#kid charles of japan wearing charles'......
maranello · 10 months
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SUZUKA, 2022 — Two generations of Ferrari fans. (Photo by Steven Tee)
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frasier-crane-style · 1 month
Road House 2024
Well, I had fun with it. I do like that it's not really the same plot, setting, or characters as the original, but someone taking the base concept and doing it on their own terms. Instead of a backwater town, it's on sunny beaches. Instead of Swayze's warrior poet, we get Gyllenhaal as something of a recovering violence addict. The villains are a spoiled rich kid and a fixer with zero impulse control instead of a kingpin. It works because it's not trying to hit all the notes that the original did.
Like The Simpsons getting an American cheeseburger in Japan, it's interesting to see a different era's take on the same premise. You get a feel for the differing tropes of the eighties and the twenties, both good and bad.
-2024 uses strong CGI to give the action a scope that the original couldn't. You have people getting hit by cars, fighting on speeding... speedboats, having battles that progress from sinking yachts to trucks driving through buildings. It's in keeping with the ethos of the original, which had its villain using a monster truck for evil, but in a very modern way.
-There's some crystal-clear 'Everyone's Sexy and Nobody's Horny' action. Every character, even minor ones, are somewhere on the hottie spectrum. One third-tier henchman is played by chiseled JD Pardo.
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Dalton's boss goes from stocky Kevin Tighe to lissome Jessica Williams.
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It's as much a glossy fantasy as a Roger Moore Bond, but there the point is that... it's a fantasy. This is supposed to be more or less reality, but there's no character actors that look like Charles Dutton or J.T. Walsh. Joaquim de Almeida isn't enough, I need some people who look like truckers!
Yet there's no real sex in the movie aside from some butts played for laugh, the obligatory "look how cut Gyllenhaal is" scene, and Daniela Melchior briefly wearing a bikini. (I'd say she doesn't get ogled like she would in a Fast & Furious movie, but she was in an F&F and didn't get ogled there either. This truly is the mighty Marvel age of sexlessness.)
Oh, and MacGregor plays a GTA character. He can't act, yet weirdly manages about as many facial expressions and vocal inflections as Kiersey Clemons does. Weird, since she's been acting all this time and he's been putting people in sleeper holds. Maybe he took night school.
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eppysboys · 9 months
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Max Scheler and Astrid Kirchherr
INT: How did you collaborate with Max Scheler?
KIRCHHERR: In the Sixties Max was one of the most important photographers. For example he took pictures of the first transplantation of a heart living for for weeks in quarantaine with the patients. He was working for the Stern, later becoming the editor in chief of the magazine GEO. Together with him I was at the setting for A Hard Day’s Night in 1964.
INT: How did it get to this?
KIRCHHERR: Brian Epstein did not permit photographers. I called George because Stern magazine asked me to be the door opener. George said: 'I will talk to the others. According to me it’s okay when you come to London and take pictures. But they have to pay you, otherwise they may stay at home.' Max gave me a small camera which I never had worked with before. And there were some fine pictures as a result. Especially the pictures of children in Liverpool. Some of them looked really looked like figures in a Charles Dickens novel. (Interview with Astrid Kirchherr)
(The following is an Interview with Ulf Krüger, Astrid’s business partner and manager, from 'Astrid Kirchherr: A Retrospective'.)
INT: Did the feature in Stern magazine raise awareness of Astrid’s photography when it was published in 1964? 
Krüger: No, because that’s another story. Astrid was not famous as a photographer then but she was working as an assistant for a really famous photographer, Reinhart Wolf. Stern magazine asked Max Scheler, who was the chief photographer for Stern, to go to England to cover the filming of A Hard Day’s Night and go to Liverpool and see The Beatles. That was their rough idea, but in 1964 The Beatles, already at the top of their career, wouldn’t have reporters of any magazine at the time of filming. So Reinhart Wolf recommended Max (they were friends) ask Astrid to be a sort of ‘door opener’, not a photographer. To cut it very short, Astrid called The Beatles and asked if it was possible to have coverage and The Beatles said yes as long as she was part of it they could do it. So Astrid went to England with Max, but he was the photographer and Astrid was the ‘door opener’. Of course Max knew she was a photographer and gave her a camera and she took a lot of photos as well but she didn’t have the job from Stern magazine. When Astrid had shot film she gave the film to Max because he was the boss and Max gave all the films to Stern with his stamp on. So the articles in Stern magazine don’t mention the credit Astrid Kirchherr, it’s all Max Scheler. 
I found out where Max was living, called him, explained who I was and asked him why he had Astrid’s photos printed with his credit, and he told me he really didn’t know about that but acknowledged that I was right. He had sent all the films to Stern magazine and it was a Max Scheler thing so the credit was always Max Scheler. He apologised and asked to meet to return the negatives to Astrid which was great. So we met and Astrid and Max sorted out the photos and so the beautiful photos with the Liverpool kids ended up being Astrid Kirchherr copyright. Nice story. 
INT: Do you think the issues you confronted as Astrid’s manager were connected to her working as a female photographer at that time?
Krüger: I think it had a lot to do with that, especially being a special woman. Astrid used to dress in a special way when she met The Beatles, wearing leather trousers, leather jackets and things like that. That was really unusual for a young woman in Germany and I’m quite sure it was unusual in England as well, or in Japan or wherever. So, one one hand, she was special, maybe people were even a bit frightened because she was self-conscious and things like that. On the other hand, she was just a woman because business was dominated by men then, still is, and so that’s one of the additional problems I think. They only liked the Beatles photos because they couldn’t realise that a photo of Rory Storm for example is a beautiful classical shot, they didn’t realise it because it was not a Beatle and that could disappoint an artist heavily I think. So that’s how it was, still it’s a bit discriminating. Women are not paid like men, are not respected like men in many cases, and that’s not good, and it was much worse then. 
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babygirlsincars · 10 months
waaah thank you @hrhgeorgerussell for tagging me 🥺🥺🥺🥺 ur always so sweet
name: David or Space. Second one is my online nickname but I've been going by David on tumblr since I got it afdsgd
sign: taurus sun, pisces moon, cancer rising. I just say taurus usually
time: 8:47am I woke up about 47 minutes ago
favourite band / artist: ...... okay it changes a LOT. Always will be a fan of Mitski, Ricky Montgomery, Wilbur Soot, Liana Flores, The Strokes, Ado, Nqrse, Maneskin, you get the idea. More recently though I've been getting into David Kushner a lot.
last movie: tmnt mutant mayhem 🥺 so good
last show: on my own volition? idk..... watched the amazing race canada with my sister last night tho
when I created this blog: a couple of months ago?? i think??
other blogs: @neoncat666 is my main and i'm like decently more active there but like depends on the day
do I get asks: not so much on this blog no
followers: love all 24 of you tho i wish it was 25 so it was a nice number LMAO
average hours of sleep: recently its been between 5 and 6 hours due to work being at 7am but sometimes i sleep more
instruments: had to learn guitar and recorder in school of course. I've always wanted to learn piano and violin (was supposed to learn violin but covid hit) but I don't really have the hands to play piano :(
what I'm wearing: Maid dress.... I was testing to see how the petticoat sits when im in a chair and then. got distracted
dream job: mechanical engineer or photographer :'3 two very different jobs. I'm currently working on going to school for mechengineering
dream trip: Japan. has been my dream trip since I was a little kid. Germany, Italy, and the UK are close seconds though. (Also my coworker keeps recommending me places in France to go to?)
favourite song atm: MON23 by charles feels like a copout rn cause yeah but other than that maybe Viewing of the Astronomical Ellipses (Opening Comments: Dr. Hickenlooper) from the Asteroid City soundtrack, Nights Like These by Pigeon Pit, or The Milk Carton by Madilyn Mei
I don't really know who to tag so feel free to do this and say I tag you yeah ;3
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lindsaywesker · 1 year
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Good morning! I hope you slept well and feel rested? Currently sitting at my desk, in my study, attired only in my blue towelling robe, enjoying my first cuppa of the day. Welcome to Too Much Information Tuesday!
Venetian blinds were invented in Japan.
A one dollar bill has been in an average of 3 bras.
Houses in Britain numbered 13 cost £9,000 less than average.
In the 1940s, butt plugs were marketed as a headache remedy.
There has only been 240 years of peace in the last 3000 years.
It would take 23 bales of straw to break a camel's back.
Open plan offices increase worker stress, blood pressure and turnover.
In the United States, giving birth is 20 times more lethal than skydiving.
In 2004, a boat in Texas capsized because everyone ran to one side to look at a nudist beach.
In 2012, a smuggler was arrested at the Smuggler’s Inn, Washington, after arriving in a car with the licence plate SMUGLER.
One outbreak of Legionnaires' disease was traced to the hot tub at the Playboy mansion.
In Alabama, it is illegal to wear a fake moustache that causes laughter in church.
Brad Pitt was banned from China for 20 years after his role in the film ‘Seven Years In Tibet’.
A survey in Colorado found people are much happier if they believe they are having more sex than their neighbours.
Japanese researchers have concluded that cats do recognize the sound of their owner’s voice when called … they just don't care.
The novel 'All Quiet On The Western Front' was banned in Poland for being pro-German and in Germany for being anti-German.
On busy Chinese trains, passengers take turns on the seats so everyone gets to sit for some of the journey.
In the Middle Ages, a lovesick man could be prescribed ‘therapeutic intercourse’, whereas a lovesick woman was prescribed marriage.
Christie’s auctioneers are taught to stop their hands shaking with nerves by clenching their buttocks.
80% of the UK’s bread is made by a process so nutritionally barren that vitamins must be added back in by law.
Dog lovers tend to have more Facebook friends than cat lovers, but cat lovers get invited to more parties.
On D-Day, J. D. Salinger fought with six chapters of ‘The Catcher In The Rye’ in his backpack.
The belief that ideas from the past are by default worse than ideas of the modern age is called ‘chronological snobbery’.
In the public toilets at Rothesay, there is a plaque indicating which urinal was used by the then Prince Charles when he visited.
Great Ormond Street Hospital have recreated their site in Minecraft to help kids who want to explore the building so that it’s less scary when they arrive.
John Shepherd-Barron the inventor of the ATM originally intended them to have PINs that were six digits long, but his wife could only remember four digits at a time, so that became the standard.
In 2016, Microsoft set up a Twitter chatbot that could learn to converse based on what people told it. It was using swear words by the next morning.
The annual ‘Bad Sex In Fiction’ award was cancelled for 2020, as the organisers believed that the public had been "subjected to too many bad things” that year to justify exposing it to bad sex as well.
Google Image search was invented after Jennifer Lopez’s green dress at the 2000 Grammys became their most popular ever search, but they had no way of providing users with a quick result.
A study has shown that birds that live in colder places have smaller beaks. McGill University’s blog published an article about the study with the headline ‘Peckers Get Smaller Where It Gets Colder’.
Every year, Lake Superior University publishes a list of words and phrases they would like to banish the next year. This year's entries include "moving forward", "does that make sense?" and "it is what it is".
In 2006, 84-year-old Edith Macefield from Seattle refused a $1 million offer from a shopping mall developer to move, so it was built around her house. In fact, Pixar's film ‘Up’ was later modelled after her home.
The first recorded attempted human flight with artificial wings in history was in the 6th century in China. Emperor Kao Yang would strap prisoners to kites and throw them off buildings to see if they could fly.
When HMS Dolphin stopped in Tahiti in 1767, the sailors found that local women were prepared to exchange sex for iron nails. The captain ordered a stop to the trade as the significant loss of nails from the ship had massively compromised its structural integrity.
Compound swears like ‘shitgibbon’ work best when the second word is a two-syllable word, where the first syllable is stressed and contains the same vowel of the swear. This is why ‘cockwomble’ works but ‘dickwomble’ does not.
Centre Point was constructed between 1963 and 1966. It was one of the first skyscrapers in London. It stood empty from the time of its completion (1966) until 1975. In 1995 it became a Grade II listed building.
The shortest commercial flight in the world is from the Westray Airport to the Papa Westray Airport between two small Orkney Islands north of Scotland. It's only a distance of 1.7 miles and, if the wind is ideal, it can take as little as 47 seconds from start to finish.
A Dutch supermarket chain introduced ‘slow checkouts’ for people who enjoy chatting, helping many people, especially the elderly, deal with loneliness. The move has proven so successful that they installed the ‘slow checkouts’ in 200 stores.
Okay, that’s enough information for one day. Have a tremendous and tumultuous Tuesday! I love you all.
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brookston · 2 years
Holidays 12.1
Antarctica Day
Basketball Day
Battle of the Sinop Day (Russia)
Becky Thatcher Day
Bifocals at the Monitor Liberation Day
Bizarre Bazaar
Chia Pet Hunting Season begins
Civil Air Patrol Day
Commemoration Day (UAE)
Crossing of the Cattle at Diafarabe (Mali)
Damrong Rajanuhab Day (Thailand)
Data Innovation Day
Day of the First President (Kazakhstan)
Day With(out) Art
First President Day (Kazakhstan)
Freedom and Democracy Day (Chad)
Fullveldisdagurinn (a.k.a. Self-Governance Day; Iceland)
Indigenous Faith Day (Arunachal, India)
International Prisoners for Peace Day
Military Abolition Day (Costa Rica)
MMMHop Beer Day
My Husband Strung the Xmas Lights and Now I Can't Open the Garage Door Day
National Christmas Book Day
National Christmas Lights Day
National Day of Courage
National Jandal Day (New Zealand)
National Online Risk and Compliance Day
National Sabbath-Keeping Schools Day
National Transit Tribute to Rosa Parks Day
National Women Support Women Day
National Zinc Day
Operation Santa Paws begins [until 21st]
Peaceful Easy Feeling Day (San Diego, California)
Playboy Magazine Day
Prisoners for Peace Day
Proclamation of the Republic (Central African Republic)
Rosa Parks Day (Ohio, Oregon) [also 2.4]
Scrabble Day
Special Kids Day [1st Wednesday]
Teachers’ Day (Panama)
University Student Strike Day (Myanmar)
Wallace & Gromit’s Great British Tea Party begins (thru 21st)
Wear a Dress Day [also 6.1]
Weather Service Day
World AIDS Day (UN)
World Trick Shot Day
Yukon Order of Pioneers Day
Ziua Unirii (Romania)
Food & Drink Celebrations
Dr. Pepper Day
Eat A Red Apple Day
National Baked Alaska Day
National Fried Pie Day
National Pie Day [also 1.23]
1st Thursday in December
Lover's Fair (Arlon, Belgium) [1st Thursday]
Independence Days
Great Union Day (celebrating merger of Transylvania & Romania, 1918)
Iceland (from Denmark, 1918)
Portugal (from Spain, 1640) [a.k.a. Restoration of Independence]
Feast Days
Alexander Briant (Christian; Saint)
Ansanus (Christian; Saint)
Barbes Diena (Sheep Fertility Festival; Ancient Latvia)
Bruna Pellesi (Christian; Blessed)
Castritian (Christian; Saint)
Charles de Foucauld (Christian; Blessed)
Edmund Campion (Christian; Saint)
Eligius (a.k.a. Eloy), Bishop of Noyon (Christian; Saint)
Evasius (Christian; Saint)
Feast for the Death of Aleister Crowley (Thelema)
Feast of Saints Kyle, Stan, Cartman and Kenny (Church of the SubGenius; Saints)
Festival for Neptune/Poseidon (Ancient Greece/Rome)
Festival for Pietas (Goddess of Devotion; Ancient Rome)
Francia (Positivist; Saint)
Grwst (Christian; Saint)
Juner (Muppetism)
Kalends of December (Ancient Rome)
Marijuana Sauce Day (Pastafarian)
Mindfulness Day (Zen Buddhism)
Mothra Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Nahum (Christian; Saint)
Nicholas Ferrar (Episcopal Church)
Ralph Sherwin (Christian; Saint)
Ursicinus of Brescia (Christian; Saint)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Shakku (赤口 Japan) [Bad luck all day, except at noon.]
Adventures of Don Juan (Film; 1948)
Axis: Bold As Love, by Jimi Hendrix (Album; 1967)
Blondie, by Blondie (Album; 1976)
Candide, by Leonard Bernstein (Operetta; 1956)
A Charlie Brown Christmas, by Vince Guarldi (Soundtrack Album; 1965)
Christmas Vacation (Film; 1989)
A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court, by Mark Twain (Novel; 1884)
Dark (German TV Series; 2017)
The Floating Admiral, by the Detection Club (Mystery Novel; 1931)
The Girl Can’t Help It (Rock Music Film; 1956)
Great Expectations, by Charles Dickens (Novel; 1836)
Happy Xmas (War Is Over), by John Lennon (Song; 1971)
Hi, Hi, Hi, by Wings (Song; 1972)
The House of the Rising Sun, by Frijid Pink (Song; 1969)
Kim, by Rudyard Kipling (Novel; 1900)
The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy, Gentlemen, by Laurence Sterne (Novel; 1759)
No Logo, by Naomi Klein Book; 1999)
Northanger Abbey, by Jane Austen (Novel; 1817) [#5]
Promises, Promises (Broadway Musical; 1968)
Return of the King (Film; 2003) [Lord of the Rings #3]
The Thin Man, by Dashiell Hammett (Novel; 1934)
Withering Heights, by Emily Bronte (Novel; 1847)
Today’s Name Days
Blanka, Charles, Eligius, Natalie (Austria)
Blanka, Florencija, Kazimir, Natalija, Naum (Croatia)
Iva (Czech Republic)
Arnold (Denmark)
Oskar, Osmar, Oss (Estonia)
Oskar, Oskari (Finland)
Blanka, Eligius, Natalie (Germany)
Areti, Jacob, Naoum, Philaretos, Theoklitos (Greece)
Elza (Hungary)
Ansano, Eligio (Italy)
Arnolds, Arvaldis (Latvia)
Algmina, Butigeidas, Eligijus, Natalija (Lithuania)
Arnljot, Arnold, Arnt (Norway)
Długosz, Edmund, Eliga, Eligiusz, Iwa, Natalia, Natalis, Platon, Sobiesława (Poland)
Edmund (Slovakia)
Blanca, Cándida, Eloy (Spain)
Oskar, Ossian (Sweden)
Bianca, Blanca, Blanche, Eli, Ely, Sherwin (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 335 of 2022; 30 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 4 of week 48 of 2022
Celtic Tree Calendar: Ruis (Elder) [Day 6 of 28]
Chinese: Month 11 (Dōngyuè), Day 8 (Wu-Zi)
Chinese Year of the: Tiger (until January 22, 2023)
Hebrew: 7 Kislev 5783
Islamic: 7 Jumada I 1444
J Cal: 5 Zima; Foursday [5 of 30]
Julian: 18 November 2022
Moon: 61%: Waxing Gibbous
Positivist: 27 Frederic (12th Month) [Francia]
Runic Half Month: Is (Stasis) [Day 7 of 15
Season: Autumn (Day 70 of 90)
Zodiac: Sagittarius (Day 9 of 30)
Calendar Changes
December (Gregorian Calendar) [Month 12 of 12]
0 notes
brookstonalmanac · 2 years
Holidays 12.1
Antarctica Day
Basketball Day
Battle of the Sinop Day (Russia)
Becky Thatcher Day
Bifocals at the Monitor Liberation Day
Bizarre Bazaar
Chia Pet Hunting Season begins
Civil Air Patrol Day
Commemoration Day (UAE)
Crossing of the Cattle at Diafarabe (Mali)
Damrong Rajanuhab Day (Thailand)
Data Innovation Day
Day of the First President (Kazakhstan)
Day With(out) Art
First President Day (Kazakhstan)
Freedom and Democracy Day (Chad)
Fullveldisdagurinn (a.k.a. Self-Governance Day; Iceland)
Indigenous Faith Day (Arunachal, India)
International Prisoners for Peace Day
Military Abolition Day (Costa Rica)
MMMHop Beer Day
My Husband Strung the Xmas Lights and Now I Can't Open the Garage Door Day
National Christmas Book Day
National Christmas Lights Day
National Day of Courage
National Jandal Day (New Zealand)
National Online Risk and Compliance Day
National Sabbath-Keeping Schools Day
National Transit Tribute to Rosa Parks Day
National Women Support Women Day
National Zinc Day
Operation Santa Paws begins [until 21st]
Peaceful Easy Feeling Day (San Diego, California)
Playboy Magazine Day
Prisoners for Peace Day
Proclamation of the Republic (Central African Republic)
Rosa Parks Day (Ohio, Oregon) [also 2.4]
Scrabble Day
Special Kids Day [1st Wednesday]
Teachers’ Day (Panama)
University Student Strike Day (Myanmar)
Wallace & Gromit’s Great British Tea Party begins (thru 21st)
Wear a Dress Day [also 6.1]
Weather Service Day
World AIDS Day (UN)
World Trick Shot Day
Yukon Order of Pioneers Day
Ziua Unirii (Romania)
Food & Drink Celebrations
Dr. Pepper Day
Eat A Red Apple Day
National Baked Alaska Day
National Fried Pie Day
National Pie Day [also 1.23]
1st Thursday in December
Lover's Fair (Arlon, Belgium) [1st Thursday]
Independence Days
Great Union Day (celebrating merger of Transylvania & Romania, 1918)
Iceland (from Denmark, 1918)
Portugal (from Spain, 1640) [a.k.a. Restoration of Independence]
Feast Days
Alexander Briant (Christian; Saint)
Ansanus (Christian; Saint)
Barbes Diena (Sheep Fertility Festival; Ancient Latvia)
Bruna Pellesi (Christian; Blessed)
Castritian (Christian; Saint)
Charles de Foucauld (Christian; Blessed)
Edmund Campion (Christian; Saint)
Eligius (a.k.a. Eloy), Bishop of Noyon (Christian; Saint)
Evasius (Christian; Saint)
Feast for the Death of Aleister Crowley (Thelema)
Feast of Saints Kyle, Stan, Cartman and Kenny (Church of the SubGenius; Saints)
Festival for Neptune/Poseidon (Ancient Greece/Rome)
Festival for Pietas (Goddess of Devotion; Ancient Rome)
Francia (Positivist; Saint)
Grwst (Christian; Saint)
Juner (Muppetism)
Kalends of December (Ancient Rome)
Marijuana Sauce Day (Pastafarian)
Mindfulness Day (Zen Buddhism)
Mothra Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Nahum (Christian; Saint)
Nicholas Ferrar (Episcopal Church)
Ralph Sherwin (Christian; Saint)
Ursicinus of Brescia (Christian; Saint)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Shakku (赤口 Japan) [Bad luck all day, except at noon.]
Adventures of Don Juan (Film; 1948)
Axis: Bold As Love, by Jimi Hendrix (Album; 1967)
Blondie, by Blondie (Album; 1976)
Candide, by Leonard Bernstein (Operetta; 1956)
A Charlie Brown Christmas, by Vince Guarldi (Soundtrack Album; 1965)
Christmas Vacation (Film; 1989)
A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court, by Mark Twain (Novel; 1884)
Dark (German TV Series; 2017)
The Floating Admiral, by the Detection Club (Mystery Novel; 1931)
The Girl Can’t Help It (Rock Music Film; 1956)
Great Expectations, by Charles Dickens (Novel; 1836)
Happy Xmas (War Is Over), by John Lennon (Song; 1971)
Hi, Hi, Hi, by Wings (Song; 1972)
The House of the Rising Sun, by Frijid Pink (Song; 1969)
Kim, by Rudyard Kipling (Novel; 1900)
The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy, Gentlemen, by Laurence Sterne (Novel; 1759)
No Logo, by Naomi Klein Book; 1999)
Northanger Abbey, by Jane Austen (Novel; 1817) [#5]
Promises, Promises (Broadway Musical; 1968)
Return of the King (Film; 2003) [Lord of the Rings #3]
The Thin Man, by Dashiell Hammett (Novel; 1934)
Withering Heights, by Emily Bronte (Novel; 1847)
Today’s Name Days
Blanka, Charles, Eligius, Natalie (Austria)
Blanka, Florencija, Kazimir, Natalija, Naum (Croatia)
Iva (Czech Republic)
Arnold (Denmark)
Oskar, Osmar, Oss (Estonia)
Oskar, Oskari (Finland)
Blanka, Eligius, Natalie (Germany)
Areti, Jacob, Naoum, Philaretos, Theoklitos (Greece)
Elza (Hungary)
Ansano, Eligio (Italy)
Arnolds, Arvaldis (Latvia)
Algmina, Butigeidas, Eligijus, Natalija (Lithuania)
Arnljot, Arnold, Arnt (Norway)
Długosz, Edmund, Eliga, Eligiusz, Iwa, Natalia, Natalis, Platon, Sobiesława (Poland)
Edmund (Slovakia)
Blanca, Cándida, Eloy (Spain)
Oskar, Ossian (Sweden)
Bianca, Blanca, Blanche, Eli, Ely, Sherwin (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 335 of 2022; 30 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 4 of week 48 of 2022
Celtic Tree Calendar: Ruis (Elder) [Day 6 of 28]
Chinese: Month 11 (Dōngyuè), Day 8 (Wu-Zi)
Chinese Year of the: Tiger (until January 22, 2023)
Hebrew: 7 Kislev 5783
Islamic: 7 Jumada I 1444
J Cal: 5 Zima; Foursday [5 of 30]
Julian: 18 November 2022
Moon: 61%: Waxing Gibbous
Positivist: 27 Frederic (12th Month) [Francia]
Runic Half Month: Is (Stasis) [Day 7 of 15
Season: Autumn (Day 70 of 90)
Zodiac: Sagittarius (Day 9 of 30)
Calendar Changes
December (Gregorian Calendar) [Month 12 of 12]
0 notes
bilbopaggins · 2 years
1. What's the weirdest dream you've ever had? I don't know
2. If you could travel to any year in a time machine, what year would you choose and why? 2010. Life was easier then and I was pretty happy
3. If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be? My weight
4. What's one of the most fun childhood memories you have? My mom took my brothers, sister, and I to the library, a museum and then an old book store and then we went out for icecream.
5. If you could have dinner with a famous person (living or dead), who would you choose? Sylvia plath
6. What's your favorite movie to watch over and over again?
Ever after or clueless
7. What's your favorite season of the year?
8. Who is your celebrity crush?
Paul rudd, Leonardo dicaprio, Kate Winslet, and Sharon stone
9. What's your biggest fear?
10. What's the wildest thing you've ever done?
Had sex in public
11. What's the best advice you've ever received? You deserve the love you try to give to others
12. What's a bad habit you had that you've been able to overcome? Drinking
13. What's your dream road trip destination?
I'd love to go oregon
14. What's your favorite food of all time?
15. What are three items on your bucket list?
Visit Japan, have a threesome, have public sex at a music festival
16. What's your biggest regret?
Starting drinking
17. What's your favorite thing about yourself?
My sense of style
18. What's the weirdest thing in your closet?
I've got a lot of weird shit, man
19. If you had to guess what people appreciate about you the most, what would you say? My kindness
20. What's your dream job?
Something where I'm self-employed
21. If you could be a part of a family on any TV show, which family would you choose?
22. Of all the personal questions I could ask you, what's one you wouldn't want to answer? How many sexual partners have you had
23. What's your biggest pet peeve when it comes to social media? When people are super fake or when people feel emboldened to become an asshold because they are anonymous
24. Who's your favorite character from literature? Ender Wiggins from ender's game
25. What's an activity that you do not find fun at all? Small talk. I fucking hate it
26. What's your favorite color to wear?
Pink or blue
27. What's your favorite type of dessert?
28. What's the worst lie you ever told as a kid? I said my grandma with dementia told me it was ok to put foil in the microwave. That was a lie. I was too young to know it was bad and I blamed her 😭
29. Who in your family are you closest to?
My youngest brother
30. What's your favorite sport to play and why? Esports cuz I'm uncoordinated and suck at regular sports
31. If we were in the middle of a zombie apocalypse, who are three people you'd want on your team? My partner, goku, and zoro from one piece
32. If you were an ice cream flavor, what would it be? Spicy cucumber
33. What's your favorite song to sing in the shower? Baby, one more time
34. What's one thing your mom or dad doesn't understand about you? My dad doesn't understand my atheism or socialist ideals or my mental health conditions or the fact that I'm bi and not a republican
35. If you had a kid, what would you name it?
Charles "vegeta nooooo!" Jr
Or if it's a girl, Devon or Dylan
36. Do you believe in love at first sight?
37. What was your first kiss like?
I don't remember tbh. Don't even remember who it was with. Drugs are bad, mkay?
38. What was your best kiss like?
It was hottt
39. What's your idea of a perfect date?
Going hiking, doing drugs, and then a bonfire with acoustic guitar
40. What are three things you are looking for in a partner? Loyalty, they make me laugh, and they have similar interests and ideals
41. What makes you automatically swipe left on a person? Anyone who is a republican
42. Have you ever experienced true love?
Yes. I have it now ❤️
43. If you had a conversation with your ex, what's a question you'd want to ask them?
I'm friends with my ex. I'd ask why he's trying to get me to join his mlm 😅
44. What are the most frequently used emojis in text conversations? ❤️🤣😊🍆🍑💦
45. What's the wildest thing you've ever done to get someone's attention? I auditioned for a play because a boy I liked was in it. I didn't get the part 🤣🤣🤣
46. What's your biggest fear when it comes to relationships? Abandonment
47. What's the most embarrassing thing you've ever done in front of someone you like? Got really drunk and said stupid shit
48. Do you find first dates fun or stressful?
Stressful af. I hate dating
49. What's your favorite movie couple and why? Cher and Josh from clueless because it's unconventional and sweet
50. What's your favorite place to take a significant other? The public Japanese garden near my house
51. Whose relationship do you admire and why? I don't know
52. At what point in a relationship do you think it's time to go public on social media?
Lol. All that shit's dumb. Who cares?
53. What's your biggest turn on?
I'm a brat and I like being dominated
54. What's your biggest turn off?
Being too pushy or acting entitled to sex
55. What's your favorite thing in life?
Anime and cocaine
56. What was the last flirty text you sent?
A picture
57. What's the worst thing about being single? sleeping alone.
58. What's the best thing about being single?
Being able to do whatever you want with no explanation
59. Would you consider yourself a hopeless romantic? Yes
60. At this point in your life, would you prefer a casual relationship or a serious relationship? Serious. I'm ready to get married and want a family
61. What's the hardest part about being in a long-term relationship? Trying to compromise without compromising yourself
62. If you were getting married, would you write your own vows? Hell yeah
63. What's your biggest regret when it comes to a past relationship, specifically? Not being more forthright
64. How do you get over a breakup?
Focus on yourself, have a good support network, a good playlist, and some shows to binge watch
65. What meme best represents your life?
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66. Would you rather love and lose, or never love at all? Never love at all
67. After a disagreement, do you initiate the makeup conversation or wait for your S.O.?
It depends
68. How many people have you told "I love you" to in a romantic context?
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dudeandduchess · 3 years
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Yakuza!Kyōjurō x F!S/O: Sugar and Spice (Mafia!AU, Modern AU, NSFW Series)[Chapter 2]
Summary: Kyōjurō and (Y/n) meet at a party, only to find out that their lives would change forever— since they had been arranged to be married. To make matters even more difficult for them, they were from two different walks of life, with (Y/n) being the Prime Minister’s daughter, and Kyōjurō being the heir to his clan’s Yakuza group.
Warnings: Smut, Kabedon, Groping, Making Out, Marking
Chapter 1| Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5
No matter how much (Y/n) tried to shake the memory of those piercing eyes from her mind, she never could forget just how hauntingly beautiful they were— especially when they were trained so hard on her the night before.
It was why she had made a hasty escape; tucking tail and practically shoving her champagne glass at a waiter, before making up some halfhearted excuse about forgetting a prior engagement.
She could tell that the ladies she had been with were skeptic of her reasons, but had still let her go; just in time, as well, because Kyōjurō would have gotten to her if they had tried to keep her any longer.
Still, hours after that ordeal— even while she laid on her bed— with the warm, morning rays of the sun shining down on her through her windows, she could still feel the less-than-proper intent behind them. They were the eyes of a predator; someone who was silently telling her that he was going to devour her.
And if she were being honest, it scared and thrilled her at the same time.
“Hopefully, I’ll never have to see him again,” The young woman whispered to herself, right before closing her eyes and stretching her limbs outwards; it felt so good on her tired muscles. But her peaceful time alone was cut short with a soft but firm knock on her door.
“Good morning, (Y/n)-sama.” She almost groaned aloud at the sound of her temporary secretary’s voice; wishing to all hell that she were back in her university dorm— protected by a bodyguard, but still living with relative privacy.
But, unfortunately, it was summer break and she was obligated to stay at the Prime Minister’s residence; much like how her brothers were also required to live there when they weren’t living at their dorms. And, being the youngest— as well as the only girl— out of three children, her father was much stricter on her.
(Y/n) sighed then, deciding not to stall any longer and calling out a flat ‘come in’. It was then followed by the quiet creaking of the door, as well as the soft footsteps coming towards her bed.
As much as the young woman still wanted to just go back to sleep, she decided not to be difficult and opened her eyes— only for them to fall on Rin. She was a frail woman in her mid-thirties, looking very strict with her neatly pressed uniform; but it was her severely tight bun that had (Y/n) and her siblings knowing that the woman meant business at first glance.
“Good morning, Rin-san, may I know my schedule for today?” (Y/n) asked with a forced smile, knowing full well that she had a full roster for that day— what with her mother forking over some small charity appearances over to her and her brothers; all to show the people that they were very much active in society, despite also being busy with their own passion projects.
Rin nodded at that, before referring down to her clipboard and flipping a page— which had (Y/n)’s eyebrows quirking, since she saw so many things highlighted on one of her brothers’ schedule sheets.
“Your schedule has been cleared today, (Y/n)-sama.” That explained why she saw all those neon yellow lines on the pages before hers, but that had her stomach tightening with apprehension; because having a clear schedule at the last minute didn’t really bring good things.
“And why is that?”
“The Prime Minister has requested an audience with you for brunch, and he asked that you clear your schedule for the rest of the day to entertain his guest.”
Suddenly, she wanted to switch schedule with either one of her brothers. Hell, she would have rather been giving speeches and kissing babies, if it got her out of whatever clown show her father was about to put her through.
“Can I get out of this brunch?”
“No, Miss.”
“Alright, then. What time is this… fiasco? Nine-thirty? Ten? And do I already have something to wear for it?”
Who comes in late to meet the Prime Minister? The barbed thoughts reverberated around within (Y/n)’s head, as she presented a calm and collected façade for the world to see.
The dress she wore was modest enough for brunch, but with a touch of sexiness that had her quirking an eyebrow at the stern Rin when it had been handed to her earlier. Because, normally, Rin had her dressed up with the most modest of dresses; it would have been enough to put any miko to shame.
That already had her mind reeling with possibilities, yet she didn’t dare jump on any of them— since there were also numerous other things that could happen. Nothing was impossible, what with her being the daughter of Japan’s Prime Minister, after all.
For all she knew, she could be meeting the Prince of Wales with her father.
“Are we meeting Prince Charles, otou-sama? I didn’t brush up on my English last night,” She whispered to her father, who stifled his laughter and dabbed his table napkin to his lips— if only to muffle his humorous chuckles.
Yorihiko, (Y/n)’s father, turned to her then— before lowering his table napkin back down to his lap and showing her his bright grin. For someone who was in his mid-sixties, he still looked as youthful as ever. And, save for the crow’s feet at the corners of his eyes— as well as the greying hair atop his head— she would have gandered him as not a day over fifty. “Not the Prince of Wales, (Y/n)-chan, but someone who will be much more important to this family in the future.”
Maybe it was just her being a little chilly, but she felt shivers race down her spine at those ominous words. However, she couldn’t even collect herself before the butler announced that their long-awaited guest was finally there.
And she had to try really hard to pick her jaw up from the ground when she saw two heads of blond hair coming out into the garden. The one she knew as Rengoku Kyōjurō wore a crisp, black suit with a blood red tie— one that matched his eyes and hair very well; while the older man next to him wore a formal kimono with a sleek, black haori perched on his shoulders.
“The yakuza, otou-sama?” (Y/n) whisper-yelled at her father, who only gave her a nod before getting up from his seat— all while smoothly laying his table napkin on the table— so he could greet their guests.
She followed suit immediately, but she couldn’t help her unsteady legs as she walked around the table and gave the Rengokus a small bow. “Welcome to our home, dear guests.”
“Don’t be too stiff, daughter; call me otou-sama,” The older man spoke in a gruff tone, smirking all the while as he looked at (Y/n).
The young woman couldn’t even speak, but managed a small nod— right before turning to the man that she had been under just the night before. A chorus of “oh no”s kept playing inside her head, but she couldn’t even voice out her panic, nor her disapproval at whatever arrangement had been arranged between her and the Yakuza heir.
“How about we have our meal as we talk, Shinjurō? And then we can leave the kids to be acquainted?” Yorihiko suggested with a bright smile, all while motioning over to the table that he and (Y/n) had been sitting at earlier.
It already burned (Y/n) to even be in the same vicinity as the man who had been between her legs just the night before, but it burned her even more when he smirked right at her— before offering his arm to her; as if he was the perfect gentleman.
And with her being who she was, couldn’t even turn him down. So, she found herself slipping a hand into the crook of his arm; holding on to him as he walked her back to the table. To make matters even worse for her, he even pulled out her chair for her, before helping her sit down.
That action hadn’t been done for mere chivalry, however, as Kyōjurō took it as a chance to whisper right by her ear, “It’s nice to see you again, baby. You look really… fuckable in that dress.”
“Fuck you.” (Y/n) managed to whisper back, which earned a sexy little chuckle from the blond.
He wanted nothing more than to pull her by the hair and make her face him, just so he could kiss her breathless and show her that he wasn’t to be messed with, but they were in front of company, and he didn’t want to disrespect her like that in front of their fathers.
After all, he was going to be his wife. And he was always taught that Rengokus respected their wives above all else.
“You almost did, baby. Maybe on the honeymoon, though,” Kyōjurō whispered back with a grin, before finally pulling away and taking the empty seat right next to her— much to (Y/n)’s chagrin.
Lunch passed by in a blur for (Y/n), however; with conversation being led by the two patriarchs. She was nothing more than a spectator at the table, since she was still trying to wrap her head around what was happening.
And, from what she could catch, she and Kyōjurō really were arranged to be married. In this day and age, arranged marriages were such an archaic concept but, apparently, the Rengokus had a lot to do with her father getting the Prime Minister position— and he owed them a lot.
So, now that the Rengokus are being pinned with crimes that weren’t their doings— and with Shinjurō facing multiple life sentences if things aren’t resolved— they had to cash in that favor with (Y/n)’s father.
After all, what better way to clear someone’s name, than to get related through marriage to the very man who signs them? No other man’s vouch could be stronger that the Prime Minister’s; if he said that he trusted the Rengokus enough to have his only daughter marry into their family, then all those pending cases would be dismissed as nothing more than baseless accusations.
(Y/n) had always known that her father was involved with all kinds of people, but she had never even had an inkling that he had been rubbing elbows with the Yakuza— of all people.
Once brunch was over— with her food having been barely touched— the patriarchs left both (Y/n) and Kyōjurō in the garden to ‘get acquainted’. However, (Y/n) had much more different things in mind, so she got up from her seat and tossed her table napkin onto the table; all before making hasty escape back into the house.
Kyōjurō’s eyebrows quirked at his fiancée’s actions, but it didn’t dampen the smirk that tugged up at the corners of his lips; as he watched her hips swaying so seductively a few ways away from him.
Last night, he had been pissed to have seen her walking away from him— and that time was no different, but it posed an extremely exciting challenge that he was more than willing to take on.
So, that was how he found himself getting up from his own seat and following after her— but not before glaring right at the guards that had been about to keep him from following her.
That kept them right in their places, which was good enough for him— and had him resuming his leisurely stroll right behind his charismatic bride-to-be.
But she didn’t get to go much farther than the back door of the mansion; as Kyōjurō quickly took his chance to press her back against the wall— making sure to cushion the back of her head, as he caged her in with his right arm and his body.
“Don’t walk away from me, baby,” Kyōjurō stated with a smile; right before dipping his head down to brush his lips against hers in the faintest of kisses.
That move didn’t fail to make (Y/n)’s toes curls right in her heels, but she tried so hard to ignore the tingles that were shooting across her skin; even taking to looking at anywhere but at Kyōjurō.
All because the events from the night before were playing in her mind— hot, raunchy, and filled with so much lust for him.
But the blond wasn’t deterred by her reaction at all, coming to press his hips right against her— and making her feel the bulge that was slowly growing bigger beneath his pants.
“Come on, sweetheart. Kiss me like you did last night,” The young man teased once more, then dipped his head down to catch her lips once more‚ but in a much deeper kiss that, inevitably, had (Y/n) melting against him; especially when he lightly tugged at her hair, all while gently nipping at her bottom lip.
All the while, his right hand snaked itself down to cup her right hip; kneading it in a gentle massage, before slipping down further so he could cup her ass. He then gave it a squeeze, which had her gasping right into their kiss; giving him enough time to slip his tongue right between her lips, all so he could play with her own.
When Kyōjurō felt her responding to his kisses— much like how she was last night— he took that as his chance to tease her even further by pulling away; latching on to her neck and trailing kisses down to the crook where her neck met her shoulders— and biting down on the skin, before sucking on it to leave a love bite.
He wasn’t contented with just one, however, and found himself leaving more of his marks all over her neck as well. Every single one had her moaning softly and, somewhere along the way, one of her hands had made its way onto the back of his own head— where she was gripping his hair tightly.
She was really melting under his touch, and he loved it so much.
And things only made a turn for the better when he quickly bunched the back of her dress up with the hand that had been groping her ass, before slipping his hand down further so he could cup her pussy from behind; grinning when he felt her so wet beneath her underwear.
“You want me to fuck you?” He asked, all while rubbing the tips of his fingers against her soaked entrance; loving the way that her fingers kept tightening and loosening on his hair— especially the subtle way that she was trying to rub her pussy up against his cock.
(Y/n) was silent at first— refusing to give in and answer him— until the blond readjusted his hand and made quick work of slipping it up the front of her dress; right before pushing her panties aside and pinching her clit between his index and middle fingers. The move had her hips jerking involuntarily, and also had her moaning softly when Kyōjurō began to play with the little bud.
“Please what, sweetheart?”
(Y/n) was just about to give in and actually beg him to fuck her right there— up against the side of her father’s residence— when all sense came crashing down on her and she yanked on Kyōjurō’s hair… hard. “Get off of me!”
It was clear on Kyōjurō’s face that that move had pissed him off, but he couldn’t help but obey (Y/n)’s words— albeit reluctantly. And he wanted to just scowl at her, but the sight of her looking so disheveled had him laughing; outright laughing, as he took in her messed up lipstick and crazy hair.
The glare that (Y/n) was aiming right at him looked mildly threatening, but it was the best she could do— especially when she heard the blond’s attractive laughter. How a laugh could be attractive, she didn’t know; it just was— and it was highly unfair, since he already had such a handsome face.
Even the fresh love bites all over her neck and shoulders added to her ‘just fucked’ look, diminishing the aggressiveness in her expression even more, and that pleased Kyōjurō so much.
He couldn’t wait until he really messed her up. He’d make sure that she wouldn’t even be able to get out of bed in the morning.
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cynthiaandsamus · 3 years
Custom Toonami Block Week 79 Rundown
Code Geass: Lelouch is establishing the official United States of Fuck Imperialism which is like the UN but actually does stuff, plus he has to deal with the fact that CC’s lost her memory and is acting like a demure slave girl harem choice from a VN. Charles is still trapped in the Human Instrumentality Shadow Realm so everyone figures this is a great time to unify everyone against Britannia. Kallen beats the shit out of Suzaku for being a dick to her all this time and the Knight of Ten is making his rounds because they realize they forgot to give him any buildup and he’s going to be a miniboss later so they have to cram all his being a dick personality into like five minutes while all the Knights of the Round assemble to prepare for an attack on Japan once the National Federation is formed. Llyod and Cecile for some reason enhanced the Guren for Suzaku even though he’s clearly more used to the Lancelot but apparently they enhanced it too much and made it a death machine like the Talgeese in Gundam Wing so Suzaku has to stick with the Lancelot. Looks like the Guren will have to sit and collect dust unless a certain pilot is rescued and then immediately has a convenient upgrade. Amazingly all the countries go along with everything Zero says and give up their militaries and have the Black Knights be the official military of the Federation. I don’t know how that works given that the Black Knights have been struggling to fight off one nation’s military idk how it’s supposed to substitute for a dozen nations’ military but I guess they conscript support and troops from the other nations or something. Charles comes back on the tv after the Federation is formed and is all “Awww what a cute little UN you have, fuck off bro.” which you’d think this’d be the perfect time for him to just out Lelouch as Zero and wreck the Black Knights’ morale but he doesn’t for some reason and they’re just gonna fight. Lelouch is freaking out and knows that having everyone want to murder the Britannian royal family includes Nunally so he calls Suzaku who just straight up goes “Bro cut the crap are you Zero or not?” and after so much plotting and scheming Lelouch just comes right out with it. Suzaki agrees to protect Nunally as long as Lelouch meets him alone at the Kururugi Shrine where this all began.
Inuyasha: This is another one of those Modern Day filler episodes which are always fun. There’s just something about Inuyasha running around in modern Japan being Spider-Man and saving people and catching bank robbers on the way to deliver Kagome’s lunch that’s so thoroughly entertaining. Basically Inuyasha spends this whole episode jittery that everyone’s so chill and ready to relax after Naraku just got away and is probably an inch from death but after a big adventure in the modern era where Kagome is as usual unprepared for her test, he ends up passing out on the bed after insisting a little battle with Naraku wouldn’t exhaust him. It’s a really cute little episode to let everyone bide some time and reflect on the past arc now that we’re starting a new wave of filler before we get to the Band of Seven and Mt. Hakurei stuff.
Yu Yu Hakusho: The first match of the tournament is about to begin and Botan, Shizuru, and Keiko come in with Koenma who is sick of baby jokes and puts on his bishonen disguise to impress everyone. There’s some neat lore about how they gave Koenma the guest team every year to bribe him into not shutting down the tournament without giving him anything of value and how the bloody show of the Dark Tournament pacifies the demons so they kill fewer humans, so that’s cool. Since Yusuke is still passed out, Kuwabara is de facto Captain and decides on simple one on one matches while the other team Captain just kinda roasts an eight of the crowd to see if it’ll wake Yusuke up. Kuwabara’s in the first match versus Prototype Killua, complete with afterimages and yo-yo tricks. They size each other up for a while and Kuwabara shrugs off getting his fucking neck broken surprisingly well while they go back and forth with “Well I can track YOU better” for a while. Togashi really loves his yo-yos of death so those have Kuwabara on the ropes and turn him into a fucking kite ready to slam back down into the arena, so yeah, Kuwabara’s having a rough time of it.
Fate Zero: Waver’s been having strange dreams about Iskandar, and not the ones people usually have about him. So he goes to get a basic history lesson on the historical figure that’s been chilling on his couch for a few weeks and spending all his money on xbox live arcade. They also go through all the ridiculously obvious historical inaccuracies and Iskandar’s just like “idk bro, I’m here so the book must be wrong” which is hilarious because Fate also does this with more modern historical figures that we have pictures of and shit so they basically sit there saying all historians have no idea what they’re talking about and gaslighting the field of history as a whole. On the way back Waver’s upset that Iskandar’s so awesome that it basically takes any effort on his part to win and it won’t be an actual achievement despite the fact that they’ve taken out like… one servant, MAYBE, and most of the other historical figures are equally over the top. But still Iskandar says that if your aspirations are big enough it doesn’t matter how big or small you are, everyone’s tiny in the grand scheme of things and clawing at greatness you can’t truly perceive is what matters. Also Caster and his boy have found the wreck they made of their workshop of dead bodies and are kinda fucked up about it but also ready to fuck up more people because God sucks or some shit. So Caster summons a Bloodborne monster which you think more people would notice and mention during Shirou’s time, like nobody in UBW ever said “Hey remember like seven years ago when a giant Bloodborne monster appeared in the river?” so I’m guessing there’s some kind of perception blocking going on. But yeah everyone’s gonna jump on the Bloodborne Monster next time for the season premiere.  
Konosuba: So we pick up where we left off and Kazuma is working off his debt by… killing more toads. Wow this world really is like a video game, we get the same five enemies over and over again. However they’re fucked without Darkness throwing herself into monster orifices looking for a good time so Yunyun has to save them. We already met Yunyun in the OVA so it’s kinda weird to be re-introduced to her here in basically the same way but their relationship is basically like Gai and Kakashi if they only did the lame dorky challenges Kakashi suggested when he’s too lazy to think of a good one. Also there’s a cat now, I don’t think that really comes to anything, just a scene of Megumin going “we have a cat now” and everyone’s like “kay”. Kazuma and Megumin play Naked Chicken to see who can get more naked before the other backs down and end up taking a bath together because they’re both stubborn assholes. Also we get a quick snippet of Yunyun and Megumin’s backstories which you can basically make Yunyun’s the swing scene from Naruto (idk why Yunyun is bring out the Naruto references in me today) and Megumin is stealing bread like Les Miserables in increasingly bizarre and disgusting ways because she’s ridiculously poor or some shit.
Sailor Moon Crystal: So turns out that Usagi and Mamoru BOTH had their shots with the ‘fucks everything up’ sword with a pocketwatch and… the discarded gems of the four knights? Idk how that works given they were humans and also dead but what baffles me more is that both Usagi and Mamoru very obviously did not get hit by the sword but decided to fall down dead and not move for a couple minutes despite their shots very much being blocked and there being no blood. Anyway Queen Metalia has the crystal, bullshit is happening, 1000 years of darkness, you’ve seen Xiaolin Showdown, you know the drill. The remaining four Guardians get a cute little flashback of Usagi saying what she likes about them and then they give up their lives to revive her inside the dark energy blob of Queen Metalia and crystals and lights and shit happens and swords and wands are pulled out of nowhere and you know how a final boss goes, they beat it with the power of believing in themselves and shit like that. Also apparently the only difference between sealing Metalia away and killing her is hitting the giant bullseye on her forehead so yeah, hopefully she’s down for good this time. I don’t want to complain because this show was genre-defining but it’s hard to find things to say about something so generic and milktoast, it’s the Seinfeld problem where there’s been so many more interesting iterations that it’s just kinda “get on with it already” at this point. The only real markedly noticeable thing about it is how plainly and unashamedly it is about being a power fantasy for teen girls, and there’s something to that, harmless power fantasies can be fun but it just feels like the physical mechanics of this kind of progression being “She feels this shit REALLY HARD” is less exciting than some of the alternatives
Durarara!!: It’s the big Masaomi backstory episode and we get the whole deal of how he formed the Yellow Scarves and got into a relationship with Saki because Izaya wanted to orechestrate a gang war because that’s what Izaya does all day is orchestrate gang wars. It’s kind of amazing how many kids in this show are like “I don’t know how it happened but one thing led to another and suddenly I was at the head of one of the largest gangs in the city” like they kinda really yadda yadda over how that actually happens. But anyway Saki gets hurt in the gang war and Kadota’s gang has to save her because Masaomi’s adrenaline wears off at the last second and he can’t try and rush in and save her. I mean Dota’s van got there first anyway so how much he’d have been able to help would be doubtful but he feels bad about not even being able to try and Izaya says that fear and failure of his past will dominate his future actions which is exactly what he’s doing by letting his paranoia and frustration lead him to a war on the Saika army. Dota-chin tells him to face up to it and stop running or live with the shame of lying to Saki but Masomi can’t do that and his shame and determination to reverse the situation leads everyone into chaos as Anri discovers his secret.
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jjayolsen · 3 years
Best End Moments
1.  Season Six, Episode Ten: Murder
After the end of the Murder Mystery game(s) when Michael, Andy, Dwight and Pam are all still at the office, past six, trying not to get shot by each other because they all announced how they were double agents ….and Jim has to drag her away
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2. Season Eight, Episode Twenty-Two: Fundraiser
When everyone thinks Kevin doesn’t realize his dog Ruby is dead because he tells them:
She’s doesn’t do anything, just lays there all day
She barely touches her food
She doesn’t really poop
She just lies there all day
He has to prop her eyes open to watch the tv
She smells horrible
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3. Season Five, Episode Twenty-Eight: Company Picnic
When Jim and Pam find out they’re expecting
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4. Season Six, Episode Twenty-One: Happy Hour
Hide’s story
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“In Japan, heart surgeon. Number one. Steady hand. One day, Yakuza boss need new heart. I do operation. But mistake! Yakuza boss die. Yakuza very mad. I hide fishing boat, come to America. No English, no food, no money. Darryl give me job. Now I have house, American car, and new woman. Darryl save life. My big secret: I kill Yakuza boss on purpose. I good surgeon. The best”
5. Season Five, Episode Nine: Frame Toby
Dwight’s Perfect Crime
6. Season Three, Episode One: Gay Witch Hunt
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“I was gonna quit, but Jan offered me a three month paid vacation and a company car. All I had to do was sign something promising I wouldn’t sue. We’re going to Europe. Kids, sometimes it pays to be gay”
7. Season Eight, Episode Twenty-One
After Ryan somewhat pours his heart out to Kelly in the parking lot, Pam searches the waste basket to find the love poem he wrote to her because of how bad Pam expects it to be but after reading the whole thing with Jim that they are both brought to tears Jim tells the camera team “Ryan can never know”
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8. Season Eight, Episode Four: Garden Party
When Jim keeps leaving and re-entering the Garden Party so Dwight has to keep announcing him and knowing that Dwight is so committed to throwing a good Garden Party that he asks Dwight who he really think the best salesman in the office is and then timing to walk back into the party so Dwight’s answer comes out as “Obviously M—Mr. James Halpert!”
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9. Season Five, Episode Twenty-One: Two Weeks
When after Michael and Pam quit, Charles puts Kevin on “phones” and to decrease the time wasting makes Stanley his productivity czar and be ‘on top of that’
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10. Season Seven, Episode Ten: China
After Andy first texts Darryl about him and Michael wearing the same tie, Darryl tells Andy to text him less. Then when Andy texts him “Megan Fox?” Darryl holds Andy to one bad text away from getting blocked. Andy maintains his “good text status” by only next texting Darryl two pigeons eating ice cream.
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paraclete0407 · 3 years
That my favorite JLC novel was ‘Call for the Dead’ - a reference for the Black Death
Nora Roberts’ ‘Holding the Dream’ - ‘Project 521′
‘[Japanese word for bouquet] super-cruise
‘Afterburner’ - hands on shoulders
‘Disbelief in math’ - you [stole presence of breast]
‘Why am I so dumb’
Drinking boiling tea on empty stomach till fly, leap weightlessly
‘Mariposa 2016′ - why not be ‘wheeled out’ 
‘Speak while breathing in’
Oxygen from outside not needed; breathing is crutch
Do backflip; test of will
‘Germantown Lake’
Instant respect University School of Milwaukee
‘UW-Milwaukee (once) respected me’
‘The infliction
‘H3B’ - ‘Mutt Riley’ drug-dealer w/ heart of gold (fake stock character) ‘Malaysian Camille,’ fingers intercostal, ‘Liesl,’ point to books w/ furry boot-toes, ‘I want to kick that cat.’  Some kind of gov’t agency.  Girl w/ marmalade hair,
‘Gangster Opera’ - ‘__-ya what _ _ _ _’ - ‘penalty life’ 
‘Flamenco dance-hall poison gas massacre’ - ‘First Love’
‘The Persian Girl’ - NYC container-ship nuclear terrorism
‘Oxygen Girl and Lithium Boy’ - W. Allen ‘Jupiter Symphony’ - Green R-33  - ‘Yeppeo Harkke’ - ‘I’m not Allen; don’t want to know everything; I groom no one; I expect not to live forever; IDC abt ‘sexual awakening’  + doesn’t need to be taught.  Unoriginal sinner, un-special sophistication, ‘nubile’ - well f--- you and praise God f---face
Distributing the apple-baskets to the poor
‘Epipen’ hostess-bar; [fake name spoken by munch-crumple-idiot].  
‘The Coalminer’s Wife.’  Rutgers is Pyongyang; Mason Gross School of the Arts is Pyongyang; spiral staircase, why am I so dumb.  ‘Poetry-writing is like _ _ but novel-writing is like coal-mining.’  The small room, loom / weave.  Sleep in uniform apron / visor.  Blindness.  Hairband.  ‘If you wear this shirt on college 1st day will meet fut. husband.’  
Sitting in subterranean culvert, bride, pink silver white, orange light.  Kneeling in matte white in coal-hill.  ‘The village headman’s daughter.’  Candle.  Roman Catholicism implied.  
Legalistic, fat on health-foods.  Friend is skinny always burning self down, love of pizza.  ‘Sungjin.’  
‘Minister of the Right’ - ‘Scholar Jin and Lady Periwinkle’
‘Eternal Protector YSS his face was white to blacks black to whites spoke breathing in, racist in immutable divine capacity, picking up valuables from ground even if stolen property =/- smashing store-window to steal.  Terrible elephant-trumpet, sinking, PCH will burn me w/ cigarette-tip in Eternity.  
‘Sospira’ - mandatory euthanasia for piano-teacher after ‘genius student’ graduates
‘Man is woman and woman is b _ _.’  ‘Women are floors.’  
The bird says ‘laoshi.’  The rabbit approaches me; my son.  Little kids w/ armored lower legs will crush me.  
‘So tired from writing strip-club accounts by hand shoulder fatigue the RU Aryan Nation (inc. blonde Jewesses) easily bent her arm to make it look like suicide.’    
‘I caused WW3 due to collective hallucination and/or CCP deepfake; casus belli
‘We’ll give you a five-course meal then f--- you up + also plant bomb in stomach
‘I f---ig TOLD YOU
Mom trusted me with absolute trust-ness as we walked; Jew ‘Take your family _____!’  ‘Carlos Park,’ ‘I HATE Jews; they think they’re the only humans.’  ‘At least we can all agree about Obergefell(?!).’
Why Episcopalians sing about Socrates?
Tell parents, ‘Don’t you know how easy it is to generate deepfakes and say anyone did anything?’  They drove away leaving me outside Best Buy.
‘He’s like the Palestinians.’  ‘I really like you.’  Black boy in pom-pom-hat, tooth-smile, tinfoil.’  My Tibetan bracelet, Diamond Gym Maplewood
‘Meta-wolf.’  Painterly resolution of cinema.  Die at piano.  Stab self in right thigh.  
Looking in to the PC screen 2003 I saw the future; at the very end of the _ _ vid the katana right through her mouth and head / brain / skull.  Dads to plan Covid ultra-vengeance.  YSS, ‘I killed my sons to _ _ _.’  
St. Peter in sky
‘Delight of bread; it befits Man’s dignity... Xi Jinping likes _... delight stomach nursing school, orange sherbert, all ight getting beaten
The Black PhD woman wants me to apply lip-gloss(?!), will not expand on educational philosophy of institution - ‘I blah blah blah Harvard, middle class can’t live within means - Shanghai novel ‘What We Were Not Promised’ - ‘
Guidance counselor you f----- it up - incompetent reprobate self-hypermasculinizing crop-hair Jewess man up Derek Chauvin
‘The neural math Yuki Katakura, mirror neurons, decoupling, cannot ride the vestibule, Matt Chai, “Correspondence and Correlation’  Berkeley CA, ‘Catherine Chai’ emerald dress, McDonalds in the days when seats were fixed outside.  Michelle WAi funeral; she played guitar; commanded submarine, assassinated by RPG Arab terrorist.  G-36.  ‘Fantail.’
‘What’s Myeong Hyeongeso up to?’ - I really love my friend Cunningham whose heartrate spikes probably b/c he knows there’s CCP Yakuza assassins somewhere al the time thinking of murdering him
Daejin McDonald’s one night, I start singing ’Star Spangled Banner.’  Kim Jong Un launches missile arcing over cereal grain fields, I start singing ‘Star Spangled Banner.’
Literally 2015, ‘Trinity of Happiness.’  Later ‘finally enter.’  Gold label lite cigarette, ‘I’m gonna have my day!’
I gave the little kid money + he flipped out; he later tried to freeze himself to death as Texas Bill is manning up worried about magazine cliches, contributions to ROKA(?).  Kid quit due to voice but he’s still better than me!  Fire all these people, CDF, ‘Charles David Framingham,’ nuke Milwaukee, I don’t trust his data.  ‘I had so much sex before marriage’ - just die I read your magazine 3,0000 years ago.  I can’t believe anyone wants to be you; my grandfather was B-24 co-pilot, main pilot KIA, landed without landing-training, grapefruit morning, infinite wrist-strength.  I smashed up his house but he didn’t get mad, just stutter.  Dead-eyed f---face shooting every animal in Texas.  
Very much fear of P2 holiness but holiness-shyness even worse than love-shyness even more blasphemous, I sincerely hope he strangles me very soon
The evillest thing I ever thought, the ‘death of deaths,’ Kim Jong Il, what was he thinking?  I used to toy with TW-1, say word ‘zombie’  ‘How could you do that?!’  I didn’t liquefy girls’ skeletons or sth; it’s like Schindler’s List soundtrack; I just don’t know words for it.  ‘Final Gesture’ - Jesus to Judas ‘friend?’
Iraq War Day trail-running, later cognizance of Noam Chomsky Hiroshima Day.  Wanted to say Op. Olympic noble but in retrospect ‘Bells of Nagasaki’ + ‘swamp of Japan.’  My grandfather’s funeral, dad is, ‘We have all drunk from wells we did not dig.’  Chinese chicken eat, nap, I can run all the way up of the hill w/ African chat.  I like YooA ‘Bon Voyage,’ check CNS high reps, atrial fibrillation.
SHINEE fangirl ‘Stella(?)’ - noli me tangerine I know that stuff is ‘little stars.’  Awed at my gait  ‘If only they had stayed in hot pursuit.’  I wanna believe in all that stuff as well; I am also a dead-ender or last-chancer or last-caller; I admire Mari Iijima, ‘’Uncompromising Innocence.’  ‘Little Heaven’ but that’s Kim Jongilism or I’m worse than Kim Jong Il for thinking about ‘Agents Running in the Field.’  Timothy Keller, ‘I don’t like broccoli.’  I felt it was an innuendo and it made me think of HJ that gave me her number but I didn’t call b/c I’m against prostitution and I felt it’s fake number b/c everything is the Shadowplay.  I made stupid lewd stuff for years despite ‘Anointment’ and ‘When To Care’ - ‘toucan, macaw, demi-bra.’  Everyone thinks I’m a rapist but I’m not pressing my case; I don’t mouth-breath; I don’t spit.  I read ‘Sentimental Education’ and pre-targeted; I gave up; I wish Gen. McChrystal could be President or GWB 3rd term, conscience of Moon Jaein, ‘Weary Head.’  Thought I was ‘all hard’ for reading Natsume Soseki’s ‘Meian’ with ex-girlfriend’s smile at the end but he as dying then I started seeing kisses + wife-smiles and stuff; what’s Francis Chan up to?, does Mike Pompeo know I am real?  I liked 2nd Inuyasha movie, that song was about Mochida Kaori’s unborn niece or nephew, Kinokuniya Edgewater Mitsuwa.  The ‘Many Pieces’ live version ended with bass-note - ‘cantus firmus’ - instead of fadeout and wail.  Stone Lake NK Mountain morning.  Fav. Bible book 2 Timothy - ‘grievous wolves.’  & I used to listen to ‘Arirang’ and hear the Latin, ‘Respondemus’ - my favorite person said that Latin’s ‘quaint’ but it’s the lingua franca of the Roman Empire and that’s the final empire of this world that never went away; but this is a specific era, the great wave Delta and it’s not even the last iteration If I know anything about biological war or Satan.  Unironically fall on your face; ten billion jewel-souls tonight and this terrible fire rolling over.  I just simply pray for mercy on Milwaukee + somebody suspend their infinity-war-dueling over all the ills of yesterday back to Original Sin nd the Fall of Lucifer.  I’m unhappy that I know all this pop-culture; ‘worlds are swaying / someone is praying / please let us come home to stay’ or Kahi’s ‘One Love’ where at the end it uses the word for ‘I’ in the subjective case which is ‘arm confirmed identity’ 
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squidproquoclarice · 4 years
Yeehawgust Day 20: Ropework
July 1899: Clemens Point, Lemoyne
The  business of feeding close to two dozen people, most of them hardworking adult men, was nothing special to Simon Pearson.  The Navy, and merchant sailing, both prepared a cook handily for that, and more.  He’d fed close to a hundred men working their asses off on the old Calliope, and making palatable food towards the end of a long voyage around the horn to Japan delayed two weeks by colossal storms in the Roaring Forties had stretched his ingenuity to its limit.  They’d been down to weevily hardtack and grey and slimy salt pork, the last bits of flour and oil.  The day he’d used the very last of the sugar hidden away to sweeten the porridge, knowing they needed something, he’d sworn he’d seen grown men about to cry from both pleasure and realizing this was the last of it. 
He’d kept them fed, but it had been nothing pretty, and neither had the mood.  A good cook always watched the mood the way a rated seaman watched winds, looking for both direction and intensity.  The mood with the gang had turned, and for the better, now that they’d been here for a week.  They’d settled down here after being chased off from Horseshoe Overlook.  At least he’d had enough time to pack the whole chuck wagon.  And they had regular access to fresh food, both from shops and from the hunters who had stepped it up.  Including his former assistant. 
Though at least sailing meant a set Goddamn watch schedule, and that meant meals were reliable as anything for both sailors and the cook.  None of this stuff with men riding in whenever they damn well pleased, and being pissed off that food wasn’t right there the moment they wanted it, and coming to twist Pearson’s ear about it.  He was no mindreader.  The best he could do was keep a stew kettle going most of the day so that those who weren’t there during regular meal times could help themselves to a plate.
It had become something of a running joke that Arthur in particular probably assumed all Pearson could manage anymore was stew, given the man was rarely in camp, always out scouting, hunting, looking for jobs.  Pearson had slipped some sweets and biscuits into the mess of Arthur’s saddlebag here and there, knowing he’d need it.
But they’d settled in, and that meant there was free time here and there.  Right now, the stew was on, the dishes were washed, and he wouldn’t start dinner--elk steaks, Charles had brought in a fine one, and it would be nice to have a beautifully roasted cut of meat--for a few hours.  He could be working on that table cover he’d promised Dutch, and he would get to it, but right now, young Jack had his attention.
Wrapping the hemp rope around his fingers, turning it, weaving it in and out, he carefully demonstrated, and then pulled the knot tight at the end, turning it into a round, tight ball.  “There, you see?  A perfect monkey’s fist.”
“I don’t think I got it,” Jack said forlornly, the rope woven between his fingers in a cat’s cradle mess.
He hadn’t expected Jack to follow along.  “It’s a hard one,” he said, “so we’ll just play with it for fun.”  He handed over the scrap of rope with the monkey’s fist on the end.  “Here.  You keep this one.”
Jack looked at him hopefully.  “It’s pretty, but can you teach me to tie my boots?  I tripped and falled down again.”
Probably part of why Jack walked around barefoot half the time, not to mention the cost of new boots meaning it was smarter to not wear them as long as possible, and a hot summer led to that.  Though being in snake country like this meant it would be smarter for him to wear them again.  You ought to have your daddy for teaching you that, he thought, glancing towards John, busy fixing a wagon wheel with Charles.  The man never seemed to know exactly where his mind was when it came to the kid, though Arthur sure as shit wouldn’t let John forget it either.
How old had he been when he’d learned to tie his boot laces?  He couldn’t remember.  Older than four, he was pretty sure.  But Jack was having to grow up too fast in many ways.  “Sure, kid,” he said, kneeling and slipping off one of his own boots forward to demonstrate.  “We’ll see what we can do.”
Carefully showing the steps, Jack clumsily tried it, tiny fingers growing more steady with each attempt.  He’d learn the dexterity of it soon enough.  “Just keep practicing,” Pearson said.  “Give it a few days, I bet you’ll get it.”
Jack’s face brightened.
“Jack!” There it was, Abigail calling for her boy again.
“You’d better go.  Don’t want your ma upset.”  He winked at Jack.
Jack grinned at him and jumped up, tucking the monkey’s fist in his hand. “Bye, Uncle Pearson!” 
He smiled, getting to his feet, watching Jack run off towards Abigail, ready to show off his new prize.  Better to think about bow knots and monkey’s fists for a little boy’s delight, bowlines and hitches for raising the tents and securing the supplies, nail and arbor knots for fishing lines.  Knots for fun, knots for practicality.  
After all, there was another knot lurking around the Van Der Lindes that he preferred to deliberately not think about, namely the sort that came with thirteen turns, a black sack over a man’s head, and a pine coffin.  Knots had all sorts of uses, and killing was one of them.
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papermoonloveslucy · 3 years
January 11, 1877
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Sam Harris was born on January 11, 1877 in Sydney, Australia. From 1928 to 1966 he appeared in roughly 770 films and television episodes, nearly all in uncredited background appearances. If Bess Flowers is the Queen of the Extras, then Harris is the King!  
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His film career started in 1928 with The Spirit of Gallipoli, a silent film made in his native Australia.  
Harris appeared with Lucille Ball in 14 films from 1934 to 1956:
Kid Millions (1934)
Old Man Rhythm (1935)
Having Wonderful Time (1938)
Annabel Takes a Tour (1938)
Dance Girl Dance (1940)
The Big Street (1942)
Thousands Cheer (1943)
Abbott and Costello in Hollywood (1945)
The Dark Corner (1946)
Lured (1947)
Miss Grant Takes Richmond (1949)
Fancy Pants (1950)
Ellis in Freedomland (1952)
Forever Darling (1956)
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His first television appearance was on an episode of “Racket Squad” on February 28, 1952. 
As a background performer, he was often seen at parties and society functions, wearing a suit or tuxedo. He sometimes sat with his back to the camera or was in the distant background. 
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On “I Love Lucy” Harris was in the audience for “Over the Teacups” in “Ethel’s Birthday” (ILL S4;E8). 
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He played a subway passenger in “Lucy and the Loving Cup” (ILL S6;E12). 
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He was quickly glimpsed in a Paris café in “Lucy Meets Charles Boyer” (ILL S5;E19) first aired on March 5, 1956. 
He was in the airport when “The Ricardos Go to Japan” (LDCH S3;E2) first aired on November 27, 1959.
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Sam Harris appeared on six episodes of “The Lucy Show,” starting with “Lucy is Kangaroo for a Day” (TLS S1;7) on November 12, 1962. Harris was one of the diners at the sophisticated Cavalier Restaurant. 
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“Lucy Enters a Baking Contest” (TLS S2;E28) on April 27, 1964 as a member of the Danfield Bank Board of Directors (above right).
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Harris was a courtroom spectator when “Lucy is Her Own Lawyer” (TLS S2;E23) on March 9, 1964.  
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Harris is on the board of directors (chaired by Gale Gordon) of Consolidated Pictures in the Lucille Ball / Bob Hope TV special “Mr. & Mrs.” aired on April 19, 1964 on CBS. 
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Harris was at the country club formal dance when Lucy rolls in during “Lucy and the Good Skate” (TLS S3;E1) on September 21, 1964.
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He was at the Embassy Ball (above left) in “My Fair Lucy” (TLS S3;E20) on February 8, 1965.
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His final appearance with Lucille Ball is as a casino patron when “Lucy Goes To Vegas” (TLS S3;E17) on January 18, 1965. 
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For Desilu or at Desilu Studios he appeared on “Our Miss Brooks” (1956), “The Adventures of Jim Bowie” (1957), “The Real McCoys” (1959), “The Ann Sothern Show” (1959), “The Westinghouse-Desilu Playhouse” (1960), “The Untouchables” (1960-61), “The Andy Griffith Show” (1961), and “The Dick Van Dyke Show” (1962-63). 
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His final screen appearance was in the Disney film The Ugly Dachshund, released on February 16, 1966.  The cast included “Lucy” veterans Charles Lane, Bobby Jellison, Parley Baer, Dorothy Konrad, and Leoda Richards.  
Sam Harris died on October 22, 1969 at age 92. 
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kainetestament · 3 years
WandaVision Pt2
Let’s continue where we let off..
So far, 14 out of these 42 leaks are confirmed, 2 slight errors and the rest are inconclusive since there are still 2 more episodes remaining. Let’s start with the 2 errors first (since there are only two of them).
17. Monica would try to help Wanda realize the truth after getting her conscious back, but Wanda will get pissed off when she says her Vision isn't real and will throw her away from the town (to the outside world) using her powers.
The slight error on this one is that the event didn’t occur on same event and episode even. Monica was indeed under the HEX spell but is not fully brainwashed because she mentions about Ultron killing Pietro (not Vision) that’s why she was thrown out of the HEX by Wanda, and this was on Episode 3. Making Wanda realize the truth was on Episode 7 after Monica returned inside the HEX and she’s making her accept the reality that Vision is dead, not he’s not real, and this time, Wanda was unable to kick her out because Monica has activated her powers.
 16. Monica managed to enter Wanda's town while she was asleep in a helicopter. Sword will again try to break.
For this one, the only error on it is “asleep in a helicopter”, because neither Monica nor Wanda was in a helicopter, Monica did sent a helicopter drone to check what’s going on in Westview because of the paranormal occurrence that is happening. Wanda on the other end was asleep in her bed and was awakened by the noise of the helicopter drone (transformed into a toy) probably bumping into their outside bedroom wall before running out of battery and falling into the bushes.
Honestly my personal feeling about Peter is that he really is the real Peter (Pietro) of X-Men Universe. If we are to break it down, here’s what I noticed.
1.  Peter shows up in at the end of Episode 5, he still wears a leather-like jacket that is similar to the other jackets he wore in X-Men and TV commercials except, here in WandaVision – it’s black, not his usual silver colored jacket and snickers, but all of them still contains a lot of zippers. Though it does looks similar to the jacket he’s wearing when he made a cameo in Deadpool 2, but he’s on the background facing the camera so we cannot see the back design, but both have zip sleeves, studded lapels, epaulettes, the front look of the jacket is pretty identical.
2. Personality is still the same. We don’t know much about Pietro’s personality since he only appeared in Age of Ultron, and only has displayed arrogance or being over confident personality. On the other hand, Peter is still his usual “man child” playful self. He even called Vision “popsicle”, which coincidentally or probably a reference when he was eating a popsicle in X-Men Days of Future Past when he first met Wolverine, Charles and Hank.
3. Silver accents still present. When he first shows up on Wanda's doorstep, he still has his silver hair, (although I did find it odd why in Episode 6, his hair became very light blonde). He still wears stainless steel watch. The only thing he's missing is his silver goggles.
4. Powers remain the same. He is still the Quicksilver, running in super speed. He showed his super speed twice in Episode 6, first was when Wanda told him he doesn’t have a costume - he took Tommy with him and came back in matching outfits, second was when they’re being mischievous destroying pumpkins and spraying silly strings to townspeople. And just wanna point out how adorable both Peter and Tommy together, cant help but put a smile on your face really, the two of them look like father and son.
5. Vision comments about Peter being “great with kids”. Well this is probably a reference to X-Men Days of Future Past where Peter have a younger unnamed sister and probably takes care of her a lot, making him the elder brother being good at handling kids. If we look at the deleted scenes in Days of Future Past, the little girl (probably about 10y.o), said to Logan “I’m a princess, what are you?” Logan responded with “I’m the Wolverine. Where’s your brother?” and the princess pointed out to the stairs leading to the basement. Then later on, we see Peter watching the news about Magneto while the little girl is sitting on his lap, dressed as a princess.
6. Peter still loves video games. As seen in Episode 6, his way of bonding with the twins is by playing video game (PS1) and I’m guessing it’s a versus game like Marvel vs Capcom because we can hear on the background what sounds like the character selection menu and the punching and kicking sound-like effects, in which they removed the character voices (like Ryu, Ken etc) probably due to the CAPCOM copyrights.
Note: for some who may wonder, why DDR (Dance Dance Revolution) has been featured too in Episode 7, why Marvel vs CAPCOM cannot? That is because Disney (Japan) is one of the games publisher, even having its own DDR game called Eurobeat Disney (Japan Exclusive), while MvsC is developed and published by CAPCOM, so its them who own the copyrights of the game.
Also speaking of them, CAPCOM was mentioned on Episode 7 by the soldier when she said to Monica “Capcom Check”, well this could probably be referring to the astronauts communication which is also called Capcom. But it can be a double meaning; they could be referring CAPCOM Company, to pay tribute/reference to the video game, but at the same time, to avoid any possible legal matters, the “space engineer”, “the astronaut suit”, “outer space vehicle” will help masked the Capcom reference since Capcom is a real astronaut communication position.
We’ll continue this on part 3 with more of Quicksilver‘s conversation with Wanda this time.
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yawnjunie · 4 years
extra long tag game (seriously, it’s very long)
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tagged by: @soobindipity​ (ty eri!)
tagging: @acethetiques​, @bloomingjun​, @txtdream​, @bulgo-gyu...(i’m honestly so lazy so if you want to do this, go ahead! feel free to ignore if you were tagged)
tell me the first song that made you stan your current fave group and why did your faves attract you so much?
side effects! (oops this is a txt blog) but i’m pretty sure this is what made me want to stan skz! the song is very experimental, as it’s psychedelic edm (i believe), but i liked it a lot after a few listens. i was totally obsessed with the choreography as well, because the whole thing is just...art. they attracted me because their style of music was different than what i had seen before, and on top of being extremely talented and creative people, they were also super funny and caring.
another group that comes really close to being my favs is day6 (and i cannot even begin to describe my infatuation with this group). i listened to “shoot me” and “sweet chaos” and BAM that’s all it took to drag me into stanning this group. i’m not familiar with the inside jokes and all that, but i just love listening to their music! there is not a single bad song in their entire discography! i also have the largest heart eyes for young k’s “young one” project covers and eaJ’s original songs.
rule: answer the ten questions and write your own!
what’s your unrealistic goal for life?
going to an ivy league or just any amazing school in general (lol is this really gonna happen tho 🤪)
if you had known that we would be in a global pandemic, what’s one thing that you would’ve done before things shut down (if they have for you)?
gone out with my friends, probably (going for a boba run, going to the mall, etc.)
what’s an unconventional thing that you carry around with you when you go out?
a tiny book called “be active” by charles m. schulz, filled with motivation quotes. i also bring around a book, in case i get bored.
favourite type of plushies and why?
the extra fluffy kind that i can hug or use as a pillow, but i like the bear plushies a lot too (from daiso/miniso).
favourite song right now?
darn i don’t have one 😳 but i like listening to “ribs” by lorde
something that you’ve always wanted to learn?
how to make macarons, how to make/compose music, the korean language
tell a funny story about yourself (or just something that you’ve witnessed)
i can’t think of something off the top of my head :( (i promise my life isn’t that boring but my brain isn’t conjuring up anything helpful)
headphones or speakers? why?
headphones when i want to listen to music by myself/with a friend, speakers when i want to share music openly
craving any food right now? what are you craving?
banh mi and 🍅 (even though i just had a bowl of them...sorry beomgyu)
+ also this coconut that i’m trying to open? but it’s not cooperating with me 😔
which music streaming platform do you prefer? why?
spotify, it’s unproblematic for the most part
ten questions (by eri, answered)
1. what’s the best trip/vacation you’ve ever had?
when i went on a tour of china (i went to a bunch of places, from the city to the mountains). it was fun exploring places i’ve never been to!
2. do you have any random fears/phobias? if yes, what are they?
spiders and bugs :(
3. weirdest food you’ve ever eaten?
either mangostine (i hated it, sorry soobin) or frog legs
4. do you have any hidden talents? what can you do?
uhhhhhhhhhhh i can memorize things quickly? i mean i don’t think it’s that big of a talent but i can remember trivial history facts really well
5. what is an activity you’d like to try out someday?
swimming underneath a waterfall or just living in the wilderness
6. when did you get your first phone and what type of phone was it?
a very long time ago when i was in 2nd grade, when i first got an ancient flip-phone...i pretty much never touched it because i never really needed to use it
7. what is a movie you never get tired of watching?
kimi no nawa! i’ve watched that movie 3 times already and it’s a great movie so i wouldn’t mind watching it again :)
8. biggest pet peeve?
dirt encrusted fingernails >:(
9. earliest childhood memory?
i’m not sure :( my memory is just a jumble of things from my childhood
10. as a child, what did you want to be? what about now?
i wanted to be anything and everything...one day i would be like “i’m going to be a doctor” and the next i would be like “nvm i want to be a magician” and as for now, i’m actually not sure because i’m interesting in many fields, including areas in both sciences and humanities.
rule: bold the statements that apply to you, italicize your aspirations, then tag nine people.
AIR ༉⋆͙̈
i have small hands / i love the night sky / i watch animals and birds when i pass them by / i drink herbal tea / i wake to see the dawn / the smell of dust is comforting / i’m valued for being wise / i prefer books to music / i meditate / i find joy in learning new truths from the world around me
FIRE ༉⋆͙̈
i don’t have straight hair / i like to wear ripped jeans and overalls / i play an organized sport / i love dogs / i am not afraid of adventure / i love to talk to strangers / i always try new foods / i enjoy road trips / summer is my favorite season / my radio is always playing
WATER ༉⋆͙̈
i wear bracelets on my wrists / i love the bustle of the city / i have more than one set of piercings / i read poetry / i love the sound of a thunderstorm / i want to travel the world / i sleep past midday most days / i love simply lit dinners and fluorescent signs / i rewatch kids shows out of nostalgia / i see emotions in colors not words
EARTH ༉⋆͙̈
i wear glasses or contacts / i enjoy doing the laundry / i am a vegetarian or vegan / i have an excellent sense of time / my humor is very cheerful / i am a valued advisor to my friends / i believe in true love / i love this chill of mountain air / i’m always listening to music / i am highly trusted by the people in my life
i go without makeup in my daily life / i make my own artwork / i keep on track of my tasks and time / i always know true north / i see beauty in everything / i can always smell flowers / i smile at everyone i pass by / i always fear history repeating itself / i have recovered from a mental disorder / i can love unconditionally
name: blu
nickname: blu
birthday: sometime when the flowers bloom
zodiac: aries
nationality: american
languages: english, chinese, spanish, (a bit of) japanese
gender: female
sexuality: straight
height: [redacted]
inspiration for muse: txt and other groups i stan! i also like to take inspiration from my life experiences, books i’ve read, songs, movies. shows, and so on.
meaning behind my url: there weren’t any canon urls for yeonjun so my brain somehow went hmm? yawnjunie? sounds good (i’ve been asked this before and honestly there isn’t much logic behind my url lol)
blog established: June 5th, 2020
followers: 153 (it’s a small-ish community but thank you all for the support!)
favourite animals: dogs, cats, wolves, foxes (i just love animals in general)
favourite books: asoue, the miraculous journey of edward tulane, the joy luck club, the giver series (there are more but i can’t think of them)
favourite colour: blue (i love all the colors)
favourite fictional characters: alyssa and james (teotfw), the baudelaires (asoue), and other people i can’t think of atm
favourite flower: i don’t think i have a specific favorite flower, but i like orchids!
favourite scent: the scent of pu’er tea (or the scent of dried flowers)
favourite season: i don’t have one, but i’m leaning towards autumn
average hours of sleep: 6-9
cats or dogs: dogs (i’m serious)
coffee, tea or hot chocolate: tea all the way
current time: 01:05
dream trip: south america, europe, japan
dream job: tbd :’) (but i want to be in a profession in which i’m helping people)
hobbies: eating, playing piano, being a tubbs™
hogwarts house: ravenclaw (i think)
last movie watched: can’t remember, but it was probably a film about a mermaid who tried to find true love on land but ended up dying
last song listened to: i’m in love with you by kina
no. of blankets you sleep with: 1-2
random fact(s): i love mint chocolate ice cream, i like my milk tea with a bunch of toppings (pudding, aloe vera, boba pearls, etc.)
10 things I can’t stop listening to
if i could ride a bike - chevy
pinocchio - eaJ
fly me to the moon - young k
holo - lee hi
lmm - hwasa
man in a movie - day6
laughing on the outside - bernadette carroll
remember (from natsume’s book of friends) - uru
sparkle - radwimps
i loved you - day6
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