profesors · 5 months
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◾Serbian young men in national costume, holding a large bunch of grapes, Smederevo 2018 🇷🇸
◾The "Smedervska jesen" is one of the most important agricultural-tourism-economic events in Serbia. It is held every year in September in Smederevo, with the aim of presenting high-quality agricultural products, a rich tourist offer as well as the economic potential of the Smederevo region. The first manifestation was held at the end of the 19th century. For the first three exhibitions that were held before the Second World War, the central event was the Exhibition of Grapes and the selection of winegrowers. During the first exhibition, a festive party with a dance was held on the first day, and a banquet was organized on the last day of the exhibition. The program included a visit to the vineyard of His Majesty the King of Serbia Aleksandar I Obrenović in Plavinac and private vineyards, as well as a demonstration of working with a mulcher. After the Second World War, the preparation of the exhibition is only one segment in a multitude of programs of a different character. The event is conditionally divided into an economic, sports, cultural and entertainment part. The commercial part presents an exhibition of grapes, wine and fruit and other economic branches of the city. In addition to this, the manifestation has a number of content and programs of a sports, entertainment and cultural character, the number, content and quality of which vary from manifestation to manifestation. In 1989, the event began with a ceremonial parade through the streets of the city with about 500 participants. That practice has been maintained to this day. Since 2000, a larger number of programs have been introduced that have the prefix ethno in their name. In this period, the program of cultural and historical content, which takes place in the Smederevo Fortress, is established. It is, first of all, the program of the knightly brotherhood "SVIBOR" and stage representations of the despot Đurđ Branković and his family. At the same time, an agricultural exhibition program is established, in which each village of the Smederevo region gets its own exhibition space and within it the opportunity for agricultural and ethnic presentation. The event also has its fair part located in the large city of Smederevo Fortress. There are merry-go-rounds, tents with food and music, stalls with various goods.
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ribarljudskihdusa · 6 months
Jesen i oktobar, to nekakvo sjetno doba, to vrijeme kada vjetar čupa uspomene, trga dušu i vraća te tamo odakle misliš da si zauvijek pobjegla. A nisi i ne možeš.
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lifeinbooks · 7 months
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hrabrosrce · 8 months
Jedva čekam vrijeme džempera i tople čokolade. 🍁☺️
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nevenaobradovic · 6 months
Jesen je stvorena za jake zagrljaje i duge poljupce. Kiša je u drugom planu.🤎
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Amirosso Grosso by Amirosso Grosso Via Flickr: wild horses
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izgubljeni-kaktus · 1 year
Pitaš me
Koji mi je najdraži zvuk
I ne mogu se odlučiti između
tvoga smijeha i
lomljenja lišća
dok gazim njemu.
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ljubav-sreca-zivot · 10 months
Dok svi jedva čekaju ljeto, ja jedva čekam jesen.
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belaredstar · 6 months
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listovi pišu po zidovima
jesenju pesmu
i plešu poslednji ples
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nedostupankorisnik · 1 year
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beli-tramvaj · 1 year
Mislila sam da ću
do sad biti sretna
ili barem sretnija.
Ali ona tvoja jesen
me je dokrajčila.
I sad pamtim tvoje riječi
"Svemu treba doći kraj."
A to je bila moja greška,
pustila sam da ljeto
traje jedan dan duže...
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islamskiblog · 1 year
"Ako nekad, jureći za srećom, nađete tu sreću, vi ćete, kao i ona starica što je tražila naočale, otkriti da vam je sreća sve vrijeme bila na nosu." 🌸❤️
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hrabrosrce · 8 months
Sad padaju hladne kiše...
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thiscosmiclatte · 2 years
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Amirosso Grosso by Amirosso Grosso Via Flickr: wild horses
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offffyougo · 1 year
И опет јесен ... :)
И опет јесен. Опет тутње бескрајне кише по Никшићу, и опет старе црне слутње, и опет – сам си, Николићу.
И опет нека  писма дуга, очајна писма – без адресе, а нигдје драге, нигдје друга, само та јесен. Опет јесен.
А шта ако  просвирам тај метак кроз ово чело невесело, а онда почне све испочетка: живот, страдања, па опет – чело.
А шта ако  нема заборава, ако је то само вјечна игра круга? А шта ако тамо испод трава боли ова иста људска туга?
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