#i'm gonna see if i can make this into a postcard!
mossrotts · 1 year
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i painted a chonky epona please enjoy ✌️
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octobers-veryown · 4 months
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Hello @laxibbeb it's me! Your Secret Santa, revealed! Oh, you gave me so much inspiration with your answers and I want to thank you for the time you took to write them for me. This is the first time that I participate to the @acotargiftexchange and I felt the pressure a bit. But it's amazing when people create spaces where we can express ourselves, right? I have to say that from your first answer I got this silly little idea stuck in my mind that didn't leave my brain at all. So I decided to combine some things together. Elucien through the Courts? Say no more, I'm gonna make a whole journey for them. But how? You need to know that your lovely little Secret Santa can't cross two words together but has a small talent into visualizing concepts. So I said "Listen, what people usually do during trips?". They send postcards to their loved ones! And so here we are, with a carousel of postcards! Each one is unique for every Court and has some small messages inside! At the end, a small story came to me and I just realized it when I finished!
I really really hope you will appreciate your gift, I created a little tracklist too as you can see. <3
Please click on the pictures for a better quality and details because I know that Tumblr LOVES to make jokes. I really suggest the desktop mode!
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Small surprise at the end with the Night Court involved ;)
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Thank you so much for reading until here!
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081314 · 3 months
Idia Shroud - Platinum Jacket (Voice Lines)
Following is my translation of Idia's voice lines for his platinum jacket card.
Spoilers after the cut
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💀: Man, traditional art goes so friggin' hard! Just looking at all this stuff's getting me hyped!!
💀: You gotta keep your phone turned off in the museum. I already finished all my dailies, so I'm good. Let's get going.
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Home Lines
💀: They really went all out for the centennial, huh.
💀: I can make diagrams and blueprints and stuff using software just fine, but fine art's a no go for me. I just like looking at it, not making it.
💀: Doesn't that painting of the King of the Beasts remind you of Leona-shi? Both of 'em look like they're gonna bite you if you get too close!
💀: I'm surprised I was able to just, like, buy postcards of the artwork I wanted at the gift shop. I'm used to just getting blind boxes.
💀: There's tons of people out there? Doesn't surprise me. Nothing compares to seeing this stuff in person. Gah, I could spend all day here. I wonder if I'm gonna have enough time to look at everything.
💀: Silver-Shi can fire off compliments one after the other without having to wait for his charge gauge to fill and it sucks. I have zero resistance to that kinda stuff.
💀: If you could just sing Hakuna Matata or whatever and it'd make your life better, then I'd be the biggest extrovert in the world right about now.
💀: I thought I saw a sparkly sculpture by the cafe entrance, but it was just Vil-Shi checking out the menu.
💀: Wait, so Ace-Shi's really good at sleight of hand stuff? He's got the looks, he's got the skills… Life's not fair!!
💀: This outfit's waaay too flashy for me. Totally clashes with my gloominess. Huh? You think it… looks good on me…? Uhhh…. Ok.
💀: Listen, if you get in my way while I'm otakuing I'm gonna poke you right in the forehead! And then my poor finger's gonna be all busted… And then you'd feel bad, right?
💀: Could you help me carry all this stuff I bought over to the lockers? T-Thanks. I'll treat you to a coffee later.
💀: Everybody's got a weakness or two… Not even super heroes get a pass on that.
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💀: Go for it, Silver-Shi.
⚔️: Understood, Idia Senpai!
I have a summary of this vignette on my twitter account here.
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Why don't they sell book covers to the public as an industry? Like. I know that if you can find the artist you could get art from them, but like, they should have like prints of, for example
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When you go to purchase a book and they ask if you want that thang hardcover or paperback, electronic or audio, there should ALSO be a selection of book cover prints that you can get.
And have all the versions that they will print available.
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Like, maybe you only buy or rent the ebooks, but you can order postcard size covers for your personal collection.
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Or you own a version of the book, but you also want a canvas print for your office or something.
I know that there are books out there where you can get that, but I think it oughtta be an available, easy to find, wherever you can find the books sort of thing.
And while I'm thinking about it: model credits...
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Like, maybe they're somewhere in the book's acknowledgements, but I don't feel like I've seen them, and they rarely mention them on info websites for the books. Like, something like imdb, but they have models who've rendered their likeness to book covers that weren't drawn. I remember seeing on Instagram the model for A Song of Wraiths and Ruin when they were doing promos, and I've seen the model for The Shadowshaper Cypher (I feel like she had it in her bio at some point), but it isn't like information that I often just see and a lotta times you can't find it in a search.
Mainly though... I would like to be able to order artwork for books I may not necessarily need a physical copy of, or books I have a physical copy of, but enjoy the story or artwork so much that I also want just the art. Does this make sense?
Especially because so many books we have aren't gonna get a series or movies. I would like a bigger industry for book cover art. Or for someone to point me in the direction of it if it's out there like that.
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thehotelpod · 6 months
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5.1 Merp and Burble
Our first Big Named Event arc! "BEHIND THE CURTAIN" which I'm almost certain I picked because we could do this cool ass curtain frame device. Izzy continues to bring the pain here with photo bashed curtains, a modified Madam Hotel horrifyingly cartooning about like bugs bunny to reveal our almost Trevor Henderson-like trail cam timelapse photo of Merp. He also gave me a number of color options on this one, maybe we'll have a section in The Guestbook Vol. II of bts sketches? I'll ask Izzy. This one holds a special place in my heart because Merp is, as devotees will recall, just Scary Slar.
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rest of the season under the cut! (it's long, you've been warned)
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5.2 It Watches and It Smiles
look! The curtain connects at the top! It's gonna be one long picture!
This monster was actually based on a 3 foot tall hard foam statue we had in our house growing up. It is actually scarier looking than you are imagining, made every one of my cousins cry, and is not only something I had nightmares about but also one of the main reasons so much of my horror is "something weird is Over There but looking at you". Full disclosure, one of the reasons I put this monster in this episode was so that Izzy would have to draw a postcard of it and maybe someone would recognize it and tell me what the hell it is because I have not so much as a single photograph of it. BUT then Izzy showed me this drawing, which almost completely hides the monster but it's just so so good I couldn't pass it up. The implied shape and DYNAMITE bloody palm fronds make this look so much like a 90s book cover I fell in love right away. We always try to keep those season and episode numbers in the postcards now too, but I think we forget sometimes?
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5.2 Nothing Can Kill That Which Glowers
LOOK AT THIS ONE. Madam Hotel rotting in the reflection of the bubble (she was supposed to show up more in those episodes and sort of be in the process of rotting but she ended up being a single light instead.), I'm crazy about the Owner here, Izzy loves to always keep a little monster in the mix when he draws the Staff. And miss Manager POPS like an 80s music video. Lot's of subtle layers and textures here that can get overlooked, but just like the lake the Owner sinks into, it deepens the longer you linger (did you find the episode number?)
I also like to remind everyone that 'That Which Glowers' is the Grimace and this episode title is a reference to the Clerks cartoon.
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5.4 We Are...Watching You...
But are you really LOOKING at it? Do you SEE Izzy's MIND? Lined up you get back to back Managers mirroring each other as well as Madam Hotel in the wings of the now completed curtains--these doubles ALSO frame what is hopefully implied to be the Lobby Boy's hand reaching for his Manager. All of this duality and connection not only reinforces what we know about the characters and show already but set up beautifully the new mirrors about to arrive...
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5.5 The Bellhop
THERE SHE IS! There's my goblin girl. You get the bloody vision of the Hotel as Hop sees it as well as the framing for a triptych of the New Crew, each on their own floor. The New Crew stands apart from the Staff in that they have canonical designs immediately, so there tends to be less variation on their fan designs. However there was like ONE WEEK or so before this episode dropped where people were drawing Hop ALL KINDS OF ways. She's one of my favorite designs Izzy's done for the show and I think it's partially because she looks a little like ET.
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5.6 The Concierge
Shut up. Shut UP. Look at those colors. Look at that face. Look at those shoulders. Look at those colors! THE COLORS DUKE! THE COLORS!!!! and those printing spots breaking up the lines, all layered over starlight?! It should be, at this point, very hard for Izzy to outdo himself but...he just keeps on outdoing it. We jump down a floor here and the Concierge has slightly more brick surrounding him than the Bellhop did so my pattern recognizers in the crowd can probably guess what's coming next--
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5.6 The Auditor
It's been pointed out that Aud has gotten the most detailed description of the main characters on the show. I try to always keep it vague so everyone can imagine whatever they like , but the Auditor is so weird I just wanted to play a little. I saw this scary looking, lonely monster begging to be seen in all white surrounded by nothing. Even the brick and mortar of the Hotel doesn't seem to want to be around her much. One thing I love about Izzy's work is how well he combines whimsy and fun with actual scary imagery. She looks really scary. That is a scary looking monster he drew.
I also think she kind of looks like this alien from Star Trek IV (hey look Star Trek showed up)
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5.9 Tenaj Druh - 004 Moor
Oh how I wish I could have a full set of New Crew postcards from Izzy seeing season 1 from a different perspective (for that matter I'd love a full set of season 1 from Izzy, but one thing at a time). Getting to not only see Janet Hurd, but see the NEW CREW checking her in is so so exciting. And the Manager's TV's re-imagined as giant bloody eyeballs is expressed to it's grossest perfection here. Even the Goosebumps frame is tinted sickly green. (the rest of the season also has Goosebumps frames but I'm trying to show off Izzy's art I want you all to have a good look)
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5.10 Tnurb Yrrah - 002 Moor
this one's bonkers. The Hubble's ultra deep field on the left, brains on the right but both halves of one face with the broken illusion between them that is just the building of the Hotel herself?? It's got poster folds and teeth for doors! This is a really stunning one that I feel like deserves a little more attention than it gets. Also maybe I spoke too soon on the Goosebumps frame, I don't...this one doesn't have one but maybe I just saved that file somewhere weird.
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This is i think the first one we did that had a Goosebumps frame baked in. You can see the 5 and 11 on the clock give us our season and episode number, but that gets a little lost on the printed version so here it is in all it's glory. Love to get to see Judy here her FACE is so EXPRESSIVE and sharp. Notice how Izzy does NOT draw her with a gap tooth. Is that gap battle damage, or some aesthetic flourish the Hotel likes for her bodies? You'd have to ask Izzy. Also love getting to see him draw the things in her furnace room, which are like huge and imply a much larger elevator inside the box. Always reinforcing that boundaries and rules do not apply at the Hotel
they are also based on the family from Mac and Me
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what the fuuuck?? why are they so scary??? why are they like that?? why did they make this movie this way?? I was a child!
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5.12 The Reaper's Envy
Finishing up the season is this gorgeous party poster that would be right at home in the 90s. Other than the colors (THE COLOR!) I want to point out the confetti that breaks out of the border that also quietly includes some vermin (all up top, letting your eye drift down to the New Crew being reflected in what hopefully everyone assumed was Judy Blashy's eye. Of course we know now who's eye that is and what it's connected to (nothing its nothing it got cut out)
And that's season 5. Now we have entered the @filthyguts desert and must wait once again for the rains to return. I've got new ideas for season 6 that are gonna completely change how we do the art for the show and maybe we can even squeeze some button designs out of him when we launch the next wave of stuff we're launching.
I've said it before and I'll say it again and again and 100 more times, but Izzy's art is a hugely important part of the show, a source of inspiration not only to the fans who listen but to me myself (especially in my lower moments) and I am so so happy that his art and his style has come to define the show.
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lovelyyy-luna · 5 months
baby, its cold outside
fandom: marauders
fic summary: Y/N and the group are at Sirius’ family cabin, ready for christmas.
chapter summary: reader and the marauders head up to the mountains for a christmas holiday. They want to tell her that they're wizards but don't know how she is going to react.
pronouns: she/her
warning: nothing really
word count: 2151
a/n: this is probably just going to be a two part series. I still have a slight writer's block.
date: december 13, 2023
PART 1 |
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·December 24, 1980, Christmas Eve·
You sat in the car's front passenger seat as your friend Sirius drove, and the rest of your friends, Lily, James, and Remus, were talking in the back about the holiday weekend.
This was the first Christmas that you weren't spending with your family. The past few months, you and your family were rocky, with you doing a 180° on your career, but you were happier.
They couldn't see that; all they saw was that you were making significantly less money than before in your corporate job.
Sirius broke you from your deep thought as he lightly gripped the top of your knee.
“You okay, love?” he asked, smiling at you but quickly looking back at the road.
You smile back at him, “Yeah, all good.”
He looked at you, pressing for more.
“Fine! I was thinking about my family and how incredibly obnoxious they are,” you huff.
Lily popped up from the back, poking between the driver seat and the passenger, “Hey! Don't think about them! This is our weekend, our holiday. And I'm gonna guarantee that it's going to be the best one ever!” she kissed you on the cheek and went back to her seat.
You smiled and went back to looking out at the scenery.
You then pulled up into the driveway to a cabin. It was secluded from the rest of society, perfect for the holiday you were about to have.
The lot of you started to unpack and settle into the cabin.
“Hey, Sirius, are you sure it's okay with your family for us to use the cabin?” Remus asked.
“Oh yeah, of course,” he said, lifting the box of food down the steps, “I mean, I assume it's okay.”
“You assume?” Lily questioned.
“Well, they're on holiday in Belgium and won't be back till the new year,” he said, smiling.
You all nodded, and you and Lily continued to unload as the boys took them inside.
“Well, I must go to the loo,” Lily sighed. You said okay and just continued with what you were doing.
She walked up the steps and into the cabin, “Oh Merlin, this place is a mess. When was the last time someone cleaned it?”
She asked as she reached in her boot for her wand.
Sirius saw what she was doing, grabbed her hand, and took her into the kitchen, looking around for you.
“Hey,” he whispered, “not in front of Y/N, remember?”
“Oh, right,” she sighed with annoyance, “Padfoot, how much longer do we have to keep this a secret? I mean, it's a big part of who we are.”
“I know. I just don't know how she will react to this,” he said with worry.
“If she loves and accepts us, she'll love and accept where we come from,” she smiles reassuringly.
He nods, “Okay, we’ll tell her this weekend but not right now.”
She nods back, “Great! Well, can I at least get this place looking better?”
He gives her the go-ahead, and she whips her wand out, “Scourgify.”
As if going back in time, the floors, the wall, and even the furniture return to their former glory.
You walk into the cabin, and your face lights up.
“Wow,” you look around and see everything is like a postcard. A fire was already burning, and the tree was up and lit.
“Do you like it?” Sirius asked.
“Yes, it's perfect!” you smile, “Um, where am I staying?”
“Oh, you will be upstairs at the end of the hall to your right.”
You head upstairs with your bags and start to unpack. Everyone else follows your lead, grabbing their stuff and heading to their rooms.
Lily and James got the master room, and Sirius and Remus got the old space he used to share with his brother.
The guy's room was right across from yours, and they heard you hum whatever Christmas song was on the radio you had stuck in your head.
Hearing you made Sirius’ heart skip a beat.
“Hey mate,” Remus said, “ Why don't you invite Y/N to go on a walk in the woods? It's going to be pretty romantic at this time of day.”
Sirius was distracted by you swaying to the song you hummed. “Sorry, Moony, what did you say?”
Remus laughed and nudged Siris pretty hard, and that caused him to fall and you to look in his direction.
“Sirius, you okay?” you chuckled.
He stood up, trying to play it cool, “Yeah, yeah, of course; um, I was wondering if maybe you wanted to go for a walk before it gets dark out.”
“Oh, sure! Let me get my coat on, and I'll meet you downstairs.”
He goes down and talks to James, who is fixing the fire.
“Okay so you're going to tell her?” James asked.
“Yup. I kinda have to if we want her in our lives.”
“Woah, that's a little dramatic,” James chuckled.
“What are you talking about? It's a pretty big deal. If I tell her and she doesn't like it, it will be a problem; I will probably have to Obliviate her or something if she freaks out.”
“Woah, Woah! Obliviate her? Mate, that's a little extreme to do to someone who doesn't like you back!”
“Like me back? What are you talking about, James?” Sirius looks at his friend in concern.
“You're telling Y/N that you like her?”
“What? What are you talking about? I'm telling Y/N that we are all wizards.”
“So you're not telling Y/N that you like her?”
“No! And what made you think I have feelings for Y/N that way?”
“Are you serious, mate? You are so head over heels for her. Always stand next to her, ensuring she is warm or feeling well.”
“I-I'm just being a good friend.”
“Or, you're always gushing about her.”
“I do not!” he laughs.
He looks over at you coming down the stairs and smiles, and James looks back at him with a goofy look.
Sirius hits him in the arm and head over to the door, grabs your scarf, and wraps it around your neck, and James makes another face at him, pretending to make out with the air, causing Sirius to scurry you out of the house quickly.
Your nose and fingertips instantly freeze when you enter the cold air. With that happening, you just remembered you forgot to pack your gloves.
“You ready?” he asked; when he spoke, you saw his breath.
“Yup,” you smiled and walked beside him.
The trees were layered with snow, and the sun was settling down. It crunched beneath your shoes, and you were just in awe. He looked at how your eyes roamed around the trees and the snow.
You had a chill go down your arms, and you started rubbing your hands together to keep warm.
He noticed, and without hesitation, he grabbed one of your hands and held them as he shoved them into his pockets.
His hand was warm, and you looped your other arm to pull him close to you and let your head rest on his arm. It was a short walk in silence, and you both saw a clearing, and he stopped over there. Both of you stood there just admiring everything until he cleared his throat.
“So, Y/N, there's something I've been meaning to talk to you about.” he was nervous. It was evident in his voice, but you did know what for.
Your hand was still wrapped in his, so you squeezed it several times, letting him know everything was okay.
“So I wanted to talk because I need to come clean about something.”
He sounded like it was severe, so you get prepared for the worst.
He muttered something, and a clap of thunder was heard out of nowhere, shaking you to your very core. It then started to pour on the two of you.
He grabbed you by your hand, “Come on, let's get back to the cabin!”
You both ran back to the cabin; you were soaked and freezing.
He opened the door, and you stepped in. you were shaking so much, as was he.
The other three were sitting on the couch, looking up, startled by the two of you.
Lily stood up, walking towards you, “Where the hell did this storm come from? The weatherman said it was going to be clear and snowy,” she then turned to Sirius suspiciously.
“What? How could it possibly have been me? It's not like I can magically summon storms.” he said, raising his hands in defense.
You sniffle and draw attention to the two staring intensely at each other.
“Oh honey,” she goes towards you, “let's get you out of those wet clothes and into a nice hot bath.”
You follow her up the stairs.
“Hey! I'm cold too!” he yells at Lily.
She stopped at the step she was on, flipped him off, and continued upstairs.
You laughed and went to your room to get those clothes off. She started the bath.
Once you removed your clothes, you wore your robe and headed to the bathroom.
“Okay, the bath is ready; why don't you hand me your clothes and I'll dry them off. Also, dinner will be ready in about an hour.” she smiles and leaves you to it.
You take your robe off and step into the hot bath. You submerge your entirety into the tub. It was soothing and relaxing.
You wash your hair and body and ensure you get all the mysterious rain washed off of you.
You finish up in the bath and dry yourself off. You look in the mirror and wipe away the fog.
You were just looking at yourself, thinking about what Sirius was trying to tell you.
Downstairs Sirius and Remus set the table while Lily and James were cooking the last food.
“So you didn't tell Y/N, did you?” Remus asked.
“Nope, did you see that crazy storm out there?” Sirius said.
“You mean the storm that you caused?” Lily shouted from the kitchen.
Sirius rolled his eyes, and Remus laughed.
“Well, you have to tell Y/N,” Lily said.
“Tell me what?” you asked, coming down the stairs.
Everyone started to look at each other.
“Oh… to… tell you that dinner is ready,” she said with a smile.
“Oh, well, I'm here, so let's dig in.”
Everyone grabs a plate and goes into the kitchen buffet-style to get their food. Sirius pours everyone a glass of wine from his parent's private cellar back home.
With everyone sitting down, it was silent as you all ate the food.
You sat next to Sirius, Remus sat at the head, Lily was across from Sirius, and James was across from you.
“Wow, Lily, James, this food is delicious,” you say, bringing another bite of food to your mouth.
It was still silent through dinner. Lily needed Sirius to tell you the secret.
She was making intense eye contact with him, and he was intently not making eye contact with her.
She was getting frustrated and kicked Sirius causing him to jolt up.
“Siri, are you okay?” you ask with concern.
“Yes! I have an announcement to make. Y/N,” he looks down at you, raising his glass of wine. “We come from the wizarding world.”
You look at him, around the table, and see them all staring at you.
“Um, okay, cool,” you honestly didn't know what else to say.
“It's true, Y/N, we’re wizards. We all met back when we were eleven at Hogwarts, a school for witchcraft and wizardry,” Lily explains.
Then they all started to chime in on what you assumed was a joke.
You chuckle and down the rest of your wine.
You went to reach across the table to get the other bottle of wine and then Siris mumbled something and as if by magic the bottle of wine rose and you were in computer shock.
Your eyes widen and you slump back into your chair. The wine bottle went to your glass and was filling it up. You raised your hand weakly to tell the floating wine bottle that was a good amount. The bottle floated back down to the table and everyone was just staring at you.
“Well, I think maybe we all had a little too much to drink,” you get up from your seat, “Lily, this dinner was amazing, and Siri, this wine was very well-aged. I think I'm going to be taking this to my room. I love you all and will see you in the morning.”
You hurriedly grab the bottle of wine and head upstairs.
Your friends sat at the table awkwardly sipping their wine. Sirius got his wand out and magically put everything away.
Everyone went upstairs into their rooms, slightly worried about the outcome of tomorrow.
PART 1 |
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gerryrigged · 11 months
For the wip ask game, could you say more about the DickTim reverse robin AU? 👀
Ahhh, I love that one, but it has several backstory/set-up arcs before the romance can even kick off hghkkldjfs THE STRUGGLES
OKAY SO. This is a story about a young Dick being in love with a years-older Tim from childhood, reversing their usual ship dynamic. Most of what I have so far is concerning their backstories, when Dick is still quite young (5-10-ish), so it's more of a puppy love at that point, while Tim sees him as a child.
Overview of the first arc below the cut.
First off, 12-year-old Tim is newly training to be Shrike (the hero identity Damian Wayne abandoned (or Batman took away from him; opinions differ) after he and Bruce had a serious falling out). As part of that training, he's sent to learn from various experts in physical and crime-fighting arts, much as Bruce did when he first left Gotham, or as Tim was meant to on his first Paris trip in canon.
So Tim ends up training in acrobatics for a month with the famous Flying Graysons, whom he has long admired - along with their 5-year-old wunderkind son, Dickie. Who absolutely adores Tim, following him around everywhere, showing off his own (legitimately incredible) skills, sweetly promising to 'teach Timmy everything he knows' and insisting on flying with Tim on the trapeze at every opportunity. Tim fully dotes on him, and Dick just blooms like a little flower whenever he has the older boy's attention.
When Tim isn't training (or catering to Dick's adorably bossy whims), he's often taking pictures with the beloved camera he couldn't bring himself to leave at home. And the circus provides such a vivid panorama to capture - something new every moment!
Once, however, he unknowingly photographs something dangerous, and when someone is sent to steal the evidence (ie Tim's camera), Dickie walks in on the attempted theft. He starts to shout, but is immediately grabbed and a hand clamped over his mouth. Dickie struggles harder, kicking and screaming even with his mouth closed, so the man shushing him grips even tighter, his big hand covering the whole of Dickie's tiny mouth and nose.
Dickie soon starts to suffocate.
Until Tim bursts in, fast and furious. Dick, still thrashing weakly but fading fast, sees Tim run up and do a flying kick to take down the other thug on the scene. He hears Tim yell out for him, just as his eyes roll up and he loses consciousness.
Tim ends up having to perform CPR - luckily, learning first aid, including forms of CPR for all ages, was one of the first things Bruce set him to learning.
Dickie wakes up with Tim breathing life into him, while John and Mary also kneel close by, frantic, with various circus folk pacing on phones to 9-1-1 or kicking the tied-up thugs in the background.
Dickie stares up at Tim, the fuzzy white static of oxygen deprivation painting a halo all around him in Dickie's vision. His knight in shining armor!!! His HERO!!!!!!
(Meanwhile, Tim is trying not to break down crying or hug Dickie so tight in relief that he has trouble breathing again.)
The Graysons REALLY adopt Tim after that. The whole circus does.
("I'm gonna marry Timmy!" Dickie insists after they get home from the hospital. He's suckered Tim onto his bed with him with tearful eyes (Tim really didn't need much prodding to come and cuddle him immediately) and is glommed onto Tim's waist, clinging. "Just you watch." Mary teases (somewhat emotionally) that Tim already stole Dickie's first kiss, so of course he has to make an honest boy of him. Then Tim can be a Grayson 'officially' - hurray, she's so happy!)
(Tim can't stop smiling, so he hides it by pressing his lips to Dickie's hair.)
Tim keeps in contact with Mary, John, and especially Dick after he has to leave. Video calls, texts, postcards, the works. And he makes time to fly out whenever Haly's is traveling the eastern seaboard - to visit, cheer on their performances, spend time playing around with Dickie all over the circus and on the trapeze.
He's family.
("He's my fiance," Dickie corrects. "I thought you said he was your older brother?" one of the clowns asks, tapping his nose teasingly. "Same thing," Dickie sniffs, batting him away.)
So of course 8-year-old Dick notices immediately when Tim stops returning his texts. And his emails. And answering his phone - until his voicemail fills all the way up from Dickie's frantic calls.
It takes them a while to track down Tim's obituary, and the write-up of his funeral, in the Gotham Gazette. Tim had been so private about the people in his life away from the circus, so they hadn't had anyone else to call and ask, and limited resources to put into the search from their tour on the other side of the continent.
When they find out, Dick sinks to the floor and curls into a ball, a silent little pillbug of lost, confused grief. Mary scoops him up and wraps herself around him, and John wraps himself around Mary. They rock, and they soak each other's skin with tears, until Dick's heart cracks open and a thin, wavering wail pours out. It never seems to stop.
He doesn't smile or speak for weeks.
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palettepainter · 6 months
Art is not arting today so I'm gonna dump an idea I had for older Lottie
So I've been throwing around ideas for what Lottie and Caleb do when they're older. Caleb would either follow in his parents footsteps and become a rock musician, or become a music teacher, maybe both - but for Lottie I didn't have many ideas. I had the joking idea that she could look up to Miss Piggy (Floyd's arch nemesis) and becomes a model, but after a while I lost interest in that idea. I still think Lottie would idolise Piggy just cuz she's famous and glamorous, but Lottie still has a deep love for music which she got from her parents so I doubt she'd jump into an entirely different career
I thought that perhaps when Lottie gets older, like young adult years, she still has no idea what she wants to be. She confines in Phoebe about her worries who sympathizes with her, even agreeing with her at parts, before Lottie speaks with Caleb. Caleb probably makes some wise comment about how the world is a big place and Lottie has forever to figure herself out. The next day Lottie has some grand revelation and decides to go on a world trip, to take a break from music and such and just go out and see the world, in hopes the trip will help her learn who she wants to be
Her parents are a teenie bit hesitant at first to let Lottie go off alone into the big world, so Lottie excitedly asks Phoebe if she wants to go with her, and the two turn it into a BFF's world trip
Lottie of course sends her family postcards and calls as often as she can when she's on the road, but doesn't return home to see everybody until years later. I can picture her with a huge ponytail of hair, sporting a red jacket or some sort and shades (her fashion sense takes more after Floyd as she gets older), and by that point she's probably become a pro on the bass and model
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angstflayer-council · 6 months
Today is the Angstflayer one year anniversary!
I have a little gift, but first I'm gonna get sappy, so be prepared.
One year ago today, I made the decision to make a little discord server with the hope that a few of my Tumblr mutuals would agree to join. I was nervous and more than a little worried than no one would say yes. But I didn't need to be. So many agreed and joined and it slowly began to feel like a little group.
Over this past year, more have joined and we've all created this amazing community in our small corner of the internet. Everyone is so incredibly kind and creative and amazing. The talent we have is unbelievable, in all the different hobbies and interests we have, from art to writing to crochet. I've had the privelage to get to know you all, through all the ups and downs, to see you grow and change. We all got to be apart of Lex's wedding and saw Beesil meet. I've never felt more supported and inspired by any group of people before. Everyone is so willing to help, so eager to do what they can to improve each other's days. I cannot believe I've had the chance to get to know all of these wonderful friends.
So to all of you, thank you for everything. For being there when I need it, for sharing yourselves with me, for the lovely snippets of your lives I get in every postcard, for your inspirational talents, for being part of the angstflayer. I love you all more than I can express.
And, as our boy Eddie said, Never Change
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rtothe3rd · 2 years
Being a girl;
I don’t like the “pick me” misogynist idea that stereotypically “feminine” things are inherently negative or shameful and can’t overlap with “masculine” ideas or qualities, and I hate how toxic and sexist and pro-ED the embracing femininity communities (coquette girlblogging) can be, as if being a woman is made of suffering and a woman's body is a vessel for misogyny in thin, white, childlike standards of beauty. Fuck it all; I do love the color pink and wearing lip gloss and buying clothes and Lana Del Rey and sometimes I even look at my horoscope and I use copious amounts of hairspray, but I want to be a lawyer when I’m grown up and and I swear like a sailor and I’m an honors student and my favorite thing to talk about is politics and I’ll debate anything that breathes, and I try not to equate my worth (or anybody else's) with the number of inches around my waist. How can’t those two things coexist? Why can't I put Taylor Swift's album drop and the senate midterms on my calendar? Why can't my walls be plastered with photo strips and artsy postcards alongside my 4 framed speech awards? Why can't I fantasize about being in love and also about kicking a nazi in the face? I'm a female; therefore everything I do is feminine, no matter what people say. I want to celebrate and RECLAIM femininity for myself and for womankind, not for the male gaze. Coquette pro ED and pick-me-choose-me-love-me subcultures have one major thing in common: catering to men and men in particular. The day that we as women stop hating ourselves is the day we stop feeding into a school of thought that fuels a multibillion dollar industry that creates and profits off our insecurities. If you're gonna wear makeup, wear it for you. If you're gonna change your weight, do it for your physical and mental health. If you're gonna get plastic surgery, understand why. Why you've always wanted bigger/smaller breasts, a bigger/smaller butt, a flatter stomach, a smoother face. Girls, don't feel rushed to go through puberty, but when you do, celebrate that you're maturing and changing. The stretch marks are healthy. Your breasts don't need to be any bigger or smaller to serve their purpose, whether that is to feed children or just exist. The blood is not filthy, it's a sign of health. Yeah, I know it sucks, but don't let anybody make you feel bad. Those asshole boys wouldn't exist if their moms never menstruated. And to women MY mom's age, you don't need to starve yourself to achieve what filthy pigs tell you you should look like after carrying and delivering a pregnancy for 9 months. You don't need to be as thin as you were at 20, this is supposed to happen. You don't need to inject toxins into your face to make it look like you've never smiled or seen the sun. You don't need to be ashamed of living and aging naturally, aging is healthy, you are supposed to get older. When was the last time you heard a a man your age complain about lines on his skin or 5 extra pounds? When was the last time you saw a male celebrity's stomach rolls or cellulite blown up on a tabloid cover and picked apart by the whole world? when was the last time you witnessed a man reduced to his appearance? why do WE owe beauty to the world, a world where our bodily autonomy is in jeopardy? Why are we only beautiful when we're weak and starving and cold, where we're miserable and tired and hurting, when we're manipulated and injected and stuffed and exploited and profited off of and sexualized and traumatized and forced? forced to perform and change and carry a child? Men will pay to see videos of naked women seducing them and turn right back around and advocate for our disenfranchisement. Men have been taught that they have the authority to reduce us, shrink us down to sex symbols and forget our humanity, and these men do what they want and make millions and get elected to America's highest offices and win grammies.
If you're a woman and you're reading this, you do not owe a man's perception of you to anybody. Every time a grown man online treats me like I'm stupid; every time a boy taunts me about Andrew Tate; every time another woman acts like politics are inconsequential; every time I remember an 80 year old man making obscene gestures to me on the street; every time I read a school dress code implying that my body is inherently pornographic; every time another pig is elected to our government; every time our trans sisters are oppressed and excluded by other women, the fire grows. soon it will consume me.
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odybee · 4 months
G/t Secret Santa Gift
@sugarthegecko hello! I'm your Secret Santa. I'm sorry it took me this long to get this gift to you, things have been a bit hectic where I am.
I wanted to try something new and wrote a one shot! It also comes with a few colored sketches I made along the way of the two antagonists. I will put the drawings at the end of the story. Hope you enjoy!
Word count- 3854
Contains: Intentional fearplay, implied vore (let me know if you think I should add more here, this is my first time posting something like this)
It was a beautiful day to be beneath the waves. The normally dull weather that hangs over the Bermuda Triangle was set to clear for the entire week, leaving uncharacteristically safe conditions for a reconnaissance mission that Jack had been losing his little mind over for months.
A small vessel carrying a family heirloom, a gold-crested lock box dating back a few hundred years, had gotten hit by a stray wave, forcing the captain onto a lifeboat as his ship capsized and quickly sank. The good news is that the captain survived, which is how Jack got enough information to take the job at all. His recounting of where the boat was when it went under was spot on too, which is especially nice because finding out where the wreck is was only half the battle for this particular job. See, in escaping the ship with his life, the captain wasn’t able to get the lockbox, meaning it went down with his ship. The family it belonged to was less than thrilled, to say the very least.
And that’s when Jack heard about it. The family was willing to pay a fortune to whoever stepped up and got the box back; not that Jack was diving for an extra paycheck. Even before he had decided he wanted to be a marine archaeologist, he'd been enamored with stories of the mythical Bermuda Triangle. Tales of monsters appearing from its shadowy depths, however unrealistic, were something he liked to think about to keep his job interesting when things got slow. He could just see a megalodon’s lifeless eye peering up at him from the inky water, just waiting for him to get close enough to-
“Helloo, Jack? You there?” A voice sounded from the receiver in Jack’s mask, making him jump a little in surprise.
“M-Huh? Sorry Lori, yea, I’m here.”
“Good. Please try to focus? There could be sharks or marlins.”
“Of course, my bad.”
Lori is Jack’s assistant. A bit of a hardass, but he’s been getting through to her lately. Once the nerves of jumping into the water and sinking into the dark wear off and it’s just the two of them, she can be really fun to talk to. For however long the communications decide to keep working in their masks, that is. Water pressure doesn’t play nice with lightweight electronics.
As the silent descent continued and Jack made a mental note to complain to his manager, a boxy silhouette began taking form in the sea of shadows beneath him. A thin line of bubbles excitedly glimmering in the glow of Jack’s headlight made its way up from the shape,  meaning they were right on target.
“Bingo! You got an eye on it, Lori?”
“Sure do. Here’s hoping my camera’s still works, I just got a new lens for it.”
“Camera? Ooo, we actually gonna try to get a picture of a sea monster?”
“As much as I’d love to, no. Our clients just said they wanted to see where the box ended up. Plus, it’s great publicity. Tourist subs don’t get this far down. I’ll send you a postcard from the kraken’s stomach if we end up finding one though.” Lori fidgeted with the bulky tool as she descended a little ways above Jack, ensuring that nothing was gunking up the lens.
“What? You can’t get eaten! I’d be all alone down here..”
“A great white shark once said, ‘fish are friends, not food’. You can be friends with the kraken, or you can join me in its belly.”
“Yea yea, I bet the fish would be fresh in there anyways.” Jack made first contact with the wreckage now just beneath his feet as Lori playfully responded in disgust. The white plating of the boat’s hull barely had time to erode, much less allow algae growth, so it almost looked like it could float again. And it probably could have, were it not for the captain’s incompetence. Jack had thought it sounded strange for just one stray wave to send a boat under so quickly, so it was likely that the poor guy just didn’t do proper maintenance on the vessel’s coolant pipes and didn’t want to admit it. Nothing short of a missile could send a boat down that easily otherwise.
Feeling satisfied with his inspection of the boat’s port side, Jack made his way up to the open door of what appeared to be the helm. Peering in, there looked to be a small ladder leading down from right behind the captain’s controls.
“Okay, I’m gonna start looking for the box. You coming?”
“Yea, just getting some pictures of the outside first. Let me know when you find it so we can swap out. The two of us might clog up the cabin if we both go.”
“Aah, good thinking. Alright, I’ll let you know.” And into the wreckage he went.
“What the hell is that? Some kind of malformed angler fish?”
“I’m trying to tell you dude, it’s a human! I saw another one swim into that wreck, too!”
Nac layed low to the seabed, shyly pointing a claw at a tiny figure as it waved a cone of light around in the water. Every now and then it would suddenly flash an even brighter light from a box in its hands, then swim off to flash it at something else. Nac had to suppress a startled flinch in his tail at the brightness.
Nac’s more squid-shaped friend Rel rested in the seabed alongside him, squinting in confusion at the little human as it floundered about, flashing its light seemingly at random. “I didn’t know humans had lures, nor that they came down this deep. Are you absolutely positive that it isn’t just a big angler? I’m hungry.”
“Yes! Positive! I’m pretty sure that one’s ‘lure’ is just another human gadget, which I’ll bet is how they got all the way down here too. Cool, right?”
“Yea, I guess,” Rel sighed. “Oh well, they’re small but they’ll have to do. Dibs on this one,” he finished as he tried to take off from the sand. But before he could get anywhere, Nac latched onto one of his tentacles and held fast.
“Ugh, what is it Nac?”
“Jeez, chill out for a second, dude! We never get to see humans down here. Could we at least..” Nac’s tail twitched a bit as his eyes lit up. “Could we at least mess with them a little first? You’re hungry, I’m bored, it’s a win-win!”
Rel pulled back and put two fingers up to his chin, mulling over Nac’s proposal. “Mmm fine. But I’m taking both of them.”
“What? Hey! I’ve never tried human either, dude! Share!” Nac pouted, his claws subconsciously digging into Rel’s flesh.
“Ow! Okay, fine! I’ll take the one closest, you take the one in the wreck. Now would you please let go?”
“Sounds good, buddy! Have fun and don’t get hooked!” Nac exclaimed as he bolted off into the dark.
“Right.” Rel moped, staring at his prey. The passengers on this boat were supposed to have been his anyway! How was he supposed to know that it was only empty because the one thing he sank it for had gotten away?
Whatever. Perhaps this really would be more fun.
“What was that?”
Lori’s voice came on suddenly after silence had taken hold of the comms for a good ten minutes, making Jack bump his head against the ship’s hull. Ow!
“If you mean the sounds coming from the boat, that would be my head slamming against the hull.”
“No no, it wasn’t a sound, just..” Lori went quiet for a moment. “Nevermind. I’m seeing things.”
“We can call the expedition early if you want,” Jack checked his oxygen gauge. “I could do with a fresh tank anyway. We’re gonna have to make stops on the way up.”
“It’s fine, just keep looking for the box. I’m done out here.” Lori swiveled her head around as she made her way up to the door that Jack’d swam in through, but she couldn’t see anything. It was all black past the cone of her headlight, which was beginning to feel uncomfortably small. “Could you hurry up please? The water isn’t getting any warmer.”
“Sheesh, alright, hold on. I just need to- Ah! There it is! Lori, I found the-”
“Hello? Jack, you there?”
But the comms were nothing but static. It wasn’t exactly a surprise; these microphones were in desperate need of an upgrade. But something didn’t feel right this time. Something felt terribly, terribly wrong. There was a shadow, some inky blot that kept just to the corners of her eyes. It could be a shoal of fish, but then, why would it move like that? It’s almost as if.. As if..
Lori jumped violently as a few rhythmic knocks sounded from the boat’s main body, a signal that she and Jack had come up with the first time their microphones cut out to make sure they could still keep track of each other in the wreckage. She swam close to the hull to return the knocks, and as she did so, something brushed past her foot.
Immediately, Lori flipped around and prepared to bop a shark in the nose, but nothing was there. It was still just water, sand, and the void beyond her light, unknown and unyielding. She could feel her heartbeat start to pick up, the claustrophobic confines of her suit seeming to constrict her body in nervous warmth.
Just then, through the static of Lori’s mask, Jack’s voice started coming back through. “Hellooo? Loriii? Lori Dory Oreo, you there?” 
Lori steadied herself, the relief of hearing Jack’s voice overshadowed by the intense need to stay completely on alert as she took a moment to respond. “Jack, I think something is here.”
“Uuh yea? There is a boat, maybe some fish, and this totally awesome box that I’m coming out to let you take a picture of.”
“No, Jack, I mean something is in the water. I think it’s watching us.”
Jack laughed in cruel dismission. “Oh haha Lori. Good try, but I’m not that easy to scare. Good on you for taking the opportunity while we’re here, though!”
“Jack, seriously. We have to go right now. Screw the bends, we just need to-”
“Need to what?” 
“Lori? Did this stupid thing cut out again?”
“It sees me.”
“What? What sees you? Lori, are you okay?”
“Lori, come on, this isn’t funny anymore. I’ll be out in a sec, just hang ti-”
The feed cut to static once more, leaving Lori completely alone, staring at two huge, luminous yellow eyes like a guppy in floodlights. She wanted to move, wanted to swim up and out of the water with all her might, but she simply couldn’t. The thing’s gaze froze her muscles into place, as if the water itself had turned to ice.
Without warning, a ginormous clawed hand shot out from the black shroud, enveloping Lori’s entire body before she could even scream.
Lori wasted no time in thrashing against the creature’s flesh with everything she had. The utility knife that’d been clipped to her belt was instantly freed, wildly slashing an escape into the walls of her pale prison. The creature loosened its grip in response, but only just enough to let Lori’s head pop out while it squeezed the life out of her. Even as dark spots began taking up her vision, she dared to look up at its face.
Dark, navy blue skin beautifully complimented the yellow eyes of a face that looked insultingly human, apart from two long, pointy ears. Long, white hair unfurled from the top of its head; each lock a set of tangling waves to further drown Lori’s hopes in. But she was too exhausted to fight now; any oxygen she had was forced from her lungs. Unwilling to gaze into the creature’s maw, she let the last of her waking moments be spent looking into its eyes.
She wondered why it looked so disappointed.
And all went dark.
“Lori? Lori?! Goddamnit, this stupid microphone! One second Lori, I’ll be right out!” Jack called into the dark cabins of the boat, his fists banging against the walls as he made his way out. In all his panic, Jack hadn’t realized that he made a wrong turn somewhere along the way, placing him on the starboard side of the hull’s interior.
Right where he could see a huge, perfectly circular gash that’d been punched into the ship’s metal plating.
“What the hell?! But he said-” but he had no time to waste. He had to get out of the ship right now, and he figured the breach should be just large enough to let him through, even with all his gear on.
Without a second thought, Jack grabbed the edges of the hole and prepared to hoist himself out into the open water. He only needed one mighty kick, and then he’d be able to find Lori and get the hell out of he-
Jack snapped his head up at the sudden noise, only to be met face-to-face with some massive thing with a human face. It had a long, toothy grin on its pale, scarred countenance, and every one of its teeth looked sharp enough to cut diamond.
Jack retreated back into the boat.
He clawed onto any surface he could in an attempt to force himself deeper into the ship’s body, desperate to get away from the thing just outside the paper thin walls. Jack could hear it chuckle as he clamored away, but just as he had clung onto a door, the thing started sucking water out through the breach. The force of the current was so strong that Jack’s hands were ripped away from the doorframe, sending him careening into the beast’s terrible jaws.
Rather than being instantly ripped apart, Jack growled into his mask as his stomach was met with several rows of teeth and his tank clinked against the thing’s lower set. The sharp points were catching on the fabric of his suit, just barely avoiding cutting into his skin. In an attempt to regain his bearings, he curled up and placed his hands against the monster’s lips, desperately trying to ignore the fact that he was about to be bitten in half.
“Nac, would you quit toying with it? I’m still hungry and the sun will be down soon.” another voice suddenly chided from somewhere behind Jack’s head.
“One shecond,” the sharkish creature responded, its voice rattling through Jack’s skull like a bell. “Itsh really hutting uh a hight!”
The other voice gained an edge in its tone. “Don’t speak with your mouth full.”
Jack’s fruitless struggle against the shark’s jaws suddenly came to a halt as it plucked him out of its lips like a cherry stem, thankfully with all of his lower body intact, except the utility knife that was supposed to be clipped to his hip was gone. Fingers were wrapped around him just as he tried to kick away, and there he continued to squirm.
“I said it’s really putting up a fight! See? Look at this one go! Even now it’s still wiggling around.”
“Yea, they tend to do that when they’re about to die. Speaking of, you should really be getting on with it.”
“Whatever dude, I was getting to that!”
The hand holding Jack’s entire body in place loosened up, allowing his blood to run cold and fast at the sight of an approaching maw. His headlight served to reveal every gruesome detail he hadn’t been privy to from the beast’s lips, including bits of viscera stuck between its three rows of teeth.
What if thats-
“OH MY GOD, WAIT, WAIT! PLEASE!” Jack pleaded through his mask after suppressing a gag. But his cries didn’t even reach the shark, not even a flinch came of its ears.
Flippers met the surface of the monster's tongue. It was too soft to push off of, not that anything he did would allow him to escape. The shark’s gills were probably quivering in anticipation, waiting to bring him down, down, down. What more could he do but jam his eyes shut and.. and..!
A pause. It seemed to last an eternity. Jack’s mouth had opened, but he didn’t know why. Let alone that it had released a sound loud enough to rival the thing he was about to be silenced by.
“Nac, please. This is getting old. And why do you look like that? It doesn’t taste that bad.”
The monster, henceforth known as Nac, once again plucked Jack out of his jaws, then brought Jack to the front of his face. The two stared at each other, both some strange mix of horrified and confused.
“Did.. did you hear that?” Nac spoke, almost in a coo. “I think it just talked to me.”
“Oh sure, Nac, because that makes complete sense. Listen, if you don’t want to eat it that badly, just give it to me. No need to make up such utter nonsense.”
“No, really!” Nac’s voice shot up again. Jack felt like he was going to implode. “I think it made a word! Like, a word word! Listen, I bet it can do it again, see?”
Jack was abruptly turned around and presented to a second enormous creature with a human face, this one having a tentacled lower half and extremely long hair. If the lack of care Nac had in handling Jack’s body didn’t kill him first, then surely his heart would pound hard enough to escape from his chest.
The other creature raised an eyebrow at Jack, then sighed and leaned in so he was close to its ear. He supposed that meant he was supposed to speak, but the words weren’t coming out. The lump in his throat just wouldn’t al-
“Ow! QUIT IT!” Jack yelled, feeling three rough taps against the top of his helmet. The navy blue creature in front of him jumped slightly. Jack froze in place.
“See! I told you!” Nac barked as his friend pulled away.
“B-but, how is that even-” it paused. “I’ll be.. Right back.”
The other monster’s tentacles disappeared into the abyss, leaving Jack and Nac alone together. For a moment, they just stared at each other in silence, but Nac was quick to fill it with a torrent of questions and niceties.
“This is so gnarly, dude! Oh my god, hiii! I can actually say that now and it isn’t weird! Do you think it’s weird to talk to fish? Rel says it's stupid because they can’t understand what you’re saying, so it’s even more weird that you of all things would be able to talk back! Do you have a name? Do humans even have names? Do you guys know any other fish like us? Go on, talk!” 
Nac’s smile returned to his face, somehow even larger than it’d been when Jack was trapped halfway inside of it. This couldn’t possibly be happening. It had to be some sort of decompression-induced fever dream. In just a moment, Jack would wake up to Lori squawking at him to get back on the boat.
“LORI!” Nac’s ears twitched as Jack piped up again. “Where is Lori?!”
Nac’s slit eyes seemed to stare straight through Jack at the question.
“Aheheh, erm, uh, well, about that. The other human, they’re..” Nac looked around as though trying to catch her swimming away. “Theeeyyy’rrreee- oh! They’re right there! See? Rel has them!”
Nac turned Jack and pointed into the dark, where two yellow spots preceded the return of the second giant creature, Rel. In its hand was the comparatively small, black-and-silver form of Lori, lying completely still.
“O-oh my god. Oh my GOD! LORI! LORI!” Jack began squirming again, wanting nothing more than to make sure his friend was okay. But the shark held firm.
“Calm down, this human is fine.. Somehow. I felt its heart beating through this extra layer of skin you wear. Is it how you two managed to get down here?” Rel quizzed Jack, who had ceased struggling to lock eyes with the thing holding his friend.
“I-I, just..” Jack checked his oxygen gauge. Less out of necessity, and more out of habit for the sheer fact that not a bone in his body wanted him looking these monsters in the eyes. Forty-five minutes remaining, miraculously. He steeled himself, “Could you please, please bring us back up? I need to know if she’s okay.”
“Eh? Why would we need to go up?” Nac swam to Rel’s side, turning Jack along the way so that both monsters were in his view. “Are you trying to leave?”
“No! No, we just.. Our tanks only have enough time left for a few stops, and I don’t want Lori to get the bends. It might kill her if we don’t take our time.” As much as he wanted to get out of the water, Jack knew that it would only make matters worse if he wasn’t careful. Though he couldn’t see Lori’s actual condition, he chanced a guess that it wasn’t great if she’d passed out. Even if the monsters were just toying with him again, asking for their help was a risk he had to take. It didn’t seem like either of them wanted him gone anyway.
“Right.” Rel said promptly, though he looked at Jack like he’d just grown an extra head. “And, what exactly does that mean? Can’t you breathe here?” “..What?” Jack felt like he’d been slapped in the face. What kind of a question.. “N- Okay, you know what, wait. How about this. I’ll explain everything on the way up, and if you really want to, we can chat on the boat. I’ll also let you know when to stop and go, that way we can avoid barotrauma. Does that sound okay?”
“Yea, sure dude! Sounds good!” Nac, surprise surprise, put on a big stupid grin once again.
“I.. Suppose so. Just, don’t try to leave. Okay?” Though it seemed like Rel had composed himself, his eye twitched a smidge as he looked at Jack again.
Jack shrank back a little. “No problem!”
Jack wasn’t sure how long either of their composures would last in the long, cold journey back up to the surface, but he had to hope that it would be enough time for him to at least see Lori awake again. He himself had questions for the two sentient fish men he was somehow communicating with, and he had to admit that it was a bit exciting. Never once did he think that the stories he’d been told as a child were anywhere close to reality, and yet here he was, wrapped in the claws of a megalodon and conversing with a kraken, all while being in one piece. Of all the things to come of this trip beneath the waves, only one was certain.
It was going to be a long way up.
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(This last drawing is a reference to a Spongebob scene. Just seemed in-character for a guy like Nac)
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alitgblog · 23 days
that's right, my silly little thoughts rambling post needs a part two for volume viii
also including my predictions for stick or twist
So post Mr. and Mrs, I did the gem scene getting to talk to Claudia and it's another cute one. Incredible line is just Claudia not realizing Shawn knew all these things about MC that she didn't. For example, my MC is a morning person and Claudia is surprised firstly, but then is like "I guess I gotta wake up earlier for you." 🥺
As mentioned earlier, I like to let this MC be messy and I wish she got the option to flirt with Max while comforting him about Emel. And that's partly because I just learned my MC is a musician, and I was gonna switch over to Max. So I was surprised when that turned out to be an option later. Shawn was also shocked, and I thought that was funny because again, MC has been pretty clear she doesn't like him that much.
FYI this is extra funny because this would be the second time MC has left the serious guy for the self proclaimed jokester guy in a last minute decision. (i.e. flirting with Oakley but picking Jin at the recoupling)
I did consider getting on the Kyle bandwagon at this point, but the problem is, I think MC has her hands full between Jin and Claudia, and I think while I do think Max is great, I could let him go easier. Not to mention, MC did kiss Hari a couple of times before leaving for Casa, so there's another loose end there too.
It was so funny that Liam's still choosing to be an asshole and Max is super excited for his night with MC, and then Liam's like nah bro, she probably wants someone else. And Max is like don't do this. And then someone's like oh you mean Bea? And Liam instantly is like shit I didn't mean that, but I guess, yeah that's an option.
But yes I did pick the night with Claudia and she was right the first hideaway night with Jin, because now I'm not so sure of Jin's chances with MC. It's rough out here for a ho 😂😂
I thought it was weird they shoehorned the compatibility thing at the end but we don't even get to see the compatibility thing play out? Just a preview for the next volume I guess? I don't know if it's a game or a horoscope thing like in S1, but I would've preferred it here in this volume, and then just save next volume to be postcard and stick or twist ceremony like usual. Because again, there is so much happening and I just want to get back to the villa and see Jin and the other OGs.
Or maybe we're not getting a postcard because Bea knows what Sienna looks like? Or maybe (and this is a pipe dream) it's because Luna (i.e. the islander MC dumped when she picked an OG boy) is coming back 👀👀
Okay so stick or twist predictions:
Emel is sticking because she did say her whole thing after she picked Shawn for a date and led on Max that she wants to be with Oakley.
It's more interesting for Oakley to twist, and after Emel's little revelation, I think he will for the drama. And with the way LITG has been doing post casa dumping all the single islanders, having him couple with a different girl altogether probably makes branching easier, which fusebox loves to do. But I just don't want to see Emel go. I want them to make it work, even though I know they're incompatible. Let them stay together pls 🥺We need another couple that can at least stand each other for the finale anyway.
Claudia will stick because she doesn't see any of the guys as a romantic partner and doesn't want to risk Theo getting dumped.
Theo will stick for the same reason basically, and those two are just once again stuck with each other. I think if I end up picking Jin over Claudia, these two are just gonna pretend to like each other again. I have another idea that would be more fun but not gonna work because they're gonna dump the single islanders, which is that Theo twists and this gives people on a Theo route intrigue because he's the reformed player and even though he just confessed his feelings, he switched anyway, but then if you're on a Claudia route and he didn't have feelings for MC then this puts Claudia in danger and there's drama there with her trying to stay.
Bea is coupling with Liam. Unfortunate.
Hari has to pick a girl, and my guess is he's picking a girl that's gonna be another potential LI for MC?
Jin has to couple with someone, and this is probably gonna be the returning islander (I guess Sienna). And I hope they don't do the cop out, like he had to pick someone. Because then he should've picked the girl he doesn't have a history with. Let him confess his insecurity with his relationship with MC and then pick Sienna because of that (i.e. the Lucas route lol).
This would also be fun if the boys had different reasons for it. Like Jin is not a serious guy so he got scared it was getting serious; Oakley felt like MC wasn't serious about their relationship because of the Hari situation; I know literally nothing about Jack I'm sorry 😂
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ramblingandwritings · 2 years
Dante fluff alphabet
Slight suggestive theme in this one. Also I'm getting sick of tumblr messing with my formatting time after time
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A = Activities (What do they like to do with their s/o? How do they spend their free time with them?)
He personally likes grimy dive bars and he'll find a dark corner table to sit at. Of course your chair is his lap but no one in there is gonna comment on it
If you don't want to go anywhere, then Dante will get a blanket and cuddle with you on the couch. He'll put on a cheesy horror movie marathon to watch until you both pass out
B = Beauty (What do they admire about their s/o? What do they think is beautiful about them?)
Just tolerating and loving him is appreciated. He wouldn't ever expect someone to stay with him longterm, especially after seeing all the hurt and trauma hidden under his goofy exterior
C = Cuddling (how do they like to cuddle?)
Anyplace, anytime, any position. Just say the word
D = Dreams (How do they picture their future with their s/o?)
As long as you're both alive, he's more than happy. He doesn't feel like he can ask for much more than that without it biting him in the ass somehow
E= Equal (Are they the dominant one in the relationship, or rather passive?)
He's actually rather relaxed regarding most choices. The only time he really steps up is if he knows you're tired of making decisions or if it's something incredibly serious that needs his involvement
F = Family (do they want one? If they do, when?)
If he was ever put into a position where he could settle down and not put everyone around him in danger, then he would in a heartbeat. He's unlikely to ever be that lucky and he knows it plus he might be a bit too old for any of that now anyway
G = Gifts (how do they feel about gift giving? What are their habits when it comes to this?)
He gives you random trinkets everytime he goes out without you. You'll get everything from weird demonic charms to postcards
Dante doesn't expect you to get him anything but he loves weapons and good booze. If you're willing to buy him a girly mag then he just loves you more
H = Holding Hands (when/how do they like to hold hands?)
He'll gladly hold your hand, as long as you aren't in danger. If you're walking down the street holding hands then he'll swing your arm until you tell him to knock it off
I = Inspiration (Did their s/o change them or the other way around?)
He starts actually taking care of himself, slowly gets rid of his more self destructive habits and makes sure the utilities stay on in the shop
J = Jealousy (Do they get jealous easily? How do they deal with it?)
He comes across as being incredibly confident in your relationship and in some ways, he is. But he sees himself as a freak, and anytime someone he views as a threat gets flirty then he starts getting upset. When he was young, he'd probably start a fight over it and break someone's nose. Now that he's older he sulks around the shop until it clicks with him that you're with him for a reason and if you were gonna walk out, you would've already done it. That's enough comfort for him now
K = Kiss (Are they a good kisser?)
He's damn good but he leans heavily towards the sloppy side unless there's only time for a quick peck. Nobody wants to be in the same room as you two if he goes in for what Dante considers a proper kiss, there's always a lot of tongue and shared spit involved
L = Love Confession (How would they confess to their s/o?)
At night, when he thinks you're already asleep in his arms. He lacked the confidence to say it to you in the day, too afraid of any possible rejection or discomfort. He knew it was unlikely but he still couldn't choke it out then
To his surprise and joy, after he made his quiet confession, he heard you sleepily reciprocate his love. He just holds you tighter and basks in the response
M = Marriage (Do they want to get married? How do they propose? What would the marriage be like?)
He proposes on impulse after walking past a quarter machine with rings inside. He eventually buys you a proper engagement ring to replace the incredibly cheap one
He's fine just going to the courthouse and signing the papers because he knows the second the words "marriage" "wedding" or "party" are said, Patty will magically appear with several big plans. In fact, if you say the name Patty in the courthouse while he's signing the papers, you can watch him desperately look for the nearest window to hurl himself out of
N = Nicknames (What do they call their s/o?)
Baby, babe, sweetie and honey. He'll jokingly refer to you as the ball and chain but if anyone else says it then he gets annoyed
O = On Cloud Nine (What are they like when they are in love? Is it obvious for others? How do they express their feelings?)
It's obvious to anyone that regrettably has eyes or ears. He doesn't even try to hide it, he'll keep his hand in your back pocket or you on his lap or he'll sit on your lap. You cold? Here take his jacket. You need money? Well then he'll beg, steal or borrow if he doesn't have it on him. Landlord problems? They won't be bugging you after he scares the piss out of them
P = PDA (Are they upfront about their relationship? Are they rather shy when others are watching?)
He seriously lacks the concept of shame. He'll keep an arm around your waist walking down the street and put his tongue down your throat publicly in an alleyway
Q = Quirk (Some random ability they have that’s beneficial in a relationship.)
He has a pretty good sense of direction from years of traveling
R = Romance (How romantic are they? Cliché or rather creative?)
He's fully cliché and he embraces it
S = Secrets (how open are they with you?)
It takes him a while to fully open up about his childhood and his trauma slowly trickles out more year after year. It's not that he doesn't trust you, it's just hard to talk about
T = Time (how long did it take you to get together?)
It takes about six months for a relationship to actually happen after weeks of flirting and tension. He was nervous about being with someone at first
U = Understanding (How good do they know their partner?)
Dante's not a mind reader but he can tell when you're lying or uncomfortable in a second. He remembers small details even if he never mentions them
V = Value (How important is the relationship to them? What is it’s worth in comparison to other things in their life?)
He's not ready to stop being a demon hunter, so if you ever give him an ultimatum regarding it then it's bad news bears
W = Wild Card (A random Fluff Headcanon.)
He loves winter because it means you can share hot cocoa and cuddle up under blankets without overheating
X = XOXO (Are they very affectionate? Do they love to kiss and cuddle?)
Boy, does he! Everyone else is disgusted by it, you've been told to get a room before. He doesn't care and anyone outside the shop won't say anything a second time after he glares at them if they have a brain
Z = Zeal  (Are they willing to go to great lengths for the relationship? If so, what kind of?)
If you ever get stuck in hell then he's going through a portal after you without even blinking or thinking twice. No plan needed, he's ripping and tearing until it's done
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folkbreeze · 11 months
📩 Simblr question of the day: Do you have any blogs that make your day when they post? Mention them! Tell us why you like them!
ooof i have a lot! I've been keeping this in my inbox because i didn'twant to forget about anyone but... if i follow you know that your posts make me happy.
a little heads up, english is not my first language and when i get excited i forget how language in general works so... yeah, enjoy i guess
a long list under the cut:
@nihilismtrcit i haven't been around long and yet i instantly fell in love with Marnie, I miss her so much! I wish you a nice semi-hiatus tho, no pressure (but i miss you)
@peonypyxels do I really need to explain myself here like... the lights, the sims, the builds, THE TALENT!! I'm way too attached to your sims that sometimes i forget they're not my actual friends
@cowboycid it's cool to be really good at one thing and to be not so good at others, but you??? No you decided you were gonna be amazing in general. The lookbooks? Your sims? Your builds? All immaculate
@apricote have you seen those posts??? it feels like you're in a dream or watching memories and i live for it! I have to make a special mention to bby Fennec, he's such a cute little person
@weindenburg I want to live in your game with your little family and i dare say more, i want to hold baby tala in my arms! Also your cc is so good the only sad thing is that there isn't more of it
@mysticmoon-s my eyes are in love with your posts, every time i come across them i'm like how can see llike this in real life. And your sims are always so pretty!!
@ellcrze it's always so pleasing to see your posts, I'm not sure how you do it but they're so peacefull! And i can't even begin to talk about your youtube channel, I enjoy your videos so much!!
@softerhaze is there something you do that i don't like? The answer is no, in case there's any doubt. The soft warm vibes of your posts, your sims family, your amazing cc... ah it's all so nice
@pixelglam sometimes i wish i was one of your sims because they're always living the GOOD life and the good life only! Your lookbooks are really nice you have such amazing taste
@lucidicer sometimes you just need a random person you follow on tumblr to wish you good night and good morning. It's you. I usually don't have the energy to read text post but yours? no no i eat that as if i'm in the 90s and am reading a newspaper while taking breakfast. Also, your renders?????? hello is that real???
@sojutrait your sims are always like so. well. done. I have to admit i have a soft spot in my little heart for wyatt he's a little baby, sometimes i just randomly remember about him. I'm so excited for the monsters are due in Idaho!!
@birdietrait I trully love your sims, you somehow give each of them distinctive features and facial expressions and i can only sit back and admire your work!
@mattodore I wish I was Matthias so I could have Theodore love me and viceversa. Also, your posts feel like treats for when I come home all tired from a really hard day
@literalite uhm excuse me, are you sure it's legal to post works of literal ART here??? and without a warning? For real your edits are a spiritual experience and your sims feel more like actual people
@moonsyrups I've been seeing your pip legacy posts and !!!! i cannot express how much i love them, they feel so dreamy i want to be in them so bad, everything is so vibrant yet so soft, it's soooo good
@elmleif your postcard legacy challenge is so easy to love!!! Cillian and Saoirse are such a cute couple and Weston and Rowan... I have no words for them I just want them to life the happiest of lives.
@briteboy I already told you that my brain specifically remembered your posts from when I was around years ago, and i have reasons for it. Your posts are so cinematic and your characters are memorable (i was so happy to see santi again btw)
@softpine the emotional damage i get when i see your posts is equal to the happiness they give me ironically. Your story feels like it should be studied in literature classes and the things you create for it, wow, you're so talented!
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thekingofwinterblog · 5 months
You have the most based takes on the Soul Eater series ever dude. The catharsis I felt when someone described exactly why I was irked with the ending, Maka's characterization later down the line, and several other plot points was amazing.
Ever since you mentioned how compelling the theme of bravery and fear is in the anime ending I've been thinking about it nonstop. I feel like bravery could also tie in with Maka's characterization in the manga with Soul and Spirit, in which she gains the courage to put trust in them (Soul in not abandoning her no matter what and Spirit in wielding him as a weapon confidently despite her grievances with him). Additionally, I feel it would've been an amazing payoff if she also INSPIRES courage to others, especially Crona.
Black*Star wanted to transcend the gods, so what bars Crona from having the courage to want a better life and free themself in the manga ending? Of course, they will face consequences, but that shouldn't stop them from wanting to be happy.
Going from your point in your previous post of how the climax of the story doesn't hinge on Soul much: Perhaps by Maka inspiring courage in Soul with his issues, he will in turn help her in inspiring courage in Crona to fight back. Hell, why not get the others to join in? While kinda corny, it ties into how friendship and camaraderie can help get someone out of a dark place (I'm kinda imagining it like the Homulily fight in Madoka Magica rebellion).
Whilst I'm here, could I ask for your thoughts on Maka's mom? Personally, I think she was very underutilized as a character but I'm curious as to your thoughts on her.
Also, do you think the phrase "A sound soul dwells within a sound mind and a sound body" that's constantly repeated in the anime ties into any major revelations? I think it would've been a perfect callback for the anime but I don't recall having an "aha!" moment about it.
Anyways, sorry for rambling a lot and for taking up your inbox, but I was very inspired by your analysis hehe. Have a great day!
Having characters who never appear and yet define other characters is a very tricky business, and frankly i think Maka's mom is not handled well in the manga, but the anime staff gave it a shot of making something worthwhile out of her, and the similiarities and contrast between her and maka. It wasnt perfect, but at least it's something.
In regards to Maka's mom, i think the best course with her would be to confront the fact she'a probably not coming back head on sometime after the sand pit with crona, maybe have her and crona have a chat between doors, and the topic come up, and go from there.
Im actually going to have a post sorta going over this later, but the gist of it is that the postcard and the meaning behind it(that for all their differences and the fact maka does not understand her) Maka still loved her mom, and was able to draw strength from it, and their connection in spite of everything.
This moment could have been so much more impactful though, if you inserted Maka having some harsh truth realization about her mom... And then still have her send that card, and so have Maka's agonising over what it means be much more impactful and full of drama, and the realisation of the fact that even if she is never gonna see her again(and that maka sorta resents her for it), she still loves her mom. Having her accept the fact that she does not understand the message, and her mom's thoughts with it, but that in the end, it didnt matter, because what matters, was what maka took away from it.
That would have made it being framed so importantly in the ending credits worth it, and subsequently have Maka's mom be a much better character by fully exploring the broken aftermath of her and spirits divorce.
I actually think the motto is bunk, and thematically speaking, its this kind of thinking that created asura. "A sound soul resides in a sound mind in a sound body" is a motto that demands perfection, and if there is something Soul eater makes clear, its that perfection is mot aomething to strive for.
Chasing excelence in spite of flaws that often cannot be overcome is at the core of soul eater's themes. Maka, Soul, Liz, Patty, black star , are certainly not people who fit all these 3 catagories all at once.
In fact both of Maka's quotes to Asura at the end is about the opposite. The world is not perfect, and thats okay... So long as we have courage, we'll live in it despite all our flaws anyeay.
It does absolutely seem like something Shinigami-Sama would teach at his school though, cause this is asbolutely something that the personification of order would have as a motto.
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yyxgin · 2 years
could u please do svt in a long distance relationship headcanon?? tysm and have a lovely day
heyyy im not really good at this headcanon thing tbh so i hope i did your request justice with this :p have a lovely day and thanks for the ask!
seungcheol - i'm a strong believer that gift giving is one of cheol's primary love languages so i can only imagine him sending you gifts,, like some pretty jewelry or even send you flowers with little notes in them whenever he feels like it!! never forgets an anniversary and always makes sure to visit you on the special day:)
jeonghan - travels to meet you so often you are worried for his health because of how jet lagged he gets. he insists that nothing beats quality time together though, so he doesn't really care. keeps cuddling you when he's around, you can barely move. tells you that it's because he wants to imprint you into his muscle memory so he can feel you in his arms even when he's away.
joshua - sends you covers of your favorite songs or just songs that remind him of you in voice memos. also, he's big on voice memos because it's just easier to talk than to type. loves hearing your voice so he only imagines you do as well. always cheers you up on bad days and just rambles about whatever when he's bored
junhui - double texts you all the time and always sends a long train of messages whenever he tells you a story. replies in memes only. whenever you post on instagram, his comments are peak comedy. somehow always facetimes you when he's sitting on the toilet or rushing somewhere.
soonyoung - randomly calls you in the middle of the night because he forgets about timezones and when he realises its 3am where you live, he gets very apologetic and feels so bad he hangs up and you have to call him back
wonwoo - truth is you two probably met through gaming,, like in league of legends or on a minecraft server lmao. you two call on discord a lot and he buys you nitro from time to time. if youre on a call w your other internet friends they keep complaining abt how sweet the two of you are towards each other. leaves u little notes in your minecraft house or drops a diamond sword in one of your chests >:(
jihoon - writes songs about you and sends you the drafts. jokes and tells you not to leak them. also im a strong believer that he organizes holidays for the two of you whenever you both have free time and insists on getting matching "i ❤ [city]" shirts wherever you two go. the collection of silly shirts reminds him of you. also i know he's a tsundere but i think he gives you a promise ring so you can remember his promise that one day, you'll live together and the distance will no longer be a worry :)
seokmin - sends you letters all the time because he's just romantic like that. i would even go as far as saying he keeps a locket with your picture on him and looks at it when he misses you. sends you postcards from every place he visits and brings you small souveniers or gifts from everywhere.
mingyu - uses snapchat more than anything. documents his whole day for you and also sends a few 'sexy' selfies u shamelessly screenshot. keeps whining about missing you and constantly asks you when he's gonna see you again.
minghao - definitely owns the touch lamps that change colors whenever the other person touches it. sometimes you two go back and forth and challenge each other on who will tap it the last. also, whenever the two of you meet, you go hiking, so you can relax from the technology you two use daily to communicate
seungkwan - whenever you complain about someone that made you mad, he keeps telling you that he's gonna fight them despite living thousand miles away. or when you're sad he tells you he's gonna kidnap you so you two can be together and he can cuddle you all the time
vernon - he's so terrible at texting that you two almost exclusively call. sometimes he falls asleep during the call, but that's okay. when you face time, you have to beg him to turn the light on so you can see his face. sends you spotify links to songs he likes and associates with you. also i lowkey feel like whenever you two meet, he keeps posting insta stories with you to brag.
chan - downloads one of these couple apps where you send each other little doodles or notes! compliments you on them all the time even though they literally suck. also,, has that app where it counts the days, minutes and seconds you two have been in a relationship and posts it on his story on your anniversary
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