#kaine parker x reader
reverieblondie · 2 months
ATSV Masterlist
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NSFW 18+!
‧.₊̣̇.‧⁺̣˚̣̣*̣̩⋆ Miguel O'Hara ⋆*̣̩˚̣̣⁺̣‧.₊̣̇.‧
The Dare - Hobie takes the dare game up a notch. Unexpected events ensue...
Clumsy Kitty (Part 2) - You became a thief to help you get over your mundane life. Turns out being a thief is not so easy…especially when Spider-Man is there to stop you.
Rehearsing - Miguel isn't good when it comes to feelings...especially when it comes to you...
Scary Movie Night - Halloween night just you alone with your horror movie marathon...till you hear a noise.
My Star -The theaters new patron is an important man, as you dance you feel his eyes on you, you can't help but feel addicted to the way he stares...
Remember Me? - Miguel has changed a lot since high school, but one thing remains the same...how he feels about you.
Be Sweet to me- Your determined to befriend your co-worker. Miguel struggles with his stressful double life...
Chapter 1 Chapter 2
Inspiration - Miguel just wants to give you a break and help you with your writings...What's so wrong about that? Criminal - Miguel hates cops, well all expect one...
‧.₊̣̇.‧⁺̣˚̣̣*̣̩⋆ Peter B Parker ⋆*̣̩˚̣̣⁺̣‧.₊̣̇.‧
Costume Party - At a costume party you run into a guy with a very impressive Spider-Man costume....He seems familiar...
‧.₊̣̇.‧⁺̣˚̣̣*̣̩⋆ Gabriel O'Hara ⋆*̣̩˚̣̣⁺̣‧.₊̣̇.‧
Meeting - It all started with a boring Spider Society meeting...then you two just couldn't stop seeing each other.
Smutty HCs about Gabriel
Drabble Request: Scarf - Gabriel comes home to see you in his scarf and jacket... Short reader x Gabri Tomboy - You usually wear tomboy outfits, but tonight you change it up...
‧.₊̣̇.‧⁺̣˚̣̣*̣̩⋆ Kaine Parker ⋆*̣̩˚̣̣⁺̣‧.₊̣̇.‧
Partners - Kaine isn't exactly social but he seems to get along with you.
Play Fighting - Kaine is always starting fights with you...your about to figure out why...
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lonelysucker7 · 6 months
Strangers on a Train
⚠️ Chapter 2 ⚠️
Pairing: Kaine Parker x gn!Reader
Summary: You’re just an average person making their daily living, surviving adulthood as it is. You live in Houston, Texas where even the hero the Scarlet Spider lives. And then there’s a guy, who looks like he’s gone through hell, on a train you’re crushing on.
Word count: 3.9 k
Warnings: mentions of violence (but very brief), criticism towards art, parental issues (also brief), profanity once again!!
Not proofread!! But enjoy!!! ☺️
The doors didn’t open until 11.
It was a Wednesday, and lucky for you it was a promised short day. Your work didn’t require much as a tour guide. Walk, talk, and answer questions for the art enthusiasts or students from schools that booked their tickets for days like these. And people talked. Often, even with your short time, this went on for hours without a stop.
Every art was displayed for the eye with the likes of van Gogh and Matisse, but obviously van Gogh was for the win. You’ve lost count how much you explained the importance of his life work so you didn’t really need to rehearse any mental notes and directions you were going to use. With much ease, you walked through the halls of the museum, pointing and gesturing with your hands around his paintings, remarking about the paint strokes delicately put into the work and adding backstory to them.
Occasionally there were the usual interruptions with “experts” who bragged about their knowledge regarding the tragic painter. Patiently you kept hearing them go on and on, until letting them finish when they took the hint from the crowd they wanted to move on. You didn’t bat an eye, thanking them for their contribution but silently remarking in sarcasm
“Well fuck, have my job and live my life!”
As you passed by van Gogh's Self-Portrait, you heard the crowd behind you murmuring amongst themselves in admiration. You stopped with them in front of a dark room with the exception of the interior displaying hanging LED lights, falling down from the ceiling in the style of vines colored in violets and pinks. The background offered the effect of neon lights sprawling across the walls in a manner of adding that mystic effect. It was a small forest of wonder after all.
“This is ‘Pipilotti Rist’s: Pixel Forest and Worry Will Vanish’. The artist hailing from Switzerland is always testing art in technology, intending them to be very engaging with her themes of naturalism and wonder. Composed with LED lights in the form of hanging vines and a new art form expressing human regeneration as visual imagery. There are even couches in there to relax in and dream alongside the projections shown on the walls. Maybe losing yourselves in a fantasy wouldn’t be such a bad idea. I recommend it,” you suggested with a slight smile. You stood near the doorway, scooting aside to let others take a small peak at the show.
Behind you, you hear a soft snort coming from behind the walls. Looking over your shoulder, you immediately frown with a roll of your eyes as you notice the familiar someone. Your co-worker/ friend, Bethany grinned to herself as she mimicked your speech, mouthing the words while puppeting it on her hand. Holding the urge not to call her out in the middle of the crowd, you made a small quick clap and urged your crowd to continue with you to finish the tour.
“Tickets will be available once the date is posted on the website. There will be rules regarding the exhibition so make sure to look over those if you intend on bringing children or other!”
“You had me in the first half, I won’t lie. I mean, I thought your whimsy quips didn't manage to weave itself in your talk like it does out of nowhere. Because if it didn’t, I wouldn't believe you’d talk that professional.”
“Mmm, well, when you spend so much time talking about works on illusions and dreams coming to a reality, I guess you get sucked in it too. Just happens.”
The first group of touring was done for the first hour and a half, and now you found yourself having a scrutinizing conversation with Bethany about your style of work. You both were in the average noise breakroom, taking your lunch break while still keeping the time.
Getting the job was hard but you managed that getting yourself out there to effectively communicate with people required you to get yourself out of your comfort zone first.
Easy said, easy done.
One sacrifice to offer to the devil of the work was all you needed. Pretty soon your boss became impressed with your way of words, even when it seemed you lacked effort in them at first.
When you told your parents about your job, you expected them to be a little less than happy about it. That expectation was quickly dismissed as they were thrilled you had finally achieved a job (even more when they heard insurance was graciously offered to you.) Your dad joked with you about sending money their way, but you’d always cut it off with the excuse of your break coming to an end. Same case with your mom, though it was more about your college degree even being used at all.
“So what was all that money for?”
You didn’t know how to respond without becoming upset.
And you met Bethany, the security guard, meandering in the locker room. A rough start as she searched through your duffle bag for a pack of cigarettes, and to her disappointment, you didn’t have any. But you offered her gum instead and she took it without hesitation. And throughout the months that came, you got to know her better and became friends. She was in her late 30’s, single, not so much of a hopeless romantic instead preferring to stay on the side of logic and reason.
A bit “evil” you wanted to say, maybe a little too noisy but nevertheless you tolerated her presence and grew to appreciate her. Not once did she leave you out of any hot topic that roamed in the museum or her life, so you felt somewhat special being let in her inner circle.
“Ever watched that old Spanish film called ‘Open Your Eyes?’ You asked Bethany with an expectant stare from across the room. A perplexed expression crossed her features as she pulled out her casserole lunch from the microwave and made her way back to your table. She saw your sad looking ham sandwich in your hands and said
“No, why?” She tilted the veggie casserole towards you to offer in the stead of your meal and you kindly refused. You responded casually
“Because the exhibition that I talked about kinda reminds me of that movie. A dreamlike fantasy you end up losing yourself in because your reality sucks. That movie is all about that.”
Your friend made a small tsk and wagged her finger as she picked on her casserole.
“Don’t think it was the artist's literal intention to have you forget reality. Much less your worries actually vanish. All that is just for show.” Bethany mused as she picked her food, pushing away a piece of broccoli on the side of her plate. You frowned, staring at your ham sandwich with little interest. You replied assertively.
“Yeah but it's in the name. How can it not be?”
“I don’t know, I ain’t an expert in that okay? Answer it yourself.”
“Okay, fine.” A silence lingered over you both, until Bethany asked between mid-chew
“Why exactly did you ask?”
You mulled over the question of why. Maybe it was those people from the tour who interrupted so much. Maybe it was looking back on your old home life. Or the memories of what happened in the morning which flooded through your mind and you got goosebumps because of it. Suddenly you felt embarrassed to even tell. You wanted to hide under a rock from your reality. You confessed with a grim reply
“Cause I’m always wondering if my reality is a dream or my hell right now. Van Gogh was in a limbo, so where am I?”
Bethany being Bethany; cringed at the statement, making a disgusted face as she settled her fork down.
“Okay, okay enough with the philosophy and comparing yourself with dead artists. Look, I'll pinch you if you want to see if you're here with me, weirdo.”
At that you laughed breezily a bit and shook your head, responding smoothly
“No thanks, I’m good as it is. Anyways, I want to finish my lunch before I start touring again. That last group sure had its professionals. I was starting to wonder if I needed to call our boss and quit right on the spot just so they could do the job for me.” You took a bite of your sandwich with a slight grumble and chewed on it with a sigh. Bethany side glanced at you from her food and shrugged.
“Oh come on, you know Boss-man would cry if you left. You’re one of our best. You’re just overthinking it. Like you usually do with that guy on the train. Speaking of which….” Bethany leaned closer to you, you leaning back as a response from the grinchy like smile growing on her face as she rubbed her hands together.
“...You saw him again, didn’t ya?”
You stopped chewing midway of your food. No doubt you did tell her about the stranger. Fifty fifty you regret coming down to this, but she was your friend and you were dying to tell someone. In fact she was the only one you’ve told.
Bethany had remained invested in this topic for as long as you can remember, especially since you maintained your personal life private from many around you. Bethany knew some things. But glimpses of your romantic (if you wanted to coin it like that) life was like striking gold for dear Bethany.
Your eyes glanced away from her creepy smile and your mouth scrunched to the side as you mumbled
“Yes. And?”
Suddenly, she slams her palms on the table that shook with a rattle, causing you and others in the breakroom to jump. Looking back at her you almost yell with a slight strained voice, pieces of your sandwich falling abruptly on your lap.
“Was that necessary?!”
Bethany ignored you, and continued, “Did you finally ask if he was single?!”
You rolled your eyes as you shook your head, incling down at the floor from your seat as you picked up your mess from the floor.
“Of course I didn’t! You know I wouldn’t even think of asking him that. Would you have done the same?” You argued with your voice wavering a bit from the intensity, even breathing a little slowly to calm your nerves. Wrong question, you knew your answer already. Bethany crossed her arms and haughtily replied.
“Yeah, I would’ve done it if I was really that interested. Are you not? How long are ya gonna keep stalling yourself my dear co-worker? Can’t stand the idea of being rejected?”
Your brain couldn’t even process all that, leaving you gripping your thighs anxiously and your mouth gaping without a single word being uttered out. Once the calmness settled, you managed to hush out
“I’m trying… of sorts. Yeah, I’m scared shitless if I get rejected, who wouldn't? And good god Bethany, I already told you he doesn’t seem to be the type you straight up ask on those things…”
Bethany huffed a laugh, and shook her head as if she wasn’t taking that as an answer.
“Yeah but, how long have we been talking about this guy? It’s the same shit! ‘Oh I wanna talk with him this’ and ‘I wanna talk with him that—’ Please just do it, you’re killing meeeee…” Bethany whined, grabbing your shoulders from behind and shook you.
You flick your fingers on the hands on your shoulders and manage to get them off of you. As Bethany peers close to your face, you look back at her as a dark look crosses your eyes.
It finally came to your mind that you were still on your break and the whole staff room was staring at your commotion from the corner of the room. The sound of the water dripping from the sink could be heard in the background.
Pushing your chair back, you stood to let the blood flow through your legs again and moved to toss the pieces of sandwich near the garbage disposal. As you sat back down with a melancholic feeling, you mumbled,
“Everything at its time. Don’t rush me, okay?”
You buried your face in your hands continuing to mumble incoherent complaints in them. Bethany surrendered her hands in the air as she slumped in her seat and started to absentmindedly pick her casserole again.
“You're too respectful. You shouldn’t.”
You snapped your head up, glaring slightly.
“We’re strangers. I don’t know him and he doesn’t know me. Some random creep asking if you're single out of nowhere? That raises so many red flags if you hadn't noticed. You know what… think I might need that pinch now.”
Bethany reached to pat your back with mild consolation, still with that smug smile and a borderline joy of taking in your pain. Now you just felt tired and yearned to go home. Sadly it was only 2 in the afternoon so you’d need to wait 3 more hours. You then hear Bethany say in a tranquilizing tone
“Take it easy. Listen I know you’re a dreamer, and you keep dreaming okay? I don’t want to burst your bubble. But while that train keeps on moving and he keeps riding it, you should shoot your shot. Never know if he’s gonna be gone the next day. Uncanny events always force someone to move out of here.”
Hearing her make that statement, raises a the hairs in the back of your head. Maybe a part of you refused to accept that fact, but you knew it was the truth. It was either take it or leave it. How long you’ve spent pondering on the thought of talking to him… oh a very long time, that you already made yourself clear on the train. You clenched your jaw, gulping quietly as you spoke with hesitancy.
“I’ll try… but I’m sure things will end up falling short of my expectations.”
“No no, I’m certain you’re gonna do fine. You have a way with words. Your personality is pretty good. And you are…” Bethany leaned back to take your form from head to toe and back over again with an easy smile “...You’re pretty hot enough to catch someone's eye. Although I’m not saying looks are everything. Say, if he saw you today, did he make any sign that he looked even the slightest interested in you?”
You scratched your cheek for a minute or two in thought, then you finally shake your head and simply responded
“No?” Bethany repeated bluntly. You shook your head again. You made a slight tilt as you added,
“Although we did hold a stare for about 15 seconds. Does that count?”
“Hmm, it's something. What else did he do?”
“Er, well he did this funny thing with his lip. It went back a bit. Like…like he tried to…” Bethany watched you intently as you reenacted the funny lip jump. She only thinned her lips as a teasing smile started to form, until she burst, pointing a finger at you gushing.
“Oh my god, did he try to smile at you?!” Bethany's smile must have reached its limit as it was already way too wide and way too disturbing to hold eye contact. You chuckled nervously with a half-shrug.
“I guess…? It would be a first actually.” An attempted smile from him… it made your chest feel fuzzy from that thought. Still though it could’ve meant anything. Bethany giggles, wrapping an arm around you and bringing you close to her. You winced a little, smelling the breath of onion from her casserole as she whispered.
“Just go talk to him. You know you’re brave. Wake up and make it a reality. Got one life, so don’t waste it.” She gave you a small shake in her arm, before the weight was lifted off of you. You fixed the collar of your uniform and looked at the time again. Your break was over. Her words of encouragement suddenly pushed you to actually want to do it.
Like previous times of course.
“I suppose so huh? Tomorrow we’ll see then. Thanks Bethany.”
She gave you a small thumbs up as you both stood up from your seats. Both of you then stepped outside of the breakroom, departing with a side hug and left to finish the day. You waved at your crowd from the end of the hallway on your left and approached them with a professional welcoming smile.
Maybe I should do it tomorrow. Nothing can go wrong from here… right?
Now your day is over. And your pained feet were dying to get home.
But as expected you were held back for a couple reasons. First was to finish answering some questions from the guests, and then your boss whose news reached to his ears about you and Bethany “fighting” in the breakroom. To which you denied sincerely without trying to smile. You two could never.
In consequence, those actions from both parties have left you to forget the sun set earlier in the month of July. Crap.
5:45 P.M, and you also missed your train. You sent Bethany a text asking for a ride, but you deleted the message as you recalled her mentioning in the morning about a dentist appointment after her break. Meaning you were going to need to walk home.
Adjusting your duffel bag on your shoulder, you climbed down the stairs while keeping a taser you borrowed from Bethany close by in your pocket. You quickly took a left from the station and started jogging slightly as you wanted to avoid any possible encounter with people. Not at this hour, no siree.
It wasn’t the first time you’ve done this. But not regularly either.
The approximation from your work to your apartment was about 30-45 minutes depending how fast you got there on foot, but you knew you weren’t gonna get there anytime soon. The uncomfortable feeling of being watched as you jogged without a stop for breath became awkward as hell.
You passed by the town shops that still had their lights on, staying close by them as you needed to see the cemented path ahead of you. For a summer night the air felt a mix of cool air and warm heat, making you start sweating anyway. Man you felt that adrenaline and motivation push your limits already.
The night sky wasn’t all dark as it was being illuminated by a full moon and the stars sparkled brightly. You huffed a breath as you turned a dark corner.
Only a couple more blocks, I can do this.
You began to feel a little dizzy from your excessive jogging and weariness of your feet starting to catch up with you that you immediately slowed down. A sharp pain from the side of your ribs irked you to recoil and grab on to the wall to lean on. Ragged breathing started to fill your ears as you took a breather and your eyes scanned your surroundings.
You had entered an alleyway with no exit. Dark and murky.
A sudden crash from a nearby garbage dump from the exit of the alleyway, caused you to stagger back with alert. Your hand fumbled in your pocket as you pulled out your taser and kept it to your side as you looked over your shoulder, just to make sure nothing from the darkness or exit came out.
You were so wrong.
From the pit of your chest you felt your heart drop to your stomach as you saw something moving towards the entrance of the alleyway. Dark shadows plastered on the wall from the light reflected off the moon and a growling noise seemed to rumble out. It resembled that of the creature and you almost had a feeling what it was. It started to become closer and closer.
You bite your tongue trying not to make a noise, stepping back into the shadows but without realizing it; your heel accidentally stepped on a piece of glass breaking it loudly.
You let out a scream as the creature rages in the alley about to grab you with their sharp claws.
Your panicked thoughts were cut off aggressively as you were pulled upwards by something that grabbed your back shirt. You felt it snap off of you as your body was being rag dolled around by something keeping you close.
And very tightly; your back was being dug with their immense grip on you. More growls and yells were heard by your ear and your eyes couldn’t focus on it. Everything was a blur of colors red, black—-
Red and black? Hold up—-
Instinctively you wrapped your arms around the neck of this something you realized… it was none other than the Scarlet Spider himself.
You stared in awe at his red lenses, seeing your own face back at them. And oh man… his breathing sounded hotter up close. Of all places you finally met the hero. Yet that didn’t stop you from feeling scared as the webbed hero was swinging swiftly in the air with the web in one hand from a great height. The feeling was just like when you were a kid, being pushed on the swing and feeling the air pressure wacking your face. So you gradually held on tightly.
Yeah—you wanted to throw up right then in there.
Below you a grassy patch of land was coming into view. A playground from the nearby school you knew close to your home. With a loud thump you both landed on the ground safely, the noises of growls faded away in the distance.
“Hey… you can let go now,” You heard a low rough voice speak from the mask. You didn’t realize you closed your eyes and you opened them, raising your head away from his shoulder. Dumbly, you shakily let go of the hero and a soft thud from the padding of your feet was audibly heard as it touched the grass.
As your arms slid from his shoulders, you only noticed that the hero was just leaning down for you when he suddenly straightened up from his inclined posture.
He was much…taller.
“Are you okay?” He asked with a gruff tone. A soft gruff tone if you heard carefully.
You shook your head just to quickly revert it to a nod as you silently answered his question. He answered it with a nod of his own as he craned his neck to look at you up and down for potential injuries.
“Good. Don’t be wandering out at night—it’s dangerous you hear? See what almost happened to you back there? Almost became a snack.”
If you had enough energy you would have laughed at the warning. You didn’t answer, just stared. An impatient snap to your face woke you from your trance.
“Did you hear what I said?”
“U-uh, y-yeah… t-thanks…” You stuttered softly.
A beat.
The hero stared at you in silence and for a moment it felt like he wanted to say something. From the looks of his hands on his sides flexing their fingers, he seemed to hesitate doing something. He didn’t do anything. Finally, he said in a rather plain tone,
“Go home now. Take a pill for the nerves and a day off. You’re shaken up, I can tell.”
“U-uh h-huh…” you managed, as the jelly legs found themselves on your legs when you turned around to walk. You were numbly questioning the creature that almost killed you and the urge to ask him came to you. You wanted to say something else to him as you turned around to face him once again—-but he was gone.
Damn. You wanted him to stay a little longer.
Home it is then. You pulled your duffel bag—-correction, nothing.
You scan all over your body for anything and you let out a frustrated groan as you realize your duffel bag was lost back at that alley. Worst of all, you didn’t even know which one.
Well… at least you had a spare key under your mat.
Hello there!!
So yes I was working on this really really hard. And you have a friend yay! Maybe you’ll expect another chapter in two weeks (I know, I’m bummed out too.)
Alright so… here’s the thing.
I was drafting where this story will head and here’s what I have in mind: Kaine technically left Houston right? Because of… stuff. But what if… what if he came back?
I have hopes for that. So this fic is where that intends to go. Where Kaine technically comes back to Houston. He has his friends back (minus one if you have an idea who), and he’s basically trying to start all over again. That’s all I can say for now.
And yes of course he still has The Other (not all fanfiction is canon remember!)
This journey is likely gonna be long folks. With super long paragraphs. And a hella amount of plot.
So… enjoy every moment and thank you for your support. You guys keep me going 🤗
Next: Chapter 3
Previously: Chapter 1
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spider-mar2004 · 4 months
🕷Webbed Silence🕷
Pairing:Kaine Parker x F!Spider!Reader
Summary: Kaine invited you in the dark nights of the city of New York. And is more than a date.
Warnings: Just a bit of swearing.
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6:40 PM.
What a lovely evening in the city of New York, the sky getting darker, the stars slowly appearing and the lights from the place turning on. Usually, this was your city, Because is from your world, your universe.
It's been six months you was in the Spider-society, you felt comfortable with it but also kinda irritated due some spider-people could be noisy, the boss Miguel O'hara grumpy,etc. You wasn't a very social spider-woman either after all, so that explained why you spend more time at your home than that place.
But, you started to come often due someone caught your attention. A tall 6'4 ft man with a suit of red and black, with dark mask and red lenses with an intimidating look, how did someone that looks or well is dangerous caught your attention? Possibly the fact both of you aren't too social, but you decided give yourself a chance for socialize with him.
He wasn't an easy person to socialize. At the start he usually avoided you, but you kept trying and started to help him some things, and bring him stuff like a bottle of water, snacks, etc. Which, Kaine wasn't used to have someone who cares about him. But slowly started to accept and started to take trust towards you.
And then, you both started to dating, you two have three months being a couple. It seemed cute at first but was kinda hard for you due Kaine's personality towards that fact, he was cold at the start because he wasn't sure about have a relationship. But he is trying, he loves you. Just, he didn't know how to behave at this which it takes patience.
Anyways, finally Kaine called you from the wrist advice you both have.
"Hey uh, i shouldn't scare you but i am here. Could we meet in the top of your apartment building?"
Kaine said, as he was already there glacing at the bright city.
"Really? You should be named Mr. Surprises!"
You said with a soft giggled and a small smile on your face, you wasn't wearing your mask and suit only your comfortable clothing which was a shirt of [Color/design you want], Jeans pants of [Color you want] and sport shoes, with a sweater tied on your waist. As Kaine heard you joke he would let go a snort and a grumpy face under his mask.
"Whatever, just meet me there."
He simply said with a slight annoyed yet cold tone for then hang the call.
7:15 PM
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You finally arrived trotting, you was excited because finally your partner became more open at the couple things but also worried because possibly something could happen. You saw him waiting, watching down at the city from the view, still with his suit and mask on, as you stepped towards, he slowly turned his head to see you.
"Oh, hey babe." You gave him a warm smile as you walked to him slowly. "Something... Happened?"
"Kinda, just wanted to say some things..." He sighed and looked down again, unsure what to say next.
"... You can tell me, you know i trust you and that's why we are united, for help each other." You stood next him and looked at him with a more worried face.
"I know but. Y'know sometimes i would... Love to try harder for this but nah, i keep failing." He shrugged said coldly.
"I get what you mean Kaine, but you are already doing it. I know you are busy and well your personality not used for this but it doesn't bother me a lot like you think." You moved closer to him, without stop staring.
"Generally never used for this and i kinda dislike admit it but, hurts me a bit that i am not doing so much for you. I know i used to be a bad and violent guy but i should stop being this and be uh, more special with you." Kaine took a low sigh as then he slowly took off his mask, revealing his dark brown and long hair with his brown eyes, scarred face and serious look.
"With patience everything ends easy. And again, your personality doesn't bother me because i understand about your past. And i know you love me because you are always in my side and you listen me. If you didn't love me you would just leave me, and that's it." You slowly leaned your head on his shoulder, slowly closing your eyes. "Plus, i rather my Kaine being a serious black cat than being a golden retriever like Ben."
Kaine side eyed at you as he heard the last name, rolling his eyes. He dislike fun comments but somehow he tolerates the yours.
"If you say so." He said without more words to say.
After few seconds, Kaine's mind started to transform his classic short-tempered behavior to a now quiet and calm mood. So he slowly leaned his chin on the top of her head, closing his eyes too, the ambient was so relaxing, it brought peace between you two. And then he slowly and carefully hugged your waist moving for stand behind, he was even more comfortable now.
"Guess my grumpy kitty got finally relaxed." You chuckled a little.
Silence, you both enjoyed the silent moment between you and him more than talking. With a smooth move of your body turn around for see his face, he opened his kinda hooded eyes a bit, that softened expression made your heart melt. You gently and softly nuzzled his nose with yours, smiling more. And for your surprise he nuzzled back with a very relaxed sigh, hugging more your hips.
He became now more expressive in your relationship, a thing you didn't expect. Well it won't change fully in a day but at least it was clearly a signal that you both will become even more united.
And minutes later as the night was even darker, You was with your suit on now, just without mask which it was next you. Kaine and you were on a hammock made of webs made by him, both relaxing, both enjoying each one's company, and now, both kissing each other's lips softly and quietly with hugs and slow cuddles. Until then Kaine's wrist advice started to ring so he made an annoyed snort as he stopped.
"Take the call, could be important." You suggested.
Kaine just listened and accepted the call. The hologram was Miguel O'hara with his holografic blue and red suit on.
"God damn it Kaine, seriously? Thought you was working or something." Miguel said with an annoyed tone.
"So i don't have rights for have my privacy. Go to shut the fuck up yourself." Kaine let out a growl.
"... Pendejo-" That was the last word he said when Kaine just hung the call.
"Pffft, Guess Kitty is mad now, but don't worry we can treat it, let's just enjoy and relax a bit more before the police sirens break our fun." You giggled.
"Yeah yeah, before also maybe Miguel comes and kick our asses, but i would kick his first being honest." He said with a slight shrug and then hug you again.
And then, again, the quiet and lovely moment on the webs between you being a caring and sweet spider, and a grumpy and dangerous spider, How adorable.
The end! Hope you like it! Is my first one-shot. I am sorry if my english is not good because i am not english native and sorry if wasn't too long but at least i tried! It was fun. <3
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little-ars0n · 4 months
i may be thinking about writing a Kaine x reader oneshot inspired in Christian Woman by Type O Negative.
i mean
i may be cooking something
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harumscarumcos · 4 months
considering writing kaine parker x black reader headcanons but nervous cause i know a lot of people don’t like seeing x reader stuff in the tags cause it’s very blank slate stuff that they would sometimes rather see an ACTUAL OC in the place of reader which I’d for sure do if I also wasn’t nervous about people judging my OCs send help
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brawltogethernow · 3 years
Does Ben Reilly have any place in the modern day Marvel Universe, as a hero in his own right, in your opinion?
Ah, the irony of Ben Reilly’s existence. He was created as we know him now in one of the earlier examples of Marvel’s ongoing bid to roll back Spider-Man so it was no longer about a married, established adult without compromising Peter’s character. --They eventually gave up on that second part. Where inside the story Ben is the only perfect clone of Peter, to readers the ones who resemble the protagonist less have a better chance of establishing themselves as unique entities, and Ben...is a failed Peter clone. What’s the point of him?
So, okay, I do think Ben is fun dead - he’s a significant dead person in the standalone runs of Mayday and Kaine. Range! - and I don’t personally have a need to see him get another solo. As a character who’s been meant to be somewhat interchangeable with Peter (although 1. he never properly was because his backstory is too goddamn weird in a pretty interesting way, and for all its flaws the Clone Saga acknowledged this and gave it space to breathe 2. Jason Todd was once meant to be interchangeable with Dick Grayson, so don’t let that stop you), he’s very convenient to write out and gain a character-motivating dead person without losing a unique powerset or personality type. But he’s not so good dead he’s on my shortlist of characters I wish had never been hauled out of the ground. (Barry Allen. Norman Osborn.)
Given my druthers I absolutely want to take advantage of him being currently alive to use him in an odd couple team-up book. Ben Reilly and Teresa Parker book please? (That's the long-lost Parker younger sister, to match the delay-activated might-as-well-call-these-clones-a-supervillain-made-my-brothers.) Dear Marvel, I will make up a premise on the spot: Kaine goes missing so Aracely tracks down Ben, she catches Ben and Teresa mid-awkward unplanned introduction, they go on a weird road trip across the country having philosophical discussions about whether they are related and, if so, in what capacity. Or - undead clone rebels team-up with Ben Reilly and Maddie Pryor, who they’ve been talking about deliberately not bringing back from the dead in the X-books so much lately that I’ll be very disappointed if she doesn’t actually show up.
There are just fun ways to use characters from your wacky soap opera sci-fi cast without them needing to be The Next Big Thing, is what I’m saying. I really don’t want to see Ben in the main Spidey title right now because it’s a boring, OOC mess already glutted with empty cameos from more popular spider-heroes who have no reason to be there, but it would be a nice thread in the fabric of the Marvel Universe to just. Establish he’s operating in Vegas. And then if anybody wants to use him they can use him.
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Were I to have an insane and unrealistic amount of power over at Marvel I’d re-organize the Spider-Man relevant trades. I share the belief that the hurdle to new readers isn’t so much that there is a long history so much as a history spread all over the place. Wanting to read Spider-Man isn’t simple even if you do have the time and patience to read 50 years worth of comics. You need to know WHICH comics and WHAT ORDER to read them in. And the latter has a multiple choice answer!
This is part of why USM was so strong in it’s early days. 1 title, no satellites, no spin-offs. All you needed to do was pick up issue #1 or trade volume 1 and read sequentially from there. Not just easy to follow but easy to catch up and thus allow readership to grow.
Thus I propose that we simply organize the Spider-Man brand into a series of sequential trades. Functionally these will be like the Deadpool Classic trades, but with multiple trades following the various characters of the Spider-Verse. Want to read just about Peter Parker, you pick up his trades. But want to read just about Miles or Venom? The trades will have you covered going across their respective histories in the in-universe reading order.
In other words you need not worry about whether story arc A in ASM happens before story arc B in Spec and where Guest appearance C fits in. The trades would sort it all out for you. You’d just pick up any volume and read cover to cover, with tiny subplot pages and text inserted where relevant to clarify things. E.g. if there were 2 three part stories happening at the same time, you don’t want to interrupt that, so you’d just print one then have some text saying ‘the following three issues take place during the events of the ASM #X-Z’.
Additionally, in order to not make things unnecessarily confusing I’d omit retroactive stories like Untold Tales of Spider-Man, Symbiote Spider-Man, etc from these trades. My rationale is that not only would these spoil certain things but more significantly as time goes by people will inevitably write more retroactive stories meaning the trades would need to be constantly amended.
Instead I’d simply make a ‘Companion’ trade series reprinting such stories in publication order with a few notes explaining where they take place relative to the original issues. E.g. you’d pick up ‘Peter Parker: Spider-Man Classic Companion Volume 1’ and before you read Untold Tales of Spider-Man #1 a note would inform you it happens after ASM #3 or whatever.
So what would these trade series be exactly?
Something like this:
1.       Peter Parker: Spider-Man Classic: Simply every Peter Parker appearance or relevant comic book. ASM, Spec, New Avengers, Secret Wars, guest appearances, everything!
2.       Mary Jane Classic: Same thing for Mary Jane, albeit to save some time we could simply reprint the MJ relevant pages from various comics as there would be little need to reprint a whole Spidey adventure she just cameos in. The info text could simply give you context for each appearance before we got to meatier stories. I’d employ this method for all of the following whenever relevant.
3.       Black Cat Classic: Obviously this would include her solo minis but also and team appearances like in Heroes for Hire.
4.       Daily Bugle Classic: It occurred to me there were several stories focussing upon a lot of the supporting cast that didn’t feature Spider-Man himself. That aside people love the supporting cast so I figured some trades chronicling their exploits would make sense. For this trade series it’d focus upon J. Jonah Jameson first and foremost but also Betty Brant, Joe Robertson, Ben Urich, etc
5.       The Many Loves of Spider-Man Classic: Same idea but with the Spidey girlfriends who don’t have that many appearances to their name. The main focus would be Gwen Stacy because for good or ill she’s a character who people are interested in. But you could also throw in appearances from Deb Whitman, Carlie, etc.
6.       Spider-Man’s Tangled Web: TBH I couldn’t figure out a good name for this one, but essentially this would be about Peter’s friends who aren’t superheroes, Bugle employees or girlfriends of his. This would include Flash Thompson (pre-Venom), Liz Allan, Randy Robertson, possibly Glory Grant although she’d also fit in with the Bugle trades I guess. Throw in the Tangled web issues and your good to go!
7.       Clone Classic: As you might expect this would chronicles Ben Reilly and Kaine’s exploits, but also for good measure ALL the clearly clone related stories. So we’re talking appearances involving Miles Warren and Gwen’s clone too. Although I guess the latter could fit in ‘the Many Loves of Spider-Man’ trades.
8.       Spider-Man’s Amazing Friends Classic: All of the superhero friends Spider-Man has who are closely associated with him and have had off and on titles over the years. Prowler, Silver Sable, Rocket Racer, Sandman (when he reformed), Jackpot, Alpha, Will O’ Wisp, etc
9.       Goblins Classic: I thought of doing a trade purely about the Osborns but this seemed more logical. It’d cover every appearance of the Goblin related characters. We’re talking Norman Osborn, Harry Osborn, Bart Hamilton, Roderick Kingsley, Ned Leeds, Jason Macendale, Phil Urich, Green Goblin V, Hobgoblin from Bendis’ Secret War, Gabriel+Sarah Stacy, Lily Hollister and whoever else will become a Goblin
10.   Doctor Octopus Classic: Speaks for itself, and yeah it’d include his clones from Superior onwards too.
11.   Symbiotes Classic: I thought of having this be about all the symbiotes OTHER than Venom and Carnage but having 3 sets of trades for symbiotes seemed ridiculous. This would cover every symbiote (Venom, Carnage, Hybrid, Scream, Toxin, Mania, Sleeper, etc) along with major hosts of theirs. Eddie Brock, Cletus Kasady, Mac Gargan, Flash Thompson, Andi Benton, etc
12.   Sinister Six Classic. Maybe you couldn’t call these guys A-listers strictly speaking but these would be the real famous Spider-Man villains who haen’t already been mentioned. We’re talking the Vultures, Electros, Kravens, Mysterios, Chameleon, all the really classic costumed Spidey bad guys you could think of with the exception of some of the folks I’m gonna name below
13.   The Many Foes of Spider-Man Classic: This would chiefly chronicle the stories about the characters from Deadly/Lethal/Superior Foes of Spider-Man, most importantly Boomerang, Beetle and Shocker
14.   Spider Women Classic: All the 616 centric Spider Ladies. Jessica Drew, Julia Carpenter, Mattie Franklin, Cindy Moon, Anya Corazon, maybe even throw Madame Web in there for good measure. I think it makes sense to consolidate them together into a trade series as their publication histories meant they were usually passing the baton onto one another.
15.   Miles Morales: Spider-Man Classic: Guess who this is about. Obviously this would include his appearances in Champions, Avengers, etc
16.   Gwen Stacy: Ghost Spider Classic: Every Spider-Gwen/Ghost Spider/Earh-65 Gwen appearanceD
17.   Spider-Ham Classic: You get the picture. Although I’d also add in versions of Spider-Ham that are from different Earths as well
18.   Spider-Man 2099 Classic: We’re actually already doing these in real life, but I’d want them to include every version of Miguel too and brief appearances across other titles
19.   Ultimate Spider-Man Classic: Obviously the same deal for Ultimate Peter Parker, but I’d also include Ultimate Jessica Drew as well
20.   Web of Spider-Verse: A trade series that reprints in publication order every other AU Spider-People out there. All the What Ifs, the Earth X stuff, House of M, X-Men: Forever, 1602, Noir, India, Peni Parker, Fairy Tales and of course Web Warriors
21.   Spider-Girl Classic: We’re already doing this one too. Just wish it’d come out faster!
22.   Spider-Man: Japan Classic: ALL the Japanese Spider-Man stories. Every appearance of Supaidaman from Spider-Verse and beyond. Every appearance of Spider-Man J, Mangaverse Spider-Man, Spidey Fake Red and most controversially Spider-Man: The Manga (deffo gonna have to put a mature readers disclaimer on those ones.
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graphicpolicy · 6 years
This is a column that focuses on something or some things from the comic book sphere of influence that may not get the credit and recognition it deserves. Whether that’s a list of comic book movies, ongoing comics, or a set of stories featuring a certain character. The columns may take the form of a bullet pointed list, or a slightly longer thinkpiece – there’s really no formula for this other than whether the things being covered are Underrated in some way. This week: Comics not in Diamond’s top 100 sellers for September
This week we’re going to be looking at a list of comics that are all fantastic, but don’t get the attention that they deserve. Now I’m not even going to pretend to have a definitively exhaustive list of underrated comics here, because we’re hoping  that you decide to check at least one of these series out next time you’re looking for something new either online or at your LCS, and giving you a huge list to check out would be counter productive to that. Instead, you’ll find four to six comics that are worth your attention that failed to crack the top 100 in sales. The only hard stipulation for this week: not one of the comics made it into the top 100 for July’s comic sales, according to Comichron, which is why they’re Underrated.
    Fence #10 (Boom! Studios) September Sales Rank/Units Sold: 378/2,109  Why You Should Read It: I was drawn to this book initially because of the fencing, but have stayed because of the rich characterization, the compelling story that doesn’t have a real villain, and the inclusive themes that run throughout the book. That so few people are reading it is a real shame.
Beasts Of Burden: Wise Dogs and Elditch Men #2 (Dark Horse) September Sales Rank/Units Sold: 257/5,373 Why You Should Read It: An odd blend between the cutesy idea of talking animals and supernatural horror, Beasts of Burden is one of the best, and most consistently underrated comics around.
X-O  Manowar #19 (Valiant) September Sales Rank/Units Sold: 210/8,257 Why You Should Read It: A warrior lost as he comes to terms with the fact his world moved on, and a soldier looking to prove her worth. And a comic that explores the relationship between two allies as they confront a strange alien craft. A fantastic jumping on point fornew  readers
Burnouts #1 (Image) September Sales Rank/Units Sold: 197/9,346 Why You Should Read It: The kind of comic you can turn your brain off with and just enjoy each and every page of this strung out comic where only those totally  inebriated can see the aliens invading our planet.
Ben Reilly: The Scarlet Spider #23 (Marvel) September Sales Rank/Units Sold: 156/12,680 Why You Should Read It: I am an unabashed fan of the Scarlet Spider. Kaine, more than Ben Reilly, if we’re being honest. And because of the title I actually bypassed this book for some time untill I realized that Kaine seemed to fequently appear in the series, so being the fan I am I grabbed the first comic I saw in the series and was surprised to find that in this book Ben isn’t the good-two-shoes that I remembered him being. There’s an interesting dynamic between the two Parker clones as they both try to redeem themelves (one by killing the other after he saves a child).
Unless the comics industry ceases any and all publication look for a future installment of Underrated to cover more comics that aren’t cracking the top 100.
Underrated: Comics Not In Diamond’s Top 100 For September ’18 This is a column that focuses on something or some things from the comic book sphere of influence that may not get the credit and recognition it deserves.
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reverieblondie · 8 months
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18+ SMUT for all list.
ATSV Masterlist
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Baldur's Gate 3 Masterlist
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Other characters I write for!
TASM!Peter Parker
Neighbors: Moving to a new city could be challenging for anyone. Maybe you could meet someone to help you navigate your new home...
Chapter 1 - Spider-Catcher
Chapter 2 - Heroic Spiders
Chapter 3 - Web-Heads
Chapter 4 - Via the Window
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reverieblondie · 3 months
Play Fighting
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Pairing: Kaine Parker x gnSpider-person!Reader
Warnings: Reader gets nose broken but other than that its just some nice Kaine fluff!
Summary: Kaine is always starting fights with you...your about to figure out why...
A/N: So, waaay back in December I had someone ask if I would be writing more stuff for Kaine and the answer is yes. I love Kaine, and if you love Kaine or what to know more about him please check out the amazing artwork by @eughi They are seriously incredible and the soul reason of me finding my love for this man. They also drew my new profile picture and where so amazing to work with!
The pictures they made that inspired me~ Here and Here
Word count: 3,390
Okay…maybe Kaine is right…these meetings are pretty, well to put it in nicer words compared to his…boring. 
Miguel is lecturing everyone while on one of his many platforms placed around HQ, must be a spider thing to want to be perched up so high all the time. 
While Miguel talks, you notice how his words are starting to sound like a jumbled mess of mumbles. Trying your best to hang on to his words, but at the moment you don't even understand what he’s talking about anymore. Now your eyes grow heavy and your head bobs slowly; sleep is here to take its newest victim, you. And right now you think you might as well let it win, what's the worst that can happen? Just shut your eyes for a moment…a quick…small second…
Right as you're resting your eyes and feeling yourself drift, everything is calm, and your breathing becomes more relaxed. It's peaceful…
Until, a sudden push to your body almost makes you tumble over, forcing you to wake and catch yourself. Stumbling to the side your eyes are looking for where the nudge came from, then narrow at the source. Kaine Parker, of course, it was from Kaine your…friend? You guess that's what you should categorize him as considering nothing else seems to be fitting. 
Though you have to use the friend term loosely considering you two are always at each other's throats but you will still hang out on occasion. He’s your permanent pain in the ass, and you think he prefers it that way. 
Peter B had introduced the two of you when you were new to HQ, and the first impression he made was not exactly a pleasant one. When you had put your hand out to shake his hand, he huffed and pushed past you. After that, you thought you wouldn’t see him anymore but the two of you always seemed to keep running into each other, sometimes literally. For some reason you two just couldn’t seem to get away from each other, not that it made him any friendlier. 
Then when you two had to work together on a mission, you thought he hated you considering how he acted. Pushing you out of the way so he could fight, yelling curse words at you, giving you an attitude, and then the cherry on top after the mission was over he would ignore you. Finally, you had enough after a couple of missions and run-ins and you let him have a piece of your mind. 
You still remember how you laid into him, yelling at him about his foul disposition. Telling him how people should be nice when working on missions together, and finally saying you're not going to let him push you around, you can and will push right back. You're not scared of him like everyone else was. 
Once done, you expected him to fly off the handle at you or curse you or something, however, this was not what you were met with. What you were met with was a scowling Kaine, deep brown eyes tracing over you, taking you in, then with a tilt to his head he gave you the thing that made your eyes widen and heart race. The intimidating harshness of his eyes softened to a lidded stare as his lips curled into a sideways smirk, a smug mhmpf seemed to leave his chest before he turned away from you without a word. Since that day, Kaine and you have had an odd friendship. 
The two of you started going on more missions together, sparring together, and eating lunch together on occasion. Maybe he had taken your anger to heart and wanted to make up for it. Though, as the two of you slowly started to get to know each other better, there was something that you learned about Kaine, he loved to pick fights with you…
Kaine didn’t do it all the time but you did start to notice that he started to pick fights with you more and more. Pushing your buttons in only the way he could, then have you push his buttons right back. It drove you insane always having to endure these playfights, sometimes he would win sometimes you would win. In the end, you two always seemed to get back in good graces with each other. Though the play fights have been getting a bit more heated lately…and with this growing frustration in your chest when you're around him you're finding that your anger towards him is feeling different lately…
Like right now as you're finding your feet again you're feeling mad for being awoken so rudely but when you see his tall figure auburn hair cascading down loosely you feel something else and it's making your chest ache making you even more irritated, especially sense what happened last time. 
Kaine keeps his eyes forward and his strong arms folded, acting like he didn’t just nudge you awake. You stare daggers into him before rolling your eyes and going back to his side, eyes narrowed in irritation as you occasionally glance up at him taking in his sharp jawline and flawless hair. Seriously, what is he using in it?  
As your irritation builds so does your confusion, why the hell is he deciding to bother you now? Not able to come up with an answer to this question you decided to just get him back quickly, no way you're going to let him win this. When he pushes you back, he knows this so why test you? Folding your arms you stiffen your body and ram yourself discreetly into his side forcing him to step sideways. Kaine turns his head towards you furrowing his brow as you give him a look of ‘yeah, I did that, fight me.’ -You should have known he would take the invitation. 
Kaine turns so he's now staring you down, you're trying to just ignore his imposing figure, but your concentration is broken when he punches your shoulder; albeit pretty gently compared to when you two spare. The action seems to start drawing attention to the people around you two, but you don’t notice…no…this means war..,.
Turning to face him you clench your fist and punch him back in the shoulder with a bit more force than he did you but not enough for him to go flying, just enough to make him step back. Kaine looks at you dumbfounded for a second before he approaches you at a brisk pace, narrowing your eyes, you lift your arms and brace yourself. Perhaps You should have just let it go? Retaliation of violence is not always the best answer but you're just not going to take his shit, he knows that, and that's why he starts it..just like a perfect pain in the ass.  
A few moments later, cut to you and Kaine wrestling in the middle of the meeting hall with hundreds of eyes looking at you two in shock. The meeting has come to a halt. Some have tried to separate you two but when they tried they were met with threats from you and Kaine. You're both throwing punches, kicking, arguing, and pinning each other down in harsh grunts; till finally Peter B and Ben are pulling you two off each other before Miguel can make his way over. 
As you're being pulled away in haste by Ben away from the scene of the crime you turn and your eyes lock with Kaines as he is being walked in the opposite direction by Peter. Kaine's eyes meet your fuming ones then he gives you that smirk that has your heartbeat racing and fist tightening once more. 
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“Uhg! Why does he always have to start stuff with me?”, you yell out to Ben as you deliver a barrage of punches to his forearms. 
“Maybe he was just playing around with you? Better than him trying to fight to hurt you…trust me…” 
You dodge the returning punches from Ben but are not quick enough to avoid the sudden leg sweep he delivers making you fall to the ground. Landing on your back with a slam, you just lay there limply for a minute still feeling sour. Sparring with Ben should be releasing some of your frustrations, but it seems to fail because your mind is still going back to you and Kaine's little stunt during the meeting that ended up with a grade-A ass chewing from Miguel. Now both of you are stuck on night duty for the next couple of weeks. Thanks a lot, Kaine… 
Ben holds his hand out to you, “Night duty isn’t so bad, I use the time to think about my past and practice some new moves like that one.” 
Grabbing his hand you stand back up and dust yourself off, “Well I am happy it works for you but I’m still irritated Kaine got me in trouble….and now I’m stuck with the worst duty…I had afternoons! I loved my afternoon shifts! Now I will have to deal with him tonight…one of us won’t make it out alive…” 
Ben laughs before nudging his head towards you, “You sure you want to fight with him again?” 
You look at him confused before turning around and seeing Kaine thrusting Peter B into the mat…from the noise Peter croaks out you bet it was painful, good thing man knows how to take a hit.
You and Kaine haven’t spoken, you were irritated and didn’t feel like trying to make niceties with Kaine again, you wanted him to get the message that his getting your shift changed wasn’t sitting right with you. though he would probably just tell you to get over it already. 
You continue to watch the mountain of a man moving quickly to avoid punches and delivering relentless punches back. Watching him was making you miss sparring with him a bit, he would always change it up on you to keep you on your toes and he would never pull a punch, it made you tougher and you appreciated it about him. Plus, there is the fact that the man did look pretty great dripping with sweat…though those found images need to be pushed down for the moment. 
Ben clears his throat, breaking you from your trance with an almost knowing grin, rolling your eyes, you get back into your stance. As you and Ben start up training again you find yourself getting distracted still. Your eyes keep wandering to the other matt a bit away where you watch Kaine fight. He’s tied his hair back at this point and is huffing as he continues to exert himself. Then for a moment you see him turn his head towards you, brown eyes locking onto yours, you feel your face heat up for a second before you move your attention back to your current opponent. 
Dodging Ben’s attacks your try to will yourself into not getting flustered by Kaine, you are mad at him…yes, you strangely miss him but he’s pissed you off and you're not talking to him till he makes up for what he did…or until you rant at him again, it’s just a matter of seeing what comes first…though you had a feeling what it would be. 
Continuing to half pay attention to your sparring partner you look back over at Kaine again, and that's when you feel your eyes widen and a bolt of electricity jolt through you. Kaines shirt was over his head, taking off his drenched shirt and throwing it down to the ground. His whole body was nothing but muscle and decorated with mouth-watering scars, he practically shined as the sweat rolled down his skin to his happy trail…your mouth went dry at the sight. 
The thought of the last sparring match with Kaine pops into your head as you keep glancing at him. It was a week before the meeting. Kaine had swept your legs forcing you to the ground in a hard crash. As the air had been knocked out of you Kaine was quick to get on top of you and pin your arms above your head. 
The feeling of his weight on you was…nice…then his intense brown eyes stared down at you as he huffed for air. Not many could tire him out during training but you had been working with him so long that you figured out how to challenge him in a fight. Judging from how the sweat glistened on his face and his brows furrowed down at you, you knew you had given him a workout. Then he did the thing you were not expecting, he started to lean down closer to your face. 
His heavy breaths fanning over your face made a rush of excitement go through you, you still remember how it smelt like cinnamon and was hot on your skin like a summer's breeze, If only he went lower on your neck, it would have made your body shake. Kaine's eyes were soft and lidded, and his lips were just a hair away, for a moment you thought he was going to kiss you, and you foolishly closed your eyes in anticipation. 
Then his weight was off you and you saw him walking away…leaving you to feel like an idiot….
Back to the present, you feel your chest prang for a moment with the embarrassment you felt. 
That pain in your chest was quickly changed to one on your face as Ben landed a hit right to your nose knocking you down. Dammit, even when he’s not here he's messing you with, causing you to get distracted now you're on the mat flat on your ass with a bloody nose. Thanks a lot, Kaine! 
Groaning you sit up holding your bloody nose tilting your head up but Ben quickly tilts it back down. 
“Just let it flow out. I am so sorry I hit you so hard, I didn’t expect to land the hit.” 
“It’s fine, I was distracted and it was a good hit.” 
You start to stand up but you feel yourself give out and you stumble back on your ass. Ben is quick to wrap his strong arms around your waist to help you up and walk to get ice for your nose and patch you up. As you two head towards the lounge your spidey senses go crazy then you suddenly feel two large hands on your shoulders turning you around. 
Staring down at you, Kaine's deep brown eyes take in your messed-up face. Quickly Kaine's eyes flick to Ben and he looks like he could kill him. Without a word, Kaine grabs your hand and pushes past Ben with you in tow.  
You turn your head around and see Peter B. go up to Ben with a smirk before he says something to make Ben burst out in laughter. You try to catch what he might have said but you can’t seem to hear anything past your heartbeat in your ears. Feeling his hand tightening on yours you bring your eyes to his broad back as he leads you to the nearest lounge room. 
Reaching the room Kaine swiftly lifts you onto the counter, and you watch as he quickly finds a rag wets it, and comes back to you still in all his shirtless glory. Wincing in anticipation you think he’s going to wipe the blood up harshly, but to your surprise the feeling of the damp rag to your skin is gentle…
Kaine’s eyes are back to those soft ones you saw above you, you quickly move your eyes. Damn Kaine, why does he make you feel this way? One minute he's a rude jerk, the next he's soft and gentle. It's making you confused…just what is he thinking, how does he feel…why does he have to be so confusing all the time? He's been tying your stomach in knots since you first met him! 
You feel like you have a fever as you try to keep your eyes off his exposed chest, but his proximity and his gentle touches are making it hard at the moment. Snapping you back to the present you feel fingers carefully cup your cheeks, causing you to bring your eyes back to his handsome face. The touch is so soft, he looks so soft…
“Deep breath…” he says in a whisper…
You can’t help how it almost sounds seductive causing you to lean in closer to him…
“What the hell! That hurt!” you scream. Kaine just huffs as he removes his hands from where he just reset your nose. 
“Serves you right, you let Ben land a punch on you. You're better than that.” 
You open your mouth to say something back, but you just shut it again, you're still angry with him, and his shirtlessness. You know if you start arguing it’s only going to get a rouse out of him and you're not wanting to give him the satisfaction of pissing you off further. Raking your eyes over him one last time you move your head away folding your arms the universal sigh of ‘I’m still mad at you’ 
Kaine tries to meet your eyes but you are being amended not to look at him, despite deep down wanting to. Finally getting annoyed with you he grabs your chin to look at you dead on. 
“Don’t tell me you're still mad.” 
You stare daggers at him and he rolls his eyes, “What? It's not my fault you got your nose broken, you should have been paying attention. You should have asked me to spar with you, this wouldn't have happened.” 
And with that, your blood starts to boil causing the final snap. 
“My nose…my nose!” you swat his hand away from your chin but it only causes him to catch your wrist. You can’t care about that right now all you can think about is ranting. 
“I’m not mad about my nose! Well I mean it hurts…but that's besides the point! Of course, I wouldn’t ask you to spar with me you ass! You're always starting things with me, making me crazy! What is with that? You start fights all the time, and don’t get me started on when we were sparring last time! 
Kaine's eyes widen with the mention of it and you feel your chest pring with the realization that from the way he's looking at you…he's been thinking back on that as much as you have. You quickly try to stumble over it, continuing your rant. 
“I-I uh…and you got me stuck on night duty now! Stuck with you! I mean when you're not driving me crazy you're fine! But lately, you just start fights over nothing! Who knows what you're going to start when we are-” 
Then all your words are silenced, Kaine's lips, press to yours in a fierce hunger stealing all your words from you as he guides your lips against his. His large hands grab your hips and squeeze tightly making you groan into his mouth. Your hands instinctively go to his chest, his skin is hot and you swear you can feel his heart racing underneath your fingertips. You wonder if he can feel how your heart is racing at this moment… 
Almost as quickly as it started, it ended with him breaking away from you to look down at your confused face. He’s got that smirk, the same one he always wears when you're mad at him. The one that makes your heart race and all your thoughts evaporate into a haze. 
“Wha-why-huh?” You stammer out.
Kaine brings his hand to rub your cheek, “I couldn’t help it, you look good when you're all pissed off.” 
Your eyes widen at the confession and everything starts to make sense, the fighting…the confusing gestures. Right as you're getting it he pinches your cheek and then starts to walk off leaving you stunned. Then your senses come back to you.  
“Wait! You can’t just kiss me like that then leave!” You yell at him as you get off the counter fighting your now jelly-like legs to catch up to him. 
Of course, he starts something again and doesn't finish it. You will see him tonight however…maybe you can give him another piece of your mind….and get some more kisses...
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reverieblondie · 6 months
Tumblr media
Pairing: Kaine Parker x gnSpider-person!Reader
Warnings: Kaine has a potty mouth and threatens people but other than that just fluff!
Summary: You get called into Miguel's office for a new mission, you wonder who you will get partnered with, though it shouldn't be a surprise by now...
A/N: okay I know this is the fic nobody is asking for but the heart wants what the heart wants. and I want grumpy Kaine Parker to hold my hand while he threatens to beat up people. No, I'm not going to apologize. This fic was inspired by @eughi wonderful art of Kaine! if you want to know more about this character please check out their account they are amazing!
The picture that started my obsession here
he's just so pretty!
Word count: 2,797
In the dim light of Miguel's office, you stand listening patiently as he debriefs you on your next mission. This is all nothing new to you, some dimension, a new anomaly, you have had this debriefing many times now. Though the places and targets change you know what to expect by now there is only one thing that keeps you listening intently to the drull words of the spider society's brave leader. 
Once he's done drilling into you what dimension and what anomaly you are supposed to capture, it's the moment you had been waiting patiently to hear, who your partner is for this mission. This was the thing you looked forward to hearing, Partner assignments. Would it be Jess? Webslinger? Spider-cat? You loved that little ball of fuzz. As you're cycling through the possibilities of who you could be teamed up with, it's then that your answer walks into the room. 
Kaine Parker, in his very iconic suit of red and black, it’s littered with stitches. You didn’t know if they were from getting patched up after fights or just for aesthetic purposes. But either way, they did look pretty cool. Scarlet lenses of his mask keep on you as his tall figure approaches, you know he's studying you and also sizing you up. -Honestly, it’s no surprise if he was, he sizes up everyone without needing to say a word.
Being paired with Kaine again shouldn’t come as a surprise to you. Not being exactly social and his fighting methods leaning towards more…intense, it didn’t exactly make him easy to work with. Not surprising though, The dude is the definition of intimidating with his 6’4 height and broad muscular figure, plus his brash nature made it hard for people to adjust to. Aside from Peter B and Ben, you're the only other person he would go on missions with. Opting to go alone when paired with anyone else, and if they protest they are promptly threatened. Edgy, but you kinda enjoyed that about him. 
Standing next to you now you wait patiently as Miguel debriefs him, it’s a much more summarized version than what you had to experience. Kaine is not the type to listen to a lengthy explanation, he’s more get the facts than get out kinda guy. Hell he didn’t even go to the mandatory monthly meetings.
As you stand there your senses are going haywire, looking up to where they are thrumming from you see those lenses staring down at you. Kaine seemed to have a staring problem and your spider senses always went crazy when he was. Maybe it was because of his sheer size, or it was possibly from seeing how easily he had zero qualms ripping into enemies when he deemed it necessary. Whatever it was, no other spider made your senses crazy like he did. 
Once Miguel is done with his debriefing, Kaine is already opening a portal to the dimension ready to get this over with, ruthless and efficient. What more could you want? 
“I want them captured in one piece, Kaine,” Miguel calls after us as we approach the portal. 
You give a dutiful nod in understanding, Kaine however…
“Keep telling me what to do and I will break your fucking face…” 
Luckily for you, he said it as he went into the portal, the last thing you need to be doing is trying to pull those two off each other….again….
“Yeah, then Kaine called like a million spiders to cover up the anomaly and proceeded to beat them to a pulp. He really can’t stand any Jackel variant.”
Munching into your burger you're still talking about your mission you had with Kaine a few days ago. Hobie and Gwen seem bewildered by your story, the young spiders having had little to no interaction with Kaine always seemed to look forward to the stories of your missions with him. Though you argue Peter B has the better ones involving Kaine. As you talk Peter nods in agreement, seeming to signal that he understands all the little quirks that make up Kaine. 
A few more minutes into your conversation Jess is strolling up to the table to join you all for lunch. Using only the context of the story she quickly deciphers who you're talking about. 
“Kaine huh, another intense mission with the scarlet spider?”
“Yeah, tasked to catch a rogue Jackal. You would think Miguel would learn not to let Kaine on Jackal missions considering how messed up they are when they arrive here. But he gets the job done and he's not a bad guy to have on a mission. Plus sometimes it’s funny when he cusses at the anomalies.”
They give you an odd look and you shrug going back to eating your food. As you're eating you're suddenly being interrupted mid bite by Gwen. 
“Okay I am sorry but I am dying to know. What does Kaine look like?” 
The completely odd question takes you back for a moment, “You know…red lenses…black and red-” 
“No, no, no,” she quickly interjects “I mean his face.” 
Without much thought, you point towards Peter, and this causes Peter to scoff, “Okay just because he's one of my clones doesn’t mean we are exactly alike…”  
Taking a second to think you nod, “You know you're right. Imagine a way cooler-looking Peter with long auburn hair and face scares.” 
The young spider's face lights up at the information and Peter shoots you a displeased look, he already gets teased enough from how Kaine and Ben are total beefcakes compared to him, but Kaine has height and cool looks beating him now.  Then you suddenly remember something. 
“Oh sometimes he forgets to shave so he will have a scruff going on, honestly looks pretty nice on him and fits the vibe.” 
This comment seems to make Jess snicker and smile towards you. “Well just wait till he finds that out…he won't shave anymore…” 
Rolling your eyes you shoot her a glare, “What's that supposed to mean?”
Peters chiming in now. “You know what she means…”
“Okay, let me just set the shit straight. Pardon the language kids. Kaine doesn't like me like that, he threatened my life the other day when I got in his way.” 
“Then why does he only partner with you?” 
“With that logic, he might like you, Peter?” 
“Woah, woah, first gross, second me and Ben are like his brothers. You're the only one not in the family he will be around.” 
“Because he has to.” you counter
“Because he wants to.” Jess persisted
Going to move to your next argument about how you two are nothing more than partners; it being because maybe he just likes your fighting style, your watch is suddenly blaring calling you in for a mission. Gwen and Hobie laugh as Jess and Peter give you a smug look as you get up to leave the table. Shielding your face from Gwen and Hobie you mouth a “Fuck you” to them. Sure Kaine's vulgar language may be getting to you but that doesn’t mean you're going to be cussing at kids…not yet at least…
As you walk to Miguel's office for your mission assignment, you find yourself walking rather briskly. Kaine might be your partner again…
The thought makes your senses haywire and you walk to the office faster…
Kaine ended up not being your partner for that disaster of a mission. Laying in the infirmary your whole body still aching despite the painkillers you were given. Moving carefully you're very aware of the stitches patching up your side that ache in every which way you move. Your first mission with a different partner besides Kaine in forever and it failed ending with you both in a hospital bed. 
Lucky for you though you got to be in your own private room not having to hear the complaining of your partner's screw-ups that resulted in this. Miguel is sure to give them a long lecture when they get well…as for you you're probably going to be HQ bound till you heal up all the way. You just had to be one of the spiders without fast healing…just your luck…
Laying there you're trying to just close your eyes to try and forget about the terrible mission and your current pain but a loud bang outside makes you jump and look towards the door to the hallway. Loud yelling that sounds…familiar…Then it's that tingling of your senses only one spider can get from you. 
“Where are they?!” 
Crash, Bang, skreech!
“Wait, they are resting you can’t go in there!” 
“What are you going to do? stop me?” 
Before you can even register what’s going on Kaine is pushing through your door locking it so nobody can come in. Turning to you he looks pissed! You open your mouth to say something but he quickly silences you, 
“Shut up!” 
Next to you now; the conversion abruptly ended before it could begin, he’s looking over you examining your face and your bandages, bruises and cuts litter your body and the bandages are wrapped all around you but you're okay, you're alive. Suddenly Kaine claw like hands are gently gliding over your skin tracing the brushes and cuts as gently as possible. The touch sends shivers through your body you're hoping he doesn't notice. 
Still surveying you he takes his mask off abruptly, his scared face is scrunched in an angry expression, and deep brown eyes are staring at you studying you. You can’t help but feel more intimidated with him out of his mask than when he’s sizing you up in it. Those intense brown eyes are magnetic, his handsome features on full display. Some people might think the scars take away from his handsome face but you think it only makes him look better. Way cooler-looking than Peter… 
“Who was with you?” he says in a suddenly calm voice compared to how he came in. 
“Dammit! Can you not hear? Who were you partnered with and what dimension was it?!” - and the yelling is back…
“Spider guy from 2782, dimension 38, vulture anomaly…” you say quickly, still confused why he was asking… 
His hand comes up to rub the top of your head gently, a very personal and friendly gesture for him. Staring intently at you, there is almost a softness in his stony eyes, it's…different from any way you have ever seen before. Your breath seems to suddenly evaporate from you. This is a completely different…loving side of him you have never experienced from him…it doesn't seem real…are you in a coma? 
“I’m going to kick his ass, then kill that anomaly…” -no this is real…
Once he's done speaking he’s stopping his rubbing on top of your head and now he gently glides his hand down to your cheek. 
Before you can protest he’s already at the door unlocking it and leaving the infirmary. Gone without even looking back at you…typical Kaine… 
The rumors of Kaine's warpath quickly spread all over HQ and got back to you. Spider Guy got spared due to the doctors intervening after much convincing. Though all that rage ended up getting released on the vulture anomaly you and guy failed to get. 
Vulture barely made it out with his life and was in critical condition once he was turned in. Of course, this caused Miguel and Kaine to get into it. Those two seem to always find a way to fight despite them having similarities…maybe one day they could be friends? Though with how little they interact with people socially, their hanging out would properly be them just staring at each other in a room plotting how they would kick one another's ass. 
It has been a few days since the mission you were released from the infirmary but still not cleared to go back to mission work. So this means your days have devolved to you walking around HQ. Why you didn’t just take this time to sit at home in your dimension and relax you didn’t fully know. Though a part of you truly knew what you were doing, deep down you were looking for Kaine.
Of course after everything that happened and after what he did. He didn’t even come to talk to you. Or check in on how you were healing, hell everyone else did but your usual partner goes on an almost murder spree but can't bother to say hi. Though that's not his style, he's the ‘only I can kick your ass and if anyone else does it they are a dead’ kind of friend. Plus when he saw you he seemed…upset, could it be hard for him to see you inquired? For a moment you ponder the idea before quickly shaking it off.
Walking some more around HQ you find that you're in a more isolated area, a rarity for the society. Usually, everyone was so packed together so this is a welcome change of pace. Enjoying the quiet you look to the windows to observe the city but your eyes land on something else. Kaine without his mask hair tied in that half-up knot that compliments his face shape so perfectly. His brown eyes are so focused on the city, he looks lost and thought, you almost feel bad for going over to break his concentration but you haven’t seen him and you want to talk to him. 
Making your approach you plop down next to him, your eyes are on him but he keeps his forward but you know he knows it's you next to him so you skip the greetings. 
“So, I heard you went a bit overboard. Not that I'm surprised. But breaking the anomalies' kneecaps and leaving the dimension in a panic does seem like an escalation from your normal methods…”  Leaning over you try to meet his eyes but he keeps them straight ahead before he sighs, 
“I would have burned that dimension down if I needed to” Your mouth slightly drops and your eyes widen, well that's ...different… your heart racing now you feel that familiar tingling…how this guy rattles and intrigues you.
Sliding his eyes over he looks at you before he turns his head fulling, eyes tracing where your inquiries once were but have now been healing. In his eyes you think you see relief though with Kaine’s stoic expression you can never be too sure…
“Why did you do all that?” -the question seems almost stupid in hindsight. 
Kiane's eyes meet your face for a moment staring silently into your eyes before looking back out into the futuristic city. “Your my partner, and I don’t need you getting hurt because of some other idiots mistakes” 
The answer makes you laugh a bit, always so judgemental and coarse about others. Then the words you always think of asking but never do slip your lips next, “Why do you like to go on missions with me?” 
Kaine takes a minute to think before he shrugs “I guess, things are just a bit better with you around….” 
A smirk appears on your lips and as he looks back at you and huffs with an eye roll. “Shut up…” 
All you can do is slightly laugh before nudging him “Well, I like being around you too, best partner someone could get paired with.” 
You know that even if his face isn't changing in expression you know your words mean something to him. At least that's what you're hoping, Kaine is great and you're fond of him despite how others feel about his rough nature. He's a good guy even if he doesn't think so, but you are willing to take the time to convince him of that. 
A couple of minutes pass before you move to get up and give him some alone time, something you are sure he values. As you stand you feel something that stops you in your tracks. Looking down you see Kaine's large hand on yours holding you gently, moving your gaze to his face you see that he’s avoiding eye contact looking away from you with a furrowed brow and a slight pout on his lips. 
Sitting back down you hold his hand gently back and you watch as the blush slowly dusts his cheeks. You have to hold back the urge to call him cute. Holding your hand is a huge step of affection for him if you tease him now he will never be vulnerable again to you. 
Time passes and you keep your hand in his as you gently slide your thumb across his large hand. The silence is comfortable and as you turn to look at him you swear you see the slight tinge of a smile….what a softie….
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lonelysucker7 · 7 months
Strangers on a Train
Pairing: Kaine Parker x gn!Reader!!!! Might be even the first one lol.
Summary: You’re just an average person making their daily living, surviving adulthood as it is. You live in Houston, Texas where even the hero the Scarlet Spider lives. And then there’s a guy, who looks like he’s gone through hell, on a train you’re crushing on.
Word count: 4.6k
Reader is a bit insecure but still shown to have confidence in themselves. Tried making this as neutral as possible and let me know if I need to make any adjustments or corrections! And tell me what else to add in the tags as I am so unsure! This is not edited by anyone. Reader is between 20-30.
Warnings: Profanity (for those who don’t tolerate it), mentions of violence, angst
Anywho enjoy!
You lived alone.
Practically an adult now, not needing anyone to worry about you. At least that’s how you felt trying not to doubt your new independent life. Your parents suggested one of them could live with you temporarily until you felt truly ready.
Did they not trust you enough?
Trying to ease their worries by saying how you would be fine and how your job helped keep you financially stable, was more than enough to take the hint you didn’t need them.
And yet… the little kid inside you berated you for being so stubborn and perhaps wrong at your choice. You practically dismissed what may have been more than a helping hand. Or something. And not only because you were confident finding your way around purely by instinct but the fact you alone moved far away from home— landing yourself in Houston, Texas.
Why out of all places, you’ll never understand.
Maybe because like most popular states in the United States of good ol’ America, Texas was politically wild. Always something new coming up in controversial and culturally relevant ways. It applied the same to Houston. It was grand. It was sophisticated and complicated. It was intimidating. You’ve only been there once in your life to visit a relative and somehow that experience never left you. It stayed.
It was perfect for you, your siblings said. You were complicated enough already, why not move to a place that met people of your type? Most nights as you stared at the popcorn patted ceiling, you mulled on their words with a dumb grin on on your face. A new form of excitement you began to secretly crave outside your typical hometown awaited in Houston. Outside of your own comfort zone being a ‘neighbor next door.’
In school, many of your fellow peers and teachers saw your potential leaving and pursue anything that outweighed them career wise. The big bucks waited for you. For others, they might have envied you to your grave as you gained immense approval that they could not. In your chair as spoken approval words filled the air, the sharp stares of fellow students stabbed around your body.
What a goody two shoes… what a liar… you weren’t better than anyone.
I’m sorry, leave me alone, you thought painfully to yourself. Your nails forcefully digging a little on your thighs. Yet you smiled all the way through.
Through a series of obstacles that included breaking up with childhood friends reducing to one trusted, a close call with drugs, off and on flirting with peers you thought had something going on but never resulted in anything, and maybe a couple drinks that you sneaked in your system…you graduated high school with average grades and made your way to college. You left everyone behind. And you felt nothing but pure numbness that eventually emotions caught up to you three days later. Not that you let anyone know.
College was the first time you felt your parents had trusted you with the most faith they had in their children. It was far away from where you lived, breathing new air and feeling the change of atmosphere as you walked around campus. Occasionally you called your parents and siblings to check up on you and them in return. College gave you a taste of what independence was, some form of responsibility that only you felt could navigate yourself through the ups and downs.
And it surprisingly tired you. But it was okay, you assured yourself. Somehow you’ll make it just fine.
You always did.
6:00 A.M.
The alarm had abruptly woke you up with a start. That horrible sound of the typical ‘beeps’ that only grew louder by the second if you ignored it until it finally wakes up your ignorant ass. You slammed it with a hand, a low grumble emitting from your lips as you flexed your palm from the stinging pain. Must you live in such a way? Sure. You could’ve used your phone instead, whereas provided you with elegant ringtones not needing to stress you and make your morning hell.
But no. You’d only feel too relaxed, feeding more pleasure to sleep than waking you up to fullfill another uneventful but still lively day.
Another day in Houston, your mind mumbled to itself. This wasn’t college anymore. Now you were a full time working adult.
So you woke up, turning your body on your back as your eyes scanned the room. Surprisingly unlike back at home, the sunshine here arrived early. Light peaked through the white satin curtains and filled the bedroom with a happy glow of orange hues. You took in the soft noise of a fan running in the background to keep you fresh in the night. After all the temperatures here weren’t merciful to your body.
Your eyes squinted a bit moving another direction of the room, taking in the sight of your desk becoming more untidy. Pens, paper, a couple of thumbtacks, and paper clips spread across the surface calling to be cleaned up. You frowned a little from the sight. You weren’t messy most of the time. You had to do something about it later. Eventually you set your sights on a calendar from across the room. A big red circle marked in about a week from today, black bold letters scattered over the number as if there was much enthusiasm to give but you clearly knew what it was.
Your birthday! A small half smile crossed your lips as the thought settled in. Obviously you would get phone calls from your family in the next upcoming days so it won’t be too hard to go forget.
Okay that’s it. A small giddy feeling bubbled in your chest and you felt it was enough to start your day. You squirmed a bit on the bed, stretching your stiff muscles from your arms and legs (even getting an ankle spasm scare hah), and sat up. From the heavy warm cotton blanket you were comfortable underneath, your body departed with a goodbye as you got off the bed.
6:15 A.M.
You pulled down your boxes of cereals from the cabinet trying to debate which one was better, eventually sticking with the colorful “Lucky Charms”. Shuffling your way to the living room, you grabbed a chair and dragged it to you sitting down with the cool bowl in hand.
As you ate comfortably, your hand reached for the remote of the T.V and flipped through the channels. Various channels displaying morning cartoons, advertisements for useless things, and then…
Your eyes widened a little as you watched the hero of Houston swing down in front of what must have been a shootout and (you couldn’t help but laugh) watch him grab a couple civilians from the scruff of their shirts and toss them out of the way. Live coverage from earlier you figured as the background barely showed any sunlight. Seemed that the activity happened near by the Houston Zoo.
It was comical the way he did his work. Munching on your breakfast you observed how flexible and fast he was, noting the red and black suit hardly become untouched by the flying bullets. The camera ducked down behind injured cars, capturing the action in jagged movements and you heard a breathless reporter talking to the station.
“We’ve obviously seen Scarlet fight before, but this— this absolutely boggles your brain. I mean just look at those fists, and those — oh my god, did you see that?! That guy just sliced a finger off!”
The cereal in your mouth almost spat out as you jumped seeing the Scarlet Spider whip his head around to face the camera and jumped from a lengthy distance and landed in front of the car they hid. The cameraman let out a strained yelp as he clutched the camera, daring to raise it up… to his figure.
Shit, you had enough fans in your home but seeing him in his suit and muscles practically stretched out from his work absolutely made you sweat. The red glare of his lenses reflected back the image of the camera and his fists were clenched seriously by his sides. A smug smile and dumb giggling got you choking on your cereal, even more so when the hero grabbed the reporter and the cameraman in the air.
With all that strength, you could imagine it wasn’t a problem. The camera panned down at the Scarlet Spider; him shaking just the minimal. Heavy breaths sounding hot and stuffy from his mask were heard through the camera as the hero finally spoke
“THE F——…?! What, doesn’t this scream to you ‘Save your a—es?’ Stop recording and get yourselves out of here! Move it!”
His ragged breathy words sent chills to your spine. He seethed it with so much intensity that it was harsh, it was intimidating… maybe even a bit sexy. You swallowed a spoonful of those bastard little marshmallows, making a face as you felt them enter a wrong tube.
More popping noises of guns in the background could be heard, and the Scarlet Spider dropped both men on the ground as he returned with a growl to his work. The cameraman and his fellow reporter somehow managed to escape the scene unharmed, and unsurprisingly they laughed the whole situation off.
“Wow, that was… quite the experience! Better write that part in my resume, huh Mark? Not that it matters…”
Your sights still drifted to meet the cameraman’s focus from a now safer distance still catching the action happening. The Scarlet Spider grabbed a gun out of a mobs hand and flipped it to punch him with the butt of it, then grabbed another man and slammed him into a wall.
You noticed the time and it was almost 6:30. Sighing as you left the table, you quickly washed your dish without much to think and placed it aside. As you moved to the bathroom, the T.V in the background still exclaimed the success of The Scarlet Spider and tried to get a word from him. Of course, nothing.
In the shower, you reminisce the Scarlet Spider and his unusual style of being a hero. You didn’t know if it was normal, but it was something that you found yourself thinking about most of the time.
Earlier when you meant by how comical he worked, you meant to say how strangely funny the Scarlet Spider worked with fists and not the webs he had on him. Unlike Spider-Man in New York, you noted silently how it seemed that the Scarlet Spider intentionally brought himself to face the danger. Made contact directly with the person, stepped in and pushed away whatever morals he may have (or not at all) and went down with it in a brutal way.
Didn’t seem he’d shy away from a bloodbath. Rather he welcomed it. He was different. You were aware of the supernatural forces that Houston encountered now and then and his webbing seemed to have only been useful then. For now, with the normal civilian and criminal, fists were his only friend.
Warm water poured on your back, slid down to your feet as you pondered on a single thought.
Who was he?
7:15 A.M
Once after a rather lengthy shower, you changed into your work clothes and kept your eyes on the clock. Your work required you to travel by commuting on a train so it was necessary to arrive sharp on time. One thing you learned arriving in Houston were people, elderly and youth fought for a seat. No one liked standing just to sway from the movement of the train whenever it stuttered to a stop. It was just painfully awkward.
You chuckled at a memory that resurfaced from your dense brain. On the day of your first ride, you had a job interview and as you reviewed the paperwork in your hand, the train stopped and caused the papers to fall out of your hands. You were one of the unlucky ones standing that day. You remembered how you had to get on your knees and mumbling apologies that fell on deaf ears just to get your papers back in your hands. Even more so you felt embarrassed as one stranger grabbed a full fist of them and shoved them on you.
You didn’t catch who it was, but you faintly remembered scars on their hands and you raised your head to see who it was. And no one with scars in their hands seemed to be in sight. Maybe they left abruptly as soon as the train stopped.
But despite the wrinkles on the paper and leaving you mad all day, you were thankful they were all there. And thankful to the stranger who bothered to help when no one else could…
Making sure you had everything in your worn out duffle bag, from your lunch, extra pencils, and some other miscellaneous item, and a last minute check of your face by the mirror, you hurried out of your apartment.
You were greeted by the warm morning sunshine glaring down at you, and you responded to it with a little smile. For a second you fumbled with the keys as you locked the door and then quickly moved down the brittle metal stairs, feeling the wind blowing your still showered head.
Some of the neighbors that stood outside their lawns mowing the grass greeted you and you automatically greeted back, quickly picking up more speed on your footing to avoid conversation. They were all very friendly and who had noticed you new and fresh to the neighborhood. But even so you couldn’t help but notice a couple of them stare at you with a feeling of uncomfortable interest. For now as they didn’t say or do anything out of line, you were safe.
You crossed the streets with a little jog as the pedestrian light turned white with the little person, eyeing the cars almost with a suspicion never knowing if they suddenly moved an inch of their car. You made it safely, continuing to jog to the station just about 5 minutes left from where you were.
The morning was still early, but Houston jumbled and rumbled with life. You could hear the distant drilling of concrete from a construction site, the vendors preparing their carts with a sizzle of their grills, and kids goofing past you on their way to school. Today seemed to be a good one, and you clenched your duffle bag close to you with the faith on set.
7:45 A.M. and finally you arrived on time at the station. Out of breath you leaned on a post to calm down your racing heart and gulped cool air to your lungs. You ignored the people next to you staring at you oddly and took your time breathing (maybe even exaggerating just for your own amusement.) As if breathing wasn’t normal, good god.
But you pulled out your wallet, lining up behind a couple people as they stood in front of a machine that gave them their ticket depending on the train they were to aboard.
The METROrail was a system you had difficulty understanding at first, figuring out the routes and time through trial and error. It took a while but overtime you got into routine and it became familiar to you. You were young, but old enough to remember something that big made you proud. You could have bought a pass sure, but there were METRO police officers who usually got on board the train and checked either way if you truly got on. No one could be sure.
But you were going to take your usual. “The Red Line” as the station coined it was a more popular route that took everyone to the main destinations in the important parts of Houston tourist attraction. Hence the morning train being full of people. The train passed by districts, medical centers, museums, etc with ease.
In fact a museum, you worked in one to anyone’s shock. To be more precise the Museum of Fine Arts as a tour guide to youth and anyone who cared.
As soon as you got your ticket in hand and waited by the sideline, you flipped your wrist to check the time on your watch.
8:00 A.M. Where was that—ah.
At last the train arrived in all its glory, breaks making that familiar soft screech on the pavement. The doors opened with a swift movement with the cool air of a running AC inside. You realized how suddenly the weather outside must have gotten hot already, the sun now burning on the back of your body.
You waited a few moments, politely letting a group of ladies with children and a man in a wheelchair get on first. Eventually it was your turn, getting on with ticket in hand and small stepping a bit behind people. Once on board your first instinct was to find a seat. And what do you know.
A seat.
You sat your bum immediately down, a silent cheer of happiness as you completed the first part of your morning with no trouble. Well your face showed a smile and a hint of smugness as you eyed those standing. Even better your seat was right close to the exit. You let yourself relax on the seat, the chill of the AC cooling you.
And then you were off.
Whenever you boarded the light rail train, you kept to yourself. You liked talking, but most of your conversations seemed to end abruptly or fade once the other person drifted off. You once tried engaging in a conversation with a man next to you asking for helpful survival tips when you were new to Houston, but he waved a hand saying a mere
“Sorry, I’m just not feeling it today. Bother someone else okay?”
And you did. But the same thing happened, you might as well you quit trying and figure it out yourself. Sometimes you went back to that thought: If any of your parents lived with you, would things be simpler? Maybe. That way they’d immediately get their answers from connections and some sort of extroverted communication to anyone. They were good at that sort of thing.
You sighed, brushing that thought away. Now you were bored.
For fun you did one of the few: checked your phone to read the latest pointless celebrity gossip, the weather, politics, your messages, just adult stuff. Or you observed the people who rode the train with you, different or new. You weren’t afraid to think you had favorites. Of course you did.
There was a elderly woman in her mid 60’s who smiled to herself as she read an absurdly erotic novel with the typical hot, young, hair shoulder length blonde cowboy on the cover carrying a pretty woman in his strong muscles. Oh and shirtless too, how can you forget. The woman was a regular, often waving at you occasionally as she saw you but never engaged in conversation. Sometimes you picked up a heavy scent of vanilla? Jasmine? Well she reminded you of your mom somehow.
Then there was a wannabe DJ, a young man in his early 20’s sitting in between two men with newspapers in hand, as he jammed his head to a tune in his headphones. You often saw him chatting out loud as he bothered a stranger next to him about the plans of becoming a musician and tried showing off his set. And you felt bad as the rest on the train argued with him to silence his instrument. But you admired his determination.
And finally… him.
He sat alone in a corner, a heavy serious expression on his face as he snoozed. A rather buffed guy in his late 20’s you assumed. His arms were crossed, stretching the material of his black sweater in small wrinkles and you wondered what had him so bothered. Or was he like that already?
You stared at him a little more, watching his sleeping figure lean onto the wall, his gloved hand coming up to scratch his stubble alongside his jaw. You don’t remember if he was there the first time you rode the train but if he was you did feel somewhat upset never to notice him.
A man with shaved growing brown hair, you thought he rocked in it so well unlike most. You could tell he was very tired, noticing dark circles forming around his eyes. Perhaps he took the train home, maybe working at night as he was always here hours before you. Sometimes he didn’t ride at all. For someone so young, he seemed to have seen worse days. His face changed every time you saw him. Either he was covered in dried up blood near his lip, a swollen bruise under his left eye, or a bunch of unicorn themed bandages stuck unevenly on his face. What did stay the same were a few peppered scars across his face. You felt yourself start smiling.
He’s really handsome.
You shifted in your seat as your brain whispered that confession, even glancing at him to see if he may have read your mind. As if. But his injuries left you concerned all the time, the urge to ask him if he was okay stayed on your tongue. Did he not have anyone to tell him anything at home? A family? A…significant other? Nope, better not start getting there. Your thoughts moved on trying to take in another thing from him. Standing out to you as amusing was something in his expression as he slept.
He frowned in his sleep. Almost pouting, as his bottom lip jutted out a little and his dark thick eyebrows knitted together. Not many people frowned from your knowledge, so you’d always ask yourself what he was thinking. And he gave you the vibe that he was intimidating. The clothes he usually wore weren’t, just a simple black leather jacket or sweater, a plain t-shirt of any color underneath and blue weathered out jeans with work boots. His hands were covered in leathered gloves, and you didn’t piece together a reason. It was summertime, the worst time to wear gloves at all. Unless it was for a job? He did look like he worked hard for a living. Yet the opinion didn’t stick the same for others. Most of the time the people standing stared at him with unease and maintained a distance away from him. Like if he were some sort of thug.
He just slept peacefully. And you liked that.
You wondered if he knew this was common for him. To be seen in some sort of inferior way. You shook your head, knowing you were assuming way too much.
Never once have you made a move to talk with him, unsure if he’ll take it in a friendly way. You always wanted to, sometimes lingering your stare on his sleeping form way too much for the sake of moving. The questions always burning with curiosity. Butterflies always formed in your stomach whenever you rode the train, taking a seat near or far from him. You were always daydreaming what would have happened you were lucky enough to sit next to him. However they weren’t good ones. The what-if’s filled your mind
What if he doesn’t like me already?
What if he gets annoyed that I talked to him first?
What if I’m the reason he stops riding this train?
The thoughts were loud in your head, making you clutch your bag with a nervous swallow. And suddenly the weight of stupidity fell on you.
You weren’t anyone to anyone here on this train. Much less to him. You didn’t know each other. You didn’t understand why it mattered to you.
You were both strangers on this train.
Traveling to a destination that drops you off without much of a beat.
Your thoughts were broken when the train stopped. Was it your stop already? Your head turned upwards towards the little sign on the doorway that indicated the stop. And the robotic voice of the announcement made itself clear.
No… it wasn’t yours. It was his.
Both your eyes met as he finally awoke and briefly seemed to take in your presence from across the cart. You felt yourself freeze and unable to look away, blood rushing from your neck to your ears. Your heart thrummed excitedly and yet terrified against your chest. He just simply blinked and the corner of his lip made a funny jump pulling back. You couldn’t tell what that meant but his deep brown eyes seemed to tell another story.
Like they said, “Fuck off.”
He reached down his seat, pulling out a backpack of sorts and slung it over his shoulder. There was another thing that always impressed you when he stood.
It was his height.
Good grief… He practically towered everyone here. What was he? 6’2? 6’4? Whatever he did for a job must have been easy with a height like that. No doubt it made you feel small. The only con there was for him unfortunately the ceiling of the train itself. He needed to duck his head just by an inch to get out. You weren’t sure what the average height for a person in Houston but whatever it was certainly did not meet his standards.
He stood up from his seat, moving towards the exit that happened to be next to you.
Oh no.
To your silent panic, the door was being stalled by the man from the wheelchair, a train assistant putting down the accessible ramp for him. That wasn’t a problem, no it was okay. Just the fact he was now lingering next to you as he waited to exit, your knees almost touching his leg.
You lowered your eyes to your duffel bag on your lap, playing mindlessly with the pins of popular bands you loved. You could feel his stares looking down at your head, and you didn’t want to look up. Oh my god why did this have to happen…?
But eventually the group of people who were waiting for the whole process to finish began to move. His legs disappeared from your sight in front of you, now moving to the exit.
The doors closed, and now your stop was on its way. You didn’t want to look back. But you did. You looked behind you from out the window, and as the train moved, saw the back of his figure walking away from the station. Head down with his legs producing smooth strides as he shoved his hands in his pockets. Even his hips swayed a little.
Huh. He had some sass to his walk.
You returned to your original position in your seat, exhaling a breath you didn’t know you held. Was it really that scary? Hell yeah it was.
Some impression you made there. Must have been a pain for both of you, but much more for him. Your thoughts kept drifting back to his eyes. They held so much intensity you could tell they judged you in some way, silently looking for a reason to even bother looking at you at all.
Was it personal? Did he actually seem to show some interest in you or was it nothing? Whatever it was, you chose not to assume immediately. He just seemed like he had a bad day. That’s all…
Time passed by so quickly, you arrived to your stop in no time. The Museum District. And off the train went as you left the station. From there you kept grounding a simple reminder:
Stop overthinking, overreacting, you are a damn adult! That’s kid stuff!
You grind your teeth, as you climbed the steps to the Museum and opened the door to enter.
But one thing was clear. One thing you finally understood from this whole thing of complicated absurdity. It wasn’t even hard. You just simply refused to accept it.
You entered the locker room, placed your bag inside and pulled out your ID card. Closing the locker door you made your way outside the room to start your day. As you exit, you swung the door closed with a rough slam to it.
Admit it will you?
You sighed.
You had a crush on this stranger.
Hey… thanks for reading this :)
I don’t know if I’ll put out another chapter, but we’ll see okay? Bye.
Edit: Chapter 2 is up
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lonelysucker7 · 6 months
Strangers on a Train
⚫️🔴 Chapter 3
Pairing: Kaine Parker x gn!Reader
Summary: You’re just an average person making their daily living, surviving adulthood as it is. You live in Houston, Texas where even the hero the Scarlet Spider lives. And then there’s a guy, who looks like he’s gone through hell, on a train you’re crushing on.
Word count: 3.2k
Warnings: Angst?, (brief) mentions of death, Reader gets spooked
Enjoy!! 😊
“Oh geez do you need me to come over?!”
“No. It’s too dangerous to be out this late. I’m actually freaked out, so don’t. Your safety over mine okay?” You stated firmly, avoiding any hints of fear voicing into them.
On the other end of the phone, you could pick up a tinge of anxiety from Bethany’s breath. A faint clink of a glass setting on the table. Then a defeated sigh.
“…If you say so. Wanna tell me what happened here instead?”
Even though she couldn’t see, you shook your head as you pulled the blanket of your bed closer to your chest and replied
“Don’t really feel like it.”
“No worries, I get it.”
Another deadpan sigh came from you both, but it was followed by a brief chuckle from Bethany.
“Too bad our favorite bar got shut down. For situations like these, the instinct of planning to take you there is just sudden.”
“Drown out the worries with booze. Definitely a better way to spend the night.” You wistfully agreed. A nice bar that wasn’t too far from both your homes, very quaint. One of a kind taken away from this city at an unprecedented time. Well you couldn’t really excuse the mold growing on the walls so it had to happen.
“There’s another place I know that serves great drinks, but…” She began.
“But what?”
“That’s not important right now! We’ll save the drinks for another important time. Are you feeling better? Still want me to head over there?” She brushed away her previous comment replacing it with concern, and you instantly replied to assure her
“Feeling better? Somewhat. Come here? Still no. I appreciate it though. Not a big deal.”
“Liar,” she accused.
You pushed out a small forced laugh out of you, moving up the bed to press your back on the headboard. You stared past the curtains and eyed the moon with a scowl. Rubbing a hand over your eyes, you continued lightly
“I’m fine. Listen, I’m tired and I’ll send a quick message excusing my absence tomorrow and call it a day. I’ll explain more about what happened when I get back. Sounds good?”
With a disappointed groan on the other end, Bethany didn’t insist more and accepted the end of the conversation.
“Yeah, don’t worry about it. If things get bad, call me.”
“Sure…” You paused when another thought came up. And you rolled your eyes.
“I just realized I won't get to see Mr. Stranger tomorrow.” A wheezing sound of a laugh echoed from the phone.
“What’s that supposed to mean? Were you gonna do it? Talk? Ahh, tough luck there. Next time then.” She chuckled.
With the final goodbye, your brief call with Bethany ended. A pained expression crossed your face as the realization sat down. It's not like you officially declared to see him tomorrow but the feeling was very strong. And now you blew it.
You grabbed your phone from your lap and exited out your contacts. Miraculously in all that commotion from the alleyway, your phone managed to stick with you through all of the action. It didn’t apply the same to your duffel bag or the taser and you prayed for the possibility it might be returned to you.
Outside the crickets of the apartment chirped with a delight you couldn’t tolerate much. Every creak of some floorboard from an upstairs or downstairs neighbor kept you on edge. The wind outside felt still and an uncomfortable chill creeped up on your body. A slow breath was exhaled from your lips.
You were scared.
Whatever was out there felt closer than ever, and pushing Bethany away from coming here felt right. At least she was going to be safe. Regardless, it felt like the most regretful and stupid decision to ever make. Your body craved a warm hug.
Pulling up an empty email you began to type the words explaining your abrupt absence to your boss. At the same time your mind kept going back to the moment the Scarlet Spider saved you.
Had he not been there, the end was just at your doorstep. Taking your right hand off your phone, you reached behind your lower back and rubbed your fingertips where his hand had laid. You wondered if he knew his own strength because you could feel a bruise beginning to form there. Whatever creature it was that he saw prompted his grip to be aggressive.
It was possible to sue a hero. Wouldn’t hurt to get a couple bucks out of him to pay the rent—
“Intrusive thoughts coming in hot,” you mumbled with a frown as you began typing again.
A part of you wished he had walked you home, though with his stick-up-the-ass attitude from the morning news certainly didn’t guarantee that treatment.
Nevertheless it was enough. It would be a shame asking for more knowing it was a lot for a guy who simply did the right thing.
You faintly remember being caught by surprise by both the carefulness his voice gave off and the manner he put you down. He felt safe.
Click click click tap!
Sending the email off, you checked the time reading it to be still an early hour. No matter, the event left you tired and you let your body sink further down the mattress.
Reaching over to place your phone next to your desk, you hesitated turning off the light. Quickly you killed the lights as you pulled the chain, swiftly retrieving your shaking hand back under the blankets.
In the darkness now everything felt vivid. Shadows darkened, save for the light shining from the full moon. Beeping cars made you jumpy. You crumpled into a ball, covering your peripheral view with the blanket.
The weight of sleepiness grew heavier on your eyelids and slowly you fell asleep.
The night ended up becoming a dreary one, in which your neighbors from downstairs came rushing to your door after screaming was heard from your apartment.
What a bad time to be alone.
You apologized for the disturbance and the sight of your drenched sweat appearance.
Over and over again the screeching noises from the alleyway haunted your dreams. It kept up for most of the night till the morning, and rushing to the bathroom to throw up was just the worst part about it.
Thank god your boss gave you the day off, otherwise you would’ve been working like a zombie in hell.
You didn’t eat much as you hardly had any energy to cook anything, instead ordering pizza as an alternative breakfast. And that’s how you spent your day. Indoors.
You tensed as you saw the news regarding three murders from last night. Could they have been connected to you? You weren’t too sure.
Then you watched the time your train was supposed to pick you up and imagined a possible conversation going on between you and the stranger. Could have ended with his number by the end of the ride.
With that thought in mind, you moped around the apartment dreading every step. Tomorrow would have to be then and you were determined for it to happen.
But as night fell once again, your nightmares resumed and this time bloodier than ever. Everyone you knew were with you, cornered in that darkness. The stranger making a startling appearance. And you died. Bethany died. He died. The Scarlet Spider died—
A sudden car brake was heard and multiple beeps woke you up.
A driver from behind the wheel furiously yelled his rage at you the moment you were about to cross the street. Stepping back onto the sidewalk from the main road, you saw their car swerve away with a mean screech. You blew out a shaky breath.
Today you headed back to work. It was just you, your uniform, no duffle bag and an extra baggage of exhaustion. The only thing keeping your motivations high was your mission in mind. When you arrived at the station, you were trying to be careful where you walked. People gave you looks as you accidentally bumped into them in line to get your ticket.
Once that was done, you leaned on a street pole, fingers tapping impatiently on your crossed arms waiting for the train.
The train arrived sooner than later, and your eagerness made you rush inside the cart more than anyone else. Instead of paying attention to finding a seat, your sights were set on the strangers' regular seating.
“Aw damn.” You murmured as your nerves vanished, replaced with a bitter sigh.
He was not.
Stepping closer, you eyes scanned every torn rusted seat from that area hoping not to miss a glimpse. Nope. Your foolish mind expected too much.
You slumped in an empty seat dejected, seeing someone else there instead of him. Maybe he skipped today's train for another. After all, it was crowded today, half listening to some people arguing for a seat on the other part of the train. It made your headache throb loudly.
Your mood soured, eyes drooping down to the ground with a frown. Now you wanted to get the day over with.
Whatever you rehearsed in the mirror from this morning began to dissipate and become nothing. The rattling of the train caused your mind to feel heavy and dizzy once it started moving. To work it is then.
“Excuse me, would it be okay if we switched seats? All the seats were taken.”
Your eyes drifted upwards to a young pregnant woman politely smiling at a random man seated in front of you. She was holding onto a pole trying to avoid falling from the bumps the train made. The man snickers.
“You’re doing fine. My stop isn’t far. You can wait.”
The man crossed his legs comfortably, smugly adjusting himself even more to the seat to emphasize his position. The woman’s smile strained slightly, putting her hand securely on her belly.
What a bastard, you thought annoyed. Grabbing onto a pole to stand, you made your way to the woman.
“Ma’am, you can take my seat. Here let me just…” Offering your hand to steady her, you moved the woman between people and set her down your seat. Your exhausted smile made its way to your lips as she graciously thanked you.
Shooting a hateful glance at the man, you made your way back to the pole the woman held. The movement rushed blood up your head quickly and you felt as if your body phased out for a second.
Regret started bubbling your way in your chest as the amount of people around you crossed your bubble space. At least the woman was okay now. Feeling lightheaded you pressed a cheek onto the cool metal as your eyes closed from the weariness you carried. You sighed, relaxing slightly.
“You beat me to it.” A low voice spoke next to you. You snapped your eyes open and processed those words for a minute. Maybe it was just your drowsy attitude kicking in that made you react such a way. But the comment annoyed you somehow. What the heck were they saying? You shook your head turning as your slightly glazed eyes narrowed.
“It wasn’t a competition to begin wi—”
Your hand tightened around the pole. Staring down at the person like a deer in the headlights, you didn’t think twice about your next words.
“It’s you.”
The stranger was here.
He wore his usual attire, the scars on his face looking more bolder, darker than just a few days prior. It almost made you laugh watching him appear just as uncomfortable as you with the amount of people except he was sitting on a seat between two people while you stood. He tightened his crossed arms to provide some sort of space for himself. His brown eyes stared up at you with a confused expression, and he shrugged.
“What about it?”
Your heart beat faster and cleared your throat. Suddenly the universe was likely telling you to go for it. Take the opportunity! You pushed your nerves down and a dumb grin spread on your face. You leaned on the pole adjusting your stance to a casual one.
“N-Nothing. It’s just that… You tend to sit over there.” Your thumb jerked at the direction on your right, to the corner where the other man was. He followed your gaze, returning it back to you with a raised brow.
“I see. I just… I got on late.” He seems to recount a memory plastering a scowl on his face. You nodded, feeling proud the conversation was going on a good start and smiled. Sure he started it, but you give yourself some credit avoiding acting like a mess.
Looking around the crowded people, you comment with a genuine note of optimism in your tone, “But you managed to get a seat. That’s good.”
“Sure.” He nods a little absentmindedly, his eyes hardening slightly as he side glances the two people on either side of him again.
“Came at a cost though.” His nose wrinkled slightly, the putrid smell of cigarette wafting in the air as a teenager next to him opened a backpack. The stranger shakes his head, muttering, “Kids these days.”
You cough up a chuckle at his criticism, bringing up a hand up your nose to rub the smell away. For a moment the stranger also smirks with you, shaking his head even more visibly.
“It’s not that funny.” He grumbled, bringing up a gloved hand to brush off the ashes that fell on his black jacket. You sighed, raising your hands up in the air. Glancing back at his original seating you comment a little playfully.
“If you’d arrived on time, chances were high to get your seat on this train. It’s after all, a popular route.”
The man blows a quiet breath. He frowns.
“I know. But it’s not exactly common to be taken with amusement.”
“Truth be told, I still think it's a less pessimistic way of processing the situation.” You ruefully said in defense with a half smile. The man’s eyes flickered darkly past his rather long lashes. He scoffs.
“As if there wasn’t a tomorrow.” He snarks sarcastically. His leg crosses over the other, beginning to bounce impatiently with a serious but blank expression. He was certainly hard to read. But nevertheless gave very interesting responses. The two of you fell silent along with the silence the train was carrying since you entered.
“So… you’re headed somewhere?” You asked lightly. Hopefully that didn’t sound too intruding. The man tilts his head back checking out the window. It’s about a minute of silence he doesn’t answer back. Blinking slightly from the sunlight peering, he finally answers
“…Work.” His left hand flexes slightly on his arms. Before you can ask what he works his eyes bring his attention back to you. He nods his chin at you.
“You’re usually carrying a duffel bag aren’t you? For… work?”
Reflexively your hands reach where your duffel bag would’ve been, though they grab at nothing. It’s not surprising he knew. Besides how many people have you bumped with that bag? You smile a little, nodding nonchalantly as you say
“Yeah. There was, uh, an inconvenience I had regarding my bag. I don’t carry much, just my lunch…” You drift off, unsure how to continue that part. Was it too personal what you were revealing?
“I’m guessing you’re what people call being ‘extra?’” He questions with a perplexed look. Extra? The words in your mouth jumbled slightly as you gave him a caught off guard look. Very interesting indeed.
“As in matter of fact, yes. A-And besides! I like having extra space.” You haughtily nodded giving him a half smirk.
“For what?” He presses. You could tell this started to intrigue him more by the tone of interest his questions gave off. Even his body language seemed less tense indicated by his attentive stare and the stiffness of his arms much loose than earlier. You smiled at him almost smugly as you answer,
“That’s private.”
He hums, leaning back in his seat. “Fair enough. Though, I think your appetite is pretty exaggerated to be carried in a duffel bag.” He points out with a raised eyebrow. “That’s why backpacks exist.” He added. You can’t help but cringe inside the poor banter of an answer you just told just to get an answer like that. Nice.
“I don’t carry drugs if you’re thinking that.” You mumbled. An unusual knowing smirk plays on his lips.
The train makes a turn on one of the tracks and you both scrunch your shoulders at the sound of the screeching rails. Your hand reached to your temples rubbing gently as the noise of the crowd around you felt louder with your headache.
“Rough night?” The stranger notes. You hum a response, nodding curtly as you thin out your lips.
“Yeah. Didn’t get enough sleep. Something keeps bothering me, that's all.”
“Bothering you? Like what?” He asks suddenly. Deep down you suddenly feel flattered. Though it’s probably nothing too big, just concern for your obvious pained sight. You bluntly sigh.
“Would you want to know?”
“Wouldn’t be asking now.” He replied simply.
“…Fine.” You pressed your forehead against the cool pole, squeezing your eyes shut as the pain kept throbbing. A feeling of unease suddenly caused your stomach to churn inside.
“Remember how I said I had an inconvenience with my duffel bag?” You asked him, expecting he’d understand. You crack open an eye to see the man scratch his stubble, lowering his eyes as he nodded. He sits his hand down to his lap interlocking it with the other.
Well… here goes.
“In short, I got attacked two days ago. I lost it. And now… I get these nightmares. Scary ones. They just don’t seem to stop.” You paused for a moment, your lips parted slightly as you try to look for your words and let him process that. His eyes are still staring at the ground.
“…And you’re still scared?” He asks softly. You tense slightly. Dumb question for an obvious answer.
Should I mention I watched you die?!
The throb of your headache becomes more apparent as you start feeling dizzy, holding on tighter to the pole.
“I just…I want them to stop.” You confessed solemnly as you pulled your head away. Feeling the mood to be a little tense, you try to laugh it off a bit.
“I mean look at me: I look like a zombie! I’m going to scare some people away.” You motion a finger around your eyes with a grin.
The stranger doesn’t smile nor look at you, suddenly going quiet. A rather strange look crosses his face. His hands start shaking as they’re slightly wringing against each other. You can’t tell if it’s shame or bitterness but it’s in between, and he suddenly blurts out
“I’m sorry.” A form of shame was weighed in those words. Concerned, you take a step forward towards him stretching out a hand.
“Hey, are you alright—?”
Before you can ask what was wrong, the announcement dinged out of nowhere startling you both. The stranger suddenly stands from his seat and you don’t fail to notice a bead of sweat falling down his forehead onto his jacket.
But you stared up at his tall stature, practically towering over yours. You held your breath, watching him lean down a little closer to you. Dark eyes held an intense gaze you swore his pupils almost dilated. You met his eye as he quickly mutters
“Take my seat. Before anyone else does.”
He doesn’t give you another look, watching him pass by you swiftly, shoving people aside to exit out of the door. Startled, you moved your neck upwards around trying to get another view of his figure from the windows, but the crowd practically pushed you back.
Dude, come back! Your mind shouted.
A wave of disappointment for the short time jabbed you on the chest. If it wasn't for your damn sleep deprivation you could have at least uttered out another word. A ‘goodbye’ maybe… something!
Not only you couldn’t process what happened or why he left so abruptly, you glared up at the sign of the train stop. Your jaw slackened as you realized:
It wasn’t even his! Why… why?!
A new crowd was coming in the train, and you snapped out of your dizzied state immediately sitting down on his seat. A sense of overwhelmness washes over you. No number today either.
I was this close… so close! You mentally mourned, clutching your thigh. Mission failed. You’ll get it next time.
You did something wrong, you can’t help but think of that. At least you didn’t tell him he died in your nightmares. What excuse would you have told him about that creepy thought he’d be in your mind at night?
The train started to move again at its normal speed, shaking you slightly in your seat. Speaking of which….
You couldn’t help but notice it was warm.
When you arrived at the museum, Bethany waited for you outside with a sort of bag next to her. You recognized it by the pins on the bag.
“That’s… that’s my duffel bag! H-how? Who brought it?” You exclaimed, rushing up the stairs carefully as possible.
Bethany harrumphed, crossing her arms.
“Well good morning to you too, and two things: why is this here and why do you look like shit?”
Giving Bethany a side hug, you wave your hand dismissively saying, “I’ll explain the second part later. But about my bag… I lost it a couple days ago.”
“Well, lucky for you coincidentally it looks like someone brought it this morning because it wasn’t here yesterday.”
Bethany stepped back as she let you retrieve your bag. Unzipping it you checked the contents inside to make sure nothing felt like it was missing. Old pamphlets from previous exhibitions were crumpled up near the bottom, your box of gum, a picture of your family, your contact cards, and the taser thank god. Seemed everything was there.
Except with the new addition of a couple fruit snacks, chips and Mexican lollipops.
“Who brought it?” You asked a bit anxiously. There was no sign of a note letting them know who it was. Bethany shrugs, bending down to take one of the spicy lollipops out of the bag.
“That’s the funny part. I don’t know.”
“Did you check the cameras?” You inquired.
“Even more funnier,” she mused, popping the sweet in her mouth. “They’re broken.”
Broken? Confusion along with your headache makes you want to throw up. There were too many surprises and too many things to comprehend all at once today. Your mind wracks thinking hard who could have brought it.
And you have no idea.
Well… that didn’t go as expected.
Hello once again… I apologize for the delay.
When you got finals kicking your ass you gotta do what you gotta do. But! I am back and ready as ever, cause welcome winter break!
So now that you met the man himself… just wait till you see the next chapter. I think it’s gonna hurt a little (and I apologize in advance.) Its gonna be all on a train. Trust me.
Without a further ado, same time next week? Maybe? I don’t know. Thanks for reading!! ☺️
Next: Chapter 4
Previously: Chapter 2
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reverieblondie · 3 months
WIP's Update
When I asked if you guys would like WIPs updates some of you seemed interested in it. So here it is! If you see a story your interested in knowing more about please just send an ask! Love to talk about my work!
Play Fighting - Kaine x reader fic
Neighbors Chapter 4 (I know long awaited but I had to plan out chapters 5 and 6 before I finished it)
Rolan x Fem! human Maid!- Super excited for this fic! I want Rolan to have a Maid for the tower and I want her to be very curious about all his infernal features!
Break-up Companion- Miguel x Fem!civillian reader - have had the idea for this forever but am finally getting around to writing it! I've been missing Miguel so this is going to be some SMUT!
Gabriel O'Hara x Fem! spider-reader- Have seen a lot of love for him lately and Want to fulfil some request with this fic.
Smutty HCs for Gabriel O'Hara- A request that I am finishing
BG3 Men with Kuudere type S/O- Another request that I am finishing!
Book Club- Dammon x Fem!Tav reader - I got a request to write for Dammon and I know he likes to read smut and I think he would be the best reading buddy! he would read to you then act out his favorite parts...
I hope this has you excited for what I have coming up! I will also have a week off for spring break so I plan on writing like crazy!
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lonelysucker7 · 4 months
Strangers on a Train
🎉 Chapter 4 🎉
Pairing: Kaine Parker x gn!Reader
Summary: You’re just an average person making their daily living, surviving adulthood as it is. You live in Houston, Texas where even the hero the Scarlet Spider lives. And then there’s a guy, who looks like he’s gone through hell, on a train you’re crushing on.
Word count: 3.2k
Warnings: Bit of profanity, some angst, chaotic as frick
Note: HIII!!! OH MY GOD ITS BEEN TWO MONTHS. Listen, I was struggling okay 😭 like chapter 3 kinda made me hesitate writing another chapter. To the people that sticked around, the anon who was excited… I’m sorry. I may have disappointed you now and it’s okay to feel that way. And I thank you for being there anyway near or far. I can’t really say if I’ll keep up with next chapter as life is pushing me around. But… we’ll see?
Anywho, enjoy!!! 😆
Next: Chapter 5
Previously: Chapter 3
For a while now not a single drop of water fell from the skies in the city of Houston. Thank you, climate change. In consequence everyone burned under the scorching sun and lived with it in any possible way.
Until last night the weatherman predicted Houston was supposed to welcome the first of rain showers in a long time. And to you that felt a little ridiculous. Why did everything feel the first all of a sudden?
The next day peeking out the window was met with the sight of a wet pavement and dry dirt turned to squishy looking mud. For a minute you considered staying home to avoid a certain someone with the rain serving as an excuse to stay away. You couldn’t anyway, not after using one of your work time off from just a few days ago. Besides, after countless days of sweltering at night the rain encourages you to enjoy this as much as you can.
You pack the usual in your found bag, sneak in a couple of those snacks that were found there and zip it up to a close. Donning a comfortable jacket and taking your umbrella in hand, you paused midway to the door, the fingertips of your hand grazing the doorknob. Your eyebrows furrowed with a moment, your arm almost unhooking the bag on your shoulder to let it fall to the ground.
But you fix it back up again.
Either I apologize or just ignore it and sit somewhere else. One or the other.
“God, this is so stupid…” you muttered with a frown.
With a shake of your head you swing the door open and out the door you went.
The rain had been going on since last night but you swore it felt like days as your feet kept stepping into large puddles that splashed your pants. It almost made you feel icky on the way the murky dark cool water clung onto your ankles but you felt good about it in a strange way. It distracted you somehow from feeling other things.
The walk to the station was a steady one. Minus the wind trying to carry you away with your almost broken umbrella.
Upon arriving you realized how empty the site was hardly with any person in sight. It was just you and two others. Above you the plastic roof you had a crack and water seeped in so you kept away from it standing in the open with your umbrella. Standing there in the quietness and the little pattering noises of rain bouncing off the hood helped you relax.
This is the calmest it’s been for a while now.
Suddenly the whistle of the train rings out somewhere in the distance, your hand automatically clenches tightly the strap of your bag and handle of the umbrella. The precipitation on this cloudy day makes your hand clammy. You nodded your head lightly as you rocked on the heels of your feet. And slowly, with the hand that grasped once the strap, move it to rest it over your chest. You kept rubbing with your palm in gentle circles as your heart thrummed excitedly. The loud pounds audible in your ears.
The train kept coming nearer and nearer by the second and finally moved to a halt in front of you. Steamed floated from its rails, followed by the metal sound of doors scraping to open. You stood there silently feeling those only people pass by you with a hurry to escape the now heavy rain. Now it was you on the platform and still you continued rocking on your heels more forcefully, and suddenly one of your legs made an effort to one step forward. It might have been summertime where heat made you sweat, yet somehow the rain made you feel warm around your neck. It burned even beneath the umbrella.
Is it too late to go back?
You put down your umbrella, reaching to close it. With a little shake to remove the raindrops and feeling the dense wetness tickling your hair and nape of your neck, you reach out to grab the rails of the entrance and hop in.
Behind you the doors close and your heart sinks slightly. The platform view leaves your sight and you turn around to find the seat. When you do your breath hitches slightly causing you to thin your lips a bit.
Unsurprisingly He was there in his regular seat and all staring back at you with a slight frown.
Ah shit.
Now it really was too late…
Seats around you are at your disposition ready for you to take without competition. The urge to sit far enough from Him starts to become overwhelming and you do just that, huffing with a smile.
You turn your back grabbing one of the handles directing towards the end of the train. Right, you had no blame in this, you never asked for the seat, whatever his problem was he—
Halfway you backtracked your steps, a pained expression contorting and swiftly you took a seat in the front of the car near a window facing diagonally to Him. In your seat your bag rests on your lap and the wet umbrella rests on the empty seat next to you. You couldn’t even raise your eyes from your bag starting to pick on the little messy crosshatched stitches on the side.
The train is dreadfully quiet, not much of a crowd to begin with, standing or sitting. It was just you, Him, and maybe a couple others making five. Where was the crowd when you needed it? To hide you? You could only blame the rain for arriving a day too late for the inconvenience of yesterday. Inconvenience?
You sighed.
“Brought my bag today.” You announced towards Him, your voice cracking at ‘bag’. Hearing your voice makes you suppress a screech, the blood rushing to your ears as you stretch your lips to smile at Him. If you had bleach in this moment, you’d pour it over your eyes to spare yourself the sight of the man staring at you like he smelled a dead animal from nearby. Well no it was actually more confused and slightly startled, but he sees you shrugging your bag to show him.
He blinks remotely, but it’s a sign of acknowledgement to say the least. An eyebrow raises a bit, stretching some of the scars near his eye. A brief nod as he lowly responds,
“…Good for you?”
Lord almighty help my ass.
You nodded, smiling meekly, feeling your bones rattle a little in your body. Your left leg bounces slightly, shaking your bag. A brief chuckle emits from your lips and you add on,
“Y-yeah, I mean… I thought I lost my bag forever, s-since y’know… that day, right…?” Your words trailed on attempting to reference your attack at the same time looking at him with a suggestive smile. It only earns you a subtle discomfort from his part.
“Yeah…I know.” He turns his head away for a moment, facing out the window with an unreadable expression. Your leg bounces slightly more, and you’re tongue tied for a second. What to say next you’re not sure, but you still kept that smile. So you continue.
“A-and let me tell you i-it was returned to me—” You nervously chuckled, your fingers wringing together “—Back to my workplace! L-like, wow, I really second guessed myself right there… Someone must have sent me an angel. Funny huh?”
Your cheeks began to hurt from your smile equally as your hands ached with every tug you gave to your fingers. Your audience appeared stunned to silence like if he was caught off guard without being able to say something properly back. This is the part you hated in every conversation similar to this and in each one it was you who ended up screwing it. All you wanted to know was.. was…
“You okay?” He asks, his eyes narrowing a little, regarding the sight of your stiffened appearance. You hum your answer with an awkward smile, replying,
“I’m fine.”
“Really.” He doesn’t sound convinced, his eyebrows lowering even more. You nod your head curtly before he can say anything else.
“Yeah. I'm fine.” You reply with a shrug. He still doesn’t look convinced but his eyes relax a tad bit. You turned your head back to face the window, chewing on the inside walls of your right cheek. You pointed out the window, breathing out the obvious stress in your voice.
“Uh, n-nice day rig—?”
“Stop. You’re embarrassing yourself.”
His stern voice cut you off with a hand to halting your sentence. He doesn’t look too pleased, rather irritated you both are aware you are avoiding to confess something that’s guilt tripping you. Your mouth snapped shut then, your body tensing up with a noticeable shake. Only then you utter off your tongue with guilt,
The train rattled on as the silence fell upon you both and now the overwhelming feeling of regret and embarrassment flooded your mind. Your eye catches his one of his boots slightly twist down his heel on the floor making a little squeaky sound. Gosh you thought you had it in control. Now you have him more uncomfortable than ever, and he’s not meeting your eye at all. Your mind starts to mock you: You had a way with words, you liked talking to people, you good at this you’re good at that—
What a joke.
“Hey listen… About yesterday…”
Your voice comes down with a slight softer tone than the eccentric one you held a couple moments ago. You swallow a bit through your thickening throat. The words are stuck in your chest. Leaning your head back, you brought it back down and you let it rush out.
“I’m sorr—”
“I’m sorry.”
You both freeze as you both let out apologies to each other. His eyes are slightly wide, but yours is wider with the addition of throwing out your empty upturned hands to your apology. He hums a little as if he was unsure to proceed or not. And you blink a little.
“Say what now—?”
“You tell me—”
Another pause. You both clearly want to respond to whatever the hell you two are trying to apologize. Lips twitching, eyes squinted, fluorescent lights burning the retinas. Like drawing guns at sundown. Who shoots first?
You. You’re faster. Bringing back your hands, you point at yourself and rapidly spit out your words
“Uncomfortable—You’re sorry?” He was baffled, staring at you with his brows knitted together, as if trying to make out what you’re apologizing for. Too fast man, too fast! Idiot!
You can’t help but roll your eyes and you run a distressed hand over your mouth, leaning slightly forward as you say with a much slower culpability.
“I said…” You inhale a bit of air and then exhale it. “…I said something that made you run out of this train. Not sure what it was but I sincerely didn't mean to offend you. I’m sorry.”
He in return does a double take, pausing to open his mouth and close it yet again. And the moment you’re about to lay more apologies, he raises his hand again to stop you. A beat. That same strange look from yesterday reappeared on his face, the one where he was conflicted.
“I…I didn’t run out on you because… Of whatever you said.” He began slowly. The little muscles on the side of his jaw tenses up, flexing slightly. The weary look in his eye made him shift his focus away from meeting your face as if apologizing was becoming hard for him to continue. He glanced at the ground then dully met your eye once more.
“The train….” He pauses again letting the sentence alone to settle down. “It was crowded and I don’t sit well in crowded spaces. It’s hot, it’s stuffy—”
“It’s hell.” You mused softly, half smiling at him at your slow understanding. A little nod and a soft rumble from his chest is heard.
“Damn right it is.” He looks away, scratching his stubble with a finger as a faint streak of annoyance appears in his eyes. At the mention to the stuffy environment of passengers, you were beginning to be partially thankful today no one rode the train.
Humid and sweat. A hygienic disaster.
“Frankly, yesterday showed how good I am at running away from it. And it ends up becoming someone else’s problem.”
A mild worry creases his brow as he glances back at you at the same time he weighs his words with a sense of familiarity. Like it wasn’t the first time it happened. The man straightens up his back and he faces you fully now from the distance you two were in. A subtle amused smile begins to show on his face and he turns a palm up, directing it towards you.
“Look I’m not the best at apologies but I’m sorry for causing you trouble. Clearly you were distressed.” He responds candidly, but you hear a hint of slight tease in it. Of course he’s referring to the way you acted like a doofus a good minutes ago making you feel pretty stupid for a second. But now that it was resolved you could reply without the need of feeling that way.
A small smile gets to you and you rub your neck. “Oh, ha, yeah ‘distressed’… I’m sorry for that too. And you’re fine. I mean I thought… I thought I scared you.”
“Don’t sweat it. And you? Scare me?” He crosses his arms, a light smirk on his lips that causes you to clench your jaw a little. “Believe me, I’ve seen scarier.”
Somehow those words get a little laugh out of you with those nerves combined from earlier, almost causing you to tear up. You rub a finger underneath your eye, and ask him,
“Oh yeah? Like what?”
You see him tilt his head to the side a bit and his eyes glower at a thought. But he briefly flashes a smirk, his head shaking, and responds,
“Wouldn’t you like to know…”
So he doesn’t want to say… Okay. You just shrugged it off, sensing the question and answer could possibly a little intrusive. Stranger to stranger, why dump all the exposition?
“Too personal?”
You thin your lips, shifting your eyes away for a moment and say,
Once you understood, you watch him turn back to face outside the window watching the raindrops falling sideways with rushed synchronization. The small droplets created a cascade of shadows reflecting visibly on his face and they darken his thoughtful look alongside his scars. You grow a little quiet, and you contemplate taking his word seriously or not. The temptation to ask him for an explanation almost claws your back. But you thought better of it.
“Your question earlier about the weather… I agree. It’s nice.” He comments to you through the silence, continuing to stare out the window. You feel yourself start smiling a little, forgetting whatever weird thoughts got to your mind. You also turn around to see the rain indirectly sharing the sight with him.
Outside, the weather has become a little heavier, the clouds darkening grey hovering over the city from a distance and the sight of mist starts rising from the ground. It’s such a nice sight to see that it’s no wonder you two grown ups feel entranced by the peaceful setting.
The train makes a stop at the same platform you made the man sitting diagonally of you run off. The thought made you still cringe a bit, but now his apology replayed in your mind for comfort. The rain here has gotten heavier and alarmingly impossible to see around. People get off chattering about the killings from these past days and your ears don’t catch much except the possibility of a serial killer on the loose.
More people come inside the cart, moving to take up the space in the back which leaves you and him the only ones taking space in the front. The train picks up pace once again and you know its heading to the man’s stop.
“Mind if I ask a question about yesterday?” He speaks up from his seat. You shake your head.
“Not at all. Ask away.”
“Thanks. Your, uh, nightmares… Worse or better today?” He asks curiously.
Pulling yourself away from the window, you look back at him and he meets your gaze. You nod your head back and forth, trying to pick up on the feelings of your nightmares. Last night you did have another one, a slightly much calmer one with less blood and less death. And less screaming.
“I’d say it’s much better.”
“Good to hear.”
You think he might think that’s the end of it. But you add,
“…Although something keeps ticking me off.”
The look of surprise appearing in his face answers your assumption.
“Is that so? And that would be?”
You sucked a bit of air between your teeth and exhaled softly.
“There are these growling noises. Animalistic. They sound familiar and I can’t put to a finger to it.” You say with a bit of disbelief, placing a fist under your chin. Your eyes flickered towards his when he clicks his tongue a little.
“Best not to look into it. Spare yourself from more frights. You’re looking much better today than yesterday.” He comments with a light warning, an etched look of discomfort on his eye. You quirk an eyebrow but hum in agreement. He may be right. In your state right now, your nightmare has become less of a problem now. Just like he said, even the mirror you looked at in the morning showed you your face was much better and your energy was returning.
“I suppose you’re right.”
“Don’t suppose. Take my word for it.” He firmly states seriously with a hint of a lightness mixed in.
His look appeared a little hard, but he kept a calm demeanor as he is straightening his jacket to stretch out the wrinkles. Even then a subtle smirk is there. You could feel your chest swelling up a little every time he did that.
Above you both, the roof began to audibly slam loud drum beats of rain and you heard him cuss under his breath. A small pout was formed on his lips as he glared at the roof and he mutters.
“Son of a bitch… This rain is gonna wash the spider out.”
You glance over your shoulder briefly, but snap to look at it back and turn fully to face it. Your face almost pressed against the window, your breath fogging it up a bit.
“Oh wow look outside.” Both of you stare out in your individual windows sharing a moment of silence as only the pattering of rain trickles harder. The station up ahead was almost invisible, blended by the streaks of water. Buckets. Cats and dogs. It might wash the spiders out like he said.
“A free shower.” You mumble in awe.
“With bacteria.” He adds flatly.
“What makes anyone wanna go out there? Pretty heavy stuff to deal with.” You turn back to him as you jerk your thumb outside. The man only shrugs it off, his gloved fingers starting to zip up his dark jacket.
“You’re here. Answer it yourself.”
“Work day. And I came prepared.” You raise your umbrella and shake it a bit as couple droplets stain the seat. The man nods at it in approval.
“Smart.” He continues to move the zipper up. “The longer ones been in Houston, the more beats they get used to. They shouldn’t have trouble dealing with extreme weather. It's a warmer climate down here after all.” He says matter of fact.
“Huh. Okay. So how long have you been living in Houston?” You blurt out your question with genuine curiosity. The man’s zipper gets jammed in the middle and he tugs it up with a little more force. His hands drop to his sides, giving up with a grumble and he pauses for a second to think of a response. And it’s that dang look of his again.
Before he can answer, the ding of the announcement for his stop rings out and it scares you both. Both of you share a look of irritation at the announcement. But slowly the man’s face softens up a little, a contemplative look on his eye. He sighs.
“…Saving that for tomorrow.” He finally answers conclusively.
He gets up from his seat, the back hairs of your neck prickling as you hear his low grunts reacting to the popping of his legs. You notice He didn’t seem to be with his bag today and he began to walk out towards the exit without any rush. And you took advantage of his slow pace to say,
“Thank you by the way!”
The man stops in his tracks and his dark eyes gaze down at you puzzled. You smiled warmly at him, feeling more comfortable and confident.
“For your seat yesterday. I didn’t let anyone else take it.”
You kept smiling at him, happy for his kindness from yesterday. The funny look he gives you is a little odd, but nevertheless keeps his handsome features in check. He slowly nods, his hand tapping lightly the bar of the pole a bit as he looks away. Maybe the train fluorescent lights were causing you to be a little color blind, but you swore to see faint pink on his scarred cheeks.
“No problem.” He mellows faintly and resumes his walk. But not before pausing again to look at you and say, “Don’t linger too much out in the rain. It’s nice, but… You don’t want to catch a cold, do you?”
He held your gaze for a little longer before stepping out. The rain washed down on him immediately, pushing him down, but recovers and stays upfront. And soon the train departed with his figure disappearing in the showers.
You remained in your seat, feeling the blood rushing to your face intensifying once he was gone. And you place your face in your hands, smiling now like an idiot and laugh a little.
What a thrill this morning was for you.
Much better than what you expected.
Best of all…There was going to be a tomorrow.
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spider-mar2004 · 4 months
Should i write a fanfic about Reader x Kaine Parker? 🤔
I am debating myself if i write a fanfic about our Kaine x reader (us), but i am not sure. Of course won't include Smut due the reason of i am not very good at it, and there is a possibility that a minor can read it and i can be in a trouble (since i am +18). But if ya got any ideas please comment! And i'll try to write it!
(Note: The Kaine will be the earth-616 one)
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Found in google the gif btw and ikr looks blurry but-
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