#id love to be penpals with him
seventhraggedtiger · 1 year
i sent fanmail to felix today!! i spent two and a half hours writing it last night and sent a photo for him to sign (you're allowed to through his agency) and i'm so excited :)) it was really nervewracking going through the post office and my dad actually had to call the agency because of international problems but,, my letter has actually been sent off now :)) if he replies, ill update you all ❤❤
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unknownmads · 6 months
CW: Slight smut (mentions of his pp🤭)
thinking about Prison toji who you met when your college has you do a little project in your criminal psychology class. The project was make a penpal get to know them ask why they are in prision, what their lives before was like, do they regret what they did etc. basic questions of course all you had to do was get the most information out of the penpal about their personal lives as you could.
Prison Toji who only signed up for the program because it was part of his latest court order saying he ‘needed more understanding’ so a penpal would give him a friend while they stay safe😭 he ofc hated the idea and thought it was the dumbest shit ever. until he got his first letter, from you (duh).
Prison toji who got mail for the first time and it was a little white envelope with a cute little sticker sealing it. He deadpanned *is my penpal an idiot these letters are for a prison not a daycare* he silently judges examining every detail as he opened the letter. i read the letter taking in every little personal detail you shared with him, your cute little name, how you loved your cat, how you’re new to the city only just moving for school, of course the boring questions for him as well. But at the very end of the letter he noticed an extra little note.
Ps. i left a few photos of myself along with some of my cat! i think it’s only fair since i got to see your photo on the website
Prison toji who grabs the envelope he previously had thrown to the side and pulls out 3 polaroids. One of you and probably your cat you’re dragging it into the photo with a big grin on your face. the second is a photo of your face a soft smile on your lips meant for whoever took the photo but Toji couldn’t help but wonder if that little smile was for him. Until he pulls out the third photo it’s a full view of you, you’re out in the city dressed all out, and Toji couldn’t help but know you chose that photo just for him.
Prison Toji who can’t wait to finally get some alone time so he can truly appreciate your pretty photos. And immediately goes to write you back answering all your cute little questions. Telling you where he lived before, how he ended up there, telling you what he did for work before (Surprise he sold drugs😍), telling you what he does to occupy his time here (he works out he just wanted an excuse to tell you how strong he is), and he asks you some questions.
Prison Toji who has been relentlessly flirting with since you started writing to him, asking if you had a boyfriend, how your school was going, why you moved to the city, how a cute lil thing like you is still single. You had been writing each other for a few weeks now which is a lot less than you think when you know how long mail takes. But your letters to each other are long. answering every little thing each other asks, learning about one another more and more. You had really connected so you finally ask him the big question he read the words as clear as day.
~Do you think i could come pay you a visit? ~
Prison Toji who had to immediately write back answering the most important question first.
~ And doll, you can come visit me anytime id love to finally meet you and see your pretty face in person~
he wanted to be nonchalant.
Prison Toji who was sitting in bed looking at your photos when he was called
“Zenin, you’ve got a visitor. away from the door.”
Prison Toji silently followed standing on the other side of the cell while the guard came in to handcuff him and bring him to the visiting area. Once he was in the room his cuffs connecting him to the table he waited. until he heard the door open again. He felt his cock twitch in his pants as he saw the guard guide you in. You were wide eyed taking in the new environment until they landed on him.
Prison Toji was large, you knew he was tall and muscular thanks to his letters and photo but nothing could have prepared you for the real deal. Eyes widening even more when you fully take him in. seated At the grey metal table his hands on the table as the guard had told him to. his hair poking at his eyes which were staring drinking you in. his lip in a smirk helping you notice the scar on it which you couldn’t really see from the grainy prison photos. His shirt stretched against his muscles showing off a few tattoos hidden along his skin. the view making you squeeze your thighs together to release some of the pressure building.
Prison Toji who took in as much of you as he could as he watched you shuffle into your seat across from him, enjoying how you squirmed slightly within his gaze, his smirk growing into an almost full smile.
“hey doll it’s good to finally meet you.”
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versadies · 2 years
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SYPNOSIS (of chapter). in which today is a day for a beautiful wedding, with secrets and fears hidden underneath the naked eye.
SYPNOSIS (of series). breaking up with your first love was heartbreaking, but not as heartbreaking as getting invited to his wedding after years of not seeing him. that is, until things seem to be easier when you encounter a certain guest, who could end up being more than just a blooming friend to you.
CHARACTERS. kamisato ayato and diluc ragnvindr (w/ gn!reader)
CONTENT. angst/fluff/comfort(?), modern au, slight physical violence (slap), mentions of family problems, hints of murder, and lots of crying and anxiousness
PENPALS. @scaraslover @saving-for-xiao @dawgimsohot @kazu-topia @chiruru @aqualesha @renamichii @mrkamisato @shenhesl0ver @serami00 @serenareiss @hiqhkey @emperatris-rinaka @bystander36 @irisxiel @ladycoleigh @034ven @dear-dairiess @owozi8 @hadesaedes @chiro-chiro-kun @hersscherofyatta @mariusvonhangme @yuzuricebun @hoshikistarlette @solaaresque @crowbird @lordbugs @flowersforayato @headintheclouddd @estelwrld @giyusimpsassemble @irethepotatosblog @moonlightaangel @alice0blog @shotosbrainrot @sniffoat @chihawari @mxsomn @kuni-kuzushii @jiminscarmex @mitsukii14 @nejibot @ylimeprive @sachispet @loreleis-world @sn-owo @starforecasts @someonetookmynamelmao @ceylestia @koshiisu @ymikkos @reallysporadicarcade @elychee @rion-s @denkineptune @franini @sophisticatedleslie @thedivinepriestress @smashsubs @httpmitsuya @bl6o6dy @cottonkendi (please visit this post if you'd like to be tagged!)
WORD COUNT. 6.2k words
LINKS. EVERMORE MASTERLIST \ MAIN MASTERLIST \ EVERMORE SURVEY (come visit if you’d like to ask questions that i’ll answer by the time this series ends !)
POST-SCRIPT. 6 more chapters before evermore reaches its end !! i'm very excited to work on the next chapters as they're the ones i'm excited to write <33 id also like to shoutout to that one anon whose birthday is today, this is my gift to you, anon <33 !!
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make sure to read the full thing before looking at reblogs and replies to prevent yourself from getting spoiled !!
The day of the wedding has finally come.
It’s strange, you admit. After you and Ayato talked it out together properly yesterday, the lingering thoughts about the past was.. Quiet for the first time. It’s a good thing of course, but it’s just so new to you.
Zhongli could tell something good happened to you from just the way you’re acting today.
“Good morning to you, ( Name ).” He greeted you from his seat as he poured hot tea on his cup. “I take it that you slept well?”
You hummed happily in response, sitting down across the man with a cup of your drink. “I did. Remember when I went to visit the couple because of the wedding gift?” 
Zhongli nodded in response, causing you to add, “Ayato and I talked it out. We both settled the situation and decided that it’s fair that we go our separate ways. I’m glad we properly made up, if it weren’t for you persuading me to go up there, I would’ve not been able to talk to Ayato at all for the next few days.” 
“That’s good, I’m happy you finally made up with Mr. Kamisato.” Zhongli comments with a proud smile. It was definitely difficult to convince you to come visit the wedding couple to give them their gifts because of the fact you’re afraid of bothering them and not wanting to see Ayato, so he was glad to hear it went well for you just like he hoped it would be. “Why don’t we go to a place to celebrate before the wedding? I was meaning to visit a place that my friend’s been insisting on visiting and I think it’d be great if I could tag you along with Venti.” 
Seeing how you have nothing else to do for the rest of the day before the wedding, you don’t see why you shouldn’t refuse his offer – and besides, it’s been a few days since you’ve spent time with your dear friend. “I’d love to go!” 
You learned that Zhongli’s dear friend certainly knows where alcohol is. 
Unlike before when you three got lost around the city thanks to Venti, your journey to Angel’s Share was nothing but a breeze. The young man was delighted to tell you everything about the place as you’re on your way there. 
“It’s definitely a cool place! Not only do they sell the finest wines Mondstadt has to offer, they also sell lots of delicious foods and nonalcoholic beverages, you’ll love it!” Venit said enthusiastically. “I recommend you trying out Dandelion Wine or their Misty Garden – Zhongli is a fan of that one.” 
You look at Zhongli in surprise. “You went there before?” 
He nodded with a smile. “Yes I have. Though, it was perhaps a few years since I last visited.” He clarified. 
“We’re here!” Venti spoke, causing you to stop your tracks and look at the location that’s on your left, only for your eyes to widen at the sight of the name of the place. Angel’s Share…? Isn’t that where…?
“Come, come! I want to introduce you to someone before we go sit somewhere.” He spoke, dragging you and Zhongli towards the entrance.
As the three of you enter Angel’s Share, Venti takes you both to the bar area nearby, and your eyes widen at the sight of a certain familiar man who’s serving drinks for the servers to snatch away and serve it to the customers. 
It was only when you’re now face to face with him when the bartender realizes your presence.
“...Mr. – I mean, Diluc.” You spoke. 
“...( Name )...” Diluc greeted you back, surprised as well. “I didn’t know you’d be visiting here today, I thought the wedding was today?” 
“Ah, the wedding will start in a few hours, so we decided to visit here before getting ready.” You respond. “...Will you be there too?” 
He nodded. “Mr. Kamisato was delighted that everyone was pleased with the drinks I’ve served, so he and his fiancée were happy to invite me to the wedding and reception.” 
Your eyes brighten, now looking forward to the wedding more than ever. “That’s good! I’ll see you there then!” 
“I’ll see you there as well,” Diluc then looks at where Zhongli and Venti are. “It’s nice to see you again, Mr. Zhongli…. Venti.” 
“Took you long enough to realize we exist!” Venti spoke with a laugh. “We’ll be going to our table now, we better expect to see your finest wine on the table!”
“Only if you pay up.” Diluc narrows his eyes. “Might I remind you about your bill from last night?” 
The younger man pretends to not hear any word the bartender was saying, giggling as he takes your arm and walks to the nearest empty table with Zhongli following.
As the three of you shared a conversation while waiting for your orders to be served, you couldn’t help but steal some glances towards Diluc nearby, who you’d sometimes caught glancing at your direction too before you quickly looked away in embarrassment. 
You’d be lying if you said you’re not looking forward to talking to him during the reception. Could you blame yourself? There was still so much to talk about with the man, who certainly knows more than what meets the eye, but unfortunately your long conversation had to be stopped due to the venue being over already. 
Your small glances towards each other did not go unnoticed by a certain nosy young man. 
“So,” Venti suddenly spoke with a smug look on his face. “Care to tell us the juicy details between you and Mr. Diluc over there?” 
Your mouth opens in surprise, your glances towards the bartender finally stop. “E-Excuse me?” 
“Oh, I meant that I was wondering if you could tell us about you and that guy over there. I honestly didn’t expect you two to become friends because of the shop back then! I can’t help but feel curious since that man rarely makes friends.” Venti clarifies quickly with a giggle. 
You hesitantly look down at the table, fingers tapping in deep thought. “Well… I could say the both of us kept seeing each other by accident a few times after that. We got to know each other during the joint bachelor party so I guess we’re considered friends now.” You explained shyly.
“No way! Diluc tells you about himself?!” Venti exclaims. “What has this world turned into?!”
You couldn’t help but laugh at his exaggeration. “I wouldn’t exactly say that. We don’t tell each other our personal lives, just our preferences and such.” 
“Tell us more! I’m dying to know if it’s actually true that he despises alcohol–”
“Here are your orders!” The waiter interrupted the conversation, serving all of your meals from the tray as you thank the waiter internally for saving yourself from revealing too much. “Enjoy your meals.” 
“Thank you, good sir!” Venti cheerfully replied, watching the waiter walk away before looking at you. “Now, what did we talk about again?”
Before you could speak, Zhongli beat you to it. “We were talking about where to go next when we’re able to hang out again next time.” Thank you Zhongli! 
Thankfully, Venti fell for it. “Ah, really…? Oh well, I was thinking about you guys visiting my place next time so I could introduce you to Dvalin – He’s a cute bird of mine, ehe!”
By the time you finished your meal while continuing your conversation with Venti and Zhongli, the three of you agreed to call it a day given that you and Zhongli only have two hours to get ready before the wedding, much to Venti’s disappointment, wanting to talk more with you two. 
“Aww it’s a shame that we have to end this way, we still have so much to talk about!” The young man pouted, watching as the two of you started packing your things once you settled your bill. “I hope we get to meet up again once you two are done with that wedding fiasco.” 
You nodded in agreement. “I hope so too, we’ll see what we can do. See you next time, Venti!” 
As you and Zhongli walk away towards the exit of the establishment, you slowly find yourself gazing towards where Diluc is, who notices you’re leaving. Once your eyes contacted each other, you gave the bartender an acknowledged nod with a smile, causing Diluc to nod back. 
And then you left the establishment, smiling to yourself at the thought of coming back to that pleasant place.
“Welcome, welcome! Feel free to explore the venue for a bit while waiting for the wedding ceremony to start.” One of the staff greeted you as you and Zhongli stepped foot into the wedding venue, wearing your finest outfits that won’t outshine the wedding couple as it should be.
People weren’t lying when they said Goth Grand Hotel has the largest venue in all of Mondstadt, and whoever arranged the place did an amazing job making a huge empty room into a place that’s perfect for a wedding, with some intricate designs and fabrics draped on the ceilings as well as music playing in the background that originates from Inazuma, and flower arrangements with some colors around the room that symbolizes Mondstadt. The whole wedding is entirely filled with Inazuma and Mondstadt combined in a good way. 
“I’m impressed with this place.” Zhongli comments with a hum, the two of you walking around the area. “Goth Grand Hotel has outdone themselves with the venue for sure.” 
You smile in amusement at the sight of Zhongli’s way of being in awe. The way his eyes sparkle as he looks around his surroundings with his eyes is enough for you to know just how impressed he is. 
“I agree. It feels like you’re not in a hotel anymore.” You replied, entering the aisle. You find yourself letting out a sad sigh when you haven’t seen a familiar red-haired man around. You were looking forward to having a quick chat with him before the ceremony starts, but talking to your other friends will just have to do. 
Your slumped look didn’t go unnoticed by Zhongli, who can’t help but glance at you in curiosity. 
Are they thinking about that red-haired man perhaps? He thought to himself in amusement. It seems Venti wasn’t the only one who noticed your quick glances and interactions with your new friend.
It took perhaps thirty minutes chatting with your other friends who managed to arrive early before you and Zhongli decided to come to your seats as soon as it was announced the wedding would come shortly. 
A few seconds turned to minutes, you thought there was nothing wrong as far as you know. A few minutes turned to thirty minutes, and you thought there’s just a minor inconvenience as the music begins. Thirty minutes turned into an hour, and you knew something was wrong with Chisato, not when Ayato was already standing in his position waiting for the bride to come. 
The bride never came. 
Today is going to be a lovely day, Chisato thought with a small smile. 
After so many years of anticipation and dread, the day of the wedding has finally arrived. The woman was prepared for this moment ever since her father deemed it so, and she can guarantee that she’ll try her best for the occasion.
The woman starts the day off with breakfast served in her suite by the hotel staff. She can tell her father’s the one who ordered them to serve it given that her breakfast today is her favorite Inazuma dishes, something that she hasn’t eaten for the past week. 
It’s a shame that she can’t spend such breakfast with her soon-to-be-husband, who’s now in another suite in order for the couple to not see each other before the wedding, but nevertheless, it was fine since she’ll see him later on and eat dinner with him at the reception. Now that she thinks about it, it’s quite silent and lonely here..
Perhaps listening to her favorite songs won’t hurt a bit while eating breakfast.
She instantly grabs her phone nearby and plays her playlist before grabbing her schedule as she dines in on her breakfast.
First, she has a lot of free time for the next two hours – which she’ll use to take a stroll through the garden, have some spa, check with her wedding planner and Thoma regarding the preparations of the wedding, then afterwards she can proceed to the bridal room and start getting ready for the wedding at last. 
Simple and lovely, just the way she likes it. She can’t think of anything that can make this day go wrong,
By the time she finishes her breakfast, she washes the dishes off by the kitchen sink and goes to her room to change her attire. 
As the woman strolls around the garden happily, she admires the flowers and plants displayed. The place is truly one of the things she likes about the Grand Goth Hotel, and the pictures certainly didn’t give enough justice for how ethereal the garden looked. 
She leans towards one of Mondstadt’s special flowers – windwheel asters are what they called – and looks at one of them in fascination. They really do spin!
Chisato could recall talking to Thoma about Mondstadt before the trip. The man was surely fond of his hometown from how he has so many things to talk about the lands, and one of those things are particularly windwheel asters. 
Next to the plentiful flowers are cecilias, the one she personally chose for her bouquet besides her favorite ones that have been sent straight from Inazuma, and just as Thoma said, they’re as lovely as “true love”, a quote he recited as a reference of a certain song written by Mondstadt’s most famous idol, Barbara.
Everywhere Chisato goes, her surroundings are filled with various flowers hailed from Mondstadt and even from certain neighboring lands. 
It would be lovely if she could have a garden as similar as this for her new home that she and Ayato will stay in after the wedding, then maybe she can have a safe haven to come to whenever she wants to clear her mind. 
If she’s lucky enough, maybe said safe haven would be enough to clear some of her guilt off for not working hard enough to stop her wedding for you and Ayato.
It still hurts, knowing that it took her this long to realize that she was right about this wedding being a mistake from the start. Not only is she getting married to someone who loves someone else and had the audacity to act so loving to him with the person he loves around, but was also totally clueless that her fiance was suffering from something she could’ve tried her best to prevent. 
She knew what it was like to lose someone she loves dearly – though her experience was much different unlike Ayato’s, whereas his someone is still alive – and it made everything worse for her knowing that she’s the reason that he’s going through it. 
That’s why she feels like the best thing she can do for you, Ayato, and herself is to keep everything under wraps. Which leads her to be… more conscious about herself and those around her. 
The feeling as if everyone’s eyes are on Chisato began to dawn on the woman, causing her posture to stiffen. Everyone would be disappointed, especially those who never understood the sacrifices of arranged marriages, they’d call her a snake for stealing someone’s man and feel sad for Ayato’s tragic love life, or call Ayato a shameless man for inviting the person he still loves to the wedding and they’d pity Chisato. 
Either way, the result would be too dire should anyone find out about this. 
It scares her, knowing there’s nothing she could do if this spreads like wildfire. She was just following her father’s orders, he didn’t know any better. She thought Ayato was alright with it too since he accepted it–
With a shaky breath, Chisato decides to go back inside from the garden that she no longer enjoys, her thoughts flooding with what-ifs and overwhelming guilt as she tries to reassure herself that the feeling of being watched by everyone is nothing but in her head. It’s okay, they’re not looking at me. They’re just going about their day, no one knows.
She feels sick when she makes eye-contact with a few passerbys while heading inside, not helping her reassurances at all.
She hopes a long spa session with her friends can make her feel better. 
If it weren’t for her dear friends, she would’ve canceled her spa appointment and stayed in her suite for the next hour until she visits her wedding planner and Thoma. 
“This is truly divine, Chisato.” Hanachirusato, one of the bridesmaids, commented. “Both the Kamisato family and your family are truly generous – not only did you provide free trips to Mondstadt for everyone, you also gave us a free spa treatment!” 
Chisato shyly laughed. “You’re too kind, Hana… It’s the least I can do for you guys since you’ve been here for me since college.” 
“You being our friend is enough. If anything, us treating you out to shopping and eating in Good Hunter yesterday isn’t enough to show us our gratitude.” Sakuya chimes. “By the way, I’ve checked the flowers that you’ll be carrying, and thankfully they’re all well.” 
“That’s good to hear, I was worried about that last night before I went to sleep. But yesterday was enough for me, I’ve had lots of fun thanks to you guys.” The bride replies quietly.
“Are you excited for the wedding later?” Aoi asks curiously.
“Of course, I am.” Chisato responded. “I’m just nervous… But I believe that everything will go well thanks to Ayato’s best man and Asagiri.”
“Aww, you’re too sweet, Chisato! And no worries, the wedding is almost done with the venue, we just need a few more roundchecks with Thoma and check on the guests before the wedding starts – I also made sure your photographer arrived early to take pictures before the reception.” Asagiri said. 
“I already feel relieved from just hearing that, thank you again Asagiri.” 
“By the way, speaking of guests… Consider me curious, but who was that person you were talking to during the bachelor party, Chisato?” Fushizome asks curiously.
Chisato was taken back by surprise. “Which person?”
“You know, the one who you were talking to when you walked back to the party from the bathroom! From what I remember, they have ( Hair Color ) and a cute outfit.” 
The woman’s breath hitches. 
They now know you. 
She couldn’t help but feel scared, what if they realized you’re Ayato’s ex? What would they do if they found out about your situation? Or worse, what if they think Chisato forced Ayato to marry her knowing about you–?!
“Ma’am, try to relax.” Chisato’s thoughts were cut off by the hushed tone of her masseuse, causing the bride to blink a few times and wake up in reality.
“Chisato..? Are you okay?” One of the bridesmaids asked in concern.
“..” Chisato lets out a deep breath before smiling once again. “Ah, I’m alright, sorry. I was dozing off..” 
“Again..? Are you thinking about the wedding?” 
“Yeah,” The bride lets out a fake laugh. “I’m alright, don’t worry about me. I was just recalling everything I needed to do for the wedding.”
The women look at each other with a flash of concern for Chisato before giving in to her reassurance. “..If you insist, Chisato.” 
By then, everything was a blur. 
The discussion between Thoma and the wedding planner in her suite went as smoothly as Chisato hoped, it was only until they left the room when the woman encountered a surprise visitor.
“Father? What brings you here?” The bride exclaims in surprise, not expecting to see her father visiting her. 
“Well I’ve come to visit my sweet little girl before she goes to the wedding! Is it wrong of me to visit you?” 
Chisato shakes her head, opening the door wide for him to enter. “O-Of course not, father. Please come in.” 
As Shinsuke enters the room, the woman instantly rushes over to the kitchen after closing the door shut, preparing her father’s favorite tea. 
He then decides to speak. “I’m quite proud of you, sweetheart. I hope you and Ayato will have a prosperous marriage as I hoped it would be. Carrying both the Hiiragi and Kamisato titles is no easy feat, so I hope you’re ready for it all once the wedding is over.” 
“I’m more than ready, father.” She responded, walking over towards her father with the tea set. It was fortunate the man didn’t notice the way her hands started shaking. “You’ve prepared me for it.” 
Prepared, that’s what Shinsuke thought he was. Prepared for anything, prepared for dangers to come, prepared for dealing with someone who threatens his status, prepared for removing evidence, prepared for everything, everywhere.
Prepared for all except having a daughter. 
Even though her father didn’t say anything, Chisato knew he despised the fact that he only has a daughter who will inherit everything in the Hiiragi business instead of a son. She appreciated his efforts in hiding it to not hurt her feelings – a sign that he at least cares about her – but it hurts to see the way his jaws sometimes clench at the sight of her. 
Perhaps one of the reasons why she didn’t exactly protest against the marriage back then was because of the fact it could make her father proud of her for once. 
Even if she won medals in school, knew every single thing she needed to know to handle a business,  became top 1 in her classes, won many achievements, and a truly breadwinner that’s worth being proud of by parents overall, the bride knew it wasn’t enough for her father. Not when he wanted a boy instead of a girl as his child and for his wife to come back from the dead after dying from childbirth. 
It was only when she learned that he has other ways in dealing with people who oppose him that she lost all the admiration she had for her father and didn’t bother to try and get his attention, who’s nothing but a corrupted prick. All that’s left are fear and misery. 
“Of course, I didn’t raise you well for nothing, dear.” Shinsuke responded with a laugh, bringing up the cup to his lips before taking a sip. “That’s why I better expect nothing to go wrong with the wedding and between you and Ayato.” 
Chisato feels her heart sinking, slowly realizing that the elder man has another reason for visiting here. “Nothing’s going on that should concern you, father. So you don’t have to–”
“Don’t bother lying to me, Chisato.” 
Chisato felt her heart drop. Does he know about the bachelor party? Did he realize who you are? What will he do to you and Ayato if he does–!
The woman tries to contain her smile, keeping her act together. “Father, what do you mean? I’m telling you the tru–”
“Do you happen to know ( Name ) ( Last Name )?” 
Chisato felt her breath hitch, trying not to look shocked. “..Wh..What about them… Father?” She breathed out, trying not to panic. How did he find out about you? Did he manage to catch you with Ayato? Or was there someone who managed to tell him about your relationship with him–?!
“I’m disappointed in you, Hiiragi Chisato.” She tenses up from the way he brought up her full name. “What did I tell you about not showing vulnerability for this wedding?! What if that vile person makes rumors about how you’re miserable in this marriage?!” 
Oh thank Celestia..
“I.. I’m sorry, father. I just couldn’t help it, I was crying out of excitement that I’m getting married to th-the man I love and I didn’t notice ( Name ) until it was too late – b-but I can reassure you father, they certainly won’t do such a thing! I promise! Please don’t do anything to them!” She begged, hoping her acting was enough to convince her foolish father. 
“I won’t risk it.” Shinsuke hissed. “It’s best if we kick them out now before they try to ruin this damned wedding by spreading rumors!” 
Chisato shook her head in dismay. “Please don’t, father! I know them well enough, they haven’t spoken about this to anyone–”
“HOW DARE YOU QUESTION ME!?” Chisato shrieks when she feels her father slap her face, causing her to instantly back away in fear. “Have you forgotten who raised you? Who fed you? Who gave you all of this,” He gestures around the suite, “and who helped you get to where you are now?! You’re getting married to one of the most powerful and richest men in Inazuma and it's all thanks to me!” 
The woman hyperventilates in panic, shocked from her father’s sudden violence. Never did he lay a hand on her violently for all her life – was it because she kept protesting instead of staying silent and playing along? 
Realizing his actions, Shinsuke lets out a huff. “I will go get ready for the wedding. If I ever hear a word from everyone about you and Ayato negatively, I will do whatever I want with that disgraceful friend of yours.” 
She watched in fear as he walked away towards the exit, her hand still on top of where he slapped her face.
By the time he left, she broke down in tears. 
“I’m sorry ( Name )..” She whispered. “I don’t know if I’ve done enough..” Just like how she doesn’t know if she’s done enough for her and her ex lover, Kamaji. 
Chisato felt suffocated with her wedding dress. 
“You look absolutely gorgeous, Chisato!” Nana cooed as she and the other ladies stared at Chisato’s stunning figure in awe, not noticing the way the woman looked miserable. “If Kamisato didn’t fall in love with you before, he’ll surely fall in love with you now!” 
Just as Chisato wished, she’s wearing a wedding dress that those such as Mondstadt would wear on their weddings instead of a traditional wedding dress that Inazuma women would wear. The wedding dress was slim, enough to hug her figures in a comfortable way, with designs that her stylist made by hand herself that resembles her homeland, Inazuma. There was also a petal train by the end of her dress, with designs of sakura petals instead of the ordinary flower petals. 
She would’ve felt emotional on how gorgeous she truly looked, if it weren’t for the fact that her mind is elsewhere. 
“...Thanks, ladies.” She whispered, a strain smile appeared on her face. “I couldn’t have done this all without you guys, thanks again for being my bridesmaids and maid of honor.” 
“It’s no problem, Chisato. We’re truly happy for you, I wish you a happy marriage with Kamisato Ayato.” Asagiri responds, fixing Chisato’s dress a little bit before gesturing to one of the stylists in the room to put the veil on the bride. 
The bride shuffles a bit, adjusting the dress that’s suffocating her so much– or was it just her imagination? 
Hanachirusato lets out a dreamy sigh. “Ah, I can’t wait for you to come out of the entrance and walk through the aisle, you’d certainly look ethereal, people would admire you, adore you, and even envy you–”
Chisato couldn’t help but deafen Hanachirusato’s words, her palms begin to sweat as she tries not to give in to the urge to get rid of her dress from how suffocating it is. 
“What would Ayato think when he sees his beautiful bride?” Aoi asks aloud in curiosity. 
The bridesmaid’s question only made her feel even more suffocated. He’ll only wish that ( Name )’s the one who’s marrying him instead of me.. 
She slowly remembers what Shinsuke told her about you. 
The bride lets out a shaky breath. 
“I apologize, I need to go to the bathroom alone.” The bride spoke before walking towards the bathroom without letting anyone talk. 
Seeing how there’s nothing wrong with it, the bridesmaids decided to continue with their finishing touches on their outfits while waiting for Chisato.
It felt a little strange to hear nothing from Chisato in the bathroom. As far as anyone knows, this hotel was loud enough for at least the sounds of the water to be heard, signaling that there’s someone in there, so hearing nothing is strange. But since it was simply none of their concern yet, everyone decided to continue their day. 
It wasn’t until a long time had passed when the bridesmaids realized there was something wrong. 
“Chisato, are you alright?” Fushizome asks as she knocks on the bathroom door. “What happened? Do you need our hel–” 
“I’m sorry, I don’t think I want to continue the wedding.” The bride spoke as she continued to kneel down against the wall in the bathroom, crying softly in fear for her future and in fear for what her father will do to you and Ayato. “This.. All of this is wrong.” 
Everyone’s eyes widened from her sudden decision. “What do you mean? You didn’t do anything wrong, Chisato, you’re just nervous–”
“No, no. You don’t understand!” Chisato spoke hysterically, not caring about the fact that her makeup is now getting ruined from her tears. “Please just.. Just leave me alone!” 
“But Chisato, how can we leave you alone? We’re worried for you!” It’s for your own good, Chisato thought, breath shaking. If my father can go after anyone like ( Name ), my newest friend, then he can go after you guys too. “I can’t… I can’t talk about it…” 
“Please Chisato, let us in!” 
“Just leave me alone!” Just leave me alone, so father won’t hurt anyone I care, so he won’t hurt anyone’s lives like what he did Ayato and ( Name ) and others who were affected by him–
Her thoughts stopped when she heard his voice. 
“...” She slowly looks up at the door. “...Ayato?” 
“Yes, it’s me.” Ayato confirms, knocking on the bathroom door softly. “Care to let me in?” 
Chisato hesitates, thinking deeply for a while before standing up from the cold floor and placing her hand on the doorknob. 
With a deep breath, the bride opens the door slightly, enough for Ayato to see her and for the other people in the room to not see her. 
As soon as the groom steps foot to the bathroom, Chisato immediately closes the door, her shoulders slumped. 
The two of them stayed silent. It’s a habit between the two of them to stay silent with one another sometimes, especially at parties whereas they’d retreat to a secluded place and enjoy the peacefulness with no words exchanged. 
This time, they retreat to a secluded place for a different reason. 
 “I’m.. sorry.” She apologized softly, interrupting the silence. “I.. I know what happened between you and ( Name ). I feel ashamed that I didn’t even try hard enough–”
“You did more than enough.” Ayato interrupts. “I appreciate all your efforts you’ve done for me.. and I’m guessing for ( Name ) as well since it looks as if you two have met already.” He chuckles softly at the sight of pink in Chisato’s cheeks as confirmation of his assumption. “...If anything, it should be me who should apologize.” 
Chisato’s eyes widened, and before she could protest, Ayato quickly explained. “I apologize for not telling you anything about my situation with ( Name ) back then. I thought it was better to be quiet about it, knowing you couldn’t do anything to stop this marriage since… your father is a man who can’t be convinced.”
The bride looks away from his gaze. Although it’s true that she still couldn’t do anything about the marriage, she feels as if she still had a part in this marriage in the first place and feels guilty about it despite not being the one to suggest it to her father.
“I wanted to tell you before the wedding.” Ayato adds, smiling in sadness. “But I didn’t want to hurt your feelings and.. I was afraid that you would react badly, I don’t want to risk anything.” 
“I understand,” Chisato spoke. “I… I just feel so sorry that you have to break up with your lover for this.” 
“You don’t have to. ( Name ) and I have come to accept our fate.” He then looks at the door behind Chisato. “The one who was behind all of this is your father.” 
“I know,” she whispered. “I… I don’t know what I can do to make him pay for everything. I’m scared that if I stand up against him, he’ll…”
“Hurt everyone you love?” He finishes her sentence. 
“You’re not the only one who knows his dirty methods.” Ayato says softly, his heart aching at the thought of the Kaedehara family and Kamaji, who have fallen by the hands of the corrupted CEO. “That’s why it’s best that you and I are on the same side in this marriage. We can somehow… Somehow find a way to stop your father and bring him to jail together, even if it’ll take years to get that opportunity.” 
She feels speechless from his bold proposal. “..I’m scared.” She admits, feeling chills down her spine from the memory of Shinsuke slapping her. “I just don’t know what to do if he hurts one of my friends – or even you.” 
“He won’t. We just need to be careful and have each other.” Ayato reassures her. “If you stop this marriage now, he won’t hold back anymore and hurt everyone.”
Chisato clenches her teeth at the thought. As much as she doesn’t want to admit it, the groom is right about what Shinsuke would do. “...Alright…” 
He then places a hand on her shoulder, something that’d make her shudder in fear if this was done by her father. 
But said hand isn’t her father’s, but her soon-to-be-husband’s. 
“I feel sad that I can’t love you as much as you do with me,” Ayato confesses, “I’m still not ready to fall in love, but.. But all of this doesn’t change the fact that I see you as someone I trust.”
She slowly places her hand on his. “I.. I trust you too. I want to be here for you.” 
The two of them stay silent, until Ayato decides it’s time for them to get out of the bathroom for Chisato to get ready once again. “Let’s go back and get you ready for the wedding. We can talk more about this when we’re out of here.” 
The woman nodded with a smile that’s no longer strained, and she no longer finds herself being suffocated by her dress that she loved when she first wore it. 
As you await for the wedding couple to come back, you couldn’t help but be curious about what’s going on behind the scenes as everyone continues chatting away. 
You flinched when you felt someone sitting down next to you, causing you to look to your right and see the man you were looking for the entire time. 
“You… You actually came.” You spoke up in pleasant surprise. 
“I’m not late, aren’t I?” Diluc asks. 
You shook your head in response, smiling. “The wedding hasn’t started yet due to some inconveniences, so you’re just right in time.” 
“That’s good.” 
As if on cue, the music started playing once more, causing everyone to instantly look behind to where the wedding couple will walk down the aisle. 
You can’t find yourself paying attention to the scene, not when you find Diluc so attractive with his outfit and hairdo. Instead of having a low ponytail with his usual polo outfit that he wears in the hotel or his usual outfit when serving drinks, he had his hair on a high ponytail instead with a neat tuxedo.
Is it just you or is the room getting hot?
When you realized you’re not hiding the fact that you’re checking the Diluc Ragnvindr out so shamelessly in a wedding ceremony, you quickly looked away and watch the ceremony in embarrassment. 
As soon as Chisato walked out of the doors, everyone stood up, all in awe at the sight of the bride at her most beautiful self. With the lights and colors around the aisle, she truly looked as if she’s glowing like a shining star in an empty night sky. 
You watched in awe as well, watching her walk towards where Ayato is, whose smile is as genuine as his love once was with you. 
You could only hope his future with Chisato is just as genuine.
By the time the bride stands next to the groom, everyone sat back down and watched the couple exchange their vows and promises. 
You never thought you’d feel so happy and relieved on their wedding day instead of dread and sorrow like you always felt about Ayato. But now that you have come to an end with Ayato and Chisato, you can happily say you’re free from the clutches of being stuck in the past after years of longing and wondering. 
“Are you alright?” Diluc suddenly asks softly towards you. 
You look back at the red-haired man in surprise, before relaxing with a smile. 
“I’ve never been better.” 
“You may now kiss the bride.” The priest announces, causing the wedding couple to lean in and kiss to seal their marriage. 
As everyone, including you, clap for the wedding couple, you fail to notice a certain man whose been eyeing your direction menacingly. 
But someone did notice.
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batmanschmatman · 6 months
3, 6, 23 ❤️❤️❤️
what are some fics that you go back and read again and again? one of my absolute favorites is Give Me Light, Give Me Life which has been orphaned but has all my favorite Winnix tropes and is extremely cute, I literally reach for this one first every time I want to reread something. I also love More Than a Team, which has some great outsider perspective on Dick and Nix as a couple and Nix being a great BIL to Ann. Also Cats & Dogs by some author you've probably never heard of. :3
what's a headcanon that you will die on that hill? tbh I'm at that point in this fandom where it's hard to clearly ID headcanon vs. Things That Are Just True, so here are some of my favorite "not technically clearly defined in the show" things in no particular order: Dick's shallow foxhole in Bastogne is just where he hangs out during the day when he's not actively at the CP, he shares Nix's more palatial one to huddle for warmth regardless if they're a couple yet. Mary Frank Sledge and various other close family members of The Boys are clumsily accepting of their relationships - or at least very don't ask don't tell about why Babe moved to Louisiana to live with a war buddy - because it did historically happen (read Coming Out Under Fire by Allan Berube if you haven't already!) and the world is depressing enough without needing to drag it into my pretendy fun times. Joe genuinely does like to read and while isn't as formally educated as Web does grow to like swapping books with him and getting into heated debates about them. When they move in together post war, he's a very critical but ultimately constructive editor of Web's articles and books. Ron becomes penpals with Lip's mom while he's in Korea. Not explicitly headcanon but it's historical truth that Gene Sledge would occasionally send the paper letter version of an angry group chat to Burgie, Snaf and their other friends when he didn't like folks interviewing him for books about the war and that is 100% a thing he and Dick both do lol. Harry often house sits for Dick and Nix's dog when they're off on adventures. Harry has also clocked them as a couple from the instant he stepped in on them arguing in "Currahee" and is just The Ultimate Bro and never says anything.
what's your favorite wip of yours? as you well know, I don't have a lot of wips currently, but I have been meaning to brush off some old finished unplublished fics including a sequel to the sledgefu soulmate au fic I posted on AO3 a million years ago and a daemon au thing with Snaf and Mary Frank Sledge.
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antihibikase-archive · 9 months
hope ur doing well reese!!!! as for blur/blight........if u have anything to say abt any of the gym leaders id love to hear it!! :]
Hi Neela! Thank you for always wishing me well, I'm doing better emotionally now! :]
AWAWAWA the gym leaders ... here's some short stuff about each and every single one of them! :D
Chili - Youngest of the triplets! Was actually the first of the triplets to be scouted as a gym leader, before the league heard of his equally skilled brothers and had the idea to make them the perfect gym leaders for beginner trainers; he's the most passionate about battles. Has an interesting friendship with Bianca, but he and Hilda clash a lot! Most down to earth out of the triplets.
Cilan - Middle child of the triplets! He's the most passionate about the family business (running the restaurant), but picked up battling because of his brothers. He prefers to be support as much as he can. Also penpals with Emmet and Shauntal, and has really eloquent writing. Out of all the gym leaders, he's the closest to Cheren.
Cress - Eldest of the triplets! Though he tends to tease and bully his little brothers, he means well. The confidence he shows is not a mask, that's just who he is. Initially wanted to become a Pokemon Musical star, but put both the family business and the growth of their careers first over his dreams. One of the gym leaders post-BW that seem to be on Hilbert's side, despite his sudden disappearance. Also he's Cheren's first boyfriend.
Lenora - One of the gym leaders in Unova who's held the position the longest; she actually wanted to focus on her musuem first, but held onto the position as long as she did because the league was convinced no one could showcase the underrated strength of normal type Pokemon as well as she does! Her Watchog has been with her since she was a little girl, and she fondly refers to it as an aging grandpa who misses the old days where they would travel together. Has tutored Bianca and Cheren during their respective arcs pre-BW2, and entrusts the light and dark stones to Hilda.
Burgh - He grew up in Nacrene City, so Lenora has known him since he was a baby and she was a teenager. He's in contact with many different artists all over the world, and aspires to build a collection of bug type Pokemon to freely wander and climb in his gym. The closest contacts he has are Mina from Alola, and Opal from Galar. Childhood friends with the Graystone twins, Elesa, Skyla, and Grimsley.. though "friends" isn't really the best term to describe them. Also has a cringefail crush on Emmet.
Elesa - She's from Kanto, and has always looked up to her older cousin Sabrina as an inspiration. Her hair is naturally black, and many people comment she and Sabrina look very similar. She has a knack for spotting the potential in others, and it makes her very popular with young trainers and career women who aspire to have her optimism and confidence. Has always wanted little siblings, but since she doesn't have any, she dotes on the Graystone twins, the Nuvema gang, the Aspertia trio, and eventually, Yancy and Curtis.
Clay - Originally from Sinnoh, his name is actually Yakon, though only Elesa calls him that. He's helped Drayden and Alder raise most of their kids, and has babysat Skyla and Elesa several times himself when they were young. He and Lenora are often in contact due to their careers overlapping, and he was actually the one that unearthed the peculiar fossil that was The Heart's Tirtouga. His niece is Caitlin of the Elite Four, though both of them prefer to keep this a secret from the rest of the league.
Skyla - Also from Hoenn, and she's good friends with both Winona and Wallace of the Hoenn league! The league considers her their designated driver of any terrain, despite the fact she only excels at the sky; her driving is terrible, and she herself gets seasick easily. She aspires to establish a Ride Pokemon service in Unova with the aid of her bird Pokemon, and starts out by training Altaria to be used for medical emergencies! She's also the one that gives Hugh his goggles that he uses to withstand sandstorms.
Brycen - A peculiar and quiet guy whose past is shrouded in mystery.. or so he tries, he's from Johto, and was co-workers with Hugh's dad in the past as gym trainers before he pursued his passion for acting. He has a soft spot for kids, and worries about those who want to join the entertainment industry, so he looks out after Rosa when she decides she wants to become a movie star. In addition, he gives her training to help her withstand the ice and hail much better.
Drayden - Along with Lenora, he's been in the league the longest, and was even champion himself at some point. He knows that the legends passed on to his family is incomplete and wishes to uncover the truth, which he feels can be done if he passes down the Relic Song to trainers he can trust. He knows everyone from the league in a personable manner, and most of the young league members look up to Drayden as some sort of guardian figure as a result.
Roxie - her request for a gym in Virbank City was granted the second the Striaton Triplets thought of retiring, though her incentive was mainly to help provide tourism to her city, Flocessy, and Aspertia. She works hard for what she wants, and has a strong big sister instinct towards Rosa and her friends at Aspertia City. Back when she was a league challenger herself, Hilda was her main rival, though she dropped out of the league challenge to pursue music. She gave Nate his soundboard, which he uses for shit like this.
Marlon - another league challenger from Hilda's traveling days, though she's only seen him a couple of times. He's only a year older than the Striaton Triplets. Like Hilda, he lost against Alder, but was promised to be considered for a spot once there was a vacant spot in the league; he takes Brycen's place not too soon after Brycen retires, and Hilda refused his offer. As a result, he kinda has a onesided rivalry with her, but its all in good fun. He assists her and the others in recovering the missing necklace from the sea during the arc before Relic Castle arc.
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a few of my favorite Lan things (gameverse)
The way this kid gave 0 fucks about fighting off evil organizations that could KILL people. Even impulse control Megaman is just like, “Yeah Lan let’s show them who’s boss!”
His response to anyone doing bad things is essentially, “You’re a terrible person and I’m gonna stop you.” And then he stops them!
Literally oversleeping like every day despite Megaman literally yelling at him to wake up (king tbh)
Trespasses practically everywhere because his loved ones were put in harm’s way and anyone who messes with Lan Hikari’s loved ones will catch MEGA’S HANDS
Chaud in almost every BN game: Stay in your lane and let the Officials handle this
Lan: How about I don’t?
Literally decided to take on a crime syndicate without an official NetBattler license because fuck you it’s the right thing to do!
Fought off actual flames coming out of his oven with a squirt gun
Stole his dad’s government ID so he can have access to the water plant in order to confront said crime syndicate
He reformed Higsby just by telling him joining WWW for rare battlechips was dumb
Got freaking electrocuted trying to pull down a lever so Elecman would quit healing himself
After finding out his dead twin was really his Navi all along his first response is to apologize to Megaman for bossing him around for literal years
Mayl essentially tells him she has a crush on him and the poor oblivious boy is just absolutely DUMBFOUNDED
After Wiley told him that Lan’s grandpa beat him in a science contest so now he wants to kill everyone Lan basically called his shitty motive out and said Wiley’s loss wasn’t his family’s fault
Practically failing a semester (or at most has a C average) except for Virus Busting (THIS KID BECOMES A SCIENTIST WHEN HE GROWS UP)
He wanted to research a different country and get a penpal from said country on the grounds that he wanted to eat their food (KING TBH)
Fought off a swarm of bees with a stick, a newspaper, and a lighter with 0 help from his friends
His first time overseas and he gets mugged....3 times
Keeps saying Mayl is “just a friend” but will have romantic dreams about her
Volunteered to captured a poisonous spider with 0 hesitation because he’s Lan Fucking Hikari
Freestyle rapped in order to get whiskey...yes really
Easily convinced his dad to let him go to a town with lethally high levels of radiation to take down a mafia because fuck you he’s Lan Hikari and this is the right thing to do
Managed to survive 100k radiation
Used the power of brotherly love to operate Megaman with his heart
STOLE THE KEY TO BREAK INTO HIS SCHOOL (it was to make sure Dex didn’t fail his homework but still the AUDACITY)
Fucking Y E E T S his navi like a fucking POKEBALL at a man
He’s apparently good at calligraphy???
Falls for the, “Hey look over there!” trick
Jumps from a 2nd story window into the ocean in order to reach a hospital’s basement because he’s Lan Fucking Hikari
Caught a condor to return to the zoo
Calls Megaman out for being reckless on obtaining the GigFreeze even though the entire list proves that this gremlin has no room to talk
Gets gunned down by a tank with a built in machine gun and just...side steps it so he can jack into it
Can’t enter an area because it’s not open to the public? TRIES TO HAVE HIS NAVI BLAST IT OPEN!
An employee from said area shows up? HAVE YOUR NAVI KICK HIS ASS THEN TAKE HIS ACCESS CODE
NetBattled a gang because his new punk friend needed help
Gets involved with a mafia….again…
Got goaded into putting his hand in some wall relic thing’s mouth (with a slight risk it’ll be bit off) in order to prove he wasn’t lying about being in a tournament
Had Mega take on a soccer (I’m sorry, “footbomb”) challenge because some rando trash talked them
Swore revenge on an actual military official because he punched Lan in the stomach
Insulted a master chef by saying his mom’s curry was better
Had Megaman get some cyber beer and cyber jerky so they could learn how to break rocks...I wish I was making this up
Braved a blizzard and almost froze to death so he could stop some asshole from freezing the entire earth (and this ISN’T PART OF THE GAME’S ACTUAL VILLAIN’S PLOT! THE GUY WAS LITERALLY JUST BEING AN ASSHOLE BECAUSE HE WAS HOT!)
Literally kept the fact he’s a part of the NetAvengers a secret from his mom and friends until almost the last minute, which wasn’t very hard apparently
Like deliberately disobeyed his mom about being safe because if you think Lan Fucking Hikari isn’t going to find a way to save his own dad you got another thing coming
Was initially refusing to listen to Dusk’s demands to show off his and Mega’s battle capabilities, but agreed after he was called a wimp
Called the actual family dog ugly fdjksfldjs
Took down 100 dummy samurais so he could bypass a castle’s security system
Unfortunately not a whole lot of other moments but that’s because Lan’s chaotic nature is challenged by his equally chaotic teammates:
Chaud fakes an attack on SciLab so he can see if Lan has what it takes to be part of the NetAvengers (because saving the world 4 times just doesn’t really cut it I guess...)
Tesla literally almost killed 3 children because she was stressed and thought drilling in an abandoned mine would do the trick
Charlie decides to cause problems on purpose just to test Lan’s capabilities and CHAUD WAS IN ON IT
Charlie also took out Nebula’s evil server thing but decided to attack Lan and Mega anyway because he just really wanted a rematch I guess
Fyrefox almost got away with theft because he just REALLY wanted his fireworks business to thrive okay?
Jasmine said fuck your precautions I’m going to the Undernet and there’s nothing anyone can do about it!
She also continues to say fuck authority, and if Lan won’t have the balls to go after Nebula then she and Meddy will!
Baryl--like Chaud--fakes an attack on Scilab to test lan and the entire time Lan is just like WHO ARE YOU?
Dusk also causes problems on purpose for the sake of testing Lan but he’s an assassin so that kinda makes sense for him
Goes to the Undernet again because dammit Lan if you won’t be a leader and avenge Colonel then SHE WILL
Was prepared to fight off 5 security bots when they wouldn’t let him into his new school
Was willing to take on those same security bots who were burning the entire school down because this isn’t Lan Fucking Hikari’s first rodeo
Considered that an actual penguin could be a pelican...
Would have jumped into a pool full of jellyfish had impulse control Megaman not stopped him
Almost got fucking TAZED because he was yelling and touching a tree (IT MAKES SENSE IN CONTEXT....KINDA)
Sleeps in class when there are security cameras watching him (THIS KID BECOMES A SCIENTIST WHEN HE GROWS UP)
Tried to pull a Mary Poppins with an umbrella to jump down a tall ledge...the umbrella broke
Basically took an assassination class... (Gregor version)
Nearly threw hands with the mayor (he had it coming tho)
Took down a NetMafia...again (request post-game; but for real how does this keep happening to him???)
Put off leaving a building that was about to blow up because he was reforming the franchise’s long running villain
Decides to investigate a bad vaccine after his dad tells him to stay put because sorry dad I’m Lan Fucking Hikari and this is the right thing to do! (Network Transmission)
Saved the Waterworks plant from Iceman (again) not just because it’s the right thing to do but because if he didn’t he would get any dinner that night (Network Transmission)
BEAT UP A GROWN ASS MAN (Battle Chip Challenge (his route))
Okay this kid does all this bullshit but the one thing that knocks him down is the fucking common cold (Battle Chip Challenge (Mayl’s route))
Lied about WWW stragglers being at the BattleChipGP to impress his #1 fan and when that proved to be true he tried playing it off that he knew all along before Megaman outs him (Battle Chip Challenge (Kai’s route))
Literally calls a powerful being from space an “Arm Navi” and when corrected he tells it to shut up (Operate Shooting Star)
Becomes a memetic badass 200 years into the future (Operate Shooting Star) including but hopefully not limited to things such as:
having an IQ of 300
Being efficient in every sport (soccer in particular)
Making goals in soccer against 11 players (presumably single-handedly)
has a signature move called a LanPunch and it’s never specified HOW THIS CAME ABOUT
Literally comes into Dex’s house uninvited with a strange boy from the future and jacks into a wall clock WITHOUT AN EXPLANATION TO DEX (Operate Shooting Star)
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penboipal · 1 year
Hello Friend~
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I wanted to get back into postcarding and thought this could be a great motivator! I usually use @postcrossing to send people cards, but if there are other postcards/penpalling communities, I'd love to hear about them! As this is my first post on this fresh blog, Id like to introduce myself~ ✉✉✉ About ✉✉✉ ✉ 26 yo September Virgo (Spicy) ✉ He/Him ✉ Gey ✉ INFP-T ✉ Psychology MA Student ✉✉✉ What to Expect ✉✉✉ ✉ Pictures of outgoing cards('Outgoing' Tag) ✉ Pictures of incoming cards('Incoming' Tag) ✉ Semi-witty humor ✉ Fun Stamps I find interesting ✉ Active - so don't hesitate to interact Mainlr @coffeeforme
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nosongunsung11 · 2 years
hey teddy its MAE PLANE GAYS TIME you know her you love her we have half-finished show outlines for a cartoon featuring her
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[Image ID: a picrew by @chemicataclysm featuring a female-presenting person in a blue turtleneck and brown coat. One has dark skin, vitiligo, bright green eyes, and is looking downward with a self-conscious smile. One's blonde hair is pulled back into a high ponytail, and one is wearing glasses and shiny crystal earrings. One's hair is covered in brightly colored butterflies, and one has a lesbian pin on one's jacket.]
Name: Mae "Starling" Lee [alias and callsign], Queen of the Summer Court, Lady of the Summer Court [former]
Pronouns: one/one's, she/her [for friends only]
Origin: the plane gays oc conglomerate which I accidentally spawned by mentioning the top gun sequel to the meat cult; loosely arranged plot-wise to fit as a cartoon or episodic webtoon, I know we had a working title in mind but tbh I've forgotten it and im too lazy to look it up
Mae's a side character in the overall planegays story; she's a close friend and longterm penpal of Captain Eos Banks after they spent time adventuring together in the fae world. At the time one was a Lady in the Summer Court; she ran away to follow Eos in his quest, acquired a puppy crush on him, and after a lot of shenanigans, Eos assisted one to take her rightful place as Summer's Queen.
Nowadays, one largely communicates with Eos by letters, but sometimes visits the station disguised as a human, and going by the name Mae; she's something of an aunt to Cyrus and the station at large primarily because of one's relationship with Eos.
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kai-wanted-doa · 8 months
Me typing too much cos im alone now
I played maplestory in like the 6th grade up until idk freshmen year and during that time I made a friend and we'd allllways play together we had a lil group of friends that we'd often play with. he and i eventually added each other on MySpace, but as we got older we all got busier and played less and my laptop at some point could NOT run maple without having a total hot dramatic breakdown (she's so like me). But throughout the years this friend and I would every once in a loooong ass while log back into MySpace (I'm surprised I even remember my email/password. Everytime I log in I'm like -welp this'll be the last time I recall this information- I don't even have access to that email anymore)
I can't remember when I did, but some years after we had lost contact I randomly logged into maplestory and sent him a message saying something like -hey was feeling nostalgic and logged back into MySpace. Don't know if you'll ever see this, but just wanted to say i used to have so much fun playing maple with everyone and i hope you're doing well.- this was really a shot in the dark bcos yall, MYSPACE IS DEAD each time I log back in it gets PROGRESSIVELY WORSE AND WORSE. I have no access to my photos no more I can't see my page nobody's images work its laggy as hell, but hey, our songs are still on there 😆 I always liked visiting his page becos the song on there hasn't changed in yeeeeeeeeeears. It reminds me of the good past. He and I played the dance Audition game for a bit after maplestory and his favorite song was Stay in Me
After sending that message, I waited about 1-3(?) Years before logging back in and to my surprise, he had been on MySpace in that time frame and responded. I can't remember the timeline it mightve been during that exchange or a few exchanges later (which each message we send/respond to takes 1-3 years bcos we're both rarely checking this thing but nonetheless we always come back LMAO) he eventually gave me his number so I could text him instead of using MySpace and I did but I didn't have data (no true need since i didnt go out often or have friends that id constantly call/text) so I used a number i received via a text app, but that text app was super fucked, we exchanged a few texts but it was on my end that we lost that connection. While we texted, he was like -hey remember ___ this girl we used to play with? Turns out I know her irl!!! We went to the same school together!! Found out years later. Small world- hahahaha crazy. I love hearing these stories about ppl meeting their maplefriends. My ex said he used to play too and saw a character with the same area code as us. My ex confirmed the city and they asked each other how old/what school. The next day in high school, he's dapping up his good friend and they're over the moon finding out they found each other on maple. All cos the friend used his graffiti tag name x area code number, and my ex was able to ID him hahaha
Anyway, i hadn't logged onto MySpace in awhile cos I was in college, got my degree, started my career, and got a boyfriend I was madly distracted by
May(?) 2022 i caught covid and quarantined. Bored out of my mind I log back into MySpace and sent him a message saying -hey! I caught covid! Quarantine led me here. Hope you're doing well.-
My parents left for Laos this week and I needed to add them on Facebook to communicate just in case. Logging into Facebook reminded me of logging into MySpace. Another year and I still remember it whew 😮‍💨
My maple friend responded again!!! In May 2023. Almost exactly a year after I sent the message in May 2022. MySpace is so dumb u can see the month and date of the message but not the year, so I literally had to inspect the coding on the page to find out when this message was sent. He gave me his number again and said lets connect or play games. I finally saved it in my phone. He mentions that at this point, we are really like penpal friends LOLLL OTL I laugh cos I'm dragging him through this painful way of communicating
I'm pretty messed up in my life right now. I'm pretty much trying to let go of the career path my parents put me on, I just got out of a breakup. I haven't responded to my friend yet. I want to clear my head a lil more and get it out of my system to avoid trauma dumping lmaooooo he don't need to hear alla that!!!!
I own up to the fact I don't have close friends cos I'm poor at keeping close connections. I literally have a friend in my IG dm reaching out to see if I'm ok cos I left the friend group chat that included my ex. I just got major trust issues maaaan lmfaooooo what can I say!!!! My ex best friend flirted with my ex. My ex went and had sex with her. I asked him repeatedly if it happened. He kept saying no. Fucking gaslit me. I finally really interrogated him about it last weekend. He finally broke and told me the truth.
So yeah hahah I'm pretty fucked up
0 notes
goldencuffs · 4 years
pen pal
Laurent starts writing emails to inmates in Marlas Penitentiary in his third year of university. The only reason he considers doing it at first is because of Auguste, who writes in one of his weekly emails in the middle of a long, sour summer: These emails help, you know. They keep me sane.
The sadness Laurent feels at reading that is immeasurable. He has to go for a run afterwards, because running is more productive than crying. If Laurent starts crying, he won’t do anything else for the rest of the day. Or week.
He keeps writing to Auguste every week, but as he does so, he feels like he could do more.
A few weeks later, Laurent tells Auguste about it over the phone. Laurent never lies, or keeps things from Auguste. The last time he did, he ruined Auguste’s life. 
Auguste, as usual, sounds tired over the phone, his voice scratchy and low. “I don’t think it’s a good idea.”
Laurent bites his lip, phone pressed against his cheek. He always makes his calls in his room, with the blinds drawn, the lights turned off, the door closed, so the room is washed in darkness. It’s the closest he’ll ever get to understanding how Auguste lives now. This is the only thing he doesn’t share with Auguste, because it would upset him deeply. Auguste always thinks he makes these calls in the open, with the sun beating down on him, the wind through his hair — the kind of life Auguste will never have.
Laurent is acquiescent. He says, “Okay.”
They talk about Laurent’s classes, the new neighbour who has really loud sex, and the cat Laurent is thinking of adopting. Auguste assures Laurent that he is eating and that no one has given him any trouble.
When the call ends, Laurent wants, desperately, to go out on a run. Talking to Auguste always does this to him; leaves him jittery, chest concaved, heart racing. The guilt swallows him. So Laurent punishes himself: he keeps himself locked into his room until the following morning.
Summer ends, but the heat in Marlas is relentless. Laurent and Auguste continue corresponding over email and phone, never talking about things that actually matter.
Laurent gets asked out on a date by Pierre, one of the men who lives in the neighbouring apartments. Laurent says no, and Pierre pushes him, hard, against the wall.
Laurent is left with a large bruise on his bicep. He’s fascinated by the colouring; the purple blends seamlessly in with the blue, which runs into the black. He can’t stop touching it all week, pressing his fingertips down on it until his eyes water.
Pierre is an affable man. He is always polite in the elevators, helps the elderly lady across the hall with her groceries and hosts barbeque parties in the communal area. He hadn’t seemed like the kind of man who couldn’t handle the word no. Then again, Uncle had been like that too.
On Friday, Laurent gets drunk for the first time in eight years.
The following day, he gets to talk to Auguste. Laurent is too hungover to hide his own despondence.
Auguste notices. Laurent doesn’t want to waste their ten minutes on something that will upset Auguste. He will eventually tell him; Laurent doesn’t like keeping secrets anymore.
As the call beeps, letting them know there’s only thirty seconds left, Auguste says. “Look, I’ve been thinking… I think it’d be nice if you sent some of the guys here some emails every now and then.”
Laurent perks up. “Really?”
“Yeah,” says Auguste, a smile in his voice. “But I’m going to send you a list of people, alright? I don’t want you emailing some creep.”
“Of course,” Laurent says, breathless. “Thank you. I love you.”
“I love —” The line cuts off.
Auguste’s email drops in his inbox on Tuesday at eleven am, like clockwork. In it, he includes the names of other inmates that are reasonable, suitable. There are five names. Laurent request the email IDs of all of them and sets about writing.
He only gets two responses. One is from a man named Alexon, who says he isn’t interested in corresponding right now, and the other is from Ancel, who writes fuck of. Im not a cherity progect.
Laurent writes Ancel another email, assuring him he’s not a charity project, but that goes unanswered.
Auguste laughs — or Laurent assumes he does because his email says LOL! — when he tells him about it.
So, Laurent goes on the Marlas Penitentiary website. Underneath the How to contact loved ones tab, there’s a link that says: Become a Penpal! Change a life!
Laurent clicks on it.
There are, surprisingly, hundreds of inmates, all of their pictures shown in neat, square boxes, alongside their name, age, sexuality and religion.
Laurent scrolls through dozens of them. He makes note of the younger ones, the ones he might be able to carry a conversation with. He also filters his search to life sentence because Laurent doesn’t want to give someone the opportunity to demand to see him in a few months.
Near the end, Laurent sees him.
It’s hard not to be captivated by his photo. He’s one of the few people smiling in it, and it was obviously taken outside of prison. A large man with curly, styled hair and dark eyes grins at him, teeth white and straight, cheek dimpled. He’s wearing a suit, arms crossed over his chest, arms bulging, shoulders wide. Laurent has never seen someone so attractive in his life — didn’t think people in the real world could look like this, let alone end up in prison.
His profile says: Vallis, Damianos Theomedes. 27. Bisexual. I’m bored in here. I need to keep myself sane. Send me something if you can actually keep a conversation going. Thank you for taking the time to read through this. Sorry I don’t seem nicer. I used to be.
It’s definitely… different. Laurent marks him as a maybe.
Later, Laurent asks Auguste if he knows anyone called Damianos in Marlas. Auguste responds with a, “Nope. And I know pretty much everyone here. So that’s not a good sign.”
“Why not?”
“It either means the dude is a complete recluse, or that he’s barred from most communal activities. Like I said, not a good sign.”
But something about Damianos’ profile keeps Laurent intrigued for the next several days.
He isn’t sure what it is; the picture, of someone who once led an obviously lavish style, or Damianos’ words, I need to keep myself sane, an echo of Auguste’s sentiments. Also the Thank you had been unusual, as well as the I used to be nicer. Laurent used to be nicer, too.
Laurent ends up Googling Damianos’ full name that night.
There are about twenty articles to sift through. All of them detail a violent, horrific crime, where Damianos murdered his own brother in his penthouse.
But even that doesn’t deter Laurent. He remembers how the media, the court, the lawyers had presented Auguste: as someone vicious, cold and calculated, the complete antithesis of how Auguste really was.
The articles about Auguste had been eerily similar. All of them mentioned how shocking it was that a doctor at the top of his game could senselessly murder his own uncle, but very few of them mentioned why Auguste had done it.
They made it out like Auguste was some bloodthirsty maniac, bent on revenge, and not a caring, protective older brother who had been horrified by their Uncle’s actions.
It’s why Laurent decides to give Damianos the benefit of the doubt. If he does end up being a creep, or a weirdo, then Laurent has the luxury of never speaking to him again. He’s not being stupid about this.
His request is fulfilled two days later. Damianos’ email ID is attached at the bottom.
Laurent sends his first email that afternoon.
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mariusroyale · 3 years
super lame cross over:
Captain Pietro Barnacles and Freddy Fazbear
- Uncle and nephew, Cap was very close with Fred’s dad, Finnegan Fazbear
- They have a father-son relationship
- “He’d be proud of you.” “...” “Fred?” “Sorry I’m crying just gimme a second”
- “Alright, be sure to get some sleep tonight.”
- “Sure, thanks dad”
- “Did u just call Captain Barnacles dad?” Kwazii
- “What? No, I said thanks man.”
- “Do you see me as a father figure, Freddy?”
- “No. I see you as a.. bother figure. Cos you’re always bothering me.”
- “Hey! Show your father some respect!” Foxy
- “I didn’t call him dad!”
- “No, no no no, Frederick, I take it as a compliment,”
Bonnie Burkes and Tweak Burkes
- cousins!
- Their family is fucking enormous, Bonnie keeps in touch with everyone.
- e v e r y o n e.
- They send each other texts about their silly friends 🥺🥺
- they complain about how their names are meant to be for guys/girls
- “has it been a good day?” “,, yeah actually,, i felt better than i did yesterday” “im so proud of u bon bon!!”
Forman ‘Foxy’ Finley-Foxx and Kwazii Kaczkowski
- best friends!! him and Fred were all friends and went all piratey,, then Kwazii had to move away and foxy kept in touch bc he needs another crackhead with him lol
- Freddy and Kwazii have kinda drifted apart but still love each other a whole lot,, they say hi to each other during chats
- Foxy wishes he went in the same job as Kwazii but he loves Fred too much to leave him lol
- They talk a lot!! A lot of video chats in poor quality but !! friend talks
- When they come to Lestwell for a while, when they see each other at the airport they just yell “AHOY MATEY!!” “AHOY LAD!!! WELCOME TO LESTWELL!!!”
- Kwazii fuckin tackles him
- “And Freddy!” He gives a big ol hug to Fred “i missed you guys!!”
Chica Calvillo and Peso Packton
- penpals! they’ve actually never heard each other’s voices but they know what they look like
- and being the only birds in their respective friend groups, they talk a lot about that
- they talk about their hobbies!! peso gets v passionate about helping sea creatures
- when they meet each other in the airport chica’s ecstatic and they give each other big ol hugs “you’re just as short as me!!!”
- and Chica gushes over how much she loves his accent
- “they’re really weirded out when i preen for some reason.” “RIGHT?? i don’t get it, it’s like grooming for them as it is for us” “basically!”
- “so... u and Kwazii, huh?” “wHAT hUh where did u get that????” “oh honey you’re not all that good at hiding it” “aAAA”
-id normally never share this anywhere but no one irl knows this acc so 🤷🏻‍♀️
yeah, it doesn’t make any fucking sense but what goblin brain thinks of, goesss
and im making wips of this too!
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gameofdrarry · 3 years
Wizards Hearts Recs: Rivals
Wizards Hearts was a four-month-long Drarry reading fest. Players were given a playing deck of 52 tropes, and were asked to find 52 different fics to read and comment on to fill their decks. To prevent the same few fics from being read, fics were restricted to only being used for the game three times before being considered ineligible for further points. The tropes and submissions list can be found here.
Check out the masterlist of fics for this trope below the cut!
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📜 Blood Mingled by Katanes Dreamer Rated:  Mature Words:  48,412 Tags:  Angst, Rivals, Quidditch Summary:  Harry and Draco get into an accident during a Quidditch match. An old blood magic works its way, creating a bond between the two enemies, binding their souls to each other. A love story, for the most part. ❤️ Read on FFN
📜 The Swaggering Plimpies (or This One Time, At Quidditch Camp...) by RurouniHime Rated:  Explicit Words:  29576 Tags: Quidditch, Falling In Love, First Time, Post - Deathly Hallows, Divorce, Coming Out, Angst and Humor, HP: Epilogue Compliant, First Kiss, First Date, Rivalry, Teaching, Summer Camp, Parenthood, Pining, Don't copy to another site Summary:  Draco has an idea, and Harry’s just the one to help him. ❤️ Read on AO3
📜 Proverbial Musings by Octune Rated:  Teen and Up Words:  6955 Tags: N/A Summary:  "A hard beginning maketh a good ending..." A series of vignettes exploring the relationship between two dynamic rivals. May include fluff, pseudo-angst and and some ruthlessly rewritten proverbs. "Tumultuous origins? They’re worth it for the finale." ❤️ Read on skyehawke
📜 Winning doesn't always mean coming in first by Andithiel Rated:  Teen and Up Words:  4486 Tags: Harry Potter Epilogue What Epilogue | EWE, Running, Rivalry, Unresolved Sexual Tension, Joggers, implied Resolved Sexual Tension, Yoga, Training Camp, Our favourite boys being silly, Poor Sheila is so done, The Ides of Drarry: A Drarry Game/Fest, Draco is a little shit, but so is Harry Summary:  In preparation for the Charity Run for the War Orphans, Harry's on a training camp in southern Italy. Just his damn luck that Malfoy of all people should end up on the same trip, and seems determined to distract Harry with his stupid fit arse and his stupid enticing body. Well, maybe Harry has a few tricks up his sleeve (or short shorts) too? ❤️ Read on AO3
📜 The Thrill of the Chase Moves in Mysterious Ways by VeelaWings Rated:  Explicit Words:  32570 Tags: Alternate Universe - 1920s, Inspired by Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries, Heavy Drinking, Smoking, Cigars, Casual Sex, Genderqueer Expression, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Implied/Referenced Character Death, Implied/Referenced Abuse, Implied/Referenced Kidnapping, Non-Graphic Violence, Gun Violence, Poisoning, Auror Harry Potter, kind of, Draco Malfoy is a Little Shit, Draco Malfoy Has Long Hair, Draco Malfoy In Heels, Harry Potter Does Not Wear Glasses, Harry Potter is Built like a Brick Shithouse, Mutual Pining, Enemies to Friends to Lovers, idiots to lovers, Godfather Severus Snape is Done with Draco's Shit, Draco Malfoy Adopts Teddy Lupin, POV Third Person, POV Multiple, Unresolved Sexual Tension, Resolved Sexual Tension, Slow Burn, Blow Jobs, Rimming, ass worship, Ass Play, Barebacking, Felching, Semi-Public Sex, Public Sex, Dirty Talk, LCDrarry, Magically Powerful Draco Malfoy, LCDrarry 2020 Summary:  “Do you have a personal interest in this case, Malfoy?” Harry asked, arms crossed and blocking the view of the body behind him. “Not at all.” Draco smiled sweetly, cuddled into the side of tonight’s date. “Although I did briefly own that painting until it proved to be stolen.” He helpfully pointed to the Renaissance portrait a few metres to their left. “Why is it always so complicated with you?” (Or — Draco solves crimes that don’t technically belong to him and Harry tries not to fall in love. Co-Starring: Hermione, High Heels, and Hiccups along the way. #dat 1920s lyfe) ❤️ Read on AO3
📜 Gravity Centered by carpemermaid Rated:  Explicit Words:  6780 Tags: Romance, Falling In Love, Secret Relationship, Flying, Post-Hogwarts, Post-War, Professional Broom Racing, Racing, Unresolved Sexual Tension, Banter, Angry Kissing, Mutual Masturbation, Competition, Rivalry, Enemies to Friends to Lovers, Glove Kink, Blow Jobs, POV Harry Potter, Sharing a Wand, Broom Racer Harry Potter, Broom Racer Draco Malfoy, H/D Fan Fair 2019, Secondary Theme: Travel Fair Summary:  Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy are two of the best flyers in the International Professional Broom Racing League. To fans, they’re a pair of competitive rivals that trade skillful wins back and forth, but after they finish each grueling race around the world is that all there is between them? Or: Harry tastes the wind on Malfoy’s tongue. ❤️ Read on AO3
📜 Vie by Maizeysugah Rated:  Mature Words:  70996 Tags: Rough Sex, Light BDSM, Mpreg Harry, Sort Of, Top Draco, Bottom Harry, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Minor Violence, Sexual Tension, Rivalry, a lot of swearing, Past Abuse, Angst and Fluff and Smut, Romance, Dubious Consent Summary:  After finding out he has a year to produce a male heir to the Malfoy family or he'll lose everything, Draco Malfoy is sent the contract he signed. He can, in no way, impregnate any other female other than his Veela wife, who cannot have males. His father knows of one person in the world who can help him out; an old rival and savior of the wizarding world. ❤️ Read on AO3
📜 Cut Me Open (and use me) by triggerlil Rated:  Explicit Words:  3200 Tags: Knife Play, Pain, pain play, Dom Draco Malfoy, 15th Century, Homoerotic Dueling, Prince Draco Malfoy, Blood, Alternate Universe - Historical, Consensual Sex, Consensual Kink, Love/Hate, Hate Sex, Dirty Talk, Porn With Plot, Minor degradation/humiliation, Praise Kink Summary:  Draco is the heir to the throne of England. Harry is a nobleman who wants to reclaim his honour. Somehow, these two things are intimately linked. Enter a sword, a dagger, and the hands of God, and you have a story about two men with tongues like knives, learning to lick love off sharp edges. ❤️ Read on AO3
📜 The Ties That Bind Us by Faith Wood (faithwood) Rated:  Explicit Words:  27890 Tags: Hogwarts Eighth Year, Humor, Smut, Light Bondage, Rimming Summary:  An accident leaves Draco and Harry bound tightly together. Literally. ❤️ Read on AO3
📜 You’ve got (owl) mail by SouthDrarry Rated:  General Words:  16512 Tags: Epistolary, Secret Identity, Slow Burn, Getting Together, Rivalry, Enemies to Friends to Lovers, Shop Owner Harry, Businessman Draco Summary:  Unbeknownst to them, Harry and Draco are anonymous penpals as well as rival store owners, giving them many reasons to hate each other, some reasons to like each other and at least one reason to love each other. ❤️ Read on AO3
📜 When Darkness Calls by MystyVander Rated:  Mature Words:  66639 Tags: Hogwarts Era, Alternate Universe, Vampires, Romantic Angst, Dark Summary:  Something happens to Harry Potter over the summer before Sixth Year and Draco Malfoy is intent on figuring out exactly what. With an impending War and the inner fight of one's character, what can two rival enemies offer one another? ❤️ Read on AO3
📜 A Battle of Seekers by KlainebowsAndDramioneflies Rated:  Explicit Words:  1739 Tags: Quidditch, Rivals, Competition, Rough Sex, Shameless Smut Summary:  The game might be over, but the fun has just started. There are no rules when two quidditch captains corner each other in the locker rooms long after their teams have headed back to the dorms... and Draco doesn't take losing well. ❤️ Read on AO3
📜 Born Enemies by dracogotgame Rated:  Teen and Up Words:  1480 Tags: Aurors, More like future aurors, duels, Rivals, Banter Summary:  He'd always known exactly what to do with Malfoy. ❤️ Read on AO3
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versadies · 2 years
for your 7k follower event — may i request kamisato ayato + fort hiraumi + “id do anything for you.” + dusk + cloudy/sunny (whichever you see fit) — sort of like a forbidden romance? thank you! 💕
below the surface. (yan!ayato x gn!reader)
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STEWARD...yandere!kamisato ayato (w/ harbinger!gn!reader)
LOCATION... fort hiraumi (assassin/spy x target au), 19 ST. "i'd do anything for you." on a sunny (drabble) weather before dusk (yandere)
PLANE... yandere content, yandere!ayato, harbinger!reader, ooc!ayato (obv), violence, attempted murder, gossiping, mentions of drug consumption
PASSENGERS... @scaraslover @saving-for-xiao @dawgimsohot @kazu-topia @chiruru @aqualesha @renamichii @mrkamisato @shenhesl0ver @serami00 @serenareiss @hiqhkey @emperatris-rinaka @bystander36 @irisxiel @ladycoleigh @034ven @dear-dairiess @owozi8 @hadesaedes @chiro-chiro-kun @hersscherofyatta @mariusvonhangme @yuzuricebun @hoshikistarlette @solaaresque @crowbird @lordbugs @flowersforayato @headintheclouddd @estelwrld @giyusimpsassemble @irethepotatosblog @moonlightaangel @alice0blog @shotosbrainrot @sniffoat @chihawari @mxsomn @kuni-kuzushii @jiminscarmex @mitsukii14 @nejibot @ylimeprive @sachispet @loreleis-world @sn-owo @starforecasts @someonetookmynamelmao @ceylestia @koshiisu @ymikkos @reallysporadicarcade
LANDING... in which you're assigned to infiltrate the yashiro commission as ayato's spouse, not knowing of what awaits for you.
PILOT... hope you like this anon !! i hope it has the forbidden love vibes that you’re looking for 😭😭😭
There have been rumors around the Kamisato Estate that the current head of the Kamisato Clan’s spouse has something dark hidden beneath the surface. 
Guards would whisper to one another in private corners about how you’re sometimes found sneaking outside the estate at a late hour and would come back an hour or more before your husband wakes up. Servants would send quick looks to one another when they noticed you humming a strange melody that’s unheard of in Inazuma, sending chills down their spine from how haunting it sounded. Even Shuumatsuban can’t help but feel as if you’re more than what meets the eye despite your friendly and cheery attitude whenever they follow you. Nevertheless, all show their obedience and loyalty to you. 
Just like your dear precious subordinates in Snezhnaya. 
You’re assigned by the Jester himself to infiltrate the Yashiro Commission as your comrades conspire with both Tenryou and Kanjou Commissions to create conflict in Inazuma, something you didn’t find difficult – not when you manage to win the heart of Kamisato Ayato and become his spouse. 
It felt… weird. Ayato trusts you too much when he shouldn't ever since he met you. Although you don’t mind since it makes it easier for you, it’s still so… out of character for him, especially when he does not heed his sister and best friend’s words about you being suspicious when they first met you. 
It astounds you that your husband also wouldn’t pay any mind to the rumors around the estate about you – even more so when he actually defended you once when he overheard a loud conversation between two guards talking about you during your stroll together. 
Hah, it makes you wonder what he’d look like when he realizes they were right all along. 
Now that you think about it, what would he do when he does find out that your reason for sneaking out of the chambers isn’t because of you wanting a glass of water and some snacks alone, when he finds out that your reason for going out and come back long later isn’t because of shopping nor hanging out with your “friends”, and many more lies that you spilled are all fake?
Though, you’d be lying if you said you don’t feel bad for him. If anything, the man is perhaps the only one out of all the targets you’ve interacted with who treated you this good, so it’s tragic to know that he’ll soon be killed by your hand once Pierro sends word. 
You could only hope he’ll finally send word sooner than later, for who knows when you find yourself falling for him too. It’s hard not to, honestly. Not when he always looks at you as if you’re worthy and a saint, not when he always makes sure you’re comfortable and happy in your new life, not when he always wants to come with your trips and be disappointed when you refuse, not when he treats you equally and respectfully unlike those you’re associated with, and certainly not when he’s genuinely in love with you. 
What stopped you from falling in love is the fact that you’re nothing but a harbinger, a person who fulfills their archon’s wishes no matter how wrong said wishes are and a person whose hands are filled with dirt and blood. 
There’s no doubt that your comrades would go after you and him should you refuse to complete this damn mission, making yourself a traitor to the Fatui and to your beloved homeland.
When Pierro finally sent word to you through your dedicated agents, you hesitated for the first time. 
It seems you’ve grown attached.
Oh well, you can just make his death painless and quick. The faster, the better for you to finally come back to your home and leave this life.
It seems your husband did not want that. 
What turned out to be a supposedly easy task of murdering Ayato in his sleep became a much more worse outcome. 
You find yourself being pinned against the bed with Ayato – who turned out to be very awake this whole time – on top of you with an unexplainable expression on his face, “I’m sad… Even when I give my all, you still want to kill me.” 
Your widened eyes stare into his emotionless ones. “You.. You knew?” You struggled against his tight grip on your wrists. “Why didn’t you…?”
“I love you too much to turn you in.” He confesses with a lovesick smile. “In fact, I enjoy our time together, even if you were simply just acting.” He sighs. “It’s a shame your superior decided to end this.” 
Before you could speak up, he suddenly leans in beside your face, his breath fans your ear.. “I’d do anything for you, you know?” 
You feel one of his hands moving away from your wrists and cup your cheek, and you feel chills running down your spine. “I could find a way to make sure your deadline is postponed, a way to continue having you here with me as my sweet responsible spouse.. I could even find a way to make Inazuma be under the influence of the Fatui with a flick of my hand, or better yet.. Deal with your superior and archon and finally have you to myself.. Doesn’t it sound good for us?”
Your breath hitches from his words. Surely, he’s not that crazy to risk his people for you–?!
“So please…” He moves away beside your face and looks right towards you, and you could’ve sworn his pupils turned into hearts if it weren’t for your constant glances around the room to find a way to get the hell away from this man. “Stay with me, and that would satisfy me and my love… and hopefully, you’ll find yourself feeling the same way.” 
You try to recall how on Teyvat you got yourself in this situation with a crazed man that’s out of character of him–
“You’ll regret this.” The Sixth Harbinger seeth as you walk away from him, grinning to yourself in satisfaction that you’ve pushed his buttons far enough to make him mad. It was worth tormenting him about not having a heart, he should’ve known not to mess with you from the beginning. “You better watch out when you meet him.” 
“Did you hear about Lord Dottoe lashing out against people because of his failed experiment? I heard it’s supposed to be something that could make a person go crazy to the point where they risk their lives, but it ended up becoming something similar to a love potion.” Your secretary spoke as you rummage through your documents, not paying attention to a word she said. 
“Here’s your drink, Lord Kamisato.” A Fatui agent disguised as a server spoke up as you and Ayato talked with one another. Though.. It seems he isn’t at your command.
It hit you like a train when you realize your mistake. 
“So what do you say, spouse?” His voice cuts you from your flooded thoughts as you spiral into misery from your sealed fate. 
You aren’t sure which reason you feel the most fooled out of: the way he knew all this time, or the way he actually doesn’t love you than you thought he would be?
Either way, you just know there’s no guarantee that you’ll ever come back to the everlasting winter of Snezhnaya.
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To sum it up, after going too far towards Scaramouche, he decided to take revenge by stealing one of Dottore’s failed experiments and ordered one of his subordinates to pour lods of it in Ayato’s cup (well well well if it isn’t the consequences of your actions), knowing your secret misery that no one would love you due to your status and fear of you (it saddens him to not be able to see the look on your face when you find out Ayato doesn’t actually love you). 
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neo-shitty · 3 years
hehe glad i could make you laugh, oooh that sounds awesome! yeah id love to be tagged it sounds great :)
YES the differences are so fucking weird. like, they do know they're the same age right? i feel like its just an exagguration of how much the persons role in the group matters, like we see chan being held up as such a mature, old leader while jungkook who is literally the same age, is still babied etc. like enha hyung line is basically the same age (if a bit younger) as chenle and jisung but somehow the rules are different?? as you point out, still legal but still bizarre. hehe yeah, i mean where else are we going to rant? quora lol. mmm, hopefully more people can just write less smut abt people who are barely adults
ah, no prob it didnt take long. yeah i think thats right (i keep forgetting you know my url lol) mmhmm :( i think if that happened irl there would be some major trauma going on. knock wood it never happens to you or me lol (/hj)
hehe same! oooh glad Redemption For Cheese was realised! yess we cant rllycomplain that theyve written/produced too much good music lol. yeah, ive dragged him into being a stay so *dusts hands off* mission accomplished. mmm yeah, they tend to have a certain vibe but tbh it couldve worked if they were any other group but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ahh ur one step ahead of me on the stages of listening to ssick i think, still not convinced but thats okay! hehe, it had to be said. yesss the itch in the back of my brain is very satisfied by sorry i love you, felixs vocals deserve to be appreciated! (side note i feel like hes trying to sing more like his speaking voice, sorta husky, but tbh i wouldnt be mad if he sang like in glow, his sweet honey vocals made my life lol. but i think ive heard him say he doesnt like singing like that cos it makes his normal voice less husky, so what can you do)
> YES SOMEONE SAID IT. seungmin rap KING, he sped thru that rap like it was nothing, he deserves more rap lines. i do like how they gave minho some melodic rap lines this comeback, my guy deserved to show off those skills that made him not be eliminated (flashbacks to stay collectively wanting to murder jyp) and we already know changbin can sing, my man murdered masked singer. hyunjin can obviously sing as can jisung and felix, and i want to hear chan rap more! i feel like he started as part of 3racha (as a rap unit not producing) and then just became a vocalist (which im fine with, but it could be nice to hear him flex his rapping skills) and was partially replaced by hyunjin. anywayyy
back to album talk. lmaooo sad music to twerk to PERFECTLY describes silent cry. yes secret secret is and will always be, a masterpiece. hehe glad i could make you laugh :) i just felt like they have similar vibes. putting off skz stuff bc of not having time to cry IS the kpop stan life summarised. oh my beloved track, red lights. ahh thats okay, we can have different opinions, but by god the lyrics are *chefs kiss*. *banging on table* TWISTED AU TWISTED AU TWISTED AU. yess id love to see ur take on it! sdfghjkl it would have been glorious
no no! not stupid, just able to predict my brainwaves. ooooh thats so cool! makes me want to go there (wherever there is lol) yeah the waves are pretty good here, but none of my familys a surfer, so we dont rlly enjoy the full potential lol. YES moving on to gone away, it is indeed a heartwrenching track, but the vocals and the bloody key change? makes me want to brave being sad just to listen to it. mmm yeah, good point :( i feel like ive just gotten used to overthinking so much so that it doesnt matter what mood im in, ill do it anyway, so might as well just do what i feel like doing anyway.
yeah i think ur right! it is quite comforting knowing that all the tracks will get the love they deserve. i feel like also people assume kpop is just one genre which is utter bs. there are so many different vibes and feels and songs, i couldnt get into kpop (of which i thought only the bright cheerful present day bts stuff existed smh) until i heard gods menu so... idk where i was going with this but yeah. :)
YES FUCK YG, theyre literally on the brink of being kicked out of the big three and they are holding their salvation hostage without letting them do ANYTHING. idek what thought process goes thru their minds but arghhh its so infuriating. yess lisa's cb will be awesome but ot4 is the gold standard here.
hehe, glad u could get to this point. no no! u dont sound like a cult member at all lol yeah, i loooove some of their songs but the whole 23 members thing is getting to me. thats prob a common problem with nctzens but what can i say? im a simple girl with a limit to how many korean boys i can give my money to. atm im just trying to get into ateez and finish memorising enhypen's faces. also kard is kinda sucking me into their fandom atm, as well as eric name lol. ah what can you do? ooh thats good!
hehe i love it too! its exactly like online penpals, that was rlly well put. aww ty! hmm im okay, recovering from a bad case of rsv so thats fun. im doing okay mentally, starting therapy soon (after having to convince my mother that its not just smth i can brush off). physically i wont go into, basically i should be doing stretches to help but they dont completely fix it so my lazy ass doesnt do them, plus i got told recently im going to be stuck with this condition for the rest of my life so thats fun! ah, before you type smth dw abt me ill be fine. the weather atm is cloudy but warm, its been raining on and off today which is good for the garden. uhh i just finished reading sunburnt veils and im in the middle of prom theory which is rlly good. ummm ive got a concert tonight? that i may or may not be able to sing in (bc of the whole rsv thingo) and uhhhh idk. my dog is cute? im drinking tea rn? ive got a school dance coming up?
wbu? hows ur day going, how are you? whats the weather like on ur end? done anything interesting lately? found smth that makes you rlly happy? just any random thing youve been dying to tell someone?
no no! dont apologise, i love these exchanges. i think im happy to continue them for a long time :) on the other hand, if you get tired of them, feel free to just not answer at any time. goodness gracious this was a long ask haha hope it isnt too annoying
<3 w.a. 🐺
sorry it took me a bit to reply, i was fixing my theme ;n;
yeah, i figured it was because of the roles too. my friends and i still get taken aback when 3rd gen idols are the same age as 4th gen ones. in my head it doesn't add up sometimes. PLS THE RANT AT QUORA SKJDK tbh tho it's just going to be normalized as the years pass? esp that the boys are growing older and the amount of explicit fics will just increase. i might have to start blocking tags.
i had to look up the previous ask to remember what we were talking about xd i hope the events in champagne problems never happens to anyone. realistically, it probably happens a lot. damn i really won't wish that pain on anyone. dragging your brother into being a stay i whEEZED JFKSA additional noeasy music enthusiast o.o and ALL I CAN SAY WITH YOU GUSHING ABT FELIX IS AHA WHIPPEEEED OML can't blame you tho, i also want to hear felix sing more in other shades (if that makes sense HAHA) i really hope they'll do the role exchange in the next comeback :( or like in the near future bc i know they can do it :( the day i hear seungmin rapping it i will respectfully pass away. minho was given more lines this comeback thank fUCK i could rmb my irl being vocal abt her frustration. i don't get why minho barely has center time/lines in title tracks??? like the line distribution in the past eras just made me ???? if seventeen can balance lines with 13 members why cant a group of 8 do the same? moving on. i haven't watched the stray kids show simply bc i don't want to cry HAJS but i've seen clips. imagine if skz debuted without minho and felix?!?!? i rmb another irl catching bias feels towards changbin bc of the masked singer only to find out that the man's a rapper. i love how skz's vocals were highlighted this comeback :c there were a lot of mellow tracks! i find it cute when chan sings/raps bc it gets kinda obvious that he's a foreigner? the accent (im not even sure if it's the accent) it just shows. "putting off skz stuff bc of not having time to cry IS the kpop stan life summarised." CORRECT.
abt the twisted au o.O i'll inquire my irl if she wants to write it or not. if she doesn't want to, i'll do it. i miss writing twisted aus <3___<3 and i also miss going to the beach with my friends :' ) but it's starting to get cold here and i don't think i'll be able to enjoy the beach as much as i would if i went beaching in the summer. so maybe next summer? gone away really has an sm-ballad vibe. the thing about skz being a self-producing group, their songs don't sound like typical jype songs? and i just appreciate that bc in all honesty im not a fan of jyp groups at all. PLS the overthinking. i wish i could mute overthinking.
anyone who assumes kpop is just one genre obv hasn't listened to a single track. if kpop was just one genre why do i like some tracks more than the others??? oh you've only recently become a kpop stan? tbh im not a fan of the bright songs of bts either. i liked their older ones *chefs kiss* really matched high school vibes. yg has good artists and they're just wasting the talent ~.~ that strategy they have will get tiring eventually. people will stop waiting on blackpink and move on to newer more active groups ://
HAHAHAH yeah the 23 members is pretty overwhelming! it was the reason i didn't bother stanning before quarantine started. i don't regret stanning tho, met my ult bias in that group <3___<3 i don't really purchase albums unless i like the tracks xd ohhh getting into ateez just in time for the comeback! let me know what you think about them! i was fond of them at some point but grew out of it. good luck with memorizing enhypen! it took me a while to distinguish to people there XD i haven't checked out kard yet but chan plays their songs during lives and they're sexc hype music me likey *u*
i had to look up rsv im sorry. i'm glad you're recovering! please rest more and don't stress yourself out. bro i wish i could go to therapy too bc i have weird issues i can't justify and i need a professional to tell me what's the reason behind it. stuck with what condition btw? what happened? i'm sorry in case i just forgot. yesterday was a bit rainy for me too :(( it's not the type of rainy that makes me anxious so B) oh concert! good luck and i hope you'll be able to sing but i also don't think it's best for you rn :c what's your dog's breed? and yes i just finished drinking tea too. AAAAA i miss school dances :(( the last one i was supposed to have was cancelled bc of covid.
i was less productive today and i'm teetering between being mentally stable and becoming a hermit again. i'm anxious with a lot of things atm so like : D not the best state. today it was a bit sunny but not hot hot which was nice. i changed my theme today bc i couldn't wait for sept. 1st. and no i haven't found anything that makes me happy HAHAHA shit like that's hard to identify. don't have anything to say too, i'm just thinking about why i'm procrastinating too much atm T_T and i'm listening to this rap song atm and one of the rappers sounded like han.
it isn't annoying! i enjoy the long exchanges but i do admit it takes me awhile to type down a reply. so if i get more busy, it'll prolly take a bit longer for me to reply.
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ofmerrit · 3 years
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*  ◜  kristine froseth  ,  cis  woman  &  she/her  ◞  *  according  to  school  records  ,  that’s  merrit  antonietta  unn  hornsby  walking  on  campus  grounds  with  their  usual  iced-americano  from  the ancient  grounds  cafe  .  they’re  known  for  their  long  ,  dark  blonde  locks  outshining  their  surprisingly  tall  figure   and  are  often  spotted  at   the  versailles  garden  reading  wild  geese  by  mary  oliver  .  almost  everyone  knows  their  family  is  worth  like  1.2  billion  dollars  ,  so  we  suspect  they’re  a  member  of   olympus   ,  you  know  ,  the  one  for  old   money  .  do  you  know  where  they  were  the  night  that  the  scholarship  student  died  ?  they  claim  they  were  touring  around  the  campus  for  inspiration  ,  must  be  an  architecture major  thing  ,  right  .  and  hey  ,  don’t  you  agree  that  the  sophomore  reminds  you  of  muffled  screams  into  silk  pillows  ,  the  bellyache  you  get  after  doing  something  wrong  &  vacant smiles ?  you  better  watch  out  h e s t i a  before  something  dangerous  happens  to  you  and  life  ends  at  twenty-two  .  *  ◜  barb  ,  twenty-two  ,  gmt +3  &  she / her  ◞  *
alright alright . it’s me , wrinkle free brain bar from gmt +3 !! so pumped to be here w you sexies mwah <3 here’s merrit’s pinterest board if you’re interested ( pls im a virgo n pinterest addict .. lemme make boards for our muses .. id d*e ! ) imma . bore u to de*th w this intro pls .. forgive me .. i only hav 2 brain cells , this is all over the place HDFJK rip </3 tw: kidnapping, death.
starting w the boring statistics :     full name: merrit antonietta ‘antonia’ unn hornsby     nicknames: mer, antonia, ant, tbc.     code name: hestia ; the goddess of hearth , the family , the state & the domesticity.      star sign: libra sun , virgo moon , scorpio rising.     sexuality: bisexual.     favourite literature piece: wild geese by mary oliver ,  an anthology .                                              “meanwhile the wild geese, high in the clean blue air,                                              are heading home again.                                              whoever you are, no matter how lonely,                                              the world offers itself to your imagination,                                              calls to you like the wild geese, harsh and exciting                                              over and over announcing your place                                              in the family of things.”
merrit is the only child of the young hornsby couple. she doesn’t remember much of her childhood, according to her grandma, she was the happiest kid. had everything she could ever ask for and more. 
the reason why merrit can’t remember any of this is the beginning of a tragedy — a stormy december night, she and her parents went missing. grandma says they were gone for over five months. a kidnapping case gone cold, they thought. right when the old couple was giving up on them, an angel from above delivered antonia to their door step. malnourished, void of any memory but alive.
life after losing her parents was easier than expected, grandma hornsby ( nee du pont ) made sure merrit would recover from this without any trauma & in a way, she did.
doesn’t have the best relationship with her grandpa, he’s harsh and cranky and too smart for his own good, merrit is lowkey afraid of him lmfao 
she’s currently studying architecture — her dream major was interior design but grandpa encouraged her to pursue architecture to follow her father’s footsteps.  kinda made sense because she’s fascinated by houses .. in reality the insides, the families living there are the real source of interest for her but she’s happy to settle for outside for now gshdjkf
personality stuff !!!
uMM.... i’d say she’s lowkey a people pleaser sdhjkf like ?? making her grandparents proud is . literally the only thing she’s ever wanted in this world n now she feels the same responsibility for every single soul in her life . a torturous existence if you ask me 
can’t say no <3  if she thinks its gonna make u feel a tiny bit better . boom . she’s in .
the friend you’d call to bury a body . no questions asked . she’s pickin up the shovel as you speak asdghfjk unless it’s between her grandparents n you, then *michael scott vc* how the turntables.... sdhjfk shes rattin u out instantly rip
LOVES to talk n listen . fills her heart with joy . a blabbermouth . 
an overachiever . doesn’t sleep much, rocks the dark circles 7/24 lmfao works bc doesn’t like the idea of .. wasting life if that makes sense ??
loyal 2 a fault. mostly to olympus. wld do anything to stay in the secret society / establish her place .
extremely gentle n caring . sometimes ?? its just . too much sdjkf like. tone it down <3
likes poetry ,, especially mary oliver n louise glück ! her fav poem is the orange by wendy cope.
i imagine her wearing flowy, tulle dresses with floral embroidery or vintage pieces idk 
has shit ton of plants but struggles to keep them alive rip
!!! im . terrible at explaining her fr i hate it here ok i hav a vision but ??? i cant explain it
safe 2 say shes having difficulty deciding who she’s supposed to be . a part of her wants to be the golden child for her grandparents n the other side .. jst wants to live her life y’know ??? 
UPDATE ! i’ve realised that by hiding her secret, i also unintentionally hid a big portion of her personality and she comes across as the typical, soft & gentle soul. don’t get me wrong, she is indeed gentle and soft but she’s also volatile and deceitful !
connection ideas !!!
childhood friends - except she doesn’t remember any of it. maybe your muse thinks she’s changed. maybe they don’t care. maybe they are no longer friends . idk 
penpals - seriously ???  i imagine her as someone who writes letters jst bc they’re nostalgic n cute ??? cld be fun.
a home - i kno home’s not a person but a feeling but tell that to merrit lmao. this person’s probably the only one in the whole damn world she’d choose over her grandparents. platonic or romantic, doesn’t matter.
betrothed - super old school yikes. nt exactly betrothed either .. maybe her grandma thot it’d be better if these two were in a relationship . maybe they remained as friends . maybe they hated each other . maybe they kept the publicity stunt ( cue 2 merrit begging to keep faking the rel so her grandpa wld be happy )
exes - a classic. ts this is me trying vibes . on good or bad terms . lingering feelings ? yes please .
bad + good influence - again, classic sdhjfk
saw u at the garden but cldn’t say hi bc i’m a dumb binch - basically someone she has a minor, unrequited crush on. probably knows this person through her other friends but she’s too damn timid to take the first step
a friend from labyrinth . ok hear me out . this is a big deal for her bc she’s all in for her society n v opposed to the idea of a second one even existing . wouldn’t say shes openly mean or .. rude to labyrinth members but ?? jst . wants to protect her own , so this would be a v secret friendship .
a project - could say she has some sort of a savior complex . wants to ‘fix’ people up .. toxic much, mer? <3 anyway ashdjk maybe she thinks .. she can change your muse ? i truly dont know. 
ok final one . its juicy . someone who’s suspicious of her . she has a secret n for the obv reason i didn’t talk abt it, your muse’s suspicious n it’s just . hashtag awkward
these r the only connection ideas i have rn my brain said get tht fire exit door im off im so sorry forgive moi bUT im a sucker for angst : ) so theres that 
something inspired by my queen n savior phoebe bridgers or . folklore ?? yeah.
give me noora / william vibes . the ex friends . the dan / blair dynamic . i live for them ok sgdhfjkl
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scribbleb-red · 5 years
Camisado (Your Emo Andreil AU)
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[This started as a Morning AU on Twitter, warning: we're going very 00s] 
Andrew and Neil meet in a chat room age 13. 
Andrew's handle is @/phantom!attheopera 
Neil's is @/isayshotgun 
Andrew initially hangs around because he finds it hilarious how Neil roasts people he likes and trolls people he doesn't.
They also both have things in common - starting with but limited to their love of PATD and pretty much all emo music they can get their barely-teenage hands on. Andrew likes it a little heavier than Neil - but they both rave about Brendan Urie, Gerard Way and the Maddens.
They strike up a penpal style relationship - moving first from the chatroom to private messages, then the msn and email. 
They confide in each other. Neil moves around a lot because 'my dad's a bad man, he's after me and my mom'. 
Andrew tells him about Cass and Drake.
isayshotgun: he shdnt do dat 2 u 
phantom!attheopera: i know 
isayshotgun: id get u out 
phantom!attheopera: how 
isayshotgun: im gd w/ knives 
phantom!attheopera: maybe you can teach me. 
phantom!attheopera: and I'll teach you to spell, honestly. 
isayshotgun: *eyeroll*
Neil doesn't come to get Andrew because Aaron happens first. 
And then Andrew's in juvie and playing exy and the only way he can stay in touch with Neil is email. He shouldn't even be allowed email, but he's willing to get on his knees to have computer access, access to Neil.
Something about email makes their friendship even deeper. 
Actually, Andrew's fairly certain that he's half way in love and that if they were different people they'd have already talked about this. Still, it's because of email that he notices something is wrong with Neil.
His emails, which were long and rambling, have suddenly become short - no less full of feeling and affection, but syntactically different. 
He tries to ask about it. 
From: phantom!attheopera 
To: isayshotgun 
Subject: what's wrong with you?
Neil is cagey at first but Andrew gets it out of him in the end. 
From: isayshotgun 
To: phantom!attheopera 
Re:Re:Re:Re:Subject: what's wrong with you? 
 Being shot really sucks. That's all. N
All Andrew wants to do then is cross the country, gather Neil close and keep him safe. They're fifteen now and he'll be leaving juvie next month. 
"Can you keep safe until then?" Andrew types. 
"U cant save me. We talked about this." Neil's reply is not what he wants to read.
Andrew's released to Tilda. He finds out his brother is hooked on painkillers and his birth mother is an abuser. 
phantom!attheopera: she hits him. I need to stop her.  
isayshotgun: ... ... 
phantom!attheopera: what? 
isayshotgun: is that weird? for moms 2 hit u?
phantom!attheopera: your mom hits you too? 
isayshotgun: 2 teach me not 2 be stupid. 
isayshotgun: keepin me alive 
phantom!attheopera: that's not how it works, no one hits you for your own good. that's... 
phantom!attheopera: my therapist calls it emotional abuse and controlling behaviours.
Neil ends up sharing a lot more than he was probably initially intending - about the one time a girl kissed him and he couldn't walk properly for a week; about the way his mom pinched him and made him recite their rules back; about how he wasn't allowed to be sick, ever.
phantom!attheopera: one of these days I'll find you and we'll run away together. We'll go anywhere you want. Settle somewhere safe. 
isayshotgun: do u think ud like me irl? 
phantom!attheopera: well I can't see your spelling if you're talking 
isayshotgun: rofl lmao
Andrew tells Neil about Aaron. 
phantom!attheopera: he's a total prick 
isayshotgun: hv u tried talkin 2 him about smthing easy? like exy? 
phantom!attheopera: just because you like stickball 
isayshotgun: no i mean maybe u need a bridge 2 talk. common grnd.
phantom!attheopera: ...maybe
Neil is the one who gives him the idea about crashing the car with Tilda in it too. He sends Andrew all the instructions on a floppy disk that he posts to Andrew's therapist. On the front of the disk, Neil has scrawled their usernames. Andrew smiles.
Their relationship is a strange one - they are always there on the other end of the computer to each other, but they've never swapped photos and never heard each other's voices. 
When Andrew gets a phone, he asks Neil if he has one and Neil says no, only his mom has a burner.
Still Andrew gives Neil his number and on his birthday, November 4th, he gets a call from a Seattle phonebox. 
"Hey," Neil says. Andrew can hear him shivering, the chatter in his teeth. 
"Happy Birthday, Drew." 
They talk and talk. It's the best birthday Andrew's ever had.
Right up until the gunfire.
Neil vanishes. 
There's no emails. No MSN messages. No highly irritating nudges. He's not in any of their usual chatrooms. 
Andrew doesn't get another phone call.
Weeks go by. First one then another then another.
Andrew leaves messages. He sends emails. He really really hopes Neil isn't dead.
Aaron and Andrew go to live with Nicky. 
They're approached by The Ravens. Andrew turns down the infamous Riko Moriyama and his absurdly pretty Number 2, Kevin Day. 
David Wymack shows up. The deal extends to Aaron and Nicky if he wants it. Andrew says yes.
Sometimes Andrew thinks about Neil and tries to make an effort with Aaron, but Aaron is angry and a recovering addict and nothing Andrew says or does is ever enough. He still tries. 
From: phantom!attheopera
To: isayshotgun 
 Subject: 9 ways I'm trying to befriend my twin
From: phantom!attheopera
To: isayshotgun 
Re: Subject: make that 11 ways 
From: phantom!attheopera
To: isayshotgun 
Re:Re:Re: Subject: none of these are working 
From: phantom!attheopera 
To: isayshotgun 
 Re:Re:Re:Re:Re: Subject: you'd hate him too
From: phantom!attheopera
To: isayshotgun  
Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re: Subject: ok fine, I don't hate him 
From: phantom!attheopera
To: isayshotgun 
Subject: Happy New Year 
From: phantom!attheopera
To: isayshotgun 
Re: Subject: And Happy Birthday I guess
From: phantom!attheopera
To: isayshotgun 
Subject: I miss you 
From: phantom!attheopera
To: isayshotgun 
Re: Subject: I still miss you 
From: phantom!attheopera
To: isayshotgun 
Subject: Panic! are play in Columbia next month !!!
From: isayshotgun 
To: phantom!attheopera
Re: Subject: Panic! are play in Columbia next month !!! 
 got u a ticket c u there @ 7pm
Andrew blinks. He stares at his inbox. The 1 new message. Neil's username. Neil is alive. Neil is coming to Columbia. Neil is coming to a Panic! At The Disco gig. He bashes out a hasty message. 
phantom!attheopera: Are you serious? 
isayshotgun: yeh
The month vanishes under Andrew's feet. He's nervous. He's excited. Nicky is exuberant. 
"My cousin has a date!" 
"Not a date, Nicky." 
Nicky just slides a knowing look his way and when Andrew takes the car keys, tells him to drive safe and stay out of fights. Andrew scoffs.
They haven't been talking much, Neil and Andrew. 
But Neil promised that Andrew wouldn't be able to miss him. 
Neil was telling the truth. He's standing there, a too-skinny teenager with badly cut hair flopping into his eyes, with a giant sign saying "phantom!attheopera".
Approaching, Andrew sees that Neil is gaunt, there's shadows under his eyes, which are blue as the sky on a clear, cold day. 
"You ready to scream your crooked heart out?" Andrew asks. 
Neil looks up with a slow smile. It wobbles as if his face is out of practice. 
They will - in fact - scream their crooked hearts out that night. They will hold each other upright and throw themselves through the mosh pit, feeling the press of elation and anger and frustration and hope. Neil will trip a stranger who gets too close for Andrew's comfort. Andrew will deliberately spill a drink over a girl who won't stop eyeballing Neil with hearts in her eyes. 
"My hero," Neil laughs. His laugh is rusty too. 
Andrew wants to hear it again and again. He wants to hear it every fucking day for the rest of his stupid emo life.
When the music fades and the crowds disperse, Andrew and Neil are left in the carpark, sitting on the bonnet of Andrew's car. 
He asks Neil where he's going tonight. 
Neil shrugs. 
He asks Neil if his mom is nearby but he already knows the answer. Mary Hatford is dead.
They don't leave for hours. Neil explains everything that night - who his dad is, what he's running from. Andrew doesn't care. 
When they're both cold, they sit in the car and turn the heating up. Andrew offers his hand to Neil and Neil curls their fingers together.
Neil is tired. Neil is so so so tired. 
"Come home with me." Andrew says. "Stay." 
Neil slumps against the seats, his head tilted so Andrew can see every sharp angle of his face. There's no fight, no bargaining. 
Just a sweet, fluttering feeling neither of them know to call hope.
The end.
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