#implied codywan anyway
goldleaf-art · 1 year
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Back from the market before the heat of the day.
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skltart · 11 months
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life's hard when your general absolutely refuses to go to the medic. he just slaps a bacta patch on a stab wound and calls it a day
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eloquent-apollo · 5 days
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I wont lie I do find myself a little bit funny
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cabezadeperro · 1 year
codywan sleep bingo #5: king bed
hello!! last fill (for the moment) for the @codywansleepbingo​
established relationship, takes place after the war. G. implied cody/others.
word count: ~1.1k
on ao3
bingo card and fic under the cut.
The bed is a big slab of white cotton in the middle of the room. It is big enough that Cody can lie across on top of it, his feet barely brushing the edge, and it’s one of the most comfortable places he has had the chance to sleep in. He also hates it. It’s too big, too cold, too empty, too unprotected. The wide expanse of sheets and blankets make him feel alone, lonelier than he already feels. He did not choose it: it came with the room, and the room was one of the Senates many little backhanded gifts, like the clothes they kept throwing at him at first, like the first few drafts of the Clone Sentient Rights legislation. A poisoned gift, a gift that isn’t one—one of the first attempts on the new chancellor’s part at guessing Cody’s price.
They now know better, but Cody’s stuck with the bed and the room and the apartment anyway, just because it is convenient and he has yet to see a single credit of the compensation they were all promised.
Cody closes the door at his back and pads barefoot to his bed in the dark. It is a mess: it’s been a few days since the last time he even tried to put the sheets and blankets in some order, and half the few things he actually owns have ended up finding their way there. He can see his personal ‘pad, the comm he thought he had lost, yesterday’s socks, the cap of his old greys. He makes a face at it and then gives in to the inevitable, because he’s tired and he’s furious and he just wants to sleep.
He should just leave. He knows it, and he thinks everyone does as well. The only reason he doesn’t is because by this point it has become a matter of pride: he stays out of spite.
He forgot—again—to pull down the blinds on the room’s big window, and now and then the room flashes pink, yellow, green: Galactic City is just a layer of transparisteel away, always busy, always thrumming with life and death and industry and money. Cody leaves his clothes in a pile on the floor and pads until he stops in front of the window: it’s cold to the touch. He leans his forehead against it and closes his eyes, allowing himself a second to really feel how tired, how angry he is.
At first the work helped with the latter: now it doesn’t, or not quite. Cody exhales, shaky with fury and frustration, exhausted to the bone, and then steps away and into the fresher. He showers in the big room, with its marble and its harsh white lights, and then he steps back out, the carpet soft against his soles and his wet hair dripping down his neck.
And he finds he’s not alone.
Obi-Wan has switched on the lamp on the bedside table. He’s moved most of Cody’s things to the chair in the corner, and remade the bed, more or less. He’s sitting on it, reading something in a datapad Cody recognises with a jolt as the one he used to own back in the war, and—
“Is that food?” Cody blurts. Obi-Wan snorts and looks at him over the edge of his datapad. He looks good, tan and fit, hair closer to blond than it used to be. “It is,” he says. He turns off his datapad and smiles crookedly. “The least I could do, since I let myself in and all that.”
Cody snorts. He digs into his bag until he finds a pair of clean underwear, slips it on, and then he joins Obi-Wan on the bed, sitting cross legged across from him, the take out boxes between them.
This—this: Obi-Wan appearing in the middle of the night with natborn food—started back in the war. Everything else might have changed, but Cody finds he likes knowing he can trust this won’t. He doesn’t always get it right—Cody will keep reminding him about the dumpling situation until he dies—but his choices are always interesting, and by now Cody knows that Obi-Wan knows that’s what he likes: natborn food is one of the few things that has yet to disappoint him.
“Where’s this from?” Cody asks between bites. Obi-Wan shrugs. He’s mostly sipping a paper cup of caf, its aroma nothing like the sludge Cody remembers from the war, his free hand around Cody’s ankle. “I have no idea,” he replies honestly. “It’s from a cart a couple levels under this one, and they were too busy to ask.”
Cody hums around a mouthful. He closes his eyes: the texture of the noodles reminds him of something he had in Felucia, a couple years ago, but the sauce is all wrong. And he has no idea what the protein actually is.
“A mystery for the ages, then,” he says carelessly. Obi-Wan huffs. He left his boots and the outer layer of his tunic somewhere, and he looks soft and approachable like this, the dim light sliding down his bare arms. “I’ll find out,” Obi-Wan replies. Cody hides his smile into his box. Of course he will.
He doesn’t always stay. He doesn’t spend too much time on Coruscant anymore: the planet reminds Obi-Wan of things he’d rather forget. He left the Council a few months after the war ended, and while Cody very much doubts he won’t come back sooner rather than later, by now he’s more than happy to spend his time doing Prime knows what in the Rim. They don’t talk much: Cody’s busy, and Obi-Wan keeps himself to the edges of the galaxy, far away from the reach of most comm relays, and he does it on purpose. But now and then, this: late night talks and weird food from the heart of the Republic and Obi-Wan’s warm hand around Cody’s ankle, heavy and reassuring. Obi-Wan in this bed Cody hates, in this room he loathes, and his tales, and his company.
He’s not the only person Cody shares his body and his time with, but he’s the only one he invites into this bed, even if he doesn’t always stay, even if Cody wakes up alone more often than he’d like.
Cody finishes one of the boxes, and then leaves the room to leave the other one in his glaringly empty conservator. He finds Obi-Wan in the fresher, brushing his teeth with the brush Cody keeps for him in the small cabinet under the sink, and he hip checks him out of the way to brush his own. And then: the bed, huge and comfortable and still awful. They settle under the covers, and Cody curls around Obi-Wan, slides his cold feet between his legs, and hides his smirk in Obi-Wan's neck when he curses, too loud in the quiet room. And then: Cody, waking up hours later to find he's drifted away, and tracking him across the mattress, and the beating of Obi-Wan's heart in his chest, under Cody’s ear, like a light in the dark, following him into sleep.
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glimmerglanger · 2 years
Broken Pieces (2/3)
SO, I said that I'd have part two up on Thursday when I THOUGHT yesterday was Tuesday... But that was my mistake, so I still posted it today, as promised.
ANYWAY. "Broken Pieces" is part of the sanguine series! Which means Vampire!Obi-Wan! We've hit the Zygerrian arc, with all that implies, including canon-typical violence, torture, slavers, and so on.
Warnings also for starvation and mentions of past torture of a child (Bandomeer-related). Pining and Codywan feature as well. (M-rating for this one due to violence and torture, no spice).
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aeligsido · 2 years
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have (grand)children, they said
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Star Wars - All Media Types Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: CC-2224 | Cody/Obi-Wan Kenobi, CC-2224 | Cody & Leia Organa & Luke Skywalker & Letti Kryze-Kenobi & Obi-Wan Kenobi, background CC-2224 | Cody/Obi-Wan Kenobi/Satine Kryze, background Padme Amidala/Anakin Skywalker Characters: CC-2224 | Cody, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Leia Organa, Luke Skywalker, Letti Kryze-Kenobi (OC) Additional Tags: Codywan Kiss Bingo 2022, prompt: Gross Kiss, Domestic Fluff, Grandparents & Grandchildren, Grandparents & Grandchildren Relationship, Kid Leia Organa, Kid Luke Skywalker, Implied Rex & Anakin & Padmé in a Queer Platonic Relationship, Luke & Leia & Letti are suffering bc they're grandparents are in love, so gross am i right, toddler Letti Kryze-Kenobi, dramatic Leia Organa, dramatic Luke Skywalker, Good Grandparent CC-2224 | Cody, Good Grandparent Obi-Wan Kenobi, Alternate Universe - Order 66 Didn't Happen, Alternate Universe - Everyone Lives/Nobody Dies, except for Palps that's it, he gets to die, bc no one like him anyway, Fluff, domestic life, no beta we die like i wish Palps was dead Series: Part 2 of CodyWan Kiss Bingo Challenge 2022 Summary:
"It could be worse. Luke is a sweet boy and generally calm enough, even if he tends to act innocent rather than being innocent. Leia is a menace on her good days but always tries to be the serious one when her cousin is around, for the sake of being a good example. Letti is adorable but discovered recently how to use the Force, and that one brings enough problems as it is. Cody’s pretty sure the twins weren’t that bad at this age.
“Everything’s alright,” confirms Cody after a glance at his smiling granddaughter in his arms."
OR: Just a soft moment between two Grandpas and their grandchildren.
For @codywankissbingo​ and the prompt “Gross Kiss”! 
Cody watches as the toddler dutifully tries to open the door — to not avail, obviously, since she’s way too small to reach the handle. Letti lets out an annoyed huff and falls back on her rear, her plush tooka forgotten beside her. She scrunches up her face — it’s the cue for Cody to intervene before she tries to use the Force to open the door and accidentally break a window again. In two steps he’s behind her and taking Letti into his arms, placing her on his hips with ease. She swaps at his face — Cody’s not sure if it’s on purpose or accidental — but gets immediately distracted in her protests when Cody hands her her toy.
Cody can’t help but smile. He bounces her a little, making a slow way back to the couch.
“And what do you say?” he asks, bouncing her again and making her giggles.
“Vor’e, ba’buir.” She sends him a toothy grin. Cody kisses her cheek, which makes her giggle some more.
“Is everything going okay here?” says a new voice, and Cody smiles at the sight of his husband.
Obi-Wan looks wonderful, as usual. It’s only brightened by the fond look he directs at them, and Luke gripping at his hand. Leia is following slowly behind them, closing the door of the office behind her, her attention toward the datapad she’s holding.
Korkie is still on Mandalore playing mediator between his mother and his aunt. They would have stayed, but Satine had insisted for them to go on their scheduled vacations without her. Cody only gives Korkie another day before he gets annoyed at the supposed adults in charge and leaves to rejoin them. He definitely needs to relax, at least. Wooley is out catching up with the members of the 212nd and 501st living nearby, as usual. Rex, Anakin, and Padmé are out in a date — or, as they say, a “half-romantic date, half-platonic date!” which doesn’t make any sense but apparently work for them, and aren’t supposed to come back before late in the evening. Ahsoka hasn’t joined them yet, and Daithe is busy preparing for her Knight trials, even if they won’t happen before another year.
Which left Cody and Obi-Wan in charge of their grandchildren.
Minus Tup — who is with Fives and Echo right now, and Cody doesn’t want to know what they’re doing, thank you very much — and Dogma — who’s busy wreaking havoc in the Senate and will come with Ahsoka when her mission ends.
It only leaves the eleven years-old twins and the three years-old toddler with them.
It could be worse. Luke is a sweet boy and generally calm enough, even if he tends to act innocent rather than being innocent. Leia is a menace on her good days but always tries to be the serious one when her cousin is around, for the sake of being a good example. Letti is adorable but discovered recently how to use the Force, and that one brings enough problems as it is. Cody’s pretty sure the twins weren’t that bad at this age.
“Everything’s alright,” confirms Cody after a glance at his smiling granddaughter in his arms.
[Read the rest on AO3]
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too-many-sabers · 1 year
hey y'all! i'm mars & i use ne/nem/nir, they/them/theirs, and he/him/his pronouns, and i write fanfic, a lot. i’m too_many_sabers on ao3 too, but here’s the link anyway: my ao3
i will be taking oneshot requests, but not just yet because i'm still getting set up, and i make zero promises about how long it's going to take me to get to them
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masterpost key:
fluff: 💕
angst: 💔
hurt/comfort: ❤️‍🩹
slow burn: 💘
fix-it: 🩹
smut (not that i'll use it that much): ❤️‍🔥
request: 💫
star wars oc: ⚔️
dnd oc: 🏹
other oc: 🔮
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ongoing multi-part fics:
The Dancer from Downtown: star wars modern au/dance studio au, centered on an oc and characters from the bad batch & the clone wars; endgame is crosshair x oc 💘
Let's Go Save Cody: star wars au in which cody gets retrieved from the empire; endgame codywan, of course 💔🩹
Dancing Alone: critical role modern au/dance studio au, centered mainly on caleb widogast & his previous relationship with astrid and eodwulf as well as his current relationship with the mighty nein; endgame is blumendrei, among others (lowkey abandoned, but i want to write more for it again) 💔💘
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oneshots (canon characters):
Critical Thinking: Droidpoppers & Order 66: star wars au in which the entire 332nd doesn't die, thanks 🩹
Obi-Wan and the Art Of Self Care: little snapshot from during the clone wars where everyone's actually at the temple & they get to relax; heavily implied codywan 💕
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oneshots (original characters):
Everything Stays Right Where You Left It: pasi's near-death experience 💔❤️‍🩹⚔️
Blood All Over The Ground: delara & tozen have to run from some imperials 💔❤️‍🩹⚔️
Bring Them All Back Down to Their Knees: delara is helping crosshair in his sniper's nest, shit happens 💔❤️‍🩹⚔️
When I'm Alone & Blue As Can Be: delara & crosshair discover their yearning is requited; crosshair x oc 💕⚔️
Like Constellations a Million Years Away: crosshair takes delara on a date, nicknames happen; crosshair x oc 💕⚔️
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oc menagerie:
Clira Mannen 🏹
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crispyjenkins · 4 years
I might spam your box with ideas haha. S U F F E R. I’ve never liked the idea that after the Hardeen mission even Cody and Obi-wans men were all mad at him. There’s no one that would understand more than the troopers and Cody in my opinion. They understand having a duty and Following orders, even if you don’t agree with them. So I need me some Codywan + Obi getting so much more closer with his men and them being his support system now + ahsoka not being mad at her grandmaster. Please & thanks
(i have that one fill about the space fam™ figuring out obi-wan isn’t doing too hot after the deception arc, which is all well and good, but yeah the clones would absolutely understand and support obi faking his death for a mission and the fandom needs more of that. so here is fiori enabling me. and rex loving and supporting his general but also being super unimpressed with his tantrum
thank you for all the prompts, ad'ika ( ˘ ³˘) altho now I've had to shuffle my entire prompt list so that it's not you every other fill for the next month lmao)
“And he just goes right back to work?” Anakin snarls with a vague gesture across the bridge, to where General Kenobi is speaking with Cody and Wooley, and Maker, does the General look young. He had been reluctant to waste time on cosmetic corrections, and had only allowed the Jedi healers to give him some of his hair back; for better or for worse, he's letting the beard grow back naturally. 
  If the absurd amount of cooing that had happened at the Temple is anything to go by, many of the Jedi miss Kenobi’s baby-face, that he had supposedly covered with a beard as soon as he'd taken Anakin on as his apprentice. When Kenobi had given his first debrief after the Jedi had fixed his features back into his own, Echo had panicked and called him “cadet” in front of three different battalions, and the 501st is never going to let him forget it.
  Anakin had not laughed.
  “I’m not sure what you mean, sir,” Rex says carefully, turning back to the datapad in his hand to look over the command roster for their coming deployment. “General Kenobi’s injuries from the mission were superficial, he’ll be fully healed before we even make it to the Mid-Rim.”
  Scoffing, Anakin continues to glare at his former master. “You can’t tell me you’re not angry, Rex,” he says, and leans against the console behind him.
  Ahsoka had warned him that his general clearly wasn't over Kenobi’s supposed betrayal, and Rex is Mando enough to admit he’s been avoiding this conversation; he won’t lie to Anakin, no, they’ve been through far too much together for that, but no matter how close they are, their friendship would not save him from Anakin’s wrath.
  So he pretends to be reading the roster for another long moment, wishing he had Kote’s diplomacy. “I am not, sir, just as I was not angry when Kix feigned desertion for the mission on Odos II.” Glancing up, he’s relieved to see Anakin isn’t glaring at him yet, but if Ahsoka hadn’t been able to talk him down, Rex doesn’t stand a chance. “The Supreme Chancellor's life being at stake is no small matter, the High Generals had many factors to consider, including that Count Dooku would be watching you closely in the wake of General Kenobi’s death.”
  “Are you saying I can’t act?”
  “I’m saying that if Count Dooku thought for even a moment you were faking it, the whole mission would have been in jeopardy. Sir.”
  He doesn’t need to know banthashit about the Force to feel it when Anakin goes from simmering to incensed, not with the way Anakin warps the air between them, saturating it with his rage until General Kenobi sends them a concerned frown across the bridge. Anakin doesn’t seem to notice, glare fixed on Rex, and this really isn’t how he would have expected them to fall out. 
  Or that they'd have to fall out at all.
  The tragedy of the thought makes Rex bold, meeting Anakin’s rage with a calm and confidence stolen from far stronger men. “You were not the only one made to believe in the General’s death, you forget there are others who care for him as deeply as you do.” Kote, he doesn’t say, Vos and Ahsoka and the Duchess, Wupi and Choke and Boil. “I perhaps would not include myself in that count, but should you not put aside your anger and be relieved that the General was not actually murdered?” Kote catches his eye and taps at his wrist guard, his concern obvious as he asks Rex in didi if he’s alright, and Rex will gladly take the unintentional out his brother has given him. “Just something to think about, sir. Here is the adjusted command roster, Captain Sage was transferred to the Coruscant Guard following his injury during the campaign on Aslo. Excuse me, sir, Commander Cody seems to have a question for me.” He hands the datapad to Anakin, who is miraculously too stunned not to take it, before Rex moves quickly across the bridge. 
  Ahsoka sits gingerly across from Rex in the almost-empty mess, murmuring,  “I take it the talk didn’t go well.”
  He snorts into his cup of caf. “From a certain point of view, it went better than expected.”
  Wincing, Ahsoka rubs her own arms and casts her eyes down to the table. “I tried asking him about it before we left Coruscant, I’ve never seen him so angry, not even at the funeral.”
  Rex is used to being the little brother, of both his batchmates and the CC track, and this is one of the times where he laments that: when he doesn’t quite know how to comfort the way his brothers comforted him. “If I may, sir,” he says, quiet enough that the few vode at the table across the room won’t hear, “are you not angry with General Kenobi?”
  “No?” She chews her bottom lip. “I mean, yes, I mean– I’m happy he’s alive. It hurt, being kept out of the loop, but it’s not as if I was singled out for that, right? And I... I understand why he did it, why it had to be done and why it played out like it did, but it still hurt. But I’m also so relieved that Master Obi-Wan is alive, that I don’t think my hurt matters.”
  “And General Skywalker hasn’t come to that conclusion yet.”
  She shakes her head. “How... How has Cody taken it?”
  “I think he’s more angry that he was forced to miss the funeral than Kenobi faking his death." Rex isn't sure where Kote and Kenobi stand now, they had been heading towards a collision before this Hardeen fiasco, and he doesn't know where they've landed. Brothers? Lovers? Whatever the hell Echo and Fives are? He hadn't been able to ask before the 212th and the 501st split ways. "It was for a mission, wasn't it? We're soldiers, Commander Tano, we're born with 'Mission First' imprinted on our brains."
  Ahsoka giggles at the mental image, and Rex is relieved to see her shoulders relax. "All the padawans expected Knight Vos to react the worst," she says, crossing her arms on the table. "He grew up with Master Obi-Wan, you know? But he just... accepted it, he simply understood and... Letting go is part of being a Jedi. Knowing when you can't change things, and accepting failures, and understanding no matter the circumstances."
  It would certainly not be the first time Anakin has stumbled on the Jedi path. 
  "General Vos was a Shadow, no?" Rex asks, considering his watery caf and wishing he knew how to approach his general about any of this. "He would empathise most, wouldn't he?"
  "I suppose you're right," she says, bouncing her legs. "How have the others been? Echo and Jesse and them?"
  "They're most disturbed by Kenobi’s face, to be honest."
  Choking on a laugh, Ahsoka reaches across the table to steal an unused sucrose packet from Rex's tray. "I did hear something about Echo and cadets," she admits. "Oh no, how did Kix react?"
  Rex smirks at the memory. "He really does like Kenobi’s hair, doesn't he?"
  "He must have been devastated!"
  "I think he tried to get the General to let him shave designs in the undercut."
  "I suddenly know what I'm doing for the next Disaster Lineage prank war."
 Rex winces, remembering the last prank war and how long it had taken Anakin to stop smelling like hot sauce. "Jesse's the best with the razors," he says blandly, mourning his now-empty cup and the broken caf machine in the kitchen, "and will work for extra shower tokens."
is this what you wanted, fiori?? 1,400 words about obi-wan without obi-wan in it for more than two seconds???
Mando’a: didi — a Clone-dialect specific form of dadita, a Mandalorian nonverbal communication similar to morse code. i think the clones would have a modified version of dadita that utilised placement of fingers on their arm as well as the actual taps, for quicker communication in close quarters, so in this case, didi is short for gadi dadita, “wrist dadita”. They would use this alongside standard military hand signals!
vode — “brothers, comrades, siblings”, sing. vod, technically gender neutral but used most often in fandom as “brothers”
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a-sour-nectarine · 3 years
Obi-Wan pushed back the blankets and climbed in, pressing his back against Cody. "You know, if I have to go out like this, at least it's with you."
"Speak for yourself, I always thought I was gonna die in battle, a warrior's death." Cody could practically feel Obi-Wan's eye roll. "Even back then, though, I was gonna die fighting by your side." "I'm glad you didn't. I probably wouldn't have been fit for service without you. They would have had to give the 7th to Anakin."
This is the day two prompt for Codywan Week! AU. This is barely an AU, but the idea grabbed me and wouldn't let me go until i wrote it, so here we are! I tagged this fic as having "Major Character Death," but it's actually all implied. I used the warning anyway, just in case.
Title comes from "As The World Caves In" by Matt Maltese. No one come for me, I listened to it before Sarah Cothran covered it, it's a good song.
"Cody, my dear, we have a problem."
From under the floorboards, Cody grunted. "Besides the motivator? Oh, and the hyperdrive, and the gravity?"
"Um, well, yes. I would say that this problem heavily outweighs any of those."
Cody poked his head into the cockpit. "How so?"
The Jedi took a deep breath. "Well, it would seem that the Empire has created a new weapon. A weapon that can literally tear apart entire planets. And there is a good chance that they will soon be pointing that weapon at this very planet."
Cody just blinked at him, momentarily at a loss for words. "Destroy planets? Impossible."
"I'm afraid it's very possible. Alderaan is gone."
"Alderaan?! Kriff–Bail and Breha?"
Obi-Wan shook his head.
"Leia?" The name almost wasn't audible.
"She's, well, she's alive. She's actually the one who brought this to base."
ody dragged a sooty hand down his face. "How much time?"
"Anywhere from a few hours to a couple days, they figured."
"We can't fix this in time. There's nothing on this rock to replace the parts with, I can't fix it all that fast–Obi, we won't be able to get off-world."
Obi-Wan gave him a small smile. "I know, love."
"That's it, then?" Cody's voice was barely a whisper. "This is how we die?"
"I'm afraid so." Obi-Wan collapsed into the pilot's chair, and Cody slid in next to him. Obi-Wan intertwined his fingers with his love's, and they sat in silence, until Cody broke it with a gasp.
Obi-Wan gave him another soft smile. Tears glistened, unshed, in his eyes. "I–I'll comm Ahsoka."
Cody nodded. She wouldn't say no. She was the last person in the galaxy who could teach Luke what he needed to know. Obi-Wan typed in the Fulcrum code, and Cody left to lie down in his bunk. The bunks on the Dawn were larger than they should have been, but Cody wasn't complaining. Both he and Obi fit comfortably on one. The little ship had been their home for a little over three years, and Cody had spent more time fixing the kriffing thing than flying it. Obi-Wan had joked that it would catch up to them someday. Cody guessed that this was the day.
After a half an hour or so, he heard shuffling down the short hallway, and Obi-Wan shuffled into the doorway. "Room for one more?"
Cody smiled. "Always, love."
Obi-Wan pushed back the blankets and climbed in, pressing his back against Cody. "You know, if I have to go out like this, at least it's with you."
"Speak for yourself, I always thought I was gonna die in battle, a warrior's death." Cody could practically feel Obi-Wan's eye roll. "Even back then, though, I was gonna die fighting by your side."
"I'm glad you didn't. I probably wouldn't have been fit for service without you. They would have had to give the 7th to Anakin."
Anakin Skywalker's name had long since lost its bitter edge. Cody knew who the man had become, but also that the young boy who Obi had come to call a brother was dead. Funny, it was Skywalker who would get the last laugh. He would out-live them all, physically. He might even be up in the planet-killer, and he would never know that he had won. The proximity alert in the cabin let out a shrill beep. Something big had entered Dantooine's orbit. The two men jumped up from the bed and made their way to the ramp, which had been left open. Cody peered up into the sky, hand over his eyes to block the sun. Either the planet had suddenly gained a moon, or that was the weapon.
"It's huge." Obi-Wan breathed. "And much faster than we thought."
Cody just lowered himself to the ramp, pulling his love down with him. "Did Ahsoka say she would train him?"
"Did you tell her why?" Obi-Wan hesitated. "I didn't want her to worry. She couldn't have made it in time. No one was close enough."
"She'll be heartbroken, you know."
"It wouldn't be the first time she lost me. It wouldn't even be the second."
The joke fell flat. The weapon glowed with a green light.
"I love you." Obi-Wan's voice cracked. Cody felt the sudden urge to cry. He turned the Jedi's face to his and pressed his lips to Obi-Wan's. Obi kissed him back like a man dying, which, Cody guessed, he sort of was. After a moment, he pulled back.
"I love you."
Obi-Wan pressed their foreheads together and held onto Cody tightly, and Cody pulled him close. They stayed like that as the planet crumbled around them.
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theshadiertwin · 3 years
The promised CodyWan reclist
@nottonyharrison​ sorry it took longer than intended to write this up! 
All below works are completed (or at least have several completed works in series) and most of them are canon-divergent fix-its.  I think there’s a good chunk of implied or referenced Blyla in more than half of them as well, which I know is your jam! :) This is by no means a complete list of good fics, or listed in any particular order, just a few that I think you’d enjoy!
Armed barnacles against stubborn Negotiator (922 words) by Gabriel4Sam - a short canon-divergent AU wherein everybody survives the war and then the clones desert en masse to hole up inside the cloning facility on Kamino.
 in our hearts some ancient song (40535 words) by whimsicalimages - a canon-divergent AU wherein Cody, not Rex, is the first one to find Fives after Tup dies and Fives discovers the truth. 
 Ventress' Family (25041 words) by kitkatkaylie - a WAFF canon-divergent AU wherein Ventress decides that family takes precedence over war, whether that refers to the war between the Republic and the CIS, or the war between the Sith and the Jedi.  Very fluffy and not at all serious, just what you need as a palate cleanser between darker fics!
In Your Hands Hold The World (2382 words) by alyyks - a short but intense post-66 fic, wherin Cody’s chip stops working years down the line. Very introspective.
An Elegant Weapon (22316 words) by romanmoray - canon-adjacent until the last chapter. Each of the 9 chapters corresponds to one of the 9 lightsaber forms, which Obi-Wan is teaching to Cody since his commander keeps picking up his missing lightsaber off the field anyway.
Children of Hope and Glory (Series) (29 works, 135328 words) by mageofcole - cis!girl!Obi-Wan AU, with a mostly canon-adjacent plot up to the middle of Star Wars Rebels.  I hardly even ready genderflips, but this one was too good to pass up for me.
Take from Us This Tragedy (24016 words) by rangerjedi67 - canon-divergent AU wherin Cody pulls a Tup but is stopped before he can kill his Jedi, leading to a different chain of events.
I hope you enjoy this handful of fics!  Happy reading!
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tragedy-for-sale · 4 years
Captive Heart
There were still few hours left before the Coronet arrives on Coruscant and Cody had a habit of visiting Obi-Wan's quarters, but the man seems occupied this time around. (Codywan for all ya'll)
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It was quite common for Cody to stop by General Kenobi's quarters, usually to share a cup of tea and talk strategy. The two would disapear for hours, even falling asleep with several holomaps still on. Rex knew if he awoke and Cody wasn't there, he must've slipped out in the night to make rounds or to converse with his General. If Anakin found the two staring at the glow of the holomaps, he'd simply walk out of the room, for they would be lost in the blue hue, or perhaps, lost in something else, Anakin tried not to assume. But he was bad at not assuming.
The four were exhausted. Anakin and Rex had passed out in the hall after they'd taken a moment to sit and rest their eyes. Obi-Wan had carried Anakin back to his quarters and Cody with Rex. He'd stayed with his little brother, helping him take all his armor off before tucking him in. Cody was sitting next to him, arms crossed as he drifted to sleep. But a chill ran up his spine and he shot awake. So he sat there groggily before glancing to his sleeping brother and very quietly got up.
Cody stepped into the darkened halls of the Coronet, taking a look around before he realized he wasn't on The Negotiatior and there were already guards on rounds. Now, of course Cody could do a check on his men, but he'd walked to Obi-Wan's quarters door by the time he realized he didn't want to work. He simply had just woken up. He stood outside in the hall as he debate whether or not to bug the General, he wanted to, but he shouldn't. Yet, Cody's found himself about to knock but heard his General call out "You may come in Cody"
Cody's mind must've been very loud. Cody opened the door, "Evening, sir, I didn't wake you, did I?" Cody asked as he studied the General, who was in his sleeping attire. Cody felt immediately out of place, "Oh, forgive me sir, I don't know why I'm bugging you at this hour" the Marshal shook his as he headed towards the door, only to be stopped.
"Cody, please, you know you are no bother" Obi-Wan spoke as he grabbed Cody's arm, "Is there something on your mind?" He asked, looking passed Cody's darkened visor to his eyes. The man seemed very on edge, they haven't seen much of each other lately, perhaps that had made the Commander feel distraught, he knew the boys couldn't stand being seperated from each other for too long, so he couldn't dismiss Cody, not that he'd ever do so.
Cody looked down to see Obi-Wan's hand lingering on his forearm, before he looked up, Cody let a soft whine passed his lips, he really wanted to sleep, well, that's what he told himself anyway. He did want to sleep, but he wanted to feel warm and safe while he did. Cody took off his helmet, revealing his slightly rosy cheeks, "I'm terribly sorry, sir," Cody had took note of the way Anakin spoke to Obi-Wan earlier, hinting at something between the Duchess and his fellow Jedi. From the manner in which Obi-Wan responded, Cody knew it wasn't a formal relation.
"Whatever for, Commander?" Obi-Wan asked softly, the man couldn't recall anything that required an apology. As he watched Cody's face turn away, he could tell his Commander was embarrassed. Which meant it was not work related, but a personal matter.
"Well, if I'm honest," Cody mumbled, forcing himself to look up and own up to his emotions, which Cody found a lot harder than owning up to anything work related, "I've been avoiding you, and I shouldn't have," Cody chuckled weakly, rubbing his face. He'd caught a few sentences between Obi-Wan and Anakin, Cody knew not to assume, but what he had heard stuck with the man all day. He couldn't push it out of his mind, "I heard a conversation between you and General Skywalker and I couldn't get it out of my mind, so instead of confronting you about it, I avoided you, I am sorry, sir."
Obi-Wan tilted his head curiously, "avoided?" The Jedi turned away, crossing his arms as he tried to recall all the times he'd talked to Cody today, and now that Obi-Wan thought about it, the Marshal had been avoiding him. He then looked to Cody, "What had you heard?" Obi-Wan asked, he sensed Cody's discomfort grow as the man shifted in his armor, it was clear Cody didn't want to answer but, "Cody, please, what had you heard?"
Cody's posture broke as he crossed his arms and looked up, "It wasn't anything serious sir," Cody was growing ancy, wishing he hadn't said anything. Obi-Wan put his hand on Cody's shoulder and walked closer to him, staring at Cody with eyes that weren't that of a General, but of a friend, if not more, "It..." Cody couldn't, "I can't, it's personal and I shouldn't be nosy in regards to your privacy and feelings"
Obi-Wan's head shot back slightly, feelings? Whether Cody wanted to tell Obi-Wan or not, he was beginning to piece everything together, "Cody, you're allowed to be nosy in regards to my feelings," Obi-Wan warmed the room with his soft smile, "You happen to have quite a big 'role' in my feelings" Obi-Wan chuckled slightly, getting a better feel of the matter.
Cody looked down and smiled softly, 'a big role in his feelings' but the smile didn't last as he remembered the true nature of his avoidance of the General, ".. Well, it's not... about us, per say" another piece of the puzzle was given as Obi-Wan listened carefully and thoughtfully, he didn't want to risk upsetting the poor man more, "I heard you and General Skywalker talk in regards to the Duchess, and, I was probably hearing things, but I heard him say that, you..." Cody stopped, staring at Obi-Wan's blank face of realization. Cody felt his whole body shake as his expression fell to a nervous, terrified one.
"I.. see" Obi-Wan barely managed to get a reply out. Obi-Wan and Cody were not fools. They'd grown quite close, enjoying a sparring session, sharing tea whilst discussing battle tactics, even occasionally falling asleep in a briefing room. For a while they were merely friends through work but countless hours together had grown their friendship. They knew that getting into anything would be messy, but all the same, if one of their hands made their way to the other's, it was not mentioned, and during those late night discussion, they'd grow progressively closer to one another, and if Cody's head found its way to resting on Obi-Wan's chest as they drifted to sleep, it wasn't anything to anyone else, they made sure no questions arised.
"I do believe I understand what you're implying," Obi-Wan finally forced himself to speak, confirming Cody's suspicions. Obi-Wan thought back to seeing Satine's desperate face as she pleaded for him to confess, and he had. He was not ashamed of his feelings for her, nor his feelings for Cody. But he was ashamed of loving them both, and that he loved one slightly more than the other. "I believe, it is not you who owes the apology, it is me" Cody looked up at Obi-Wan, his frown somber. "I'm sorry Cody, I cannot say I do not have feelings for her as I do to you,"
"D-do you love her?" Cody blurted out, not even realizing what exactly he'd asked until Obi-Wan froze. Cody shook his head as he felt his armor way a thousand pounds, "Sir,"
"Obi-Wan-" he corrected, "We're most definitely on a first name basis right now, Cody" Obi-Wan spoke as he thought desperately for something to say, "To answer your question, I would have married her, left the Jedi and loved her more so than I do," Obi-Wan answered and he heard Cody let out a whimpered squeak, turning his hot face away and covering his mouth as he tried to pull himself together. Obi-Wan stopped thinking as he felt Cody plunger into heartbreak, "Cody,"
"Sir, please," Cody turned to face the Jedi with teary eyes, "You don't need to continue," Cody cried out as he grabbed his helmet and neared the door. He wasn't mad at Obi-Wan, he could never be mad at him. If Cody let himself love Obi-Wan as he wanted, he wouldn't be able to live without him, for Cody loved him too much. He loved him, Cody had let himself fall for someone he shouldn't. And the worst part, that only made Cody love him more. But right now, he couldn't listen to the accented voice of the Jedi he'd grown to love, "I need to go," Cody snapped his hand away as Obi-Wan tried to stop him, "Please don't," Cody begged, if Obi-Wan grabbed his hand again, he wouldn't have the strength to pull away from his touch,
"Please just let me go,"
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ankahikoibaat · 3 years
say the words as such
Obi-Wan's lightsaber likes his Commander.
probably one of two very light in tone one-shots before we get to the meat of the vague plot I have!
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glimmerglanger · 2 years
SO! Perhaps you have seen this image of Padawan!Obi-Wan wearing the traditional Jedi Order Padawan Tube Top? Truly, it is glorious! All I hoped for and more!
I promised fic in return for such beauty, so @three-fold-symmetry I have written about Cody discovering a holo of The Outfit. It turned out...far more introspective than I originally intended?
The fic is established relationship Codywan set at some nebulous point after the war. Some implied spice, but safely rated teen. Hope that you enjoy it!
At first, Cody had assumed that Obi-Wan’s quarters on the Negotiator were the only little bit of space dedicated to him in the galaxy. They seemed spacious enough to Cody, who had grown up with little more than a tube of private space, and struggled a bit with the shift to an officer’s quarters.
At first, he had not understood how nat-borns managed to fall asleep, staring up at a ceiling several feet away, with open space on both sides and a mattress that left enough room to roll over.
The first night he spent off Kamino, he’d been concerned that he’d simply roll off the side of his bunk; there was, after all, nothing to prevent it.
Years of life spent sleeping in an enclosed tube, had, apparently, taught his body not to move at all when sleeping, however. He hadn’t fallen out of his bunk that first night, or any of the other nights that followed.
Eventually he’d gotten used to the unnerving exposure of a nat-born bed, even.
And far, far after that, he found he needed to get used to having someone else in his bed with him.
That had come with the discovery that Obi-Wan had other spaces; other areas he lived, when he wasn’t fighting a war. He had quarters at the Temple on Coruscant, a suite of rooms that were his - his alone, at first - and then, as they spiraled closer in the slow dance they’d been doing for nearly four years, Cody’s, too.
Sleeping beside someone else wasn’t particularly difficult. In the field, everyone had bunked down wherever possible, looking for the least-hard bit of ground. He knew how to sleep with someone breathing beside him, making little sounds. Shifting.
But, for some reason, that all felt much different in a still, dark room that smelled faintly of sandalwood and mint. The first night they tried...sleeping, actually sleeping together, he found himself staring up at the far-away ceiling, painfully aware of all the open space around them, and of Obi-Wan - curled on one side - beside him.
Obi-Wan’s weight made the bed dip a little. Gravity and the incline both wanted to pull Cody over into him, from his position flat on his back, hands folded and resting on his chest. It was the same posture he’d slept in all his life.
Suddenly, half of him wanted to roll, too, to form a mirroring curve, mold himself back….
Even thinking about it felt unnerving.
He ended up slipping from the bed, feeling itchy. It was hardly the first time something nat-borns took for granted had left him feeling out of sorts. He spoke about the issue regularly, with a mind healer that he’d begun working with in the aftermath of the war.
She’d given him some suggestions on how to handle the unease, the tangle that came from thinking too long about what he was, what he’d been, the war, and….
All of it.
He padded out to the little ensuite kitchen and, without turning on the lights - he remembered perfectly well where everything was, and, anyway, had better night vision than nat-borns - started bringing some water to a boil for tea.
He didn’t care for tea, especially, but caf would only heighten the anxious itch in his bones. He’d learned that the hard way. So he made tea, the one the mind healer had recommended, and added sweetener to it, and, holding the warm cup in one hand, went out to sit on the couch.
He could hear Obi-Wan breathing from the other room.
Steady and deep, slow. But, then, Obi-Wan had been tired before they went to the bedroom and Cody had, perhaps, worn him out significantly further after they ended up in bed. Force. He was exhausted, too, but…
His eyes felt itchy. He rubbed at them, sipped the tea, and bounced one leg up and down, trying not to think about the ceiling, or the walls, or blaster fire and the smell of blood and--
Cody stood up, slamming back the last of the tea. He’d never learned the skill of eating or drinking slowly, anyway. Linger too long over a meal, and the Seppies were just going to attack, making sure you never got a chance to finish.
That was over, now. The war. All of it. But his body couldn’t seem to forget everything it had learned during those long years.
He set down the cup, and, with an embarrassed little pang - he wasn’t a shiny - gave in and turned the lights up. It helped, being able to see the ceiling and walls clearly, knowing exactly where they were. It made him feel less exposed as he wandered the room.
He’d seen Obi-Wan’s - their? - quarters before, he’d just not...slept over. He brushed his fingers over the back of the couch, glanced at the books neatly stacked on a shelf along one wall, tugged on a hanging tangle of flowers in front of a window.
Eventually, his wanderings took him to a little chest, closed, in one corner. There was no lock on it. He’d seen Obi-Wan open it and rifle through before. He sat beside it and, with a burn of exhaustion in the back of his head, flipped the lid up.
It contained more books. A few old robes. A number of pads and small holoprojectors. He lifted one, absently, and blinked in surprise when it activated in his hand. A tiny image sprung from the projector, blue glow radiating out into the night as he blinked and then - automatic - blinked again.
The image showed a group of four figures, clustered together. Four Jedi, young. He recognized Vos - who was wearing more traditional robes in the image - and Luminara. There was also a Mon Calamari. And, standing wedged amongst them all--
“I think Qui-Gon took that the day Quin made Senior Padawan,” Obi-Wan said, voice softened from sleeping, as Cody jerked his head up. Obi-Wan stood in the doorway to the bedroom, shoulder leaned against the wall, hair all disheveled. Shirtless.
Which was...not much of a departure from the image of him in the holo. He and the Mon Calamari were, for some reason, both wearing little tube tops. The fabric barely covered anything, leaving his shoulders and stomach all exposed, leading to a...tiny skirt around Obi-Wan’s waist and leggings.
“Oh,” Cody said, blinking again. He wished he could think of something else to say, but his tongue seemed to want to stick to the top of his mouth.
“Mm,” Obi-Wan said, sparing him, walking into the room and sinking down onto the couch. “It was a good day. So long ago, now…” He sounded wistful, sitting there, and in the present, he had hair across his chest and down his stomach, and it was coarse and thick and Cody liked the way it felt under his hands and--
In the holo, he’d apparently shaved. He - currently - kept some of his body hair trimmed short, and Cody wondered, with a buzz of sleep and something else, if, in this holo, he’d been shaved everywhere--
“Sorry I woke you,” Cody said, because that seemed like an entirely normal thing to say, and would, hopefully, distract from the fact that he still hadn’t turned off the holo.
Obi-Wan waved a hand through the air, leaning to the side and drawing one leg up onto the couch, because he could never sit with both feet together on the ground, seemed physically incapable of the act. Nat-borns didn’t get disciplined for spreading out, for sitting in less than perfect posture, it was--
He was wearing loose sleeping pants which were, Cody noted, far too short on him. Cody’s sleeping pants, then.
In the holo, he wore tights. Tight tights. It was-- “Why were you wearing this?” Cody asked, against all his better judgment.
Obi-Wan blinked at him; he still looked half asleep. “I enjoyed the tradition,” Obi-Wan said, like that was an answer.
Cody frowned, looked between him and the holo, and said, “What tradition?”
“The outfit,” Obi-Wan said, smothering a brief yawn with one hand. “It’s traditional for Padawans to wear that outfit. When we graduate to Senior Padawans, the garb changes. You can see what Quin is wearing. And then we shift again when we’re Knighted, and finally when we’re made Masters. The Order doesn’t require it, of course. You can see Luminara, there, she always preferred garb closer to the traditions of her culture of origin. But…” He shrugged.
Cody processed all of that for a long beat, staring at the flickering holo, and then said, “So, Commander Tano….?”
“Was wearing traditional garb, yes,” Obi-Wan said, and then gave a sharp little laugh. “Did you think she just...selected that get-up at random?”
Cody cut him a wincing look, and Obi-Wan laughed a little again. “No,” he said, “I think she liked the idea of the tradition, but I’m not surprised she adjusted after a few months. Many Padawans don’t keep up with it once they get in the field. I didn’t, all the time. Not on missions. It’s inconvenient in several ways. But for special occasions, or around the Temple….”
“It wasn’t uncomfortable?” Cody asked, because it had always looked uncomfortable when Commander Tano - Ahsoka, now - wore it. He’d always been marginally unsure how it even...stayed in place, especially with all the jumping and flipping she did.
“It was in the cold,” Obi-Wan said, with a fond little grin. “But the fabric itself was soft enough. And very stretchy and light. Sometimes, it felt like I wasn’t wearing anything, honestly.”
Cody thought about him not wearing anything and felt a little flood of heat into his gut. He got the feeling that Obi-Wan sensed it, because he slouched a little further to the side and planted one foot on the couch, knee bent upwards, looking--
Very much on display.
Cody put the holo away and stood, feeling effectively distracted from the position of the ceiling and the rest of the noise in his head. He said, taking a step towards the couch, “How do you feel about not wearing anything right now?”
“Oh,” Obi-Wan said, grinning at him and willingly sliding to his back against the cushions as Cody joined him on the couch, “that sounds like an excellent plan to me.”
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glimmerglanger · 3 years
ooh are you doing prompts? *cracks open the book of angst* maybe 29 🥺👉👈? or if it is only happy season rn, fluff 27?
Angst is also good, but, uh, I could not resist the fluff prompt for this one. It’s... gen or pre-Codywan? Implied pre-Codywan, perhaps? ANYWAY, it was for:
“That’s the first time I’ve ever seen you smile,” General Kenobi said, quietly. Cody tensed anyway, suddenly very aware of the curve of his mouth. He hadn’t realized he’d been smiling, watching Waxer and Boil attempt to reenact Kenobi’s odd communion with giant animals for all the brothers who had missed it.
He glanced sideways, over at Kenobi, who was leaning against the doorframe. He definitely hadn’t been there a moment ago. This wouldn’t have been happening if he’d been there a moment ago. He had appeared without making a sound. Jedi didn’t, as a rule, Cody had noticed.
Not unless they wanted to.
Cody felt the back of his neck heating. Waxer and Boil were still fully lost in their roles. Boil was attempting the General’s Coruscanti accent, to varying degrees of success. It had seemed funny, a moment ago, even if - at the time - watching Kenobi decide that the best way to handle a rampaging beast was to go talk to it nicely had been horrifying.
“Sir,” he said, trying to smother a wince. The wince got deeper as Waxer and Boil continued on behind him, joined, from the sound of it, by Crys.
Who said, making his voice gruffer for no reason that Cody could discern, “General, you’re amazing. Here, I noticed you dropped your lightsaber. I valiantly retrieved it--”
Cody jerked back to look at them - just catching a widening of the General’s eyes and a curve at the corners of his mouth - and barked, more out of self-preservation than anything else, “General on the deck.” 
Watching Waxer almost swallow his own tongue while Boil tripped over nothing made the entire affair almost worth it.
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glimmerglanger · 4 years
Whumptober 2020 - Day 13
Part 13 of the oof!au. There’s a lot of hurt to go around and not a lot of sleep.
General Information: Post Order 66 Vader-Captures-Obi-Wan AU. Eventual happy(ish) ending. (Getting closer). Past/eventual Codywan. Past one-sided Vaderwan.
Warnings: Fall-out from past torture, captivity, mind control, and non-con. Guilt.
Exhaustion | Narcolepsy | Sleep Deprivation
Communication with the few people Obi-Wan had left to trust in the galaxy wasn’t easy, but he remembered how to do it, sending a coded message off to Alderaan, hoping for the best. He knew an immediate answer was unlikely, but lingered on the bridge, anyway.
The alternatives were not appealing. He knew he ought to, really, go to the quarters he’d been given. He’d visited the room, once, during the time they’d spent aboardship. The walls had been grey, and for a moment, standing in the doorway, he’d had a jarring sense of being in two places at once.
He’d held onto the doorframe with his hand, breathing slow and steady through his nose, making himself focus on the present, the way he’d learned to do long ago, the first time he’d come back from a mission that left behind more than physical scars. The room on the ship had a little bed, sheets neatly tucked in, and even a viewport.
There was no drain in the floor. In fact, the door set off to one side implied the presence of an actual fresher. Maybe even a sonic shower. There hadn’t been time to enjoy such a luxury with the ship broken down and dying. Obi-Wan had managed to step inside the room, to remain there for less than a minute before he had to open the door again and stumble out, backwards, going until his back bumped the far wall, his heart beating too fast in his chest.
“Sir?” Cody had asked, emotions a knot that Obi-Wan couldn’t work through, ragged concern in his voice.
And Obi-Wan had managed to say, wondering why Cody had been in the hall outside his quarters, “We should get back to work.”
There was no work to be done, while he waited for a message back from Bail. He fiddled with small repairs on the bridge, and breathed a sigh of relief when a reply came through, sparing him the need to make further excuses to avoid his quarters and the silent stillness within them.
The reply he got, short and coded, limited as much as possible to give nothing away if it were intercepted, included coordinates and a brief message. He decoded it and read it over twice, before Cody said, frowning at the screen, “That’s deep in Wild Space.”
“It is,” Obi-Wan said, considering the travel time of such a voyage, wondering what would be waiting at the other side. He knew barely anything about the rebellion that Bail mentioned in the missive. Nor could he imagine why anyone in it would be happy to see him.
“Is that where we’re going?” Tektek asked, walking over from the station he’d been repairing; weapon’s systems, Obi-Wan thought, the lay-out of the bridge wasn’t quite the same as the Negotiator’s had been.
Obi-Wan shrugged, staring at the coordinates. “That’s up to everyone, I suppose.” He glanced over at Tektek, working a smile onto his mouth. “You can all go wherever you like.” There was, at least, a kind of relief in that realization. 
His men - this portion of them, anyway, and Obi-Wan did not know how many more survived - were free. Freer even than they’d been during the War. Free from the orders of the Senate, free from any minders that might have been sent after them from Kamino, free from the control in their heads. They could go and do whatever they liked. Finally.
“Sure,” Tektek said, a little frown on his face, “so where are you going?”
Obi-Wan reached up to rub at his chin with a hand he didn’t have anymore and closed his eyes, briefly, marshalling his expression. “I suppose,” he said, when his voice felt steady, “I’ll go see what’s waiting at the end of these coordinates.”
He had nothing else better to do. He could return to Tatooine, but… it seemed unlikely Luke needed his protection, anymore. He’d run, after his first trip to Mustafar, tried to bury himself away from all the rest of the galaxy.
It hadn’t worked.
There seemed to be little point to trying the same thing again.
“Set a course,” Cody said, and Obi-Wan turned to blink over at him.
“You don’t have to take me there,” he said, cautiously, because Cody’s emotions were always held so tightly. He felt like he was walking on a wire, like he was waiting for an explosion. His men were hurt inside, he could feel it, and he still didn’t know how to help. He’d tried to apologize several times, but it got him nowhere. He got the distinct feeling that having him around made them feel worse. And so he swallowed and said, evenly as he could, “This is your ship--”
“Our ship,” Cody interrupted, echoed by Tektek and the other troopers around the room.
Obi-Wan’s heart ached. He didn’t know how he was hurting them, or how to make it stop, but he was touched that they still wanted to include him. “Our ship, then,” he said. “But, if you want to drop me--”
“We don’t,” Cody bit out, emotions all sharp edges, just for a moment, gaze snapping up, his eyes dark and fierce.
Obi-Wan held his gaze - it was rare, Cody seemed to avoid looking directly at him, most of the time - and said, “I’d like to give everyone the option to decide.”
Cody blinked and then shrugged. “Of course,” he said, and then looked away, jaw clenched before he continued, “Do you want to go alone?”
Obi-Wan thought of his quarters, the empty cell on Mustafar, his hovel on Tatooine, and shuddered. He said, before he could stop himself, “No. I -- no. Not alone. But--”
“There you are,” Bones interrupted, storming into the room with a scowl, and it took Obi-Wan a moment to realize he was talking to Cody. “I told you to get down to the infirmary after the situation was resolved.”
“It wasn’t resolved,” Cody shot back, and Bones scowled at him.
Obi-Wan slipped towards the door while they were arguing. He thought, perhaps, he’d better ask around, make sure his men really wanted to head off into Wild Space. Force knew they deserved the choice to determine their own future, and if it kept him busy, well…
So much the better. Moving helped him stay awake, in any case. And he wasn’t ready to risk sleeping.
All of his men - they weren’t really his men anymore, he knew that, they were their own people - seemed to want to head off to Wild Space. He wasn’t sure why. Perhaps they just didn’t know where else to go, yet. Perhaps they wanted to stick together.
He understood that. 
Obi-Wan spoke to as many people as he could find, eventually ending up near one of the group freshers on the ship. He stood outside for a moment, feeling gritty and filthy, mind buzzing with loud exhaustion.
He couldn’t recall the last time he’d bathed properly, the last time he’d been able to just stand under water for as long as he wanted and clean himself off. He knew he stank. There was blood caked over his skin, peeling off here and there, augmented with oil and filth from ship repairs.
There were troopers in the room. He felt their presence and reached his hand out, almost touching the door controls.
There had been communal baths at the Temple. Beautiful, tiled rooms with pools of various temperatures, to accommodate Jedi from different worlds. Some had been fresh water, others salt, some had contained nutrients that gave Obi-Wan a terrible rash, but brought on the colors in Master Fisto’s skin.
He’d grown up playing in the pools, relaxing, surrounded by those he cared about, by his family.
The Jedi were all dead. Aside from Master Yoda, he did not know for sure that any others survived, though he hoped, he hoped so desperately that his message had gotten through, that there were others out there, safe and hidden and--
And he shoved all of those thoughts aside. He just wanted to be clean. He’d scrubbed down around his men - not his men, their own men - before, during the war. But - but his presence hadn’t hurt them, then. Being around him didn’t make their emotions stain out into the Force, so thick that it tightened his throat.
He took a step back, turned, and made himself go to his quarters. It was just a room. Just a few walls and a bunk. It had a fresher of its own and he worked to keep his breathing steady as the door closed at his back.
He focused on his pulse - racing - as he walked across the room, tugging off the blacks he’d been wearing for too many days. He left them piled on the floor, reaching out to turn on the water - he didn’t want a sonic shower, not then - and freezing as he caught a look at himself in the mirror.
He’d not… seen himself for some time. Not in anything but the reflections off of Anakin’s helmet. He’d managed to convince himself that those were, for the most part, warped. Perhaps they hadn’t been. 
His hair was a tangle, grown to hang over his ears and in his face. There was so much white in it, far more than he remembered even from Tatooine. His beard was starting to grow back in, stubbly across his cheeks and jaw. White in that hair, too, he noted.
There were dark circles under his eyes and his cheeks cut sharp. He’d lost weight he couldn’t afford to lose. Too many ribs stood up against his skin. No wonder the troopers kept trying to get him to eat; he’d lost count of how many nutrient packs they’d brought him over the days of repair. 
His skin bore new scars. He could see the edges of the brands Anakin had left on his back, the burns raised and red. His gaze roamed across the mirror until he couldn’t avoid, any longer, looking at his left arm.
It just...stopped, a bit above where his elbow had once been, and he shuddered, hearing Anakin’s voice in his head, staring across into the past, into Tektek’s eyes, Anakin saying, “This is fair, isn’t it? You deserve this, don’t you?”
Obi-Wan made it to the toilet before he gagged, vomit rising up his throat so suddenly it made him dizzy. He spat down into the bowl, afterwards, shivery all over and breathing hard. The smell of burned skin was stuck in his nose. He needed to bathe. That was all. Needed to get clean. It would help, he knew from experience.
The water was hot, when he stepped under it. He scrubbed at his hair, at his skin, vicious with the movements, watching filthy water swirl around his feet and down the drain. Eventually, the water ran clear. Obi-Wan braced his hand against the wall and let the water run over him, the warmth feeding the exhaustion in his head.
He didn’t remember the last time he had slept. Whatever he’d done in the bacta, back on Mustafar, it hadn’t been restful. Nothing on Mustafar had been restful. Whatever he’d done as Cody carried him away hadn’t been sleep, either. Unconscious wasn’t the same as sleeping.
He shivered, turning off the water eventually. There was a towel, hanging outside the stall. He grabbed it and learned how to dry off with one hand. There was a little clothing locker out in the room. It had a set of blacks - clean - in it. Obi-Wan pulled them on quickly.
He liked having clothes to wear, again. It made him feel… further away from everything Anakin had done, even if they didn’t fit right. He knotted the left sleeve, awkward with only one hand, and then stood there, breathing.
Exhaustion battered at the back of his eyes. He knew, perfectly well, that he ought to lay down and sleep. It would help. He’d always done what he needed to do. So he marched stiffly over to the bed and made himself lay down.
The mattress and pillow were nothing special. They felt the same as his bed on the Negotiator. He rolled over onto his back and stared at the ceiling. Sleep. That was what he needed. He’d recovered from - well, perhaps not worse.
But he’d recovered. Before. From similar torture.
He’d had help.
He exhaled and closed his eyes, stretching out his mind throughout the ship, checking on the troopers. They all felt worn thin. Exhausted. Hurt and aching. He did what he could to soothe them, the dark behind his eyes getting heavier, harder to hold at bay, and he slept. Briefly.
He dreamed of hands holding him down, fingers burning hot as brands pressed into his skin, smoke rising off of his body as he thrashed and tried to get away, unable to scream as Anakin stepped behind him, lowering a long, slightly curved brand, glowing white hot, pushing it--
Obi-Wan jerked awake with a whine caught behind his teeth, sweaty under his clothes, breathing raggedly, his blood pounding wildly in his veins. According to the chrono beside the mattress, he’d been asleep around an hour. 
“Force,” he panted out, shaking, swinging his legs over the side of the bed and resting his elbow on his thigh, hanging his head down, trying to control his breathing. He could still feel the burning. Still smell char in his nose. He pushed to his feet, swaying for just a moment, and swallowed bile.
Sleep could wait, he decided. Surely there was something on the ship that needed doing. He stepped out of the room to find Cody walking down the hall, a frown on his face and his hands clenched at his sides. Cody paused as his door opened and said, “I thought you were sleeping.”
Obi-Wan made his mouth curve up in the edges. “Not tired,” he lied. “Thought I’d get something to eat.”
Cody’s gaze cut to the side. He nodded, said, “Alright,” and followed Obi-Wan, without another word, down to the mess hall.
There were other troopers eating, when they arrived. Obi-Wan grabbed a nutrient pack. They watched him, all of them, keeping an eye on him as he crossed the room, their emotions bunching up from his presence.
He paused beside Tektek, looking at his recently shaved head, and asked, thoughts jerky and uncoordinated with exhaustion, “Are there scissors around here, somewhere? A razor?” His hair hung too long, falling into his face, and he hated--
Hated the memories of fingers clenched in it, of Anakin, pulling him around by the strands, forcing his head down and--
“Yes, sir,” Tektek said, looking up at him, grip tightening on his fork for a moment. 
“Do you think I could borrow them?” Obi-Wan asked, trying to smile and not quite managing it, trying to be normal, trying to be...whatever it was they needed him to be, to stop them all radiating such agony into the Force. He glanced down at himself and said, aiming for rueful, “I don’t know how well I’ll do, but anything is better than this.”
“I’ll help you, General,” Mav said, standing from where he’d been sitting across from Tektek. He had - perhaps of all of Obi-Wan’s men - gone through the most different styles during the war. He’d never quite settled on one he liked. Or perhaps the different choices were what he liked, in and of themselves. 
“You don’t--” Obi-Wan started, but Mav had already turned on his heel and marched off. Obi-Wan blinked, watching him go.
Tektek said, “Sit here, sir, he’ll be back in a moment,” and Obi-Wan had thought they didn’t want him around - he made them hurt - but it must not have been so terrible. Perhaps they could just tell how much he didn’t want to be alone.
He sat, with a little smile, Cody pulling out the chair beside him and joining them, wordlessly. Cody, he noted, with a sideways glance, still looked exhausted, hurt radiating out of him. Obi-Wan needed to have a word with Bones.
He opened his nutrient pack, sighed at the contents - still better than the gruel he’d subsited on under Anakin’s care - and took a bite, aware of glances being exchanged over his head. Conversation resumed, slowly, as he ate.
“We were talking about what to name the ship,” Tektek offered, his food finished, though he made no effort to get up. “What do you think we should name her?”
Obi-Wan glanced up, surprised he was being asked. “What’s her name, now?”
It was Cody who answered, flat, as Mav made his way back through the room, supplies in his arms. He said, “The Executioner.”
Obi-Wan grimaced, swallowing the last bite. He’d learned to eat quickly very young, and never forgotten how. It was so much harder for people to take food away from you if you’d already swallowed it. He said, “Yes, I think we can do better than that. Are you keeping her, then?”
Tektek glanced towards Cody and then shrugged. “We thought, sir, well. This is one of the Empire’s new models. She’s built to fight. Be a shame to let her go to waste.”
Obi-Wan nodded. He thought about Coruscant, about the Temple, about all of his family, slaughtered, about his men, turned inside out and trapped in their own minds. Anakin had done many things, but he hadn’t been the architect of all this suffering.
“It would,” he agreed, finally, as Mav reached them and deposited his supplies on the table.
He’d found a brush somewhere, and Obi-Wan felt an embarrassing sting in his eyes just from the sight of it. It had been...a long time, since he’d brushed his hair. Mav reached out, making to touch his shoulder, and then froze when Cody made a sharp, abrupt noise, stiffening beside him.
Their emotions were a painful tangle, so many emotions, all trying to tug Obi-Wan down. He felt so tired; it made them more difficult to handle. He braced his hand on the table, reeling with it all as Mav asked, “Sir, is it -- can I--?”
Obi-Wan managed a nod, after a moment. “Yes,” he said. “Go right ahead.”
And Cody stayed tense as a compressed spring beside him, as Mav tried to work through the tangles, eventually giving up and cutting out the worst of the knots. The troopers around them bandied names back and forth as Mav worked, and each hank of hair that fell made Obi-Wan feel lighter, until he thought he might float away.
“How short do you want it?” Mav asked, eventually.
And Obi-Wan said, “Shorter,” without even thinking about it. He didn’t want it long enough for anyone to twist fingers into it, he wanted--
“I can clip it,” Mav said, cautiously, and Obi-Wan nodded.
The razor buzzed at the back of his head, slicing away more of the hair, until Obi-Wan could imagine that all the parts Anakin had touched were gone, laying around him across the floor, and they shouldn’t have done this in the mess hall, but…
“There you go,” Mav said, when he finished, turning off the razor, and Obi-Wan reached up to run his hand over the top of his head. The hair wasn’t shaved completely. It prickled his palm. He didn’t think he’d had it so short since his Padawan days, and--
“Thank you,” he said, looking up and crooking a smile onto his mouth. Mav nodded; he felt… steadier, through the Force. Not so raw and shredded as he gathered things up, and Obi-Wan said, quietly, “So, about the name.”
“I was thinking,” Cody said, tone stiff and flat, and he hadn’t moved, though he was long finished his meal, “The Recompense.”
Obi-Wan froze, swallowing, but his men - they were their own men - well, if anyone deserved a chance for justice, a chance to make things right… He nodded, and said, “A good choice.” And he was happy to just sit there, listening to them all discuss it, for a while.
Obi-Wan couldn’t just sit in the mess hall forever, as much as he wouldn’t have minded. Bones swung by, eventually, told him he looked exhausted, and pointedly suggested he ought to go sleep.
Obi-Wan didn’t have the energy to fight, so he nodded and made his way towards his quarters. He tried to sleep again. He made it a few hours, before he was roused, the taste of vomit in his mouth and the burning memory of Cody’s hands blazed across his skin.
He got up.
Over the next days of travel he snagged pieces of sleep here and there, knowing, deep down, that he needed more. He sorted away his own nightmares, working through them, but when he was sleeping… the pain of everyone else on the ship tended to slip into his head.
He didn’t only have his nightmares, in the days that followed.
He dreamed the dreams of others, and they all featured him, every single one. He closed his eyes and watched himself scream - had he looked like that? - and felt himself struggling against a borrowed body, as, in the dreams, he did terribly things to his own body, and--
And he knew he needed sleep, but… Staying awake hurt less.
They’d nearly reached the coordinates where they were to stop when Obi-Wan found a little room where some of the troopers had gathered - they were cleaning their blasters, almost silent - and he slipped inside, settling in a corner. They noticed him, he felt their emotions shift at his presence, but none of them said anything.
They just… glanced his way as he folded his legs and drew his back straight. They’d likely gotten used to him meditating. He’d done it often, once upon a time. He tried to sink down into the Force, looking for serenity within his mind, and jarred, just a little, when Cody came through the door a few minutes later.
Obi-Wan kept his eyes closed, kept focusing. 
Meditating would help restore his energy, somewhat. He drew in a deep breath, planning to order his thoughts, and sleep snuck up on him, swallowing him down.
Obi-Wan dreamed of burning shackles around his wrists - both of them - and Anakin, as he’d been once, but with burning yellow eyes, snarling, “This is what you deserve, isn’t it? Say it!” And pain and pain and pain and--
He woke with his heart trying to beat out of his chest, trying to tear through his ribs. There were hands on his shoulders, familiar and well-known, a voice saying, “--up, just a dream, it’s--”
Obi-Wan lurched, snapping his eyes open, his veins burning and his gut hard, reaching out for the Force, desperately, trying to tell what was real and what was only in his head. Cody was - was crouched in front of him, touching him -- holding him down, fingers digging into his skin -- radiating horror and concern and guilt and--
Obi-Wan flinched, couldn’t help it, a reflex in his spine making him pull back, trying to scramble away. He felt Cody’s emotions flare out even as he jerked his hands off of Obi-Wan’s shoulders. And that was worse, somehow, being alone, again -- laying in an empty cell, alone, nothing but the drain and -- 
Cody froze, went still and stiff, emotions blanking, and there was movement, past his shoulder, sudden and jerking. Obi-Wan flinched again, curling his arm up, automatic to protect his head, strangling off a cry in his throat, and Cody twisted to look over his shoulder, snarling, “Get back! All of you! Now!”
Obi-Wan listened to them scramble back, their emotions all torn to shreds, pulling him deeper into a spiral of his own making. Shame and horror surged through Obi-Wan. He knew it hurt them to be around him, he should have been more cautious. They all felt agonized, flayed open, and he worked to control himself, to pull the nightmare apart into wisps, clearing his throat to rasp, “I’m sorry.”
“No,” Cody said, voice cracking.
“I know I failed you all,” Obi-Wan said, the edges of their dreams still curled up in his head. He could just close his eyes, feeling exhaustion digging its poisonous fingers into his brain, letting the words spill out. “I don’t blame you. For wanting to stay away from me. I--”
“Obi-Wan,” Cody sounded like he’d been gut-shot again. It was the first time he’d said Obi-Wan’s name in...so long. Obi-Wan shivered at the sound of it. Even during the war, it had been rare for Cody to use his name. He’d saved it for those special occasions, when he thought Obi-Wan was going to die.
“I’m very tired,” Obi-Wan said, trying to offer Cody a way out of this conversation, a way forward. And it was true, anyway.
“I’ll get you back to your quarters,” Cody said, softly, and Obi-Wan nodded. He should have never imposed on them, anyway.
Shouting woke Obi-Wan from a dream of clawing hands and teeth, eating into him. He jerked, terror translating over into the waking world for a moment--
And he reached out with the Force, trying to find out what was going on, and the first thing he touched was Cody’s mind, close by, overfull with fierce, bright emotions, all burning edges, protectiveness and anger blazing out of him.
“Sir!” a voice yelled from the doorway as light flooded in, and Obi-Wan’s memories slotted into place. He’d… fallen asleep in his bunk. He had no idea how long he’d slept, but his head felt heavy. “We’ve reached the coordinates,” Shortfuse said, worry and excitement moving through him. “And there’s a ship waiting, sir. Thought you’d want to know.”
“Kriff,” Obi-Wan said, rubbing at his face, glad to have something to focus on, something to hold onto. “I suppose we’d better go see who it is.”
“I’m not sure you should be here,” Cody said, five minutes later, as they reached the docking port on the ship. He’d said it three times already, expression flat and emotions tightly contained. “We can handle this.”
“So can I,” Obi-Wan said, lightly, checking the blaster in his hand again. He disliked using the weapons, but he disliked more the idea of using Anakin’s bloody red lightsaber, ever again. He listened to the docking ports whirl and hum, stretching out his senses towards the other ship, shivering at what he picked up, hesitating to believe it was real. 
“Besides,” he said, as the airlock hissed, preparing to open, “I don’t think we’re going to have trouble.”
It had been years since he’d felt the mind on the other side of the door. And it was not...quite the same. There were major differences. But…
He held his breath as the airlock rose, caught a flash of white, and heard Cody make a harsh, flat sound. Cody grabbed him - apparently not so leery of touching him, now - and yanked him back a step, blaster up and drawn on the man in trooper armor on the other side of the door, who was also moving, shoving the figure with him back a step, moving in front of her, blaster raised.
Obi-Wan gripped Cody’s wrist, forcing his hand down, snapping, for the benefit of the rest of his men, “Don’t shoot! No one fire a shot, do I make myself clear?”
And, from behind the trooper before them, a familiar voice said, cracking with shock, “Master Obi-Wan?”
Ahsoka stepped around the side of her partner - and Obi-Wan thought he recognized Rex’s mind, too, not understanding how that was possible - ignoring him when he tried to pull her back a step, hissing, “What the kriff are you doing?”
“They’re not chipped,” Obi-Wan said, staring forward, at a ghost. He’d thought Ahsoka dead, like all the rest of their family, but there she stood in front of him, taller and sharper, her montrals curved and pointed, but her eyes just the same, wide and shocked and aching.
“Master?” she croaked again, taking a step towards him, looking him up and down, her expression growing more and more horrified by the moment. And then she was to him, reaching out, and Cody made a hard, sharp sound in his throat, gripping Obi-Wan’s arm and pulling him bodily back a step.
“It’s alright,” Obi-Wan said, not sure who he was talking to, specifically. Perhaps all of them.
Past Ahsoka’s shoulder, the trooper in the airlock removed his helmet, familiar blond hair still trimmed short, a few new scars over his face, and Rex was alive; Ahsoka was alive. Bail had sent them to Obi-Wan, he’d--
Ahsoka made a hoarse sound, and threw herself at him, arms around his neck, pulling him close. Obi-Wan buried a flinch, an automatic drive to jerk away from her. He managed, after a moment, to curl his arm around her, instead, while, somewhere far away, Rex demanded, “What the kriff is going on?”
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