#kousuke kindaichi
deductivisms · 1 year
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scribbled literary detectives on the planeee.. i’ve been reading fair play mystery almost exclusively for months hehe <- brain damaged
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mechamullet · 2 years
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Never a day goes by.. That I don't think of.. Him... 
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kimbapisnotsushi · 2 years
miscellaneous haikyuu hcs that are scattered to the four winds bc i need to de-stress and i haven't done them in a while
tendou uses hair gel but tells goshiki that every morning he sticks a fork in an electrical outlet and that's how he gets his hair to stand up
goshiki, bless his soul, believes him
tsukishima freaks the fuck out when he learns that tenma asked out akiteru not because he's an overprotective brother or has misplaced resentment for the former little giant but because he's the biggest fucking fanboy of tenma's works
"what do you MEAN udai tenma asked you out what do you MEAN you've never read any of his works have you been living under a ROCK - "
this goes on for a whole hour and akiteru basically gets a free lecture of how amazing his little bro thinks his boyfriend is
when kageyama is really missing his grandfather he goes to the park where they used to play volleyball together and that's where he asks kunimi and kindaichi to meet him so they can finally have the proper conversation they needed in middle school
(i think about this hypothetical scene SO MUCH)
shibayama's parents own a cafe/bakery and the team converges there sometimes to hang out and will occasionally lend a hand
they help decorate it for the holidays!!
atsumu: "hey kita-san, i'm really sorry but i think i've caught updog" kita: "are you okay? do you need soup? tea? medicine? you should go home and take a break, i'll have gin send the notes to you, i'll let coach know - " atsumu, crying to the other second years later: "i can't fuckibg do this to him i feel like a momster"
kita DOES know the joke btw akagi did it to him back when they first met
inarizaki vbc is at war with inarizaki student council btw. inarizaki student council has been trying to steal kita for AGES ever since kita saved their asses in his first year from looking like total fools
kawanishi doesn't look like it but he is absolutely willing to fight for shirabu's right to be a snarky piece of shit
semi, exhausted, after stopping the third person that day from curbstomping shirabu: "kawanishi, why" kawanishi: "i like him like that"
sakunami is the most well-adjusted out of all the first years
at least every single one of them has broken some minor trespassing or breaking and entering law to play pokemon go
terushima is the type to try and show off in front of his crush and whenever this happens every single member of johzenji is determined to make him look like as much of a fool as possible
one day he's talking to komaki yuzuru and humble bragging about how oh so brave he was for his piercings and didn't even feel any pain or whatever and all his friends are walking by like
"hey yuuji thanks for singlehandedly lifting my parents' car out of that ditch they crashed into!!" "hey yuuji i heard you rescued twelve orphans from a burning house the other day!!" "wow yuuji i can't believe you steered an airplane after the pilot lost control and saved thousands of people!!" "hey yuuji remember that time you took on a whole gang of robbers and knocked out all of them??"
they are so fucking stupid i love them so much
reon is one of those early risers and tendou WILL throw a pillow at him if he doesn't shut off his alarm within five seconds of it going off
if it's winter and tendou has kicked all his blankets off then reon will carefully tuck him back in before leaving the room, flareon plushy included
reon has the BEST sweatshirt collection btw. they're comfy and have neat designs and everyone ends up wearing one at some point or another.
i love reon guys he deserves so much more love
kogane is a hopeless romantic and has a list titled "dream date spots" in his phone's notes app. there is an addendum at the end of the list in parantheses that says "must actually ask out sakunami first in order to go to dream date spots". kogane hopes to erase that addendum soon.
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The random character spinner doodles
(+ Yahaba)
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akkivee · 1 month
saw this tweet that matched the style of everyone’s detective fit
ramuda➡️edogawa conan (detective conan)
gentaro➡️father brown (father brown)
dice➡️chuuzenji akihiko (kyougokudou)
kuukou➡️kindaichi kousuke (the honjin murders)
jyushi➡️hercule poirot (agatha christie’s poirot)
hitoya➡️sherlock holmes (sherlock holmes)
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hifuminto · 1 month
Have you see new Hypnosis Mic A.R.B? Part 1
Man i didn't play this game but i suddenly invest with these game after seeing their recent event called "Detective Six Part 1".
Sorry for my Bad English and writing, I am not native speaker and I don't really understand how to write bcos my dyslexia but I really want to make this long post bcos I really exicted! Here we go!
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So this event is now about Badass Temple and Fling Posse Cosplaying as some detective to solve mystery. If i am not mistaken this is not first time this game do this. I remember previously they make similar event with Sherlock Holmes's theme with Samatoki, Gentaro and Rei as characters.
I don't really understand Japanese, bcos i can only read Katakana for now. But i like detective stuff, so i will have fun to write my guest here. In the moment i saw the character artwork I recognize some of them. If i am mistaken, please inform me.
Let us starting first with Kuko's base on his card title. 【波羅夷家の一族】 is pretty similar to a Japanese novel name 【犬神家の一族】 or in English title The Inugami's curse.
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Kousuke Kindaichi is detective created by Seishi Tokomizo. He is describe as a shabby looking young man with a short height. But have a strong observation skills and logic thinking. His character is feature on 76 novels and appearing in a numerous FIlm, Television and Stage Adaptation.
The Inugami's curse was novel written by Seishi Yokomizo, a mystery novelist as part of Kousuke Kindaichi's series. So of course I think he's cosplaying as Kousuke Kindaichi. Minus the robe but he wears the iconic hat base on the statue. I also doing google a bit and later find out the hat is also part of the costume for 2006 film adaptation. This is a neat reference!
Next is Jyushi. Jyushi card is 【アルゴξ急行の殺人】 that literaly translated in google translate as "Murder in Argo Cart". This is clearly referring to Agatha Christie's novel "Murder in Oriented Express" and who is the star of the novel? Of course its Hercule Poirot!
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Hercule Poirot is one of Agatha Christie most famous character. Not much know about his history beside he came from a large family with little wealth in small town on Europe. But he's a former police officer turn into private detective who solve many mystery in his later career. Poirot operates as a fairly conventional, clue-based and logical detective. But sometimes he willingly to hide some important detail of his plan if necessaries. Another fun fact is, Poirot sometimes refer to himself in third person.
Actually before i notice his card name, I already knew he cosplaying either as Hercule Poirot bcos his outfit is pretty familiar to this detective. But i have second thought and think maybe he's cosplaying as John Watson, considering what Hitoya wearings.
But after seeing the card name. I am pretty sure he's cosplaying as Hercule Poirot! But still I am still supersize finding out about this!
And then last, the third member! Hitoya! His card is written 【医師が相棒】 which is literally translate as "Your partner is a doctor". Now who is the famous detective with doctor as their partner? That right. its one and only Sherlock Holmes!
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Sherlock Holmes is a detective that no need introduction. Currently he's IS the most famous fictional detective created by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle that still relevant in this age thanks to numerous modern adaptation.
Hitoya maybe the fourth person who cosplaying as the famous detective from Arthur Conan Doyle story. But I think his outfit is the closest one that similar to the legendary detective compare the other three. I mean look at the old Sherlock Holmes picture that i found as reference.
(But I do admit, maybe not his belt thou hahhaa.)
Anyway here some picture of other Detective trio wearing Sherlock Holmes's inspired outfit!
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But then i think He IS the perfect choice to portrayed as the famous detective <3 he just need to put the hat on his head XD
Anyway i finish with BAT for now. I will do Fling Posse soon after this.
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miiracleboys · 2 years
or like. what godly parent does each character have or if they're a not a demigod or regular human what are they :O
okay i just spent half an hour reorganizing the google doc so HERE WE GO:
current counselor: kita
yuda kaneo
sawauchi motomu
oohira reon
kita shinsuke
ginjima hitoshi
kuroo tetsurou
himekawa aoi
moniwa kaname
obara yutaka
**takeda is a son of demeter as well, but he’s not technically a camper and stays in the big house.
current counselor: ushijima
tanaka ryuunosuke
kyoutani kentarou
ushijima wakatoshi
goshiki tsutomu
yamamoto taketora
kamasaki yasushi
bokuto koutarou
hoshiumi kourai
hakuba gao
current counselor: kurokawa in the summer, kiyoko the rest of the year
shimizu kiyoko
ennoshita chikara
yamaguchi tadashi
kurokawa hiroki
shirabu kenjirou
riseki heisuke
kozume kenma
teshiro tamahiko
nametsu mai
akaashi keiji
current counselor: iwaizumi
kinoshita hisashi
udai tenma
hinata shouyou
iwaizumi hajime
watari shinji
shido heisuke
soekawa jin
ojiro aran
inuoka sou
onaga wataru
komori motoya
current lieutenant: misaki
sudou rinko, daughter of hebe
misaki hana, daughter of dionysus
suzumeda kaori, daughter of demeter
current counselor: daichi
sawamura daichi
yamagata hayato
oomimi ren
aone takanobu
sasaya takehito
sakunami kousuke
washio tatsuki
hirugami sachirou
kiryuu wakatsu
current counselor: iizuna
iizuna tsukasa
futakuchi kenji (has charmspeak because i think he could do great and terrible things with it)
yahaba shigeru
yamaka mika
cabins 11-20 below the cut!
current counselor: michimiya
michimiya yui
nishinoya yuu
narita kazuhito
tashiro hidemi
kindaichi yuutarou
kawanishi taichi
akagi michinari
kosaku yuuto
yaku morisuke
shibayama yuuki
koganegawa kanji
kuribayashi runa
konoha akinori
anahori shuuichi
bessho kazuyoshi
hyakuzawa yuudai
current counselor: daishou
matsukawa issei
suna rintarou
daishou suguru
current counselor: asahi
azumane asahi
yachi hitoka
current counselor: kai
kunimi akira
kai nobuyuki
onagawa tarou
fukiage jingo
sarukui yamato
current counselor: semi
tsukishima kei
semi eita
sakusa kiyoomi
current counselor: oikawa
oikawa tooru
miya atsumu
miya osamu
amanai kanoka
current counselor: suga
sugawara koushi
haiba lev
shirofuku yukie
ikejiri hayato
current counselor: tendou
tendou satori
terushima yuuji
current counselor: hanamaki
kageyama tobio
hanamaki takahiro
fukunaga shouhei
komi haruki
usuri michiru
sarukui nagito
kuzuri michiko
takinoue yuusuke
shimada makoto
ukai keishin (can see through the mist)
tanaka saeko (can see through the mist)
yamamoto akane
haiba alisa
tsukishima akiteru
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deuteriumuniverse · 2 years
Gosho's Detective Picture Book Reviews
My review of detectives (and detective novels) based on Gosho's Detective Picture Book (also called Gosho's Mystery Library) are as below, to be completed not in the near future.
❤️ denote my personal favorites
Sherlock Holmes (Arthur Conan Doyle) ❤️
Kogoro Akechi (Edogawa Rampo)
Hercule Poirot (Agatha Christie) ❤️
Arsene Lupin (Maurice Leblanc)
Jules Maigret (Georges Simenon)
Kousuke Kindaichi (Seishi Yokomizo)
Lieutenant Columbo (Richard Levison and William Link)
Zenigata Heiji (Kodo Nomura)
Philip Marlowe (Raymond Chandler)
C. Auguste Dupin (Edgar Allan Poe)
Ellery Queen (Ellery Queen) ❤️
V.I. Warshawski (Sara Paretsky)
Father Brown (C.K. Chesterton)
Cordelia Gray (P.D. James) ❤️
Heizo Hasegawa (Shotaro Ikenami)
Mitsuhiko Asami (Yasuo Uchida)
Nero Wolfe (Rex Stout)
Shunsaku Kudo (Nobumitsu Kodaka)
Hannibal Lecter (Thomas Harris)
Miss Marple (Agatha Christie) ❤️
Sam Spade (Dashiell Hammett)
Shozo Totsugawa (Kyotaro Nishimura)
Ninzaburo Furuhata (Kouki Mitani)
Perry Mason (Erle Stanley Gardner)
Mikeneko Holmes (Jiro Akagawa)
Inspector Samejima (Arimasa Osawa)
James Bond (Ian Fleming)
Kyosuke Kamizu (Akimitsu Takagi)
Charlie Chan (Earl Derr Biggers)
John Thorndyke (Richard Austin Freeman)
Touyama Kin-san (Tatsurou Jinde)
Mike Hammer (Mickey Spillane)
Philo Vance (S.S. Van Dine)
Akakabu-kenji (Shunzo Waku)
Drury Lane (Ellery Queen)
Katherine Turner (Misa Yamamura)
Henry Jackson (Isaac Asimov)
Denshichi (Tatsurou Jinde)
Lew Archer (Ross Macdonald)
Kiyoshi Mitarai (Soji Shimada)
The Old Man in the Corner (Baroness Orczy)
Joseph Rouletabille (Gaston Leroux)
Hanshichi (Kido Okamoto) ❤️
Koichiro Munakata (Seiichi Morimura)
Eitaro Imanishi (Seicho Matsumoto)
Gideon Fell (John Dickson Carr)
Yuichiro Goda (Kaoru Takamura)
Ukyou Sugishita (Yasuhiro Koshimizu)
Steve Carella (Ed McBain)
Hideo Himura (Alice Arisugawa)
Riyako Asabuki (Shizuko Natsuki)
Robert Ironside (Collier Young)
Akihiko Chuzenji (Natsuhiko Kyogoku)
Kiyoshi Shimada (Yukito Ayatsuji)
The Continental Op (Dashiell Hammett) ❤️
Ningyo Sashichi (Seishi Yokomizo)
Joseph French (Freeman Wills Crofts)
Yoshibumi Takagi (Kenzo Kitakata)
Mom (James Yaffe)
Rintaro Norizuki (Rintaro Noziruki)
Koko (Lilian Jackson Braun)
Manabu Yukawa (Keigo Higashino) ❤️
Daisuke Kanbe (Yasutaka Tsutsui)
Inspector Zenigata (Monkey Punch)
Robert Langdon (Dan Brown)
Akojuro Senba (Juran Hisao)
Kanki Ibaragi (Futaro Yamada)
Bannai Tarao (Yoshitake Hisa)
Richard Cuff (Wilkie Collins)
Philip Trent (E.C. Bentley)
Gregory House (David Shore)
Yoshio Kuraishi (Hideo Yokoyama)
Adrian Monk (Andy Breckman and David Hoberman)
Inspector Onitsura (Tetsuya Ayukawa)
Enshi Shunotei (Kaoru Kitamura)
Lincoln Rhyme (Jeffery Deaver)
Kei Enomoto (Yusuke Kishi)
Keisuke Shiratori (Takeru Kaido)
Genya Tojo (Shinzo Mitsuda)
Shioriko Shinokawa (En Mikami)
Handyman of Susukino (Naomi Azuma)
Kageyama (Tokuya Higashigawa)
Hotaro Oreki (Honobu Yonezawa)
Lisbeth Salander (Stieg Larsson)
Lieutenant Fukuie (Takahiro Ookura)
Takeshi Yoshiki (Soji Shimada)
Jiro Egami (Alice Arisugawa)
Kyouko Okitegami (Nisio Isin)
Sakurako Kujou (Shiori Ota)
The Phantom Thief Detective Yamaneko (Manabu Kaminaga)
Riko Rinda (Keisuke Matsuoka)
Shinichiro Hanaoka (Koji Hayashi and Junpei Yamaoka)
Richard Castle (Andrew W. Warlowe)
Hiroto Miyama (Manabu Uda)
Yukimasa Yugami (Hideo Iura)
Mikoto Mitsumi (Akiko Nogi)
Keita Kurokochi (Takashi Nagasaki)
Totono Kuno (Yumi Tamura)
Maomao (Natsu Hyuga)
Sherlock Holmes (Steven Moffat and Mark Gatiss) ❤️
Rohan Kishibe (Hirohiko Araki)
Seiko Fuji (Miko Yasu)
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winterchimez · 1 year
omgeeee it's your birthday!! aaaahhh happiest birthday dear ally 🤩 i hope you'll be able to have an unforgettable celebration with your loved ones on your special day 🥰
also finally taking the opportunity to say i love your works immensely!! i love how creative your ideas are (i'm a crime fan myself too!) ps. will we be getting more of such themes in future fics bcs hands down i'll read them 🙈
i'll always be here supporting your works and can't wait for the next! 🩷
love, 🌱
hello dear 🌱 anon!! thank you so much for the wish 😭 in fact i did have a blast celebrating at a nearby good restaurant near where i live with my housemates and colleagues ☺️
and thank you so much 😭😭😭 tbh i was really afraid of posting bitb series in the beginning bcs of the nature of the theme (like yknow jack the ripper is a pretty dark topic to talk abt), but i’m so glad to see ppl actually enjoy reading them!!
AND GURLLLLL IM A HUGEEEEE CRIME FAN AS WELL!!! anything that’s csi related you bet i’ll be sitting down being fully invested. (sherlock holmes, buzzfeed unsolved, detective conan, kindaichi kousuke, criminal minds are just a handful of the fandoms that im into)!! 🤩
✨ hint hint ✨ i’ve already chosen the next classic for the upcoming series after bitb and you will definitely get your fill on MORE thrillers and crimes for sure 👀
and thank you for your immense support!! it means a lot to me 🥹🩵 feel free to drop in my inbox anytime i’d love to chat more with you 🫶🏻
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ao3feed-iwaoi · 1 year
Rising Above: Learning to Fly Again
Read this masterpiece on AO3 at https://ift.tt/d2pI0wU
by voice2nw
Will the members of the Karasuno volleyball team learn to fly again after being involved in a large-scale domestic terrorist attack on Toyko Metropolitan Gym during the Spring Nationals?
Words: 2647, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Haikyuu!!
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Underage
Categories: M/M
Characters: Kageyama Tobio, Hinata Shouyou, Sawamura Daichi, Sugawara Koushi, Tsukishima Kei, Yamaguchi Tadashi, Tanaka Ryuunosuke, Nishinoya Yuu, Azumane Asahi, Yachi Hitoka, Shimizu Kiyoko, Ukai Keishin, Takeda Ittetsu, Kozume Kenma, Kuroo Tetsurou, Yamamoto Taketora, Oikawa Tooru, Iwaizumi Hajime, Kindaichi Yuutarou, Kunimi Akira, Aone Takanobu, Koganegawa Kanji, Sakunami Kousuke, Bokuto Koutarou, Akaashi Keiji, Tendou Satori, Goshiki Tsutomu, Miya Atsumu, Miya Osamu, Kita Shinsuke, Suna Rintarou, Hoshiumi Kourai, kiyoomi sakusa, Komori Motoya
Relationships: Hinata Shouyou/Kageyama Tobio, Sawamura Daichi/Sugawara Koushi, Tsukishima Kei/Yamaguchi Tadashi, Kageyama Tobio/Oikawa Tooru, Kozume Kenma/Kuroo Tetsurou, Hinata Shouyou/Kozume Kenma, Iwaizumi Hajime/Oikawa Tooru
Additional Tags: Alternate Canon, Angst and Romance, Fluff and Humor, Friendship, Hurt/Comfort, Idiots in Love, Minor Character Death, LGBTQ Character, Unrequited Love, past rejection, Insecurity, domestic terrorism, Depression, Anxiety, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, Panic Attacks, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Major Character Injury, Self-Destructive Behavior, Implied/Referenced Suicide, Flashbacks, Nightmares, Trust Issues, Secret-Keeping, Recovery, Support Systems, Tragedy, Head Injury, Spinal Injury, Paralysis, Seizures, Vision loss, Dysfunctional Relationships
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/d2pI0wU
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old-knightsvow · 4 years
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kimbapisnotsushi · 3 years
dateko hcs pt. 2 <3
sakunami to anyone else: "yeah i really like futakuchi-senpai, he looks out for us and he's doing his best as captain and i admire his skill and he doesn't let anyone make fun of kogane or aone or fukiage - " sakunami to futakuchi: "sometimes i think you'll be the first person i know to get arrested and that worries me"
one time kogane actually convinced kamasaki that his hair was naturally like that and kogane thought it was the meanest thing he's ever done and didn't have the heart to tell kamasaki otherwise
kogane and goshiki have a running bet on whether futakuchi could make shirabu break down first or vice versa. nobody can tell who's winning
(kindaichi: "man yahaba could kick both their asses" kunimi: "don't tell them that i wanna watch it happen naturally")
kogane is unreasonably good at claw games and has, at some point, won something for everyone on the team at least once
(yes, even coach. no, oiwake did NOT cry thank you very much.)
kogane becomes really good friends with hyakuzawa and runa and since dateko is a middle point between kakugawa and johzenji, they meet up there to hang out on school days
the first time hyakuzawa and runa shows up for kogane, the entire team loses it
aone immediately gravitates to hyakuzawa for a stare down, finger pointing and all, and the poor kid has never been more terrified in his life even tho he's got like three inches on aone
futakuchi can't intervene bc he's laughing too hard, so nametsu steps up, knocks down aone, smiles at them and runa experiences an awakening
futakuchi has been begging onagawa to film a "lame pantaloons" music video. onagawa would never admit it but he's tempted to for the memes . . . and plus he'll get to convince futakuchi to wear the stupidest costume he can find
obara is the most emotionally and intellectually stable person on the entire team. he's holding all of them together. go king go save them from being dumbasses!!
instead of holding hands kogane and sakunami link their pinkies instead bc they don't want the team seeing and giving them shit. the team still sees but mostly pretend not to
futakuchi: "we lost the third years a couple months ago" kamasaki, restrained by moniwa and sasaya and yelling from the bleachers: "STOP TELLING PEOPLE WE'RE DEAD YOU FUCKWAD" futakuchi, breathing in an onion so he can feel something and cry: "sometimes we can still hear their voices"
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mihotose · 5 years
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aoba johsai!
(credit to bluecatkate)
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Aoba Johsai Members Gather
After Kousuke and Kota met up with Masakazu Kanda, Aoba Johsai members (1st run) also met up, Wada Masanari (Former Yahaba) Ryo Hatakeyama (Former Matsukawa) and Arisawa Shoutarou (Former Kunimi), the other members (Sonde, Yuuya and Kenshin) couldn’t come but next time they’ll meet again (Oh! yes Please! soooooon?????)
Source : @ko_suke_asuma
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goshikisthebestboy · 7 years
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...it seems that makki has a favorite way of showing affection aka strangling his friends
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