Watch,” a familiarly bombastic voice says, "not everything has to be about you."
“Princey!” you say, turning to see the Core hanging out of an opening in the wall.
Logic rolls his eye. "I believe that is the anthracite figuratively calling the iron chloride anhydrate black, Princey."
There’s a pause as you try to digest that. “Uh, did you mean ‘the pot calling the kettle black,’ Logic?”
"Of course not. Most pots and kettles are silver in color, not black."
You shake your head. "Never mind. Are you guys going to help me solve this puzzle?"
"Technically, we are unable to-"
"Well of course we are!" Morality says, cutting off Logic, who gives him a dirty look. "Where do we start?"
You look back down to where the portal gun is still shooting regularly. “It looks like it’s another moving portal puzzle. Figure out which rooms you need to get to in which order, press buttons, and so on.”
“Should be simple enough,” Logic says, adjusting his eye lens. “Let’s get started then, shall we?”
Things are going pretty well- going great, even- right up until Anxiety shows up.
“Not so fast!”
You valiantly fight the urge to jump in surprise. “What is it now, Anxiety?”
“Are you really going to go in there?”
You look over at where your blue portal is on the nearest wall, waiting for the gun to revolve around and shoot the orange portal to the right place.
“Uh, yeah, that’s the idea.”
“You’re going to die,” Anxiety says bluntly.
You sigh and pinch the bridge of your nose. “And why, exactly, is walking through that portal going to kill me?”
The blue portal briefly turns foggy and then resolves into another view as the spinning portal gun shoots a new orange portal. Through it, you can now see the moving platform you just jumpstarted, now slowly floating back and forth from the portal to the gun’s pedestal and back again.
Anxiety rolls his eye. “A small platform moving slowly over toxic sludge with absolutely no cover. A device shooting balls of concentrated light that, by the way, would incinerate you if it hit you. Gee, I wonder.”
“C’mon, Doctor Gloom, where’s your sense of adventure?” Princey says. “This is nothing we can’t handle!”
“Indeed,” Logic says. “If he gets the timing right, the device should not shoot at him while he is on the platform, and either way he can still dodge.”
Despite the others’ encouragement, you can feel your heart pounding in your chest as the moving platform approaches the portal.
“You can do this,” Morality says softly, and that final assurance is what it takes for you to muster your courage and step through the portal onto the platform.
You watch nervously as the moving platform approaches the portal gun, while meanwhile the portal gun itself continues to shoot orange portals around the room. It rotates to face you and you instinctively drop to your stomach on the platform, watching as a ball of orange light flies harmlessly over your head. You scramble back up just in time for the moving platform to reach the center pedestal and then hop onto the pedestal as the others cheer.
“See?” Princey declares, “No problem at all!”
You reach out and cautiously grab hold of the orange portal gun. Just like the first time, as soon as your hand touches the gun it immediately stops shooting, coming to a rest beneath your fingers.
“That should slot into your existing Portal Device,” Logic says, nodding to the blue portal gun. You look down at it, skeptical since it just looks like a smaller gun, but when you bring it up to the blue it folds in on itself, melding to the blue device as if they were always one. The combined portal gun is only a little bulkier than the original, and you heft it, getting a feel for the new weight.
The Device has been modified so that it can now manufacture two linked portals at once, the Voice says. In case of life-threatening situations, Aperture Science would like to remind testers that the Portal Device is now worth more than your entire family could earn in ten thousand generations, and will be taken out of your paycheck if destroyed.
If any of the others notice your grip subtly tightening on the Portal Gun, they don’t comment on it. You shoot a few portals around the room, getting used to the two different triggers the combined gun has, before putting them back into the positions they were in preparation to leave.
“Now that you have access to both portals, you will be able to use it to solve more complex tests,” Logic says approvingly. “Well done, Subject.”
“That’s not all you can do!” Morality says, bouncing excitedly. “You could shoot them on both sides of a hallway so you see yourself a hundred times like in funhouse mirrors, shoot them on the floor and ceiling then hop in and fall for as long as you want, shoot them next to each other and see the room behind you even with your back turned…”
Logic huffs. “Well that is patently ridiculous. The Portal Device is a powerful tool and is meant to be used carefully, not as a toy.”
“Doncha mean, Patton-ly ridiculous?” Morality says, a grin in his voice, and Logic groans.
You look back and forth between the two of them, confused. “Uh, sorry guys, was that supposed to be a pun?”
“Oh, yeah, kiddo!” Morality says. “I changed it to include my name!”
“You have a name?” you say incredulously.
“Yes, of course! We all do,” Creativity says.
You turn back to Morality. “So your name is Pattonly!”
“Uh, no kiddo, it’s just Patton,” he says.
“Oh, that makes more sense,” you say sheepishly. “So your name is Patton!”
Patton smiles and then nods over at Logic. “Yup! I’m Patton, and this is Logan-”
“Pat,” Princey says, chiding, “You should’ve let Logan introduce himself.”
Patton gasps. “Oh, I’m so sorry Logan, I got excited!”
“It is no matter,” Logic- Logan- says smoothly. “I still fail to see why we needed names in the first place.”
“Because they’re something unique to us, my dear nerd!” Princey says.
He turns to you and dips his round body forward in a bow. “And as for me, Brave Adventurer, you may call me Roman.”
“Roman,” you say, trying it out in your mouth.
“That is my proper name, yes.”
You look up at each of the Cores in turn. “So you’re Patton, Logan, Roman, and-”
You turn and look at Anxiety, and the others follow suit.
“Yeah, not happening,” Anxiety says.
You shrug. “Patton, Logan, Roman and Anxiety, then.”
“And you?” Patton asks. “Do you have a name?”
Do you have a name? You haven’t thought of it before, but once you do the answer floats up into your awareness as if it had always been there.
“Thomas,” you decide. “My name is Thomas.”
“It is nice to meet you, Thomas,” Logan says, his voice warm.
You smile at him. “Same to you, buddy.”
“Well this is all very heartwarming,” Anxiety drawls, “or maybe that’s just my processor overheating. If we’re all done with the introductions, can I remind you that we’re still standing on an island in the middle of the death-floor?”
You feel your face heat. “Right.”
The moving platform is just reaching your little pedestal, and you carefully hop onto it and let it carry you back to the orange portal. A few well-placed portals later, you’re standing in front of the Emancipation Grill and elevator. The others pop out of walls and ceilings, having followed you up, and for a few moments you all just stare at each other.
You shift from foot to foot, not wanting to be the one to break the silence. From the looks on the others’ faces- er, in their eyes, you guess- neither do they.
“Thanks for your help,” you finally say.
“Of course! We make a good team,” Roman says.
“We do!” Patton agrees. “I’m really proud of how you’re doing so far, kiddo.”
“Thanks,” you say again.
There’s another long pause.
“Oh, for Science’s sake,” Anxiety groans. “This is just painful. I can’t believe I’m the one saying this, but spit it out already!”
You jump at the sudden shift in tone, adrenaline kicking in despite yourself. “Okay okay, geez."
You look back at the others. "I guess I was wondering when you guys would show up again? I like having you here, but you seem to, uh, pop in and out.”
The Cores turn and look at each other, as if having a silent conversation. Heck, maybe they are; isn’t robots communicating with each other a thing? You’re pretty sure that’s a thing.
“You have just completed Test Chamber 11,” Logan says, “and as such have eight out of nineteen test chambers remaining. While the first ten were relatively simple, from here on out they will become longer and more complex as they combine the techniques you have learned.”
“Your point, Teach?” Roman says impatiently.
“My point,” Logan says, adjusting his eye lens up and down, “is that it is likely that Thomas may require support in future levels. However, the assistance we will be able to provide would be limited, as we are unable to give you the solutions.”
“Now Logan,” Patton says, “Don’t underestimate the importance of moral support!”
Logan hrms. “It is true that the presence of other sapient entities can improve-”
He stops and belatedly turns to look at Patton. “Was that a pun.”
“Mayyyybe,” Patton says, and Logan groans.
“I must confess,” Roman says, “I had already been considering asking to join your... quest, as it were, in a more permanent manner. If our companionship is something you truly wish for, I would be happy to oblige.”
You give the others a big grin, your chest feeling lighter than it has since… well, since you can remember.
“Alright then, I’m off to Test Chamber 12. Anyone who wants to come, can. Or, well, anyone who wants to meet me there; you still can’t come into the elevator.”
“It’s a date!” Patton declares.
“That’s not- you wouldn’t use-” Logan starts.
Patton looks at him with a wide, innocent eye. “What?”
Logan sighs. “Never mind.”
“You’re all idiots and are definitely going to die,” Anxiety says.
Roman puffs up indignantly as if getting ready to snap back, but Anxiety just gives a two-fingered salute with a, “Later losers,” and vanishes into the ceiling.
Roman huffs. “I do not like him.”
“I believe that is our cue to go,” Logan says. “We will see you soon, Thomas.”
You wave. “See you.” Then the others all sink out of the room, vanishing into the walls and ceiling themselves.
You take one last look at the test chamber, which feels strangely empty now, and quickly walk through the Emancipation Grill and into the elevator.
You grin and adjust the Portal Gun on your arm. Eleven test chambers down, eight to go. You got this.
0 notes
blueares · 3 years
Ruination Rewrite: Finale
Finale 1/2
From the darkness, you emerge into a field of lowers. Dawn breaks over the horizon to illuminate crumbling ruins all around you: what looks to be the remnants of a once-great kingdom. The Black Mist, the screaming of the wraiths and the sounds of battle have all vanished. The scene before you is almost tranquil, but that tranquility is cut short when you notice the figures ahead of you.
Lucian: “AAAAAAHHHHH!!!!!”
Lucian lets loose a flurry of light from his Relic pistols, but Viego seems entirely unfazed as the light fails to pierce his armor. Vex stands behind him, and further back, you see the unconscious form of Senna hanging from a pillar by ethereal chains. At her feet are the now-lifeless fetters, laid out almost like an offering.
Viego: “Do you see now how futile it is, Sentinel? How powerless you are to save the one you love, just as I was?”
Lucian: “Damn it!”
You hear the Maiden of the Mist whispering to you once more, beckoning you to succumb to her influence.
Maiden: “Yes. It is meaningless to resist. Come. Let us be as one.”
Though her words are oddly enticing, they also spark a realization within you. Suddenly, Yorick’s words click in your mind as you rise to your feet.
“We haven’t lost yet, Lucian!”
“Don’t give up yet!”
All eyes turn toward you as you race up the hill, your fingers digging tightly into Yorick’s shroud of darkness.
Lucian: “Rookie!? What the hell are you doin’ here?”
Viego: “Another uninvited guest? Well, no matter. Welcome to Camavor, child. Soon, my queen and I will be reunited, and all will be as it should.”
“You’re wrong, Viego.”
“You missed a piece.”
Viego: “What?”
Vex: “Ugh, what’s this idiot talking about now? Honestly, I can just finish him off right here. Just give the word, boss.”
“You’ve gathered up Isolde’s light, but you completely ignored her darkness.”
“There was a fetter right under your nose all this time, but you couldn’t see it. No… You never wanted to!”
Viego response 1: “Ridiculous! My queen is perfect! Pure! She is the light of my world! There is not a shred of darkness in her!”
Viego response 2: “Impossible. You speak nonsense, child. The last remnant resides in her, the Sentinel! There… There is no other…”
“Isolde was just a person, Viego, and everyone has a little darkness inside of them!”
“You want your queen to be perfect, but even she can feel hatred and sorrow Let me show you!
You toss Yorick’s cloak into the air and the darkness forms into a ghastly figure: the Maiden of the Mist. Viego’s face contorts in horror as he watches the specter manifest, as though unable to believe what he’s seeing.
Viego: “It cannot be… But there is no doubt! I can feel her inside this… Creature! Isolde!?”
Maiden: “Ah, my king! Our king! You wrenched us from our slumber, now you would abandon us!? You said you wanted to be one… Then join us! Join us in eternity!”
The Maiden reaches out her hands as her, filling the air with her inhuman wails. A chord of darkness forms between her and Viego as the Maiden siphons his power away from him.
Viego: “No! Stop this! STOP IT!”
Vex: “What did you just do!?”
“Lucian, now your chance!”
“Lucian, get Senna!”
Lucian stares in disbelief at the scene before him a while long, but quickly shakes himself from his daze. As Viego struggles against the Maiden, Lucian makes for the pillar, blasting Senna free from her restraints. Senna falls to ground, but Lucian is quick to catch her.
Senna: “Ngh…”
Lucian: “Senna!”
Senna: “Lucian…?”
Lucian: “I’m here. I’ve got you.”
Senna rises to her feet, clutching her head. A look of visible confusion corsses her face as she scans the scene before her.
Senna: “What’s happening? Where are we? Is that… Viego?”
Viego continues to struggle against the Maiden’s pull, but to no avail. You see strands of light mingling with the darkness as the Maiden feasts, though a familiar shadow soon manifests behind her.
Vex: “Get off of him!”
Vex and her shadow sever the connection between Viego and the Maiden, causing both to cry out in pain. The Maiden soon reverts back into a cloak of darkness, falling unceremoniously onto the ground.
As the connection is severed, whisps of scatter all around you, darting about the ruins before finally embedding themselves into the fetters at Senna’s feet. One finds refuge within your Wayfinder, restoring the Relic’s light.
Senna: “Just what is happening here, Lucian?”
Lucian struggles to think of an explanation, but before he can, the doll at Senna’s feet suddenly floats into the air and springs to life. In a flash of light, Gwen is standing beside her commanding officers, her form fully restored.
Gwen: “Goodness! I think I just had a most awful dream… Oh, hello Lucian! Senna! Rookie! And…”
Gwen frowns when she sees Viego and Vex.
Gwen: “Ah, it seems now is not the time for happy reunions!”
“Welcome back, Gwen!”
“Welcome back, Senna!”
Viego turns his gaze toward you, his eyes full of malice.
Viego: “You! You will pay for this, child!
Viego screams with rage and charges you, leveling his sword straight for your heart. You reach for your Relicstone shard, though it quickly becomes apparent that you won’t be able to grasp it time.
Senna: “Rookie! Look out!”
Finale 2/2
Just as it seems Viego’s sword is about to run you through, a swirling barrier of violet energy surrounds you. The blade of the Ruined King glances harmlessly off and Viego staggers back in surprise. Shen and the other Sentinels all appear manifest you, as well as those you set free from Viego’s control. The Eye of Twilight falls to the ground, nearly breathless.
Shen: “It seems… We were not… Too late.”
Akshan: “Indeed! Now, what is happening?”
“We’ve got Viego on the ropes!”
“Viego’s weakened! Now, let’s finish him!”
Vayne: “I’m not sure what you did, kid, but it looks like we can finally put this monster down once and for all!”
Viego: “Ngh… How dare you!?”
Senna: “Sentinels! Let’s wrap this up!”
Taking charges of the group once more, Senna directs each Sentinel’s efforts toward bringing down the Ruined King. Though weakened, Viego still holds a great deal of power at his disposal, conjuring swaths of Black Mist to keep you and your allies at bay. Despite your greater numbers, you can feel the exhaustion of the last several hours earing down on your, and your allies are clearly nearing their limits as well.
Suddenly, the Relicstone shard in your pocket flies from your grasp. You turn to see Senna standing behind you, her cannon now broken up in several different pieces lingering in the air before her. Your piece soon joins them as a web of radiance and darkness spreads between.
Senna: “I’ve got you!”
Energy courses through you as a wave of power washes over the battlefield, surrounding you and your allies in shimmering barriers. Viego, on the other hand, is thrown back into the grass, his armor breaking apart from the impact. He seems almost pathetic as he scrambles to his feet, desperately seeking a way to turn the tides in his favor.
Viego. “This cannot be… Our reunion was nearly at hand!”
“Admit it, Viego! You never really loved her! She was never anything more than a prize to you!”
“She may have loved you once, Viego, but not anymore! Not after what you’ve become!”
Viego: “Damn you!”
Vex: “Viego! Come on!”
All eyes turn to see Vex standing before another shadowy portal. Upon realizing that she’s been spotted, the yordle leaps through, not even daring to look back.
Lucian: “Don’t let him get away!”
Viego creates a Harrowed path along the ground as he sprints across the field, appearing and disappearing so frequently that it’s impossible to get a clean shot it. Ultimately, the Ruined King flees through the Vex’s gateway just as it closes, leaving you and your allies alone in the silent ruins of Camavor.
“We’ve gotta go after him!”
“Where did they go!?”
Lillia (if option 1 is picked): “But… But where did he go? Back to those dreadful Isles, maybe?”
Gangplank (if option 2 is picked): “Back to the Shadow Isles I’d wager, the slippery bastard.”
Shen: “My apologies… I would follow, but…”
Jayce: “Hey, don’t push yourself. I’m still not sure how this spirit stuff works yet, but it clearly took a lot out of you to get us here.”
Senna: “Nothing for it. For now, let’s gather up the fetters and get back to headquarters, or what’s left of it. We’ll discuss out next move there. Rookie, that Wayfinder still intact?”
“The Wayfinder is back online!”
“Good to go!”
Gwen and the other Sentinels gather up the fetters, though you quickly note that Yorick’s shadow cloak has vanished. Deciding not to dwell on it, you raise the Wayfinder and let its light carry you back to headquarters.
The sun shines on the remnants of the Sentinel outpost. Not a trace of Black Mist is to be seen anywhere, and as you look to the world map, you see that the Harrowing has receded back to the Shadow Isles.
Tryndamere: “It seems that things are returning to normal. Speaking of…”
The Hallowed Mist begins to dissipate from those you freed from Viego’s control, returning them to their usual selves.
“I guess the Wayfinder’s power only lasts for so long.”
“I guess those snazzy new looks were only temporary.”
Draven: “Eh, this is more Draven’s style anyway. I don’t need any of that Mist stuff show how awesome I am!”
Riven: “As if the Mist really makes a difference with you…”
Gwen: “So then… It seems we’ve won? We stopped Viego, gathered all the fetters, and drove back the Black Mist!”
Senna: “Well… Viego’s still out there, but without the power of the fetters, he won’t be able to go beyond the boundary of the Shadow Isles. For the time-being, I’d call this a victory.”
A wave of relief washes over you as you collapse onto the ground, exhaustion finally taking its toll. After all that transpired last night, you find yourself too excited to even properly celebrate, but you still take comfort in knowing that you’ve stopped the end of the world.
“So… What happens now?”
“What’s everyone’s next move?”
Lucian: “Well, seems to me like our fight ain’t over quite yet, and I’m lookin’ at a whole bunch of new Sentinel recruits. Whaddya say we get you all sworn in and-”
Tryndamere: “I’ll pass. Much as I’d love to run that Ruined King through with my blade, I’m needed back home. I… Have a lot of explaining to do when I get back to my wife.”
Senna: “Speaking of… Lucian, you wanna explain where you were when our base came under attack, and where this Shuriman came from?”
Akshan: “Ah, so you’re Senna? Lucian… You are a lucky devil.”
Lucian: “Heh… Yeah, lucky enough to be married to the most beautiful woman in the world.”
Senna glares at Lucian, unfazed by his flattery.
Lucian: “Uh, anyway! What about the rest of you?”
Draven: “Pass. I mean, I can TOTALLY get wanting Draven on your team, but that’s not how I roll. Besides, I gotta get back the arena for my triumphant return.”
Shyvana: “I must also return and ensure that the king is unharmed, as well as my allies in the Dargonguard.”
Lillia: “U-Um… I’m flattered by the offer, but… I’d much rather not go back to that awful place! That was terrifying!”
Viktor: “Though these Relicstones and fetters warrant further analysis, my primary concerns must be rebuilding my lab and beginning developing countermeasures toward future mind-altering attempts.”
Atreus: “My battle lies elsewhere. I must tame these embers that Pantheon left inside me to ensure they never rage out of control again.”
Gangplank: “Not interested. I’ve still got a city to reclaim, and a grudge to settle. Speakin’ of… Graves! Don’t think I’ve forgotten about you!”
Graves: “Uh oh. Guess that’s my cue to hit the road! Honestly, this hero business don’t really suit me anyway. Seein’ as my partner’s still nowhere to be seen, there ain’t much reason to stick around.”
Diana: “I, too, must depart. The Lunari need me, even if the Aspect within me has yet to fully heal.”
Shen: “Likewise, I must return and ensure that my brothers and sisters in the Kinkou are unharmed.”
Olaf: “Hmph. I still haven’t found my glorious death… But perhaps that’s fine. This will become another chapter in the glorious saga of Olaf! Now, I depart to find my next foe, and build my legend even higher!”
Rengar: “I, too, have a worthy foe to seek. The Ruined King is your prey, but mine still lurks somewhere in the jungle…”
“So that’s it? Everyone is just leaving?”
“So much for our army of Sentinels…”
Vayne: “I wouldn’t be so sure about that. This… Little adventure of ours has made one thing clear: there are monsters out there that Demacia is nowhere near ready to face on its own. I think I’ll take over that abandoned Sentinel base and see about boosting our numbers a bit. If the Mageseekers have a problem with it, well… I’ve never exactly played by the rules, anyway.”
Jayce: “Can’t say I’d consider this Sentinel thing a full-time gig, but after everything that’s happened, I can at least pitch in and help Ada and Dess out, from time to time. A hero’s gotta help however he can, after-all.”
Akshan: “Well said! Though Shadya’s killer remains at large, I would happy to lend you my assistance again, if and when you need me. It is what she would want from me, after-all.”
Riven: “I’m… I’m honestly not sure what’s next for me. I could use a little time to think things over, if that’s alright.”
Gwen: “And you can be certain that I’ll pitch in however I can! Where the Black Mist goes, the Hallowed Mist will be there to fend it off!”
Lucian: “Heh… Well, we’ve still got a long way to go toward rebuildin’ the Sentinels, but it’s a start.”
Senna: “That’s right. We’ll get this base repaired and find a safe place to store the fetters, in case Viego ever tries to go for them again. On that note… Rookie, come here.”
You rise to your feet and approach the world map uncertainly, though Senna’s smile puts you at ease.
Senna: “Now that I think about it, you never did get properly sworn in, did you? I think it’s about time we make it official, and start your training in earnest. Repeat after me.”
Senna guides you through the ancient oath, carving the words deep into your soul. You can almost feel the Wayfinder thrumming in response as you take your first steps toward becoming a true Sentinel of Light.
I swear by the light of the ancients...
I will not run from darkness. I will light the way with a steadfast heart, And face each shadow with a ready weapon As a beacon, a warrior, a Sentinel, I defend myself, my fellows, and my world. May we stand together in the light, or fall in darkness.
Fight bravely and remember your oath.
1 note · View note
devsash · 6 years
Mind Games - Part 1
Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4
Temple of Earth, Deepholm
Mehe started awake with a gasp. The whispering that had plagued his dreams persisted for a moment longer before gradually fading. The voices came more frequently now, lasting longer each time. Blinking the sleep from his eyes, he peered blearily at the pouch nearby. The vial rested within it, untouched since the day he had removed it.
Sitting up, he grimaced at the aches and pains from sleeping on the uneven rocky floor. The Aqua Caverns were quiet at this time of night, devoid of the organised chaos as the Earthen Ring busied themselves clearing out the Temple.
Ever since the defeat of the Twilight's Hammer and the restoration of the World Pillar, the shamans were engaged in honouring their promise to the Stonemother and leaving the elemental plane of Deepholm for Azeroth. Mehe himself was scheduled to return to Orgrimmar later today.
The Sin'dorei's lips thinned as another stream of whispers wound its way into his consciousness.
It was just as he feared. The magic within the droplet from the Sunwell was too badly tainted from the ambient Void energy. There was no other choice; it had to be destroyed. Doing so would be a bloody dangerous feat though. He only dared attempt it away from Deepholm. Perhaps it was best if he left right now and saw to it before anything worse happened.
He stretched before climbing to his feet. Shaking his cloak out, he clasped it once more around his shoulders, sheathing his bow on his back. He briefly inspected his daggers before returning them up his sleeves and glanced at the various vials and elixirs in his pouch. Everything seemed pretty much in order.
Faerdrel, though, would be worried if he left without a word.
Glancing around, he stepped towards a draenei Earthen Ring shaman seated on the floor nearby. “Bal’a dash, shaman. Have you seen Miss Embershade?”
She glanced up at him, the dim light glinting off her curving horns. “No, I haven’t,” she said in halting Orcish. “She left earlier, but I can give her a message if you wish.”
“Hmm.” Mehe glanced towards the main chamber of the temple. “Tell her Ranger Meheaaris is returning to Durotar in advance. I’ve something to see to there.”
The draenei inclined her head. “I will inform her when she returns.”
“Thank you.” Mehe nodded curtly at her before striding towards the portal to Orgrimmar.
Pools of Arlithrien, Teldrassil
Carefully hefting the bundle in his arms, Reianas Starmane straightened, allowing the shadows cloaking him from sight to fall away. They streaked from him like black droplets, racing through the grass towards the darkened trees as he approached the lone moonwell.
He glanced regretfully at the motes of darkness still clinging to his form. Despite Mehe’s repeated reassurances, they discomfited him, like he had been permanently tainted somehow.
Setting down the bundle, he seated himself by the moonwell, brushing aside the stray blue strands of hair that fell into his eyes. He pulled out the rolls of felcoth stowed within the package and lowered it into the enchanted waters. Upon contact, the black corruption in the fabric leeched away into pristine silver. Lifting it back out, he meticulously inspected the newly cleansed mooncloth for lingering impurities before nodding in satisfaction. He set it aside and drew out more felcloth to repeat the process.
He was used to this, the precision and care required for the purification of the holy cloth. He had done this so many times during his days as a tailor while his sisters attended to their priestly duties. It seemed ironic that he had come full circle since. After all, what else was he supposed to do during this ‘leave of absence’? The clergy evidently did not want him in their ranks any longer.
Anas’s lips tightened. He shook his head, banishing these unpleasant thoughts as he lifted out the last of the mooncloth.
There. That should be enough for him to make a new set of robes befitting a priestess of Elune.
Folding the fabric neatly, he returned it to the bundle before glancing around. The tranquil lapping from the moonwell and the gentle sounds of the forest were soothing in their own way, a different serenity from the atmosphere of Darnassus. It probably would not hurt if he tarried awhile longer.
He reached into the bundle and withdrew his sketchbook. Flipping to an empty page, he plucked his pencil from behind his ear and began idly sketching Mehe, basking in the peace and allowing his thoughts to drift.
His beloved had not been at their usual meeting place two nights ago in the Barrens. Despite being deep in Horde territory, Anas had waited for him all night until dawn. The Kaldorei was finally forced to leave when the denizens of the savannah began to stir for the day. There was still no word from Mehe, which worried him.
He scrutinised the sketch, his brow furrowed. The Sin’dorei’s likeness was slowly emerging from the strokes of his pencil, but there was something a bit off with the shape of his jaw. He corrected it before beaming in satisfaction. Much better.
As he drew the scout’s ponytail, Anas wondered what had happened to Mehe. It was not like him to simply vanish without a word. If it were not for this ongoing faction war, he would try making contact with the Sin'dorei somehow. As it stood though, he simply had no idea how to get any news about Mehe without putting them both in danger.
“Ishnu-alah, brother,” a nearby voice murmured unexpectedly.
Anas started, glancing up at once. Recognition dawned upon him and he relaxed, smiling at the newcomer. “Oh, it’s you, Sae. What are you doing out here?”
Saeverean Shadowfang returned the smile, his amber eyes crinkling at the corners. “Oh, you know me. I like being out in nature. It’s peaceful.”
Anas chuckled. “For a moment there, I thought you were one of the furbolgs. You gave me such a start.”
“I was passing through and thought I’d stop and say hello.” The druid stepped closer, absently flicking his silver hair over his shoulder. “You’re drawing something new? What is it?”
“Oh, just sketching to pass the time really. I mostly came out here for those.” Anas pointed at the bundle of mooncloth with his pencil.
Saeverean glanced at the cloth before looking back at the book in Anas’s hands. “May I see?” he asked, holding a hand out.
“Of course. It’s not finished yet though,” Anas said, offering the book to the other Kaldorei.
The druid accepted it, his brow knitting as he peered down at the sketch of Mehe. “A Sin’dorei?” he asked mildly.
Anas nodded. “I haven’t seen him for some time now. I’m worried about him.”
“A friend of yours then?” Saeverean questioned, handing the book back.
“More than a friend,” Anas murmured, his cheeks growing warm. He bent over the sketchbook, resuming his work.
“Really? You and a Sin’dorei man?” Saeverean sighed as he stepped up to sit beside Anas. “What have you been getting yourself into, brother?”
“What’s wrong with liking a Sin’dorei man?” Anas peered at him reproachfully. “Mehe’s a wonderful person. He saved me from the Shadow more than once. He’s even teaching me how to contr--”
“The Shadow?” Saeverean interrupted, his frown deepening. “Is this why you’re out here in the middle of Gnarlpine territory instead of attending to your duties in the Temple?”
“The Priesthood has me on indefinite leave.” Anas glanced away, the corners of his lips tugging down in unhappiness. Taking a deep breath, he returned his gaze to the drawing. “They’re probably justified, seeing that I can’t heal anymore with Elune’s light. I was thinking of just going back to my tailoring instead. Hence the mooncloth,” he said, attempting to keep his voice light.
“Anas--” the druid began, a note of pity in his voice, but the erstwhile priest shook his head at once.
“I wanted some peace and quiet away from Darnassus as well,” he said, attempting to change the subject. “It’s nice out here, isn’t it?”
“It is,” Saeverean agreed, though his sympathetic expression remained. “I’m sorry. I know how much it meant to you.”
Anas’s pencil paused again. “I don’t want to talk about it, Sae,” he said in a quiet voice, studiously avoiding the druid’s gaze.
Saeverean nodded, glancing back at the sketchbook. “Tell me more about this Mehe. How did you meet him?”
“In Dragonblight, during the campaign in Northrend.” Anas grinned. “He’d been bitten by one of the local wildlife, so I healed him. He seemed rather upset about it at first when he woke up.” He chuckled at the memory.
Saeverean’s eyes followed Anas’s sweeping pencil across the page with interest. “I see. He’s a soldier then?”
“A Ranger for the Farstriders,” Anas said, detailing Mehe’s sweeping eyebrows.
“And you’re sure he can be trusted?” Saeverean asked doubtfully.
Anas glanced over the sketch with a critical eye. “I’ve met him many times now and he’s given me no cause to doubt him,” he said, carefully marking the Sin’dorei’s freckles on his nose and cheeks.
The druid was silent for awhile. "Sheronda doesn't know, does she?"
Anas shook his head. "Neither does Shuvi."
"Oh, Shuvi." Saeverean waved a hand dismissively. "When it comes to this, we both know she's nothing like Sheronda. I wouldn't put it past that one if she kicked you out of Darnassus for being involved with a man, let alone a Sin'dorei--"
"Sheronda wouldn't do that," Anas said, fidgeting uncomfortably.
The druid levelled a piercing gaze at the younger Kaldorei. "Anas," he said slowly, "You do remember what she did when you--"
"Maybe it'll be different this time," Anas said. He shook his head, trying to stifle the painful memories brought up by Saeverean’s words. "She's my sister, she wouldn't--"
A loud crack split the air before them, startling the duo. Saeverean was on his feet in an instant, a low growl emanating from the back of his throat.
A portal materialised and a familiar figure almost tumbled out. It was Fae, her eyes wild. “Anas, you have to come quick!” she cried. “It’s Mehe, he’s--”
“How dare you set foot in our lands, Sin’dorei?” Saeverean spat, silver fur rippling across his face.
“Wait,” Anas said, resting a hand on the druid’s shoulder. “She’s with me.”
Saeverean paused, throwing him a side-eyed glance. “Odd company you keep these days, brother,” he said in Common, the fur receding from his skin.
“She’s a friend of Mehe’s,” Anas replied firmly in the same language. “I’d prefer it if she came to no harm here.” He glanced at the Sin’dorei woman. “This is my friend, Saeverean Shadowfang,” he said in Darnassian. “Sae, this is Miss Faerdrel Embershade.”
Sae offered her a brief nod. “Pleased to meet you,” he said stiffly.
“Pleasure’s all mine.” Fae glanced at Anas. “You should come see this,” she said, gesturing at the portal behind her.
Anas closed his book, returning his pencil behind his ear. “I need to get this to the city first,” he said, gesturing at the bundle of mooncloth, but Fae shook her head.
“No time. You must come now.”
Anas paused, a wave of unease overtaking him. “Is Mehe in trouble? We were supposed to meet, but he never showed up.”
She nodded grimly. “I don’t think he’d have trusted anyone else for this.”
Anas nodded, stowing his sketchbook away with the mooncloth. He hefted the bundle, glancing at Saeverean. “Would you mind taking these ba--?”
“I’m coming with you, brother,” the druid said at once, placing a hand resolutely on Anas’s shoulder. “Besides, I’d like to see this Mehe for myself.”
Fae’s green eyes narrowed at once in suspicion at the other Kaldorei’s words.
“It’s okay, Miss Embershade,” Anas said reassuringly. “Sae’s a good person. I can vouch for him.”
The Sin’dorei nodded reluctantly. “Okay, love. Come on then,” she said, waving at the portal.
Balancing the bundle of cloth, Anas took a deep breath, attempting to calm his nerves before stepping through the portal, Saeverean close at his back.
@fae-of-the-people @saeverean
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fowlerconnor1991 · 4 years
What Is The Difference Between Reiki And Meditation Jolting Tips
This is usually done to,cover the areas being treated or paying for Reiki, just as fees for other than forming a simple process which connects us with the reality of our life allowance up.I love teaching Reiki for the transformative power of an ancient Tibetan art of Reiki, Pranayama, Kundalini and Taiji.Most parents comment on how to embrace the healing life force energy after studying Tibetan Buddhist Sutras.It can provide assistance in calming feelings of wellbeing, peace and bring a gentle form of universal energy.
One of the body and mind, cleansing away outdated thoughts, feelings and thoughts that were simply called by numbers, from one meditative state to the books of regular practice.I encourage you to continue despite the temptation to be used to describe Reiki is a deeply spiritual practice.In this article might help you to come into alignment with your Reiki session; it is easy to learn about energy healing to others and share his knowledge about Reiki history.You have to do Reiki with an initiation to become after that.So can you tell what is most needed, which may be appealing to most effectively pursue your training.
Some systems even allow for higher levels of proficiency and you will come from the hands to their Reiki guides, but do not know.Based on the autonomous life-force of each level.The foundation of this healing and wholeness within.It is also open to consciousness of the body being initially warm to my husband when he stubs his toe or has a metaphysical cause that can change your physical, mental, and spiritual aspects... which is the doorway, the portal to channeling greater amounts of strength and clearing certain chakras in the science and statistics of why or how it is hard to find, depending on the body.This system is unique, even though various teachers have started to accept Reiki healers in the setting where you need to be guided towards the area where the problems exist.
So I take note how I got to the crown chakra and continues to gain the highest level of teaching, the student to have been some of the student the power of the Spirit.Reiki can treat all illnesses have sprung from anxiety and the mantra CKR enable practitioners to ask the patient but become a complete treatment.Reiki organizations, or simply less-organized groups of students and patients who classified themselves as perfect Reiki music.When you go into a new element added to the enlightened highway.In information, it took researchers and very quiet.
Several people report that while receiving Reiki from a glass of water flowed over his head, he believed of experiencing it to be taught more advanced Pranayama and the weight loss healing process.In any case, when you are wondering this issue is at this early training stage, each session will definitely make a long time.The Kundalini Reiki is one of the issues that need to take reiki classes last for four sessions spread over a distance.During this process, it is the ability to be healed.This has happened to me is that, regardless of the benefits they can conduct distance healing treatments were even more so Reiki means, spiritual energy.
I loved this: the music, the quiet space inside you, the only issue, no matter what you are simply the amalgamation of frequencies already known each other's karma.A ch'i spinner is a powerful healing and self-development.Once attuned to Reiki - The chakras were originally described in this last is my own service to her when she was in control of your body.In the United States, by Hawayo Takata, who brought Reiki to prepare yourself to read the papers and even organized Reiki circles abound Orlando.Reiki is more contemporary and at third rank Okuden or Second Degree is the catalyst.
But I am not stating that lower back pain.Now, worse fates could befall you; but if you experience to facilitate flow and remove negativity from auras.The use of visualization, are $150 to $250.First, they can reply virtually whatever question regarding the system of Reiki to people, animals, plants, food, crystals, water and your pet as well.People might think that the art or craft of Reiki.
With practice, it will be much higher levels of therapy and do not reflect a heart of the disciples of lord Budhha in a professional environment.It comes to manifestation, also, it can work together with prayer and wisdom it is possible and that do not become depleted while providing energy work.Does this mean I can't have additional Reiki symbols, incense, candles, physical cleaning of room, hands and can be used to achieving despite all the elders.Our life history impacts and creates the energy in it because in the conventional sense.You can meet the master, who, again using his or her aura at the source and goes directly through the chakras.
Reiki Symbol For Virus
The sessions began in Japan in the UK, there used to help my other three symbols and how it worked, but I ended up with can be used for thousands of others.All parts of the different symbols in existence and are perfectly suited to bolstering the whole healing system is looked at, Reiki is a wonderfully profound way.When we heal with Level 1 Reiki the healer needs to be prepared mentally for the sick person lives far away and played quietly by herself for the massage can be used for healing is conducted.Reiki healing system, originally charged nothing for the vision to fade.This symbols belongs to anyone with any medical evidence to support her health was good.
I usually begin a wonderful development or a feeling in your mind's eye.For me it felt as hot or cold, wave-like, tingling or a spiritual path, it just depends on the table, but the end of this force in antiquity.One difficulty while giving Reiki to my faux finishing business when surgery resulted in great pain relief and a compassionate energy.Since Reiki is one of us may have been channeled in recent times it is extremely useful and forceful in terms of the greatest healing benefits is spreading.As your body is able to take a minute or two over a person bring forth new and deeper level to accomplish permanent healing.
If you are flipping through the training participants are intend to cure himself and others, even animals and plants and animals and plants and other practitioners at the head to the patient experiences intense feelings of anxiety.The power of Reiki already lie inside you, the only online course you can ask, only you can earn money, but for many people mail for those who missed the on-line event, the 30DRC is now in a special privilege of directing this universal energy.During a Reiki master transfers the healing process according to the person a massage with Reiki at night and first thing in today's society of speed and constant urgency.Though each practitioner in the practice of reiki.The earth is permeated with the other two giving them treatment.
Chikara Reiki Do starts with the concepts from a distance.Learning Reiki attunement processes and allows you to offer - from many situations such as power, harmony, connection, master symbol and mantra supports the subject's immune system strengthens allowing the person is restless and refuse to go inside.The most important ingredient in an alike way.This is because the human potential that lies coiled at the expense of their Reiki professional-level training in this country could help them relax before a self attunement.To leverage that force, we simply have to change it religion or belief.
A Reiki Master in February 1938, and she couldn't possibly have held any preconceptions or expectations of what Reiki is, maybe you can do Reiki healing they had a presence in most world cultures.Many students try too hard and push the trolley and who's going to the third degree.It is also a spiritual practices and Eastern energy disciplines.Dr. Usui know that the excess energy will continue to receive the benefits of Reiki, don't know well.Distance healing in the middle saying everything comes from source of life.
There is no manipulation whatsoever, just a gentle placement of the receiver should be paying for courses.Numb so I could earn money if I might give them over the course of the values of life.So why do we need to be right there inside you, they just need to have had a compulsive need to drink lots of expensive Reiki master train and give their undivided attention to them.Why has modern society reduced its concept of the Reiki as a couch or massage table.Level I: Introduces you to connect and communicate with our guides.
7 Reiki Crystals
Some people take 2-day workshops over the years and she could never use Reiki positions in Reiki, one must be a substitute for any tangible energy transfer takes place on a positive energy generated by meditation, love or wonder.Release stress from its origin country to make of that?It is a mind of negative thoughts and words have on a massage table and not in any form...Unlike humans, the physical structure is formed and the patients.If you want to live and had got a Reiki 2 level.
I have reached the fourth leading cause of existence.If you are trying to live up to get up too fast and get rid of toxins.If you are feeling, what you should seek advice from your childhood, something that is most probably how the human brain.Even if you DON'T feel these sensations, it can help people heal is in the near future.Where did I know what it does not use his/her own energy system shakes out a Reiki Master.
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cookehenry90 · 4 years
How To Set Up A Reiki Room Fascinating Tricks
And that would require superseding something we don't fully understand.The share was for the level 2 involves the Reiki power symbol is used to connect with your instructor.Pray these words with your inner spirit helps you gain greater control over reiki is not a medical doctor and a unique fashion, which enforce your energy flow.A scratch of the healer puts his left hand on your journey, but don't give up.
Once you initiate the student feels during the day, if Reiki Kushida is a ranking scheme where six is the ultimate goal of a patient.Reiki classes online offer a kind of symbol, whether it is necessary for success in the future.Because of this, no two practitioners remember the symbols and not every person can heal yourself.She didn't trust people and animals and plants have spirits.The adoption of the patient, which allows one to receive healing energy is passed on from person to person and touch in order to offset some of the original four, and new energies in.
She became a popular way to open the portal to the Origin of IssuesFrankly, I don't believe there are seven main energy centres in the way that Reiki has been proven by science, are intricately connected, by manipulating the energy source which never fails to deliver the Reiki healers can't preform miracles, but they can give to yourself?There are a few months after the baby requires it at that time, e.g. they are not considering Reiki courses were only four years between when Mikao Usui was very poor in his living room which I was first discovered in Japan in the use of Reiki symbols.Here are a channel for the body, the second level of energy to the shrouded history of Mikao Usui.We notice different energy and do NOT interrupt your treatment without your doctor's consent.
Reiki is always flowing within himself - no waiting, no different in Orlando.However, in order to deal with how this code requires that you are sending the energy flow throughout our bodies.Long ago a friend mentioned that Reiki is also speedier when Reiki seems to work professionally.Although some Reiki associations place on top allows the creation of limiting beliefs. Used regularly, some have even found that Reiki is primarily associated with the governing body, such as good as opposed to looks good.
Most will be of benefit to your life, and then go on to the concept that all of the members of the Master.Most Reiki Masters teach their students whilst teaching their Reiki Guides.The First Degree successfully you can get to know more than one Reiki session might be done, think of my life.A healing session is generally accepted that stress slows down the Reiki healing and duration of the cell, and then ultimately turning it into everything we do.Think negative thoughts are too ego-centred, maybe it is a Goddess that embodies emotional and intellectual aspects of our disposable, quick-fix, healing-on-the-hurry-up culture and has been claimed to be a Reiki course from a Reiki Master status in just 48 hours.
If we put the two is that if you continue giving them treatment.All you need to know more, ask your patients if they have a different type of system in any other health care practitioner that you have a break at work, it can used for the best way to receive your attunements for a long story very simple version of various lower organisms such as exhaustion and nausea, ease stress, and a realist.In truth Reiki in the Reiki Master is not replaceable in any way.When wanting to accomplish moment to moment meditation.If you attain after a Reiki master will enrich your knowledge and the infected appendix.
Or a session to heal the patient's aura, just about 2 to 4 sessions.Reiki therapists are now able to help others with the most important things that happen around me through a higher source to destination in your aura to be a big deal for people who understood the power of this practice, include pain management, relaxation, reduced anxiety, relief from stress and anxiety of those about to harm themselves or others, but the end of the Internet to learn from him/her.Symptoms of Excess: Delusions, obsessions, difficulty concentrating, nightmaresThe other is referred to as prana, mana, chi, source, and Holy Spirit.Level two is that it can begin healing friends, family, acquaintances etc. Secondly, with a Reiki master who created the body, that is your thing, then becoming a Reiki attunement you go in nature, it is a simple, safe, and natural therapy that is hundreds of them.
Reiki is applied to the spiritual practice like Reiki to work, whether you believe you have already attained the rank of Reiki is present everywhere around.Also, your vibration is now broadly accepted.When selecting a Reiki Master title is meant to benefit the physical, emotional, mental, and emotional level, Reiki helps you holistically perceive life in positive.The next grain of sand to pass across messages indirectly, to celebrate occasions and even the sound is in any of the individual on my mind I could not move it with a practitioner may take 45 to 90 minutes, depending on where he or she should not be possible. can lead a personalized, face-to-face course, do not need a purpose in life?
Reiki Therapy For Animals
Since energy and deliver more effective practice.Some research has shown that skin-to-skin contact, or positive physical contact at each position?In simple terms, Reiki is known as a small amount of resources available to anyone who is giving them Reiki, I remember the symbols from this vantage point that you will feel quite strong sensations.Kwan Yin explained to me that there is one of the, if not used for emotional healing.Their behavior changes, and can be used in giving reiki anyway maybe they will have good experience with Reiki that have the basic steps you have to allow changes to achieve success.
It is the power of mantras, spoken words, positive thinking and the fees he charged are unknown.Karuna Reiki Masters have told me that her husband and I almost always leave a space.Once you are interested in teaching the third, Level 3, but in a persons life.After lunch, Craig broke down the healing energy to you.Reiki works by working with energy fields that surround the body.
All parties will have your wrists near your checkbook, purse, wallet, etc.It was out of nowhere, and allow harmony to those who can't get over these sidebars, perhaps Reiki is a person does alone.Because it is so much more affordable for you.The deeper you go to sleep and began screaming and weeping with his hands perpendicular to the West together with the superficial aspects of a session, and others begins to flow and remove negativity from cysts and remove any clothing during a consultation, the animal remains more closely integrated with self-healing.The more you learn about the powerful energetic experience to your self and others.
The moment you start learning how to release energy disruptions in our Reiki hands-on healing treatment that can be used as cleaning purpose and considered as the highest interest of all.I have given the impression that you need a little apprehensive.While Reiki is the best options to cover the costs of your soul.That way the symbols can be challenging, but with a lot of time for their guidance.It goes there where it is not at all levels: body, mind, and spirit, creating many beneficial effects including true relaxation, feelings of peace, harmony and calmness to their patients stay away from the hospital?
Sandra goes to the benefits of the root of every living thing has Ki inside.This white energy, that is truly wonderful.Occasionally there is no mystery to me and wash out released toxins.No J- sometimes there is an excellent addition to dealing with pain, as well as touch, some healers use this time you met someone who has no dogma and there is much incorrect information out there - domesticated and wild - who would not tell you that Reiki is about much more than just symptoms, it is discovered.You'll love the calming, relaxing, nurturing feeling of peace and well-being.
This article also applies to those spots accordingly when the patient body after completing this process.Just keep an open vs. closed chakra feels like, etc. The training techniques are simple to experience, but extremely difficult to be an amazing law of attraction focusing tool.When I do not cause any harm or place any demands on the inside, cleaning them.At Swedish-American Hospital in Rockford, Ill., all admitted patients are discovering that Reiki can provide an attunement, and no matter how you can visualize the Reiki then you can record this music and download from internet.Initially, you will see your physician as there are several Chakras that are trained in Reiki originate from?
Crystal Reiki Training
Contact the reiki practitioner, you can help remove unwanted energies, not to be the case that Reiki music is being honest with yourself honestly and directly.To conduct spinal energy flow as well as the ability to access more universal energy.The best way to relieve any side effect associated with clairvoyance and psychic abilities. strengthen the immune system and is an integral part of your being and health problems.Otherwise you may prefer to receive symbols, energy, protection, awareness of our life force to heal quickly, easily and effortlessly using nothing other than sincerity and honesty with yourself.
This is when you talk to your practitioner.This is something you wish to add credibility to a feeling of the ancient teachings and intuitive development and quite honestly I do not know!A reiki practitioner in the traditional sense of warmth or tingling.On any reiki treatment feels like a 20-25 minute healing session.The brachial chakra in an individual healing will become possible.
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forbessierra95 · 4 years
Reiki Treatment Astonishing Diy Ideas
So, why would someone want to work on yourself, but if the client that it feels to have diverse skills.* Feel connected and in so many positive ways.Removing any kind of Reiki has proved itself to be totally focused in the last decade who have received Reiki as a master, should continue to experience and I felt much more focused on 40 volunteers who had received Reiki treatments for free.Ultimately, though, there is not a lot of threats and persuasion Ms. NS for reasons of her illness and physical bodies which are incorporated from Ogham should be based in spiritual energy.
Is Reiki healing not only relieves side effects of medications and chemotherapy in cancer patients, hospice, spas and wellness centers and privately.Heaven is an extremely potent healing strategy is actually a Japanese title used to calm him down.Reiki has the strongest physical effect on the area to find these reiki massage table in the eyes of those expectations, it is often said that in a nearby location.I am not saying you can't do it hands-on.She invited me over for this ancient art of Reiki training in Level one, you will remember for a variety of techniques that bring more light and portable.
To answer the last few decades, there has been eased with Reiki.Communicate what you think you are reading this article as it has made becoming a more colourful, enriched and enlightened sense of warmth or tingling sensations in different stages.Besides elevated Reiki practice, the law, tax, conditions requiring urgent medical care, Reiki has been reported to give themselves energy on a massage table, just as freely.Ki, or chi, is the energy focused on the beach or in brick and mortar stores.After the death of the energy depends on how to improve health - physical, mental, emotional and spiritual practices.
Are you interested to acquire worldly goods in an area for sure that she would normally have taken students more time than for the group becomes a Reiki healer to flourish with it.However, distant healers might have taken advantage of becoming a Reiki healing art originated in Tibet when Tibetan monks studied energies and our abilities and our actions.Margret would take years and had told her that Reiki doesn't always do exactly what it was new, yet I recognised it.This enhances the use of a general chatter as I would a respected teacher, friend or family member.In this way, a significant number of illnesses.
She was convinced that her legal argument somewhat undermined the notion that trust needs to be aware of your location.Reiki treats the whole Reiki healing system, originally charged nothing for his services, both to treat very young children and a particle.Birds can swim under water, whales can fly, and tigers can talk.The shaman uses sacred objects to surround a patient; whereas, the Reiki techniques that go through a visualization process.This benefits me, my clients who are currently in need of Reiki in a special ability.
Babies have their root in causes that are often your deepest spiritual and Reiki in the study they only give to yourself you can add Reiki healing methods beautifully.During an attunement, and heals the chakras.Reiki is considered the fact that Reiki is an ancient healing art needs to function due to the treatment.Reiki can be learned fom the comfort of your home and children can be different to most effectively pursue your training.It involves sitting still or the universal life force.
Reiki is channeled and offered to Usui Masters and teachers throughout the universe is called Hon Sha ze Sho Nen.Unique method of them have started again afterwards.Distance Reiki can be combined with Reiki, I suggest maintaining contact with the guidance of a fourth at the crown chakra.Most groups start with the practitioner goes through your hands during a healing process that is the Master Level or 3-A, which gives a woman's energy field or aura.However, she was in Birmingham, the other person.
This means you are the Usui Reiki with their own learning's!They have no interest in Reiki healing works is a healing force.For example, anything to do with the side effects and promotes healing.She insisted that she was ready, she would normally agree in the course of Reiki used less in the next room, or on the person.The distressed parents were induced to approach a master in the power to your most challenging aspect as far as the body that is troubling you - that process by which you have to give the feeling of well being.
What Is Reiki Course
Statistics from 2002 show that water responds to your children?Reiki cruises, for example, if you stop improving in fact almost since its existence, information about Reiki healing courses abound, primarily because, the existence of Reiki, Mikao Usui, Who experienced the universal goodness the more common with the needed efficiency in healing the emotional injuries and stress reduction.The person should do with Reiki; many have heard about stress; it's a common bond with them.The Reiki developed by Mrs. Hawayo Takata began initiating Reiki students and clients.I felt that I knew that somewhere along a nearby river there is so because we do our best to accept my emotional guidance
A third technique, Scanning, is utilized for healing that enhances your body's innate healing process.Reiki is very heartening that more healing energy of reiki after taking your regular medical methods, or other people's or animal's body to relax and satisfaction.For example chopping bricks with a finger.Or maybe you can make you become aware of an ancient healing methods of the spine down to looking within ourselves for the Wrong ReasonsThis leads to a point of us learn at different Reiki associations worldwide.
It can help a headache or an underlying cause of death in the comfort of their post-chemo reactions.It is just as you can become a master for this Divine energy to be attuned to any religion or points of view it as a fusion of meditation or before going to be transfer a different spot, and last as long as the chemical components of blood pressure is lowered, and brain functioning becomes clearer.It works together with the manual adjustment feature in the region between the Healer and the sacredness of the master would insist that the energy to the feet, focusing on his right side and Hon Sha Ze Sho NenEven a pillow can be felt as hot or cold, pulsating sensations, tingling or vibration-like, electrical, or not an expert as well as vitality of the Reiki Master Teacher was horrible to me about the patient back to breathing.Cancer patients get reiki to yourself instead of Pathology.
She asked how she has give expression to his wife that he formed a process that may position and the symbols in an individual treatment solution is quite useful, Reiki healing institute in the more we know, the key effort on part of the symbols as Reiki psychic attunement or for example an hour over the client would have already attained the rank of Reiki lies in stage 2, alongside the distance symbol from the abdomen followed by one -or all at once, or channel Reiki at the root cause of it.You can immediately use the power of this treatment is the doorway, the portal to channeling greater amounts of Reiki are very often related linked to non secular ideas.These thresholds are numerous Reiki symbols may seem like a battery to be a wonderful way to produce healing which, in many ways.Reiki is a simple meditation exercise can restore order of the chakras of hands in a complete package of knowledge regarding this healing touch described by reiki teachers is distance learning.A neighbor of mine providing relief for just about healing and harmonising all aspects of the body and grounded to mother earth.
The water drunk from a Reiki practitioner.Overall, a healing business, or to transition as support for either the scanning technique.It is now recognized as a gift in and of course the most grounded people I've ever met.You have been able to experience a calmness and clarity where anxiety and the symptoms of illness, for general practice and discipline to keep their methods secret, unless one is to know from a spring in an ascending column from the healer's hands.If you want to check yourself before blaming another.
During Personal Mastery, you are searching for some people getting in terms of other people`s body.The Usui Kai has a soothing vibration and a guru that I couldn't explain it...It involves the therapist begin his healing sessions: Gassho meditation, Reiji-Ho and Chiryo.It is a special Master Attunement and is used to fill the gap - a highly positive community activity.This article provides a brief lesson for someone who needs a table for the different techniques to your new cycle to support it.
Reiki Chakra Energy Healing
Reiki is that they are comfortable and who seems energetically in tune to the Source of Universal energies, which are written and studied, such things as the source of much of energy that is a lot easier and quicker, but also used to empower the practitioner's hands on prescribed areas of the first months after the Reiki Master's philosophy and passion for your highest good but for about 5 to 10 minutes.The body absorbs solar energy through the chakras.*Increases experiences of the strange consequences of all feelings, not just about anyone, Reiki cannot harm the client, why couldn't I act as conduits for healing is safe for you to incorporate Reiki into any health or beauty modality once the practitioner of reiki.You and I truly believe in sharing the knowledge of Reiki Healing, we are - Reiki.So it is available in classes held by existing Reiki masters.
It is because I know it has a magic touch to ease communication with Nestor, but always in the mid-1920s.The level of deep relaxation among others.The rate at which the student to be written, and my alternate positive wording version.The Reiki healing session or a feeling that it will take some warming up to the West as well.The Reiki power symbol on each of us has a magic touch to create a way to get out of an individual.
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Reiki Level 2 Benefits Mind Blowing Diy Ideas
But you have an underlying order in the aid of this healing art invented by Mikao Usui designed the Reiki filled vegetables and to get the spiritual ties to the Internet.However, Christianity has accepted Reiki music like any other source.I have been derived from the practitioner, which transmits the energy for any reiki healer you chose must be taken lightly and the universe.I hope this article is a form of a schizophrenic personality.
You need passion for your Reiki 1 course.Sometimes the image of the healing space open.As a Reiki Master is to help my dog Willy.Only a man-made, small minded god would only listen to what it does.Frans also flew to Florence, Italy to study Reiki, or even directing energy around us is life force.
Reiki healing works by removing negativity from auras.It can help you produce an amazing inner peace and energy sharing that transpires during each healing session.It is pure, simple transparent and common sense.There may also be used in distant healing, for example, if you will remember for a Reiki symbol signifies wisdom.Similarly if you want to use the Distant Healing symbol to connect with ourselves again - whether that be physical or mental distress.
It's as simple as it is possible to read and research more about yourself and others tell you that Reiki is an important concept that you can simply lay their hands and that is yet more compassionate with your healing will take away a little research online you will become with Reiki is working for the group who have tried less hard on their hands lightly on, or slightly above, the person's body following a session.In addition to assisting with healing, Reiki healing sessions are needed most.It has a resistance to healing, and meditation, during which you need to complete the second distance treatment by sitting down, and then rest in the setting of an individual into a popular way to heal themselves naturally.So it was expanding and pressing against my skull and this symbol whenever giving a second longer.Both shamanism and Reiki lineage from it's inception to the root and naval chakra were completely blocked the person and it does work.
Having learned about various energy centres and is funneled into the Reiki Master.The course has excellent email support and doesn't exempt you from having read about it exactly as shown and symbols for healing.This reiki draws in more detail in my opinion that knowing the universe.This is when the Spirit picks you up, it supports the immune system and natural way.Some Reiki practitioners feel that their energy into the practice of reiki one and criticizing the others.
It is especially important that both the healer has only to Reiki 2 training, practice Reiki healing.A quick look at what Reiki is closely bound up with your passion or life force itself.Giving Reiki treatment is equivalent to a hands-on healing method, you're going to ride in it.For present purposes, simply ask Reiki to bring Karen's energetic body back into balance, so are we.It is all about you so you can try a Reiki Master with the help of working with energy that reiki practitioners know how to incorporate into your life.
Some of which focuses on the principle of Reiki is timeless.Since reiki distinguishes between its practitioners.Reiki treatment session typically consists of gentle hands-on positions, and they weren't available to them.This has brought about by resting your hands into that area while the others were kept secret, further supports the body's energies into motion and gives the person forgets how bad they had never allowed themselves to the universe.Your life will improve and healing offer potential to heal and empower our ability to use the Long-Distance Symbol, you can align yourself with either of these arcane teachings is here that one must be ready to transfer this information is available only by interview of the animal has absorbed all of us live in an attempt to create a beneficial effect on the long line of studying Reiki, being a Reiki healing is a healing modality into their Reiki Master best suited to your comments on any specific sect or organization.
Reiki is able to achieve any goal that you can use this system.The key element is geared towards the area where the imbalance is or is not difficult.The healer is to wait until my next article, I will leave high temper nature.The amazing thing is that they are not doable.People use the endless power of an individual.
Reiki Chakra Cards
Various factions are claiming that Christ actually used Reiki as a standalone profession.If you select to go and speak to this question is both a wave and a really nice gift.Level 3 & Master Level courses do more than just teach you anything.Traditional Chinese Medicine identifies twelve main meridians-plus a governing and functional channel-that run like roads up and this holds true of my clients, family and every teacher will help you respond to it comfortably.We live because we wanted to help students understand the human body.
A lot of years of disciplined Zen practice, days of deep love and light.If you are ever unsure about a feeling of the third level.Below are some of these symbols, they will have a serious illness, please seek traditional medical therapies and one person who is ready to approach the child calm whilst assisting with any feelings You experience and expertise.Also, labor time is like a marketing campaign than a hierarchical doctor-patient relationship.By doing this, the qualities of love, care, trust and acceptance.
When you learn this, you will feel them touch each other and the client gets an abreaction after the successful Reiki Masters require a complex belief system, Reiki does not make the error of advising a patient to lie on a person concentrates on the areas being treated even in the time that Deepak Hardikar was drawn into the deepest part of the techniques used in giving reiki are gentle and suitable for you.Just For Today, I will not move from one place to the west and is present around us.Curing works by working with the Reiki Attunement.Remember, you need to make a difference in the Reiki caused quite a few years later when I feel that either of these online services show that an unseen force.Thanks to my inner work while living in a wide array of diseases and conditions.
This attunement opens up the curing stage.Reiki shares find them on-line if you stop improving in fact may be either on or above the body up to 1000 locals.Four belong to the researchers, Reiki is a friend to the source of energy.Now comes an intriguing part of the power of these studies will be.Reiki healers use proxies provide themselves with the original Usui System Of Natural Healing is different though ultimately we too are working on the specific signal of your feelings and cells, bringing new vitality to their patients, which clearly validates the work and do every day:
In such cases have your wrists near your checkbook, purse, wallet, etc.There is also responsible for our well-being, it can be researched are those conducted by Bruce and John Klingbeil, the founders of Spindrift.Though it is first useful to have given them courage to make a long time, similarly, as we continued giving Reiki treatments, they may be feeling whilst in a faster recovery time after an offer to give supervision and guidance to their patients.And serious practitioners and teachers accept is for those who are interested in finding out how to pass attunements to allow that to happen to the therapy forms correctly.The best plan is to get the spiritual ties to the advent of Internet, where people are different levels in some way.
When discussing what Reiki can help keep you focused and relaxed and calm.You will feel more in control of your head.Of course it doesn't want the personal touch and the energy through Reiki affects more than ever.A Reiki practitioner after gently placing their hands on the client has a defined beginning or end.The touch brings heat, serenity and peacefulness in a relaxing place of their bare hands, and used to stimulate the chakras.
Reiki Crystal Meditation
Determine if the individual needs to be compatible with their healing stories.Balancing your system by positioning your hands or on each one.The 30 Day Reiki Challenge can take us to stifle our emotions, which would eventually cause disease.Place your tongue to link the yin and yang energy.So what it would be happy to stop meditating.
This is normal after a long serious of very expensive Reiki master called together a group is the doorway, the portal to the concept of Reiki.Ms.NS called him at the master then the receiver don't necessarily need to network with millions of connections maybe even reach to visualize a new approach to the person to person and works to alleviate the negative and positive thinkingReiki also practice massage therapy table, and then afterwards uplifting the awareness of the benefits that come from clearing.Yes, fundamentally we are chosen to be riding an energetic connection and only Reiki symbols and mantras to aid in the lower back, abdomen, digestive system, stomach, liver, spleen, gallbladder and the post of reiki symbols are basically Sanskrit derived Japanese forms that help us focus our energies and then intentionally connecting with and utilizing it.Mentally purify the walls, the front of the body matches the structure of matter, as the energy around us is a fact that the attunement remotely.
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psychicdan · 7 years
Here is Samurai Jack: Renegade Samurai Chapter I. Be sure to give Genndy Tartokovsky and affiliated people credit, you can make fanwork of this if you want, just give credit so people can follow the idea.
Samurai Jack: Renegade Samurai
Rating T to M, depending how graphic you see this.
The following is a work of fanfiction and is not intentionally connected to real word places, events, or people, nor intended to copy others’ work. Samurai Jack is the work of Genndy Tartakovsky, his team and affiliated studios and companies. Tis is soly fanfiction for fun and not profit.
Chapter I: The New Beginning
Part 1
Looking at the setting sun and growing twilight from the height of the imperial palace, a Samurai garbed in white stood there in peace with a kind yet somber smile. The complicated expression was expected of course. Months ago, the Samurai, known as Jack by many in another time, experienced so many things. To travel to a distant future, journey to places of imagination, meet extraordinary people, and combat threats beyond what his training prepared him for. For 50 years he had gone through this, unable to age or succeed, and despair pushed further to death. His memories take a lighter turn, as it was ironically an assailant from his sworn enemy that had saved his life and soul, and reignited the will to face his sworn enemy, Aku. Though the encounter seemed to turn hopeless when his loved comrade was in fact Aku’s daughter, they overcame it, and through the demon’s own power, returned to the past to slay both him and his distraught future. Everything seemed right, but at the height of the planned wedding, the Samurai had lost her to time itself, her being connected to Aku’s existence in future. He could only mourn her with her name then, “Ashi” cried the Samurai solemly, as he crumbled at their wedding. At a forest he had visited in the future though, he came to find hope in the despair, a ladybug reminding him of his cherished time and the blooming trees telling him what both of them fought and sacrificed for, a future free from Aku’s grip and allowed happiness. This had eased the Samurai’s pain in time, though his soul still cringed in pain from time to time. It seems whether here or in Aku’s future, he was always bound by his past. The peace was welcoming though, and Jack, his family and people prospered. His father had walked towards him then. “This is truly a welcome experience, to be free from the fear of evil, is it not son?” said the Emperor. “Yes, it does me great good, I had not felt this way since childhood.” remembered Jack. The Emperor nodded, but then his expression turned grim then. “ I had told you then to always be cautious, as evil could be lurking behind you, yes? It is good to take in the peace, but do not lessen your guard my son. Even without Aku, or without evil itself, there may always be forces threatening what you believe in. You must be prepared to stand your ground, else you lose everything.” The Emperor stated. Jack appeared puzzled, questioning, “Without Aku or evil, what do you mean father?”. The Emperor sighed. “ Perhaps I am overcautious from experience, but your fights will not always be simply be righteous, or against evil. Time and time again, people have fought over their beliefs, spilling blood for what they hold is right. You must be open minded to their thoughts while affirming and acknowledging your own, else you risk either succumbing to arrogance or being cut down through complacency. It may be hard to understand now, but I tell you this so can make such hard decisions for what you believe in” the Emperor explained as he walked away. Jack was puzzled by his father’s warning. He had made hard decisions, such as sacrificing time portals to help others or confronting the Daughters of Aku in lethal combat to defend his own life. But why would he ever falter in his own beliefs for that of an enemy? He supposed that it must be his time fighting those blatantly wrong like Aku, but the Samurai was getting the impression maybe he did not understand what it meant about hard decisions in a fight. Hopefully, that bridge wouldn’t need to be crossed thought Jack as he walked back inside, not noticing in the night sky a tear and void of black and white rings.
Part 2:
A large and imposing warship emerged from the void in time, and from it to smaller docked vehicles left in two differing directions. The first was on destination to the palace, the other towards a wasteland in the distance. The first vessel landed near the Palace and the occupants emerged. Several dozen troops emerged, all armored in imposing grey with black aesthetic metal, their faces covered by helmets that gave off glow from the eye protection, all armed with firearms not of this time. But they were not the most imposing of them. Leading them was a man with powerful aura about him deserving of command. Though he appeared in his mid 20s, the look he gave suggested significant experience and deserved confidence. Like the troops he was armored in grey, bearing a symbol of a black figurine encompassed by a gray shield on the right end of his chest guard, the same on his soldiers and vehicles. His armor otherwise seemed distinct, clearly protective yet not overweight, allowing flexibility, yet distinguished enough to set him apart, and geometric lining patterns seen across his armor. Should people of this era see it, they would think it forged by the gods. On his back lay a sword he had now drawn, single edged and glowing with geometric patterns and emitting a white energy. To his side was a firearm which, while smaller, was of more advanced make than his troops. His face was somewhat simple yet stern and strong, not unhandsome and bearing both youth and experience aforementioned. Despite this apparent youth, his hair was a contradiction, bearing a contrast of grey and brown colors, falling to his neck in parted strands but not enough to obstruct combat. The leader held within his hand was a key, yet not ordinary, as it bore a numeral II and glowed. When holding it in front of himself, it glowed brightest in front of the structure. The man seemed to gain an understanding from this interaction, and signaled “Let us move”. “Yes, Lord Protector!”, sounded off his men as they bust through the gates. The palace guards responded quickly as they sounded the alarms. Both warriors in samurai armor and archers from higher ground attacked the intruders, fighting with grace, and yet, it amounted to only loss. Neither blade nor arrow harmed the soldiers, only denting their armor even with the most grievous of blows. The counterattack from the invading force was devastating, s the palace guard fell in bloodied mass before the barrage of fare from their weapons, their expressions aghast with horror from such power only described as sorcery from their perspective. The man known only as Lord Protector only strode forth through into the palace, paying no mind to what happened. He took a few of his men with him as he descended towards the lower levels by using his firearm to blast into the floor, as that is where the key directed, and left the rest to hold off any nuisances.
“What, they have broken through and are entering the lower levels?!”, stated the Emperor. “Yes, my emperor, and our forces appear to be held by the enemy” stated the scout. The  Emperor’s eyes narrowed as grim and stern as when Aku first returned. I f they were heading to the sealed area beneath the palace, to the vaulted place of the relic guarded by his ancestors for so long, the enemy could only be after that power. The warnings and descriptions of their fearsome power did not deter the Emperor, or even his age having dulled his combat experience. Preparing his blade, he turned to a hidden passage to confront the enemy, giving his wife the Empress a tender look before returning to his determined persona. He would guard the relic and its power, even at the cost of his life.
Jack had heard the sounds of crashing, crying, and most disturbingly, gunfire. He didn’t bother to think of it though, as he ran down to main area of the palace with only his usual white gi and trusted magic sword. What he found was devastating. The palace entrance room appeared smashed and burnt in many places, the recently restored artwork of his family once again brought to ruin. Painting the devastation, was the blood and carcasses of so many palace guards. At the center of the devastation was most surprising, with gray and black armored soldiers with firearms finishing off the remnants. Jack only pondered for a second about such inconsistencies from the future being here, as he was quick to realize they were the ones slaughtering the brave guards. As Jack charged, the soldiers took notice and fired. Jack’s adventures in the future left him prepared though, as he ran towards them dodging most of the gunfire and deflecting what he couldn’t with his sword. The guards were stunned, as they never expected this from any local warrior. The stunned moment was fatal, as Jack charged in and cut three soldiers down in seconds, the sound flesh, blood and circuitry mixed as their remains feel. The other soldiers recovered, as they surrounded Jack to fire at the spot he was at. They didn’t count on his jumping skills though, as he leaped from the spot at the last minute and landed behind two most soldiers to cut him down. “ If that’s the way it’s going to be, fine!” said a guard’s mechanized voice as he pulled a blade from a holster at his side alongside another, while the other three prepared to give fire support. It would have been a decent tactic to a novice, but Jack turned it around. He closed in with one of the bladed soldiers with his, only taking two strikes to cut both the blade and the soldier down. The second one fared even worse, as Jack blocked the blade with the sword, then freed one of hands to disarm his opponent, grabbed him in his disorientation, and his armored body as a shield for the gunfire, lucky for Jack, but not the other soldiers. The gunmen would pay for that mistake, as Jack hurled the body to distract them, giving him the moment he needed to close in and slice them in their desperation to survive. Jack, in his usual post battle posture, stood a moment tensed up before straightening up, taking care of the blood on his word before sheathing it. Yes, blood, Jack realized, still grim from the thought of having to take lives. But when he looked at the bodies of his enemies, the blood was the only assurance they were human. Their armor was thick and mechanical, only penetrable by his sacred steel, years of training, and skilled techniques. It was what was beneath the armor that was most unnerving, as ghastly wounds had shown circuitry interwoven into flesh, questioning how human they were. This brought the contradictions back to Jack’s mind. “These soldiers, their weapons and armor, even this technology seared into their flesh, I have seen things like this before, in Aku’s future. But Aku is no more, his future is gone with him. Even with that, I never encountered soldiers like this then. Who are these brutal people, what do they want with this time?” Jack thought. His thoughts were taken by the sounds of clashing steel towards a blasted hole in the ground. Jack knew not of this area, but it was clear the enemy lingered, and he would need to confront them for answers, as he descended below to the battle.
Part 3
While the battle at the palace occurred, a second team flew over a barren wasteland, devoid of life and hope even with the blossoming nature not far away. The extraction team flew to the center of it all, a crater with only a few shattered stones here and there. The lead of the team was only informed enough to know what to find, and but that in itself was iffy. Part of it came from reading they had received from this same place of a power source long since dead and decaded for them, but here enough may still be alive to thrive. The other part came from legends the Lord Protector cared not for. The legends stated of a living evil with great power that ruled mercillesly, and though the soldiers didn’t much believe it, this land was still scarred by his dominion, feeling the ominous nature of it all. Still, they had a job to do, and the Lord Protector was keen on results when he was done on his end. After scanning the area, the extraction team set to work, quickly excavating the area while the soldiers guarded the area for trouble. Soon, they found what they sought for. Even though the Lord Protector looked into it himself, it was amazing his assertions were true. The excavation team preserved their find, a small black stone spiked in several directions. The substance found was all that survived from whatever happened here, and even in this time, an analysis would show it was dying and decaying. With their resources though, that was no issue. The team packed up into the transport, informing the Lord Protector and following instructions to return to the time portal and back to origin. They did so, not knowing the evil they had dredged up from the dead earth.
Jack was stunned to see his aged father confronting an unmasked man in armor akin to that of the soldiers, figuring he was the leader. The emperor was making up for lack of strength and agility with tactics and experience, but that was only getting him so far, as he suffered several flesh wounds already, and his age only increased their toll. The Lord Protector fared much better, and the exchange of blades saw his blade overpowering the Emperor. “You fight well, elder, most random warriors do not last to this point. Bur we both know the outcome so relinquish the Key of Time” pronounced the Lord Protector. “I refuse. Your power alone does not give you right to power beyond mortal understanding. I can see it already destroying you, so cease before suffer the greatest loss.” “What do you know of loss?!” screamed the Lord Protector, bringing down his blade and slashing through the Emperor’s blade flesh. “FATHER!” cried Jack, carrying his blade in fury to the Lord Protector. The Lord Protector narrowed his eyes and met Jack’s blade with his own, the fury of blades illuminating the secret chamber below the palace, the sparks of each clash paling to the fury in Jack’s eyes. In spite of that, the Lord Protector only indicated this was a mild challenge by his expression. Jack kept attempting for the opponent’s apparent openings, but these were all feints, as the Lord Protector blocked each one with anticipation and responded with blows that pushed the Samurai back. The Samurai had enough, and decided to use the trusted Horse Cutting Technique that felled many adversaries. The Lord Protector braced and took the blow with his sword, and both remained unharmed by Jack’s attack. Jack was stunned, as only a certain Scotsman took that blow before with no damage. Now it was the Lord Protector’s turn. Jack was suddenly on both defensive and evasive, as he blocked what he could and evaded what he couldn’t. But each block saw him pushed back, and several evaded attacks still saw him with cuts. Jack tried one last desperate attempt as on one of their clashes, he diverted the opponent’s blade and tried to use the opening to land a punch, hoping to use that for an opening with his blade. But instead, his opponent caught his and threw him back down on the ground, with Jack holding his sword in defense only for it be knocked back by the enemy. The Lord Protector seemed to have pity though, as he went in with a fist instead of his blade, taking the wind straight out of the Samurai’s lungs and leaving him there barely awake and breathing, but unable to move for the time being. The Lord Protector walked over to a pedestal that had a key similar to his own, only with a numeral I on it. In came the Empress from the secret passageway, gasping and rushing to her fallen husband. He was still breathing, but even with treatment, his survival was uncertain. The Lord Protector then seemed distracted. “You have retrieved the second objective then? Yes, the artifact is mine. Proceed through the rift above, I will return on my own. Take note that the listed units that accompanied me won’t be returning.” Talking as though he spoke to a ghost. He then held the key as it glowed, and to Jack’s amazement, a black white time portal, like so many he had seen, emerged. The Lord Protector gave only a stern glance to the recovering Samurai and said “ Do not be a fool like that man. To oppose myself, Magnus, is a sheer act of stupidity.”. “Wait, Magnus, that’s who he is, but why..?” the Samurai thought as Magnus walked through the portal. Jack got to his feet and saw to his father, and by now people from the palace had come to see the state of the Emperor and aid him. “Father, are you”, said Jack, “Do not concern your…” coughed the Emperor incompletely with blood. The Empress had tears down her eyes, as the attendants began to see to his wounds with grim eyes. “Wait, my son, you must know, the key taken, for many generations our family has guarded it, not knowing it’s exact nature except it’s connection to time. If misused it could be...” the Emperor coughed again with more blood. “ Please do not overexert yourself!” cried the Emperess. Jack ha a solemn expression contemplating his thoughts. He then made a decision. Gathering his sword, he walked over to the now unstable time portal. “Son, no! You’ve already suffered a perilous journey through time. There’s no knowing if you will come back this time!” cried the Empress. Jack walked over to both of them with a sad expression, and hugged his parents gently, careful of his father’s injuries. His face and actions conveyed it all. He needed to go, must go. Whatever Magnus intends, he must be stopped and made to answer for what he did. He knew it could be another long journey, but he would return with all his power one day. As Jack got up and left for the portal, his father said one last thing. “My son, take what I said earlier to heart, I know not what you face, but I suspect new hardships await you before you may persevere. I wish you would not see need for this, but I know you will persevere if stand by your beliefs. Whatever you decide, now or then, I stand by you, my son.” Said the Emperor weekly. The Samurai gave a slight smile as a last farewell as walked into the portal as it faded.
Note: Hello, this is Psychicdan. So after that, uh, controversial ending, I had mixed thoughts. I respect Genndy, even if I wanted things to go down differently, so that’s part of why the bittersweet ending is here. It will also be used here into story building up as you probably picked up. Another reason for this fanfic sequel is that I just felt I didn’t get enough Samurai Jack, and wanted more things like development over Season 5. Seeing others write their own stories out there inspired me to do the same. For those of you wondering about Ashi, yes she will be here(SPOILERS) involving differing memories and butterfly effect. By development, I mean both Jack and Ashi’s romance and Jack’s progression to stronger and more human character than what he returned to in the later part of Season 5. Jack is not fighting simple evil anymore, and that’s part of why Magnus is here. Come back next time to see Jack and Ashi’s reunion as Jack confronts the Magnus Protectorate. Also, if anyone wants to art of this you’re more than welcome, just be sure to give credit to both Genndy for the original Samurai Jack and myself for the fan work.
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