#i really dont know why my tumblr cant find these users
rslashrats · 4 months
🪰 housefly734 Follow
just a reminder that flies rubbing their hands together =/= plotting a nasty scheme
🪰 r0tt1ngm3at Follow
🪰 crane-fly-wives Follow
^^ Boosting! I constantly get non-flies giving me death glares whenever I wash my hands in the restroom. Like, that's what you're supposed to do after going to the bathroom! Sorry for being hygienic I guess 🙄
🪰 diptera-doll Follow
Reasons why flies might be rubbing their hands together:
It's chilly out and they're trying to warm up
They just put hand sanitizer/lotion/hand cream on
They're rolling a ball of clay together
What you should do if you see a fly rubbing their hands together:
Leave them alone! It's none of your business
Hope this helped! :)
🪰 flyhlghh Follow
people also forget that hand-rubbing is a very common stim!! neurodivergent flies constantly get stigmatized for showing any traits of their neurodivergencies in public!! please don't forget that!!
🐝 iamrealflytrustme Follow
I dont know about you losers but i like to rub my hands together because i am planning the most heinous and villanous crimes in my head
🪰 crane-fly-wives Follow
Wow, most obvious troll I have ever seen in my life. Get a life, dude 🙄
🪰 compoundeyehaver Follow
> claims to be a real fly
> has bee as their profile pic
dude couldn even get the right insect for their shitty troll account LMFAOOOOO
🐝 iamrealflytrustme Follow
No i am real fly and i am plotting to land on someones pie rn and ruin it with all my real fly germs. rubbing my hands together as i do it too
🪰 crane-fly-wives Follow
Anyone wanna bet this guy is some amphibian from 4frog typing this nonsense from their lilypad right now? Just me? Okay-
🐝 iamrealflytrustme Follow
I am buzzing around people's ears now
🪰 crane-fly-wives Follow
Yep, that pretty much confirms my theory. The nerve of some non-flies, I swear 🙄
🪰 batsianmimc Follow
🪰 venus-fly-trap-hater Follow
this post is so real!! tysm babe for sending it to me 💞 ilyy
🪰 batsianmimc Follow
ILY too sugar cube 😘
🐝 iamrealflytrustme Follow
Can you guys stop kissing on this post its ruining my evil scheme planning
🪰 crane-fly-wives Follow
Can't believe this guy is still at it, honestly. @staff @tumblr Please take action against fake fly troll accounts such as these ones!
🐝 iamrealflytrustme Follow
Staff cant kill me i rubbed my hands on them too hard and they dieded sorry
🪰 crane-fly-wives Follow
🤣🤣🤣 Oh the excuses this fake is making, LOL! I haven't been this entertained since the Bombylius major discourse last year!
🪰 compoundeyehaver Follow
why are you still arguing with the troll instead of just blocking
🪰 crane-fly-wives Follow
Just think it's entertaining to see the lack of logic that bounces around in the brains of these non-flies sometimes 🤷‍♀️ Every response this so called "I am a real fly, trust me" user has given me has just made me crack up and flap my wings together.
🐝 iamrealflytrustme Follow
I am gonna rub my hands and plan more evil schemes involving you next
🪰 crane-fly-wives Follow
Heh, just try it, kid. Go on, I'll wait. 🥱
🦗 chirpingboy Follow
things are getting heated in the fly community
🪰 crane-fly-wives Follow
Of course a Grasshopper has the nerve to comment something insensitive on this post. Honestly, just mind your business 🙄
🦗 chirpingboy Follow
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🦗 hopping-along-the-bank Follow
Hey, you can't really preach for not discriminating against flies and then discriminate against a grasshopper, dude. Not cool.
🪰 crane-fly-wives Follow
I think I certainty can, with my past experiences of Grasshoppers always finding the ways to say the most uneducated and baseless takes on my previous posts and discussions. Plus, after the Fly-Grasshopper War of 247 BC (in which my ancestors fought in, mind you) and the consequences that followed it, I think I am well within my rights. But go ahead, frame me as the bad guy here. 🤣
🦗 hopping-along-the-bank Follow
Yeah, you say this and conveniently ignore the socio-economic struggles that grasshoppers have been facing for the past century, many of these issues which were spearheaded by fly conservative politicians in office at the time.
So, yeah, it is rather hypocritical for you to pull out these cards when grasshoppers have also been punished and gotten the short end of the stick throughout bug history.
🪰 crane-fly-wives Follow
The implication that all flies are responsible for a few greedy politicians is quite comical, really. 🥱 Not to mention that many Grasshopper politicians in Bugland and Bugtopia have also had histories of introducing laws that have severely affected communities majorly made up of Flies. But sure, keep arguing with me about this, buddy. I got all day 🤣
🐝 iamrealflytrustme Follow
I am still rubbing my hands and planing schemes btw
🪰 flythatlovestogethigh Follow
anyone smoke bug weed in this thread
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the-friendly-entity · 5 months
Hello there. Can you do an imagine where the MK1 characters finding out that the reader has an abusive family and how will they react to it when they find out?
[ ~"No Your Home"~ ] - Mortal Kombat 1
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Congrats on being the first user to send a question! I am so sorry for the late response on this, somehow tumblr did not notify me of this until I checked out my activity, it is a really interesting prompt/idea! hope I did it as you like <3 and if you really suffer from this, I'm so sorry for hear that :( i hope you can seek for help to get out from that dangerous relationship and be in a better place safe
What contains? Abuse Topic, Sensitive Content, Mention of Gore/Death
How is visualized as? Cople Relation Ship, Family Relation Ship, Friend Relation Ship
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-He already had some suspicious, mostly at first when he wanted to wave or put his arm up to do a high fight and you reacted so scared and tried to cover yourself with your arms, something surely dint expect Raiden you do, at first he thought it was a just a misunderstanding for the first time, but when he see this sometimes repeat he have douts
-No Only that, but you using a clothes that cover most of your body also makes him suspicious, he does not judge anyone clothes style, but he cant stop feeling something was odd about it
-He always wanted to address this but he dont know how to, until one time he found you hided crying alone, he slowly get close to you and ask you whats wrong, he surely will be ok if dint want to address this or dont feel comfortable to talk what ever is bother you, but once you told him about the abuse you suffer from you parents he get mostly froze
-He can't believe you have such abused parents, not in a literal way, you are just a good person why do you deserve to be treated like that? and mostly by you own parents, he surely will talk to you all you about it and try to find a way to fix this, he will try to talk you parent try to make a deal in the most pacifist as possible, but if you parents are really aggressive and stubborn, he will use his Earthrelm champion title for this situation, or most tense parts, use his thunder powers to scared them and show dominance that way they let you free
-His house is welcome if you dont have a place to go to live with momentary, he even dont mind if you want to live in his house permaly as long you safe is what makes him feel relief, at the moment the first Raiden will do is take you to a doctor to check all you injures you parents did to you, make sure you get fully healed
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Kung Lao
-Surprisely he surely will figure out more faster a difference from Raiden, he saw your odd reactions but he thought you were just that shy or he that scarry? I mean he a very buff guy~ (in his imagination)
-Surely he will figure out in one of his jokes, tickles you or carry you up for the fun, seeing your injuries and purple marks from the clothes as been lifted up a little from the playful moment, making the joke be fully over
-He will straight up asking what happened and who did this two you?, you try to hide your injures and stay away from him, just saying is nothing but of course is not, Kung Lao will insist a lot until saying the truth, he will not leave your safe until he knows why you are hurt
-Finally, you reveal about your abused parents, ooh Kung Lao is pissed, so badly, who dare to hurt you like that!? he dont care are your parents, they need to be teaching a lesson to not hurt their own children like that, he will just straight go to your parents house and start a discussion about it, if things gets intense fight will be make (dont worry he will not muder you parents but he wish)
-After that, he will make sure you will be safe, taking you to a doctor to check the injuries, and invite you to his home so you have a place to live, if your parents dare to try to take you back he will keep sure they will not try to archive that, keep you safe is his priority
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Smoke - Tomas
-I think he will be the same fast to know it as kung lao, after all, he live an abuse experience with Bi-Han so he knows the feeling, seeing you trying to cover yourself with your arms, he has a worried look, straight asking "who is hurting you?...."
-Even if try to hide as much as possible, Smoke will be keeping close to you, he wants to figure out who is hurting you, he wants to help you, there is no need for to you hided this, he wants to help...
-He will always send hints about it, hints of you have someone there to help you, trying to earn your trust and trying to free you from this prison of fear you parents as made you, making you think you have no one to help you, thanks of all this hints and support from Tomas, you finally say about you Abuse Parents
-He was not even mad, or sad, he disappointed, disappointed from your parents for do this to you, he will comfort you and make sure to you feel safe, he as raiden will try to negotiate with you parents peacefully, if things dont work out, he will not just let leave you in that bad home, he will take with you to be safe not matter how much your parents yell or try to take you, he will protect you, after all, you parents dont know who is dealing with
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Kenshi Takahashi
-Well, he not a hand person so he would never have seen this odd reaction from you, even so, Sento already told him something was not ok with you, which made him be in alarm
-I think the way Kenshi will figure out about your abusive parents on his own is you two are cuddling surely you already sleeping due to how safe you feel in his arms, in an accidental touch, he feels one of you injured, confused and in worried he carefully touch your body, making as possible not uncomfortable you or not broke you personal space, after all, was your body and he was not having permission to touch it, but as he found more and more injures, he get more worried, and more when he feel a lot of them are very recent
-After that, he will ask you about it, about this injury and what or who is causing it, you try to not say it and keep it as "its not big deal", but Kenshi will make you feel safe to make you talk about if, after all he can't leave you after he found you poor body badly hurt
-After you talk about your abusive parents, he is angry but not the same angry as Kung Lao, but definitely angry, he will try to your parents in a passive-aggressively way, and if they dont want to cooperate, Kenshi just straight you take out his katana and point it at your parents, to make them know who are dealing with, after that, he will take you to a doctor to check you injures, if you need a house to live, he will ask Jhonny for make you a house where you can be safe and far away from your parents (he dont think you are safe if you live with him, due all the yakuza situation and all the stuff he have to live as part of the Eearthrelm protectors) with all the things you need, even ask Jhonny for have you a job where you can get money, but dont worry, he always will have a day he will check on ya
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-He already saw the odd reaction, and he just felt proud having no idea why you acting that way, he thinks is because he strong looking and you feel dominated by his appearance, is because you acting such way, he may have abuse of this a little, just to get proud feeling
-Maybe the way he figure out this if you have a breakdown, posebly he was training and you dint know entering straight into the mouth of the wolf he almost hit you, you lucky you was slowly entering the room to avoid the hit, and that triggers you a lot making you fall from the floor crying, he will at first chuckles about this and telling you "come on, dont be dramatic i dint even hit you by luck" but seeing you not respond is what concern him
-He will try as best to comfort you, he will carry you carefully and take you to a room where you are comfortable and safe, waiting for you to stop crying and calm you down, once you finally calm, Reiko ask for explanations about you behavior early, and you know there not excuse or way out from this, so you told him about you abuse parents
-He at firts wil be silent, but you can see his expression got serious, he straight ask you where they live, and once you father open the door he will get pass out from Reiko punch in the face and bleeding from the nose, you mother not even have time to react what happen, but lucky for her, it was they warning, because Reiko will not have mercy next time if they try to do something to you, he will take you to his home so you be safe, and take you to doctors to cure you injures, and mostly he apologies about taking chance of you trauma for fill his ego, after what all that after, he mostly more sweet with you and mostly protective
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-Again, he is not a very hand person, but surely he will notice you odd behavior when he moves his staff, making you react and cover your body with you arms, he mostly ask you ok, he mostly thinks he was too close to you and almost could hurt you, but when this happens a couple of times now he have suspicious
-He will ask trick questions, making sure to get all the information he wants to know about it, to know what is causing you react that way if something happens to you to always be alert of everything, everytime he asks the question about "is someone in particular doing something at you" you get oddly quiet, his suspicious just increase
-Finally he just straigt foward about it, just asking "who is hurting you", as long you try to denied you not free from Rain until you tell the true, once you tell about you abuse parents he angry about it, you parents? that is fall so low, he will to you parents home and try to negotiate to them, and if they dont agreed, well, Rain will just drown them a little, dont worry he will not kill them even if he wish but he will just show them a little of who are dealing with, just egnoft before remove the water from they heads so they can breath
-Now safe in Rain's hands, he is your doctor! he knows how to cure your injuries and even make them they not even exist to the first place, after all, he feels angry and sad seeing your body being hurt that way, you will live in his home where you can safe from you parents
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-He already smells your blood, the smell does recent injuries you have have that have a little of your blood, maybe still bleeding a little, knowing are from you he will straightforward ask you if you ok, and he will know you are lying, his intimate appearance its not make you so much option to say about your abuse parents
-Oh he dont like that, he was a parent before the tarkat take over him so hearing about his burn his blood, he will ask you about where you parents live and not for talk, he will straight murder them, not letting anything behind, he will not let you see this tho so you will never know about the murder of you parents
-He will take you to a doctor to cure your injures and ask Syzoth help if can find you a home where you live and be safe, he wish he can be near you to keep you safe from anyone, but yea...the tarkat
-but something sure, he will be a family to you, the family you never have and the family you need it, always checking on you and telling you praises you parents never told you, he will make you have what you never had and is very aware you need that
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Shang Tsung
-To be honest, he was just confused of your odd reactions but did not really think about it, i think the most way he surely find about your abused parents is when he caught you trying to heal your own injuries alone
-After hearing his voice catching you off guard his words "Why you are alone there" Having already a smug expression due to your reaction, he mostly not even ask why you have those injures and straight fogar wanted to know about them by himself, slowly surprised of how much you have, you almost a broken doll
-you have his curiousity and he ask what happen to you, his voice have nothing of pity, even if you dont want to tell him, you know you are not safe from Shang Tsung's grip and you told him about your abuse parents
-He at first will be not care and just leave you alone, but as the day passes he feels....jealous? angry? He does not even know how to figure out this feeling, he just feels "the only one who allowed to hurt you is me" thing, he not even will ask where you parents live, he will follow you from the distance and arrive at your parents home, once he knows where you parents leave, he takes they souls and problems solve~
-Knowing you eventually find they corpse you will tell Shang Tsung about it for not say almost interrogate him about it, he will act like he dont know about it with that fruity and smug expression, at least you can live in your home peacefully, but if you not feel comfortable in that house, Shang Tsung is more that happy you live with him, about you injures, I dont know, mostly you can ask about it for help you, but he will do it? you can trust him? only Shang Tsung knows that answer
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-Again no hand person but he can smell your blood from your injures, knowing it from you he is worried, already telling you you are bleeding, making you nervous, he tries to make you be calm as possible and offer his help, he very supportive boy :(, so he find odd when you refuse his help
-Seeing the blood smell dint go away and he knew was recent each time, he found it odd, why you always bleeding? and acting like nothing is happening, he try to address this as best as possible, trying to not make you uncomfortable about the topic, he just worried about you
-Once he knows about you abusive parents, ooooh he angry, again he was a father before Shang Tsung take them, so he can accept you are suffering from you parents, he mostly will comfort you and make you feel safe, but mostly ask you to talk to them
-He will try to address it as peacefully as possible with you parents, but he will not be very patient with your parent's attitude and when his patience is over he straigth forward show his zaterran form, he dont care about what you parents think about him, he will show them do not mess with you
-After that, he invites you to live in his place, takes you to a doctor to cure your injuries and be the parent you never had, of course will be different due to Zaterran parents acting diferent from human parents, but he will try as possible to give you what you never have
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-He thinks he scared you becuse of his odd powers or his scary appearance so he will not think about it, possibly the way he figure out about your abuse parents are one of does moments he talks (rants) about the abuse and suffer he feels his people and everyone have the right to live freely, all does talk make you feel motivate or more confident to talk about you abuse parents
-Once you finally tell him about it, oh you can see the HELL in his eyes, he can't believe you being abused by your own parents, someone so good and someone who can't even defend yourself, he will demand you were you parents live, and he will not talk, straight kill them
-You will shocked from so gore scene, telling Havik he didn't do that, but he with his blood hands try to comfort you, telling you is what they deserve for treating you that way, that was they punishment and now you was free from they hell
-Maybe you dont want to live with havik after that and he will respect your decision, even he feels a little sad to make you feel that way, he dont regret doing it for the good of you, and promise you will be safe under his protencion
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Liu Kang
-he could noticed it, and surely could know you suffering from some sort of abuse, is was a normal reaction from someone who suffers it, he will not go straight forward making sure you say it when you feel comfortable, so he will have his hands behind!!
-He will be so sweet with you :(, making sure you have a good time knowing you passing from something horrible, is what you deserve, surely you cry sometimes when he was too sweet with you, is something you cant belive you know? it was a feeling you cant process after you get use to the abuse
-Finally thanks of Liu Kang's Actions you told him about your abuse parents, he so sad to hear this news, he thought it wil be a friend or a partner you have, but your own parents?, is heart breaking, and he promise to try to make something
-He wil not even try to look intimidating or dominant, he is a god yes but he will not use his rank for things like this, he will try to talk to you parents peacefully, and if things dont work out, well, this goes straight to judge, dont worry of course Liu Kang win it and you parents go to jail
-He will offer you multiple houses to live, and he is definitely ok if you want to live in his place, he will continue to be as sweet as he has been, trying to replace does bad experience you have, remove all that trauma and you be free from that abuse you have from you parents, and even you scared you parents come back dont worry, Liu Kang will make sure of they wont
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-Yep, he knows, he already saw about your abusive parents, how they treated you and hurt you, it was something sad to see, he even saw other timelines where you parents actully love you, or straight they abandoned you or kill you...
-He dont know if he has the right to be in your life, after all are mortal decisions and he can't change those decisions, surely tell this to Liu Kang to seek of opinion about it, knowing you and Geras are close to each other he will allowed it as long you make the decision to tell him
-and there he is, being on your side, trying to show you beautiful things and make you forget about the bad experience with you parents, same as Liu Kang he will be so nice to you in his way, posebly knowing he the guardian of time surely you figure out he knows, not even telling him just asking if in a future you parents will love you or they did feel love
-Is sad to hear his answer but he wil make sure you dont have to see them anymore, no matter how hard your parents try to find you they will never be, you will be safe in your new home, and living the life you deserve it away of any danger or abuse
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Theory Time..!!!
*insert Conspiracy String Board Meme*
Higgs :
Lets be real....this mofo is going to be Higgs...
We know Higgs saw everything in Amelie and was her proud lil lap dog in the first game
She gave him a false sense of Purpose so in my eyes it makes sense thar after she disappeard with her world destroying duty unfullfilled, that he picks up on that.
"I want to be a god like her, I am the bringer of extincion, I finish what she started"
He Obsesses over Amelie and his pov of her trying to become what he things she was...
We know that Higgs likes to obsess over things (fragile back then, Sam...)
so it makes total sense for me...
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Fitting to his god Motive he rebuilds his old fraction but this time its going to be a Cult
Probably an Doomsday Apocalypse type of Cult with him as religious "godlike" Centerpiece and bringer of destruction yadda yadda...
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Maybe even trying to convince his followers that HE is Amelie
....and i think those two compared pics have something onto him...
Idk Why the name is APAC but the logo for sure gives me some religious and cult like vibes if you leave the official name away
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What does Higgs need to fully capture Amelies being and Life ..?
To fully transform into her Mentally?
A Child of course...
And what child does he know and maybe is the reason all his world destruction plans failed?
How can he make Sam repay what he did to him, How can he revenge Fragile and make them all suffer the best way?
Taking Lou
I dont think lou Dies in that sequence , but gets kidnapped by Higgs...
We can Hear Troy Baker sing Lous Lullaby in the Trailer and tbh ? It gave me an off feeling...., it was lacking warmth....love....and overall heart like the original..
A comment by Tumblr User @headlessstar gave me the final push beliving that higgs took lou as sort of revenge against Sam and co
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A mocking version of that song connecting Sam and his love for his Daughter just makes sense
I Remember a post some way back comparing Elle Fannings mocab Poses to Lou in her pod...wich makes me sure that elle might play a grown up version of Louise..
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Wich would explain Sams visual change because years have gone by on his probably search for his daughter...
If Lou was kidnapped with 2... and grows up at least 15-20 years will pass and our dilf turns into a gilf
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FRAGILE still looks unchanged tho..., but maybe that has something to do why she got her youthfull body back...
Maybe now she cannot age annymore at all..
Lou growing up with higgs would also explain Kojimas Marketing poster questioning Elle in big letters " WHO AM I " and Norman asking himself " WHY ME "
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Because of course our big Himbo daddy cant think of anny reason why someone would be after him and i love him for that...
Back to the Poster ...a kidnapped Lou also explains Leas Lettering of " How Come ?" Asking herself how the fuck she could let that happend in the first place
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I think Ds2 is going to be about Lou,
who grew up with higgs in a doomsday cult asking herself who she really is and where she comes from,
Because she feels that she belongs somewhere else...
Fragile trying to make up what she did to Sam...loosing his Daughter and Sam trying to find Lou at all costs..
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I have no Clue what the other actors are about...
How NWR is involved...
What is about Deadman or Heartman...
But i think i Connected the most important Dots so far!!!!
Pls tell me your Opinion on my Brainbarf
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coconutredbulllover · 1 month
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hi melty face anon! 😊i saw ur ask earlier today and now im not busy so i can finally actually go thru it and answer it LOL!
your friends sound like nice normal casual fans so cheers to that! the side by side for the lulugirl description vs the fyp of possibly one of the gayest most downbad fanbases is also pretty funny LMAO yall rlly found a way to bond over the most unexpected mutual interest 🤣 do u guys ever send eachother an edit and the other is like ‘actually i already had that one liked 😝’
yeah i agree it rlly is hard out there for new fans rn the ‘you just had to be there’ thing is js completely true. like theres so much to explain that you have to either have been there or u gotta crawl into my brain and see for yourself 🤷‍♀️. the disconnect between new/old fans is tough like its not really their fault for being new wave but why did the new wave have to be crazy invasive 😭? yeah i dont blame other blog people for not having the energy to reexplain old stuff or not wanting to go find links everytime someone asks 😭 its pretty nice some anons go through the trouble of finding them tho. they got a W community fr✊(side note i like how i know exactly what your talking abt having seen other blogs LMAO). about the paige obsessed fans i do agree they have a problem with trying to find out every little bit of info about her like some kind of trend hyper fixation. however sorry but i dont think i see the connection to specifically highschool students 🤷‍♀️. i think plenty of people of all ages have joined the popularity wave and while the actually chronically obsessed ones are most likely younger (like i dont really see a 50 year old discovering tumblr to find out every little detail abt a college bb player 🤣) i dont feel like its all high schoolers esp bc theres plenty of college students on here supporting the true delulu agenda 😭.
no literally abt the pazzi tags thats so true, honestly tho the majority of the videos in the pazzi tag on any site is all still a bunch of random italian stuff LMAO (if anyones curious just look on instagram scroll for like 5 seconds and italian stuff pops up 😭). the publicity for the game was truly amazing but sadly the secret society couldnt stay hidden forever 🥲 my entire life tumblr has been known as like a dead site so i was really shocked that tiktok somehow found it like she really blew up so hard yall rediscovered tumblr for her!?!? like i said tumblrs always been a niche kinda dead website unless you stumbled across it when you were younger and saw something it in. there arent tons of people out there who want to run blogs for things they like anymore. i dont blame new people for not knowing the tumblr lore (you js had to be there in the 2000s) i dont even remember how i discovered tumblr 😭 i havent even always been an active user like now i js knew it existed and my head recognized it as a media site and i never thought more to it. i wonder what the tumblr discovery pipelines are 🤣.
i get what u mean abt blogging you thoughts .the line between speculating because your curious and wanna know but also trying not to feel creepy is so hard because you really cant deny that its creepy to be looking closely at someones life like that😭 but its like yeah i dont judge other ppl bc i like reading abt it and talking abt it😭😭😭. having an interest in smth and wanting to show your interest is literally js so human and to have to holdback your interest because the thing your interested its creepy to be TOO interested is the most frustrating thing 🥲 if i had friends who would hear out my thoughts i would not have a tumblr blog. the purpose of my blog really is simply just me wanting to talk abt smth i like with people. how i see it is keeping thoughts to yourself isnt as fun bc like who will give you a second perspective on your theories!
LMFAO they really are a family they in this together frl. i think the sense of exclusivity comes a little from the fact that they’ve been interacting with eachother for a while and have seemlessly connected with eachothers views over time so its js rlly easy to be talk about basically anything when you know all abt the other people your talking with. anyways i love your asks i js like laying down and reading it all while writing my response its so entertaining i think ive been writing this for like 2 hrs im watching baby driver on the side😭. im on the last sentence of ur ask🎉!! about my grammar and spelling its jsut like i type what im thinking and i dont wanna go back and reread it to see where there needs to be a comma 😫 LMAO. its not even just when im high but when im high i care even less 😅. you wished you were high 😯 pookie do u smoke like that? i wanna know all abt it
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dirtangeldean · 1 month
hi ren! i was wondering why you don't want your donation post tagged? tagging crowdfunding etc posts helps me find them again on my blog easily to rereblog in case they haven't hit their goal yet but i don't wanna make you uncomfortable
cw: weight talk/health issues
anon hiiii, i’m really glad you asked this and finally have capacity to write out fully why! so thank you 🤗
among the millions of users on this app, some things have gotten super cemented as The Way™ but that means staff knows it too.
while the 4 tags: “s***nal b***t”, c**wdf*nd”, “d**nation”, and “mu**al a*d” may seem helpful for sorting and awareness at face value, we as users have been using and overusing them for years. it’s like a sick joke to chronically poor “ebeggers” as we have been named by old reddit.
bottom line is staff hates poor people; even before they decided to take away tipping soon, they flagged posts and sh**ow ba**ed accounts, deleted users (usual poor and black/indigenous/of color) while letting gen pop think they were doing a good job. my main account has over 3k followers and i cant get any post i make over 3 notes anymore despite being a semi popular radical blog.
my messaging was taken away. i could hit post limit and still have activity of max 20 notes a day. the post itself could be randomly deleted or even hard to search all of a sudden even with a tag. it’s awful to be isolated on the internet when you’re poor. :/ call me paranoid but i barely touch my main account now.
anyway, my fandom blog doesn’t deserve a forced lack of community and i love you guys too much to not be able to see/be seen or talk to my friends. ive already been told by staff that this blog was flagged as spam once and they took away my messages, right after my last sciatic spasm. it took Weeks to get messages back.
it was awful, i was living in the dark and only eating egg cheese sandwiches or sugar rice and water bc i couldnt afford anything else. i’m not going back to that. i’ve gained weight that is making my bones hurt bc of my poverty food choices and forced sedentary lifestyle while healing my back. and i’m only just now getting back going walking and being employed sporadically. it’s super hard to not have help and not have a job bc of disability discrimination AND have deconditioned muscles. poor nutrition is horrible for muscle. it’s even harder to stomach getting 3 thousand notes on something and $17 while i owe Thousands the way it works on my main account.
if i can do anything to advocate for myself, it’s to ask this: dont use old, overused tags. get creative with tags so more people see and wont restrict me. tag comerades/mutuals in the post. tag the post with a random well wish like “good luck” or something. literally anything but the most common 4 tags. the same way people get creative with the name for their queues!
i made a post about other/different tags that can be used but it doesnt have a ton of notes, i tried looking for and i cant find it which shows 1. the tumblr tagging system still sucks 2. it will never get a ton of notes. many of the posts in the tags mention in the beginning of this post barely reach 100 notes. mathematically a post could need like 9,000 notes to be fully funded depending on the amount. there’s a post in there with 22 notes, unless that person makes a new post everyday (i know a person who does that), it’s a wasted effort and some days i barely have spoons to get up and relieve myself tbh :/
anyway, especially with things that took years to happen or months to fix, it’d just be nice if post got notes into 1k-10k territory to be effective.
i hope some or any of this answers your question, let me know if you have more! have a great day!
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habeascorpseus · 2 years
so like, i know we're all pretty pissed about the ph1lza url situation. but uh, i know how this could be easily fixed, and its an unpopular opinion, but actually a pretty Novel idea:
@staff , either just put a limit to how many sideblogs one account can own, or please just fucking moderate on a semi-regular basis
there. simple! fixed the issue of url hoarding account terminations.
because the issue here isnt the url hoarding, its the fact that the rules arent regularly enforced, and thus kind of just dont exist, until someone- say, a really popular youtuber or streamer- comes along and reminds staff that the rule exists, therefore destroying tumblr users faith in a system that was invisibly always there but never really affected them. in terms of putting a cap on urls- it makes users aware of how many blogs they have at a time, and therefore must at least keep semi-active, because if they ever want a new url, they have to trade one in for another. at the moment, the system is set up for inevitable failure, as users with 15, 20, or even 30 urls might be coasting along for months with only 2 active blogs and suddenly find their account terminated for the other 13-28 unused urls theyve got stashed away when the staff find the time to do the moderation part of their job. and, putting a low cap on urls makes it so that people who want to create a new url will have to cycle out ones they no longer need or care about strongly, perhaps to a new member who might really like a url that has been taken for years but never used. and isnt a hoard of gold only really useful when circulated through market?
or, perhaps, you dont want to limit creative potential. who knows, maybe that 50th url will finally be the right blog for the job. in which case, do routine moderation and warnings about url hoarding. the rules cant only apply when you feel like it (or when celebrities remind you they exist). im sure it exists for a reason, why not enforce it? even anarchy requires rules and guidelines.
and yes, i know, this opinion is unpopular and this post will most likely never be seen by staff, but, i wanted to share my two cents on the discourse from the perspective of moderation and not just on how much of a bummer it is that someone had an account termination over a canon url.
tally-ho, or whatever.
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iiwxliaii · 7 months
Please ignore these if you don’t feel like answering them or you already answered them ❤️ Fancy a fun question chain to pass around f1blr?? Over to you, lovely!
Name (or what you want to be called on tumblr)
Where are you from?
Where do you live?
Any pets?
Favorite driver(s) currently on the grid, and why?
Favorite driver(s) not currently on the grid and why?
Favorite romantic driver pairing(s) (e.g. Maxiel, Carlando)
Driver you’re most attracted to physically
Driver whose personality you like best
Favorite driver friendship(s)
Favorite team principal
Favorite team
Least favorite team, if any
Driver(s) you dislike, if any
If you’re a fic writer: if you could only write about one f1 pairing for the rest of your life who are you choosing?
Please send this to 10 (or more!) other F1 tumblr users that you love and want to get to know better 🫶
ooh this is my first ask :) thanks for the questions bae!!
my name is walia but i prefer to be called lia on here
im from singapore !!
i still live in singapore
yeah i have one cat named marla <3
well i would say carlos, oscar and george for now 😻😻 im just in love with their personality and how theyre themselves in a way that it doesnt matter what the world thinks. plus they perform really well and i admire their talent a lot
well i cant say much but i do miss seb and mick. they were all such interesting drivers. seb being a legend and mick being a rising potential. i wanna see mick back on the grid one day!!
well obviously carlando (carlos and lando) takes that number one but i love loscar (logan and oscar) with my whole heart and live for the crumbs <3
if i dont say carlos id be lying to myself and everyone around me. hes just my type 😼😼
personality wise i would also say seb. the way he treats people and the way he thinks about the world just makes me fall in love with him even more 🥰
charlos (charles and carlos and galex (george and alex) are such a fun pairings i dont even understand what goes on between them anymore
toto wolff.
unfortunately, ferrari
no hate to the drivers or the team but red bull isnt really my favourite.. im happy for their success but im starting to find their dominance a little boring for the sport.. (DONT COME AT ME PLEASE)
idk if i have a least fav.. (checo) [AGAIN DONT SCOLD ME PLS]
ive tried writing fics but never really posted them so idk but carlando
thank you again for the qns !!
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smolcuriouskitten · 7 months
🚩 🚩 🚩 { just curious }
Oh shit you are trying to put me on a soap box, aight hear me out. 1. AESTHETICS DONT MEAN SHIT IF YOU CANNOT WRITE. It makes me so SICK to see how the roleplay community is about how pretty you make your blog look but you cant even use your and you're correctly my g. Not shitting on anyone for using grammar incorrectly, it happens to the best of us but if I cannot comprehend a word you say in your response, decorating should be the last thing you worry about. Reading a book takes just as much time as decorating the blog, maybe pick up one.
2. NOT HAVING MOBILE FRIENDLY LINKS ANYWHERE IS CHILDISH. Me personally, I came to tumblr during a time where I had to do a mini scavenger hunt to find rules, information, etc on a blog bc pinned comments and linking in bios didnt exist. That was 3ish years ago and it sucked navigating as a mobile user back then because we werent as recognized as desktop. Its a new era and not alot of people have access to computers, dont be an ass and inconvenience others bc you cant be bothered to pin and link something. AND AN ADDITIONAL POINT. You cannot get upset with those who ask to see your rules or other pages on your blog bc you dont have it easily accessible. This is ESPECIALLY important if you are mutuals only, send the stuff and dont be an ass about it.
3. ON THE TOPIC OF MUTUALS ONLY, IF YOU ONLY ROLEPLAY WITHIN THE FANDOM OR WITH 5 PEOPLE, YOU CANNOT COMPLAIN ABOUT OTHERS BEING VERSTILE. Now dont get me wrong, new fandoms use mutual only systems as a form of protection, Im not talking about them. Im saying for example, marvel muses who only roleplay within the marvel fandom (like only roleplaying with avenger muses and no one else) and dont venture out! Thats boring and shows you cant switch up your style or go outside of your comfort zone for writing. I get it, some fandoms are more niche than others, require more knowledge than others, once again not talking about them. I mean popular fandom canon muses who do not interact with ocs, other side characters, and keep a small circle of roleplay buddies then complain about the lack of interactions or lack of new people coming to the blog. Most people can tell right away that their blog wont mesh well with yours since you only roleplay with the same 5 people! Babe, it turns us off.
4. and a bonus bc why not. IF YOU ARE MUTUALS ONLY HAVE THAT SOMEWHERE EASILY ACCESSIBLE/EASY TO SEE. I know to read rules as its basic etiquette when it comes to rping but most people do not have it big and bolded that they are mutuals only. Im one of those people who need to see it as soon as I go onto a blog. Respectfully if you have it as a rule, dont wait until I click on your caard, put it on the 20th rule, or put it in a really obscure spot. Put it in your bio! Even if you are selective seriously!
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regarding the reddit stories, i really wonder about the brains of radblr users who post these screenshots and feel offended by them. why do they do this? it's not just post some random pic, it's 1) go on reddit the socially inept male site 2) frequently visit the basement dweller porn brainrot and attention seeking subreddits 3) read several posts to find the rage inducing stories which are most likely fabricated 4) post it to tumblr to proudly exhibit their reddit use and enrage others. bonus points if they even read the comments specifically searching for the ones that are the most brainless to get more infuriated (even when most of the other reddit users disagree). it's like going to a famously dirty city and search for the worst sreeets to complain about how dirty it is. and then maybe opening the trashcans and sewers to clutch pearls about how bad the trash and shit is (better tell everyone about it!)
honestly i dont know.. i dont read such posts anymore (they r super long and serious and im just not in the mood for that) and im 100% sure there r individuals who do exactly what u described. i guess it could be the car crash cant look away phenomenon. it just stimulates the brain to look at horrible things and get super mad. On the other hand i think its very likely that some of these users r actually quite normal and they accidentally come across these degenerates we see in the screenshots. isnt reddit like that? like ur always only 4 clicks away from accidentally stumbling upon reddit user CatgirlXxHentaiBimboMilker69s comments even if u use relatively normal and useful reddit pages? if that happened to me, like i was fucking around on reddit and saw something insane and laughable i might post it too (so my followers can suffer with me). then again i could never spend time on reddit bc im too normal for that. sadly there r some subreddits that have really good concepts (like those fucks who still make nolan batman memes, or the sw prequel memes, or that stupid brba subreddit) but the humour in all those subreddits reeks of y chromosome and its rare that u find something actually funny so i stopped visiting them. went a little off tangent here so anyway yeah i wouldnt necessarily say that these users are equally fucked in the head but some of them might be
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navysealt4t · 1 year
hi blue (explodes in your ask box)
i provide letters with the intent of seeing your opinion on fandom things, please enlighten me
I / O / S / Z
thank you 🙏
I - Has tumblr caused you to stop liking any fandoms, if so, which and why
not really? for the most part its just made me get deeper into fandom lol. like ive started reading botw fics bc of the tumblr fandom and its been very fun
O - Choose a song at random, which ship or character does it remind you of
ooo i shuffled my liked songs and got the song "after the war" by reinaeiry and. :( it reminds me of lizzie and ayva if they had gotten the chance to be together without any pirate or navy bullshit . oughhh now im sad :( they are so tragic like waghhhh i know u dont know them but. shaking my lil gremlin hands at you they were so in love and ayva just haunts riptide's story sm i love them... daily propaganda go watch jrwi riptide for tragic lesbians..... :(
on the other hand it could totally be about albatrio or polypirates. wagh.
oh and speaking of lizzie/ayva cafe 1930 is a them song. it has no words but. them.
S - Show us an example of your personal headcanon (prompts optional but encouraged)
RANDOM HEADCANON TIMES jay was taught the flute & violin as a kid and while she can play them super good she prefers playing random chords on the ukulele that sound good together :]
gillion he/she and neos pronoun user i will die on this hill sorry . speaking of this genderfluid chip & trans girl jay always. and butch edyn
chip loves singing he sings so much random words while he's doing chores and singing sea shanties arlin taught him or singing ollie to sleep. jay teases him endlessly about the lullabies he sings to ollie
animal lover jay is canon but. she loves animals so much. just adores them so much she will pet any animal that comes up to her she doesn't care about rabies. she's tried to make them get a pet other than pretzel so many times. im sooooo tempted to write a fic where jay smuggles a cat on board and yes it will be navyseal
jay loves sketching like mundane scenes in her life rlly colorfully and dramatic and with a lot of meaning behind it. like u know that one drawing that's like "i realized something about human connection but im too drunk to write it so i drew it" ??? thats how she draws. she dips her toes in landscapes :)
gill loves drawing ppl. his family, his sister, random ppl on the street, etc etc !!! he has gotten really good since when he first started but he goes through random bouts of self doubt where he refuses to draw
chip doodles random shit really and he does it on EVERY piece of paper he can find the corners of their map is covered in tiny doodles. these include angry doodles of niklaus looking very mischievous and pretzel with a big knife.
Z - Just ramble about something fan-related, go go go (prompts optional but encouraged)
I CANT THINK OF ANYTHING BUT UUHHHHH OH im working on a thingy that im hoping to turn into a youtube video :DD basically i love the game unpacking and the way it tells it's story is phenomenal and the casual representation and the art style and music and relatability and everything about the game is amazing !!!! i have been doing so much research and typing in google doc im so excited to get working on it :3 ive played the game at least 10 times i lveo it. this is fan related bc i am a fan and i say so <3
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un-pearable · 2 years
ALRIGHTTT season 9 thoughts. this one wont be nearly as long as last time because honestly i dont have too much to say
um first things first i cant believe they killed the ultra dragon offscreen and nobody even made a comment on it. okay thanks ninjago writers. like i guess it died how it lived (aka completely irrelevant) but also.......... wow thats pretty brutal
jay losing his mind and completely giving up on life at the beginning of the season was really funny. i feel like this sums up lloyd & jay at the beginning of s9 pretty well
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this frame made me laugh really really hard. is it really that funny? ... ok honestly yes yes it is
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... and other important intellectual discussions that were had
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also the old tea lady is so funny. if shes dead im sad about it but this is ninjago so there is an at least 67% chance she will come back next season. its no wonder she and wu got along theyre basically the same person
i was also DELIGHTED by the fact that we got not one but TWO scenes of people who really deserve to be run over by a truck getting run over by a truck. the only way this couldve been improved is. okay because comedy comes in threes right. and, as much as i love him and as much as i know this is entirely 10000% not his fault, this season's garmadon really deserves to get run over by a truck. frankly. im not sure if it would help lloyds mental state any but who knows maybe he'd find it a little cathartic. but i am very pleased with what we got anyways.
regarding the oni thing with them being shapeshifters, i have a few questions. 1) can garmadon and lloyd and wu do it. i hope so. canonically im leaning towards no but in my heart i want it to happen at some point. 2) ok so you can shapeshift into other people / things / stuff that already exists. so my question is: can you mix and match. can you give yourself pointy teeth. can you make yourself a furry. im asking the real questions here.
the ninjago timeline continues to elude me. i feel like i make this comment every single season but its true. the old tea lady implies that garmadon and wu have been living for a very, very long time, but also they were young adults at the same time the elemental masters were. my questions are infinite and my answers are few. between how old lloyd is and how old the elemental masters are and how old wu and garmadon (and misako ?????????) are and how all of this fits into a coherent timeline, i havent the FAINTEST CLUE. the writers arent even trying and they werent from the beginning. in fact i would honestly argue that the timeline is the most confusing aspect about ninjago, which is saying a lot because frankly this show is very, very, very very very confusing. all the time.
if possible, ive become even more annoyed by the writers' inability to let lloyd lead for more than five minutes. theyre allergic to changing the status quo, frankly, which is why we're rehashing the entire first two seasons i guess. like literally we are rehashing it entirely except making tumblr user iratusmus more annoyed along the way. mainly because they've taken out what makes garmadon an interesting villain and made him bland and boring and im annoyed. but we've already gone through that. OH YEAH BACK TO MY ORIGINAL POINT
anyways so what i was trying to say is that now that wu has returned, we're walking back the past three seasons of lloyd and his kind of character development in regards to leading. because, like, s7 kickstarted an arc where lloyd is now put into a position of being the leader which he isnt prepared for and doesnt really want, but a responsibility he has nonetheless. they dont really resolve it by the end of the arc - lloyd's barely even relevant in the climax and his decisions as a leader certainly arent, but we're left assuming that this will get resolved next season... right? and the writers skip most of that by giving us a 1 year timeskip, but then give him a leadership crisis anyways so whatever i guess we're still going to do that, and then after we sort of resolve that, wu shows back up again with the ninja and immediately starts dishing out orders and lloyd goes back to not being the leader and its just. well. what was the point of all that then? but also as stated previously, thats mostly just these past two seasons in a nutshell. what was the point of all that then. because we are, again, rehashing. the first part of the series. but whatever.
im also still sad about the noticable lack of oni teeth on garmadon or lloyd but like. whatever. fine. im not bitter (<- bitter)
so yeah thats my season 9 thoughts. coulda been worse, probably. it was fine. i miss lloyds old hair. thas about it
ah, the good ol ridiculously overpowered plot device that gets wordlessly shelved when they arbitrarily need them not to use it... we will miss you greatly (until the latest season finishes pulling off whatever bs its heading for given the sets)
... i have heard much about s9 jay and ngl im excited. he's fascinatingly messy as a character im looking forward to it. he deserves a bit of a breakdown i think. good for him. lets him pioneer a whole new way of being annoying. quoting someone from the tags of one of my jay posts but yeah being annoying is a character win actually.
it IS that funny asdkfjksdfj. the shot composition on this show is either painfully bad or utterly hilarious and kudos to the storyboard artists having to work within the lego constraints either way. the return of garmadon's sewing skills... ty. wu deserves his thematic counterpart in mistake. he also deserves to finally learn how to make good tea. the fact that hitting people with trucks is its own whole trope is just delightful. congrats to movie knuckles for joining their ranks.
they SHOULD. you are asking the important question its a damn shame they didn't capitalize on it. lloyd deserves to have one of those goofy episodes where someone finds out they can shapeshift and gets stuck in increasingly confusing and hilarious forms. he also deserves to fuck with his friends and change minor things and pretend he's always had them. what do you mean the tail's new.
i'm an annoying cole leadership truther but yeah,, yeah. at the very least commit to it. if you're aiming for lloyd to be the leader all the time rehashing the exact same arc over and over is both boring and?? squandering it?? there is SO MUCH potential for arcs beyond the initial can-they-lead and i know we're allergic to change in this writers room but cmon. once again a very comic-y trope and it does not work here just as much as it does not work there, though I do think going yj1998's route of having an episode dedicated to an over-the-top election full of sloppy handmade promotional merchandise where the fans get to vote for what team member they want would be an undeniable win. especially bc it would definitely go exactly how yj1998's did where a bunch of people voted for impulse despite him not being on the ballot. i want to see ninjago fandom rally around dareth as team leader it'd be great.
i definitely lost the plot there. anyway uh. fanart ideas aside. extremely correct. you are right to be bitter im right there with you. the loss of lloyd's hair (and the symbolism of him and garmadon sharing the same mold) is immense.
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yellowbluemoonshine · 2 years
Hi, what do you think of the metaz by the tumblr user pikahlua? I have read some of their metas and many of their predictions of the plot came true, and their metas are details as well.
Hi, anon, its been a while here ^^.
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Um, first of all, whenever i wanna read BNHA meta, i search it in Tumblr randomly. Because y'know, anyone can write good meta even they didnt write it before. Because there is always someone who will see things that we yet to see. This is why i (most of the time) read other people's points too, that also help me to write my analysis, it helps me to clear my thoughts up better. Thats why i dont usually look one specific person's analysis.
But now you mention it, i check the name of the user (Hi to @pikahlua). I think i also read some of their metas and theories. I find some of their metas interesting such as this. Since they write a lot of things, i dont know which one that you would like me to talk about. (Also BNHA is big fandom, there are so many metas/analsis etc, its hard to check/remember them all). But i can tell a few things about my thoughts generally and about latests chapters. I am not really Bakugou fan, i think he is wasted as a character and i dont ship him with Deku (or others) either. I am not really enjoying of recent chapters and especially that hearth surgery or whatever it is, i personally didnt like how its written, cant wait to see Shigaraki-Deku-others and how things will continue : )), this is how i generally think right now but anyway, i hope author has big plans and use his characters best possible way ever.
Hope you got your answer ^^.
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You dont understand a thing.
You do know that usernames on pokefarm can be connected to pokefarm discord server. We have no control over our account being linked to discord. They can go there and find us. We have no power, or control over that. Do you want me to stop using pokefarm discord because you cant control what others post.
*I don't allow doxxing of any sort, that's why only PFQ usernames are allowed.*
Okay, but my username is linked to the discord, and from there all they have to do is to send me messages.
*if someone is upset about you hoarding or buying summons or shops holding summons for you, they didn't have to see it here, they could have easily seen it on site. If it's on site/in the server, what's the difference posting here?*
They sent the link to this tumblr blog. So obviously they must have gotten it from here. I just checked some old messages and found alot who recently been talking about being angry about summon buyers. IS this suddenly a coincidence?
*As I always say if you're unhappy with how this blog is run, you're free to block it or simply stop visiting it.*
Fun fact of the day: Did you know that if someone post another users username here, they can be targeted, regardless if the user being posted here, knows they have been targeted? Wild isn't it?
YOU allow the usernames to be posted here. you even showed to censor pictures with certain wordings, then why is it so hard to delete an users name from a post you get sent? How is it so hard?
*The I have added/edited the rules of this blog, but allowing PFQ usernames to be posted here will always remain.*
This message alone proves that you just dont care of repurcussions. You say you are sorry previously, but you really arent.
*And as I've stated before, I am firmly against anyone who visits this blog taking any hatefulness to anyone who submits here. I don't condone that, I don't advise it.*
But you DO advise it. Otherwise you wouldnt had allowed usernames to be shown to the public, and therefore being open targets. All some viewer now have to do is to find my name on pokefarm, connect to discord, find my username there and send me messages. Which they cannot now, because i was forced to private my DMs now. Only friends can send now, had a few non friends who talked with me form other servers, that i now have to ask to befirend me, so we can talk. I hate doing this, so much.
*I allow people to vent here so they don't stoop to those levels. But unfortunately, I cannot control what jackassery may transpire.*
If someone has done something horrible, then report them on site, or on discord. Don't just make this place a bully hangout, where you as the leader, allow what targets can be shown. I heard rumors about this place being used to target others, and i feel like this is true now.
I have tried it first hand. You on the other hand can just forget about it all and go on with your day without having to deal with any consequences. And next time it happens, you can post the exact same comment and just ignore everything. IS this how you treat others? Are you sorry or not? YOU have the control, and can control what is being posted, usernames included. You can change fonts, then you can also change what is being posted. Unironically do better.
So, you're taking issue with me for how Niet and his cronies choose to set up the Discord server? Because tbh the way they have that set up is a breach of privacy in and of itself, and one of the hundred other reasons why I myself refuse to join, but that's a whole other conversation I'm too tired to have.
At the end of the day, yes I'm sorry that's happening to you and to anyone else, but no, I won't be changing the username policy here. People should know better than to send people targeted hate based on a clicker game/Tumblr blog, and I'm sorry they don't know any better. But I'm not changing the rule. Your mind is clearly made up about me and that's fine, I'm sure other people feel the same. Your points are valid and your complaints are valid, but some people suck, and I can't do anything about what they choose to do with information.
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funshinebf · 8 months
having divorced parents and one parent that abused you while the other was actually really awesome is so wild cause its like. yes i had a bad childhood yes i had a good childhood. my dad always seems to feel so guilty for me and my brother being so messed up but its so hard to explain how bad it was at my moms. and even still i have the problem of having a complicated relationship with my mom so any discussion of things shes done to me make me feel bad like its unfair to her. like i love my mom and i always will but she has improved so much over the years, and not living with her has improved my life. i could never cut her off and i dont really want to anyway, but sometimes im jealous of people who can go no contact and not look back. i think its also more complicated cause i have two sisters that are much younger than me so its like i can see all the places my moms improved from my childhood in how she raises them. i think parents are destined to fail their children in some areas. i think even the most well meaning parents will still make mistakes and be human. but being human itself makes harming people and being harmed inevitable. its just the reality, everyone you know will let you down in some way or another. but i think the world looks brighter once you start to accept this. it sounds like im being cynical and negative, but i think it makes me quicker to forgive people and continue moving forward. if i can understand their motivations for what harmed me i can forgive them. but when i dont understand why they would do that to someone i start to feel truly wronged by it. if i cant find a good enough reason to justify harming someone then i cant forgive it and i cant get rid of the scars it leaves. i cant forget it. i could never do that to someone. how could anybody do that to someone. my intrusive thoughts alone send me into a guilt ridden trance as soon as they form, i could never understand being able to hurt someone so purposefully. for what? amusement? what could someone possibly gain from that? what could they gain that would erase any of the guilt? i think my least favorite type of person is the person that recognized that ive been hurt before, and targets me because of it. i hate when i share my weaknesses with someone and they use it to manipulate me and harm me even more. its happened more times than id like to admit. usually im not too burdened by my scars. the weights on my shoulders have settled into a dull ache. but then, like tripping over a pebble and splitting my brain on the curb, all it takes is one person with ill intentions to send me into another state of constant aching. i want to be stronger. i want to be less trusting. but how could feeling less love be beneficial? when such simple, unassuming kindnesses from others send me into a joyful daze? i love the world, i love people, i love the glimpses of warmth in a vast, cold sea. if i dont let myself feel things then i cant enjoy things either. so i let myself stay soft, and trusting, and far too genuine far too early. i wouldnt trade the love for anything else. if i can continue to feel love then i can handle any pain. anyways im high as all fuck and in therapist mode really badly so im gonna stop spilling my guts on a public website full of people i want to like me and not think im weird. like yeah okay idgaf about EVERY tumblr users opinion but like i have friends on here and potential friends and irl friends that see my posts. i want them to like me because i love having these connections, no matter how brief. im doing it again im just gonna hit post and hope for the best
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tumblingclockwork · 10 months
i dont know how to say this without coming off as very evil & i promise i am not saying this badly but like. almost everytime i go on my lil tumblr dash i see u mass reblogging some post like 50 times to the point where i cant escape it no matter how hard i try and everytime it happens (which is quite often i'll have u know), i think how much i love tumblr and how beautiful this site is. I genuinely have no remembrance of why i started following u and at this point it really doesnt matter. ur reblogs always find their way to me. thank u tumblr user tumblingclockwork for ur work i salute you
Genuinely crying at the poetry in my ask box tonight
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artzypaw · 4 years
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Happy Valentines Day!
Commission for @aesa-the-nerd!
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