#if you still buy her stuff at this point then I genuinely hope you kill yourself
daughter-of-sapph0 · 2 months
who had "jkr goes full nazi" on their 2024 bingo cards?
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modernbaseball · 1 year
Some Of My thoughts/predictions from succession trailer pleaaaase feel free to contribute or fight with me. you dont have to read this all just pick a bullet point that intrigues you
STEWYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!& was that tabitha or a blonde woman??? & i am sooo bewitched by sandi and i really hope she gets some screentime and dialogue especially w/ shiv
the "teaming up with stewy" thing is going to be a fake out. theyll try and get shot down immediately
might be one of the only scenes we get with stewy? (it would be long and emotional but still)
stewy hug im so fucking sick right now. perhaps its after he goes yeah fuck no man/a sort of judas hug of betrayal. and i hope he tells him about the manslaughter. a girl can hope
the "i hate you" scene roman is LITERALLY going to have sex with mattson 😐 im happy for you guys but i hate him so bad and not in a fun way i think hes dull and irritating and too swedish
logan sees roman as the weakest link and is going to try and use him to tear them apart
i think connor sees his campaign as his contribution to the sibling's efforts. hes here to beat that fascist
big fat PREDICTION: a small percentage of menkin's userbase will somehow be persuaded to vote conner (such as menkin accused of gay and comes out as VERY MUCH against the gays, conner cashes in on this) leading to menkin loosing, so, in a WAY, conner beats menkin
would also be funny if conner's gay rights stuff is because roman gets outed as...[ambiguous]. like its definitely for political reasons primarily but the idea of I SUPPORT MY GAY EVIL BROTHER! is quite funny
not a lot of shiv in this trailer i think she will play a role that is very key in this season and they want to conceal that. and/or. pregnant
furthermore the emphasis on roman makes me believe his plots might not influence the wider story as much as they are trying to make us believe
i hate greg i want to explode him with my mind (haircut)
not showing any roman/fascist interactions...curious
i hope logan stabs gerri HARD succession fans see her as like this unshakable pillar and im not about that. show me the inner lives of women now .
where is jess i want her
i really enjoy the pierces i hope we do genuinely see more of them and it isnt just a fake out AND i hope they invite frank into their cult
i just know greg is going to betray tom for a can of coke and a 6 piece chicken nugget
i hope someone buys greg a watch i love themes and metaphors
i know the series is supposed to conclude with a funeral and i know jesse said kendall won't die but. well either its going to be someone totally unexpected dies and logan continues his miserable loveless hateful existence as the ""winner"" who is now alienated from his family(and maybe even played a key role in one of his children's deaths?....)
OR its so obvious of course he will die he had to die jesse armstrong doesnt do red herrings he doesnt do plot twists logan is old and hes sick and hes killing himself more every season he is going to die and suddenly none of it will even matter
ewan and logan are going to have a very important scene that leads to their sort of reconciliation or that being the last time they will ever speak
what if greg's dad saw him getting rich and showed up in his life again. what then
overall my biggest hope is more stewy, roman never catches a break, shiv gaslights tom, and someone gets outed for gay activities (im not picky about who)
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(Inspired by @komotionlessqueenmm 's post
The "Imagine the tyrant, nemesis, and lady d being obsessed with you"? Post. Yeah that one.
Resident evil fans, more specifically tyrant fans come get y'all food. Sorry if this sucks and that it's short I ran out of ideas. ;~;)
Oh you poor poor soul. Managed to get two tyrants and a tall vampire lady interested in you huh? How very unlucky of you. (Intended as platonic but can be read as romantic.)
GN Reader
Lady D:
●I hope you didn't like your old life because guess what? You now reside in the most fortified room of Dimitrescu's castle.
●If not the castle you're living in the most isolated place known to mankind (courteously paid for by Lady D of course since tyrants don't have money).
●She is absolutely infatuated with you and thinks you're the most adorable creature in the universe (tied with her daughters of course).
●Alicina will spoil you endlessly buying whatever your heart desires.
●Bonus if you can get along with her daughters (not like you have a choice considering the matter, the four of you WILL get along).
●Will absolutely infantilize you, "Oh no sweetie don't worry Mommy's got this." After all you're just a little baby who doesn't know any better (bonus points if you are in fact not a baby).
●You won't have to lift a finger. She will let you get away with a lot of stuff (minus escaping) but she's still a bit strict.
●Her punishments consist of locking you in your room until you cry and beg to be let out or the taking away of entertainment (like being temporarily banned from the library) though it's usually the latter since they don't like seeing or hearing you in pain no matter how small.
●If it's romantic she most likely doesn't see you as her equal (again you just a little baby to her maybe even a cute pet) but if it's platonic then she treats you like one of her own daughters.
●So may treat you like a person may not, an upside is that she will slice anyone who dares stand in your way into ribbons.
●You also have scary guard dog privileges.
●Like I said, scary guard dog privileges.
●You're the reason this 7"0 man learned how to use his tentacles (which are usually used to tear out the hearts of his enemies) to cook delicate and delicious meals since Alicina and her daughters lacked the knowledge to do so.
●He's a good cook too, and will make sure you don't accidentally starve yourself (calling myself out here) because I know some people genuinely struggle with that.
●Will kill anyone on random, in more brutal ways if they even dare to look at you (this man has tentacles remember?).
●Gets along best with Cassandra. The two of them like to pull off very sadistic pranks (I mean who cuts off someone's hand as a "prank". Not cool. Not cool.)
●Is kind of on tense terms with Alicina after all she thinks he is a bad influence on her daughter (which he isn't but she digresses)
●Gets along fine with Mr.X (thinks he's pretty chill since he doesn't talk, like at all.)
●Will still fight with him for your attention however.
●And by fight I mean fist fights with a lot of fists (they're tyrants they punch pretty hard)
●Will try to get you to join in on the sadistic pranks (you refuse of course) but as much as he adores you he won't take no for an answer.
●So here you are plucking a poor maid's pinkie fingernail.
●Can somehow sense when you don't like someone and will happily dispatch of them unless told otherwise by you and even then may not even listen to you depending on his mood.
●They also give you scary guard dog privileges.
●Seriously, this man can literally snap you in half and yet he's helping you get dressed.
●Is a mute so you'll have to take ASL classes to understand sign language. I hope you're a quick learner too because this man cannot write, not because he's illiterate. No no he understands more than 50+ languages. It's because he accidently breaks pens like there's no tomorrow and Alicina is sick of having to replace them, "Dammit X!"
●Follows the rules more often than not and will make sure you too are abiding by the same rules.
●Gets along best with Bela, she's quiet and likes to read much like him.
●Takes care of the books in the library, (totally not based on that one video where Mr.X is a librarian. Definitely.) And often recommends books to both you and Bella.
●Will also do fun activities with the two of you such as puzzles (once he's been introduced to it of course)
●Gets along fine with the other two after all they all have the same goal in mind. Protecting you.
●The most chill of the "yanderes(?)". Which is like being the tallest dwarf (it doesn't mean much).
●Usually taste tests Nemesis's cooking.
●The downside to all this is that you can't be alone. Whether it's the sisters, Nemesis, Mr.X, or Alcina you're never alone even when you think you are there's always a fly always lurking around.
●Another downside is that the consequences don't even have to be dire. For example, one time you said you were bored when being tutored and the tutor was dead on the floor in less than a second. You were grounded for cursing (no it doesn't matter if you're an adult), "What the HELL!?" Followed by a curtly signed 'Language.' from Mr.X.
●If it's romantic, prepare to be carried from not being able to walk due to having adult fun time with the three of them.
●If it's platonic still be prepared to be carried by them because you're just too fragile they can't let a being such as yourself walk on their own.
●They definitely have qualms over who gets to spend alone time with you. They even included games where you are the grand prize such as monopoly. You have to watch to make sure none of them cheat because they definitely will (they desperately want to spend time with you).
●They often get into petty arguments regarding you but at the end of the day if someone dares threaten your life they will end up (as it says in the original post) 1, picking you up. 2, killing the person. And 3, killing the person's family and taking their heads as trophies/turning them into wine.
●Like I said and I cannot stress this enough. Scary. Dog. Privileges.
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tobiasdrake · 4 months
Time for dinner in the most depressing place on... Earth? Are we on Earth? I'm not sure if it's Earth.
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I mean. I hope so. Somehow I don't think it will be that easy though. Some of the Solstice Warrior stuff we've listened in on gives off a vibe.
"We win this battle and then pack it in, we can cancel Solstice Warriors and everyone gets to retire forever!" just seems unlikely, y'know?
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Also Cap'n keeps cutting off Valtraid when he tries to say things and it makes me nervous.
I like the idea of becoming pirate adventurers with these people but there's an awful lot of Unspokens floating around in the air right now from just about every direction.
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We just saw the Dweller's siren song in action. That's fun. *shudder* Man, I can't wait until the Eclipse gets here.
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And by "can't wait" I apparently mean we're going now.
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Captain seems to know an awful lot about this whole ordeal. I'm beginning to wonder if she's one of us. Erlina, is that you?
Whatever the case, she makes a valid point: Based on everything we've been told, the Dweller of Woe can only be fought during the Eclipse. Until that point, any attempt to resist her would be futile.
However, I have a counterpoint to make: I haven't walked on water yet and Zale still needs to recognize the inherent superiority of night over day, so our prophecies are still dangling. We can't fulfill our prophecies if the Dweller kills us. Therefore, we are functionally immortal right now and can do whatever we want.
Let's go make bad choices!
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See, the great thing about it being a mind control spell is that we don't even need to overpower the Dweller. We just need to overpower the villager. Lock them in a shed or something and see if it ever wears off.
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Granted, trying to navigate the spooky woods is an ordeal in and of itself. Especially since I spent all my money buying a papillote recipe back in town so I wasn't able to upgrade my gear.
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Also, Maleficent's thorns aren't making it easy, either. I'm not sure if the Dweller knows we're here and is trying to stop us from intervening, or if these are her typical precautions and she, like, just loosens the thorns to let her allured person pass?
Either way, this forest is, like most forests, extremely susceptible to burning. So this is Zale's time to shine.
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Fortunately, the Dweller forgot she ordered DoorDash and got distracted with something else, leaving her poor victim stranded outside the gate.
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...so much for "We just need to overpower the villager". I guess the Dweller would have countermeasures in place for that. It's the obvious solution.
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Well, shit. Our first chance at doing something genuinely heroic and we failed miserably. Maybe we are only suited to being pirates and robbers.
Pack it in, guys. We--
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NO. ABSOLUTELY NOT. I will burn this forest down around your mansion. I will dig a tunnel under the barrier with a spoon if I have to. If the barrier goes all the way around, I will study rocket physics until I can build an engine under your barrier that launches your whole fucking mansion into space.
Absolutely not. No. Out of the question. You don't want to see how feral I can get. DO NOT.
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Oh good, Captain Time/Space Assassin is here. Thank you so much because my mouth was writing checks that I have no idea if I could have cashed.
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Cool. Let's save the introductions for later and first carry Garl somewhere and confine him. We're on a time crunch here before bad things resume happening.
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Oh, you have an actual plan. That's great. I was going to wing it.
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Hold up. Someone on this island has magic rocks that prevent the Dweller from being able to take you?
And the only reason people are forced to remain living here is that if you try to leave, the Dweller will immediately take you?
I have beef. Let's go mug an asshole.
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Oh good, and there's some other fresh hell waiting to fuck us up. That's great. I love it here.
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emphasisonthehomo · 7 months
The hard times headlines x h50 is hilarious, I hope you will make more!
I have read Salt and holy cow, it's sexy and domestic all in one. You really write their dynamic extremely well and I appreciate everything you have written about them.
About Stef in lingerie in your t4t au: fuck yes! Danno would be out of his mind seeing her in red ( I think she would look stunning in light blue ones too) lingerie and would love to buy her everything that catches their imagination. Also I can see her interested in lightly scented creams: nothing too bujee (is it written this way?) But as someone who spends a lot of time out in the sun and in the water taking care of her skin is a must and scents with coconut and almonds are widely used for lotions for everybody. Maybe she likes to buy handmade soaps too (I have watched too many soap making videos on yt 😅).
If you want another question, I would like to know what gives both of them gender euphoria.
I suspect that one of the things for Danno is being a dad but I am curious about how this concerns their relationship too.
We know Stef loved that Danni called her Miss during a joke so... it could be both in general and specifically what one of them does for the other.
Thank you so much!
Here's a link to Salt and the t4t au if anyone is interested.
Idk about doing too many more Hard Times edits, their jokes tend to be music related, I just saw that one and was immediately like "It's Danny." But! If anymore catch my eye, I'll see what I can do.
Some of your questions have (slightly) spoilery answers lol, so I won't get into too much detail.
Also re: the lingerie. Yes yes yes, she's going to (eventually) have quite a bit. Mostly purchased for her by Danny, but you'll have to wait for the details.
I think it's supposed to be spelled "bougie" but I'm not sure? At some point she will absolutely have a nice little collection of skin products. Right now in the story she's so used to being paranoid and just Not Having Things, that she's still dipping her toe into the idea that she can have "girly" stuff in her bathroom.
As for gender euphoria, Danny does genuinely love being a dad. When it comes to stuff that makes him go "oh yeah, I'm killing it" he's kind of stupidly into wearing a Nice Suit. He likes to look good and dress good, and color coordinate his ties and his pocket squares and his socks. When Stef makes a comment about his outfit, even if it's a joke, he does preen, because she noticed.
Stef is still trying to figure out herself and her gender expression, especially since she's still closeted. So I think for her right now she gets a lot of gender euphoria about being able to make choices she wouldn't have otherwise. I do go into that extensively in the next bit. Things like choosing to not get a haircut, for example.
Danny does A Lot of stuff to quietly validate her. Some stuff she notices, and some stuff she doesn't. One fun thing in the way I'm approaching how I write their dialogue together is the insults. Calling each other 'bitch' as a love language. Both of them talk a lot of shit, but Danny makes a point to never use any more masculine gendered insults. So she's a 'bitch' not a 'son of a bitch' stuff like that.
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2023 Movie Journey #5: Ant-Man
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ant-man. i loved this movie! it’s just an all-around good time, one of the best franchises in the whole mcu (for me, it’s now my second-favorite, after black panther). 
and the story of me watching this is a fun one: i bought my ticket to see  quantumania before i had ever seen this one or its sequel, presuming based on the cast and everybody i know liking these movies that i had really zero chance of regretting that choice. i just barely squeezed in these movies after buying the ticket--i watched this the night before going to the theater and then i got up early to squeeze the sequel into my morning before i left to see ant-man 3.
because of that time crunch, though, i didn’t fully review these after watching them. i took notes that look more like stream of consciousness bullet points, and now it’s like a year later and i have to make those make sense! lol. here goes.
first off, the action sequences in this movie were way more dynamic because of how it played with the size shifting, and as somebody who desperately needs a reason to care about action sequences, i enjoyed that. they kept it interesting. on top of that, it had so much heist and warmth and fantasy science that this movie balanced the (for me, excessive) action.
i got a full-blown anxiety stomachache during the big heist, because i liked all of the characters and didn’t want any of them to get hurt. special mention here goes out to ant-thony the flying ant: i loved him as soon as we met him, and i also had an instant fear that he wouldn’t survive. thanks, honey i shrunk the kids, for permanently scarring me emotionally as a child. now i am an adult who is terrified of bugs but also has to let them live in my spaces because i cannot kill them. 
scott lang is probably the most sympathetic superhero, though of course that’s subjective. but even though he’s not my favorite (that’s been shuri since black panther), the fact that he only cares about two things in the world when we meet him--and that’s his daughter, and punishing greedy evil rich people and helping those they hurt? just, excellent. this is marvel doing leverage, and i have no complaints.
the graphics of the ants are done really well in this, the cgi wasn’t annoying at all...but they still squick me out. i just don’t like bugs. ant-thony deserved a memorial from scott, though. i didn’t like the feeling that he was replaced by a giant ant pet at the end like all ants are interchangeable. scott had bonded with him! i get that during the action he couldn’t exactly stop and reflect or anything, but either you named your ant friend and you’re genuinely bummed he died, or it’s a punchline and you’ll never think about him again. i prefer the latter.
and like i said, i loved all the characters, but luis’s monologues in the form of attempting to relay important information are the literal best. he is me anytime i try to tell a story. ”i just get excited and stuff.”
my one character exception is the guy played by bobby cannavale, because i just had no use for him, lol. in fact, i didn’t even realize it was him! i kept thinking bobby cannavale’s character looked kind of like bobby cannavale, but not actually like him, through most of the movie--until i was looking something else up and saw his name in the cast. scott’s daughter was great for lots of reasons but her total unimpressedness with bobby cannavale delighted me because i felt the same way.
i thought they handled making scott and hope romantic very well. the actors have good chemistry so i was rooting for them, but the push/pull between  antagonistic and flirty is difficult to do successfully, and they could only move things along so much from her open resentment towards him in the beginning to them being a team by the end. this was too lighthearted a movie to spend much time on Them, so just nodding to it and then making jokes and moving along felt right. 
also i loved that anthony mackie was in this. i’m really not familiar with his character, i saw age of ultron but barely remember it, and i double checked--i’ve never seen any other mcu movie sam is in. BUT i do know the actor, from the hate u give and elsewhere and he’s excellent. so he was a cool choice of character to include and it gave me a nice way to see a little more sam.
the end bits were neat, too. i really love that in hope, they created a genuinely strong female character--not always nice, in fact sometimes an asshole...aka a real person just like male characters are allowed to be. so it felt earned when she realized her father was finally going to work with her at the end. 
and while i find it annoying, as a mostly non-viewer of mcu movies, to have bits with totally other characters and worlds shoved in after the film is over to weave the worlds together and try and make you care about it all...i adore anytime a movie is like ‘X will return’ because when i enjoyed the movie, it’s like a little concluding gift to promise me more--i was really happy when shang chi did the same. 
in the end, my biggest takeaway from this movie is that it is a rare crowd-pleaser. this is one of those movies that, when you’ve managed to avoid watching it for eight years and everybody is eager to tell you how great it is, you can feel a little suspicious of the hype. but it IS that good! as soon as i saw it, i showed it to the one person i knew who hadn’t already seen it, and despite her doubts going in, she also loved it. 
so i can recommend this one to almost anybody, and i wish more movies like this still got made, that are lovable for broad audiences. (i get that marvel movies in general make obscene amounts of money, but i certainly don’t care about most of them, so that’s not what i mean. i want more action movies that make an effort to appeal to people besides action fans. clearly it’s possible!) 
if you have a serious aversion to ants, i would probably advise you to steer clear. but if you like thievery or dads and daughters or michael douglas or a brisk romp with science, this is a really great movie.
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macgyvertape · 2 years
wwdits s4 thoughts (spoilers)
I didn’t start till October so I knew some stuff through my dash, very glad I saw the post where the interviewers said Guillermo and Nador wouldn’t get together to set my expectations after OFMD
The djinn is a really fun character
Glad The Guide is more of a main character the series needed another female character.
Marhwa is one of the most sympathetic characters in the show, peak she deserves better than this dude
I saw that Guillermo embezzles from the club in a LOT of posts because it was cute to see him take care of his parents. But it’s still heavily implied from this early ep.
The season is really clear in setting up each character's motivation and character arc.
Nadja’s arc has been my favorite. Lmao to the way she said  “kill them all” to solve her workers unionizing.
Lazlo’s struggles of fatherhood where he’s a bad dad in different ways has been my least favorite. But then again I don’t want kids so I’m not interested in parenting subplots.
Guillermo FaceTiming someone twice is notable, only people he pays this much attention to outside of the vamps and family is a potential victim. But this is a very different vibe
Nador vs Guillermo fight is even more tense and charged than last season. Even after rewatching I'm confused at what parts of the fight they were staging for escape versus actually into beating the other
Nadja union busting through narcotic bribery, Nadja’s always been a fuck you got mine "girlboss", especially when her power is being challenged. Nice that it didn't work, workers unite!
The parent interview was just too much cringe comedy for me
Love Guillermo’s jewel tone jacket outfit. Hope there's a post that points out all the designer items
Wedding episode had an ad that I noted down since I was watching ad-free. Clever trick it was for the go flip yourself tv show in universe.
Everyone looks so nice in their wedding outfits. Costuming in this show has always been great and its easy to overlook it
I was trying to pin why Guillermo seems so different this season, and I really think it is that he found confidence and is less desperate . Other characters are respecting him more too.
Nandor made peak cursed wish with “like the same things I like” I was confused until the end of the season if he immediately wasted 2/3 wishes instead of fixing that wish since he obviously seemed so uncomfortable with it
“Because I’m gay” holy shit! Such an emotional moment, yeah the family always knew but still it’s such an impactful moment. The show has had a range of queer characters but it's often more played for laughs while this is more heartfelt. I'm old enough it's also a brief moment of "wow things have come so far"
Lmao at the cliche home renovation episode, I love when a tv show adopts the visual style of another genre of show (like Leverage "The office job"). I deeply enjoy home renovation shows, good or bad they're only reality tv I enjoy. I think it's my favorite episode in the show, and I genuinely wasn't expecting Simon the Devious.
Maybe because I am watching these all at once that the heavy parody parts of each episode stick out. Guillermo being the overworked friend planning the wedding is a romcom classing. The Baron doing the cliche makeover montage.
Wow so Freddie gave the business card as if he's trying to buy valuable antiques from someone he thinks is senile, and Nador is fine cheating and being a home wrecker to meet up. hmm
Wait Marhwa ends that episode overwritten and basically dead in body and mind?! Freddie is a cheater! I feel really bad for Guillermo, ESH but him
Holy shit sunrise and sunset the song from Fiddler. As a theater nerd I know this ep is going to be sad also wow Matt berry can sing
Colin feeding on anger makes sense, I though he was being annoying at times but chalked that up to finding all kids annoying, but you can farm a lot of anger as an annoying kid.
Classic that Nadja got so proud her arrogance led to the club's downfall. Very short-sighted she didn't take the money out before the arson for insurance fraud.
Colin back to himself with no memory nothing changed. Hmm did the experience of being a parent change Lazlo?
Guillermo spent a year of his life devoted to things that as he put it didnt change. The reasons he gave in first episode for not walking out didn't amount to anything in the end
GUILLERMO BUYING HIS WAY INTO VAMPRIISM FUCK YEAH. he's really changed since season 1. The chorus ending is pretty great.
I’d rate it 2nd best season behind last season, major points lost because I liked Marhwa and I’m sad what happens to her. I'm not judging Nandor's actions this season as morally "worse" than the others, but being shitty to your SO is more relatable and personal.
Wow for the first time I’m interested in fanfic for this show starting with “different choices canon divergence” au and “picks up right where season ended” since next season will prob start with a timeskip.
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majestyrising · 1 year
Notes: Starkiller drowns her sorrows. Only content warning here is sex, drugs, and rock and roll. Usual Neo Necropolis stuff.
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It’s 3:00 in the morning. That’s what the display on Starkiller’s visor says anyway, when she lets her gaze drift to the left to acknowledge the readout. She’s been here for 5 hours, give or take.
Usually she’d be rocking out with Star Eater, her bestie and absolute favouritest boy in the entire universe, or throwing back colourful drinks with a stranger, but tonight she’s sitting on a stool overlooking the Neo Necropolis skyline and feeling sorry for herself.
She slipped away from the group about an hour ago. She can see in her mind’s eye how it went down after she left: Saint and Daiquiri probably wanted to go after her for more hot gossip but Seven told them to leave her alone, give her space.
Or maybe they thought her hot gossip was too sad to be interesting. If that’s the case she’s even more glad they’re not here. She definitely couldn’t handle Daiquiri’s well meaning pity or Saint’s straight up rudeness right now.
Anyway, the point is that she’s been using that space to wallow in her own misery and make her way down a big ‘ol bottle of coconut vodka.
A few people have come by to try to chat her up but all quickly lost interest. It’s no surprise that there’s someone else who hovers over her shoulder. She just waits for whatever corny or gross thing they’re going to slur out.
“I thought that was you,” says a voice that genuinely surprises her, “You got a seat going?”
It’s Kingslayer who sits down next to her.
His iridescent bracers shimmer as he does so, the neon of his digitised palm tree tattoos flickering.
“Hey,” he says, “Real nice night out, right?”
She looks him up and down, ignoring the readouts from her visor since she’s not here to size him up. She’s just curious; he’s not here to party, that’s for sure.
He’s still wearing his usual high collared jacket and the guns (plural) on his belt are prominent.
“Yeah,” she says, without much inflection.
She tries to rouse herself, there’s no need to worry him, everything’s fine! But that’s harder than it looks to pull off. It’s a painful thing to try to remove the permanent scowl of sadness that’s now basically just what her face looks like.
“You here with Gat?” she asks, hoping to distract him from the pretty depressing state of the table they’re, littered with shot glasses and salted peanuts as it is.
Speaking of peanuts, she grabs a handful and shoves it into her mouth.
“Mhm,” he confirms, with a quirk of his lips, “He’s downstairs, wanted me to leave him for a bit. Guess I’m cramping his style.”
“I guess having the big scary bodyguard looming over you does hurt the prospects of getting dicked the fuck down,” she says, with a snort.
Kingslayer makes a face at that, shaking his head as he wrinkles his face as if he’s sucked on a lemon. He punctates that by slamming his hands down palm open on the table.
“God, do not say that ever again! I’ll pay you for your silence,” he groans, still shaking his head before he tilts it to the side and through his sour expression, adds, “He doesn’t do any of that whilst we’re on the clock.”
He points at the shot glasses, some of them full, and she nods. He grabs the closest one and drinks.
Woof, it’s strong. Good stuff, though. Makes sense, considering she doesn’t have to pay to drink here.
“Nah, just a surprisingly squeaky clean and flighty contact,” he explains.
At that her visor scrolls an incredulous ‘ヽ(°〇°)ノ’.
“In BLISS?” she asks, with a snort, “A squeaky clean dude who wants to buy guns, in the biggest club in the city?”
“I know, I know,” Kingslayer laughs, bumping her knee with his, “Insane, I know. But he was looking at me like he thought I’d kill him for looking at me funny!”
“You?” she says, grabbing another shot and throwing it back, pausing to choke on it before she adds, “You wouldn’t hurt a fly!”
He puts his hands on the bar stool to turn it in her direction.
“Oh, I mean, elite ex-exaltee force soldier who’s now a merc working for an arms company?” he chuckles, not unkindly, “I’m like the epitome of a dude doing the worst possible thing with his skillset. Can’t blame anyone for being skittish.”
“Well I still think you’re a pacifist on the inside,” Starkiller says, smacking her lips as the alcohol burns its way through her.
“It’s Neo Necropolis, no one is a pacifist,” he counters, amused by the very thought.
She just shrugs, so the two of them sit in amicable silence, listening to the ambience of the very drunk patrons around them and the clink of glasses.
The amicable silence slowly turns tense, though.
“So,” he ventures, drawing the word out, “Elephant in the room.”
“Nope,” she says immediately, filling up another shot and throwing it back with gusto, “No elephants here, buddy.”
Her shoulders are tensed as she taps her foot against the bar stool, now staring dead ahead at the skyline instead of in his direction.
“Sorry SK,” he replies apologetically, “I gotta ask why you’re not cutting some absolutely insane shapes on the dancefloor like I hear you enjoy doing.”
She shakes her head without replying, pouring the entire line of shots once again with a surprisingly steady hand.
“I gotta know why you’re in, uh-”
He gestures at her entire deal, from the way she’s surrounded by the wreckage of a bender and crushed peanuts, to the shocking neon of her outfit seeming drab and sad.
“In this whole sitch,” he says, with a frown.
She groans, looking up at the sky despairingly. Maybe she’s hoping the Stormcatcher will strike her with a bolt before Kingslayer can continue his line of questioning.
“Look,” she says, “I don’t wanna talk about it. I’m really happy to see you, but don’t push it, okay?”
He lets out a quiet sigh as she takes another shot. She sure can hold her liquor, he notes, considering she’s still understandable despite most of her blood being straight up lighter fluid at this point, he assumes.
“No can do cap’n,” he presses on with a solemn nod, “What’s up?”
“It’s nothing,” she protests, her tone annoyed, “Drop it already, King.”
For a moment he does, and the two of them sit in further awkward silence.
Until it’s too much, anyway.
“I’m not gunna drop it-”
“For fuck’s sake!” she yells.
It gets the attention of the people around them as she pants angrily. Kingslayer holds up his hands and waves for everyone to carry on, which they do.
“Okay, okay, fine, fine fine fine! It’s about Star Eater, okay?!” she hisses, leaning up into his personal space with the energy of a feral cat.
She grabs another shot and downs it, savouring the burn as more of her inhibitions flit away, the misery still there but fought by the simmer in her stomach.
“Uh huh,” Kingslayer says slowly, nodding as he does and she sits back down where she was, “Yeah, okay, cool.”
His throat bobs as he swallows, knowing damn well he’s just pouring salt into this very obvious wound.
“What about him?” he asks tentatively.
Her chest heaves in a mighty sigh as the alcohol swirls around her brain, both making things better and a lot worse.
“You know,” she slurs out, after a couple of moments of trying to fight the words in her brain into making sense.
Kingslayer rests his chin on his fist, clucking his tongue.
“Mm, guessing game, okay,” he says, “I know that you guys are super tight, like twisted up in a pretzel tight.”
She hums in agreement. Her visor scrolls a ‘o(>ω<)o’ in addition, as if he needed further clarification.
So they didn’t have a fight. Which is good!
“I saw he was with Zion,” he adds, thoughtfully, “They’re getting close, I guess?”
He couldn’t see much, except that Star Eater and Zion were in a booth together seemingly having a very private conversation.
She fills up another shot glass without looking at him.
“Uh huh,” he notes, brow furrowing, “Okay, then…”
He trails off, squinting at her face- what of it is exposed, anyway- as her expression twists and her visor reads a ‘(⇀‸↼‶)’.
What else could it be? She’s not an argumentative person, and Zion is a dick but he didn’t seem to be acting cruelly to Star Eater in the moment-
“Oh,” he says, “Wait. You.”
Oh dear.
He rubs the back of his neck, the unfortunate reality of the situation now settling in his mind. 
“You have feelings for him,” he says slowly, at which she viciously knocks back her next shot.
They’re tight as they come, soul mates for sure, perfect for each other. There’s just one problem.
Star Eater is about as gay as they come.
Oh, and since they’re inseparable, Starkiller will never have the space to get over her feelings.
“How long?” he asks, watching as the lights reflect off the shot glasses.
“Doesn’t matter,” she mumbles, though her teeth catch her bottom lip.
“I mean, I feel like it does,” he begins, but her head snaps up as she shoots him a nasty glare from behind the visor. He can feel it, making the hair on the back of his neck stand up.
She throws her hands up in the air in frustration, coming dangerously close to slamming her visor into the table before she leans almost all the way back on the bar stool.
“What do you want me to say?” she yells before her shoulders slump in defeat, hand snaking out to grab another glass and throw the rest of it back.
She lets out a deep, deep sigh that seems to come from the seat of his soul.
“What, hey, I know it’s not my fuckin’ biz but when I see you with other guys I feel like I want to eat glass,” she rants, visor glowing as she does, “And now you’re going through so much because of Zion and it makes me feel like my heart’s being turned inside out?”
She licks her lips, eyeballing the empty shot glass and dragging the next one closer as Kingslayer shifts his weight from left to right, his lips a thin, concerned line.
“That I don’t know if there’s a combination of drugs that’ll numb the way I feel anymore?” she continues, her anger and sadness simmering in her voice, “That if he asked me for the moon because it’d make a sick disco ball I’d grab handholds of stars to get the damn thing myself?”
Kingslayer hums softly, leaning his elbows on the table.
“I don’t know,” he says, lightly, “I feel like that kind of spontaneous declaration of love would get you a penthouse invite straight to my heart.”
He pauses for a moment, turning it around in his head.
“If I was Star Eater,” he clarifies, “And you weren’t my sister.”
Her visor scrolls ‘(μ_μ)’, which he acknowledges with a snort. His attempts at humour haven’t hit home just yet, it seems, but he’ll keep trying.
They sit in silence as Starkiller dejectedly runs a finger along the rim of her shot glass.
“Did… this help?” Kingslayer ventures quietly, “You look like you feel worse.”
She shrugs at that, entire body limp and radiating fatalistic self loathing so strong it’s coming off her in waves.
“I don’t know,” she says, simply.
Kingslayer cringes at that, pouring himself a small shot and throwing it back. It burns in the back of his throat pleasantly, unlike the measure of guilt he feels about poking this topic.
“Sorry,” he says lamely.
“Nah,” she slurs, before throwing back the shot and shaking her head as she does so. If it’s because she’s trying to make him feel better or because the alcohol is catching up to her, he can’t say.
She sways slightly on the bar stool, the neon lights of the signs plastered on the buildings nearby reflecting in her visor.
Maybe it is catching up to her.
“It was nice to talk to you about it,” she says, rolling her head to the side to look at him with a placid if sad look, “We should talk more.”
He smiles, putting a friendly hand on her shoulder and giving it a soft squeeze.
“Agreed,” he says, before lifting both hands in an open shrug, “I guess we’re both still realising that’s an option, eh?”
She snorts in amusement, continuing to sway in a rhythm of her own choosing.
“Right?” she chuckles, lips curling into a smile, “Prank of the century to pull that shit on your own kids.”
Kingslayer pounds a closed fist to his chest and juts his chin up, taking a deep breath.
“Oh, if only I could go back in time to those bullies who beat me up for being an only child,” he proclaims, “I could show them- nay nay, school-hood cretins, I have a kickass older sister who I didn’t even know existed!”
He looks at her with a sharp grin, mods in his eyes shining in the moonlight.
“And then you’d come in and they’d all go ‘ooooo’, and you’d kick their asses, or something,” he says, his tail flicking.
“Sick,” she says with a faux-sage nod, “I genuinely can’t tell if you’re joking about the bullies, though.”
His grin widens and widens.
“I’ll never tell,” he says, sticking his tongue between his teeth, “I’ll take it to my grave, in fact. Then you’ll have to come dig me up and jack into my corpse to read my mind in cyberspace, and you’ll be like, son of a bitch, he was telling the truth!”
He pours himself another shot and takes it quickly.
“Or, you’ll be like, awh hell no, he was lying, I dug up his rotting corpse for a stupid joke and now I’m booboo the fool.”
She smiles at that. They smile at each other.
He’s glad that his stupid jokes can at least make her smile. They’re certainly not as close as either of them would like to be, but they’re getting there.
After a while she looks past him and nods forward, towards the bar.
“Your boss is here,” she says, giving him a slight kick in the shin.
Kingslayer looks over his shoulder to see Gat at the bar.
He doesn’t actually stick out, because he’s wearing the clothes Coyote gave him, but the way he stands with such delicate professionalism still gives him away even at a distance.
Hopefully it only gives him away to Kingslayer, though. Would really suck if anyone else clocked who he is.
“Ah,” he says, “Guess I better go do my job so I don’t get fired. Or get Gat killed.”
“Yeah,” she mumbles, taking the bottle and pouring herself another round of shots.
He doesn’t love that, but he’s in no position to chasiste or stop her. He’s pretty damn sure he’d do the same thing in her shoes.
Hopefully he did some good, at least.
“Take care, sis,” he says, holding out a fist prime for bumping.
She stares at him for a moment before she raises her own and they share an excellent sibling fist bump.
He turns around to leave but pauses as she brings the shot glass to her lips and downs it.
“Just so you know,” he says, as casually as he can, “You’ll find someone who’ll pull down the moon for you too. You’re just way too cool not to.”
She turns her head in acknowledgement. He can see the ghost of a sad smile on her lips.
“Thanks,” she says, quietly. It’s almost lost in the noise of the crowd that’s forming.
She watches him make his way through the noisy mess of inebriated patrons back to his employer, who greets him with a smile and a pleasant nod.
Alone with her thoughts yet again, she regards the horizon through the blurred lens of Stormcatcher knows just how many shots.
It’s gorgeous, isn’t it? Nothing but buildings for miles, dreamy neon and plumes of pollution floating into the night sky.
Right now she wishes she could turn her body into neon and float across the city, leave behind all these stupid pointless feelings that have refused to leave her no matter how obvious it’s become that they are, in fact, stupid and pointless.
But she can’t do that. She downs all the shots in order to grab the bottle and fill up another row. Enough of them and either she’ll do something to distract herself, or she’ll pass out and both are functionally the same thing. No more thinking.
No more thinking.
0 notes
drabbles-mc · 3 years
Spoken For
Happy Lowman x F!Reader
Part 2 can be found Here
Request by @est1887​: this is for my love happy. Y/N at a party it isn’t really her scene but she just tags along with her friend the sons are in attendance and she walking with her head down and bumps into happy and he knows her name she didn’t think anyone noticed her because she stayed to herself. Later on maybe the Same party maybe a different one someone is bothering her and she tells them her fiancé is happy “Tacoma killer” lowman lol you can do you thing of course switch it up whatever way you like thanks your the best fluffy and cute please 🥰🥰🥰 “No no no, sorry! I just-... I honestly didn’t think you even knew my name.” & “I can’t believe you told them you were my fiancé.”
Warnings: language, alcohol, skeevy men
Word Count: 1.8k
A/N: This was really fun to write! I kind of like the sort of cluelessly protective side of Happy. Like, the man does not need the details of why you need his help he is just ready to throw down on your behalf regardless. Love that for him. Hope you enjoy! xo
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Large parties had never really been your thing. You weren’t a huge fan of the crowds and being around people you didn’t really know. Yet, somehow, your best had talked you into going to the SAMCRO clubhouse on more than one occasions for their parties. You never particularly grew to like them, but you managed to get through them. There was no way you were going to let your friend show up all by herself.
For the most part, you managed to successfully stay out of the fray. You watched the chaos unfold from the sidelines, keeping a constant eye on your friend without hovering too badly. Usually you were able to manage to make one beer last you all night, wanting to keep your wits about you.
The two of you had landed yourself in a group of the other girls who frequented the clubhouse parties. She knew them much better than you did, but they were always nice to you. Since she had a group to be with, a group that you figured would keep her safe for a few minutes, you excused yourself to step outside for a few minutes to get out of the suffocating cigarette smoke that was filling the clubhouse.
Your eyes were glued to the floor as you tried to maneuver your way through the crowd. You managed to slip through a few different groups of people mostly unnoticed, and you were about to make it to the door when someone’s shoulder collided with yours. You stumbled half a step before a hand firmly wrapped around your arm, keeping you from falling to the ground.
“Shit, I’m so—” you stopped short when you saw the person who had caught you, the person you shouldered, “Hey, Happy. Uh. Sorry, I just, I wasn’t paying attention.”
“You leaving?” he asked, completely skipping over everything you had just said.
You shook your head, “No. Just, um, just stepping outside to get some fresh air. Besides,” you nodded over towards your friend, “I’m her ride. Can’t just bail.”
“You should watch where you’re stepping around here, Y/N,” his eyes intensely searched yours, “Don’t wanna step into something you can’t get out of.”
Part of you wondered if he ever responded to anything someone actually said to him, or if he was always just moving onto the next topic. That part of your brain was drowned out, though, by the part that was taking in the fact that he had just said your name. The way it rolled off his tongue snapped you to attention, “What?”
“Said you should watch your step,” his eyes narrowed slightly, “You good?”
“Yea! Sorry. I just…I honestly didn’t think you even knew my name.”
His head tilted slightly as he processed what you had said. He shrugged his shoulders, “Well. I do.”
You chuckled, face feeling hot for a moment, “Yea, apparently,” the two of you stood there in the midst of the chaos for a few more moments before you excused yourself, “Well, I’ll see you around.”
He nodded but didn’t say anything more as he disappeared into the throws of the party. You were silently shaking your head at yourself as you finally made it outside. The music was muffled when you were on the other side of the clubhouse walls, and it gave you some much needed respite from the overload inside. You sat down at the picnic table and took a deep breath, glad to have it not taste like smoke and alcohol.
You gave yourself a few minutes of peace and quiet before forcing yourself to head back inside. Things hadn’t calmed down at all in your absence, which was mildly disappointing. But you knew that you still had a few more hours before people would start to filter out and go off in their own directions. You made your way over to the bar and ordered a drink for yourself, saying thank you to the prospect behind the bar although you weren’t sure how well he could hear you above the noise.
Your friend came bounding over to you, throwing her arm around your shoulder. She was already pretty tipsy, but she was safe and seemed like she was having a good time so you weren’t going to be a buzzkill.
“You having fun?” she asked with a huge grin on her face.
You chuckled, taking a sip of your beer before responding, “I always do.”
She leaned farther onto you, “You wanna go home, don’t you?”
You shook your head and smiled, “I don’t. Go on, have fun with the girls. If you need anything just come find me, alright?”
“You gonna sit at the bar and scope people out?”
You laughed and nodded, “It’s my favorite pastime.”
She flitted back towards the group that she had been spending her evening with and you shook your head with a laugh. You settled onto your seat, leaning back against the bar so you could watch the party unfold.
You were perfectly content and minding your own business when a man came up and approached you at the bar. You purposely didn’t look at him or acknowledge him, hoping he would take the hint and leave you alone. But of course he didn’t. They never did. You tried not to draw too much attention to yourself as you slid one of the rings on your hand over to your ring finger, hoping to add another layer of deterrent.
“Hey there, sweetheart,” his smile was too intense to be genuine.
You looked him up and down, not attempting to hide the disdain on your face. You weren’t looking to meet anyone at these parties, but whoever this guy was definitely wasn’t the kind of person you were looking to talk to. He wasn’t even wearing a kutte, and you fought the urge to roll your eyes. You had no problem being petty and picky, especially given your current company.
“My name isn’t sweetheart,” you weren’t confrontational by nature but you had no use for skeevy men.
“Then why don’t you tell me what it is?”
You turned to him and flashed him a smile, letting a beat of silence pass before saying, “It’s none of your business.”
“C’mon, it’s a party, lighten up,” he inched closer to you, “Let me buy you a drink.”
“I’m not the one you want to be doing this with,” you shook your head and nodded towards the ring on your finger, “Dealing with my fiancé is not the kind of problem you want to deal with tonight.”
He scoffed, “Some fiancé, leaving you all alone at a party like this.”
“Because he assumes that people know enough not to fuck with me,” you glanced around the clubhouse, eyes landing on Happy. A smile crossed your face as you called over to him, “Happy! C’mere!”
The color drained from the face of the man in front of you. Happy’s face was never one that was overly expressive to begin with, always mostly neutral with a touch of anger. But you could see the confusion swirling around in his eyes as he walked over. You hopped down off the stool and casually draped your arm around his waist, causing him to tense up.
“Hey, baby,” you were impressed with how easily the words fell from your lips.
His brows furrowed as he looked down at you, and then to the man standing in front of you, “What’s going on?”
You leaned against him, resting your other hand on his chest, “Nothing. I was just telling this man that if he didn’t leave me alone he’d have to answer to my fiancé, and he didn’t believe me.”
Happy’s eyes bore into the man in front of him. Without any hesitation he wrapped one arm tightly around your waist while the other reached into his kutte and pulled out his gun, pointing it directly at the man’s head. Both your eyes and the man’s went wide. He stumbled backwards a step, hands going up in surrender.
“I-I’m sorry, man. I…I didn’t know.”
“Get the fuck out,” he stepped in closer to him, gun hardly an inch from the man’s forehead, “Now.” You could tell that the man’s feet were probably just frozen to the ground out of fear, but Happy didn’t care. He tapped the end of his gun against the man’s forehead, “I’m not gonna say it again.”
That seemed to snap him out of it. He turned and all but ran towards the door of the clubhouse, not caring that he was shoving through people as he went. Happy tucked his gun back into his kutte and you instantly let your arms fall back to your sides, not wanting to push your luck even more when you had already done so.
“Sorry about that,” you said, nervously rubbing your hand on the back of your neck, “I panicked.”
“If he comes back here again, I’ll kill him.”
You laughed, but you knew that he wasn’t exaggerating, “Something tells me that it won’t end up coming to that.”
“Fiancé,” he said the word like he was unfamiliar with the sound of it.
“Can’t believe you told him I’m your fiancé. Why not boyfriend?”
You chuckled and shrugged, “Like I said, I panicked. Plus, fiancé has a little more umph to it, you know?”
“Yea. Umph. Like,” you saw the look on his face and shook your head, “Never mind. Thank you for getting him away from me, though. Sorry for bothering you.”
“Told you to be careful of what you get yourself into,” for the first time all night, you saw a hint of a smile on his face.
You laughed, nodding, “I know. Lucky for me, you’re around to bail me out.”
“Stay closer next time,” despite the roughness of his voice you could see the mischief in his eyes, “that way no one will talk to you in the first place.”
You smiled, “I’ll be sure to track you down.”
He nodded, “Good,” he waved to get the prospect’s attention, “Get her another beer,” he turned back to you, “Find me if you need me.”
He walked off without another word or backward glance, but you were very aware of the way his hand trailed lightly along the small of your back as he walked off. The contact was light, and brief, but you felt like your skin was on fire.
You were snapped out of your thoughts by the sound of a beer bottle clattering against the top of the bar. You flashed a smile and a nod to the young man behind the bar as you lifted the bottle. You looked around the clubhouse as you pressed the bottle to your lips, happy to see your friend still mingling and content. Immediately after, your gaze found its way to Happy who was already looking at you as he sat at the table with his brothers. One end of his mouth kicked up into a smirk as he subtly tilted his beer bottle towards you. You laughed, unable to stop smiling as you returned the gesture. The clubhouse was a lot of things, but surely it was never boring.
642 notes · View notes
justalads · 3 years
c!niki and c!wilbur enjoyers. pspspspspspsps
alright guys so last night i rewatched pretty much all of the pogtopia arc. and this isn’t meant to be a big, important analysis post (it’s kind of incomprehensible), because my brain is fried from, you know. rewatching pretty much all of pogtopia. but i do have some stuff i’d like to say.
(this also just became a niki meta sorry i love her. i really just got emo about her during the second half of this and it got long. i have a lot of feelings about her and wilbur’s friendship.)
it’s a pretty general conclusion that wilbur’s real “downfall” began on october 8th, during the stream “who are you go away”. of course, his spiral and the process of him losing faith had begun much earlier, more around the end of the first war or during the election. but the big switch, so to say, was definitely here, when as wilbur walks back from schlatt’s announcement, he asks tommy if they’re the bad guys.
this entire scene was so interesting to me. wilbur here is a man who has lost hope, someone who is backed into a corner morally and has nothing left. he points out that they can never really reclaim l’manburg without forever tainting it, and that schlatt knows this. the entire half an hour or so before, schlatt has been taunting wilbur about losing that power. the emphasis of the festival on “democracy” is so clearly a barb thrown at wilbur, and it works.
wilbur’s “nothing left to lose” in this vod is a mirror to niki’s “you know what they say about a woman who has nothing left to lose”. this will not be the first time they mirror each other.
basically, wilbur’s angry. when schlatt announced the festival, wilbur realized that maybe it wasn’t a terrible thing. so once he worked around into the mindset of “we’re the bad guys”, he was able to justify saying he was going to blow up the nation with no remorse. he wants chaos! he wants no survivors!
does he do it? god no.
during the streams leading up to november 16th, wilbur is consistently scared. he goes back and forth on it, and makes multiple “conditions” that determine whether he’s going to do it or not, almost begging someone to stop him. he whispers to himself that he’s scared, that his hands are shaking, that he’s not sure if it’s the right thing to do. because despite what he says about “not caring about any of them”, the instant niki is threatened after tubbo’s death, wilbur walks up to schlatt and tells him that if he’s going to kill anyone it should be him. later, when quackity and tommy talk him down from pressing the button, he can’t press it because they’re there and he can’t bring himself to kill them as well.
but he has no problems with putting his own life at risk. he refuses to wear armor half the time, and actively places himself in harm’s way to save others. he still cares about everyone else, as much as he says he doesn’t. even when he does cause harm to others, during november 16th, he immediately begs phil to kill him. “look, they all want you to.” he can’t live with what he’s done, and how he’s hurt people, but he couldn’t allow manburg to continue.
the man is terrified and angry and he can’t win. and even as he tries to stuff himself into the mind of someone who doesn’t care, he cannot. when he finally does, he cannot live with being that person.
but the reason i rewatched this arc was to see niki’s point of view, especially after her statements during her last stream. i genuinely think that wilbur’s only betrayal of her was pressing the button, because he betrayed everyone. they might have known he was going to do it, but they had faith he wouldn’t.
wilbur cared a lot about niki. her life under schlatt was awful, wilbur hated that she was suffering, and the scene where wilbur plants himself directly in the center of the festival and tells schlatt to kill him instead hits pretty hard. he has the argument with schlatt, and then turns to niki and tells her to run. he then hits people and sprints away, trying to give her time to escape.
this is also when he asks her to join pogtopia, because now that schlatt has said he’d kill her, it’s a safer place for her.
so the man did care about her. niki is angry at the memory of him that she has. it’s been twisted by time and her own grief and paranoia.
in rewatching pogtopia, i realized that a lot of people hate the memory of wilbur. not him, and what he did. they think he didn’t care. and to quote hamilton (apologies):
“history obliteratesit paints me in all my mistakes”
does niki have a right to be mad at him? absolutely. he caused direct harm to her by blowing up l’manburg, once it was reclaimed. but she’s wrong that he never cared.
(an interesting note: wilbur only blows it up after techno starts fighting people outside. he hears it, and says “look, they’re fighting”. he didn’t re-initiate the conflict of the country. the fact that even after peace was won people were fighting just gave evidence to his belief that the entire country was corrupted.)
niki has been hurt a lot, and wilbur has things to answer for. but we as the audience know that her statements are just her perception. she is a character who acts on perceptions. the entire stream was in black and white. during doomsday, upon seeing wilbur log on (as ghostbur), niki has a panic attack and destroys her bakery, trying to rid herself of the pain of the memories. her lines during this stream are chilling, whispered repetitions that are a mirror of wilbur’s end.
(paraphrased, it was long and confusing but there are a few bits and this was the essence of it)
“wilbur is gone. this isn’t happening. he is dead. l’manburg is gone.”“it is real, i am real, he is real and he is dead.”“l’manburg is gone, i am real, i am l’manburg”.
(god. dude i could spend Months analyzing this one stream alone. there’s so much here.)
doesn’t that sound a bit like “my unfinished symphony”? wilbur and niki both attach their own self to the nation they fought for, and can see it as an extension of themself. they both destroy parts of it in acts of fear, attempting to save everyone else from what they’ve made.
what i pulled away from niki’s stream is that she’s not healing. i remember the chamber she locks herself in at night. i remember her refusal to eat. i remember how she was so angry at tommy, and she later realized that anger was misguided. niki genuinely believes that wilbur did not care about her, and that’s not surprising: when he died, she denied the fact that he was gone. she represses the things that she can’t handle, same as lots of other people. it is easier for her to pin her hurt on wilbur, because she needs somewhere to pin it. people feel more in control if they’re angry, not sad.
the song cc!niki said was for her character really emphasizes this. it’s a coping mechanism.
but even condemning wilbur won’t help, because she will still never get closure. niki cares about what others think of her, and so she can’t move on from someone hurting her. she can’t move on because she thinks he hated her. she is angry that he is back, but it is an opportunity for her to heal. she couldn’t heal when he was gone. she’s not the only one with a negative perception of wilbur, after all. he has one too. the two of them really need to talk.
i want niki to be healthy and safe. i want to see her heal so badly, and i do think it will happen. after wilbur died, his betrayal of her stayed with her, and it eventually became her memory of the betrayal that she hated, not the thing itself. it’s been months since it happened. niki wants to find an outlet for her hurt, because she wants to feel better. there’s a pattern i noticed: she only gets mad at people once she hasn’t seen the person themself for a while. and once she sees them and talks to them, and realizes that they care about her and don’t want to hurt her, she stops blaming them for it. she only hates her perception of them. example one? tommy.
man was in exile for a long time, and when he came back he “brought” fighting. that’s how niki saw it. but the fact that after she spent time with tommy (trying to kill him but. details, details) she forgave him because she saw it wasn’t his fault is a really good sign.
i genuinely think that speaking to wilbur will help niki, and it will also help wilbur. after all, they both hate wilbur. the entire perception of wilbur as some heartless, crazy manipulator needs to be shattered for both of their sakes. they both buy into it.
i want niki to know that others care about her, and that she has places she can feel safe. she hates that wilbur is invading the syndicate, because she’s scared of his memory hurting her. i don’t think wilbur will hurt her on purpose, because even though he sees himself as awful, he doesn’t hate her. he never did. usually, with people who have hurt someone else, i want them as far away from the person they hurt as possible. if wilbur does hurt niki i’ll probably cry. but again, it’s not him that hated her, or really him that hurt her in the way she thinks he did. when wilbur was dead, niki didn’t get any better. her memory of him festered and made her feel worse. that’s also why niki killing wilbur or hurting him somehow wouldn’t help her heal. i want wilbur to explain that he didn’t hate her. is wilbur even close to self aware enough to help niki? nah. this is going to take a Long time, and it’s going to hurt.
last thing i swear lol
during niki’s stream, she says that wilbur manipulated her. again, i watched pogtopia last night, and i’ve watched the rest of season one recently as well. i genuinely don’t see it. but i do think i know why she said it.
during season one, wilbur doesn’t manipulate niki. he doesn’t have a chance to later, he’s dead. so then, what is she talking about? of course it’s a perception, same as a lot of her other claims. i think she’s talking about how she cared for l’manburg.
niki joined the server as wilbur’s friend, to join his nation. she grew to care for l’manburg. she devoted herself to it, same as he did. but doomsday showed us that she hates that. in niki’s eyes, l’manburg only brought pain for people, and because she ties herself to it, she hates that she ever cared about it. she can’t allow herself to care for it, because it was used to hurt. so how does she cope with knowing that she once did? she pretends she didn’t.
if she can convince herself that it was wilbur who convinced her to care about l’manburg, she can avoid blaming herself for her own pain. and yeah, she shouldn’t blame herself for it. it’s not her fault. the entire situation is tragic and a little hopeless and once again really makes me hope that she recovers. l’manburg was ruined for her by others. schlatt, techno, dream, wilbur. again another place where she and wilbur are similar: they convince themselves they never cared about l’manburg because of the hurt it caused.
to summarize: wilbur’s going to get a shock soon. don’t know when, but probably the prison visit. something is going to shake his perception, the story is hurtling towards that. once he is able to take responsibility for what he did, and feel safe (because a lot of what he does now is out of fear of being alone or useless), then he and niki need to talk. niki needs something to get her out of her own head. she’s spiraling too. they are essential to each other’s recovery because of how much they meant (and mean) to each other.
anyways i miss early season one niki i liked it when she was happy :(
~ Lad 2
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dazz-linglight · 3 years
Mafia couple got7 reaction
(you ask and I deliver! I got a little carried away hehe, come back soon xx)
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You are in command of another mafia group in the South of Seoul while Jaebeom is the leader of the West side, so you were surprised when he offered an alliance between your families in the form of marriage. You were hesitant in the beginning but after a few meetings and deep talks he convinced you and it led to what was happening right now.
"Turn around." Jaebeom ordered and you did as told turning to look at the the full body mirror in front of you, curious about the jewel box he had in his hands. Soon you felt a necklace touching your collarbones and turn to face him again.
"Already spoiling your future wife?" You asked in a half playful tone and he shook his head once.
"I've lost people before, so when I care about someone I plant a tracking device on them." He cups your face in both of his hands to make you look at him.
"This is for me to be sure you're safe when we're not together." You get closer to him and touch his wide shoulders.
"How caring. However don't you forget I'm not a defenseless lady, okay?." You leave a kiss on his jaw catching him off guard and see his surprised face just before you dodge him to get out of the room.
"I still have things to solve today, call me later." He stay and watch the way your hips move as you leave.
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"If he lays a hand on you, just cut him off." Mark tells you positioning a well sharpened knife on your thigh as an extra to the gun on your bag before sending you off to buy the cooperation of the new officer in town.
"Miss Tuan, the lady I've heard so much about." You meet the officer on a restaurant during his lunch and give him a simple smile, sitting in the chair in front of him.
"I hope you heard good things only."
"Oh, I heard you're very persuasive."
"That's very true."
"So what can I help you with?"
"Tell me how much you need to stay away from the East side during your work time."
"I'm sorry, what?"
"Your price. Let's not play innocent here, Mr. Lin." He looks at you in surprise as you open your bag to take out an envelope with a few thousands, surely more than his salary.
"Listen, I don't do that stuff."
"Oh, really? I have 20 pages here that I'm sure you don't want your Superior to see." You show him the file full of information, some of them genuine and some were fake but all of them convincing enough to make him accept the deal.
"$20K and you let me keep that." He points at the file and you pass it to him together with the envelope.
"That's the right amount on the envelope. It was a pleasure talking to you." You get up and stop by his side.
"Just so you know to not try to turn tables, that's the file you have is a copy, I have the original. Have a good day." You leave, not waiting for him to say anything else.
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You accompanied Jackson in a trip to Shanghai to close a new deal in the town to support the negotiations on expanding the business from Seoul. The meeting is occurring on one of the most expensive rooms of KTV, and you get in helping other lady bringing drinks to the group of men.
"Are we using companion tonight?" One of the old guys say in a malicious tone, ogling your ass when you lean to place the tray of drinks on the table in front of them. Jackson's expression go dark as he hear the man talk and he extends a hand for you to grab and pull you to sit on his lap, gripping your waist tightly.
"Whatever you wish, just pick someone else."
"Oh, you already pick yours? Agile, are you?" The man laughs and accepts a card from the other girl in the room. An hour passed and the deal was finished the old man was wasted leaving with a expensive girl on his arm.
"If he touched you I would've killed him in a heartbeat." Jackson mumbles as the two of you walk out of the building and to his car.
"I would gladly help you with that."
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Jinyoung opens the door to enter his office and the first thing he sees is a female dead and covered in blood on the floor next to his lover looking back at him, cleaning her 38. Your eyes narrowed as you bend down to get the girl's phone.
"What happened here?"
"I caught this bitch installing a spy camera here." You point out the now broken camera on the table behind you.
"Shit, she was leaking information?"
"That's what I will find out through her phone, and then we will get those rats."
"You better start searching, I'll get someone else to clean this mess and tell the others about her."
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Youngjae doesn't look very intimidating, he fools a lot of people with nice and smiley aura but makes up for it with cunning manipulation and is still dangerous nonetheless. He plays baits and you're the honey pot, attracting men and women to deathbed without them noticing.
You tie the wrists and legs of the passed out man tightly on the hard chair and wait for him to wake up, which he does a few minutes later.
"Took you long enough. Tell me, do you prefer to lose an arm or a leg first? Not that it will make difference, I will kill you either but, but which one do you think it will hurt less?"
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Today you could visit Bambam on prison but only get a phone call and see him through a glass with other people instead of having time alone. He's been locked in jail for a month after getting caught in a drug deal but he didn't say a word about his group.
"How was the weather these days?" He asked in a code that meant if you succeeded on the plan of revenge against the people that snitched him.
"The sky is clear, had a little bit of rain yesterday but it's fine now." You answer positively and show a little smile, touching the glass that separated you from him and he did the same.
"Thank you. I miss you so fucking much." He sighs and you nod.
"I miss you too, your trial was scheduled for next week, we're preparing everything."
"Finally, can't wait to get out of here."
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The pin on your earring slipped and fell on the floor near the bed while you put it on your ear, so you crouched down to look for the little piece, but instead of finding what you were looking for you ended up finding something very different.
YUGYEOM!" You scream from the bedroom for him to hear since he is currently in the bathroom finishing his morning routine and he came out running to see what happened, fearing you were in danger and got surprised to see you holding the spare gun he kept under the bed in case of need.
"Since when you have this under your bed??" You ask in complete confusion as to why your sweet boyfriend of a year possessed such a weapon. Now the moment he was dreading came and he couldn't get away from it.
"Sit down, Y/n." He comes closer and takes the fun off your grasp, entrelacing your fingers in his as he tells you the truth, that he works with security and driving to a gang. He admits to be terrified of the thought of you leaving him because of his kind of environment and it took you a long moment to comprehend the whole situation and after a long talk you decide to stay the same, not wanting to throw away the love you felt for him.
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echotzzz · 3 years
Elriel Mate Behaviour
1. So after reread some of acotar past book and some of others post lately about elriel mate behaviour and parallel, i am really convince that elriel are mates and the second mate thing is real. Sjm said that if there are two mate bonds only one will be activate and in elriel situation this explain why Azriel couldn’t be in the same room with Elain and Lucien because of the mating bond scent. Elriel bond are not activate but the uncontrollable instinct as a mate eg.to eliminate any threats and protective towards their mates are there.
“ Lucien as Beron’s son, has the right to demand it (blood duel) of you.”. “ I’ll defeat him with little effort.” Pure arrogance laced with every words, But it was true.
Azriel only said coldly, “If Lucien kills Graysen, then good riddance.”
2. Next are the parallel of elriel between Feysand and Nessian regarding mate behaviour are also undeniable
Elain just linked her arm through Nesta’s and led her toward the family room, where Azriel stood in the doorway, monitoring them. As if he’d heard Elain’s sharp laugh and wondered what had caused it.
Just staring—and listening to that beautiful laugh. My mate’s laugh. I rubbed a hand over my chest at that sound—the joy in it.[...] I smiled. Smiled wider as Feyre’s laugh sounded again—as I felt it down the bond, sparkling brighter than the entirety of Starfall.
So Azriel search for the cause of Elain laugh because maybe he felt it same as Rhys when he heard Feyre laugh. And the laugh that they made are not like any laugh but the genuine laugh that comes with joy that even the bond could capture.
They were speaking, Azriel with some urgency, but Cassian didn’t hear him, heard nothing but the roaring in his head before he said to no one in particular, “I’m going after them.”[...] “Winnow me to her. Az, you find Emerie and Gwyn.”
From the shadows near the entrance to the tent, Azriel said, as if in answer to some unspoken debate, “I’m getting her back.” Nesta slid her gaze to the shadowsinger. Azriel’s hazel eyes glowed golden in the shadows. Nesta said, “Then you will die.” Azriel only repeated, rage glazing that stare, “I’m getting her back.”
The similarities of this two situation is that both male are ready to sacrifies their lives and they aware of the repurcussions. Cassian knew the rule of the blood rite that he would be hunt down and executed if he retrieved Nesta while Az would die (nearly die) if enter the Hybern camp that even his shadow recoil. Eventhough Cassian decided not to rescue Nesta he still feels worried and restless for four days and just hope that she survives.
“You’d know if she’d died,” Azriel said, pausing his work and looking up at Cassian. He tapped his brother’s chest with a scarred hand. “Right here—you’d know, Cass.”
I don’t know but this feels like that Azriel has the same understanding and have been through it to said it to cassian like that🤷🏼‍♀️
“How can I possibly be his mate?” Mates were equals—matched, at least in some ways. “He is the most powerful High Lord to ever walk this earth. You are … new. You are made of all seven High Lords. Unlike anything. Are you two not similar in that? Are you not matched?”
3. So to be mates you must somehow match, equal and complement each other. We know that Azriel are one of the most deadliest Illyrian ever lived and his siphon contains only the killing power of an Illyrian and his shadowsinging ability was developed and feared by enemies. As for Elain we know that she is a seer can see vision and future and a lot many more that would be discover in her book but same as Nesta and Feyre she was made by the Cauldron and it turns out Cauldron likes her to purr at her presence and found her so lovely. At this point Elain could regard as powerful for the Cauldon itself blessed her with a seer gifts. And to add to the mix, Elain also practise stealth and maybe some spy stuff.
She scanned Elain from head to toe, wondering if she’d been taking lessons in stealth either from Azriel or the two half-wraiths she called friends.
Elain stepped out of a shadow behind him, and rammed Truth-Teller to the hilt through the back of the king’s neck as she snarled in his ear, “Don’t you touch my sister.”
I am not saying that Lucien is weak but in terms of powermatch and similarities between elriel it seems to make them as equal and best partner especially doing mission that giving good cause to save Prythian and Cauldron seems to play match maker in this👀
From Amren: an illuminated manuscript, ancient and beautiful. From Azriel: rare, vibrant paint from the continent. From Cassian: a proper leather sheath for a blade, to be set down the groove of my spine like a true Illyrian warrior. From Elain: fine brushes monogrammed with my initials and the Night Court insignia on the handles. And from Mor: a pair of fleece-lined slippers. Bright pink, fleece-lined slippers.
Okay this may be nothing but i can’t help myself to point out that even in present buying Elriel are buying the best gift and complementing each other ( what are the odds that Az bought paint and Elain gave brushes).
4. The last one i want to point out is Mor. So Mor have the power of truth right and she always there in mate situation. What if she could know a mating bond because of her power truth and reveal secrets ( A thing of secret, lovely, beauty)👀
Mor stayed overnight, even going so far as to paint some rudimentary stick figures on the wall beside the storeroom door. Three females with absurdly long, flowing hair that all resembled hers; and three winged males, who she somehow managed to make look puffed up on their own sense of importance. I laughed every time I saw it.
This scene was Mor painting in the wall during Feyre retreat after her mate revelation and before the sisters were made. At first i thought that the three female were mor, feyre and amren but amren has short hair👀. Maybe this is a forshadowing of the three brothers and three sisters🤷🏼‍♀️
Mor leaned back against the steps, utterly unrepentant. “Let him live with his Band of Exiles. Let him deal with Tamlin in his own way. Let him figure out where he wants to be. Who he wants to be. The same goes with her.” She was right. [...] Mor continued, “Just be patient. It’ll sort itself out. It always does.” Another kernel of truth.[...] “I want them to be happy. All of them.” “They will be.”
At this point Elucian will not be endgame okay i truly believe so and sjm said it is OBVIOUS (elriel👀) and it seems like Mor also thinks the same. She knew something we dont.
He was still happy to be Mor’s buffer with Azriel, but there’d been a change lately. In both of them. Mor no longer sat beside Cassian, draped herself over him, and Azriel..
So Cassian said that not only Azriel somehow gave up on Mor but Mor also stop to make Azriel jelly maybe because she sees there is no need to do it any longer. Maybe she knew abt Az feelings towards Elain.
But I strode to my seat—nestled between Amren and Mor—in time to see Elain say to Azriel, “Hello.” Az said nothing. No, he just moved toward her. Mor tensed beside me.
I think this when Mor started to see the truth between elriel feelings?? mating bond?? i just found it weird why she have a certain reaction towards them and maybe it has something to do with her truth power.
I just want to say that if elriel are not mates than it is fine too but the parallel and the crumbs really make me thinks the second mate are real. Lucien action towards Elain also show mate behaviour but much weaker?? compare to Azriel reaction. i dont know will find out in the next book to confirm. just sharing my two cents😘
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mysteryinkkat234 · 2 years
Kaitlynn Turner (Peacemaker OC) Character Sheet
Happy Valentine's Day gamers and gaymers. I hope you excited (god I hope you are) because I am ready to announce my Peacemaker OC, she was the one that inspired Think I’m in Love. Everyone, please give a warm welcome to Kaitlynn Turner:
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Backstory: Kaitlynn (also goes by Kait or Katie..or Kitty) moved to Evergreen...doesn’t have much of a reason to move there, out of the big city and to the suburban town of Evergreen. Because of this, she started doing small jobs, mainly commissioned photographer for like event photos. One of those jobs that dealt with some shady business. Even though it made good money, it started to harm Kait mentally and physically, so she left. However, that didn’t stop the group from trying to manipulate her back in. So what’s the next best thing? That’s right, she’s buys a record store, takes down the ‘Brady’ of ‘Brady’s Tacky Records’, and buys a radio scanner and some advance technology, because even though she’s making good money selling records, that group was still after, so she does the next big thing, becomes a hero of the night.
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Clipper wears body armor and leather, and wields a lot of sharp stuff: Machetes, daggers, blades, shark knives, knuckle knives, and even a big-ass katana she calls ‘Yamato’ (after Devil May Cry). As Clipper, she walks night hunting down any familiar business: drug deals, trying to lure women in alleyways, etc. Clipper isn’t one to straight-up murder people, she’s more of ‘cutting them down’ if you will. She also doesn’t have superpowers, except for the extreme skill of having pinpoint accuracy with knives and where to throw, anywhere lethal, anywhere that could paralyze. However there will be a situation where she needs to kill someone, and sometimes that might attract a certain...Vigilante.
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The first time Kaitlynn met Adrian was technically when he had him at knife-point not to kill her (as Clipper), they ‘first’ met at Tacky Records, where Chris wanted to get some new records, Adrian and Kait bonded over stuff like Paramore and Gorillaz. What Adrian found suspicious was that Kait has a radio scanner in her little glass room to the side. Soon they become allies and soon.... Lovers.
Scenarios of the Adventures of Adrian and Kaitlynn:
Adrian and John asking how Kaitlynn’s knife-throwing skill works
Dancing to Paramore in the Record Store
Reading People
Getting Shy
I actually.... genuinely hope you like her because I will be writing more about her than reader inserts, but if you do want to read more of my stories, you can check my Masterlist  and if you want to request an X Reader story, send me a message, don’t be shy. Happy Valentine's day and I hope you have a great week <3 
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cloud9in · 3 years
Promises (Poppy x MC) Part (2/?)
Read Part ONE (summary for fic is there)
ITS BEEN A MINUTE. @iamsimpforpoppy I hope you’re still around to read :P I love this story lol. Hope you guys do too!!!
Word Count (2.8k)
Bea and Poppy’s relationship became official a month after their initial meeting. One would say they moved quickly, too quickly. But every love story is different. This one in particular seemed to have little to none flaws, if you ignored the fact that Bea was promoted to Carter’s right hand woman in the Southside Spades.
 They did end up having that conversation after all.
 “…Are you sure Carter? I mean this is a huge deal and a special role-“
 “If I didn’t think you were capable you wouldn’t be here right now Goldilocks.”
 Carter winked and clinked his half empty beer bottle against Bea’s, who surprisingly had a nearly full bottle. He took note of the abnormality. 
 The blonde instinctively rolled her eyes at the nickname, “Okay but that name has to go. We need codenames……ooooh how about bimbo and himbo.” 
 “I’m guessing…..no, hoping I’m the himbo?!” Carter comments as he promptly tries to stop the laugh escaping from his lips.
 “Mmmmmmm, I’ll get back to you on that.”
 They share a laugh and Bea feels Carter’s gaze latch onto her in her peripherals. She could sense the shift of energy in the space between them, it almost felt uncomfortable, and that was something she never felt with Carter. “I never asked you if you were okay with such a role. If you aren't, I understand completely, I just want the best for you.”
 The blonde eyes soften at his comment and she looks at him, “never doubted that, where is this going though because you never express your feelings like a normal human being.”
 He pulls on the strings of her hoodie until it completely caves around her face, burying her whole.
 “Hey asshole!” 
 “That’s for talking too much.”
 Bea yanks her hoodie open and sticks her tongue out in a mock expression. “Oh boohoo. Poppy literally says the same thing, I don’t get it. I talk, it’s a problem. I don’t talk, it’s an even BIGGER problem. Damn a girl can’t ever exist in peace.”
 Carter places his bottle flat on the table and studies the blonde’s face. 
 She kept rambling on about her new girlfriend and the gang leader didn’t know it was possible to feel happy yet anxious at the same time. He was aware of when they entered the talking stage, went on their first date, and finally became official, because Bea told him everything. As much as the experience of being in a real relationship was new to her, Bea looked up to him and somehow she knew Carter would give her the best guidance possible. 
 It didn’t stop him from worrying. Like an older brother would. He feared the two would mix, and everyone knows that love and crime will eventually combust. He is no stranger to it.  
 “Did you know she stole one of my hoodies and actually won’t give it back?? What am I supposed to do, just take it? No she’d murder me.”
 Her voice slowly dies down after sensing the seriousness in his tone. She takes a sip of her beer to ease the silence that sat in the air, and Carter responds shortly after.
 “You know I trust you with my life right? You’re very important to me, kid.” 
 “I know.”
 Guilt was a feeling he chose to lock away in an unbreakable box and bury six feet deep. There couldn’t be guilt in a lifestyle like this. But Bea was his only exception. And she was slowly bringing that box back up to the surface. 
 “I need you to promise me that you won’t let these two worlds collide.”
 “One of you will get hurt. And I won’t forgive myself if it’s you.”
 He leaves Bea at the table, the remnants of his comment still replaying in her head. She pulls out her phone and sees a text from Poppy on her lockscreen. 
 Other Half 💗❤️‍🔥- Can’t wait to see you tomorrow 😘 
 The blonde smiles unconsciously and opens the message to respond.
 I’m missing you like crazy. I have a special surprise for you.
 Other Half 💗❤️‍🔥- You know I highly dislike surprises, just tell me. 
 And ruin the surprise? You must be crazier than I thought. 
 Other Half 💗❤️‍🔥- Jackson.
 Patience babe…tomorrow it is. 
 Bea clicks her phone shut and slips it back into her pocket before downing the rest of the beer. 
“You know your hand on my ass only makes them stare even more Jackson?”
 Bea bites her lips and gropes the blonde’s plump backside shamelessly while slowly whispering into her ear.
 “That’s the point, princess.”
 Poppy shivers almost instantly at the boldness. “Is this the surprise you were talking about?” Bea doesn’t answer, instead trailing her hand up Poppy’s skirt. This was definitely not the time and place for such behavior but she was clearly still learning everything about her girlfriend. 
 And it definitely felt good to call her that.
 “Since when did you get so brazen? You know you’re exactly the type of person my daddy told me to stay away from.”
 Bea laughs at that statement and wraps her arm around the blonde’s waist, “yeah? And why’s that?”
 “Well I can’t ask him now, he might rough you up and that’s my job.” 
 Poppy could feel the stares of everyone burning into them, but she could only focus on the blonde cuddled up against her. The shorter girl wouldn’t call herself an attention whore, but she sure loved the PDA that Bea projected without a care. It felt nice to be genuinely admired in public rather than putting on a mask everyday. 
 But it’s safe to say that Poppy preferred all the handsy stuff to happen in private. 
 “Do you want to grab dinner with me tonight Pops?”
 “Am I picking the place?”
 “Then yes.”
 Bea rolls her eyes at the blonde’s downright shady self but smiles nevertheless. 
 “Now don’t cancel on me out of the blue. I will not be thrilled about it.”
 “Shouldn’t I be telling you this? Your dad always has something going on in his business that somehow has to involve you too.”
 Poppy sighs and glances over at Bea, “well you know I’ll have to take over eventually. Especially since I’m legally allowed to handle deals now.”
 “I hate that word. Legal. Ugh.” 
 The shorter girl scoffs and plants her hands on her hips, “yeah I bet you do.”
Bea dragged open her closet in search of clothes for dinner tonight but the dinging noise of a text distracts her. 
 C-Dog🖤- Need you tonight. Something came up, meet us at the garage.
Bea wanted to thank the gods up above that she didn’t promise Poppy that she’d show up for dinner. But that wasn’t going to save her from the fury of the blonde. Good thing it can’t get worse than that, right….?
Only it was. And Poppy will probably beat her up herself, if she wasn’t dead by the next day. 
Bea’s mind and heart races as she digs her brain for a proper excuse to tell her girlfriend, but is very unsuccessful. She’s good at drug dealing though. 
 Going with the good ole truth never really hurt right?
 Baby I’m so sorry I won’t be able to make it tonight. Got held up with the gang. I know I’m an asshole, I’ll keep in touch I swear. 
 Other Half 💗❤️‍🔥- What else could I expect from my gang banger girlfriend 🙄 please stay safe..
 You know I always do.
 Other Half 💗❤️‍🔥- Do I? We need to talk about this tomorrow.
 Of course Pops.
 Other Half 💗❤️‍🔥- Call me every chance you get or I swear I’ll track you and trust me you do not want me to do that.
 Yeah she definitely doesn’t. Especially since Carter sounded frantic over the phone. The last thing Bea needed was a paranoid girlfriend, so she played it cool like always. 
 Just simple stuff baby girl, talk soon.
“…What do you mean it’s gone?! So where is it? Do you know what this means Carter??”
 The gang leader sighs frustratingly, rubbing his eyes in efforts to gain some stability. “The product was here, and now it is not. Which can only mean it was stolen. And when I find out which son of a bitch did it, they’re dead.”
 “In the meantime, we are dead”, Bea emphasizes wildly. “This is the Red Raven gang we’re talking about. If they get any inclination that we lost their drugs, they’ll kill and replace us. No mercy. None.”
The blonde paces back and forth trying not to think about buying a plane ticket to Timbuktu. 
Carter approaches Bea and plants his hands on her shoulder, “breathe Jackson. You are my partner. The leader of this gang. So get it out of your system and start being rational.”
 The blonde lets her shoulders sag as she inhales and exhales in place for a while. The minute she’s grounded she catches Carter’s gaze and her eyes light up. “List. I need a list of whoever went in the room with all of the product. We need to narrow it down.”
“Jackson you’re a fucking genius.”
 “It’s called having common sense but I’ll take the praise. It’s the only one I’m getting from you anyways.”
 Carter resisted the urge to pick a fight with the younger girl, because finding stolen drugs and not getting killed seemed like a much better idea. 
 Bea figured out that Henry, one of the newly recruited members of SS was a thief, or maybe just a crackhead. Same thing. He was the last to be in that room so all eyes were on him, and guns.
 “Heyyy buddy. Henry right?”
 The shorter man trembled at the sight of a gun lodged right into his mouth. “Mmmm!”
 “Oh I’m sorry, did you want to say something? Here let me just”, Bea clicks the gun which only causes the thief to panic even more. It was almost pitiful. 
 “Alright lay off the poor sucker.” 
 Bea pulls the gun out of his mouth and sits down on a stool in front of Henry with a grin. “So…where is the stash darling?” 
 He points almost immediately to a built in storage locker with a shaky finger. 
 “Ohhh well that was so easy Henry! Glad you could comply. You should tell your friends to be more like you. But…between me and you, they might already be dead”, Bea whispers that last part slowly, smirking when Henry’s lip quivers violently. 
 “Please just do it already! Why are you guys waiting?”
 Bea raised an eyebrow in surprise and glanced over at Carter who scanned the man’s face intensely. “I guess he wants to die? Talk about kinks I mean come on”
 Carter reaches his arm out towards Bea but never takes his eyes off Henry. The blonde watches in confusion until she realizes the thief is looking behind her, and so is Carter.
 “It’s a setup Bea, duck!”
 She dived for the ground quicker than lightning as a bullet flies through the air, leaving a trail of dust behind. Carter ducks for cover as well and starts firing rounds towards the men who snuck up on them. He managed to hit three of them but one grabs Bea by the leg and drags her against the rough concrete. 
 “Son of a- get your dirty hands off of my Dr. Martens. My girlfriend bought me these!”
 A swift kick to the face shut the blonde up real quick but she manages to recoil and send the man sprawling backwards into a row of barrels. 
 Carter guns him down and Bea finds her footing, pistol in hand and a thirst for revenge. But they never stopped coming. 
 Her and Carter were left battered and bruised, but alive. Their product was gone again though. But atleast they were alive. Carter told her that it was a theft mission primarily and neither of them were meant to die. But it only made Bea wonder who those people were.
 And why were they kept alive?
“Beatriz Naomi Jackson what the actual fuck?!”
 “Oh not the middle name…”
 Bea tries to avoid Poppy’s killer gaze as she surveys the damage that had been done to her girlfriend’s torso, legs, and face. 
 The strawberry blonde could barely mutter a word. Her mouth opened and closed in brief shock before collapsing next to the injured girl. 
 Bea could see the tears flowing down her rosy cheeks, which contrasted her porcelain skin. “Poppy…are you crying? I..please don’t..”
 “What do you expect me to do Bea? It kills me to see you hurt like this. Who did it? Tell me!” The blonde chokes on her own words as her hands hovers cautiously over Bea’s wounds, afraid to make her feel pain.
 “No I can’t tell you. I mean…I didn’t expect this to happen. It was a setup and we were outnumbered-“
 “We need to get you to a hospital Bea oh my god.”
 The blonde knew that she couldn’t go there. Not with the cops on the scene of the shootout, and actively looking for the people involved. Aka her and Carter. He told her to lay low and heal up, but she didn’t expect Poppy to be sitting on her bed waiting for her when she got home. The initial look on her face made Bea regret ever choosing this life. 
 She regrets it ever since being with Poppy. But it’s like a drug, once you start it’s hard to stop. 
 “I’ll call my father, he has the best doctors available and we’re gonna get your the right treatment and-“ 
 Poppy immediately cuts off, her eyebrows scrunching up until she realizes something. “Wait…what do you mean you were outnumbered Bea?” 
 Bea swallows heavily, praying that this conversation couldn’t escalate further, but that isn’t the case. 
 “Bea, answer me”
 “It..it was just me and Carter. We didn’t think there would be an ambush. We had just gone there to get goods we lost.”
 “And where is Carter? Does he know you’re like this right now? Did he leave you, I swear to god Bea if he left you…” Poppy’s voice cracks as her whole body shivers in violent waves. 
 Bea pulls her girlfriend in for a hug even though it causes every inch of her body to sting harshly. It was the comfort that she needed though. Watching Poppy breakdown over the sight of her was too much, and she began to contemplate everything. 
 “Pops listen to me, I cannot go to the hospital right now. There are cops looking for us.” The strawberry blonde stares at her until she understands the velocity of Bea’s words. 
 “Fine. But there will be a doctor that will come to treat you at my house. And you’re coming, I don’t want to hear it.” 
 Bea knew not to protest that. It was quite obvious this whole incident has left both parties distraught and she didn’t want to try and tell Poppy how to feel. 
 “Just tell me something. Are you in immediate danger? Is someone trying to harm you right now.”
 The blonde chose her words carefully. Because even after coming home beaten to a pulp, she still couldn’t tell the love of her life the full truth. 
 “No Poppy, they just wanted the drugs. They got what they wanted. I’m not in danger.”
 For now.
 “I will be okay.”
 I hope.
 “Don’t lie to me Jackson. I can’t do this if you lie. You promised me you wouldn’t get to the point where you’d have to choose between me and the gang.”
 “I know Poppy…I-“
 “You promised.”
 “And I’m going to keep that promise-“
 “Yeah the hell you are. And you’re going to promise me that you won’t ever come home like this again. You’re going to get yourself killed before we even start our life together. Our future.”
 Bea sucks in a breath which punctures her chest. She couldn’t tell if the injuries or Poppy’s words had caused that terrible ache. “Our…Wait I..”
 “I love you Jackson. I…don’t care if you think it’s too early to say that. I don’t care if I sound too cheesy for a mean girl. I love kissing you and feeling the laughter run through your body when we hug. I love being the reason you smile. I love you. And you don’t have to say it back. I just..I needed you to know-“
 “I love you too. Probably maybe from the moment I met you.”
 Poppy’s eyes seemed to glisten once again and this time there was no sadness etched into the shape. She smiled a pure smile and wrapped her arms around Bea in a tight hug. 
 She captures her lips in a searing kiss that leads to a trail of kisses down the strawberry blonde’s neck, dip of her collarbone, and chest. Bea kisses her until her chest gives out from exhaustion and pain.
 “Then you have to promise that this won’t happen again.” 
 “I promise.”
NOTES: They’re gonna be fineeeee, right guys??? Graduation next chapter woooo.
Tags: @samanthadalton @somewillwin @clowneryme  @baexpoppy @poppysmc @doey-eyes8 @veenast @straightlikewetspaghetti @phoennixxsblog
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chainofclovers · 3 years
Grace and Frankie 7x1 - 7x4 thoughts
Meh? Like...I love them so much, but...meh?
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(I did enjoy this line about brunch.)
I really loved season 6 of Grace and Frankie. I thought it was well-paced, largely very well-acted, generally well-written, and it culminated in a massive moment of character development for the title characters, who, having spent years growing closer and being there for each other when others could not or would not be, finally articulate to each other that they are the primary person in each other’s lives. Platonic gal pal soulmate BFF emotional support witches 4 lyfe!
I know progress isn’t always linear, and in fact is very rarely linear, but after a moment that significant, you’d think the writers on this show would maybe come up with some more interesting things for these characters to do than spin in circles?
@bristler and I watched on Friday night, and just this morning over breakfast had a good conversation about the first four episodes of the new season now that they have settled in our brains a bit. We concluded that the writing (often noticeably clunky, like the dialogue is responsible for more narration than usual) and the tone (aggressively wacky) feel really off, especially compared to the prior season. I think we diagnosed the big issue, which is that Lily Tomlin and Jane Fonda are by far the most talented actors on this show (if you disagree, fight me in the parking lot) and it feels surprisingly unfortunate that their characters have, to this point in the new season, pretty much figured out their perspectives on each other. No matter how people feel about Grace and Frankie’s sexualities, the whole show has been about them finding each other and getting in deeper and deeper, and it’s less interesting to watch other characters have realizations about that than it is to watch Grace and Frankie having realizations about themselves. If the title characters are now limited to reacting to other people’s actions, and the title characters are played by the best actors on the show, the whole show’s gonna suffer. And is suffering, very much so, at least for these first four episodes. I’m definitely still excited for the final twelve in 2022 (twelve! I cannot believe this season will have sixteen eps!), but I’m pretty disappointed so far.
Stuff I Loved:
The family brunch. These families have been entwined for so long, and the backstory for this particular brunch was so fun (even though I didn’t care for the effects they did to depict Grace and Robert 25 years ago; there was no need for a visual flashback in the scene). I love that Grace hit Frankie with a wiffle ball bat. I love that the two couples realized some of the emotional reasons behind their decisions to lie to each other about Bud’s Bunny and about M’Challah. I love the way Jane Fonda sounds uttering the phrase “Bud’s Bunny” with little to no irony. I love that Grace is able to recognize and articulate just how deep and miserable her anger issues were, albeit with the continued help of her omnipresent martini, and that Frankie told her she’d now make up a holiday in order to spend more time with Grace. I really, really hope Frankie does exactly this at some point in the remaining episodes of the season. I love that Grace is generally a pretty good person now, with aspirations of being a delightful person. I love that she and Frankie don’t have it in them to stay angry with each other, and I love all the evidence that they really, really talk to each other about everything now.
Frankie talking to the man at the office (I don’t remember who he was supposed to be? A toilet manufacturer? I didn’t mention this before, but I actually got pretty high while watching?!? Believe it or not, this was the first time I smoked pot and watched Grace and Frankie at the same time despite having enjoyed both activities on their own for quite some time. I would recommend the combo! And I think I still pretty much got what was happening) about paying for the toilet parts with candy. This whole subplot with the money laundering was absurd and not that interesting, but I loved this particular scene because it was finally evidence of some really thoughtful writing. The concepts aren’t enough! You have to write them into good dialogue! And the whole cash/candy thing was a moment of dialogue that only someone as hilarious as Lily Tomlin could pull off. Which she did, IMO.
In a show about super messy people, Coyote has stayed sober this entire time. He is sober, employed, in love, and preparing to buy a full-sized house with his partner. He hasn’t murdered anyone in his family. Hasn’t even attempted murder once.
In 2017 or whatever, Grace Hanson would have been furious about Frankie using obscure Beatles references like a treasure map when hiding the cash. But here in 2021, she cooperates and even gets in on the fun. The writing is very unsubtle this season, but that did feel like a reasonably subtle moment that shows how good of a partner she is for Frankie. (Platonic, of course! So platonic. Female friendship, amirite?)
Stuff I Did NOT Love and Felt Incredibly Negative About:
Brianna. I can only conclude that June Diane Raphael has decided she’s happy with playing a character whose primary role in life is to be hot and mean. She succeeds at being hot and mean, but I have reached my limit with this character. I realize we’re only a quarter of the way into the season, but I don’t think I can take another arc about her learning to compromise only to reveal to Barry that she never intended to compromise at all. At this point, it’s both abusive and boring. How?! The Grace/Brianna parallels aren’t interesting anymore, because one character has grown and the other is stagnant. I get that Brianna was raised in an emotionally stilted environment by two unhealthy people. But I think it would be very cool if she could learn something from her mother at this point. Grace has put a ton of effort into dealing with her “rabbit-killing, mad-at-the-world anger.” She’s put a ton of effort into figuring out what makes her happy, what she wants her life to look like. She’s even started accepting her age and abilities without shame. And that growth is believable; Grace is still short-tempered and she still slugs back way too many martinis and she struggles to articulate certain things, but she’s grown into a truly lovely human. And while, as a daughter with a mother, I can absolutely attest to the fact that it can be difficult and uncomfortable to learn lessons from one’s mother, Brianna really, really should. Grace spent decades letting anger and shame trap her in a small, miserable life. Brianna—and even Mallory, who just seems like a vapid idiot this season—are traveling that same path, but there’s someone right there who could really help, maybe even more than Frankie helped when the Hanson girls were first growing up.
The arraignment. The scene might’ve been salvageable if it was filmed from Grace’s perspective, and filmed to reflect how surreal and improbable it all was. But speaking of non-linear progress, this scene erased everything Nick Skolka has done to put himself in my good graces (LOL) over the past couple seasons. I mean, I tried, man. I even wrote fic about Nick, Grace, and Frankie making a genuine effort at polyamory. But the arraignment is so emotionally manipulative, such a slap in the face of everything Grace has worked for, and while we’re certainly “supposed” to feel the weight of the moment, I mean, it’s not like we’re supposed to be like, “Oh, cool, we’re in a rom com now! This is adorable!” it still felt bad and unearned and slapdash.
And I want Frankie to process these things with her! Frankie seems so happy to have all this information about Grace and how Grace feels, but I want to see scenes in which we can gain an understanding of how Frankie actually feels. Hearing Frankie talk to other people about how Grace feels is interesting, but it’s like there’s no room in these episodes for us to learn anything new about Frankie herself.
Grace’s transitional wig. Is so. Bad. It is. Such a. Bad wig. Oof. I mean, I like what they’re doing with Grace’s hair from a plot perspective, although (see one bullet up) I would really like to get more of an understanding of what’s happening in Grace’s head, not just on top of her head. And gosh, Frankie would be a really good person to talk to about this in a conversation that lasts longer than 30 seconds. But the wig! She’s in a wig in all four episodes, of course, since Jane Fonda went grey and cut her hair short before they started filming this season. The wig for episodes 1 and 2 is fine; it’s a good approximation of Grace’s typical hair, and of course we know that canonically Grace’s hair isn’t 100% her own hair anyway. But the wig with grey roots looks so weird. The part that’s growing out doesn’t look the same as the hair on the wig from 1 and 2. And the grey roots look like a yarmulke. I cannot wait to get to the point in the season when Grace goes all the way grey.
(One more thing about the hair. I can’t let it go. I paused the show while we were watching to rant, but I’m not done.) I had the great privilege of seeing Jane Fonda in person at a protest in 2019. She is an insanely beautiful human. She was growing her hair out and it was partially dyed blonde and partially grey. It looked really cool. I am not ashamed to say I spent that day learning many things about the climate crisis and about Jane Fonda’s hair. Having seen her in real life with her real hair looking that fucking great, I just have a an extra-large grudge against everyone involved in that horrible wig. The wig is necessary, but it didn’t have to be this bad.
What Do I Care About Now?
I am pretty intrigued by the way Grace threw out her real age in a conversation with Nick and Elena. She has nothing to fear anymore! She’s so chill about aging! What could go wrong? I assume that Nick and Elena maneuvering for Nick to be on house arrest in Grace's house specifically has to do with the fact that Grace is 82. She’s gonna find out that Nick is allowed to be with her because she’s ancient and helpless and the court took pity. Or something like that. She’s going to feel betrayed on top of feeling stifled and overwhelmed by Nick’s presence. I want to see where this goes for sure.
Other than that, and other than the fact that I really do continue to believe this show is moving in a direction in which Grace and Frankie will choose each other, I feel very whatever about this whole thing. I love this show and I will always appreciate this show for giving me some incredible characters to spend years of my life writing about, and for bringing me some pretty amazing friendships. Speaking of those friendships, yesterday @ellydash and @telanu and I were talking about some of the incredible TV we’ve watched recently, like Ted Lasso and Hacks and Fleabag and Killing Eve, and how great it feels to watch beautifully written TV crafted by writers who are profoundly—organically yet intentionally—attuned to even the most minor character’s rhythm. The disappointment of these first few episodes of the new G&F season feels like a mild disappointment rather than a sharp heartbreak, and that has a lot to do with being deeply invested in other shows that could also go in all kinds of different directions but with writing I fundamentally trust.
Also Jane Fonda and Lily Tomlin are my forever faves and my appreciation for their performances and general awesomeness onscreen and in life is undiminished. So that’s pretty cool.
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eternal-armin · 2 years
wyatt talks: strange customer encounters
okay i really need this stuff off my chest. it is weighing down so heavily on me right now?
i live in a semi-small town, like everyone knows everyone and people are usually pretty chill. there are some unspoken rules that everyone respects, as with all places, so everyone is pretty... predictable, i guess. like when you go into work, you know that you don't have anything entertaining to expect when it comes to the people you serve.
some of you may know this, i work as a cashier at market basket, which is one of the only two supermarkets in my town, the other being stop & shop. so it gets super crowded and i serve a whole lot of people. faces blend together, all that, you know how it is. but there are two orders that i will never forget. like, they still baffle me to this day.
the first one, dude was pretty quiet. didn't talk, i think he was looking at his phone the whole time, and this is actually pretty typical. a vast majority of people don't really converse with the cashiers and baggers, it's just one of those things. he was probably a cool guy.
but he... unnerves me. for one reason. what he bought. it wasn't anything concerning, like duct tape and rope, but it was a major 'what the fuck.'
this man buys 15 dollars worth of chiquita bananas. at my market basket, those are, like, 59 cents a pound. he bought 25 pounds of chiquita bananas and- here's the kicker- one gallon of milk. just one!
what was he doing with them?? i need to know but i have legit never seen him again! not in market basket, not on the street, nowhere. i mean, that's not really all that surprising, but i've definitely had people come into my line multiple times. i just...
what did he do with them. what did he do with the milk???
okay. that's enough about banana man before he gives me a hernia.
the second strangest encounter was with this couple. husband and wife, pretty typical. they bought, like, almost 700 bucks worth of groceries. poor me (i was bagging at the time) but i've had people come in with big orders like that all the time. they probably shopped once a month and had a big family, i dunno. but unlike banana man, the strange part wasn't their order, it was just them.
my nametag says 'ocean', it's the name i prefer to use when talking to customers and my family (i have strange preferences when it comes to who calls me what, it's a long story), and i get so many people that are just like 'oh, what a pretty name!' or 'i can see why you were named that, it matches your eyes!' and i don't like it? but whatever.
these guys complimented my name, but then asked if it was my legal name. i said no, and they asked what my legal name was. so i told them it??? for some reason???
another odd thing is that they focused solely on me. like my cashier at the time, cool dude, he was really helpful because i was just starting out, they paid him absolutely no attention at all. it was their eyes only on me the entire time.
now that's weird enough, maybe they were just socially awkward or something? i don't know. but the thing that makes my stomach churn is that the wife was always joking about killing her husband. and sometimes just out of the blue, like 'oh my god, i'm gonna kill you.' and they would both laugh, and he would say 'yeah, you probably will.'
at some point, he turned to me and said 'she's gonna, i'll tell ya that much.'
the last thing i heard them say before they left the store was another of those jokes. and- once again not all that strange, they may not live near me, just never noticed them, yaddah yaddah- i have never seen either of them again.
i am genuinely wondering if my brain just made up these encounters from the sheer boredom of slow shifts. because this- this can't be real. it's genuinely just... so out of the blue. and i think about banana guy all the time, i don't know why. i hope that husband is okay because like... that didn't seem like it bode well for him.
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