#it just kept on glitching and going in the box where your ask was?
hypnos333 · 4 months
My Dear
Alastor x Reader
Synopsis: You had a really bad day with another demon at your job but Alastor fixes that.
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Ink was surrounded you it tends to happen during bad days and today was a really bad day. Black ink drop down your face made as your tears. Until a soft knock was on your door making you whisper a “come in”
Alastor entered with a tray strawberry wine and an apple pie. You sit up on the bed letting him put the tray down on your lap.
“My dear I saw the black ink trailing down to your room so I decided to clean and make up your day” Alastor said with his signature smile. You nodded before wiping the ink off your face.
“I was gonna clean it up” You whispered sadly before Alastor lift up your chin to look at your face more clearly before using his thumb to wipe off your inky tears.
“Don’t cry my love, tell me what’s wrong? I promise you have nothing to worry about my dear” Alastor asked trying to comfort you. He pulled you on his lap looking at your eyes seeing you hold back new tears. He frowned seeing how serious the situation is and has gotten worse.
“Shhh My dear, tell me who hurt you” He said gently rubbing your back.
“There was this guy at the bar and h-he asked me for a tequila sunrise and when I finished his drink. He grabbed my hand insisting I come join him a-and I kept on refusing but I just feel so pressured” You explained but what you didn’t noticed was Alastor vibe turned more darker and he smiled but it was more sinister and Evil.
“I’ll be right back my dear, I’ll have Nifty or Husky look out for you, My dear” Alastor explained as he put you to bed covering you with the black sheets as hum not thinking much of it.
Alastor start glitching out of anger before disappearing towards god knows where While you were tucked away back to your safe place. After hours he came back he was covered in blood and was holding a black box.
“My dear wonderful news I just streamed on my radio show again and I got you a little gift my darling” He said hold the box out to you. Inside of is a heart, a human heart or A demons heart.
“What’s this?” You asked hesitantly as you looked at his happy smile once again
“Well my dear it’s your aggressors heart of course” He answered making you drop the box of the heart out of instincts luckily He catched it.
“Now no one can harm you knowing your mine”
You sigh before grabbing Alastors face pulling him into a loving kiss. “Oh what am I going to do with you my darling” You jokingly say making him chuckle mockingly.
“Thank you my darling” You mumble to him before he kissed you into a deeper kiss.
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So the poll for the next part of the Breakdown x Reader x Bumblebee fic came in and here are the results!
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The winner was the swimming hole! I wrote more cute and silly fluff because heaven knows we need more of it, I hope you enjoy, and if you like my writing style you can always commission me!
Also if you were among those who liked the first part and wanted to be tagged in the sequel I apologize because Tumblr is NOT letting me tag people right now!!
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"You look good."
"Do you think so?" Bumblebee asked earnestly, turning in the mirror to scrutinize his perfectly buffed finish as his uncertainty continued to get the better of him. Having spent the last few hours watching his partner fret over every last perceived flaw in his finish, Breakdown merely rolled his optics with a grin, conveniently ignoring how much time he'd spent perfecting his own appearance and worrying if their date would approve. In their shared defense, it was hard to properly prepare with only a single human sized mirror hanging on the wall of their tiny bedroom in the Dugout. Making a sound of frustration as he tried and failed to get a better look at his doorwings, the Scout turned to him for feedback. "I didn't miss anything, did I?"
"Bee, you cleared out two bottles of polish, any more and you won't need your headlights." he replied with a laugh. Bumblebee frowned in the adorably pouty way he did when he was more frustrated than mad, and Breakdown softened his smirk into a more comforting playful grin. "Don't be so nervous, you've got me here. There's no way they'll resist my charm."
"Right…" Bumblebee replied more confidently, turning back to the mirror and meeting his gaze through the reflection. "The same charm that gets your voice box glitching every time Y/N looks your way?"
Breakdown had his defenses low enough that he widened his optics in surprise at the question. It was true that he had the hardest time finding his usually ample words every time he saw you, but he wasn't going to admit that, not even to Bumblebee. A forced chuckle and a broad shrug of his shoulders dismissed the very idea.
"I have no idea what you're talking about." he replied with mock ease, confident that this afternoon would be different.
The words came back to bite him the second they pulled up to your house, where you were waiting on the front porch for their arrival. When you stood up and waved in greeting the Stunticon felt his spark go supernova as his processor went completely blank, enough so that he sat in a daze for a solid few seconds before realizing Bumblebee had already transformed, compelling him to do the same in a rush. Thankfully the sunlight was at the perfect angle to hide the glow of his blush as he faced you directly. 
"Hey guys, right on time!" you said eagerly, your bright smile nearly overwhelming both mechs as they beheld your outfit. While you'd chosen something practical that wasn't all that much fancier than your normal clothes, the fact that you'd put it on for them was simply too much for the lovestruck bots, who were both struggling to find their words as you approached. Just able to suppress a knowing but loving grin at their response, you kept talking to spare them an awkward silence. "You didn't specify where you wanted to go, Breakdown, so I hope you don't mind that I picked something out for us."
"Definitely!" Bumblebee agreed enthusiastically, not needing any context to agree with anything you wanted to say. Catching himself when Breakdown smirked at his expense, he returned the gesture with a well earned bit of side-optic and subtle sass, calling back to the antics that had gotten them into this situation. "This was a little… unexpected, after all."
Breakdown faltered at the reminder, expression betraying his fluster when you chuckled at the memory of him sauntering over to ask for a date for Bumblebee, completely oblivious to his own feelings for you before they'd become too overwhelming to ignore. Ever quick to repair his reputation, he coughed and put a characteristic spin on the memory. "Yeah, but uh, who doesn't love a bit of unexpected adventure?" Putting his servos on his hips for some added confidence, he refocused on the original topic at hand. "Where are we adventuring to, anyway?"
"Seeing as how it's supposed to get pretty warm once the sun is fully up, I thought the two of you might enjoy a trip to a shady swimming spot up the way." you explained, taking a look skyward to emphasize the growing heat as the sun continued rising. It had taken some thought to come up with an ideal date for one human and two bots, but you were confident the three of you could have fun without fear of being disturbed, and explained as much with an added benefit to sweeten the deal. "It's very private, and there's some valleys nearby for racing if you aren't feeling a dip."
Both mechs perked up at what sounded like a delightful afternoon, almost buzzing over the idea of having you all to themselves. Even if bots didn't swim thanks to their density, cool water was still a pleasant respite from the heat, and unlike earth vehicles they didn't need to fear rust from simply being exposed to water. Keeping his giddiness subdued, Breakdown replied for both of them, which was quite helpful seeing as how Bumblebee had briefly lost his voice from elation. "Sounds like a good time, you got the coordinates?"
"Right here." you said as you pulled out your phone, sending the text you'd prepared to their respective communication channels. You'd have to provide some directions to reach the swimming hole, as there was hardly a Google Maps route along the back roads, but you were confident these two had plenty of experience hunting down remote locations. It was your own turn to be bashful as you gestured to the supplies at your side, which you'd made as compact as possible but were still ungainly enough that you felt bad making an admittedly necessary request. "I've also got a bag and a cooler with everything I'll need. Would one of you mind carrying them?"
Thankfully the ask wasn't taken badly, and if anything, both bots looked elated at the opportunity to assist.
"I've got it!" Breakdown offered in a flash, beating Bumblebee before the latter could even open his mouth. A smug smirk was met with a brief pout, but the Scout got the last laugh as soon as his infuriating boyfriend had your things carefully balanced in his palm. 
"And I've got you." Bumblebee declared confidently before transforming, opening up his passenger side door with a flourish so dramatic it immediately trumped the smirk Breakdown had given him. It was now the Stunticons turn to pout, something you pretended not to notice as you wondered if these two would be competing with each other all day. Bumblebee conceded a small amount of ground to his partner to give you hope they intended to be somewhat reasonable. "We can swap who carries what on the way back."
"Sounds great! Let's get going!" you agreed, clapping your hands together in excitement. Breakdown bounced your items on his palm to test their weight before transforming around them, doing so in such a way both the cooler and bag ended up securely buckled on his passenger side. Unsure how such a feat could be accomplished but quite impressed, you rounded Bumblebee to approach his passenger side door, and in so doing caught the Scout off guard.
"Uh, right!" he fumbled as the reality of giving you your first ride in his cabin hit him like a wrecking ball. When just the touch of your hand on his door made his spark flare like a collapsing star, he knew he was in over his helm, yet he tried to sound nothing but exuberant as he adjusted the seat for maximum comfort. "Hop in!"
You quickly complied, and didn't miss how nervous he was as you stepped inside, the flow of cool air from his AC unit hitching like a nervous gasp as you settled against the comfortable leather. The Scout was in a daze for as long as it took you to buckle up, and by then Breakdown had pulled ahead on the driveway to secure the spot in front. 
-Enjoying your passenger, Lovebug?- the Stunticon teased over their private comm link, not missing how Bumblebee was more or less frozen to the spot by his crush. A surprised and sarcastic flurry of static retorted over the link before the Scout found his voice. 
-Jealous, Breakdown?- he replied as the two of them made their way down the long dirt road. Though they rarely pushed each other to the point of actual hurt feelings, Bumblebee found himself far too delighted by your presence to be miffed for more than a few seconds, a sentiment that was apparently shared by his partner based on how swiftly his own tone shifted. 
-No.- he said somewhat lamely, briefly driving at pace with Bee to look inside his passenger window. You were busy getting the directions pulled up on your phone, and the excitement for the day ahead was apparent on your beaming smile. Seeing you so happy quickly softened his sass, and he finished his earlier statement with much more open affection. -Just… drive carefully, yeah? That's some precious cargo.-
Bumblebee would have smiled if he was in bot mode, and turned his internal visual sensors back to look at you as he replied, his voice equally affectionate and soft over the private channel. -I know.-
"Alright, I think I've got the best way to get there!" you announced, bringing both mechs to the present as Bumblebee transferred your words to Breakdown in real time. Having calculated a course across back roads and partly through the woods, you were confident the three of you could find your way, and were quite eager to get going as the sun crept higher in the sky. Your enthusiasm was matched by both bots, who quickly set about combining your information with their own experience to chart a course to the swimming hole. It took less than an hour for them to find the overgrown dirt path you'd once used in the past, laughing and joking about asking for directions all the while, and by the time they approached the end you were almost bursting with excitement. 
"There it is!" you announced as a gap in the trees gave way to a giant dip in the forest floor. Bumblebee was careful to apply his brakes as he nosed up to the rocky edge of an apparent cliff, the sound of rushing water meeting his audials as his tires went from dirt to smoothly eroded stone. Breakdown kept an equal pace at his side as they both arrived at the edge.
A sizable waterfall had worn out a stony chasm in the earth that was broad and deep, allowing the creek to gather about twenty feet below in a pool where the clear blue water rested before it tumbled over a second waterfall at the far edge. Broad expanses of flat, smooth stone in the shade were coated in soft moss while those in the sun collected the heat. It was a human's dream swimming spot, but you only hoped a bot might find it similarly inviting. "What do you think? Does it look big enough for bots?"
"I could go for a dip. Bee?" Breakdown inquired as he spotted a bot sized expanse of flat stone in the shallow water. The spot would be perfect for lounging in the sun without having to worry about his armor growing scalding to the touch, and he was even confident the pool had enough depth for them to submerge up to their chests after its sharp drop off from the shallows.
"Nothing showing up on my scanner, we're in the clear." Bumblebee confirmed after a final check for peace of mind. Beyond the expected denizens of the forest, they were the only ones present for miles, meaning the three of you could relax without any fear of disturbance. Opening his door so you could exit, Bumblebee transformed into bot mode as Breakdown did the same, looking over the edge to determine the best way down the sheer slope. Finding it easiest to climb, he offered you his servo, allowing you to climb on so he could place you on his shoulders. Having you so close almost made it impossible to speak without the giddiness seeping into his voice. "Hold on tight."
You grabbed a hold of his horns for support, and the Scout stiffened with a blush, a reaction Breakdown found adorable enough to let out a small chuckle. He knew just how sensitive those horns could be, and was endlessly amused at his partner's harmless expense as they scaled the stone wall, especially with Bumblebee biting his lip from more than concentration the entire way down. Keeping your items expertly balanced on his broad shoulder, the big mech had no trouble finding his own way to the bottom, where his pedes met solid stone and he righted himself for a look around.
"Right, where do these go?" he said as he noticed several potential spots that would allow the three of you to relax together.
You were oblivious to the slight hesitation from Bumblebee before he helped you down to the ground, your excitement quickening your steps as you led the way to a patch of shaded stone beneath a solid outcrop on the far side of the waterfall. Walking around the rim of the pool, you arrived and took your things back from Breakdown to start unpacking, opening your bag and reaching past the towels and lawn chair to grab the essentials. "It's comfiest under that shady spot. How about you two have a look around while I change and get my sunscreen on?"
Though he hadn't a clue what you meant by "change" or "sunscreen", Breakdown had little time to think on it as he and Bumblebee stepped away to explore the scenic swimming hole, his partner's earlier blush still lingering with a dazed smile. Snickering to himself, he gave the Scout a playful nudge as soon as you were out of earshot. "You good?"
"Fine!" Bumblebee hissed, shaking his helm and clearing his vents to return himself to the present. Looking over the pool and to the second waterfall it fed, his optics lingered on the clear view of the treetops above, which were bursting with lush emerald green leaves that swayed in the gentle breeze. He turned his helm back to Breakdown as the Stunticon kneeled to test the water with his digits. "Nice place, huh?"
"Yeah, really digging the scenery." Breakdown joked as he swirled his servo in the warm shallows, subtly glancing back at you to make his point.
Once more the mech's confidence proved his undoing, as he had not been prepared to see you stripping away your clothes to reveal something much smaller and more form fitting underneath. Yellow optics went wide at the sight of more of you than he'd ever expected to behold, and he snapped his helm back around just in time to avoid getting caught staring. "What are they-?"
It was Bumblebee's turn to chuckle at his boyfriend's expense, even if he was similarly affected by your exposure the second he caught a glimpse in the corner of his optics. "Humans don't swim with their clothes on, Breakdown."
"Oh." the Stunticon said simply, unsure how he was going to survive the afternoon and tempted to let himself sink to the depths of the pool to save himself the embarrassment that was definitely coming his way.
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sunnydayroleplay · 1 year
Ooooh I saw your post asking for headcanons to write and I think I got just the thing for ya!
So, we know all good and well that ol' Joey getting stuck in that tape broke him just a little bit and turned him into Jack a little more permanently. However, I'm not so convinced he wasn't still having the occassional breakdown/existential crisis. What if, when MC watched the tape, he was in the middle of one, messin' up his lines and comin' out of the tape as Joe with just Jack's clothes? How would living with a very confused Joe to start with go?
This fic includes: Soft mention of murder/death + abduction, Joseph being fucked with mentally and emotionally, Cursing, other than that it's sweet from there on. 38 years have past at this point, all of his missing posters depict him as a well established 63 year old. Only miles away near the original scene of the crime, an empty shallow grave with the name washed away and a date of death and birth. Could he have been abducted? A murder case gone cold? While it does seem that way at the start of this when inspecting the body further, it doesn't explain the body leaving past everyone heightened security. Not much you can do about it. It's 1984 after-all, not the best technology. However, what if I told you that I knew where he was at? Where he was hidden away all these years? Left all alone with nothing but himself. No contact with anything or anyone, no idea on what's going in the living world. Nothing. The first few years stuck in that VHS tape collecting dust away somewhere, he had hope that he would one day leave, but gradually he just gave up on hope. All he could so was think. Think and be alone. Think about all his past mistakes and disappointments, what he could've done better, how he may have deserved this. Was this how death was? Was this his own personalized finale for all the wrong-doing he did was alive? Was this his own personal torture chamber? Not even enduring anything physical, just being alone? Being alone for so long can do something to a person, even for someone like Joseph. Not that you'll see it throughout his non-aging development in the tape, but you'll definitely see it from the moment your beautiful/handsome face had accidentally bought the VHS tape and watched it, and as he doesn't hesitate to jump out of your TV. You put in the tape into an old player, you sit down on your couch and stare at the very box and cube like television. It started off with a shaky camera--lots of movement, as if a friend was recording their own doing something. Just making memories. In frame there's a 6'0, muscular man, well built, soft, thick brown fluffy hair, a few face marks, and a few tattoos. He was wearing a pair of tight black jeans, a tight tank top, and he had a script in hand. He was rehearsing lines of some sort, you didn't know what, but he kept messing up his lines. When he messed up his lines, his laugh that ensued after was cute. Even though he seemed like a mean man on the outside, he genuinely seemed like a sweet person, his big giddy smile putting one on your own face. The way the people behind the camera teased him like the little brother of the family. It all seemed so sweet. Who could've just gotten rid of this tape like that? As you continued to watch what seemed like a wholesome memory, the tape began to..almost glitch. The camera would flip constantly, the colors would begin to go inverted and it would just mess up. You thought it was an issue with the player itself, so you get up from your couch, pressing random buttons on it, hoping it did something. Within your button pushing something happened. The video just paused. You looked up at the screen, something wasn't right. As you stare further, a big hand extends out of the screen in front of your very eyes. You back away and scream, what the fuck is going and who the fuck is THAT- The man face planted into your floor, and groaned as he got up. As he stood himself up, man was he tall. But as he stood up, he looked down at you. He smiled so brightly as he continued to look at you and look around his surroundings. He took a few steps forward, as if he wanted to get a hug from you, but refrained himself. "Th-thank you, lord you don' know how long I was in there, a-and it' was jus', jus' awful. I'm forever in your debt." He dropped to the floor and on his knees, sitting in front of the couch you were balled up on. You slowly opened up your vulnerable position, and soon got a better look of who this man was. He looked and sounded just like the guy in the tape. No way, no fucking way. Holy fucking shit. "Uh, what year is it, s-sir-?"
You didn't know what the hell to call him, but not like it mattered. Was he a time traveler? You had so many questions and not enough answers. "It don' look like it's 1985 anymore darlin'."
He chuckled softly looking off to the side, inspecting your apartment. "What year is it?" "It's..2023." "Well fuck me gently with a chainsaw! Ain't that somethin' you don't hear everyday!" "Hm, well we have to get you used to the, newer ages I suppose." The first month it was, different. Having a new person living with you, right after you kicked your ex out. You had Joseph stay in what would be your ex's room. You taught Joseph a bunch of new things, and that wall paint should not give you lead poisoning. You didn't mind paying for an extra mouth to feed or shower, especially if that mouth cleaned up the house, making dead floors look alive, and if that mouth basically kept you company whenever. It was sweet. I guess he was as genuine as he cut out to be. The next few months went by like that. You got closer and closer to Joseph, as he did with you. You guys didn't sleep together in the same bed, and nothing more than a hug, but it was nice. He was good to you, and he appreciated your lessons and hospitality. As time passed by longer, you started to develop feelings for Joseph, and believe me, the feeling was mutual once more. You had work and this time Joseph didn't want to go. Usually he just sat in the employee backroom, and waited for you to go there and talk to him. But this time, he just wanted to sleep in. Which is fine, you didn't mind it, he didn't always have to go. So you went by yourself. Work went as usual, customers coming in picking yogurt, weighing the cups and paying, cleaning up occasional mess. Nothing fancy. It's not like you were a CEO of a big company. "Joey? Joey, I'm home!" You yelled out the moment you stepped foot into your apartment, the lights were off. You hung up your keys and took off your shoes, turning on the light in the process. On the counter was a cake. It definitely was home-baked, there was a few decorations and a very messy Joseph. You giggled and shook flour out of his hair. "What's all this for?" You appreciated the gesture, and nudged him with your hip playfully. He got all flustered and pulled your hands close to his heart. Although he didn't say anything, you could tell what he wanted to say. You interlocked your fingers with his own, and gave him a short kiss on the lips. He smiled and picked you up, placing you on the counter. His arms were wrapped around your shoulders, he showered your face with all the love and affection he could in 2 minutes. Your hands were placed on his sides, kissing him back, your hands running through the back of his head, twirling his hair. "I know it may be too soon, but-"
"There isn't nothin' to be taking back, Joe."
"I love ya." He pauses to kiss you again. "I love ya more than anythin' I could think off." "I love you too." "So...since you love me~ Could you help me clean up the kitchen?"
"I don't love ya that much, Joey." "You're so cruel~"
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mbabeys · 1 year
Part 2 of the PSG OG clownery 🤡
that i forgot to repost after it glitched
i've had people asking in the previous post what happened in the elevator back in 1998, well the former President of RC Lens himself recounted the story and said that the first reaction the back-then President of PSG had when the elevator stopped working was 'i don't know how, but i know it's your fault'.
in 1977, PSG reached Division I and splurged on Carlos Bianchi. For those who don't know, Bianchi was nearly blind as a bat, and confessed that the reason he didn't play any closer from the penalty box was because otherwise he just couldn't see the goal. He still went on to become PSG's top scorer for forty years, until Zlatan came along, then Cavani, then Kylian.
in 1997, the club was so desperate after a loss in the first leg against Bucarest in the UCL they paid a marabout to predict them the outcome of the second match. Literally. They needed to score at least 4 goals. The marabout predicted 5-0. PSG did win 5-0 but didn't make it out of the group stage.
in 2005, during an OM-PSG clasico, Marseille (allegedly) poured ammonia all over the Parisian locker room to prevent them from entering. The players had to change in the hallway and in various staircases. OM denied, saying their own locker room smelled even worse. PSG went on to claim that they lost because Marseille had also sent Clara Morgane, a notorious porn actress and Marseille-fan, to distract the players ahead of the game, when she specifically said she hadn't seen any of the players despite being in the stadium. Paris went on to seize the LFP. Imagine the headlines after that.
in 2012, in the weeks following Ibra's transfer to Paris, his wife got mugged Place Vendôme. PSG offered to replace her designer handbag, until they found out its cost went beyond €30 000. They promptly rescinded their offer. (Ibra was more pissed because inside was his hunting permit.)
in 2013, PSG players gathered at an A-list restaurant in town to watch a UCL match live. The place was new and constantly had powercuts, which messed up with the router. The owner was beside himself trying to make it work, until Ibra said 'I'll try'. He fixed it in the end, but the owner said the restaurant got real quiet for a while
that time in 2018 where Verratti nearly peed his pants trying to avoid Tuchel standing in the way of a Parisian restroom, just so he wouldn't be told off for staying out late
during his tenure, Pochettino (reportedly) told Kylian a few times to 'leave [him] alone' and 'please go to sleep', because Kylian kept texting him late-night gameplans and tactical plays until 2 or 3am
Dr. Rolland, the former club doctor, is the reason Verratti is still smoking. Take it up with him.
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niuniente · 9 months
I don’t personally believe in ghosts, but I am curious about your perspective and experience (and I also write fiction so I’m curious for that reason as well)! Do you think it would be beneficial to treat/speak to ghosts with kindness and respect? Would that improve haunting experiences? Do you think they would understand kindness at all?
Thank you for your time, I love your work!!
Depends on the ghost! Do you treat a cat and a tiger the same way? Then, it also depends on the spirits (including those who are not ghosts) and does your culture have certain ways of treating those entities (and do you want to follow the traditions).
Overall, it is nice to be respectful to all :3 Never a bad idea with a regular ghost and majority of the weird things are just regular ghost. I have one experience related to this topic of respect.
I visited Scotland with my friend and we went to a church. As I'm a history nerd, I wanted to see all nooks and crooks of the place. My friend walked beside me. When we came to a small aisle leading to a dead end, we both froze at the first step. It was like walking on a wall with "Don't!" energy. We looked at each other and asked if you also felt that? We pondered for a while should be go in. My friend said that she's not going, someone there doesn't want us there. I hesitated for a moment but then made my mind and said "I'll go take a quick peek, I want to know what this is about". Turns out there was a sarcophagus of a noble man, who had been convicted and beheaded in 1660's. I got a feeling that he was upset because he felt he was wrongly accused and killed, and now there was this plate above his remains telling these "lies" of him.
My friend joined me after some time, and I told her what it was. She suggested we should bid the spirit some good vibes and respect, so we did. I apologized for the intrusion, apologized for his execution, said I was going to go and not bother him anymore, and then I left.
I went back to the same church a few years later. This time, there was no hostile energy. I kept my promise and didn't go to the aisle. I greeted the man far and let him know that I remembered him (as he seemed to remember me) and I was going to keep my promise.
I label paranormal entities to a few different boxes as they're different entities and should be approached differently. I hope these help you with your writing!
Ghosts = Passed people and animals. Can be anything by nature, just as when they were alive. Cause all sorts of things from sounds to moving objects. Can get attached to people and items. Can leave behind little messages and trinkets for you to find. Poltergeist = Non-human entities. Mischievous and intelligent. Mimic voices and sounds but typically in repeat. Typically mind their own businesses. Human caused poltergeist = Humans can cause poltergeist activity, even very violent one, with repressed emotions. This is a studied phenomena. Typically the person causing the issues is in their teens. Doppelgänger = These I don't know much about but they take forms of other people and also mimic their voices. Glitch Doppelgänger= This is a glitch in the matrix-phenomena, where a person can see themselves somewhere (younger, older, same age). Typically this happens suddenly and without other paranormal activity, like during your regular shopping trip. Nature Spirits = Non-human spirits, which can take physical forms resembling also humans or human like creatures. Can cause lots of harm in their come inside a house but this is rather rare. Typically live in nature, like in trees. I also include spirits like trees themselves into nature spirits but the variety under this category is wide, like in ghosts. Home Spirits = All kind of positive non-human spirits which protect human settlements and live with humans. For example, Finnish Tonttu and Haltija are these kind of creatures. They live in houses and outdoor buildings, and look after humans and animals. Be respectful to them or they will get angry and either move away or get your house burned or cattle dead. Elementals = Non-humans energetic beings. Extremely rare and ancient entities but chaotic, dangerous and hostile if they end up into houses. Think about letting a wild tiger loose in your living room. Demons = Non-human negative entities. Doesn't have anything to do with religions but demon is an easy word to describe them. Cause all sorts of issues from moving objects to bad smells, growling, maggots & insects suddenly appearing, scratching, appearances of black animals, cause animal deaths etc. Can get attached to people and items. Residual energy = Not a ghost but like a video recording of a past event. Always repeats the same way. Angels and Spirit guides = Non-human positive entities looking after us all. Can leave little hints, messages and trinket for you to find, like feathers, coins, flowers etc. Cryptids = Their own very, very wide category! Some of them seem to be able to switch between physical and spiritual form. Typically encountered out in the nature. Aliens = Non-cryptid living entities from other planets and parallel timelines. Black Eyed Children = This is it's own category and frankly, even after 33 years of paranormal things, I'm not sure what they are! They seem to be a rather new phenomena, earliest encounters I've heard are from 1950's from USA. If I had to guess, they're demons (non-human negative entities) of some sort simply from how people react to them. Man Made Horrors = These are human made Chtulhu-type of things, like Slenderman. The only exception seems to be Rake but I think the creature existed before Creepypasta and then someone there came up with this name. Glitches in the matrix = Frozen animals and items, time slips, parallel universe slips etc. all belong to this genre. Witches and Shapeshifters = These I put in their own box as they can cause paranormal encounters to occur. The most famous shapeshifters are Navajos' Skinwalkers (because Western internet space is American dominant [and I've heard you can't say their name so I won't write their Navajo name here]) but such malicious shapeshifting people live in many cultures around the world. Deities and Saints = A special mention to deities and Saints as they can cause "paranormal" things to happen, like statues blinking and people healing suddenly.
This is only my list. Not a paranormal scientific approved list of anything.
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inkribbon796 · 8 months
Egotober 2023 Day 10: Territorial
Summary: Anti finds out about Marvin moving oversees, and is not too thrilled he’s losing a toy.
A/N: Happy Birthday to Anti, he gets separation anxiety and feels for his birthday.
Prompt: Glitch
Chapters: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31
A lot of people thought Anti was an idiot.
Sometimes the glitch demon liked it that way. If someone thought he was stupid or weak they didn’t react fast enough before he cut their throat out. He’d made Dark bleed a lot of his rotten gunk blood before he treated Anti like the threat he was.
But he knew when the Septics were planning something. And they were planning something big. Not the fun kind either where it would be a fight and maybe they’d trap Anti into a bricked up phone, or a necklace, or that one time they forced him to be in a music box. This wasn’t the fun type of planning.
In fact, Anti suspected it had less to do with Anti, and everything to do with Dark.
Which always boiled Anti’s blood.
So Anti did what he always did best. He waited for Marvin to take one of his many walks around town. And set a car on fire right next to him.
“Hey!” Marvin called out, after getting spooked by it as a couple people screamed. His magic spun around him. “What the hell?”
Anti didn’t say a word, he just turned into a glitchy mess of aura and anger.
Magic began humming along Marvin’s skin. “Fine, asshat, let’s go.”
Anti’s latent aura got staticky as Marvin could only see malice and fury in his eyes as they clashed. Glitchy green aura mixing with the vibrant purples and silvers of Marvin’s magic.
Marvin was used to the quips and the threats, but whatever had set Anti off had him absolutely furious. “Did Dark come to town and no one told us? Did Rumble set your dick on fire?”
“Shut the fuck up,” Anti said as he kept trying to go for Marvin’s throat.
It took Marvin a while to tire Anti out and he started slowing down after destroying someone’s car.
“So, you gonna actually tell me what happened?” Marvin asked.
“You and the others are up to something and I don’t like it,” Anti said.
“Oh, because I’m probably moving to the States, at least for a little bit,” Marvin said, not thinking why that would be a problem.
Anti stiffened, so furious and angry that he looked calm. “To Egoton?”
“Yeah, well, no one in Egoton can see aura and they—”
Marvin didn’t get to finish, Anti lunged at him with renewed anger. Thankfully Jackie ran in to help him and being outnumbered and tired made Anti run off to sulk before they discorporated him.
The glitch demon would be back to fight with them another day, today he stewed in his anger. In his indignant fury.
Dark was not getting Marvin to play with. All the Septics belonged to Anti. They belonged to him. If Anti had to drill that into Dark and the Septics heads he would do that.  If the magician wanted to fuck off to a different country, Marvin would make him leave an arm when he did it.
Marvin sent out a random text to Anti. “It’s not personal, they’re just all blind as shit when it comes to aura.”
Anti sent a response of a phone virus over to Marvin’s phone just out of spite. Then he went to Egoton to get into a fight with Dark. The glitch demon used his aura to phase through every warehouse wall until he found the demonic mob boss in his office minding his own business.
The glitch demon got a couple scratches in and ripped Dark’s suit up but wound up getting discorporated in the end. He’d been fighting for a while and Dark discorporated him, unsure what exactly had set Anti off and not caring enough to ask.
The glitch demon was unpredictable and Dark changed into a new outfit and was left to deal with Anti after he’d reformed in a couple weeks.
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i made my own pokemon creepy pasta :D
I think you've all heard about those haunted pokemon game stories, ones about kids that commit suicide over a game song, or ones talking about a kid getting killed by a Pikachu on a mountain, but this, I think this was more than some hacked game, I think this was an awakening of some sorts.
About a week ago, one of my friends sent me a text message asking me if I wanted their copy of pokemon diamond, since they had just finished the game. I remember diamond used to be my dream pokemon game, but I never got to play it, so I decided to take it from them. I popped by their house a few hours later, mainly because we planned on hanging out anyway, and after we were done, they handed me the game on the way out, saying “I already deleted my old file, so you don't have to feel guilty about deleting it or anything.” After that, we said our goodbyes and I left and went home.
I was incredibly excited to play it, so the moment I got in my house I ran to my room and practically shoved the game into my ds, the game start-up was normal, the entire thing was, it was practically just like buying an unused version of the game. I choose piplup, and kept my eye out for any glitches or anything, just to make sure everything was just like a normal game and that my friend didn't just hand me a hacked game.
Eventually, I came to the 6th gym leader, Bryon, his steel type pokemon we're just a bit too over leveled for my team, so I went to a pokecenter to heal my pokemon, and just decided to talk to the other people in there. I came across an NPC named dean, he was your standard NPC that asked to trade pokemon, he said for a gallade, hed trade me a garchomp. I just decided I'd be a good training opportunity, plus a garchomp is a good pokemon, so I went and found a male ralts after a lot of hunting, and after lots of training and opening lots of poke balls for a dawn stone, I finally had the gallade that dean wanted.
After a bit of traveling, I finally got back to that pokecenter and went to give dean his pokemon, but in the middle of the trade sequence, a text box came up with his name on it, saying “no.” The screen went back to the pokecenter, and another text box of deans popped up “I don't want a gallade, why did I ask you for one? Why am I in this pokecenter? I dont even have pokemon to heal.” Dean then just shook his head and ran out of the pokecenter.
This was the only weird thing that happened the entire game, but I wanted to know something,was this just ment to happen? So I texted my friend who gave me the game.
Me: hey, if you went to the pokecenter by bryons gym, did some npc while you were trading with them run out?
Friend: nah, that npc is the reason I got a garchomp
Me: seriously? Because when I tried to give him that gallade he said he didn't want it and left
Friend: bring it to like game stop or something that's where I got it.
The only problem was that I was pretty far from the nearby game stop, plus it was midnight. I decided to just go in the morning and continue the game for now.
Everything in the game was pretty normal, no glitches, couple of shinies, but everything changed when I got to Spear pillar, suddenly the whole game was in black and white, and small red pixels were seen going towards where giratina would steal Cyrus, but instead there was that npc again, and a cut scene happened. The NPCs name box no longer said dean, it just said npc, and he was yelling, things like “why did you give me consciousness!?” And “I didn't ask for this!” I couldn't tell if he was yelling at arceus or giratina or a different legendary. But suddenly a glitchy scream came from my ds speakers, and the npc fell over, I went up to them and hit A…
“This npc has died, they're lying in a pool of blood and missing an arm and both of their eyes.”
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Please give me honest criticism on it! Id also love to know if you guys think I should post this on the pokemon creepy pasta wiki too!
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sir-yeehaw-paws · 9 months
back in your ask box!!! i watched your final thoughts for yakuza 1 video (well done on being able to stand some of the glitches like god) and i was wondering if you had any more that you forgot to say or didn’t think of in the moment? i just really love hearing people’s final thoughts on game or other piece of media
That video ended up getting WAY sappier than I expected in the end but I seriously should've seen it coming TBH. I'm a sappy person at heart and anyway let's not get too sidetracked.
So I will say I definitely forgot to mention the camera. Having no control over the camera does mess with me quite a bit. Because Kiryu will turn around and you'll notice in the videos I uploaded of fights-he sometimes just stops hitting enemies. They're gone. Lots of times enemies would get stuck behind wall and other objects. I was also constantly checking the map in the menu itself, because I kept getting directions mixed up.
Not a game breaker, does make for some intense awkwardness. (Some of it's my own fault, I am hardly the gaming champion around here ahaha)
Combat got repetitive. My own fault because as I said in the video, I didn't finish Komaki's training thanks to the input issue. I had other skills I developed too, but I wasn't ever remembering to pull it off. So I didn't vary it to the degree I could've.
At the ending, I was going to finish the hostesses but I messed myself up there because you have Haruka permanently in the endgame. And her bond with Kiryu decreases if he goes to those places (it dropped when I bought weapons at Beam) and I feel bad making her sad so that was my own issue.
There is one place where the original game is better than Kiwami that is..going to probably be a 'hot take' but-not having Majima ambush you every twenty seconds makes for a less stressful game experience overall. You can get from point A to point B with only the standard street goons (which are VERY persistent you can barely get around the block without at least two ambushes: and they have bigger enemies that are in larger groups) but those fights are fairly quick, and pay well!
Majima, meanwhile, can seriously drag out. It's not as bad in the beginning but you'll come up to the end of Kiwami like "please..just one break..I do not have any more healing items."
For RGG'S first game out of the gate, it's good. I enjoyed it more than I expected too. It's all the same elements I love with Yakuza (as I had sapped about in the video) and the characters are recognizable, even in this rougher around the edges stage.
The dub itself is a strange point. As I said, again in the video, I've done some digging on it. The localization is considered decent, (apparently 'hit some balls' is translated as accurately as it could be) but that excessive swearing really shoves it into the 'trying to hard B movie' stuff. HOWEVER.
It has a GOOD cast and there's times where it's done really well. I don't have the kind of professional experience to claim someone is 'phoning in a performance'. I can't make that call. Not all line deliveries are very good, and there's some odd changes between how characters talk from beginning to end. There was one point near the end where Kiryu delivered a couple lines and sounded like a completely different person?? It was odd.
Directing is where it really shows. I feel like with the voices behind it, and the localization team, had it been given better directing, it would've been a bit I guess. stronger? I feel it's important to keep in mind too with it being the first game (and RGG wasn't some triple A studio back in the day either) they did pretty good.
The games good! It's fun, it's recognizable. and I honestly think that if I had gone into Yakuza with this as my first game, I'd still be here. I got into Yakuza via Yakuza 0 and have since gone through the entire series. It's very important and special to me and I genuinely enjoyed Yakuza 1 more than I expected.
I didn't anticipate hating it, of course. But I was still a little surprised regardless since it is so infamous in the fandom. My only regret is that unless you own a PS2 or a really good emulator, so many people can't play it. Which is a shame overall. That's not unique to this and Kiwami, the remake is out there and known. But still. Sometimes I get a little sad about how hard game preservation has gotten.
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veryspecialfungus · 5 months
I'm gonna ask you to bare with me for a second here. I have a non-Psychonauts game that's been stuck in my craw ever since I played it.
And like...I don't know of anyone that's also played it or even heard of it. I guess this is a recommendation? All I know is that I can't stop thinking about it. I'm probably never going to forget it.
The game is out now, I just think this trailer gets the game across better than the release date trailer.
Farming sims are kind of an odd beast aren't they? Most of the time there's a Back to Nature Simpler Times Heal Your Soul By Growing a Simple Turnip theme but like...the mechanics never quite match for me. It's still capitalism. It's still running your farm the most efficient and money-making way possible to buy more stuff to make more money. That's not really a criticism, mind; I like farming games as much as the next person, even if the Cozy game genre has been throwing them out so hard and fast I needed to play a bloody violent shooter as a break from all the Wholesomeness.
So it was just a little bit of a lurch to play a game where the farming is working towards something, namely a ticket to the moon.
Before the Green Moon has you farming a piddly little patch of land on a post-apocalyptic Earth to save your pennies to start your life over. You know someone up on the moon colonies, or so you think. You haven't seen them in forever, there've been no letters. They might not be there anymore. They might not even be alive.
But what else are you going to do? The only way you have a future is on the moon. You can't live in this dinky little town of, like, six people forever.
But you do live there. You can't help but talk to them. You only get a few seeds every morning to start with, and once you're done with that there's just nothing else to freakin' do. They teach you to fish, they ask you to plant new seeds, you get a free stamina-boosting meal at the mess because you're a neighbor. You develop your relationships and make friends and become part of the community full in the knowledge that eventually you're leaving and never coming back.
It's a bittersweet experience. You might have guessed.
Before the Green Moon reminds me of a game Love De Lic might have made back in the day. Specifically, it reminds me of Moon RPG (hey wait a minute). The emphasis on being in the world and getting to know the community around you, sharing in their hopes and fears even though it's not really your world, not really your home. Maybe it could be, in a different life, under a different set of circumstances. But it's not. Eventually you'll move on. That's just the end of the story.
I love the way that hangs over your head the entire time. Do you really want to start dating the melancholy scientist girl when you know it'll only hurt her if it gets too serious before you go ? Do you come help the cook at the mess hall clean up each night or leave him to it when it seems like he's falling in love with you? What about the person who thinks farmers are bad luck? Do you keep up that relationship just because there's only six people to talk to total and you already chatted with the mayor today?
One thing that kept getting to me is that people from the moon come down to this crumbling little town you're trying to escape and they...suck? They really suck. They're too good to talk to you, they clog up the streets, they make the wait at the mess hall take two to three times as long, and they dump plastic takeout boxes and styrofoam cups all over the place. It's not clear why they've come down in the first place.
Maybe it's heartening to think you could come back to this little town if you wanted but...if you started a life on the moon and came back like this, who would even recognize you?
Aside from an annoying glitch where my anti hurricane poncho refused to protect me from hurricanes, I don't think I can speak highly enough of this game. It's a short experience that lives right in the middle of bitter and sweet and if you like contemplative atmospheric video games, I highly recommend it.
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mymiraclebox · 1 year
which one of your Kwamis took the most time to create?
This is actually a hard question to answer, because so many of my kwamis went through so many different stages. Take my boy Graay for example-- he was my first OC kwami, and originally he was a kwami of Balance in a trio with Tikki and Plagg, he was the "price" of the wish, essentially. He was always Graay the Wolf who loved grapes and hated humans, but he's gone through so many changes since my original idea of him.
Originally he was going to be in a North American, his Miraculous not part of any Box, going to be found by a young girl who eventually changes his perception of humans. Also the holder that betrayed him was actually going to be a good person who sacrificed his very soul to save Graay, but Graay didn't realize it until years later. But the Graay I have today is very different than my original Graay, who while I've always had a Wolf kwami from the beginning, so you can say he took the most time to create with how much of his story changed even if his basic name and design was always the same.
Another kwami who went through a lot of change was Yuume. Yuume was always going to be an evil Sheep of Dreams, but my first version of him was of an ancient kwami who never got a Miraculous which made him bitter, and used Dreams to communicate with humans to act out his evil schemes. Now Yuume is a young kwami who does have a Miraculous-- and he hates that fact.
Then you have someone like Zipp, who've redesigned three times now (third version hasn't been posted yet) and I'm still I'm not sure I'm happy with it-- so he may be going through many more changes.
Or you have Koree, who was originally a Raccoon of Darkness named Corri (who was named a variation of Dusk before that) who I kept abandoning, then bringing back, then changing, then changing again, etc.
Then there's others whose concepts I've had for a while-- since I've started watching Miraculous I wanted a Snake kwami named Habu; but my friends told me not to bother because there was going to be a Snake kwami later on (this was when I was still catching up with the show). But what do you know the idea stuck around anyways and now I have Habuu my Rattlesnake and I love her.
Finally there's kwamis that just took forever to come up with and get right. When I decided on the idea of Alpha Kwamis and wanted to to make Graay part of a duo, I knew I wanted a Chaos kwami to be his other half. But it took me forever to figure out what animal I wanted for this Chaos kwami. At one point they were going to be a Dinosaur (a raptor of some kind if I remember right) named Voidd, but then I dumped that idea very quickly. I went through a lot of different animal ideas, asking others for their opinion on a Chaos animal, etc. I was stumped on creating a Chaos kwami for a long time, until it hit me that the perfect animal was right there the whole time: the platypus. A semi-aquatic, egg laying mammal (of action) with venomous spurs, looks like a combination of several animals, lacks a stomach, basically "sweats" milk, glows under UV light, can sense electricity... and I could go on. xD But perfect Chaos animal.
From there everything about Prrysm fell into place. I wanted her to have a hard time maintaining a physical form, to glitch in and out of reality, to be a rainbow of colors (which is where she got her name), and yeah.
This turned out to be a bit of an essay. xD But these are the ways I've had kwamis take the "longest", all in different ways.
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nineliabilityrisk · 9 months
muutos / your reckless impulses will get you killed! - mangle to jeremy
" your reckless impulses will get you killed ! "
-- [ asked by @muutos ] --
"Reckless? Man, I'm just trying to do my job!" he cried out, unsteady voice putting his terror on full display. Bear mask haphazardly shoved over his head, flashlight swinging wildly from side to side in search of the source of the glitched, distorted words.
He never should've left his office, he never should've taken this job in the first place– the whirring of gears and servos stopped both Jeremy and his racing thoughts in their tracks. Up, they sounded like they came from above — with a yelp and a thud, he lost his footing as he turned and came face-to-face with the pink and white fox. Luckily, he'd managed to keep his grasp on his flashlight, shining it directly in the animatronic's eyes. God, stay still, stay away– he just needed it stunned long enough for him to scramble backwards and put some distance between them.
"Leave me alone! Shit! I get it, you guys don't want me here! Well, I don't want to fuckin' be here, either! Just– just leave ... leave me alone and I'll stay out of your way. I'm not — I'm not trying to cause trouble, or whatever you think I'm doing. I literally just work here!" Was he rambling? He was rambling. Not only was he rambling, he was trying to bargain with a haywire animatronic. A fucking robot. What was this job doing to him?
Flashlight still clutched in his shaking hand, he kept it aimed at the bot, flicking the button on and off in quick bursts in an attempt to keep it stunned until he'd made it around the corner into the next room — the main room, thank god, he could see the music box, where he'd been trying to get to this whole time — and gotten a chance to get back on his feet again. All the bright lights and the flashing — an attempt to overload its processors, or whatever the fuck the guy on the phone had said. God, if Jeremy made it out of this alive, he had some very choice words to share with that guy.
"Look — I'm just trying to fix the box. It's not winding right, and I promise that if you let me go figure out why I'll go back to my office and you won't have to deal with me for the rest of my shift as soon as I'm done. Please? I don't– I don't even know why you're mad at me. I didn't even do anything. I'm just trying to do my job," he repeated. It was the truth, after all. What else was he to say?
With one glance cast at the main stage — completely empty, which was worrying in its own right — and one cast over his shoulder at the hallway he'd just escaped from, he decided to make a break for the box. He was on a time limit here, after all. He just had to hope that keeping the flashlight pointed haphazardly behind him would be enough to deter his assailant.
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oldflyingraven · 2 years
Day 18: Let’s break the ice
Prompt: "Just get it over with."
Doc neglects to maintain his arm while trying to stop the moon from falling down.
Read it here or on AO3!
His arm glitched again, sending a spark of pain up to his shoulder and down his collarbones. Doc groaned with frustration and tried to shake out the robotic limb. It had been glitching for days. Logically he knew it was up for maintenance. But there was no time! The moon was still getting closer to the world. And while Xisuma was setting up evacuation procedures he was still desperately trying to solve the problem.
He tried to adjust his hold on the block of redstone he was holding. But his arm gave another twitch and he dropped it. Curse him for wiring the thing directly into his nervous system. Yes it made controlling it much easier but it also made him feel pain when it wasn’t working. When he’d just replaced his arm he’d been glad about it. It made him feel more like a person. But now he was not happy with it. Stubbornly he picked the block back up. Maybe if he-
“Doc?” Ren entered the room.
“Still working.” he responded. His hand opened without his control and he dropped the block again. Pain sparked again, and he couldn’t stop himself from grimacing at it.
Ren sighed. “Arm giving you trouble?”
“It does that sometimes.” he said stubbornly. It had started to continuously glitch now. His hand opening and closing out of his control.
“Have you been maintaining it?”
His silence spoke volumes. Instead he tried to hit the robotic limb to try and get it to stop. Predictably, it didn’t work.
“Stop that.” Ren said, walking over and placing his hand on top of the arm. “Do you want me to take a look at it?”
“It will stop soon. I need to get back to work. Maybe this will keep the moon away.” Doc responded.
Ren’s concerned frown deepened. “Doc, you’ve barely changed this machine since the last time you tried to run it. When was the last time you slept? Furthermore you’re literally neglecting your body to the point where it’s breaking. I know you want to try and fix whatever is going on with the moon but you can’t do that when your arm won’t even work. Please let me help.” he pleaded.
He was silent again. The only thing breaking the silence were the soft sparks coming off of his arm. “Just get it over with.” Doc responded finally. 
“Thank you.” Ren said sincerely. He guided Doc over to the table where Doc kept most of his tools. “Do you know what’s wrong with it?” he asked.
“The wiring is probably degraded. It breaks down pretty fast. I should have backups in the toolbox.” 
Ren nodded. He’d seen Doc work on his arm plenty of times. He felt pretty confident he could do this. “I will probably need to disconnect it. Are you okay with that?” 
Doc nodded silently. Now that he was sitting down the exhaustion was catching up with him. Ren dug out the box of wires and small screwdrivers he needed. “Okay, disconnecting in three, two, one.” he warned.
Having your arm disconnected was never the best feeling. It felt like you were suddenly missing a limb. Doc took a shaky breath at the loss of sensation. He would usually work on his arm when it was still connected, taking the pain in stride. Again he was questioning why he hadn’t found a way to make sure he wouldn’t feel pain from the robotic limb.
“Sorry.” Ren apologised, seeing Doc’s discomfort.
“It’s fine.” Doc said.
“You know Xisuma is working on an evacuation plan right? I think he’s setting up a new world already. Joe’s helping him so it’s going pretty fast.” Ren said. Doc made a noncommittal noise. “What I’m trying to say is that we all appreciate your effort at trying to stop this Doc. But don’t kill yourself over this.” he continued.
“If Xisuma isn’t done in time and I don’t solve this we all die. I don’t think any of us want to find out what happens if you respawn in a world that’s been destroyed. None of us deserve that.” Doc responded tiredly.
“Xisuma will be done in time. And if he isn’t fully done by the time the moon-” his breath caught, “falls we go to a public server until he’s ready. Please take a break Doc. After I’m done. A few hours of sleep won’t make a big difference.” Doc opened his mouth to protest again but Ren cut him off. “You’re not doing any productive work like this anyway. I hate seeing you like this. Please?” he finished.
Silence. Then, Doc responded quietly. “Fine.”
“Thank you.”
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terraria-cheats-mf · 2 years
terraria cheats hack 4K1L?
💾 ►►► DOWNLOAD FILE 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 NUMPAD 1 – Infinite health points (God Mode). NUMPAD 3 – Infinite mana. NUMPAD 5 – Infinite ammo. NUMPAD 7 – items on each pickup. This page contains a list of cheats, codes, Easter eggs, tips, and other secrets for Terraria for PC. If you've discovered a cheat you'd. You can submit new cheats for this game and help our users gain an edge. You can submit a problem report for any non-working or fake code in the lists above. Log In Sign Up. Typed codes IOS At the title screen. Contributed By: Aiden To duplicate an item, put it into any chest and save your game. Go to the storage area and find the Worlds file for Terraria. Copy it to a USB device. Go back into Terraria and remove the item you want to duplicate you can actually do it with multiple items. Save the game and exit. Go into Storage and copy the Worlds file from the USB drive onto the hard drive, the system will ask if you wish to overwite, say yes. Go back into the game. Since the Characters file saves everything on your character and the Worlds file saves everything else you will notice the item you wish to duplicate in on your character and in the chest. Rinse and repeat as much as you want. Contributed By: wootl. Infinite money using music box 1. Not wooden platforms. Sell the music boxes. Get money. Contributed By: lui Infinite Money with Lizarhd Doors After you have a Picksaw drop from the Golem go to a world where the temple has not been unlocked with a key and Plantera has already been defeated. Make your way to the temple and mine the blocks under the door and it will break the door but the locked door will remain and 3 to 12 doors will drop at a time. Just replace the block and re-mine, wash-rinse-repeat. This has been tested on 1. Contributed By: ZerOveride. Item Duplication Follow the following steps to duplicate any item or coins Tested on Ver 1. Place the item you want to dupe in a chest in a world can be any world, it wont affect the items in it after 2. Run the TerrariaServer. Select the world you kept the item on on the TerrariaServer. Join multiplayer game and type "localhost" in the ip page. Take all the items you want to duplicate using your character. Next, on the console for TerrariaServer. Go to desired world and unload all your duplicated items. Repeat steps to do it over and over again. This only applies to worlds you can make by yourself with your own TerrariaServer. Contributed By: krandhell. Item Duplication ver 1. Put the item s you want to duplicate in your character inventory. Start the game using "Multiplayer", select your character and world. The password doesn't matter. Turn off Autosave to prevent accidental file corruption. Open a chest, make sure NOT to close it afterward. Move the items you wish to duplicate from the character inventory into the chest. When finished, hit Alt-F4. This will close out the program. The items should still be in your inventory, as well as inside the chest. Relaunch, go to step 2. Not as fast as the previous duplication of stacked items using the item board, but that doesn't work in 1. But on the good side, this works for single items. Contributed By: tony Contributed By: Sour. Duplication glitch ps4 only PS4 Your going to need these items: Two accounts Two controllers optional recommended Complete these steps: 1. Sign in with both accounts 2. Create character on second account 3. Move your second character next to your main character 4. Give items you want to duplicate to the second character 5. Save and Exit with the second character 6. Join back with second character 7. Give main character items back 8. Log out with second character The Error is normal, just press ok 9. Log in with second account Join in with second character Give items to main character Repeat steps Contributed By: Fox-o-rama. You need 3 platforms I tested with wood and a hammer. Place the 3 platforms on the locked door one for each block of player height, then hammer them once. If you did it correctly you can hold down while walking at the door on the platforms and it should put you inside the jungle lizarhd temple. Do the same thing if you want to leave. Contributed By: WitherSlayer
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Lemme put you on some angst because canon can suck it and I like pain
Ecto after the war looking for survivors to help with evacuation. His clones are moving rubble and helping hurt heroes to safety. Another hero -maybe jeanist or something- stops him because “we found Higari..and it isn’t looking good, you need to prepare to say goodbye.”
Ecto is running on pure adrenaline, rips his mask off and kneels where Higari is. He looks terrible, and it’s clear the worst is going to happen. Everyone around moves away so they can have their final goodbyes.
Ecto carrying Higari’s body off the battlefield, numb and broken.
Ooohhhhhhh Anon, I love you so much!!!! Sorry I kinda rambled on a bit but here is my response??
Includes recent manga spoilers and talks of death ->
Sorry this took so long to answer!!! I haven’t been in much of an angsty mood and my thing keeps on bugging out whenever I try to write an answer?
But aaaaaaaaaa yessss this!!! This angst right here! This hurts my heart in the most amazing way possible and I absolutely love it!!
‘Tis kinda funny too, this particular scenario is one that I’ve thought about a lot myself since I started reading the manga and had caught up to this arc. Just because a) we haven’t seen Higari since the school music festival thing arc, and b) I swear the last time we saw Ecto he was carrying those lil hospital beds to evacuate the hospital and stuff?? Sooooooo where are they? Great angst potential....ya know?
Anon, this angst is gorgeous, but I raise you some angst with the possibility of it also being -> ✨the other way around?✨
A thought of mine: Higari is a hero, yes? And he also works in support, yeh? But I also have many headcanons of him being one of the ones that aid in the reconstruction of buildings and places after big fights and incidents - meaning that he gets called on a lot after situations like this. (I have got other lil headcanons for him as well that sometimes seem to be very contrasting to how most people portray him so yeah lmao dunno whether I should post some of those?)
Soooo this time, he is getting ready to go and join everyone in the fight (maybe he does and that’s a different piece of angst with many different endings in itself- I think you could probably tell that this part of the arc caused me to spiral into multiple different daydream plots and that sure kept me sane over quarantine) however he is forced to stay put, with all might and eri and that lot, because the commission “couldn’t lose one of the people who could fix and put things back to how they were conveniently”....this makes him mad, of course, and cue shouting and angry gremlin noises as Ecto goes to calm him down.
I actually did a sad lil (very low quality) sketch for this bit but I can’t find it rn I might post it at some point. But there are tears as Ecto is suiting up and getting ready to leave and Higari is all like “why can’t I just come with you” and Ecto is like “well you gotta stay safe” and he’s like “please don’t go, don’t leave...” and they’ve got their foreheads pressed against each other’s, in that way that they did to let each other know they love each other at any time, but this time there are so many tears. Ecto simply says with a smile, “wait for me, I’ll be back before you know it!” And Higari is just begging for him to stick to his word and to come back alive.
It’s seeing the sad look on snipes face as he returns and just hugs Higari immediately. No words exchanged yet, but Ecto’s ring just handed to him in a shaky silence. Just imagine that Ecto was caught up in shigarakis explosive quirk moment. And nothing was left but his ring....yeah...Higari sinking to the floor and sobbing. Feeling nothing but pain and emptiness. If you’ve seen this post (sorry to bring these old drawings back they ain’t brilliant but) the last one of PL was inspired by this particular scenario I’m talking about -if you notice the ring 👀 my thoughts immediately going to the imagery of Yuna, unable to see what happened but hearing Higari wailing in despair and knowing, just knowing that something awful had happened and that she’d lost another parent in her life. (Also I can’t- I cannot write Yuna in my angst aaaaa I just cannot put her through anymore suffering and like she’s already lost a loving family and parents once, how would she react to one of EctoLoader dying as well, a family that she’d been accepted into after so many years of being alone- aaaaa I can’t nooooo yuna I am so sorry)
Or Higari finding Ecto as he’s helping evacuate. Aaaaaaaahhhhhh!!
Either way, if one of them found the other or had to deal with them dying and stuff, there’s always this picture of (bringing this hc into everything) them gently placing their forehead against the still body that they’re holding in their arms. But this time, only one is able to receive the “I love you” message of the simple action, unable to return it, and only one is able to send their love a last time, knowing that the other is truly gone.
Wow. Guess who’s back in their angsty mood >:)
This was fun and thank you for sending this! I have thought about this a lot before and you made me realise how much I had actually thought about it lmao. I have many other lil headcanons and angsty things for Higari and these two (as I mentioned earlier) if there is anything specific you’d like me to ramble about please let me know I’d be more than happy to!
Thank you again for gloriously ripping my heart out and feeding me with angst! I love it!
~Eclair ❤️
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secretfnaffan · 2 years
An Unsolvable Case (Glamrock Freddy x fm!Reader) Chapter Six
Summary: You’re a detective of the city, who was tasked to investigate the brand new Pizzaplex where children went missing and employees were fired due to mysterious reasons. What happens when you get yourself locked inside the place with the animatronics who try to hunt you down?
Word count: 1229
Warnings: none for now
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“Gregory, I have good news: it looks like you can access the Fazbear online pizza delivery system through that console!” Freddy said as he hurried down the hallway with you. It seemed like none of the other robots were interested in you whether you were around Freddy or not.
“What? How is that supposed to help?” Gregory asked incredulously. You decided not to ask questions after all the ridiculous plans this bear came up with, however, they worked up until now.
“Chica loves pizza!” Freddy answered before he spotted Monty at the end. Grabbing your hand, Freddy slowed down cautiously. He kept shielding you slightly as he walked. It made you feel secure. You haven’t experienced this kind of act ever since your dad died. None of the guys treated you like a woman just because, unless they were hoping for something. It made you feel worthless after a while, resulting in you turning away from others and focusing solely on your work.
Monty approached the two of you, his large frame intimidating, hands balled into fists, eyes scanning the area.
“What are you doing Freddy? Weren’t you notified by Vanessa to look for that kid?” he asked, pulling his glasses lower on his snout. Then his eyes traveled over to you, making you feel uneasy. Monty leaned down to your eye level, too close to your liking, your hand instantly squeezing Freddy’s. “And who might you be?”
“(Name)... I just arrived.” you said shortly, trying to go into too much detail.
“Hm… well, (Name), when you get tired of my friend here, you’re welcome to join me in the golf course.” Monty winked before walking past Freddy. Furrowing your eyebrows, you tightened your hold on Freddy’s paw. Like he felt it, the large animatronic bear leaned down and slid his large hand across your back.
“I’m here, don’t be afraid, (Name).” he rumbled. Somehow, that did reassure you.
“I found the loading dock… but nothing is here.” Gregory announced. “There are some big garage doors, but I don’t see a way to get out.”
“Do you see a set of controls?”
Looking up at Freddy, you were unsure if you should let Gregory do everything on his own. He was still just a kid after all and he could get caught by the others. The end results were something you didn’t want to actually happen.
“I think so… There’s a funny locked box with a badge on it.”
“Those are the loading dock controls.” Freddy suddenly stopped in front of you, making you walk right into his back. “Something’s not right, someone must’ve changed the permissions. You’re going to need a much higher security level to get out that way. Come back to me right away.”
Suddenly, Freddy started glitching in front of you, his head jerking right and left, hands shaking at his sides. Stepping back from him, you tried to look him over, to find if there was something wrong on the outside but come up with nothing. He then turned to you, eyes apologetic.
“(N-N-Name)... so-something is-is wrong with-with me-ee.” he spoke.
“Let’s get you into Parts and Service. That’s where you guys get your daily check-ups right?” you asked.
“O-o-okay-kay.” he nodded, trying to stop his head from shaking. Walking through the main hall, where the food court was, you passed the S.T.A.F.F. bots several times until you reached the stage. The large holograms were spectacular, the detail and the visual was beautiful. You had no idea how the company could afford such things when they were barely able to fix the main stars of the show properly.
The management was probably a group of idiots if they thought that without proper maintenance, this place would be able to function. More and more reports came from the security guards and the complaints from the customers were more and more upset each time. Pushing the button, Freddy and you rode the elevator under the stage. You walked down a corridor until you spotted a recharge station, then another area over the glass walls.
Freddy went ahead to show you the maintenance cylinder. He looked battered and dirty so you decided to maybe try and give him a bath of some kind. Though, you knew you should be careful with it, no need to short circuit him with water.
“There on the-”
“There you are!” hurried over the security guard with her flashlight in hand. Her scowl sat deep on her face. You were lucky to slip behind a shelf before she could spot you, but that left Freddy on his own.
“I finally found you at last. What do you think you’re doing?! Hiding a kid?!” the security guard asked angrily. “I found him earlier and left him in the Lost and Found.”
“That is great news! He can return to his family!” Freddy’s acting was… mediocre at best. You could almost see him sweat as he was restrained by Moondrop. Your eyebrows furrowed. Why did Moondrop not attack the security guard? She was completely human, like you. But then… he didn’t attack you either earlier. You watched helplessly as they separated Freddy’s head from his torso, you had no idea why.
“He can’t. Turns out, there is no record of him.” she replied, crossing her arms.
“How unfortunate. If you re-attach my head I will go look for him.”
“His name is Gregory. Do you know why I know that? His Fazwatch keeps repeating it. In your voice…” she continued on like Freddy said nothing.
“Vanessa, all the Fazwatches sound like me, it’s the default voice option.”
“If you’re part of this, you’re scrap. Monty will run the shows, until Parts and Service can slap your casing on a new Endo. Hang out here for a while, I gotta find that kid.”
“Vanessa! Do not leave me like this!” Freddy cried out angrily after her, but Vanessa was nowhere to be seen as she slid through a door and disappeared. Grabbing your gun, you walked out from behind the shelf and went over to Freddy. “(Name)! Can you please help me out here? I could use some help.”
“Oh, Freddy… I’m sorry that they’re so rude.” you sighed. “Now tell me how to put your head back on your neck.”
Listening to the instructions, you did as he and the strange maintenance voice said. Pushing the right buttons and pulling the right levers was quite easy. Freddy got out of the cylinder quickly and leaned down to your level, pulling you in his arms in a hug.
“What’s up big guy?” you chuckled. “Don’t you want a nice wash and waxing? You look a little worn.”
“Thank you.” he breathed silently, as silently as possible. “No one’s been nice to me… since… Bo- my friend left…”
“You mean Bonnie?” you asked, patting his hand. “Let me get into this computer here, I might find more evidence and… I am sure they all have your A.I.-s and many more in store. It wouldn’t be a stupid thing for them to keep things like these in any case.”
“You… you want to find Bonnie’s A.I.?! Could that be possible?!” His voice sounded so hopeful, filled with emotions which left you doubt the fact they were just machines.
“We’ll see, big guy.” you smiled back at him.
To be continued…
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spacecowboyhotch · 2 years
bloodlust - ch 2: rising action
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summary: recovery takes time but it’s always easier when you have someone you love leading you in the right (or wrong) direction.
pairing: unsub!fem!reader x unsub!aaron hotchner
chapter warnings: 18+/nsfw, dark themes, questionable morals, vigilante violence, use of knives, blood mention, pet names, depictions of paranoia/anxiety/depression, a decreased healthy and accurate perception of reality, unprotected sex, oral sex (f. and m. receiving), blood play, praise kink
an: surprise! @shmaptainhotchner was cool with putting this out early so welcome to chapter two! please, please, please we beg of you to read the warnings before reading, things begin to take a turn in this chapter. let’s chat in the comments or the discord, we love to hear what y’all think! also, there’s a read more glitch so please disregard the duplicate line in the beginning!
general warnings/disclaimers | series masterlist | playlist
Most would ask how after such events someone could jump right back into work. But Aaron had gotten to be very good at compartmentalizing.
He thought about it day in and day out, even if it seemed like he didn’t, but he had rationalized everything. The man you had killed was a bad person, you were a good person, therefore your actions were justified. And his? Well, he did everything to protect you.
“Hey, Hotch?” there was a knock at his office door, pulling him out of a trance.
“Hey, Hotch?” there was a knock at his office door, pulling him out of a trance.
“JJ, what can I do for you?” he asked, putting down his pen.
“It’s just, I’ve been messaging (Y/N), and she hasn’t really been texting back. Or returning any of my calls. Is…Is she alright?”
Aaron took a moment to think of what his response should be, how should he explain it.
“She’s alright, I think she just needs some space from the job and the BAU. It’s been hard on her lately,”
“Yeah, yeah of course,” JJ nodded. She turned to leave the room when Aaron stopped her.
“JJ, she still loves all of you guys,” he assured and she nodded with a small smile.
“We love her too,”
But Aaron couldn’t tell you that. Not when you were at a point where you wouldn’t believe it.
Each time he came home from work you were sinking deeper and deeper into what felt like a pit of darkness. And almost every night after you were asleep, Aaron would go into his office, open his desk drawer and pull out the knife he kept in a locked box.
Just staring at it, twirling it between his fingers. Because the one thing he struggled to rationalize was why he wanted to go out and do it again.
He always knew he had been a bit looser with the trigger on his gun than most of the people on the team, but then again, this was different. Very different.
He relished the feeling of the blood covering his hands, the way it stained and splattered against his shirt. Watching the life slowly leave his victim’s eyes, it gave him a kind of euphoric pleasure he’d never experienced. And he tried to relive it, closing his eyes and remembering that feeling, but each time he gripped the knife he knew it wouldn’t be long before he couldn’t control his urges again.
He wished you hadn’t seen him like that, one night when you couldn’t sleep, eyes glazed with fatigue.
The way his eyes shone when he looked at the metal, when he ran its flat surface along his palm.
And you knew it was wrong but every bone in your body felt too heavy to try and stop him.
Either way, you stopped thinking it mattered. You were going to love him no matter what, he was still the same Aaron Hotchner to you and you were the same (Y/N) Hotchner to him.
You couldn’t say you were surprised when he came home one night, covered in blood, a sense of relief in his eyes.
“He wasn’t a good person,” Aaron assured you. “The world’s better off without him,”
You didn’t say anything. You didn’t say much these days, but you could take care of him, that was one thing you were good at.
Wiping away the red stains from his skin, Aaron could see you were drifting, your movements becoming robotic, mechanical.
“Sweetheart, honey, look at me,” Aaron curled a finger under your chin and tilted it up to look at him. “There she is,” he smiled softly. “There’s my beautiful wife,”
Lately you didn’t feel beautiful, days on end spent in bed doing nothing but stare up at the ceiling. But that word pulled you back. Did he mean it?
“Yes,” he nodded. “Beautiful as the first day I met you. Gorgeous as the day I married you,”
You could feel the heat rise to your cheeks at his words until he silenced all your thoughts with a searing kiss.
“Come on sweetheart, let me show you just how beautiful you are. The rest can wait,”
You nodded your head and let him kiss you once more. He’d do anything to keep you there with him. Absolutely anything at all. The light that he saw in your eyes when he called you beautiful was a familiar one. One he remembered seeing almost everyday before the incident. He wanted to keep you there, keep your spark on.
You’d let him guide you to the bedroom, both of you ignoring your wet pajamas. Neither of you cared, not when you were connecting in this way for the first time in so long. His mouth was firm against yours as he peeled off your tank top and sleeping shorts.
“I’m sorry that I haven’t been doing a good job of showing you how beautiful you are.” He whispered as he laid you on the bed, situating himself beside you.
You pushed a hand through his silky hair, shook you head. “It’s not your fault, Aaron, I’m the one who made the mistakes. I’m the one who started it.”
“Do you think any less of me when I come home the way I do?”
Your answer was immediate, truthful, and admittedly worrisome. When did you become okay with his actions?
“No, of course not.”
“Then why would I think any differently of you? We did this together, we made that choice together. You did it with bravery and a conscience. I did it because I love you. I love you more than anything and right now, all I want to do is prove that to you. Can I?”
You nodded timidly, tilting your head up for a kiss. It started out gentle, slow and sweet, the need increasing as he coaxed your mouth open. Still gentle, but filled with so much longing. You hadn’t realized how much you missed being with him like this.
He took his time with you, kissing you so thoroughly that by the time he pulled away you felt like you were floating. He didn’t stop there, kissing his way down your neck and body. He paused at your breasts, twirling his tongue around one nipple and then the other.
You whimpered, back arching up into his. “You make the most gorgeous sounds.”
“Yes, my love?” He questioned as he continued to twirl his tongue, pulling and sucking on your nipples.
“Feels so good.”
“Yeah. Keep going please?”
“I won’t stop beautiful, not until you cum all over my cock.” He continued to kiss down your body until he made it to the apex of your thighs, pulling your clit into his mouth with no hesitation.
Your hips bucked up, pushing your pussy further into his mouth. He groaned, and when you looked down at him you saw his eyes roll back into his head, something that just made you wetter. You don’t know what overcame you but you have the overwhelming need to take over, thrusting your hand into his hair to hold him where you need him most. You didn’t stop moving your hips and Aaron didn’t complain, just gripped your hips to anchor himself against you as he drank from you like a fountain.
It didn’t take long for you to cum and before you can even recover fully, you find yourself pulling him up to kiss you, one of your hands falling to his erection. You pushed him into you, tilting your hips so that he’s fully inside you.
“Aaron, baby.”
“I love you. I’ve got you. You’re so beautiful. So incredibly beautiful when you take me. Look at how well we fit together.” He glanced down at where the two of you meet, his teeth sinking into his bottom lip at the sight.
“I love you too, Aaron. You feel so good.” You said breathless as your eyes dropped to watch him glide in and out of you.
Your second orgasm builds almost as quickly as the first. Aaron’s skilled mouth never left your warmed skin, as he sucked and nibbled on your throat and chest. If his mouth wasn’t on you, it was showering you with constant praise. Likewise, his pace never faltered, his hips slapping against yours as he pushed his cock into you over and over. The consistency and intensity was ultimately your undoing and when you tighten around him with a garbled cry his fingers tighten in the sheets.
Your release catapulted him into his own, a guttural groan stuttering in the back of his throat. He crushed his mouth to yours as he filled you completely, driving his hips into you a few more times to get his cum nice and deep. Praises fell from his lips as he pulled out, gathering you into his arms.
The two of you were in the shower cleaning up when you looked him, directly in the eye.
“What’s on your mind, sweetheart?” He continued to wash your body.
“You’re not scared that we’ve opened Pandora’s box?”
“If anything, we‘ve helped eradicate some of the evils that came out of it.” You looked at him not entirely convinced, eyes wary. “You’re my sweetheart. My angel. Too good to have come out of something that’s infamous for being evil.”
You didn’t say anything else, just nodded with an uneasy smile as the two of you finished cleaning up. It was late, and you were exhausted, physically and mentally. You couldn’t say the same for Aaron as he scooped you up in his arms and carried you into the bedroom.
“Thank you, Aaron. I love you.” You mumbled sleepily as he placed you into the bed.
“Of course, sweetheart. I love you too. Go to sleep, I’ll join you in a bit, I have a report to finish.”
“Will you stay? Please? Just until I fall asleep.” You begged, your lip jutting out ever so slightly.
He sighed, and slipped under the covers next to you, pulling you into his arms. Neither of you said anything else, he just placed a kiss on the top of your head as you drifted off into what is your most peaceful slumber since the murder.
“Sweetheart,” Aaron called as he entered your apartment. “Sweetheart, I’m home,”
The place wasn’t any different than when he left that morning. He dropped his briefcase on the couch that was already a mess, piled with papers and files.
As he walked towards the room he took his suit jacket off and tossed it on the armchair in the corner, tilting his head at you. You hadn’t moved an inch since he left. Laying down on your back, one arm extended towards his side of the bed with another thrown across your stomach.
He climbed into bed next to you, moving some hair out of your face.
“Hey, sweet girl,” he said softly. “I missed you,”
You only blinked but he still bent down and pressed a kiss to your temple before running his hand across your cheek.
“I brought you a little something,” he said, pulling out a little trinket from his pocket and placing it on the pillow in front of you. “It’s from Penelope, she misses you,”
You missed her too. So much. You missed all of them, Emily, JJ, Derek, Spencer, even Dave. But they could never know what you did and you were in no condition to lie anymore.
You moved your hand to come and curl around the little figurine. It was always your favourite one, something you pointed out each time you would visit her office. You could feel the tears burning in your eyes at the sight of it, but you let them come because it was nice to feel something.
“Maybe we should get you up and take a shower?” Aaron suggested. “And then get you something to eat,”
You nodded your head and reached out for him, he gladly picked you up and walked over to the washroom, turning on the shower until the water was warm and then setting you down on the counter so he could help you undress.
This became your routine, he went to work, came home, took care of you. A never ending cycle so it seemed.
You stood with Aaron in the shower for what felt like hours while he helped you wash your hair and clean your body. Each touch was intentional, hoping to get you to feel something, anything.
His kisses to your shoulder made you lean into his hold and he took a deep breath, thanking the universe that you were still there with him. And when he turned your chin around and pressed his lips to yours, your hand came to gently cradle his face.
He looked so beautiful with water dripping off his lashes, that love in his eyes he held for you, shining just as bright as ever, which made you realize with everything that happened he probably couldn’t see that you loved him the way you could see he loved you. So you told him.
“I love you, Aaron,”
Which pulled his lips into a grin, allowing you to fit your thumb right where his dimple was.
“I love you too, my sweet angel,”
Angel, you liked that. In a way you kind of were an angel. Your choice had brought the fate of three other people. You had delivered justice, that’s what Aaron insisted on. You had helped rid the world of three people who didn’t deserve to be there in the first place. And when you looked at it like that, well, everything just all started to fall into place.
Aaron noticed over the next few weeks something seemed to have shifted. When he came home from work you weren’t sitting in bed each time, you had tried to clean up a bit, even made dinner or ordered food on occasion, but he thought he could say you were doing better.
And you spoke, you talked to him, asked him about his day and his heart soared because he loved hearing your voice.
“Sweetheart, I'm so happy you’re doing better,” he smiled and leaned in to give you a kiss.
“Me too,” you agreed. “But, I was actually wondering…”
“What is it?” he asked. “Anything, you name it, it’s done,”
“Can you call me angel?” you asked. “I liked it, a lot,”
“You did?” his lips quirked upward and you nodded your head. “Then it’s done, angel. Is there anything you want to do?” he asked and you shrugged.
“I was going to make some dinner, why don’t you rest a bit, you must have had a long day at work,”
You stood up without another word, pressing a kiss to his forehead before making your way to the kitchen and pulling out the various things you would need to cook.
You grabbed a knife so you could cut the chicken but caught yourself staring at the glistening metal, remembering what it felt like to have in your hands, remembering the imprint the handle left after you had squeezed it so hard.
And when you finally brought yourself to cut the chicken it slipped and nicked the side of your palm. You couldn’t even tell if it was on purpose or not.
You stared at the red blossoming on your hand and dropped the knife on the counter, mesmerized by the crimson red colour.
Using your other hand you smeared the blood, watching as it coated your skin like a glimmering paint. Why had you never noticed that before?
“(Y/N), is something wrong I-,”
Aaron stopped when he saw the onions almost burning on the stove and quickly turned it off before addressing you.
“Angel, we should clean this up,”
You wanted to protest, but you knew he was right, for now at least.
“It’s beautiful though,” you mumbled and he either didn’t hear you or elected to ignore it because you knew he agreed.
A few nights later Aaron could feel you turning around in the bed, he carefully awoke to try and figure out what was going on but you didn’t seem disturbed, you looked at peace.
And yet inside your mind was racing with images, that knife in your hand before you plunged it into someone’s chest feeling an instant high after the action, even though it was just a dream.
A few moments later your eyes blinked open and you almost looked disappointed.
“Was it a nightmare?” Aaron asked, just to be sure.
“No,” you shook your head. “A good dream,” you sighed, leaning into his chest and letting yourself fall back asleep.
As the days went on, you felt more and more like yourself. You were in the kitchen trying to focus on icing the batch of cupcakes you’ve just finished and not the set of knives behind you. It didn’t prove to be too hard, but everytime you face their direction you couldn’t help but steal a glance. You were starting on the last cupcake when Aaron walked in.
He did a double take as he dropped his bag by the door, a slow smile spreading across his face as your eyes met his. “You’re baking again.”
“Marble cupcakes with chocolate icing. Your favorite.”
“Thank you, sweet girl. You’re so good to me.” He came to plant a kiss on your cheeks, which you felt heat not only from his praise but his steady gaze.
“Because I love you.”
“I know. I love you too, so much. More than anything.”
“Enough to come cuddle in bed with me? There’s a pie in the oven so I can’t start dinner yet.”
“Cupcakes, pie, and dinner, you’re spoiling me. So if that’s what you want then that’s what you get.”
You kissed him, cupping his face with your hands before you led him to the bedroom. You were only in a pair of his boxers and a t-shirt but he’s fully dressed from the work day. The two of you worked together to get him stripped down to just his boxers before laying in bed. He was completely wrapped around you, face buried in your hair. You sighed in contentment, hitching your leg around his waist to pull him closer though at that point it’s physically impossible.
The two of you laid there for a moment, the closest to peace you’ve been in weeks before you raised your lips to his neck, placing a litter of kisses on it. He looked down at you, eyes soft and warm and inquisitive.
“Kiss me.” You breathed, tilting your face up so your lips hover less than an inch away from his. His mouth is on yours in an instant, tongue pushing in to explore every inch of your mouth. You couldn’t help but sigh into the kiss, feeling like you’re exactly where you want to be.
You kissed him back gently at first, relishing in the feel of his warm lips against yours, his body on top of yours. Aaron’s touch was one of the only things grounded you these days, and you find a hunger bubbling deep within you. You bucked your hips up to push him back, and when you feel he’s off balance you roll over, straddling him. He groaned in surprise but kept kissing you, hands gripping your waist tightly.
You increased the intensity of the kiss, deepened it so that the two of you are just lips, teeth, and tongues. You groaned into his mouth, it’s deep and animalistic. There was that feeling again; the all encompassing need for more and to give in to your impulses. You started to nibble on his bottom lip, swiping your tongue over it to soothe the sting of your teeth. He seemed to like it, sparred you on but holding you even tighter, moving his hand up to the back of your neck to pull you closer. It was your undoing, making you lose it and you took his bottom lip between your teeth once more, biting down on it with more force.
“Fuck.” He leaned away from the kiss, pulling his lip from between your teeth. His hand slid up your body and he brought it up to his lip which was bleeding from your harsh bite.
You felt your face flush, embarrassment and dark arousal rushed through you in one foul swoop. He looked upset, eyebrows drawn together as he gazed at the blood on his fingers so you began to apologize. “Oh, I didn’t mean to. I-I’m sorry, does it-“
Before you could finish he’d pulled you down to kiss him, taking your bottom lip in between his teeth and biting just as hard as you did, if not harder. You whimper as you feel his teeth cut through your skin, the taste of his blood mixing with yours invading your mouth.
“Rough, naughty girl. You like that?” His voice was low, seductive, it sent a chill up your spine, and though it felt wrong to be so turned on by the spilling of his blood it was reality. He made you feel anything but ashamed when he looked at you, his eyes glistening with adoration.
Some blood had made it onto his chin and a light went off in your head. Bending down you flattened your tongue, ran it up his chin to capture the few drops of blood that dot it. He groaned, and his hands tightened his grip on your waist. The kiss he gave you was much harder, deeper and rougher and you grinded down against him, feeling his erection easily through his boxers.
“I want you,” You murmured against him, adding, “in my mouth. I want you in my mouth, want to show you how much you mean to me. How much this, us taking care of each other and protecting each other means to me.”
He pulled away, stared sternly into your eyes for a moment to make sure, but found no hesitation in them. “I could never say no to you, angel. Let me strip you.”
You laid back on the bed immediately, and he took off your clothing in a flash. He pressed soft, worshiping kisses to every inch of your body. You were practically trembling once he made it all the way up to your body and planted a kiss on your lips.
“Where do you want me?”
“Can you sit on the end of the bed?”
He’d nodded, kissed you one last time before removing his boxers and following your instructions. Once he’d settled, you rose from the bed and dropped to your knees in front of him.
You took him into your mouth easily, your mouth wet and warm and tight as you moved up and down on his length. He was reduced to nothing but a string of moans, his hands fisting in the duvet, his head thrown back. You took your time, moving not too fast but not too slow either. You mouthed at the head, swirling your tongue around it before taking him down into the back of your throat.
“What a good girl you are, that’s it sweetheart. Nice and slow and deep for me.” He praised, his hands gently guiding your head as you took him into the back of your throat repeatedly.
All you could do is moan around him, looking up at him completely drunk on the taste and smell of him. He was everything to you, and you feel safe and cherished. You could be whoever you wanted to be and there was no doubt that he would love you all the same.
Your hand fell between your legs with a moan, and the sight of you with his cock in his mouth, pleasuring yourself was almost his breakpoint. His hands stopped your head, cradling it gently as he guided you off of him.
You placed your hands on his thighs, scooting closer to him. “Did I do something wrong?”
“No angel, you and your mouth are perfect, but I need to be buried in you.”
His words made you spring up from your knees. He’d predicted this and you find yourself flipped over underneath him, you back pressed in the bed.
He was slick with precum and your spit and when he bottoms out inside of you. Both of you moaned, the sounds swirling together in the air as he began to pump in and out of you. Each movement was accompanied by a deep kiss. You could taste the cocktail of his blood and yours, almost intoxicated by the metallic flavor that invaded your senses.
He ran his thumb over your bottom lip, collecting some of the blood there before running his hand down your body. “It’s you and me baby. I’ll do whatever it takes to keep you safe, keep us safe.”
“Me too, me too, anything. Anything for you, Aaron.”
“You’re so gorgeous, so strong. My sweet angel, ready for anything. I promise, I’ll take good care of you. I swear.”
“Yes, baby, I know. I trust you.”
“Oh god, you feel so fucking good.”
“So do you.” Your words came out breathy because something in the atmosphere changed. The air was thick and heavy, the smell of blood a welcome, sinister scent as your bodies worked against each other. His slow, gentle thrusts began to change, his hips moved rougher and faster. His lips have fallen to your throat and chest, sucking marks into your flesh.
“Mmm, yeah, harder.” You murmured into his ear, hips tilting up to meet his.
He didn’t remove his lips from your throat, just asked, “Harder?”, punctuated the question with a light love bite.
The feeling of his teeth sinking into your skin, even softly, drove you crazy. “Yes, please, harder Aaron.”
“Harder.” Your voice was rough, your fingernails digging further into the skin of his back.
He hesitated, pulling back to make sure that you’re confident in what you’re asking for. “Angel,”
“I want you to be rough with me, please, baby?”
His eyes lit up and darkened in the same moment, a sinister brightness detected in them. If you were in your right mind it would scare you to see him this way, but it only made you wetter and caused you to tighten around him.
He doesn’t take it easy on you, hand running up your body and wrapping around the sides of your throat as he sat up on his knees. His other hand wrapped around your hip, pulling you onto his cock as he slammed up into you, a grunt left him with each thrust.
A smile spread across your face as you wrapped your legs around his waist, encouraging him to go harder. “Yeah, mhmm, just like that.”
“Dirty angel.” His grin matched yours, deranged and satisfied as he finally unleashed his roughness on you.
He was relieved and in awe at how well you took him, but scolded himself for doubting you. You’d done nothing but prove to him from the moment you met that you two worked well together. He shouldn’t have been surprised that it translated to such dark places.
He picked up his speed as he neared his release, watching how your mouth opened, eyebrows furrowed in almost a frown as he absolutely railed you.
“That’s it sweetheart, cum for me won’t you? Make me happy and cum for me. I’m right behind you.”
“I’ll cum for you, I’ll make you happy.” The words had barely made it out of your mouth when you detonated around him, your pussy tightening around him with a pressure that made him cum immediately. He fell into you, a muddled version of your name leaving his lips as he fills you up. The two of you laid there for what seemed like forever until he finally spoke.
“Come on, let’s get cleaned up.” He picked you up bridal style in his arms before making his way to the bathroom. He set you down in front of the sink, walking towards the shower and turning it on.
You’re mesmerized by what you see in the mirror. Your body is lightly smeared with blood, your bottom lip puffy and redden. He’d also littered you with hickies, they’re all over your neck and chest. You looked a mess, almost like you’d just gotten out of a fight but the sight made your breath speed up, your legs clench together.
“You like it.” He observed, causing you to turn to look at him.
“You don’t?” Your voice sounded melancholic, worried that he won’t enjoy this the way you are.
He shook his head, a small smile played on his lips, “I think you look gorgeous in red, angel.”
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