#laguna the Bear
planetbeanie · 1 year
ohhh this is so cute do you have a beenie for June 26th?
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You share a birthday with Laguna the Bear!
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In need of things to watch can you send me recommendations
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fenthebonebreaker · 5 months
December '23 Challenge: Ink & Wash Landscapes (Part 3)
[Part 1] [Part 2]
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17. Ogooué River, Lope National Park, Gabon
18. Rothbury, Northumberland, England, UK
19. Laguna Colorada, Eduard Avaroa Andean Fuana National Reserve, Bolivia
20. Ban Gioc Falls, China/Vietnam Border
21. Bear Gulch Reservoir, Pinnacles National Park, California, USA
22. Saguago National Park, Arizona, USA
23. Yuruani-tepui, Canaima National Park, Bolivar State, Venezuela
24. Aeolis Mons aka Mount Sharp, Gale Crater, Mars
And done! A little late, but c'est la vie. On to January's project!
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pr1ncessapeach · 2 years
Everyone Is Doing Great  is a comedy-drama created by ‘One Tree Hill’ alums James Lafferty and Stephen Colletti. Written and produced by Lafferty and Colletti
The story revolves around Seth and Jeremy, who had become famous after their appearance in a hit vampire TV show named ‘Eternal.’ Now, five years after the show’s conclusion, the duo leans on each other while navigating the struggles of real life. only on Hulu.
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pcttrailsidereader · 3 months
California Snowpack
Howard has prepared a report on the snowpack in the Washington Cascades. I thought that I might provide an update on the snowpack in the California mountains traversed by the PCT. We had an unusually warm autumn and the precipitation that fell was often rain. As a result, on January 1st, the Northern Sierra/Trinity Mountains snowpack was a paltry 32% of normal. The Central Sierra recorded 28% and the Southern Sierra 20% of normal.
The series of atmospheric rivers that have focused on California since have begun to make a rather dramatic improvement in the snowpack. By February 1, Northern Sierra/Trinity Mountains were at 63%, Central Sierra was 54%, and the Southern Sierra was 40%. This is a dramatic improvement that has continued for the first 19 days of the month . . . as of February 19, things looked like this:
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From all reports, this coming week will continue to help the snowpack approach normal.
Big Bear Lake in Southern California is reporting a snowpack of 105% of normal. Mt. Laguna has forecast highs well above freezing now and through the coming week.
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immortal-raine · 2 months
Out of the 7 years I’ve been consuming OP I haven’t made made an Oc until now hehe
She’s still in daft so bear with me, tbh she doesn’t have a name yet maybe Mylo? Nova?Lmao idk
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Gonna have to zoom in, to really soak in the plot jk jk I’m info dumping here: (but if you don’t wanna read a lot, the images is a recap more or less)
- Born In Water 7, This Kid Worked as a Apprentice Shipwright at Galley-La Co.
- Got Caught in a Annual Aqua Laguna at like 14 ish
- Ended Up Stranded On a Random Island, Built a Boat to Get Back Home; Without a Log Pose, Map, Or Navigation Skills, She Just Ended Up Drifting From Place to Place. Kinda Became A Adventure on It’s Own
- Found and Ate A Devil Fruit called smth like…
[ Sheep Sheep Fruit Model: Komahitsuji]?
- Now Can’t Swim, She Decided to Stay on Island And Just Live as a Sheep, Eat, Sleep, Shit and Repeat living the dream y’know
- Months Pass And A Ship With A handful Of Pirates Show Up, Izo Being Apart This. Believing A Sheep Native to Wano Somehow Got Out Of Country, Decided to Bring it Along. Izo Using Snack Sack To Get it Aboard The Ship, And Her Being Have Sleep And Delirious, She Follows.
- Not Fully Aware During The Trip Back To The Main Ship, She Wakes Up in Front of Whitebeard Confused, But Keeps up The Sheep Act really what do you expect, they make awesome food, she can chill all day, and be on the sea without worry, it’s a solid deal
- After Week She Just Decides To stop The Act, Playing With Stephan And Kotatsu Was Fun But Getting Treated Like Them, Not So Much
- Huge Shock For Everyone But They Got Over it, Got Adopted By Whitebeard, And Became a Official Member Of Whitebeard Pirates
- Starts Working as a Apprentice Shipwright Again, Under 6th Division Blamenco!
- Working in The 6th Division Means She’s Not Always On The Main Ship, But When She is She’s Following Izo around, Izo Being The one Who Brought Her is Kinda Responsible of Making Sure She’s Alright
- Besides Izo, She’s Learning a Few Things From Haruta, Ranting to Namur, Listening to Stories from Whitebeard, Gushing about UTA to Thatch, and Bothering Marco because everyone likes to do that once in a while
- Getting Away From Work Is Where Whitey Bay Comes In, Jump Ship With Her and Be MIA until She’s Found Out and Called Back
Ace Joining (Kidnapped) 2 years after her:
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(Gonna have to zoom in man)
- Met 2 Months into his assassination attempts they met randomly, when Whitey Bay dropped her off.
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Ace and Her Was Cool After The Assassination Attempts, They Would Talk When She’d Get Back From Where She Working
After The Paramount War:
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- Too Young To Participate In The War, She Was Left To morn Whitebeard and Her Brother’s Lives
- She Took Care Of Stephan For A Bit Until She Decided To Work For The Revs
- Learned protocols And Tactics For a Year
- There She Loved Meeting Ivankov because who wouldn’t? And Learning under Inazuma Was Fun Reminded Her of Learning Things From Haruta
- Met Sabo and Talked about Ace and Moments She Spent With Him
- After Being Deployed In A Mission With Sabo, Koala, Hack, And a Handful Of Revs, She Both Respected And Feared Sabo
- Koala Unintentionally Saved Her From Talking With Sabo Once And Became Her Saving Grace Ever Since
- She Was Deployed Under Morgans as a Spy to Keep Tabs On Him and Anything Else Note Worthy
- Shockingly Met Deuce, Told Him The Truth because she’s conditioned to tell her older bothers the truth He Didn’t Care Much, So He Became A Silent Accomplice
- Another Year Pass And Strawhat Pirates Make Their Debut Into The New World, While Working For The Revs She also Helps Deuce Write Reports On The StrawHats Newest Exploits
Now That that’s Over With, Here’s All Her Art (Still Drafting)
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With Color:
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Thanks for coming to my rant fest, or just looking at the art, I appreciate it, okay bye :D
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sgtmickeyslaughter · 4 months
once again, its been one hell of a wednesday
time to unwind with a weekly tag game!
thanks for tagging me @lingy910y @juliakayyy @energievie and @jrooc
name: gigi
age: 24
star sign: full time virgo
first language: english
second language: lol i wish, my girlfriend has been trying to teach me korean the whole time we've been together and cant comprehend that my brain is just simply not wired to learn language
favorite lip product: aquaphor 🥰 and the nars laguna lipstick it was literally made for pale autumns
the best food dish you can make without a recipe? honestly most things, even when its new i like to skim and freestyle, most often i make eggs in hell and various soups, stews and stocks
if you drink tea, what kind? the only tea i drink is bottled cold green tea, and ginger in hot water when im sick
if you drink coffee, what roast do you usually get? light roast <3
favorite thing to watch on youtube right now: music videos! also watching a lot of book binding tutorials and general quiet crafting videos
favorite thing to watch on youtube in 2012: the dame herself ms. jenna marbles and honestly up until she left it would be the same answer
favorite item of clothing right now: i have a few very very cozy sweaters that have been in rotation over the last few weeks, but i am very excited to get back to soft loose blouses and pants
favorite item of clothing in 2012: a very cool 70's jean jacket that i still own and wear!
three movies you recommend: Chungking Express, jennifers body, in bruges
your favorite concert: tyler childers at radio city music hall, the queen of dancehall herself sister nancy and tune yards
have you ever unfollowed someone over a fandom opinion? not a single opinion, we can agree to disagree on things but i have unfollowed people for consistantly being really negative about everyone other than their favorite characters and just overall being a bummer
have you ever left a fandom because of the fans? Nope! every fandom I've been apart of has had really lovely people, but by far shameless is the nicest which feels a little ironic
the best tv show you watched last year: Beef by far, I don't think Ive ever resonated with a piece of media with such raw emotion (also the bear and succession but yall already knew that)
do you have a fancasting you just can’t let go of? Im not really apart of the harry potter fandom at all but sometimes marauder fancasts come on my fyp and theyre all really fun
a ship you’ve abandoned: destiel a little, i still love them that brain rot (damage) cant be undone but i rewatched supernatural last year and like, Dean is so genuinely unkind to him most of the time (/nuanced)
on a scale of 1-10 how willing are you to share your ao3 history? i mean, with who?
do you have a fandom tattoo? no tattoos
what fandom do you wish was bigger? none come to mind
has a finale ever ruined a show for you? no honestly im pretty okay with all of them, but i never watched any of the big ones that people hate
have you…
swam in an ocean? yes! I was a jr lifeguard, swimmer and water polo player in highschool, i am the safest person to visit the beach with
been vegan/vegetarian? I was vegan for three years but when i moved back home during covid i couldnt really keep it up while eating dinner with my family every night and now im very plant based but not vegan or veg
gone skinny dipping? many times lol
gone skiing? yes but i prefer snowboarding
been to a convention? only work related design conventions
tagging from my notes: @mickeysgaymom @rainbowbri @anonymous-galager @gallawitchxx @iansw0rld @mybrainismelted
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danwhobrowses · 10 months
One Piece Chapter 1089 - Initial Thoughts
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It has been months
We've had awesome side quests and painstaking breaks, but now we return to Egghead for the Egghead Island Arc. Though at this rate we may just need to rename this the 'Incidents Arc' considering it's one incident after the other.
Still, we miss our sillies, so let's not wait any longer
Spoilers for the Chapter, Support the Official Release
Nami is savage for the cover page, 'no thanks I already saw the stars' XD
I didn't even notice Sanji in the window the first time around
To recap though before we get to the chapter; Luffy and Lucci are fighting S-Bear, Bonney is going through Kuma's memory bubble, Shaka and Pythagoras are dead, Usopp and Lilith are stoned by S-Snake, Franky is partly stoned and chasing after S-Snake, Nami, Brook, Edison and Sanji are fighting S-Shark, Jinbe and Stussy are in the weapons area, Robin, Chopper and Atlas are exploring the organ regrowth area, S-Hawk is pursuing weaker targets but is being pursued by Zoro and Kaku, and Vegapunk is in the prison with the kidnapped CP agents next to Shaka's dead body and York. Sentomaru is rounding up Mark IIIs against the remaining CP forces in the main island, while most of the navy are outside with Kizaru and Jay Garcia Saturn. All goods? Let's gooooooo!
Starting at Foosha with the headlines involving Garp
Oda once again repeating our thoughts pointing out that MIA does not equal dead
Even iconic mayor Woop Slap isn't worried
But jail for iconic mayor Woop Slap for accidentally yelling at Makino's baby
Does Makino's baby have a distinct laugh? TCB reads it as kya ha ha but that's mainly women or Dellinger and I doubt either are the daddy. Then again did we ever confirm that Makino's baby was even a boy?
They apparently recognize Luffy from the papers though, I wonder if there's something instinctual *nonchalantly pushes ShanksxMakino agenda*
Also Makino calling Luffy 'Big Bro Luffy' to her child because dammit she raised those boys too!
Final mention because I have to soak in every moment of happy Makino I can because she is lovely and I will not take any slander towards her
Dadan is tearful though, I mean Morgans has painted Luffy as a kidnapper and now Garp's MIA, she has gone through the ringer
Hold up is that Fake Nami?
Earthquakes and Tsunamis across all four blues, these poor civilians
Iceburg, Tilestone and Pepe Lulu too? Oh god Water Seven don't need another Aqua Laguna
Hina and Momonosuke are noticing it too
Oh this is because of Lulusia
Wow...what a hole...kinda feels familiar doesn't it?
Vegapunk's tech is based off of Ancient Kingdom tech, so what if the Mother Frame is the same? What if Enies Lobby was the original Lulusia
Oh and the Sea Level has risen 1m, that's not great
Oda's tackling Global Warming
The World Government just fucked up the entire planet, drowned and displaced several millions people, and wiped out an entire nation just to test a fancy superweapon
Beaches gone, so no Okamas can chase Sanji across it, Top Gun cadets can't play volleyball, the Seychelles gone!
And god damn if you flood Foosha and any harm comes to Makino there will be fisticuffs
Also I fear very much that the World Government will blame the Fish-Men for the flooding
Plus if Wano ever opens its borders that water level is gonna rise even more
The fleet at Egghead notice it too
'More than enough firepower to put a buster call to shame'
1 in five ships are warships (20 out of 100), 30K marines, 9 Vice Admirals and Kizaru
Some of the vice admirals look familiar; Doll of course but I'm pretty sure on her left is Doberman, the bottom right could be Strawberry, wouldn't rule out one of them being a Giant either
The latter still chatting with Sentomaru, feasting on oodles of noodles, despite on different sides, as Sentomaru reprimands attacking the sea beasts and for wanting to kill Vegapunk
Kizaru still is very much an 'orders are orders' guy, in spite of the brief panel of him hanging out with the two
It's true though that everything in this incident is a net loss to the WG, but they also confirm with Sentomaru that CP0 failed
Saturn is still here keeping his presence under wraps
He at least approves of Morgans' headline, while getting the true facts
Oda's back at it with the silly doodle faces and the map levels
The Navy are pretty in the dark though; they still think all the Punks are alive, and that they are using the Seraphim
10 Members so far *sighs longingly at Carrot4Nakama agenda, before sifting to ViviReturns2Nakama agenda*
Even had to do a doodle of Hattori the Pigeon
Concerned with them highlighting that the Dome is at 100% gotta watch the numbers
Saturn is weird though; he hears that the Egghead researchers and citizens are accounted for and he goes 'sink them' but he hears that Bonney is on the island and goes 'ah, we have no use for her, but she's just a little girl so leave her be' like dude what?
Someone's calling Marejois from Egghead
One of the Navy members reminding Kizaru that he can listen in on the call with the Black snail on his wrist that's been there since his debut
York has made the call, and naturally is annoyed why the WG intended to kill her too
I mean the Gorosei do have that loophole: they want Vegapunk dead and York is a Vegapunk, though York does point out that if they had any interest in the Void Century they wouldn't have sold the others out
After citing the Seraphim as the reason for her survival, conversation turns to the massive fleet
Ju Peter however goes into the goods; they wanna know if York can replicate the Mother Frame
Does that mean that it's a one-time thing or are we doing scorched Earth?
York can, it's requested by 'someone' likely Im, their workplace is in Egghead
York introduces the terms of the new deal; no touching the lab, and the celestial dragon deal is still on, but also one more thing: save her from Luffy
Ah the crew are all here!
York has been conversing under threat of blade
Nami's packing heat and gets it, Luffy's packing meat and gets nothing XD
Usopp - looking cool with the anime shades flash - and Franky are quite unstoned as well, plus Vegapunk and Bonney's here, and Lucci seething at the back
Strange though, no Kaku, no Stussy, no Lilith, no Edison, no Atlas, no Seraphim, also no Caribou but we never know where he is...guess the spread's not big enough for them but most egregiously NO ROBIN!?
Oda, sir, we need to talk about your breaks, we just came back from 5 weeks of breaks spread between 2 chapters and now another break? Thought the eye surgery was supposed to alleviate this
Well we got our sillies back: for one whole panel XD
It was a really good chapter still, but it's more one that makes me concerned for the rest of the world; we've got two gaping holes in the ocean that have fucked up the natural world, islands have sank, earthquakes and tsunamis are happening all across the world. I wonder if Aqua Laguna was caused by the hole that made Enies Lobby if this is what happened to it. I think what makes me most sad about it is that it cannot be undone, at least not in a way that won't further fuck something else up, the only caveat is that the quakes probably will affect the Red Line's structural integrity.
This does still feel like the calm before the storm, but it also seems that the game of Among Us has resolved off-screen, so I hope next chapter(s) we track back to that first before continuing with this Siege on Egghead. An important note is that Kizaru's been listening in on the conversation, so he has more context to go by.
Also, forgot to mention on posting, this is the first time the Straw Hats have interaction with the Gorosei, they know their voices now, they know their intentions, that's a big deal.
But yeah, another break kinda sucks given that we just came back from one, plus it means more waiting -_- the only plus side is that this final saga will last longer - though who really believed Oda when he said 5 years back in like 2021-22?
1090 is next though, and Oda likes round numbers so expectations are high.
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bayoubashsims · 1 year
Addams Family Tree & History
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I'm sick with the flu and still grieving, so I decided to remake the Addams Family tree (lol excuse the tacky graphic design) and write down their fictional history based on all of the references to their ancestors. Some of the placements of relatives here are speculative, based on the time they lived in and so on.
The many iterations of the Addams Family provides several information on the history of the fictional family. The eldest known ancestor of the Addams family is probably the ghostly caveman featured in the musical and Mamoud Khali Pasha Addams, who was called the Firebug of the Bosporus that burned the Library of Alexandria down in 270 AD. Around the Dark Ages, an ancestor named Rulen the Ruthless Addams existed.
The earliest appearance of an ancestor was one that was featured prominently in Wednesday (series). Goody Addams and her mother lived in Jericho, Vermont during the witch trials of 1625 and were of Mexican descent, having lived among the native folk for a long time. When the town founder Joseph Crackstone set those accused of withcraft on fire, Goody escaped. Goody is not mentioned to be a direct ancestor, so it is possible that she may be the sister of one of Wednesday's ancestors.
A year later, in 1626, a Dutch man by the name of Van Dyke Addams helped in buying Manhattan from the natives of New York. Though Gomez claimed him to be his great-great-great-great-grandfather, this is not plausible because of Long John (see below), who existed in the latter part of the 1600s. Given the timeline, it's possible that Van Dyke was actually the grandfather of Long John and the father of Goody.
In the The New Addams Family, Long John Addams, Gomez's great-great-great-great-great-grandfather was a pirate and in 1699 wrote a story about his life. He had a brother named Curly Addams, whose severed hand became Pinky (presumably an ancestor of Thing) and Long John later married Lady Penelope Addams, who was actually a dread pirate that was his rival and sought someone to best her.
In the early 1700s, an aunt by the name of Calpurnia Addams danced naked in the town square and enslaved a minister, and was burned as a witch in 1706.
According to Gomez in the musical in July 31st, 1715, a man named Captain General Redondo Cuervo (short for Redondo Ventana Laguna Don Jose Cuervo), who commanded a Spanish warship named Pico de Gallo, sailed from Madrid, but was still stuck there three weeks later. He sank six months later off the southern coast of Florida and presumably settled there. It was not mentioned that he was a direct ancestor by Gomez and he did not bear the name of Addams, so it's possible that he might have come from a maternal line.
A woman by the name of Miss Salem Addams was born in 1730 and lived up until 1830, and was buried in the family cemetery.
In 1764, an Admiral John Paul Addams was apparently hanged, but he was also apparently responsible for 'the shot heard round the world' in 1775, which began the American Revolutionary War, and for fighting against Hideki Tojo's forces and the German flotilla in the North Atlantic sea during World War II.
It can be inferred that he was possibly the captain of a ghost ship, considering that he had died in the mid 1700s and was yet active in the 1940s. It is possible that he was Gomez's great-great-great-great-grandfather.
Another relative who appeared in the American Revolutionary War was Old Cannonball Addams, who was said to be a natural-born leader at Bunker Hill in 1775 before he began firing at his own men due to him not being able to see without his glasses. An Addams that possibly lived in this generation as well was Blood and Guts Addams, who may also have been in the American Revolutionary War.
During the 1700s, apparently a branch of the family split into the famous Adams political family in Boston, Massachussetts, of which Gomez's distant cousin by marriage, Abigail Adams, is a member of and sees herself as the head of the family.
Around this time, Ol' Ebenezer Addams led early settlers to the Great Plains and sold the first guns to the Native Americans (it is possible that he was Gomez's great-great-great-grandfather). Later on, Old Blood and Thunder Addams participated in the American Civil War and was very inspirational right before he turned traitor at Shiloh in 1862, while in 1863, General Ulysses S. Addams surrendered in Vicksburg after enemy soldiers caught up with him.
Then presumably in c.1860-1870, Gomez's great-great-grandfather, Goober Addams (according to Gomez in the 1992 series) built The Addams Family Mansion in order to enjoy the swamp. It is possible that Goober was a sibling of Blood and Thunder and Ulysses, and the son of Ebenezer.
His presumable son, Pegleg Addams, was Gomez's great-grandfather (mentioned in the 1964 series), who was the last of the adventureous Addams and was wanted by fifteen countries for piracy. He had hid the treasure under the mansion. It was possible that he had siblings by the name of Bluebeard Addams, Black Bart Addams, and Bloody Addams, who were presumably pirates too.
Pegleg had at least one son, Mortimer Addams, a pyromaniac who resembled Gomez and married Delilah Addams. Delilah is possibly the daughter of Grandpa Squint, a medical expert of some kind who Abraham Lincoln begged for his political support in the 1860s, and Grandma Squint, who often makes strange sounds and cackles from the attic on dark stormy nights.
It was possible that Pegleg had another son named Uncle Blight, who masterminded the presidential campaigns of Al Smith, Wendell Wilkie, and Adlai Stevenson in 1928, 1940, and 1952 (respectively). Additionally, a relative by the name of Edwin Booth Addams was presumably named after the killer of Abraham Lincoln, and could possibly be a relative of them.
Mortimer and Delilah visited the family in Addams Family Reunion, in which they showed symptoms for Waltzheimer's Disease and became pleasant old people. By the time of The New Addams Family, Delilah had died by being struck by a truck while rollerblading with headphones on. Mortimer later married Diandra Addams, who resembled Morticia.
Mortimer's son was Father Addams (possibly named Harold) who later married Grandmama (or Mother Addams), and they had four children: Gomez Addams, Pancho Addams, and Uncle Cosimo, Uncle Fester. They spent some time in Spain (Gomez calls it his 'ancestral land') as it was mentioned that Gomez lived there until he was 10 and a marriage was arranged by Mortimer (who signed the marriage contract) and Don Xavier Molina between Gomez and Consuela, Don Xavier's daughter. Their families were said to have known each other since the time of the Spanish inquisition. According to Morticia in the 1991 film, both Mother and Father Addams later died in the hands of an angry mob.
Present time
In Wednesday, Gomez and Morticia both attended Nevermore Academy for their high school, and that is where they met in 1997.
In The Addams Family (TV Series) and The New Addams Family, Granny Frump and Grandmama had planned to marry Morticia's older sister Ophelia Frump to Gomez, but the plan failed when Gomez fell in love with Morticia instead. Beforehand, Morticia had been dating Gomez' cousin Cousin Vlad, since they had gone to the same high school, and Gomez and Morticia had first met at a funeral, but only gotten to know each other better around the time of Ophelia and Gomez's matchmaking.
After they married at the age of 22, they had three children: Wednesday Addams, Pugsley Addams, and later, in Addams Family Values, Pubert Addams. There were also two other children in the Halloween special named Wednesday Jr. Addams and Pugsley Jr. Addams, but they are often not considered canon.
They live in the crumbling Addams Family mansion with their butler, Lurch, who had presumably been in the family for a long time. His father, Father Lurch, a Dr. Frankenstein-like character, put him together and wanted him to be a jockey, and he has a very smothering mother by the name of Mother Lurch. Gomez said that Lurch has the heart of an Addams and it is implied to be literal. Lurch apparently came from a long line of similar looking, hulking people. in the 2019 film, Lurch was a former inmate at the insane asylum that became the family mansion.
Another member of the household is Thing (or his full name, Thing T. Thing). Though he is sometimes portrayed as having been a hand creature born from a long line of hands (a photograph of his parents appears in the 1964 series, as a female hand holding a male hand), other portrayals have him as a disembodied hand, possibly of a member of a family. Indeed, in the original cartoons, Thing was shown to be a creature with a body who often appears in the peripherals of the illustrations. He then became an arm and later on, only a hand.
Grandmama's Branch
The oldest known ancestor from Grandmama's side of the family was her great-great-great-grandmother Slice, who sharpened guillotines and was called 'the belle of the French Revolution' in 1789-1799.
Not much is known about her branch of the family, but it was known that she came from a family of witches. Her mother was presumably called Mooma, who would run her kids out of town if they ever got too big for their brooms, while her father was presumably Grandpa Slurp, who had two heads: with a bucktooth in one head, and a receding chin on the other.
She was also known to have two siblings: Uncle Jester, a zany, trouble-making jester who resembled Fester (and who she greatly disliked), and Great Auntie Sloom, who was looked at as a family elder who presided over the family traditions (such as the Mazurka). It can be inferred, then, that Grandmama's family and the main Addams family have their traditions intertwined.
She had a dark complexion (in the original illustrations and the 2020s films) and was known to have gone to a high school named Swamptown High with Granny Frump. In the 2020s film, she often travels the world and has an Old World, Eastern-European accent, the first iteration that showed her to be of a non-American origin.
The Frump Branch
Morticia's great-great-great-Aunt Singe was said to be burned during the Salem Witch Trials of 1892-1893, placing her as the oldest known ancestor of the Frump family. Another possible relative from this time would be Great-Aunt Esther.
Morticia was known to have a grandfather named Grandpa Droop, who gave her stock certicifactes for her twelfth birthday, implying they were rich. He may presumably be the father of Morticia's father, Grandpa Frump or her mother, Granny Frump. Grandpa and Granny had fallen in love because Fester (here as Grandpa's brother, in the 1964 series) shot the arrow (and the gun) that brought them together. They had two children: Ophelia Frump and Morticia.
Granny was a witch and presumably, Morticia's ancestors were also witches. Because of Morticia's anti-social tendencies, Granny had to homeschool her and taught her everything. Morticia has an assortment of cousins with eccentric behaviors, such as the sisters Cousin Melancholia and Cousin Catastrophia, and Cousin Pretensia.
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cringywhitedragon · 9 months
A random thought but I’ve been thinking of how the Exorcist Class Angels from Hazbin Hotel would be like if they were in the Bayonetta series (Orginially born form a VS idea that would pit Bayonetta against them)
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(Please note I don’t know a lot when it comes to the Bayonetta games. Correct me if I’m wrong on anything or feel free to edit this concept, I don’t mind and I would appreciate it. Also the Bayonetta terms were used so bear in mind in some places.)
(But for context:
Spheres = Angel Hierarchy (Third and Second are lower ranks)
Laguna = Angels
Paradiso = Realm of the Laguna from Bayonetta)
-First off, I’d feel they’d be a special class of Laguna (I’m debating high Third Sphere, low Second Sphere, or maybe even a new specific classification, so I’ll let you make the call) think like a special ops unit of Paradiso who’s only job is to hunt down beings from the Inferno/Umbra Witches
-A quick obvious: Wolfpack enemy. These guys would attack in groups.
-Pretty versatile in weapon usage. A few close range and long reach attackers
-I’m also going to say this. These guys would likely be fast yet on the rather frail side. Notably due to their builds and their lack of defensive armor/gear (Slight update since the show is out but apparently it is possible for an Exorcist to be slain by an Inferno denizen, though it would like in the show, prompt much more aggressive actions. This inspired this little tweak.) but they do make up for this in shear aggression as their numbers fall (Likely the only exception to this rule will be facing Adam since he would use these guys as backup during his fight.)
-Adam and Lute would more than likely appear as a boss character, once again a Wolfpack situation most likely with Lute acting as more of a special enemy and Adam being the actual boss. (Adam would likely be a unique case amongst these guys cause I could see him being a higher ranking Angel due to his commander status. Also please note that this was made before we have any concrete information on Adam and Lute’s characters.)
-They would not be as common as other enemies as their usage mostly died out for frontline combat after the Witch Hunts and the fact that they mostly hunt Inferno denizens. Possibly only showing up under certain situations, ie Cereza provoking them during her fight against Paradiso, but almost always appearing leading up to the fight with Adam and Lute (and possibly during so such as being called in to aid with the fight)
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JINJER's TATIANA SHMAILYUK Celebrates Seven Months Of Sobriety
Vocalist Tatiana Shmailyuk of Ukrainian modern metal frontrunners JINJER is celebrating seven months of sobriety.
On Saturday (July 15),the 36-year-old singer shared a new mirror selfie on Instagram and she captioned it: "#7monthssober today. Let's see how far I can get".
Last December, Tatiana spoke to Radioactive MikeZ, host of the 96.7 KCAL-FM program "Wired In The Empire", about how she met her husband, former SUICIDE SILENCE and current P.O.D. touring drummer Alex Lopez. She said: "I met him through Internet. Of course, he was a famous person in the heavy music industry. So I liked him. And then it kind of happened that they [SUICIDE SILENCE] invited us to be a support act for them in Bratislava, Slovakia back in 2017. So I was, like, 'Well, that's destiny.' We took a picture together after the show. And then we started chatting through Internet. It was not very consistent talk — once a month, once every three months, short [messages]. And then we were talking about us, JINJER, coming to the States, and at that time it seemed impossible to come here, because, oh my God. [Laughs] And a year after, in 2018 I think, we went to the United States supporting CRADLE OF FILTH. And he came to our show to say hi and stuff. And then here and there, that's how it happened. So I think I made it happen. [Laughs]"
When Radioactive MikeZ noted that she was the "aggressive one," Tatiana clarified: "Not aggressive, no. I just was more enthusiastic. You know what I mean. Sometimes women have to do the first step to get what we want. [Laughs]"
Tatiana also talked about what it was about Alex's appearance that first drew her to him. She said: "Yeah, I felt like he looks like me, but like a male version of me. We're both shorties, brown eyes, brown hairs. I love Mexican culture, and he's full-blown Mexican."
Asked how she likes living in Whittier, California, where she shares a home with Lopez, Tatiana said: "Well, I like it because it's in the middle of everything — 30 minutes to downtown L.A., 30 minutes to Laguna Beach, 30 minutes to another beach to another beach and another beach, and then an hour to Big Bear mountains. So it's the perfect location. But I don't go out much because, honestly, I didn't find anything to go out to. [Laughs] And I have a lot of work to do, so I'm just sitting there chilling in the house, enjoying the sun and hummingbirds flying here and there. So, [it's] pretty cool. I love California in general — it's a beautiful place. I don't think there's a big difference between [Whittier] and another small town somewhere in California."
JINJER will embark on its own headline tour following the band's support dates on DISTURBED's 2023 "Take Back Your Life" trek with fellow special guests BREAKING BENJAMIN. The headline trek kicks off on September 7 in Huntsville, Alabama, making stops across Canada and the U.S., including Quebec City, Montreal, Toronto and more before wrapping up in Vancouver on September 25. Several of the tour's stops are produced by Live Nation.
JINJER played its first live show since Russia's invasion of Ukraine on June 10, 2022 at last year's edition of the Greenfield Festival, which was held in Interlaken, Switzerland. The concert took place just days after it was announced that JINJER had been given permission from authorities to leave their war-torn nation and tour Europe as ambassadors of the country.
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karlsthekoala17 · 1 day
Pyramid Song: Judy x Female V ( Angst TW: mentions of death and grief, fluff, soft smut)
A/N: yes this is completely out of left field but I’m feeling inspired enough to write the scene of my favourite video game cyberpunk 2077
V has finally been able to feel a little more at ease despite her deteriorating condition and the knowledge of potentially dying from the behaviour chip that’s became a brain tumour. While something else has grown her current relationship with Judy, at first she only wanted to know about Evelyn’s whereabouts about the heist that blew up in her face and solve her problems. Their friendship was incredibly strong and it grew more so after what happened to Evelyn at Clouds eventually leading to her suicide. There’s been a tension growing between then and now it’s been dancing on a thin line of friendship or something more. Them flirting over text and how she always catches glances of Judy subtly checking her out, neither of them wanting to lose the other with everything that happened. She tried to liberate clouds from the grasps of the tiger claws street gang, with the unfortunate ending of many joy-toys; now V is off to edge of night city under the pretext of aiding a experimental piece of tech.
Judy sits out her old neighbour’s bungalow on the edge of the dock setting up the equipment waiting on V she’s grown a fondness for the young woman sharing so life altering experiences together being her rock. V shows up with an inquisitive smile seeing the wetsuit Judy is wearing and another one in a box nearby “ Hey Judy! What’s with the location and those wetsuits” she asked sitting beside the woman “ okay you know how I tune virtues for a living and some dolls have implants to record their experiences” V nods in acknowledgment “ I have a new device where we can connect two peoples nervous systems so they feel the same thing” V looked surprised and a little confused “ that answers one question why here of all places?” She asked as she put on the wetsuit “ It’s quite simple you’ll find out once you take a dive” Judy spoke smirking a little seeing V’s expression changed to annoyed. But with no hesitation V jumps in first soon Judy is joined in and after calibration is done heading down towards the remains of the town of Laguna Bend. The place Judy lived with her grandparents since her mom died when she was young and her father had abandoned her, V learns more about Judy while Johnny is gagging at the mushiness of it all while swimming in the church they hear the same memories and sounds. Soon the relic malfunctions causing V to pass out making Judy abandon the sunken town to bring V to shore and performing cpr on her.
“ Woah what happened how’d you manage to pull me up” V asked as Judy helped her up on to a sunbathing chair. Judy was kneeling on the dock in front of V “ I…I don’t know… all I know I didn’t think about it.. I just did it” she said sounding a bit choked up. V felt the mood change and she felt her heart pounding against her chest “ Judy Alvarez you saved my life… thank you “ she smiled looking over at Judy whose face is tinged with red as she playfully shoved her shoulder “ Your such a gonk “ she smiled standing up “ you must be freezing let’s head inside “ Judy walks towards the abandoned bungalow “ so this was your neighbours right?” V asked trailing behind her “ yup he couldn’t bear leave Laguna Bend the police tried to get him to move but he was stubborn. Unfortunately with how toxic the water is he died” V nods and once inside Judy managed to find coffee “ I’ll boil a kettle how do you take it?” V looked over “ milk and sugar please.” Judy hums in response noticing the power is out “ fuck the generator is off “ V gets up from her seat “ I’ll take a look “ Judy rolled her eyes “ be careful this time “ V gets towards the generator to turn it back on
‘ This was incredibly relaxing ‘ she thought to herself while heading inside hearing a memory Judy has of Evalyn warning her to be careful . “ Judy what about coffee?” She asked not seeing Judy in the kitchen soon heading towards the bathroom opening it. She seen her expression and immediately sits beside her “ Judy what is it you know we’re still connected “ Judy sniffled “ I found out through Roxanne the tiger claws killed a bunch of joytoys including Tom she was lucky to get out.” She expressed feeling extremely guilty about what happened V took this to comfort Judy wrapping an arm around her waist embracing her “ it’s not your fault it’s the tiger claws doing now let’s forget about it for a moment “ v spoke her voice lower holding Judy’s face capturing her lips in hers.
Before Judy could respond she felt V lean in and almost moaned at the feeling of her lips finally on hers. Judy pulled her away leading towards the bed pulling V to straddle her to continue their make out session. Their hands roaming around the other’s body V has pulled away from the kiss to kiss down her neck while Judy taken the opportunity to take off her clothes and doing the same for V. V had gotten in a spooning position Judy’s back flushed to her chest as she explored her body reaching between her legs to circle her clit feeling her body arch into her touch “ fuck V that feels so good “ Judy moaned out craning her neck to kiss V as she rubbed a little firmer feeling her get more turned on “ I need to get a taste.” V mumbled to herself as she flipped Judy on her back kissing down her body all over her tattoos and before she could do anything she leaned up to kiss her. V took her place between her legs and began to kiss along her inner thighs before reaching her destination as she licked up her slit flicking against her clit . Judy’s hips buck into V’s face gripping her hair as V moves up to kiss Judy introducing two fingers inside her the pace was almost frantic her wrist angled so her palm was rubbing against her clit . “ Fuck fuck fuck V you’re going to make me cum just like that .” Judy held her hand that’s fingering her as V kisses on her neck humming against her neck feeling Judy tighten around her as moans out her name feeling the gush of her orgasm as she slowed down to let her ride out her pleasure she laid beside her going to clean her up with her tongue till Judy pushed her head away. V laid back down and lights up a cigarette having a drag soon after Judy is straddling her having a drag before leaning over V “ my turn to repay you “ Judy smirked as did V.
V leaned up against the headboard smoking her cigarette while she watched Judy kiss down her body getting a better view of her tattoos on her back biting her lip. Judy didn’t tease her like she did to her immediately licking up to her clit while she suckled on it causing V to almost drop her cigarette she flicked it out before her hands tangled in her short hair “ fuck Judy your mouth .” V moans out as Judy smirks against her clit she switched with rubbing her clit with her thumb while she sticks her tongue into her despite not going to far in with how turned on V was she was already tightening up “ oh fuck that’s it shit I’m going to cum.” V moans out her voice a little hoarse from her loud moans as she clamps her thighs around Judy’s head as she cums hard. Judy slowed her movements before pressing a kiss to her clit before crawling her way up V immediately pulled her in for a kiss moaning at the taste of herself on her tongue “ holy shit that was incredible.” V spoke up she wrapped her arms around her and intertwined their legs “ mhm it was let’s head to sleep “ Judy mumbled tiredly V felt tired too she just nods pulling the covers over them falling asleep
V wakes up to find Judy missing she puts on her clothes walking outside half asleep seeing Judy on the dock “ morning “ she greets Judy who smiled at her arrival “ hey you here’s your coffee “ V held the mug taking a sip “ so what was that?” Judy asked seriously “ would you like a repeat of last night.” Judy rolled her eyes “ I’m being serious V .. like what did that mean to you “ she asked softly looking over at her. “ it was the start of something new. If that’s what you’d want” V says awkwardly her face a little pink while Judy smiled wide pulling her into a hug “ you ruined my plans you know I was planning to move away from Night City “ she gave a half smile while V laughed softly “ guess I gotta make it up to you “ she leaned in closer to Judy their lips almost touching “ you sure do “ she smiled before kissing her softly
A/N: hi so I hope you liked this! I didn’t proof read this but it’s been sitting in my brain for a while and decided to do it
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maleswillbemale · 4 months
Are there any Lakota feminists you admire?
It's a little hard to compile a list of Lakota feminists specifically. While there are some, there aren't enough, and I'd like to broaden my answer to cover more than just Lakota women fighting for feminism for Indigenous women all over the world. I hope that's okay.
These are women I encourage anyone to look up and check out their work, we all come from different backgrounds so I might not agree with/have experienced everything shared by them but I think every Indigenous woman's voice is important!
Jihan Gearon - Navajo, feminist and artist
Tarcila Rivera Zea - Quechuan, feminist activist, founder of multiple organizations for Indigenous women
Debora Barros Fince - Waayu, activist and human rights defender and lawyer in Colombia
Rauna Kuokkanen - Sami, professor and Indigenous feminist activist
Aileen Moreton-Robinson - Goenpul, Indigenous feminist and author, Australia's first Indigenous Distinguished Professor
Sarah Eagle Heart - Lakota, author and co-founder of Return to the Heart Foundation
Madonna Thunder Hawk - Lakota, civil rights activist and co-founder of Women of All Red Nations
Mandeí Juma - Chief of the Juma
Ávelin Kambiwá - Kambiwá, specialist in public policies on gender/race, feminist in Brazil
Jodi Voice Yellowfish - Creek, Lakota, and Cherokee, founder and chair of the MMIW Texas Rematriate organization
Wilma Mankiller - Cherokee, first female principal chief of her nation
Annie Mae Aquash - Mi'kmaq, member of AIM, deserves justice for her murder
Jolie Varela - Paiute, led a hike with indigenous women across their cultural land as an expression of sovereignty, founder of Indigenous Women Hike
Lee Maracle - Stó꞉lō, feminist author
Tillie Black Bear - Lakota, activist for domestic violence towards Indigenous women
Other Indigenous women I look up to/admire, not necessarily feminist specific:
The Bearhead Sisters - Sister trio singing group, Wilhnemme
Acosia Red Elk - Umatilla, jingle dancer
Deb Haaland - Laguna Pueblo, Interior Secretary for the USA
Amelia Marchand - Colville, warrior against climate change
Lydia Jennings - Pascua Yaqui and Huichol, warrior against climate change
Roberta Tuurraq Glenn-Borade - Iñupiaq, warrior against climate change
Robin Wall Kimmerer - Potwatomi, fantastic author, please read her book Braiding Sweetgrass if you haven't already
Fawn Wood - Cree and Salish musician
Moving Robe Woman - Lakota warrior, fought against Custer in the Battle of Little Big Horn to avenge her murdered brother
Buffalo Calf Road Woman - Cheyenne warrior who was the one to knock General Custer off his horse during the Battle of Little Big Horn
Bernie LaSarte - Coeur d'Alene, program manager for the STOP Violence Program
Mary Jane Miles - Nez Perce, tribal vice chairman
Crystalyne Curley - Navajo, first woman to become Speaker of the Navajo Nation Council
Article about multiple Indigenous women in Mexico who run Indigenous women's centers
Lily Gladstone - Blackfeet and Nez Perce actress
Rebecca Thomas - Mi'kmaw poet and activist
Sacheen Littlefeather - Apache and Yaquim actress. Keeler is a horrible person and not worthy of listening to whatsoever, Sacheen Littlefeather did more activism for Indian Country than Keeler will ever accomplish in her miserable life
Brianna Theobald - Not Indigenous to my knowledge (I could definitely be wrong), but researched and wrote a wonderful book about the treatment of Indigenous women in regards to reproduction and sterilization
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The brave woman at Standing Rock photographed by Ryan Vizzions. She has since passed away due to a car accident I believe, but I'm struggling to find her name. Once I find it, I'll update this post.
Honor the Grandmothers is a good book to hear Lakota and Dakota women elders share their experiences.
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skpct · 2 months
Bonus Post! (Names)
The names of others, and the names they’ve given me. Here’s a key.
(Information about this person.)
[Their trail name. If it’s a trail name that they’re still considering or might still be considering I’ll put a question mark to let you know it’s uncertain]
<Any trail names they’ve given me.>
[Ghost] (Trail angel I met at the start of the hike. He gave me a lot of good advice.) <Walking Home>
[Papa Bear] (Met briefly.)
Eric (He was checking permits at the southern terminus.)
Wolfram and Brigitte [2 Matching Hats] (I hope I’m spelling their names correctly. They’re a German couple, they rode with me on the bus to the southern terminus. I’ve seen them quite a lot on the trail. They aren’t going all the way to Canada, they’re just doing a section.) <Terracotta>
Robert (A fellow hiker. I haven’t seen him since the very start.)
Finn and Willow (They were going pretty darn quick, but I haven’t seen them for about 100 miles. Maybe they passed me. They let me use their lighter one time, so they’re all right in my book.)
Logan (From Tennessee! I haven’t seen him since Lake Morena.)
Annabelle or Abagail? (Her name fell right out of my head. Haven’t seen her since Lake Morena.)
[Sevvy] (This dude is basically part of nature, very experienced hiker. When I first met him I’m pretty sure he was tripping on mushrooms. Seemed chill though. Haven’t seen him since Lake Morena.)
[Tee] (A bit like Sevvy, very experienced, part of nature, etc. A much older guy, though. I ran into him only once. He asked me if I had any marijuana to trade with him. I did not, unfortunately.)
Hunter (From Kansas City! He’s a big baseball fan, which is funny, because the Royals aren’t that good but the Chiefs are in the middle of a dynasty. Only saw him once.)
Jacob (I actually saw Jacob at the start of the trail, but I didn’t really get to meet him until we stayed at that Mt. Laguna Hostel together. He’s going super fast, so I don’t imagine I’ll see him again.)
Solomon [Cricket?] (Another hostel buddy, also going fast. We slept right next to each other, haven’t seen him since.)
Mark (Also met at the hostel, also going fast. Mark may have broken his ankle. He’s okay, he got to a hospital, but he might be off trail for good.)
Mike and Caitlin [m&m’s?] (Also stayed at the hostel. They’re going a little slower than me, but they were really locked in on what they needed to do to be successful. Nice folks, I’ll probably see them again at some point.)
[Otzi] (Old hiker dude, incredible belly. Absolutely magnificent. It was like, perfectly spherical. Guy was built like a freaking wreaking ball. He asked me if I had a trail name yet and told me if I didn’t by 1500 miles he’d write me a ticket. Then he gave me 4 trail names in the span of a minute.) <Whimsy, Pueblo, Borrego, Skedaddle>
[Problem Bear] (An old hiker dude that was hiking with Otzi. He was doing some trail maintenance. He didn’t talk much, but as I was leaving he called me “Seattle,” so I’m taking that as a potential trail name.) <Seattle>
[No-Nonsense] (She takes sponge baths on the trail, and swears that they work wonders. She’s also a vegan. She’s going slow, but I passed her not too far back on the trail, so there’s a good chance I’ll see her again.)
Pierce (He’s hiking the trail to help raise money for his brothers medical bills. He let me have some of his water, which was nice.)
[Orca] (She’s from Wales 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿. She was doing a little section hike, going from Idyllwild to Warner Springs. She did a through-hike 5 years back.)
Neil (Of all the people on this list, Neil is the only one I actually, like, hiked with. He had to get off the trail due to a family emergency, but we were together for a day. He misremembered that one of my potential trail names was “Terracotta,” and in doing so gave me another potential trail name.) <Clay Feet>
Well, that’s everyone. I’m wondering what trail names y’all like the best, so I’m making a poll.
The results of this poll have no impact on the trail name I choose. This is just me seeing what people think.
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pcttrailsidereader · 2 months
Early Trip Challenges
Anne-Marie started from the southern border on the 22nd of March with the intent of reaching Kennedy Meadows by mid-May. Walking the PCT is a dream that she can now pursue upon her retirement.
March weather, even in Southern California, can be unpredictable . . . often sunny and dry. On Anne-Marie's second day out approaching Lake Moreno, the rains began. On the morning of day three, here was her journal entry:
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Weather outside is delightful, haha if you like rain, hail, sleet and gusty winds! Many fellow PCT hikers including us are waiting out the storm today at Lake Moreno state campground and will start back on trail Monday. There are 10 rustic cabins on site, we were able to book one for tonight but it is not available till 3 pm. The cabin overlooks Lake Moreno and has electricity, heat and wood frame beds (queen and 1 bunk). While we wait we visit the local Malt Shop (shout out to Lily, our cook- food was awesome!) and stand around the picnic pavilion huddled close to stay out of rain. Our hike umbrellas have really come in handy! The bathrooms are not heated but have showers and flush toilets- a luxury for a hiker! I set up a clothesline in the bathroom for girls to dry out sleeping bags, tents and clothes and placed quarters in the shower (.25 cents for 2 minutes) for anyone who wants to wash off. Some Dr Bronners camp soap washes clothes, hair and body! 
As more hikers come off trail drenched (some close to hyperthermia) we make the call that anyone with a cabin makes room for a hiker. That said we gave our cabin up to young 6 girls and will bunk with Bear & Sassy, who are close to our age and we have really bonded well with. 
Cabins open up, we move in, another clothesline goes up to continue to dry out. Peter makes a run to the malt shop for carry out pizza dinner and some Makers Mark and we also have a bottle of wine to share. We set up a hiker-coterie with our leftover hiker snacks and enjoy dinner and conversation. We all take turns trying to find the leak in my sleep pad to no avail-my hips are getting used to hard surfaces (wood slats tonight).
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Both Crossing Paths and The Pacific Crest Trailside Reader: California have stories about winter weather in the Lagunas . . . when the calendar says 'spring'.
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kilannad · 10 months
As the Stars Burn On Chapter 29
Masterlist. Ao3. Discord.
Going Merry
"You imbeciles!" Spandam shouted, shaking a soldier. "It's one little ship! Shoot it down!"
Robin looked up, soaked from the ocean, but free. She locked eyes with CP9's chief; in a flurry of flower petals, arms encircled his whole body.
"For Ohara," she breathed. Then, with clutched fists, she broke every bone in his body, his neck last of all.
From there, it was easier than it should've been.
With Kokoro's help, they managed to get everyone on Merry. As they watched, the ropes tightened, the ship slowly, painfully, turned. Nami barked orders and everyone who could move--which wasn't all that many--hurried to follow her commands. The few battleships that were still functional were frozen, the flotsam of the rest quickly being pulled into the growing series of whirlpools that formed as the Gates of Justice closed.
"So it did work," Sanji said. "Good, I was worried I'd left the lovely ladies for nothing."
"Your doing, Sanji?" Lucy asked, painfully struggling to sit up. Chopper had awoken and begun helping, but she still could feel the exhaustion pulling at her bones. She used too many high level summonings too quickly; she'd be paying the price in the coming days. 
"Indeed, Lady Lucy," he told her. "I thought we might need the distraction to get away."
"Very helpful," Nami said sweetly, before grabbing his ear and twisting. "Now drop the sails! Tighten the mizzen mast! Chopper, 65 degrees to port and Davy Jones spare you if you get so much as point one degree off because I won't."
"Shishishi," Luffy laughed. "Now we're all back together."
"Yes," Robin breathed. She swallowed her tears, a few escaping to drip down her smile. "Thank you, captain. And everyone!"
"Thank us by never disappearing again," Gajeel grumbled.
In a rush of wind and ocean waves, off they went back to sea, the eleven of them (plus extras) home once more. Lucy rubbed the deck under her, trying to send as much love and relief as she could to Merry. She'd been terrified when Kaku had dumped her into the ocean during Aqua Laguna and was glad that Merry had found a way to be okay. How, she couldn't even fathom, but it meant the world. She was far stronger than any of them thought, her Spirit as much a stubborn, physics bending Straw Hat as the rest of them. The whole ship creaked and groaned, something like joy and relief coming back to Lucy. She basked in the feeling, her own exhaustion easily overshadowing any that Merry might have sent.
"Sail ho!" Gajeel called. The crew hurried to try and stand, going for their weapons. It wasn't necessary though. "It's...Galley-La?"
A huge merchant ship, bearing the crest of Galley-La appeared, quickly closing the distance. Paulie as well as the other foreman were all present, accompanied by a hundred of their shipwrights.
"We thought you might be dead," Paulie called around his cigar. "You dealt with CP9."
"We did," Zoro called. "Kaku says he's sorry he didn't get a recommendation before he left."
Most of the shipwrights cursed, calling various insults and profanities. Only the three foreman of dock 1 remained silent, bending their heads. Paulie quirked a sad smile, something wistful going over his face. "Yeah," he murmured. "Too bad."
"Do you think you can tow us?" Nami asked. "I'm worried about Merry. She shouldn't be sailing like this."
"An understatement. Why don't you board?"
A rowboat was lowered, the crew piling in to be ferried over. Lucy stepped off last, clinging to Laxus's offered arm.
The Merry shuttered, a deep, echoing crack sounding the moment her foot stepped off, as if Merry had been waiting for it. Across her deck, down her sides, through her hull and keel the Going Merry broke in half.
"No!" Lucy lunged, but Laxus caught her, dragging her back.
"Lucy, we knew this could happen," he soothed. "She's done her last will, she deserves her rest."
"She's our nakama!" Lucy spit. Usopp collapsed in the long boat, tears streaming down his face as he bit his lip bloody. Luffy's hat tilted down. "Franky hasn't even had time-"
"I'm sorry," Franky murmured. He looked at the broken shell of their home as she rapidly took on water. "My contacts got back to me before Aqua Laguna but I didn't say anything while Robin was captured. There's nothing they can do."
"No," Lucy breathed, whatever little hope she had shriveling in her heart.
"I'm sorry," Merry murmured, the crumbling of her mast making her words spin and echo along the vast ocean they sailed on. "I wanted to sail with you some more. I wanted to see the end of the world. But I'm not strong enough."
The Going Merry was a beautiful, brightly painted caravel with a sheep figurehead. Nami swept Kaya into a huge hug, finally glad to have a real ship to sail. Luffy was hollering his joy, landing on the figurehead with a bright, infectious laugh as he welcomed her to the crew.
An iron spike came spiraling through the air, then another, and another. Too many for Zoro to cut down all at once. Merry took a hit, then another, Usopp cursing as he tried desperately to patch the holes. Come on, Zoro thought, You've got this Merry.
"It's our fault, Merry!" Luffy cried out. "We were too rough, and Usopp tried to fix you but he's bad at it. We should've taken better care of you."
"That's okay. Because I was happy. Everyday, on every adventure, I was glad to be one of you."
Usopp leaned back, admiring his work. The yellow straw hat looked perfectly at place on the grinning skull. Above his shoulder, Luffy laughed. "It's perfect, Usopp. Now paint it on her sail! Then Merry will be all ready."
In the end, Usopp ended up painting an extra flag and sail each, just in case. The jolly roger was the pride of any pirate crew and no one was more deserving of wearing it then their ship.
"You know," Laxus considered, rubbing at the worn wood of Merry's rail, "This ship reminds me of the guildhall."
"So it's not just me!" Lucy laughed. "I don't know if it's because she's home or if the crew just has the same energy as Fairy Tail, but whenever I see her I feel..."
"At peace," Laxus finished.
"Yes. Exactly that."
"You will always be one of us," Zoro said viciously. "There has been no greater honor than sailing with you."
"I'm glad. I just wish..."
"What Merry?" Lucy asked. "Let us do something for you, the way you've done so much for us."
"Hearing you call me nakama has been enough. I wish I could go with you. I wish we could sail together forever."
Lucy sobbed, Gajeel grabbing her arm to keep her up. It was the one thing they couldn't give her. The one miracle the Straw Hats had failed to deliver. Humans grew stronger from battle and Spirits healed in the Celestial Realm but ships could only be fixed--and mortals had their limits.
For all her power, all the magic in her veins, Lucy could do nothing as a gentle snow began to fall and Luffy lit a torch. She was a Fairy Tail mage and a Straw Hat pirate and her friend, her family, was dying. It was Loke all over again, the Spirit King's words haunting her. There came a time for all things to die, but Lucy wasn't ready. Not yet, not Merry. The first home she'd known since she landed in a world so far from her own, the very stars different.
All her power, all her magic, and she could do nothing. She'd called down the stars themselves today and she could do nothing.
"No," she sobbed again, nothing but a denial in her heart. Luffy took a deep breath, crying as he began to hold out the torch to light Merry's funeral pyre. A last goodbye.
And Lucy-
There is nothing we can do, Shé had once told her.
Listen, little star, her mother had whispered. All magic began with one simple thing; love.
Lucky Lucy Heartfilia-
Not 'love comes from the heart' but--
'The heart is full of love.'
The pieces fell into place. Her heart was full with the most powerful thing--the weakest thing, the unattainable, unstoppable thing that all carried--and she understood.
The Gate locked within Lucy Heartfilia, the two-hundredth daughter of her line, ripped open.
And the stars listened.
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