mynihongolessons · 1 year
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今朝は習字 Form practice this morning. Sometimes I need to sit with a character before I feel comfortable with it. That usually involves breaking the character apart, practicing the strokes within it and then putting it back together. Once I can feel how it the pieces fit together in kaisho (standard) I can explore semi cursive and cursive. This allows me to see how the pieces morphed from complex to a mere curved line. 〜〜〜〜〜 #calligraphy #japanesecalligraphy #calligraphyart #kanji #Shodo #Shodolesson #bigbrushshodo #smallbrushshodo #kuretakefudepen #pentelbrushpen #handwriting #書道 #書道レッスン #漢字 #字 #習字 #大筆 #小筆 #kuretake筆ペン #ペンてる筆 #ReflectiveLearning #飛麗史 #lifelonglearning (at Blue Springs, Missouri) https://www.instagram.com/p/CoPwYGsuYsG/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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ikue-kawanami · 2 years
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Inktorber2022 DAY11:EAGLE(鷲・わし)⁡ ⁡鷲ですね。猛禽類って、もうフォルムがカッコいいですよね。⁡ ⁡ちなみに鷲と鷹の違いって、身体の大きさが違うぐらいなんだそうです。⁡⁡ ⁡ ⁡⁡ #inktorber2022 #inktorber #DAY11 #kuretake_inktober2022 #kuretake ⁡ ⁡#rotring600 #zig白筆ペン #zigcleancolorrealbrush #万年毛筆 ⁡ ⁡ #waterbrush #Tombow #marumansketchbook https://www.instagram.com/p/CjlWIr-PtlM/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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京成八幡駅 東交差点歩行者専用踏切 セーラー筆で万年筆 55 度ペン先と呉竹顔彩水彩 「Hahnemühle」 A5の風景フォーマット水彩スケッチブック 2023年12月4日 Keisei Yawata Station East Intersection Pedestrian Level Crossing Ichikawa, Chiba, Japan Sailor fude de mannen fountain pen 55 degree nib and Kuretake Gansai Tambi watercolor on Hahnemühle A5 landscape watercolor sketchbook December 4 2023
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oshokuji-taicho · 2 years
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#色鉛筆画 #ペン画 #色鉛筆イラスト
#日常の記録 #ファッションイラスト
@uni_mitsubishi_pencil #油性色鉛筆
@pilot_corporation #薄墨筆ペン
@kuretakejapan #白筆ペン
@cansonpaper #cansonmiteintes
#artstagram #drawing #painting #sketch #colorpencildrawing #colorpencilsketch #pensketch #pendrawing #illustration #illustagram #fashionillustration #sneakers
@nike #myfavsneakers
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chalkartatoa · 6 years
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動画アップの金曜日!YouTubeでご覧下さい。大人黒板なカレンダーはトーダンさまのポップカレンダー、ペンは筆ペン、ポストチョークでおなじみの呉竹さまのコラボしたペンを使用しています。#チョークアート#黒板アート#黒板#大人黒板#chalkart#chalklettering#lettering#chalkboard#blackboard#typography#autumn#illustration#drawing#handlettering#トーダン#カレンダー#calendar#ポストチョーク#呉竹#kuretake#インテリア#interior#artgram#キットパス#penart#chalkmarkers#calligraphy https://www.instagram.com/p/BnbNOOehSx6/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=19x87t0qlw3qe
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omochajournal · 3 years
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#CarthagoDelendaEst #カルタゴ滅ぶべし
○Marumanマルマン soho sketch B5 SOHO501
◎PILOT Parallel Pen 6.0mm (インク装着なし)
●墨運堂 絵墨 明 Shadow Black MEI
 E10 黄明 Shadow Yellow
 E13 紫明 Shadow Purple
 E12 朱明 Shadow Vermillion
●呉竹 Kuretake 愛ライナー
#呉竹 #Kuretake #愛ライナー #マルマン #Maruman #BokuUnDo #墨運堂 #PILOT #PilotParallelPen #ParallelPen #WaterColor #Lettering #HandLettering #LetteringChallenge #καλλιγραφία #kalligraphie #kalligraphy #Calligraphy #ModernCalligraphy
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rokurosuruhito · 3 years
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文房具屋で呉竹のからっぽペンというものを発見。 〜お気に入りのカラーインクでペンが作れる空容器〜 ということで、呉竹のインクではなくて、手持ちのモンブランミッドナイトブルーを入れる。 一回使い捨てですが、一本200円とまあ許容範囲。 万年筆ではないので、お気軽に使えそうですな。 #呉竹 #kuretake #からっぽペン #モンブラン #montblanc #midnightblue #blueblack https://www.instagram.com/p/CLoP5QrD-0U/?igshid=1k6knyc94f0li
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blue-belta · 6 years
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今日、明日と大阪で教室です! さて、 11月13日のPaul Antonio 先生の #カリグラフィー ワークショップに参加しました。 その時のスケッチ、ページ右です。 #呉竹 さんの主催でしたので、#ブラッシュカリグラフィー を体験できる良いチャンス、しかもPaul先生! なんとお昼ごはんつき。 道具を描くのが好きなので、先生のペンと筆を撮らせていただきました。 それからお土産の墨。 以前は墨でスケッチをしていたんですよね。 半紙に描いていたせいか、みんな行方不明。どこかに挟み込んだんだろうなぁ。 お弁当は #塚田農場 。 先生は講師席でご一緒してくださって、とても楽しい時間でした。 art #coloredpencil #calligraphy #moderncalligraphy #brushcalligraphy #travelersnotebook #kuretake #canbio #fabercastell #polychromos #PAScribe #色鉛筆 #journal #トラベラーズノート #絵日記 #モダンカリグラフィー #絵を描く暮らし
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samejimachich · 7 years
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inktober day25
“Ashel tower“(アッシェル塔)
普段ペン入れはDr.HP.Martinのマットブラック、ベタはHolbeinのspecial blackを使ってるのですが、マーチンの方が切れてしまいまして。ここ数日ホルベインでペン入れも行ってたのですが同じ耐水性でもホルベインはペンに向かないというのがよく分かりました。色んなインクが混ざったアマルガム状態のインクを使ってるからなのもあるかもしれませんがとにかく線が安定しない。
これの打開策としてKURETAKE ZIGのSUMI INKを導入したのですが、速乾性を謳っていてもマーチンのそれには遠く及ばず、私の使い方だと乾くのが間に合わなくて原稿を汚してばっかですごくストレスフルだったので止めました。線は結構細く出ます。筆圧ない人が丸ペンなんかで描いたら印刷でかすれるんちゃうかアレ。
すごく余談ですが、何故オーソドックスなPILOTやデリータが出してる漫画専用インクなどを買わないかと言うと、単純にあれらは高いうえに容量が少ない(後 線が細くなる)のと、たまたま画材屋の棚の下の方で埃被ってたマーチンと相性が良かったからです。忘れ去られていた商品が手に馴染むものだったってことがしょっちゅうあるのですが、お宝発掘した気分になれる反面現品限りの廃盤商品だったりすると本当泣きます。何故俺の生きている時代まで生きていてくれなかった。俺にはお前が必要なのに…
量はPILOTと同じ30mlなので結構持つのですが、お値段は安くて900円ちょい…PILOTは600円ちょい。ベタ用のHolbein special blackは同じ容量で500円ちょっと。こっちがまだ安いのが救いです。
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hisourart-blog · 6 years
New Post has been published on https://hisour.com/object/fudepen/
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The fudepen (筆ペン), also known as "Brush Pen", is a cartridges-based writing instrument geared toward East-Asian calligraphy; in essence, an ink brush analogue to fountain pen. It consists of a pen nib that mimics the brush-like quality of the ink brush with either brush strands as in a normal ink brush or a soft felt tip similar to a marker; the nibs are fed by an ink reservoir. The ink used is unlike traditional calligraphy ink. It is designed to adhere well to modern paper, while traditional ink only adheres well to rice paper. They are typically manufactured by Japanese companies such as Pentel, Sakura Color Products Corporation and Kuretake (art products). Fudepen is a pen having a shape imitating a brush in which ink is built in the shaft portion of the main body. As a history, in 1972 Fudepen has been developed, a company that cultivated improvement as a hit product for the first time, was the first successful commercial success is Wu Chi Pu Ledge. In 1972 it already stated that other companies were developing products. Though it is common to have a structure that supplies ink contained in the shaft to the brush tip made by bundling thin synthetic resins, some luxury items use weasel fur. Some brush strokes are thick, brush strokes that can be used like a brush, and handling and maintenance are easier than writing brushes. Also, there are many brush strokes that are stronger than brushes. The hairs of the traditional brush are of some concrete animals. In the fudepen have been replaced by synthetic hairs. It consists of a brush with an ink tank on the body that, with a slight pressure of the same, provides ink to the brush to be able to write or draw. The fudepen saves this work since it does not need to be washed after use. It is only necessary to cover it to store it. [pt_view id="f05fbdfy93"] In Japan, writing has traditionally been done with a brush, using a laborious process of manufacturing liquid ink from a solid ink bar. Later, ink that is sold liquid began to be used, but it is usually necessary to reduce it with water, or at least pour it into a container in order to be used. In addition, brushes should be washed carefully after use. This system, very similar in concept to the pens invented in Europe, allows the Japanese to always have ready a brush with ink, portable, which can be used at any time and place. The inks are dyes and pigments. Some of them are cartridge type and can be replaced. The ink tank is usually disposable, it can be replaced or refilled when the ink runs out. The fudepen ink is not like the ink used in traditional calligraphy. The traditional ink is not so concentrated and liquid at the same time, and if it is used in an offset type satin paper, of those used nowadays, the ink slips and barely adheres to the paper. However, the fudepen ink is more similar to fountain pen ink, achieving great adherence and very dark tones. Types: The tip of the pen-brushes is formed of a flexible material, sometimes made in a single block of a porous material and having the shape of a brush tip, sometimes made of hair, animals or synthetic. There are for example brush pens equipped with a tuft of sable hair. The brush pen is powered by a (rechargeable) reservoir, an ink cartridge or a fixed ink supply for disposable brush pens. When a tank is used (Chinese brands, as well as Kuretake, Monami), it is possible to fill either even, with water, to practice watercolor or adapted water-based calligraphy for example, Indian ink, walnut husks, colored liquid inks or any other mixture. To fill it, either dip it in the liquid and absorb it by successive pressure, when the handle is soft, or on some, use a worm. It is also possible to pour directly into the hole in the case of sleeve-reserve soft. When the brush pen uses a refill, typically an ink cartridge (Pentel brand), it is usually for single use and produced by the manufacturer of the pen-brush. This ink is designed in this case for modern papers, unlike the Indian ink traditionally used on "rice paper" or tissue paper. In the case of refill brushes supplied by the manufacturers or disposable, we can distinguish: those intended for writing and drawing, mainly in black ink, some of which compete in presentation and price with fountain pens. Those intended for coloring, existing with large tanks of different colors, often interchangeable. In the case of tank brushes, the uses are relatively unlimited, since they can be filled with the liquid materials of their choice. Depending on the model, the brush pen can be used for example calligraphy (Eastern or modern European), draw, color, etc. More and more cartoonists and illustrators use it for its quality of line and its simplicity of use, limited essentially to the wear of the bristles of the brush.
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linatjan · 7 years
What is the odd of having a character of your name written by someone you follow on #instagram because of their beautiful work/post? This feeling is amazing!!! I fell in love with @shun.kei 's writing the first time I saw them, and followed the account instantly. And yesterday, I watched in disbelief as this character was being written! Couldn't help myself but asking if this could be the letter 津 (jin), and it was confirmed! Wow... call me 'lebay', or whatever... I'm still amazed! 😍 looove it so much! . --------------------------- #Repost @shun.kei (@get_repost) ・・・ 津 両津の津 #書道#書#習字#文字#漢字#kanji#shodo#design #japanese#japan#japanesecalligraphy#good#instagood#tattoo#brush#calligraphy#nail#colar#ink#墨#instamovie#movie#はる書#서예#별#キラキラ ✒️使用筆ペン #呉竹 #KURETAKE ウィンク オブ ステラ ブラッシュ(WINK OF STELLA BRUSH)
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mynihongolessons · 1 year
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見て、見て! The first time I’ve shown my calligraphy in the USA. I’m very honored that my dragon was selected along with art works by other faculty members to be shown at the Oak Street Mansion in Kansas City. 〜〜〜〜〜 #calligraphy #japanesecalligraphy #calligraphyart #kanji #Shodo #Shodolesson #bigbrushshodo #smallbrushshodo #kuretakefudepen #pentelbrushpen #handwriting #書道 #書道レッスン #漢字 #字 #習字 #大筆 #小筆 #kuretake筆ペン #ペンてる筆 #て書き文字  #ReflectiveLearning#飛麗史 - [ ] (at Kansas City, Missouri) https://www.instagram.com/p/ClCC3yzu_Kb/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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ikue-kawanami · 2 years
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Inktorber2022 Day:NEST(巣・入れ子)⁡ ⁡⁡ ⁡ストレートに鳥の巣です。⁡アリの巣でも描こうかと思いましたが、蟻を大量に描くの大変だなぁって、思いとどまって、鳥の巣にしました。⁡ ⁡⁡ ⁡⁡ ⁡ #inktorber2022 #inktorber #Nest #DAY9 #kuretake_inktober2022 #kuretake #PILOT #ZEBRA #Tombow ⁡ #SAKURA ⁡#zigcleancolorrealbrush #zig白筆ペン⁡ ⁡#pigmagraphic #瞬筆うす墨 #mildlinerbrush #waterbrush https://www.instagram.com/p/Cjf1gQgplW4/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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There were a lot of people at the bench where I sat sketching. Among them was a young teenager couple. Suddenly, the young girl felt sick. After a while, the mall police with an ambulance came to take her to the hospital. Nikko Colton Plaza Shopping Mall Moto-Yawata, Ichikawa, Chiba, Japan Sailor fude fountain pen 55 degree nib and Kuretake Gansai watercolor on Hahnemühle A5 landscape watercolor sketchbook December 1 2023 私がスケッチをしているベンチにはたくさんの人がいた。 その中には若いカップルもいた。 突然、若い女の子は気分が悪くなった。 しばらくして、ショッピングモールの警察が救急車でやって来て、彼女を病院に連れ��行きました。 ニッケコルトンプラザ 千葉県市川市鬼高 セーラー筆で万年筆 55 度ペン先と呉竹顔彩水彩 「Hahnemühle」 A5の風景フォーマット水彩スケッチブック 2023年12月1日
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eskimo1go · 7 years
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良いペンが見つからないなぁ…こんなに無いものか… #筆ペン #モンスター #monster #探しもの #finding #フィット #fit #zebra #kuretake #platinum #イラスト #アート #ストリートアート #ポップアート #アーバンアート #落書き #キャラクター #カートゥーン #デザイン #illust #illustration #illustrationoftheday #art #popart #urbanart #streetart #caligraphypen #graffiti #doodle #character #wip
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mynihongolessons · 1 year
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今月の大筆レッスンが出来ました。 Finally, my assignments are done. This month I have practiced more than I have in the past. I think it’s because I’m changing how I practice. This time I was able to feel myself pushing the ink rather than pulling the ink. I was able to visualize my character on the page before I even started. I was able to confidently begin my stroke and move with confidence and end with confidence. This is much different than the way I have been doing it, which was nervously placing my first mark, slowly moving across and stressing that my end point was right. So even if it does not look like improvement on the surface, I know that there was some deep internal development this month. 〜〜〜〜〜 #calligraphy #japanesecalligraphy # #kanji #Shodo #Shodolesson #bigbrushshodo #smallbrushshodo #kuretakefudepen #handwriting #書道 #書道レッスン #漢字 #字 #習字 #大筆 #小筆 #kuretake筆ペン #ペンてる筆 #ReflectiveLearning #飛麗史 #lifelonglearning (at Blue Springs, Missouri) https://www.instagram.com/p/CqdU5lIOkyB/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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