#it was probably sometime in middle school or drama class in high school
I think I just need to delete tumblr and tiktok off my phone for a bit, but I don’t want to.
I don’t want to try and put effort into getting better. I don’t want growth. I don’t want to expand my horizons.
All I want to do is curl up and die smoke some weed, play some video games and forget that the world is burning and humanity’s on the verge of being fucked. (And not in the fun way)
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yellow-yarrow · 8 months
Liz is such an underappreciated character, I'm starting a collection about the things we know about her since the wiki doesn't have much info.
She went to law school for 4 years, (so she is in her early 20s) Evrart paid for it. I find it a little contradictory that he calls her middle class, since she also grew up in Martinaise & needed financial help for school, but maybe she is a little bit wealthier than the avarage person in Martinaise. She's a legal counsellor for the Dockworkers' Union and she's a socialist.
Evrart Claire - "Oh, Liz is a bright one!" He grins broadly. "I paid for that law degree myself, thinking it'll probably turn her all fancy, but hell, Harry -- she came back a firebrand socialist! Sometimes she scares *me* with her zeal."
Evrart Claire -"She thinks of herself as a guerrilla fighter. These middle-class kids and the books they read are crazy, Harry. I think she would rather be an *insurgent* than a lawyer. I hope it's a phase."
Easy Leo - "Oh, Lizzy? She is a real sharp tool. Mr. Evrart put her through some fancy school and everything, east of the river. Four years she was gone and when she came back she was all fancy and *law-yerly*." Easy Leo - "But she's a real nice girl, grew up in this here neighbourhood, knows everybody and gets along with everyone, real pillar of the community one day, I'm sure."
You - "Thank you comrade. Property is theft." Elizabeth - "Vulgar idiot," she shakes her head. Conceptualization - Your understanding of the worker's struggle is about one century old, she's thinking.
Elizabeth - "Listen, you Moralintern lackeys. You're a mob, enforcing the unlawful privatization of Revachol. Twenty fat men in the Occident are stealing it all -- and you're their body guards."
She is very pretty, "could be a model" but doesn't think highly of models.
Glen - "You *could* be, Liz. You could be anything. You could even be a model." Elizabeth - "*Even* a mod..." Her face stiffens. "Glen, I went to *law school*. I am an attorney." Electrochemistry - He's right, with a face like that she could be on the cover of La Débutante International. Glen - "So fucking what? Lots of models are actually really smart people, fuckwad!" Elizabeth - "No, Glen -- they aren't." Her tone is cold and uninvolved.
Rhetoric - When she's angry, she emphasizes the *s*. It gives her voice a strangely hypnotic quality. Her lips barely move as she speaks. Inland Empire - Frankly it's a bit terrifying.
Likes and dislikes:
Elizabeth - "Anodic dance music, you wouldn't get it." Elizabeth - "No." It doesn't look like she's into popular adventure-fantasy.
You - "Do you listen to disco?" The Gardener - "Uh... I'm gonna say no." "Can't wait to change out of these rags."
She is good at lying, to some degree:
Drama - She feels interrogated now. It's hard to say if she's lying. Composure - She hides it well, but behind the sweat and dirt there is something... else. In her rigid posture. Drama - You get a strange feeling, looking at that smile. It spoils the moment. It is disingenuous. You - What's going on here? Drama - Surely it was nothing, sire. Just paranoia.
Liz obviously doesn't like Harry, she didn't want to cover for Klaasje. She is annoyed with the Hardie boys.
Elizabeth: "Babysitting imbeciles... what the heck, Liz?" Elizabeth - "Why are you so fucking FAT, Angus?!" Lizzie snaps at him. "Now it's all pointless, because of *you*. You wasted my time. I told you, Titus --" she turns to him. "I told you to just give her up."
Her thoughts on Cuno:
The Gardener - "The kid did this, right? The red-haired rat? Can't say a sentence without *f****t* or *kipt*... He's always giving me trouble." You - "I was talking to him, yes." The Gardener - "Maybe you shouldn't be. I mean... you do your job, but that kid is beyond help.
Easy Leo says she is very nice and gets on well with everyone. I think we have to take into consideration that when we meet her 1. we play as a cop 2. she is in very high stress situations. She has a huge responsibility by being the union's lawyer. So I can imagine that she is usually a bit more like what she acted like as "the gardener", and doesn't always snap at people.
That's all I found so far, if anyone wants to add to this, feel free to do so
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whimsyswastry · 2 months
15 Questions for 15 Friends
Thank you very much for the tags @pigeontheoneandonly and @favoriteblogonthecitadel 💛💛💛
Are you named after anyone?
No, but I’m often asked if I’m named after a location in a famous movie. I was not.
When was the last time you cried?
Two days ago. I’ve been struggling with an ulcer that just won’t heal and I woke up in horrendous pain and nausea on Saturday morning.
Do you have kids?
We do not. There’s a 25% chance of passing on my connective tissue disorder and sometimes it’s the fun “I’m so great at gymnastics!” kind and sometimes it’s the less fun “my brain won’t stay in my head” kind. I don’t want to put a child through all that.
What sports do you play/have you played?
I was a ballerina, gymnast, and soccer player until the injuries started becoming too frequent.
Do you use sarcasm?
Very rarely and even then only with people I’m very comfortable with (most notably my partner and my sister).
What’s the first thing you notice about people?
I’m not sure if there’s one thing I always notice. I’m pretty quick to pick up on moods, even with total strangers. So probably that. Their vibes 🙃
What’s your eye color?
Scary movies or happy endings comedies?
I used to love scary movies but I’ve noticed that as I age I have lower and lower tolerances for things like gore and screaming (especially screaming). I much prefer a comedy these days. Or a low stakes drama.
Any talents?
I had to ask my partner because I’m not good at these kinda questions. He said “interior design…like arranging stuff, and baking, and storytelling.”
Where were you born?
Literally like 2 miles away
What are your hobbies?
Video games, writing, baking, rearranging furniture in the middle of the night, reading, bird watching, crocheting, web design, quilting (I’m awful at this one but I enjoy it nonetheless)
Do you have any pets?
I have a basset beagle dachshund mix (unsure of the percentages) named Daisy Mayhem. See her Booplesnoot under the cut.
How tall are you?
Favorite subject in school?
I liked social studies in elementary school, English and Stats in high school, and my favorite class ever was biological psychology in college.
Dream job?
Freelance web design, if it could be 100% HTML and SASS based instead of JS. I hate JavaScript. My brain just doesn’t work that way.
No Pressure Tags -> @n7viper @quietborderline @satashiiwrites @greypetrel @hauntedjellyfishtraveler @unicorn-farm @swords-n-spindles @ad-astra13 @hockles @trickythedino @captain-peroxid3 @dairsmuids @lyriumwolf @destiel-wings @hawkeshep
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melliotwrites · 8 months
Hi! I’m writing my own music, and Adamandi is an inspiration. I’m just wondering, has there been any inspiration when it came to you two writing musicals? (Adamandi, The Art of Pleasing Princes, Ghost Story, and any other future musicals.) Such as, any movies, TV shows or any other musicals? I find the aesthetics and music in these musicals all so different and I love that! And the themes in these musicals are so interesting! (/vpos!)
Great question! It's hard to separate genuine inspiration from research, since once we get an idea we usually try to consume everything that's related to what we want to write to figure out what we wanna add to the cultural conversation. Sometimes we also get inspiration from a work because we don't like it and want to position our piece in opposition to that one. But for this post we'll try to keep it to Genuine Inspiration that we consumed before we wrote each piece (hey, this thing is cool, this helped me figure out how I wanna write my thing for the better.)
Maybe we'll break this up by show:
Fun light fantasy with heart that plays with the tropes of fantasy settings, a la classic DND settings, Six of Crows, Terry Pratchett
Mel took a class on the High Middle Ages and read On The Origins of Courtliness (from which the title is derived!) and The Ballad of Tristan and Isolde, which got sort of melangéd into the Princes court world- living and dying by the king's pleasure, etc.
Aesthetically, the TV show The Great? Mel watched it a little bit before writing Princes and the anachronistic dialogue + rules of court drama have something to do with it.
Not much musical inspo for this tbh, I think it was just our first go at Writing A Show Together so a lot of our influences were just other musical soundtracks we thought might be the vibe we were aiming for. (Probably Pippin, 35mm, Great Comet, etc..)
Similarly with lyrics, I wasn't really thinking of a lyrical style, but I think I based a lot of my song forms on Something Rotten as the other show I knew set in the same era (using the very loose definition of "the same era"). ~Mel
the usual dark academia medias (Maurice and Another Country were our favorites) and also attending undergrad at a dark academia ass college
Lots of folk horror! (The Wicker Man (1973) - was particularly fun for me in thinking about the Catholicism storyline -Mel)
Jordan Peele movies like Get Out and Us
For musicals, Passion was really inspirational in both tone and subject matter.
Lyrically, I tried to think about Falsettos and Sunday- very lyrically dense shows that portray the intricate vocabularies of a specific, often highly intellectual subculture. What shibboleths do academics use to identify who does and doesn't belong? And why is the word "shibboleth" so not singable :( I think really liking Matilda as a kid also had something to do with it. ~Mel
I looked at a lot of horror musicals for a research paper but didn't like them much. (Except Little Shop. I love Little Shop and kinned the dentist in high school.) So I guess that's inspiration but in a what-Not-to-do way? Which is how I stumble on a lot of "inspiration" - Elliot
chamber pop, baroque pop (incorporating the orchestral/acoustic elements of "dark academia" movie soundtracks with alternative pop and rock that's associated with the dark academia aesthetic more thematically)
The Dresden Dolls/Amanda Palmer's music
swing, jazz, dark cabaret (for the 1930s vibe)
Murder ballads (e.g. American Murder Song)
also weirdly the soundtrack to the Yellowjackets TV show. I love the eerie vocals in them and the creepy use of body percussion/breath - Elliot
here's an early inspo playlist: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/2wjhDj3ZzR01ghNfB03sYC?si=6f38f4c5f2ee43c7)
(more of a reading list since we're thinking top-down for this one!)
M. Butterfly by David Henry Hwang. I will never write anything as bangin' as "Being an Oriental, I could never be completely a man." - Elliot
Powers of Horror: An Essay on Abjection by Julia Kristeva
Stranger Intimacy by Nayan Shah
A View From the Bottom by Tan Hoang Nguyen
Ishtyle: Accenting Gay Indian Nightlife by Kareem Khubchandani
For musicals, Assassins and Parade
Arcadia and Follies are my touchstones for how the past and present can intersect onstage, and what got me excited about doing it ourselves! ~Mel
ragtime, jazz, Americana, blues, folk, country ! For inspo, trying to look for American folk music as close to 1880 as possible, but it's hard to find. Allowing myself to listen to stuff up til 1920.
Also alternative pop/rock/indie/whatever per usual. https://open.spotify.com/playlist/0QwtUiwwZfc3TYMy0DarOq?si=cc9d5129d43b4aeb is my working inspiration playlist right now - Elliot
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crystal-overdrive · 2 months
15 questions
I was tagged by @fangbangerghoul!
1. Are you named after anyone? My first name is from a dream my Mam had where she had twin babies, a giant boy with no name and a tiny girl with my name, she went into premature labor a couple of days after that dream. My middle name is for my great grandmother.
2. When was the last time you cried? I genuinely can't remember. Not sure if that suggests I'm happy, or callous. Or both. It's probably both.
3. Do you have kids? No, and no plans to have any.
4. What sports do you play/have you played? I'm training for a 5k right now but it's not going very well...shin splints...kill me. I used to play badminton with my friends but only one of us knew the rules so we called it Yu-Gi-Oh because we were convinced he just made them up as he went. When I was a kid I did horse riding and figure skating.
5. Do you use sarcasm? Putting a sarcastic answer here would be too obvious. I do but I'm also pretty bad at reading it in others which can be awkward.
6. What’s the first thing you notice about people? Their manners, especially if it's a highly coded situation. Politeness is important to me. In more informal situations probably patterns of speech?
7. What’s your eye color? Brown, sometimes green in summer.
8. Scary movies or happy endings? Scary movies 100%. Love a tragedy, love horror.
9. Any talents? I belive in hard work more than talent, but I guess I'm fairly good at putting in the work?
10. Where were you born? That's a security question, mate. No way.
11. What are your hobbies? Video games, tabletop rpgs, going to the theatre, reading. I write both professionally and as a hobby so that's kind of a strange blurred line.
12. Do you have any pets? The beautiful Miss Loonie.
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13. How tall are you? Fucking tiny. Five foot. That's it.
14. Favourite subject in school? In high school? Drama. In university? My favourite post-grad class has probably been worldbuilding which focused on writing for science-fiction, fantasy and horror.
15. Dream job? I was having an interesting conversation about this the other day. I don't have a dream job anymore, no allusions to a title or a place on the ladder. I just want to make lots of cool stuff, and get it out in front of an audience. I want to work in a bunch of different forms and try things out. So I guess the dream job is being a prolific enough writer that people will give me the chance to take on that sort of portfolio career? I tag @doxieandthedead, @nyda-the-tav, @brave-little-avocado-toaster if yous are up for it!
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boo-cool-robot · 5 months
Everything I Watched This Year
I have watched the most movies this year of my life, which is still so few that I can fit them all into one tumblr post, so here they are in approximately chronological order (along with TV shows). I almost exclusively watch visual media with other people, and they're often the ones picking. Favorites get an asterisk (*), and this does not include rewatches.
*Fallen Angels (Wong Kar-Wai): Five loosely connected lonely people chase imagined versions of each other around the Hong Kong nightscape. I didn't go into a plotless arthouse film expecting it to be extremely funny, but it is. He Zhiwu (my new tumblr icon!) deserves to be up there among the deranged autistic blorbos of all time.
What We Do in the Shadows (Showrun by Paul Simms and Stefani Robinson) [First half of S4]: If you're on tumblr you probably know the premise already. I was disappointed that after S3, which felt like a build to huge shifts in the characters and status quo, S4 felt like a walkback. Don't remember much else about it other than crying laughing at the sequence where they try to get baby Colin Robinson into private school.
Brokeback Mountain (Ang Lee): Everyone knows what this movie is already. It's well-made and solid, but it wasn't anything that exciting for me. I expected it to be more striking. Love the 70s home production design in that one scene though, and that kiss truly is good.
*Velvet Goldmine (Todd Haynes): A reporter tracks down the truth of a rock star gay affair that sparked his own queer coming of age. Dreamy, gorgeous, and I could not describe the plot scene to scene if you paid me. Just a really lovely film to experience for me, someone who had latent and unnamed transgay feelings as a teenager about the concept of "emo boys kissing."
Phantom of the Paradise (Brian De Palma): Phantom of the Opera-inspired drama about a songwriter getting revenge on the predatory producer that ruined his life. Total delight of a campy melodrama.
Kamikaze Girls (Tetsuya Nakashima): A delinquent and fashion-obsessed scam artist strike up a lesbian-tinged unlikely friendship. This movie is bananas. Way more stylistically experimental than I'd expected--there's a sequence of the protagonist's birth, people just float offscreen sometimes, the townspeople constantly turn to the camera and advertise for the megamart they buy all their clothes from, etc. A really really surprisingly fun watch.
*Mobile Suit Gundam: The Witch from Mercury (Hiroshi Kobayashi and Ryō Andō) [First 6 episodes only]: Optimistic young pilot of a war machine that she may have an illegal psionic connection with goes to space high school and is promptly drawn into political plotting via accidentally getting gay engaged to a corporate heiress. Highly enjoyed the parts of it I saw - great action sequences, fun character drama, and just enough political substance. Not as weird as Utena, which it's inspired by, but can be brutal where necessary. I should watch more!
*In the Mood for Love (Wong Kar Wai): Two Shanghainese emigrants in Hong Kong discover their spouses are cheating and embark on a tragic affair of their own. God, this movie deserves every bit of praise it gets. I gasped out loud multiple times at the gorgeousness of shot compositions. Top notch acting, gorgeous colors. This tends to be a movie pitched as being about a repressed love affair, but it's also a movie about the positionality about being middle class colonial subjects and the relationships they have with the world. This gave me so much to chew on after I watched it.
Happy Together (Wong Kar-Wai): Two Hong Kong expats living in Argentina have a toxic gay relationship trapped in a tiny apartment. This one felt very opaque to me, and it is allegedly an allegory for Hong Kong being returned to Chinese rule after British colonialism, which I absolutely do not have enough background to really get. Wong is a great director though, and I constantly think about the sequence of the main character seeing the abusive ex walk into the club, beat while he finishes his drink, and then he breaks his bottle off and goes in to screams.
Bound (The Wachowskis): A lesbian handyman falls for a woman married to an abusive mobster that they plot to rob. The first 45 minutes were very enjoyable as a lesbian heist film. Unfortunately, once the gunshots started the torture scenes became so stressful for me to watch that I sweated through my shirt. (I also had Covid).
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Student Council Intros
Short descriptions of their positions, personalities, interests, and relations to one another. I will elaborate more on their specific yandere tendencies in another post soon~! requests about them are also okay <3
President: Hailey (she/her)
Eldest of the triplets
Double Major in Math and Business
Queen bee, popular, pretty, ambitious, ruthless. Dedicated follower of the clean-girl aesthetic; bloodless, antiseptic, minimal, devoid of any evidence of actually living. Competitive, cutthroat.
Totally having the time of her life in college and her sorority!! (Maybe…?)
Probably destined to climb a corporate ladder somewhere.
Short; light green eyes; shoulder-length blonde hair (dyed)
Likes: being heard, being in charge. Being the center of attention, admiration, and jealousy. Tennis, running, smoothies, scrunchies, being just mean enough to watch people squirm but not mean enough to get called out on it
Dislikes: being challenged (well… depends on context), being away from her sisters (literal sisters not the sorority sisters), anything super messy or woodsy/outdoorsy
Vice President: Kaylee (she/they)
Youngest of the triplets
Law Major
Minor in Latin
Devil’s advocate, casual, incisive, irreverent, witty. Competitive, though not as much as Hailey. Argumentative, blunt, analytical, but also committed to the bit.
Kinda hates college but wasn’t sure what else to do after high school.
Short; light green eyes; dark brown hair in a pixie cut (not dyed)
Likes: debating, arguing, true crime, reading the wackiest court transcripts she can get her hands on, chess, drama and theatre
Dislikes: math, science, being compared to her sisters, the law enforcement system and most of the judicial system too tbh (corrupt from the start and ineffective)
Advisor: Emerson (they/them)
Kendra’s older sibling
Graduate student and T.A.
Studying architecture
Typically calm, easy-going, and thoughtful, although busy places can overwhelm them. Generally asocial, but kind, and cares deeply about the people close to them. Punctual, organized, artistic.
Heavily burnt-out from school, but their deep love of architecture as a subject keeps them going.
Tall; dark brown/black eyes; hair in thick, long, jet-black dreads.
Likes: sketching, watercolor, prismacolor markers, learning about architecture, reorganizing their collection of markers
Dislikes: being a T.A., loud environments, most strong smells, bright lights, inconsiderate and closed-minded people
Treasurer: Rayleigh (she/her)
Middle triplet
Kendra and Jace’s friend
Double-Major in Biology and Geology
The rare shy extrovert (?). Talks your ear off when you get to know her. Passionate and excitable, tends to be literal-minded. Comes across as very anxious and high-tension if you don’t know her well.
Wasn’t too sure about college at first, but she’s really starting to open up some and enjoy herself more.
Short; light green eyes; long light brown hair with highlights and stuff (dyed), but also her dark brown roots showing
Likes: her friends! :D, archaeology, fossils and “living fossils,” SHARKS, anything outdoorsy, anime, documentaries
Dislikes: being the center of attention, alternately having to compete with her sisters for scraps of attention, debating, writing papers for humanities classes 😣
Secretary: Kendra (she/her)
Emerson’s younger sister
Rayleigh and Jace’s friend
Fashion Design Major
Another shy extrovert? Emotional, excitable, creative, always up to try something new, once you get to know her. Otherwise comes across as very quiet, deep-in-thought, serious, or maybe a little spacey?
Loves college overall even though the professors in her major can be real assholes.
Short; dark brown/black eyes; keeps her jet-black natural hair in an afro sometimes, and pulls it back and up into a puff a lot too. Has a collection of pretty, colorful hair bands for this reason.
Likes: anime, cosplay, writing, daydreaming, blue jean material as a medium for her art, heels (not comfortable but she wants to feel taller 😭)
Dislikes: anything super outdoorsy, math classes (“I already know all the math I need for my patterns! 😫”), a lot of the required classes tbh (“Booooring.”)
Honorary Member: Jace (he/they)
Rayleigh and Kendra’s friend
Undergraduate Researcher
Biology Major
Shy, reticent, cautious. Just wants to keep his head down, but their friends keep dragging them into stuff like the student council… for better or worse. Analytical, meticulous, curious.
Hates college, but is determined to graduate anyway.
Short; dark brown/black eyes; short, black, shoulder-length hair.
Likes: camping, hiking, rowing, campfire food, stargazing, ALGAE (their research topic)
Dislikes: most people, his voice (started T somewhat recently and is embarrassed by the voice cracks 🥺💕)
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reading philosophy as an adult is cool but nothing will beat reading it as a teenager and trying to relate complex ideas on existence to your everyday high school drama. did i actually grasp kierkegaard when i was seventeen? probably not, but the way he described existential dread and a search for meaning matched the intensity of heartbreak i felt about a nerdy guy in my class not liking me back. sure you likely misapplied most of the ideas but you can still remember how important it all felt in the middle of your teenage angst and i think we sometimes abandon that part of us too much when we grow up.
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Thank you for tagging me, @gellavonhamster! Sorry for the late answer, I can be a bit shy sometimes ;))
were you named after anyone? No, but my parents chose my name in part to honour my mom's father.
when was the last time you cried? The first part of July.
do you have kids? No.
do you use sarcasm a lot? Not really! I'm more of an irony person, though I try to use it less online.
what's the first thing you notice about people? The face, I think? Though with my poor eyesight, it's a very blurry face. Mostly the overall way they carry themself.
what's your eye color? Green.
scary movies or happy endings? Both are good! Though I can never say no to a good drama with strong thought-out plot.
any special talents? I can open the door handle with my toes while holding two tea cups, and not have it spilled ;))
where were you born? I'd rather not tell, but it was somewhere in this Solar System.
what are your hobbies? Drawing! (Though maybe doodling is the better word.) I draw rather poorly, but I find the process quite soothing. It's rather meditative! Listening to radio, reading anything and everything - from manga to classic literature to fanfic, watching some series and movies.
have any pets? A cat! She's my precious little darling.
what sports do you play/have you played? None. I'm not very... sports person, though sometimes I regret it a little. Once upon a time in middle school I went to choreography classes, but it wasn't very serious.
how tall are you? Ahahah, oh boy. I don't really know! Maybe about 1,6? The last time it was measured in high school, I think. I'm average short. I'm tall enough to grab onto subway or trolleybus handrails, but I'd have to use my full hand length and there is a chance I'd have to stand on my tiptoes.
favorite subject in school? Literature and history.
dream job? Book store or library, though I'd probably get fired for getting lost in reading and not doing the work like Sheska from FullMetal Alchemist ;)) On some days I delude myself into thinking I could work in stables! I really like the smell of stables and horses are some of my favorite animals , but alas - I would give up on my first week of shoveling horse poop.
tagging @kanotototori, @darkstarshine, @abluescarfonwaston, @jake-meraga, @btbtbtran, @amethavender, @animate-mush, @liesweliveby, @thorin-is-a-cuddler, if any of you feel like it! (No pressure, please feel free to ignore this!)
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eratolasting · 2 years
Scrunchies (Eddie Munson x Reader)
I do commissions.
Summary: The first day of senior year goes a lot better than you expected.
Warnings: Brief bullying, fat shaming, active bulimia from a main character.
Beta Reader(s): @lancaerielcotume
Part One.
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First day of senior year. As you got dressed that morning you dreaded stepping into those hallways of doom. You weren’t sure when school started to change for you, but at some point it began to get really… shitty. No more nap times, no more recess, no more sleepovers or birthday parties where everyone was invited. Sometime during middle school the cliques began to form and people started to care about what you looked like, what you wore, who you hung out with. Crushes and grudges began to form. The popularity hierarchy started to matter. Bullying began, and only got worse. 
You couldn’t even think about having a good first day, as much as you wanted too. You knew there’d be something that would ruin it, and it would probably—most likely— be someone rather than something. 
Even so, some part of you had hope that maybe this year things would be better. Maybe the bullies had turned a new leaf over the summer break and were going to start spreading kindness instead of hate this year. Perhaps the cliques would be less cliquey and you could talk to some of the people you haven't spoken to in years. Who knows, maybe your lunch table will be filled with people this year.
Life can be beautiful. Definitely, possible.
You heard a honk outside and looked out your window to see your friend waving at you out the window excitedly. 
Barbara Holland, your best friend since diapers. There wasn’t a day that went by where you weren’t attached at the hip, which was nice because you knew you always had someone on your side. Barb was there with you through everything; birthdays, holidays, family deaths, and even heartbreak. She knew you better than anyone else did. You knew her better than anyone else, too. Of course, there was also Nancy — but she had been distant lately from the both of you. You didn’t know if it had to do with Steve drama or Jonathan drama or both but you wouldn’t be surprised if that was the issue. 
You waved back through the window and stepped away to put your shoes on and grab your bag. You flew down the stairs and said a quick goodbye to your mom and dad before heading out. You hopped into Barb’s car and smiled at her.
“Good morning! You look cute.” She commented as you put your seatbelt on.
“Thanks,” You laughed. You always tried to dress to impress on the first day especially, but that eventually tapered off. 
“Are you ready for today?” Barb asked you, throwing her car into drive and heading towards the school. 
“Yeah, for once, I think I am… I don’t know, something just feels… different about this year. Good, you know? I think this is our year.” You smiled at her.
She shook her head, smiling back. “Whatever you say,” 
The drive other than that was just catching up for the most part, talking about what classes you hoped you got, and figuring out times to study together this week—even if you didn’t end up needing to study, then you could hang out. 
“Are we still on for a movie tonight?” She asked you as she pulled into the parking lot.
“Yeah, of course! I’ll come to your place after school.” You picked up your bag from the floorboard and got out of the car.
The two of you walked up the steps and inside the school. It was already busy and bustling, people looking for their lockers, looking for their classes, picking up schedules, catching up with friends. It was a little overwhelming, to be honest.
A large banner greeted you Welcome Back Hawkins High! in the school colors. 
“Let's go grab our schedules and compare them.” Barb suggested. 
You nodded and followed her towards the office where they held them. 
On the way, however, you unfortunately ran smack into Jason Carver as you both turned a corner.
“Son of a bitch!” You hissed, your nose throbbing from where it had rammed into Jason’s chest.
“What did you say to me, skank?”
Jason Carver. Second year as basketball team captain and ninth year of blaming his mistakes on other people and being a huge dick. 
You and Barb were quick to swerve around him and continue your adventure down the hallway. You shared a brief look and released a breathy laugh. That was a close one. 
Once you both retrieved your schedules you compared.
“Aww, only two. That sucks.” Barb sighed.
“Yeah, but at least we have lunch, too.” You pointed out. 
“True. I thi-”
A crumpled up can was tossed towards the two of you and hit Barb in the shoulder. You looked up and scoffed when you saw Tommy Hagan. 
“Hey! Pick that up!” You stood up to him.
Tommy Hagan. Point Guard. He’s the smartest guy on the basketball team which is kind of like being the slimiest slug. 
“Are you actually talking to me right now, bitch?” He puffed his chest up, like he was offended.
“Yeah, what gives you the right to pick on my friend?” You scoffed, taking a step closer to him.
“Your hair looks like shit.” He insulted you, before laughing and accepting a high-five from a passerby.
You rolled your eyes and picked up the crumpled up can, tossing it into the trash yourself. 
“Don’t worry about it. He’s just a douchebag.” Barb told you, “I’ll be his boss one day, anyways. He’s not going anywhere in life.” She grinned.
You laughed, and the two of you continued down the hall.
“See you next period?” She asked as she split off towards her class. 
You nodded and headed back towards yours. You picked a seat and put your things down. It was a pretty typical first day, introducing yourselves, getting a class schedule, getting a book, and playing dumb name games. The bell rang and you headed towards your next class, though you stopped in the bathroom on the way — you needed to pee.
You startled once you made it in there, though, seeing two of the Scrunchies right in front of you. You’d passed by them for years, you’d even had classes with some of them. They were what you wanted to be, untouched, never bothered, never bullied. 
The sounds of vomiting fell through the room and you cringed. The bell rang. Well, shit, you were late now.
“Grow up, Chrissy. Bulimia is so last year.” 
Carol Perkins; head bitch. She was perfect in every way all the time, not a single hair out of place. She was the worst of them, in all honesty. She ran the school with an iron fist. She was just a huge cunt. There was no way around that word.
“You should probably get checked out, Chrissy.”
Heather Holloway. Almost as bad as Carol Perkins, but not quite there. She was one of Carol’s dogs and kind of known to sleep around. Other than that, she had no real personality traits other than being a mini Carol. Oh, her mom did pay for chest implants — so, there’s that.
“Yeah, maybe I should.” 
Chrissy Cunningham. The best of the worst. She was a little nicer than the others, you weren’t sure why she was part of the group because of that, but hey, if you had a chance to be part of the Scrunchies, you wouldn’t say no either. She was head cheerleader, and her dad was loaded.
The door opened next to you, and Ms. Kelley strode in. She didn’t see you behind the door. You immediately went to work, scribbling down on a scrap piece of paper that you were all out on a hall pass and a teacher knew. Ms. Kelley was a stickler for hall passes, even on the first day.
“Ah, Carol, Heather,” She paused, another round of vomiting happening, “And Chrissy. You’re late for class.”
“Chrissy wasn’t feeling well, we’re helping her.” Carol said, pouting her lips in a way that normally got her everything she wanted.
“Not without a hall pass, you’re not.” 
“Actually, Ms. Kelley,” You stepped forward and handed her the piece of paper, having just signed it from the teacher in your next class, “We’re all out on a hall pass, Ms. Dunham wanted us to find inspiration in the hallways for our upcoming art project.” 
She looked it over, but couldn’t deny the fact that the signature was there. She handed the note to Carol, “Alright. Just hurry up and get to where you’re going.” Then, she left. It was obvious she had only come into the bathroom to look for stragglers to give detention to.
“This is an excellent forgery… Who are you?” Carol asked, looking up at you.
You opened your mouth to say your name, but she cut you off. “Nevermind, it doesn’t matter. I’ll call you pet.” She said, smugly. “You know who we are, obviously.” She smirked, and flipped her hair back.
“I want something in return.” You piped up.
“What?” She scoffed, raising a perfectly plucked eyebrow.
“Let me sit at your lunch table? Just once, there doesn’t have to be any talking or anything — if people think you at least tolerate me, they’ll leave me alone.”
She laughed, loudly and harshly before stepping closer to you. “You know, for a worthless nobody you do have high cheekbones.”
“And a symmetrical face. If I took a meat cleaver down the center of your skull, I’d have matching halves. That’s very important.” Chrissy giggled as she flounced up to the three of you in her little cheerleading outfit.
Carol took your chin in hand and twisted your head left to right, pursing her perfect lips. “Hm… girls, grab your things. Let’s make you beautiful. Okay?” 
“Okay,” You nodded.
They went to work on you, powdering your face, mascara, lip gloss, all the works. Chrissy even painted your nails a pretty blue. 
“Alright, we’re skipping class for the rest of the day. We’ve got to get you a new outfit to match us, pet.” Carol laughed, and started out of the bathroom.
You followed along like the little puppy you were, not even thinking about Barb or your plans with her tonight. 
Shopping was… actually fun. Past the off handed comments Heather made about your weight, but you know. Carol was actually interested in making you look good. Being her pet meant you still had to look hot, apparently. 
Blue was your color. Carol was red, Heather was green, and Chrissy was yellow. Your new wardrobe was blue skirts and blue blazers, not that you had much of an issue with it.
You might not officially be a Scrunchie, yet, but you were part of their circle. Starting tomorrow, everyone would leave you alone.
Carol drove you home with the promise of picking you up in the morning. You went inside with your bags of clothes that your new… friends wasn’t the right word. Bosses? Yeah, they bought you new clothes. 
You unlocked the door and went inside. Your mom and dad were sitting on the couch. 
“Honey? We weren’t expecting you back until later. What’s with all the bags? Did you and Barb have a change of plans?”
Shit, Barb.
“Uh, yeah.” You nodded, as you headed towards the stairs. “Yeah, I’m just going to see her at school tomorrow. So… goodnight!” 
You went up then and dropped all of your bags on your bed. After getting everything hung up at the front of your closet you settled in for the night. 
Barb would understand. You knew she would. She had to. If anyone had the chance, they would take it. Barb would take it. Definitely. 
You got ready the next morning with the make up the girls gave you and thankfully you got it right within the first few tries. You pulled on a skirt and a blazer and grabbed your bag before waiting outside for Carol to pick you up. You hopped into the passenger seat of her Porsche and she looked at you through her sunglasses. 
“You look good, pet. Keep it up.” She praised you, picking up her coffee for a sip before she took off down the street. 
“Thank you, Carol.” You grinned. 
The ride to school was full of Carol gossiping. You couldn’t really keep up. Something about Chrissy fucking someone, or Jason cheating on her — you couldn’t be sure, she was talking so fast. You just nodded along with her and made an appropriate noise when you needed too. You needed to stay in her good graces.
She pulled into the parking lot and the two of you waited for Chrissy and Heather to come find you. 
It didn’t take them very long, and the four of you were walking up to the school together. People were staring already. You could hear them whispering, see them pointing.
“Who’s that with the scrunchies?”
“Who’s that babe?” 
“Carol found a new toy.” 
You could only smirk and walk along with your new clique. Even if you were at the bottom with them, at least you were at the top of everyone else.
. . . . . . . . . .
Tag list: @eddiemunsons-girl @spiderrrling @syddsatyrn @mayeddieandstevegf
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keysandopenmind · 9 months
Happy STS! Just stopping but with a writing question for today :) How do you conceptualize a scene? What do you start with when trying to craft a scene?
Hiii! Thank you for the ask!
If you spot me staring at something in the middle-distance with a glazed expression, this is probably me starting to form the specifics of a scene in my head.
Then I start to act things out. I'm a theatre kid at heart, did drama classes all through high school and still do the odd bit of community theatre. Sometimes I might just be trying to work out a character's expression by doing it myself, sometimes I say the dialogue out loud to make sure it doesn't sound funny, or to work out if I want the emphasis to be on a certain word.
In terms of placing the scene, I am definitely a victim of white room syndrome (I think that's what it's called?) - the idea that my scenes often take place in an empty white room because I forget/get lazy about describing things. So I have to consciously think about that sort of thing.
For that reason, I'll often base my settings off places I know. In my current WIP, Paradox, the aging professor's house is based on the home of an elderly academic whose house I had to visit for work a few years ago. So then I'm describing a real place, not just trying to come up with things on the fly. The academic I met IRL was a musicologist, and my professor is a physicist, but whether the papers scattered everywhere are sheet music albums or science text books doesn't matter too much.
I have one WIP where I drew a rough house plan because it mostly took place in one character's apartment, and I needed to know where things were in relation to others. Before I did that, the couch kept moving. XD
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ivydarkrose · 2 years
These aren't ship head cannons but there still head cannons.
When Nathan first realized he had feelings for Ciara he listened to Love Me Dead by Ludo and Vermillion Pt. 2 by Slipknot on repeat while thinking of her.
Candy Pop threated Puppeteer not to kill Nathan when be found out Puppet used to use him as battery, feeding off his sadness when he needed to. Puppet did take Candy seriously before he got chased down by him and his giant magic mallet. They agreed that as long as Nate doesn't die then their all good.
Nathan, Jason, and Puppeteer are very judgmental people and they probably sit at a table as of there the Heathers and talk shit abt people. They love drama.
Whenever he has nightmares abt past traumas and other things like that he'll either go to Ciara [assuming they were probably sleeping in the same bed anyway]or Candy Pop. They probably talked abt and like cuddle each other to sleep.
Whenever things like that happen he tends to slay away from sally since her Green eyes remind him of Crystal and that lead to a whole other level of mental breakdown.
Nathan is a he/they nonbinary, he first came out as nonbinary a few weeks after him and Crystal cameout to each other as pansexual, even tho deep inside they both knew all along, she was very supportive and would let him wear her cloths when he wanted to present more feminine. Tho he rarely did since he was afraid to get picked on even more then he already did.
He is really good at making his partners flustered, he loves doing it especially when he has nothing else to do. Though he gets flustered very easily too. It's funny to see him being a confident asshole to a defeated flustered goth either burying himself in either his palms it Ciaras chest.
He took orchestra in middle school and high school because his dumb 5th grade self thought he could learn guitar in that class since the only explanation they gave if orchestra was "string instrument" and he ended up loving playing the Viola. He still plays it sometimes and he's amazing at it.
Whenever jeff is whereing a new band shirt Nathan will scream at him to name three song.
Grande is like the dad of all the circus creeps. They honor him like a cult leader and it scares him.
Nathan owns a record player and gets yelled at by other to stfu because how loud he plays it.
Since the sound of dripping water is like crack to him he either leaves the tap on or he will put his headphones and listen to random water sound untill he falls asleep.
Whenever he comes back from intense sprees he will fall asleep almost anywhere and it will be IMPOSSIBLE to wake him up.
He's always tried and probably has insomnia, it started developing when he was trapped in that dark little room. Its comes from the fear that something will happen to people he cares for or that he will get hurt and won't be able to protect them from others.
No matter how much this man sleeps he is always tired, which is also the reason why he sleeps till like 4pm. Candy Pop will enter his room and watch him for abt five second's before violently waking him.
I would write more but I can't think of any right now but I can write more if you'd like.
I ABSOLUTLY LOVE these head canons, Some I can see him canonly doing too(if he already doesn't lmao)! Took a moment to read through, but seriously can imagine a lot of these. Really can see him picking up a Viola too, but maybe thats the my child self being hyped up as I could never play anything well myself lol. It just fits his vibe.
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snowdropheart · 1 year
question meme
I was tagged by the ever-lovely @feeisamarshmallow for this question meme, so here we go!
1. Are you named after anyone? My middle names are family names, but my first name is actually after a radio host my dad really liked lol
2. When was the last time you cried? I actually hardly ever cry, but I cried for a good while yesterday, and it felt so good to finally get that release of emotion. I was also near tears the night before watching Umberto D for a class (he just loves his dog so much!!)
3. Do you have kids? I do not, but I have a deeply nurturing streak, and I fear I will want to have them someday
4. Do you use sarcasm a lot? Yeah, I think so, but mostly just to people I’m really close to
5. What's the first thing you notice about people? Probably their hair and their sense of fashion (more so because I’m insecure and trying so suss out if I fit in than anything else lol). Also general vibe, if that makes sense
6. What's your eye color? Blue
7. Scary movies or happy endings? Scary movies can have happy endings if they want to! Lol. But probably happy endings, if I have to choose one of the two, but my all-time favourite is a melancholic ending
8. Any special talents? Hmmm, I have one double-jointed thumb, does that count? I consistently surprise people by knowing the names of trees/flowers/constellations/birds/etc, but I really only know the basics. I like to think I’m a pretty alright poet
9. Where were you born? Canada
10. What are your hobbies? Writing, watching TV/movies and thinking very hard about them, walking, singing, dancing like a maniac in my room, plucking out the 5 chords I know on the ukulele, reading when I’m not swamped by theory readings for class lol
11. Do you have any pets? No, but I’m desperate for a cat. My roommate is currently cat-sitting for a friend, and, to quote the great Rosa Diaz: “I’ve only [known] Sebastian for a day and a half, but if anything happened to him, I would kill everyone in this room and then myself”
12. What sports do you play/ have you played? I am probably the least athletic person of all time, but I had track and field potential as an 11 year old and if I didn’t have Brain Problems, I probably would have gone on to be sporty
13. How tall are you? I’m pretty sure I’m exactly average lol
14. Favorite subject at school? In high school, I loved drama with all my heart; in uni, I took a Canadian cinema class last year that was incredible. We watched Last Night, which is now one of my favourite films of all time. I also took a European history class in second year that was super interesting
15. Dream Job? I have secret indie singer-songwriter dreams. In my head, I sometimes pretend my poems are songs and I’m a Phoebe Bridgers type who plays my melancholic little acoustic guitar and sings them, but I have very little instrument ability in real life, and no idea how to construct a melody.
I also want to just live by the lake with a cat and a garden and lots of friends around
Thank you for the tag @feeisamarshmallow! I super low-key no pressure at all tag @yellowfog4 @goneahead and anyone who wants to do this <3
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khaleesiofalicante · 1 year
Here's some funny gossip to pass the time while you deal with your horrible roommate!! But on a totally unrelated note, I´m not that good of a red agent as David, but I can always give it a try…
Well, did I ever tell you how my high school started a rumor that I was gay? 😂
Allow me to elaborate and keep it short: Middle school, I had a group of friends of like 5 girls, but in high school all groups got mixed and I ended up in a class with just one of them. We all promised to remain close friends, but things happened (I genuinely don’t completely remember the reason but it was really stupid) and we stopped talking to each other. That girl in my class became my best friend for those years, and we made our own group (they were nice but we were never inseparable).
Anyway, my mom once found out there was a rumor that my best friend and I were both gay and dating. She asked me about it and I obviously denied everything (that was probably one of the reasons why it took me longer to figure it out, I lived in denial :))
Looking backwards, that rumor wasn’t entirely stupid, because we both acted like a couple sometimes… We held hands, were never seen without each other, called each other all sorts of nicknames (honey, sweetheart, love, queen, you get it). Our vice principal once thought he saw us kissing, but we were just sharing an ice cream reaaaaaaally close. Don't @ me lmaoo
She told me she was bi at some point. Aaaand she was also the first girl I liked and my gay awakening basically. I liked her and looking back I’m pretty sure she liked me back, but we were both too scared to do anything about it. Sad story? Yeah but anyways it is what it is :)
Well, lately I’ve been talking with my mom about high school and I just found out like half the people there kinda hated me??? Wtf?? And I also found out a lot of them were constantly talking shit about me behind my back and that there were more rumors about us that were started by that group of girls we stopped talking to for revenge maybe????
I mean it's been a while so it doesn’t affect me, but it is kinda frustrating finding out about it through my MOM. And it's also frustrating the fact that HALF MY HIGH SCHOOL KNEW I WAS GAY BEFORE I DID!!!
Theres a part two of this, but now family related! Istg my life is a joke to someone out there...
i was literally eating chips as I read this lmaoooo. I needed gossip so bad I'm not kidding.
Fun fact: My new roommate gives me gossip (or rather shit talks) about people but she doesn't know I'm actually friends with them. Like she literally shit talked my bestie (harry) and i am like I AM GOING TO TELL HARRY ABOUT THIS.
Anyway rip to your high school because i would've started a fan club for you if i went to your school 😎
ALSO it's sooooo fucking cliche to have groups in schools and girls to stop talking to each other and gosh i don't miss that drama.
I loved this story and of course it was very alex clairemont diaz of you if i say so myself hehe.
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seekingthestars · 1 year
tagged by @koalammas!! thank youuu 💞
buckle up ladies and gents time for some rambles okay go
1. Are you named after anyone?
nope lol my middle name was going to be Rose after my great-grandma on my mom's side, but my parents didn't want to offend either side of the family by using a name from the other side of the family so they ended up opting for completely random names for me and my brother hahaha
2. When was the last time you cried?
around april 21 (friend's funeral, her brother was speaking during it and i did not keep it together)
3. Do you have kids?
nope! only my cat, who i love and adore with my entire heart, she is my sweet lil angel muffin
4. Do you use sarcasm a lot?
kinda depends i guess? sometimes?
5. What is the first thing you notice about a person?
ohhh good question hmm i guess if i'm just seeing someone in passing, probably appearance? otherwise how they interact with and treat other people.
6. What’s your eye color?
brown, but leans a little hazel-ey some days.
7. Scary movie or happy ending?
agree that i like satisfying endings that are also hopefully happy! but between these two options, happy endings, i cannot do scary movies or tv shows or anything, i get freaked out and then can't sleep lol
8. Any special talents?
i genuinely don't know L O L i don't know what would constitute a special talent??? i can memorize song lyrics pretty quickly and then they sorta embed themselves into my brain forever, does that count??
9. Where were you born?
southern usa!
10. What are your hobbies?
video games, watching movies/dramas (though i do not always have the attention span for it lol), reading, crafting (i like physically making things with my hands since i just do design on my computer all day for work! i like trying lots of different things, recently been trying a little bit of hand embroidery. also painting little ceramic figures and stuff like that), cosplaying. i've been trying this year to build taking a walk into my daily routine, not sure if i count it as a hobby or not lol
11. Do you have any pets?
my sweet sweet rileycat!!!! i love cats!!!!
12. What sports do you/have you played?
am not a sports girlie LOL i did tap/ballet/jazz for six-ish years when i was younger! in high school i took theatre classes and was in the plays/musicals instead of sports.
13. How tall are you?
5'4" which is like 162.5cm??
14. Favourite subject in school?
oh i love english, i always loved english. and math! i actually really loved math up until i took calculus. my calculus teacher was horrible, he made you feel stupid for asking questions and he intentionally made the tests too long to finish in a class period and made them extra confusing, it left me in tears more than once. cried at school bc i failed a lot of those tests. anyway i got a 5 on my AP exam for calculus (highest score) so i understood the material, my teacher just sucked and made me hate math after i'd loved it my entire life so ✌️
also loved my theatre classes in high school ahhhh
15. Dream job?
i think something working with cats / big cats / red pandas would be really fun. not a vet necessarily, i don't think i could handle it lol, but like a cat rescue or animal sanctuary maybe??? idk honestly
but yeah mostly agree with the "something that won't drain me and actually leaves me with savings and a will to live" answer. i like my current job/workplace/coworkers a lot more than my last job, but i still don't know if i'd want to be in this field until i retire, that's so many more years and clients sometimes make me wanna bash my head into a wall lol
i have a hard time with the ~dream job~ question bc i've just never felt like i had a "calling" or any overwhelming grand idea with what i've wanted to do with my life, i'm just vibing my way through somehow
Bonus: any significance to your blog's name:
NOPE lol when i was making this blog uhhhh 12 years ago everything that i wanted at the time had been taken and this was the only thing i could think of that i liked that was available and it was just something random 😂 i've thought about changing it but idk it's been too long now LOL
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wizisbored · 2 years
I'm curious about Beetlejuice in Strange Hill. I'm not familiar with the show but I like this and must know more. It kind of reminds me of school of rock but full Beetlejuice mode. What kind of shenanigans will ensue? How many complaints will be filed about his smell?
do you know. do you know how long i have been waiting to recieve this ask. i owe you my life.
anyway, for context. strange hill high was a kids show i watched in primary school, it had 2 seasons, and it was all episodic shennanigans with no ongoing plot. the premisce is that the main character, mitchell, is the new kid at this really really weird school called strange hill high where paranormal and extraterrestrial and sci-fi stuff just kinda happens on the regular. examples include evil tooth fairy plotting to steal peoples teeth to build a xylophone, alien invasion where the aliens are all identical to one of the main characters and try to eat him, a book so boring it rips a hole in space and time, that one time mitchell broke the concept of mathematics, etc etc.
aside from mitchell theres his two friends becky and templeton. mitchell is always getting into trouble, doesnt care about class, always late with homework. cannonnonically has adhd. bit of a scheemer, doesnt have perfect morals, but he cares about his friends and is a good guy over all. templeton is kinda your steriotypical nerd/weird kid, into sci-fi. he spends the whole first episode convinced their school is a reality tv show. is kinda technically god? (he caused the big bang with a potato during some time travel shennanigans.) and becky is a ray of sunshine optimist full of enthusiasm. sometimes has to act as the voice of reason / moral compass for the group, but is kinda gullable.
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putting a photo of them to show off the art style, cause i love it, and its puppets! the mouth and eye movements are cg'd but its not distracting, and apart from that its pretty much all practical, and all of the character designs are very unique. if youre up for some absurd comedy and funky puppet stuff its very easy to find on youtube, in fact i am watching it right now.
for the purposes of this au, i have drawn lydia and beetlejuice in this style before
anyway, context over, onto the au. im not sure whether it will be explicitly mentioned but i think im going to be setting it in year 9 uk grades and 8th grade american which if ive done my research right makes them 13-14, which is a middle ground between the strange hill characters being 12 and lydia being 15. regardless tho its post-cannon for both. lydia goes to england as part of a foreign exchange program and stays with beckys family, and hence gets introduced to her friends, and they get along fairly well.
as a side note, i will be taking this as an excuse to go full british mode. yeah i always write in an english dialect but now im actually setting something in my home country and im going to have some fun with that. there WILL be beans on toast. they get greggs in literally the first scene. perhaps there will even be Big Tesco. but its also probably the only time i will ever attempt an american dialect, just for lydia's dialogue, for the contrast. i apologise in advance for my inevitable fucking up of that.
now back to the au. in order to follow lydia and hang out, beetlejuice gets a job at strange hill. im thinking drama, since i dont think we ever see the drama teacher. music would be another option but i dont want to replace the cannon teacher. but anyway, the strange hill trio see this really fucking weird new teacher who seems to know their new friend and go 'right here we go again its shennanigan time'. they want to get to the bottom of this, lydia finds it pretty funny. over time they become better friends with her while also trying to figure out what the hell her deal with the drama teacher is. meanwhile theres the whole ordeal that is beetlejuice as a drama teacher, and also his increasingly rediculous attempts at finding ways to hang out with lydia that arent really fucking weird because shes a student at the school he teaches at now. also, hes doing a really really bad english accent the whole time. he never drops it. even if its just him and lydia, hes gotta keep it Authentic.
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