#lab rat whump
jordanstrophe · 5 months
Scientist caretaker captures a non-human whumpee in order to prove their species is real.
What they didn't anticipate was whumpee would be hauled off to be studied and experimented on in the name of science.
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whumpinthepot · 1 year
2023 year of whump: February (week two)
Whump prompt: Involuntary implant
Whumpee is forced to get surgery on their lower back. Its an experimental implant that will fuse into whumpees bones and grow up the spine until it reaches the skull, fingertips, and toes of the whumpee. The process is slow and painful, and whumpee can feel it intertwining further up their body each passing day.
The idea of the implant is to find a way to mend broken bones quickly on their own without having to set them into a cast for long periods of time. Meaning once the implant has taken over the body, the whumpee will then have to move on to stage two.
Already exhausted from the trial run of the implant, whumpee is strapped down and has their arm put into a vice to have their bones broken. Only for the whumpers to leave it untreated to see if their experiment would work or not.
The only question is how many trial runs would it take before the whumpers were satisfied with the product? What side affects would it lead to? How many broken bones was whumpee going to have by the end of this?
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Vivisection - Operation Valkyrie (Part 5)
CWs: female whumpee (not sexual), female whumper, dehumanisation, vivisection, human experimentation/lab rat, mild gore, noncon surgery, syringes/needles, sedation, noncon drugging, IV bag, Central Venous Line
Valkyrie was taken to a new cell, after they took various more blood and other samples from her. In this new cell, the wall that faced the hallway was made of a see-through, bullet-proof material. She was told this by the guards, who grinned viciously as they locked the door behind them. She sank down to the floor, and pressed her palms against the glass-like wall. She could see her reflection, and it was not a pretty sight. Her face was pale and gaunt, and her eyes looked sunken, with deep dark circles beneath them. Her once golden hair was dull and greasy, and it hang in limp strands and braids around her face. Bloodstains, cuts and scratches marked her face. She looked like something out of a horror movie. But to her relief, there was a shower in this cell, and a clean white hospital gown.  She was about to get to cleaning herself off, when she noticed movement in a cell across the hall. 
Another subject, on their knees, with their face pressed against the wall. Their warm undertone face was pale from exhaustion and fear, and they had a shaved head, though a few dark curls were starting to grow back. Their mono-lid eyes were a beautiful dark brown that mesmerised Valkyrie. She waved at them across the hall, and they slowly turned their head, and waved back.
“Hi.” She called out.
“Sh..” They murmured, holding a finger to their pale, chapped lips.
“Sorry. My name is Valkyrie. What’s yours?” 
“0399.” The other subject replied in an American accent. "I like your accent. British right?"
“Yeah, I was born and raised in England and moved to America wh..." Valkyrie trailed off. "But that’s not a name. That’s a number.” She frowned.
“We are only numbers here. We belong to them now.”
“No, fuck that. I can’t stop them, but that doesn’t mean I have to like how they treat me.”
“What you want doesn’t matter anymore. What you like. How you feel. If you want your suffering to be mininal, you do as they say. Obey them. Or they’ll make you regret it.” 
Valkyrie’s stomach twisted. “But we’re human beings.”
“That was no longer true the moment we stepped foot in this place.” Subject 0399 replied.
“I refuse to believe that. This is definitely illegal, and like, in the Constitution or Human Rights Declaration or something. There’s no way they can get away with this.”
“They already have gotten away with it.” 
“Fuck this. I’m getting out. If you’ve got any shred of common sense left, you’ll come with me.” 
“I’m good, thanks.” Then, the other subject fell silent.
Valkyrie turned her back, shaking her head. She stripped off her clothes and stepped into the small shower cubicle, letting the hot water run over her skin. It stung her cuts, but she didn’t care. It felt like heaven to finally scrub off the layers of dirt. She carefully washed her body and hair, avoiding the device in her neck. She grabbed the tower from the shelf, and then dryed herself off, reluctantly slipping in to the hospital gown. 
She was about to flop onto thd bed, when she suddenly heard 0399 speak again.
“You’ll learn soon enough. No one’s coming to help us.”
Valkyrie was subject to many more experiments as the days went on, and slowly every moment began to blur together. It was just a wash of pain and exhaustion and building frustration. They took increasingly large amounts of her blood through the Central Venous Line: the small implanted device in her neck. She was positive that the blood loss wasn’t helping with the exhaustion.  She was beginning to waste away now from the lack of food, blood, and exercise. Each day, as she looked in the mirror, she began to recognise the face that stared back at her less and less. She tried to hold onto hope, memorising each hallway and what lay behind each door. Looking for a new chance to escape at every turn. If she could find that chance, then she might just be able to find a way out. But on the outside, she made it look as though she had given in. She reluctantly allowed them to proke and prod to their hearts’ content. She didn’t fight back any longer. But that determination to act compliant was challenged the next time they came to drag her from her cell. 
The door in the glass wall slid open, allowing the two guards to enter the room, wheeling a gurney between them. They placed the gurney in the centre of the room, and the door slid shut. They gestured towards the gurney, and Valkyrie obediently lay on top of it. The magnetic restraints activated, and the remaining strap restraints held the rest of her body down. They wheeled her out of the room and down the hall. She lay still as they rolled her along, her gaze darting furtively from side to side to examine the layout of the building. She suspected they were taking her to another series of blood tests, but she realised she was wrong when they arrived in front of a door that read ‘Operating Theatre 10’.
She swallowed her protests. She could behave. She was wheeled into the  bustling theatre, where Doctor Clarke and the other scientists were putting on gowns, gloves and masks. Valkyrie was lifted off the gurney and onto the illuminated operating table, where she was restrained once more.  Doctor Clarke seemed particularly frantic. One scientist began attaching Valkyrie’s Central Venous Line to various tubes and bags of fluid. Doctor Clarke watched him like a hawk, harrying him all the while about being quick and precise. 
“This has to go perfectly!” She snapped at him when he accidentally elbowed another scientist in his frenzy.
“Y- yes, Doctor Clarke.” He trembled as he spoke.
“We have lots to do today and the Director will be here any minute. Hurry!” Doctor Clarke snapped. 
Director? Valkyrie wondered. The Director of the Facility?
A scientist rushed out of the room, then reappeared in a small adjoining room with a window in the wall of the operating theatre that Valkyrie hadn’t even noticed. She could see the scientist go to the door of the small room and hold it open so that a tall woman could enter. She strode in tall red stilettos to the viewing window, clad in a beautiful black and white striped jumpsuit. Her long black hair was pulled into a flawlessly smooth bun which accentuated her sharp cheekbones. Her stunning makeup was finished off with a bright red lip. She looked straight out of a Vogue magazine. Hardly the kind of person you would expect to see in a laboratory. 
The scientist in the viewing room pressed a button on the table and spoke into the microphone which allowed them to be heard from the operating theatre. “Doctor Cheronobog would now like you to begin.”
“Alright. Proceed.” Doctor Clarke proclaimed. 
The scientists rushed to dim the large lights so that the few sources of light were the surgery-grade lights and from the surgery equipment. Valkyrie watched in increasing anxiety as the scientists began laying out blue surgical drapes across her body. She lay flat, staring at the ceiling, attempting to see past her narrow field of vision that she could thank the restraint around her neck for.
Her heart thump, thump, THUMPed in her chest. Her stomach flipped over and over again. 
“Begin the procedure.”
The scientists leaned in close, wearing their large magnififying glasses that made them look like predatory bugs ready to feast on their prey. They hungrily dove into their meal. 
She saw the glint of the scalpel, and she panicked. Thrashing against her restraints, she let out a terrified, animalistic scream.  “STOP!”
There was a sharp prick in her thigh. She looked up to see Doctor Clarke emptying a syringe into her muscle.
“No…” She gasped.
Her limbs fell slack as the syringe was withdrawn. Everything ached, like she’d just run a marathon. Her body slumped back into the restraints without her permission. There was no chance of escape. As she lay flat on the operating table, unable to move, a single tear rolled down her cheek. Valkyrie, at first, only saw the blood as the scalpel touched her skin, then was dragged across her bare flesh. That was when she felt the pain; as the beads of blood began to bubble to the surface. As the scientists pried open the flaps of flesh and pinned them open to reveal her organs. She wanted to scream. She was able to let out a low grunt of pain, but that was all she could express. Her brain was still processing. It was sensory overload, and not being able to move away made it all the more terrifying. 
Excruciating pain. Pure terror. Hopelessness. Hot pain. Cold scalpel. Cold metal table. Tingling alcohol wipes. Sharp needle jabs. Tiny tubes. Her stomach flipped again. There was more blood. It drenched the surgical drapes. Medical tongs holding sponges and bandages dabbed at the blood to soak it up. A second line of fire spread across her body as they made another incision. Headache. Was that her screaming? Or someone else? Doctor Clarke’s mouth was moving under her mask. No sound. Sharp pinch. Blood boiling to the surface. Organs. Naseua. Why was the room fogging up? Oh. Oxygen mask. Flames. Cold flames. Smell of cleaning products. Laughing. Who was laughing? More blood. Then darkness.
When Valkyrie opened her eyes, all she felt was pain. She propped up with a pillow underneath her. She was pinned in place. She looked down at herself to see bandages soaked with blood, tubes in her arms and neck. She was back in the cell with the large glass wall. Likely not real glass - it would be too easy for her to escape, then. She tried to lift her head, and found herself still frozen in place. She wouldn’t be able to escape in this state, even if she wanted to. 
Given the atrocities she had just undergone, she wanted to, all right. She was done obeying commands, done letting them torture her.  It was time to fight back.
She would just have to wait for the opportunity to arise.
PART 6 (coming soon)
@whumppsychology @inky-whump @whumpnoire
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blackrosesandwhump · 1 month
Whump Prompts 130: Lab Whump Aesthetic
CW: lab whump (obviously), blood, self-harm, psychological/emotional whump, magic whump
The lab rat uniform: loose, drab, hanging on whumpee's frame like it doesn't feel comfortable there
Bloodstained, soiled clothing, the result of experimentation
Whumpee left naked in their cell as their uniform is washed
Whumpee arriving at the lab facility as a new subject and realizing that whumper will be experimenting on them, not with tools and drugs, but with dark magic
Inhuman whumpees losing whatever shreds of humanity they might have had as time and experiments continue and they're treated more and more like animals
Or, conversely, inhuman whumpees that become more human and exhibit more human emotions as they're mistreated
Whumpee forgetting their own name because they're only referred to by a subject number
Disorientation from drugs/experiment aftermath
Whumpee's sleep, the only time they're alone, being disrupted by nightmares about what's been done to them
Or, a whumpee who's never left alone, always watched, always under observation of some kind
Whumpee's skin slowly turning into a scarred, chaotic mess from cuts/syringes/injections, etc.
Whumpee seeing their own distress and pain mirrored in the glimpsed faces of other lab rats in the facility
Whumpee learning to see themself as nothing but a test subject
Bandages, sterile gauze, sterile lights, sterile everything
Whumpee being overwhelmed when they catch a glimpse of life outside the lab when visitors arrive
Waking up after an experiment, seeing bloodied instruments and wondering groggily what terrible thing whumper could have done to them now
Learning to damage their own body to foil whumper's plans
Whumpee becoming desensitized to whumper's drugs and needing higher and higher doses for them to work
No longer recognizing their own body after recovering from whumper's last experiment
Whumper leading lab rat whumpee to a mirror, after intentionally keeping them away, and letting them see how pathetic they've become
Or, whumpee looking in a mirror and realizing that whumper has turned them into a monster
Whumpee deciding that it's too late for them and they might as well embrace what they've become
Feel free to reblog and add on!
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whumpypepsigal · 6 months
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Whumptober 2023 | No. 23
Alternative prompt: Lab Rat
Thor (2011): “You took me for a purpose, what was it? Tell me!” — “I thought we could unite our kingdoms one day, bring about an alliance, bring about a permanent peace... through you. But those plans no longer matter.”
@whumptober @whumptober-archive
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the-bar-sinister · 23 days
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The former STARS captain turned bio-terrorist had a sadistic smirk twisted on his lips, his black glasses reflecting Chris’ bound form, his hands tied behind him in the chair he was strapped to.
AO3 link
posted previously to old blog
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whumpy-wyrms · 8 months
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some silly Dew and Anton doodles :3
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Your New Lab Rat: A Guide for Whumpers Scientists
CW: Lab whump, dehumanization, implied captivity, torture, non-sexual nudity, and restraints
Congratulations on your new lab rat! This is a big step in any scientist's career, and in this helpful guide I'll walk you through getting your subject prepared for experimentation. I know you're excited and want to jump right into the science, but trust me, the proper prep work is essential.
First things first, you need to call your lab rat something. The following are some of the most common names, but feel free to be creative!
Subject (my personal favorite)
An ID number
Their species
Did you pick out a name? Excellent! The next step is to strip away the rest of their dignity. I know this might seem a bit harsh, but it's the best way to ensure your subject cooperates, and you need their cooperation to get that sweet, sweet data you're after. Take away all their possessions, even their clothes. You can give them some scrubs or a hospital gown if you want, or you can just leave them nude. If they argue or cry, just ignore them. There's always an adjustment period when a subject enters a lab, it'll pass quickly.
Your next steps will vary based on the temperament of your subject. If your subject is docile, you might not need to do anything further in preparation and can jump right into experimenting. However, some subjects exhibit aggression, which is unproductive to data collection. You will have to tame them. There are a wide variety of techniques that can be used, so consider the resources at your disposal. Note that you do not want to cause irreparable harm to your subject at this stage. Here's a list of popular disciplinary techniques to consider:
Shock collar
Withholding food, sleep, etc.
Isolation/solitary confinement
Stress positions
And of course, give positive reinforcement when your subject completes a wanted behavior. Most subjects are eager to please once they understand that they will be rewarded for cooperation. Your subject will be behaving themself in no time!
Finally it's time to start your experiments. Stick to the scientific method, and remember results must be replicable to stand up to peer review. That means that you'll need to run the same experiment on your subject multiple times, and preferably have other subjects to compare them to.
A note on safety: even the best trained subject can act out if in pain. I always recommend the use of restraints during experimentation for your own safety. Additionally, always make sure you are wearing the proper PPE. Gloves, safety goggles, lab coat, hazmat suit, etc. make your you protect yourself!
Science is hard work, but by preparing your subject beforehand it will be that much easier. Whatever your research goals, I wish you and your subject good luck!
If you decide to write your own lab rat whumpee, consider submitting to The Whumpboratory, our lab whump-themed anthology! Submissions are open until May 31, 2024. More info here!
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dont-be-gentle-please · 2 months
I love a whumper who thinks hurting whumpee is fine but torturing is over the line. A whumper beating, manipulating whumpee, maybe even holding them captive or denying them personhood but they'd never think about using a tazer or whip or a knife on them.
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abhainnwhump · 10 days
Whumpee was created in a lab as one of many experiments. They're just getting to know the world and develop a personality when Whumper comes in with a syringe. They lock them in a cell away from the other lab rats.
Whumper holds the syringe to Whumpee's wrist. "Sorry, we already have plenty of subjects. You are taking up too much space we don't need."
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whump-side · 6 months
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Whumptober 2023 No.25 : Alternative Prompt Lab rat It seems like I always bring back the Barcode Bros for monthly challenges
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inkwell-and-dagger · 26 days
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Like a deer in headlights
UARAD Taglist: @creppersfunpalooza @toyybox @whumpy-wyrms
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whumpsday · 7 months
K&J: Kane's Whumptober Bites #10
Chronological masterlist / Writing order masterlist
content: vampire whumpee, attempted drugging, lab whump, needles, captivity, slight death wish
@whumptober Day 10 (Alt): Examination / Drugging / Lab Rat
Kane held still, compliant as the visitor injected something into his arm. This was by far one of the most tolerable punishments the hunters would give him, though it had become less and less common as time went on, as they ran out of ideas.
It wasn’t a punishment at all, really, neither in intent nor experience. It never hurt– Kane refused to count the slight pinch of the needle as “hurt”– and it never had any of the effects the humans intended, either.
If anything, the worst part was the looks they would give him when it didn’t work. Like it was his fault, like he’d done something wrong.
“You’ll let me know if you feel anything different, vampire,” the visitor ordered. The man wasn’t a hunter, and always spoke to Kane in a voice devoid of both kindness and malice. Kane liked him for that. It was at least better than the hunters’ open sadism. “Anything at all. Dizziness, drowsiness, fatigue, pain, itching, lightheadedness, what-have-you.”
“Yes, sir,” Kane agreed. “It’s just– I’m always lightheaded and fatigued and in pain.”
“Beyond your usual,” the visitor amended.
The hunter escorting him rolled his eyes. “It’s not gonna work, doc. These things are just immune, you’ve tried everything by this point. Wish there was a way to bottle sunlight.”
Kane shuddered at the thought, beyond grateful there wasn’t.
“Have you tried artificial?” the visitor asked.
“Yeah, just gave it a regular sunburn, not the vampire kind. Not exactly gonna incapacitate one of these things for staking.”
The humans idly discussed various experiments they could try on him as Kane waited to see if the drug would take effect. Experiments for practicality, not torture. Ones they could take out into the field and use on other vampires, vampires who would only suffer for a moment before their lives are cut blissfully short, while he lives on.
On and on and on.
The visitor snapped his fingers to get his attention, pulling him from his miserable spiral. “It’s been fifteen minutes. Anything, vampire?”
“No, sir. I’m sorry.” Guilt crawled up Kane’s spine, as if he should have tried harder to feel an effect from the drug.
“Come here,” he ordered.
Kane stood, dutifully walking toward the bars. This was always his least-favorite part. The visitor had never pulled him forward into them to burn, but enough hunters had that even being within arm’s-length of the bars drenched him in dread. But he knew what the visitor wanted by now, and stepped all the way forward, until his face was mere inches from the torturous silver.
“Look at me.” 
“Yes, sir.”
The visitor held a device up to each of Kane’s eyes as he stared dutifully ahead, shining a bright light in each one. It was the type of brightness he would have called painful before he knew what true pain was, but he did his very best to keep his eyes open wide. He could be good.
With a disapproving tsk, the visitor put the device away and motioned with a wave for Kane to back off. He gratefully scurried back to his corner.
The hunter sighed, irritated. “Thanks anyway, doc.”
“Of course. I’ll let you know when I have something new to try.” The visitor pointed to Kane. “You let any of your keepers know if you feel something later. Be good, now.”
“Yes, sir.” He wished all his tasks were so easy.
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blackrosesandwhump · 6 days
100 Drabble Challenge: Lab Whump Edition
The challenge: write exactly 100 words about any of the following 60 prompts. Have fun!
Strapped down
Under observation
Gloved hands
Cleaned up
Oxygen mask
Sleep deprivation
Pain medication
Touch starved
On camera
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whumpetywhump · 6 months
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Whumptober Day 31 - Lab Rat
Devil Lover - Ep. 12
Hidden Identity - Ep. 14
Love Is In The Air - Ep. 16
Musudan (2016)
Seobok (2021)
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dresden-syndrome · 7 months
14/VI-1964. Advanced State Research facility Erfurt-53. German Democratic Union Republic, EESU.
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The EESU government provides a strict production safety standard, working hard to keep its people protected from harms and poisons their manufactured goods could contain. All chemical components in medicine, hygiene and household products are carefully studied in ASR facilities around the country in order to determine their health effects, sometimes taking tens to hundreds class IV human subjects for one safety testing stage.
Chemicals in a gas form are usually distributed to the subjects through forced inhalation for a short period of time; after the exposure process, they are taken for examination to evaluate the changes and effects on the body. Results are measured both by the subject's descriptions and the examination procedures data. Newer subjects or subject showing aggression or agitation must be restrained.
On a picture: PT-8666, undergoing the inhalation stage.
Day 10 of Whumptober
Prompt: Lab rat (alternative)
Art taglist: @painful-pooch @prismpanic @generic-whumperz @suspicious-whumping-egg @onlywhump
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