#just. can't we put all the users I might like on to an app I like that doesn't have a ton of restrictions around likes and messaging
prideandpen · 1 year
hey in case you didn’t know dating apps are the worst and i hate them
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the-fandom-crossroads · 9 months
Folks talking about Game Devs dropping Unity or how it won't hurt small indie devs with under 200,000. Are missing the point.
Some of these Unity games can't change to another engine because they have years of code piled on top of each other at this point. aka POKEMON GO. They'd basically have to rebuild the game from scratch.
Not to mention Unity is mostly used by phone app games or Indie's that are lucky enough to get picked up by console. Indie games on Mobile easily pass 200,000 downloads. Temple Run 1 and 2 are in Unity, Crossy Road, Angry birds 1 and 2, and Hearthstone. All of these past 200,000 downloads years ago but aren't bringing in money now except hearthstone.
The Developers will do what happened to the first Angry birds app. They'll take it down, build it in a new engine for "HD", and add a shit ton of micro transactions. We are about to lose countless original versions of the OG pre lootbox mobile games.
We are also about to lose some of the biggest Indie games of the last decade. Among Us, Plague Inc., 7 Days to die, the original Slenderman game and it's sequel, I am Bread, Ori and the Blind Forest, Dream Daddy, Overcooked 1 & 2, Pathfinder online, Cup Head, Bendy and the Ink Machine, Oxygen Not Included, Bloons Tower Defense 6, Beat Saber, Subnautica, The Stanley Parable, Untitled Goose Game, Power Washing Simulator, Fall Guys, Inscryption, Phasmophobia
And the big one FUCKING HOLLOW KNIGHT. Silk song has already been pushed back out of this year specifically because it's being made by a team of like 3 people. It is so close to being finished and now they are being told they have to start over from scratch basically. Hollow Knight got over 200,000 downloads from being on playstation and was eventually put on Playstations subscription service. Every cent they made from hollow knight has gone back into making silk song. Which might now be delayed by multiple years and oh they are going to have to use some of that funds to pay unity now. Or find a way to get out of a contract with playstation. Because folks will keep downloading Hollow Knight for free and Unity will send the Hollow Knight team the bill.
oh and there's one more teeny tiny game made in Unity that you guys might not want to suddenly disappear. One with almost 3 years of monthly code updates, one with 139 million downloads to date, and 4.8 million monthly users.
Genshin. Guys Genshin Impact is made completely in Unity and that's not a game that can have it's code just copy and pasted to another engine.
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An Epic antitrust loss for Google
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A jury just found Google guilty on all counts of antitrust violations stemming from its dispute with Epic, maker of Fortnite, which brought a variety of claims related to how Google runs its app marketplace. This is huge:
The mobile app store world is a duopoly run by Google and Apple. Both use a variety of tactics to prevent their customers from installing third party app stores, which funnels all app makers into their own app stores. Those app stores cream an eye-popping 30% off every purchase made in an app.
This is a shocking amount to charge for payment processing. The payments sector is incredibly monopolized and notorious for its price-gouging – and its standard (wildly inflated) rate is 2-5%:
Now, in theory, Epic doesn't have to sell in Google Play, the official Android app store. Unlike Apple's iOS, Android permit both sideloading (installing an app directly without using an app store) and configuring your device to use a different app store. In practice, Google uses a variety of anticompetitive tricks to prevent these app stores from springing up and to dissuade Android users from sideloading. Proving that Google's actions – like paying Activision $360m as part of "Project Hug" (no, really!) – were intended to prevent new app storesfrom springing up was a big lift for Epic. But they managed it, in large part thanks to Google's own internal communications, wherein executives admitted that this was exactly why Project Hug existed. This is part of a pattern with Big Tech antitrust: many of the charges are theoretically very hard to make stick, but because the companies put their evil plans in writing (think of the fraudulent crypto exchange FTX, whose top execs all conferred in a groupchat called "Wirefraud"), Big Tech keeps losing in court:
Now, I do like to dunk on Big Tech for this kind of thing, because it's objectively funny and because the companies make so many unforced errors. But in an important sense, this kind of written record is impossible to avoid. Any large institution can only make and enact policy through administrative systems, and those systems leave behind a paper-trail: memos, meeting minutes, etc. Yes, we all know that quote from The Wire: "Is you taking notes on a fucking criminal conspiracy?" But inevitably, any ambitious conspiracy can only exist if someone is taking notes.
What's more, any large conspiracy involving lots of parties will inevitably produce leaks. Think of this as the corollary to the idea that the moon landing can't be a hoax, because there's no way 400,000 co-conspirators could keep the secret. Big Tech's conspiracies required hundreds or even thousands of collaborators to keep their mouths shut, and eventually someone blabs:
This is part of a wave of antitrust cases being brought against the tech giants. As Matt Stoller writes, the guilty-on-all-counts jury verdict will leak into current and future actions. Remember, Google spent much of this year in court fighting the DoJ, who argued that the company bribed Apple not to make a competing search engine, paying tens of billions every year to keep a competitor from emerging. Now that a jury has convinced Google of doing that to prevent alternative app stores from emerging, claims that it used these pay-for-delay tactics in other sectros get a lot more credible:
On that note: what about Apple? Epic brought a very similar case against Apple and lost. Both Apple and Epic are appealing that case to the Supreme Court, and now that Google has been convicted in a similar case, it might prompt the Supremes to weigh in and resolve the seeming inconsistencies in the interpretation of federal law.
This is a key moment in the long project to wrest antitrust away from the pro-monopoly side, who spent decades "training" judges to produce verdicts that run counter to the plain language of America's antitrust law:
There's 40 years' worth of bad precedent to overturn. The good news is that we've got the law on our side. Literally, the wording of the laws and the records of the Congressional debate leading to their passage, all militate towards the (incredibly obvious) conclusion that the purpose of anti-monopoly law is to fight monopoly, not defend it:
It's amazing to realize that we got into this monopoly quagmire because judges just literally refused to enforce the law. That's what makes one part of the jury verdict against Google so exciting: the jury found that Google's insistence that Play Store sellers use its payment processor was an act of illegal tying. Today, "tying" is an obscure legal theory, but few doctrines would be more useful in disenshittifying the internet. A company is guilty of illegal tying when it forces you to use unrelated products or services as a condition of using the product you actually want. The abandonment of tying led to a host of horribles, from printer companies forcing you to buy ink at $10,000/gallon to Livenation forcing venues to sell tickets through its Ticketmaster subsidiary.
The next phase of this comes when the judge decides on the penalty. Epic doesn't want cash damages – it wants the judge to order Google to fulfill its promise of "an open, competitive Android ecosystem for all users and industry participants." They've asked the judge to order Google to facilitate third-party app stores, and to separate app stores from payment processors. As Stoller puts it, they want to "crush Google’s control over Android":
Google has sworn to appeal, surprising no one. The Times's expert says that they will have a tough time winning, given how clear the verdict was. Whatever this means for Google and Android, it means a lot for a future free from monopolies.
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If you'd like an essay-formatted version of this post to read or share, here's a link to it on pluralistic.net, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:
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cleolinda · 11 months
I'm gonna admit that I got on Twitter like a big ol' dramatic dork last night and said, knowing full well that Elon Musk was doing exactly this, "If he changes the name to X, I'm out, I can't do this anymore."
Not because "X" is doofy and a terrible branding move, although it is, but because he wants to do THIS shit. Yeah, no, I am not hanging around for your global interactivity "everything app" bullshit. You want me to fucking BANK with you? YOU? You just lost about $30B running a platform into the GROUND by FIRING EVERYONE and doing whatever damn thing popped into your head between shitposts? Are you HIGH? I cannot hang around for this "tech king of the world, 420 blaze it lmao" bullshit. I could not stay at my beloved Livejournal after SUP said all the users would be subject to Russian law in 2017. I know The Moment when I see it. I can't do this.
I admit, I might go back every few months and say "Hey, I posted XYZ on any platform but this, please leave this godforsaken place," and I don't want to delete my accounts. I've been on Twitter since 2008, and I have a ton of livetweet threads (on my main and also on an alt for that purpose. Remember that time I livetweeted the Twilight gender-change book? That glorious trainwreck?). I've saved some of them via Thread Reader PDF downloads, but there are still more to get. I don't want to utterly destroy book and TV discussion we did over there.
I haven't used Twitter regularly since maybe 2016 (about the time the post-Gamergate alt-right really moved in), but the conversation and community, decentralized though it was, before that--we're going to lose the last vestiges of that, the way everyone on Reddit was upset about losing the collective knowledge over there. And I'm so fucking angry about it. I'm so angry. I immediately came back here the week he took over last year because I knew, I KNEW, somehow that Twitter would be destroyed. I just thought it would burn down in a smoking heap of rubble, not turned into a shambling tech zombie under a different name. I just. I can't do this anymore.
Also, shut the fuck up, Linda Yaccarino. Just because you can put Elon Musk's nonsense into coherent verbiage doesn't mean "a global social media/marketplace/banking system/walled garden that's basically X-Treme AOL" isn't a fucking nightmare. I hope the EU bans the fuck out of you both. See you in bankruptcy court.
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kaiasky · 1 year
Complete-ish Guide To Settings You Might Want to Change
These instructions will be for desktop, because the settings are easier to find there. You can do the same on mobile, but it might be in different places.
Dash settings
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Your dashboard is broken down into several feeds, including "Following" and "For You".
"Following" is primarily the posts of people you follow, "For You" is algorithmic.
If you just joined, "For You" is default, if you're a longtime user it's "Following". You can change this in the settings on the right
A lot of longtime users will tell you that the Following feed is where we spend most of our time. But try out all the feeds, and see what you like most.
The settings that are settings:
To start, click the settings gear under the account icon (the abstract person head).
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This should take you to the General tab. Key settings:
Community Labels: By default anything NSFW is silently hidden. You can change how each subtype is handled.
Hide Additional Mature Content: If you have an iPhone disable this or it'll hide every post from you on the off-chance it contains porn.
If you're under 18 as determined by the birthdate you entered on signup, you can't change these. (If you want them on, you'll have to make a new account and lie)
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Under the "Dashboard" tab, you can enable timestamps, which is mostly just nice information to have. sometimes a post is from 2010 and you can be like wow.
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The next four probably have the biggest impact on your tumblr experience, so I'm gonna do a breakdown.
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Best Stuff First reorders your "Following" to have popular posts at the top. Disabling it makes your feed chronological. I like it off, but up to you.
Include Stuff In Your Orbit and Based On Your Likes put various content from "For You" into "Following". Personally, I disable them to keep "Following" purely posts by people I follow, and then switch between feeds to get what I want.
Followed Tag Posts will put content from the "Your Tags" feed into your "Following" feed. Since you can go to the separate tags feed, I usually turn this off (it tends to show me a lot of duplicate posts), but up to you.
Under the "Notifications" tab you can tell Tumblr to stop sending you emails.
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I'd recommend disabling all the emails--if you get a bunch of replies, Tumblr will happily send you dozens of emails, and you don't need that.
Notifications is the push-notifications in-app/in-website. The mobile app, for some reason, has a much better interface for controlling these, including the option to only get activity-notifications for mutuals. You can leave these on, or turn them off if you find the flood of notifications is distracting.
Tumblr News is a newsletter, it usually just has content from @fandom and the other staff-run recap blogs.
Conversational notifications sends you more emails.
Under the "Tumblr Labs" tab you can enable a bunch of cool beta tests.
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I particularly suggest Reblog Graphs, What you Missed tab, & Popular Reblogs tab, but they're all fun to try out. A lot of these are honestly better than the For You dashboard.
For each blog you have, you can customize it's Blog Settings. Beyond things like setting an avatar or description, there's a few settings that are fun.
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Custom Theme gives you your own subdomain at [blogurl].tumblr.com.
This makes your blog easier to search, and a lot of 3rd party tools depend on you enabling it. It also makes it easier to link your posts to people who don't have tumblr accounts.
You can completely customize the CSS/HTML/Javascript. you can go legitimately crazy. It's not a requirement, but if you want unlimited flexibility, go wild.
On the contrary, if you wanna run a more private blog, you can disable this and then hide your blog from search results/non-registered users.
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Likes and Following are public by default. I like to turn these off so I don't have to worry about like, "what will people think if they see i'm following [...] or liking [...]". But it's also fair to keep them public if you'd like.
The other Blog Settings are important but pretty self-explanatory I think.
Finally, there's some useful tools I like:
XKit Rewritten - A bunch of scripts (like RES for Reddit). The one I really like is "mutual checker", which shows at a glance which blogs you are in mutuals with. Which is such a good feature it's included in the mobile apps by default i think.
siikr.tumblr.com - Tumblr search is bad, and google's indexing of tumblr blogs is worse. Siikr will find any post you've made on your blog. Because disk space is limited, only use it to search your blog, and if you're tech savvy consider running a local copy from source.
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lazyneonrabbitt · 1 month
One person asked you to and you said it was formatted automatically or something but you would try next time. Very just shrugging it off. Then you didn't try or the formatting didn't work on the next thing you posted. The context is people thought you were either bullshitting and the formatting excuse was a copout so you could keep clogging the tag, or you were telling the truth but just didn't care to check. That's why people didn't come to you. That's why people bitch on discord. They didn't see the point in speaking to you. That one person told you they had arthritis and your response was like who gives a fuck. You post a long post in the tags again.
The fact you had to go back and format all your fic could be construed as very telling. Maybe some people would accuse you of bullshitting. I've never heard of readmore being automatically applied. Long posts are not always cut off, but even then it's just courtesy to always manually apply readmore to long posts. Not every one does so as you know.
Maybe this is just a huge miscommunication thing. Whoever spoke to Murda was well intentioned but it was ill put. They should have spoken to you upfront even as it might have been a waste of time.
To the person worried about posting their writing, seriously, hold up a minute. When did it become about that. When did become about you, anon? Stop fishing for sympathy from a popular writer just to get attention. Nobody is bitching about fic where I am , it's about how it's presented in the tags. Nobody likes being confronted by a huge wall of text when browsing. We are only human and vent on discord. But we don't slag off the content of the fic. Because people don't use readmore we end up losing out on finding good writers and fic because the first impression is so so so bad.
Welcome, anon.
Long post, so readmore 🙃
First of all I do not "shrug off" the anons I get. If it sounded like that, it wasn't intentional.
And yes. 99% of the longer posts I see (me personally, in the app that I use on my samsung phone and iPad sometimes too) do have the app's "see more" button on longer posts.
I do, not joking in the slightest, forget. I forget half of the things I'm supposed to do in life because I have the worst memory ever and it bothers me in my daily life. At work, everywhere. (Not fishing for shit, just stating) and wtf I shouldn't even have to defend myself like this but here we are.
Also why would I clog tags?? I block people who's content I don't wanna see in tags or who spamtag. Wanna see my blocked tags and users? I'll post them for you.
"Maybe this is just a huge miscommunication thing." Please read rhe above statements.
I'm not adressing that anon further. It's not my place.
"Because the first impression is so so bad." Is one I can't wrap my head around. I scroll the tag casually and find cute fluff. I see angst and mayor character death, hell I've seen Dixon insest fics (Not hating, if the writing is good I applaud you for your works) so, where is the "bad first impression" coming from? My posts are not that frequent nor popular to be always at the top of the searches.
I'm running out of words.
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spamtongreal1 · 5 months
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hi! we are The Abyssal Zone. i [core, abyss] am genderfluid, panromantic, and a therian! -◾️
we are an OSDD-1b system. for information about the alters, check out our prns.cc! [FFS READ IT BEFORE INTERACTING.]
we are just a silly lil guys who shouldn't have been introduced to this website/app cuz we go feral on it. on this blog, we mostly post art and reblog silly stuff we like! sideblogs: Ask Circle Critters , AfterGen
we update this a lot
[if you genuinely feel like you wanna know abt our stuffs view under the cut]
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we're mostly in undertale/ut yellow, ut/dr has been an in-and-out fandom. should check it out before coming on our blog :3
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deltatraveller. do we need to say ANYTHING else. DELTATRAVELLER
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the henry stickmin collection!! charles is but a silly :333
[dont wanna put photos here for the sake of everything]
untitled soul by impostertale and inverted fate!! we go so feral over untitled soul you guys don't even know. also the amazing digital circus :33 and twin runes by akanemnon.
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WE ARE MINORS!! please don't ask or mention anything inappropriate!!! we have ADD, mild anxiety and depression.
if you message or follow us without a blog title, pfp, or any posts, we will assume you're a bot and block you. interact with our different posts so we're able to tell. but i mean, if you message us stuff like "yo come to this dating website 😊😊😊😊" no we're gonna block you if you're a person or not.
comfort characters we will post/talk abt a lot: starlo, axis, martlet [UTY], charles [THSC], false [UNTSOUL], spamton [DR], and ofc, sans and papyrus [UT].
WE DO FREE ART! as long as its not NSFW requests or anything problematic, we might be able to do things with slight blood, but not a lot of everything else. we only decided to do free art cuz 1, can't be paid, parents would get mad and we don't have our own credit card. 2, we're bored and most of the time when we're bored we so badly want to draw.
IF YOU WANT TO CONTACT US our discord is @/coupleof_big.shots
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SIGN OFFS: me/abyss: -◾️ // rosemary: -🌿 // dandelion: -🥀 // axis: -⚙️ // mystyris: -⁉️ // bones: -🦴 // dani: -🔻 // clos: -☁ // bolt: -⚡// trix: -🔥 // error: -❤️‍🩹 // com: -☄️ // hibiscus: -🌺 // syrup: -🍁 // berdly: -🧿 //
do not ask us info for the alters, they are in our prns.cc .
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well.. that's it? for now. we'll update this once we understand more of how to make an intro! nonhumans & queers and trans people, you are all welcome on this blog, anybody who doesn't like those people, get off our blog and our friends blogs! thank you for listening to.. or reading, for that matter, our intro! here's some user boxes [that go for all of us] and a free explosion gif :3
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kingsonne-zedecks · 5 months
I'm so angry at the simplification of technology. The constant dumbing down of everything. Using a computer or smart device today feels like a horror movie where an insane person has decided to protect you by nailing the doors closed and welding the oven shut.
I recently purchased my wife an iPad and I wanted to back up a copy of a game save since the cloud save functionality of the app is currently unreliable and wipes out people data. But I'm not allowed. All I get is the illusion of a file explorer that is completely locked down. Its my file, on my device. I should be able to access it without jailbreaking my device. Young people don't understand that things didn't used to be this way. If something was possible with technology you could just do it. You might have to jump through some hoops but you could do anything. You still can in some ways on Windows. If you know what you're doing you can just jam your fingers in and scramble your registry files, you can delete system files and brick your computer. It's all there if you jump through the hoops. Apple won't let me jump through hoops. My only option is to give up or take a figurative hacksaw to their babyproofing in order to do anything. Windows isn't too far behind, with each and every update they release they add hoops and remove options.
These companies are hamstringing their users and calling it good User Experience. They're cutting off options and escape routes left and right. "You don't need to access your files, they are safe with us. Give us your data, give us your things, and we'll store them for you. What? You want them back? That's okay we definitely didn't sell them to anyone, but you can only have them if we're going to put them on another one of our devices. You can't go anywhere else. Why would you want to, look how much easier it would be if you just bought more of our stuff?"
When I was a child the term jailbreaking made me anxious. It invoked ideas of crime and underhanded activities with. Now it feels like a rescue.
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New Users!! Hi 👋 ❤️
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Tumblr has alot of bots, and the only way to combat them is by blocking and reporting them.
only issue is, bots are identified in the following ways:
- generated username (mythicwolfspace, or other automatic options)
- names in URLs (martajohnson, any real name)
- strings of numbers, specifically when they are after a name (lilliansmith1574 or something)
- default pfp
- photo of oneself in the icon
the problem is- I or someone else might block you by mistake if you have these!
you might get reported/blocked if we think you're a bot
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luckily, you only have to do ONE of the following things to prevent this (ofc you can do more):
- reblog things! you can add your own nice input in the hashtags of your reblog! reblogging is part of the essential user interface of the app, which is a whole other post, but it also might not be what someone checks first before blocking you, so I recommend don't one of the others.
- change your icon! if you can't figure out how to do this, you may ask in the replies(comments), or my inbox. same goes for any of these. make sure to choose something a bot wouldn't. your pet, your blorbo (fave character), your pride flag, a picrew (with credits somewhere on your blog), a MEME! in the meantime, I've got a little guy for you if you can't choose just yet:
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on mobile you can press and hold to download her, I think it's right click on the image. There are plenty of other ways to customize how your blog looks, like changing the background color or header image, that makes this site unique and cool, but pfp icon is the first impression people get of you.
- change your url if you think it could be mistaken for a bot!
- change your blog title (the big words that show up beneath your icon, not the URL) to say "I'm a human!" or "not a porn bot!", or put a similar phrase in your bio.
- make an original post. even a single one. it can say "I love the smell of ebooks" or some random thing for all anyone cares. you can pin it to the top of your blog so we can see it before your reblogs, just to make sure we can tell you aren't a bot.
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as you get used to the platform, I also encourage you to continue customizing your blog, making it more "you"
reblog things you like! entomology, Sherlock, the history of pizza, witchcraft, environmentalism. Any time you see a post and think "huh. cool." and REBLOG it. press and hold the reblog button on mobile and swipe to your blog icon to quickly reblog, or hit the R key on desktop, but you can also go the long way and make an addition or hashtags.
change your background color, make a bio (anything from age and state to just "I reblog posts about carp :3")
tumblr is a cool place to be once we know you're a people!
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prettyfuckinhot · 1 year
Step-by-Step guide to adding Xkit rewritten to mobile android
Small intro: if you're like me and really hate features in the tumblr app like tumblr live, tracking URLs, and ads, this may interest you. If there are things in xkit you desperately want on your phone, that you can't achieve with ublock, this is DEFINITELY for you. This guide also works for any extension you want on mobile. If you're a normal user and don't mind those things, the functionality and streamlining you lose by using the mobile website is probably not worth it, just stick to the app from google play. Alternatively, if you only want to get rid of ads and Tumblr live, look into the Firefox Tumblr web app. You can easily add ublock to base Firefox and have Tumblr with no ads and no live (use the element picker liberally). This guide is for people who aren't terribly tech-savvy, and should be approachable to anyone with basic computer knowledge, even if the steps are convoluted.
You need to have an updated version of android and you need to make a Firefox account before you can start this guide. A desktop computer with firefox may not be required, but is highly recommended.
Install f-droid here. This is an app that allows you to install free and open source apps. Your phone will probably try really hard not to let you do this, be patient, don't click away, and approve whatever needs to be approved. You shouldn't just trust a Tumblr post about installing unapproved app, so do your research, but f-droid is very reputable.
After that, on f-droid search and install Mull web browser (same safety caveat as before; do research). It should be a green and magenta fox. This is essentially a version of Firefox that will let us install unapproved extensions.
On Mull, log into your firefox account by clicking the three dots in the bottom left corner (this account should have been set up previously; see step 1). After this, in the settings screen, scroll down to the "about mull" section. Click on this, then tap on the big Mull logo until a message pops up that says you have activated developer or debug mode.
If this has worked, under the Add-ons setting, there should be a new setting for "Custom Add-on collection". At this point, I would recommend switching to a desktop computer for convenience. It might be doable on a phone, and if you have no desktop, try to accomplish this by switching all mobile webpages to desktop mode until this guide is complete.
Navigate to the webpage for xkit rewritten here. Scroll down untill you see "add to collection". Add xkit to a new collection with a name you choose. You will have to type this in later, so make it something easy like "phone".
Now, in the top right corner, hover over your user and select "view my collections". Click on the one you just made. You will see the name you just wrote and a number between "firefox user" and "Creator" on the left hand side. Save this number.
Back on the mull app, select custom add-on collection where we found it earlier. Put the firefox user number first, and the name of the collection second. You have now synced all the add-ons in the collection with your phone. Note: you can add whatever extensions you want to this collection and they will sync to your phone! Yay! But be aware none of the extensions you add this way were optimized for mobile and it can get really janky.
Now select add-ons and you should see xkit there. Click on it and turn on the features you want as usual. I would also recommend navigating to tumblr, selecting the three dots, and then selecting "add to homescreen" so you can use it more like an app.
You should mess with the mull settings to your liking and add whatever extensions you trust, ESPECIALLY UBLOCK! Check out the default add-ons. I keep the regular app installed, because this web version is not perfect for a lot of things. This is for patient people who hate corporate control more than they love convenience. If you experience any issues or have any questions please reach out, I'd love to talk more about this and how much this has improved my tumblr experience. Major shout out to @april, the author of xkit rewritten.
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aangarchy · 9 months
Tbh it's just Tumblr tag culture to tag all sorts of spoilers? Because we can't just assume everyone had the previlege and luxury to have had access to the internet and to consume fiction media as it came out..... Like my case may be extreme but my family was literally too busy squatting and living as ~illegals~ so we could never have an internet or cable connection for like 8 years. So I've got A LOT of catching up to do on pop culture etc and maybe one of my followers was in the same or a similar situation? Anyway that's how Tumblr works, we just tag spoilers because it doesn't cost anything and it doesn't ruin the experience of people who were too living too unstably, people who lived in rehabilitation centers, people who weren't allowed to consume certain media because of their parents, people who've put off watching a show because of a particular trauma or squick but who still want to watch it eventually etc
Okay now you're just being fucking annoying. Why are you tying your personal sobstory/trauma to something as stupid as TAGGING A POST. It's not even a tw tag either (bc if it was then i would understand) it's literally just my POV on when spoiler tags should and shouldn't be used.
Let me simplify this One more time. Tagging for spoilers on tumblr only works if everyone collectively does it. That way people can block said spoiler tag for a set amount of time, so everything tagged with #(content) spoilers will not show up on their TL. Example: new season of sex education dropped. People are tagging their posts about S4 with #sex education s4 spoilers, or just #sex education s4 because most people who don't want to get spoiled will have those tags blocked. That's how the tag system works. Everyone needs to do it, otherwise spoilers will still show up. People especially did this when avengers infinity war and endgame dropped respectively, bc those fandoms are very serious abt spoilers.
For atla there is NO USE in tagging spoilers because NOBODY DOES IT ANYMORE. This show is older than a lot of you on this fucking app. If you decide to go through the atla tag on tumblr, or follow atla blogs, you WILL get spoiled even if you have the spoiler tag blocked because i can't think of a single atla blog i follow that tags their fucking spoilers nowadays.
I'm not saying you're not allowed to tag spoilers. In fact i have never once said the words "don't tag atla spoilers". What i am saying, is that it's redundant to do so and it kind of makes you look stupid because, again, fucking DUH!
Once again you people are pretending like the internet needs to follow YOUR rules. "Oh people might not watch now bc of a trauma and might still want to enjoy the show later" ok and? Don't go following or reblogging atla blogs before you've even watched then, bc you WILL GET SPOILED. You're responsible for creating your own internet experience. I haven't watched sex ed s4 yet so i blocked the spoiler tags and for good measure i'm not scrolling the main tag either, because i don't rely on other internet users to do the work for me (even though i don't rlly care that much abt spoilers for that show). When heartstopper s2 came out i couldn't watch for two days bc of work, so i avoided everything to do with that show until i watched. That way i didn't accidentally get spoiled by someone who forgot to tag or just doesn't tag.
(Like i said this is different for tw tags, like tw flashing or tw gore or tw sexual assault. Those are things everyone absolutely must tag for the safety of everyone online. I would not want to be responsible for someone having a seizure bc i didn't tag a gifset with tw flashing)
This is my opinion on spoiler tags. It leans into my opinion on spoiler culture as a whole tbh but i digress. Once again: you can tag whatever you want. I just personally find it redundant and i'm allowed to make fun of it. I'm not making fun of YOU, i'm making fun of the concept of tagging spoilers for something that's nearly 20 yrs old. Hence the star wars spoiler joke i made, or when someone in the tags said someone got mad for spoiling fucking titanic (which is hilarious bc that's a historical event lmao).
This is the last i'll say about it bc honestly you're just pissing me off now. I'm allowed to enjoy posting about my show without having to pay mind to people who haven't watched yet but might in the future.
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aneenasevla · 3 days
Red Velvet - Chapter 4
MasterList / Akane’s profile / Last chapter here
Art by @aneenasevla
Chapter 4 - The Panther Pounces
"Wow, would you look at that! For someone who was constantly complaining about making an Instagram account, you got addicted pretty quickly."
"Get lost, Kaneda. It's not an addiction," Rihito snorts, his eyes fixed on his phone as he scrolls through the app's feed. He stops at a specific video, a song with a powerful beat making itself heard. And then he smiles without any shame. "It’s an investment. My the gods be blessed..."
"Are you seriously watching a video of a woman shaking her ass in the middle of the table? What are your airpods for then, you jerk?," Himuro complains, to which Rihito rolls his eyes and puts away his cell phone.
"Okay, okay, I'll stop. You guys are so fucking annoying! You made me create a profile and now I can't even use it the way I want..."
They were at that moment having lunch at The Heavy Bakery, enjoying that slow start to the afternoon before heading out to the gym. It was still rush hour, so the girls hadn't joined them at the table. Which was good, because they'd probably also complain about the specific content preference he'd developed as Instagram's newest user.
"He was like a child thinking he was drowning in shallow water," Okubo suppressed his laughter, hiding his chocolate smeared mouth behind his hand. "After he saw that it wasn't that bad, he started acting as if nothing had happened and shit..."
"Shut up! I still think this is a social network for sissies," He grumbles, looking away. "I just tried to put the content that really interests me in my feed."
"Speaking of which, I don’t think any of us have followed you yet," Kaneda comments, already pulling out his phone, to which Himuro grumbles, "Kaneda, do you really want to receive the nonsense he shares in your feed? I would think twice."
"Yeah, me too. If push comes to shove, we know each other's DMs and that's enough," Okubo shrugs. "Oh yeah, speaking of DMs, what about your friend there? It's been almost a week, and you're still stalling. You were talking so well about that chick, and now you're all quiet... have you given up or something?"
Rihito gives him an annoyed look, pouting, "Don't rush me, damn it!"
"Wow, this is bringing back some memories," Kaneda comments, to which Himuro laughs softly.
"I know, right! They just reversed the roles! But seriously, what exactly is stopping you from texting that girl? Are you scared of being rejected?"
"Fuck no!," He growls, indignant. "She loved it, okay? So much so that she wanted to do it all night and again early in the morning! How the hell would I get rejected after that?"
"She might have gotten tired too," Okubo teases, smiling mischievously. "Especially because you didn't message her, so she might have thought you didn't want that friendship with benefits..."
This makes him freeze in place, the smug anger giving way to astonishment and a sudden barely contained fear.
"W-Wait, do you really think so? But she looked so self-assured. At least that was the impression I had..."
"Man, it's precisely because she's so self-assured that she could have interpreted your silence of almost a week as disinterest and moved on," Himuro shakes his head. "Just like you said a few days ago, about Miss Akiyama, remember? 'If he doesn't want me, there are others who do'.”
Rihito stares at the screen of his phone, grinding his teeth a little.
"Argh, man, that's so stupid! Why do even uncommitted relationships need to have all this bureaucracy? Can't we just fuck and be happy about that?"
"You can," Okubo nods. "But you're the one who talked about wanting an encore at the bar. So, like Himuro said, she's being self-assured and letting go. Maybe if she sees you on the street she'll give you the cold shoulder, you know... or maybe not. Maybe she just wanted one night stand and doesn't want to do it again, since she, like you, probably doesn't want any 'swaps', ahahaha…"
"You're so full of shit," Rihito stares at Okubo with the anger of someone who wanted to be able to incinerate him with just a look. "You barely got yourself a girlfriend and already became the patron of equality between the sexes, right? I've got your number, bowling-ball head! You were as much a dog as me!"
"People change when they are willing to," Kaneda comments calmly. "Okubo decided to improve for his girl, and here we are."
"And he didn’t stop being a dog. It's just that now he barks at a single tree," Himuro jokes with a scathing smile.
"At least I have a tree of my own now. What about you, you godamn forester?," Okubo replies while laughing.
"As the name suggests, I have an entire forest from which I can choose, when or if I decide to," Himuro shrugs calmly, still smiling mischievously, while Kaneda laughs softly. Rihito grunts and drops into the chair, throwing his head back.
"Okay, okay... what do you suggest then? Should I send the message now?"
"If not now, when will it be? Seriously, this is bringing back memories that I had hoped to bury," Kaneda comments again. "The difference is that, in your case, only the physical part interests you."
"Humph. Obviously. I said that day, I don't fall in love. Period," He straightens up in the chair, looking more determined. "Alright then... here goes nothing."
Akane stretches on her chair. Slow days at work were the worst. She was looking at her Instagram, seeing if there was any interesting news from anyone other than her ex-Gyaru friends who had betrayed the cause to become the well-behaved housewives they hated so much and swore they wouldn't become. It seemed childish on her part, but she was one of the few women she knew who saw that as a lifestyle, and even though she was close to thirty, she was too immersed in that world to “break out of that phase” and become something new. It wasn't a phase, after all. It would be like taking the skin off a panther, and the panther would be left without parts of what made her, well, her.
That's what she was, after all. Could such an animal be tamed, stopping using its claws? Yes, one day, but will it stop being fierce and dangerous? Never.
It is during these conjectures that she hears the characteristic Instagram notification sound. Someone was sending her a message. Since her work day was moving at a snail's pace, it wouldn't be so much of a problem to check her phone in the middle of it, so that's what she did, thinking that maybe she could kill her boredom.
The message was from a profile she had never seen before. The strangeness only lasted a second, however, when she saw the user's name. @lih.ito.
heya, ma'am
miss me already? haha
She smiles immensely. Well, well, well, guess who won the waiting game... she decided to answer, after all, it was part of the process, right...?
why, hello, wereleopard, she tipped, laughing at the nickname, but since he said that's what he was, why not? I was already thinking if I would have to go into the woods to find another one of your kind lol
She laughed again, while waiting for his response.
Lih.Ito: oh you can't find someone like me in the woods or anywhere else babe
I am a unique, rendered specimen
She laughed quietly, into her phone. Okay, she concluded that it wouldn't be him if he didn't make a fool of himself. She responds.
 Sekihyo: hahaha thats fine
I was thinking about sending a message, but I was wondering if you were busy, so I was embarrassed to send you one on a weekday, especially during work hours… 🙈🙈🙈
I was waiting for the weekend idk...
It takes him a while to respond, and she has fun imagining him trying to think of the best kind of response, maybe even fooling around while debating with his friends. Men like that could be quite insecure.
Lih.Ito: sorry about that 
I've been really busy this week
but you could've texted me at any time
no need to be ashamed
I know I bite, but you also know that I'm gentle when I do so haha
Akane chuckles softly, trying to keep it low so her grumpy boss wouldn't hear her. One day she would get her own beauty salon, even if it wasn't at a fixed address... she kept texting.
Sekihyo: well now that you gave me the green light…
then I'm going to talk now 💖
tell me, do you have anything to say? 
you started the conversation, so there must be something there… 😏😏
Lih.Ito: I do actually
I've been thinking and I've come to a conclusion
I don't think I got my whole soul back
did I left a piece of it with you?
She smiled at the ingenuity of his question. And also because it gave the indication that he enjoyed their night, and wasn't bothered at all by her style... so much so that he wanted more...
Her smile took on a touch of mischief. The second part of her strategy began now.
Sekihyo:  Hnmmm... I think so... but I don't want to return it 😙😙
sorry, honey, I think I'll keep it for myself 😈
He again takes a few minutes to respond, even after viewing the message. Oh, she could imagine that presumptuous fool puffing his chest out, thinking he was hot shit, that he already had the upper hand... he had no idea what was about to hit him.
Lih.Ito: oooh no miss
It's mine and I want it back
but I'm willing to negotiate
when can we meet to sort this out?
She almost felt sorry for him when she replied:
Sekihyo: eh, I don't think this is gonna work, hon 
not after this last weekend 💁‍♀️
She puts her phone aside for a while. Since Instagram had no indication that anyone was typing, she would use this to her advantage, giving herself a little time before responding to anything. She left it in her purse and went to the convenience store near the beauty salon, to buy some sweets and maybe even a cupcake... almost immediately she missed her friend's cooking, and she remembered the cookies she had ordered. Yes, she had to talk to her.
When she returned, she completely ignored his contact, and went to Tomori's:
hey girl..
I almost forgot
are you still baking those american cookies there?
with the chocolate chips and everything
I was going to ask you to bring me some last week but we set that double date really fast and I focused on getting all dolled up 💅💅💅
heya girl
oh yeah, your cookie box
I kinda forgot with all that's going on hahaha
but I'll bake some for you real quick, no prob
with lots of chocolate chips 💕
ILU 💕 
can you bring it to me this weekend?
or I'll come to your house, then we can have fun and gossip 🤭
Speaking of gossip, I have a juicy one
damn, I can't wait
I'll say it straight away: Blondie is already asking for an encore!
Do you feel avenged now? 😈😈😈😈
I sure as fuck do!
I can see them from the pantry window
holy shit his face!
He looks like he was run over and didn't write down the license plate LOL
are his friends laughing at him?
if they are I'll be one happy hoe lmao
He isn't letting them look at his phone 
girl what the hell did you do to him???
he wasn't cutting his bullshit, so I cut it for him LOL
if he really wants me, he will find a way to come to me
but thou hast not seen my final form. Just wait and see…
She then went to check Rihito's messages, which consisted of a series of short, almost monosyllabic texts, where she could read the perplexity in each digit.
Lih.Ito: huh?
wait wdym??
I don't get it
what happened last weekend?
miss agata??
She laughed, and shook her shoulders like a panther about to pounce. Ooh, that was going to be good…
Sekihyo: what, hon, have you forgotten?
on top of being average at best, you also got memory problems? 🤭🤭
His answer arrives almost instantly, and ooh, she could see the indignation, the wounded ego of a prideful man, stamped in each of those little letters.
Lih.Ito: average??
what the fuck is that supposed to mean??
that's not what you told me that night!
explain that shit better!
Sekihyo: do you really want me to explain?
oh boy... I will, quit whining
just a sec
She started laughing to herself, going to Tomori's contact meanwhile.
how is he reacting?
girl I don't know what you're doing
but please don't stop
bitch he's RED AS A TOMATO
holy fuck
I had seen him angry before but not like this
the boys are completely lost LOL
ahhahahahah, calm your tits… everything's going according to plan
he'll stop and calm down soon, I believe...
And she cautiously returns to his contact, writing a long response, to make up for the waiting time:
Sekihyo: So, here's the thing: I'm not saying I didn't like it, so calm down. I really came every time we did it (I'm not a faker, okay?! 😠😠😠).
It's just that I'm really experienced and well, I saw your effort, and I even asked for an encore to see all your strong and weak points (do you remember the test thing? I was serious ) and well, my verdict is... you barely scraped by.
There, I said it. Man, this is so embarrassing, I don't know how to explain this 💀💀💀
Like, you can improve, but… for me it was just another fuck like any other. Period.
So idk what else to tell you. I'm now embarrassed to look you in the eye after that
And she went back to Tomori's contact. She was doing that cautiously so as not to get confused and send a message in the wrong chat. It was a very delicate process.
there, I spilled the tea.
send some feedback
did I take him down a peg or nah?
I think you broke him
he went from red to white in a second
he looks like a chameleon ffs
Naoh looks so worried, poor thing
He's even coming here, I think he's going to ask for some water for rihito lol
one sec
Hiro looks at Tomori on her phone while he was at the register, arching an eyebrow.
"Girl, don't you have a job to do?," he asks.
"Oh- my bad, Hiro!," Tomori starts a little, putting away her phone. "Akane sent me a message! She wants to order a cookie box."
"Oooh…," he looks askance at the small chaos happening at the four idiot's table, including Okubo getting up and coming right to the counter. He looks back at Tomori, whispering, "And she's commiting first degree murder with blondie's ego, right?," he starts to laugh quietly.
Tomori looks discreetly at Okubo, who was coming towards them with a slightly alarmed expression, while hissing to her friend, "Yes. I don't know what she's doing exactly, but whatever it was, it made him deflate like a flat tire."
"Play it cool," Hiro whispers before looking at Okubo. "What can we do for you, honey?"
"Hey babe. Do you want to order anything else?," Tomori asks, trying to be as inconspicuous as possible.
"Oh, yeah, I want some water, please…," he seemed worried. "I don't know what's going on, Tomoh, but things are getting tense there. Rihito went from red to white to blushing like crazy, I don't know what's going on! He just sent a text to your friend and that's it..."
Hiro's eyes widen.
"Oh, boy. May his soul rest in peace then…," he puts his hands together as if he was praying.
"What does that mean?," Okubo blinks, confused.
"Dude, there’s a reason that girl’s nom de guerre is Panther. And it’s not because she's a Kama Sutra black belt or something…," he tries not to laugh. "We warned you. She's no joke."
Okubo's eyes widened. "Wow, and he was praising her to no end and everything..."
"Well… I mean, she does a good job. The problem here…," he raises his hands. "Is him. If you're not at her level…," he laughs coquettishly.
Okubo makes a hissing noise as if he was in pain.
"Ugh… damn, now we’re the ones who are going to have to listen to him whine…," He takes the water bottle that Tomori was offering to him. "That's gonna be a blow at his pride… or he might make a scene, I don't know."
"Relax, she’s just like us," Hiro winks at him. "You know me, so you know her."
Okubo thought it was strange and didn't really believe what he was hearing, but looking at Tomori, who seemed calm about it, he relaxed a little.
"Okay… but hey, if he gets his heart broken…"
"Then we'll take the matter in our own hands, honey. He's our friend too," Hiro says seriously. "Kanami knows how important he is to you too. And for her boyfriend too. We're keeping an eye on it."
"Yes. You can rest assured, Naoh. Now go and help him, please," Tomori asks with a grimace. "Seriously, he's going to need it."
Okubo nods, returning to the table, smiling at Tomori before leaving.
And indeed, Rihito appeared to be in a state where medical intervention would be necessary. He stared at the screen of his phone, holding it with shaking hands, so much so that Kaneda and Himuro were actually afraid he was going to throw it against the floor or the wall. His green eyes were glassy, ​​livid, burning with a fury they had only seen during his matches. He gritted his teeth tightly, breathing deeply through his nose like a bull about to charge into a red cape.
They didn't know what kind of response he had received from his newest conquest, but whatever it was, it hadn't been good.
"Rihito, calm down," Kaneda asks quietly, soothingly. "Okubo has already gone to get you some water, so don’t go crazy in the middle of the bakery..."
"Come on, dude, tell us what happened," Himuro leans towards him with some urgency. "What did she tell you? You can talk, we won't make fun of you."
He glares at them, shaking his head afterwards.
"Leave me alone!," He snarls before turning his attention to his phone, typing furiously.
She went back to his chat to assess the damage done.
Lih.Ito: no wait
you hadn't told me any of that
at all
I don't get it
that's not how I saw things, much less what you told me
what kind of feedback is that??
Akane decided to cut him some slack and answer that.
 Sekihyo: I told ya this was embarrassing...
now imagine doing some shit in the middle of your workday because of that
and giving feedback right after sex would make me biased
cause I was in the middle of the afterglow, cmon... 😳😳
I'm telling you how it is as a friend, man, can't you take constructive criticism?
She waits for his answer, wondering if he was going to rage, be rude, maybe even swear at her. It happened frequently.
But the answer doesn't come. The minutes pass by and there is no sign of notifications.
Yeah... she definitely shot the leopard down.
She smiled with an evil, coquettish laugh, rewarding herself with a lollipop, returning to her work.
Now it was just a matter of waiting for the beast to come to her den.
Himuro and Kaneda are a little startled when Rihito drops his phone on the table abruptly, the object sliding across the smooth surface until it stops dangerously close to the edge. He puts a hand over his face, huffing angrily, his eyes closed as if he's trying to contain himself.
The only thing they could conclude, basically, was that he was rejected. And in a not so pious way, judging by that reaction. They look at each other, worried, and then turn to Okubo, who was arriving with a bottle of water. "Just give it to him, man, he’s as white as a sheet…"
He gives it to him without ceremony. "Take it dude, we're worried about you," he pulls his hand away when he takes it abruptly, opening it quickly. Behind him, away from his view, he silently signals to the other two a “everything's fine, just chill” sign before returning to his seat.
Rihito chugs the entire bottle, drinking as if his throat was on fire. Some of it runs down his chin, dripping onto his sweatshirt. Then he places it on the table, almost crushing it between his fingers, the plastic cracking loudly. The other three exchange alarmed looks.
"Bro, calm down-"
"I'm calm!," He almost shouts, and then falls silent when he sees that half the bakery has turned to look at him. He takes a deep breath, the sound coming out shakily, and then repeats, in a lower tone, "I'm calm... calm as fuck, actually, I've never been calmer..."
"Yeah, yeah, we get it," Okubo sits down, still cornered. "Seriously, man, you're scaring the shit outta us here. You want more water or something?"
"No, if I drink more water I might drown...," He growls, scratching his eyes hard. And then he seems to see his friends' worried expressions for the first time. He growls again, putting his hand over his face.
"I'm sorry, guys... I'm sorry, really... this isn't your fault, but... damn, dude..."
"Can you explain what happened without having a stroke or something?," Himuro asks. "Maybe we can help, I don’t know-"
"No," He responds without a beat. "There’s nothing you can do to help. This is my thing to sort out... aargh, she's so fucking nasty...!"
Yep, looks like they hit the nail on the head.
Okubo massages his face. "Okay... so... just move on, y'know? That thing about 'you already had the no' and such…"
"No!," He responds louder this time, although not shouting, his fists clenching on top of the table. "I'm not going to fucking move on, not until I hear everything, EVERYTHING I read on this fucking app straight from her mouth."
The other three become even more alarmed, Kaneda even rising from his chair.
"Rihito, don't be stupid! You can't just go after this girl, even more so when you're pissed like that."
"Yeah, dude! You could do some really bad shit, and even us won't be able do defend you," Himuro warns, pointing at him.
This makes Rihito pause. He stares at them, anger briefly giving way to shock.
"What the fuck do you think I’m gonna do? Beat the crap outta her or something?! Of course not, what the hell!"
The other three let out a collective sigh of relief. Kanami had even taken a look in his direction but soon calmed down, returning to what she was doing. Ohma, who was at the counter like the regular customer he was, had also stopped to look, but kept to himself.
Okubo was still a little alarmed. "Alright, but are you going after her today? Do you know where she works or where she lives? There's no way you can find her today."
"She has her work address on her Instagram profile. At least I already have a reference point," He picks up his phone again, now looking almost madly focused. "A beauty salon or something..."
"And you’re going to go after the girl at her work? Really?," Himuro gestures agitatedly. "You're basically begging to be humiliated even more!"
"Or to have the police on your tail, and honestly, your record with them is already bad," Kaneda sits down again. "Just forget it, Rihito. It really sucks to be rejected, but that's life. You already got what you wanted from her, anyway..."
Rihito looks up at them again. And they see a new feeling beyond anger or indignation in his eyes.
Humiliation, pure and simple. A shame that made them want to look away and not have to deal with it, because seeing Rihito furious was one thing, but seeing him dejected like that was another.
It reminded them of when he had suffered that crushing defeat to Kuroki Gensai, in the Annihilation Tournament, almost five years ago. His pride had been broken. It had taken him a while to pick up the pieces. And now he looked like he was about to go through the same process all over again.
"You don't understand. You didn't read the shit she texted me. I won't have peace until I hear it from her, guys" He says in an almost desperate tone.
"Dude… I can go with you, if you want," Okubo offers, but Rihito's face made him change his mind "Okay, okay, it's a stupid idea, but man, at least it calmed you down a tad. I still remember that time when you were pissed off during a spar session and almost took a chunk out of my arm. And I'm built for combat! Imagine how it could go with a girl as thin as a rail. I know, I know you're not going to do anything to her, but as your friend, your bro, your homie, I'm not gonna to let you go after her foaming at the mouth. We can do shit like that, you know me and I know you too."
Rihito closes his eyes, taking a deep, hard breath. Himuro and Kaneda look at each other before nodding.
"Okubo is right, man. If you want to go after her, fine, but do so with a cool head. Otherwise you might do something you'll regret, especially because it will be by accident," ​​Himuro reaches out, touching his friend's shoulder, and being relieved when he doesn't reject him.
"In the meantime, you can vent here with us too, if it makes you feel better. Uh... you can even cuss us out if you want, we can handle it," Kaneda swallows a little.
Rihito shakes his head, and they feel a little more relieved to see him regaining some color.
"I'm not going to... I don't even have it in me anymore, damn it... I just can't understand what the fuck I did wrong! And why was she so mean like that, because I swear we were getting along pretty great on Saturday! I did everything right, I held on, I kept my hands to myself until I saw that I could be more forward…"
"Huh…," Okubo raises an eyebrow. "did she curse you or call you a bad thing?"
And there came the violent blush taking over his face. But they could see it wasn't out of anger.
"... No. She didn't swear at me. But I'm very used to swearing.  But that...argh!," He shakes his head, grinding his teeth again. "Forget it, I’m not gonna keep whining like a little bitch! I'm just gonna wait for my blood to stop boiling, because like you said, I want to keep my head cool. I'll need it."
Himuro and Kaneda look at each other again, very worried. What, had she said he had a small dick or something? They were afraid to ask.
Okubo sighs. "Okay, then… do you wanna break some bottles? We could use the alley next door… this way we can spill over things and whatever…"
"... Fine," He gets up from his chair, breathing hard through his nostrils. "I really need to break something..."
"Go ahead. We'll call you when it's our time to leave," Kaneda says, and Himuro nods. They would rather see Rihito breaking bottles in an alley than tables and chairs inside the bakery, honestly.
there you go, girl
the damage's done. 😮‍💨🤣🤣
his ego has been cut into thin slices and mixed with some sauce of confusion
now we'll just wait and let it simmer 🍳🍳
girl holy fuck
I get it now
you're using that strategy, aren't ya?
damn, a classic from high school times
man, I hadn't used it in SO LONG
I even thought I'd lost the touch
But I'm not doing this on a whim, you know...? 👉👈
yeah, I guessed that
you're one mean bitch LMAO
but that means you liked going on a date with him, right?
I told ya, he's not bad once you get to know him better
he just has a giant ego lol
yeah, he's really cute
he has those "puss-in-boots" kinda eyes that are hard to resist
and I'm not gonna lie, he has some potential to be a nice fuck buddy, but alas... 😗😗😗
he needs to pass my tests first y'know?
if he doesn't, at least he'll come out better than before 
I guarantee that 😜
lmao girl you're ruthless
and you know he'll come back for phase 3, right?
he was blowing smoke outta his nostrils lol
Naoh even had to take him outside to let it all out
he'll come after you like a bull comes for a red cape 🐂
yeah I fucking hope so! 
I'm ready for him 
but morally speaking, I didn't insult him or left him heartbroken or anything
I just hit his pride, so please don't hit me back 😰😰
if Hiro or The Butch sees this, they might get pissed 
I'm aware that since he's your friend, and they're at the bakery, he's their friend too
don't worry about that 
Hiro immediately understood what was going on
and we'll explain it to Kanny too
I'm tellin ya, he needed that ego beating
he's a womanizer and has a massive ego
he needed a healthy dose of humbling
alright then
I'll get back to work now
don't forget my cookies, okay?
I wanna chocolate chip cookies and some of those pretty sugar cookies you make
and I want a king-size box cause girl, I need some sugar... 
can I tell you something? 👉👈
I'm working on it now!
you can come by my house to pick it up if you want, then we can gossip some more lol
and sure, go ahead!
I worked out like hell this weekend… 
by sunday I was a fucking wreck, holy shit
taking down a bull-sized man is no easy task
and yours is even bigger, right?!
man, that sounds awesome, never having to be on a diet again 😍😍😍
It's what you call an intensive workout  🏋️‍♀️
girl, they're all fighters
they never get out of breath, it's almost scary
I must've lost about 13 pounds after I got my bull-sized man 
c'mon don't make me jealous
I'm probably just going to do a rodeo tournament with him and that's that
best case scenario, we'll not look at each other funny if we meet on the street 
I'm not in the mood to get in a relationship either. 
There's still that thing, y'know... my previous fuck buddy was a piece of shit 
I still haven't gotten over that
I got a text from him yesterday, but I blocked him
man, being hot is no joke 💅💅💅
wow girl hahaha
but seriously, don't give in, please
cut this creep's bullshit out if he comes after you
you and you devastating leg lock hahaha
Rihito wanting to do you again is proof of that
because the boys told me that he never asks for seconds 😏
Who said women aren't fighters too?
I have a black belt in KamaSutra, baby 🤣🤣🤣🤣
My blows are fatal and my movements are coldly calculated
Okay, that's it for now, my boss' gonna chew me out
Akane sighs after having a good laugh. Now came an even more delicate part of her plan. He would probably come after her one day from today. He would find a way to come, at least. Then she would be prepared for whatever it was.
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stillmonsterz · 1 month
hello. i just want to say you are both incredible writers and i've personally read both of yours and hoonie 's works.
nobody deserves to receive hate on both sides.
did she plagiarize you? who knows— maybe she had, maybe she didn't. perhaps she might have gained inspiration from your writing before without even knowing or recalling it since there are way too many fics on this site to remember every single detail from every fic you've ever read (even i feel the same. i've wanted to write before, but i've read so many to the point i'm just scared of accidentally plagiarizing someone because i unknowingly get influenced by the multiple different writings i've consumed that people have put out and i can't exactly pinpoint every single scenario that's inspired me) but sometimes, coincidences can really happen, no matter how unbelievable it may seem because it's happened way too many times and way too similarly to even think of it as a mere coincidence anymore.
situations and scenarios repeat themselves over and over again. tropes get reused over and over. i've read fics from the same fandom that get very similar with each other, but i haven't seen anyone really bat an eyelash about it because they probably haven't noticed or maybe it's just because they are all accepting at the fact that we are all a bunch of people who gain inspiration from each other on this app and just honestly here to have fun and read and write what we love and enjoy the most. (obviously unless it's all flat out copying word by word along with characters and plot)
that's how a fandom is, that's what fanfiction is. it's all supposed to be for fun to enjoy the lores we find entertainment in and have genuine adoration for. to make other people happy and enjoy your works by indulging in a hobby that you enjoy doing yourself.
you can't fight everything or accuse every single person who has a similar scenario
because how will fanfiction work if it's not to get inspired by anything or if we all haven't thought of the same exact scenario at one point? it would just be too much to do that every single time to any person who dares think or write the same sentence another person does, it's very energy draining. please don't do that to yourself also. it's like an 'agree to disagree' situation.
i'm sure if she said she hasn't, then she probably hasn't to be honest. i know it's hard to believe, but coincidences like that can really happen. even the plot of her stories were completely different from your own though, it was just in those scenes they were really similar, so it's very plausible that things like that can happen.
i am not the best at english but i really hope you get my point.
there are clearly so many people on this site, you can't keep up with everything to every single post and every single fic and look out for a million different other users to see who you might end plagiarizing on accident or not/or who might be plagiarizing you (whether on complete accident or not)
who knows maybe even yours could be eerily alike to somebody else's work too without you knowing— and that person could also just up and post the same screenshots and accuse you of plagiarism straightaway without discussing matters with you first. it definitely wouldn't be a nice feeling and it can really be detrimental to somebody's state of mind because you've worked hard on it, right, but then you end up getting accused of plagiarism in the end over something you didn't mean to do at all.
you've said "i hate engenes" and i am going to assume you know how messy it can get in this fandom, so rather than posting her @ and a screenshot of her story next to yours for everyone to see, maybe adress it to her privately from the start and clear things up with her personally before making posts about it and saying things like, "if you're going to copy my fic atleast do it well" because that's not nice to say. things wil only become messier if that's how you address the situation :( yk how crazy it can get on enhablr and how 'too much' they can be so it's not hard to believe that they will actually go and harrass the other person without thinking their actions through and through.
people won't focus on the , 'don't report her' , because you know once they see those receipts (the screenshots you've provided), they most definitely will run away with that and send any type of harsh thing they can say to that person to have it taken down immediately.
please i suggest you to take down the screenshots you posted and all the other uncalled for things you've said about her and the situation and continue these matters in private because it has genuinely affected her and her state of mind and i don't want it to start affecting you too from the guilt that might eat at you or the insulting things people throw in your inbox.
i do not want to see two amazing writers have a dispute over a situation that should be handled in private and not for the gaze of idiots to see and attack whoever seems 'right' or 'wrong' and have our own favourite writers get driven off of this app due to the unnecessary hate.
you really don't deserve the hate coming from her side of the followers as well so please, please ignore anything anyone says that just flat out insults you rather than thinking about what they're saying and talking about it rationally!!! please only mind those who are actually trying to see this in a non-biased light and want to help.
once again, you BOTH are very talented writers so i don't see the point in making a big fuss over this like please people and the followers on both their sides— if you see this just seriously stop sending hate because we are all here to enjoy and read from these gifted writers— not attack and throw around death threats at each other, wtf have we become :( that's not who we are so let's calm down and be kinder to one another :/
and i just want to remind everybody that it's just enjoyment and fanfiction at the end of the day, something we should do out of love and enjoyment for, so nothing is absolutely WORTH sending death threats or insults over. like be fr right now do you really think we should all have each other by the throats and threaten to kill one another online? that's so embarrassing, just please stop and look at yourselves 😭 if you think that way just please go outside and touch grass. please.
there is no need for competition to back up your favourite writers, they're both undeniably GOOD and that's that. don't make it seem like a competition or that they're trying to outdo each other and make the other seem better because they're both really impressive in their own writing.
i hope you resolve this with her privately and come to terms with this matter. that's all i'm hoping for. i wish you and her a very pleasant day.
1. It's been resolved. She has chosen to leave the platform, and I'm not sure if she would want to hear from me any further. I've spoken my piece, and she's spoken hers.
2. I'm keeping the screenshots up for a bit. If the similarities are so miniscule, then surely no one would be swayed by them. I'm not going to back down on my stance. I don't feel any guilt, either. I do feel remorse at the way I handled things, but I did not direct my followers to send her hate.
3. You're right that I wasn't nice. I've apologized for how I've approached this, and I've apologized to the writer directly.
This is the last time I answer an ask about this situation. I'm done with it. I've said all I've wanted to say.
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thestalwartheart · 2 years
Tried to post this in the comments to one of the posts, but ran out of space, LOL. These are such thoughtful and nuanced takes, thank you Mac for organizing and to all the brilliant people sending in their thoughts. I am personally obsessed with the question of whether Q comes to grapple with the consequences of his work. At the beginning of Skyfall, I don’t think he really knows them. My own take is that he starts off almost giddy with the power of his own mind, which is something that is easy to fall into with a mind of that caliber. Everything can be a thought experiment, exciting and theoretical, until something drives home that it’s real. It’s easy to see how a truly exceptional mind could get a bit trapped there, where everything is a problem to be solved and the consequences are simply part of a balance that seems remote to the thinker. I think the question of what he might do when he starts to fully grasp those consequences is a fascinating one. Would he leave the field? Would he resolve to do better? Would he take the position that it’s better he do it than someone with worse motivations and fewer skills? I’ve seen this a bit in what I think of as the opposite field to Q and Bond, in human rights work, where brilliant people realize they can’t fix everything and sometimes barely escape making it worse, and have to decide how to bear the weight of that ambiguity, or whether to leave it behind. Questions for the ages anyway, but would absolutely love to read some fics that explore this.
You've managed to hit on my greatest love in this fandom outside of 00Q, which is Q's Professional Problems.
I've painted him in different ways at the beginning of Skyfall, but that's a really great take. I was so bowled over by this point in particular that I nearly fell off the couch:
It’s easy to see how a truly exceptional mind could get a bit trapped there, where everything is a problem to be solved and the consequences are simply part of a balance that seems remote to the thinker.
I think that's exactly it. To a very technical mind, every problem has a solution. There is nothing you can't solve if you have the skills, time and manpower to do it. Of course, having all those things at once is rare, but the sentiment remains - everything can be fixed.
It's interesting to hear you approach it from the human rights angle, because I work in the tech industry and I see that same kind of thinking all. the goddamn time. I see people try to solve very pervasive, very human problems like homelessness by creating an app, or creating products without ever talking to a single human that's going to use them, and then creating something that's far more sinister (Apple AirTags? A perfect way to find your keys! Also a perfect way to stalk someone by secretly attaching it to their belongings!). We've seen drones used to kill, (and then people who have never killed anybody, and never expected to have to) having to kill with them. There's a particular kind of blindness when you're working in tech that comes with never really talking to the people who you're building something for. Of course, this would be exacerbated in a place like MI6 where everything is highly, highly confidential and cutting edge. You can't just put a user research group together, and you have no idea at all what might become of your experimental tech.
I think it could go a few ways for Q, and I'm really frustrated that we didn't get to see the original script to SPECTRE play out (in it, Q is taken by Spectre, tortured, and has to kill a man to save Bond). For as horrible as it would have been to see, and as much trauma as it would have given him, I think it would have given him a real moment of clarity few others in his position have - that is, real knowledge of the very human cost of killing. Which is not to say that's what people need to go through in real life (oh at all). I just think as a character arc it would have been fascinating. Though the urge to knock a few Silicon Valley types on the head is never far away 😂
But even without that storyline, I think the agents - Bond especially - teach him so much about the human side of it all. Both why human intervention is necessary, and why it's a hard thing to justify. I think even by the time SPECTRE rolls around, he's had a lot of his assumptions shaken, even if he's still playing with experimental tech.
Q is never going to be a morally black or white character. He will always have a hand in death because he's the one who optimises it - guns, bombs, exploding watches, experimental nanobots (though his weren't deadly, it's easy to see how the enemy might have adapted the technology). I personally think he would resolve to do better and take that responsibility on himself because, let's face it, he's arrogant enough to think he can. And maybe he can make it better, or maybe he ends up jaded by, as you say, trying to bear the weight of all that ambiguity.
Whatever the answer, it's all endlessly fascinating. If you got this far in reading this and have any fic recs, please reblog or reply with them!!! I'd love to read them too.
Thank you so much for the ask, @aniron48
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spideyladman · 1 year
Hii, I'm doing a research project abt tumblr and I wanted to ask around what tumblr users think are positive (& negative) aspects of this hellsite. Like what do you think of the community, why do you think people keep using it, why is it different from other socials, etc.
I'd love to hear different opinions about this :)
Oh cool!! I always wanted to tell my opinion about this hellsite lol
Well, first we start with the Positives and then the Negatives on how the hellsite functions, then my opinion about the community and why I think they might be using this hellsite, and then how is it different from other socials!! If I missed some things then I am sorry ^^"
It has a Staff that can interact with people and even a Secret Staff blog!
Most people are nice and are actually chill, unlike other socials *cough* Twitter *cough* *cough*
Even if it seems hard to try and work around this hellsite, it's kind of like AO3 (only more colourful lol) so no worries about trying to work around it, you'll get your head wrapped around it soon!!
Polls. Just. Just polls in general.
There's a trending page where you can possibly find a new media to look into!! If you don't like it, it's okay, you can just move on.
There is something in Settings where you can block tags and it's honestly amazing and I am thankful for them putting that.
In a lot of users' cases, they get shadowbanned for no reason. Which means if you activated notifications to them posting prior before that, you can't anymore. Plus you can't search stuff on their blog because they are shadowbanned for some reason, and they also delete the chat button on their blog. Also if you get notifications but when you click on it and see nothing, that is quite surely a shadowbanned blog. Which means if you have a mutual who has been shadowbanned and they try to reblog something from you or tag you in a post, you legit can't see it >:[
This hellsite is broken most of the time from what I hear, and I honestly can't blame them, I too have experienced a part of it: there was a time where I was trying to reblog something from my IPad and the post button was at the bottom of the post. If I switched my IPad off, when I switched it back on I legit couldn't see the bottom of the post and I tried and I tried, but I couldn't scroll to the very bottom of the post, which made me feel really frustrated. I'm honestly happy i got the app on my new phone (which I am currently using to write this post). Idk if it happens to other Tumblr users but I'm putting this here just in case.
It's more of a user problem then a hellsite problem but users don't put triggers in their posts even if their life depended on it. It really sucks because it can ruin a person's day completely.
There's a tag limit (30) and it sucks tbh xd
Some users harrass a lot of people and I think Staff don't bat an eye on that issue sometimes.
Bots. Just. Just bots everywhere.
This community can bring both joy and anger on this site, just like in any other website, though I wish that sometimes they didn't make something really infuriating start trending *cough* Taylor Swift *cough* Helluva Boss *cough* *cough*
Despite all of that, I can see that there is care and love for other types of content and they can help people cope with problems they might have at home, which is why I think is why they keep using this site, because they now have mutuals (online friends) and it's honestly sweet seeing how people can vibe about a piece of media together :"]
I believe it's because it helps people get into a zone of comfortness. While yes we joke about there being Twitter refugees and we must kick 'em out, sometimes I believe that the community doesn't remember how they got here. This hellsite is a place where people can get out their excitement over a piece of media without people judging them (though sometimes it is much to people's dismay *cough* Serial Killers *cough* *cough*).
I personally think of myself as an Instagram refugee. Even if I haven't used any kind of social media apart from YouTube after getting rid of my Instagram account and before getting my second Tumblr account, I believe so because, Instagram made me feel pressured on posting because what if people unfollow me for not posting enough content? Do they hate me or something? What would they think if I like Steven Universe? What would they think if I don't post enough? ...What then?
When I actually put my entire body inside of hellsite water I started feeling more comfortable and I realised that compared to other websites, even with this hellsite, even with its ups and downs, I call this hellsite my true home. I can scream, I can shout, I can feel like my true self, and that's what really matters :"3
I hope you like my response!! ^^
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tuesday again 9/27/22
pretty bad fatigue week! fewer in depth breakdowns of media, more naps
listening Faster Gun by Little Big Town, found through chase @pasta-pardner 's incredible bounty-hunters-to-lovers playlist. this is. hm. what is this. bluesier than is currently fashionable country? not meant as a dunk on the song, which i have had on loop for days, there's a very early twenty teens quality about the mix. what the fuck do i mean by that? fuck if i know!
honorary shoutout to the line "Put another bullet in the chamber with your smile" bc that's gotta be like twenty fic titles. if not i have a new mission.
reading pinging off a lotta stuff, which is not the fault of any of the works and more that i am unable to settle and concentrate on any one singular thing for longer than about four minutes.
luckily, i have read this article, which details the practice of sending your local boutique owner a bunch of links to the shit you want and then she places the shein order for you and you go pick it up at the store.
this is absolutely fucking fascinating to me. it is not detailed very well how/why/if they handle the infamously gnarly returns process as well? i also wish the article went into more depth about Why this is so successful, other than "uhhhhh online sales in Mexico are low for uhhhhhh...cash? reasons? haveyouthoughtaboutinvestinginalastmiledeliverycompany"
Both Sandon and the Précomas’ boutiques offer the same prices that users might find on the official app. The way they make a profit is by making the most out of the gamified discount system Shein offers its online customers. “The more items you buy on Shein, the better discounts you get and the more points you earn to exchange for other discounts,” Guarneros said.
we do gotta hand it to them and i do fully support these women leveraging their network of friends from previous pyramid schemes like avon and tupperware in order to make bank by gaming the fuck out of predatory gamified discount systems
watching the unbearable weight of massive talent (2022, dir Gormican)
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now, is this movie sucking itself off a lot? yes, almost constantly. however, i had fun watching it. i feel like nick cage The Guy is probably pretty chill and has a good sense of humor in order to agree to do this movie
i like pedro pascal The Guy very much and as an actor (one of the rare actors where i'm like "that's a hot guy! also, i'm extremely horny for him!" as opposed to a lot of actors that i do think are pretty [daniel craig, etc] but don't necessarily want to fuck) anyway it feels like pascal had a ton of fun making this. are we slowly returning to the tight ninety-minute movie???? i would have watched ninety minutes of cage and pascal riffing off each other. the plot in this thing was superfluous tbh
playing fallow week
making stock! i have two batches actually bc i inherited a bunch of stock fixins from the good roommate, who properly roasted the bones and saved the skin and everything so the first batch is really gorgeous and dark and glittering with fat. i skimmed some of the fat off but not all, bc the stuff i make never requires perfect crystal clear broth and i like fat. i did do the cheesecloth straining thing tho.
also feat. a whole bunch of my landlady's herbs (which have not had a very good time this summer) and an entire four-year-old bottle of bay leaves. can't hurt yanno. plus a parmesan rind from the aforementioned roommate. all items pictured here before transformation into stock
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the second batch is still on the stove as i write this, with somewhat fewer herbs and no bay leaf, but smells just as good. tastes slightly less good so i think roasting the cleaned bones or whatever the fuck she did to them really does make a difference, bc i fully just plopped a chicken carcass in the freezer after i finished getting most of the meat off it and gave it no more effort than that. HATE having to do more work to get a better quality final product!!!
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