#it’s been 6000 years and it took them ONLY 4 YEARS
ghostvibesonly · 9 months
when i said i wanted the angel and demon to finally get together tHIS WASN’T WHAT I MEANT-
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Tag game that took me way too long to do
Hi, hello, I'm still here. Life and side-tracking happened a lot and, lately, my only online presence was some reblogs. Nonetheless!! It made me really happy to see that I've been tagged in this wonderful tag game by @inkoherentwriting and @dirty-bosmer and @blossom-adventures Thank you so much and sorry it took me this long to actually do it!
How many works do you have on AO3? Just 6 so far!
2. What’s your total AO3 word count? 100,271 (oh!! I didn't realize I hit the 100k word count before doing this!)
3. What fandoms do you write for? The Elder Scrolls and Dragon Age so far, but I would love to expand that list, and I have my eye on a few fandoms (looking directly at One Piece)
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos? I only have six fics, and I don't really like looking at the statistics because it makes me terribly sad and unmotivated.
5. Do you respond to comments? Yes!!! Comments are everything to me. It may take some time to respond, but just know that I read the comments as soon as I get the email notification and I reread whenever I feel self conscious about my fics (which is *very* often lmao)
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? My longfics are not finished yet, but if you read chapter 15 of WYGTYA, then you'll know which one will have the angstiest ending Spoilers: it's Hymn of the Highs Seas, it's prequel. Author's note: WHAT HAVE I GOTTEN MYSELF INTO, I AM SO EMOTIONALLY ATTACHED TO THE PIRATES. But I *will* find a way to make it as satisfying an ending as possible, and it will most definitely have a fluffy/bittersweet epilogue. HOTHS will not be sad, I promise!
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? After all the shit I'll put Ravonna through, she deserves it the most, so WYGTYA, probably! Also, my Ralof/Hadvar fic has a really happy ending, if ya know what I mean :)))))
8. Do you get hate on fics? Not yet. I have this wonderful small community of dear readers and they're the most awesome people in the world <3
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind? Smut is not really my thing, so no. The most I'll do is imply.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written? I haven't, but I'll never say never!
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen? Not that I know of, and I doubt anyone would want to steal my writing out of anyone's
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? No
13. Have you ever co-written a fic? No, but I think it would be a very nice experience! I've spoken to a few beloved mutuals about crossovers in which Ravonna meets their ldbs, and I have an idea in mind where I could write a few chapters, each of them exploring Ravonna accidentally teleporting into their ldb's world, but it's still just an idea at the moment :)
14. What’s your all-time favourite ship? That I've written? I don't know if I can choose because I love them all, but Rumcurio and Ralof/Hadvar are incredibly underrated ships in the TES fandom and I wish they had more content! Fave ship of all time? Well, right now I am watching Jujutsu Kaisen and I am, of course, having satosugu brainrot. They could have had everything :(((( So beautifully tragic, this one. The fix-it fanfics are amazing, too! But if I had to pick just one ship to be my favourite, I think I'll go with the ineffable husbands because 6000 years of pining is just exquisite <3 <3
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? A very sad and romantic reincarnation AU of WYGTYA where we get to see many versions of Ravonna through the ages! I say romantic, but knowing myself, it won't be super sappy. It's Ravonna that we're talking about here :))
16. What are your writing strengths? I would say that dialogue, and banter in particular. That's what flows the easiest to me, and I think that is how I'm able to express a character's traits and personality the best
17. What are your writing weaknesses? I believe there's room for improvement in all areas, but what I struggle with the most is angst, probably. I need to practice focusing on describing the character's feelings more. Also, politics. Crucial to the plot, but my mind never cooperates when I want to write politics.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue on another language in a fic? If it's a few words, it's fine, I think it adds flavour to the chapter, but translations should be provided. However, I would avoid writing entire paragraphs in another language, that's just confusing to readers.
19. First fandom you wrote for? Skyrim! I wrote for the Tes Summer Fest event in 2022!
20. Favourite fic you’ve written? I love them all very dearly, but hear me out!!! WYGTYA is my first baby, my longest fic and the thing that led me to start such beautiful friendships online. It will always have a special place in my heart! In my soul, there's a jewellery box dedicated to just WYGTYA, and it's all heart shaped and made out of love. Ravonna is by far my most developed oc, so much so that she feels like a real person sometimes when I think of her. She's even become a source of inspiration for me at times and her story with her fellowship will never fail to put a smile on my face. She's also such a big impact on my writing that I think she will become a blueprint for future stories that I write. Every story will have a Ravonna-type character, for sure. That's how much love I have for her! But I started writing WYGTYA as a beginner, and I sense that I will go back to some of the earlier chapters and re-edit some stuff. Right now, the fic that I'm most satisfied of is HOTHS. It's still at 2 chapters (soon to be three), but I'm so excited about this project, and the characters are all ocs, and my heart is so full of love for them that it overflows! It's also a pirate story, and I always have such a weak spot for pirates. It also follows the storyline and plot twist that I'm most proud of in WYGTYA, all about Ravonna's lineage. Damn, I guess I have Ravonna to thank for this, too. I'm just really happy with this twist and canon divergence in Deathbrand's character. I feel like he has so much potential in the TES Universe, and I'm about to explore all that and more in this fic!
Oh wow, that last bit got so very rambly, I'm so sorry! I don't know who has done this or not, but I'll tag @bougainvillea-and-saltwater @kiir-do-faal-rahhe @bostoniangirl21 @sheirukitriesfandom @illumiera
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Good Omens 2 Spoilers ahead. You’ve been warned:
Crowley has a lot of reasons to be hurting right now but I know it must absolutely STING that his asshole boss got an archangel to run away with them in less than 4 years and with a couple dates meanwhile it took Crowley 6000 THOUSAND YEARS and raising a baby with Aziraphale to get 1 KISS only to have his heart curb stump immediately afterwards
​He was running into consecrated holy ground to heroically rescue Aziraphale and his books from literal Nazis
Meanwhile Beelzebub took Gabriel to the pub FOR SOME CRISPS 😭
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katmiscellanious · 9 months
No, because you guys don’t understand. The amount of people I’ve seen saying things like “Imagine your @ssh0le bosses getting their happy ending after 4 years while your still struggling with your relationship after 6000 years!!”
(I’m so not okay about this, I’m fine)
The point of Gabriel and Beezlebub’s relationship is that it ALWAYS could have been that easy. I’m convinced it was Neil’s way of showing us that Aziraphale and Crowley aren’t together, not because of heaven and hell, but because of their own psyche’s. Nina and Maggie told us this! They said, “you guys have talked sure, but you’ve never really talked.”
I’m also thinking of a post I saw but probs won’t be able to find, but Crowley and Aziraphale never talked, because they thought they were on the same page. They thought they knew each other after 6000 years. But no matter how long you’ve known someone, you never really know someone until you’ve talked to them. Hell, I have a friend like this. I’ve known her my entire life, and it took me til our 20s to realize that I didn’t know her, that i didn’t know what was going on in her life or in her mind. Beezlebub and Gabriel did what Crowley and Aziraphale NEVER did, which was talk!!!!
And also, they got what Crowley wanted. CROWLEY wants to run away with Aziraphale. And he always thought it was the system stopping them. That once they were out from underneath heaven and hells thumb, that they’d be free. But as we found out, Aziraphale is never going to leave behind a broken system. Especially if he thinks he can fix it.
There’s also something to be said that Gabriel. The supreme archangel who has never had to answer to anyone or prove anything to anyone found it easy to leave behind the bad system. It’s so easy for those in power and with privilege to move and traverse a system that caters to them. Because the real privilege isn’t money or respect, it’s wiggle room. It’s the ability choose and to be chosen and to go anywhere or believe you can do anything you want. Rich kids choose to study their passions in college. Rich people have the option to donate and be vegan and healthy and make better decisions because they can afford it.
Gabriel and Beezelbub don’t have an authority to answer too. Gabriel isn’t even scared by the idea of being demoted or sent to hell. He doesn’t know to be scared of those things. If they want to run away together, all they need to do is fill their former positions and then fuck off to whatever star system they like best. They don’t have any attachment to earth either.
Aziraphale and Crowley don’t have that background. Crowley is a message of outcasts. Of those who would opt out of the system given the choice, but can’t because of the threat to those he loves. The earth and Aziraphale. And as much as he hates the system, he won’t leave either one behind. Meanwhile Aziraphale is about those dissolution by the system, but still believe in them. Those who believe that you can fix it if ONLY you could just get inside. Aziraphale loves the earth and loves Crowley, and he wants them to be safe and happy.
See the thing is, both are willing to give up the earth for the other. Crowley would run away and leave the earth to be destroyed if it meant keeping them both out of the impending war. And Aziraphale would leave his bookshop and go back to heaven if it means crowley will be there with him. And the thing is, neither is asking the other to do this. I think as soon as they realize they don’t have to do either to be together. That they could be together on earth and still be happy, they’ll realize they could have just been happy this whole time.
Anyways this was my rant. Is a build up of all the stuff I’ve read about good omens 2. I have a lot of feelings about it, though I feel like I’m a lot less devastated by the end than some. I think it’s just cause I know that this isn’t the end of their story. And when season 3 rolls around they’ll be stronger than every (also, I’ve been through this before with Wayward Son (Simon snow book 2) and with Out Flag Means Death (I can’t believe we got OFMD’d again. Neil watched that show and went “huh, good idea”)
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riverduck · 9 months
(Spoiler) A theory that might explain why Ineffable Bureaucracy speedrunned in season 2, for fun only.
First of all, I'm not a native English speaker, so forgive me if I make grammar or vocabulary mistakes in this post.
Second, I've seen the theory about Metatron editing the Book of Life (you can read it here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/193IXS11XN46lziHRb6eUpM17yK0BQkRqke1Wh64A_e0/mobilebasic?fbclid=IwAR3ypsS1ZTo26rbP65zV8Nib0LH29m_N9IyU7r3VHJLP6cpoWEsBYH5_47w) (I'm not the author of that theory btw). So I came up with this: The relationship between Gabriel and Beelzebub might be a result of Metatron's works in the Book of Life.
So far we've seen only 3 or 4 scenes of them meeting each others and such. It's too fast for a relationship to be formed. I've also think that there may be other meetings, which aren't on screen, but yet the scenes we've got weren't enough to explain some aspects (Beelzebub's "I've just found something that mattered more than choosing sides" like how? Where? And why? It's not merely the power of love. It must be something more particular than that). And Neil Gaiman is a professional, he definitely will explain it thoroughly for us, but he didn't. The only reason that sprung up in my mind is that Metatron - a bad writer (like the theory in Google Doc above suggests) - made this relationship come in reality.
I have no other proofs to prove this matter, other than how fast the Ineffable Bureaucracy become canon in only 4 years with 3 meetings on screen, or Neil Gaiman left some details of this ship unexplained, but I thought about a reason for that:
As far as we know, the second Armageddon was planned, and it is about to be executed (until Gabriel protested it). Maybe Metatron thought about a way to weaken Hell somehow, just to ensure Heaven's victory. Satan is definitely out of question, and the subject left to be removed is Beelzebub. Hell has been functioned for about 6000 years by Beelzebub, so when they leave, this place is likely to become utter chaos. Without the orders and management from such a leader like them, I doubt that Hell's legion will eventually collapse (or not. Leave this to season 3. Satan may come back and be in charge for this, but it seems that Beelzebub did more works other than merely ruling Hell like Satan, so there might be some difficulties for Satan managing Hell).
(And Metatron can't just erase Beelzebub from the Book of Life. The time of their reign in Hell is too long - simply eliminating their existence will cause a gigantic void in history (unlike deleting a mere passerby with a shorter period of existence and lesser importance), and it is a great burden to fill in all the (plot?) holes, especially for a bad writer like Metatron, as mentioned in the edit-the-Book-of-Life theory above.)
And why it is love with Gabriel that made Beelzebub leaving behind their position in Hell? Probably because of Ineffable Husbands reference that Metatron took to edit the relationship between these two bosses this way. Gabriel is the counterpart of Beelzebub in Heaven, making the interactions and conversations going more naturally than choosing a lower-level angel to do that job.
(Also, if a Prince of Heaven - Gabriel Fall, he will become Beelzebub's subordinate, and strengthen the power in Hell instead. Metatron's plan will backfire that way. So by threatening Gabriel with erasing his memories about himself AND Beelzebub, Metatron can ensure that Hell can't claim him - he is not a fallen angel - as well as make him escape from Heaven, simultaneously and indirectly forcing Beelzebub to be out of Hell and run with him. That's the only way they can be together.)
But still, Gabriel is an useful Archangel in Heaven; losing him could be a huge lost. Or not; Metatron has seen Gabriel's failure to make Armageddon happen, so he might have decided to take the role to lead Heaven himself and restart the Apocalypse. Yet he isn't in the official hierarchy of Heaven (Neil Gaiman confirmed this: https://neil-gaiman.tumblr.com/post/671442482580570112/good-day-mr-gaiman-idk-if-youve-been-asked-this) and the Supreme Archangel position cannot be left empty. So he chose Aziraphale, a pure, kind and innocent Principality, and of course, easy-to-be-manipulated, into that chair. Aziraphale, if my theory is true, is now not as this flashy title suggests, but a figurehead instead. Orders will be given to Aziraphale "in the name of God" by Metatron, and things will work Metatron's way, not God's way.
Another rather bold assumption is that Metatron did something to God (the reason why he can edit Book of Life at his own will). Maybe caged Her, maybe killed Her (Nietzsche reference? That's why we didn't get Her narration in season 2). Gabriel is the closest to God beside Metatron; so if something shady occurs, he is likely to find out first. Though his memories can be erased, suppressing that news from being spread to both Heaven and Hell, that could be a real hassle to bear (if that must be done from time to time - it can't be just one time that Gabriel could perceive the truth). Casting Gabriel out is the best choice to keep all mouths that-may-know-and-speak shut - since he's considered a traitor now, no one in Heaven will believe his words. Aziraphale, as I mentioned above, has a lower chance to find out (religious traumas that were induced to him will prevent all doubts about "the will of God" from Metatron's words. Or prevent only the most of it - this might be the premise for season 3, if what I'm saying is true).
(Another note is that: Despite not getting Her narration, when Jim got his memories of Archangel Gabriel, we can hear Her voice overlapped upon his voice. Gabriel is the Messenger of God after all. This adds to my theory that even if Gabriel or other angels don't find out the truth themselves, God has Her way to tell them through Her Messenger. Maybe we will see more of this in the next season.
And I've just remembered a few theories saying that the Second Coming refers to the Birth of God's Child - like Jesus did - and the next season could be about the 2nd Birth of (another?) God's Child? Gabriel, who once announced the same event, might come back in season 3 to do it again somehow?)
However, Metatron didn't expect this: Gabriel was sheltered by Aziraphale and Crowley when he lost his memories, thus making him own them a lot - if the Ineffable Husbands need help from them, they are liable to repay the favor. And now when Beelzebub and him are far away from Heaven and Hell's watch, they can be useful helpers for the Ineffable Husbands - if they ever seek support from these two, the former bosses can smoothly execute the Ineffable Husbands' requests in secrecy, and together, these four will strike when least expected.
With all that said, I will prepare myself for the probable angst and hurt from both Ineffable Bureaucracy and Ineffable Husbands ahead of me in season 3. Neil Gaiman doesn't tend to give any ship a bad ending, but can't be too careful. The final 10 minutes of season 2 taught me that.
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@mrghostrat made more.
I can’t stop myself.
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Writing for that one.
Jesus fucking Christ here we go. This one’s a bit longer. *scrolls all the way down* damn, really a bit longer.
The bookshop was quiet. A bit too quiet. Crowley snapped his fingers and a sweet soft sound started filling to room.
The song? Crazy little thing called love. Crowley and Freddie were hanging out one time, Crowley, as usual was talking about his angel, and the next time he saw the musician the song had been written. In the bubble bath of all places. (True story)
The aforementioned angel walked into the room Crowley was sitting in. They currently were not talking to each other. But maybe….
I gotta be cool, relax. Get hip and get on my tracks
Take a back seat, hitchhike, And take a long ride on my motorbike
Until I'm ready, Crazy little thing called love
Crowley wouldn’t speak to their angel but maybe they could still talk.
Aziraphale snapped his fingers, catching on to what the demon was doing. Little lion man played.
Take all the courage you have left
And waste it on fixing all the problems, That you made in your own head
But it was not your fault but mine, And it was your heart on the line
I really fucked it up this time. Didn't I, my dear?
Crowley snorted. “Yeah you did”
Shit. She wasn’t supposed to talk to him.
“I-…. I know. I know I hurt you. Believe me I know. But I regret it. There’s not a day that goes by where I regret my choice. Heaven is unfixable. You probably think I’m quite stupid.” Aziraphale let out a small laugh. “I thought I could make it better. But as usual, you were right. And don’t make me do the dance. Or do! If that’s something I need to do to help you forgive me, I’ll do it gladly! Ah- um… anywa-“
“I don’t think you’re stupid…” Crowley said so softly it could’ve been a whisper. They cleared their throat and spoke again.
“I’ve never thought you were stupid. Misguided? Yeah. Optimistic? Absolutely. But never stupid.”
He paused, unsure of how far to go. “I thought you were brilliant.” He finished voice cracking.
While she was talking, she had stood and crossed to stand close to Aziraphale. Both of them were very conscience of every inch between them. Or more accurately, lack of inches between them.
Aziraphales eyes flicked around his face, rested on their lips but ended on the sunglasses hiding Crowley. Hands raised slowly, unsure.
Crowley gently put his hands on Aziraphales elbows a moved them up to Crowleys face. He removed the glasses.
“There you are” Aziraphale said, a look that Crowley couldn’t quite place, filling his eyes as he took in her yellow eyes.
“Have never told you how much I love those eye? Cause I do. Really love them. They’re my favorite part of you. Incase you were ever worried that I hated you for being a demon. That I was trying to fix you by bringing you back to heaven.”
Crowley hadn’t moved. It felt like he was collecting dust.
“They’re perfect. You’re perfect.” Aziraphale continued oblivious to what he was doing, the feelings he was stirring.
That’s what the look was. Love.
It was hard to tell who moved first but for the sake of argument, they both did and met in the middle.
They had wasted so much time. Over 6000 years wasted. But no more. (Ha dr who reference( the brainrot is so fucking real dudes))
Hands on the face, arms around the neck, bodies pressed against each other, leaving no space in between. They only broke apart when they had run out of breath. Angels and Demons can only hold it for so long.
Crowley smiled. The first smile in a long time.
“I also love that smile. And the hair, and the snake tattoo and th-“ Crowley kissed him again. “Sssshut up”
“Make me” Angel said with a smug smile on his face.
“Really? That’s how you wanna do it? Why not just ask, if you like me kissing you so much?”
This time it was Aziraphale that shut the other up with a kiss.
The music had stopped playing a while ago but now a new song came on.
“Nnnooo!” Crowley said before lunging to change it while Aziraphale cackled behind him.
I put so many romance tropes in this. Ima big big fan of the “there you are” when Az take of the cursed sunglasses. And the “make me” thing. Whenever I see that I just like melt. Anyways congrats on getting here! Hope you enjoyed
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thegeminisage · 4 months
tng update time!! its been so long. sunday we did "reunion" and last night we did "future imperfect" and "final mission."
reunion: WORF HAS A BABY???
ok. tbh. this episode was wack. i guess i just don't get the point of k'ehleyr...she hates klingons. so she's like, "my son, who is 3/4 klingons, will not be raised with any of the klingon ways! fuck klingons! i hate them! however i do want worf who LOVES the klingon ways to claim him, and then also raise him after i have died. and i'm gonna get really mad at him and call him a dumb klingon if he doesn't do it"
AND THEN WORF IS LIKE. "my son...he should be raised with the klingon ways...but i can't claim him cuz i'm excommunicated and if people know he's my kid he won't be able to live among klingons ever again. the only solution is to send him to live with my HUMAN PARENTS who 1. can't teach him the klingon ways 2. will definitely alert anyone with half a brain that he's my kid"
like? is this not the worst of both worlds? if worf is gonna claim him (which he kinda does by sending him to live with his grandparents) and he can't live among klingons the least worf could do is raise him on the starship with himself, a klingon, and the other kids. who admittedly should not be on the starship bc no child should be on a starship. but like how many klingons are there on ma and pa kent's farm. zero. how many are there on the enterprise. one. could be two but ???
like whats the point of giving him a son if we don't see this kid once or twice a season...i just don't get it. like is he the cutest little klingon that ever lived? yes, OBVIOUSLY. would worf's parents do just as good of a job with him as they did with worf? of COURSE. but the rest of it is a huge mess of logical problems. rip
future imperfect: RIKER HAS A BABY???
no look this one was so fun. old riker. amnesiac riker. riker trying to get out of the lab rat maze. so fun AND i called the plot twist (that the romulans were fucking with him) early.
thrilling that they predicted captain picard would be captain for 7 years when tng was 7 seasons. ik there are movies after but what a lucky guess. also picard looks weird with facial hair. his chin should stay bald too to uphold his priceless cueball image
i'll admit the ending to this episode was weird as hell and also a bit abrupt but like. who cares. a good time is a good time
final mission: AW. BABY BOY...he's really leaving...i'm gonna miss him so much :(
the b plot of this one was so stupid. i could figure out about 6000 different ways to make their duties easier. it took them so long just to get to the asteroid belt and then they were in it for 5 seconds. poor beverly.
the a plot of this was only a little less stupid, to be fair. mr grumpy miner made such a big deal about that alcohol and then he never got the DTs. picard told wesley to stand up to him and then wesley never got to do it. also, wesley's last episode should have had him have more time with his MOM? cmon
my favorite bit was when picard laid down the arrow to warn the search party of the direction they were going and then they all walked in a completely different direction. and at the end beverly is like we found your arrow! girl. come on now
anyway, tonight we do "the loss" and "data's day"
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nintendowife · 1 year
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It was time to move my Animal Crossing: New Leaf Nintendo 3DS XL to greener pastures. I've had the console since summer 2013 and I love it dearly. The right hinge has had a small hairline crack on it for a couple of years at least. It has slowly expanded to a point where the hinge is about snap and fall apart completely. The device still works just fine, the only problem being slightly shortened battery life that isn't an issue for me. 
This console has been accompanying me for nearly 10 years, for over 6000 hours of playtime (124 titles) and 9 515 263 steps - it was with me in the hospital too when I got a blood transfusion.  The ACNL 3DS XL is the favorite out of my consoles, the other Animal Crossing editions I own aren't as nice visually and they don't feel as good when using them so I was hesitant to move on.  The last game I finished on it was Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney a couple of weeks ago. 
So a week ago on Sunday I did a system transfer to my Animal Crossing: Happy Home Designer New 3DS XL before it's too late. I had a bad feeling before starting the system transfer process - if something can go wrong with technology, it usually happens to me. My gut feeling was right. It was a system transfer from hell. Fasten your seatbealts and get ready for an epic story of drama and suspense. 
First I was about to get a heart attack when the new console took several minutes in "connecting to the internet" near the end of the system transfer process. This is the part where the source system had just formatted itself to factory settings and the target system had probably received the Nintendo Network ID related data from the source system and was maybe checking it against Nintendo's servers. I was really worried something went wrong and I'd be left with two devices that neither have access to my Nintendo account. I was so relieved it finally connected and proceeded to the next step. 
The next step was shutting down both systems and copying the source system's memory card data to PC. That went without a hitch. But then it was time to copy the source system's memory card data to a new Micro SD card that would go into the target system to finalize the process. The old system had a 32 GB SDHC and I had a 32 GB Micro SDHC for the new system. I had formatted the new memory card as per Nintendo's instructions and suddenly Windows tells me the card doesn't have enough capacity to copy the contents of the old memory card onto it. What???! That's when I realize the files on the old card took 29.7 GB and the new so-called 32 GB card's capacity was only 28.8 GB. No one told me this could happen! 
Oh my effing god! I'm in the middle of a system transfer where I have 10 years worth of save data, a good amount of eShop and 3DS Theme Shop purchases and now I'm unable to finalize the system transfer! I can't go back to the old console and I can't start using the new one. It was Sunday and I couldn't go buy a new memory card anymore in the evening when this occurred.  I was so devastated and stressed out about this incidence that I couldn't even sleep that night (had 2-3 hours of sleep). I went through all the worst case scenarios in my head at night and had no appetite the next day. 
Nintendo's own documentation states 3DS is only compatible with SDHC of up to 32 GB. So if all memory cards I can get do not have enough capacity, how will I be able to finish the system transfer? We did some research with my husband and found out that Micro SDXC cards of larger capacity would also work on a 3DS as long as you manage to format it to FAT32. So on Monday we bought a new 32 GB Micro SDHC and a 64 GB Micro SDXC to try our luck with. Turns out the 32 GB card's actual capacity was even smaller than the earlier card's, so no go with that. Btw, it should be illegal to state a card's capacity is 32 GB when it's nearly 4 gigs less in reality.  We found a guide on how to format the 64 GB card to the correct file system format on Windows and my husband did it for me on his PC. Ok, so far so good. Fingers crossed... 
I copied the required files to the new formatted card on my PC and it was time to insert it to the New 3DS XL. Would it work? I was so afraid and at the same time hopeful. I booted the console and it appeared to be connecting to the internet again to verify something. And it was a success! I saw the Legend of Legacy theme and heard its music, saw all the software icons, Badge Arcade badges on the home screen - just like they had been on the old console. I was so happy I almost cried! 
So after some complications and immense stress the system transfer was successful and the story got a happy ending. My life expectancy was probably reduced by 10 years though. I still feel sad about the fate of my trusty 3DS XL but I'm sure I'll learn to like the New 3DS XL over time.
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bacchicly · 2 years
PART 1 | PART 2 | PART 3 | PART 4 | PART 5 | PART 6 | PART 7
Paring: Penelope Garcia x Luke Alvez
Summary: The case advances. Interviewing Loved Ones.   This is a “happier / stand alone version” of the case fic which suddenly appeared in the middle of my lovers to friends fic (Deep and Crisp and Even). 
Words: Approximately 6000
Content This Chapter:  This is primarily a case centric chapter - so no canoodling.  There is some frank talk about what it can be like to be fat. To be clear - I am fully aware this is not the full range of experiences being represented - but I can attest that the majority of points included are based on my own first hand experience as a very fat person or the research I have done over the years.  Mentions / Examples of Fat Hate.
Content Overall Story: CM type violence / themes; unsub; sex (but can be skipped to or away from as I will put it in stand alone chapters - like PART 2)
Penelope and Luke did indeed have that shower - actually three - one together before bed and one each in the morning before meeting with the team… and, yes, they did enjoy “being a couple” several times between last night and this morning and, more importantly, in the wee hours of the night they spoke about the case - Penelope working through her horror and anger and Luke comforting her and asking smart questions to help him understand some nuances of the case that Penelope is uniquely positioned to intuit compared to the rest of the team - she even at one point pulled out her laptop to check on some of the searches she had set whirring before bed. But, since the details of all those happenings, my friends, would take several chapters to recount and so (at least for now)... I will simply assure you that they were responsible enough to ensure they got enough sleep amidst their various nocturnal adventures… and we will leap to them leaving their hotel rooms in the morning - each from their own door - staggering their exits not so much to hide their relationship - but because Luke had promised to meet Matt for a run and Penelope took the time to dress properly and prep herself for what promised to be a taxing day.  
Luke is only slightly disappointed to see that Penny has left while he was out with Matt, since secretly he knows it will likely make it easier for them to adhere to the professional boundaries they had agreed to maintain between themselves.  He has already kissed his Penny goodbye this morning - so now it is time to get dressed, join the team, and then - as soon as he can - go find if Pen-GARCIA needs any help preparing for the host of family and friends who would be interviewed today.
✈ ✈ ✈
Luke arrives third to their corner of the Ballroom-Turned-Crimefighting-Hub that the BAU had staked out yesterday for their homebase.  Tara, Emily, and Rossi are sitting there going over their notes and reminding themselves of key details of the case - each gives him a nod and a quick “morning” then returns to their reading. Luke swings a chair around so the he can straddle it comfortably - sitting in one yesterday proved that these chairs, being as they are designed for wedding guests not cops, are too well padded to be conducive to critical thinking (at least for him) - and lights up his tablet so he can join the impromptu silent study society.  
While Luke looks through the files of the victims he’s been assigned to focus on, a good portion of his brain is mulling over how to bring up the insights he and Penelope fell upon last night without overtly indicating that they spent last night together.  Not that it matters, he knows that the team knows… and THEY know that HE knows that THEY know… and HE knows that THEY know that HE knows that THEY know and... PROFILERS CAN MAKE YOU CRAZY …he should know… he is one.  
O.K. First Things First… he’d better find out if there were any developments overnight or theories hatched at the bar that he needs to be apprised of - he goes to toss his tablet down on the table but “GENTLY! GENTLY!” says his brain in a voice that sounds suspiciously like Garcia - so he catches himself and instead carefully places the tech on the table.  He puts on his best “case voice” and asks:
“So Boss - did I miss anything by hitting the hay early last night? New clues? Hypotheses? Has Spencer left for the morgue yet?”
Rossi answers for Prentiss, “Our resident genius headed off hours ago, and as for last night, just some surprisingly good top shelf scotch.”
Tara smiles and adds gleefully, “And Rossi was buying!”
Rossi looks wistful - remembering, “Aye, t’was a bonny dram. Bunnahabhain Eich Bhanna Lir. Believe it or not… a 46-year-old single cask beauty. Thick and creamy mouthfeel - fruity - and not too strong oaking - odd for such an aged scotch.  Truly worth sharing.  The things you come across at random hotel bars… astounding.”
Prentiss gives her team a nonplussed look - then reaches across the table to hand newly arrived Matt and J.J. their tablets - and gets them up to speed with her most no-nonsense tone.  “There’s nothing new on the case since last night. Spencer left about 20 minutes ago.  A local detective went with him. How about you two?  Any epiphanies?”
J.J. mutters a quick “Nada.” then quirks an eyebrow questioningly at Matt, clearly hoping he’s got something to share, but the tall agent shakes his head and then reinforces the motion with a handful of words. “Nothing more than yesterday.  Just “hellos” from Kristy and the kids and hopes that by the end of today we’ll have a few fresh leads and a potential start on the profile. We are seriously behind the count on this one. Twelve bodies before we even hit the tarmac is way too many.”
Luke knows it’s now or never, but he’s just opened his mouth when Penelope bursts into the room with her tablet held like a clipboard and her “let’s get this thing started” face.  
Good, he thinks, she can tell them. 
“Good Morning Crime Fighters!  It is 7:57 am Central Standard Time - we are due to join the People in Blue at 8:15 am once they’ve done their roll call.  You’ll have 15 mins to do your briefing and then you can break off and meet one on one with your assigned partners - while I and some very fabulous officers will be greeting folks who have agreed to be interviewed.  At 8:55 you will all be invited to Ballroom C which will be the designated waiting area where we will introduce everyone and explain how the day will work.  The grief counselors will be holding one-on-ones and various group sessions throughout the day, while me and the tech folk will be collating the information you send us.  Uniforms will also be speaking with folks to get background details and general info - so you all don’t need to worry about that.  The only thing I ask is that if you believe someone can go home - you let the runner know so that we don’t keep people longer than we need to since it is going to be a hella long day for everyone.  Capiche?”
Prentiss smiles for the first time this morning. “Yes, ma’am.  Thank you. Have I ever told you I love you, Penelope Garcia?”
“I believe you have and I’ll say it again: Get in Line.” Everyone laughs - even Luke - and Penelope turns beet-red and glares at them all - but mainly Luke - hissing. “Shut up. Shut up. Shut up!” 
This just makes them laugh harder - but aware that they are in a corner of a very full room, she  ruffles herself back into her uber professional persona and adds curtly.  “Anything else I need to know from y’all?”
But Luke sees his chance and, like the man of action he is, interrupts his Boss without hesitation. 
“Yes.  We were just all sharing that NONE of us had any new insights.  Did you have any thoughts or stumble across anything new last night, Garcia?”
Penelope looks at him with an owly blink.  They had sort of left it open which one of them would pass on their thoughts to the team - but she had pretty much assumed that he would be the one to bring forward the ideas as the profile was being hashed out. 
The profiler’s heads all come up - like hounds scenting a quarry. Penelope’s expression has gone still and distant - the way it had when she got transfixed on the photos during the briefing on the jet.  Luke jumps up and pulls out a chair for her and she plunks down in it without acknowledging him - as if on auto-pilot.  When she starts to speak her voice is high and clear - but rounded with a huskiness that belies wells of emotion. 
“San Antonio, like many places in North America, is in the middle of a “Fight against Obesity”.  Like most places there has been significant focus on the health crisis in recent years and much of the language - like that of “the war on drugs” - is confrontational and alludes to battle: Parents are to be armed with facts about healthy eating and organizations will lay siege to food deserts. That’s not to say that San Antonio isn’t doing great work - I’d say the city has put in place some pretty incredible programs and the focus is on tackling issues around food availability and access to fitness programs and equipment at the community level but there is, of course, a lot of conversations about “making it easy to make the healthy choice”.  Which is great and true - but I could see how easily someone could jump from “well look at all the amazing things making it easier for you to not be fat - so if you are fat ipso facto you must be making the wrong choices”.  See, the problem with the whole “war on” approach is that there always has to be an enemy and it also doesn’t particularly acknowledge that we will probably never get rid of fat people completely - nor does it acknowledge that fatness is not always something that needs to be vanquished by any means necessary.  Sure we have more people who are fat than we would if people weren’t too poor to buy food and had reliable access to education, healthy produce, and were supported with being active… but… it’s a long term thing… and even once we tackle those things - there are so many complex reasons why people are fat.  Hell, did you know that your fat is an organ - like your heart or your liver?  People don’t think about it like that.  It’s just something to be minimized, gotten rid of…hated. But it’s not.  It’s not. Fat is not just something in you that sits there allegedly being ugly and waiting for a famine hit so you can come out on top. It’s an organ.  AN ORGAN! and it plays super key roles in your bodies - a woman without enough body fat may lose her period or struggle to get pregnant - it helps control and trigger appetite - it cushions our organs - it helps regulate our body temperatures… Gosh Darn it… scientists don’t even know all the ways it impacts our brains and bodies - but they are sure that it is important and plays a huge role in our bodies.”
Penelope looks around and sees she has everyone’s attention.  They are listening attentively, their brains clicking over her words. She shakes herself.  She knows from her conversations last night with Luke that this is a topic that when she gets going on it - she can really get going - it’s all so much - all so muddled - a mix of book knowledge and personal experience and feelings - so many feelings. And on the scale of fat or not - she knows she’s huge relative to the team - but to the majority of fat people?  She is on the smaller side and she has a variety of advantages - like her fat is relatively well distributed around her body - and she’s tall-ish…which helps too.  Gah. She needs to focus on what they really need to know - what she as a fat person can tell these fit perfect gorgeous people - what will help them. 
“Look.  This is a giant subject but IF - and that’s just one theory - but IF the unsub is targeting these people because they are fat - because..” and here she quotes the lines of the unsub’s letter that she and Luke went over and over last night… “We are at war… then my guess is the person has bought the rhetoric that surrounds us about fatness and so it was a fairly easy jump for them to see these people as the enemy because they have allowed themselves to be fat.  I know the amount of casual disapproval and flat out hate most fat people have to put up with is not a secret - I mean just think fat is one of the worst insults in most people’s arsenal and adding it to any bad name you can call someone makes it automatically worse.  How many times have you - oh super fit team of teams - called yourselves fat pejoratively in your head?” Penelope takes a breath and realises how uncomfortable her team appears.  It’s pretty unusual for her to call them out about anything… and while she’s not exactly doing that - she knows how triggering this subject can be for oh so many… “Look,  I am not attacking you guys.  And I am super well aware that you guys are not just any jerk off the street and you all intellectually understand that losing five or ten pounds is extremely different than someone regularly being told that they need to lose well over of half of their current body weight to be even at the high-end of what is commonly considered healthy for their height - but you… none of you are that type of fat and you need to keep remembering throughout this case that fatness makes people simultaneously more visible - an easy to see target - and erases them as worthy in our society. Study after study has told us that not being fat once you are is a lot more complicated than Eat less - Move more.  And while you all know that I hate doing that jumping into messy minds thing you all do, I am pretty sure that if this evil killer is targeting fat people, this unsub is one of three things: either ONE someone who is, or at least thinks of themselves as, pejoratively fat and has turned self-loathing outward - or  TWO someone who can’t understand that these fat people aren’t evil or immoral because they themselves have either never had to worry about losing weight or (THREE) they did and were one of the few statistically who were successful - but…AND THIS IS THE IMPORTANT PART…but the supposed rewards they expected for making the journey from fat to thin were not all they were cracked up to be. There is a reason eating disorders affect people of all genders - of all shapes and sizes.  Why diet and fitness cultures are so pervasive.  Why a fat kid is almost guaranteed to be bullied by their peers”
Matt is looking at Penelope with fresh eyes - he looks like he wants to say a lot more - like he’s thinking about the world his kids are growing up in - but all he gently asks is.  “So what do you think this means for today’s interviews?”
“It might - no it will be - messy and uncomfortable - but you should ask about how the victims saw their bodies - were they resigned or even happy at the size they were - or were they unhappy?  Were they actively trying to modify their body or weren’t they…because I’ll tell you one thing - from what I have found so far from their digital footprints these folks were just living their lives - i.e. no one seems to be drastically on the weightloss wagon around the time they were killed - and with this many fat people in the pool - that strikes me as unusual.  There’s so much pressure to hate yourself and change…” Penelope swallows hard but keeps going “...it’s odd that none of this group seems to be trying some sort of gimmick diet or fad exercise program or is on a medically monitored program - I’ll keep digging but, so far, there’s been nothing.”
Penelope is finally done.  There were a few more things she and Luke touched on last night but for now that’s enough.  She looks around the table at the serious expressions of her coworkers and makes a sign that they don’t need to say anything - she ducks her head and stands up.  
“I’ll go see if they are ready for you on the other side of the room.  You should have a few more minutes.  I’ll signal you when you should all mosey over.”
“Pen?” J.J.’s voice is tight.  Penelope looks at her hard.  Trying with all her might to shut her friend up - it’s not like they haven’t talked about bodies before - women do - and fat friends have heard it all - and Penelope has not been shy explaining some of her darker experiences - but being the fat one on this case - and she is hardly even someone who is seen as “bad fat” is something else. J.J. gets the message and steps on whatever she was going to say and instead just throws out a “Thanks. Pretiss is right - you are the best.”
Penelope nods and turns.  They all watch as she crosses the room with purpose - her loud perfectly tailored outfit and too tall shoes and perfect hair somehow seen afresh. 
Prentiss turns to Alvez.  “You two talked about the case last night didn’t you?”
“Anything else we should keep in mind?”
“I think that was the crux.  I thought it was better if you all heard it from her - but damn if I wish I could have made it easier.”
J.J. rips her eyes off her friend - as women they all have played that game of “I look so yuck - no you look gorgeous, darling.” but she wonders now if it cost her friend more than she knew - if it costs all of them - no matter their size or feelings about their bodies - more than they knew. 
“You do.  I don’t know if she could have said that with such poise when we first started working together…or even a few months ago.”
It is then that Rossi - sensing they are in dangerous waters - that things that can’t be admitted are being almost voiced - intervenes. 
“So we are all on the same page?  We ask about the victim’s health and their feelings about it? Tara - any advice there?”
“I’d say make it broad to start.  Ask if they had any hobbies… played sports…danced… then maybe were on any meds… had any conditions… did they feel comfortable in their body…that type of thing…remember the one thing we do know is that only one family resisted the exhumation - that these people were not surprised when told that the deaths may not have been natural.  Go from there.  Build on it.”
Prentiss “And links - we need to make connections between these victims - so the better we know what their routines were, where they had been in the last week or so of their lives - the better we’ll be able to find something other than these people’s weights that links them together.”
Just then - Luke who hasn’t taken his eyes off Penelope - sees her wave.  He stands and a beat later, so does everyone else - it’s show time.  
✈ ✈ ✈
The next hours go by in a series of snapshots as the same scene replays over and over - each a little different - but each interview heart-breakingly similar:
“We’re so sorry for your loss.”  
“Did she have any medical issues?”
“Did he have any hobbies?  …yes I know it feels like an arbitrary question - but you have to trust me - we’ve been doing this for a long time and it does matter.”
“Was she happy?”
“Would you say he was someone who felt comfortable in their own skin?”
“When was the last time you saw them?”
“Had anything changed recently? Any new activities? Friends?  Routines?”
Again and again the answers were the same variation on a theme:
“We’re just glad someone is looking into it, Bobbi-Jean was a lawyer you know - contract law mostly - she’d appreciate that you’re seeking justice.”
“That bastard needs to be caught - Clay wasn’t perfect but he didn’t deserve this! I’m just lost without him.”
“I am just thankful someone cares about the truth - this one guy told me that Alea deserved death for getting pregnant when she was clearly not healthy - it was a good thing my buddy was there to hold me back.  Not healthy? Not healthy? So she was heavy.  She was a nurse damn it - one of the few I knew who didn’t smoke or mainline coffee.  There was nothing was wrong with her.  Our doctor even said he’d rarely seen an easier pregnancy.”
“Not really.  I mean the doctors were always worried about Luisa’s weight - but they were always shocked she had such good blood pressure - especially for a 77 year old.”
“...tested every year for diabetes - but so far nothing. I guess he’s safe from that one now.”
“...we’ve paid for so many thyroid tests I’ve lost count.  But they always come back normal.  He used to laugh…”
“...I’ve never seen anyone with such a “comfortable in her skin” pregnant woman.  For all three she barely showed and boy did the doctors worry…but everything was fine in the end. Healthy mama - healthy babies.”
“...the doctors had to replace a heart valve last year and we were worried that his weight might be a problem..but the surgeon told us that at his age they were happier with patients with a little extra rather than not enough.”
"The doctors were always after her about her weight.  So she always got super stressed about seeing them.  She used to laugh that she could go in for a broken arm or a cold and the prescription would be "lose weight".  For a long time she wouldn't talk about her body - but recently she's been into the whole body acceptance thing… so we were talking about it - y'know - like you do… and I remember she said two things that hit me.  She talked about how when she was younger she was terrified that if she did anything too fierce about dieting or exercise she would fall into an obsession - she felt like a potential eating disorder was always hanging over her… so it was either caring about everything or nothing.  No middle ground….and by the time she got to a time in her life where balance might be possible… it was too late - she had so much on-the-go and a life she loved - she couldn’t make getting skinny her life’s work - so she just focused on eating well and moving - staying healthy and happy at the weight she was at.  I really admired her for that y’know? The second thing she said was that she felt worse - more guilty - over the fact she liked…loved… her body… when she knew she wasn't supposed to…than anything . Like if only if only she had been able to summon up enough self-hatred, maybe she wouldn’t have gotten fat… there is something really screwed up about that, isn’t there?"
"He didn't talk about it much.  I know he got teased for being fat and that was hard.  Brutal.  Kids can be awful you know.  But he was so shy just in general… I think in some ways being…soft…protected that you know?  Made him feel safer in some ways.  Less seen."
“Cooking?  Carla could bake like a dream.  Oh and quilting and she loved to go out dancing - ever since we met - every Saturday night I’d take her dancing.  That woman could move.  People used to tease me that I had married a fat woman - but no one who saw her dance ever said a thing”
“You name it. Martin was always busy.  Volleyball twice a week. Logic and math puzzles.  Coin collecting.  Water skiing.  Urban hiking. He volunteered at the local food bank and was a leader for our local scout group."
“Cathy was big into the theatre club at school.  She never got the lead but she was writing a romantic comedy about video games where she was going to play the lead and a friend of hers was also going to star.  She was so proud that the script was going to have no lines about how she looked."
“She loved boxing. Volunteered with the woman’s program down at the rec center where I am on staff.  I'm  in sports medicine and a certified nutritionist.”
“Reading, mostly?  He was a bit of a happy loner.”
“Yes.  Very happy.  He was part of the school band.  He was applying to colleges."
“He was confident, you know?  Happy with who he was.”
“Enrique and Zahida had just gotten together - they were both teachers you know - came home for dinner - met first our family and then his.  They were so happy.  We really hoped this relationship would work out.”
"We went for a hike.  Samantha was writing a paper on local rock formations and wanted to do some field research.  She was always the first person to say she was the last person who looked like a hiker and the world's slowest.  But she loved the woods and even if you might now go as far or as fast - you always saw so much with her."
✈ ✈ ✈
It is early afternoon and the Agents and their assigned partners from the local force have all completed the majority of interviews on their dockets, Penelope and her team of techs have been collating like mad, the translators have been providing excellent service, and the grief counselors have gone above and beyond.  
Most teams have generally seemed to click, but J.J. and the local officer that she’s been paired with have been not seeing eye-to-eye.  He’s young, fit, and while he hasn’t said it overtly - clearly believes that the investigation is a lot of effort over nothing terribly important and sure to be confirmed as nothing more than a prank once the autopsy reports were finalized.  
During one of their breaks he had made a big deal about telling her about this one case “a friend of a friend” had worked where it had appeared to be murder by poison but turned out to just be an accident.  “Not that that was going to happen here of course.”  
J.J. is doing her best to keep her temper - which considering two victims she had been assigned were the two youngest - and the people they have been interviewing are clearly shattered by the deaths - is getting harder and harder.  So unlike some of the other Agents from her team who were taking their break with their assigned “partner of the day” - J.J. has excused herself and is standing to the side of the general waiting area.  She is half keeping her eye out for anything notable to bring back to the team - half just trying to clear her head before the next interview which is sure to be heartbreaking as the last few.  As she stands off to the side, taking long pulls from a bottle of water, she muses about how this group of survivors differs in some key ways from others they have met over her years with the BAU.  There is the usual sadness, shock, anger - but somehow there is something else missing.  She tries to reach for what it is - but nothing is coming to her. As she stands there, one of the groups, parents of victims it looks like, returns from a session with one of the counselors who had been brought in.
Maybe that’s part of what it is that J.J. can’t put her finger on.  She knows if asked and everyone had been truthful, most of her team and the cops would have admitted that they believed that the presence of the grief counselors was more “pro forma” than anything else… but the sessions - both the one-on-ones and the group sessions - had, by all accounts, been accessed by the majority of the family and friends.  These folks are joiners.  J.J. checks the schedule Penelope had given to all of them that morning.  One of the last group sessions of the day was going to start soon - specifically for partners of victims - and one of runners who had been ensuring that the right people were in the right places at the right time was just gathering participants from the central waiting area.  
The group consisted of Cathy Barlow’s once secret highschool soccer-playing boyfriend - J.J. had interviewed him that morning and found him a nice young man who was slightly bowled over by the kindness Cathy’s parents were showing him.  Then there was the other “partner” she had interviewed - Carlos Ricci’s girlfriend - who had been in the marching band with him - they had been dating since freshman year and she was pretty fierce about the whole thing. 
J.J. had to check against the list that Penelope had put together to confirm who the rest were - but she did so.  Mentally checking off identities from the list as she linked them up people in front of her.  
There was Carla Fortsmith’s second husband a bluff handsome man in his late 50s and Bobbi Jean Ramirez’ leggy blond fiance - a 30 something nutritionist who kind of looked like a barbie doll come to life with her southern girl next door vibes - both of whom would have been interviewed by Prentiss.  
Then that had to be Kim Cho next in line; a petite young asian manga designer who Rossi had described over lunch as being “set adrift” by the death of her older speedrunner boyfriend - apparently they had been something of a geek super-couple.  
Matt had interviewed two partners that morning and there they were getting into line: the first had been Luisa Santos’ husband who had been 5 years her junior. “Her trophy husband” who had been away on a hiking trip for seniors at the time of her death.  The second had been Martin Sanchez’ husband.  J.J. smiled a little when she saw that Martin’s husband was reassuring Chloe, the couple’s adopted daughter that he would be “right back” and “to stay with grandma while he went to talk to these nice people about Daddy”. 
Another man who was being gathered into the group by the runner could only be Alea Abbas’ husband.  J.J. was secretly glad Tara had been the one assigned to him.  J.J. would have done it - but it would have been particularly heartbreaking as Abbas was not just grieving the loss of his wife, but also their unborn child.  
Of all the Agents, only Luke hadn’t interviewed at least one of the members joining this group.  His victims had been each other’s partners. 
The group is heading across the room - following the runner towards the double doors of the hotel banquet halls - when the cop J.J. has been avoiding siddles up to her.
"Surprisingly good looking group, huh?"
She turns toward him, eyebrow arched, tone to match.  "Surprisingly?" 
He either doesn't notice the undercurrent of hostility and disbelief in her voice or flat out ignores it.  His boyishly handsome face - that does absolutely nothing for J.J. after spending time with him - breaks into a grin.  "Yeah surprisingly.  I mean you've seen the vics' photos - who would guess that in a group of tubs like that - so many would end up with such fine partners?  I mean I get wanting a little 'cushin for recreational pushn' but as a life partner?  I, for one, would want someone a little more responsible in their day to day choices.  Someone who knows how to take care of themselves. But, to each their own I guess?"
J.J. has finally had enough and is about to bring down this disgusting officer a peg or two - when what he has said - disgusting as it is - triggers something in her profiler's brain.  She checks her watch  - hopefully she has time to catch up with Emily.  Five minutes left before their next interview - it is tight but doable - especially if Prentiss and Alvez are still where she last saw them.
"Look, Chad.  I need to go talk to my Chief for a minute.  I'll meet you back at the interview room in three minutes."
The cop nods but calls after her rapidly departing form with a puzzled look. "OK!  But my name is Allen.  Remember?" 
Then, muttering "Dizzy F.B.I. Bitch" under his breath...he turns away to find another cup of coffee - something to help keep him awake while he listens to her question their next supposed witness.   
J.J. is in luck.  Emily and Luke are still standing chatting with their assigned cops.  Everyone looks to be getting along - so J.J. flashes the locals an apologetic grin as she draws her boss away from the group.  Luke, looking concerned, joins them.  J.J. gives him a thankful look - trying to make it clear that he’s welcome.
"Look - I am glad I caught both of you. I have to run to my next interview but that neanderthal they gave me as a partner has finally said something which might mean something to the profile.  He pointed out that the romantic partners of the victims are generally quite attractive.  Not the sort of people many would expect to be interested in a fat person.  I don't know exactly what to make of that.  It might be nothing - especially since two of our victims were dating… but maybe Garcia…?"
Prentiss is vaguely nodding but looks troubled.  Luke's expression is verging on homicidal - but he is the one to speak up - his tone light.  
"I have an hour until my next interview.  I can go run this by Garcia?"
Prentiss gives a final decisive nod.  "Perfect. I have got my next interview now, so I can't.  In fact, I had better head off - I was assigned the furthest room - I’m definitely getting my cardio in today - dessert for me tonight! God, I just did it, didn't I?  Look.  We'll tee up afterwards alright?  But J.J. do I need to speak to someone about getting you a different partner?"
"No, I am fine.  I can handle it.  Thanks, Em."
Prentiss gives them one of her "boss smiles" and heads off.  
J.J. needs to go too but before she does, she grabs Luke's arm to keep him from heading right off.  She pitches her voice low - not wanting to be overheard by any of the San Antonio force.
"I'm not lying.  I'm fine.  But Luke?  If I was Penelope's boyfriend?  I wouldn't let Sergent Allen Joice anywhere near her.  And frankly - if those two do meet?  I’m not sure if I would be more worried about the health and safety of Penelope or my charming officer friend." 
✈ ✈ ✈
Keep reading... PART 4
Hello!  Thanks for Reading!!! Like most writers I love comments, reblogs, questions, likes … and that goes double for this story since case fics are waaaaaay harder (for me) to write than my more smutty stories - especially this one since I am trying to not be too preachy - but still want to explore some serious stuff. 
So if you had thoughts or constructive suggestions - I'd be super interested.
Finally, just a reminder that my asks are open for Micro Fiction or the Alaya Means Home series if you have any ideas for those two little side projects.
Yours respectfully,
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siodium · 5 months
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our last full day in korea!! decided to roam around myeongdong and hongdae more bc we didn't have any specific plan. except to have isaac toast for breakfast/lunch. the shrimp sandwich was delicious~
also spotted a kimbap place next to isaac toast and i realised i haven't had kimbap at all during this trip?? so i got one just to check it off my mental to-do list. i had a bit of trouble chewing through the seaweed but otherwise the taste was pretty good.
afterwards we went to a cat cafe (cat playground 고양이놀이터 myeongdong branch) that we saw on our way to isaac toast!! there were so many cute and floofy cats there!! some of them looked so grumpy like i owed them money but that's cute too.
dinner was at a jeon place in hongdae?? unfortunately i didn't catch the name of the restaurant. the seafood jeon was sooo good omg. there was also honey makgeolli on the menu and i wanted to try so i ordered but our server wanted to see both of our IDs even though i was the only one drinking (ban doesn't drink) and ban left her phone in the hotel so she didn't have any form of ID on her. the exchange that ensued was so funny LMAO. it was a comical back and forth of "pls i'm flattered that you think i'm not even 19 years old but i'm actually almost 30" and "no i need to see your ID". in the end i did a google translate of "she doesn't have her phone with her and she won't be drinking" on my phone and the server let us have the alcohol heheh. i'm glad that i didn't have to forgo the drink bc it was actually so tasty (and also hard to find in sg?? i heard).
after dinner, we strolled around hongdae and checked out some of their clothing stores. saw a rly nice skirt but i didn't get it cuz i couldn't justify $80 for the last piece. :/
we wanted to stretch out our last day as much as we could so at around 10 pm when the stores started to close, we went to get a mango cheesecake bingsu at sulbing to share~
ofc couldn't pass up an opportunity to take more pics at a photobooth for the last time on this trip!! we're pros now.
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more pics (mostly cattos) + our chaotic return flight day under the cut ↓↓↓
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we had a flight at 11 am but we overslept and only woke up at 10 am. 💀 it was not a good idea to leave all the packing to the last minute bc we were at it til 4 am?? ? there was no delay this time so we had to re-book our flight. luckily there was a t'way flight back to sg at 7 pm on the same day. phew almost got stuck in korea lmaoo.
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welp after securing our flight tickets, we went to lotteria for lunch. no pics cuz i was kinda hungry bUT THE SHRIMP BURGER WAS SO GOOD. pls come to sg, lotteria sunbaenim.
we had less than 5 hours til check-in and it wasn't a lot of time but we decided to head back to the city area bc there was nothing to do at the airport. that caused another round of chaos LMAO. the trip to the city took about 1.5 hours which meant that we had pretty much only an hour to do whatever we wanted to do. we could only visit one last place due to the time constraint, so we went to check out a stationery store (made by) in hongdae that i bookmarked but we haven't been to. i dropped a good $50 there on cute stationery (and also partly out of stress bc i was upset about losing my hookkahookka studio tortoise keychain bUT it turned out i still had it?? the bead chain got stuck to one of my magnets so i didn't see the keychain when i was packing my suitcase).
what we didn't account for was that the airport railway would take 5000 to 6000 won per trip?? and ban didn't have enough on her transport card for our return trip to the airport. sooo there was a bit of panic at the station trying to find an ATM to withdraw cash to top up her card.
not us almost missing our flight for the second time in a day. @w@ we legit had to run across the airport to make it for check-in.
i've never heard of t'way but it's a korean budget airline?? the plane was so empty though. the entire middle section had like nobody?? and ppl were lying down across the seats trying to sleep??
i seriously considered to go lie down as well until the plane went free falling for like 3 seconds?? ppl were screaming and there was no announcement or anything to address what just happened?? idk after that ban and i were too scared to move out of our seats (i gave up my toilet going plans too) so we just stayed awake together for the rest of the flight watching a studio ghibli movie and some episodes of vanitas no carte (!! it was on my to-watch list for a long time and i finally started it!!). nothing else happened after that though.
anyway we made it back to sg safely!! i joined ban's family (minus her mum) for supper at a ramen place before heading back home to s L E E P.
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en9chiana · 6 months
Tw:discussion of torture,murder,corpses,overall description of violence & violent acts.
Cw:debunking Armenian lies,propaganda,long ass post but every single word is important.
Armenians have been massacring Azerbaijanis ever since 1905.In 1905 on 31 of march,Armenians under command of Stephan Schaumyan,murdered thousands of Azerbaijanis( As to Stepan Shaumyan's confession, 6000 armed soldiers of the Council of Baku and an armed 3-4 thousand-member group of 'Dashnaksutun' of party also participated in the extermination of peaceful Azerbaijanis,in early 1900s ,Azerbaijanis were called (Caucasian)Tatars by Russians,so it was called a genocide of Caucasian Tatars back then.
March 30, 1918 another genocide of Azeris by Armenians,lasted a week,the first 3-4 days were the most brutal and violent.around 12 Thousand Azerbaijanis were brutally murdered by Dashnaks. Armenians,specifically Armenian partisans,ethnically cleansed & massacred thousands of Azerbaijani Muslims in Zangezur and destroyed their homes and settlements.
In 1987,Armenia illegally entered Nagorno-Karabakh,resulting in occupying Karabakh,ethnically cleansing and murdering 700K Azerbaijanis.
Azerbaijanis that lived in Kafan, Mehri, Daralayez/Vayots Dzor,Basarkecher /Vardenis ,were beaten up,murdered,tortured,ethnically cleansed & forced to flee.1987-1988,anti-Azerbaijani pogroms broke out in Armenia. Armenian mobs, supported by officials in Yerevan, attacked Azerbaijani-populated villages, killing hundreds of innocent civilians. Their designs of turning Armenia into an “Azerbaijani-free” country were soon realized, as over 250K Azerbaijanis.
In November of 1987 delivered two railcars of first Azerbaijani refugees; January of next year – 4 buses. By the end of February, 1988, the number of the displaced was as high as 4 thousand.
In 1992,26th of February,Armenians with the help of 366Th Guards motor rifle regiment massacred & brutally murdered Khojaly village,resulting in 613 civilian deaths,1275 taken hostage,487 wounded,150 missing,8 families completely wiped out,130 children losing one parent,25 children losing both parents. in 2007, the number of Azerbaijanis who went missing and were taken as POWs is 4,354. Of these, 3,503 were military personnel, and 841 were civilians, while the status of 9 of them was unknown. Of the civilians, 47 were children, with 16 of them being underage girls, 268 were women, and 371 were elderly people. Out of 4,354 missing Azerbaijanis, 783 of them were taken prisoner and taken hostage. According to the analysis of the materials received by the State Commission, 550 people were killed in captivity or died of various causes. Furthermore, 104 of them were women, while 446 were men. Only the names of 137 Azerbaijanis were identified, and the identity of 74 people is unknown.
On September 27, 2020, the armed forces of the Republic of Armenia once again grossly violated the norms of international law, using various types of weapons, including heavy artillery, and fired at the residential areas and military positions of the Republic of Azerbaijan from several directions.
Armenians bombed Ganja & Barda cities of Azerbaijan(both cities were kilometers away from battlefield)resulting in 21 killed civilians and 70 wounded/injured civilians.
Armenians will tell u about 1915 genocide,and about Sumgait,Baku pogroms as a justification of their war crimes.But “genocide”of Armenians in 1915 took place in Ottoman Empire(turks,as in Turkish people,as in Turkey),the difference between Turkic and Turkish is that Turkic people are from Turkic countries(Kazakhstan,Azerbaijan,Uyghurs, Turkey,Uzbekistan,Turkmenistan),and Turkish people are from Turkey.Armenian sources claim- in that “genocide”1.5millions of Armenians were murdered,but in reality,there weren’t even that much Armenians living in Ottoman Empire.
Dr. Justin McCarthy (the University of Louisville)calculated less than 600K Armenians living in Ottoman Empire.
Now,about Pogroms(/ethnical cleanse and massacre of Armenians)in 1988.It was proven,that Armenians were also responsible for those pogroms in 1988.(one of them was Eduard Grigoryan,he killed 5 Armenians and raped 8 women)
They also claim that in 2020,Karabakh(or how they call it-Artsakh)was under blockade,and they didn’t have access to food,water,the electricity was cut off:
In 2020,Azerbaijan didn’t fully return theirs native lands yet.In 2020-2023,Ruben Vardanyan was a state minister.How is it logical to blame Azerbaijani people & government,if there is a whole state minister that’s responsible for food,water,electricity,gas,and overall well-being of civilians who lived there?Also,I want to note that during the infamous “artsakh blockade”,Armenians were in cafes,restaurants,celebrating birthdays.Weren’t they saying that they had no food,no electricity during 2020-2023?
Armenians also claim that their children were killed,hospitals,schools,houses were bombed and destroyed,yet not a single evidence of destroyed schools and hospitals.
They also claim that Azerbaijani military used banned/illegal weapon such as white phosphorus.But in reality,armenian military had white phosphorus in their military depot .
There were picture-evidences of extremely wounded armenian civilians and also videos of white phosphorus in the air.Azerbaijani military destroyed the military depot,which resulted in white phosphorus exploded in the air.
Armenians also claim that we destroyed multiple churches:
First of all,Armenians have destroyed multiple monuments,including maraga-150,monument celebrating 150 years of Armenians being placed in Karabakh.It was destroyed by Armenians in 1988.Multiple mosques were destroyed during Armenian occupation.
Second of all,these churches have been built their illegaly,on an occupied territory.
Armenians also use the “tatik papik”monument (which was sponsored by Azerbaijani SSR,btw)as a proof of them “being there first”,but it symbolized symbolized the centenarians (people who are 100 or more years)of Karabakh region, including azerbaijanis.After the occupation of Karabakh by Armenians in 1990s,it became symbol of Armenian separatism.
There’s also a site named azeriwarcrimes,there u can see videos of “Azerbaijani”soldiers commuting war crimes(be heading civilians,soldiers etc):
Two videos from that site were debunked already:
In one of the videos, “Azerbaijani”soldiers were holding an armenian civilian and torturing him.But here’s the thing:in that video,one of the soldiers is saw wearing military uniform,that isn’t azerbaijani:
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In second video,they’re holding an old Armenian man,who they think is just a civilian,but he is actually..
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..someone who’s participated in massacres of Azerbaijanis in 1992.In that same video,he’s asking in azwrbaijani language “what did I do to u?”azerbaijani soldiers replies with “U didn’t do anything now,u did in your time”(implying his murders of Azerbaijani civilians in past). Jonik Tevosyan. A (former)Armenian Milligan accused of murdering azerbaijani civilians in Khojaly.He’s also responsible for taking hostage
Then,there’s a video of mutilated female soldier (sniper)body:I’m not justifying that action,but it’s a fricking war,do u actually think that Armenians didn’t mutilate bodies?Do u actually think they haven’t held anyone captive?They’re just smart enough(for once finally)not to film that.4 thousand Azerbaijani soldiers were murdered in second Karabakh (2020)war.
Moving on to “ethnic cleanse of native Armenians”as I said earlier,Karabakh was occupied by Armenians in the late 80s-early 90s.Armenians were allowed to stay in Karabakh as long as they accept Azerbaijani citizenship,no one wanted to accept it,so they left.It’s not ethnic cleanse when people leave in their cars,buses with food and it’s definitely not an ethnic cleanse when u get safely from point a to point b.But it’s definitely an ethnic cleanse when 700K people were forced to leave their homes,some naked,some barefoot in snow,or die.Many people were killed by Armenians while they were running.Many people died either of hunger/starvation or cold.
I am not denying that Armenians have loses,of course their civilians & soldiers died too,but once again-it’s a war,and not one sided at that.However,I am saying that Armenians were first to start this war.
Now,many people say that Azerbaijan supports Israel.That’s not completely true,here’s what I mean:
Government sells oil to Israel & buys weapons /military equipment from Israel,that’s sadly true.Some Azerbaijanis also support Israel because
A)one of our national heroes was Jewish,so some think that it’s unfair to not support Jewish people.
B)In 2020,pics & vids of Palestinians were circling around saying “free artsakh”,later it was discovered that those people were Palestinian Armenians.
But that’s a minority,majority of Azerbaijanis support Palestine,including me.Azerbaijanis who support Palestine argue with Azerbaijanis who support Israel(especially on twitter lmao).
Armenia supports Russia,Iran,USA and France.Each and every single country mentioned,has a history of violence.
RUSSIA-Russia-Ukraine war,Iran-do I even have to say anything lol?I think we all saw their regime.USA-another one that doesn’t need an explanation.France-the genocide of Algerians.
But no one batts an eye when Armenians do that right?No one says anything when these countries armed Armenia,right?
Armenians also planted mines all over Karabakh,resulting in 337 civilian and military deaths
I’m also not denying Armenian genocide in 1918,but as I said,the numbers are fake,and it took a place in TURKISH empire.This has nothing to do with Azerbaijanis.
I’m gonna post part 2&3(and however many it will take,bc tumblr doesn’t lemme post more than 10 pic),with more evidence of Armenians barbarism & war crimes soon.
‼️I can’t reply to comments for whatever reason
update:recent studies show that around 800K-1.2 mln Armenians lived in Ottoman Empire.So in that part,I made a mistake,everything else-truth that Armenians don’t wanna tell u ☹️
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megashadowdragon · 10 months
TIL: Zhu Youcheng is the only emperor in Chinese history, to be married to one wife and remain faithful to her, having no concubines. He was a hardworking emperor, lowering taxes, reducing spending, and demonstrating tolerance for Muslims. His son, however, had a haram so large, some starved.
Flares117 OP · 6 mo. ago He was regarded as one of the greatest emperors working hand and hand with officials. It was noted that there was almost no palace intrigue by the eunuchs or power struggles.
His son was given the best education and teaching on how to follow in his father's footsteps, but he loved brothels and hated his wife https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hongzhi_Emperor
He was a party boy with "The Zhengde Emperor took up a luxurious and prodigal lifestyle and indulged himself in women. It was said that he liked to frequent brothels and even created palaces called "Bao Fang" (豹房; literally "The Leopards' Chamber") outside the Forbidden City in Beijing initially to house exotic animals such as tigers and leopards for his amusement and then later used to house beautiful women for his personal enjoyment.[3] He also met Wang Mantang, one of his favorite consorts at a Bao Fang. On one occasion he was badly mauled while hunting tigers, and could not appear in court audiences for a month.[2] On another occasion he burned down his palace by storing gunpowder in the courtyards during the lantern festival.[2] His harem was so overfilled that many women starved to death due to lack of supplies.[4]"
Imagine having a haram so large, you dont have enough food for all your waifus
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The Mongols had a LOT of conquerors though. There was only one Alexander, but there were dozens of great Mongol generals.And to make things better, the Mongol Empire coalesced at precisely the time when the Number 1 breaker of steppe empires, China, was in no position to fight them thanks to a horrible civil war and the dumbest goddamned Dynasty to ever rule the country.It also helped that the other great horse riding empire, the Muslims, were basically in pieces at the time. So the Mongols could easily defeat them one at a time.They weren't quite as lucky when fighting empires that were perfectly fine tho. The Indians beat them so easily that they barely even remember fighting them at all. The Vietnamese utterly humiliated them, hilariously so.
Song Dynasty. Idiots literally funded the Mongols after Genghis Khan died, which should have led to the empire collapsing, and then got attacked once the Jin had been destroyed by the Mongols.
Their own military also sucked, because the entire court was basically working for the enemies, and the generals constantly had to relay each battle's strategy to the court even when the battles were days away, which mean they almost always lacked any initiative.
If it had been literally ANY other dynasty, they could have finished the Mongols off. It's not like Genghis Khan was the first steppe conqueror China had faced. But the Song constantly kept snatching defeat from the jaws of victory, and ensured all of China got conquered by foreigners for the first time in history.
You have to be more specific. The basic story of China is about 6000 years of a cycle of a competent emperor coming to power, each successive emperor in the dynasty is worse than the last, it gets to a point where the emperor is a legendary assclown, horrible things happen to the Chinese people, and then a rebellion/coup happens and there’s a new emperor.
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Those were not his accomplishments, those were just some of the tools he used to set up his accomplishments.I can't argue that if not for daddy dearest, Alex wouldn't have been able to start to become a great conqueror until he was in his 40s.
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whatdoesshedotothem · 2 years
Saturday 5 May 1838
3 25
fine morning Mr. Faulken the hairdresser came about 9 – dressed A- and then me during which time A- had Miss Lloyd the dressmaker – A- and I adjusted the Imperials for going with the carriage to be embarked – Mr. Harrison Bluemantle came at 11 and waited ten minutes or more – then staid ½ hour – took away with him A-‘s sketch of pedigree which she had done very neatly and took my pedigree to enter the deaths (vid. 166) – the coronation to be on the 28th June – to cost about £40,000 as did the coronation of William IV. – no procession – no place to arrange it in – would be 6000 who would have a right to join it, and no house of Lords – no place to marshal it in – the queen would not sleep in the cloisters of Westminster abbey as George the 4th did – to be ready for the next day – could not undergo the fatigue of a bouquet – about 12000 peers – the length of peeresses robes in proportion of their rank – a duchesses’ train 6ft. long on the ground – Every peerage bought by interest of one sort or other – Lord Ashburton (Baring) bought up the Times newspaper such which it is conservative, and has made £10,000 a year and more – realizes after paying all expense, £60,000 a year – the whigs did not know the [consi.] of their own reform bill – 3 parties now – whigs, tories, and radicals – any 2 of which joining must turn out the other – the present ministers will never resign – Bluemantle evidently a whig, and soon saw we were on the other side – breakfast after he went i.e. about 11 ½ and at 12 40 left A- to write to her sister and I drove off to Eastcombe – turned to the left just after passing over Blackheath – fine drive – the long line of Greenwich railroad arches had something of the look of an ancient aqueduct – at Eastcombe in 1 ¼ hour at 1 55 Lady S- much surprised but very glad to see me – Lady Buckinghamshire had been saying only yesterday she wondered if she should ever see Miss Lister – Lady S- looking much better than when I saw her last – no deafer – nor more bent as far as applied to me – gave her my address r. Saint Victor n°27 – promised to write – Lady B- a tall very ladylike elegant looking person I declined taking luncheon and also declined going upstairs – glad I went – the room we were in looked upon the distant Thames – a fine view – and had one window down to the ground on the other side opposite to the fireplace, and opening into a pretty flower garden – the room book shelved all round about 6ft. high – the shelves thrown back and that the well above (papered) was flush with the books on the shelves – all forming one line – no projection – the effect of this good and very comfortable – the drawing room at Shibden might be done in this way? past an hour with Lady S- and returned in 1 ¼ hour and home at 4 10 having stopt a moment en passant at Hammersleys’ and brought my passport signed by the French ambassador – sent away the horses for an hour and George dined and then about 5 ¼ A- drove off to Endsleigh street n°5 to see Mrs. Plowes – near an hour there – very glad to see her – pressed her but not disagreeably to know her plans but quite satisfied when A- said she really did not mean to tell them – Miss Edwards of Pynest there – while A- was away I sat writing up my journal from the beginning of Tuesday (1st instant) when about 6 ¼ Lady Stuart de R- and Louisa were announced – very glad to see her – said it was very good of her to come – she brought me the direction to the hotel Lady Rundlesham liked so much, Hotel Voltaire r. de Lille who also mentioned should this be full Hotel Mirabeau r. de la Paix – to write to them undercover to Lord Stuart de R- thro’ the embassy – to send the packet to the embassy porter or to Mr. Oakey the Law agent next door – we cozing very comfortably when A- returned and came in taken by surprise to find the de R-s here – introduced her – all very well – they did not stay more than a minute or 2 afterwards – then dinner about 7 ½ - a person from Mr. Pearce brought the bill paid it = £16.3.6 for what has been done to the carriage 11.2.6 and the rest expense of carriage and horses and embarking the carriage 12/. – Hutton brought home George’s clothes and Miss Lloyd sent A-‘s gown and petticoat (waist trimmed with Valenciennes edging) very neat – sent George to pay her bill –
A- and I respectively finished our Madeira and claret – had given them into charge of the waiter last night, and none of the wine seemed to have been taken – sat talking some while – then at our writing – then tea between 10 and 11 and writing again – had just finished my journal up so far at 11 40 – a heavyish shower or as I went to Eastcombe this morning otherwise fine day – then till 1 40 (sent Oddy to bed at 12) sat writing to M-, Marian, Mrs. Briggs and Mrs. Bagnold to be left in the letter box here tomorrow – morning – fine day – expect the rain going to Eastcombe this morning – A- wrote to her aunt while I was writing – directed and sealed my letters – we did not go upstairs till 2 or after –
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yostresswritinggirl · 3 years
This is a challenge fic for myself along the lines of "make a fic with not a single dialogue for the chattiest man in Teyvat" under the guidance of mama @archonistic's character analysis for Zhongles. Is this fanservice for her? Maybe...
Pairings -> Zhongles x Reader
Word Count -> 1635
Themes -> Established relationship, Zhongli does not SPEAK, Fluff?, Ambiguous Ending, Short Fic?
Series -> #Sojourner Specials (600 Followers Event)
Warnings -> Literally no dialogue whatsoever. If you can read a fic without dialogue, you are godly.
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Despite a man verbose and lengthy in dialogue, Zhongli always have designated moments of silence in all his days. This comes during his awakening and before the moment he slumbers.
Anything in between that was filled with his chatters that seemingly never end, whether it be among the citizens in the harbour or as required in his work at Wangsheng Funeral Parlor as its acting consultant for adeptal rights.
Among scholars and among commonfolks, no one has seen the dignified man keep himself in silence. No one besides you.
When dawn settles in exactly 6:04 AM, his day would start as he creeps out of your shared bed the quietest he can so as not to disturb your rest. And while he succeeds in not being a nuisance, your carcadian rhythm has long been accustomed to waking up automatically in that hour.
Still, he smiles, and leans over to kiss your forehead good morning. If you wish him to stay for cuddles he will gladly indulge, but otherwise he leaves the room to prepare tea and the light breakfast available for company. Morning was sacred for many reasons, and he refuses to break it not just because of his own grogginess but also his adamant placement on making your mornings as pleasant as possible before you head to your own busy lives.
Some small chatter passes over tea and bread but it is otherwise as serene as it could be. And you bid farewell at the fork of the road where you have to part with your lover.
You remember a time when you were only acquainted and he was much more... verbal with his words, you find yourself falling in love with just his voice as he seems to never stop conversing with you about everything he knows and he can say. From the statue to the simplest flower, all day when you are in his presence he would indulge you with a literature that's his voice until you had to go.
And then one day, he stops. Zhongli's voice already became white noise to you (in a good way) that the change was so abrupt and striking. The silence passes a minute, then an hour, and it permeates until you finally break it yourself and he will then converse in normal lengths.
It took you a while to recognize but his expressions had then turned lax, as if content, of finally ending his speeches.
The day after that day of silence was the very moment where your life together started, and the continued era of silence also lingers. But it never bothered you. The comfort between you two never once gave rise to discomfort amidst the voiceless, and the memory of his voice had always stayed in your mind.
When you look at a silk flower, Zhongli's voice would echo in your mind about its use. When you watch the harbour, his speech would once again come about its busy schedule, how workers gather at 4 AM and how the streets would be bustling during 5 PM. On the dot. It was weird at first until you laughed about the idea that your lover had marked you with his lustrous voice.
Ever since then it was you who mostly have to coax the words out of him, and while this is effective, you are also the reason he reverts back into muteness.
This is apparent not just for you but for all the people that surrounds you and Zhongli.
The most common occurrence or example of this was also reflective of the first time you had noticed. Likewise, you usually never see him in his usual demeanor at work simply because you were running your own tasks throughout the day. However this day was different as you had less things to work on and you were nearing the Parlor before finishing the last of your tasks.
While it isn't busy, it was still bustling with the workers moving to and fro rooms you had never seen used before, and you slightly wave at them to inform the sudden intrusion. You were no frequent customer (who would be at a funeral parlor...) but by the way they immediately understood your person, your lover was probably the cause of their awareness.
Hu Tao's toothy grin was not of mischief and you appreciate her time to take you to his office herself. And the moment Zhongli was made aware of your presence, his parted lips didn't move anymore, eyes trailed at you before he mouths a greeting. Seeing the customer in front of him who dons confusion at the sudden silence you quickly apologized for the distraction, but Zhongli only shakes his head with a ghost of a smile, suddenly making his way over to you.
You fluster not only at stealing his attention but his whole presence, about to scold him for leaving his duty when his strong and built arms suddenly engulfs you in a firm yet not suffocating hug. He presses a kiss to your forehead, humming to himself as you felt his muscles ease as you reciprocate the hug.
This continues until the customer awkwardly breaks your pink world with a cough.
He was like a magnet, attracted to your pole the moment you come into view, and he follows the pull with no resistance at all! It would have been bad for the business, but Hu Tao his boss, simply laughs it off in amusement.
You never once thought of asking Zhongli about it, and if it ever pass your mind, you'd easily push the idea away. If he was comfortable in the silence as you were then there's no need to question it. He was already forced to run his mouth at work and with other people, giving him the chance of resting his throat and beautiful mind would probably be the best decision. What you didn't know was that if you were to ask, your lover would easily just give the answer in a straightforward yet confusing manner.
The day of his silence was the day of epiphany for the once-Geo archon. Epiphany of many different things.
He has spoken all that he can say about the world that is Liyue for him, and he regarded this with a slight widening of his eyes as you both looked over Dihua Marsh by Wangshu Inn's balcony. How long has he known you, how long had he started speaking in your presence about the knowledge he wanted to inform? Zhongli ended up pouring his heart and soul to you about his craft that it had been drained immediately.
And when you two stood in silence, he had found it without a speck of tension, only silent pleasantries with no need for words. Time seem to slow and he finally felt himself take a step back and enjoy this moment in life. An opportunity he didn't realize he needed.
Without the need and want to fill the silence, Zhongli takes notice of the warmth you radiate, of the natural scent you emit together with the perfume you wore daily, it was flowery but not strong enough to be pungent. He takes notice of a lot more things, and he realized he had been admiring such presence he didn't know had such an impact on him until he finally looked better.
Without the need for words, he had realized it is time to organize his thoughts and being. He is a retired man, not the God that lived for 6000 years, not the one who was only there to see mortals come and go, replaced with another. It was time to slow down.
And that is why here he demonstrates another moment of silence, when the day is about to come to its end. Tonight was simply indulging in between his arms.
Warm and strong you always felt very secured when you settle within the confines of his comfort. And behind you Zhongli muses to himself in a distraction you had yet to know.
During the evening is where you unpack all the troubles and tales of the afternoon on both sides, leaving them all aside so you can rest with nothing left to say, all worries left on the table as you focus on letting the consciousness fade away in the company of each other.
You've never thought you can sleep this easy, peacefully, until you started living under the same roof. And he may not say it, but your analysis of Zhongli tells you he feels all the same.
A kiss on the back of your head urges your eyes to close and as if he knows of the action, he pulls you closer under the blanket up against his chest. Your lover is especially cuddly tonight and you had no energy to fight, to tease.
You stay silent as he indulges himself in the scent of your shampoo, a tired giggle leaving your lips everytime he nuzzles your hair deeper to catch a stronger whiff. In silence too you feel the desperation of a man who seeks the comfort of the simplest things, of a person that only wish to focus on the good things in life before facing the harsh reality once again.
If you were to speak your thoughts, Zhongli would applaud you for the accuracy. But you do not. You stay silent, and to slumber you slip into.
Soon after he follows suit, latching on to the bits of warmth you give.
When he wakes, silence would once again invade his day. But it would be silence followed by the coldness that finally comes after the years he had taken to indulge in your warmth. Zhongli is glad to have taken his time to slow down and stay quiet and take in the mortality of humans.
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Haha, you died again.
@moaa @dandelion-dreams @witchsungie @zelos-simp @legionqueensav @snackgod @rxsalinee @cala-ran @wind-wheel
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bartramcat · 3 years
CSI Vegas: The Ring Cycle
Along with many other folks with a vested interest in the “status” of Gil and Sara’s relationship for the reboot, I have been looking at stills and trailers for evidence of wedding rings.
It is surprising to me that it is important to me; what is even more surprising is that the show as entity has violated its own truths often enough that I, along with others, find it possible that once again they will somehow manage to fuck them up.
One of the rules of fiction is that, no matter what befalls the characters, the reader/viewer is able to maintain their suspension of disbelief. To say that while something may be Improbable that it is also possible. Most of those improbabilities are plot driven: things befall characters, and they have to deal with them. Sometimes characters are even killed out of the blue. But, you know what, that happens in life. A traffic accident, a random shooting, a home invasion ending in murder…all of these things can happen to any of us at any time.
I spent a large portion of my 20’s and 30’s on graveyard. As a result, I watched a lot of soap operas. I also stopped watching a lot of soap operas. For one major reason: I did not believe the actions a character or characters took in a situation. That what they did flew in the face of everything we had learned about him/her/them, and their action/choice was a contrivance to create drama. I might give the soap a couple of weeks to “fix” things, somehow, which they usually didn’t, and then I’d quit cold turkey. It was a fictional betrayal, and, once a show crossed that line, well, I was out of there.
To beat my usual dead horse: I did not believe the GSR divorce. It flew in the face of what we had been told about these characters, which was, essentially, that they didn’t want to live without each other. Now had it been a case of love at first sight (well, it was) and they were together instantly, then there would have been more room for breakups as they got to know one another. The thing is that they took 4 and a half years of show time plus the nebulous two years pre-show to come to the conclusion that they needed to be together. And, after that, another year or so wherein Grissom came to the realization that his life as he had known it was empty without her.
I have always maintained that as a Love Story it was over when Grissom walked into the clearing in the jungle in One To Go. That does not mean I think that they were over, only that there was no more drama to be mined from their relationship. All the bases had already been covered, given the character of these two characters. That is not to say there couldn’t have been some issues—no marriage/relationship is perfect—but I certainly think by OTG that they had figured out that being together was paramount, and they were finally at a point where they would figure things out together.
In Season 13, if they found it necessary to tease the idea of a “marriage in trouble,” they also could have backed away from that rather than fall over the precipice of separation/divorce. Since the conversation in Dead Air was off screen, it could very well have been a new beginning for them, rather than an ending. That, rather than wanting to end the marriage “for her sake” that he called to apologize for being out of touch and to let her know the project was going to be over soon, and he was coming home. Did we have to see it? No. All we needed to see was her happiness—in the same way we saw her in Season 10, when she is clearly deliriously happy in spite of “6000 miles.”
Newsflash: Grissom and Sara are not nor have they ever been Victor and Nikki, Luke and Laura, Steve and Kayla to name a few perennial on and off again couples from my soap viewing days. The problem with the divorce and Immortality to fix the divorce is that there is now this underlying possibility that they will become the couple they perpetually break up only to make up. It’s the ultimate soap trope. And the most annoying one.
And absolutely unbelievable where these two are concerned.
For whatever reason, TPTB have decided to play some weird we’re going to keep you guessing about Gil and Sara game. So, instead of people contemplating how all of the new characters will work in the “procedural,” instead of people speculating what the upshot could be of all the fabricated evidence, instead of wondering how the old and the new will hang together as a show, a bunch of people spend their time seeking photos of hands and rings. Myself included.
Of course, the thing is that if Gil and Sara are not together, married or in an otherwise committed relationship, then, I think it is safe to say that, again, the show has lied. And not only lied but betrayed both its viewers and its characters.
And that will be unforgiveable.
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zmediaoutlet · 3 years
twenty first lines
I was tagged by @marrieddorks -- she who is happily petting her sweet doggie <3 -- to do this little meme and, hey, I haven’t done a tumblrmeme in a long time, and the first fic will be hers, so!
Rules: List the first lines of your last 20 stories (if you have less than 20, just list them all!). See if there are any patterns. Choose your favourite opening line. Then tag 10 of your favourite authors! 
1. family reunion, J3, E, 6000 words: Jared's connecting flight gets delayed in Atlanta.
2. reparations, Sam/Deanna, E, 9500 words: In the week after they get back from St. Louis, dealing with James and the witches and the familiars and everything that got dragged up along with them, Deanna throws herself into the bunker.
3. glory days, Sam/Dean, E, 4700 words: Sam sleeps through Nevada. 
4. asceticism, Sam/Dean, E, 12,500 words.When Sam was fifteen he went on this whole kick of weird trivia. 
5. timshel, Sam/Dean, M, 4200 words. Dean pushes Sam into the bathroom, after what feels like a day of questioning and caution and Dean being withholding—he's so bad at it, Sam doesn't know why he even tries—and Bobby avoiding Sam's eyes—and Sam'll figure that out, eventually—but it's really only four in the afternoon, and he's got food in his belly for the first time in what feels like a week but he's assured is a year, and he's had a beer and a cup of coffee and Dean's squeezed his arm, on his bicep just above the bend of his elbow, and looked into his eyes for a full heart-rich moment when Bobby was on the phone in the kitchen and couldn't see—and they didn't do anything, of course they didn't, not in Bobby's house, but Sam closed the door behind himself with that look thick in his head, the knowing that Dean was safe and okay and that Lucifer didn't hurt him—that everyone was okay, that what he'd done by jumping into the cage had worked when he hadn't been sure, not at all, that it would—and he still doesn't really know how he got out but he'll get that out of Dean eventually—and he turns on the shower and smiles at the rickety jump of the hot water because, holy shit, he's alive to suffer Bobby's godawful shower—and he pulls the shirt off over his head, and unbuttons his jeans, and fishes in his pocket for his phone and his wallet like he always does—and finds a new phone that he doesn't recognize, which makes him frown, a wallet that he does, and—the amulet.
6. teambuilding, Cordell/Micki/Trey, E, 4700 words: Sunday afternoons are Micki's favorite time of the week.
7. for a long and happy life, Sam/Dean, E, 3700 words: It's only eleven o'clock when they get back to the bunker after leaving Oak Park.
8. check hook, Sam/Dean, E, 4000 words: Dean's quiet as they leave Fall River. 
9. bulldogger, Liam Walker, M, 9900 words: One of Liam's earliest memories is the time Cordell dropped him on his head. 
10. hazard, Mick Davies/Sam, M, 2600 words: This hotel really is a tip.
11. eiderdown, Sam/Dean, E, 4800 words: When the snow starts coming down, Dean's not yet worried.
12. the ivory of tooth and eye, Sam/Dean, E, 5900 words: It starts as dreams, the night after they lose Ava.
13. the calm before, Sam/Dean & Sam/Dean/Cas, E, 2800 words: Cas is different.
14. should i stay or should i go, Sam/Dean, E, 5300: For a hundred and fifty miles of midmorning blacktop outside of Kearney, Missouri, Dean won’t look at Sam.
15. in tenebris veritas, Sam/Dean, E, 3700 words: Dean wakes up feeling like he's been hit by a truck.
16. a leaden anchor, Sam/Dean, E, 2700 words: Sam’s cast comes off in Youngstown, Ohio.
17. there will be better days, Sam/Dean, E, 9400 words: They stand on the bridge, in quiet, for…
18. negotiation tactics, Homelander/Soldier Boy, E, 5100 words: The showers in Vought Tower are perfect. 
19. the beams of our house are cedar, Sam/Dean, E, 7900 words: When Dean leaves the store he's almost jittery.
20. won’t let you let me down so easily, Sam/Brady & Sam/various, E, 5400 words: First it's the rush. 
Wow, that felt like it took a long time. So these are the fics I’ve written since October 2020. Looking for patterns... I vary the length (from ridiculous in #5 to ultra-terse in #13), but it looks like I usually just... set the scene, right away, settling us in time/place so we can just get out of the way and go. That’s kind of interesting, I guess (?).
So, other people! Do it!
@wetsammywinchester, @nigeltde-fic, @mumble--bee, @silver9mm, @hellhoundsprey, @watermelonlipstick, @stillwaterseas ... and idk, whoever else wants to.
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