#in both good and bad ways lol
devil-doll13 · 1 year
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Tw: Referenced Child Death, Blood, Drowning, Mentions of Bullying, Swearing (pretty much everything you expect from the Friday the 13th franchise) Religious Themes
So… This is a bit of a weird introduction for these two but the idea just stuck in my mind and refused to leave. I’m not sure when I will write a followup yet, but I just had to get this out.
Summary: Jude remembers a person from her past as it comes back to haunt her, as it always does. However, nothing can prepare her for the task she is about to undertake…
Dividers by delishlydelightfuldividers
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‘Camp Crystal Lake’ was aptly named, for during the Summer the pure, clear waters glittered brilliantly under the bright midday sun.
She stood at the base of the pier and watched as he was pushed in. Good Christian boys and girls had seen fit to cast stones and jeer cruelly at the poor outcasted creature. Jason Voorhees was tormented daily by the same children whom Mrs Voorhees kept fed and cared for. The very woman he cried out for as he helplessly drowned.
She stood at the base of the pier and watched, as his large, bulbous head, streaked with blood, was swallowed by deep, endless blue. For a while he desperately splashed around in an effort to fight the undertow, but Jason couldn’t swim. He had never been taught. Eventually he disappeared completely.
She stood idly by the pier, and did nothing.
(I could swim. I could’ve saved him.)
Jude had always tried to push the blame on someone else. It was always the easy way out; as humans loathe to be at fault for their actions. If she admitted responsibility, she might be as guilty as his judges and executioners.
She had always thought herself better than that; above them somehow. Though she knew deep down she was not. She still turned the away other cheek.
(Why did no one come to save him? Where were the adults? Where were they?)
Ever since the ringleader, Evan, had snuck a snake under her pillow, terrifying her to panicked tears, Jude had been wary of drawing his ire. Her fear of the slithering reptiles, to this day, can still be traced back to that prank. Going against him wasn’t worth it.
So was that not enough of a reason? Why should she suffer for his sake? Why should she care at all about that ‘little freak’ Jason Voorhees?
(Did his life have so little meaning?)
It occurred to her only years after the fact that it had been the first time she had watched someone die.
It would not be the last time, of course. Her fate was as intertwined with tragedy as her cousin’s was. It took a lifetime to understand that the inevitable had been set in motion long before she was born, by her mother and her mother’s mother. Their trauma had echoed into her blood; bled into her very soul.
Then, Jude momentarily held the power in her hands to change his fate, but squandered it. She did not send him a passing glance, nor offer a kind word, or even reassure him that she did not find him repulsive; as all the others claimed he was. Because the truth of the matter was that she did. She did.
Her mother instilled within her the holy values of Christ, but she failed to act as he surely would have. Though she dutifully obeyed and assimilated as one with the faithful flock, as meek as the lamb, in her lion’s heart she was a coward.
The hypocrisy is all too real. If only she could atone for those sins, to be forged in fire; if she only could become a woman worthy to wield the sword of God.
But your failures can stay with you for a long time.
Camp Crystal Lake was closed the following day.
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“…Y’know, we really do pick the days with the absolute worst fuckin’ mojo to go and risk our lives.”
Zach cast Jude a sly glance from behind the wheel. A stubby cigarette hung lazily from his lips as he puffed fumes of white smoke out the open window.
“I mean, on the 13th? I dunno, Judie…”
She snorted, gladly taking the bait.
“You’re so superstitious.”
Although she knew her partner was only having a bit of a laugh, she would be damned if she didn’t take the opportunity to make fun of him.
“Me? Superstitious?” Zach laughed heartily.
“You’re the one who thinks a bunch of rocks can create force fields, and that being an ‘Aries’ or whatever makes me all hot-headed and impulsive.”
“But you are impulsive!” She argued back, grinning wildly.
“All I’m saying is no amount of, of…” He gesticulated vaguely with his free hand. “… Troglodytes or whatever are gonna save you from getting possessed, get off it!”
She scoffed indignantly, acting mortally offended.
“First of all, they’re called Turquoises and they absolutely do give you great spiritual protection and they ward off negative energy!” Jude scolded him. “And besides, with what we’ve seen in our lifetimes, is it really so hard to believe?”
Zach began to amusedly shake his head.
“You read too many funky internet articles.” He turned the curve on the road, forcing Jude to lean to the right. “They’re gonna rot your brain.”
Jude flipped her hair nonchalantly.
“That’s a pity, yours is already gone.”
“Ha, ha,” Zach deadpanned, rolling his one remaining eye playfully.
“If only your pretty crystals were able stop a rampaging werewolf, huh? I mean, I could certainly do without all these ugly scars.” He rubbed his chin, thumbing the bumpy mark by his lip. He glanced subtly at the rear view mirror, and something dimmed in his expression.
For a moment she was at a loss for words.
“They’re not ugly, Z…” It was all she could think to reassure him, softening her gaze considerably.
He chuckled. “Thanks, but I can still see, y’know?”
Jude watched sombrely as he traced the dark leather of his eyepatch. She wondered if it got any easier to be missing a part of you, or more depressing.
“Anyway!” Zach cleared his throat, putting an end to that little conversation. “You’ve got the map. Are we on the right path or what?”
Sensing an urge to ignore the previous topic, Jude unfolded the laminated material and observed a criss-cross of beige and blue lines and dashes illustrating the New Jersey roads and highways. It was disturbingly familiar, and somehow it was only then that she was reminded where they both were headed, and the significance of that place to her.
“Yeah, we are…” She murmured.
Zach tapped some stray ashes out the window. She felt a sort of regretful prick at the back of her neck; sharp and insidious.
He pondered out loud, none the wiser: “A whole bunch of kids turning up missing, and all they’ve got in common is sex, drugs and Camp Crystal Lake…”
She almost flinched at hearing that name again.
“Makes you wonder why they’re stupid enough to keep going back…” He shook his head in disbelief.
“It’s definitely the work of a malevolent spirit… a vengeful type, probably, I mean,” Jude hastily cut in, fumbling with the map.
“Why, what makes you so sure?” Zach turned to stare at her inquisitively, furrowing his brows.
She swallowed thickly, enduring the telltale drop in her gut that always accompanied confessions like this; it seemed Zach was always receiving them.
“…I think I knew him when he was alive.” Was all she could manage.
“…Ah.” A grimace of sympathy dawned on his face. The mood abruptly soured into grim silence. The car rattled as it hit a bump in the road.
Zach sucked in a breath. “…You wanna talk about it?”
Jude felt something inside her steadily deflate.
“No, not really…” She admitted, tossing the map haphazardly onto the dashboard where it shined in the afternoon sun.
He nodded, seemingly having expected this reply. Jude focused numbly on the sizzle of his cigarette as blew smoke rather forcefully out of his mouth.
“Well, Ollie’s more or less just kickin’ down the road next to us. Give or take a couple hundred miles…” He sent her a cheeky grin that she knew, even without looking, was masking his genuine concern. “We could always just pawn it off on them, you know.”
She scrunched her face up in distaste at the idea. Zach was not the kind of man to push responsibility on others, so the fact he was actually willing to do so for her sake was embarrassing. She didn’t like the thought of being so sensitive that she couldn’t deal with her past; it made her feel like she was just being a liability.
“…No. I need to do this.” She insisted with finality.
Jude had begun to realise she’d never properly confronted her guilt about what had happened to Jason Voorhees. She liked to believe that she’d changed; that she wasn’t the same weak-willed, easily swayed lamb from her childhood, or the same confused adolescent. That maybe she could make up for all the years that she had been.
But it felt like a piece of her had died five years ago, and with that her cowardly heart. If only that meant she could be strong and resolute now.
“It just feels like…” Jude stared at her pale, shaking hands as she tried to crystallise her emotions in words. “…I can never escape this feeling. Like, like all this stuff just follows me everywhere and I can’t ever do anything about it.”
“…Yeah, I get it.” He squashed his cigarette in the holder before continuing: “I guess some people are just bound by destiny…”
Jude knit her brows in thought for a moment before sending him an incredulous look: “Bound by destiny? And you tell me not to read ‘funky internet articles’”
“Hey now, that was from my favourite book series as a kid!” Zach raised a hand in mock defence. “If you’re gonna accuse me of plagiarism, at least get your sources right.”
“Honestly, that sounds like a pretty lame book series to me, and I used to be a sucker for that YA craze.”
“Oh really?”
His distracting banter lightened the atmosphere considerably, and by the time Jude saw the bright and familiar ‘Camp Crystal Lake’ painted on a welcome sign, she no longer felt that strange, heavy pressure weighing on her chest.
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Zach whistled as he took in the dilapidated cabins. They had certainly seen better days; though this was made somewhat more palatable by the bountiful Summer vegetation and good weather. The titular lake lay beyond the woodland, and shone pure and bright just as it did all those years ago.
“Wow… Empty. Nice view, though.” He lightly pushed the car door shut, his signature trench coat hoisted over his shoulder.
“…Yeah, it’s always been great here.” Jude said airily, pointing toward the flash of blue obscured by trees. “See the lake? We used to go swimming in the mornings, it was that temperate.”
Zach’s eyebrows arched in surprise. “And it didn’t freeze your bones the second you jumped in?”
“No, actually, but it was always really refreshing! Woke you up straight away.”
“Damn! I bet it did.”
Her smile faltered as that happy memory was soured by another, more arresting one.
“For those of us who c-could swim, at least…”
Zach had fortunately fixed his attention on their trunk, so he did not see her grimace. He licked his lips as his calloused hands found the cold, humming surface of his prize. Jude turned back around only to click her tongue at the sight.
“Really? You’re gonna take the whole damn cooler of whiskey in there with you?”
“Hey, I don’t wanna be thirsty!”
“Or sober.” She finished for him, shaking her head disapprovingly. Zach gave a flippant shrug and lifted the icebox into his arms. He returned afterward for his razor and toothbrush, which he had apparently deemed as comparatively less important.
To be entirely honest, Jude wasn’t too worried. If there was one special skill Zach could brag about, it was the ability to still manage to hit perfect bullseyes while completely sloshed; not to mention his obvious lack of depth perception. She noticed, too, that he was wearing all his fighting equipment today. Only a fool would think him unprepared.
None of the cabins left behind by the mass exodus had been particularly appealing, but they chose the biggest one that had all the different bedrooms - albeit they were in various stages of disrepair - because it was both the most defensible and most protected from the outside elements. It may have been Summer, but that wasn’t accounting for the late night chill.
Jude felt a pang of recognition hit her as she entered, realising far too late that this had been where the old staff members would usually stay. Her focus was drawn irresistibly to a picture frame resting crookedly on a wall, some kind of relic of the distant past. Behind the ever-so-slightly cracked glass were the previous camp councillors, their joyful faces forever frozen in time.
She tried to look elsewhere, but all of it turned up a new, fresher scar in the landscape. The entire house reeked sickeningly of death, something she’d become far too accustomed to. She already regretted coming here at all, even though she was the one who’d convinced her partner to do so.
“Looks like this is about the only place I’d feel good about staying in.” Zach huffed as he tossed his coat onto a dusty hanger. “I’m sure you feel the same.”
“Now, we’re both gonna have to do a bit of investigating, it seems. I don’t think this is gonna be an Albuquerque situation on our hands here.”
Jude watched him light up another cigarette, floorboards creaking as she approached. “I don’t think so either, but I don’t think we should get too comfortable here too quickly…”
His cheek twitched, thin grey smoke curling out of his nose.
“It’s only temporary until we take out the target.”
“I know, but… I mean, look at this place.”
“Well, it’s the best we got, Judie.” He retorted. “I get you might not wanna linger too long in a place that reminds you-“ He wisely stopped that sentence before it continued, busying himself with unpacking instead. Jude found herself inexplicably fascinated with the frayed rug on the floor.
I need to get away. It’s too stifling in here…
“How about…” She started, letting a bag of spare clothes drop onto the floor. “You go chum it up with the locals, and I go inspect the camp grounds?”
Zach, who had been in the middle of extracting several pairs of black socks from his suitcase, studied her carefully for a moment. She caught a momentary flash of concern in his eye, a sight not so rare.
“…You sure?” He questioned her gently.
“Mhm.” Jude nodded. She briskly zipped open a duffle bag and began to empty out the contents onto the sofa. It contained all of her usual ghost-hunting equipment, medical supplies and ammunition, spilling out in a sort of jumbled mess.
“Well… Alright.” He said finally, with a hint of reluctance, gesturing to her weapons pack. “Go prepared, though.”
She bit back a sigh, unable to help feeling agitated at his cautious tone. “I’ll just secure the perimeter, there’ll be no need to drag around a big heavy axe…”
“But you’ll be sure to take your dagger with you, yeah?”
“Yeah, yeah… I’ll be fine. I’m not a newbie anymore, remember?” Jude reassured him, sending him a chastising glare. “You worry too much.”
At this Zach backed off, holding his hands up in defeat. Between his fraternal ribbing and casual teaching style, he often felt like more of an older brother to her than a mentor, but she still was distantly aware of his seniority and felt a tinge if remorse for her short responses…
“See, I know your aim is shit…” He teased her with a rising smirk, single brown eye gleaming with mirth.
“Oh, shut up!”
An hour later, Jude found herself standing once again at the wooden pier leading out to the lake. The crystal clear waters lay still and serene, almost mirror-like in form. She saw herself reflected back in those glassy depths; once a girl, now a woman.
It’s been 12 full years since Jason Voorhees died, she thought. 12 years since I've been here… Standing in this exact spot.
At first she wondered if it would feel different now that she was older and had time to reflect on the past, but nothing had prepared her for such a disturbingly familiar sight. Now it seemed her guilt gnawed at her anew; though she knew she had no right to feel sorry for herself in the wake of that poor boy’s death.
Still, Jude watched herself frown, It’s quite haunting.
It had been strange for her to come back and walk the same paths she had so often tread as a child. The camp might’ve undergone a brief revival once or twice, but now it was neglected and overgrown, and she passed by many an abandoned communal building and overturned canoe on her way here. That had instilled a sort of nostalgic sorrow in her heart, despite it all. Her Summers here were typically enjoyable and fun, particularly Mrs Voorhees’ wonderful cooking…
The smile that tugged at her lips was bittersweet. In her childhood memories, Camp Crystal Lake had been filled with smiling, laughing children and friendly camp counsellors who all wore happy faces and played guitar. Seeing it so deserted now was strikingly eerie. There was something so intrinsically wrong about the barren silence, only punctuated by chirping birdsong and warm, gentle breeze rustling the leaves.
Unexpectedly, a shocking pinprick on the back raised her finer hairs and made her shiver despite the heat. Jude whirled around, startling a flock of nearby birds. She backed away slowly from the pier - mindful that the ghost of a boy who had drowned would most likely reside there - and scanned the forest treeline with a steadily rising heart rate.
Zach? No, he can’t have come back so quickly… And he wouldn’t scare me like that, not in this place.
Suspecting the other possiblity, Jude clicked through various frequencies on the spirit box that had been clipped onto her belt. In her experience it was rare to actually hear any tangible voices through it, but with enough practice radio static and spikes of activity had become a sort of code to be cracked and translated into human tongue.
Nothing. Nothing at all. Not even a hint of a ghost.
Jude kept a ready hand at her gun holster as she hiked up the somewhat overgrown brush, searching further for any signs of supernatural activity on the box. Still, after half an hour of blindly searching, no signals. She actually doubted if there was any Wi-Fi or radio waves that could reach this far away into the wilderness since the area wasn’t exactly very populated, but it was still discouraging nevertheless.
And creepy, she noted. Jude was consequently no longer in the sightseeing mood, and began to wearily trudge her way back to the cabins. It seemed her gun burnt a hole through her jeans as she walked, just like she itched from nervous tension.
It would be too easy to write that off, but she wasn’t stupid. Her sharp instincts had been honed by years of hunting and being hunted by monsters.
Someone, or something, had been watching her from behind in those supposedly uninhabited woods, and she had just felt it.
Jude bit her lip anxiously. She was absolutely certain the revenant they were searching for was Jason. It almost felt like all this investigation was pointless, she now realised was most likely the very entity that had been lurking by the lake.
And maybe, she thought, he recognises me…
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Her uneasy mood stayed with her as she watched the skies and the sun begin to sink below the horizon, coating the world in blazing orange hues. Jude watched from the cabin window as their shared car pulled up again in the mounting darkness, left headlight still busted from their last battle.
“It’s Jason, I…” She began as he wedged the door open, stopping at his flabbergasted look.
“I… Got takeout.” He presented a plastic bag wafting aromatic spices from across the room.
“Oh. Right.” She uncrossed her arms, and it was as if the smell of food reminded her stomach it had been empty almost the whole day.
Oh my god, It’s McDonalds… Did he just drive like five miles for that? You know what, who cares…
“By all means, continue.” He offered, striding over to the couch to unwrap the steaming package. Jude felt all will to do anything but eat completely leave her body as she impatiently took her share from him.
“No, actually…” She reconsidered it. Would she really even be telling him something he didn’t already know? “You go first.”
“Well…” He began, the old leather couch sagging under him as he sat down. “I’ll tell you this: just about everybody I spoke to told me this was a bad idea.”
She raised an inquisitive eyebrow at this, munching on some chunky chips.
“I mean, it really seems like the locals believe this place is under a curse… Pretty standard, but I’ve rarely seen people as spooked as this.”
He shook his head at the memory.
“But that’s good, right? Means the locals at least aren’t foolish enough to poke the bear.” Jude offered, licking her greasy fingers.
He paused to eat, first digging heartily into his burger. Their lack of electricity meant they were forced to use an emergency supply of candles and lanterns to provide light, casting an eerie glow over Zach’s face as his expression grew more grim.
“…It would be, except for the fact this place’s reputation has somehow made it into a weirdly popular tourist trap.” He shook his head, pursing his lips. “Must be the danger of it. I could think of a more obvious reason why they might be lured here though…”
“I don’t think that’s the case.” Jude cut in.
“See, what I was about to tell you was… It’s Jason. I’m absolutely certain it’s him. I was at the lake earlier, and… He was definitely watching me.”
It all sort of spilled out in a hurry, and she gave a nervous little laugh, skin prickling in discomfort.
“But how can you be sure?” Zach, ever the contrarian, set down his half-eaten burger. “You’re not just basing this off ‘vibes,’ right?”
“No, no.” She reassured him.
The sinking feeling in her gut started again.
“It’s just… What happened with Jason, well…”
Jude suddenly felt as if something was caught in her throat, and took a sip of her soda.
“…Jason drowned.”
In an instant Zach had his revolver in hands, aiming it directly at the source of the mysterious noise. Jude’s heart jumped right out of her chest as she drew her own pistol, following his lead. He abandoned his food, cautiously moving over to peer out the dusted cabin window…
Outside, their car’s hood had been caved in.
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(Taglist: @rottent33th, @slaasherslut, @the-pinstriped-hood, @goldrose-star, @soupbabe, @bluecoolr, @flower-crowned-lady, @vincent-sinclair-deserved-better, @solmints-messyocdiary)
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inkskinned · 7 months
for a second, you did the bad thing and bargained about it.
if it meant that you would never be numb like this again, what would you give up?
maybe it's the childhood stuff or the religious trauma or how your dad doesn't believe in medication, but this is how you are, right. you need to have a counterbalance. suffering has to have its own reward. there needs to be a point to it. and if you're happy - if you could just be happy, and the world could actually fill in enough space that the edges of your spirit actually meet the horizon of your body - you would need to pay for it.
your passions? that one seems fair, but how could you actually be happy without them. well, you'd never be numb again, so maybe you'd be able to find joy in the small things like you used to. gleeful, you'd make coffee and breakfast into an artform. you'd find a way to make it make sense, somehow. you'd move on. it'd be different, but it would be doable.
your lover? your friends? this would be hard. you owe so much to your community. still, you could maybe make yourself a small home in the woods. you could live a quiet life, one devoid of friendship - but also without this horrible grey mist. a life like bigfoot, then. you'd figure out how to make the most of it.
your hair. your teeth. all of it.
sometimes you are jealous of mental illness as it appears in media: a big stroke of a meltdown, a firestorm that resolves prettily in therapy. it is flashing lights and thin teenagers. you've absolutely had breakdowns that stole the show - but life after resolved into a pixel art of things you managed to piece together afterwards, not a tapestry of a heart made suddenly-beautiful. that people could pick up blades as if they weigh nothing, that the way it all appears is as a cry for help, not a slow backsliding.
you have to stop the thought: i'd give up everything.
but also - be real. you'd never give up your dog. nor your best friend. nor the way you feel walking while through deep fog. you'd never give up the last bonfire of summer, the reckless laughter of halloween. so you do still love things.
maybe that's the problem: you know it should be easier. you have everything you could possibly want. so how come you are still trapped? still yearning?
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ink-the-artist · 4 months
holy shit I did NOT realize how popular my "I will remove my teeth, for I want to remain kind despite my anger" quote is. I just googled it for fun to see what would come up, a bunch of people are quoting it not knowing who its from, an artist called Kuma made an album titled that, so bizzare
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harbingersglory · 4 months
hii could i req an soft dom arlecchino x sub/fem reader?? something w a really needy whiny reader n maybe like a mommy kink or thigh riding IDK tysm for ur time !
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{☆} characters arlecchino {☆} notes drabble, fem reader, sub reader {☆} warnings 18+ content
"Slowly, doll. We're not in a rush." Arlecchino reprimands lightly, squeezing your hips with just enough force to keep you unmoving on her thigh– she was still being gentle, but the subtle warning in her tone spoke to how easily she could push you against the desk and turn you into such a mess that you couldn't even remember your own name..just that you were hers.
But the barest hint of stimulation from her slacks pressed against your throbbing cunt had you twitching, barely able to form words. All you could think about was the scorching, twisting need building in your stomach, desperation for relief slowly climbing until you'd think she was doing this on purpose to drive you mad.
"Please– 'm a good girl, right? I've been good.." You choked out, only to be met with the rough, husky laugh echoing in your ear that made you feel dizzy with a rush of need, her nails gliding along the skin of your hips as she pressed you down even more firmly– you couldn't see her face but it was easy to imagine the crooked smile twisting her lips at the way you inhaled sharply and tried to buck against her thigh.
"Shh. I know, doll. I've got you, just relax." She murmured in that sickly sweet tone that always had your knees buckling, the raspiness of her voice sending shivers down your spine. It was almost impossible to relax with her so close, the notes of metal lingering on her skin despite how well she presents herself– but you trusted her, despite how you know you shouldn't.
"There we go. Good girl." Arlecchino's grip on your hips loosened just enough for you to move if you so wished, and oh did it take every ounce of restraint to not do just that..she hadn't said you were allowed to, and you weren't about to spoil her good mood by being a brat. Not tonight, anyway. "Do you want to cum, doll?"
The fervent nod you offer in place of words draws a laugh from her lips, one that is almost mocking, making your face flush in embarrassment– but the sudden tap against your hip makes your mind go blank to the point you forget it all together, focused only on the feeling of her thigh rubbing against your cunt as you bucked against her thigh, the fabric slick and wet against your inner thighs. You'd have half the heart to be embarrassed about that, too, if not for the sudden brush of her thumb against your aching, neglected clit. Just that small touch has you speeding up your movements, practically drooling as you whimpered like a dog in heat.
"That's more like it, doll. Such a pretty girl." Arlecchino hummed, her other hand trailing up your stomach, between the valley of your breasts and ghosting across your throat before settling on grabbing your jaw in a firm, yet almost tender touch as she tilted your head to the side just enough for her to pull you into a burning kiss. It left you lightheaded, grinding down against her thigh as she claimed your mouth as her own, her thumb still ghosting over your clit sporadically.
She'd spent so long teasing you, constantly touching you but never where you needed her, that you already felt like you were going to snap like a wire. She must've been in a really good mood, then, when she pulled away from the kiss with an almost predatory lick of her lips, yet she settled on pressing kisses to your skin rather then the usual sharp bite of her teeth as they sunk into the curve of your shoulder.
"Are you close? Go on. I want to see your face when you cum– you look the prettiest when you finally break apart, doll." Arlecchino mused idly– as if she wasn't talking to you while you continued to rub your aching cunt against her thigh, chasing your own release through shaky, strained breaths. Her thumb swiped over your lips, brushing strands of hair stuck to your skin from your face– at the same time as she swiped her thumb more firmly against your clit, creating a vicious contrast that had you both melting at the barest hint of almost softness from her and the touch of her hand between your legs, dragging you into an orgasm that leaves you trembling and, had she not shoved her fingers into your mouth, screaming, tears pooling in the corners of your eyes.
"All done, little doll. Take it easy." She murmured, voice so quiet you almost didn't hear it, thumb swiping across your cheek to wipe away the stray tear, her hands pulling away to settle on your sides. "You did well– good girl. Let me take it from here."
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genericpuff · 3 months
vent post
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#and before anyone who hates my shit says “yeah because you ARE a loser way to have self awareness for once”#i promise you this would be me with or without the LO fandom LMAO#anxiety is a hell of a thing#and as much as i internally guilt myself into thinking it would be better if i just shut up and hid away forever#i also know that's the trauma speaking because the adults around me always told me to shut up#and even as an adult i still encounter people who talk over me and make me feel like i'm not allowed to be outspoken#but the pen is mightier than the sword and all those years i've spent being spoken over i've been honing my penmanship#i have fun talking about the things i talk about and i don't have any less right than anyone else to do it#i am cringe and i am free#self post#vent post#altho on another note i do wanna make time this week to go find new series to read#too many of my favorites have turned to shit and it's taken its toll#i KNOW there are better comics out there that are genuinely well made#i already have a few that i'm reading that i love but i need to balance out the good with the bad more lol#i just need to take the time to go find good stuff instead of pouring so much of my attention into the bullshit that doesn't deserve my tim#i think both things can be true#i can have a lot of fun dissecting and writing about series i don't like#while also nourishing myself with good works that restore my faith in this medium#“perfectly balanced as all things should be”
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doomedclockworkdotmp3 · 11 months
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woooowwww wowowowowwwww its that guy. the dude. its my special lil guy!!
uuhh i did this because. i thought the album art for the 1998 anime looked kinda like. the sonic adventure pose. and it was SUPPOSED! to just be a shit post. and then i got 𝒸𝒶𝓇𝓇𝒾𝑒𝒹 𝒶𝓌𝒶𝓎!!
Trimax version TriStamp version
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ganondoodle · 9 months
i have grown kinda tired of all the studio ghibli and totk comparisons bc i love most of miyazakis movies and its so annoyingly obvious that if totk actually took inspiration from them its all just the surface level aesthetic and none of the good story telling
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juni-ravenhall · 2 months
sso loading screen text "remember that knowledge is power".... imagine the power if the writers knew the lore of the game
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tj-crochets · 15 days
Hey y'all! It's weird question time again! So that doctor I mentioned before that I wanted to make a dog plushie for because he has improved my quality of life so much* (and also inexplicably reminds me of like a greyhound or a borzoi) is my endocrinologist And, as my endocrinologist, he recommended back in December that I go see a rheumatologist, because he thinks I might have rheumatoid arthritis**. The staff at his office have been trying to get a rheumatologist for four months now. I know that, because yesterday I got a call from the rheumatologist's office and the nurse I spoke to said "Your doctor's office has been very...persistent about getting you this appointment" So now I kinda want to get something for the whole office? But idk what I could get them or make them. Like, in non-medical contexts I'd make cookies or brownies for a group, but I can't bring cookies to a doctor's office. I mean, I guess I could, but if I were them I would definitely not eat them, and I run the risk of allergy-ing a fellow patient. Is there like a gift basket or gift card or thank you card or something you can recommend?
*I mean he maybe should have found a diagnosis before offering me steroids about it but the low dose steroids have made such a HUGE difference in my quality of life I am thrilled with Tennessee's weird (to me, with my experience in California) medical practices **I don't think I have enough joint pain for it to be rheumatoid arthritis, but he's like the fourth doctor to tell me it's weird that when I got hives they usually started on joints, so maybe I'm wrong? I have the weird version of enough medical things that at this point I would not be surprised if I had Weird Rheumatoid Arthritis.
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httpiastri · 6 months
me: *has a bad week*
oscar: say no more, i know how to fix it
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chittychittyyangyang · 7 months
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I would like everyone to meet Kali! My partner and I spent all of Friday and Saturday going to different shelters, and we found her at our last stop. Any money I got that didn't go to Fiddle for her end of life care, went to Kali's adoption fee and a new cat tree since Fiddle's old one is too unstable. When she's not been exploring my room, she's been asleep so long as she can touch me and/or my partner. Think she's a really good fit for us and should help some with my PTSD.
Happy second of Halloween, and thank you all for the support! 💜
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dashiellqvverty · 8 months
insane that there is finally an actually good and interesting and believable straight couple in an avatar-verse story and they’re not even actually together
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triplefool · 29 days
It is 1am and chapter 5 is here, yayyy! It’s a very important one to me because it contains (some) of the scene which inspired the fanfic in the first place.
Synopsis: Are Aziraphale and Crowley the ultimate star-crossed lovers?
Explore Aziraphale's mind as the Second Coming arrives to his doorstep.
I’ve already started writing chapter 6 because it gets so exciting! I’m also sad to come close to the end but aghh the last chapter will be so great, I hope you’ll like it. Thanks in advance if you read it, like it, and/or share it! Details below.
Chapters: 5/6 Fandom: Good Omens (TV) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Aziraphale/Crowley (Good Omens), Maggie/Nina (Good Omens), Crowley/Nina (Good Omens), Crowley/Muriel (Good Omens), And many more I'm too lazy for this Characters: Crowley (Good Omens), Aziraphale (Good Omens), Muriel (Good Omens), Nina (Good Omens), Maggie (Good Omens), Who knows who else, Michael (Good Omens), Uriel (Good Omens), Saraqael (Good Omens), The Bentley (Good Omens), St James's Park Ducks (Good Omens), more but don't want to spoil Additional Tags: Post-Season/Series 02, I love spoilers but would never impose this insane lifestyle to anyone else, just read and find out, probably no graphic violence, No Sex, Whump, mostly emotional, The Second Coming (Good Omens), cuz well that's announced, They/Them Pronouns for Muriel (Good Omens), for the well-deserved representation, okay that's enough lol, (chapter 3 has a 1941 flashback just saying just saying), Shh Summary:
After Aziraphale leaves, Crowley realises he has nothing to do, no hobby. All he has really, is a broken heart. Thankfully, the people he knows on earth are not doing so well either. (And don't get me started on Heaven and Hell...)
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samanthamulder · 1 year
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reminder to support your local gifmakers if you enjoy their works
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sysig · 6 days
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Totally unaffected by this gesture of affection, definitely (Patreon)
#Doodles#SCII#Helix#The Captain#ZEX#Forgive the quality lol I wanted to make them pretty but then- Well you know lol#Dandelions <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3#You know it's bad when you start getting excited about the most mundane little signifiers <3#Dandelions deserve way more love than they get anyway it all balances out#I just hghh it's such a simple setup but there's a lot of feelings that can be expanded upon!#Like would Zelnick know about dandelions cultural ties?? He grew up on Unzervalt - unless someone brought some with them!#Or explained it I guess - but also Unzervaltians seem like scrappy underdogs sprouting up in the sidewalk cracks to defy the Ur-Quan too#Feels like it would actually mean a lot to him if he knew their symbolism!#But even if he didn't - they're Earth Flora! A piece of his home that /should/ just be mundane and everyday and not a big deal but it is!!#I legit teared up at Zelnick appreciating a blue atmosphere ah <3#He loves Earth so much wah <3 The naturalistic storytelling in his internal monologue are genuinely So Good#And then y'already know I love ZEX gifting him flowers lol I really do need to finish that one comic I posted the preview of it's cute!#Any little way that he engages with human courtship is The Cutest to me <3 Trying so hard to impress his love!#Trying so hard to cross that cultural gap agh it gets me bad! Seeing humans as more than just pretty somethings to be enjoyed at a distance#ZEX's pride also gets me bad hehe but I really love when he uses his intelligence to try to relate and understand#See humans as complex individuals both personally and in different cultures! He gets so distracted so easily hehe silly ♪#Also I don't know if I have anywhere else that it'd come up but agh gods his and Zelnick's conversation about the eventual fallout of ZEX's#kidnap attempt - Literally The Best like ugh!! ♥ I /tried/ to write something half that exact and eloquent and it's just right there! Gah!!#S'beautiful s'so good fjdslafd I'm love I'm love
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angelomania · 1 year
i have seen nothing but hate for engage but unironically it really is revolutionary for the series. it's the first fe game in which every character is playersexual, an option previously kept from us. the AI of the enemies were created studying top fe players to combat notable exploits and punishing players for using them. they bring back the class free for all by not limiting the classes like they did in previous games, yet avoid the infinite levelling which made 3h objectively easy late game. the protagonist is not a blank state to just reflect on, they probably have one of the most established personalities of any of the protagonists and they're definitely subversive in terms of origin (without going into spoilers). the designs are definitely some of the most diverse in the series, and while i've heard a lot of complaints about them, admittedly they're much more distinct and unique than some of the ones in the past, plus i would pin that on individual taste instead because it seems to be divisive. i love 3h but sometimes i don't want my fe game to be this excellent criticism of war with characters that go through emotional turmoil every chapter, to compare them is just unfair to the both of them tbh. i'm pro engage propaganda
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