#it’s a great talking piece
lovemaybeecomic · 11 months
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O…pportunity 🐻
all about that impulse!
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jestroer · 4 months
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Day two of @mcyt-yuri-week - Royalty/Knight! :D
Forbidenn romance between a fairy Queen and her Knight..... or something
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rrandomtthings · 7 months
No bc we’re rlly not ready for drum island in opla
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raticalshoez · 6 months
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hey, isn't that that one guy with no friends?
(Click on image for better quality !!!)
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skywalker-swift · 2 months
btw cause I think some people still need to hear this, but the rose colored glasses coming off and the ‘revision’ to the meanings of her songs about joe was always gonna happen. with travis around or not. so saying she should focus on her new relationship is not the dunk you were thinking it is. like I keep saying it but she wrote him into her world, she included him in the world she wrote music in, and when she needed to, she wrote him out. why would he get to stay when he hasn’t earned that anymore? she would have kept him in, she even would have left the bad stuff in a box, but he didn’t seem like he wanted that part of her life. please can we all just realize that this is just such a normal reaction and end to a relationship and Taylor doesn’t need to ‘take the high road’ or whatever just because she’s in a new relationship. the reckoning of what happened was always going to be closing the chapter of the story she wrote for them. she’s releasing it whether you’re ready to reckon with her or not.
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beanghostprincess · 8 months
i like acesan because i believe sanji would fucking lose it with ace being a good brother. it would instantly make him fall in love with him. ace being kind to luffy and loving him to death would have sanji on his knees quicker than anything.
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gayspacemonk · 9 months
the thing is, the "I would eat my arms and legs for zoro" scene wasn't just for shits and giggles. yes, it was to show just how devoted luffy is to his friends, but it also shows how he's naturally an great captain that he immediately understands zeff and says without hesitation "oh yeah I would do that and beyond for my crew"
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rathayibacter · 1 year
Methods for Seeking Immortality
Iron Brand Upon being slain, enchanted molten iron is poured into the mortal wound. When you wake, you are completely invulnerable to the exact circumstances that killed you originally, and highly resistant to any that are appropriately similar. Spirit Tether By taking massive amounts of hallucinogens, your soul expands out beyond the confines of your physical body. The moment this happens, an accomplice binds your soul back to you, causing your body to be haunted by your own ghost. Misalignment Engine You’re strapped into the base of a vast machine. The machine groans with effort as it applies a million tons of force to your timeline, eventually tilting it half a degree out of alignment. You can no longer be changed by anything not similarly tilted. Frozen Heartstone You're frozen with magical ice and shattered into a thousand tiny pieces. All but one piece must be recovered, thawed, and reassembled into your body. As long as the final piece remains unfound, you cannot be slain. Three Ceramic Jars You and two others cast a vengeant spell, ensuring that you can only be harmed by directed intent. You then exchange all blood with one participant, and all organs with the other. In order for one of you to be harmed, all three must be harmed simultaneously. Effigy Transfer Throughout your life, you collect every fingernail, every lost hair, and every scrap of skin and drop of blood you shed. At the end of your life, you shape them into an effigy, transfer your mind and soul into it, and then consume your old body with the new.
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crescentfool · 9 months
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p3 reload box art + the art book cover!
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v1nsmoke · 8 months
wake up guys we have offical scenes of shanks tryna recruit people to his crew
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from onepieceoffical on youtube
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votaeto · 6 months
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Who is Portgas D Ace? For the blind, He is the vision. For the hungry, He is the FOOD. For the thirsty, He is water. If Ace thinks, I agree. If Ace speaks, I'm listening. If Ace has one fan, it is me. If Ace has no fans, I do not exist.
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cipher-zoo · 1 year
Something, I personally think, some Power Scalers fail to recognize, when they pitch Zoro and Sanji against each other, is that Sanji's Story has never been about being 'the strongest'.
I often see them going on and on about how Zoro could easily beat Sanji and, while not easily, yeah. I agree. Zoro is stronger than Sanji and Zoro could probably beat him.
[even Sanji thinks so, otherwise he wouldn't have asked Zoro that one favor!]
But these power Scalers often try to make it appear as if that is somehow a flaw in Sanji's character when it is not.
Sanji's Story at its core is about healing.
Zoro's is about protection.
You can have one without the other but it won't do you much good.
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mugiwarafan · 4 months
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graphic depiction of my level of enjoyment of the new chapter
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goingbuggy · 11 months
Sacrifice as an Act of Love in One Piece
Been thinking recently about how Oda uses character sacrifices in One Piece so often. Ace’s death is probably the most obvious example, but you can argue the same for so many others: Zoro taking Luffy's pain, Shanks losing his arm, Bon Clay staying behind at Impel Down... Corazon, Bellmere, Whitebeard, Tom, Pell, Pedro, Zeff, Rouge … it just goes on and on. But why do we see characters make sacrifices for the sake of others? Why are these moments so significant?
In the world of One Piece, sacrifice is a means of protecting someone else's freedom.
It has been established time and time again that freedom is the driving force of life itself. People cannot dream without the freedom to do so. And without dreams, of course, no one has the willpower to achieve anything at all. As a result of this ripple effect, the world's collective future would implode. After all, who creates destiny — the series of events which dictate the world's future — if not people with the willpower to achieve their dreams, interconnecting?
Fate and the willpower One Piece characters have to achieve their dreams is a bit of a chicken-and-egg relationship. (e.g. Did fate lead Luffy to his dream, or did Luffy's dream create his fate?) But regardless, Oda clearly shows us that these three aspects of a meaningful life are all dependent on freedom.
This is why I think Roger's quote is so pivotal to the series at large:
“Inherited will, the destiny of the age, and the dreams of the people. As long as people continue to pursue the meaning of freedom, these things will never cease to be!"
As long as you have freedom, you can dream and do just about anything; the world is your oyster. So, when Ace sacrifices his own life, he protects Luffy in a physical sense, sure. But he also protects Luffy's freedom to live — and by extension, Luffy's dream (whatever it may be).
In One Piece, sacrifice is not the act of valuing someone else's freedom more than your own. It is the act of treasuring someone's freedom so deeply that it becomes equal to yours. Characters like Corazon and Bellemere put their lives on the line without regrets, without expecting anything in return, because of love. Simple as that.
Nothing highlights this idea more than the conversation between Sengoku and Law at the end of Dressrosa. Law believes Corazon saved his life because of his ties to the Will of D., but Sengoku denies this and delivers one of the most beautiful quotes in any piece of media:
"Don't try to find a reason for somebody's love."
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True sacrifice is an act of love in its highest form: unconditional, selfless, and entirely free.
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nellasbookplanet · 7 months
Okay but a thought of mine given new rise by the animated intro after having it niggle at the back of my mind for months now are Ludinus and Otohan as villains and who’s going to be standing as the final big bad at the end of the campaign, the way Vecna and Lucien did for c1 and c2.
Because the obvious answer is Ludinus. He’s the instigator, the leader of the cult, a villain in the making for 2 whole campaigns and over a thousand years (not to mention the one who's actually interacted with the party outside of fights). But Otohan is the one standing center stage of the villain line-up in the opening. She’s the one shown actively fighting the party. And, more importantly (as narrative matters more than barely glimpsed easter eggs), she's the one tied to the history and setting of Marquet, who has actual stakes in the people there and has fought for (and against) them before in the Apex War (while the place Ludinus called home was torn down centuries ago, leaving him caring for seemingly nothing but his ultimate goal since). She’s the one who’s actually Ruidusborn, and she’s tied to the Luxon as well with her strange magic. And despite all this, she’s mostly passed under the radar so far, given very little developments or motives or history or even personality. She’s little more than a cool aesthetic and a handful of threats.
And here’s my thought: maybe that’s on purpose. Ludinus, in his great arrogance, has placed himself as the greatest threat, and he’s being treated as such by the Hells. But is he? He steals immortality, appropriates the very concept of being Ruidusborn while holding a secret resentment for lacking the very powers it grants. He barely knows what he’s doing, and certainly not what he's about to unleash. And is there anything more satisfying than seeing a deeply arrogant and hubristic villain taken down by his own folly in underestimating those around him? So what if, as the final fight edges closer, the person actually holding the powers Ludinus pretends to steps up out of the shadows she placed herself in, keeping her motives to herself, barely remarked upon by Ludinus or the Hells or the audience, and personally cuts him down and takes her place as THE exalted Ruidusborn?
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beanghostprincess · 1 month
Luffy says he isn't interested in sex/love from a very early age and both Ace and Sabo are extremely relieved because that way they don't have to have the uncomfortable talk™ and they get rid of romantic dramas. But then Luffy comes back one random day from school, holding onto a guy like a koala, and saying "This is Zoro! We just met but he's my boyfriend now" and sometimes they just have to accept their aroaspec brother will find ways to make their life harder than it should be.
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