#i need satosugu
satoruluvies · 27 days
imagine geto seein his ex girlfriend (you) with gojo and he like beyond pissed so he sends gojo a threat? and gojo sees the threat and sends a video of you and him in bed and he captions it has "she busy bro" and geto cant help but save the video cause you look so pretty in it
🐱 anon strikes again!!
-🐱 anon
[nsfw; mdni] ──
oh we a bitch for this one with the 'just because it doesn't work out with him, doesn't mean it won't work out with his best friend.'
this could be a full blow angst though because listen. suguru deflected, leaving you behind without so much of an explanation. when you confronted him all he said was "you heard from shoko right?" he owed you so much explaining and gave you none. you had been there with him, doing your best trying to help him though his rut, ensuring you were always there for him but apparently that wasn't enough and he left anyway. as if it was that easy.
so out of pure hurt and a little twinge of pettiness in you, you resort to sleeping with satoru. satoru, the one who pushed aside his feelings for you knowing you and suguru loved each other. satoru, who had always put his best friends before himself.
but he takes what he can get. he also needed the comfort, if it meant having you and finding traces of his own grieve for suguru in you then, no matter how wrong it is, he'll take it.
what he didn't expect though, was a text from his very best friend who put up a barrier between the both of them. that said barrier now broken and satoru does not know whether to feel relieved, guilty or infuriated.
suguru: sleeping with her? really? how cheap.
satoru: not cheaper than a guy who left her without an explanation.
suguru: very funny. stay away from her satoru.
satoru: or what?
satoru: [video] she's loving every part of it. look how pretty she is.
suguru: don't hurt her any more than i did. don't use her or i will do something we both don't want to.
satoru: im not using her. i wanted this. you know damn well i always loved her.
what satoru didn't know however was suguru saving the video. suguru would never admit it but he hates the way his throat goes dry and the way he couldn't help but feel blood rush to his cock at the way his bestfriend ruined his ex girlfriend so lewdly in the very same bed he himself had his ways with you.
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hieee ive honestly been a bit more occupied than usual with practicals and i have exams by the end of this month BUT i will never be too busy for you ;P
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bluebeesknees · 5 months
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They’re being obnoxious at work 💙
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soyochii · 8 months
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Grown adults but also Highschool bullies fr
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espikola · 5 months
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As teens/as adults
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delzinrowe · 3 months
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incorrect jjk quotes [33/?]
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Let’s talk about how much Geto (canonically) loved Gojo. He saw Gojo in a way no one else did.
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The way that Geto answers this question is deceptively meaningful. Let me explain…
This is a flashback, but we can assume this interaction is roughly 10 years after Geto’s defection, based on Nanako and Mimiko’s (Geto’s adopted-ish daughters) apparent ages. Right around the time of JJK0.
For context, let’s remember that the last time Geto and Gojo spoke as friends (KFC breakup), Geto said this:
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Geto was being intentionally hurtful here. He knew that everyone (except him) sees Gojo, first and foremost, as “the strongest.” Gojo is barely even a real person to them; he’s just a savior or threat or deus ex machina.
Geto used that to twist a knife and ask: “Is there actually anything more to who you are than just being the strongest sorcerer?” He knew this would be devastating to Gojo. Gojo’s best and only friend is saying: “even I don’t know if there is anything else that’s important about you other than your strength.”
Let’s go back to Nanako's question.
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She sets this question up in an important way. Like every (non-Geto) person, she sees Gojo’s fundamental defining quality as “strong." So, naturally, her immediate sub-question to “who is he?” is “he’s super strong, right?”
She’s asked the question in a way that Geto could very easily answer it: “yes, that’s right. He’s the strongest sorcerer.”
- - - - - Keep reading cut - - - - -
Geto gets contemplative. (“Hm…” - he’s thinking about how to answer because “Who is X?” is either a very basic question or a very philosophical question).
He ends up not even acknowledging the second part of the question about Gojo’s strength and instead tells her who Gojo is to him.
Because when they were best friends and even a decade later, he never actually thought of Gojo as just the strongest. Gojo was always something more to him.
“He was my best friend.”
As an adult, an ex-best friend from high school isn’t necessarily someone meaningful to you. Is Geto saying this actually significant? Yes.
This memory (“who is Satoru Gojo anyway?”) is what Nanako remembers as the context to this next thought:
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This is WILD.
This thought is during Nanako’s interaction with Sukuna where she is essentially blackmailing Sukuna into helping get Geto’s body back.
She loves Geto so much that she’d risk pissing off the most dangerous curse/demon/sorcerer just to get Geto’s body back. That’s how much she loves him.
But the man who actually killed Geto she will (never fully forgive but) “let things be” with. Because Gojo was Geto’s one and only best friend in a way that was deeply meaningful to him up until his death.
“Are you the strongest because you’re Satoru Gojo or are you Satoru Gojo because you’re the strongest?” is just what you say to someone you love when you need to hurt him enough that you can stay away from each other.
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fah-keet · 6 months
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I was searching for some forehead kiss references but came across this pic and thought “yeah that’ll do”
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staruie · 9 months
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three years of his youth
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oddishblossom · 1 month
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— Imagine being loved by me (1) (2)
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xo-romiiarts · 7 months
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Just a quick rest
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redrocketpanda · 11 months
Something that has been driving me insane about the credits are these sections with the fish so please bear with me whilst I do a mini deep dive (hehe) into fish discourse because YO, we need to talk about these fish!
Notice how at the beginning of the credits we actually have two white fish swimming along beside one another; one with bright turquoise eyes and the other with black.
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A little while later the fish begin to circle each other and a droplet falls into the water between them. As the disturbance ripples out from the center, one of the fish dives deeper into the water and changes its colour to black; symbolizing Geto's change and descent into darkness
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Then we have this heartbreakingly beautiful moment with Gojo and Geto:
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I cannot stop thinking about how long Gojo watches the black fish for as it swims across the screen, whereas Geto's eyes are lowered the moment the white fish appears and he closes them as it swims past.
Gojo cannot bear to tear his eyes away, whilst Geto cannot bear to look
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Throughout the credits, Gojo and Geto have been making their way towards each other through the pouring rain (or mostly sitting and waiting in Geto's case). At the end, they meet each other under a bridge and as they walk away together we see the fish a final time, swimming together again in a puddle formed by the heavy rain.
Geto walks on the left in the light, as the white fish swims close to his head, almost invisible in the brightness of the light. Whilst Gojo walks on the right in the shadow with the black fish swimming further away but still close by.
The fish speed after the two men before disappearing completely under the water just before the camera pans up and we watch as Gojo pulls Geto in for a hug as they walk away, before he's playfully shoved away by Geto.
There's a lot going on the credits (+ opening) that is absolutely killing me but man, these fish?! Breathtaking.
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thundersbugs · 5 months
they're like a week into officially dating
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hellomayu · 9 months
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the strongest the prettiest the fluff we need
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aflockofravens · 3 months
I read something about Suguru's power (attracting curses, ingesting and consuming them; literally making them a part of himself) being the opposite of Satoru's power (repelling things, never allowing anything to touch him) and I've felt sick ever since.
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s4turn-ly · 5 months
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And more from six feet over by caramelsuguru in A03!
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juiche · 4 months
@kymsys and I had this stupid idea that made us giggle!
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