#question did I rush the scarlet spider coming in??
lonelysucker7 · 6 months
Strangers on a Train
⚠️ Chapter 2 ⚠️
Pairing: Kaine Parker x gn!Reader
Summary: You’re just an average person making their daily living, surviving adulthood as it is. You live in Houston, Texas where even the hero the Scarlet Spider lives. And then there’s a guy, who looks like he’s gone through hell, on a train you’re crushing on.
Word count: 3.9 k
Warnings: mentions of violence (but very brief), criticism towards art, parental issues (also brief), profanity once again!!
Not proofread!! But enjoy!!! ☺️
The doors didn’t open until 11.
It was a Wednesday, and lucky for you it was a promised short day. Your work didn’t require much as a tour guide. Walk, talk, and answer questions for the art enthusiasts or students from schools that booked their tickets for days like these. And people talked. Often, even with your short time, this went on for hours without a stop.
Every art was displayed for the eye with the likes of van Gogh and Matisse, but obviously van Gogh was for the win. You’ve lost count how much you explained the importance of his life work so you didn’t really need to rehearse any mental notes and directions you were going to use. With much ease, you walked through the halls of the museum, pointing and gesturing with your hands around his paintings, remarking about the paint strokes delicately put into the work and adding backstory to them.
Occasionally there were the usual interruptions with “experts” who bragged about their knowledge regarding the tragic painter. Patiently you kept hearing them go on and on, until letting them finish when they took the hint from the crowd they wanted to move on. You didn’t bat an eye, thanking them for their contribution but silently remarking in sarcasm
“Well fuck, have my job and live my life!”
As you passed by van Gogh's Self-Portrait, you heard the crowd behind you murmuring amongst themselves in admiration. You stopped with them in front of a dark room with the exception of the interior displaying hanging LED lights, falling down from the ceiling in the style of vines colored in violets and pinks. The background offered the effect of neon lights sprawling across the walls in a manner of adding that mystic effect. It was a small forest of wonder after all.
“This is ‘Pipilotti Rist’s: Pixel Forest and Worry Will Vanish’. The artist hailing from Switzerland is always testing art in technology, intending them to be very engaging with her themes of naturalism and wonder. Composed with LED lights in the form of hanging vines and a new art form expressing human regeneration as visual imagery. There are even couches in there to relax in and dream alongside the projections shown on the walls. Maybe losing yourselves in a fantasy wouldn’t be such a bad idea. I recommend it,” you suggested with a slight smile. You stood near the doorway, scooting aside to let others take a small peak at the show.
Behind you, you hear a soft snort coming from behind the walls. Looking over your shoulder, you immediately frown with a roll of your eyes as you notice the familiar someone. Your co-worker/ friend, Bethany grinned to herself as she mimicked your speech, mouthing the words while puppeting it on her hand. Holding the urge not to call her out in the middle of the crowd, you made a small quick clap and urged your crowd to continue with you to finish the tour.
“Tickets will be available once the date is posted on the website. There will be rules regarding the exhibition so make sure to look over those if you intend on bringing children or other!”
“You had me in the first half, I won’t lie. I mean, I thought your whimsy quips didn't manage to weave itself in your talk like it does out of nowhere. Because if it didn’t, I wouldn't believe you’d talk that professional.”
“Mmm, well, when you spend so much time talking about works on illusions and dreams coming to a reality, I guess you get sucked in it too. Just happens.”
The first group of touring was done for the first hour and a half, and now you found yourself having a scrutinizing conversation with Bethany about your style of work. You both were in the average noise breakroom, taking your lunch break while still keeping the time.
Getting the job was hard but you managed that getting yourself out there to effectively communicate with people required you to get yourself out of your comfort zone first.
Easy said, easy done.
One sacrifice to offer to the devil of the work was all you needed. Pretty soon your boss became impressed with your way of words, even when it seemed you lacked effort in them at first.
When you told your parents about your job, you expected them to be a little less than happy about it. That expectation was quickly dismissed as they were thrilled you had finally achieved a job (even more when they heard insurance was graciously offered to you.) Your dad joked with you about sending money their way, but you’d always cut it off with the excuse of your break coming to an end. Same case with your mom, though it was more about your college degree even being used at all.
“So what was all that money for?”
You didn’t know how to respond without becoming upset.
And you met Bethany, the security guard, meandering in the locker room. A rough start as she searched through your duffle bag for a pack of cigarettes, and to her disappointment, you didn’t have any. But you offered her gum instead and she took it without hesitation. And throughout the months that came, you got to know her better and became friends. She was in her late 30’s, single, not so much of a hopeless romantic instead preferring to stay on the side of logic and reason.
A bit “evil” you wanted to say, maybe a little too noisy but nevertheless you tolerated her presence and grew to appreciate her. Not once did she leave you out of any hot topic that roamed in the museum or her life, so you felt somewhat special being let in her inner circle.
“Ever watched that old Spanish film called ‘Open Your Eyes?’ You asked Bethany with an expectant stare from across the room. A perplexed expression crossed her features as she pulled out her casserole lunch from the microwave and made her way back to your table. She saw your sad looking ham sandwich in your hands and said
“No, why?” She tilted the veggie casserole towards you to offer in the stead of your meal and you kindly refused. You responded casually
“Because the exhibition that I talked about kinda reminds me of that movie. A dreamlike fantasy you end up losing yourself in because your reality sucks. That movie is all about that.”
Your friend made a small tsk and wagged her finger as she picked on her casserole.
“Don’t think it was the artist's literal intention to have you forget reality. Much less your worries actually vanish. All that is just for show.” Bethany mused as she picked her food, pushing away a piece of broccoli on the side of her plate. You frowned, staring at your ham sandwich with little interest. You replied assertively.
“Yeah but it's in the name. How can it not be?”
“I don’t know, I ain’t an expert in that okay? Answer it yourself.”
“Okay, fine.” A silence lingered over you both, until Bethany asked between mid-chew
“Why exactly did you ask?”
You mulled over the question of why. Maybe it was those people from the tour who interrupted so much. Maybe it was looking back on your old home life. Or the memories of what happened in the morning which flooded through your mind and you got goosebumps because of it. Suddenly you felt embarrassed to even tell. You wanted to hide under a rock from your reality. You confessed with a grim reply
“Cause I’m always wondering if my reality is a dream or my hell right now. Van Gogh was in a limbo, so where am I?”
Bethany being Bethany; cringed at the statement, making a disgusted face as she settled her fork down.
“Okay, okay enough with the philosophy and comparing yourself with dead artists. Look, I'll pinch you if you want to see if you're here with me, weirdo.”
At that you laughed breezily a bit and shook your head, responding smoothly
“No thanks, I’m good as it is. Anyways, I want to finish my lunch before I start touring again. That last group sure had its professionals. I was starting to wonder if I needed to call our boss and quit right on the spot just so they could do the job for me.” You took a bite of your sandwich with a slight grumble and chewed on it with a sigh. Bethany side glanced at you from her food and shrugged.
“Oh come on, you know Boss-man would cry if you left. You’re one of our best. You’re just overthinking it. Like you usually do with that guy on the train. Speaking of which….” Bethany leaned closer to you, you leaning back as a response from the grinchy like smile growing on her face as she rubbed her hands together.
“...You saw him again, didn’t ya?”
You stopped chewing midway of your food. No doubt you did tell her about the stranger. Fifty fifty you regret coming down to this, but she was your friend and you were dying to tell someone. In fact she was the only one you’ve told.
Bethany had remained invested in this topic for as long as you can remember, especially since you maintained your personal life private from many around you. Bethany knew some things. But glimpses of your romantic (if you wanted to coin it like that) life was like striking gold for dear Bethany.
Your eyes glanced away from her creepy smile and your mouth scrunched to the side as you mumbled
“Yes. And?”
Suddenly, she slams her palms on the table that shook with a rattle, causing you and others in the breakroom to jump. Looking back at her you almost yell with a slight strained voice, pieces of your sandwich falling abruptly on your lap.
“Was that necessary?!”
Bethany ignored you, and continued, “Did you finally ask if he was single?!”
You rolled your eyes as you shook your head, incling down at the floor from your seat as you picked up your mess from the floor.
“Of course I didn’t! You know I wouldn’t even think of asking him that. Would you have done the same?” You argued with your voice wavering a bit from the intensity, even breathing a little slowly to calm your nerves. Wrong question, you knew your answer already. Bethany crossed her arms and haughtily replied.
“Yeah, I would’ve done it if I was really that interested. Are you not? How long are ya gonna keep stalling yourself my dear co-worker? Can’t stand the idea of being rejected?”
Your brain couldn’t even process all that, leaving you gripping your thighs anxiously and your mouth gaping without a single word being uttered out. Once the calmness settled, you managed to hush out
“I’m trying… of sorts. Yeah, I’m scared shitless if I get rejected, who wouldn't? And good god Bethany, I already told you he doesn’t seem to be the type you straight up ask on those things…”
Bethany huffed a laugh, and shook her head as if she wasn’t taking that as an answer.
“Yeah but, how long have we been talking about this guy? It’s the same shit! ‘Oh I wanna talk with him this’ and ‘I wanna talk with him that—’ Please just do it, you’re killing meeeee…” Bethany whined, grabbing your shoulders from behind and shook you.
You flick your fingers on the hands on your shoulders and manage to get them off of you. As Bethany peers close to your face, you look back at her as a dark look crosses your eyes.
It finally came to your mind that you were still on your break and the whole staff room was staring at your commotion from the corner of the room. The sound of the water dripping from the sink could be heard in the background.
Pushing your chair back, you stood to let the blood flow through your legs again and moved to toss the pieces of sandwich near the garbage disposal. As you sat back down with a melancholic feeling, you mumbled,
“Everything at its time. Don’t rush me, okay?”
You buried your face in your hands continuing to mumble incoherent complaints in them. Bethany surrendered her hands in the air as she slumped in her seat and started to absentmindedly pick her casserole again.
“You're too respectful. You shouldn’t.”
You snapped your head up, glaring slightly.
“We’re strangers. I don’t know him and he doesn’t know me. Some random creep asking if you're single out of nowhere? That raises so many red flags if you hadn't noticed. You know what… think I might need that pinch now.”
Bethany reached to pat your back with mild consolation, still with that smug smile and a borderline joy of taking in your pain. Now you just felt tired and yearned to go home. Sadly it was only 2 in the afternoon so you’d need to wait 3 more hours. You then hear Bethany say in a tranquilizing tone
“Take it easy. Listen I know you’re a dreamer, and you keep dreaming okay? I don’t want to burst your bubble. But while that train keeps on moving and he keeps riding it, you should shoot your shot. Never know if he’s gonna be gone the next day. Uncanny events always force someone to move out of here.”
Hearing her make that statement, raises a the hairs in the back of your head. Maybe a part of you refused to accept that fact, but you knew it was the truth. It was either take it or leave it. How long you’ve spent pondering on the thought of talking to him… oh a very long time, that you already made yourself clear on the train. You clenched your jaw, gulping quietly as you spoke with hesitancy.
“I’ll try… but I’m sure things will end up falling short of my expectations.”
“No no, I’m certain you’re gonna do fine. You have a way with words. Your personality is pretty good. And you are…” Bethany leaned back to take your form from head to toe and back over again with an easy smile “...You’re pretty hot enough to catch someone's eye. Although I’m not saying looks are everything. Say, if he saw you today, did he make any sign that he looked even the slightest interested in you?”
You scratched your cheek for a minute or two in thought, then you finally shake your head and simply responded
“No?” Bethany repeated bluntly. You shook your head again. You made a slight tilt as you added,
“Although we did hold a stare for about 15 seconds. Does that count?”
“Hmm, it's something. What else did he do?”
“Er, well he did this funny thing with his lip. It went back a bit. Like…like he tried to…” Bethany watched you intently as you reenacted the funny lip jump. She only thinned her lips as a teasing smile started to form, until she burst, pointing a finger at you gushing.
“Oh my god, did he try to smile at you?!” Bethany's smile must have reached its limit as it was already way too wide and way too disturbing to hold eye contact. You chuckled nervously with a half-shrug.
“I guess…? It would be a first actually.” An attempted smile from him… it made your chest feel fuzzy from that thought. Still though it could’ve meant anything. Bethany giggles, wrapping an arm around you and bringing you close to her. You winced a little, smelling the breath of onion from her casserole as she whispered.
“Just go talk to him. You know you’re brave. Wake up and make it a reality. Got one life, so don’t waste it.” She gave you a small shake in her arm, before the weight was lifted off of you. You fixed the collar of your uniform and looked at the time again. Your break was over. Her words of encouragement suddenly pushed you to actually want to do it.
Like previous times of course.
“I suppose so huh? Tomorrow we’ll see then. Thanks Bethany.”
She gave you a small thumbs up as you both stood up from your seats. Both of you then stepped outside of the breakroom, departing with a side hug and left to finish the day. You waved at your crowd from the end of the hallway on your left and approached them with a professional welcoming smile.
Maybe I should do it tomorrow. Nothing can go wrong from here… right?
Now your day is over. And your pained feet were dying to get home.
But as expected you were held back for a couple reasons. First was to finish answering some questions from the guests, and then your boss whose news reached to his ears about you and Bethany “fighting” in the breakroom. To which you denied sincerely without trying to smile. You two could never.
In consequence, those actions from both parties have left you to forget the sun set earlier in the month of July. Crap.
5:45 P.M, and you also missed your train. You sent Bethany a text asking for a ride, but you deleted the message as you recalled her mentioning in the morning about a dentist appointment after her break. Meaning you were going to need to walk home.
Adjusting your duffel bag on your shoulder, you climbed down the stairs while keeping a taser you borrowed from Bethany close by in your pocket. You quickly took a left from the station and started jogging slightly as you wanted to avoid any possible encounter with people. Not at this hour, no siree.
It wasn’t the first time you’ve done this. But not regularly either.
The approximation from your work to your apartment was about 30-45 minutes depending how fast you got there on foot, but you knew you weren’t gonna get there anytime soon. The uncomfortable feeling of being watched as you jogged without a stop for breath became awkward as hell.
You passed by the town shops that still had their lights on, staying close by them as you needed to see the cemented path ahead of you. For a summer night the air felt a mix of cool air and warm heat, making you start sweating anyway. Man you felt that adrenaline and motivation push your limits already.
The night sky wasn’t all dark as it was being illuminated by a full moon and the stars sparkled brightly. You huffed a breath as you turned a dark corner.
Only a couple more blocks, I can do this.
You began to feel a little dizzy from your excessive jogging and weariness of your feet starting to catch up with you that you immediately slowed down. A sharp pain from the side of your ribs irked you to recoil and grab on to the wall to lean on. Ragged breathing started to fill your ears as you took a breather and your eyes scanned your surroundings.
You had entered an alleyway with no exit. Dark and murky.
A sudden crash from a nearby garbage dump from the exit of the alleyway, caused you to stagger back with alert. Your hand fumbled in your pocket as you pulled out your taser and kept it to your side as you looked over your shoulder, just to make sure nothing from the darkness or exit came out.
You were so wrong.
From the pit of your chest you felt your heart drop to your stomach as you saw something moving towards the entrance of the alleyway. Dark shadows plastered on the wall from the light reflected off the moon and a growling noise seemed to rumble out. It resembled that of the creature and you almost had a feeling what it was. It started to become closer and closer.
You bite your tongue trying not to make a noise, stepping back into the shadows but without realizing it; your heel accidentally stepped on a piece of glass breaking it loudly.
You let out a scream as the creature rages in the alley about to grab you with their sharp claws.
Your panicked thoughts were cut off aggressively as you were pulled upwards by something that grabbed your back shirt. You felt it snap off of you as your body was being rag dolled around by something keeping you close.
And very tightly; your back was being dug with their immense grip on you. More growls and yells were heard by your ear and your eyes couldn’t focus on it. Everything was a blur of colors red, black—-
Red and black? Hold up—-
Instinctively you wrapped your arms around the neck of this something you realized… it was none other than the Scarlet Spider himself.
You stared in awe at his red lenses, seeing your own face back at them. And oh man… his breathing sounded hotter up close. Of all places you finally met the hero. Yet that didn’t stop you from feeling scared as the webbed hero was swinging swiftly in the air with the web in one hand from a great height. The feeling was just like when you were a kid, being pushed on the swing and feeling the air pressure wacking your face. So you gradually held on tightly.
Yeah—you wanted to throw up right then in there.
Below you a grassy patch of land was coming into view. A playground from the nearby school you knew close to your home. With a loud thump you both landed on the ground safely, the noises of growls faded away in the distance.
“Hey… you can let go now,” You heard a low rough voice speak from the mask. You didn’t realize you closed your eyes and you opened them, raising your head away from his shoulder. Dumbly, you shakily let go of the hero and a soft thud from the padding of your feet was audibly heard as it touched the grass.
As your arms slid from his shoulders, you only noticed that the hero was just leaning down for you when he suddenly straightened up from his inclined posture.
He was much…taller.
“Are you okay?” He asked with a gruff tone. A soft gruff tone if you heard carefully.
You shook your head just to quickly revert it to a nod as you silently answered his question. He answered it with a nod of his own as he craned his neck to look at you up and down for potential injuries.
“Good. Don’t be wandering out at night—it’s dangerous you hear? See what almost happened to you back there? Almost became a snack.”
If you had enough energy you would have laughed at the warning. You didn’t answer, just stared. An impatient snap to your face woke you from your trance.
“Did you hear what I said?”
“U-uh, y-yeah… t-thanks…” You stuttered softly.
A beat.
The hero stared at you in silence and for a moment it felt like he wanted to say something. From the looks of his hands on his sides flexing their fingers, he seemed to hesitate doing something. He didn’t do anything. Finally, he said in a rather plain tone,
“Go home now. Take a pill for the nerves and a day off. You’re shaken up, I can tell.”
“U-uh h-huh…” you managed, as the jelly legs found themselves on your legs when you turned around to walk. You were numbly questioning the creature that almost killed you and the urge to ask him came to you. You wanted to say something else to him as you turned around to face him once again—-but he was gone.
Damn. You wanted him to stay a little longer.
Home it is then. You pulled your duffel bag—-correction, nothing.
You scan all over your body for anything and you let out a frustrated groan as you realize your duffel bag was lost back at that alley. Worst of all, you didn’t even know which one.
Well… at least you had a spare key under your mat.
Hello there!!
So yes I was working on this really really hard. And you have a friend yay! Maybe you’ll expect another chapter in two weeks (I know, I’m bummed out too.)
Alright so… here’s the thing.
I was drafting where this story will head and here’s what I have in mind: Kaine technically left Houston right? Because of… stuff. But what if… what if he came back?
I have hopes for that. So this fic is where that intends to go. Where Kaine technically comes back to Houston. He has his friends back (minus one if you have an idea who), and he’s basically trying to start all over again. That’s all I can say for now.
And yes of course he still has The Other (not all fanfiction is canon remember!)
This journey is likely gonna be long folks. With super long paragraphs. And a hella amount of plot.
So… enjoy every moment and thank you for your support. You guys keep me going 🤗
Next: Chapter 3
Previously: Chapter 1
19 notes · View notes
fleursbending · 1 year
𝐒𝐚𝐦𝐞 𝐒𝐨𝐮𝐥, 𝐃𝐢𝐟𝐟𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐁𝐨𝐝𝐲. | Neteyam Sully
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𝐫𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭 : Hi, I was wondering if you could write a Neteyamxhuman!reader where the reader takes the bullet for Neteyam, so they transport her soul to her avatar and they become really emotional upon waking up and seeing her human body, dead and they all (sully family and metkayina clan) have a funeral for her human body. Neteyam comforts her and mourns with her??
𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 : neteyam x human!reader (eventual na'vi!reader. sully family x reader, ronal x reader (platonic).
𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫'𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐬 : thank you @karmascale for requesting this! this was a challenge to write and i hope i did your request justice! i did a few minor tweaks just to make the story flow better. this slightly deviates from the original plot in the movie! feedback is once again, much appreciated - i love hearing ur guys thoughts! this piece is my prized posession 😭😭😭 if there's any mistakes pls lmk! reader is gn!
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 : atwow spoilers, blood, funeral, angst, mourning/grief, eventual fluff, gsw, death, detailed descriptions of pain/slipping in and out of consciousness, seizure.
𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭 : 5.6k words
𝐭𝐚𝐠𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 : @odessa-is-my-queen
closely helped me through writing this so here is something to listen to if you want to get even more immersed ↷
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𝐘𝐎𝐔 𝐖𝐄𝐑𝐄𝐍'𝐓 𝐒𝐔𝐏𝐏𝐎𝐒𝐄𝐃 𝐓𝐎 𝐁𝐄 𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐑𝐄. That's the only thought that had been drilled into his mind ever since your body had struggled to stay afloat after jumping off the ship.
The once crystal clear blue waters were now tainted with an angry scarlet colour. Neteyam did not know what the source of it was. His heart had sunken, missing a beat when your head had not popped out of the water to cheer with the rest of them.
"Wait, where's Y/n?" Neteyam, panted as he tried to catch his breath.
Prior to all this, he had expressed how you should have gone back to Awa'atlu. But your eyes had a fire that even he couldn't shoot down. His family by definition was yours as well. You just couldn't sit this one out, not this time.
Your struggled gasps answered his question, your head bobbing back underwater only to resurface seconds later.
"Nete, I think I've been shot." You groaned in pain, as you struggled to stay afloat.
"You are such a skxawng, Y/n!" Neteyam cried, immediately swimming over to your side as he helped hold your much smaller body up.
"Hey, that's not nice." You tried to retort jokingly, only to cough up blood right after you had finished your sentence.
You weren't supposed to be there. Your link machine was experiencing issues, Norm was fixing it. Tuk, and Kiri, had brought you out to the ocean as you waited. You've been begging to see baby Ilu's ever since the Metkayina clan allowed you, Norm, and Max to stay behind after Kiri's seizure. Now seemed like the perfect time to do so, but they couldn't have been more wrong about their decision.
When you three had seen Lo'ak rushing off to warn Payakan about the tracker. Your friends not trailing too far behind him, you all joined too. You believed Lo'aks words from before, you didn't know such brutal consequences would come from such actions.
It was you and Neteyam who fled to drop the tracker further away, only to witness in horror as your friends were trapped in a net, being lifted by Ikrans and dropped on the large ship.
Only months ago were you all held captive, but the stakes are larger than life now. You were horrified. Neteyam curated a plan, only on the ship to cut them out of their restraints. Then you'd all head back together. But Lo'ak wanted to save Spider, and a sky-person turned Na'vi was blocking your freedom back into the water.
You weren't supposed to be there. He thought he got you out there safely, how stupid of him to think that.
His amber eyes caught sight of your gunshot wound when he and Lo'ak pulled you on top of Tsireya's Ilu. His world was crumbling around him, and all he could do was apply pressure.
"It hurts!" You grunted, the pain like nothing you've ever experienced before.
"I know, I know. I'm so sorry, Y/n." Neteyam shushed you, trying to give you some comfort while calming his own worries.
His father's words began to repeat in his mind from the training lessons he used to teach his kids when they were far younger. This one focused on sky-people and the type of weapons they use. The damage it can cause.
"Son, a bullet wound is deadly - only if there is an exit wound."
How did a bullet even hit you? It should have been him. Now he felt like he was paying the price.
Neteyam cursed to himself, yaymak.
"We must bring Y/n back! They can help them there!" Lo'ak interjected, trying to get everyone's attention. He was worried for his friend who wasn't even in their Avatar body. The tensions were through the skies that gloomed down on you all.
Tsireya, clutching onto her dear friend for life - nodded hastily. Yipping at her Ilu, they made haste back to their village.
Neteyam previously thought his greatest loss was the time he missed out with you. But now there was a chance of truly losing all of you. He couldn't bare the weight that train of thought held over him.
When his parents had told them that they'd have to leave all they'd ever known. He knew you wouldn't follow in their footsteps. They didn't even have a foolproof plan. And it would be too dangerous for you, your avatar was not ready yet.
He wanted to stay, but his family needed him now - more than ever before. They wouldn't allow it anyway.
"I will wait for you, Nete." You had told him, speaking so softly. Your words were full of warmth, full of promise. You sounded so sure, and it reassured him so much. He was utterly devoted to every fiber of your being. You already encompassed his entire mind. Each decision he had been making lately that would benefit his future, always circled back to you.
If he closed his eyes he'd still remember every minor detail of that day. The day he had to say goodbye. It was gutwrenchingly beautiful.
You stood on a tree trunk, and he wanted to curse Ewya for having to make humans wear masks. Because as your tiny hands grasped his face, his fists clenched in sheer desperation to caress yours. But he couldn't, not with that damned mask in the way.
Instead he opted for tucking a stray braid behind your ear, leaning down to place a kiss on your forehead. His hands hovered over yours above his face, before grasping them. You'd never get over how they dwarfed yours, how it felt to bask in his warmth. It felt like a reminder from Ewya that you were destined to be together.
You could see the tears he was trying not to shed, and feel the way his hands were slightly shaking. His ears laid flat, tail hung low. And it felt like a punch in the gut, a harsh reminder of not knowing when he would come back here.
The fear of not knowing when you'd be in each other's presence again.
His gaze kept traveling between every feature of your face. The boy did not have any artistic ability in his bones, but he'd be utterly dumb to not remember every minute detail that he had fallen for.
This wasn't earth, there were no devices that could reach as far as they were hoping to go. No mailing system. They'd have to rely on their trust for one another this time.
With purpose, you held his chin. "I. Will. Wait. For. You." You had annunciated every word.
Determination flickered in his eyes, and his hands held onto your mask, the part that covered your cheeks. You blushed, he'd never done that before.
"I will wait for you, Y/n." He declared as his forehead met yours.
"Come on, bro!" Y/n suddenly said, wait what?
His shoulders were being shaken, and he was brought back into the harsh reality.
"Hop on!" Lo'ak tugged on his arm, as he and Spider waited for him. Neteyam swung himself onto his Ilu. They raced back to shore.
He briefly saw Ronal ushering a member of the Metkayina clan who was holding his Y/n, into a mauri.
He started to head towards them with Spider when he realised Lo'ak wasn't following. He quickly turned around and beckoned him over, only to witness him hopping back on his Ilu.
"What are you doing?" Neteyam hissed at him.
"I have to go back for Tuk and Kiri! They are still there, mum and dad as well." Lo'ak explained.
"I'm coming with you." Spider walked back over, Lo'ak wanted to argue about it - but knew they didn't have time.
He could see the conflict in his older brother's eyes.
"I got this brother. I know that doesn't feel reassuring. because I usually don't. But this is our family, I won't fuck this up." Lo'ak insisted, he didn't want to risk a slim chance of potentially losing anyone else.
"Lo'ak...-" Neteyam tried to change his younger brother's mind.
"Please, trust me. You're going to regret not being here if Y/n gets worse." Lo'ak contested, he knew he was right.
Neteyam shut his eyes, taking in a deep breath. Contemplating his choices, he knew what he had to do.
"Go, but be alert. This isn't a raid back home!" Neteyam said.
Lo'ak nodded in acknowledgment, turning his Ilu and heading back to the ship in the distance along with Spider.
When they were nothing but a speck in the distance, he quickly rushed over to the mauri he saw Y/n and Ronal enter.
He rushed in, his heart somersaulting at the sight before him. You were pale, too pale. Your chest barely rises up and comes back down. He could tell you were on the verge of losing consciousness.
"Please mother, let me ask for the humans!" Tsireya begged as she continued to try to stop the bleeding.
"Fine, go get them." Ronal allowed it, continuing to do her ritual.
Tsireya was about to get up, but Neteyam stopped her.
"I can do it." He mumbled.
He made sure his comms were on the channel that had a connection with both his parents, Norm, and Max.
"Norm, Max.-" his voice choked up.
"I don't know what you are doing right now, but Y/n is dying. I need you to come to the chief's house, now! I don't- I don't know what you need to bring but just what you can! Please!" Neteyam pleaded as he fell by your side, his fingers running through your hair.
Blood splatter was speckled on the inside of your mask, and you blinked slowly in response to his barely there touch. Gazing up at him, a pained smile graced your face.
"Neteyam, is that you?" You asked.
"It's me, I'm here," Neteyam replied, tearing up at your whimpers of pain.
"We're on our way! Eta is 3 minutes!" Norm's rushed voice sounded through his comms.
"Tell her we are here. I am here." Neytiri's voice sounded forced, holding in the emotions she was truly feeling at that present moment.
"Okay, okay. Mom is with you, she is rooting for you. You hear me, Y/n? We all are!" He hoped his words were giving you strength, he felt like anything he could potentially do wouldn't be enough. Neteyam could only pray to Eywa that his mother would be okay after what she had just heard.
Neytiri loves you like you were her own, to this day she cannot pinpoint why she held such prejudice towards Spider but not you. Maybe because his father killed her own and the fact he had destroyed her clan's sanctuary.
Your mother and father were fierce, in a sense they were seen as warriors through her eyes. Alongside Trudy, they had pioneered the revolution against Colonel Quaritch and his followers. Y/n's mother had worked side by side with Grace, while your father worked on the front lines.
Right before the battle, she had confided in Neytiri.
"I am with child. If anything ever happens to my family, please take care of her." Neytiri took this newfound information in and agreed, deep down only hoping for the best. They were some of Neytiri's and Jake's greatest allies.
But Y/n's father was killed taking a stand, and with too much sorrow in her heart. Y/n's mother carried you to full term. Only to pass away after being with you for the first three months of your life. Neytiri nurtured you alongside Neteyam. She too just like Neteyam, could only pray to Ewya that you'd be okay.
"I'm scared," you spoke so quietly that if he wasn't as close to you as he was. He wouldn't have heard you at all.
"It's okay to be scared, I've got you. You're going to be okay." Neteyam emphasised with you, trying to offer more alleviation to such a dire situation.
"We're here- fuck." Norm cursed, as Max unpacked a few things.
"Nete, I'm tired. I want to go to sleep." Drowsiness was tempting you, and the pain was beginning to fade into nothingness.
"No! You must stay awake!" Neteyam tapped on your mask, but your eyes rolled to the back of your head.
You started to seize.
Ronal and Tsireya continued to chant, as Norm turned her on her side.
"There's too much blood, Max!" Norm shouted.
It poured out like a languid waterfall, strangely just like some of the ones back in the forest. He felt the dread tugging at him, he was losing you.
He held your head to stop you from potentially hurting yourself even more when suddenly your body slumped. Your breaths come out in wheezes.
Neteyam could no longer hold back his tears, he had never felt so helpless and petrified. He wished the rest of his family was here, in a room full of people - he felt stranded.
Max clocking onto this, pitched out a thought. "I don't know if it will work, but I have an idea." He held a flashlight above Y/n's eyes as he spoke.
"What is it? We'll make it work." Neteyam insisted. He would do whatever it takes to be able to rid you of this agony.
Ronal eyed the boy, understanding his struggles. Then stared at the humans who were fumbling over Y/n's body, using foreign devices.
"You wish to transfer Y/n's soul to their avatar," Ronal replied as she listened to your heart. It was weak, but still persisting.
Max gaped at her, the Tshahik must have put two and two together.
"We cannot save Y/n from these injuries, they are fatal. That is the only way." Max further explained, not meeting Neteyam's eyes. He knew what he was suggesting was an ultimatum larger than life. But he could not see any other way, you were already advancing further in succumbing to your wounds.
"What you are asking of me is something that has only been done a few times, not once has it been performed in our clan. As the Tsahik I cannot guarantee this will be successful!" Ronal protested as she continued to tend to you however way possible.
Tsireya continued to plug Y/n's wounds, listening in, as Neteyam hesitantly let go of your hand. Moving to Ronal, he kneeled down before her.
Ronal noted one thing, the eyes she was looking into were drastically different from how she remembered them moments ago. Now it was untamed, yet persistent.
"I know my family has caused enough destruction. I know you never wanted us here in the first place. You believed we would not do our part, and I cannot fault you for thinking that way. We have learned your ways, adapted like my father did." He then motioned to you behind him.
"So will Y/n. In your eyes, sky people come from demon blood, but their parents fought on Toruk Makto's side. They made a difference, just like Y/n has started to do here. Y/n is an excellent fisher and healer. The children in this clan have warmed up to them. Because that's the effect they have on people! I swear, if you give them this second chance, they will be forever grateful. And if it doesn't go the way we wish for it to, I will not put the blame on you. The decision of whether or not she passes through the 'Eye of Eywa' only lies with our great mother." Neteyam held his chin up high, not bothering to wipe away the tears that began to stream down his face.
Ronal looked at Neteyam for a few more beats, before shifting to look at you.
"Prepare them for travel, we do not have much time before they get too weak for the transfer." Neteyam cried out in relief, thanking the great mother as he moved back over to you.
"Stay with me, just a little more Y/n," Neteyam begged, squeezing your hand encouragingly.
"I can't feel anything Neteyam, please I'm scared." You whispered to him, and he tried to put on a strong face. But he couldn't even imagine how scared you must be if he was already paralyzed with fear. All he could do was pet your head. and give you continuous kisses on your hair and forehead. Ewya, please be with us right now.
"Where are they?" Neteyam could hear his mother calling for them outside.
"In here!" He beckoned them over.
"Tsireya, get your father and gather whoever can come with us. We must leave to the Coves of the Ancestors, now." Ronal advised her child.
She quickly halted what she was doing and dashed outside of the mauri.
Neytiri's hand fell to her mouth at the sight of you, weeping as Jake whispered comforting words to her.
"Mother." Neteyam looked up at her, not knowing how to proceed from here.
"Ronal, may I bring her on my Ikran?" Neytiri in just a single moment changed face. Time was of the essence.
"Yes, you have not been where we are going. Follow along with us." Ronal commanded, gathering her things and getting ready to ride.
At this point you were slipping in and out of consciousness, but Tsireya had been able to temporarily stop the bleeding. Neytiri cradled you in her arms as she walked outside, calling for her Ikran.
The Sully family and Metkayina clan made their way to the Cove of the Ancestors. Ronal could not shake the feeling she had thought. That no matter what - they would end up holding a funeral there tonight. She dared not to voice such feelings.
Neytiri stayed leveled, flying closely side by side with Jake and Neteyam. She kept looking down at you through the short journey, checking on you. She wasn't the only one who was doing so though. Neteyam as well kept a close eye on you. Sometimes his Ikran would brush too closely to Neytiri's. She let it slide this time.
The last time Neteyam was here, you were in your Avatar body. You both had a deep love for sacred places to the Na'vi, and this one wasn't any different. Neither of you has heard of the place before, but it didn't squash the appreciation you both had for it. He recalls not just being in awe of his surroundings, but also of you. Your eyes held something remarkable, full of wonder. You'd given him one of your big grins, the one that only comes out in times like this. Your deep appreciation for monumental sites like this made him think of how your heart was just pure gold.
"You'd make a great Tsahik one day", is something he had cheekily said to you. In return you gave him a smack on the shoulder, scolding him. He harbored such great memories from that day, he loved it. He could only desire to relive that instead of all this.
The wind swooshed in her ears, but Neytiri faintly heard you say, "I like it here." She grinned down at you tearfully.
Truthfully, you don't know much about where you came from, to you - Pandora was and always will be your home. Nothing could compare to the beauty it beholds.
"Me too," Neytiri spoke wistfully.
You all were approaching the spirit tree, submerged in the ocean. It glowed like no other. The clan began to make a circle around it, linking their arms.
"Jake, we have their avatar!" Norm called from a rock not too far from the tree that they were safely able to land on. They had left before everyone else to get there ahead of time.
Jake flys down to them, retrieving your avatar.
Neytiri and Neteyam go to the same rock. They step off their Ikrans as Neytiri treats them like a feather. Your whimpers of discomfort do not go unnoticed.
Ronal and Tonawari approach them with a large leaf of sorts.
"You may place her in here," Tonowari told them.
You looked peaceful, too peaceful. You were placed in the leaf, as Ronal began to float you closer to the Spirit tree. The Sullys closely followed behind their Tsahik.
"Jake, attach their avatar to the spirit tree" Ronal ordered.
Jake nodded, placing a mask on your Avatar and activating it - an idea of Norms and Max as you would be underwater for an unknown amount of time. He connected your queue to the tree, the closest he could to the surface.
"We must put them to sleep for the ceremony to start. If you'd like to say anything to them, now is the time." Ronal gave you moments of privacy, swimming over to members of the Metkayina clan to further explain what was going on.
Neteyam couldn't remove his eyes from your Avatar that was shifted with the current of the ocean. Swaying whilst attached to the Spirit Tree, he'd never seen your Avatar look so lifeless.
Jake waved him over, "Neteyam, they are asking for you."
Tuk was crying, her head leaning against your own. You quietly spoke to one another, even while in agony - you managed to make the youngest Sully giggle.
Neteyam drew closer to you, even if you were facing away from him. Like clockwork, you felt his presence. Your head slightly turning to acknowledge him.
Tuk moved back, latching onto Lo'ak as she cried into his shoulder. The entire Sully family have given words of encouragement to Y/n, Jake especially - explaining the process and how it felt passing through "The Eye of Eywa". He could only pray you'd get that far. He was truly hoping this wouldn't be a repeat of Grace Augustine.
"This is not goodbye. When you wake up, I will be by your side the entire time. You are not alone. Oel ngati kameie." He stated, headstrong - like his father.
Neteyam wanted to wipe away your tears, he wanted to lean his head against yours without the obstruction of the mask. He realised that very soon, it could be possible. If you make it through this, that is.
"Neteyam I-I, Oel ngati kameie." You stuttered, voice cracking. That was all you can manage.
Ronal expectantly surveyed the Sullys, Neteyam nodded. It's time.
"We will now begin the consciousness transfer. Neteyam, connect them to the Spirit Tree. You may rest for the time being, Y/n." Ronal announced, everyone, witnessing their mighty Tsahik.
Your eyes fluttered shut, Neteyam looked at his family, before taking a deep breath and bringing their limp body to the Spirit tree.
His eyes widened as one of the leaves reached out, attaching itself to your back. Eywa, are you here? A comforting hand met his shoulder, his foundation. His family.
The Sullys linked their arms as Neytiri and Neteyam held onto you.
The Spirit Tree was alive, its light brightening a tenth fold. Flickering, as it seemed to react to the chanting of the clan. The Sullys could only cling onto each other more tightly as each leaf on the spirit tree lit up. It was fascinating to witness, they were just hoping it would work.
Before they knew it, the lights ceased. Ronal from above the surface halted everyone, before diving down to where you were. Tonowari, Tsireya, and Ao'nung trailed behind. They all looked to you expectantly, hoping for any sort of sign.
Gasping you awaken, struggling to catch your breath as you immediately check your surroundings. Neteyam almost choked on the water as your eyes opened, he tried to get your attention but you were too lost in your own world.
You were in the water, but how were you breathing? The mind-numbing pain was gone, and you definitely felt different. You were trying to remember and process whatever had just happened. Oh yes, the ceremony. It must have not worked, you're still wearing a mask.
By instinct your hands move to cover your face in shame, instead, you see that it's your avatar's hands. You tilt your head down, the legs, feet! It's all blue. Did it actually work?
Neteyam swan closer to your side, pointing upwards. Signing to you to swim up to the surface, you nodded. Detaching your queue, you made your way to the surface - the Sullys except Neytiri followed behind closely.
This time when your head pops out from the water, there is no bullet wound. You weren't bleeding out, you were truly Na'vi. You've miraculously been given a second chance at life.
You removed your mask as grateful tears streamed down your face. You gaped at Ronal and the Metkayina clan, "Thank you, thank you so much." You spoke to them all, signing "I see you".
When you reached Ronal, you brought her into a hug. The soon-to-be mother of a 3rd child was in shock, looking at Tonowari. The man could only grin, urging his mate to return the hug. And so, she did just that.
"Y/n!" Tuk screamed in delight as she swam over to you, you disconnected from Ronal. Mouthing "thank you again", she let a smile slip as she took in your words.
You hugged Tuk, looking at Neteyam over her shoulder. He was looking at you, differently. It was expected that he was always more attentive towards you. It felt all too similar to when he tried to remember every piece of you before parting ways. He was in disbelief.
Neytiri came up from behind Neteyam, a large leaf in her grasp as Jake helped console her.
Neteyam let Y/n lean their head on his shoulder as he squeezed you, kissing your cheek. They all realised what exactly, or who Neytiri was carrying.
Your human body.
You didn't want to look, it felt far too strange to do so. While your avatar still held features very similar to that of your human self, most of what resembled your parents felt futile. It just wasn't the same anymore, and it never would be again.
You felt grateful that you were already aware of how it felt to live amongst the Na'vi in an Avatar body. Navigating this body isn't rocket science, you've been in and out doing so these past few months.
Tsireya comes, with a handful of flowers and seashells. She delicately spreads them around in the leaf.
"In our village, we give back energy to the ocean, the sea will allow their past self to rest peacefully." Tsireya indicated to the ocean floor beneath you all that held a yellow glow.
Neytiri leans her head down, kissing your now-closed eyelids. She felt a sense of deja-vu creeping up on her. Her family follows her actions, all of them kissing your eyelids, their own unspoken version of goodbye. As Neytiri and Jake brought your human body down to the sea anemone that awaited for you, all you could think and wish for - was more time.
You didn't understand why the circumstances had to be like this. As you watched that version of yourself begin to disappear, it physically felt like a part of yourself went with it.
Y/n no longer felt naive to Pandora. They knew more than most about this beautiful luxury. Now that they'd been gifted with a body that was stronger, and more capable. They would stand with their chin held high and fight. Just like their parents had done.
Slowly everyone disperses, making their way back to Awa'atlu. Neteyam can see how drained you are, he silently beckons you to follow him. They make their way back to his Ikran, flying back home.
Everyone's asleep. You had tried to do so yourself, but you only got a good hour in before being awoken by the thoughts circling your mind. Poor Neteyam was exhausted, so it didn't take much for you to escape from his hold and make your way outside.
You let yourself sit on the shore, gazing up at the twinkling stars and endless skies. Squinting your eyes, you saw someone making their way back. Ronal.
Her cyan eyes widened seeing you, hopping off her Ilu she walked over.
"Can't sleep?" Ronal inquired at the obviously distraught child.
You shake your head, no.
Ronal sighed, "I understand, today has changed your life. It is good that you have such a strong support system."
All you could muster was a grin, "Thank you, Ronal. I know I've said that countless times today. But I don't know what convincing it took, but I will forever be in debt to you."
This time, it was Ronal who shook her head.
"I am your Tsahik, you have proven to not be useless here. But that Sully boy, he begged for me to do whatever it takes to save you. I'd like to believe Tonowari would have done the same for me if I was one of the good sky people. You are essential to Metkayina, you are one of us now."
She let her hand linger on your shoulder. Before you could get a response in, Ronal was already walking away back to her mauri.
You looked over your shoulder, she'd done the same.
Speaking it out didn't feel enough, therefore you signed it instead.
"Oel ngati kameie." She did the motion in return.
As she walked inside her mauri, someone else caught your attention.
Your Neteyam.
He darted over to you, a worrisome expression plastered on his face.
"What's wrong? Are you in pain?" He blurted out, lifting your arms to check if there were any wounds.
"I am, not physically though. Thank you for worrying about me, Nete. I am mourning what I've lost, what those demons have robbed away from me." You explained to him, your hand movements were erratic as you were still trying to come to terms with everything yourself.
Neteyam clenched his fists, before bringing you into his embrace. You leaned your head over his heart, listening to the steady rhythm. It dawns on you, you could've lost this.
Your grip tightens, truly taking him in as you bring your hands through his braids. You could've lost him.
He seemed to be coming to terms with the same realisation. You heard him sniffling as he breathed you in. You made him lean back, your thumbs following his tears as you gently brushed them away. He nuzzled his face into your hands, his body shaking as he tried to conceal the depth of his emotions.
Neteyam tried to speak, his mouth opening only to close again. You let him reign his thoughts as you continued to gently caress his defined cheekbones.
You gazed into his eyes, they were dark, lost. He seemed worlds away from you..
"I simply cannot live in a world that doesn't have you in it." Neteyam spoke through clenched teeth. Like uttering those words was a physical blow to his gut.
"Nete...-" You tried to offer words of comfort, only to be cut off.
You let him - because you understand him.
He exclaimed. "You are my home! You are my person! It should have been me, Ewya worked her miracles today. But seeing you now, compared to how you just were. I keep doubting if you are even real."
Neteyam could not meet your coaxing eyes, his hands were gripping your arms for dear life. Truth be told, when he had woken up and you weren't there? He had thought the ceremony was a sick joke he had curated to cope. His heart almost gave out when he went outside the mauri only to see you sitting in the same spot you always seemed to endeavor.
"And you are mine, I am here. I am real." You carefully removed his hands from your arms, placing one on your cheek and the other on your heart.
"The great mother has given me a second chance, all thanks to you. Do not beat yourself up for something that was out of your control. We've already lost so much time, I cannot afford to dwell on it any longer." Your words settled in his soul, making itself an oasis there. It was like a thwack to the back of his head, just like the ones you'd do when you scolded him.
You're really here. He could breathe.
You were right, it all has already happened. All you can do is move forward. That you can both do, together. As a pair, you were an unstoppable force.
His eyes that were so lost a few moments ago opened, with newfound sparks of hope. A new sense of purpose. Behind all that flickered rage, directed at the sky people. They would pay for what they've done to you if they crossed each other's paths in life again.
You beamed at him, he looks so radiant at this moment. He let you lean your head on his shoulder as he held your hands in his. He traced random patterns on yours as he looked down at them.
"Tanhi, I forget even now your hands are still smaller than mine." He smirked at you as you snarled at him.
"Shut up, skxawng!" You giggled and he could only grin in return, giving your hands a gentle kiss or two.
Between one another you talked about your favourite memories of when you were human through the rest of the eclipse. Neteyam chuckled at one he was specifically fond of as you continued to rant about it.
As his nose nuzzled into yours, your cheeks became a deeper blue hue at his actions. He couldn't be more grateful for the Great Mother and her ways. Neteyam decided to take this whole experience as the beginning of something else entirely.
Eywa has secured a lifetime with you. His father was right, his family is a fortress. He will no longer take that for granted.
Neteyam may not become the Olo'eyktan like his parents were preparing him for. But wherever either one of you went, the other always followed. He will protect that honour for as long you'll let him, and he hopes it lasts for this life and every other one that the world demands of him.
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⤷ feedback and reblogs are always much appreciated ! feel free to ask through my inbox if you would like to join my taglist. ♡
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nblef · 2 years
Some of my fav Taylor Swift lyrics:
Tell me, when did your winning smile Begin to look like a smirk? When did all our lessons start to look like weapons Pointed at my deepest hurt?
Life was a willow and it bent right to your wind
Wait for the signal and I'll meet you after dark Show me the places where the others gave you scars
I greet you with a battle hero's welcome I take your indiscretions all in good fun
I made you my temple, my mural, my sky Now I'm begging for footnotes in the story of your life
You assume I'm fine, but what would you do if I
I break free and leave us in ruins? Took this dagger in me and removed it? Gain the weight of you then lose it Believe me, I could do it
I sit and watch you
I should've asked you questions I should've asked you how to be Asked you to write it down for me Should've kept every grocery store receipt 'Cause every scrap of you would be taken from me
And I snuck in through the garden gate Every night that summer just to seal my fate And I screamed for whatever it's worth "I love you, " ain't that the worst thing you ever heard? He looks up grinning like a devil
The burgundy on my T-shirt when you splashed your wine into me And how the blood rushed into my cheeks, so scarlet, it was The mark you saw on my collarbone, the rust that grew between telephones The lips I used to call home, so scarlet, it was maroon
I hosted parties and starved my body Like I'd be saved by a perfect kiss
Puttin' someone first only works when you're in their top five
Sapphire tears on my face Sadness became my whole sky But some guy said my aura's moonstone Just 'cause he was high
'Cause if you dare, you'll see the glare Of everyone you burned just to get there It's coming back around
Sweet like honey, karma is a cat Purring in my lap 'cause it loves me
Spider-boy, king of thieves Weave your little webs of opacity My pennies made your crown
'Cause karma is the thunder Rattling your ground Karma's on your scent like a bounty hunter Karma's gonna track you down Step by step from town to town
And maybe it's the past that's talkin' Screamin' from the crypt Tellin' me to punish you for things you never did So I justified it
If clarity's in death, then why won't this die? Years of tearing down our banners, you and I Living for the thrill of hitting you where it hurts Give me back my girlhood, it was mine first
And there we are again when nobody had to know You kept me like a secret, but I kept you like an oath Sacred prayer and we'd swear To remember it all too well
And you call me up again just to break me like a promise So casually cruel in the name of bein' honest
And I was never good at tellin' jokes, but the punch line goes I'll get older, but your lovers stay my age
Did you think we'd be fine? Still got scars on my back from your knife So don't think it's in the past These kind of wounds they last and they last Now did you think it all through? All these things will catch up to you
I remember your bare feet down the hallway I remember your little laugh Race cars on the kitchen floor, plastic dinosaurs I love you to the moon and back
I remember the drive home when the blind hope Turned to crying and screaming, "Why?" Flowers pile up in the worst way, no one knows what to say About a beautiful boy who died
And baby, for you, I would fall from grace Just to touch your face If you walk away I'd beg you on my knees to stay
Our secret moments in a crowded room They've got no idea about me and you There is an indentation in the shape of you Made your mark on me, a golden tattoo
Up on the roof with a school girl crush Drinking beer out of plastic cups Say you fancy me, not fancy stuff Baby, all at once, this is enough
It was so nice being friends again There I was giving you a second chance But you stabbed me in the back while shaking my hand
And here's to you 'Cause forgiveness is a nice thing to do Hahaha, I can't even say it with a straight face!
We were jet-set, Bonnie and Clyde (oh-oh) Until I switched to the other side, to the other side It's no surprise I turned you in (oh-oh) 'Cause us traitors never win
You took a swing, I took it hard And down here from the ground, I see who you are
I'm sick and tired of your attitude I'm feeling like I don't know you
And I need you like a heartbeat But you know you got a mean streak Makes me run for cover when you're around
Count to ten Take it in This is life before you know who you're gonna be At fifteen
You drew stars around my scars But now I'm bleedin'
But if I just showed up at your party Would you have me? Would you want me? Would you tell me to go fuck myself? Or lead me to the garden?
Your mom's ring in your pocket My picture in your wallet Your heart was glass, I dropped it Champagne problems
One for the money, two for the show I never was ready, so I watch you go Sometimes you just don't know the answer 'Til someone's on their knees and asks you
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My final thoughts on WandaVision (so it goes without saying if you haven’t finished it, don’t look past Vision)
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What I liked:
• I loved the sitcom concept, super cool. And finding out why she hung onto sitcoms for comfort was just *chefs kiss* pay off wise.
• I loved how it started out as a slow build up (but I do think it would’ve worked better to have longer episodes to make things fit better and not feel as rushed towards the end)
• I loved Darcy, Monica and Jimmy’s trio. They were so fantastic together and the actors all did great.
• On the note of Monica, IM SO EXCITED TO HAVE A WOMAN OF COLOR SUPERHERO (especially since she’ll eventually be a main character not just a “sidekick”) 🥳
• I LOVED Pietro/Fietro/Ralph/Uncle P (whoever the hell he actually was). I obviously have some dislikes about the last episode, but we’ll get to that later. I loved how fun Evan Peters was. He really did a fantastic job even though no one knew what was going on with his character, he ate that shit up and left no crumbs.
• Wanda and Visions love story is so much better now that we got to build up to it rather than us just jumping into it (how I felt in Infinity War)
• Billy and Tommy are some of the sweetest children I think I’ve ever seen in a movie/show world and I love them with all my heart and soul and I really hope they do return.
• “what is grief if not love persevering”
• “we’ve said goodbye before so it stands to reason... we’ll say hello again” IM CRYING JUST THINKING ABOUT IT.
• Wanda tucked in Billy and Tommy so they’d be asleep before they were sucked away with the hex 😭😭😭
• “thank you for choosing me to be your mom” 😭
• That second end credit scene with Scarlet Witch astral projecting was so trippy (I love it) and the boys calling to her broke my dang heart.
• overall the special effects looked really cool
• omg Elizabeth Olsen breaking her back to create the hex was 10/10 she’s so dedicated to the motions/physical acting of it all. Also all her crying scenes, it all felt very real and it really made me sob whenever she was hurting.
Things I didn’t like:
• Episode length. I understand they wanted it to go with the length of a normal sitcom, but it doesn’t work when you’re flashing back and forth between the sitcom and the real world. The time got messy towards the end and things felt rushed like the Vision vs. White Vision battle was just boring because it had no climatic energy to it.
• Too many loose ends/wasn’t clear enough. By that I mean, who was Jimmy’s missing person that led to him learning about the hex? (I’m hoping it was Evan Peters’ character, but more on that later). What happened to White Vision? Does Wanda have Agatha’s power now or did she just make it so she couldn’t use them?
• Ralph Bohner? Really Disney/Marvel? Really? You’re telling me you got Evan fricking Peters just so you could stunt cast and fuck with the audience and end it with a dick joke? Not cool.
• Why no Darcy in the last episode other than 2 seconds :(
• Hayward... Thats it. I just really hate him.
• some of the script/lines were a little questionable... like idk a lot of Agatha’s lines once she was revealed as the villain just were lack luster after her amazing intro and they were sort of tacky.
• I didn’t like how they hyped up certain things just for them to not really be significant (like Monica saying she knew a space engineer who could get her in and it was all mysterious, then not even ending up needing the truck they built or the character not really having much of a “wow” show up)
• I’m back to the Evan Peters thing. Why would they hype up his character’s mystery identity for him to just be a random dude named Ralph Bohner??? That’s such terrible writing (obviously I’m not an expert writer, but I actually did internship at a magazine where I had to read submitted stories and judge them and see if they were worthy of publication. And my minor in college was writing. So I do know a little about story telling, and something is off about the way they did this.). It’s either the fact that it’s just plain bad writing, or it’s a misdirect. I want to believe that Marvel knows how much people would enjoy EP in this show and would eventually expect more from him in the MCU. Now obviously, this is Wanda’s show and she decides what makes it on and what doesn’t, so maybe Ralph is the missing person Jimmy was looking for, but Wanda doesn’t know that, nor would she want it on her show. Maybe he really is Quicksilver but they put him in the Witness Protection Program when he came over from another universe? Or maybe he really is just a nobody who Agatha lived with because his house was conveniently close to Wanda’s. Or maybe he is someone of significance because who just has a random headshot lying around with their proof of ownership of their house and other paperwork and then laughs at their name Bohner even though if they’d had that name their whole life they’d be sick of the dick jokes?? Maybe they left it vague enough so they could gauge audience reaction to EP, if it was good they could come back to it in a mutants movie/show (or maybe even Doctor Strange 2 or Spider-Man 3) or if it was bad, just leave it at he’s a random person who already lived in Westview. Idk all I know is if they don’t end up bringing him back I’m definitely gonna be significantly less interested in any morphing of the XMen and mutants into the MCU.
Lastly, I just wanna say the actors and actresses all did fantastic (especially Elizabeth Olsen and Paul Bettany). They all play such complex roles this time around and it really showed how passionate they were about this project. I loved them all so much and they truly brought this show to life (yes it has flaws, but it was their first attempt at a MCU timeline show, and the actors did what they could with what they were given so none of my criticism go towards them). I really enjoyed this overall (and I’m genuinely sad to see it ending) and I’m looking forward to seeing Wanda being a bad mamma-jamma in Doctor Strange 2.
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wpdarlingpan · 3 years
hello, just wanted to tell you how wonderful your work is, keep it up and keep rocking :) I was wondering if you could do a yandere Peter Parker x reader oneshot where the reader has powers and she's completely badass? But she kinda has self esteem issues and thinks her feelings aren't important. I'm sorry if I made you sad TvT
I will try my best! And thank you so much for the compliments ♡
Silent Shadow. That’s what she was. At least that’s what it was before the Avengers came. She was a assassin for a group called Hydra. Hydra was all she knew and that’s all she thought there was for her. She was there strongest asset, she was even able to rake down the Winter Soldier. She had beaten every hydra agent in a fight and she had many skills. You’d think she would just run away since she was able to overthrow them but Hydra made sure she would have no one to go to outside of them so they killed her parents and took her. She was alone. At least that was until she grew a relationship with her partner. A platonic one. She thought she had no one.
Until the day they showed up.
“Cap, how’s it looking out there? Need Code Green?” Bruce said from inside the quinjet.
“No, I think we are good Bruce. Tony is taking out the rest alongside Thor. Guess this base wasn’t as important.” Cap replied through the coms. It was true. It was a pretty easy mission, that was until they went towards the cells.
Bucky Barnes alongside Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver got rid of every Hydra Agent in the cells. At least the thought they did until they reach the very end cell with a complex lock. Bucky nodded at Wanda and she quickly used her powers to undo the lock.
Once inside they see a girl. She looked around 16 years old. Bucky froze.
Another assassin.
He knew her.
He rushed to the cyrochamber and opened it to the dismay of the team. They didn’t need another Hydra Soldier to deal with but he was not going to leave her in there. Steve walked into the room and saw him opening the chamber.
“What are you doing Buck?”
“I’m getting her out of here.” He spoke leaving no room for arguments.
“What if she’s dangerous?”
“I know her. She was my partner. She never wanted this. She always fought.”
“How do you know she will still fight?”
“I don’t.”
and finally it was open and he grabbed her then made his way back to the quinjet. The team that didn’t go to the cells were already there.
Tony was the first to notice Barnes carrying a girl.
“What do you got there?”
“...” Bucky didn’t respond. He wouldn’t explain back at the compound. He just wanted her to wake up. He wanted his little sister back.
Back at the compound
Her senses slowly came back to her and she woke up to her hand resting in somebody’s. She opened her eyes and saw.... Bucky! She lightly shook his hand making him shoot up.
(I thought Doe would be a cute nickname since it forms from the only name they know which is Shadow.)
“Snowy!” She said happily. She was free. She was with her older brother. Everything would be okay.
And it was. For awhile. They took a blood test from her and found out she was Tony’s missing sister who was taken after the car crash with her parents. Her name was Y/N but some still called her Shadow or Doe in Bucky case. She didn’t blame Bucky but he sure blamed himself but he wouldn’t let himself cut her out of his life because of guilt. She developed relationships with the team. Tony and Bucky were her protective older brothers, Steve, Bruce, Clint and Thor were like uncles. Natasha was her aunt. Pietro and Wanda were like siblings. Then there was the day she met Peter. She had finally worked back up her courage and bravery, not to mention her cunningness. She was herself again, just more confident than before the accident. She walked around in stride, almost matching up to Natasha. She would work on her powers with Wanda and then make sure to spend time with her family.
He had come over to the tower after hearing about the new person at the tower from Tony. He had invited Peter to come over and meet his sister, Peter being addicted to pleasing his idol said of course and made his way over.
He was of course expecting a older woman since he knew Tony’s parents had died many many years ago, he was not prepared to see her.
Peter made his way up the elevator of the expensive tower after telling Jarvis what floor he wanted to be on. The elevator opened and there the team was in all their glory sitting on the couch waiting for him and the other guest to be ready.
“Hello Man of spider!” Thor boomed loudly as Peter stepped out of the elevator. Peter waved shyly at Thor and the others followed with their hellos. After a little more waiting Tony was impatient and called his sister to come down.
“Alright, Alright I’m coming! I didn’t even take that long! It would take longer to say your full title thing you like to say about yourself. Isn’t Genius, Billionaire Playboy, Kiss ass?” She smirked as she walked into the room. Peters eyes widened.
She was Tony Stark’s sister?
“Who’s did you want me to meet?” She questioned her brother as she smiled at him cheekily after forgetting the name of the person for the billionth time.
Tony rolled his eyes but he couldn’t stay mad at the sister who came back miraculously from the dead.
“Peter meet Y/N my little sister and Y/N meet Peter Parker aka Spider-boy.” Tony introduced and Peter stepped forwards almost in a daze and held out his when to shake formally.
“Nice to meet you.” Y/N said cheekily as he continued staring. He lightly shook his head and blushed embarrassedly.
“Nice to meet you too.”
She was more confident now away from hydra and he liked her personality.
And it truly was because that was the day that started his obsession with the one and the only
Y/N Stark.
He always came over to the tower to hang out with her as they had grown to be friends but Peter wanted more. Sometimes he came over and stalked her outside of the windows. Peter had hacked the tower from the inside to not detect him as Spider Man on the outside of the tower. Whenever he was in her room he’d touch everything he could and he secretly undid the latch to her window. He snuck into her room every night just to watch her sleep, watching as her chest raised and called from her steady breathing . He took pictures of her whenever he spied and had a secret collection of them filling his closest. He had even entered the room when the other Avengers had decided to run to the store for groceries dressed in their typical jacket, sunglasses, and baseball hats disguises. He cuddled into her blankets and breathed in her scene as he held into her pillow.
He was undeniably in love with Y/N Stark.
And he wanted her to be his.
His plan was soon put into action. He knew her schedules, wasn’t too hard she was required to stay at home as it was too dangerous because of Hydra.
One day he just got lucky, the team had to go out on a mission and she was required to stay home but Tony didn’t want her by herself so he called his trusted intern, Peter Parker. He was asked to go over to the tower to keep Y/N company and he immediately said yes.
And the day started off as usual for Y/N. She woke up and had breakfast, then sat by the tv watching her favorite show Once Upon A Time. She always like watching it because the character Jefferson reminded her of Bucky. She was halfway into episode 16 when Peter arrived in the Elevator.
“Hey Peter!” She called from the couch. She didn’t even look at him. It made him slightly mad. He should be her one and only. Not the stupid tv show.
“Hey Y/N.” He replied after he got over his anger.
“What do you want to do?” She questioned looking at him with a eyebrow raised.
“There are so many things I’d like to do.” He thought to himself but restrained from saying.
“It’s up to you.” He replied shortly continuing to think through his plan. He was confident it would go right if he followed each direction.
They went to the gym and she began to work on her powers while Peter watched her intently. He needed to know her powers if things were to go south with his plans. She first turned invisible then made force fields.
She continued to make the force fields bigger and Peter had to continue to back up to avoid getting hit with it. He began to get too far away. He also didn’t want her to thing that she could push him away like this.
“Y/N stop. You need to get food in you before you continue practicing. Your low on energy.” He faked looking concerned in order to manipulate her to feel bad. Of course she was usually defiant but she just wanted Peter to be happy. So she gave in.
“Alright.” He nodded in praise at her giving in. He knew how to get her now. She needed to please others. Probably a side effect from Hydra but it could be used to his advantage.
They then began baking... well more like Peter while she watched he made her sit down after he was worried about her burning herself. She needed to be taken care of. He also didn’t need her catching onto his plan, taking a pill out from his pocket and crushed it onto the cupcake he was going to give her. It looked like sugar. After being at hydra you’d think she would check her food before she ate. But she didn’t. She had to trust Peter of course. That’s what her brother wanted from her. She felt bad not being able to help around the tower. She felt as if she wasn’t contributing enough. Y/N thought it would help if she did what she thought was expected of her, not what she wanted. She wanted to bake. But if Peter didn’t want her to then she couldn’t deny it.
Then they watched tv but Peter hated it because again her attention was somewhere else. Halfway through Star Wars he turned off the tv and waited for it to work.
Just as he looked at her he could see her eyes be going to droop.
“Oh Y/N are you tired?” He questioned with fake concern.
“Oh, I am. Just a little bit. I slept well last night-“ she was cut off by a yawn. “I don’t know why I’m so tired. I’m sorry Peter. I knew you came over to hang out.”
“It’s fine Y/N. Just got to sleep.”
Just as he said that her eyes shut and he smiled victoriously. She was his. And she wasn’t ever going to leave.
He picked her up bridal style and took her into her room and sat her down on the bed while he changed into his Spider-Man uniform and packed her some clothes. They wouldn’t be coming back here. After packing clothes into a small back pack he picked her up once again and they went swinging out of the tower with Jarvis not even alerted because of Peter hacking it before to not detect his suit.
He arrived at a small house in the middle of the woods and carefully opened the door and brought her inside. Peter glanced around the rooms just in case then sat her in the bed, attaching a chain to her ancle. The clasp part of the chain had a little padding so it wasn’t hurting her but it did keep her there. He kissed her on the head and quickly changed out of his suit. Then got into the bed wearing boxers climbing in next to the sleeping girl. He wrapped a arm around her waist and sighed content.
She was finally his.
The Avengers got back to the tower and saw no one there. No struggle. Nothing.
Tony Lost his sister. Again.
Bucky lost his little sister. Again.
Peter had taken the love of his life to be all his.
At least until they check the tapes.
Sorry it’s taken me forever to write this. This was my first shot at a Yandere and I hope it’s good. Sorry if I should have done less back story and more Peter but I hope you like it. Anyways thank you for the suggestion. ♡
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marveloushiddleston · 3 years
The Monster Within
English German
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Plot: After the last fight against Thanos, the task of the remaining Avengers was done. And a new team of Avengers must now protect the Earth from a new unknown force. Together with SWORD, Wanda, Vision, Doctor Strange, Carol, Bucky, Sam and Loki, who must first prove himself on Midgard as a team and face unknown enemies.
Will Loki finally be able to be who he is?
Thanos' army is summoned to him, including Thanos' children, Chitauri, Sakaarans, Outriders and the Chitauri Gorillas. When Steve sees the army descend to earth, he slowly gets up. With fierce determination, he pulls his broken shield to his arm and stands alone against Thanos' vast army. Suddenly, a crackle comes through his radio.
"Hey, Cap, can you hear me?", Steve stops in his tracks and looks around.
"Cap, it's Sam. Can you hear me?", Sam asked. A yellow and gold portal begins to form behind Steve.
"To your left.", Steve looks back and sees the portal by his left. Three figures step through the portal: Okoye, Shuri, and Black Panther, fully revived and ready to fight. Steve and the revived Wakandans look at each other as Sam, in his Falcon armor, flies out from above. As he does, dozens more portals open around the battlefield. Through one, Doctor Strange steps outw. He is joined by Drax, Mantis, Star Lord and Spider-Man. Everyone watches in bewilderment and awe as more and more heroes arrive from all corners of the universe, all supported by their own armies, including Black Panther and his Wakandan army, Valkyrie and the Asgardians, Wong and the Masters of Mystic Powers, and several Ravager ships. Among the heroes are Bucky, Groot, Scarlet Witch, the Wasp and Pepper Potts as Rescue arrive.
"Is that all of them?" asks Doctor Strange Wong.
"What, you wanted more?" asks Wong, a portal opening behind them.
"Yes, I wanted more.", Strange explains with a sly grin on his face and raises his finger, "One more to be exact."
Wong is confused and turns around, the inside of the portal was dark and little could be seen. First, two black leather boots were seen stepping out of the portal. Finally, the person had stepped out of the portal.
"Did you miss me?" he said, smiling unusually friendly and many of the Avengers were confused. But there was no time for questions now Giant-Man emerges from the rubble of the Avengers facility with Professor Hulk, War Machine and Rocket. The Avengers, Guardians, Wakandans, Asgardians and Ravagers take up battle positions. All the heroes face Thanos forces united.
"AVENGERS!" shouts Steve, calling Mjolnir over, "Assemble."
Thor makes a battle cry, as does Black Panther and the heroes as they attack. Thanos raises his sword and points at the Avengers, ordering his army to attack as well. Then the two sides collide. Steve takes Stormbreaker, but Thor flies to him.
"No, no, give it to me. You get the little one.", Thor says and the two exchange the weapons.
"You haven't changed, brother.", Loki says laughing behind him, "But you've gotten fatter.", Thor turns to him stunned.
"L-Loki?", Thor asks in disbelief. He walked a little towards him. Thor kept his distance though, too afraid that Loki would just disappear like that, "Is it really you?"
"Yes brother. It is me.", Loki confirmed. Thor pulled him tightly into his arms.
"How can that be? You were dead, Thanos killed you?", Thor asks, more to himself than to Loki.
"Brother, I don't think it's the right place or time right now.", Loki says and pulled back from Thor's embrace, "Now is the time to make Thanos pay for all he has done to me and all the others.", Loki smiled at Thor before the two brothers launched themselves into battle against Thanos.
When the Gauntlet got past Thanos, he attacked T'Challa, but was stopped by Wanda, who was filled with rage at the loss of Vision.
"You took everything from me," Wanda says in anger.
"I don't even know who you are.", Thanos declares disinterestedly.
"You will.", using her powers Wanda levitates some of the debris up from the ground and tries to defeat Thanos with it. Thanos tries to kill Wanda with his double bladed sword, but Wanda pushes it aside. She then uses her powers to crush Thanos in his armor.
"Fire rain!" yelled Thanos.
"But sir, our troops!" appeals Corvus Glaive.
"Just do it!"
The spaceship cannons start firing at the Avengers and fling Wanda away. As two arms closed around her in flight. Wanda opened her eyes and saw Vision. He lands on the ground and gently places Wanda on the ground. Carefully she touches his cheek.
"Vis?" she asks incredulously, looking at the place before previously was the mind stone, was now only the metal plate, no stone anymore. The rain of fire had stopped unnoticed.
"I don't want to interrupt your reunion, but the battle isn't over yet," Pepper explained from behind the two and flew away. Vision nods understandingly to Wanda. She presses a quick kiss on his lips and flew after Rescue.
Wanda arrives at next to Peter. Valkyrie flies in on her Pegasus.
"Don't worry about her“, Wanda explains.
"She has help", Okoye says.
Pepper lands next to Okoye, followed by Mantis, Shuri, the Wasp, Gamora and Nebula. Thanos' army attacks while the women help Carol Danvers get through the Outriders, Sakaarans and Chitauri. Carol Danvers then flies glove towards the van, flying past enemies and enemy blockades, which she clears with ease. When Thanos sees this, he runs to Carol, but is stopped by Pepper, Shuri and the Wasp. After Thanos sees Carol fly past him, he throws his double sword at the van, destroying it and the quantum tunnel, throwing Danvers backwards and losing his grip around the glove, which falls to the ground. In the final moments around the Iron Gauntlet, Stark defeats one of Thanos' army and sees the Gauntlet. He runs to get it, but sees Thanos when he suddenly attacks him. Thanos knocks Stark away and knocks him down. Then Thor arrives with Stormbreaker and Mjolnir, assisted by Captain America and Loki, to hold Thanos arm down. However, Thanos overpowers them and knocks them Thor and Steve unconscious and hurls Loki across the battlefield. Carol punches him, but Thanos grabs her arm and flings her away. Thanos puts on the glove, gamma radiation from the stones burning him. Thanos tries to snap his fingers, but Carol Danvers gets back up and stops his fingers from snapping. Thanos pokes her in the head, but it does nothing. Just as Carol Danvers gets the upper hand by flying up and bringing Thanos to his knees, Thanos pulls the power stone out of his glove and uses it in his free hand to knock Carol Danvers away. Stark looks questioningly at Strange, who simply raises a finger and reminds him that the one victory over Thanos he foresaw is now in jeopardy. Stark nods. Thanos puts the power stone back in the glove and screams from the gamma rays coursing through it until Stark makes one last attack on Thanos, pulling on the gauntlet before Thanos swats it away.
"I am inevitable." says Thanos, confident of victory as he snaps his fingers. But when nothing happens except a metallic "clang". He turns his Hamd and realized that the Infinity Stones are missing. Tony raised his hand and the stones inserted themselves on his own glove. Gamma rays streamed through him, to Thanos' shock.
"And I am Iron Man.", Tony snaps his fingers with a loud "CLANG" and a blinding white flash. Rocket shoots a Leviathan and before she devours it, it disintegrates into ash. The Black Order begins to crumble into ash. T'Challa and Quill look around in surprise. Steve looks on, exhausted, knowing they have won. Thanos looks around in horror and sees his entire army crumble into dust. He looks at Loki, who just stares at him. Thanos sits down and mourns before slowly crumbling to dust himself.
The force of all the energy from the gauntlet has mortally wounded Tony's entire right side. He stumbles a bit before his body collapses next to a pile of rubble. Rhodey lands near him and goes to see Tony, his longtime colleague and friend. Peter arrives and sees Tony collapsed on the ground.
"Mister Stark?" he runs to his fallen mentor. Tears form in his eyes, "Hey... Mr. Stark? Can you hear me? It's Peter. Hey. We won, Mr. Stark...We won, Mr. Stark. We won. You did it sir, you did it," Peter kneels down.  Tony doesn't respond. Peter breaks down and hugs him.
"I'm sorry...Tony...", Peter says. Peter is gently led aside to mourn. Pepper sits in front of the fading Iron Man.
"Hey.", Pepper says. Tony can barely move his head, but manages to look Pepper in the eye]
"Hey, Pep ..." says Tony softly. Pepper puts her hand on Tony's arc reactor and Tony puts his hand on hers. Pepper looks closely at Tony's fatal injuries. Pepper kneels down beside him.
"Important life functions critical," the lifeless voice explains. Tony smiles with tears in his eyes.
"I can help," everyone turns to Loki, "Please, let me help."
Pepper nods and lets Loki take her place. Loki kneels down next to Tony. He places his hand on Tony's chest and closes his eyes. Green seidr envelops Tony's body and flows through him. The magic disappears into the air and Loki stands up.
"I can't do anything for him...", Loki says sadly as Tony takes a deep breath, "He's still his annoying self."
The Avengers breathe a sigh of relief and sink to their knees. Bruce rushes toward Tony to give him a medical checkup.
Pepper rushes toward Loki and before he can react, she embraces him. At first Loki was frozen, but then he hugs her back.
"Thank you. Tony and I have a four-year-old daughter, through you he'll be able to see her grow up," Pepper says before walking over to Tony. A strange feeling of pride ran through him.
A/N: My tag list is open, post in the comments if you want in it. And please also write me in the comments what you think of the chapter!
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thebibliomancer · 3 years
Essential Avengers: Avengers #236: “I Want to Be an Avenger!”
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October, 1983
Spider-Man -- An Avenger -- ?
Y’know, march of time and all that but this doesn’t seem as surprising as it once did.
Not much to say about this cover. It doesn’t have a lot to say about the issue other than ‘SPIDER-MAN INSIDE’ but boy does it say it.
But, oh, the logo changed and its snazzy! I quite like it!
So recent going-onses for the Avengers. Thor and Iron Man quit the team for personal business. Hawkeye broke his leg and is on medical forced-to-leave. Scarlet Witch and Vision were called in as reservists and Vision immediately got damaged by a crossover and has been in a robot-coma ever since. Starfox joined the team.
But in more positive news, they totally kicked the Wizard’s ass last issue and it cheered everyone up.
So the issue starts on a lazy summer day.
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Scarlet Witch is on monitor duty, scanning for any ‘this looks like a job for the Avengers’ type calls. And multi-tasking by also thinking of her tubed husband.
Captain America takes his turn standing watch over the comatose synthezoid.
And for some reason, Cap leaning on the tube like that cracks me up.
Starfox spends his downtime trying to hit on Wasp.
His pickup line is so bad.
Wasp finds it charming in its misapprehension although it could also be the sexy beams Starfox emits from his brain.
And She-Hulk is taking a bath in a large barrel in the Avengers’ rec center, which they have. Maybe its the super hot bath?
She(-Hulk)’s also multi-tasking by looking up apartment listings while she soaks but finds that everything on the NY listings is either too small or too ritzy.
It be like that sometimes.
Jarvis comes into the rec center barrel bath area with iced tea for She-Hulk, trying to politely avert his eyes. But the intruder alarm goes off and she(-Hulk) tells Jarvis to hand her a towel and runs off to his flusterment.
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Between Tigra and She-Hulk, I think poor Jarvis is getting overwhelmed with rad ladies on the Avengers.
The Avengers assemble in the main foyer and found that someone just barged in the front door and disabled the security tentacles with some sort of odd, artificial webbing.
Who could it be?
Who could possibly break into Avengers Mansion under the mistaken impression that its actually a cool way to impress them while asking for a job, showing that he’s learned nothing in years?
Could it be the person who expressed interest in joining in the previous issue? And who is also on the cover of this issue??
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Honestly, though, what an amazing splash page!
Also, spectacular and no-adjective.
Spider-Man knows how to make an impression.
Not a good one, certainly. But the Avengers aren’t going to forget the time he was casually chilling above the dining table.
And Pete isn’t going to forget it either. He’s going to wake up in a cold sweat years later still mortified at himself.
I also love it when the title of the issue is something someone said but since it has to be emphasized to make it clear its the title, they suddenly start yelling in the middle of a conversation.
She-Hulk has no patience for Spider-Man’s nonsense and grabs him off his web hammock to yell at him for barging in.
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Spider-Man: “Well, I’m not exactly uninvited! Your buddy Thor asked me to join the club just a few months ago. Sure, I’m a little slow in replying, but I’ve had a busy season!”
And then he snarks about She-Hulk just wearing a towel because Spider-Man loves low hanging fruit.
SURELY, Spidey knows that offers usually expire, right? A few months ago is forever in comic time and Thor himself isn’t even on the Avengers right now.
I guess, in fairness, he has his reasons.
Besides his usual perpetual poverty liking the sound of a thousand bucks a week.
As he later muses to himself, Black Cat has been hospitalized because she tried to help him and he feels obligated to pay for her not-cheap medical bills. And he’s already quit grad school to spend more time earning but his freelance paychecks are nothing compared to an Avengers salary.
He’s being an incredibly presumptuous dick... but for a good cause.
And its just like Spidey that he has a good reason for being a jerk that he’d never mention leaving everyone to think he’s just a rude goofus.
What a shame.
Anyway, back at the present, Spider-Man asks where he enlists but Cap tells them that unfortunately their roster is full up. The sixth spot is being held open for Hawkeye when his leg stops being broken (and you think he was moany about being sidelined while his leg was broken, imagine him learning that he was replaced, eesh).
Cap does suggest that Spider-Man could join Starfox in the trainee program but Spidey throws a fit.
Spider-Man: “Trainee program?!? Hey, I’m Spider-Man, remember? I was sticking to walls when you guys were still looking for a clubhouse. I’m no green rookie!”
Starfox: “Green -- ? I take offense at your tone, Spider-Man!”
She-Hulk: “There’s nothing wrong with being green.”
As an actual rookie who is physically green, She-Hulk doesn’t care for that phrase, maybe.
She-Hulk and Starfox possibly beating up or more likely being embarrassed by Spider “will punk the entire X-Men in the not too distant future” Man is interrupted by a priority alert that goes ARROOOOOOOO
... Is it the Nixon alarm?
Why haven’t the Avengers fought Nixon’s head on a war mech yet??
Spider-Man offers to give them a hand if their priorities are being alerted but with this particular alarm, Wasp decides its best if they stick to the rules.
And then She-Hulk chases Spidey out by throwing a chair at him.
Spider-Man: Well, that was certainly a wash-out! Maybe I shouldn’t have come on as such a wise guy... Maybe I should have come to the door all humble and contrite. Nah, they wouldn’t have believed it was me!
.... Hah.
But he sees the third-floor of Avenger’s mansion opening up to launch the Quinjet and fount of good decision making that he is, he decides to jump onto the Quinjet as it launches.
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Spider-Man: Whew! This baby is really starting to pick up speed! I feel like I’m in a wind tunnel. My sticky fingers can hold onto just about anything under normal circumstances... boy, I wish these were normal circumstances! I wonder if this was such a good idea.
No, Pete, it wasn’t.
But your inner monologues do add a bit more joy to this issue so I forgive you.
Inside the Quinjet, She-Hulk notes that the controls handled a bit sluggish right after take-off but eh whatever the problem disappeared after they went supersonic.
Huh. I wonder if Pete is ok.
Anyway, Captain America, She-Hulk, and Starfox are headed towards Project Pegasus.
Since it hasn’t come up in Avengers yet, Project Pegasus is a government research facility that seeks out new types and sources of energy. And Cap helped organize their security force back in Marvel Two-in-One #42.
The priority alert wasn’t the highest priority. Just a code-five, indicating a low-grade emergency. But it didn’t come with any details so Cap is vexed.
Three Avengers should be enough for a code-five but problems at Project Pegasus tend to balloon into worse problems.
You wouldn’t think a research facility would attract so much negative attention but as Cap points out, there’s a lot of people who have a vested interested in making sure energy stays scarce, expensive, and presumably non-renewable.
And considering that the oil companies like Roxxon are EVEN MORE BLATANTLY EVIL in the Marvel U, yeah, uh, bad shit is going to occur.
Also, Project Pegasus doubles as a place to jail supervillains so their powers can be studied.
So, yeah, Pegasus having a priority alert probably means a headache.
So these three Avengers are going in but Wasp and Scarlet Witch are on stand-by just in case.
The visit to the super secure research station goes off to a bad start when guards rush the Quinjet when it lands because a foreign object was detected on the undercarriage.
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Of course it’s Spider-Man.
But before he can be arrested for breaking into a secure facility, his spider-sense buzzed.
It’d be a bit confusing if it wasn’t buzzing before though. He has a bunch of rattled guards pointing guns at him right after some unexplained emergency has happened.
That doesn’t set off the Peter Tingle at all??
Anyway, since the buzz is pretty intense, he figures that its warning him of something “a lot more dangerous than the lecture Cap’s going to give me!”
He doesn’t manage to warn anyone before a tremor knocks (almost) everyone off their feet with a THROOM
Spider-Man is still standing because he loves Elton John forewarned is forewarned and he can stick to things. And to his surprise, Cap manages to stay on his feet.
Cap: “It’s just a matter of knowing how to react and how to brace yourself, Spider-Man.”
That’s So Cap.
Spider-Man asks if he realio trulio can’t give Cap a hand with this situation. Y’know, since his spider-sense probably will come in handy. Cap isn’t sure because of the question of security but Spider-Man has an idea there.
See, he’s been here before!
In Marvel Team-Up Annual #5 he helped save the dang place! They can ask chief of security Wendell Vaughn (who is also known as Quasar but probably not to all the people in this scene?).
Unfortunately, Vaughn quit a couple months back. Oops.
But since Cap vouches for him the guard driving them to the lower levels is like ‘eh whatever.’
The power of a Cap vouch is not to be underestimate and never to be used for evil.
They’re headed to the thermal research dome because its the last known location of new security chief O’Brien. And where he sent the alert from. AND where the recent quake came from.
That’s good multitasking.
They reach the blast doors sealing off the entire level.
Because yes, not only did O’Brien send an alert, he also sealed off the entire level and now something’s jammed the lock.
They have no idea what could be locked behind there but they do have a Spider-Man and Starfox asks him if he’s getting a bad feeling about anything.
Spider-Man isn’t getting any bad vibes, deeming it safe to go inside.
Y’know, this is an amazing way to use Spider-Sense that they could do more with. I always love it when Spidey basically exploits the sense for things other than combat dodging.
Like when trying to figure out how to turn off a device he didn’t understand in Avengers EMH, he just went around almost yanking wires until he found one that didn’t set off the ‘OH MY GOD YOU’LL DEFINITELY EXPLODE IF YOU DO THAT’ buzz.
Anyway, it being probably safe, Cap tells She-Hulk and Starfox to open the door.
Which they do, with gusto.
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Inside the ruins of the thermal research dome, a bunch of semi-conscious technicians lie about in heaps.
Some Project Pegasus security personnel fan out to do administer first aid while the Avengers look for O’Brien.
Makes sense. The nameless extras help the nameless extras so we don’t go ‘hey are the Avengers dicks for only talking to people with names?’
O’Brien is pinned under an arc of steaming rock which Cap starts chipping in half with his shield while She-Hulk, Spider-Man, and Starfox - all people who could lift that rock - just stand and watch.
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Or heck, maybe its not supposed to be a random rock arc. Maybe its attached to the floor. Still though, She-Hulk, Spider-Man, and Starfox could probably break it more easily than Cap does.
Teamwork makes the dream work, guys and She-Hulk.
Spider-Man recognizes O’Brien’s green and also green Not-Iron Man armor from newspapers and realizes that he’s the Guardsman.
That just makes O’Brien sad.
Guardsman: “Aye, I am... or I was. The state this armor’s in, no one’ll ever be callin’ himself the Guardsman again! As of now, I’m just plain Michael O’Brien.”
The Michael Formerly Known as Guardsman starts to Explain It All.
He had come down to the thermal dome to watch the thermal dome researchers sink a new magma tap.
But molten rock came shooting up from the tap hole, which is a thing that’s definitely not supposed to happen.
Oh, and some molten men (but not Molten Man) climbed out of the hole and started trashing the joint.
Plain Michael O’Brien realized pretty quickly that he was the only one who could stand up to these hot men so he signaled for help, hit the evacuation alarm, and sealed off the level from the rest of the project so the problem was contained.
And then he got mobbed by the hot men and got his ass kicked. Turns out that his armor was pretty useless against lava men.
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Oh, yeah, Cap recognizes them as lava men from his description.
Spider-Man: “Lava men? You have to be kidding, Cap! Lava men? I don’t believe in lava men!”
Cap: “Belay that, mister! I’ve been up against lava men -- and they’re nothing to joke about! You’d better thank your stars that they left -- !”
You might also remember that Cap has been up against lava men allllllll the way back in Avengers #5. Technically the first adventure he had with the Avengers after officially joining them.
It was also the issue where Thor stoically sank into lava without changing his expression from his default vaguely annoyed one.
Anyway, O’Brien tells the Avengers that the lava men battered their way into the maintenance section since they couldn’t escape to the rest of the facility.
It’s a real good news bad news situation because there’s no one for them to hurt in there and also its a straight shot into the nuclear research dome.
And we don’t want any kind of meltdown there.
Cap decides that this looks like a job for AVENGERS to ASSEMBLE towards. And more than the three plus special guest star they already have.
MEANWHILE, over in New Orleans at an important meeting that definitely would be bad to interrupt, Monica Rambeau (secretly the Avenger known as Captain Marvel but not the dead guy version, true believers) is applying for a small business loan.
And then she gets a bzzt on her radio watch for an Avengers emergency.
Oh no, what of her small business loan!
And also: what small business is she starting? I think I heard at one point that she ran a fishing business with her father?
But what of her small business loan!
Well, Monica agrees with her bank guy Mr. Hillbee that its an alarm watch and that its reminding her of another pressing engagement so hey is there a lot more that they have to do here?
Luckily, all that’s left is for her to sign the documents.
Phew, I’m very used to superhero stuff interrupting a superhero’s civilian life and then them angsting about it. It’s actually a relief that Monica was able to finish up at the bank before dashing off to a phone booth to take a radio watch call with Scarlet Witch.
Wanda tells Monica that they just received a call from Cap(tain America) telling them to get to Project Pegasus. Wanda tells Monica that they’re in transit now and asks if she can join them.
And then the line goes dead before Wanda can give coordinates.
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Because Monica just followed the radio signal back to the Quinjet.
She apologizes that it took her so long (!!) because she had to stop at home first to pick up her costume.
Wanda marvels captainly “And I thought my brother, Pietro, was fast!”
Ha ha amazing.
I love Captain Monica Marvel’s ridiculous powerset.
She’s even talking right into their radio so she can communicate from outside the Quinjet.
Wasp, Scarlet Witch, and Captain Marvel arrive at Project Pegasus where they’re briefed of the lava men situation by some of the security staff.
Captain Marvel nyooms ahead lightspeed dash style while Wasp and Scarlet Witch lag behind by taking a high-speed railcar.
Dang, Project Pegasus is big.
I just flipped ahead pages to see how long it takes Captain Marvel to join Cap(tain America)’s group and its a bit.
I guess maybe there’s some overlapped time going on though.
Meanwhile, two technicians in research dome D-2 (called the Compound for some dang reason) ignore all the various alarms and such that have been happening because they’re super into their project. And are possibly mad scientists.
They have the intensity.
But they’re working on... Dr. Croit’s stabilizer? And apparently its vibratory pitch was changed by the tremor that happened? Unbeknowst to them, Captain Marvel just nyoomed by outside and the proximity of her energy form activates the device and the silhouette of some guy leaps out proclaiming FREE!!
Back at the Avengers side of the plot, Cap(tain America)’s group has encountered some lava men.
Spider-Man: “Hey, Cap... I take it all back! I do believe in lava men! I really do!”
The lava men are between the Avengers and the nuclear dome so Cap starts thinking of ways to flank them so they can keep them away from it.
She-Hulk starts trying to plow a hole through their forces and... uh.... ok. Cap has Starfox just fly around and annoy the lava men because they’ve never seen a flying man before and its just freaking them out.
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Cap asks Spider-Man to use his webbing to throw up some barriers in the lava men’s path.
Spider-Man: “Heck, I can do better than that, Cappy! Just a couple spritzes of webbing, and these little hotheads won’t be going anywhere for hours!”
Cap: “No, you young fool! Don’t you see what you’ve done!”
Throwing web on the lava men makes them panic because it seems like there’s a lot of stuff that they’re not familiar with and all of it alarms them. When they’re alarmed, their body temperature raises and can get up thousands of degrees.
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So they just melt loose of the webbing and now they’ve learned not to be afraid of the webbing at all and they can’t use it to corral them.
Spider-Man: “Would it help if I said I’m sorry?”
Cap: “It would help if you’d follow orders! The Avengers is a team! If you want to be part of the team, act like it! Otherwise, stay out of our way!”
Yeahhhhh. I mean, most of the time. You have your fair share of idiots doing their own thing in the Avengers because all of these guys have egos you wouldn’t believe. But generally they can agree to work as a team.
And Spider-Man, of this era, isn’t much of a team player. Not like Wolverine or Batman ‘i work best alone, bub’ type of not a team player where they’re lying about not being good at teamwork because they like being surly and dour because they think it makes them more interesting. But Spider-Man mostly works alone and is used to just doing whatever he thinks the best idea is. And he has the proportionate speed and reflexes of a spider so he can do whatever he thinks the best idea is way before you can tell him its a bad idea.
That’s why Spider-Man makes so many bad decisions, because he can make them faster than good sense can catch up [citation needed].
Anyway, as he is NOW, he’s not a good fit for the Avengers.
Then again, neither was Hawkeye and they let him join. Makes ya think.
Back over at surprise man out of a box lab, the surprise man was Blackout.
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He looks like he’d be an electricity themed villain but apparently his element is darkness. Annd he debuted in Nova annnd this is his second appearance?
At the end of his debut story Nova #19, Blackout was apparently sucked into the Darkforce dimension, a fate that Dr. Croit’s stabilizer had been invented to prevent.
So I guesss.... the stabilizer’s settings were altered by an earthquake and then it was powered by ambient energy from Captain Marvel zipping past and it managed to stabilize Blackout, yanking him free of the Darkforce dimension?
I guess??
As far as villain returns go, its not the most ridiculous but it is a bit contrived.
Blackout has no idea where he is and rants about how he’ll level the place if that’s what it takes to find his way out and in a more acceptable contrivance, he happens to be passing Moonstone’s cell when he says this out loud to nobody in particular and she likes the cut of his jib.
Moonstone: “Sounds like you’re a man after my own heart!”
Moonstone tells Blackout that she’s been locked up here so Project Pegasus could study her powers and that they want to use her the way they would have used Blackout but hey what if they join forces and get some comeuppance.
Blackout: I don’t know if I should trust her... But something about her voice is so reassuring.
Yeah, that’s what we call a red flag, you dingus.
Are we back to the days where some dudes will just villain because a lady bats her eyes?
Anyway, the locking mechanism is too complicated to figure out so Blackout just squeezes it until it explodes.
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Um. Okay.
-checks wiki-
The wiki says he’s only supposed to have normal human strength but Blackout himself claims that his body is a living generator of black star energies.
Which apparently means he can squeeze an electronic lock to death. I dunno.
Freed from her cell, Moonstone leads Blackout to what they can do next.
Meanwhile, the Avengers are still struggling with the lava men two levels below. And the fracas has reached the corridor to the nuclear dome. Its now or never but the numbers are too overwhelming even for She-Hulk.
Spider-Man manages to leap above the fray and get forgotten in the confusion but doesn’t find that he can do much. He tries webbing the door to the nuclear dome shut but the lava men don’t even bother opening it when they can melt through.
Hmmmmm not a good showing for a guest starring so far...
When the lava men succeed in melting through the door, a blinding light shines through and the lava men kneel down and start bowing to it.
Ohhhhhh, I get it! They’re not trying to cause a meltdown! They just want to worship nuclear light!
... No? I don’t got it? Okay.
The bright light is actually Captain Marvel who took a shortcut to the nuclear dome to reach the Avengers.
And the lava men are really enamored with her, proclaiming her the lady of light foretold in legends.
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Captain Marvel just kinda rolls with this and asks them whats the deal with all the rampaging and destroying.
Lava man: “We did but strike back, radiant one! Our village, deep beneath the Earth, knew peace -- until the surface men bored into our midst with their machines. We could not allow this attack to go unanswered. We only used our powers to stop the invasion!”
Wait, isn’t this the plot of the Jetsons movie?
Cap(tain America) smoothly slides in, diplomatically, to announce that then the surface people beg forgiveness and that this has all been an unfortunate misunderstanding that he pledges shall be put right.
And like how Cap’s clout got Spider-Man into this story, Cap borrows Captain Marvel’s clout to back up his diplomacy roll, saying “The Lady-of-Light will tell you that I speak the truth!”
It’s a good thing that Monica wouldn’t go mad with power.
Also, Scarlet Witch and Wasp show up, while Spider-Man snarks that they “missed the end of the movie.”
But since we can’t have pat resolutions given the subplot that was happening while the Avengers were distracted elsewhere, in the Compound, it turns out that Blackout and Moonstone have freed Electro and Rhino. And Moonstone has a Big Evil Plan.
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Blackout: “Pay them back? Yes... yes, we must. But how?”
Moonstone: “In the best way possible! We’re going to bring this place to its knees -- by seizing the nuclear research dome!”
But that’s where the Avengers are! Silly villains, you’ve double booked!
Also, I wonder if the universe cosmically influenced Moonstone to get two Spider-villains involved on the one day that Spider-Man was tagging along.
I also wonder what Moonstone is thinking. She’s the ‘know when to fold ‘em’ villain.
Hmmm... Putting Electro and Blackout side by side makes Blackout look like Electro’s grumpy younger brother.
All kinds of good decisions have been made!
Follow @essential-avengers​ for more thoughts on villain couture. Also like and reblog so I can feel like I did a good job.
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aly-kurta · 3 years
I wanted to do this since a long time .... I'll upload infos about my HxH oc!
Friendly reminder that I'll lovely accept advices and constructive criticism! Just do not spread random hate. <3 Creating characters should be fun, not something people should insult each other for!
CW: mentions of violence and family loss.
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Imagine having a serious oc but the only decent drawing you have is one where they are embarassed.
Okay, let's start this.
Name: Lewis
Meaning of name: "Illustrious warrior"
Gender: Female
Age: 18 years old
Date of Birth: 27th January (Aquarius vibes biatch)
Place of Birth: Lukso, Kurta clan (don't worry there's a reason for her survival)
Height: 1,57 cm
Weight: 51 kg
Blood type: 0-
Hair: wavy and dark brown. Shorter behind and longer on the sides.
Eyes: brown. her eye shape is sharp, giving her almost all the time a judging and serious look.
Skin: pale, there are a few white scars on her body due some fights.
Body: thanks to the training her father made her pass throught in order to be capable to protect herself, Lewis has an athletic and kind of muscular body. Sometimes it's difficult for her to keep up fighting and training due an illness concerning her legs' bones.
Occupation: Blacklist hunter. She's willing to accept assignments from wealthy families (for example, Nostrade's family), but the quest, in order to be accepted, can not surpass boundaries set up by Lewis herself.
Personality: at first glance, Lewis can come off as a sarcastic but overall serious and cold brat. Due her being cautious, random friends and chit chats are a big "no", she will low her standars if the she finds someone intersting and cultured. In fact, for her, culture and intelligence count more than everything else. Her realistic, harsh irony and coldness may soften if someone forms a strong bond with her (but if you think they will be safe from her scarcasm, oh boy, you're so wrong). Slowly, her enthusiastic and curious side will come off. Small warning: joke about her height and you'll get lovely beaten up.
Likes: books, learning, smart people, cats, traveling, fighting.
Hates: ignorant people, loud noises, seeing children and innocent people suffer, killing without any particular reason.
Clothes: total black style, so it's easier for her to not be seen in the dark and during the night. She wears a sleeveless jumper, with shorts and high boots. She also wears her father's gloves in his memory and a neckacle with a blue pendant in hyaline quartz.
Nen type: transmuter. Her hatsu consists in transmuting her aura in heat, elevating the temperature until the creation of flames ( red flames are the "weakest", the strongest one are blue -purple flames, said to reach 1400 degrees on the Celsius scale). In order to protect herself from the flames, she wraps a little bit of aura around herself, but sometimes her skin gets burnt from her hatsu, thats why she counts more on a "speed" strategy more than a "strenght" one.
When her scarlet eyes are active, she become a Specialist (I deduced every Kurta does and not just Kurapika, since the scarlet eyes are a really particular thing, what do you guys think?). When in this state, her flames and explosione created by them are way more intense and her aura gets wider. But obviously she has an harsh condition: in order to use it she has to use her own body as fuel (so that's why she has to eat regularly, not allowed to be weak).
When the scarlet eyes aren't active, her nen uses her energy and, when in En, external resources in an area of 9 meters as fuel (so if you feel yourself or the air around you becoming cold, you better keep constant distance from her).
Fighting style (hand-to-hand): her father trained her to muay thai.
Her father taught her how to play the violin, but she does it rarely due painful memories;
She admires Gon's desire to meet his father because she understand that feeling, she would do anything to meet her mother or remember more and more about her;
She is inspired to Lewis Carroll, the writer of "Alice in Wonderland". Why? Originally she was a BSD and Carroll is my favourite writer together with Tolkien;
She often scolds Kurapika because he is careless about himself;
Lewis has met Hisoka before. She was in search for money and ended up fighting with him.
Why did I make her a Kurta? Six years ago, when I created her (and I didn't watch HxH) I added this thing about her eyes having a red hue when angry due her ability. Then I watched HxH and was like "wtf Lewis";
The meaning behind the name "Lewis" helped me defining her personality;
I lowkey ship her with Kurapika because of their personalities becoming even more complex when together. Their story is a whole mess because they believe that by becoming a couple, they'd just destroy each other.
Lewis was born in Lukso, along with her beloved twin brother. Her family was watched with doubt and oddity by the other members of her clan due both her parents being Hunters.
Her mother, a Virus Hunter, passed away when Lewis and her brother were five years old, so their father, a Blacklist Hunter, took the responsibility to teach them about self-defense, the outside world and to always have a goal in life. So the twins grew up knowing how to fight and the desire of making their life complete.
After her 13th birthday, Lewis decided to take the Hunter Exam (because she wanted it? Well yes, but she also aimed at making her father proud). Succeding the exam to exit the clan and greeting her people, she started her journey to get her Hunter License.
Once she got the license, after a long road, Lewis was ready to return to her forest with pride and victorious and show her clan what she was worth. So you can imagine how she felt when during her return trip she heard about the slaughter of the "demonic Kurta clan".
So pained that she couldn't even manage to return to her home, Lewis strayed for two years and half on the streets, living off the duties of a Blacklist Hunter, and then affording a decent house in Yorknew city.
What do I do now, she asked herself. Her desire to make the Troupe pay for their genocide marched together with her will to follow her father and her brother's desire: help the weake, live life to the fullest and become the best version of your soul.
That's how Lewis lives, the grief and rage battling against the desire to go on and live for herself. What will win this fight?
So time passes on and Lewis decides to try and get the eyes of her clan that will be exposed to the Auction.
How can she achieve this little goal? Of course she had money, but not that much to afford her purchase.
That's how she ended up meeting two little boys who came there for a videogame called "Greed Island" and a man. Their names were Killua, Gon and Leorio.
Lewis' first plan was just to do something similar to a business contract, you help me and I help you. But her planning mind didn't take in consideration the fact that this move would have changed her life.
When she told the three boys what she wanted to buy at the Auction, the group immediatly looked at each other, asking her what she found amusing about a pair of eyes took away from some innocent person.
"Let's call it... personal interest" she answered. Her vague response ringed a bell on Killua's mind, making him thinking she was a member of the infamous Phantom Troupe.
Gon, Killua and Leorio immediatly came up with a plan to make that misterious girl confess her identity and show them her spider tatoo. The plan was perfect and the three of them, after a week, cornered Lewis, ready to attack.
Little did they know about her being sligthly annoyed by this "betrayal".
Leorio's jaw almost dropped to the floor when Lewis' scarlet eyes came out instinctively. The kurta quickly hid her face but it was too late.
Gon was confused because... how did she survive the massacre?
Killua meditated if it was the case to rush and call Kurapika. Or was it a trick to prove false innocence?
With lots of sighs and sarcastic jokes like "yeah I'm the boss of that shitty Troupe, wanna come at our Christmas dinner this year?", the girls sat down and waited for that Kurapika everyone was talking about. It would have been better to kill the three boys and escape but she couldn't push herself to see life escaping Gon and Killua's eyes. They were kids and they didn't hurt her in any way yet... and the way their eyes shone, specially Gon's ones.
And so, she waited until a blonde boy stormed into the room in a rush.
What was even happening? Who was he? These question made her head fuzzy from all the thinking.
"You have scarlet eyes, don't you?" the boy approached her.
"And what if I do?" Lewis coldly looked at Kurapika.
Gon pointed out at Killua how the temperature lowered in the room.
"Show me your eyes" Kurapika said with a commanding tone.
"Don't play with fire, boy, or you'll get burnt"
Leorio interrupted the two of them: "he's a Kurta too don't worry!"
Kurapika scolded Leorio with an angry look just before realizing what he meant.
"Another... survivor?" he looked at Lewis "no it isn't possible..."
The two of them were shocked and couldn't even process the deed. They weren't alone?
"Let me use the Dowsing Chain on her, so I can state that it's the truth and not a mischevious trick.
Still shocked and confused, all of them made sure about the truth: Lewis was in fact a Kurta.
How will this twisted story reach its end? Lewis will decide to help Kurapika retrieve their clan's eyes. Will their opposite lifestyles and dreams go well together? Will Lewis succed to reach the "better version of her soul" and help Kurapika do so? Or maybe they'll both drown in the abyss of loneliness and self sacrifice?
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twoidiotwriters1 · 3 years
Written In The Stars CI (Harry Potter xF!Oc)
A/N: This is where I tell you to brace for impact, guys -Danny
Words: 5,303
Series’ Masterlist
Previous Chapter // Next Chapter
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Chapter Thirty-Six: Dumbledore's Decision.
Dumbledore raised his wand and ropes twisted themselves around Barty Crouch, binding him tightly. He turned to McGonagall.
"Minerva, could I ask you to stand guard here while I take Harry and Mel upstairs?"
"Of course."
"Severus, please tell Madam Pomfrey to come down here; we need to get Alastor Moody into the hospital wing. Then go down into the grounds, find Cornelius Fudge, I suppose he's quite busy and decided to ignore our friend Flint, but he will undoubtedly want to question Crouch himself. Tell him I will be in the hospital wing in half an hour's time if he needs me."
Snape nodded silently and left the room.
"Children?" Dumbledore addressed them directly.
Harry got up and stumbled, Mel had recovered a bit by now, enough to carry more of Harry's weight. Dumbledore stood on the other side of the boy and held him by the arm firmly.
"I want you to come up to my office first," he told them as they got out. "Sirius is waiting for us there."
Harry nodded absently, Mel felt uneasy, like there was still something waiting to explode.
"Professor," Harry mumbled, "where are Mr. and Mrs. Diggory?"
"They are with Professor Sprout," said Dumbledore. "She was Head of Cedric's house, and knew him best."
Mel took a shaky breath, she couldn't believe it, that very same morning Harry and her had been laughing, happy about summer, and Cedric...
When they entered the Headmaster's office, Sirius was there, but he wasn't alone.
Emily and him crossed the room in a hurry, the latter stood in front of her and eyed them up with horror while Emily took Harry and examined his face quietly, kissing his forehead multiple times.
"Harry, are you all right?" Sirius asked shakily. "I knew it — I knew something like this — what happened?" He and Emily helped Harry into a chair, Mel followed without uttering a word, she wondered if her mother knew about her visions.
"What happened?" Sirius demanded.
Dumbledore began to tell them everything Barty Crouch said. Harry and Mel kept their gazes down, fixed on the floor. Something in the air felt like icy water.
There was a soft rush of wings. Fawkes the phoenix had left his perch, flown across the office, and landed on Harry's knee.
"'Lo, Fawkes," said Harry quietly. He stroked the phoenix's beautiful scarlet-and-gold plumage. Fawkes blinked peacefully up at him. There was something comforting about his warm weight.
Dumbledore stopped talking. He sat down opposite Harry, behind his desk. He was looking at Harry, who avoided his eyes. Dumbledore was going to question him. He was going to make Harry relive everything.
"I need to know what happened after you touched the Portkey in the maze, Harry," said Dumbledore. "Mel was a great help, but only half way, we need to know the other half..."
Emily sent a questioning look to her daughter, she dodged it by fixing her own eyes on the boy.
"We can leave that till morning, can't we, Dumbledore?" Sirius asked dryly. "Let him have a sleep. Let him rest."
"Yes," Emily promptly added. "They look exhausted."
"If I thought I could help you," Dumbledore said gently, "by putting you into an enchanted sleep and allowing you to postpone the moment when you would have to think about what has happened tonight, I would do it. But I know better. Numbing the pain for a while will make it worse when you finally feel it. You have shown bravery beyond anything I could have expected of you. I ask you to demonstrate your courage one more time. I ask you to tell us what happened. Mel will tell her part too, if you wish."
Harry looked up to her for the first time since Moody's intervention. If she'd known a way, she would've done anything to take away Harry's sorrowful look too.
The phoenix let out one soft, quavering note. It shivered in the air, and Harry felt as though a drop of hot liquid had slipped down his throat into his stomach, warming him, and strengthening him.
He took a deep breath and began to tell them. As he spoke, visions of everything that had passed that night seemed to rise before his eyes; he saw the sparkling surface of the potion that had revived Voldemort; he saw the Death Eaters Apparating between the graves around them; he saw Cedric's body, lying on the ground beside the cup.
Once or twice, Sirius made a noise as though about to say something, his hand still tight on Harry's shoulder, but Dumbledore raised his hand to stop him, and Harry was glad of this, because it was easier to keep going now he had started. It was even a relief; he felt almost as though something poisonous were being extracted from him. It was costing him every bit of determination he had to keep talking, yet he sensed that once he had finished, he would feel better.
When Harry told of Wormtail piercing his arm with the dagger, however, Sirius let out a vehement exclamation and Dumbledore stood up so quickly that Harry started. Dumbledore walked around the desk and told Harry to stretch out his arm. Harry showed them both the place where his robes were torn and the cut beneath them.
"He said my blood would make him stronger than if he'd used someone else's– He said the protection my — my mother left in me — he'd have it too. And he was right — he could touch me without hurting himself, he touched my face."
"Mel," Dumbledore spoke instantly. "Pull up your sleeve."
She lifted the same arm Harry was showing them. Her mother gasped and she inhaled sharply: a dark bruise had appeared on her forearm, with the same shape as Harry's injury. Dumbledore looked triumphant for half a second, when he leaned to his seat, however, he looked thoroughly tired.
"Very well... Voldemort has overcome that particular barrier. Harry, continue, please."
Harry went on; he explained how Voldemort had emerged from the cauldron, and told them all he could remember of Voldemort's speech to the Death Eaters. Then he told how Voldemort had untied him, returned his wand to him, and prepared to duel.
"And then..." He looked at her. "I heard you."
There was a moment of silence before Dumbledore spoke.
"We'll get to that. Continue, please..."
When he reached the part where the golden beam of light had connected his and Voldemort's wands, he found his throat obstructed. He tried to keep talking, but the memories of what had come out of Voldemort's wand were flooding into his mind. He could see Cedric emerging, see the old man, Bertha Jorkins... his father... his mother...
"The wands connected?" Sirius asked in wonder. "Why?"
"Priori Incantatem," Dumbledore muttered.
"The Reverse Spell effect?" said Sirius.
"Exactly. Harry's wand and Voldemort's wand share cores. Each of them contains a feather from the tail of the same phoenix. This phoenix, in fact."
"My wand's feather came from Fawkes?"
"Yes," said Dumbledore. "Mr. Ollivander wrote to tell me you had bought the second wand, the moment you left his shop four years ago."
"So what happens when a wand meets its brother?"
"They will not work properly against each other. If, however, the owners of the wands force the wands to do battle... a very rare effect will take place. One of the wands will force the other to regurgitate spells it has performed — in reverse. The most recent first... and then those which preceded it... Which means, that some form of Cedric must have reappeared."
"Diggory came back to life?" said Sirius.
"Our parents..." Mel said to Harry. "That's what you told me before you vanished... you said they were there."
"No spell can reawaken the dead," said Dumbledore. "All that would have happened is a kind of reverse echo. A shadow of the living Cedric would have emerged from the wand... am I correct, Harry?"
"He spoke to me," Harry said weakly. "The... the ghost Cedric, or whatever he was, spoke."
"An echo, which retained Cedric's appearance and character. I am guessing other such forms appeared... less recent victims of Voldemort's wand..."
"An old man," Harry said, his throat still constricted. "Bertha Jorkins. And..."
"Your parents?" said Dumbledore quietly.
"Yes," said Harry. "And Matt..."
A strange noise came out of her mother's mouth, but Mel had her whole attention on the boy.
"The last murders the wand performed... In reverse order. More would have appeared, of course, had you maintained the connection. Very well, Harry, these echoes, these shadows... what did they do?"
Harry described how the figures that had emerged from the wand had prowled the edges of the golden web, how Voldemort had seemed to fear them, how the shadow of Harry's father had told him what to do, how Cedric's had made its final request.
At this point, Harry found he could not continue. He looked around at Sirius and saw that he had his face in his hands.
Harry suddenly became aware that Fawkes had left his knee. The phoenix had fluttered to the floor. It was resting its beautiful head against Harry's injured leg, and thick, pearly tears were falling from its eyes onto the wound left by the spider. The pain vanished. The skin mended. His leg was repaired.
"I will say it again," said Dumbledore. "You have shown bravery beyond anything I could have expected of you tonight, Harry. You have shown bravery equal to those who died fighting Voldemort at the height of his powers. You have shouldered a grown wizard's burden and found yourself equal to it — and you have now given us all that we have a right to expect."
"What about Mel?" Emily spoke up suddenly. "What about her arm– what hapened to my daughter?"
"That–" Dumbledore looked directly at Mel, "was truly the work of one of the best Dumbledores that have ever existed. Mel, would you like to share your part of the story?"
"...I had this vision..." She told them all she could remember, about how she'd managed to lend Harry her own vitality so he could fight back a little longer, so he could save himself.
"How could she do that?" Emily asked, horror and awe mixed in her voice.
"Mel and Harry were raised under very singular circumstances," Dumbledore started, "they were together the moment Voldemort almost killed Harry, and they'd been together in every near death experience they've gone through. The stone, the basilisk, your own rescue, Sirius... I'm yet to understand how it works, but I believe their lifelines have blended together, when one of them is in danger, the other can feel it. Maybe it was there since birth, maybe it built itself through time, as they grew closer. All we know is that it saved Harry."
They looked at each other in disbelief. Was that the reason why they always knew what the other was going through? Because they were too close?
"You two will come with me to the hospital wing. I do not want you returning to the dormitory tonight. A Sleeping Potion and some peace... Sirius, would you like to stay? Emily, I'm certain you will."
Sirius transformed back into a dog and walked with them out of the office. Mel felt her mother's hand on her shoulder during the whole walk. In the infirmary Mrs Weasley, Bill, Ron, and Hermione grouped around a harassed-looking Madam Pomfrey. They appeared to be demanding to know where they were. All of them turned around as they entered.
"Harry! Oh Harry!"
"Molly," Dumbledore stopped her, "please listen to me for a moment. Harry and Mel had been through a terrible ordeal tonight. They just had to relive it for me. What they need now is sleep, and peace, and quiet. If they'd like you all to stay you may do so. But I do not want you questioning them until they're ready to answer, and certainly not this evening."
"Did you hear? They need quiet!" Mrs Weasley scowled to her children and Hermione.
"Headmaster," said Madam Pomfrey, staring at the black dog, "may I ask what — ?"
"This dog will be remaining here for a while," said Dumbledore. "I assure you, he is extremely well trained. I will wait while you get into bed. I'll be back to see you as soon as I have met with Fudge, I would like you to remain here tomorrow until I have spoken to the school," He concluded.
Madam Pomfrey led them to freshly made beds.
"Is he okay?" Harry asked looking at the real Moody laying on a distant bed.
"He'll be fine," said Madam Pomfrey gently.
As she changed into clean pyjamas, she couldn't help but stare at the thousands of bruises littered all over her skin.
"Harry," She whispered, holding back her tears. "What did they do to you?"
The group of friends sat around and in between their beds, her mother was stroking her hair as she stared at her in silent anguish.
"I'm all right," Harry told their friends since they kept staring as if he were a terminal patient. "Just tired."
Madam Pomfrey returned holding a small bottle of some purple potion and two goblets.
"You'll need to drink all of this," she said. "It's a potion for dreamless sleep."
"I could use that," Mel smiled weakly.
They took the goblets and drank it in a matter of seconds, falling asleep as soon as they handed the goblets back.
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The hospital doors burst open, waking her up instantly. She blinked in hazy confusion and saw her mother halfway to the entrance, staring at the people that had just entered with anger. Harry was up too, watching the others, none had realized they were listening.
"Where's Dumbledore?" Fudge demanded.
"He's not here," said Mrs Weasley. "This is a hospital wing, Minister, don't you think you'd do better to —"
"What has happened?" Dumbledore walked in, looking rather angry. "Why are you disturbing these people? Minerva, I'm surprised at you — I asked you to stand guard over Barty Crouch —"
"There is no need to stand guard over him anymore, Dumbledore! The Minister has seen to that!"
"When we told Mr Fudge that we had caught the Death Eater responsible for tonight's events," Snape explained, "he seemed to feel his personal safety was in question. He insisted on summoning a dementor to accompany him into the castle. He brought it up to the office where Barty Crouch —"
"I told him you would not agree, Dumbledore! I told him you would never allow dementors to set foot inside the castle, but —"
"My dear woman! As Minister of Magic, it is my decision whether I wish to bring protection with me when interviewing a possibly dangerous —"
"The moment that — that thing entered the room..."
Mel slipped out of her bed and sat on Harry's, she needed to feel him close and be sure he was real and alive.
"It swooped down on Crouch and — and —"
Harry grabbed her hand immediately, grimacing at McGonagall's words. Mel knew too what that meant, and she was just as horrified, but she hissed at the contact. Harry had grabbed her bruised wrist without noticing, and he dropped her hand in alarm. Mel almost scolded herself for being so sensitive, she didn't want him to let go.
"By all accounts, he is no loss! It seems he has been responsible for several deaths!"
"But he cannot now give testimony, Cornelius," said Dumbledore. "He cannot give evidence about why he killed those people."
"Why he killed them? Well, that's no mystery, is it? He was a raving lunatic! From what Minerva and Severus have told me, he seems to have thought he was doing it all on You- Know-Who's instructions!"
"Lord Voldemort was giving him instructions, Cornelius. Those people's deaths were mere by-products of a plan to restore Voldemort to full strength again. The plan succeeded. Voldemort has been restored to his body."
"You-Know-Who... returned? Preposterous. Come now, Dumbledore..."
"As Minerva and Severus have doubtless told you, we heard Barry Crouch confess. Under the influence of Veritaserum, he told us how he was smuggled out of Azkaban, and how Voldemort — learning of his continued existence from Bertha Jorkins — went to free him from his father and used him to capture Harry. The plan worked, I tell you. Crouch has helped Voldemort to return."
"See here, Dumbledore," Fudge said with a reluctant smile, "you — you can't seriously believe that. You-Know-Who — back? Come now, come now... certainly, Crouch may have believed himself to be acting upon You-Know-Who's orders — but to take the word of a lunatic like that, Dumbledore..."
"When Harry touched the Triwizard Cup tonight, he was transported straight to Voldemort," said Dumbledore steadily. "He witnessed Lord Voldemort's rebirth. My own niece– I will explain it all to you if you will step up to my office." Only then he noticed that Mel and Harry were up, and he added, "I am afraid I cannot permit you to question them tonight."
"You are — er — prepared to take Harry's word on this, are you, Dumbledore?" Fudge lingered on her a second longer. "And your niece?"
"Certainly, I believe them. I heard Crouch's confession, and I heard and Mel's account of what happened after he touched the Triwizard Cup; the stories make sense, I myself witnessed as she was telling me all, and I assure you no wizard could've faked that. They explain everything that has happened since Bertha Jorkins disappeared last summer."
"You are prepared to believe that Lord Voldemort has returned, on the word of a lunatic murderer, and some children that... well..."
"You've been reading Rita Skeeter, Mr Fudge," Harry said.
Mel gave a start, as well as the rest of their friends. Fudge blushed.
"And if I have? If I have discovered that you've been keeping certain facts about the kids very quiet? A Parselmouth, eh? Having funny turns all over the place, and that girl, attacking people for no reason —"
"I assume that you are referring to the pains Harry has been experiencing in his scar?" said Dumbledore coolly. "And Mel's unfortunate bursts of magic..."
"You admit that they've been having these things, then?" said Fudge. "Headaches? Nightmares? Possibly — hallucinations?"
"I'm not crazy," Her voice was too damaged, it came out sounding similar to Sirius' growls. It wasn't convincing.
"Listen to me, Cornelius. Harry and Mel are as sane as you or me. That scar upon his forehead has not addled his brains. I believe it hurts him when Lord Voldemort is close by, or feeling particularly murderous. Mel has the talent every woman in my family has inherited for centuries, this comes as no surprise either."
"You'll forgive me, Dumbledore, but I've never heard of a curse scar acting as an alarm bell before... and well, she comes from your brother, doesn't she? Abe's not exactly- er... stable."
"Look, I saw Voldemort come back!" Harry tried to get out of bed but Mrs Weasley and Emily kept him in place. "I saw the Death Eaters! I can give you their names! Lucius Malfoy —"
"Malfoy was cleared!" said Fudge. "A very old family — donations to excellent causes —"
"Him being rich does not mean he's clean," Mel argued.
"Macnair!" Harry continued.
"Also cleared! Now working for the Ministry!"
"Avery — Nott — Crabbe — Goyle —"
"You are merely repeating the names of those who were acquitted of being Death Eaters thirteen years ago! You could have found those names in old reports of the trials! For heaven's sake, Dumbledore — the boy was full of some crackpot story at the end of last year too — his tales are getting taller, and you're still swallowing them — the boy can talk to snakes, Dumbledore, your niece has a clear obsession with him, she'd do anything to remain in his good graces, and you still think they're trustworthy?"
"You fool!" Professor McGonagall yelled. "Cedric Diggory! Mr Crouch! These deaths were not the random work of a lunatic!"
"I see no evidence to the contrary! It seems to me that you are all determined to start a panic that will destabilize everything we have worked for these last thirteen years!"
She could not believe someone was so afraid of hearing the truth, not after all the signs, after two deaths...
"Voldemort has returned. If you accept that fact straightaway, Fudge, and take the necessary measures, we may still be able to save the situation. The first and most essential step is to remove Azkaban from the control of the dementors —"
"Preposterous! Remove the dementors? I'd be kicked out of office for suggesting it! Half of us only feel safe in our beds at night because we know the dementors are standing guard at Azkaban!"
"The rest of us sleep less soundly in our beds, Cornelius, knowing that you have put Lord Voldemort's most dangerous supporters in the care of creatures who will join him the instant he asks them! They will not remain loyal to you, Fudge! Voldemort can offer them much more scope for their powers and their pleasures than you can! With the dementors behind him, and his old supporters returned to him, you will be hard-pressed to stop him regaining the sort of power he had thirteen years ago!–  The second step you must take — and at once, is to send envoys to the giants."
"Envoys to the giants?" Fudge squealed. "What madness is this?"
"Extend them the hand of friendship, now, before it is too late, or Voldemort will persuade them, as he did before, that he alone among wizards will give them their rights and their freedom!"
"You — you cannot be serious! If the magical community got wind that I had approached the giants — people hate them, Dumbledore — end of my career —"
"You are blinded," There it was again, that wave of power surrounding Dumbledore, "by the love of the office you hold, Cornelius! You place too much importance, and you always have done, on the so-called purity of blood! You fail to recognize that it matters not what someone is born, but what they grow to be! Your dementor has just destroyed the last remaining member of a pureblood family as old as any — and see what that man chose to make of his life! I tell you now — take the steps I have suggested, and you will be remembered, in office or out, as one of the bravest and greatest Ministers of Magic we have ever known. Fail to act — and history will remember you as the man who stepped aside and allowed Voldemort a second chance to destroy the world we have tried to rebuild!"
"Insane– Mad..." Fudge was stepping further and further away.
Mel was holding onto Harry's hand to stop him from getting up, she could feel a pulse raising, but didn't know to who it belonged, or maybe it was their heartbeat, all in one... How weird that feeling was...
"If your determination to shut your eyes will carry you as far as this, Cornelius, we have reached a parting of the ways. You must act as you see fit. And I — I shall act as I see fit."
"Now, see here, Dumbledore... I've given you free rein, always. I've had a lot of respect for you. I might not have agreed with some of your decisions, but I've kept quiet. There aren't many who'd have let you hire werewolves, or keep Hagrid, or decide what to teach your students without reference to the Ministry. But if you're going to work against me —"
"The only one against whom I intend to work is Lord Voldemort. If you are against him, then we remain, Cornelius, on the same side."
"He can't be back, Dumbledore, he just can't be..."
Snape abruptly stepped forward, pulling up the left sleeve of his robes.
"There. The Dark Mark. It is not as clear as it was an hour or so ago, when it burned black, but you can still see it. Every Death Eater had the sign burned into him by the Dark Lord. It was a means of distinguishing one another, and his means of summoning us to him. When he touched the Mark of any Death Eater, we were to Disapparate, and Apparate, instantly, at his side. This Mark has been growing clearer all year. Karkaroff's too. Why do you think Karkaroff fled tonight? We both felt the Mark burn. We both knew he had returned. Karkaroff fears the Dark Lord's vengeance. He betrayed too many of his fellow Death Eaters to be sure of a welcome back into the fold."
Fudge stepped back from Snape too. He was shaking his head. He did not seem to have taken in a word Snape had said. He stared, apparently repelled by the ugly mark on Snape's arm, then looked up at Dumbledore and whispered, "I don't know what you and your staff are playing at, Dumbledore, but I have heard enough. I have no more to add. I will be in touch with you tomorrow, Dumbledore, to discuss the running of this school. I must return to the Ministry."
He had almost reached the door when he paused. He turned around, strode back down the dormitory, and stopped at Harry's bed.
"Your winnings," He threw the large bag of money onto Harry's bedside table. "One thousand Galleons. There should have been a presentation ceremony, but under the circumstances..."
"No one cares about the stupid award," Mel glared at him, growling. "You're a coward."
Fudge gripped onto his hat tightly and turned around without a word, slamming the infirmary door behind him. Dumbledore turned to look at the group around Harry's bed.
"There is work to be done," He said promptly. "Molly... am I right in thinking that I can count on you and Arthur?"
"Of course you can," said Mrs Weasley. "We know what Fudge is. It's Arthur's fondness for Muggles that has held him back at the Ministry all these years. Fudge thinks he lacks proper wizarding pride."
"Then I need to send a message to Arthur. All those that we can persuade of the truth must be notified immediately, and he is well placed to contact those at the Ministry who are not as shortsighted as Cornelius."
"I'll go to Dad," said Bill. "I'll go now."
"Excellent. Tell him what has happened. Tell him I will be in direct contact with him shortly. He will need to be discreet, however. If Fudge thinks I am interfering at the Ministry —"
"Leave it to me," said Bill. He said goodbye to both, Harry and Mel, kissed his mother on the cheek, pulled on his cloak, and strode quickly from the room.
"Minerva, I want to see Hagrid in my office as soon as possible. Also — if she will consent to come — Madame Maxime." Professor McGonagall left without a word.
"Poppy, would you be very kind and go down to Professor Moody's office, where I think you will find a house-elf called Winky in considerable distress? Do what you can for her, and take her back to the kitchens. I think Dobby will look after her for us."
"Very — very well," said Madam Pomfrey, and she too left.
"And now," He said once the woman was gone, "it is time for two of our number to recognize each other for what they are. Sirius... if you could resume your usual form."
Mrs Weasley screamed. "Sirius Black!"
"Mum, shut up!" Ron yelled. "It's okay!"
"He's not what you think he is," Emily grabbed her and gently pulled her back to her seat.
"Him!" Snape stared at Sirius in disgust. "What is he doing here?"
"He is here at my invitation as are you, Severus. I trust you both. It is time for you to lay aside your old differences and trust each other. I will settle, in the short term, for a lack of open hostility. You will shake hands. You are on the same side now. Time is short, and unless the few of us who know the truth do not stand united, there is no hope for any of us."
Sirius and Snape moved toward each other very reluctantly and shook hands. They let go quickly, and Sirius stood next to Emily.
"That will do to be going on with," said Dumbledore. "Now I have work for each of you. Fudge's attitude, though not unexpected, changes everything. Sirius, I need you to set off at once. Emily, as soon as you can you should join him. You are to alert Remus Lupin, Arabella Figg, Mundungus Fletcher — the old crowd. Lie low at Lupins for a while; I will contact you there."
"But —" Harry stopped, blushing a bit once he realized he was about to speak against Dumbledore's will.
"You'll see me very soon, Harry," said Sirius. "I promise you. But I must do what I can, you understand, don't you?"
"Yeah," said Harry. "Yeah... of course I do."
"Mily?" Sirius looked up.
"I'll join as soon as they're safe," Emily assured him. "I'll meet you at Moony's place."
Sirius nodded one last time before turning back into a dog and leaving the room.
"Severus," Dumbledore turned to Snape, "you know what I must ask you to do. If you are ready... if you are prepared..."
"I am," said Snape coldly.
"Then good luck." Dumbledore looked at her then. "Erick Flint proved himself tonight. If he's willing, tell him we'll need more help in the future, ask him if he'll join us."
"For what, exactly?" She asked, half fearful to hear the answer.
"Search for rogues," He said shortly. "I must go downstairs, I must see the Diggorys. Children — take the rest of your potion. I will see all of you later."
They fell back against Harry's pillows. Mel had a vague idea of what Dumbledore meant, but if she was right... she didn't think it'd be easy.
"You've got to take the rest of your potion, dearies," Mrs Weasley said. "You have a good long sleep. Try and think about something else for a while... think about what you're going to buy with your winnings!"
"I don't want that gold," said Harry dully. "You have it. Anyone can have it. I shouldn't have won it. It should've been Cedric's."
"It wasn't your fault, Harry," Mrs Weasley whispered.
"I told him to take the cup with me," said Harry, looking directly up at the ceiling. His voice sounded similar to Mel's now.
"Harry–" Emily held his chin and held his gaze, "What you did... No one will ever blame you for fighting as hard as you could. Don't you dare to feel like you're the one to blame."
Mrs Weasley put her arms around Harry in a sudden movement. He closed his eyes and held onto the woman. Emily stroke his back tenderly. Only then Mel allowed herself to breathe, to be less quiet. She let out a stifled sob and bitter relief washed over her. Harry was safe again, but it had been too late, it was always too late...
Hermione slammed her hand against the window. She was holding something in her hand.
"Sorry," She whispered.
"Your potion," Mrs Weasley insisted, and Emily held the two goblets as she poured the liquid in them.
Harry and Mel drank it quickly. She hadn't moved from Harry's bed and now she was already falling asleep. They fell back onto the pillows, hearing each other's even breathing.
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Next Chapter —>
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lailannajacobs · 4 years
War of Hearts
Pairing: Loki x fem!Reader
Request: Hiya! Could you do a Loki X Reader body swap fic? AND Hey! Can you do a fix where Loki is doing some spell or magic and accidentally ends up switching his body with the reader. Sexual innuendos maybe? ;)
Warnings: Mostly fluff, maybe a tinsy, weensy pinch of angst?
Word Count: 2.9k
A/N: I’ve never written a body swap fic before, so to the two wonderful anons who requested this, I hope it’s at least a little bit close to what you had in mind! It was a fun challenge for me and I hope you guys enjoy! What love to know what you think! <3
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Loki was bored. Absolutely, no doubt about it, going-out-of-his-mind bored. And everyone else - well, everyone he could tolerate to be more specific - had other, more important things to do. And Loki…well he was on house arrest. According to Captain Goody Two Shoes, disguising himself as a falcon and pecking the Bird Man with his dagger-sharp beak violated the terms of his agreement with the Avengers. Good behaviour meant he wasn’t their prisoner. Apparently bad behaviour meant house arrest. But really, it had all been in good fun. No one had gotten seriously hurt.
After an uneventful morning, Loki had thought that maybe he would have been able to convince the Spider Boy to spend the rest of the day sparring with him, but the child had a date. The moment Loki had seen that stupid little grin on his face, he knew there was no convincing the Spider Boy otherwise.
His first and best option, the Scarlet Witch, was mission bound for another day. It was no secret that she distrusted him, but at least she was powerful and had an inkling of common sense - unlike the majority of the other agents in this tower. She had gone off with YN, one of the few other people Loki didn’t mind so much.
Loki wandered down the halls, trying to find something to do. His book was predictable, he had already gone for a run, and he wasn’t tired. He was itching to get out and being cooped up on one floor did nothing to stifle the excess energy he had drumming under his skin. House arrest, without a single intelligent soul around, was proving to be an annoying punishment.
Before he realized where he was going, he found himself in the kitchen, scaring off new Shield recruits with nothing more than his presence. Loki smirked. Some things never failed to satisfy him.
But the feeling didn’t last long. Once again left to his lonesome, Loki began to play around with his magic, finding comfort in the familiar hum resonating through his body. He didn’t pay much attention to where the magic went as he made himself dinner, mindlessly letting it ebb and flow through and out of him, transforming it and drawing it back in. Although his body went through the motions, chopping carrots into tiny pieces, his mind turned inward, falling further into the abyss of himself and the soothing whirlwind of his magic.
Then the kitchen door banged open. Loki lost his grip on the magic, feeling it spiral out uncontrollably as it threw him to the ground and the world immediately went black.
The kitchen blinked back into view, but Loki couldn’t understand how he had landed so far across the room. He tried to move, but immediately knew something was wrong.
He looked down at his body; a body that wasn’t his own.
He was in a woman’s body. But the change in gender wasn’t what had let him know he wasn’t in his own body. After all, it wasn’t everyday he looked in a mirror and saw a man staring back. No, what had tipped him off was that he recognized this body. This body belonged to YN. But if he was in her body then that meant…Loki found his own body crumpled to the floor, the knife he had been using mercifully far from his body. He wasn’t sure how his body would have fared a stabbing with a mortal inside it.
Unfortunately, Loki wasn’t quite aware what the rules were for trading bodies.  The only thing he was certain of was that she’d have to be the one to change them back now that she was in his body. He crawled over to her, not trusting himself to stand in this body that wasn’t his.
Cupping her face - his face - gently, he lifted her head from the awkward position on the floor, “YN. YN? Are you all right?”
She barely stirred and his heart began to race. Had he just killed her? His palms began to sweat, and he had the impression that his heart had lodged itself far up his throat. He wiped his hands on her combat suit. Stupid mortal body.
Shaking her with more force, he refused to admit that anything terrible had happened to her…well anything other than having switched bodies with him. When her eyes finally fluttered open, he let out a breath he hadn’t realized he had been holding in. Loki smiled when he noted that the colour was not the usual green he saw in the mirror. They said that eyes were the windows to the soul, and the soul in his body wasn’t his, which meant neither were those eyes.
When she registered what she was looking at, she panicked and backed into the kitchen counter, hands reaching for her knife. Little did she realize, it was jammed uncomfortably against his leg at the moment.
“YN, it’s me,” He blurted, then realized she probably had no idea who ‘me’ was. Just because she was one of the few people he tolerated here didn’t mean that she had any particularly good feelings towards him, “Loki.”
The silence seemed to draw on forever, but he knew she believed him when she narrowed her eyes dangerously, “Loki. What the hell have you done to me?”
He paused, not quite sure how to answer. Rather than try to, he backed away from her, figuring he was overcrowding her by being so close. She was alive. He had no reason to be there anymore. But now, he only felt cold and a strange pain in his arm.
“Loki, I swear I’m-” She stumbled as she tried to stand, and looked down at her body, then seemed to realize for the first time that she was in his, “Give me back my body. Now.”
She forced herself to stand, and although it was clumsy at first, she quickly found stability. He would have been disappointed if she hadn’t. Following suit, he stood, immediately hating that she was the one who now towered over him. As if sensing it, she smirked - the kind he used to terrify all the new recruits.
“So, this was an accident.” It wasn’t a question.
He crossed his arms over his chest and briefly noted that she had cut herself - himself? - across her forearm earlier, the dried blood caked across the gash on her sleeve, “You weren’t supposed to be back for another day.”
“What can I say?” She lifted her new fingers to the light, examining them with unimpressed curiosity, “Wanda and I are quite the pair.”
He rolled his eyes, though he had a feeling it didn’t quite convey the same amount of sass as it did in his own body.
“Enjoying what you see?” He crooned when her inspection had travelled from her fingers along her bicep to her new chest and torso.
Her head snapped up before her gaze could get any lower, black hair flicking back from her face, “It’s nothing new. I know what you look like.”
“But do you really?” He approached her, his lips spreading into a grin, “Because I think that’s a lie. I know for a fact that you’ve never gotten this close. I think both of us would have remembered that.”
“Who says I want to?” She countered, though he knew she was flustered.
Her tells were now his own and she had no idea how to hide them the way he did.
He tucked her - his? - hair behind her ear, watching her eyes widen as he did, “I do. You can explore if you’d like,” He purred, “I don’t mind.”
She shook her head, “Why would I want to do that?”
He looked down at himself, at the body that wasn’t his but that he was very much appreciative of, “How can you not be the least bit curious?”
“Are you?”
“Absolutely,” He answered candidly, relishing in the surprise on her face, “I always like to know what makes another person…tick. I wouldn’t be against a little exploration of my own.”
“And what makes you…tick, Loki?” She whispered.
He stepped a little closer, tilting his head back, “Would you like me to show you? Or would you rather discover it on your own? You can take your time, Agent, I’m in no rush.”
He watched his body shiver and satisfaction washed through him, knowing that even in this body he had gotten under her skin. Sucking in a deep breath, she jut out a hip, hand placed furiously on it. He smirked at the sight.
“What I want, is my body back,” She growled, eyes widening in surprise at her own tone.
He shrugged, “Well, that’s on you, mortal. You have my body.”
“And how,” She stared down at the body as if it was a prison, “Do you want me to do that?”
“I can’t explain,” He looked back down at his arm, annoyed with her that she hadn’t healed her own body properly, “It will come to you, I’m sure.”
She let out a long, annoyed sigh, “Any words of advice, Witch?”
“You’re the god now,” He corrected, “Focus on our bodies and our souls, and it will come to you.”
He ignored the deadly look she shot him and moved toward the sink to wash off the blood. When the water touched the scratch, he hissed. He looked back down in surprise. He had experienced scratches like this, and they had never affected his own body. He had seen her come back from missions much worse, and yet, her smile had never faltered. How fragile were these mortal bodies? How had he never realized that she could be in so much pain?
Loki looked back at her, trying to get a good look at the agent for the first time since they had met, but all he saw was his own body, his eyes shut and body tense with concentration. He gingerly cleaned out the wound and wrapped it tightly with the medical supplies from the kitchen drawer. There were a few other minor scratches that didn’t need much care, but that he took care of as well.
When he began to feel a tingle go through his body, Loki knew the transfer was about to happen. He laid down on the floor, waiting to black out. Before he did, he saw his own body crumple painfully to floor and he winced.
There was a ringing in his head when he woke, and Loki knew he was back in his own body. The magic had taken a toll on his body, and the fall hadn’t done him much good either.
YN was standing over him with her hands on her hips when he opened his eyes. She was furious.
“You’re an ass.”
“An Asgardian,” He corrected, unfazed, “At least I left your body in better shape than you left mine.”
“Am I supposed to apologize?” She demanded.
He raised a brow, “It wouldn’t hurt.”
She was about to say something else but seemed to notice her arm. Glancing down at the wound, then back at him, her brows furrowed. He attempted to stand and had to hold onto the counter to stop the swaying, ignoring her outstretched hand.
Something dawned on her, and he didn’t trust the way her face softened. Looking like she was about to say something both of them would regret, Loki shook his head to cut her off.
“Don’t worry about it, mortal. I can handle a little magic backlash and a fall to the ground,” He pushed past her, knowing he had to get out of the kitchen. She had used far more magic than necessary to reverse the switch, but the fatigue wasn’t the only reason he had to leave, “Consider us even now.”
He didn’t turn around. He had gotten far closer to this mortal than he had wanted to and Loki was going to get away before he made another dangerous mistake.
One Week Later
Loki was finally off house arrest. What surprised him the most was that he had actually accepted his punishment when it would have been so easy to escape. But quite frankly, it would have been more trouble than it was worth.
It had taken a few days, but Loki’s skin no longer felt too tight, like it belonged to a stranger. He hadn’t seen YN since the little incident, but he preferred it that way. On his first official day of freedom, Loki knew exactly where he was headed and was ready to get there.
“You know, for someone so powerful, you’re awfully predictable.”
Loki jolted, not having heard YN approach. He smoothed down his shoulders and twisted to face her, rocking back on his heels. Raising a brow, he motioned for her to explain.
She narrowed her eyes at him, emotions brewing under the surface that he wasn’t privy to. When she said nothing, he figured it wasn’t worth staying in the hallway waiting for nothing.
He shrugged, “If that’s that, then I’m going-”
“To Time Square,” She finished for him, crossing her arms over her chest.
He cocked his head, trying to get a better look at her. It hadn’t been what he had been about to say, but it was exactly where he planned on going. There was something about the chaotic bustle of tourists and locals that he found calming, and after his miserable house arrest, he could use a little calm. But how she knew that was beyond him.
“How do I know?” She asked, cutting him off once again. He wasn’t sure if she was doing it to annoy him or for another reason he couldn’t fathom, but she had enough of his attention for him to tolerate it. For now. “I know that most of us will avoid Time Square if we can help it. I also know you’ve learned to thrive in situations that break most people. Do you know how I know this?”
“Because you’ve read my file?” He asked dryly, though he found her words unsettling.
“I know this because, despite your past crimes, Tony has you on our most difficult missions. And the ones that throw our plans out the window have you at the front, adapting faster than the rest of us. There is a reason you’re not imprisoned, and not all of it has to do with your brother’s generosity.”
Unsure of what to say, Loki hardened his face, burying his emotions as far away as possible, “Do you expect me to be flattered?”
She shook her head, “No, because, like I said, you’re predictable. I also know you care about the people you get close to. I’ve seen you with your brother. I’m not blind. But I also know you don’t get close to anyone.”
“YN,” Loki forced a laugh, “I believe you’re reading too far into things. I didn’t think you were this naive.”
She smirked, “And there it is. Proof that I’m right.”
“And how would you know all this, YN?” He countered.
“I,” She paused, obviously not having expected the question, “I know all this because I’ve been watching you, waiting for you to try and escape. It was what I was tasked to do. And what I couldn’t understand before last week, was why you hadn’t tried to leave.”
He grinned dangerously, “And who says I don’t have a plan in the works?”
“I do,” She shrugged when he shot her a look of disbelief, “It turns out that watching someone and getting close to them means that you actually get close to that person. You’re not leaving, Loki.”
“You’re awfully sure.”
“You wouldn’t have patched me up if you were going to leave. It wouldn’t have mattered to you.”
“That’s circumstantial,” He snarled, starting to lose the grip on his emotions.
She took a step toward him, puffing up her chest as she got up in his face, “And then you avoided me like I was a danger to your sanity. I think you care, Loki. I think you realized it the same night I did.”
“I do not,” He punctuated each word, drawing in closer so that he was invading her space.
She looked up at him, a satisfied smirk on her lips, “Really? Then prove it. Walk away right now.”
He stared into her eyes; eyes that never seemed to dim or lose their fight even when they were trapped in another body. Loki knew he should turn away and never come back. That he should push past her and keep walking until he was far, far away.
But he couldn’t.
Annoyed with the victorious smile growing on her lips, he did the only thing he could think of. He smashed his own lips to hers, not caring about being gentle, and pulled her in tight so that their bodies couldn’t get any closer. Her arms wrapped around his neck, fingers curling into his hair and he moaned, his hands travelling down to the small of her back to line up their bodies. He was about to deepen the kiss when she pulled away. He didn’t let her get far.
“Feel better?” She asked, that infuriating smile on her lips.
“Not yet,” He growled, “You cut me short.”
She began to laugh, but the sound was cut off by his lips on hers.
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offaeandcreation · 3 years
The Mounds of Spider Lilies
Summary: Twelve years after the Siege, Spider Lilies bloomed in vast amounts all over the Burial Mounds. Thousands of scarlet flowers, scent so sweet, covered the cursed mountains. The stalks were jet black, tainted by the resent that steeped within the very soil the flowers took root in, yet it only made the red of the petals, oh so delicate, stand out even more. Then came the rumors. The villagers in Yiling whispered among each other of a figure, dressed in a haunting black, walking about the Spider Lilies. No one dared to approach. Was it the Yiling Patriarch? Had he returned with Spider Lilies trailing after him?  
Often appearing almost magically overnight, Spider Lilies bloom in cemeteries. It is said that they guide the dead to the afterlife.
Twelve years after the Siege, Spider Lilies bloomed in vast amounts all over the Burial Mounds. Thousands of scarlet flowers, scent so sweet, covered the cursed mountains. The stalks were jet black, tainted by the resent that steeped within the very soil the flowers took root in, yet it only made the red of the petals, oh so delicate, stand out even more.
Then came the rumors. The villagers in Yiling whispered among each other of a figure, dressed in a haunting black, walking about the Spider Lilies. No one dared to approach. Was it the Yiling Patriarch? Had he returned with Spider Lilies trailing after him?  
Multiple sects rushed to the Burial Mounds, crushing red lilies underfoot, never mind how hard they worked to bloom in a long since dead earth.
No matter the summoning ritual, no matter the luring, no matter the hunting where every nook and cranny was searched with uttermost scrutiny, no figure in black was found. Even as Sect Leader Jiang marched into the field, lilies crushed into nothing with every step he took, purple lightning of Zidian crackling around him, yelling “Wei Wuxian!” at the top of his lungs, demanding he come and face him, no one appeared. No figure in black.
And the very next day, crushed flowers, stomped into the charred dirt, returned fully rejuvenated, as if no one had stomped across the field the day before. Cultivators returned to their sects, perplexed by the strange events. Sect Leader Jiang remained in Yiling for several weeks, yet soon he was forced to leave as well.
Lan Wangji found himself at the entrance of the Burial Mounds. When the rumors first reached his ears, he couldn’t help himself but come. Could it be Wei Ying? Even as everyone else failed, perhaps if he tried? Perhaps…?
Lan Wangji cautiously entered the Burial Mounds. The sea of spider lilies greeted him.
Carefully, Lan Wangji sidestepped each flower, careful of their charcoal leaves and scarlet petals. Finding an empty rock that was yet to be overtaken by the lilies, Lan Wangji set down his guqin, the dark engravings reflecting the midday sun, and he plucked the first notes of Inquiry. Spirits danced in front of him, replying “no” to every question.
They have not seen Wei Ying.
There are no demonic cultivators here.
They do not know who planted the scarlet flowers of death.
Lan Wangji furrowed his brows. The Burial Mounds were tamed by the Yiling Patriarch: the fierce corpses and the resentful energy, thick as black smoke, obeyed only him. Only appearing if summoned. But with their ring leader gone, again corpses and resent wandered about, no longer leashed.
Yet in the sea of scarlet lilies, the air tasted sweet with only an aftertaste of rot and blood, fierce corpses nowhere to be seen, and only wisps of resentful energy danced in the breeze.  
So why?
“You are the only one who has not stepped on the lilies.” A voice, soft and sad spoke from behind.
Lan Wangji looked up from his guqin, eyes slightly widening in surprise. A figure in black approached, scarlet flame motifs sewn into the helm of their sleeves and collar. Their hair was black, but features far too strong, brows far too sharp – he was no Wei Ying.
Then Lan Wangji noticed how the stranger’s eyes matched the scarlet of the Spider Lilies.
The man furrowed a brow at him, realizing he noticed, waiting for his reaction. His hand was resting on the hilt of a golden sword. The man gazed at him. Still waiting.
He looked no older than 20, yet-
“You are immortal.” Lan Wangji said.
The man smiled. It did not reach his eyes. “Yes, I suppose I am.”
They were silent for a moment. Lan Wangji saluted him, “Apologies for trespassing.” He said.
The man returned the salute. “There is no issue nor harm done. I do appreciate that you did not step on the flowers.”
Lan Wangji nodded. His expression unreadable.
“You are looking for someone.” The man said. All mirth disappeared from his expression.
“Do you know where Wei Wuxian is?” Lan Wangji asked.
The man furrowed his brows in confusion.
“He died here.”
The man’s expression evened. He was quiet for a long moment before replying,
“The Yiling Patriarch?”
Lan Wangji nodded.
The man sighed, fatigue weighing down on his shoulders, “you have been looking for him for a long time.”
Lan Wangji said nothing. The expression the man made said he did not need to.
“Have you considered he may not want to be found?” The man finally replied.
Lan Wangji took a deep breath, no words came to him.
“You are mourning as well.”
The man perked up, gaze connecting with Lan Wangji’s own. His eyes were indeed scarlet. Like-
“You are Wen Mao.”
The Wen Patriarch’s face fell, “I was. I am. I don’t know if I will be.”
Wen Mao descended only a year ago. He hid himself among the common folk – a rogue cultivator with scarlet eyes. But questions plagued him when in every night hunt, the pale and scarlet robes of the Wen Sect were missing.
He asked.
The answer was not pleasant.
His family became tyrants. Taking, killing, hurting. Pushing and pushing until everyone simply had enough.
Wen Mao couldn’t blame them, in their place, he would have also declared war .
But then, the surviving Wen were taken to the Burial Mounds by the Yiling Patriarch, raising an army until they were subsequently crushed in the Siege meant for them and their leader.
Something about the story did not make sense. Something felt wrong. Something missing.
So Wen Mao went to investigate.
Dilapidated houses littered the Burial Mounds, tilled fields stood empty with the occasional hardy radish. The tools that lay abandoned and broken, if not yet crushed underfoot by the siege, spoke only of gardening and building.
At most, Wen Mao calculated, there were 50 people living here. 50 people tried to cultivate the land. Tried to simply live. What warriors? What army?
 Lies. The Great sects led a siege to simply end his family line, because of the actions of the long since dead Sect. Wen Mao feared that rage would burn him into a husk.
There was more to the story. The Yiling Patriarch killed so many. Of course a Siege would commence. A demon with the Stygerian Seal that killed countless in the Nightless City after murdering the heir of the Lanling Jin Sect.
It sounded too horrible. But if they were clearly trying to live, why commit such crimes?
Wen Mao walked among the Burial Mounds, thoughts in conflict. There was not enough information to come to any conclusions.
He ventured to the Nightless city: abandoned and reeked of death. He walked among the broken columns and torn down walls. Voices echoed of past memories: children running, disciples training, windows open to allow in the sunlight.
All gone. Replaced by the shadows of a legacy burned to the ground.
Rage burned through him, yet there was nothing left to do.
It was too late. They were gone.
If only he descended earlier than maybe.
Maybe he could have put an end to this madness without so much death. So much loss.
But there was no maybe. His family was dead. His blood line gone. His people, whom he yearned and prayed to survive and find greatness, shot down for their arrogance.
An arrogance he explicitly spoke against.  
There was nothing to be done.
He was too late.
Wen Mao collapsed to his knees in front of the ancestral hall…or what was left of it.
“I’m so sorry.” He croaked between sobs, “I failed to protect you.”
He returned to the Burial Mounds and slowly began to cultivate the land, planting seeds of grasses and peonies, so something would grow in the final burial place of his people. Yet the seeds refused to grow. The soil refused to mother life. Many times Wen Mao wished to give up, yet he remembered the desolate city, abandoned and shunted aside in a fit of rage.
No, not just a fit of rage. Justice that had gone too far.
He prayed. Days he prayed to whatever deities existed.
One day, when he awoke, legs aching from kneeling for so long, the valley before him was covered in Spider Lilies. Sweet lilies. He could not think of a better flower for the dead.  
He did not plant them.
Lan Wangji waited until Wen Mao finished his tale. He added several details:
Wei Wuxian was not a cruel man. Jin Zixuan’s death was most probably an accident.
He did not believe that he would kill the husband of his beloved Shijie in cold blood.
He refused to.  
The remaining Wen were living peacefully up here, the majority of them frail from age.
Wen Mao sighed. His features all the more crestfallen.
“Part of me seethes in cold rage.” He said, “Part of me wants to strangle the other sects until they beg.”  
The fists he made with his hands, knuckles white, relaxed.
“I won’t.” He said finally, under Lan Wangji’s scrutinizing gaze, “I won’t let rage blind me as it had done to so many others.”
What was there to do? It was too late. The past cannot be rewritten for its ink is already cracked and dry.
“You intend to die here.” Lan Wangji said all the sudden. His voice tinged with worry.
Wen Mao laughed bitterly. “The thoughts do come occasionally. But, I have dear friends who would not take such news very well.” He sighed. He looked so much older in that moment. Not a youthful cultivator but an immortal of 400 years.
“I simply do not know what to do with my life now. I achieved immortality. Left my sect as to not be corrupted by the seat of power, promising myself I would come to their aide if it is ever needed but-” He burst into raucous and bitter laughter.
“You saw how that went. What is the point of being an immortal if you cannot protect what you hold dear?”
Lan Wangji stared at his hands. The old wounds on his back throbbed, as if in agreement.
Wen Mao slumped against the rock, the evening sun already dipped into the horizon.
“They aren’t all dead.” Lan Wangji finally said.
Wen Mao’s sharp eyes were on him, wide in surprise.
“My adoptive son, Lan Sizhui. He doesn’t remember but his name was Wen Yuan.”
Wen Mao’s jaw dropped. Tears welled up in his eyes. His mouth moved to speak but nothing came out.
“I changed his name to protect him.” Lan Wangji added, “very few know.”
Before Lan Wangji could stop him, Wen Mao kneeled before him.
“Thank you. Thank you.” His voice was muffled by scarlet petals and charcoal leaves.
Lan Wangji climbed down the rock beside the kneeling immortal, uncertain of what to do. A beat of silence passed between them as the Immortal trembled.
Finally, Wen Mao looked up, eyes rimmed red. But there was a smile, full fledged, alive, dancing on his lips, “It is best he doesn’t know. At least for now. But I would love to meet him, when he is ready.”
Lan Wangji nodded. Eyes softening.
Wen Mao wiped his eyes with a handkerchief “You love him…Wei Wuxian I mean.”
A deep intake of breath was enough of an answer to him.
“From what you told me, his life had been painful.” Wen Mao began, voice soft and gentle, “it will take time for his soul to heal. I cannot say how long however.”
Lan Wangji nodded, understanding clear in his demeanor.
“What do you intend to do?” He finally asked the Immortal.
Wen Mao gazed into the night sky, clouds obscured the stars, “You have become Hanguang-Jun, helping those in need even in the face of heartbreak.”
Lan Wangji’s features remained impassive, but his eyes glimmered.
Wen Mao met his eyes again, “In the wake of rage and despair, I will respond with kindness.”
Lan Wangji’s eyebrows furrowed, “You mentioned you do not know if you will be ‘Wen Mao…’”
“To the people, I will not. Not yet.”
Lan Wangji left the Burial Mounds that night with a promise to meet again. Perhaps, in a few years or so, dear Lan Sizhui will be ready.
His brother awaited him at the entrance of the Cloud Recesses. His question clear in his eyes. Lan Wangji shook his head and said nothing else.  
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awkwardlyflustered · 4 years
Best Served Cold
A/N: Alright, I’m really excited to write this fic. Just the idea was really cute, on top of it’s for one of my favorite people. @flusterd-screaming I hope you enjoy this one. I’m trying to remember if I’ve ever written any kind of switch fic and I don’t think I have. So I’m really excited to test my hand at it. Then last thing before I let you get on to reading, the reader is gender neutral, they are *kind of* short (5’ 1”- 5’ 2”), they are around the same age as Michael (16-17), and they are dating Michael. Now, enough of my rambling, please enjoy the fic!
You were sitting on the couch reading peacefully before your boyfriend came crashing in through the front door.
“Honey! I’m home!” He called out, the smile audible in his voice. You just smile fondly at him before returning to your book. He came into the living room and picked you up, sitting himself down and placing you on his lap. “How was your day?” You don’t respond, you just lean back against him, your eyes glued to your book. Michael began pouting, and nuzzled his face into your neck. “Y/nnnnnn,” he whined out, “Pay attention to meeeeee.” You smiled and titled your head to look at him.
“One more chapter, okay?” Michael simply grumbled in response and started scrolling through his phone. You smirked and gave him a quick peck on his cheek before resettling and turning back to your book. 
After a long while Michael began whining towards you until you were finally forced to acknowledge him.
“Can I help you?” you asked with a small smile. Michael pouted towards you, resting his chin on your head.
“Are you done yet?” He asked, his voice not far from a whiny toddler. You shook your head and continued reading. Michael whined at you again, and tapped at your book. You rolled your eyes and grabbed his hand, still reading. Michael huffed at you and brought his other hand down, gently brushing your side as he did so. You let out a squeak and jerked backwards, instantly letting Michael’s hand go. Though, you did manage to keep hold of your book. Michael raised an eyebrow at you. “Oh yeah...” he mused, a malicious smirk now presiding on his face, “I forgot you were ticklish.” Your eyes immediately widen and you move to get up, but Michael quickly wraps his arms around your waist and pulls you into a bear hug. “No no no, you can’t get away from the tickle monster,” Michael says as your face turns bright red.
“Michaelllllll,” you whine out, weakly pushing at his hands.
“Who’s Michael? I’m the tickle monster,” he replies with a smirk, “Plus, I don’t know why you’re whining. It’s not like you want to get away or anything. You love this too much to get away.” Your face immediately lights on fire and your limbs turn to jelly. He looks down at you warmly and teasingly leans down to whisper in your ear. “What’s wrong? Is someone a little flustered?” He accuses in a teasing voice. A smirk once again falls over his face as your blush once again darkens. You slightly pout in his direction as you try, and fail, to cover the dark blush that has taken over your face. He smiles with adoration at you, and gives your cheek a kiss. As soon as he’s done that he gently flips you over so he’s now sitting on your hips and you’re face up, with your hands over your head. You let out a small squeal of surprise when he does this, but quickly regain your composure. 
“M-michael, c-come on I j-just want to read…” you complained, slightly pulling at your arms, though you didn’t really want Michael to stop what he was doing in the slightest. Michael knew that and decided that he was going to be mean to you. He let your arms go, he got off of you and picked up his phone, beginning to look through it once again. Once you got over the shock of what he had done, you began pouting at him. He smirked at his phone, not looking over at you. 
“If you want me to continue you’re going to have to ask.” You immediately went redder than a cherry and began sputtering.
“M-michael, y-you can’t d-do that,” you whined, gently shoving at his arm. 
“I can’t do what exactly? You said you wanted to read, I’m letting you read.” You whined at him again.
“C’mon, you know I don’t want that…” You whined dramatically, and flopped into his lap. He chuckled and pet your hair gently. “I know, but it’s fun to be mean.” You glared at him playfully, causing him to ruffle your hair. You sat up and pouted at him again while he continued to scroll through his phone, a smirk on his face the entire time. After a few minutes of you two sitting like this you gave into him. You mumbled out something inaudible before burying your face into his shoulder. He smiled at you warmly and wrapped you in a hug. “What did you say baby? I couldn’t quite catch that.” You made another indistinguishable noise before managing to stutter a few words out. “C-can you p-please d-do more?” As soon as you finished you went right back into Michael’s shoulder, hiding your face to the best of your ability. 
“Do more of what exactly?” He teased, the smirk wider than ever. You whined loudly into his shoulder lightly punching it. “You know what…” you whined out, though it came out muffled because of his shoulder. He chuckled once again before flipping the two of you so that you were once again pinned with your arms over your head. You squeal in surprise, but can’t keep the excited smile off of your face. Michael matched your expression.
“You know, you’re pretty cute,” he noted, his smile only growing wider as a blush once again attacked your face. You shook your head, trying to bury your face into your arms, though it didn't work. Michael nodded sincerely.
“You’re right. I misspoke. What I mean to say was, you’re absolutely adorable and amazing.” Your face felt like it was going to melt off at this point. You opened your mouth to retort but all that came out were giggles as Michael started pinching your sides. 
“Thahahahat’s nahahahat fahahahahair!” Michael smirked and spidered his fingers up and down your sides.
“And how is this not fair exactly?” He teased, never relenting with the spider tickles. 
“Ihihihihi wahahahahasn’t reheheheheady!” You complained, slightly kicking out from the light touches.
“You should be more careful with what you ask for then…” Michael taunted, switching to squeezing your sides. You blushed a crimson red and tried to hide your face away in your arms. He smiled at you endearingly, enjoying every second of this, and absolutely loving that you were having just as much fun as he was. He carefully made his way across your stomach, keeping his touch light and feathery. You desperately shook your head, and pulled on your arms, giggling up a storm. “M-mihihihihichahahahael!” you squealed out, your smile only growing when his fingers sped up. “Yes baby?” He smirked as a darker shade of red crept its way up your cheeks. You simply shook your head in response. He smiled at you with adoration and leaned down and planted a kiss on your forehead. You smiled excitedly and returned the kiss, lifting your head to peck his cheek. He chuckled and ruffled your hair.
“You’re so adorable, you know that?” You giggled in response and shook your head cheekily. “You sure about that?” he asked with a smirk, teasingly wiggling his fingers in your view. You blushed and shook your head again, though this time a little more hesitantly. He smirked down at you before slightly tightening his grip on your arms, and lightly spidering his fingers under your arms. You quickly broke into loud laughter, and kicked your legs out. You gently tugged on your arms, trying to pull them away from your boyfriend. 
“So let me ask you again, are you adorable?” You once again shook your head at the question, laughing wildly. You tried to deter his fingers away from the sensitive skin, squirming and bouncing about. Michael sighed, though there was still a wide smile on his face which gave way to how he really felt. His fingers stilled, and he clucked his tongue. “Now I gave you a chance to admit it,” Michael began, his tone alone making you blush, “But you chose not to accept it, so you have to be punished for it baby.” As he finished he pushed your shirt up to your ribs, smirking. Your eyes widened slightly, already knowing what he was planning to do. 
“Nononononononomichaelcomeonthat’smean,” you rushed the words out of your mouth quickly, though there was a huge smile on your face. 
“You know for how mean this is I still haven’t heard a stop,” Michael taunted, the malicious smirk only growing. You immediately went scarlet red and began sputtering. After a few seconds you manage to mutter out a small, “shut up,” causing Michael to chuckle. You scrunch your face up, and shift from side to side. “Aw, is the anticipation getting to someone?” You whine at him and hesitantly nod your head. He leaned down and planted a kiss on your forehead. You immediately stop whining and a perky smile appears on your face. Michael chuckled at your reaction and slowly lowered his head towards your stomach, reminding you what he was doing in the first place. You immediately began squirming from side to side as much as you were able to.
“M-m-michael, c-come on p-please,” you begged playfully, the smile on your face as wide as it ever could be. He didn’t say anything in response, he just started blowing raspberries into your tummy. You immediately began howling with laughter and bucking around. One thing you failed to notice until it was too late were his fingers slowly creeping their way to your underarms. When you felt his fingers come into contact with your worst spot you practically shrieked. “MIHIHIHIHIHICHAHAHAHAHAEL!” Michael drew away quickly, chuckling slightly as he saw the insane blush that had taken over your face, ears, and neck. 
“You okay baby?” he asked with a slight smirk. Before you could nod, or try to stutter out a response his hands found their way to rest on your top ribs. Granted, he wasn’t moving them but it still made you giggle. 
“I’m f-fihihihihine.” Michael smiled at your adorable reaction. 
“You sure you’re okay because you’re already giggling and I haven’t done anything yet.” You slightly sputtered at this, and tried to hide your face into your arm.
"Shuhuhut up yohohohou knohohohow whahahat yohohohou're dohohohing."
“Baby, I’m not doing anything,” he sing-songed, still not moving his hands away.
“That’s the problem,” you quietly muttered, the sound muffled by how much you had buried your face away. Michael immediately began cooing over you, unable to help it with how adorable you were being. 
“Awwww, so you’d prefer that I just started doing this?” He finished by gently drilling into the top rib with his thumb and scratching over your underarms with the rest of his fingers. You immediately began cackling and pulling on your arms once again. Michael wasn’t deterred in the slightest, and he just let your arms go, continuing his assault. Your arms immediately shot down, and glued to your sides. “Look what happened, you trapped my hands. Now if you want the tickles to stop you’ll have to raise your arms back up.” You shook your head, the delighted laughter spilling out of your mouth. “Yup! I can’t get my hands out if you don’t raise your arms back up.” You don’t say anything in response, just throw your head back and let the laughter wash over you. “You know, I think you might need a little bit of convincing…” With that, Michael began blowing raspberries once again. You quickly fell back into the shrieking laughter that had happened the first time he did this. You pushed on Michael’s head, desperately trying to get the tickly vibrations away from your stomach, but Michael simply grabbed your arms and moved them to the side, now just blowing raspberries into your stomach. You were still squealing with laughter, but now it had gone down enough that you could speak. 
“MIHIHIHIHICAHAHAHAEL! STAHAHAHAP!” He sat up and began just lightly trailing over your sides now.
“You know what you have to do if you want it to stop, baby…”
“F-fihihihine I’m cuhuhuhute.” You finally give in, weakly trying to squirm away from the tickles. Michael smiled happily and let your arms go, and pulled you into his lap. You immediately buried your face away into his chest, the giggles still slipping away. He hugged you tightly and gently rubbed your back to try to help get the giggles away.
“Is that what you wanted y/n?” You shyly nodded, keeping your burning face buried away into his chest.
“Th-thank you.” You could feel your face burn hotter when Michael began cooing over you once again. “Awwww, of course baby. I’m glad you had fun,” Michael cooed softly, still rubbing your back. “Do you want to watch a movie?” You peeked out from Michael’s chest and nodded excitedly. 
“Can we watch Coraline?” you asked with a small shine in your eyes, the smile wide and innocent as you asked. Michael smiled at you happily and nodded his head, getting up to go put the movie in. 
When Michael came back to his position on the couch you immediately shimmied into his lap and cuddled close to him. He just smiled and held you close to him, his eyes already locked on the screen as the opening music began playing. The two of you simply sat and watched the movie for a while before you looked at Michael slightly pouting. “You okay?” he asked, finally looking away from the screen, his eyes slightly filling with concern as he looked at your pout. You nodded, and pouted again, slipping your hands under Michael’s shirt causing him to let out a small squeak. It took everything in your being to conceal a smirk when he let out the small noise. “My hands are really cold,” you pouted once again. “Can I please warm them up?” He slightly tensed up from the temperature of your hands, but nodded anyways, giving you a suspicious look before turning his attention back to the screen. Once his focus was away from you, you let the subtle smirk take over your features as you lightly squeezed Michael’s sides. He let out another squeak and whipped his head around to face you. “Why’d you do that?” He asked, the smile playing at the corners of his mouth, but he tried to keep it under control. You couldn’t stop the smirk from appearing on your face this time. “Hmm? Do what? I’m just trying to warm my hands up.” Michael playfully glared at you before slowly turning his attention back to the television to continue watching the movie. You waited a couple of minutes before doing it once again, this time slightly scribbling along with the squeeze. 
“Wha- hehehey!” Michael giggled out a weak protest, not doing anything else to stop you. You didn’t say anything in response, you simply began spidering his sides lightly. His giggles immediately became much more bubbly as they began pouring out of his mouth. 
“What can I say? Revenge is a dish best served cold,” you taunt playfully, putting your ice cold hands across as much of his stomach as you could for emphasis. Michael groaned at your lame pun while trying to squirm away from the cold. You simply chuckled at his reaction and began lightly kneading his stomach, throwing him into an entirely new fit of giggles. He gently grabbed onto your hands and tried to pull them away from his stomach. You let him grab your hands away and you leaned into to simply start nibbling and kissing along his neck. His shoulders immediately shot up to try to protect his neck, but he continued holding onto your hands. 
“Nohohohoho! This ihihihisn’t fahahair!” he giggled out happily, still trying to deter you away from his neck. “And how exactly is this not fair?” you countered, taking a small break from attacking his neck. “You tickled me to pieces, it’s only fair if I do it back.” Michael opened his mouth to retort but all that came out were a set of hiccupy giggles as your fingers found they’re way to his ribs. He squirmed from side to side, squealing as he did so. His arms were no longer trying to fend off your fingers, they were simply uselessly flailing about at his sides. Now it was your turn to coo over how adorable he was being. Your heart couldn’t help but flutter when you saw the sight in front of you. He had a wide smile stretched across his face, his eyes were squeezed tightly shut, and he was squirming from side to side, trying to escape the tickles but unable to because you were on his lap. You gently slotted your fingers into the spaces in between the bones of his ribs before vibrating your fingers, making a small bzzzzzz noise as you did it. Michael practically jumped three feet in the air and the giggles quickly became laughter. 
“Dohohohohon’t dohohoho thahahaht it tihihihickles!” he squealed out, unable to do anything besides throw his head back and laugh. “Awwww does it tickle? I had no idea.” You smirked and continued vibrating your fingers into his ribs, leaning down to start pressing the tickly kisses into his neck again. He squealed at the sudden change, full belly laughter now leaking out of him. 
After a few minutes of attacking his ribs you decide to make your way under his arms. As soon as you come in contact with his underarms he immediately pressed his arms down to his sides, and kept them glued there. “Aw, Michael, you trapped my hands here, now the only way the tickles can stop is if you raise your arms up for me,” you mimicked playfully, lightly digging into his underarms. He glared at you through the laughter, though it didn’t really have any bite behind it because of the dopey smile on his face. You simply gave a cheeky smile in return, and gently scratched at the sensitive area. “You know, I think I remember you doing a pretty mean thing to me earlier…” Michael scrunched his face up in confusion, looking at you for more of an explanation. Instead you simply pushed his shirt out of the way and began slowly lowering your head towards his stomach. His eyes immediately widened with realization and his squirming intensified tenfold. “Nohohohoho! Ihihihim sahahahaharry juhuhust dohohohon’t!” he pleaded, trying to delay the impossible. You simply shook your head in response and blew the biggest raspberry you could into his stomach. He immediately began howling with laughter, and bucking around, almost throwing you off of his lap. You slowed down to a stop, and took your hands out from under his arms. 
“You alright?” you asked, a playful and adoring smile on your face as you watched him catch his breath. He nodded, taking in as much as he could.
“You know, you’re a lot meaner than I thought you were.” 
“Yeah, I can tell by how red your face is,” you pointed out, smiling even more when the red only deepened. Once you confirmed that Michael was alright to start again you started pinching away at his hips sending him into a stream of airy giggles. You loved the small, care-free smile that was paired along with the light giggles that came from tickling his hips. It was so adorable that you could go the rest of the day just simply pinching along his hips. You were very quickly beginning to run out of ler, however,  and just wanted cuddles. 
You let up on his hips and began moving towards his knees which caused Michael to start squirming once again.
“Waitwaitwaitwaitwaitwait,” Michael sped out, trying to convince you to stay away from his knees. 
“Michael, you’re not going to be able to convince me, you attacked my worst spot so I’m going to attack yours.” Michael glared at you once again, though you knew he wasn’t really mad because of the smile playing at the edge of his mouth. You smirked at him before latching onto the pressure point just above his knees. He was immediately sent into hysterics, and very quickly fell into silent laughter. You chuckled at his ticklishness and scratched the tops of his knees and the backs of his knees at the same time almost killing him. At this point, he started getting small tears of mirth beginning to appear in the corners of his eyes, which was your warning sign to back off. You slowed yourself to a stop and readjusted on his lap so that your head was against his shoulder. You gave him a couple of small kisses along his chin as he caught his breath once again. 
“Did I go too far?” you asked, feeling a little bit guilty at what you did. He shook his head, his smile still beaming despite how long after the tickling it had been. 
“Nope not at all. It was absolutely perfect, thank you baby,” he reassured, giving you a kiss which made you melt a small bit. You nodded happily and leaned against his chest, closing your eyes. He began slightly humming and gently tracing over your sides, keeping a steady pace. He made sure that he didn’t make it tickle so much that you wanted to shift away, but still tickle enough that you had a small smile on your face. He wrapped a blanket around the both of you and rested his chin on top of your head, turning towards the television to watch the end of the movie. Within just a couple of minutes the both of you were fast asleep, cuddled closely to each other. Both of you had a small smile on your face and an all around peaceful look on your faces.
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Every story has an end. After months of Wanda Maximoff controlling the town of Westview via her reality rewriting Hex, the WandaVision broadcast was dropped along with the barrier. As the barriers were set free and the Avengers rushed in, two confrontations occurred. Witches, corrupt government agents and the inescapable finality of loss all collided in one explosive finale that showed nothing would ever be the same.
AGATHA: She’d heard enough, seen enough — no more theories, Agatha had all the answers she needed. And that could really only end in one way in her eyes. Wanda had no idea what she was or what she was really even capable of for that matter. Whether or not that made her dangerous was irrelevant — because more importantly : it made her powerful. And if there was anything Agatha had been drawn to after all these years like a moth to a flame, it was power. Power to get out from beneath her coven — her mother — Oh the things one could do with the ability to shape reality. She’d be much more finely crafted with it too, this little world Wanda had created was impressive, but it wasn’t finely tuned. It had it’s kinks and tears — starting with her star contenders falling apart the second it caved. As the witch appeared in the center of the town square, Agatha clawed the air and curled a strike of purple magic at her back. Fitting. the beloved best friend striking her where she least expected it. “Did you know there’s an entire chapter devoted to you in the Darkhold?.” She asked, revealing the grimoire of dark arts before her. Its ember glowing pages flipped to a page for a creature of myth. “—It’s the book of the damned.” A sneer. “The Scarlet Witch is not born, she is forged — no need for incantation, or coven. Your power exceeds that of the Sorcerer Supreme. Your destiny... is to destroy the world. —Don’t believe me?—Here.” Agatha contorted her wrist and like snatching scarlet spiderwebs from her mind, she plucked David free from the crimson witches spell.  “James Buchanan Barnes.” Agatha grinned. “Welcome back.”
WANDA: Every game had an end. Maybe Wanda was the queen of denying the inevitable. The part in her brain that was unable to heal was backed by an excess of power she had never understood. It all made more sense now even though Wanda was fairly certain that she knew nothing at all. Darkhold, runes, spells. The Scarlet Witch. How fitting it was to have that as her true identity. Years of hurt and pain had left her feeling powerless but that was never the case. There had always something inside of Wanda that stopped her from falling back into the abyss. It was power, and she had never known how good it could feel. Her body was sore after being thrown around by Agatha. Everyone seemed to have found their way to the town square, every narrative now connecting into the big picture. These people were captives and the woman holding the key was in sweatpants and a sweatshirt. She had been forced down memory lane and had her children almost hurt. Vision and the boys remained in her peripheral as Wanda spun to face the Winter Soldier that Agatha had freed. Her chest was heaving from an earlier display of power, her now shriveled hand extended towards the crowd. “--You were happy. You were fine. I’m sorry.”
BUCKY: Mind control was supposed to be easy - a simple switch flipped and lights out to the occupant. Whatever narrative, whatever brainwashing, whatever storyline created would supplant and override, signaling movements and forcing conversations that were unoriginal and baseless. That was the idea behind it, but for someone who had been submerged and pulled from the depths for decades of his life, James could feel the pull against his mind as he emerged and took a breath. It was alarming and painful, as much as it had been the first time he'd look through his own eyes and saw Sam clearly -- saw Yelena stare at him blankly before slipping into a mindless smile --- the thoughts came back to him in waves as he started dumbly before him, settling back into his skin. Going under was supposed to be easy, coming to was supposed to be easy, but it felt more like he was being dismantled and put back together again. James sucked in a breath and felt his body move forward - his first autonomous movement in only Wanda knew how long. "Happy?" His voice cracked from the rush of frustration and anger - the swell of panic from years of torture much in the way of Wanda's methods. "You think I haven't heard that before?"
WANDA: They would never understand. They would never understand and Wanda couldn’t blame them. Her actions had been wrong. They had been selfish and self satisfying. Her grief had become an excuse but no one would accept it anymore. She swallowed thickly, automatically taking a step back away from Barnes. It didn’t matter that she could easily take him down. Wanda was done hurting innocent people. “I just -- I didn’t mean,” Her words were caught up when Dottie approached, now free as well. Sarah Proctor. Eight year old daughter -- please let her out of her room so I can hold her. Dottie then Herb. Phil. Dennis. The citizens were all there with her accusatory stares and Wanda was unable to ward them off. She tucked her hand against her side, the spot where the magic had been extracted shriveled and brown. “Agatha!” That was a shot towards the sky where the witch hovered. “Stop. Please. Just -- stop.”
BILLY: His ties to reality ebbed and flowed, drawing images of a world he didn't recognize, of feelings and emotions that he wasn't connected to - and Billy had always dismissed them. He'd complained to Tommy a few times, even his mom, but they were always dismissed. Dreams, Billy, they're just dreams. But as he stared at Agnes, he was slowly starting to process the mix of memories. He had them both and could reconcile neither and even as the sky cleared, Billy almost wished he could go back under. Stepping back, he searched for Tommy, that instinct to find a brother he had now grown up with and not tugging at him. He didn't know if he wanted to be here, seeing faces he recognized - Captain America, the Winter Soldier, Magneto -- his eyes traced over heroes and mutants that weren't here to help, but they were all awake, and they'd all been dragged into this hell by his alternate reality mother.
YELENA: A glitch in the code. Wanda said they were happy. That meant they were happy, right? Her face twitched as some of the townsfolk cornered Wanda. She wanted to join in even if she couldn’t quite remember why. None of it made sense but there was one thing that Yelena and the the other unconscious residents knew: Wanda needed to stay happy. People were offering her things but she just took a step up towards the man who was supposed to be her husband ( that felt wrong, for some reason ). She didn’t care where the kids were. They didn’t feel like hers anyway at that moment. “I think you should drop it.”
PETER: Peter had been one of the lucky few in Westview that were granted awareness prior to today, and while he couldn’t say he understood just exactly what people like James had been through, the ordeal they had now shared was certainly something he wasn’t eager to get back to. He however, was probably one of the few that harbored more sympathy for Wanda than anger, and the urge to speak up had never been stronger. But Peter knew he’d be outnumbered in his beliefs and doing so would get him nowhere, despite how much his spidey sense was leaving his stomach in utter knots. So he kept quiet, watching from the sidelines as the woman he’d come to know as Agnes hovered above their heads, ready to strike at a moment’s notice should any harm come to Wanda or any of her family.
SAM: Talk about an escalation. One second he was back on his fuckboy shit and the next he was blinking away a massive magic headache again as Wanda’s spell wore off. It wasn’t just him though. Barnes had already engaged in direct contact with her along with a few residents. There were some still asleep judging by the vacant looks on their faces but the whole shebang was rapidly coming to an end. He joined Bucky and Yelena a step closer to Wanda than he preferred, attempting to give her a tight smile. She looked like she was falling apart. A little satisfying, but they had years of light friendship between them. “No one wants any trouble, Wanda. These people just want to go home. Wouldn’t mind it myself, either.”
BUCKY: Sam's voice had felt a lot like Steve's when he'd first heard it in Romania - a tether to the reality he'd been pulled away from. His gaze didn't waver from Wanda's, even if he wanted to turn and confirm that Sam was a real live person next to him, and not more manipulation by Wanda, but the look on her face, the awareness in the people surrounding her was enough confirmation to keep his eyes trained. "Speak for yourself, Wilson." it was clipped, angry. His fingers twitched as the panic continued to rise in his chest, almost overriding his sensibilities. James knew they just needed to get people out, but he couldn't get past how tired he was of people meddling with his brain.
SAM: Shifting from one foot to the other, Sam shook his head. “Nuh uh, nope. I’m not letting either of us getting erased from reality right now.” They had lost Wanda’s attention but she looked like a deer in the headlights. Only issue was that when she panicked she was liable to take everyone with her. “Parker,” Sam turned to Spider-man. “Good to see you’re with us. You ready for ugly?” Not that he was trying to will it into existence. “I’m hoping we got back-up waiting out there.” Knowing Carol, he was surprised she hadn’t smashed through the barrier like it was a spaceship yet.
PETER: Peter was mildly startled when Sam addressed him directly, his head snapping in the direction of the man in question. “—huh- oh yeah. Of course. I mean, not really. But I don’t think I have much of a choice in the matter.” Offering up a smile that slowly began to morph into a grimace, Peter gave Sam a halfhearted salute followed by a not so convincing “Ready when you are, Captain.”
WANDA: They were loud. Their thoughts, their desires. Now, more pressingly: their fear and anger. Norm -- no, Albliash Tandon was talking. When they dreamed - when they were allowed to sleep - they were subjected to her nightmares. This was all a twisted perversion of a fantasy. The people in Westview wanted to die rather than live under Wanda’s thumb any longer and she couldn’t blame them. This was hell on Earth presenting as heaven. Each voice chipped away at her and Wanda crumbled inside. “No, you’re fine.” She reassured them. “You’re fine. I kept you safe in here. You -- You feel... at peace.” A lie. They felt her pain. Wanda was crying and pleading with them like a madman. Her grief was poisoning them. Stop. Stop. Stop. Stop Stop. She kept repeating it but they would’t listen. A scream exploded from her chest, hands clutching her face as scarlet tendrils wrapped around their thoughts and everyone in the square dropped. Her children remained off to the side, Agatha in the sky. Wanda didn’t notice any of them as she doubled over. As they writhed and choked, realization set in. “No, stop. Stop.” It took two shakes of her hand before the magic faded. She stared down at them, one whole and one ruined. How had she turned into this? If you won’t let us go, just kill us. No -- no, Wanda would let them go. She’d fix this. And then there was Agatha, goading her. Heroes don’t torture people, The voice of the Witch voice rang out somewhere in her mind above the din. A hero. Wanda was one, past actions excluded. She cared about people. She wanted to change a world that had hurt her. Heroes didn’t hurt people. Wanda was done. Sneakers planted on the ground, Wanda’s spine curved as the force of her magic began to bend her backwards. The column of red energy hit the roof of the Hex and exposed its edges and corners. It felt like ripping a part of herself apart but she still managed a pained, “Get out! Go.”
YELENA: It was incredible to go from being mind controlled into a zombie to being choked out on the street. Her first conscious thoughts were trying to make sure she could breath and then flipping onto her back to blink against the red glow of the Hex. Hex. Barrier. Wanda. With a grunt, Yelena climbed first to her knees and then her feet. Maximoff was there but divided. She was in pain ( not as much as she’d inflected on them though ) and vulnerable. Killing her was tempting, but her belt held no knives or guns. Even though whatever outfit Wanda had forced Yelena into was gone the clothes she had been wearing that night were weaponless. “Блядь,” she spat. “This is where we kill her, isn’t it?”
CAROL: Carol had parked it just a few yards away from the glowing red wall, the force of the magic hot enough to feel like she was standing in front of the sun, but still, she didn't move. She sat with her knees pulled up, forearms resting atop, and she contemplated her options. Behind her, commotion was ongoing as they watched Westview dissolve and they were losing signal because Wanda was losing it and Westview was quickly going dark. It was only a matter of time, and if necessary, Carol would find a way through, even if it pissed Wanda off. She was ready for a head to head. Itching for one. But just as her eyes made the rounds again as she scanned the corners she could make out, the ground beneath her began to shake, responding to a sudden rush of energy. Carol jumped to her feet, the hex splitting open and spilling out light from the other side. She didn't look back, she didn't wait for confirmation. Sending a rush of energy to her feet, Carol shot forward as soon as she saw the trees on the other side, emerging and landing heavily in grass. She didn't even give a glance back - by the accounts she tracked during the observations, she had a pretty good idea where Wanda was -- even if there wasn't a beam of red energy erupting from ground zero.
BUCKY: "Yes." James shoved himself to his feet, the shifting of metal a suddenly phantom feeling as his shoulder accustomed to supporting the weight of his arm again. He didn't even want to think about what else Wanda had changed - what narrative she had forced down their throats. "It sure fucking is."
SAM: Well, shit. The town was glitching. It was rapidly beginning to cycle through the different decades that Wanda had subjected it to. Already in go mode, Sam began waving civilians towards the widening gap. He wasn’t sure how long Wanda could sustain it, but it didn’t look like very long. “No, we’re not going to do that.” He shook his head at Yelena. If she and Bucky wanted to duke it out over who got to deal the final blow, that was awesome for the assassins. Not for Sam though, and he planned on keeping everyone alive. Belova wasn’t pregnant anymore and Barnes had his arm back. His metal arm back, that was. “She hurt more than just us. Right now, our job is making sure she doesn’t hurt anyone else. We get them out of here with her alive. I’m not willing to risk what happens if this barrier comes down on us.”
PIETRO: He’d been standing outside the barrier for what felt like centuries. Each second ticked by like agony as he stared at the sea of red encasing everything he’d ever loved within its clutches. The spread of it was slow at first, crimson stretching apart until it tore — his eyes dropped to the narrow opening just as it shuddered open and he was gone. A deafening boom of sound obliterating the air around him as debris dusted in a wake of blue and silver streaks. He tore through the opening, moving with so much momentum that gravity barely had the chance to acknowledge his presence before he was gone again, across the side of a building in a wide take on the ninety degree angle turn, nothing but a gush of air as he raced down the street. Luna. Crys. Wanda. —Wanda.—Crys. — Luna. wandalunacryslunawandacrys. His mind was racing and then all at once it didn’t matter. She was standing there with their baby in his arms and he slid to a pavement shattering halt with a thunderous snap just thirty feet from them. “Crystalia—“ he appeared in front of her, searching her face—searching Luna’s. “Are you okay??”
HAYWARD: The crack was enough. They were already ready, beyond ready now, as their technology flew out ahead of them, disappearing through the separated barrier to complete its given commands. Hayward packed himself into an armored vehicle and lead the pack of vehicles and tanks as they climbed over the terrain to finally enter Westview. Their concern had little to do with the citizens and more to do with handling the mutant that had created this alternate reality mess. When the truck hit asphalt and entered the town square, he was finally facing down Wanda, depowered and looking exhausted. The town must be empty, he concluded, the citizens fleeing from the twisted story she'd subjected them all to. All that was left was just a minor handful of people, those Wanda seemed closest too considering all the video feeds he'd watched.
AGATHA: Agatha watched the scene before her, floating above the chaos she’d snipped the stitchings to with all the amusement of someone detached and cold. It didn’t really matter to her how Wanda felt. That wasn’t what she was after. “Careful Wanda, your precious babies are tied to this messy little world you’ve created.” Agatha sighed. “Collapse it all now and ..” she tsked “well, look at them. they’re writhing.”
BUCKY: He was seething, struggling to see beyond the slew of memories he had that weren't his -- how happy he had felt, and how that was being soured by betrayal. All he wanted to do was rush forward, even if Wanda snapped him out of existence before he got the chance. But he forced his feet back, forced himself to grab onto Yelena's arm --- something he wouldn't have done under normal circumstances but nothing about this screamed normal -- and started moving away. "This conversation isn't over, Sam." James said with a finality as he turned to usher out the crowd towards the nearest fault in Wanda's wall.
PETER: Peter was suitless, now clad in the same oversized hoodie and baseball cap he’d been wearing the night he was sucked into the hex. Thankfully, however, past Peter had been smart enough to not come unprepared, and present Peter thanked his lucky stars as the familiar feeling of his web shooters materialized around his wrists. Watching James and Yelena nervously, he opted instead to assist Sam in evacuating civilians, using his webbing to pull collapsing debris and obstacles out of the way of the crack in the hex.
DAISY: Daisy had been waiting for the order like everyone else to go into the hex, and as she watched the walls began to collapse she didn’t hesitate to aim her gauntlet covered hands to the ground and sent a shockwave large enough to propel her into the air. It got her far enough to where she was just trailing behind Carol, and she used her powers again to break her fall before breaking off into a sprint towards the town center. As civilians ran past her, she did her best to give them some encouraging words. “You’re all going to be safe soon! Just run towards the edge of the wall as fast as you can!” She didn’t have time to usher people out, though. She needed to find Hayward and stop him from making a strike on Wanda, and everyone else that was still in the surrounding area.
WANDA: It hurt. That was what her mind was focused on. It hurt with every fiber of her being to exert that much energy at once. As the town began to revert and glitch Wanda felt silent tears streak down her face. She deserved this on some level. Her creation and ruination combined. Wanda channeled everything she had into the rectification of her mistake until she felt it. An untethering. There was screaming but then there was the sound of her husband, her sons. They were dying -- again, in  Visions case -- and Wanda wasn’t ready to let them go. There was a scream that left her throat and then the barrier was closing once more. They were tethered, tied. That was mostly true. There was no Vision outside of Westview. The world had saw to that when they took him away from her. But her boys, they persisted. The dissolving aura that surrounded Vision faded away while remaining on the twins. Just like it had happened before they were conceived, a division occurred. Two boys were left coughing on the pavement while their original selves - the older ones - were once again separate. The red faded away and Wanda was left breathless and weak. Even though she felt like she was going to fall over if she took a step she somehow managed to drag herself to her younger boys and her husband. “Are you okay? Look at me -- are you okay?” She grabbed the twin’s by the face, her attention on them and not Hayward’s militia.
SAM: At least everyone was working together. His head tipped in Bucky’s direction as he grabbed the Widow by the arm. Better to let them work it out among themselves. “Didn’t think it was, Bucky.” He turned his attention then towards the current effort. “Hey, spiderthing, you got any reservations about throwing old people?”
TOMMY: He couldn’t quite separate it any more — the younger version of him he’d been combined with and the person he was before, so much so that it was hard to tell which one was falling apart anymore until he finally thought it was just him. All of him being stretched and pulled and ripped away until finally it was like a rubber band snapping and he gasped, staring at a version of himself that didn’t even look like him when he was a kid. “What the fuck?” Tommy said, sitting flat on his ass in the middle of the street. His hands flapped around his torso, checking for—for holes or janky missing parts— maybe parts that weren’t his but nothing, none of that just...him. all him. “...Billy....???” He called out warily.
MONICA: Monica didn’t want to talk about where she had been or her unfortunate experience with Ralph Bohner. That was for another day. Ultimately, she had wasted time getting to the town square. The barrier was closing again but the space had been inundated with familiar faces. “Hey, S.H.I.E.L.D.” She tilted her head towards Daisy as their paths intersected. “Wanda -- is she alive still?”
YELENA: To say she was angry was an extreme understatement. Yelena had been indoctrinated for as long as she could remember. Her entire being had been reduced into being a replacement for a woman who had decided to move on. Yelena was not Natalia. She had learned that over time, even though they had denied her own name. She was her own, and yet, Wanda had erased that. An American. One who made pies and gave a shit about what people thought about her. Yelena was not the pretty one. She never had been. That was Natalia, lithe and delicate. Yelena hid in curved edges. She wasn’t a beauty queen and suburbia was never in her cards. Having someone who loved her was almost as ridiculous. Two assassins as parents? No. She refused to let her hand touch her stomach like it had when she was pregnant. Yelena knew what was there: a scar. no signs of life. She made it approximately five steps before pulling her arm from James’ grasp. “Ты не мой муж, James ( you’re not my husband). Отпустить (let go). I’m not leaving.”
PETER: Peter continued in his efforts of getting civilians to safety as quickly as possibly, but Sam’s voice once again snapped him out of it, “—do I what? You can’t be serious, dude!” Yelena was clearly growing angry pretty quickly and Peter was growing overwhelmed. The sounds of Wanda’s distress mixed with that of utter chaos were almost becoming too much to handle, but Peter stuck to it, launching himself toward the Captain with his webbing and landing beside the man with a soft thud. “You want me to — “ he held up a web shooter and vaguely gestured in Yelena and James’ direction with a shrug.
SAM: “Desperate times, desperate measures, man.” The octogenarians weren’t really moving fast enough and Wanda had finally lost steam. They were going to be trapped but the heroes could at least take care of themselves. As Peter moved to stand by his side, Sam’s shoulders rose and fell. “I don’t speak Russian and I know she can kill me. He could too, but we’re friends. Mostly. Think we let them work it out?”
VISION: It wasn’t the first time he’d felt himself being torn apart at the seams—at the barrier, he’d felt it then. The popping of parts as they flew loose, chunks of reality melting away into stardust and matter. He strained to reach them—his wife, his children. “Wanda!—Boys!” he gritted through his teeth, pushing through an invisible force that allowed no headway. Then all at once, he collapsed, all his pieces flew back into place and he caught his breath. His sons had once again separated into their older and younger selves. “I’m alright.” he assured her, looking to his children for any missing chunks.
WANDA: They were okay. They were fine. Maybe they wouldn’t be in the long haul, but in that moment her family was whole once more. No missing pieces, no slipping away and dissolving into the air. Wanda exhaled a sigh of relief, kissing the top of Billy and Tommy’s heads. The barrier was back in place and they had once again stolen a few extra minutes. “Go home, boys.” Wanda released them. “Get to safety.” Not that anywhere was safe. Their house had been a haven. At the very least it put a few walls between themselves and Hayward’s agents. Wanda had warned them off. She had told S.H.I.E.L.D. to leave her alone but they clearly no longer feared her. No fear, no respect. Wanda was just another obstacle. She squeezed Vision’s hand, relief bubbling in her chest. Wanda had barely made it to her feet when something slammed into her and a vice grip was around her neck. White hands led up white arms and a ivory form. It was the Vision but it was not. There was something cold and calculating about his blue eyes. Even though she had just seen her husband, there was something unsettling about his quiet form. He was achingly familiar. “Vision?” She rasped. He just stared at her before his grip tightened. “And here I thought you were supposed to be powerful.”
PETER: Peter spoke to Sam in a manner akin to a student whispering to his friend in the back of class, careful to not let the teacher catch them, “— yeah, but if we leave them be - won’t they go after Wanda? I don’t know if I can take them both — “
TOMMY: Grabbing his correct twin, Tommy took a fistful of the back of his shirt and raced them both out of Westview before the barrier could close back up.
CRYSTALIA: There was a chance that Crystal was the only one who had willingly entered Westview. She hadn’t really know what she was signing up for but knew she had no choice. The second that Luna had vanished there hadn’t been a single thing in the world that mattered more to her than setting things right. There was a crippling fear that it was Crystal’s fault it had happened in the first place. Realistically she knew Wanda’s powers, but as a young first time mother it all seemed so pivotal on her inability to hold on when it mattered. And so, she entered hell. Crystalia wasn’t a Princess anymore. She had a ridiculous backstory and always felt exhausted even when she smiled. And she was always smiling. Her child screamed and she was helpless to do anything until Wanda fixed it. It felt impossible to say how long it had been, but the second the red cloud began to leave her mind Crystal began to panic. Luna was awake but wasn’t crying. The infant almost seemed solemn. Had Wanda hurt her? Crystal would kill her if so, but the baby betrayed nothing. Everyone in the town square was loud. They were panicking but Crystalia was trying to center herself. She was naturally attuned to the world -- being in elemental meant being grounded. She could feel the vibrations of the earth and the moisture in the air and that was reassuring. That being said, it’s hard to be grounded when your not sister in law decides to choke an entire town out. Crystal had pressed Luna against her, resting the unaffected baby on her chest as she hit her knees. Pietro loved Wanda. Crystal had spent her abbreviated pregnancy watching him all apart. He loved her, but Crystalia hated her. She hated what she had done to her and her daughter. At the thundering sound, the Princess instinctively tucked Luna against herself. Head spinning, she took a step towards her baby daddy Pietro. “It’s you.” As in, not the fake version she had been forced to marry.
SAM: There was a noncommittal grunt. “Bucky, no. He wants to but he knows what we’re focusing on. Yelena, I’m not sure. It would be easier if Nat was here.” Not that the sisters relationship was outwardly anything other than contentious. “I’d say lovers quarrel but that wasn’t real.” Technically their sleeping together was but Sam wasn’t sure if that was public knowledge. “Speaking of lovers, you see a Carol shaped comet yet?”
PIETRO: When they’d vanished he felt the last parts of himself that he’d been clinging to, crumble. Wanda had been rejecting him in more ways than one and ripping his new born and Crys from him just days after Luna had been born had broken something for him that just hadn’t operated right since. His mind loosely drifted to his twin but he was more focused on this—Wanda could handle herself. Right now he needed to hold his daughter and her mother. Pietro pulled both of them against him, tucking Luna between their bodies as he wrapped them in his arms. He felt a breath fully expand his lungs for the first time in weeks. “It’s you.” he said. “Both of you.” He kissed the top of her bright red hair. “Please tell me you’re okay.”
DAISY: Daisy smiled a bit when she saw Monica, glad to see the familiar face. “S.W.O.R.D.” She breathed out in a sigh of relief before she stopped in her tracks and nodded as she pointed over towards the big red beam in the sky, but then it faded again and her head tilted to the side. The borders were closing, but thankfully she seemed to still be in her right of mind. For now, at least. “Where the hell is Hayward?”
CRYSTALIA: Folding into him, Crystal allowed herself to take a shaky breath. She wasn’t sad, only angry. Her child had been endangered for no reason at all. “It’s me. As of a few minutes ago, at least.” There was the sharp curl of humiliation in her stomach at the thought of who Wanda had forced her to be. Her family had to be worried. She was an adult but she’d always be the baby of the family -- forever the princess, never the queen. It was a miracle that the Inhumans hadn’t taken any kind of action against Wanda. Or, she assumed they hadn’t. Although it was nearly physically painful, Crystalia angled her body to offer Pietro his daughter. “She hurt us.” It was hard to explain the feeling. “Every second. Just grief. But you, you were there.” Wanda mourned her brother. Maybe she knew Crystal’s connection to him and let her share in that sorrow. Falling silent as her processing spun slowly, the Inhumans brows furled. “She had me get married to some knock off version of you who smelled. I had to live with him.” Not that he cared or was attentive. It was just part of the game.
BUCKY: James stopped, giving the collapsing Hex a glance before he shifted his gaze to her. "И что вы будете делать, Yelena." and what will you do? He didn't want to hear it. He didn't want to deal with it. With regret already settling into his skin, James bent and scooped Yelena up by her hips, hinging her over his shoulder, his metal arm tight around her waist. He knew he was taking her choice from her just minutes after she'd gotten it back, but she could take that out on him outside of Wanda's hell fantasy. He followed Sam and the rest.
PETER: Peter was shocked to notice James scoop Yelena off her feet and carry the assassin to the break in the Hex, but he didn’t question it, gaze instead flicking to the sky to check for any sign of the Carol shaped comet. “I don’t know? Thought I saw her earlier, Quake was nearby too — she shouldn’t be too hard to spot!” he spoke a bit louder, almost a yell, over the rumbling chaos.
YELENA: Body thrashing slightly, Yelena knew five ways to break his hold that would also bring him to his knees. She knew how to fight back but she was exhausted. Her body didn’t know how to handle going from being pregnant to remembering that it was impossible to exist in that state. “я собираюсь убить тебя ( i’m going to kill you ),” she hissed, knowing that his ear was right by her mouth. Going slack then, the spy allowed him to carry her away from the place she wanted to be and the person she wanted to kill.
VISION: He was flying over Westview, scanning for his wife among the scattered bodies running around below. When he finally passed over their home, he found a startling view: a being, stark white in nature — and worse, he seemed to have Wanda by the head. A visual that sent his vital organs or lack thereof  plummeting to the earth below. Vision rocketed forward, slamming into the other synthezoid with a force that sent them tumbling into the ground like an asteroid. They left a crater in their wake as he carried him far away from his family. Vision threw the synthezoid up, chasing him higher into the sky—farther away from Wanda.
MONICA: “Hayward’s where Wanda is.” Monica replied, knowing it to be true. “He wants Vision and she’d do anything to protect him. That’s where I’m going.” Without waiting, Monica turned to move towards the glowing epicenter with the notion Daisy would follow. As the red column began to die down she hurried her pace into a run until she skidded to a stop. Hayward was looking smug and his shoulders were at the ready. It was then that they fired at the retreating forms of Wanda’s twins and without any hesitation Monica threw herself in front of them. She had been the one to help deliver them. Even if it was all fake, she had handed the newborns to Wanda and watched that love grow. One bullet entered and then the other. There was no pain or skin breaking. For a moment it was just light. It was like breaking through the barrier. Monica felt them enter and exit in a surge of energy. She blinked through a new golden glow, mind trying to comprehend the sight of Vision wrestling what looked like a ghostly version of himself away from Wanda. “It’s over, Hayward.” It was easy to say when you had just tapped into the light spectrum. “It’s done.”
SAM: Holding both hands up, Sam shook his head. They were going to sort it out. The Winter Soldier and White Widow were well equipped for one another. Maybe Belova would try to kill Barnes. He couldn’t see it going the other way. Not that Sam was actively betting on Barnes’ love life. “If you want to go, kid, I don’t blame you. I’m going to stay here though. See if anyone needs help.” Leave no man behind. Sam was trying to be the best Captain he could.
PIETRO: An actual twinge of pain ebbed through him at her words. She hurt us. They echoed through his skull like gun shots. He felt his tongue go dry and his legs go numb as he pulled her to him a little tighter. They weren’t words he’d wanted to hear, but he needed to. The part of him that twitched to run to Wanda in any capacity was subdued by a haunting feeling of guilt. He had missed her but the joy of seeing her again was squandered by pain she’d caused. To his daughter. Crystalia. Him. “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry—I should have protected you.” You never should have been there. I should have stopped her. She should have never done this. The words died on his tongue before they had a chance to form. It didn’t matter. The damage was done. And no amount of words would remedy the scars that had been left. “What can I do?” He asked into her hair, smoothing a hand down her back. At her comment about the awful imposter that had been branded with his name, a subdued scoff of a laugh left his throat. “He smelled, huh? Well at least you don’t like him better.” He mused, an ill attempt at a joke. Of course she wouldn’t have. He’d been awful.
DAISY: Daisy quickly followed suit behind Monica, with absolutely no hesitation. They needed to make their way over there, and fast. There was no telling what Hayward had planned. And sure enough, Daisy ran up just in time to see an ivory tinted version of Vision and the real- er, hex vision flying up into the sky with him. “Shit..” She muttered under her breath as she sped up her pace. And when she ran up to Hayward and saw him opening fire on a couple of kids, her heart sank as she realized that she was too late. She quickly held her hand up and tried to pinpoint vibrations on all of the guns to shake them apart, but the bullets had already exited the chamber. In fact, he fired several rounds before she was able to destroy the guns. But then Monica was throwing herself in front of the kids and Daisy’s eyes widened as she watched the bullets go straight through the other agent. That must have been a new development. And she very quickly quaked most of the bullets in a different direction before they could actually hit Billy and Tommy.  And then, she turned to Hayward and narrowed her eyes before tilting her finger and using her powers to snap all of the bones in his hand and his wrist. “Stand down, now. Or I’ll break a lot more than just that.”
PETER: Peter debated his next move for a few seconds, and while Sam was partly right - he did want to leave, to go home, to call MJ and Ned, and make sure everyone was okay - he also knew what he had to do. He was Spider-Man. Maybe he didn’t quite look like it at the moment, sans suit, but there was no denying it - and there was no walking away from that. “No — I’ll stay, I’ll stay. Just - tell me what you need me to do.”
CAROL: She felt sheer force slam into her shoulder as Carol full bodied the nearest armored truck, smashing it into the nearest one and then cascading that energy through the tank nearest to the rest. It was a calculated move -- they were aiming guns at children and the tank was setting up to fire. Now, she had put enough force and energy through the vehicles that they were little more than metal boxes now as she peeled herself out of the metal and took a moment to crack her back. "You really underestimate us, Hayward." She said casually just before she registered Monica. She didn't have nearly enough time to address that situation before she spotted Sam. She didn't say anything to him, she didn't know what she'd say, so she looked to Monica and Daisy. "Nice teamwork guys. Now. Where's our mutant?"
SAM: Peter was a good kid. They had a strange introduction but Sam could say that about everyone he knew at this point.  He was offering his mouth to respond when the Carol comet he had inquired about smashed into Hayward. Coughing from the dust that rose from the rubble, Sam jutted his chin towards where Wanda was sucking in breath. “Looks like we have a Vision problem.”
LORNA: As it stood, Lorna was positive she was going to go back towards being an only child. Erik didn’t even like Pietro and they had basically just met him. The mutant had come to alongside her father. Her green hair was a dull brown that was only just returning to its normal hue. It felt ridiculous to be standing in a full cape and headpiece in the middle of the town square, but Lorna had other things to focus on. Carol Danvers ( ugh ) was smashing into Hayward and someone Lorna didn’t recognize was apparently casually breaking his bones. Striding up, green flared around the guns of the soldiers before they snapped in half. The bullets unloaded to clatter pointlessly to the ground. “God, I love guns. More than I love this family at least.”
MONICA: Teamwork made the dream work. Monica had been trained as an agent to learn how to balance working with a group. It made life easier. She became a human target, Carol was Carol and the new Agent was inflicting pain on Hayward that Monica would personally have loved to be responsible for. “She willingly took the barrier down.” Monica said as she strode in Carol’s direction. “But it was killing her family. That was before another Vision showed up. And, also, there’s a witch.”
PETER: Peter watched on in a slight crazed panic, at the scene Sam alerted him to, and a broken smile forced its way onto his face, “Hey then we better get some glasses — you know..? Because - vision problem,” he quipped, regretting even opening his mouth before shaking his head and launching a web toward the wrestling duo, the tendril managing to cling to the bottom of one of the ghostly vision’s feet. Peter gave a sharp tug, but it didn’t appear to do much besides briefly interrupt the fight, “Uhh - what do I do??”
CAROL: "Another Vision?" Carol shot a look at Hayward, but he was too preoccupied dealing with his bones and the loss of his firepower to pay Carol any mind. "Witch?" That also caught her attention. "Another mutant then or?" she didn't know why the questions mattered. They didn't. They'd just been so out of the loop for so long she was itching for answers. "So let's go get her then."
VISION: The sky lit up in an array of blue and gold as the two synthezoid’s went at one another, each determined to destroy the next. In all the thrashing, he kept them steered clear from anyone below. “What are you?”
CRYSTALIA: It was over. Or, at the very least, it almost was. Wanda was out of her mind and the absence of the spell left the clarity of uninterrupted thought. Pietro pulled her even closer and there was a comfort to be found in a firm embrace. He was strong -- maybe not strong enough to stop his sister -- but solid nonetheless. All Crystalia wanted to do was rest. If she broke down it would not be there. Her pride was too persistent. “It’s not your fault,” Crystal shook her head, one hand briefly resting above his heart. “Any anger I have is towards Wanda. There was nothing you could have done.” Once Wanda wanted something no one had been able to stand in her way. There was a hurricane of emotion that could be sorted through later. Right the she just wanted to make sure her daughter was safe. “You can take us home.” Wherever that was. New Attilan or the Avengers Compound. Home was anywhere but Westview. Even then she doubted that she’d sleep well but at least it would be on her own terms. At the mention of “Pietro”, Crystal shook her head. Her hair was down and loose in strawberry curls, fly aways blowing into her face. “He didn’t come around much and he didn’t care about Luna. I can’t even remember marrying him.”
THE VISION: What was he? A good question. He was functional, capable. He was built with a purpose to last. He was, most importantly, real. That was more than the synthezoid he grappled with could say. Their twin bodies phased through one another, mental beams hitting empty air. “I am the Vision.” The reply was simple, syllables plain and straightforward. This was not something he struggled to understand. His being was laid out in code and his object is clear. Body twisting in the air to get a grasp, the synthezoid managed to get hit a hit in that sent his counterpart hurtling through the air and crashing into what appeared to be a library. His descent was slower, cape gently fluttering around his legs as he hovered above the wooden floor. “And I am here to neutralize the Vision.”
DAISY: Once Hayward seemed to have given up, Daisy stomped towards him and grabbed him by the arm, glaring down at him. As she glanced behind her and spotted a couple other S.W.O.R.D. agents who made it through the barrier with them, she practically shoved him towards them and shook her head. "Take Director Dick here back towards the base once the barrier opens back up. We'll deal with the paperwork there." She insisted, and the other two didn't even question it as they got him in handcuffs and loaded him into one of the nearby vehicles. She approached Monica and Carol at the tail end of the conversation. "I'm sorry did you say another witch?" As she glanced up towards the sky, she finally saw the woman who was surrounded by a purple aura and her eyes widened. "Oh, yeah. That's another witch. Let's find Wanda."
VISION: Vision rose to his feet, facing his ghostly counter part once again, head on. He charged at him, tangling them in a web of vibranium limbs, he twisted White Vision into a headlock, stilling them for a breath of a moment. then it occurred to him:  “But I’m not the true Vision. Only a conditional one.”
WANDA: It was time for it all to finally end. Wanda had kept up the ruse for as long as possible but the walls had done more than cave in. There were Avengers - friends - and there had been innocents. Wanda had walked through her reasoning and watched it go down in her minds eye. She had been many things, but fear was the root cause of everything. It all traced back to her fear -- and she was terrified no more. There was just calm resolve as she left Carol and the others with Hayward. Rising into the air so that Westview became a map below her, Wanda gave it her all. She tried to enter Agatha’s mind as the Witch had once done to her. It was a failure of an idea, the coven of witches that Agatha had drained instead turning on Wanda. In some ways she was out of her element, but there was also a part of her that had been waiting for this moment. Agatha wanted to know how she did it? Fine. She wanted her power? She’d let her try to take it. Wanda couldn’t escape her fate. She threw blast after blast and felt her body start to shrivel up. If Agatha wanted it all, she could have it. Red poured from Wanda into Agatha, purple and red mingling. She gave her everything she had until she was left floating with red eyes and withered skin.
AGATHA: Agatha had asked for it — but the funny thing about wishes — you had to be careful with them. After all the universe did like to screw you. Honestly she was a little surprised to see the red witch cave so easily — not that it stopped her from draining her of everything she could. Her magic tasted hellish on her tongue and it filled her with a sense of power she’d only ever sensed in beings of the cosmic scale. Her arms stretched wide as the tendrils of chaos flowed through her—and then...suddenly...it stopped. No. No—that wasn’t right, they weren’t done. Agatha tried to draw more, only nothing happened, not even a sputter of sparks from her finger tips. “What?”
MONICA: “Y’know, I really wanted to be the one who did that.” Monica shook her head. Hayward had taken something her mother had created as a labour of love and exploited it for power. There was a sharp sting of disappointment that she couldn’t be the one who finally got to haul him away in sweet retribution. But this was reality. You didn’t always get to be the hero you wanted to. Hayward had been taken care of and Monica had to be happy with that victory. “Agatha Harkness. Turns out Agnes wasn’t just a nosy neighbor.” They had only interacted marginally. Geraldine had no reason to pay her much attention. “I know where Wanda is.” A finger pointed upwards. “And I’m not getting involved.”
PETER: Peter jogged up to Monica and the others, having just witnessed the immense transfer of power between the two witches, “Does anyone have any idea what’s happening?? I don’t think my web shooters will do any good against that,” he pointed to the sky, worriedly.
REMY: Plenty of them had stood at the border, waiting for something more than silence and occasional updates on the happenings of inside. But then the Hex had fractured and teams had been ordered in for extraction - save the people, evacuate the town - and Remy had done his best to follow that order, but he didn't know how to be a hero. Not really. Not in the selfless capacity. He slipped down back alleyways to avoid the crowds of people and just followed where they were fleeing from until he emerged in the center of the town. There were trucks, SWORD had made it in, and a few stray heroes were incapacitating them. But his attention was drawn elsewhere, because goddamit he was tired of the loss and gain of their relationship. "You gonna keep making me chase you down?" he said, just loud enough to grab Lorna's attention. "I'm starting to wonder if it's on purpose" there was no immediate threat, nothing he could attack, even if they, and he, were still on high alert. And this was the only way he could manage because presently, he wasn't managing well at all.
CAROL: Carol followed Monica's gaze and she almost shot a load of energy into her boots but forced herself to stay planted. As much as she wanted to engage, it would be out of her own selfishness, not because she was needed. "Fine." she looked straight at Monica. "You wanna explain to me what the hell is going on with you then?"
DAISY: "He's all yours once we get back to the base." Daisy insisted, knowing that Monica would love to be the one who did his official intake. She may have let her anger get the best of her back there once she saw him firing at those kids, but then she was reminded of those bullets floating straight through Monica like she wasn't even solid matter. And then Carol mentioned it and Daisy couldn't help herself from commenting too. "That was really brave of you back there. Stupid, but brave. Did you even know you would be able to do that? That's new, right?" She didn't remember powers being mentioned at all when it came to Monica.
PIETRO: It didn’t matter whether or not it was his fault, he didn’t do his job. Against the one person he should have been best at it. Her words stung, but he understood where they were coming from. She had a right to be angry — he was still angry. Loving Wanda more than he could handle didn’t exclude him from holding her accountable. You can take us home. He nodded, relief flooding him to know they’d be sleeping under the same roof tonight. They were alive and well and his. He smoothed the stray pieces of her red hair from her face and kissed her. “Then don’t. Marry me instead.” He proposed. It seemed to come from no where, but he’d been thinking about it before. He’d only stopped himself because he hadn’t wanted it to happen just because of Luna. Now though — he just didn’t care what it looked like. He was tired of tripping up on calling her his girlfriend because it was so much more than that between them. “Yeah.” he said, tilting his head and tucking her hair behind he ear. “Marry me.”
WANDA: Surprise. It turned out that Wanda was an incredibly quick study. She was barely able to stay afloat and it felt like Agatha had taken everything from her, but Wanda persevered. That was what she did. Time and time again she found a way to survive. As Agatha’s realization began to dawn Wanda found herself revitalized. Runes. They began to glow as the giant shapes lit up the sky. “In a given space, only the witch who cast them can use her magic. Thanks for the lesson, but I don’t need you to tell me who I am.” It was like the floodgates were opening. This was chaos unleashed. Agatha was pleading but the world was a red blur. It encased Wanda in its blinding light. She felt it solidifying around her temple, infusing her with pure potential. Destiny, fate, burdens. All words that had been thrown at her. At that moment, Wanda didn’t care. She was everything and she was nothing. She was, without a doubt, the Scarlet Witch and as a nexus of powers potential personified. Maybe Agatha was right. She didn’t fully know what she had done. Encased in magic, the new scarlet of Wanda’s outfit reflected the failing borders of the world she had built. For so long she had lacked a name, and in some ways, a higher purpose. That was no more. Red swirled around her palm as Wanda lowered herself and the defeated Agatha back towards the ground. She dropped the Witch unceremoniously before gently drifting down herself. Something was different. Everything was different. Red died from green eyes as Wanda turned towards the small crowd of people she knew, silent as her power threaded itself through her veins.
CAROL: Carol shifted her attention abruptly, calculating the woman who stood before her. She always knew Wanda was powerful - she'd dealt with enough powerful mutants to build a roster and by now, her instinct was to defend. "Wanda-" she started, but she made no move to approach. "You've got a lot of things to own up to." If Wanda attacked, Carol would defend -- but the last thing Carol would do was retreat, no matter if Wanda got a fancy new outfit in the last ten minutes up in the sky.
PETER: Peter couldn’t believe what he was witnessing. Sure he’d fought in battles by Wanda’s side before, and even fought - well tried to fight - Wanda herself. But this was different. This was a whole other level — and Peter felt almost frozen in place as he watched everything commence, only broken from his trance-like state at the sound of Carol’s voice addressing the now grounded Wanda.
THE VISION: The two fought. They were beings forged with great power but remained intellects at heart. He required further elaboration. The two talked then, quick debate spurred on by processing cores and a desire to learn. This was the Ship of  Theseus, the dilemma of a conundrum. They were both Vision and they were not. One was memory and heart and the other the tangible devoid of that which had once made him. He could not destroy the Vision because he was the Vision. Alternatively, neither of them were the Vision. They had been twisted by greed -- both that of Wanda’s love and Hayward’s thirst for power. Together, perhaps, they could be one but that was not to be. Life had made them diametrically opposed through intentions he did not understand. It was with a quiet hesitation that the Vision let Vision touch the processing chip that had once housed the Mind Stone. And then -- clarity. Wanda. Sokovia. Wanda. Ultron. An accident that rendered a man paralyzed. This was the Vision as he once was. He was machine made more. Recoiling backwards, the blue of his eyes began to clear. “I am Vision.” Where that left the other he knew not, but the revitalized Vision shot out o the building without another word and escaped the barrier to find a place to enter deep contemplation.
VISION: Vision watched him go, left to float by himself among the now quiet air of the library. After but a moment or two, he soared out of the hole in the roof of the building to find Wanda and the boys. He didn’t know where any of it left the other synthezoid in his programming to destroy himself, but he was hoping it would override it. Upon landing, Vision phased through Carol to get to Wanda. “Captain Danvers.” he said on the pass through. “With all due respect, while I understand your qualms with my wife, they can wait another ten minutes — we’ve our children to get to.”
DAISY: Daisy watched in awe as Wanda fought it out with Agatha, still kind of in shock that this was the level of threats she was dealing with nowadays. That really was an Avenger up there, and she was standing next to freaking Captain Marvel. She was practically in the same amount of shock as Peter was as she stared dumbfounded with him, only to snap out of it at the sound of Wanda’s feet hitting the grass. She glanced down at Peter and raised her eyebrows at him in an attempt at a silent conversation, knowing he’d probably get her amazement.
MONICA: For what felt like the hundredth time in her life, Monica stood with her head tilted up towards the sky. This time there was no stars or Aunt who had turned to legend. It was a broken woman and a force set out against her. “I think what’s happening with me can wait.” Monica’s voice was quiet. She understood aliens but magic was new to her. She wanted to hate Wanda -- and a part of her did. Didn’t change how beautiful she looked dripping in scarlet and power. Turning towards Daisy, Monica nodded a few times before she remembered to speak. “Westview side effect. Looks like a lot is changing now.”
SAM: Carol was right. Wanda did have a lot to own up to, but they also had a lot to process and a lot of people to deal with. There was an arm extended in front of Carol. It wouldn’t stop her. It was purely a gesture. “It’s time for goodbye.” He said quietly, knowing what Vision meant. Besides, he was tired. They all were.
DAISY: Daisy blinked when she realized she was being spoken to. She turned her head to Monica and nodded. “Oh yeah, you went in before..” She could only imagine how having your entire reality rewritten and unwritten like that twice could effect your molecular anatomy. Daisy just knew that FitzSimmons would have a field day with trying to figure that out. “Still, that was super cool you know.”
TEDDY: Teddy Altman had been through a lot in the last couple of months, let alone the year. He’d lost his boyfriend twice—once to death, a second time to his scary mom. He’d been crowned the emperor of two empires that hated each other and was somehow expected to hold them together. His time on earth was limited most days, and while it made the frustration of not being able to get his boyfriend out of the hex — he was pretty floored to find out it was not only open, but the woman he’d been told about was involved. “Monica Rambeau?” Teddy said, approaching her. “My name’s Teddy. Can we talk?”
CAROL: Carol's eyes snapped to Sam, an incredulous furrow in her brow. "You've got to be fucking kidding me." she said on a breath but ultimately, she took a step back, actually turning around fully and away from Sam. "Good to know. I'll keep this in mind for the next villain we face."
CRYSTAL: Marry me instead. Crystalia’s mind was torn between the subtle swaying of rocking the baby and the processing of what had happened. Wanda would always be in her life, even if she wasn’t with Pietro. They were bound forever by blood and bone now. She was lost in touch - actual touch not being controlled by another - and the feeling of his lips against her own. “Marry you?” Of course she had thought about it. They had a child together and it was all but expected by an aristocratic family that worked on tradition. Crystalia had a child out of wedlock. Not only that but it was with a mutant who had a terrorist sister nonetheless. “Marry you.” The word was a sigh. She loved Pietro. She loved the family they had made. He wasn’t on one knee and they stood in the middle of a possessed town, but there was an odd romance to it. “Of course I’ll marry you.” Crystalia leaned up to kiss him. It was nice to have a choice this time. “I love you. All this craziness aside. I do.”
PIETRO: He wanted Crystalia and the baby out before he could think much of anything else. They had to be safe before he could get to Wanda and once he knew that Crys had Luna cradled to her chest, he’d picked her up and ran both of them back to Attilan in the Hudson. The entire ordeal had really only taken just minutes — mostly because he’d had to separate himself from them once again and convince his now fiancée to let him go speak to the same woman that had caused all of their pain. Even if that person was his sister—his twin, the same flesh and blood of his own—it still left its scars.
WANDA: They stared. Wanda sensed their indecision and, in some cases, their anger. Let them. It didn’t matter anymore. She knew what she had and what she had to lose. “A villain.” She repeated softly. There had been times in the past Carol had defended her. She hadn’t wanted Wanda left at the mercy of the mutants. But that was a different time before unforgivable transgressions. “Maybe, but it’s not that simple.” She had been villainous but that was over. This was the after. Taking Visions hand, Wanda nodded at Carol. “My husband is right. We have to focus on the boys. I’ll come back. I promise.” The last word was spoken quietly. She’d come back. Not Vision, not the boys. Just her. The twins had returned to town square, two children with expectant faces. Wanda would not let her last moments with her children be defending herself against Carol Danvers. Without waiting for permission, Wanda turned towards her home. “The barrier is falling. Westview is returning,” she called over her shoulder. “It will be right once more.”
MONICA: “Went in and got thrown out.” Monica confirmed. Carol was getting upset and she instantly tensed up to see if there would be conflict. When Sam intervened Monica exhaled. She was turning to respond to Daisy when she was approached from the other side. “Emperor Dorreck?” Of course she knew the Skrull leader. Space had always been a part of the Rambeau’s life. She excused herself to the side. “Yeah, of course. I’ll meet you as soon as we’re out of here.”
WANDA: It was the beginning of the end. No, not the beginning. The end had come five years before even though it felt like yesterday to a woman who hadn’t been around to live through it. The end had come the moment the Vision had died in Wakanda. His empty shell hitting the dirt heralded a new phase in her life and Wanda had tried her best to live in it. She socialized and tried to smile. Her tears were regulated to moments of privacy. Wanda had tried - she really had - but she couldn’t do it. She rewrote the story, added a chapter. There was no end then, only beginnings. Westview was real. Westview was hers. Westview had crumbled. People were flickering back to consciousness and red still sparked in the sky. It was her home that had never really been. A promise that had never been lived out. When the Vision had signed the deed and secured the land had he ever fathomed just how much Wanda would pervert it to keep it? The white android with his hands on her throat hadn’t remembered but Wanda always would. After months of games and manipulation she was quiet as she rested a hand on the twin’s backs. The elder version of the boys had long since departed. Not that she could blame them. They were all people for her to answer to but they had all the time in the world. The three souls who walked beside Wanda were pinned now into a finite box. She was going to lose them. They were never hers to lose. As Tommy and Billy obediently moved towards their house their mother took the hand of their father. It was silent except for their boots on the now cracked pavement and the quiet slapping of their capes. One day, there would be too much to unpack. Wanda felt a new thrumming in her chest and magic in her veins. The Scarlet Witch was more than just a name now, it was a point of being. She wore the mantle and the crown with a heavy head. The second their feet hit the threshold of the door the new costume faded away to more mundane clothing. A soft sweater, jeans. Some sneakers. Wanda felt stripped bare and the hardest part had yet to come. “Go get ready for bed, boys.” Her voice was hoarse as she tipped her head towards the stairs. When she looked back at Vision there was a plea in her eyes. The barrier was a soft static hush in the background as it inched closer. She couldn't do this. Not again.
VISION: They’d been moving at an immeasurable pace toward an end that he wasn’t entirely sure sealed much of anything at all. Time seemed slow and fast all at once, which led him to consider that it was merely a construct after all. A simple tool for humans to capture moments of life in numbered little bottles. Not that any of it mattered now — it did — but it could wait. If not for just for the moment: their moment. After all, that’s all life was, wasn’t it? A series of moments that molded bodies and souls all the same. Certainly Wanda and Vision had shared theirs. And while he spent most of their short time in Westview without the memories of their life prior to the Hex, he’d witnessed them within the precious past of a body that was never his to inhabit. And he felt that perhaps now, he understood her more than ever. He understood what they shared, but not what he was. He had all of this history that he couldn’t claim, children, a wife—love, yet once this world closed, this form of his being would cease along with it. What did that mean? What did it matter? Vision took her hand in his red palm and gently intertwined their fingers. They weren’t gone quite yet — he didn’t want her to mourn them before she’d truly lost them. He was determined to outshine the bitterness of what inched closer with the sweetness of what was still left. “Let’s say goodnight.” he said, and though his feet stayed on the ground, he felt himself floating up the stairs into their children’s room. For once he went to Tommy’s bed first, and sat at his feet. He watched Wanda with all the tenderness and normalcy that he could, hoping to leave her with something fond to remember them by. An ounce of reality in all the fiction.
WANDA: Goodnight and goodbye. It was with a bowed head and her heart in her throat that Wanda followed behind her husband up the familiar stairs to the boy’s room. The house hadn’t looked like that at first. It had expanded with her narrative to fit their new and extended family. Two boys at the top of the stairs, the heavy pounding of their footsteps heralding every new day. Her natural instinct would have been to move towards Tommy, but she settled instead by Billy. William, Vision had said. Billy, like Shakespeare. Wanda couldn’t say if she always planned to have twins. She knew Tommy the second he had started to grow in her stomach, but the joy in her husband's face had brought a new life to light inside of her. Smoothing back Billy’s hair, Wanda fumbled with unscripted words. “Snug as a bug. Big day today,” she patted the sheets around him. They were a family. This was the kind of evening that could have happened on any night but Wanda didn’t want to betray what she knew. They were kids. How could she tell them this was the story’s end? Looking to Vision, Wanda took a breath. “It was a big day. Your father and I are… very proud.” She exhaled. “But family is forever. We could never leave each other, even if we tried.” Had she not carried a part of Pietro around in her heart for years? He had always stayed near to her even as his bones turned to ash. “You know that, right?” As Tommy nodded and smiled across the room something inside Wanda fractured. She kissed Billy on the head before rising, trying to mentally document every scent and curl. They were hers even if they were never meant to be. Wanda would always be theirs. She and Vision met in the middle of the room, hands squeezing before she was kissing Tommy’s head. For all the messy parts of Wanda that there were, she had somehow managed to compile only the best of her and Vision into their children. This was her duty as a mother. Her tears were kept so far back she didn’t even have to blink them away as she playfully shook Tommy. Giving Vision his space to say goodbye, Wanda eventually drifted with lead coated feet towards the door. As she looked back the glow of the Hex began to coat the room. “--Boys?” Wanda tore her eyes away from their undoing and back to the boys in their bed. “Thank you for choosing me to be your mom.” Billy smiled, but Wanda knew he had some semblance of an idea even if he couldn’t read her mind specifically. The light flicked off and for a second it was so tempted to stop the Hex’s progression and create the blanket of the barrier again. The red haze was now tinting everything with its light and Wanda took one last look before closing the door on that chapter of her life.
VISION: He hated the idea of missing this, — the mundane nights spent in, tucking the boys to bed and retiring to themselves in front of the TV. He ached of not knowing what would come next for her and not being alongside her to share it. But most of all, he hated the idea of ceasing to be — even if he had no real claim to feel such a way. To have had so much, only to be greeted with a nothingness at the end of it...no promise of paradise, or rebirth. He supposed it was the most human thing he’d ever experienced. Vision let Wanda do most of the talking, trying his best to exist in the precious seconds that ticked by. He forced his gaze on his son rather than the claustrophobic barrier that rapidly closed in from the window. He ruffled Tommy’s hair and stood, forcing one food in front of the other. “Goodnight, Chaps.” prompted a resounding “Goodnight, Dad!” from the both of them and he held onto the warmth it blossomed in his artificial chest. They lingered in the doorway for as long as time would allow until eventually Vision found himself descending back downstairs, after his wife. He turned on a different lamp as she turned hers out, eager to see her face in the light rather than night vision. “Sorry. I read somewhere it’s bad luck to say goodbye in the dark.” He offered a soft smile at that.  
WANDA: Over time, Wanda had forgotten how to process. She lost the ability to move through the stages of grief and had nestled into denial as easily as if it were her second skin. Wanda lost and she lost and she lost. She ached, and for what? A moment of reprieve? She had those before the waves crashed back in and she was lost once again in the surf. It was wrong what she had done. After being coaxed through her memories by Agatha she knew that. It was wrong, but it was also the only time she had felt any semblance of right in years. The barrier was cutting its way through the town. She could feel it even if it was out of sight. Grass would grow yellow and wood would grow soft from moisture and lack of upkeep. Westview would return to its bitter self that she had first stumbled upon. Her dream had been their nightmares. The shiny veneer of Westview Wanda had painted wasn’t real. Her hand hovered over a family portrait. No one would remember it being taken. It was just filler anyway, an object in a house to keep up the illusion. No, not a house. Their house, even if it wasn’t this Vision who had so lovingly procured it for her so they could have a home. He would have done the same, Wanda liked to think, as the Vision had. He didn’t know the scope of her tragedy but he loved her. He looked for ways to brighten her life. No sooner than her lamp had clicked off did the one she had already turned off bloom back into light. Wanda couldn't help but start before she turned to see Vision standing by the lamp. “No,” a smile somehow found its way to her lips despite the situation. “You didn’t.”
VISION: He mirrored the soft sadness in her smile with his own. “No…no” he trailed, having grown comfortable in their shared silences...or maybe he just wanted time to stretch longer. “Perhaps not...perhaps I just wanted to see you..clearly.” He gazed at her softly. “And there you are.” He murmured more to himself than anything. She’d always been so beautiful — in more ways than just the high slopes of her cheek bones and the delicate look in her eyes when she allowed herself to be vulnerable. It was difficult to imagine he’d never see that face again...never do anything again.
WANDA: No one had seen her clearly in years. Pietro always had a sharp gaze that could cut through her vague indecision, but without him he had been adrift. The Vision had seen her, too. She felt the Stone that powered him and he looked at her with clear eyes. Dumnezeu, she had loved him. Past, present, future. Wanda knew now that he’d always exist in her breastbone, right alongside the after effects of the Mind Stone. Two ghosts, both shadows of their former selves but spurring her further nonetheless. There you are. It was heartbreak and love all wrapped up as one and reflected in Wanda’s smile. But the Hex was collapsing. She wasn’t the only one who could tell and she gripped his hand by the window. It was too soon. It was five years overdue, and yet, it was too soon. When he turned to her she found a way to tear her gaze from the sight of Westview shifting and locked her eyes on the flickering face of her husband in the red light.
VISION: “Wanda…” Vision started, suddenly feeling their world grow so much smaller as it crashed around them. Hungry scarlet swirls of the red barrier ebbed slowly around them in wait, allowing him to finish. He cast it only the briefest of glances before his gaze returned to his wife. “Before I go,” He begun softly “— I feel I must know… I want to know.....what am I?” Even as he felt himself ask, he wondered maybe it wasn’t his place to — or that it was even a question she could answer, but still he had to at least try. Closure was, in his opinion, often rather loaded. People wanted it, but weren’t prepared for whatever shape it came in. They had expectations, hopes for the way things would end...and often the reality of it was painful. And while he struggled to know if he was ready for closure now, he supposed it didn’t matter. It was never really his story. So maybe what he was really asking now, was for his writer to fit him with an honorable ending — whatever shape it took. He trusted her with that, even if the rest of westview and the world didn’t.
WANDA: This was her fault. All her fault, like so many other things. To her, it had never mattered what he was. He was hers and she was his. It was that simple. Couldn’t two people just be in love? Maybe, but not them. It wasn’t simple and in their case it wasn’t pure with Wanda’s interference. She had made him as she remembered him, but Vision was more than a memory. The Vision had many intricacies and complexities that could never be replicated. She had done the best she could but still had left hollow holes in her husband. It wasn’t fair to the Vision or Vision. “You, Vision,” her hand moved to caress his cheek. People heard synthezoid and assumed his flesh would be cold like metal but it was warm and real under her palm. “Are the piece of the Mind Stone that lives in me. You are a body of wires and blood and bone that I created. You are my sadness and my hope. But mostly, you’re my love.” His hand had fallen over her own at some point and Wanda finally lost the battle with her tears. She loved, she loved and she lost. This time had to be different because she had to accept it. She had look at him in the near darkness and remember just how all encompassing it felt to love and be loved by him in the days that would stretch out when he was gone.
VISION: He grounded himself in the warmth of her palm against his cheek, comforted by the melody of her voice — even with a vastness awaiting him the moment her lips stopped moving. It didn’t matter, he took those precious seconds to kiss her with all the tenderness he found even the complexities of 6,500 human language could not express. “I’ve been a voice with no body...a body but not human...and now…” he met her sad eyes “A memory. Made real.” He wanted so badly to leave her with hope, desperate not to let her drown in her own grief. “Who knows what I might be next.” What we might be. The barrier was closing in now and with it he found himself suddenly feeling the loss of time as if it were a loss of breath — he gently pulled her to him, placing his hand on her cheek in a delicate cradle. “We’ve said goodbye before...so it stands to reason…”
WANDA: Their kiss was bittersweet. It was the first hello of two beings who finally saw each other as they were and the last goodbye between tragic lovers. As a tear tracked down his cheek, Wanda caught it with her thumb. The moisture on her finger pad was real. Androids could cry. Perhaps not all, but hers was special. Vision had always been special and that would never change. To her it would be impossible for him to be reduced to just a memory. She would see him out of the corner of her eyes in the hall or hear a rustling and expect to see him phase through the wall. Scents would escape the kitchen and she would wonder for a second if it was him attempting a dish just because it would make her smile. Wanda had seen sides of the Vision no one else had. She had seen goofy and soft. He was the full spectrum of being, and his quiet steady nature even in the face of oblivion made her cry. She had never deserved him. Not really, at least. He was worthy to hold the hammer of Thor and Wanda -- she broke things, she threw fits and hurt people. From the moment she had sensed him in dreaming under Ultron’s watchful eye in the Cradle she had been doomed. Wanda felt love in her life but she never managed to hold onto it. It was a stream and the water always flowed right past her before her thirst was quenched. Vision was a memory made real, sure. But in Wanda’s mind he would always be real. We’ve said goodbye before, so it stands to reason... Wanda clutched either side of his head as her eyes frantically traced the lines of his face so she could memorize every one. “...That we’ll say hello again.” She was nodding quickly as the red raced through the town and finally made contact. The house began to fluctuate through all the variations that Wanda had forced upon it. The reality began to unwrite herself right in front of her eyes, but she was going to hold onto her husband until she couldn’t anymore.
VISION: The barrier came for them rapidly, then, and all he felt was her. Her hands on his face, her being somehow tethered to his as his body began to come apart much more gently than before. It wasn’t a ceasing to exist, merely a return home — a return to where he’d existed from the beginning: within her. It wasn’t painful, and it wasn’t something to fear anymore. So many more things he wished to say to her, seconds he’d ask for if they could. But they were out of time. “So long, my darling.” Until, hello.
WANDA: It didn’t end with a bang. It ended with a soft smile and the echo of a voice before its owner ceased to be. She felt him slowly fade out of her grasp until she was left clutching nothing but the air. The house -- their house -- had reverted back to a foundation that would never be built upon. Wanda wouldn’t sell but she could never live there either. Her happiness had lived and died within those fallen walls. Her heart was splintering in her chest. Clothed once more in the outfit she had worn when she arrived in Westview, Wanda slipped her hood up over her hair and ignored her car as she began her funeral procession of one back to town square. A promise was a promise, but Agatha’s words were heavy in her heart. There would always be pitchforks or women like them. Stepping into view, Wanda kept her head held high. “It’s over.”
SAM: His lips flattened into a tight line. “Jesus, Carol.” So much for a happy reunion. “Wanda fucked up -- bad. But she’s going to say goodbye to kids. Her kids. Give her ten.” He believed she’d come back, and she did. Defeated but present.
LORNA: Her sister had just turned and left with the family she had made. Lorna had a sinking feeling that Wanda would be the only one she saw again. “What can I say?” the words felt flat in her mouth. “I like to feel desired.” She turned to look at Remy then. He looked the same, if not ragged. It was hard to tell. Lorna felt like someone else all together -- which was fair, situation depending. “They let you in here?”
CAROL: Carol shot Sam a look, one that was one part confused and one part angry. She knew she struggled with the grey area, but rarely did her and Sam grate so blatantly. "That in comparison to torturing people for months. Sure." She was tired of the passes, but she'd relented and thrown her hands up. Once Wanda came back in to view, Carol didn't even make a move to approach her. Like Sam, Carol was tired too, but for an entirely different reason. "You did the right thing." She said, though there was no sense of sympathy in her tone. "The people of Westview are being extensively checked for neurological damage or magical after effects. They'll be lucky if they don't suffer from PTSD after this." she knew she wasn't making any friends here. Carol didn't care. But still, she shifted slightly so her body was turned towards Monica. "This is your case, Rambeau. By all means,"
REMY: "You know I have a habit of getting in even when I don't belong." He said passively. He was looking at her, but not really. He was exhausted, the feeling dragging him down over the past few weeks Lorna had been in here. He truly was spending most of their relationship losing her and it stung a little more every time. Still, "Are you okay?" it was a question said off to the side, because there was no way that conversation could happen now. He just had to ask.
WANDA: Two women forged by Infinity Stones. Carol and Wanda were powerful but in different ways. “They suffered.” She replied simply. “Extensively. And I’m sorry. I never meant to make my pain theirs as well.” That, at least, was true. It had not been her original intention but she had perpetuated willingly later on. “You’re not arresting me. But I’ll go with you willingly, Captain Rambeau. I owe you that much.”
MONICA: “Me?” Monica arched a brow. “Yeah, I’d say that’s fair.” Wanda had thrown her from town and caused Monica’s cells to metastasize. She had also used her powers to throw her around another time. Monica had felt Wanda’s pain first hand and was left with a detached pity. “Wanda Maximoff,” she began the formalities. “I’m Captain Monica Rambeau. I am officially bringing you into holding under the authority of S.W.O.R.D. I am not required to read you your rights as you register as a threat to the Sentient Weapon Observation and Response Division and will be treated as such. Do you understand?”
LORNA: Normally she’d launch flirtatious barbs back with him, but Lorna just gestured around slowly. “Not really a desirable place to be. At his question her brow furrowed. “No. Not really, but I will be.” Insanity did run in the family. “I need to find my Father. We need to go to Krakoa.”
REMY: "Why do you think we're here?" he asked, though there wasn't much room for answering. "There's no reason we should stay now. There's a gate close by." it was a suggestion for them to leave now, to turn away from Lorna's sister being taken in by SWORD.
LORNA: “Maybe you’re a fan of the show,” her tone was sardonic at best. No reason to stay. No reason to watch Wanda hauled off. The two sisters had ever been closed but it rattled Lorna more than she wanted to admit. Her family didn’t handle grief. No member of the Monarchy of M seemed to be sane. They threw tantrums and raged. Would she have done the same as Wanda? Maybe, if Lorna loved anyone that much. Far more agreeable than usual, Lorna turned away from Wanda in the square.
WANDA: “I understand.” Wanda nodded. She could never give the citizen of Westview the last two months back but she could at least own up to her own shortcomings -- of which there were a multitude. As Wanda took a step towards Monica her clothing rippled. Magic was always present. If she was going to leave Westview it was with a shrivel of her dignity intact. The hood of her jacket had redesigned itself into a cloak, red fabric falling over bare shoulders. There would be time later to address Agatha and wrap up that plot line. “And I’m ready.”
PIETRO: Pietro arrived in time to see S.W.O.R.D. and F.B.I. swarming the area like bees in a frenzy. A boom snapped through the air as he slammed to a halt, feet ripping up chunks of pavement — Christ, he had to get better at that. Fixing his sleeve, Pietro stood up straight and rolled his shoulders some, shoving his snowy hair out of his face. “I’m gone five minutes and you already want to get yourself arrested.” he said, walking around from behind her. He cast a glance to the others — Monica, Carol, Sam — scattered agents all braced for anything. “Just like old times, ah?” They had a lot to talk about — but he’d be lying if he said he wasn’t happy to see her. She had to have known it was coming even though he didn’t ask, he just lifted her off the ground and shot off with a sonic boom, leaving nothing but a breeze and a standstill in their wake as he put over a hundred miles between them and Westview in two seconds flat.
DAISY: Daisy was waiting patiently in the back for the potential of Wanda running off, although she wasn’t quite sure any of them besides Carol were prepared to be able to stop that sort of escape. Even if she did feel for Wanda’s situation, there were rules they had to follow. And rules she swore to uphold when she became an agent. She blinked in surprise when she saw Pietro run up, surprised at how fast he was. She knew he was a speedster from the files she’d read, but it was an entirely different thing to see it in person. And then before anyone could even say anything, there was a loud boom and just wind blowing by them and both Wanda and Pietro vanished into thin air. After a few beats of stunned silence, Daisy let out a sigh and shook her head. “You’ve got to be kidding me.” Now S.W.O.R.D was going to have to look for both of the Maximoff twins after this whole mess. It was definitely a frustrating ending after being so close to getting Wanda to willingly come talk with them, and Daisy could feel a nagging irritation prickling under her skin as she shook her head. “I’m going to go help with those extractions.” She stated to Carol and Monica before turning and walking off back towards the direction of the base.
WANDA: This was the last thing she needed. Denial, anger, bargaining and now, after a painful breakthrough: acceptance. Wanda wasn’t resigned but renewed. They were mad and could have their moment. The energy from Darkhold whispered in her ear even though it was out of sight. Wanda was ready to face the stake they would inevitably try to force her to burn on, but then someone was making quips. The reverent air of a battleground that hadn’t completely found an ending was charged with a boom that rattled her teeth. Five minutes? It was five years and then some. Her eyes drifted closed. Wanda’s Westview was gone and her constructs with it. Everything left was real, but was he? This was a question she had turned over in her mind again and again. Acceptance. He was hers. He always had been. Agatha had laughed that he couldn’t be returned because his body had been left broken and isolated on foreign soil. Wrong and wrong. Vision and the boys had been tied to the town. It anchored their reality. Pietro was the exception. His accidental resurrection was tied to the one who had been half of his being. Pietro existed as Wanda did, their connection once again rekindled even though it was tainted red. There had been no reunion yet. Their interactions were tense and filled with a one sided disgust. Wanda had clung to an illusion because she was terrified of the fact that there was one thing she couldn’t replicate. This was real but Wanda did not deserve it. Not after what she had done. As her eyes fluttered open, Wanda’s lips parted. She was going to tell Carol it changed nothing, even though everything was different. She was culpable still. Instead her feet were pulled out from underneath her in the same disorienting blur that had once been familiar. Hair whipping around her face, Wanda’s hood had fallen off by the time he skidded to a stop. Blue and silver streaked the air behind him. The only thing new was the scarlet that threaded through the afterimage, the trail of magic that was still fresh on its mistress. The ground crunched underneath the wedged heels of her boots once contact was made. There was a cold wind but the heat of her magic still flushed her cheeks. “Pietro?” The word fell from her lips and hung in the air between them.  Where did she start? You’re back? I’m sorry? I need to go face my fate? Wanda just stood there and stood for a long moment. It didn’t matter that she was the Scarlet Witch, chaos bound in flesh. It didn’t matter how powerful she was. Right then she was ten years old and flat on her stomach as the Stark missile ticked away. She hadn’t known then it was her power stopping it from going off as probability twisted. Pietro was the one keeping them safe as he held her close. She had always assumed it would be him who filled that role but now she had years of experience and tragedy that had affixed itself to her being and turned her into the woman she had become. But that was for later. She could be strong and suffer in a silent dignity later. Right then she was closing the space between them until her arms were wrapped tightly around his chest and her head pressed over the spot where his heart beat a little too quickly. “Îmi pare rău, frate. Îmi pare așa, atât de rău. ( I'm sorry, brother. I'm so, so sorry. ) If Wanda kept her head down she wouldn’t have to look at his eyes and see if disdain still lived there. “I lost you.”
PIETRO: He’d thought about what he might say to her if she ever did finally speak to him again — without all the facade of Westview to deafen her ears from everything he said. He wondered if he’d hold on to his anger—but it had morphed. Mutating into a hurt he didn’t know how to place. That he could. He knew it wasn’t intentional, but that was the sad part...it...it didn’t matter. Crystalia didn’t want Wanda anywhere near their daughter and while he understood her reasons, that didn’t make the cut any shallower. He shared everything with her, as a being he very much considered an extension of hims own, it was difficult not to bring her into the life of his child. And so he was crossed between the boy that would sever his own limbs just to quell the quiver of Wanda’s lip, and the man that wanted to stand by his soon to be wife. Maybe he fueled that into the mad dash he did away from Westview, because he didn’t even realize how far he’d gone until he started to smell salt. It was different to run so long with her, but she’d always been a light load. Pietro finally stopped when he hit the west coastline—kicking up an array of sand as he slid with her. It was one of his more graceful stops, but that wasn’t saying much. He set her on her feet and for once kept his mouth shut, waiting for her to say—literally anything. He wasn’t sure what he’d expected, but as she fell into him he felt his world tip a little, back into place. His hands gently smoothed the curls of her unnaturally strawberry red hair and he wrapped both arms around her. “nN pentru totdeauna” not forever, he said. In the most predictable way, his anger melted away, but it did leave welts in the wake of its fire. Dor the first time in their lives he didn’t know where her head was at—and he’d never needed telepathy to do that. And though he could never hate her, and he could never want her out of his life, he didn’t know where that left them. And he silently dreaded the problems having wanda in their lives would inevitably cause with the mother of his child.
WANDA: She lost him, but she had found him. Wanda couldn’t put into words how much that meant. “And now I have so much to tell you but it’s not the time. I have to go back, Pietro. I need to face what I’ve done.” It was the right thing to do, after all. Wanda owed the people she hurt and had given Monica her word. Flicking her hood back on so it cast a shadow over his face, she leaned in to kiss his cheek. “Goodbye, frate. We’ll be together again soon.”
MONICA: There was no reason for handcuffs when the woman they would shackle was a literal witch who could apparently teleport when she was in the mood to. Monica was immensely grateful for Wanda’s cooperation and had her own opinions on the matter. Wanda had been wrong. Her actions were more than just hurtful, they were dangerous. Monica knew that just as well as she knew that if she had been in Wanda’s shoes with her powers she would have done the same. It didn’t make her actions excusable or meant that Monica forgave her. She just had a throbbing sense of balanced justice instilled in her by her mother. Wanda would face the jury and it consistent of more than just Monica. But then, Pietro. Shit. He had been a little bit of a wild card ever since Wanda yeeted his kid and girlfriend (?) into the Hex. Now he was in a place to potentially cause an escalation with Wanda -- who had just returned and was compliant. “Maximoff,” Monica took a step forward and found herself blinking away grit that Quicksilver’s feet had kicked up. He was gone and Wanda had vanished with him. “Jesus.” Monica resisted the urge to turn and smack the solid army truck behind her. She could survive being shot but something told her that all she’d accomplish was becoming the owner of a broken hand. Nodding at Daisy, Monica made no move to follow her. Instead she turned to Carol, who had proven herself to be a powder keg consistently in danger of exploding. Had she always been like that? Monica couldn’t remember but childhood memories were faulty. They were blurred fact with fiction. Sam, at least, looked more stoic with his arms crossed over his chest. “--she’s coming back.” Monica pursed her lips. “Wanda was ready to go in, she was listening.”
REMY: "Haven't bothered to watch." His tone remained level as they started for the break in the wall. He had come prepared for a fight, but he was leaving with none, and he could feel the dissatisfaction even if he'd ultimately won in the end. It had been a tough few weeks and all his sitting had caught him in a loop with no outlet. "Your sister will be fine." He offered as the neared the edge. "We know people who have done far worse and are sitting on our country's council."
CAROL: Carol stared at the spot where Wanda had disappeared for too long, her eyes boring into the gravel of a city that had returned to its poorly maintained state. Though her features remained neutral, the tension in her shoulders was immense and all she wanted to do was strangle not one, but two Maximoff’s now. Forcing out a breath, Carol completely missed Daisy's comment and instead turned towards Monica. "I know." she acquiesced. "And yet here we are." Standing in the center of a town that had been pulled through the decades by magic, its citizens mind controlled and tortured, and the only person to blame was gone. "Maybe we should coordinate with Krakoa." she looked towards Sam, but it was nothing more than a passing glance. There was a lot to unpack there, but their personal lives could never cross into their professional. "As much as I'd love to argue with Frost that, although Wanda is a citizen a Krakoa and therefore untouchable, her mass mind manipulation of US citizens stands to reason she needs to face a trial. It's not a witch hunt," she said pointedly. "But Pietro did just implicate himself in this mess."
SAM: Maybe. Sam shifted before straightening up. “Last I heard, Wanda was pretty estranged. If we talk to anyone, it’s Magneto.” It was unlikely that the Master of Magnetism was going to be biased because it was his daughter. “But outside of Krakoa, Wanda isn’t a U.S. citizen either. There’s not a home country we can send her to for trial anymore.” That made her their problem. It was a little less messy internationally. “The guy was dead up until two months ago and hasn’t gotten to actually talk to her since. Guess we should have seen that coming.”
LORNA: What, could he not be bothered to tune into the home torture network to at least see that she was alive? Lorna just snorted, Westview now fading into the background. “Good for you. Hope Wanda gave me a new liver when she rewrote reality because all I’ve done recently is get wasted and make out with would be frat guys.” Which had never been her type. “Wanda is Wanda. She makes big messes and everyone finds a way to forgive her. She lays low and then the cycle repeats.” Not that Lorna could take another Decimation. The glow of the emergency gate that the mutants had situated by the barrier emitted a soft glow. “Like my father.”
REMY: Remy had avoided the broadcast because he hadn't been privy to watch, even if he knew he wouldn't have bothered given the chance. It was...a complicated mess of feeling, and he was still sorting through it. Lorna's words didn't help, but he didn't comment on them. He wanted out of Westview, he wanted to be back on Krakoa. They emerged together through the breach and he led her to where the mutants emerged originally - the closest gate back to Krakoa. "We can talk more once we're back." He wanted out of here. Away from the mess Wanda had formed. If he could, he would've rather pretend it never happened.
CAROL: "Guess we should've." Carol muttered, eyes flitting up to the sky and then back down again. "We can send a team in to do a clean sweep, gather up any evidence we may need. Otherwise, I think we need to get started on the citizens. Make sure everyone is okay." It wasn't necessarily their job to aid at this point, but Carol felt separated from victory, and she needed to do something. "Monica can make a call, I'm sure."
MONICA: She was not about to be in the middle of a lovers quarrel. It felt like she had been in her S.W.O.R.D. sweater and training pants for days. Her skin was sticky with sweat and the adrenaline had begun to wear off. Carol, Sam and Monica were some of the last remaining, three Captains who covered the spectrum in how angry they were. “Sam,” she turned towards Wilson. “We need a trauma evaluation. They’re not letting us do anything until after that.” It was just standard protocol. They’d need to find Wanda and the White Vision who had smashed through the town before vanishing. Agatha Harkness was still weak on the ground, stuck in stasis. They couldn’t restrain her. They needed Wanda and her fancy magic shapes for that. And, S.W.O.R.D. needed a director. It wouldn’t be Monica. She didn’t want it. That had been Maria’s job and her daughter didn’t want to squeeze into her shoes. She had always preferred walking beside her too much. It would be Abigail she talked to after Brand finished her counseling as well. S.W.O.R.D. would heal. Maria would never be back but her legacy would persevere. “We’re going to find Maximoff.” Monica sent a look to Carol as she began to take a few steps back. “She promised, and I’m big on holding people to their word.” She’d make her call. She’d do what she needed to, and at some point Monica would sleep. Westview was free. They were free. Why didn’t it feel like it?
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akirakan · 5 years
Sony’s Universe would work much better if they focused on legacy heroes
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Unless you’ve been living under a rock the past weeks, we all know that Spider-Man is not going to show-up in the MCU anymore. Sure, they could arrange a new deal, but for the moment, forget about seeing him again alongside The Avengers.
Sony is very likely to integrate him into their own cinematic, Sony’s Universe of Marvel Characters (SUMC), and do at least a soft-reboot, with the same cast but ignoring the events of the MCU. They already kick-started their little universe with Venom, with it’s sequel coming and Morbius starring Jared Leto, as well as the announced Black Cat, Silver Sable, Silk, Dusk, Nightwatch, and (*sigh*) Jackpot. Although, from all those announced, god knows how many will actually enter production (Silver and Black, Sinister Six, anyone?), specially now that they have Spidey all for themselves, he’s very likely to take priority. They’re very likely to continue with more spin-offs entirely focused on Spider-Man villains.
Okay, so honest question: outside of maybe Black Cat, Silk and maybe Silver Sable, does anyone really care about the others? Do you even know who Jackpot and Nightwatch are? Did Sony ever looked at Leto’s track and didn’t noticed that his only financially successful film is Suicide Squad? Does anyone really think that a universe build with villains turned into heroes as the leads is feasible?
If the answer to most of those questions is no, then you can see that the SUMC is heading to disaster. Sure, Venom was success, but let’s face it, building your cinematic universe on a “so bad it’s good” base is really shaky.
Sony is not entirely lost, however. They still have plenty of heroes. If there’s something that has characterized the Spider-Man mythos the past decade or so (I would go even further, to the 90′s and the clone saga) is the expansion of the Spider-Family. The aspect of legacy has been heavily played-up since the introduction of Ben Reilly, and the introduction of more diverse heroes with rich backstories, and (in most cases) independent from Peter Parker, opens a huge door for Sony to exploit. It’s much better having a universe where Spider-Man pressence is felt instead of awkwardly having Spider-Man villains headlining the universe with no Spider-Man on sight.
So let’s call this, The Spider-Man Legacy Universe, Phase 1.
Miles Morales - Spider-Man
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I won’t even bother to explain him. I know you all saw ItSV. And if you haven’t, go watch it.
He would be the main face of this potential universe. He is THE Spider-Man. He would be slightly older in here, already being Spider-Man fo a few years by now, to show that he has more experience than all the upcoming heroes. Gwen would be introduced as the new girl at school, but she has her own agenda,
Mayday Parker - Spider-Girl
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The daughter of the true Spider-Man! She’s Peter’s and MJ’s daughter, whose powers kicked-in when she entered high school. Her origin could be done fairly quickly: she’s Spider-Man’s daughter. There you go. Introduce villain.
Though, this would work to give more of a backstory to this world. Peter’s fate, for instance. He didn’t die in his last battle with Green Goblin. He was, however, incapacitated. He still lives a happy life with her wife and her two daughters. Yes, I said two.
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At least in this version, I would introduce both of them. Annie being younger like in the earlier Renew Your Vows series, she would be the younger sister of Mayday. And no, she doesn’t have powers... yet.
Anya Corazón - Araña
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Objectively speaking, the best superhero of all time (okay, I might be a little bit biased on that. JUST a little bit ;)). Anya Corazón is a mexican-puerto rican brooklynite who one night was caught between two warring factions: the Spider Society and the Sisterhood of Wasps. After almost dying during the attack, the mage of the Spider Society, Miguel, uses a ritual to save her, kick-starting her powers. After that, she becomes the hero Araña and fights alongside the Spider Society, at the same time that she tries to discover the dark side of the organization and other secrets, like what or who is inside the bunker...
This one would introduce mystical aspects into the universe. Kinda like being the Dr. Strange equivalent, introducing concepts such as the Web of Life, The Other, and, therefore, the Spider-Verse. This concepts would be key moving forward with the next heroes...
Kaine - Scarlet Spider
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Kaine “Parker”, after living a miserable life as a failed experiment and seeing his brother die, he ultimately dies... before inexplicably coming back to life. He retires to Dallas where he tries his best to live a normal life. However, being a Parker means that you will always be dragged to something. And so, after encountering a young immigrant girl almost at the point of dying, he suits up once again and reclaims his place as the Scarlet Spider.
More exploration into the concepts introduced in Araña and a look into the Clone Saga, which will also spawn stuff.
Flash Thompson - Agent Venom
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Flash as Venom is best Venom. There, I said it. Former bully of Parker, later one of his best friends, and #1 Spider-Man fan. Has been operating for years as a government agent after being disabled since his time in the army. Ex-husband of Felicia Hardy aka Black Cat, and father of Felicity Thompson Hardy, now a coach at a Philadelphia high school.
We take a little break from the more Spider-centric narrative into the symbiote world. As well, the more worldwide adventures of Flash would let us see the rest of the world in a post-Spider-Man era.
Jessica Drew - Spider-Woman
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A former CIA Agent, she now works as a private investigator alongside her partner Lindsay McCabe. Everything seems normal until one day she’s contacted by Parker Industries (!) for a special mission related to her past. She’s gonna have to suit up again in order to discover more about herself and get her bread.
Similar to Agent Venom, more worldbuilding and we see the existence of more organizations and factions within. I would also like to throw in Ultimate Jessica Drew as a potential partner, but would need more development to see if it isn’t too convoluted.
After all the establishment, we get a team-up movie where all this heroes meet for the first time, and I’m gonna leave this here. There’s already hints about heroes around, without going overboard like certain other failed cinematic universes had (Dark Universe, TASM). The most important thing is to not rush things and take their respective development. Focusing on the legacy heroes shows how important Spider-Man truly is in the world, and that’s what they should aim for.
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The Not-So-Amazing Mary Jane Part 35: AMJ #6.2
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Much as we did for AMJ #4 we will be turning this issue into a three parter. This is because the next page we will cover has a Hell of a lot to unpack. As always, if you want the full context read the previous post.
MJ’s mental rehearsal continues, with her imagining Peter’s questions and the answers she plans on giving.
Why didn’t she call Peter? Because she couldn’t get to her phone safely
Why didn’t she scream for help/aren’t there security guars on set? Because she was the only one being pursued.
MJ plans to pause for dramatic effect and say (with enough conviction that Peter would have  to understand): “I’d just seen this guy kill someone. Who knows what else he was capable of? I didn’t want to endanger anyone else by making them my shield. Especially since this guy was intent on following me and only me out of the building.”
Whilst MJ is going through this in her head she is shocked and scared at the sight of Oni. Oni reaches into his jacket (seemingly for a gun). MJ’ facial expression changes (I don’t really know what it’s trying to convey) and she smashes a fire alarm. Oni pulls his hand out of his jacket revealing nothing but his hand in a gun pose. Behind him the audiences rushes out in a panic.
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Okay, the storytelling between the art and captions is actually very well executed here. If this was an original character rather than Mary Jane, someone who was perhaps characterized as brash, impulsive (possibly self-destructive), then this page would actually be really cool.
I appreciate how the art and dialogue marry up together creating irony and a contrast to what is happening. The framing of Oni and the ‘lighting’ (for lack of a better word) are also excellent as is the pacing and ‘rhythm’ of the page. It’s just executed very well.
Too bad MJ isn’t an original character and the context ruins the page.
Not only is MJ planning on deliberately lying to Peter but going to extra lengths to do it. It’s not just the one lie it’s several about her being in danger and unnecessarily. The worst part is the ‘I will say with enough conviction that my….boyfriend has  to understand…’ It’s just so underhanded and exploitative, its MJ planning on in a sense tricking Peter into believing her lies.
And I do not know why.
Why  is she planning to lie to him about this at all? Is she so egotistical that she can’t admit she made a mistake? Has she or is she planning on always lying to Peter about pursuing crooks herself?
I just do not understand the need for MJ to lie to Peter about this. Yes it will upset him but surely she knows he’ll get over it. Even if it’s just to save her some kind of hassle with him later surely she knows lying is just generally bad for a relationship, especially over something as serious as this. Peter doesn’t lie to her about being Spider-Man or the risks that entails for God’s sake.
This isn’t even connected to the Mysterio thing. This is just an extra pack of lies about an essentially unrelated event.
The most grating aspect of the page is that MJ recognizes the obvious questions and the obvious reasons she should have done something different. Which means Williams does too. Williams knows there were other more reasonable options for Mary Jane to have taken but has chosen for her to not take them.
And let’s dig into those options shall we.
She could have called Spidey. She is planning on lying about her phone being out of safe reach. Except it wasn’t.
She could’ve screamed for help or screamed about the murder. She could’ve gotten the security guards to help her. She plans to claim she was the only one being pursued. She wasn’t, the guy was leaving and she  pursued him. He isn’t even pursuing her on this  page.
Even if she was the only one being pursued she still could’ve gotten security guards involved. Putting aside the fact that that’s their job, this guy is seemingly not a super human. If he was why is he walking away, keeping to the shadows and using a weapon to strangle his victim. If he had enhanced strength he’d not need that. Therefore there is no evidence to suggest this man couldn’t be stopped by several burly guys or a bullet. After all, even in New York city the number of regular human criminals outnumber the costumed criminals.
And yes, this guy is seemingly a cold-blooded killer so MJ couldn’t be sure what else he was capable of. But if this chat show hosts celebrity guests then surely the security services have provisions in place to protect them? They are celebrities, there are always going to be one or two lunatics who might take things too far. So provided they aren’t incompetent the security guards should  be armed and prepared to deal with a normal non-powered person at the very least, even an armed one and a cold blooded killer. In fact I’d have thought a crazed and armed celebrity stalker would be far less predictable than a sane and rationale killer.
Also, MJ’s point about not knowing what Oni is capable of applies to her. She  doesn’t know what the man is capable of beyond obviously being willing and able to kill; we’ll come back to that in a moment.
MJ final point on this page regards not wanting to make other people her shield, especially since he was just after her. Again he wasn’t. In fact her pursuit of him wound up endangering more people. Not by accident either, she  deliberately put them in danger by triggering the fire alarm.
That’s aggressively out of character for Mary Jane. Risk the lives of innocent people to save her own skin? Get fucked, Mary Jane would never do that. I can’t say I’m surprised. MJ’s moral compass has been utterly broken throughout this series. She’s been mind bogglingly selfish throughout this series.
You know when I wrote part 16, I was only thinking about MJ prioritizing her career over other people. I honestly never expected that I’d have to point out that she’d obviously not use other people as her shield.
There is an element of good craftsmanship to that moment though. The juxtaposition between what MJ is doing and the rehearsal dialogue MJ is running through in her head. As a moment intended to deliver irony it works magnificently. It just isn’t something Mary Jane would ever do. Oh, unless it was six villains and they were threatening the movie.
I guess in this series MJ’s priorities are:
Mysterio’s dream film project/Mysterio’s ‘redemption’/The employment of current super villains/Her career/Her life
Her relationship with Peter/the lives of innocent people
In that order.
Why do people sill laud this series again?
Anyway, MJ’s point about not wanting to use people as shields doesn’t hold up to scrutiny. Not just because that is literally what she is doing on this page. Not just because she basically did that last issue when the cast and crew battled the Savage Six for her. Not just because Mysterio battled them in issue #3.
But MJ has sought the help of others countless times before.
In part 20 I recounted several instances of MJ getting assists to save her self. Whilst some of those instances entailed help finding her, others involved her actively seeking help. In ASM #261 she asked Harry about Peter as she wanted Spider-Man to come help them. She asked Spidey to help rescue her and Liz from the fire in the same issue.
In part 17 I also pointed out that Mary Jane sought assistance from the police, body guards and Peter to deal with her stalker. In that instalment I also went over the time she encouraged Peter to go out and deal with a gangland shoot out going on. Obviously MJ was not in any direct danger there but wouldn’t asking Peter for help qualify as looking to him to protect innocent people, as MJ is herself was (allegedly) trying to do by pursing Oni?
There are numerous other instances where MJ has looked to others to help her in times of peril or when innocent people are in danger. 
When Smythe abducted her in ASM Annual #19 she tried to get the attention of Peter or the authorities.
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In Web #49 to Peter to sort out Lorraine’s drug dealer?
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In ASm #317 she suggested calling in the marines when Venom was on the loose again.
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In MKSM #11 she called S.H.I.E.L.D. to save Peter and Felicia from she (correctly) presumed would be a trap.
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Or how about Spec #228 where a pregnant MJ was pursued by a mind controlled Peter bent on killing her? In that issue Mary Jane sought the help of the New Warriors and Ben Reilly/Scarlet Spider who acted as a shield between her and Peter.
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No matter how you slice it, if MJ is in danger or thinks others are, she is more than willing to seek assistance from people who’s job it is to protect others. Shit, how many times has MJ suggested other heroes or the police could save the day instead of Spider-Man?
These do not mark her out as a weak coward. If you know your limits and can reasonably assess danger then often you serve the greater good by seeking the assistance of others. Sometimes serving the greater good means handing over responsibility to them if they are better qualified.
Spider-Man himself has sought help from other heroes when he feels outgunned on countless occasions. One of the most recent (as of this writing) occurred in FNSM v2 #12-13 where Peter asked the F4 to help him.
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It’s all about scale. I went over this in parts 19-22, but MJ is not a super hero. She’s just a very capable civilian. But a capable civilian is still not on the same level as a very capable trained cop or trained security officer, someone who knows what they are doing with a gun basically. She’s probably more resourceful than those people, but her resourcefulness boils down to luck. She needs the right resources around her to exploit. Hence why her only course of action on this page was to create dozens of human shields.
Noticeably she was scared and unprepared deal with him one-on-one. Like what the fuck did she think was going to happen when she caught up with him. Her apprehension seemed at it’s worst when he was seemingly pulling out a gun and…yeah. What would  she have done if he was armed.
Look back at the prior page. The distance between them would’ve been too great for her to have knocked the gun out of his hand or even attack him hand to hand. The pacing of the panels on this page make it clear that Oni would’ve had ample opportunity to have shot her if he wanted, even after MJ hit the alarm.
You could argue that her distraction worked because he wouldn’t have dared kill her with so many witnesses. That is to say he might’ve refrained from pulling a gun specifically because MJ hit the alarm. Or maybe you could argue if he had pulled a gun he wouldn’t have fired because of the witnesses.
The problem there being that he apparently wasn’t that fussed about witnesses because he knew MJ saw him but was leaving. And again, he’s wearing a mask! So what if people identify him. People know Spider-Man is guilty of countless property damage and other acts of vigilantism. It doesn’t matter because he wears a mask. Obviously he doesn’t want to be framed for a more serious crime like murder, but he’s on the side of the angels. Oni clearly isn’t and clearly doesn’t care to be. Not only because he just murdered someone but because he is literally dressed as a demon!
His decision to wear a mask like that at all actually destroys the idea that he is particularly worried about being spotted. From a realistic stand point no one would wear something so garish unless they wanted to be spotted. Super villains often want attention and have big egos, hence the flashy costumes. If this guy’s job was to be a shadowy assassin who kills with no witnesses why wear a bright red mask (which is specifically how MJ spotted him btw) with big impractical horns on it. I’m not saying this guy is actively trying to get noticed, but he clearly wouldn’t care about witnesses because his disguise is highly attention grabbing. Look how nonchalant he is amidst the crowd on this very page? If he really did want to just get in and get out, no witnesses he’d never have worn that.
Oh well. At least MJ isn’t nonplussed like she was last issue…Hey wait a minute. Why isn’t Mary Jane nonplussed like last issue? She could hold her own against the Savage Six single handily but one guy in a scary mask and some garrotte rope and she’s intimidated?
How does that  make sense? I mean yes, it makes sense and is totally believable if you take this situation in isolation. But it this series isn’t consistent even with it’s own stupid ass rules!
Let’s leave it there for now. We’ll wrap up the issue with the next instalment.
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cottontail20 · 5 years
Fairytales Can Come True
Summary: Still grieving Vision’s death, Wanda Maximoff feels entirely awkward and out of place at Tony Stark’s funeral. But then, Morgan Stark approaches asking if Wanda can fix her ‘brother ‘..ScarletVision, one-shot, Endgame fix-it.
Ao3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/19026298
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Vision was dead.
Wanda Maximoff was thrust back into that painful reality, into the midst of a battle in which she had tried and failed to avenge her lost love, and before the dust had settled on the battlefield, more painful realities had come.
Natasha Romanoff was dead, having sacrificed herself to retrieve the Soul Stone and return them all. Natasha, who had trained her in combat, helped Steve rescue her from the Raft. Helped her learn how to mask her accent, and keep under the radar when they were on the run. Natasha, who had risked her own life to save Wanda's, and make sure she knew that she wasn't alone.. Natasha Romanoff was dead, gone, and Wanda had never had the chance to say goodbye, and thank her for all she had done.
And then, shattering the initial elation at their enemies crumbling to dust, came the news that Tony Stark was dead, too.
Wanda felt horribly out of place at Stark's funeral, surrounded by so many people who loved him, or at least knew him in a way that Wanda had never allowed herself to. For awhile she had stuck close to Sam, and Bucky, the only person who seemed as awkward about being there as she was, and she'd had a nice heart to heart with Clint. But now Bucky and Sam had both gone to see Steve off on his quest to return the Infinity Stones, and Clint, understandably, was occupied with reconnecting with his wife and children. --
This left Wanda standing awkwardly in a corner of Stark's beautiful Lake House, clutching a rapidly cooling mug of tea that had been pressed into her hands by an older woman with a sympathetic face but whose name she couldn't remember (Jane? No, that was Thor's ex.. Janice? Maybe it would come to her), quite some time earlier.
While Natasha's death was a deep personal loss, and the absence of Vision was an enormous gaping wound in a heart that already been shattered too many times, Wanda Maximoff's feelings about the death of Tony Stark were a great deal more complicated. She didn't have the grief-fueled hatred for him that had plagued her in her youth. She knew that Stark wasn't a monster who had taken her parents from her. And, he was at least partly responsible for the creation of Vision, who had become the love of her life. But as much as she knew this, there was a little part of her that couldn't completely let go of his admittedly small role in her parents' deaths. Because of this, Wanda did not feel Tony's loss as keenly or painfully as some of her friends did.
Or at least, not in quite the same way, or more accurately, for the same reason. For a moment, Wanda's eyes fixed on the dark haired little girl tailing her Mother around the House as she received everyone's condolences. Wanda knew how it felt to lose your parents. Morgan Stark still had her Mother, of course- but she was only five, so much younger than Wanda had been when the bomb destroyed her home. No child should have to lose a parent that young.
So, rather than grieving for Tony Stark, about whom her feelings were still hugely complicated, Wanda found herself grieving instead for a fellow daughter who had lost her Father too soon. Becoming lost in these thoughts, her eyes beginning to sting, Wanda didn't immediately notice when said fellow daughter came to stand in front of her. Morgan tugged at her skirt to get her attention.
"Oh, hello" Wanda, slightly surprised, wiped her eyes, set aside her now stone-cold cup of tea and crouched down to the little girl's eye-level so she could speak to her properly. "Your name is Morgan, isn't it?"
"Uh-huh. And you're Maximoff."
"I'm Wanda" Wanda chuckled, "But Maximoff is my last name. How did you know?"
"Daddy told me" Morgan looked around for a moment, as if half expecting her Daddy to appear, and Wanda felt a pang of sympathy for the child. The little girl tilted her head to one side, small hands toying with the hem of her dress. "Can you fix my brother?"
"Your brother?" Wanda's brow furrowed, very confused. So far as she knew, Morgan was an only child. However, her eyes briefly flickered over to Peter Parker, the Spider-Man. Wanda had caught only a brief glimpse of Peter after the battle, but the boy had been inconsolable. He was currently conversing with his Aunt and a teenager with sandy blonde hair whom whom Wanda didn't recognize, though she knew he had been standing near her during the ceremony at the lake.
"Well, he's kinda like a brother, 'cause Daddy helped make him" Morgan continued. Wanda's heart leaped into her throat.
"Is.. Is his name Vision?"
"Yeah! He's in Daddy's shed. You wanna come see?" Morgan held out a hand.
Wanda did, very much. But she was also aware of the questionable morality of following a small child somewhere without their parents knowing where they had gone, so scanned the immediate area for Pepper Potts. It didn't take long, because as it turned out, Pepper was already watching them. She had the red-rimmed eyes of someone who had been crying a lot recently, but managed a small smile, nodding her consent. So, Wanda took Morgan's small hand, letting her lead the way. --
Wanda wasn't sure why she was surprised to find that the shed was not, strictly speaking, just a shed. It had been Tony Stark's, after all. While the building certainly looked like a shed from the outside, inside was a fully functional high-tech lab.
Morgan led Wanda past numerous work tables of half-completed projects that would now never be finished, past numerous robots and gadgets.. and then she spotted the cradle, so similar to the one from which Vision had been born, humming with energy. Wanda let go of Morgan's hand, running to it, tears prickling in the corners of her eyes. There, inside the cradle, was Vision. He was still the dull grey color that he had become after Thanos had ripped the Mind Stone from his head, but otherwise, he looked as though he could have been sleeping rather than dead. Both his crushed skull and the gash in his chest had been painstakingly repaired, and someone had gently closed his eyes.
Wanda laid her hand on the cradle, her hearts racing as she summoned the small wisps of red energy to her fingertips. Hope swelled in her chest. She could read.. Something. Vision wasn't all there, but neither was he entirely gone.
"Daddy's been trying to fix Vision for a real long time" Said Morgan, plopping herself down into a small chair not far from where Wanda stood.
"Was he?" Wanda didn't move her hand, but pulled her eyes away from Vision long enough to look around a bit. The area around the cradle was set up differently.. it had a personal touch, more like someone's bedroom than part of a lab. A stack of books Wanda recognized as Vision's sat on a small table beside the cradle, along with a framed photograph of Wanda and a disguised Vision from one of their visits together. The lump in her throat returned, along with a sudden rush of affection for Tony Stark, and an equal rush of guilt for never truly understanding who he was.
"Uh-huh" Morgan continued, swinging her legs. "He fixed all his boo boos, and he talks to him when he's working. I talk to him too, sometimes. But he couldn' wake him up without his magic stone.."
"The Mind Stone.."
"Daddy always said 'It might be different if Maximoff was here'."
"See.." Wanda's eyes drifted back to Vision inside of the cradle. It wasn't difficult to join the dots. Since Wanda's powers came from the Mind Stone, Tony had thought she may be the final piece in the puzzle of restoring Vision.
"You're here now" said Morgan. "So can you fix my brother?"
"I don't know.." Wanda flashed a small smile in Morgan's direction, already growing fond of her. How could she not? The little girl was adorable. "But I'm definitely going to try."
Wanda chuckled. Then, nervously, she pressed a button to open the cradle. Summoned the scarlet energy to the tips of her fingers once more.
"Morgan, stand back a little, okay? I'm not sure what's going to happen."
"Okay" Morgan slid out of her chair and took a few steps backwards.
With a shaky breath, Wanda bent over the cradle, pressing her glowing hands to the sides of his head. Focused hard, on what was left of Vision, on what she knew of him, her own memories of who he was, all the quirks and foibles he had developed since his birth, focused on the love the two of them had shared.
Color sparked on Vision's skin, the vibrant pinkish-red Wanda had come to know so well. Flickered, as if it was trying to spread, but couldn't quite manage it.
"Vision.. Vision, wake up.." Wanda begged, devoting every ounce of energy she had to this, to him. "Come on, Vizh.. please.. Feel me." And then, because it was the only thing she could think to do, she leaned down and kissed him.
The effect was almost immediate. Color bloomed and spread, dull grey transforming into red, silver, teal, and gold.
"Wow.." Morgan's jaw dropped.
Vision's eyes shot open, and he sat bolt upright, gasping.
"Vision.." Wanda threw her arms around him, happy tears in her eyes. "It's okay.. You're okay.."
"Wanda.." Vision slowly came back to himself, his arms instinctively wrapping around her, drawing her close. "W-What happened? Thanos.."
"He's gone now.. He's gone" Wanda peppered kisses over his face. He was here. He'd come back to her. "He's gone, and you're with me."
"I'm with you.."
"Yeah!" Morgan piped up, jumping for joy, and Vision's surprised eyes moved to the little girl. "Maximoff kissed you and you woke up, just like Sleeping Beauty!"
"Wanda" Wanda corrected her gently, "But yes, he was a bit like sleeping beauty, wasn't he?"
"Uh-huh" Morgan clambered into Vision's lap. "Hi, brother!"
Vision looked at her a moment, his brow crinkling. An almost memory.. A small voice, crayons and a coloring book resting on his cradle..
"Morgan.." Vision's hand ran through the little girl's dark hair, a small smile spreading over his face. "You're Morgan."
Wanda laughed and kissed his cheek, her heart so full.
All too soon, certain painful realities would crash on Vision just as they had crashed upon her. But not yet.
For just a few moments more, they would enjoy their fairytale.
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