#i have to be actively involved and participating in my own life
xxflyingwiththestarsxx · 11 months
I think I just need to delete tumblr and tiktok off my phone for a bit, but I don’t want to.
I don’t want to try and put effort into getting better. I don’t want growth. I don’t want to expand my horizons.
All I want to do is curl up and die smoke some weed, play some video games and forget that the world is burning and humanity’s on the verge of being fucked. (And not in the fun way)
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astrologiayadumu · 8 days
Part two a)
As someone who went to a girl's high school, I’ve learned a lot about the personalities of different astrological signs/aspects so these are some of my observations :
1. 3H Mars - Riot grrlsss - I mean the people who are always ready to start a riot ( or strike as we call it in my country) at any minor inconvenience by the school. The rebellious types who never followed school rules. Also you can't do anything secretly, every action you take or anything you do is talked about.
2. 12H moons - always in some drama.Always has all the tea about everything and everyone in school.
3. 8H moons - Know a lot of secret things that go on that nobody knows about. They rarely tell tho, you have to be tight.
4. 10H/ 1H Mercury - known for their words/what they say. Good luck spilling secrets or being a gossiper with this one. Everyone will know what you said.
5. Jupiter in the 9H - deeply religious. Will always be involved in religious activities in school. Very strict and serious about their beliefs.
6. Scorpio risings tend to be really short.
7. Lilith in the 1H- Hottest in the room. makes other girls uncomfortable once they express their sexual side. Like twerking when music is being played( other people do the same but they don't receive the same reaction). The silent stares and judgment are extreme. It’s probably jealousy but people do a lot to shame them. Since its a girl's school, a lot of girls want to try you out. ( this needs its own post there is so much to say)
8. Taurus suns -least likely to like school food.
9.Aquarius Mars- social media influencers. Always up to date with trends. Also those people who everyone I the school knows and follows their socials.
10. Venus in the 5H - generous with their items more than most.
11. Leo suns carry themselves like royalty. It's funny sometimes when no one takes them seriously💀 Very big personalities can be too much sometimes. They’re very regal tho in their demeanor. Most likely to join the school pageant (and win)
12. Moon in the 2H - make having money their entire personality. Will tend to respect people according to how rich their family is like a religion. Never broke tho.
13. Lilith in the 10H/6H - everyone wants you but can't have you unless you want them first.
14. Lots of Leo energy, like being a. Leo rising, Leo degrees, - extreme attention seeking. Oh you will not have peace until you give them your attentions.
15. Pisces suns are too scared to live without any form of religion or spiritual belief. They are very indifferent to irreligious people. They pray before doing anything.
16. Best dancers- Gemini mars and Sagittarius mars.
17. Capricorn moons are so focused on their life goals. Will never waste time on something that’s not beneficial to them. Like if everyone is doing something just to pass the time or out of idleness they'd rather read or do something constructive. Their parents are so strict about their grades.
18. Sun conjunct Lilith- I’m sorry you just can't do anything shady and get away with it. Everybody talks and points out your sins. They never let them slide. Tends to be the outcasts in their classes. (not social class) You also can't participate in drama or beef like everyone else when it blows over you're the only one who will be crucified. Very rebellious energy tho, rubs teachers the wrong way. People fell its easiest to pick on you the most because everyone naturally doesn't like you. ( I'm not trying to be mean, sorry)
19. Mars in the 5H - like to fight. Not someone people like to provoke always 2 seconds from throwing a punch.
20. Mars in the 2H - eat a lot. We used to share food communally and you guys were a problem to your table members.
21. Lilith in the 2H - people feel like they deserve your possessions. Like someone would borrow money from you and feel offended if you ask for it back. Or if they want something instead of getting it themselves would feel obliged to take yours instead. On the bright side, people give you things easily, and people who don't have the same luck as you may try to make you feel guilty.
22. Mars in the 7H/Libra Mars- love coming in between two people who get along and causing disharmony. It stems from jealousy tho because they can't seem to get along with anyone without constant conflict. The literal definition of ‘I hate peace I want problems always’
23. Mars in the 12H- you're secretly the bad guy in people subconscious. I don't mean to be harsh but you secretly piss people off. Also you're constantly thinking of hurting others( i won't generalize tho) Sign and degree matters. I think it is some sort of karma.
24. Lilith in the 4H - have a bad relationship to their boobs but they're still very sexualized and considered attractive by others.
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aphroditelovesu · 5 months
Yandere Monkey D. Luffy Headcanons (General)
''I can't be the King of Pirates without you by my side.'' — Monkey D. Luffy.
❝ 👒 — lady l: It's 4am and I decided to finish this because I was bored lol. Hope you like it! I'm sorry for any mistake and good reading! ❤️💛
❝tw: obsessive behavior, overprotection, mention of death and torture, unhealthy relationships.
❝👒pairing: yandere!monkey d. luffy x gender neutral!reader.
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Monkey D. Luffy has a relaxed and even sloppy personality, in a way. He has a carefree air, who cares about few things in his life. He had a goal, a dream, in mind and he would do anything to achieve it. But that dream became irrelevant after he met you.
He insisted a lot on you joining his crew, literally chasing you, harassing you, until you agreed to become a pirate. Luffy jumped for joy when that happened, because it meant you responded to him, as your Captain.
Luffy doesn't like to give you orders and he will rarely do so, unless it is unavoidable, in which case he will try to be as subtle as possible, as if he wasn't ordering you to do something. He is the Straw Hat Captain, but he is not your captain, not in a personal way at least. Furthermore, he wants you to find One Piece together with him.
He is very optimistic and tends to be very kind, trying to see the good in people, but he is a hypocrite when it comes to you. Even if you were the cruelest person in the world, Luffy would defend you tooth and nail. He's not very fair when it comes to you and anything ''wrong'' you do will be ignored by him, maybe even applauded.
People tend to think he's dumb or at least stupid, but that's not true. He may not be good at things that require greater thinking, but Luffy is anything but stupid. He is quite intelligent in his own way and it shows in the way he acts towards you. His intelligence is characterized by his emotional ability, he is very good at reading you and knowing your needs.
Luffy values you more than the rest of his crew. He loves all his friends, but he loves you the most. He would never say it out loud, but he would sacrifice everyone, send them to their deaths, if you so wish. He wants to make you happy and if the death of those who are important to him is the path to that happiness, so be it.
He is not possessive or jealous because Luffy knows he is your favorite. He doesn't mind other people being around you, but he has his limit. If Luffy thinks, even a little, that he is being replaced in your life, he won't accept it. Not without a fight. He's no stranger to bloodshed or killing, so he'll have no problem doing so.
On the other hand, Luffy is extremely overprotective and clingy, to a frightening degree. He dragged you into this life, but he doesn't want you to be an active participant. The idea, the thought, of you getting hurt sends you into a frenzy of anger and worry. He will kill, cut and even torture the person who hurt you and will only be satisfied when he has finished with the person.
Luffy is quite controlling and curious, he wants to know everything about you and he will find out. He doesn't want any secrets to be kept from him and he may feel betrayed if you try to keep something from him. Did he not give you enough confidence? Don't you know he's the only one you can really trust? Luffy will have to do something about your inappropriate behavior.
He likes to spend as much time as he can by your side, take everything he can and stay close to you as much as possible. His favorite moments together are when you are eating or sitting on the bow of the Going Merry. Luffy is very greedy for food and for you, if there are two things he cares about most and values above all else, it's you and food, in that order.
It's not easy to irritate him, but he gets irritated very easily when you're involved. If someone says something bad about you, feel sorry for that person because they won't end well. Luffy would never go so far as to kill over an insult, but he will get upset and he can be a pain in the ass when he is upset about something.
Luffy often behaves like a child, he tends to go to extremes very easily. He goes from 80 to 180 very quickly, his infectious joy turns to fury very quickly when it comes to you. He loves to entertain you with his rubber body, letting you play or making funny faces. He loves to hear you laugh and will do anything to see you laugh.
He hates seeing you cry, hates seeing your beautiful face wet with tears, your lips pursed as you cry. If Hell exists, then for Luffy it's seeing you cry. He will become furious and demand to know the cause of your sadness and once he finds out, he will deal quickly, often bloodily. If it is one of the Mugiwara, however, he will just be more rigid and will not hurt them.
Luffy is selfless, he is willing to sacrifice himself for you, to save you. He is delusional to a fault, willing to kill anyone who crosses you, including his own friends. Whatever past hurt you may, if he has your approval, Luffy will get revenge for you. No one can hurt you, no one can make you cry. He may not be the most dangerous to you, but to others around him, Luffy will have no qualms.
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my health teacher said its illegal to have sex underage (even if your partner is also your age), is that true?
hi anon,
obligatory disclaimer that I'm assuming this pertains to the United States of America; if you're not from the US then disregard all of this and also accept my apologies for only being familiar with the laws of the country where I live.
the short answer is "yes, but if that's all that your teacher told you then they're being a real shithead about it."
so in America we have a specific designation called "statutory rape" that covers any instance of unforced sexual activity with someone who is under the age of legal majority. this does, unfortunately, extend to instances of teenagers having consensual sex with each other, in much the same way that teenagers who have consensually exchanged nudes might be found guilty of owning and distributing child pornography since they are both legally underage.
obviously even our deeply broken legal system usually has better things to do than try to convict teenagers having consensual sex with each other, so much like jaywalking or pirating movies this is rarely treated as a crime even though it is one according to the letter of the law. accordingly, many places in the United States have "Rome and Juliet laws," which serve to mitigate the penalty for what would otherwise be statutory rape as long as the minors involved were all consenting participants and are close in age.
this isn't a perfect measure, and it also fails to completely account for all instances of consensual teenage sex. there's a rather famous case of a man in California who had consensual sex with his 17 year old girlfriend in 1989 when he was 19; her parents objected and he ultimately wound up charged as a sex offender. this would be egregious regardless, but it's worth noting that as far as I know he and his then-girlfriend have now been married for something like three decades while he's still on the sex offender registry for going down on her in '89.
which I hope serves as a great reminder to everyone to a.) think critically about the value of branding people as sex offenders and b.) the American legal system is a joke.
the point being, yes it's technically illegal in many parts of the US, but that's definitely not all there is to it and the actual law varies state to state.
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away-ward · 2 months
i cannot for the life of me make a decision about this, so do you have any headcanons on opinions on what banks would've been like if she had gone to high school ?? what tropes or clichés she would've been closest to embodying ?? because we know em was a nerd, that winter struggled for the obvious reasons but ultimately was fine in hs and fairly normal, rika was decently popular but far from the cheerleader level... but banks, i can't place what she would've been like if she'd gone to high school. we know she's very smart, but i can't see her as someone holed up in a library. then, we can also probably deduce that if she had gone to high school, damon would've been crazy protective but i still can't really make a set decision on much else regarding how banks' storyline/personality would've gone if she did indeed attend Thunder Bay prep or some other high school, minus these small details.
i do think she & emory would've got on like a house on fire if she attended TBP as they would've been in the same grade and probably had similar opinions on high school hierarchy and the horsemen and general thunder bay weirdness and extravagancy. they would've dissed people so thoroughly and easily with their quips and banter, for sure.
Ohh I have thought about this.
It can go so many ways, because as same with Emory, the debate is "was she naturally someone different and the circumstances made her this way? Or is it that she survived the circumstances because this is who she is naturally?"
Did Banks do so well in Gabriel's house because that's who she is, or did being in that house make her that way. In Hideaway, she mentions that she never cut her long hair because it was the last part of "Nikova." Additionally, her struggle with Damon is wanting to be her own person and to experience things other teenagers - normal teenagers - experience. But if she were a normal teenager, would she still value those experiences, or would they be mundane and expected?
I chose to think High School AU Banks would fall somewhere in the middle. She'd still be a bit of a tom-boy, and a bit of a rebel. In my AUs, she still lives with Lucinda, but Damon wants her close, so Gabriel pays for her to attend TBP. She's smart, but not without effort. She's not afraid to get involved throw down if she sees something she doesn't like. She's careful, though, and never throws the first punch, so she can always claim self-defense. It's helpful that she's a bit of a sarcastic smart ass and naturally skilled at goading people.
In school, she'd appear to be generally nonchalant about stuff, but she actually has a lot of opinions. It comes as a surprise to the teachers, who were not expecting Damon Torrance's younger sister to be so... outspoken. And argumentative.
Having a bit more freedom, and hopefully a healthy relationship with her brother, she’d probably be known for fighting with Damon in the halls over how protective he is. Like, he can’t even let her project partner talk to her without going all big brother on her.
Seriously, get a life, dude. Maybe if you had as much confidence talking to your little dancer friend as you do telling me what to do, you’d actually have a girlfriend. Newsflash, bro, there are certain things I can’t and won’t do for you.
I don’t see her wanting to participate in any extracurricular activities, but with a school like Thunder Bay Prep, it would probably be expected. I can’t see her wanting to be on a team, so Girl’s Basketball probably isn’t a good match…
Oh. You know, with her being a bit of a sleuth in Hideaway and tailing Kai to get his routine, she’d probably make a good Yearbook photographer. Or maybe working on their school paper. Maybe something along those lines that keeps her out of the spotlight. Though, I don't know what Banks would want to do growing up. Maybe she does go into student government, wanting to make changes that actually make sense and benefit the students, instead of planting a tree as the senior gift for the fifth year in a row (do these people even know what they could do with this much money, or do they only know how to add when it's involving cases of beer and tits?). Maybe she does it because she's tired of seeing Chloe get everything and wanted to challenge her, and then sort of accidentally ended up class president.
Actually, I like that...Emory makes fun of her for it all the time.
Speaking of Emory, they are best friends. Both come from more humble backgrounds, which would naturally make them targets for bullies, but not this time. Because the whole school knows wherever Emory goes, Banks is close by. And wherever Banks is, Damon is close by. And wherever Damon is, the Horsemen are close by. Not to mention, Will is a horseman, and he’s always close to wherever Emory is…
Not that Banks and Em need them. They're pretty good with the tongue lashings, themselves.
Without a doubt, Banks goes to every single one of Emmy’s activities to show support. She hangs out when Emmy’s working on her projects, and helps when she needs a hand. They both have a crush on a Horseman, but they only talk (read: tease each other) about that when they can guarantee no one can hear them.
I headcanon Banks, Emmy, and Elle are a pretty solid trio. Emmy's smart and artsy, Elle's a soft-hearted romantic, always talking about dating but never taking her own advice, and Banks plays the rebel without a cause who loves her two friends.
Anyway, have some pics that would definitely be in Banks' friend's (so Emmy and Elle) camera roll.
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that last one's from Banks of will and emmy. (i've never seen love, rosie, so I don't know context. but I know in a willemmy high school au that has yet to be written, this scene will happen)
Let me know what you think! Or if my headcanons helped inspire some of yours. This was really fun, thanks for the ask.
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scoonsalicious · 1 month
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Unwanted: Chapter 27, Unhinged - Pt. 3
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Avenger!Fem!Reader
Summary: When your FWB relationship with your best friend Bucky Barnes turns into something more, you couldn’t be happier. That is, however, until a new Avenger sets her sights on your super soldier and he inadvertently breaks your heart. You take on a mission you might not be prepared for to put some distance between the two of you and open yourself up to past traumas. Too bad the only one who can help you heal is the one person you can no longer trust.
Warnings: (For this part only; see Story Masterlist for general Warnings) Language, mentions of violence, human trafficking.
Word Count: 949
Previously On...: You watched some home movies of Jade in her Hydra facility. It was... disturbing, to say the least.
A/N: Rock me, rock me, rock me, Sexy Jesus! He died for our sins, you gotta believe us! Seriously, Hamlet 2 is a gem, and now this song is stuck in my head forever.
NOTE! The tag list is a fickle bitch, so I'm not really going to be dealing with it anymore. If you want to be notified when new story parts drop, please follow @scoonsaliciousupdates
Banner By: The absolutely amazing @mrsbuckybarnes1917!
Thank you to all those who have been reading; if you like what you've read, likes, comments, and reblogs give me life, and I truly appreciate them, and you!
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You and Bucky were silent as you closed your laptop. What could one say after watching a person you knew, personally, rip through a group of people as though they were wrapping paper on Christmas morning? There were no words.
After several long minutes, Bucky finally spoke. “After seeing that,” he said, “I think it’s all the more reason to make sure you don’t leave this safehouse unless you absolutely have to.”
“Yeah,” you said, devoid of all your previous fight. How could you argue with him about your safety after having seen that?
Bucky looked at you in surprise, as though he had expected you to challenge him. He nodded curtly. “Good,” he said. “Alright. We need a game plan. Did you come up with any leads about that Chloe girl that we can follow up on?”
You sighed. “Yeah,” you said, opening up a new tab in your browser. “So, Chloe mentioned her family was having money problems. I was able to figure out where her mom and step father do their banking; I thought we could take a look at their accounts, see if there’s any unusual activity that might point to them getting a share of her auction price. Then maybe we could trace the deposit back to whoever did the sale.”
“You think her parents knowingly participated in trafficking their own kid?” Bucky asked in horror. “Pocket, that’s dark.”
You avoided looking at him as you opened up a backdoor into the accounts in question. “You’d be surprised what people are willing to do when money gets involved. Not even a mother/daughter bond is immune from that kind of greed.”
 Bucky’s gaze on you was almost tangible in its intensity. “I’m sorry. It’s so hard for me to envision a mother betraying her child like that; sometimes I forget you had to live it.”
“But you told Carthage about it,” you said softly. “At the mission debrief. When she said trafficking was below our paygrade.”
“Sweetheart,” Bucky turned your chin so you were facing him. “I told her that human trafficking was something you and Nat both cared very deeply about stopping; that’s it.” He frowned. “I don’t expect you to believe me and that’s okay, but I would never divulge your past to anyone. Not when I know how few people you trusted with that information. I just wanted her to stop acting like it was some kinda game and to treat it as seriously as it deserved to be treated.”
“Oh,” you said after a moment. Something in his words rang true, but there was still the lingering doubt that he was being honest. “Don’t worry about, Barnes,” you said, studiously avoiding eye contact as you breached the bank’s security system. “It’s fine. I’m fine.”
You could feel him staring at you, and you didn’t need to be looking back to envision the look he was giving you— the one that let you know he thought you were full of shit. Fortunately, he allowed your lie to pass without another word while you continued to breach the bank’s system. 
“Okay, I’m in,” you said after a moment. Bucky got up and came to stand behind you, looking at your monitor over your shoulder.
“Anything?” he asked.
You scrolled through Chloe’s stepfather’s transaction history. Liquor stores, smoke shops, some escort services. “Real classy guy,” you murmured. And then, you hit it: the night Chloe had left the club for good, there was a substantial deposit made to the account in the amount of $250,000.
“Holy shit,” you whispered. “I figured he might get a cut, but I had no idea it would be that much.”
Bucky let out a long, low whistle. “If that’s their finder’s fee, I can’t imagine what the final sale was for.” 
You were furiously copying down the depositing account’s information. “I’m going to send this info back to Nat,” you told him. “See if they can reverse-search it and find out where the money came from. Once we know the source, we might be able to break into their systems, get info on who won the auctions. Maybe some of the other girls are still alive…” Your voice trailed off. You were too jaded to allow yourself to hope you could save all of them, but if you could save even one…
Bucky began moving toward the apartment’s front door, grabbing his leather jacket from where he’d hung it on a hook.
“Where are we going?” You asked him, closing your laptop and standing up.
“We aren’t going anywhere,” he informed you as he put the jacket on. “I’m going to go have a little chat with Chloe’s stepfather, see if there’s any additional information he’d like to generously offer us. You are going to stay here, locked securely behind the door and not opening it for any reason until I get back.”
You opened your mouth to argue, but the images of Jade moving through the Hydra compound, slaughtering everyone in her path rose to your mind. You nodded. “Yeah,” you said. “I’ll stay here.”
“Thank you.” Bucky released a relieved sigh, then walked over to you, kissing the top of your head. “If anything happens, call me, and I’ll head straight back. If Carthage shows up, there’s a gun in the bedside table. Aim to kill.”
“Obviously,” you told him. “I’ve only been fantasizing about it since I found out about Russia.”
“I’m being serious, doll,” Bucky said. “Now that we’ve seen what she’s capable of, I don’t want you taking any chances.”
“Yeah,” you said as you walked him to the door and opened it for him, “I was being 100% serious, too.”
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sk3tch404 · 1 month
Late Night Hanma Blurb
A/n: Thought abt this during an itty-bitty road trip today. Smoker Hanma does smth to the chemicals in my brain. Forgive me for any lengthy bad writing. I've had a long day and I just wanna yip yap about one of my fav crazies 🙇
CW: Hanma can give two shits about your lung health but chooses not to when he feels like it, intimidation, threats of forced drug usage, sometimes forced participation in violent activities, thoughts of lovers suicide/murder(?), and whatever other yappin I put in here.
Hanma who smokes a fuck ton and doesn't mind giving you the good ol' second-hand effects of it, but absolutely detests you doing it on your own.
He snatches the stick from your mouth and holds it up and away from you with a small grit in his teeth. Hanma glares down in some curiosity but clearly squints in irritation.
"The hell is this? Don't tell me I'm being a bad influence on you now. If I catch you with one of these again, I won't let you off the hook so easily. You got it, Y/n?"
When you retort, telling him it's no different from when he does it and it is your own choice whether he likes it or not, he merely scoffs with a tilt of his narrow head. Throwing down the cigarette, the sound of his sneaker stomping and scraping it out against the pavement echos through the air with an annoying presence. Shuji demands the rest of your stash with a looming stare that can only put you into a state of sinking discimfort.
"Come on, don't be stubborn. Ya know, if you wanna do it so bad, why don't you try the whole pack? Mine too since it's a shitload better than that cheap stuff."
Reluctant on suffocation and early lung cancer, you begrudgingly hand over your smokes to him. Hanma smacks down on the box with an evidently loud shot of noise and slides it out of your palm--- pocketing it. He stretches out narrow smile as he leans down towards you.
"See, now it ain't so hard to listen."
He's still ticked off by the fact you think you can do whatever to your body without his permission, but since Shuji is so generous, he'll let you learn from your mistakes. See, he can be nice.
Don't test him though. Next time you're caught defying his selfish wishes, he's beating you down with degrading language and probably also beating whoever was involved. The convenience store employee that sold you the cigs, vape, or maybe even chewing tobacco? Yeah he's taking out his held back frustration on them. Bro is jumping over the counter and tearing their shit up.
Avoiding him because of his brutal and honest-to-God psychopathic personality? Now that's just cruel. Shuji is dragging your ass by the back of your shirt and pushes you to his motorcycle. The leopard print on the back of the bike makes you wanna barf every time you see it, but you got to keep it down if you wanna have enough energy to deal with him. He'll take you out no matter where you are at in that point of time and make you remember who he is; who you think you're messing with.
"Y/n, how many times do I have to tell you? Aim for the nose. That's easy for amateurs like you. Actually, lemme show you how to really deliver a jaw breaker-"
Yeah, he'll show you just how bad it can get with some random thugs on the street. You should be grateful with how gentle he's treating you. Instead of ending up with facial fractures, you have nice dates and thoughtful gifts. He's even teaching you a few tricks. How lucky can you get?
"I'm all done. Shit, I'm starved. Let's go grab a bite to eat, kay?"
Hanma thinks the only way you'll ever keep paying attention to him is if he keeps you and your actions in line. If you go off doing your own thing, his usually unmoving heart can't just stand there and watch you slowly leave him. Despite the negativity be brings into your life, he actually gets really fuckin anxious when he doesn't know or understand what you're doing. It's so troublesome how you make him feel. Yeah, being bored as shit is bad, but seeing you, the only thing that could ever bring him down to his knees unwillingly, slip away with nothing but disdain for him? Fuck no. He won't accept it. Shuji would rather kill you and then himself than have to bear the strange feeling of pain, or what other people call heartbreak, by his lonesome self.
Should he ever say he loves you, that would be the point of no return for the both of you. His hands have you tight in his clutches. No way out, no way back in for anyone else.
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bluepeachstudios · 1 year
Oo rank the splinters from worst to best dad! I have my own personal ranking but i wanna hear yours
Last Ronin Splinter: Raised children to fight in a family blood feud! Didn't let them stop even when they claimed to be tired of fighting and killing! Got one of his sons killed by refusing to retreat! Horrible person and father!
Mirage Splinter: Raised the turtles to kill a man that HE had the beef with because Shredder killed HIS master, but he couldn't do it on his own so he just!!! RAISED CHILDREN AS SOLDIERS INSTEAD???? He's mostly "sensei" instead of "dad".
IDW Splinter: OOuuhhohoho. I could get into it. I won't. I get why he did some of the things he did. Plus he never really raised kids, they just kinda. Mutated into teengers. Bad dad though like jesus. Made more trouble for his kids than he helped.
Bayverse Splinter: He's just.... there.... he taught them how to fight... his guidance is kinda blah and he's pretty harsh with his punishments. You don't see him have any really soft moments with the kids, but he's not really a horrible dad, he's just... meh. Mid. I blame this on the bad writing of the movies.
1987 Splinter: He's a great caretaker, honestly. But he's more a sensei than a dad. He acts more like their teacher, he calls them "my friends" or "my pupils" and "my turtles" which is v cute. They definitely see him as their dad/master. He's very good to them, so he gets extra points. <3
2012 Splinter: OKAY I KNOW PEOPLE ARE GONNA BE MAD ABOUT THIS ONE. But he ALMOST NEVER fights beside them. You never see him doing anything fun with the kids. I'm sure he has! But like you never see it in the show, he tends to keep a distance. He keeps them safe from the blood fued, doesn't want them getting involved with Shredder. He does push them to save the world and does the whole "sacrifice anything or anyone to complete the mission" to Leo, a 15 year old boy, and then just sits at home???? Until April has to convince him to help?? AND HE DOESN'T HELP HIS SONS HE HELPS APRIL AND I'M??? Anyway that always bothered me. I love him as a character.
Rise Splinter: Here's our boy! He's shown with photos that he participated in fun activities with the kids when they were little. Not in the best way, obviously, but like!! He helped them make a lemonade stand!! Which is such a human child thing to do. He wanted them to have a normal life! He refused to train them for a long time with anything but movies because he didn't want them to have to fight. He's depressed as hell and yeah he's selfish at times but he has character growth through the series and turns into an honestly great dad by the end of it. I wish they'd had more time to show that growth and the aftermath of it.
1990 Splinter: THE LIVE ACTION DAD EVER. (I'm electing to ignore The Next Mutation. he's not even a dad. he's their sensei. anyway fuck next mutatio-) He's so gentle with them. He loves them so much. Calls them his sons all the time. Protects them despite being captured and interrogated and presumably tortured for information. HE LOVES THEM SO MUCH.
2003 Splinter: The Best Dad. He's a rat dad. He's not carrying a whole lot of human baggage. He lost his family once and he knows how to make one now. He takes care of his boys, he scolds them for going out, and when he realizes they're going to keep going topside and he can't stop them, he makes them do it safely. He is with them for ALL of their big fights. He EXCLUSIVELY calls them "my sons" constantly. He loves them so much oh my god. Would die for them in a heartbeat. Never wanted them involved with the Foot, tried DESPERATELY to keep them safe from it, and when he realized they were involved, he explained everything to them. He hugs them every time they get separated, he handles Leo's Depression Arc(tm) as well as he can. He never gets mad at Leo for hurting him. He just realizes that he can't help his son and must send him to someone else. And that's so hard to do.
So anyway 2k3 Splinter is best rat dad. Rats were made to be dads imo.
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sotwk · 9 months
can you tell us more about the celebrations and dances in the Woodland Realm 🥺 (plus extra related headcanons regarding the 5 princes 😁 like what are their favorite celebrations? favorite dances/dance moves? dance styles?)
What an awesome question, dear Anon! In regards to the celebrations in the Woodland Realm: there are SO MANY of them, in my worldbuilding headcanon, at least! Feasting is such a major part of the Silvan/Woodland Elves' culture that I must take the time to write separate posts describing each one. Mereth Nuin Giliath is the one movie creation, but I have several of my own to add.
For now, while I work on those, I hope you don't mind if I offer you some general headcanons about dancing in the Greenwood culture, and describe in particular (as you requested) the customs and preferences of the Thranduilion Princes.
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Dance Culture of the Greenwood Elves
Silvan Elves love to dance. Along with singing, dancing is an art form highly valued in their culture long before the Sindar arrived to assimilate with them.
Silvan styles of dancing are primarily informal and done in large groups during community gatherings. They are joyful, vigorous, and incorporate skills in jumping, spinning, and various acrobatic feats. Such dances are done in lines or circles and require no partners. All participants perform generally the same movements, which are learned organically and usually passed down as traditions to the succeeding generations.
Many folk dances involve the use of "props" or objects that vary according to the function of the dance and the season or festival.
For example, spring dances have scarves or floral crowns, summer dances are done with more acrobatics and less clothing, fall dances integrate baskets and food, and winter dances use lanterns.
Every celebration or feast in the Woodland Realm includes dancing--no exceptions. Needless to say, every elf in Greenwood knows how to dance. It is considered a basic and necessary life skill.
Partner or "social" dances were first introduced by the Sindar Elves towards the middle of the Second Age, but they did not gain much popularity until the arrival of Prince Thranduil's betrothed, Lady Maereth.
At the betrothal celebration of Thranduil and Maereth, they danced with each other in front of the gathered guests (a form of the waltz), and this was the first demonstration of dance as a romantic activity, extending its function in Greenwood society as a part of the courting ritual.
Balls devoted entirely to social (i.e. partner) dancing became popular in the early Third Age. At these events, attendees can dance with their established partners, but balls also provide unmarried Elves chances to closely socialize with each other, with or without romantic intent.
Greenwood balls are considered formal, invitation-only events. They are typically held indoors and usually hosted by the Royal Family. Many times, they include guests from other realms.
The biggest annual ball is held at the palace in the wintertime, as the culmination of the season's main festival.
Attendees are not expected or required to come to any ball with an escort or partner.
The King and Queen dance with each other once to start the celebration, and then spend the rest of the evening dancing with other attendees. The same is practiced by their children; a married prince (i.e. Mirion, after he married Itarilde) has the first dance with his spouse and then is expected to give the rest of his dances to other partners.
Within the first millennium of the Third Age, other styles of dance were introduced by the royal family to Greenwood society as a result of their travels and dealings with other kingdoms and races.
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Dancing with the Princes of Greenwood
Thranduil's sons may be of Sindar and Noldor blood, but due to their upbringing and the culture they embraced, they consider themselves Silvan.
Like all Silvan children, the princes learned to dance as soon as they could walk. Not only do they all have a natural talent for it (inborn athleticism and musicality certainly helps), but it is something they all genuinely enjoy doing.
Feasting with the people of Greenwood is something the royal family does regularly. There is no class separation at feasts, so the king, queen, and princes have no special seats or places; they dine and dance with their subjects for the entire celebration.
At most gatherings, dancing is still done in groups. But for balls or certain dances that require a partner, the princes may invite anybody to dance with them.
It is also perfectly acceptable for maidens to approach the princes and ask them to dance. (There is no expectation among the Greenwood Elves that the males have to ask the females.)
The social etiquette for the princes at balls is stricter than it is for their guests/regular attendees.
Public celebrations or balls are not opportunities for the princes to "bring a date"; those must be done privately, on their personal time.
It is understood that every ball hosted or attended by the Thranduilions comes with their willingness to dance with anyone who might ask them.
Protocol calls for the princes to dance with as many different partners as possible, and to avoid "doubling up" or attaching themselves to one person for the entire celebration.
Giving noticeably extra time, favor, or attention to one specific person is frowned upon and seen as rude to the other guests.
The Thranduilions embrace this as one of their social duties as princes of the realm. Between the five of them, over the centuries, it could be said that every single maiden in the realm has danced with at least one of the Princes of Greenwood. Many maidens could even claim to have danced with all of them, multiple times.
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Bonus: The Thranduilions' Favorites
The most popular and most requested dance partner among Thranduil's sons is Crown Prince Mirion. This is likely due to his reputation for being a most gracious and amiable companion; he is also greatly admired and loved by his people, who consider it an honor just to spend any time with him.
Mirion is the most practiced at ball dances, and with his sociable nature, he enjoys this style and the traditions it involves the best.
Turhir favors partner dances over community dancing, since he finds group dances "chaotic" at times. He likes being able to spend one-on-one time with people, which surprises those who don't know him well and misjudge him as "stern" and "distant".
Arvellas is always eager to learn new dances, especially from other places and cultures. Although an excellent dancer, he much prefers to be taught or to mimic movements instead of coming up with his own.
Gelir is not much for slower dances (and likes the restrictiveness of ball dances the least), but he would be the first to jump into a dance line or circle--the louder the music, the wilder the style, and the more people involved, the better.
Legolas is the one most likely to create new moves and dance variations of his own, and more often than not, it will involve some sort of showy acrobatics.
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For more Thranduil/Mirkwood headcanons: SotWK HC Masterlist
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misc-obeyme · 9 months
"Tell me the truth." (sfw) For Solomon, in lieu of the 1k event? Glad to see your blog grow, I hope it only continues to grow even bigger in the coming future and you continue to enjoy what you love! You have a great talent for writing and I hope you enjoy these days joyously <3
Hello, anon! Oh my gosh, thank you so much for this sweet message! I am truly enjoying myself and I'm so happy to know that others are enjoying my writing as well!
Okay, listen. This one... I kinda got carried away. I really love Solomon and I think about him a lot, but especially what it must be like to be immortal. So this one kinda ended up being about that. I made myself incredibly sad writing and editing it, though. So be prepared for that, I suppose. I think it turned out good for all that, but just be prepared for ~feelings~!
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GN!MC x Solomon with prompt "Tell me the truth."
Warnings: Angst. Like I kinda think this one's sad all the way through, even though things are good between Solomon and MC.
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Experience will always alter the perception of time. Life can seem to slowly crawl by, long days and longer nights, alone and empty without anything but dreams. It might also rush past, a frantic whirlwind of activity, barely a moment to breathe let alone think. It is a constant ebb and flow, the continual flux of the present and the past, a liquid temperament that causes life to shape and reshape itself like quicksilver.
Solomon had been alive for a long time before you ever made an appearance. His understanding of time was vastly different from any human with a normal life span. He couldn’t possibly remember what it was like to know his own mortality, that he had a finite number of years, that he would eventually meet his end. He couldn’t remember that feeling because it simply wasn’t true for him anymore.
He had times when things ran by, when the days careened past like a runaway train car. They were more likely to creep through his consciousness, though, especially when he was lonely, which was often.
That was why he noticed immediately how his own experience changed after you showed up. At first, it was nothing. You were always busy and he didn’t exactly spend a lot of time with you. But then he found himself more involved, starting with the danger that almost destroyed the three worlds, that almost ended your life. After that he was more aware of you, choosing to watch you from afar. The occupation of it caused time to move by just a little quicker than it used to.
And then you became his apprentice and he found himself spending even more time with you. Every moment seemed important now. He treasured every second he spent by your side, hating the way they tumbled like sand through his fingers while he was powerless to stop them or slow them down.
Solomon had plenty of time, but you didn’t.
He was aware of mortality in a way he hadn’t been since before he became immortal - aware of your mortality.
So of course he noticed when you started spending more time at Purgatory Hall than you normally did. He was hyper aware of every scrap of time he was able to spend with you. Your increased presence was more than obvious to him. It wasn’t just that you were around more, either. He saw it in the way you lingered longer, the way you suddenly chose to walk home with him, the way you asked him about spells that he knew you had already mastered, as if you needed to hear his voice even if it was just to explain something you already knew.
Solomon noticed how you called him more frequently, too. It became a nightly ritual. One day you called after dinner, saying you just felt like talking to him. And then you did it again the next day and the day after that. Solomon began to anticipate your calls. And if you couldn't call, you would text him.
Solomon clung to every word. Everything you said or wrote to him, every time he found you waiting for him, every time he saw your smile. He knew that you had obligations, loyalties to the demon brothers that he wouldn’t be able to penetrate. But even more than that he knew that you simply had a limit on time. And he cherished everything, locking away the memories of you for the inevitable future when they would be all he had left.
Night in the Devildom was dark, despite the stars and the occasional full moon. Existing in this darkness was something he had gotten used to. It was late, but Solomon had insisted on walking you back to the House of Lamentation. Once again you had spent more time at Purgatory Hall than you should have, giving excuse after excuse about why you needed to stay longer, just one more question about magic, a recipe you wanted to share with Luke, a book Satan wanted you to give Simeon. It was like you collected these little things so you could use them to your advantage when you seemed unwilling to go home.
It had been going on for quite some time and Solomon had been content to let it.
But there was something about walking with you in the dark of this Devildom night that caused his heart to stir. You likely couldn’t see much other than his silhouette and to him you were like a shadow, a living breathing shadow walking beside him, but one he couldn’t read. And there was something safe about this state of partial invisibility.
“You really didn’t want to go home tonight, did you?” Solomon asked, keeping his tone light.
You laughed softly. “Yeah, I guess not.”
“That seems to have been happening a lot lately,” Solomon said. “Is everything all right?”
Solomon felt you shift beside him in the darkness as the two of you walked slowly toward the House of Lamentation. As though you had a slight misstep.
“Everything’s fine,” you said, but the tone of your voice indicated that this was a lie.
Solomon stopped walking. After a few more steps you realized he had stopped and turned to look at him. He couldn’t see your expression in the dark.
“MC,” he said. “You can trust me. Tell me the truth.”
Solomon watched as you looked down at your hands, seemingly unable to meet his eyes even though you could barely see them. Your reluctance to speak made him realize he wanted - needed - to see you clearly.
Solomon took your hand and gently pulled you into the light of a nearby street lamp. Your face became fully visible to him and the fear in your eyes stabbed through his heart.
He took your other hand and held them both close. “It’s okay, MC,” he said. “Whatever is going on, I promise I’ll do whatever I can to help you. You’re safe with me.”
The way this made you frown hard, as though you might be fighting back your emotions, made Solomon want to pull you into his embrace, but he waited. Waited to see what you would say, if you would confide in him.
A soft wind kicked up, rustling your hair and clothes, tossing the edges of Solomon’s silver hair into his eyes. He kept his gaze on you, waiting.
Solomon had a lot of time, but you did not. He could wait forever if he had to, but you didn’t have that kind of luxury. He couldn’t begrudge you some moments of reflection, a brief amount of seconds to consider your response, but he knew you couldn’t really know how precious each one of those seconds was to him.
You moved finally, squeezing his hands before looking down at them. He watched the blush that painted your face as you quietly said, “I just want to be with you. I’m happiest when I’m by your side, so I find it hard to leave.”
Solomon felt like his chest was rupturing, filled with a force of feeling he could never hope to articulate. He closed his eyes and pulled you into his arms, unable to resist holding you. “This is what you were afraid to tell me?”
You gripped him hard, pressing your face into his shoulder. “I thought…” but you seemed unable to say what you thought.
Solomon leaned back and made you look at him. “You thought I wouldn’t want you? That I wasn’t already completely lost to you? That I don’t measure the minutes you’re with me like the precious commodity they are? MC, all I could ever want is to be with you.”
Solomon watched the tears brimming in your eyes. He reached out to brush away the one that fell down your cheek.
Solomon moved in and you met him halfway and the feeling of your lips against his was so soft and sweet he almost started crying, too.
Time would inevitably take you away from him. Solomon knew that. And yet for once he was willing to deal with that grief when it happened if it meant he could spend what precious years you had making you as happy as he possibly could. The memory of your face might fade from his mind, but the strength of your love would never fade from his heart. He could hold you there for the rest of eternity, keeping him company through long nights when he would find himself alone and missing you.
For now, Solomon would hold you and kiss you and spend every minute he possibly could in your presence. He would celebrate your life for the fleeting thing it was because despite its brevity, it had forever changed his own endless existence. And in this way, held forever in Solomon’s memory and heart, you would become immortal, too.
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trans-cuchulainn · 11 months
i shared something a few months ago about allergies and food disabilities and it recently started accumulating notes again and now it's at 5.7k, so obviously my activity page is just people trauma dumping about their awful experiences with allergies in the tags which is. Fun.
but what's really getting me is how i made a comment early on in the reblog chain about how many personal and professional activities revolve around food and how much it sucks to have to either put yourself at risk or miss out on those opportunities, because people often react badly either way if you cause them even the slightest inconvenience
and EVERYBODY who has responded to that comment. and I mean everybody. has focused on "personal" and made comments about how "if your friends don't respect your food disabilities, they're not your friends" and "you'll meet more supportive people in future" and all of that
and not one of them has paid any attention to the "professional" part of that. I'm talking about work Christmas dinners where if you don't go you're not a team player and will probably get passed over for future opportunities, but if you go, you'll get sick and HR will be mad about the extra time off. I'm talking about networking dinners and business lunches and meeting people at the buffet table at events, all of which are fraught if not impossible. I'm talking about travelling for conferences or other events and having to bring an entire extra bag with food because the venue can't cater for you (hand luggage only just ain't even an option at this point, so yay, extra costs if you're travelling further afield)
and also! smaller things like job interviews where you have to wear "smart" clothes (fitted waistbands and IBS? A Nightmare). dress codes in general. working in a building where the nearest toilets are on the opposite side. not being able to trust the work kettle/microwave because it might be contaminated but not having the facilities to bring/use your own. not being able to use communal tea/coffee/milk supplies for the same reason. all of those little everyday things
it isn't just about friends. it's about LIFE. i'm in an industry where events, lunches, etc are a common occurrence, and a nightmare for me. in academia, it feels like every other event involves a wine reception, which is shit when you don't drink and don't love being around people who are drinking a lot. in the office, i can't participate properly in any of the seasonal social gatherings, whether they're tea and biscuits or a Christmas meal
food disabilities have PROFESSIONAL impacts. because they are disabilities. it isn't just about having fun or hanging out with friends. it affects my career and my opportunities and it is INVISIBLE because people don't even know to recognise the ableism when they're doing it
i am tired of people ignoring that facet of it all
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mahi-does-some-art · 6 months
Mahiru Shirota's life is going to fall apart as soon as we get any, any new information about his mother.
With chapter 136, Lily reveals to Misono that Touma Taishi is Mahiru Shirota's biological father and it was the reason why Lily had planted Kuro in that alleyway to pick up. I am inclined to believe him because it adds up in the story as a whole; Why Kuro was there in the first place since we know he had been asleep under Alicein manor for the last 200 years.
Along with the fact that Hokaze (Misono's mom) was finally revealed to be a promiscuous woman who was a very active participant in the cheating scandal, I cannot believe that Akira was in no way involved in this plot to resurrect the Count Saint Germaine. Akira may not be on the side that wants to bring him back but she was a part of it no less, we just do not know how yet. (I am figuratively biting my nails waiting to see the ball drop for her)
She was very aware of vampires, magic and mages, this is a fact not because we know that she herself is a mage, we do not know that much, but because of Tooru. He attended the same high school/prep school that Misono does that has direct ties to C3 recruitment and we know he's been involved with Touma since his days there and they fought/killed vampires since then. Along with the Shirota family no doubt being a mage family, Akira was not at all oblivious to this.
I do not, however, think that her sleeping with Touma and creating Mahiru was any plot nudged by any Servamp or like. Why?
Because Lily had genuinely believed that Touma would come to Mahiru's aid in a life-or-death situation that would have otherwise killed him, and was rather shocked when Touma tried to kill him on his own. At least according to what he told Misono. (I believe most of what he's telling Misono except that he doesn't actually care about Misono. I think he's trying to made Misono mad at him beyond reconciliation for Reasons because he's a fucking coward who, if loved properly, won't be able to go through with his and Mikuni's plans)
Anyways, the reason I say Mahiru's entire world will fall apart instead of his views of his mother is because of one specific instance in the manga; Tooru thanking Mahiru for saving Touma. Not for saving Tsurugi like Mahiru probably thinks he was saying, Touma. Because Lily's plan included Touma dying because he was so close to figuring out how they were going to revive the Count.
If Touma HAD died, the good guys wouldn't know what would be happening. Tsubaki, Envy pair and Lily would have been completely clear to start the ritual while completely blindsiding everyone opposed ON TOP of starting the ritual a day early. They'd have been a lot less prepared than they are right now. Touma was a huge danger to the ritual's success.
Tooru knows this. He knows whats happening. Yes, he's also just relieved his childhood friend and coworker isn't dead thanks to his nephew but that isn't the only reason.
Why would Tooru leave Mahiru alone with Tsubaki in the restaurant they went to? Why would Tooru pretend Kuro was a burglar when he saw him chilling in the apartment and then so quickly drop the fact that there supposedly was a burglar in the house, all when we know he must have known who Kuro was the moment he saw him. Even if this was early manga and we did not yet know he was an elite of C3!
Mahiru's entire world is going to fall apart not only because he'll learn his mother is not the woman he thought she was, but because he'll learn he's been betrayed by his uncle in a way far greater than him leaving him alone and lonely for months at a time.
Tooru knows. And has made sure Mahiru didn't under the naive guise of protecting him.
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jgoddesstarot · 7 months
Pick-A-Pile: How You & Your Future Spouse Will Spend Halloween 🎃
Left-to-Right: Pile 1, Pile 2, Pile 3
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👑Check out my masterlist to see all of my pick-a-card readings😊
✨ Visit my shops at Ko-fi.com or J.Goddess Tarot✨
🔮Disclaimer: This reading is for entertainment purposes only. Tarot readings are based upon my intuitive interpretation of the cards and about possibilities based on your current energy. Energy is forever changing and nothing is set in stone. Always remember, you have your own free will to make whatever decision you feel is best.
🔮How I read: I use a mix of tarot cards, oracle cards, along with my intuitive abilities of claircognizance, clairaudience, and clairsentience.
🔮How this works: Close your eyes and take deep breaths, pick the pile you are most drawn to. If you aren’t drawn to any pile then that’s okay, these messages aren’t for you at this time.
Pile 1
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Tarot Cards: 9 of Wands, The Star, 6 of Cups, 7 of Pentacles, 2 of Wands
Hi my Pile 1's! Know that anticipation will bring excitement to your relationship as you both embark on a shared mission to prepare for Halloween. Working together, you'll carefully select or craft costumes that reflect your creativity and passion for the holiday. In creating a spooky atmosphere, you'll bond over the shared vision of your Halloween celebration. As you collaborate, you might even decide to include an element of surprise or mystery in your plans, adding intrigue to your night.
Radiant energy will infuse your Halloween celebration with hope and inspiration. Your creative ideas will flow as you design mystical decor and experiment with unusual costumes. Your shared enthusiasm will elevate the experience, and you might find yourselves stargazing, connecting with the cosmos, and drawing inspiration from the vast, starlit skies.
Halloween will be a night steeped in nostalgia and heartwarming memories. Revisiting traditions from your past, you'll recreate the magical ambiance of Halloweens gone by, infusing the festivities with childlike wonder. Sharing old stories and reminiscing about your favorite spooky tales will deepen your connection and infuse your night with a sense of innocence.
Your Halloween celebration will offer moments of reflection and contemplation. As you decorate and celebrate, you'll naturally pause to admire your handiwork, perhaps in your elaborately carved pumpkins or the carefully chosen treats you've selected. In these moments, you'll reflect on the abundance and growth you've experienced together as a couple, appreciating the fruits of your labor and celebrating the rewards of your shared journey.
Halloween will also involve exploration and the expansion of your horizons. Together, you and your future spouse may decide to venture out to new and unfamiliar locations or participate in activities that challenge your comfort zones. It could be a thrilling visit to a haunted house, an elegant masquerade ball, or a ghost tour through a historic town. Embrace the thrill of the unknown as a couple, bonding over shared excitement, creating thrilling memories, and strengthening your connection.
What Type of Costume Could You Wear?
The cards suggest that your Halloween costumes will be a delightful blend of myth and fantasy. It's likely that you and your future spouse will opt for costumes inspired by legendary creatures or characters from your favorite books, movies, or folklore. Think majestic unicorns, mischievous fairies, valiant knights, or even characters from beloved fantasy realms. Your costumes will reflect your shared love for the magical and mysterious aspects of life, adding an air of enchantment to your Halloween celebration. The cards also hint at a sense of synchronicity and harmony in your costume choices. You and your future spouse will effortlessly complement each other's outfits, creating a visually pleasing and balanced ensemble. Your costumes may even carry a deeper symbolism, reflecting your connection and shared interests. Whether it's coordinating colors, matching accessories, or intertwining themes, your costume choices will harmonize beautifully, emphasizing the unity and synchronicity within your relationship. Lastly, your Halloween costumes will serve as a means of unveiling inner archetypes. They will allow you both to step into roles and personas that resonate with your true selves. This transformative experience will be more than just dressing up; it will be a playful exploration of the aspects of your personality that you hold dear. Expect your costumes to reveal facets of your character that you may not always display, adding depth and intrigue to your Halloween festivities.
What Type of Costume Could Your Future Spouse Wear?
It seems your future spouse will embody an air of mystique and allure on Halloween night. Picture them donning a captivating masquerade mask, an ensemble that conceals their identity while revealing their inner enigma. This costume choice suggests a sense of intrigue and a desire to keep you guessing. As they dance through the night's festivities, their costume will leave you mesmerized, much like the masked figures at an extravagant ball. This enigmatic attire invites curiosity and hints at hidden depths, making the evening all the more captivating. Alternatively, your future spouse may choose to pay homage to a beloved character from literature, film, or pop culture. However, they'll put a unique twist on it, adding their personal touch and creativity to the costume. This choice reflects their playful spirit and ability to infuse the familiar with novelty. It will spark delightful conversations as others recognize the character but appreciate the inventive reinterpretation. Their costume will be a testament to their imagination and an invitation to engage in conversations about shared interests and passions. Another captivating possibility is that your future spouse might opt for a celestial-themed costume, perhaps dressing as an otherworldly being from the cosmos. This choice signifies their fascination with the universe's mysteries and the connection between the earthly and the ethereal. Imagine them adorned in shimmering fabrics and cosmic accessories, embodying the magic of the night sky. Their costume will inspire conversations about the cosmos, dreams, and the wonders of the universe. It will be a cosmic journey you both embark on together, deepening your connection under the starlit Halloween sky.
In summary, my Pile 1's, your Halloween celebration with your future spouse promises to be a night filled with excitement, inspiration, nostalgia, reflection, and adventure. Every detail, from your costumes to your decorations, will be carefully curated, reflecting your unique bond and shared enthusiasm. As you journey through this enchanting night together, cherish the moments, revel in the magic, and let the wonder of Halloween deepen the love and connection you share. It's a night to honor your relationship's growth and create treasured memories that will continue to inspire your love story for years to come. Embrace the mysteries and joys of this special night, and let your love shine as brightly as the stars above.
Pile 2
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Tarot Cards: 7 of Wands, Wheel of Fortune, 5 of Cups (in reverse), The Hierophant, Ace of Pentacles
So my Pile 2's, your Halloween night promises to be a celebration deeply rooted in tradition. It's about preserving and cherishing those customs that hold a special place in your hearts. As you both stand firm in upholding these cherished practices, you'll do so with passion and enthusiasm. Expect a lively and spirited celebration where you embellish your traditions with new elements, bringing fresh perspectives while honoring the core essence of Halloween festivities.
This Halloween, be prepared for a night filled with unexpected surprises and delightful twists. It's a night where spontaneity reigns supreme, and you'll both enthusiastically embrace the unknown. Whether it's deciding to explore a haunted house or joining an impromptu costume parade, you'll say "yes" to whatever whimsical adventures come your way. Halloween becomes a thrilling journey where the element of surprise adds a touch of magic to your celebration.
In a powerful moment of transformation, you and your future spouse will use Halloween as an opportunity to release any lingering sorrow or regrets from the past. Together, you'll reshape your traditions, allowing healing and growth to take place. This Halloween will be a pivotal moment of renewal, marking a significant shift from mourning what was lost to celebrating what can be gained. It's a time to embrace a fresh perspective and breathe new life into your cherished customs.
The spiritual dimension of Halloween will take center stage. You and your future spouse will explore the mystical aspects of the holiday with reverence and curiosity. This could involve visiting a spiritual gathering, engaging in profound discussions about the deeper significance of Halloween, or embarking on a soul-searching journey together. Halloween will be a night to seek the divine within yourselves and your connection, deepening your understanding of the spiritual bonds that tie you together.
Halloween marks a significant moment in your journey as a couple. You'll make a tangible and lasting commitment to one another. Whether it's a significant purchase, symbolizing your shared prosperity, or a decision to take a crucial step toward securing your future, this act will be a powerful symbol of your shared commitment. Halloween will become a night where you both sow the seeds of prosperity and embark on a journey toward stability and abundance.
What Type of Costume Could You Wear?
For this Halloween, envision you and your future spouse donning costumes that exude classic elegance. Think of outfits inspired by the golden age of Hollywood, where glamour and sophistication reign supreme. Picture yourselves as a dashing vintage movie star and an enchanting silver-screen siren. Your costumes will be a nod to the timeless allure of the past, reflecting your appreciation for the finer things in life. Together, you'll light up any Halloween gathering with your timeless charm. Alternatively, you might choose costumes that delve into the mystical realms of fantasy. Imagine becoming ethereal creatures from a fairy tale or characters from a magical realm. Whether you transform into enchanting forest nymphs, whimsical wizards, or ethereal elves, your costumes will be an ode to the enchantment of imagination. Halloween will be a night where you and your future spouse bring a touch of magic to life, captivating everyone with your mystical allure. On the flip side, you could opt for costumes that embrace the quirky and unconventional. Think of dressing up as characters from your favorite cult films or as whimsical creatures from a parallel universe. Your costumes will be a playful expression of your shared sense of humor and creativity. Halloween will become a night where you both let your inner goofballs shine, bringing laughter and amusement to the festivities.
What Type of Costume Could Your Future Spouse Wear?
Your future spouse is likely to choose a costume that exudes an air of mystery and enchantment. Picture them dressed as a captivating sorcerer or enchantress, draped in rich, deep-hued fabrics that shimmer with an otherworldly allure. Their costume will embody the magic of the night, with accessories like a mystical staff or a pendant that seems to hold secret powers. This choice not only reflects their love for the mystical but also their desire to add an element of intrigue to the Halloween festivities. Another possibility for your future spouse's costume is one that exudes timeless elegance. Imagine them stepping into the role of a classic character from literature or history, such as a dashing Victorian-era aristocrat or a legendary figure from a bygone era. Their attire will be meticulously crafted, featuring intricate details and accessories that transport you both to a different time. This choice reflects their appreciation for history and a desire to bring a touch of sophistication to the Halloween celebration. On the other hand, your future spouse might opt for a costume that immerses them in a whimsical world of fantasy. Think of them as a whimsical forest creature, adorned with intricate, nature-inspired accessories and vibrant, earthy colors. Their costume will capture the essence of a magical woodland realm, complete with charming details like fairy wings or a crown of leaves. This choice reflects their playful spirit and their inclination to infuse a sense of wonder into your Halloween festivities.
In summary, my Pile 2's, your Halloween celebration with your future spouse promises to be a night of passionately defending tradition, joyously embracing destiny's surprises, profoundly healing and transforming, spiritually enlightening, and solidifying your shared path toward abundance. As you stand together, unwavering in your devotion to one another, you'll find that Halloween serves as the perfect canvas to paint the vivid picture of your future together. This celebration will be a testament to your love's resilience and your readiness to embrace new adventures on the horizon.
Pile 3
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Tarot Cards: 9 of Cups, Temperance, The Hanged Man, 4 of Pentacles, 5 of Wands, Ace of Wands
Well my Pile 3's, Halloween will be a night when your emotional cups runneth over. It won't be just any ordinary celebration; it will be filled with a profound sense of satisfaction and contentment. You and your future spouse will likely spend the evening in each other's company, cherishing the love and connection you share. There may be shared laughter, intimate conversations, and meaningful gestures that deepen your bond. This Halloween, you'll find that true fulfillment lies in the presence of someone who understands and cherishes you.
You and your future spouse will approach Halloween with a conscious desire for balance and harmony. You'll be keen on creating an experience that harmonizes your individual preferences and desires. It might involve a mix of quiet, reflective moments and lively, social interactions. You'll carefully blend your traditions and beliefs, striving for a Halloween celebration that represents the perfect synthesis of your relationship. This holiday will be about finding equilibrium in your choices, ensuring that both of you feel heard and valued.
Halloween will be a night of surrender and letting go. You'll both be open to embracing the unknown and stepping out of your comfort zones. It's a time for both of you to relinquish control and allow the evening to unfold naturally. You might choose to go with the flow, exploring new experiences or traditions that you haven't considered before. This Halloween will be a celebration of trust, where you surrender to the moment and find liberation in the spontaneity of the night.
Your Halloween will be marked by shared abundance and prosperity. You'll revel in the material blessings of life and indulge in a lavish feast together. It's not just about material wealth but also about the richness of your shared experiences and the bonds you've built. You may choose to share your blessings with others through acts of generosity or charity, further deepening your connection. This Halloween will be a testament to your shared values of gratitude and abundance.
Halloween will be a night of vibrant energy and unleashed creativity. There will be a palpable enthusiasm in the air, driving you both to engage in spirited activities. You might participate in friendly competitions or embark on creative projects together. This passionate energy will ignite your connection, leading to memorable and dynamic interactions. Your shared excitement will infuse the night with an electrifying atmosphere, ensuring that this Halloween remains etched in your memories.
What Type of Costume Could You Wear?
This Halloween, you will choose costumes that exude boldness and mystique. They'll be drawn to enigmatic characters and mythical beings, embracing the opportunity to step into the shoes of powerful sorcerers, mysterious witches, or even alluring vampires. The costumes will be carefully crafted to showcase their charisma and magnetism, leaving an unforgettable impression on everyone they encounter. The night will be filled with an aura of intrigue as they enchant others with their captivating ensembles. While embracing the enigmatic, you will also infuse a touch of nostalgia and playfulness into their Halloween costumes. They might choose to pay homage to beloved childhood characters, bringing to life the magic of bygone days. Expect to see costumes inspired by classic animated heroes, fairy tale legends, or even iconic movie characters. Their costumes will evoke a sense of wonder and whimsy, inviting others to relive cherished memories and join in the playful spirit of the holiday. Halloween for you is all about fantasy and transformation. They'll gravitate toward costumes that allow them to step into alternate worlds, transcending the boundaries of everyday life. Think mythical creatures like majestic unicorns, fierce dragons, or ethereal elves. These costumes will symbolize their desire for escapism and a touch of magic. As they adorn these fantastical personas, "my Pile 3's" will revel in the opportunity to temporarily become beings of wonder, embodying the magic and enchantment of Halloween night.
What Type of Costume Could Your Future Spouse Wear?
Your future spouse is likely to step into the realm of ethereal enchantment with their Halloween costume. Picture them dressed as a mystical being, perhaps a captivating fairy or an enigmatic wizard. Their attire will be adorned with delicate, shimmering fabrics that catch the moonlight's glow, and they might wear wings that give them an otherworldly aura. This choice reflects their enchanting personality and their desire to bring a touch of magic to your Halloween night. Another possibility for your future spouse's costume is one that exudes timeless elegance. Imagine them donning the attire of a classic character from history or literature, such as a charming Victorian-era aristocrat or a legendary figure from a bygone era. Their costume will be a work of art, featuring intricate details and accessories that transport you both to a different time. This choice mirrors their appreciation for history and their wish to infuse sophistication into your Halloween celebrations. On the flip side, your future spouse might choose a costume that transports them into a whimsical world of fantasy. Picture them as a delightful woodland creature, adorned with nature-inspired accessories and a palette of earthy, vibrant colors. Their costume will capture the essence of a magical forest realm, complete with charming details like fairy wings or a crown of leaves. This choice reflects their playful spirit and their inclination to infuse a sense of wonder into your Halloween festivities.
In conclusion, your Halloween celebration with your future spouse promises to be a night of deep fulfillment, balance, surrender, shared abundance, and passionate creativity. It's a celebration of your love and the unique qualities that each of you brings to the relationship. As you embrace the joy of the present moment, you'll create lasting memories and strengthen the bond that unites you. Halloween will be a night of love, unity, and the magic that only a deep connection can bring.
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sgiandubh · 3 months
Good morning! I don't remember exactly when, but a short time ago Marple had an anon 'good friend of Valbonesi' come over - I believe someone on our side of the fence commented on the unlikelihood.
Well then… I found myself thinking about the subject after I saw Valbos participating more actively in the weekend's events. A few days ago he announced that coaches and members of his gym would participate in Hyrox and, during the event, he gave us that naughty confirmation about the backpack with a video with details about it.
Do you know if he's ever been involved like this before? https://www.instagram.com/p/C35yV6NMyeF/?igsh=MWlvajZmdmdxYjdtag== https://www.instagram.com/reel/C4B4QxtsqiE/?igsh=MWNjcm5ocm1jNTNqNw==
Dear Valbo Anon,
This guy has been onboard the MPC project probably since Day 1 and now everybody is scratching their head and looking for conspiracy, when it's just about normal (even expected!) promo?
It is absolutely logical to see Coach Valbo showing off one of the main (and rather expensive!) MPC merchandise pieces currently on offer, in order to boost sales. We should not be paranoid and look for anything else. This is all that is, nothing more.
I have to confess I have no idea about the reason why you might even ask 'if he's been involved like this before', other than trying to link this to Scottish Xena, the newest side player on the block.
Connecting the two backpacks looks completely unnecessary to me. Prior to launching her online business (probably currently not based in the UK, her two UK registered companies, based in Falkirk, are dissolved since March 7, 2023 and their 1 £ capital each are automatically deemed as bona vacantia of the Crown - 😎), she has worked as a Personal Trainer for about seven years in gyms and fitness clubs all around Scotland (according to her own statements). I bet she knows all of the girls and guys in that world and that includes Valbo, Alex Viada, you name it.
Also (and sorry for the long answer), expect luxurious fanfic about her, too. There are several podcasts she's done over the last five or six years, where she abundantly hints at her life, her son, her struggles. And let me tell you something, Anon: this woman is a good mother, who proudly wears her son's initial as a necklace. She is a single mom who tries her best and there is absolutely nothing hinting to her looking for romance, let alone a hidden one, Notting Hill style. I am sure real shippers will never harass her (as they never harassed anybody, FFS!) and if I can do something about it, I will. I was raised by a single/divorced mom, too and I know one when I see one. She doesn't need to be Virginia Woolf, or something, to have my respect - and the best way to respect her is to leave her be and stop this shitty connection game immediately.
I am sure you understand. With this, that topic is closed. If you need more minute detail, you know where to look for it (Marple, who?).
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Bhava Karakas - Decoding Astrological House Potential
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Every Astrological House denotes its results from being produced by specific planets. These planets have a different meaning in each house, and houses produced by several planets give a unique result.
I already touched on the subject before, explaining the basic principle of Bhava Karakas by talking about an interplay between Jupiter and Saturn, which produce for most of the houses in the Zodiac wheel, having an essential role in the process of creation and preservation. I also described traditional, astrological influences on cycles of life from childhood to adulthood, which you will see are completely congruent with the traditional bhava karaka layout.
Astrologers dispute the meaning and detailed rules of bhava karakas, my description is what I have seen work in my years of astrology study and involvement in esoteric fields. This Link, although the article is dated, is my personal favorite. Some bhava karakas are self explanatory, some have more complexity between varying planetary influences.
1st House - The Sun
1st house is the Sun, and the Sun inherently has the nature of the 1st house. It is the fact that we are alive in human form, it's the Promethean, fiery breath of first life, that some also associate with Krittika Nakshatra. In the 1st house we simply ARE and nothing else matters, and the Sun is the planet that expresses itself naturally just by the fact of its existence. Sun is also individualistic and independent, because it's so enraptured by its own birth, it's entirely self absorbed. And it is supposed to be, because the 1st house is the only place, that is ultimately about us, and only us. Sun provides us with that level of healthy self-reliance and self-centeredness, as the soul light of the self is eternal, fixed and unchangeable. The essence of the self remains from birth, even if the details of the human avatar grow and change. That essence is given by the Sun.
2nd House - Jupiter
2nd house rules the family provision, and Jupiter is the source of that provision. It's the basic safety we can always count on, that is beneficial to our individual self, that supports our self expression. Here, Jupiter gives us the first breath of external power to not just be contained within the self, but to be able to provide for and spread that self.
3rd House - Mars
Mars gives the 3rd house the courage to self explore. This is where we are first familiar with the concept, that our human vehicle has a trajectory. Mars' gift here is mobility, drive, and energy to utilize our resources, set and reach our destination.
4th House - Moon and Mercury
Moon's gift to the 4th house is adaptability, Mercury's gift is testing, sensing and sampling. The gift of both is sensitivity and emotional exploration, within and without. This is the ultimate learning house, when we finally connect to reality, with all of our senses, our intellect (through Mercury) and sensorium (Moon). Through receptivity, we gain new stimuli constantly through a permanent exchange.
5th House - Jupiter
Many people associate the Sun with the 5th house, and although they are friendly, that is wrong. The Sun produces strictly for the 1st house, because the Sun at its peak is a healthy ego construct, not harming other people but not concerned with them either, as much as it shines among them. The 5th house rules the desire to shine among others, and that desire is presided for by Jupiter, which ruled by the ether element, has the power to spread itself and travel. The Sun is self contained and energetically stoic, as it only travels on its own path. It may not like to participate much in external activities without strict self benefit. Even when it develops deep compassion, it holds its ground, and doesn't care what anyone thinks. It is not interested in any additional creation, because it thinks the self was created and it's already enough. The 5th house is where Jupiter is concerned with fostering younger minds, but also it is the spark of external self expression. Thus, it is interested in others and gathering adulation, and Jupiter here makes the 5th house desire for creativity expand into participation for the sake of spreading of the self, and it wants, and knows how to, make that self exciting for others.
6th house - Mars and Saturn
The most complex, conflicting house from all bhavas, as it is produced by two enemies. Its association with court cases comes from the common theme of the court having to deal with and reconcile opposing parties objectively. Mars here produces an individual, outspoken, unshakeable, unchangeable, personal viewpoint. Saturn's gift is the hard work of ensuring its survivability in the context of the masses. The personal idea here is under maximum scrutiny. Mars provides tenacity, Saturn provides testing.
7th House - Venus
Venus produces death of the individual self and the ego through the other, that occur in the 7th house. Venus produces the desire to merge and be completed by the other, to be able to learn and see in the world what only the external stimulation can bring. Venus produces for the 7th house both the desire and the opportunities for this external appreciation, that only occurs when one makes space for the other through forgetting the ego, even if just for a while.
8th House - Saturn
Saturn's gift to the 8th house is shedding and secrecy during ugliness of transformation. The depth of brutal self reflection is offered here, constantly prodded by external remarks. Saturn allows us to learn here, who we truly are, if everything and everyone fails, if all physical protection is stripped from us. Its path here is directing us to the naked truth of ourselves, but also in context of the raw, psychological complexity of others on an interpersonal level.
9th House - Sun and Jupiter
The 9th house's gift from both Sun Jupiter is finding its niche, its clique. Sun sticks to its guns, Jupiter spreads one's solid individuality, together they find a sympathetic team. One's values, wisdom and opinion here become fully formed in context of self within the collective, as Jupiter here gifts peak enlightenment. Since Jupiter only provides righteous, tested ideas, and Sun gives absolute, resolute self assurance, it naturally attracts people to its well tested ground here. There is a collective security, that Jupiter provides in this house, a free space for discussion that comes from individual certainty, and openness for external ideas and blending them with one's own, which encourages others to come to a place of collective tolerance. Sun's gift here is "live and let live", and Jupiter's gift is "learn and teach from what you lived".
10th House - Sun, Jupiter, Saturn and Mercury
The richest of all houses, as it has to be to provide public order. Sun assures, that everyone here knows themselves and their place, and as a result they find their place within the public. Jupiter ensures, that people grow and find security in being part of the collective. Mercury assures, that people keep learning through broad, public, social exchanges. Saturn gifts durability and reliability to collective ideas, providing an efficient structure.
11th House - Jupiter
The 11th house is where Jupiter has evolved into an idée fixe. The ideas of Jupiter spread the widest here, and the ether becomes a current, that sweeps the masses. This is where we identify with our beliefs, and we either create a wave of energy that envelops others, or participate in already created environments, but only if they fit our ideas. This is where Jupiter becomes the most opinionated, either through endorsing ideas it believes in, if found externally, or creating a new idea and gaining a lot of support for it, because the idea resonates easily with the collective. Jupiter here provides magnetism of individual self expression, that resonates with a sum total of individual beliefs merging into collective urges. A particularly strong dispositor or planet here is so powerful, a person is able to sway the masses and make their mark, even if they are very unique. Jupiter here produces the power to be a worldwide trend-setter.
12th House - Saturn
The 12th house is the most spiritual part of Saturn, as it rules complete surrender and everything ultimately falling into place after a long period of struggle. It is also simultaneously the most perfectionistic of houses, where meticulousness reaches its productive apex. That happens through slow, minimal, gradual but persistent efforts, that Saturn provides. Training is also best done in shadows, which Saturn is responsible for. The height of rational selectiveness is also a gift of Saturn to this house. The 12th house only wants to do what is right, and when it's right and Saturn provides endless patience and stubbornness under pressure, and the gift for understanding, navigating and dealing with the vices of human nature.
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hiso03 · 3 months
Hal is the favorite uncle
One of my favorite headcanons is to think that Hal is the favorite uncle of all the kids around him.
I feel like his partners' colleagues always came up to him to ask about his space missions (of course Hal used to brag too much about his heroic deeds and the kids believed it blindly, especially Wally) and also Hal used to share embarrassing anecdotes about his mentors.
Hal may not have had a pupil like his friends, but still all of their pupils loved him very much.
Since Hal is the kind of prankster uncle who gives advice without being asked and would actively participate in the pranks, but he would also be the kind of guy who would defend his babys from whomever he is, that includes his own friends.
It is likely that on more than one occasion the children have jumped the instructions of the league and acted when they should not have acted, which then leads them to be all of them sitting with their heads down listening to the scolding and punishment that will be meted out to them; until Hal, who hadn't heard what was happening, walks around the area and listens to them and, of course, jumps to the children's defense.
He advocates for all the kids and probably gets into a heated argument with Batman (just as he usually does) and ends with a scolding from Diana for Bruce and Hal, but at least Hal leaves the place with his small victory.
Distract the team enough to focus on scolding him and not the kids.
(Probably later Hal talks to the kids calmly and explains that although what they did was amazing, they shouldn't put themselves in danger like that and also the league has a much calmer conversation with the babys.)
But that's the idea.
About a Hal who would defend any of his nephews in the league, though it's also a bit apparent that Hal has a soft spot for some guys more than others.
An example would be Roy and Wally, since he spends more time actively with them, is more involved in his personal life and because he saw them grow in a close and personal way.
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