#jin is a punny boy and yoongi is Done
godzillagirl-14 · 5 years
Wish Upon an Idol (Ch. 2)
Chapter 2
Pairing: ot7 x reader 
Summary: The Bangtan boys have the ability to grant wishes (unbeknownst to you, the brand new addition to their friend group) So when you jokingly wish you had superpowers to “help the world in a way you knew how” what happens when you wake up the next day with extraordinary abilities? 
A/N: So this chapter is more of a backstory for the reader and boys. I have no clue where I’m going with this story but I have a general idea, but if you wanna throw in ideas and theories about what you think is gonna happen, don’t be afraid to comment. Also don’t be afraid to comment if you’d like to be apart of the tag list :) 
Warnings: Drama, Angst, a lot of Action, Smut (later on), and a bad attempt at being humorous. 
Warnings for this chapter: Things get a little heated . . . sort of.
Word count: 3,054
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Launching himself out of his bed with an energy and agility he didn’t know he possessed, Yoongi burst through his door into the hallway, hightailing it to your room, six other men hot on his tail. He practically threw himself at your closed door, forcing it open and almost taking the poor thing off its hinges. The whole thing would have been comical honestly, watching the Min Yoongi run like a man escaping Hell to the bedroom of the girl he’s head over heels for, but they could laugh later. In the middle of the room is where you laid in bed. Now this wouldn’t have been so bad, had you and your bed not been alight with flames. 
You were quite literally on fire. Standing still in shock for only a minute before springing into action, all 7 boys suddenly moved as if they got a swift kick to the ass. Yoongi, Namjoon, Hoseok, and Jin all helped to haul you from the flaming bed, making sure to pat out the lingering flames that remained on your clothes. Meanwhile, Taehyung, Jimin, and Jungkook all ran out of the room, Taehyung and Jimin to the kitchen and Jungkook back to his room. 
Quickly grabbing the small little fire extinguisher on top of their refrigerator, Taehyung never thought he would be using the small object to extinguish the girl of his dreams. He expected to use it for a Namjoon related cooking incident, not this. Beside him, Jimin practically propelled himself into the fridge to get as many water bottles his arms could carry. Was he being a little too dramatic? Maybe, but he was determined to make sure you didn’t go dehydrated. 
Jungkook sprinted down the hallway to his room, grabbing a t-shirt and a pair of his boxers because surely you’re clothes had to be charred and gross. He was secretly elated at the idea of you wearing his clothes. He just wished it were under different circumstances. All three of them ran back to your room as quickly as they could, all meeting their doom in your doorway where they inevitably collided, sending all of the items flying. They barely had any time to get their bearings before they once again sprung into action, scrambling to get the items together. Three grown men running around like chickens with their heads cut off. You would have laughed had it not been for the situation. 
The sound of the fire extinguisher putting out the fire made you startle out of your thoughts and you unintentionally pushed yourself closer to Jin’s arms - not that he was complaining- as he soothingly rubbed the smooth skin of your arms. 
Wait. Smooth?
Pulling away from you, he examined the skin of your arms and legs, seeing as they were not covered in third degree burns. Your poor clothes however were burnt to shit. 
“She doesn’t have any burns.” Hobi stated the obvious as he took notice in the way that Jin was looking over your completely unharmed body. As if realizing that you weren’t injured, you gently pushed Jin away from you, taking a couple of steps towards your full body mirror. Looking over at your ruined pajamas and unmarred skin, you slightly pouted. “I really liked those pajamas.” you mumbled to yourself. 
By the time Taehyung had finished putting out the fire, the smoke had finally flitted up in the air, covering the room in an intense silence as you gratefully took the clothes in the Jungkook’s hands. . . And then the smoke detector went off. 
The constant and shrill beeping noise was already annoying in itself and the boys automatically cringed. But your poor eardrums; it felt like someone was brutally taking a sledgehammer to your skull while screeching in both ears. The violent shudder that wracked your body shocked the boys around you as you sunk down to the floor with your hands pressed against the sides of your head. A painful cry tore from your throat as you felt as if your head would explode. 
You faintly heard a shout from somewhere in the room before the shrill noise stopped and you immediately relaxed, however the pounding headache remained. You saw a hand trying to hand you a water bottle, but you felt too nauseous to put anything in your mouth. 
You did, however, reach out to the hand, grabbing onto their forearms and forcing yourself up, coming face to face with the beautiful Park Jimin. He gave you a small concerned smile and your felt your skin heat up. And it wasn’t because of the fire. Quickly shaking your head to clear your thoughts, you continued to hold onto his arm as you looked around the room. 
“Guys,” they’ve never seen you more serious in the short months of you living with them. “I need to go to the hospital, I think I’ve been drugged.” 
It was silent for a solid ten seconds before the room erupted into loud boasts of laughter. You once again cringed at the overwhelming noise, stopping the bile from rising to your throat. You were so confused; why were they laughing? There’s no other logical explanation as to why you felt so sensitive to everything. It felt as if they were screaming right in your ear, you could distinctly smell each of the lingering scents of the cologne that they wore yesterday, you were hyper aware of where each boy stood, being able to feel every single movement of the drop of sweat that traveled from your thigh to your ankle, you could see the tiny individual fabrics of Taehyung’s night shirt. It was all too much. 
The only logical explanation your brain could come up with was that someone had snuck into your bedroom to assassinate you, tried to drug you and when that process was taking too long, set your bed on fire. 
Yeah. . . that had to be it. 
The laughing continued and you thought you were gonna have a stroke. “Why are you so loud?!” you shouted, rubbing your temples to alleviate the headache that was forming. The room fell silent and you sighed in pure relief, leaning back into Jimin’s frame, barely registering the feeling of his arms wrapping around you as you closed your eyes. 
As you were taking deep breaths to calm yourself down, you footsteps approaching and you automatically knew it was Namjoon. How? You had no idea. You just knew. 
Placing a gentle hand on your arm, you opened your arms and came face to face with Namjoon. Your breath was knocked right out of your lungs. It’s like your were seeing him in ultra 4k HD. You were too stunned to speak. 
“(Y/n). . . you need to listen very carefully,” he spoke calmly and clearly and you found yourself entranced by his voice as you nodded. “You weren’t drugged.” you cocked your head to the side in confusion and he wanted to coo at you for how cute you looked in that moment. “We need to tell you something, but we’re going to take you to the living room and sit you down to explain everything, okay?” 
You nodded mindlessly as you let yourself be led into the living room. Sitting down on the couch next to Namjoon, he began massaging your knuckles as you looked at the rest of the boys sitting around you. A sharp exhale pulled your attention back to the boy occupying your hand. 
“Okay, let’s start from the beginning.” 
~ ~ ~
Kim Namjoon was the son of a merchant. Selling goods abroad internationally, his father sold things from exotic spices to valuable Jewelry. Namjoon worked alongside his father in their little shop, always examining every treasure his father brought home as if it were a gift from a deity. He loved it. 
As time moved along, his father enlisted the help of six others boys, as his father was getting older in age and wasn’t able to get things done as quickly as he was used to. The six boys were practically strangers to each other and Namjoon, but they kept things polite and introduced themselves as Kim Seokjin, Min Yoongi, Jung Hoseok, Park Jimin, Kim Taehyung, and Jeon Jungkook. They kept things professional, only talking to each other to discuss items that were to be imported and exported. Anyone visiting the shop could sense how tense the poor boys were. It’s not like they hated each other though, they were just complete strangers to each other, not being comfortable enough to have a conversation that wasn’t about business. 
Until it happened; All seven boys were just hauling back some goods they got from trading in Africa, when they were checking the different seasonings and spices they got back. They could practically recite the list in their sleep, always seeing the same ingredient on the list every time, but not this time. As Yoongi read off the list to Hoseok to make sure they were all accounted for, he stopped short when he read an unfamiliar name. “Huh, this is a new one,” he stated, his tone nothing short of bored. 
That was when Jin walked past them, looking into the crate to see the foreign seasoning. “Well it’s about time we got something new. I was so bored with the same old stuff, I’m glad we’re spicing things up a bit.” 
It was silent for only three seconds before the sound of squeaky laughter filled the room as Jin proceeded to laugh at his own terrible punny joke. Soon the others joined in with laughing. Some were laughing at the joke, some were laughing at Jin’s laugh, but they were all laughing together. They even cracked more jokes to keep the laughter from dying out. It took them twice as long to get their job done that day as they kept having to stop from doubling over in laughter. 
After their jobs were done and it was time for them to go home, they found that they didn’t want to go home just yet. So when Taehyung had asked if they wanted to go and hangout at his house for some drinks, they all almost immediately said yes. And they spent the night drinking, laughing and enjoying each other’s company. 
They were inseparable after that, finding any excuse to hang out with one another. And soon the friendly feelings turned into something more . . . intimate. Lingering touches and longing gazes became less and less subtle the more time the boys spent with each other. Until one day, Jimin just walked up to Yoongi and placed a big fat kiss right on his lips. And then proceeded to do it to the remaining five boys. They were ecstatic that someone had finally taken initiative as they were all too chicken to do it themselves. 
So, the kisses and lingering hugs and more. . .promiscuous acts became more and more frequent. As the years passed, their bonds only became stronger, and as Namjoon’s father officially passed down the business to him to retire, they felt as if they were thriving. One day, the boys were to travel to the Middle East in order to pick up some stock and bring it back to Korea. It was no big deal to them as they have done it countless of times before. 
Just as they were finishing up their transaction, they began to explore the village for an inn that they could stay at for the night before heading back. They stopped at a stand, buying various types of foods, their stomachs practically roaring to be fed as they smelled the delicious food. Just as they were about to head back to their inn, they spotted three small children; a girl and two boys, wandering around the market as if lost. But that wasn’t what caught the boys’ attention. They looked absolutely starving. 
They watched as the little children begged many people for food only to either be ignored or to be rudely told to leave. One man even shoved the poor girl when she asked him for an apple. The seven men watched in shock at the display, observing the way the children’s shoulders slumped as they continued walking. As they got closer, Namjoon observed the amount of food in his hands before ultimately coming up with a decision. He could buy more food. 
Stepping up to the three children, he squatted down to their level, holding out the bag of food to them. They looked at him warily, but he persisted, giving them a kind smile as the girl slowly reached up and took the bag. Soon enough the rest of the boys were doing the same, handing off their bags of food to the two small boys. The three children stood in shock, staring up at them with wide curious eyes before launching themselves onto Namjoon, effectively tackling him in a hug. They did the same to the rest of the group and the boys don’t think they’ve ever smiled this hard before, but as they watched the children run off excitedly with their meals, they felt a fluttering in their hearts. 
Later on that night as they all got their rest, after buying more food and eating their dinner, Jungkook was slipping in and out of consciousness. He didn’t know why, but he had the strangest feeling that someone was watching them. 
It wasn’t until he opened his eyes and shifted in his bed did he see three pairs of glowing eyes staring directly at him. 
The poor man almost went into cardiac arrest. 
Upon discovering the three watchers, Jungkook let out a less than manly scream, alerting the six other sleeping figures in the room as they all jerked awake at the noise, trying to get their bearings as they also caught sight of the three figures in the room. 
Cue more screaming. 
It wasn’t until the three figures stepped into the moonlight filtering through the window did the screaming cease. The three children stood before them, close lipped smiles adorning their faces. Even though they stopped screaming, they were still pretty freaked out, staring at the three children for some sort of explanation. 
“We would like to thank you for your kind gesture,” said the female child, holding up her hand to stop any protests or screams from the 7 adults looking at her in fear. “But let us introduce ourselves first.” 
With that being said, the girl and two boys looked at each other, before looking back at the boys. A light began to illuminate their figures, completely engulfing them, and if that weren’t enough to freak the boys out, the children’s skin began to melt off their bodies and drop down on the floor with a wet plop. 
Once the light subsided, the children were gone and in their place stood three ethereal beings smiling down at them fondly. The 7 boys looked on in astonishment. staring at the beings in awe. 
“Hello,” the female being started. She was absolutely gorgeous with glowing golden skin and black hair pulled back away from her face. Her body was adorned in necklaces, bracelets, and rings, all glimmering in the moonlight. “My name is Kaikha. And these are my brothers Shasme and Ghokhero.” 
Shasme had blazing red skin, black hair framing his face and jewelry covering his body as well, sporting a whole extra set of arms. Ghokhero was a pale blue, completely bald, and only sporting golden bracelets on both wrists. The three stood - actually floated, as the boys looked down and found they have no feet - waiting for a reaction that didn’t come as the boys were stunned to silence. 
“If you have not figured it out yet, we are those three children you saw in the market. And we are so grateful, we would like to thank and repay you for your acts of kindness.” Shasme said, chuckling as the boys were still to shocked to speak. Kaikha, Shasme, and Ghokhero began walking towards the seven boys, placing a hand on each boy, speaking in unison. 
“We bless you with the gift of granting others what their hearts desires. May you bring happiness and humility to the world in the many years to come.” Their palms glowed bright, nearly blinding the boys as the light later faded. The three deities looked at the boys with pleased smiles on their faces. “Your act of kindness gave us hope in this dark world. It needs more people like you.” 
And with those last parting words, the three beings were gone in the blink of an eye. . . 
~ ~ ~
You stared at the boys around the room, trying to process the information they had just bestowed upon you. 
“And after that, we went back to Korea as if nothing happened. We vowed to keep it a secret so no one would take advantage of our powers. And because of this, we were able to grant your wish last night.” Taehyung concluded, having a vice like grip on Jimin’s hands. He was nervous about your reaction. 
It took a moment to collect your thoughts, but the first question that came out of your mouth was - “Wait, how old are y’all?” 
“Uhm, a couple thousand years old.” Jin answered, and your jaw dropped. You shook your head, trying to wrap your head around it all. “Ok, let me get this straight: You seven men, are actually immortal beings from Ancient Korea who were regular merchant boyfriends until one day, an act of kindness got you noticed by three Middle Eastern gods and they were so impressed by you, they gave the gift of granting wishes which apparently had the side effect of immortality and now fast forward to today, you guys are 7 of the most famous men in the world and no one knows about your secret except for you and me and now I have superpowers over a mindless wish I made after watching a Marvel movie?” 
They mulled over your brief explanation before nodding as you heard variations of “yes” “yep” and “yeah, pretty much.” Another long beat of silence took over as you took in and processed this revelation. 
“That is so. . . cool!” 
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A/N: Hello! I hope you enjoyed this chapter as we learn how the boys got their powers in the first place. I don’t know how I feel about that backstory, but I hope you liked it. Let me know what you think. How do you feel about their backstory? How do you think the story will turn out? I’d love to hear your feedback!
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stutterfly · 5 years
(1) My app is being dumb about commenting on fic reblogs, so I've been holding off on reblogging Love Bytes and Swipe Right until I could get on my laptop, but that'll be too long and I just need to like ADFJRKSLDHDK UNLOAD ALL OF MY LOVE FOR EVERYTHING YOU WRITE. So, this may be a bit long...
(2) First of all - I love that you are using Geeksquad throughout the Sim Card series. I love her character and find her incredibly relatable, and I adore how we get to observe the interactions with the guys throughout the storylines like a cross reference that keeps building. The dating sim idea is brilliant and something I haven’t seen before in a fic.(3) I love that every time you post a new chapter of Love Bytes, I feel the need to devote a full day to rereading all prior chapters. Not because I don’t remember, but because they are so fucking hilarious that I WANT to. There are so many stories and authors whose works I’ve grown attached to, but this is the only one I reread. The fact that I do not shower you with constant vocal love and appreciation bothers me, because you absolutely deserve it.
(4) Now, Swipe Right? I know this is a Jungkook fic, but I’m really feeling Yoongi here. The portrayal of Jin’s sense of humor is so spot on, and I am DYING over fuckboy Jungkook’s punny pickup lines. The ocarina songs and Master Sword comment absolutely killed me. I’m eager to see where you take this, because I already know I’m in for a good time. Ok, phew, I’m done with the asks. Anyways, thanks for being rad. 💜
THANK YOU SO MUCH LIKE I DON’T EVEN KNOW WHAT TO SAY???? I’m so floored by this sweet feedback. I feel so blessed that someone out there is reading Love Bytes over and over because they just WANNA hdfkhskjdhfkjshd. It feels so nice I’ma cry.
I’m super eager to share the rest of what’s floating in my brain for Swipe Right and Love Bytes, but I’m also working on a super secret thing that’s consuming my free time right now. >.As for Yoongi?
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He’s the softest boi 10/10 would hold hands. brb gonna yeet myself into the sun
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jinships-ideas · 6 years
BTS Run 45 - The Jin Harem
How do I put this nicely... Barista AUs out there? All debunked
Bangtan makes a great barista for the eyes but not for the impatient caffeine-lacking patrons of Bangtan Cafe!
Let’s get it!
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Joon and Hobi knows what’s good
Joon was sneaking a glance in the very opening
Hobi had 0 shame and was blatantly gawking at Bunny!Jin
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Find someone who looks at you the way Hobi looks at Jin
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Shy Boy Jk fiddling with his hair at the sigh of Bunny!Jin
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Yoongi isn’t even looking at the costume
He is just admiring Jin’s face
I mean... I can’t blame him
Who WOULDN’T stop and stare for a while when he is so close?
Yoongi is one lucky chap
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Jin: *Exists* Yoongi: How is he possible? Tae: Waa...Did I just see that? He is perfect Joon: Move your head out of the way. You’re blocking MY VIEW glasses! Hobi: *plotting* How do I get them to stop gawking at my man? Jk: *sighs* I’ve been blessed Chim: Meh. I’m still cuter. But I guess you can be 2nd place.
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ISTG If I see any p*nk pr*ncess Bullshit I will block your ass
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Jin: *laughing like the cutie he is* Yoongi: I’m just going to pretend I didn’t hear that. Yup. Tae: IGNORED. Joon: You’re so lame but so cute Hobi: Ahh what a precious man he is JK: Seriously? Don’t make me go from sighing from love to just sighing. Chim: What a cute little man bunny
Staff: *swooning over Jinnie*
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If at first, you don’t succeed, try the joke again - Jin
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The corner of his lips rose right after Jin’s statement
This blonde boy pretends he doesn’t like Jin’s gags but you can’t hide shit from us Yoongi
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94-liners Loved the second Joke too
Joon: We are SO WHIPPED Hobi: Right you are, my smart friend
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Jk and Chim enjoying the joke too~
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I spy with my potato eyes (get it?) a smitten boy who realises how whipped and deeply in love he is
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Tae: WHY? Why is the man I am into so damn lame?
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He adamantly said it was ‘O’ for the Caramel Macchiato question but due to how convincing Hobi and Tae sounded he quietly switched 
Our bunny with soft ears (it’s a Korean saying that means he is easily influenced by what others say)
He even flipped his little XO sign up till the answer was announced XD
Poor boy just wants to be right :]
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Confident and flirty Hobi doing the finger gun at Jin
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Tae reaching for an additional piece for Jin who was seated in the corner
The gentle tone of his voice as he told Jin ‘I took this for you’
*Crys my Taejin heart out*
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Chim and Joon are curious little twerps staring at the bunny 
Meanwhile, the bunny was struggling to reveal his paper thanks to his white gloves
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Yoongi showing a slight interest in Jin
We don’t know if he was watching Jin struggle or curious about Jin’s assigned drink
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Solved: He was curious about Jin’s drink
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Jin is smiling at Yoongs...
*Yoonjin heart quakes*
Yoongs seems to be smiling back too
I’m almost 100% sure in the unedited cut, Yoongi probably said smth dumb or funny that induced Jin’s happy smile :’)))
Meanwhile bangtan: *eyes on Jin*
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Our caring and thoughtful Bunny Boy pointing out how Tae doesn’t drink coffee
Pretty sure it’s not the first time Jin pointed out Tae’s dietary preferences
He’s done it A LOT
Our nice and sweet eldest~
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Can I just point out how he sits with his feet pointed like a child?
What a cutie
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Yoongi trying to Put Jin on the spot questioning him about Ethiopia
Yoongs, honey, our boy is a UNIVERSITY GRADUATE
How foolish of you to think he doesn’t know something so basic
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Proud Bunny Jin (with his feet/toes/paws still pointed)
Chim and Yoongs being impressed at their intellectual hyung
Even the barista was acknowledging Jin~
The rest of Bangtan are busy writing down the words of wisdom from Smart Bunny Jin
Jin, an intellect
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Mirrors Jinmin Ft. Bunny!Jin’s cute tail
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Really? You two HAVE to stick so close?
It’s not a Run!Episode without these 2 being unnecessarily close to each other physically
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Namjin are actual mirrors
Standing apart but minds connected
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Jin looking at the floor (idek why) and Tae immediately following Jin’s line of sight
Tae being distracted by Jin in the middle of the Barista’s lecture is so adorable
And that hand of his at the back on the counter... GO FOR IT AND PLACE IT BEHIND JIN YOU FOOL
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Tae and Jin pinning shit on Yoongi trying to throw him under the bus...
Evil brats TaeJin with a confused and amused Yoongs
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Tae finally has his hand on Jin
On those Worldwide shoulders
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Correction: HANDS 
At least he knows he has to grab and hold on tight to what he wants
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I’m 70% sure Yoongi said that funny ment while looking at Jin hoping to get another bubbly smile
Ft. Tae still has his hands on Jin
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Visual line crowding around Visual Bunny showing interest in his cup
Are they interested in the coffee or the opportunity at an indirect chu?
I mean... Tae doesn’t even drink coffee ffs and JK doesn’t like bitter stuff
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The fact that all of bangtan were focusing on Jin’s lips...
Tae: Damn he fine and he smells gopd Jk: What a great view I have, who cares if the cameras can’t see me? I see perfection. Chim: He’s so amazing... Joon: Move your big head away Jimin. I need my scenery Yoongs: What a joke when your hugeass head is blocking me too Hobi: Grow taller and shut up so I can enjoy this sight in peace
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He can’t do anything about his height but he just REALLY wanted a good view of Jin sipping his espresso ok?
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Jk taking the chance to lay his hand on Jin’s shoulders~
Opportunistic JK is a smart JK
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Bless Meme!Kook
Ft. Jin’s back
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Someone REALLY did NOT like the espresso
Ft. Jin’s back + Tae’s nose
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He looks so adorable?
This looks so domestic?
He looks like he is admiring a beautiful sight right before him and is basking in the bliss he feels
(He was watching Yoongi make coffee)
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Joon placing his left hand slightly too far out away from his body... a little too close to Jin
Someone is trying to have some skinship huh?
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
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If only Jin moved a tad bit closer to Hobi..
We would have gotten a very non-platonic 2Seok shot
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Yes please
Closer please
Bless Yoongi for giving us this moment
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The barista represents all YoonJin shippers watching out ship happen right before us
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I’m POSITIVE that Jin checked out that sunny booty in that position
Perfect view
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Hobi ALSO presents his coffee right in front of Jin...
Everyone wants to serve their Bunny!hyung
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Jin is VERY IMPRESSED by Barista!Chim
Yoongs: Pfft I can do better
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Jk blocked the shot but Jin was conversing with Joonie in the middle of filming~
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Jinnie Teasing Jk over his ‘one-handed’ challenge 
Ft. Amused Joon
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I’ve said time and time again 
To get Jin, BE JK
Look at Jk amusing Jin so much with his ‘blunder’ due to his immense strength 
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Coffee Princes?
Coffee Princes.
Kim Coffee Princes.
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Yoongs: Jin hyung’s tail looks cute
...Yoongi exposed himself 
Self-expose by MIN YOONGI
Ft Jk, Hobi, and Chim also enjoying the sight of Jinbooty
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The cute tail(?)/butt in question
Cute indeed
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Chim praising Jin for doing a pretty job at Tamping and Jin showing it off to Chim even more 
Chim is an angel that never forgets to shower Jin with Love
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Joon went back to his seat and immediately points out how cute Jin’s tail is again
Joonie, they already mentioned it before
Also, Joon got a greatass view
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Adding ‘overly-attached’ to Chim’s load of descriptions when it comes to Jin
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Chim immediately graving the cup so he can have Jin’s indirect chu~
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Yoongi-ah... where are you looking?
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
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Jin and his way of charming older men
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Bangtan to Jin: *I GOT MY EYES ON YOU*
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Jin indulging in Joon’s “I can’t see”
Get yourself a man who indulges you even when he has to look dumb
Joonie hugging Jin’s headpiece looks ADORABLE
Yoongs and Hobi: *checking Jin’s butt out*
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Hobi and Joon: *concerned AF*
ShookJin is shook
Thus, a new meme is born
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What do we call this ship???
Jinbari is what they called Jin already...
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Why does Yoongi look like a sad puppy that doesn’t have his Jin-hyung’s attention and is sulking over it?
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Tae: *pouts* I want to be closer to him Hobi: Would I get a better view here? Joon: When will he look my way? Jk: His Butt. HI BUTT. *stares* Chim: *drooling* wow. That booty though Yoongi: He’s too far away. Look my way.
Bangtan are WHIPPED like cream for their Bunny!Hyung
Get it? Because whipped cream and coffee and...Ok I’ll stop
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Hobi: The audacity of that guy being so close to hyung! Tae: UNACCEPTABLE. Yeaotan, daddy has found you a new chew target toy. Joon: Please don’t touch him. I will be sad if you do :( Jk: This punk pretends to be nice. I shall pretend to go if for a high-5... in his face...with a fist... Chim: THE VIEW THO Yoongs: Don’t go to another man when I’m right here... :[
Fyi: I’m Chim
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Hobi, Chim, and Yoongs expressing their joy and fascination like the children they are
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Bangtan are so lucky
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Chim once again going for the cup Jin just drank from 
Chim: Me wants a taste of Jin hyung’s heart! Jk&Tae&Hobi: *still mesmerised by Jin drinking* Waa..His lips... Joon: BITCH I WANTED TO DRINK HIS HEART Yoongs: I want a sip too...
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Yoongs wasn’t even looking at Chim who was tasting the drink Jin made
Yoongi was looking up. The only person standing and in that direction was Jin 
Yoongi was too busy looking at Jin to focus on Chim who should rightfully have everyone’s attention then
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What’s this?
Just namjin being domestic af with soft coupley shit they do
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Jin encouraging Yoongs
Ft Tae: That’s a flower? You a blind fool in love
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 Bunny!Jin stained his bunny pants
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When Yoongs thought the Barista was just being nice and giving empty compliments to their latte art, Chim was quick to jump in
Jimin: Why? It was a good job! Jin-Hyung did such a good job!
^ I can vouch he definitely said this but the subs failed to mention it. Idk why but yea if you rewatch that part Jimin specifically praised Jin.
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Look how happy Yoongs was when Jin said he was smart
Smart happy bub
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I can’t help but wonder if Joon maintained eye contact with Jin as he danced...
Tae: Bitch keep your dirty eyes off my man Chim: You call that dancing? Punk, you about to see a new world Hobi: Really? In front of my salad? Jin: *enjoying the show* Yoongi: Have. To. Hold. My. Fist. Back. Can’t. Fight. In. Front. Of. Hyung. Jk: Is he serious? Please tell me he’s not.
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Joon + Chim + Hobi with bright smiles watching their eldest make the drink
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Yoongi pointing out how Jin actually looks like a legit Cafe owner
Yoonjin cafe after you guys retire, please?
It can be called ‘Roommate’
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Bangtan being amused when Jin spilled his espresso everywhere XD
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Awww Joon only has eyes for Jin
*Ugly namjin tears*
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Not even kidding
These 3 frames were from different parts of the episode. 
He kept looking towards Jin when he laughed
Joon you whipped tall baby
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Joon do you REALLY have to spread your longass arms out so wide?
Something tells me he just really want to touch Jin
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
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Aww :( Shy jin moved his hand away and awkwardly placed it on top of his own hand...
It’s ok you guys can be all coupley and domestic behind the cams
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Joon’s awkwardly position right hand though
*Namjin heart be thumping*
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When did Yoongs teleport from the other end to this end?
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Namjin rolling their necks
Jin has this habit of rolling his neck and throughout this episode, Joon seems to have picked up on this habit as well?
I hope they are getting great massages from each other to ease their neck muscles
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Jin, dear, WHO BRIBES WITH 1000krw? (not even 1USD)
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I take back my words
This dumb fool in love seems to have been swayed by that amount
Maybe he was swayed more from the person than the money
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Jin is so whipped for Jk
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Our polite bunny~
Ft. Jk where are you looking?
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Fumbling bunny
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Jin disappeared! 
Cooky appears!
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Yoongs touching Jin’s headpiece~
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Jimin thinks he is slick but we still caught that you fool
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Chim helping fumbling Jinnie with his prizes~
That’s it for this week’s post!
Didn’t seem to be as Jin-harem-ish as other eps but it still had its moments~
Here’s to more Jinship moments in the future episodes!
Hope you guys enjoyed~
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Until Next Time~
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