#learnt today that i didnt need to do as much work as i did during the summer!! the pi didnt need all that!!
shroomsnail · 1 year
i wanna cry but like the way kids cry at anything that is mildly inconvenient and just yell without tears. i wanna do that.
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oriigirii · 3 years
Streamer MC headcannons with the brothers 💞
"You were quite a known face on social media back in the human realm, playing games, doing unboxings, just vibin in general, fans around the globe looked forward to your streams a lot! However, considering the sudden (unannounced) invitation to the exchange program, you had to leave all of that behind out of the blue. It wasn't as bad at first, but you have to admit you do miss the feeling of being able to do goofy shit online. Luckily for you, with the advance technology of Devildom and some spicy magic, the internet had synced with the human realm, and thats when you decided to finally re-enter the streaming scene. How will the brothers react upon seeing your peculiar past time?"
Head empty, No thoughts aside from the brothers just bothering the MC while they stream so here you go haha
Warnings: None, just crackhead energy and a lotta mispellings
Gender: Neutral!
Hotel: Trivago
* [ ಠ╭╮ಠ ] Lucifer *
{How did he know about your career?}
I honestly don't see him as someone who goes on the internet a lot
(He screams boomer to me, change my mind)
He doesn't have the time either, he's too focused on work!
So him finding out is gonna take a while
But! He did find out the hard way when shrilled screaming was heard from your room when he was passing by with some paper stacks in his arms (courtesy of Diavolo)
This man felt his instincts kick in, he ran as fast as he could, papers forgotten, and he immediately slammed your door open. Splinters scattering around, your door definitely damaged, as his eyes held a glare and his demon form was out, wings spread in a threatening display.
He was ready to beat someone's ass as he had thought someone had hurt you in here.
But all hes met with is you, infront of your chair and PC, and a game over on the screen...
To say he was unamused was an understatement cause you just lost your internet priviliges for giving him a heart attack (He said it was because you were being rowdy and noisy but with what you saw you knew that wasn't the case)
Good luck tryna puppy-eye your way to his heart to let you continue streaming lol.
If by some miracle you managed to wriggle your rights back from his hands, he'd warn you not to be so loud next time.
You already learnt your lesson though~ (Hopefully)
{How does he feel about your streams?}
Not everyone's the same, so if you were the shy soft streamer who does more art streams or something akin to a podcast, you can bet that Lucifer will be putting you on while he works, he kinda knows your streaming schedule at this point and if you were running late, he'd force one of his brothers to take over your dish washing duties or any chores you were stuck with
If you were the loud obnoxious meme type, hed still try to watch out of curiosity, and as much as he appreciates that you were getting comfortable here in Devildom with how you laugh and joke around, he still can't approve of it. Its too loud, its much like his brothers energy and he has enough of that already, so he probably doesn't watch as much.
He has countlessly came to your room to shush you and at this point your fans had made a compilation of each time Lucifer had barged in to tell you off
Look he likes it when you scream, but not when hes in the middle of work okay--
At this point, chat has deemed Lucifer as dad and you as their mom/dad.
If he ever catches wind of this he'd definitely be teasing you in private for centuries to come.
Overall fine with it, as long as don't do something stupid on stream.
* ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ Mammon*
{How did he know about your career?}
I would say he found out by him crashing into your streams midway but that's too predictable, hence why you've Mammon-proofed your bedroom during streaming hours!
Thanks to our wizard daddy, you have managed to cast a simple lock spell on your door and as well as a sound proofing
You love your broke idiot, but you did wanna keep the tone of your stream today a bit more chill, you wanted to have a proper Q&A with your fans to hopefully clear any bad vibes around your 3 month disappearance.
When Mammon has learnt your door was locked he definitely was a bit pissy, he knocked on your door loudly even and was calling out for you to let him in, but to no avail.
Bro he's scared.
He usually was allowed to enter, and you usually answered if you did need to be left alone for a bit, so just leaving him hanging got his mind racing and he had to press up his ear on the wooden door to try and hear if you were okay
When this continues on he finally resorts to getting help, but the only one in the house ws Levi, so he kicks down HIS door.
Levi boutta summon Lotan for interrupting him honestly
But as Mammon exclaim you weren't answering and he worried for your wellbeing, Levi rolls his eyes and scoffs,
"Idiot Mammon, they're streaming don't bother them…"
Streaming? why didn't you tell him???
Rude much.
He did huff and now was forcing his way to use Levi's PC for a moment
Can Levi stop him?
He was busy on his console, and if he stood up now hed be breaking his world record so he was at a terrible state so he just resorts to threats of him drowning the Avatar of Greed if he does anything stupid on his PC.
He immediately logs in to your streaming platform and he watches for a bit,
You were more dolled up now just to look decent on stream, and he felt this jealousy rise as you interact with your chat, especially to those saying I love you's and stuff, and you even said it back? the audacity! You were his werent you? Were you replacing him with these nobodies?
He huffs as he realized that those who paid got their message highlighted, and thus, he starts donating. (Mind you this was Levi's account...)
"Mcccccc Open the dooorrr"
"Ill behave i promiseeeee"
"Cmon pleaseeee?"
Chat is c o n f u s i o n
NGL, they thought Mammon was a creepy stalker and red flags were being waved everywhere
but as chat was pondering who the hell he was, you can only sigh and look at the camera with that unamused expression, but ugh! you just KNOW hes doing that kicked puppy expression of his, and maybe it really wont be so bad
So you snap your fingers and say, "Okay MonMon, its open, Im giving you 3 seconds"
Mammon wasnt deemed to be the fastest out of his brothers for nothing
As soon as you got to '2', you were already tackled by the white haired male and chat went wild.
Now that you've shown your life in Devildom, maybe its time to introduce chat to your boyfriend no?
{How does he feel about your streams?}
You get paid to sit infront of a camera, do I have to say anything else?
But really though, as much as he enjoys the thought of getting so much cash from something so simple, he prefers the joy of being able to proudly exclaim that he was your first man!
ohhhh he thrives on the salt of your overly attached stans
but for those who fully support you, he always feels so mushy and shy when they say the ship you guys so hard
The fanarts has him WEAK (he may or may not have saved a few)
You usually do streams alone, but now you've allowed the door to be left open to let Mammon join whenever
Chat pogs when he enters with so much confidence, only for it to crumble when you kiss his cheek on stream.
Overall finds it fun to spend time with you, but just dont play scary games cause Lucifer might hang him upside down on stream.
* ▘▂▝ Leviathan*
{How did he know about your career?}
He is honestly the most attached to his D.D.D and he catches wind of almost anything going down in the internet, so your 'revival' being hyped up was something he definitely saw and he was just s wo o o ned
His Henry 2.0? a famous streamer?
Were you truly a blessing gifted upon him or was he dreaming?
He definitely didn't bring it up at first as he didn't wanna make it a big deal, but you notice hes been more in his head lately, and you have tried asking him what it was but to no avail.
You have to corner this little snake if you want answers and he eventually admits that he knew of your persona online and was incredibly shy to ask you to stream with him
He's a streamer himself afterall but maybe he doesnt stream as much as you do nor does he have as large of a following, so his intrusive thoughts attacked him and made him think that maybe since he wasnt as famous he didnt deserve to be in the same stream as you
Please tell him to join you and gib him kiss U3U
He'll absolutely m e l t
But now, as you make the announcement to your viewers and Levi to his, the internet explodes as a special collab stream was hapening between the expert gamer and avatar of envy of Devildom along with the beloved exchange student and streamer of the human realm
Your usual viewers reach between 10-15k, but as you start stream, that number boosts higher and beyond
Before streaming though, Levi was incredibly nervous, he'd picked the games for you to play that he knew you would enjoy with him, but his mind kept racing about whatthe fans thought, he didnt wanna disappoint them
But you had to remind him that whatever they say will not matter in the end as this was merely for fun, this was YOUR stream and you guys were gonna do what you want and nobody can have a say on it. (Maybe except Lucifer)
You usually talk for him with your bubbly personality, and to calm his nerves, he hs your pinky wraped around his where the camera can't see it.
Regardless, his thoughts subsided as you two delve into your stream that lasted a solid 7 hours, you definitely promised your chat that you and Levi will be doing more streams together from now on.
Once the cameras cut and yall are left alone, Both of you collapse on bed, and despite you being asleep already, Levi was just far too giddy as everything dwells on him.
Having a player 2 by his side now had never felt so intoxicating and he as just so lucky to have you.
{How does he feel about your streams?}
He obviously adores it, although some streams he wouldnt join just so he can play games on his own
He's still an introvert afterall, he needs his alone time
But he prefers that alone time with you, his Henry.
So when youre about to go stream, he kinda becomes a bit pouty, but with a simple promise of kisses (and maybe even more if youd like) he would let you go, but his attention would disappear from his game altogether.
He might just end up watching you instead
May or may not, at some point, just chat you and ask if its too late to join you
You do allow him to join you and play from the comforts of his room as both of you can simply play via internet, you give him the comfort to not turn on his mic or webcam either and you have no idea how he appreciates that.
Will definitely fight someone online when they start claiming you as theirs (-cough- stans) Please make sure it doesnt escalate to him summoning Lotan
Although the comments would often get to him, and as much as he can fight them online, he still does find himself pondering if they were true, so you need to give him a lotta lovin and reminder that he is your player 1 and no one else can ever fill that place.
Wow 3 brothers this time, what an improvement, anyways hope yall enjoy! I think its pretty clear who I simp for depending o nthe length of each lol, but do let me know if you guys want a part 2 for the rest of the brothers, or even the undateables!
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ggukcangetit · 4 years
Dreamcatchers 6
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Pairing: jungkook x oc
Summary: DI Jeon didn’t need a new partner. Unfortunately, his superiors felt otherwise; especially considering the extremely high-profile murder that had just taken place in the port city. Recent transfer, DI Choi Yuri finds herself confronted with a new cityscape, unfamiliar people, a hostile partner, and a homicide that is certain to bring back unpleasant memories.  
Genre/AU: fluff/action/mystery | detective! au | police!jungkook, police!oc
Word Count: 5.2k
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: mentions of violence, alcohol, blood, drugs, death. basically stuff you’d associate with a murder mystery/crime drama.
Chapters 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 
A/N:  it’s been a while since i posted and even longer since i updated this fic but its still here and so am i! lol. updates are not gonna be very frequent but i have a list of works in progress that i plan to finish so there will be something or the other being posted at the most random moments.
also, reminding everyone that this story features a named oc because i’m still very unfamiliar with writing second person reader inserts. i’m not aiming for strict accuracy in this story, and all criminal investigation/forensics knowledge i have has been gathered by watching crime drama/procedural dramas! my knowledge of geography is also not totally accurate so apologies for that. once again, one thing right by @hobios​ prompted me to write a police inspector! jungkook story. would highly recommend reading that because it’s probably one of my most favorite pieces of writing!
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21st December
"Is this how you conduct a sample analysis?! Where did you even train? I've half a mind to report you and get you kicked out!!"
Yuri stopped at her desk, surprised to hear Seulgi's yelling so loudly that she could be heard all the way from the floor above. She was usually extremely calm and even-tempered, but the past couple of days had seen her irritable, snappy, and downright furious.
"Dr. Ahn sounds really angry," whispered Jisoo, clutching a file close to her chest. "I've never heard her yell at anybody before. I hope she's okay."
"I'm sure everything's fine," said Jeon, walking over to his desk and dropping a bunch of files on it. "Can I talk to you for a second?"
Yuri raised an eyebrow at him, but complied nonetheless. They walked outside, standing near a clump of trees outside of earshot of anyone in the station.
"Guess who I've just brought in on suspicion of murder for the 2nd Nov case?" he asked, lowering his voice.
"No!" gasped Yuri. "Minhyuk?"
"Yep. He's been in the country for a while now. Fancy giving me a hand with the interview?"
"Me? I mean," she bit her lip. "I wasn't part of the original investigation."
"I know, but in light of what you've found out and the fact that you're now my partner, Goh thinks it's okay."
"You told Goh?!"
"I had to. I can't restart the investigation without his permission."
Jeon stared at her for a few moments, trying to gauge her reaction. "So, what do you say?"
"Alright. Let's nail this bastard."
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Ahreum was late. She had a meeting with one of her professors to decide on which medical stream she'd specialize in. Despite using forensics as an excuse to distract Seulgi, she was seriously considering it now. Deciding to pursue medicine had been a drastic career switch for Ahreum, and a lot of people had questioned her decision relentlessly. But if there was something she had learnt in the years following her parents' divorce, it was patience and the ability to block out irrelevant conversations. Namjoon had always been immersed in his studies, barely affected by the bitterness existing between their parents. Ahreum, barely in high school, felt lost and helpless during those times. After the divorce, things had become less tumultuous and she was able to see her parents as individual entities. That was when she realized that her father was never going to like any of her decisions, no matter how hard she tried to please him, and her mother preferred to stay aloof at the best of times. Ahreum learnt pretty early in life, that she needed to be there for herself. She loved her brother and parents, though the latter a lot less than the former. Her decision to study English Literature and Creative Writing had been a spur of the moment one - dictated more by the fact that her high school boyfriend was going to study at a major Arts university. She didn't really regret any of her decisions. Her degree had led her to finding a hobby she adored - photography. And having a freelance job meant that she could stay with Namjoon - who earned a significantly larger amount than her - and move whenever he needed to move as well. This was also how she had met Taehyung 3 years ago - a happy coincidence of events when she had been taking pictures outside the museum at Seoul. They had started talking about art and photography, eventually realizing that they lived in the same part of the city. In addition to Yuri, she also considered Taehyung to be her best friend. She had seen him during one of his lowest moments when Seokjin had left home; and then some time later when he had found Seokjin living in the town Ahreum and Namjoon had recently shifted to, she had stayed by him as he grappled with his anger and frustration towards his older brother until an eventual reconciliation.
But at this moment, she was beginning to lose patience with him. Five minutes before she was about to leave for her meeting, she received a bunch of frantic texts from him.
8.25 am
T: ahreum?? are u up??
T: jimins still in custody
T: im so worried
8.26 am
T: u there?
T: i want to visit him...
T: will u come with me?
8.27 am
T: hey
T: ???
T: i didnt sleep much so i dont wanna drive there
8.28 am
T: are u sleeping?
T: ???
He knew she had a meeting today. He knew how important the meeting was for her. She had spoken about it many times. Not for the first time, Ahreum wondered whether Taehyung cared about her beyond what directly concerned him. If it wasn't somehow relevant to him, he never seemed to remember much. It was a careless apathy that had hurt her during the beginning of their friendship, but she had accepted it as a part of him.
Her meeting was at 9 am and she usually needed 20 minutes to get there on her bike. She closed her eyes and mentally rehearsed the points she was going to bring up during her meeting. Her phone pinged once more, breaking her concentration.
8.30 am
T: hey
T: can u pick me up?
She frowned and shot a quick text before pocketing her phone and strapping on her helmet.
A: sorry have a meeting... talk later
As Ahreum sped through the narrow lanes, she was convinced that there was no way she was going to talk to Taehyung today. He would have to manage on his own for once.
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Yuri and Jeon sat across from a very nervous Park Minhyuk, his bloodshot eyes indicating that he had been brought in after a rough night.
"Good morning." Jeon began the interview, his notes stacked neatly in front of him. "You were very hard to get a hold of, Mr. Park. Specifically because your company categorically states that you've been out of the country for business."
"I-" His face was white as a sheet.
"When we called your office, we were told that you are often out of the country on business trips. Short trips," Jeon flipped through his notes. "A fortnight, 20 days at max. Your secretary was very obliging - he told us that you traveled on October 12th and returned on October 27th. Then left the country again on November 1st and returned on November 16th. Another trip between November 22nd and December 6th. And finally, one more on December 10th from which you still haven't returned."
"Your phone records are very interesting, Mr. Park," said Yuri, joining in. "I'm DI Choi, by the way, and I will be assisting DI Jeon as his partner on the case. Now -" she opened the file in front of her and took out a particular page - "is this your cell phone number?"
"Yes, but-"
"Our Telecomms division looked over recent activity over the last 3-4 months. While your office confirms that you have been on multiple trips out of the country from October onwards, your phone has been operating in Korea for almost two months. Can you tell us why?"
Minhyuk remained silent, his hands clenched on the table.
"Do you recognize this?" Yuri placed a plastic bag on the table and moved it towards him.
The remaining color drained from Minhyuk's face as he stared at the ring inside the plastic bag.
"Let me help you out, Mr. Park," she continued. "This is an heirloom from your mother's side of the family. There was three such rings - one buried with your mother, one on your brother's finger, and one found at the scene of Son Eunbi's murder. Can you tell us how your ring found its way to a murder scene?"
"I didn't kill her!" Minhyuk looked like he was going to pass out. Jeon poured some water into a glass and passed it to him.
"She was dead when I got there!" he said after gulping down the water. His hands were shaking by this point.
"If she was dead when you got there, why didn't you call the police?"
Faced with a possible murder charge, Minhyuk looked frightened but not nearly as forthcoming with an alibi as one would have hoped.
"Mr. Park," Yuri spoke after a period of silence. "Did you know that Ms. Son had a three year old daughter named Gina?"
Minhyuk gulped, his eyes breaking contact with hers. He removed his hands from where they had been clenched on the table, choosing to hide them in his lap.
"Are you Gina's father?" she continued. Minhyuk head shot up at her question.
"H-how did-"
"When did you find out?" she asked.
Minhyuk sighed and rubbed his eyes tiredly. "I guess there's no point in denying it since you know everything." He reached out and finished the remaining water in the glass. "In October, after I came back from a trip, I happened to meet her by chance and Gina was with her. It was odd, the way that she tried to avoid talking to me. And the fact that Gina also had clear grey eyes."
For the first time since the interview started, Yuri realised the resemblance between the Park brothers was limited but striking. Their eyes were the exact same shade of grey - while Jimin looked cold and unwelcoming, Minhyuk's glasses did well to give him a warmer appearance.
"I asked her why she hadn't contacted me when she got pregnant. Or in the three years since Gina was born."
"What did she say?" asked Yuri, softly.
"She was scared that I wouldn't believe her." Tears had started to roll down his cheeks. "I loved her... so much. And then she just disappeared one day. I tried so hard to find her but..."
Jeon poured another glass of water for him.
"I told her how happy I was to hear about Gina. That I wanted us to be a proper family. I was willing to do whatever was necessary if that's what she wanted as well. I think she was beginning to warm up to the idea. I even told my father to postpone my next trip so that I could spend a little more time with both of them. But-"
Minhyuk stared at his hands, looking tired and dejected. "He - uh, he wasn't happy when he heard about Gina. My father has very particular expectations."
"What did he say to you? Did he threaten you, Mr. Park?"
Minhyuk let out a soft chuckle. "My father doesn't threaten. He suggests."
"And what did he suggest you do about Gina and Eunbi?" asked Jeon.
"That I stay away from them. For the sake of my inheritance."
"And did you?"
"I was planning to... I-I was meant to travel the next day and I thought I would go and see her once more before I left. But when I got there..."
Minhyuk covered his face with his hands, taking deep breaths to try and calm himself.
"What happened when you got there, Mr. Park?"
"She was lying there... in a pool of blood. Gina was asleep in the back. I-I didn't kill her. You have to believe me."
Yuri and Jeon exchanged a quick look as Minhyuk protested his innocence. They were aware that the homeless man had killed Son Eunbi. The DNA found at the crime scene confirmed the fact that he had stabbed her. But they needed Minhyuk to give them as much information as possible.
"I'm afraid we do not conduct our investigations based on belief, Mr. Park," continued Yuri, shuffling her notes meaningfully. "You still haven't provided us with an alibi for that night. Strange thing - the Park family seem to have a particular aversion towards providing alibis. Your brother was also extremely resistant when we spoke to him."
"You spoke to Jimin? What for?" Minhyuk's expression had changed completely. He looked strangely alert.
"I guess you aren't aware that Jimin was arrested for the murder of Kang Eunwoo on December 15th." Jeon spoke deliberately, hoping to elicit a reaction. And he was successful.
"What?! That's impossible! There's no way he could've done that!"
"Why are you so certain of that?"
"Because he was with me on December 15th!"
"I'm sorry but we can't take you at your word. You can't even provide a proper alibi for yourself on the night of Son Eunbi's murder. How can we be sure that the two of you aren't just covering up for each other?"
It was then that Minhyuk realised that he would need to come clean. There was no way to save Jimin without telling them the entire story.
"Fine," he sighed. "I'll tell you everything."
"Yes. If it can help Jimin, I'm willing to risk my father finding out."
Yuri glanced at Jeon who gave her an almost imperceptible nod.
"Go on."
"After I saw Eunbi... lying there, I couldn't leave Gina. No matter what my father had said, I couldn't leave my daughter in such a situation. So I... took her away with me."
"Where is Gina now, Mr. Park?" Yuri asked, frowning.
"She's safe."
"Where is she?" asked Jeon, sharply.
"In Busan. I have an apartment there and she's been with me since that day."
"Why didn't you tell the police that you had her? Why does your company believe that you are abroad on a business trip?"
Minhyuk rubbed his eyes tiredly and drank some more water. "I couldn't let my father find out. Jimin and I have an apartment in Busan that we bought under a different name. It was a place our father couldn't find us. Gina's been staying there with me since 2nd November."
"Are you sure your father thinks you're abroad? It doesn't seem like something easy to cover up."
"Jimin helped with that," said Minhyuk, leaning back into the cold metal chair. "He told father that I had run away because he hadn't been understanding of my situation with Gina and Eunbi. Jimin's good at convincing people - it's a talent he's barely ever put to good use."
"So Jimin knew that you were hiding in a secret apartment with your recently discovered daughter?"
"Yes, he did. I have an alibi for 2nd November. I was in a meeting till 9 pm and then stopped for drinks at a nearby fried chicken place till 11 pm. I was a bit tipsy after that, which is why I decided to visit Eunbi and Gina. After taking Gina away from there, I went to Jimin's place, got the keys to the apartment and drove straight there. I think I reached around 2 am."
Yuri jotted down all this information, making a note to check on every new detail that had been mentioned.
"What about December 15th? You said Jimin was with you. Why?" asked Jeon, folding his arms across his chest.
"We meet once a week to make sure everything is going okay," said Minhyuk, pinching the bridge of his nose tiredly. "Sundays are usually the best days for that."
"Where did you meet?"
"At the local ice-cream shop," Minhyuk frowned, trying to remember something. "You know the one near the end of town?"
"The Dairy Berry? Yes, I know which one you're talking about." Jeon gave Yuri a brief nod to confirm that this was a legitimate spot and not something Minhyuk was making up on the spot.
"Gina loves sweet things and I thought it would be easier to take her with me the same day I met Jimin. I think we were there till 10 pm. After that, I dropped Jimin at a bar and drove back home."
"Which bar was this?" asked Yuri.
"And you drove straight home after that?"
"You can check the dash cam on my car and the security tapes at my apartment building, if you want."
"We definitely will, Mr. Park," said Jeon, surveying him carefully. "In the meantime, you will be in custody until we have verified each and every single thing you just told us. So I suggest you keep yourself hydrated."
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Yuri could feel a pair of eyes on her as she spoke to Jisoo and Suho.
"We need to verify everything that Park Minhyuk told us. But there's a lot of ground to cover and we've lost quite a bit of time since the murder of Son Eunbi. So I suggest you recruit some uniformed officers as well." Jisoo jotted down the locations and the times they needed to verify, and nodded to Suho to indicate she had forwarded the details to him. "We need to get the information as soon as possible."
"Will do," said Suho, giving her a reassuring nod.
Yuri waited for them to leave before walking over to the person who had been watching her for a while.
"Did you want to talk about something?" she asked Seulgi.
"I-" Seulgi tugged at her sleek, high ponytail, looking oddly hesitant. She seemed in a better mood than earlier in the morning when she had almost scared one of the interns into leaving the country. "Do you have a minute?"
"Yeah- " Yuri checked the clock on her phone - "just a minute though. I'm waiting for Jeon to get a warrant from Goh."
"Did he-? I mean, Jimin, uh... have you...? You know-" It was strange to see her grappling for words. "Are you certain he's done it?"
Yuri stared at her for a second. This wasn't what she had been expecting Seulgi to talk about. The doctor's relationship with Jimin was even more puzzling than she had originally perceived it.
"We're looking into it right now." She paused, trying to gauge Seulgi's reaction. "But you already know about the blood sample match - that, in itself, is pretty damaging."
"Y-yeah, I know."
Before Yuri could say anything more, Jeon came out of the Chief Inspector's office. "We've got a warrant to search Minhyuk's apartment. Let's go."
Glancing one more time at Seulgi's ashen face, Yuri put on her coat and scarf and followed Jeon out the exit.
Once inside Jeon's car, Yuri debated whether or not she should attempt to engage him in conversation. Her decision was made for her when he drove onto the main road, and lowered the volume of the police scanner.
"What was Seulgi saying?" he asked, his eyes focused on the road.
"Just where we were in the investigation."
"I see."
Yuri fiddled with the button on her coat, itching to say more.
"What's the deal with her and Jimin?" she finally asked.
"I- what do you mean?" Jeon raised his eyebrow and gave her the most puzzled expression he could muster while trying to stay focused on the crazy traffic.
"Their relationship is... weird. He keeps flirting with her, and she is on the verge of ripping his guts out at every given moment. But just now, she seemed almost worried about him."
"I don't really know... they've never really seen eye-to-eye on much." Jeon checked the rear view mirror to make sure he was clear before deftly changing lanes. "Jimin has always been the person who tries his utmost to push everyone's buttons. And Seulgi... well, she has a lot of buttons."
Yuri snorted loudly. "That tells me nothing and everything at the same time. You really have a way with words, Jeon."
He smirked at this, his eyes never leaving the road. "So does that mean you trust me now?"
"No." She looked at him and caught the way his face fell slightly at her response. "But who knows what the future holds..."
The smirk was back.
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Ahreum had a terrible headache. She usually didn't get many headaches. So on the rare occasion that she did, it put her in a really terrible mood. The only person who knew how to handle this situation properly was Namjoon. He knew that she needed silence, dim lighting, green tea, fresh bread, and absolutely no unexpected company.
So when Ahreum got home after her grueling 3 hour long meeting, hoping to relax and recuperate, she wasn't too pleased to find Taehyung sitting in her living room, playing a very loud game on his tablet.
"You're back!" he yelled, once she slammed the door to make her presence felt. "I've been waiting for hours. How was your meeting?"
"'S okay," she replied, shortly. Taking off her coat, she opened the middle cabinet in the kitchen and searched for the green tea.
"Great! So do you wanna go and visit Jimin now?"
"What? Why not? You don't have anything else to do right now. Just come with me. Please!" He had walked into the kitchen and was standing in front of her with a pout on his lips.
As endearing as she always found his antics, Ahreum was at breaking point. She placed the cup on the counter with a loud clink, and turned to face him.
"Because I don't have time to follow you on your every whim, Taehyung. Because I have a life of my own. Because I am studying medicine, which, if you aren't aware, is a very taxing occupation." She paused for a breath, as his mouth fell open in shock. "Because I am not your babysitter. Or your handler. Or your caretaker. And I'm tired of being responsible for you. You're a grown ass adult and it's about time you acted like one."
"Ahreum, I'm-" His eyes were wide and worried, and she felt a tiny sliver of remorse. "I don't think you're my babysitter or handler or whatever. You're my best friend."
"I thought so too. In fact," she said, looking away from him. "I thought we were, or we could be, more."
"W-what? Ahreum?" Taehyung sounded so lost and confused that she was tempted to console him.
She walked to the front door and held it open for him. "I think you should leave now. I'm tired, I have a headache, and I don't want to be around anyone right now."
"Wait! What did you mean by that?" he asked, hesitantly standing at the entrance.
"I'm tired, Taehyung. I don't have the energy to explain everything to you. Now, please," she began closing the door slowly. "I want to rest."
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"It's clear!" The uniformed officer confirmed to them, before opening the door further.
"Okay, let's see whether little Gina is here," instructed Jeon, his face drawn into a frown.
Yuri nodded and walked into the room on the left of the large living area. It was a study of sorts, with a large wooden desk, a swiveling chair, and shelves upon shelves of books. She quickly checked to see if there was anyone in the room before shouting "clear!". There was another door connecting to a smaller room, it's walls bathed in bright sunlight and smelling of soft lavender. This was clearly some sort of guest room, judging by the inconsistent decor theme. The furniture looked sleek and modern, but the sheets on the bed were soft and pastel colored. A bunch of soft toys stood leaning against the flat screen tv, and Yuri realised that this was probably the room that had been hastily fixed up for a small child's unexpected stay. And sure enough, soft strands of brown hair peaked through the large covers on the bed.
She walked over to the bed slowly, not wanting to startle the child. Yuri barely managed to stifle a gasp as she looked into the child's clear grey eyes - the same color as both Park Minhyuk and Park Jimin.
"Hello," she said, softly. "Are you Gina?"
The little girl nodded, bringing the covers closer towards her.
"I'm a police officer. I help catch bad people." She didn't respond, staring at her with wide eyes.
"Do you want to go to your dad, Gina?" She nodded vigorously, sitting up at the mention of her father. "Okay, we will. But first, tell me, are you okay? Do you feel pain anywhere?"
The little girl shook her head.
"Are you sleepy?"
Again, she shook her head.
"Are you hungry?"
Slowly, she nodded her head.
"Okay, we'll go and see your dad, and also get you something to eat. Is that okay with you?"
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It was just after 2 pm and Yuri felt completely drained. After they had found Gina, she had insisted on returning to the station to ask Jimin about his alibi for the night of Kang Eunwoo's murder. From what she had understood, he had refused to provide an alibi to protect his brother and keep him out of the police's radar until the situation with Gina worked out. Even though she still couldn't get herself to consider him a pleasant person, his desire to protect his brother had humanized him a great deal in her eyes.
Sure enough, once he was made aware that Minhyuk had come forward and spoken about his daughter and the events of the past month and a half, Jimin looked much less hostile than before.
"I was at Sunset from around 10.30 pm to closing time - which is 2 am," he said, sighing tiredly and rubbing his face with his hands. "You can confirm with them."
While Minhyuk and Jimin's alibis were verified, Yuri received a text from Namjoon, asking her and Jeon to meet him at Seokjin's bakery. It was barely a 2 minute drive there, so Jeon suggested they get lunch over there and make it before Goh finished compiling the list of paperwork for them to finish.
The smell of freshly baked milk bread wafted out of the kitchen, adding another layer of warmth to Seokjin's cozy shop. The man in question picked up the large tray filled with various different confections, and brought it over to the table by the window.
"Peach danish and americano for Namjoon, chocolate fudge brownie and vanilla bean ice cream for Jeongguk, and a snow croissant and hot chocolate for Yuri." He placed everything on the table, before grabbing his lukewarm cup of tea and sitting down with them.
"So you finally find the child, then?" asked Seokjin, sipping the tea. He made a face at the odd taste that tea acquires when it's between comfortingly steamy and soothingly chilled.
"Yeah we did," Yuri replied, when her partner remained silent. "Goh is dealing with Minhyuk and the custody charges. It's no longer in our jurisdiction."
"Namjoon, how's grad school treating you?" Seokjin diverted the conversation, realising that his friend wasn't ready to talk about the case at that moment. "How much longer do you have?"
"A few more months and I should be done." Namjoon wiped the pastry flakes from the corner of his mouth and nearly tipped over his americano in the process. Yuri chuckled at this, suddenly remembering those random moments in high school where Namjoon was a lot thinner and less confident, but still had a propensity for knocking things over.
"Remind me why you're putting yourself through this?" Seokjin broke off a piece of the peach danish and popped it into his mouth.
"The last time I tried to explain that, you spaced out and created a new pastry recipe for your menu. As much as I like helping your business flourish, I'm gonna preserve my energy and only talk about things when necessary."
Seokjin chuckled and picked up a spoon from the dispenser. "Jeongguk, can I get a bit of ice cream from you?" There was no response, and looking at him for confirmation Seokjin's eyebrows shot up in alarm.
"Okay okay, I won't eat any of your ice cream. You don't have to tear up about it!"
Yuri and Namjoon turned towards him as well, not sure what to do when they saw tears slowly sliding down Jeongguk's cheeks.
"Are you okay? What's wrong?" asked Namjoon, patting his shoulder softly.
They sat in silence, as Jeongguk sobbed softly and wiped his face with his coat sleeve. He turned towards Yuri, his eyes glazed with tears but holding a soft radiance unlike what she was used to.
"Thank you."
Yuri felt her face heat up suddenly. This wasn't what she had been expecting. The soft sincerity in his voice startled her. It was nothing like the person she had met only a week ago. She looked away abruptly and nodded her head.
"There's nothing to thank me for. This is our job."
Jeongguk smiled and resumed eating the disgustingly sweet dessert combination in front of him. He nudged Seokjin to take some ice cream like he had originally intended. There was silence once more, but this time, it was very different.
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Back at the station, Yuri finished the paperwork for the day. There was a lot to complete, and since they had stopped at Seokjin's for a break, they had lost some time as well. Goh had been very clear about completing all the paperwork for social services to take over the case from them now that Gina had been found.
It was barely even 5 pm but Yuri felt a large yawn coming on for the third time in the past few minutes. She wasn't sure how long she would be able to carry on without getting proper sleep at night. At this rate, she would eventually burn out. There was only so much coffee could do for her.
A light tap brought her attention to another person standing in her cubicle. She looked up to see Jeon holding two steaming cups of ramen, tilting his head slightly to confirm whether it was okay for him to sit down.
"Did you need anything?" she asked, after moving her slightly. He placed the ramen on her desk and pulled up his own chair and sat down.
"I've got a peace offering," he gestured to the ramen. "I wanted to apologize properly for being an absolute dickhead to you. I-" He hesitated, looking down at his hands that lay clenched on his lap - "I don't really have an excuse for my behavior but I had a lot on my mind. Particularly about finding the little girl. And, well... you really don't know what solving this case means to me."
Once again, Yuri wasn't sure how to react. She felt embarrassed that he was thanking her for doing her job - something that he did as well. While she appreciated his apology, his entire being remained confusing to her.
"Don't worry about it," she said, waving her hand dismissively. "And thanks for the ramen; food is always appreciated."
Thankfully, her computer ping-ed with a new email before the atmosphere could get any more awkward.
"Okay, we've confirmed Minhyuk's alibi's for 2nd November and 15th December. He wasn't involved in either murder. Jimin was with Minhyuk till 10.15 pm on 15th December - his car's dash cam confirms that he dropped Jimin off at Sunset bar around that time."
"Fantastic! And what about the CCTV footage at Sunset? Does it confirm Jimin's story? He said he was there till 2 am."
"Hang on, I'm opening the report. Th-" she stopped abruptly, frowning at the screen.
"What?" asked Jeon, looking over her shoulder to read the email.
"CCTV footage does not place Jimin at Sunset from 10.15 pm till closing time at 2 in the morning. He doesn't have an alibi for Eunwoo's murder."
She turned to look at him, an odd sense of foreboding hitting her as she realized that they would have to charge Jimin for murder by the next evening. He held her gaze, his dark eyes reflecting a similar shadow of doubt.
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please reblog and leave a comment if you liked this part! thank you! 😊 
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foolishlovebugbaby · 4 years
ten-thousand miles gone
summary: they say time heals all wounds, but the one left by han jisung on your heart is one that you still treat tenderly. alternatively; han jisung reappears into your life like a whirlwind, knocking you off of your feet, after leaving you without a goodbye.
genre: angst
warnings: nothing triggering or rated
word count: 6k
note: in my head, the mind map of the way this particular fic ended went in so many directions, but this was very draining to write so i settled on the one that wouldn’t leave you hanging. 
been travelling these wide roads for so long my heart’s been far from you ten-thousand miles gone
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In your younger years, life had always seemed to move gradually. Time seemed to be muffled by all the firsts and seconds that came and went like waves, distracting everyone from the reality of growing pains. But college certainly ripped off that bandaid, a cushion no longer supporting your fall into the harsh realities of life. 
Second semester of sophomore year had just ended, so now every college student across the country was making a beeline for the airports and bus stations, with tickets home clasped tightly between hands that were potentially developing carpal tunnel syndrome. Luckily for you, home was two train rides and a taxicab away. But like all your independent adventures of navigating life unhinged, no journey would be complete without twenty-something voicemails from your mother telling you to padlock your luggage and some vague, superstitious advice she read on Facebook. 
[To ma: yes, i didnt forget to pack your scarf and no, im not going to drink ginger and ginseng to ward off bad train spirits.]
[From ma: thank you. suit yourself , you will be bad spirit magnet !]
You chuckle and shove your phone into your pocket, hailing a cab with one hand while the other slings an abnormally large duffle bag over your shoulder. “North-Hill train station please.” You say to the cab driver and shove your luggage into the seat next to you. 
You let out a tired sigh and slump into the pleather seats. Butterflies swarmed your stomach- you always seemed to get them whenever you went back home. Back to the place of some of your greatest and worst memories. Somehow, through the years, the fear of seeing him again in that godforsaken town died down, because the thought of ever being able to see him again at all proved itself to be almost impossible. 
Even a fool knows this, you’re the best thing I’ve got…
You almost choke on your spit when that song comes on the radio. Of course that song had to come on so conveniently in the middle of your trip down melancholy lane. You have half a mind to reach over and turn the radio off, but decide against it when you see the cute old man bobbing his head to it. 
So instead your mind traces its steps back a few moments until all you’re reminded of is him. 
In your head you remember all these great experiences- graduation day, senior prom, camp nights during wintertime and summer carnivals down at the boardwalk. But then your mind tortures you and conjures up these images of what it would’ve been like to have experienced it all with him next to you and suddenly the memories become less fond. It’s treacherous, really, being your own worst enemy. But you learnt the hard way that time slows down for no one. 
When you get to the train station, you move in a daze. The muscle memory of validating your ticket and walking to the platform does all the work for you. And usually that would be a good thing, except now it only allowed you to stay in your head a lot more. It’s funny, really, how everytime you see posters and billboards of his group around you don’t flinch. Not anymore at least. Because you don’t know him anymore, and he’s probably forgotten about you.
Sometimes, you’re convinced he was just a character that your very active imagination conjured up to fill gaps in your life with meaning. But every time you open a picture of the pair of you way back when, you’re met with the reality that he was real. Even if it was just for a short amount of time, he was visible to you. Tangible. And meant galaxies to you. 
[From mama han: cant wait 2 see u back again ! have dinner with us soon xoxo] 
You smile fondly down at your phone once you’re situated in your seat, typing out a reply to the woman you consider a second mom. 
You thanked the universe for still keeping her in your life. Sure, her son would probably be known to you as the biggest jackass to exist for eternity, but she would remain sweet and tender in your heart for longer than that. 
[To mama han: can’t wait to see you too:)]
You don’t confirm your spot at their dinner table, because frankly speaking, the last time you stepped foot in their house was the summer before university when you went to drop off a box of jisung’s things that you found in your room- sweatshirts, t-shirt’s, notes and other miscellaneous items that demanded you remember every miniscule moment spent with him. And since then you’ve found every excuse not to go near that place. You knew it probably hurt the woman whenever you conjured up some arbitrary excuse to not dig in to her incredible cooking, but the finger is to be pointed at Han Jisung and Han Jisung only. Screw him. 
She sometimes tries to address the elephant in the room whenever you do get to talk during her visits at your childhood home. Like It would be great to have you both visit at the same time or Would you like me to call him? I’m sure he’s not busy right now. Yeah, subtle as a gun, but you love her still. 
You’re not one to believe in luck, and if you did you’d actually quite fancy yourself as the most unluckiest person of them all, but you thank the heavens that he’s never been back home the same time as you have. Either that, or you’re just way too good at being further than a 10-mile radius from him. Like last semester break, when you got word from one of your childhood friends that he would be in town so you decided to cancel all your plans of going back home under the guise of going on a group excursion somewhere up north. Obviously, all you did was stay in your dorm and binge watch Gossip Girl for three weeks, but you concluded that anything would be better than having to confront your demons- or demon. Singular.
What would you even say if you saw him? Realistically, not that much. Ideally, you’d destroy him with words. All that pent up anger for him leaving you behind and all the unresolved feelings left to concentrate in an urn you buried deep in yourself exploding like Pandora's box right before him. 5 years passed, and yet you still found it difficult to imagine what a conversation would be like with him again. 
Honestly, you’d tell him to stay a while longer, just so that he’d remain vivid in your memories once he decided to leave again. 
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When the taxi cab pulled up in front of your childhood home, you were half asleep and in desperate need of a solid meal. “Thanks, keep the change,” you say groggily as you pass the money to the driver. 
You take a deep breath once you’re out of the car, your duffle bag slung around your frame. It’s been a very long time since you were last here. The months seemed to pile up without you noticing, and now that you think about it, it had been a good whole year that passed. You don’t know where the time went, but you were definitely here now. 
You trudge up to the door, ringing the bell once. “Hey ma,” You say as she squeals and pulls you in for a hug. “I’m glad you’re back in one piece, especially since you ignored my advice.” She says pointedly and ushers you in. “Yeah, well, I guess the train spirits didn’t feel like victimising me today.” She looks at you with her mouth hung open and slaps your arm. 
“Don’t say that!” She’s about to scold you more when your dad enters the living room in his pajama pants. “My daughter finally decides to show her face around here! Send in the doves!” You always knew that you got your flare for drama from your dad. 
“How are you doing sweetie, we missed you.” He gives you a big bear hug and you sigh. “I know, it’s been too long.” 
“There is not enough time in this world to mope around! Now, darling, it’s very late so your father and I are off to bed. There’s some leftovers for you in the toaster oven in case you get hungry,” They both smother you in a hug and you almost suffocate. “We’d love to hear all about your university in the morning. Sleep tight honey.” 
And so you’re left to your own devices. Again. Sighing, you reluctantly head up the stairs and make your way into your old room. A smile finds its place on your lips.
The room is oddly clean- you figured your mother must have emotionally cleaned in here (more than once) during your time away from home. But the walls are still the same ugly navy blue, and your star-print curtains remained planted in front of your windows with planet decorations all over the ceiling to match. Funny. He helped you decorate. Said it made your room feel like the universe was just the two of you.
You didn’t know that what he really meant was that you were his safe place.
You spend a good thirty-minutes unpacking, tinkering around your old room and texting your friends about your trip home. It feels like an eternity passed when you finally decide to listen to your growling stomach and go get something to eat. But you’re picky and nothing in your kitchen seems to entice you enough to devour it, so you swipe your house keys off the kitchen countertop and head to your door. 7-Eleven it is. You’re dressed in a pair of leggings and a pink sweater with fluffy slides to match, but you could care less.
As you walk out of your driveway and head down your street, you pass by his house. The lights are off (of course, since it’s an ungodly 1AM) and it practically looked like a dollhouse. 
You turn your gaze away. 
The walk to the local 7-Eleven is only 5 Hozier tracks away, so you reach there in no time. Your tummy growls when you enter, and you immediately head to the instant section. Hmm, ramen, tteokbokki or pasta, choices choices choices…
You’re too busy pondering to notice the figure clad in sweats and a baseball cap standing frozen at the end of the aisle, gaping like a fish your way. He practically isn’t breathing, but your presence had knocked the wind right out of his chest. 
“Y-Y/n?” He manages to breathe out, and you look around, confused. Did someone just say my name?
Your eyes slowly turn to his figure, and you can barely see who it is from afar. Tan skin can be seen from the collar under his hoodie, and dirty-blonde hair peeks out at the ends of his baseball cap. You feel like you’re seeing things, because you know that baseball cap. You bought it. 
Slowly, your eyes trail over his face, and you feel the air leave your lungs.
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Jisung still remembers the last time he saw you. Well, the last time he saw you before he didn’t say goodbye. 
It was a Thursday afternoon, History class had just ended. On the way out, he caught a glimpse of you. He hadn’t seen much of you the entire week, but that was because he was actively trying to avoid you. But there you were, at your locker putting away your books with that puppy-dog expression you always wore whenever you were tired and in need of a good nap. He stood for a few moments, taking you in. Even if your hair was messily up in a bun with a hoodie two sizes too big drowning your frame, he still thought you looked like an absolute dream. He wanted to go up to you and ask you how was calculus? And when you pout and say boring, he would suggest you come over for some hot chocolate and a movie. And you would say yes, with a sleepy, lopsided smile, and his body would feel all warm and fuzzy at the sight of you.
But he doesn’t do any of that. Instead, he leaves his heart by the lockers, and with one last look, he walks away. His jacket does nothing to warm the cold that creeps its way up.
Had he known he wouldn’t get to see you one last time after that, he would’ve watched you for a few seconds longer. Had he known that you would fall sick and stay home from school the day before his flight, he would have told you to take better care of yourself. And had he known that the last time he’d see you would be when you’re drained and tired and down, he would have gone up to you to make you smile, one last time. 
He never stopped recreating pictures of you in his head, fearing the outlines of you would fade. 
Except now, as you stand a mere six feet away, he feels as though you stepped out of his mind and into his world once again. He can see you. You’re there. 
None of the pictures of you that he drew up in his head would ever compare to the way you looked right then. Beautiful, just as he remembered you.
Your name feels like a foreign language when it leaves his lips. 
The air is so thick between the pair of you that it makes everything around him slow down. He sees your eyes move from confusion, to shock, to utter fear and bewilderment, and then to pain. It feels as though a knife impaled his heart when he sees your eyes quiver.
He always loved your eyes. Dark brown, like freshly turned over earth, warmed by the sun. They look at him with sorrow now. 
Your arms drop to your sides and your lips quake, “J-Jisung?” God, he forgot what it was like to hear his name in your voice. He hates that it’s said with so much heartache. 
You run out without thinking twice. 
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“Stop, slow down! W-wait!” You hear his voice call out for you, but you continue to run- where? You don’t know. You just wanted to get away. Your feet take you far down the sidewalk, lamp-posts your only source of light at this time of night. 
But you’re not fast enough, and for the first time in a long time, you feel his grip on your arm.
“Let go of me,” You say, your voice already breaking. He breaks with it.
“Y/N listen-” He pants out.
“No, let go of me!” You snatch your arm away from his grip. God, you’re furious. And hurt. And every other emotion there is to feel when you see the person who left you with nothing.
Your raised voice startles the two of you, and you both stand there for a moment, breathless. From running, from shock. 
He doesn’t say anything and just gapes at you, “Well?” You provoke pointedly. “What? Cat got your tongue?” 
“No ‘Hey y/n! How’ve you been? Long time no see since, you know, I abandoned you’.” You say harshly and the knife in his heart twists. 
“I know you’re hurt-” You cut him off.
“Hurt? Hurt? Hurt doesn’t even come close to what I feel, Jisung.” All the words you want to spew get caught in the back of your throat and you fight yourself to keep it together because you don’t want him to see you cry. You don’t want him to catch you vulnerable and raw, because you don’t know if you can trust him with that part of you again.
“Can we please just- can we please just talk?” He begs, and you scoff. “Please?” His eyes plead with you, and you frustratedly run a hand through your hair. 
“So talk.” You cross your arms over your chest and look at anywhere but him. He doesn’t say anything, and each time he tries to, all he does is end up biting his tongue. Where does he even begin?
“I’m sorry,” He croaks out, even though it’s the worst thing to say. 
“Great. All is forgiven.” You’re ruthless, but that’s only because he didn’t show any mercy when he left. 
He searches your eyes, not knowing what he could say to make things right. Or if that was even a possibility anymore. You both stand in silence for a while, and slowly your resolve breaks away.
“Why?” You say, your voice coarse and exhausted. “Why’d you do it? I tortured myself for months- no, years asking myself what I did wrong that caused you to leave me like that. What- was it something I said? Something I did? Please- tell me, I’m begging you,” You’re full-on sobbing now, tears flowing down your face like waves. They twinkle in the warm streetlights and he feels the ground beneath him crumble. The wound he left on your heart was ripped open again, and you couldn’t help but bleed in front of him. “P-please, Jisung. It’s been killing me for so long.” 
Tears leave his eyes, “It wasn’t your fault,” He says softly. 
“Then what was it? Because for all this time I broke myself down, questioning why you left like that. For so long I thought you were mad at me- I thought you became tired of me, bored of having me around. Do you know what that’s like? Tearing yourself apart to find answers you know you can’t answer by yourself?” “Shit, I thought you didn’t need me anymore. Which sucked, because I needed you.” You whisper through ragged breaths and he takes careful steps closer to you. 
“Of course I still needed you- I haven’t stopped needing you, y/n.” His voice is as broken as yours.
“Then why?” Your voice is barely above a whisper and you struggle so hard to not fall to the ground. 
“Do you know what it felt like to wake up one morning, clueless and thinking everything was fine, and then finding out that it was, in fact, not? Do you know what it was like to find out the person you cared for the most up and left you alone and with no explanation- not even a single goodbye? To be desperate to hear his voice again, and wonder to yourself why it was so easy for him to cut you off like that?” He stood right in front of you, so close that he could touch you. 
“I searched for you. I still looked for you in the hallways at school, hoping it was just one of your stupid pranks. I waited in my room for you to climb up to my window again and whisk me away to the park for one of our late-night walks. I called your phone for days, just in case you’d finally get annoyed and pick up. You never did. You never did,” You didn’t notice that your face was in his hands and that he tried so desperately to wipe your tears away, his own streaming down his face.
He sucked in a breath, “I left like that because I knew that I wouldn’t be able to get on that plane with you watching. That I would drop everything, all my stupid dreams, to stay in this stupid town for god knows how long with you. Leaving you was the most painful part,” 
“That day I found out I passed the audition- do you remember? You were so happy for me, more happy than I was. The only thing on my mind was the fact that I had to leave everything behind to chase after this dream- to chase after a dream that came true because of you. I wasn’t sure anymore. But you were so sure of me, so ready to see me attain everything we talked about, that the thought of all of that being in vain because of my cowardice ate me up inside. I thought that maybe if I could keep you at a distance- make you mad at me for ignoring you, have you hate me- that it would make it a little easier to let you go of me,” Your lips quiver.
“It wasn’t easy-”
“I know, I know that.” He rests his forehead against yours and squeezes his eyes shut as he hears your soft sobs. “It was so that I wouldn’t have a memory of leaving you behind in an airport. I wasn’t ready to have that image in my mind haunt me. I’ve regretted it everyday. You have to believe me when I say that.” 
“Then why didn’t you call back? Or even send a message?” Your eyes search his for answers as you pull your forehead away from his to get a clearer look.
“I thought you hated me. That you didn’t want anything to do with me anymore.” 
“Bullshit. You thought wrong.” Angrily, you push at his chest with closed fists and shut eyes, “You thought wrong,” You push him away until you’re no longer in his grip. “Let me go,” You whimper when he tries to reach for you again. “That doesn’t justify why you left me like that. I felt like I meant nothing to you for so long. You threw me away like I didn’t mean anything- made me feel like I was insignificant.”
“You meant everything to me!” He shouts out, shocking you into silence. “Don’t you see it?” When you only stare at him in confusion, he sucks in a breath. 
“The mere thought of leaving you was enough for me to think twice. Sitting with you in French class and giggling because we didn’t understand a word, spending so many nights with you in your ridiculous dinosaur onesie, getting to walk around aimlessly until 4am in this godforsaken town as if time wasn’t fleeting- I-,” He runs a hand over his face, frustratedly wiping his tears away. “I wasn’t ready for it to be over. I didn’t want to miss graduation, the day we looked forward to since grade school. I didn’t want to facetime you on prom night while you look so goddamn beautiful, knowing that someone else would be getting to slow dance with you. Knowing that I wouldn’t be there, that I would be missing out- that I would be missing you every goddamn day made me realise I wouldn’t be able to last without you.” 
“Selfishly ripping you apart from me felt like the only option. And it was so cruel, I know that. I’m the selfish asshole,” He takes exactly five steps to stand in front of you, and places a hand tenderly on your cheek. 
“I was selfish because I knew I couldn’t have you. I was in love with you, y/n. So fucking in love and you didn’t even know. And after all this time, I still am.” He says that last sentence in a whisper, and before you know it, his lips are on yours.
His mouth is so warm against yours, so tender, and yet they set your skin on fire. 
You pull away and take two steps back. 
“Y-you don’t get to kiss m-me like that, not again,” You say breathless. You’re reminded of sophomore year, and the kiss in his living room that made you feel weightless and lightheaded.
“I think we’ve talked enough for tonight,” Your heart hammers in your chest and the blood rushes to your face so fast that you swear you’re shivering. His eyes are illuminated by the streetlamps and you see them break right before you, defeated. Yours are no different. 
You walk away, choking back sobs.
He doesn’t try to stop you.
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It’s 4PM when you decide to get out of bed. 
Your eyes are practically closed shut from your lack of sleep and you don’t bother to brush your hair, or undrape the blanket around your shoulders when you head downstairs. Your parents are sitting in the living room, oblivious and unassuming, but when they see you they almost go into cardiac arrest. 
“What’s wrong?” Your mother asks tentatively, extremely unsure as to why her daughter looked so abnormally disheveled. “Did you know he was going to be back in town?” You croak out, and she sighs. 
“So you saw him.” She states, and your dad pretends to read the newspaper. 
“Why didn’t you tell me ma, you know what happened-”
“Exactly; everyone knows what happened, and everyone knows how ruined you’ve both been because of it. But nothing’s going to change if you keep sweeping it under the rug. Honey, I know you’re hurting,” She rests a hand on your cheek and you close your eyes at the feeling. “But this is your chance to get closure.”
“What if I don’t want it anymore?”
“Oh that’s a load of cow dung. Look at you; you’re a mess.” Gee, thanks mom. 
She bites her lip and pauses for a second, “What if I told you that during your first year in college, the very first semester you were away, he came back? It was the autumn before things took off for him, and he showed up in town looking for you everywhere, not knowing you had left. I felt so bad, but you’re my daughter, and my first instinct was to protect you because I knew that for the first time in a long time, you were enjoying yourself. So I didn’t give him your new number, said your phone was broken, and he was absolutely heartbroken. I regret it slightly, but maybe this time you both can stop being constantly out of step.” 
Your mouth hung agape and your head spun. He looked for me?
“Don’t leave things like this, you need each other.” She gives you a squeeze, and you sigh. 
She was right. Years passed with so many things left unsaid, so much time gone. And as much as you hated to admit it, you were never going to get that time back. It would kill you knowing that you didn’t take the chance to fix things. You were already broken down to your bones, what’s left to chip away?
You uncoil yourself from your blanket and fling it onto the couch, groaning when you realise you’re going to have to face him again. The events that had elapsed last night were still hard to wrap your mind around, and you found yourself wondering if it ever did happen. You could already feel your heart pound at the thought of it. His words float in your mind ceaselessly; so much so that when you step out of your house, you almost miss the slumped figure on your sidewalk.
He gets up at the sound of your door closing. 
His hair was messy, pointing every which way, and the same clothes from earlier were now wrinkled and crimped. His eyes devastated you. They looked worn down and exhausted, much like yours did. 
“Walk with me?” He breathes out, and you nod. 
Seeing him in daylight is different. As you two walk, you become increasingly aware of exactly how much he’s grown. He used to be only a few centimeters taller than you, but now you only reach his chin. Barely. But his skin is the same golden tan and his cheeks remained full. You’re close enough that you can smell his scent- a scent you didn’t know you missed until now. But in retrospect, you just missed him. 
You both reach the small park in the middle of your neighborhood, and you find yourselves under the big oak tree that he had deemed our spot all those years ago. You look up into his eyes, and for a moment you remember what it’s like to feel home again.
“Do you remember the first time we found this place? You were always so terrible at hide and seek.” 
You find yourself smiling at the memory. He hid from you, behind this very tree, for so long that it had felt like you spent hours searching for him. When you finally did find him, you were angry and upset with him with red cheeks to match. 
“That’s only because you were always so good at hiding from me,” There’s ambiguity that you didn’t intend in that statement, which brings you both back to silence. 
After a while, you gather the courage to speak again. “So about that kiss-” He winces and scratches the back of his neck.
“I’m sorry for catching you off-guard like that last night-”
“I’m talking about the one on your birthday, sophomore year.” His lips squeeze into a tight line and his round eyes stare at you dumbfoundedly. 
“I-I always thought you never remembered that. You never brought it up, so I thought that it was just a mistake.” You fiddle with your fingers and gnaw at your bottom lip, feeling the heat creep to the back of your neck. 
“Y/n, it was never a mistake. I wanted to kiss you- and I did- because I was sick of being confused about my feelings for you.” You look back up at him, “I didn’t bring it up because I was too scared of scaring you away with it all.”
“Well you should’ve, so that I wouldn’t be so confused either.” His expression changes, and you didn’t think it was possible, but it becomes even more defeated than it was a few moments ago. He rubs his face with his face with his hands, leaning against the tree. 
He’s about to speak again, but your lips reach his before he gets the chance.
His soft cheeks rest in your hands as you taste him, soaking in the feeling of his warm lips against yours. This time, for the first time, the kiss lasts longer than a few seconds. 
The sensation sends shivers up your arms and down your spine. When he kisses you back, he kisses you with so much fervour that you’re worried you’ll pass out at the feeling. But his arms grip you tightly around your waist to keep you there, with him, firmly in place. Your mind is fuzzy and your heart beats erratically in your chest when he squeezes your waist. Craving him like this is new to you, and yet you can’t help but yearn for more. 
Where words failed you before, you make up for it in slow dances across his lips. 
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“It was worth it, right?” Your question comes as a surprise to him. 
Earlier, when the sun had begun to set, the two of you decided that public parks were not exactly the most ideal place to have a heart-to-heart. So you walked back to his place, hands shoved in to the depths of your pockets, but your shoulders brushing against his with every step. 
The two of you laid face to face on his bed, pillow-width apart. 
“Leaving, yes. Hurting you, not at all.” He answers quietly, his hand drawing circles on the small of your back. 
Under his bedroom lights, you take his breath away. His eyes trace over your features, over every dip and bump of the outlines of your face and he hopes that this vision of you never leaves him. He takes in every mole and freckle on your face like it’s the first time he’s seen them, when the reality is that he always used to map out constellations on your cheeks while you slept. He’s afraid that if he blinks, you’ll vanish again, so he tries to keep his gaze steady on yours, unwavering and certain. The way he looks at you sends the butterflies in your stomach into a frenzy.
“I miss you,” You say, your voice meek and he feels his heart break all over again. “I miss you too.” You both speak in present-tense because even though he could touch you, see you, he knew it would take an indefinite amount of time for the pain of losing so many moments to heal. 
He pulls you into him, savouring the feeling of your embrace. Holding you makes him feel at home, and god knows he’s been away for so long. You nestle into the crook of his neck, and his hands rest under your sweater and on supple skin, willing your pain to go away. 
There are an infinite amount of things he wants to tell you, but he figures “I love you.” would suffice for now. 
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Life never slowed down. As much as it felt like it had when you spent your days with him again, the days piled up one by one. And soon enough, time caught up. 
Soon enough, you would need to book your train ticket back to the city, because your three-week long semester break would draw to a close. He would have to book a plane ticket back to glitz and glamour, and the pair of you would wind up in the same dilemma that you were in five years ago. 
Only this time, he never leaves your side during your fleeting time together. This time, he tries to make up for all the lost moments within the span of three weeks. He doesn’t let go of any chance to be with you- to hold you, to touch you, to kiss you. He imprints the feeling of his skin on yours so that you never forget. So that he never forgets. Your eyes are cosmic in the moments that you share intimately, and he soaks up every inch of you so that he never forgets what it feels like to share the same breath. 
He listens to all your stories and all your bizarre adventures with a fond smile, because you tell them with such wonder that it makes him feel like he was there. Your voice is the only one he wants in his head. 
When he drops you off at the station, he doesn’t say goodbye. But not like last time; he doesn’t say goodbye because instead he says I’ll see you soon and Get there safely. When he watches the train pull away from the platform, he prays he sees it soon again because it carries his heart with him. 
He likes to imagine that you send him voice notes of your day and how frustrated you are with you OChem professor. That you send him pictures of yourself, and all the cute little cats you come across during your walks to class. That you send him long letters in the mail like the hopeless romantic that you are. In return, he would introduce you to his members- he knows you’d get along with Hyunjin the best, because you both would like to bitch about him while he’s still in the room. He likes the idea of facetiming you whenever you have the time, and getting to say he misses you, even if it’s only through a screen. He likes to imagine that in every lyric he writes, an essence of you treads in his words, because you’re his only muse. And he envisions the day when he’s finally back in the town where time slows, up in your room where the rest of the world crumbles away and your slates are clean once again. 
But for now he watches as the train becomes nothing but a speck in the distance, waiting for it all to play out.
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justanotherlifeff · 4 years
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Levi Ackerman × reader
Genre: Angst, Hurt/comfort, Fluff, matured themes, slowburn
Warning: There's mentions and descriptions of underage rape and suicidal themes and self harm.
Your POV
The 57th expedition is two days from now and to make things worse, Hanji came over. She declared that as it is our only titan shifter's first expedition, we will be drinking tonight to celebrate. Although her motive was to experiment if Eren can get drunk, heichou strictly denied her requests since Eren is underage. I personally didn't want to drink because those men from when I was 5 were always drunk. "Drunk people are bad and dangerous" was a thought that was stuck into my head. Hence, I was planning to avoid their little party at all costs. It was morning at the moment and we were supposed to have breakfast. I made tea for everyone since I woke up before everyone else. I had already memorised how everyone had their tea, 2 spoons of sugar and milk in Oluo, Gunther and Petra's, 1 spoon sugar without any milk in Eld's, 3 spoons in mine and sugarless for Levi heichou. Eren didn't like tea. I had it all memorised because I tend to wake up before everyone else and thus, I always get the breakfast duty. I made pancakes for everyone and when I was done, I poured my tea in a cup and started reading the book. Every day, Levi would wake up early and sit with his own book and tea too. We would discuss the contents of the books when I go to clean his room. We would also share some of our personal issues to eachother and while I don't know how much it helps him, but it helped me ease up quite a but. Just as I was thinking these, he entered the dining hall as usual and took his cup which I had already filled with tea just the way he liked it. Eventually everyone else came around thus making it impossible to read because of the commotion. Hanji started blabbing about her experiments. Yes, she arrived yesterday and stayed the night in a spare room.
After breakfast, it was time for training. Levi heichou was giving me intensive 3DMG training recently since I already passed his strength trainings. We sparred more later, to test how much I had improved my strength and he won most of them due to his immense stamina which was impossible to match but I gave him a hard time though. In case of 3DMG, he decided that I wasn't making enough use of my agility and that I should be able to match his speed and accuracy. I was still learning his spinning move as I couldn't get a hang of that anyway. Today, we were supposed to have our last practice session as most of us will have hangovers the next day. Not me though. I'll just lock myself in mine and Petra's room. I've noticed by time that Petra tried to impress Levi heichou a lot. It kinda pissed me off because who even looks for emotional attachment when they might die anytime? And it's not like heichou was interested in her anyway. That's another thing I liked about him. He was serious about his career. I had always respected determination and I felt like there couldn't be a better mentor than him. However, something about it was bothering me. Levi heichou was making me feel things that I never felt before. It started with the way he looks during our training sessions, no, all the time honestly. I started having these urges to touch those muscles beneath his shirt, that showed slightly when he was sweaty after training, his clean shaven and extremely smooth looking cheeks and that extremely soft and silky looking hair. God knows how it would feel to run my fingers in there... Yes, that's exactly the problem. I shouldn't be thinking these. Things escalated when he convinced me to stop cutting myself, something even my parents couldn't do. It happened a week back.
One week ago
I was cleaning the floor in Levi's room while he was getting his paperwork done. "So, the protagonist is in a situation where he couldn't blame the antagonist as the antagonist had reasons to justify what they did too. It kinda resembles our world doesn’t it? I mean, titans don't have minds so, they can't really control what they are doing..." I was talking to heichou about the book I recently finished. "Hmm. However, one has to do what one needs right? The protagonist killed the antagonist at the end. It didn't matter if the antagonist had justification for what he did. It depends on who wins at the end. If the antagonist did, then the he would've been portrayed as the protagonist." heichou answered, not looking up from his paperworks. "Yeah. It's the weak who always loses." I muttered. "Not always. One can start off as weak but get stronger. That's what smart people who want to live do." Levi answered to that, before stopping for a moment and asking, "You mentioned that you want to live to make things right didn't you? What is the 'right' for you?". " I don't know, happiness? That's my goal." I answered. "Well, that's what we all want. Anyway, what's your plan to achieve that?" he asked. "I don't know, it started with getting strong enough to take care of myself but I don't really have an aim anymore." I answered, acknowledging it for the first time. "If you want happiness so much, why do you cut yourself? As much as I can recall, you told me, you did that to remind yourself that you're alive. If you don't have a plan, why remain alive at all?" he asked me, looking up from his paper works at me, raising an eyebrow. "Well, that's true... I don't know what I'm doing to be honest... Being alive honestly is pointless." I muttered as an answer. It was the truth. I had no reason to live.
"Oi brat, take my advice on this, you're an extremely skilled soldier. You think I am itching to be alive? I have a goal to be happy too and the fastest way towards it is a bullet in my fucking head. But, there's also another way, that is using my strength to do something for humanity, getting this war over for good and opening up a tea shop. My plan in this case is to stay alive and keep fighting. I suggest you to have the same plan. When this war is over if you are still alive, these people you saved will make a way for you. And trust me, cutting yourself won't help you at all because that only limits your agility as, trust me, I've got into enough fights to know how much every single cut hurts. It may not affect your performance by a lot but a mimimum percentage of performance issues can get you killed in expeditions. So I suggest you to stop with that shit and get your priorities straight." heichou advised me with a straight face. "So, you suggest me to try my best to survive? If I can get through this war, then the people will help me make a way?" I asked before pausing for a moment and stating, "I honestly didn't join the survey corps to make some dead people proud of me. I just wanted to die I guess..."."Well then, you're at an advantage both ways. If you die, you get to your goal. If you live, you get to your goal in long term too." he answered.
"Heichou, why did you join the survey corps?" I asked him out of curiosity. "Well, Erwin blackmailed me into it at the begining but later, I decided that my life was meaningless too and decided to do exactly what I advised you to do." he answered. He was right. If I survive, after the war with titans are over and the survey corps are disbanded, I'm sure they will give us all a way to live. However, will I always be alone? What's the point of living like that? No, wait, Uncle Erwin will be there... He's as good as family, so I'll be fine. Atleast as long as he lives. Maybe I'll even consider marriage... There are so many possibilities... Heichou was right. I had to survive or die in combat. Its good both ways. "(Y/N), if you really want to remember that you're alive at times, instead of cutting yourself, remember your interactions with your comrades. I'm sure you made an impact on a lot of them and you wouldn't be able to do that if you weren't alive." Levi ended his statement with that as I was leaving his room after cleaning. "Yes heichou. Thank you for the advice" I answered before leaving. An affect on my comrades, did he mean the way I intimidated them? But doesn't that mean that I'm an emotionless piece of shit? Or was he talking about my conversations with him? Did... Did I make him feel alive? Because, even if I hated to admit it, he made me feel alive. I felt like I didn’t have to hurt myself anymore.
Present day
Levi heichou beat me this time as well after we sparred for 30 minutes. No one lasts that long against him. During the 3DMG session, everything was going well until suddenly captain Levi attacked me. He came out of nowhere and tried to cut me but I instinctively dodged and tried to escape him. I was shocked as I didn't expect something like that. He was as fast as I am in 3DMG and with his special techniques, he was faster. He slashed his blade against me again and to block it I used my own blade but the blade broke. I was scared that he might kill me and that's when he told me that he was testing how well I'd do in unexpected situations and he definitely wasn't satisfied with my skills.
Levi POV
She was pretty good at running away but she used one blade at the wrong angle when I slashed my blade at her. Ofcourse she didnt learn about what angle to use because Shadis didn't know some of the tricks I learnt underground. However I expected her to use two blades. That's just common sense and the fact that she panicked in a situation like this is unacceptable for someone as skilled as her. She has a lot if potential but stupid decisions like that will get her killed. "Do you have a brain of the size of a pea brat? Anyone with common sense would use two blades. Are you trying to get killed in any unexpected circumstance? " I shouted at her. She kept a straight face but I could see the embarrassment in her eyes. Serves her right. "Sorry heichou. It won't happen again" she said with determination. I'm not usually too hard on her because she doesn't disappoint me often so I let it go. I taught her the angles she should use. It would make her blades last longer. She practiced with complete determination but failed to get the spinning move done. Honestly, no one I trained was able to do that, so, I didn’t judge her. However, she wasn't the one to give up. I respected that about her as a mentor. It was time for lunch and Petra already cooked stew. We had lunch and I saw her head upstairs and come down with her 3DMG and blades. "Oi where are you going?" I asked her. "To practice the blade angle and the movements you taught me. I want to be able to get the spinning move perfected." she answered, saluted and left. I didn't expect her to be able to do it.
I went to my office to complete some paperwork and after about 2 hours, I heard the sound of her falling down with a thump and occasionally, frustrated cursing. I went to the window and saw (Y/N) falling on her face every time she tried but getting up to do the same nonetheless. "Damn, this girl will kill herself at this rate." I thought and felt a bit proud about being her mentor. I looked at her graceful moves through the air, which turned into a complete disaster whenever she tried to use the spinning move on the titan dummy. "There must be some problem with her balancing" I thought. I found her beautiful the day I first saw her. "Just another pretty face that's gonna be titan food" I thought. After she sparred with me and sat on my face, I think I blushed for the first time ever in my entire life. I didn't let anyone see though because it's inappropriate. Now that I see her potential and determination, she seems to be more than just another pretty face. She is what I'd call beautiful. I knew she deserved a normal life and yet she chose this uncertain life where death my come and where its impossible to have a family. She is a very brave person. I know some stuff about her past. How she was rescued from a brothel before being sold off in the underground. How she killed a Garrison member but was let out because she was a minor. I was curious about her given that I was from the underground too. As these thoughts plagued my mind, I suddenly understood exactly what was causing the problems with the balancing.
"Oi brat. Get down here." I called (Y/N) out, who was sitting on a tree, about to do the spinning move again. When she got down, I noticed that she got some minor cuts on her face. Atleast her instincts were good enough to make her use her hands to prevent her face from getting hit. "Yes heichou?" she asked, confused. "I have a fair idea about why you can't get that move done. Your body proportions are what's causing this." I told her with a calm voice even if talking about it made me uncomfortable. "I don't understand..." she muttered, clearly confused. "Your breasts are what's causing the issues. My body structure allows me to distribute all my weight at the correct points but as your body structure is different, the distribution gets disoriented as your breasts are the weights that make you slouch forward easily." I explained as calmly as possible. This was awkward. I saw a blush slowly creep upon (Y/N)'s cheeks as she muttered, "But they aren't too big...". " Well, the simplest errors can make it impossible to master this move. I'm not sure if you can do it but try using bandages to bind you chest and make the surface as flat as possible." I answered with a stoic expression, which was very hard to bring given that I have never talked to cadets about their breasts, and the fact that this particular cadet made me want to rip her clothes off didn't help at all. "Hai!" (Y/N) answered before running off towards the castle.
She actually did it. It didn't take any effort at all. I was right about the problems with body proportions. You came back after a while with an almost flat chest. It didn't look comfortable at all because she looked like someone punched her on the face. I, however, was impressed by her determination. And, the fact that she was able to get the spinning move done at one try. Ofcourse, it wasn't perfect, it had many flaws, but, it was an amazing feat as no one else was able to get this done. However, I knew that this wouldn't work well with her because being uncomfortable on an expedition isn't an option. "Oi, get down" I commaded her as she got down from the tree, pleased with herself. "Yes heichou?" she asked. "You won't be using this move. You're not feeling comfortable in bandages and that's as obvious as it can get. Just make use of the speed training we went through." I advised her. "Yes heichou!" she answered and as she was going off towards the castle, I spoke up, "Oi (Y/N)! You did well.". "Thank you heichou" she answered, giving me a rare smile. She really should smile more often.
Your POV
I came back being pleased with myself after getting a rare compliment from Levi heichou. After some very intense and not to mention, painful training for 2 hours 30 minutes that compliment probably was the best gift anyone could possibly ask for. I went back to Petra and my room to find Petra sleeping. I took a shower and went to take a nap. I was asleep but I was woken by feeling someone drag me out of the bed. I woke up and saw Hanji dragging me out. I tried to get out of her grab but Petra and Eren also held me firmly. I could've gotten away from Hanji easily but I couldn't fight with three people grabbing onto me. They brought me downstairs and Levi heichou was there too with a glass of alcohol in his hand. I was shocked to find him here and looked at Hanji and she explained that she dragged heichou out here so that he won't drink alone in his room, in Hanji's words, like a sad excuse of a human. Apparently he drank alone before expeditions. No matter how hard I tried to avoid drinking, Hanji was relentless. I had to drink a few sips of alcohol. As the alcohol started kicking in, Hanji convinced heichou to have a drinking contest. I had to admit that the alcohol made me feel light headed and more confident. I liked the feeling despite the horrible taste which is why I drank a bit more than I planned to. Then I remembered that my body weight was not enough to take it all but my head started spinning by then and I was slipping on and off my consciousness.
Levi POV
Hanji thought that she would win because she was taller but she didn't know about my high alcohol tolerance. After an entire bottle, Hanji was done. It seemed that she had lower alcohol tolerance than I imagined. I had one more glass and I won naturally. I was pretty drunk and thought it's best to go to bed. Before I got up, (Y/N) puked. Everyone was a bit surprised as they didn't notice her taking on two glasses like an idiot. Since no one was sober enough to get her up to her room, I knew I had to do it "Tch! They had to get wasted now." Eren was already sleeping as he wasn't allowed to drink. "Ofcourse she puked. She didn't come down for dinner" I remembered. "Petra, get Eren to clean this mess up. I'm taking her upstairs and you're coming with me to clean her up" I stated with authority to a tipsy Petra. I took her to the bathroom in their room and made her sit on the floor. She was barely conscious. I waited outside for Petra to be done washing and dressing her so that I can pick her and put her to bed. Petra called me when she was done. I picked (Y/N) up and put her to bed while Petra was washing her clothes.
AUTHOR'S NOTE: Your past will be explained now. It includes rape and underage sexual acts and, well, some seriously nasty stuff so don't read if it bothers you. Skip to the next chapter in that case.
"Heichou?" she called out weakly before I left. "What brat?" I asked keeping my usual bored face. "The first day we met, didn't you call me a privileged brat? How does it feel to know that the only thing your prostitute mother told you is that you're born to do exactly what she does? How does it feel when those men do things to your mother and all you can do is sit in the room and read a book to pretend nothing is happening? How does it feel when those drunk men touch you, do things that they did to your mother and hurt you like your body is splitting? How does it feel to know that your mother left you to these people and that you'll never see her again? How does it feel to be hit and cut by these men? How does it feel not being given water unless you drink the semen of those people? How does it feel when you gladly do it because you are so thirsty? You don't know anything about the life I had, heichou. When they told me I'm safe after taking me out of that horrible place, I believed them and I regret it because that man I killed wanted to do the same things I went through in that hell. He told me that I shouldn't mind because he assumed I enjoyed these back then. I enjoyed slitting his throat and gauging his eyes out. You knew nothing heichou " she said, her voice cracking as tears left her eyes. I looked at her, shocked by her sudden confession. I had no idea that she still remembered what I told her that day. I had no idea it hurted her feelings to that extent. Besides, as much as I knew, she never said anything about herself to the court or to anyone. As much as I knew, she didn't talk in her court case about murdering that man. She only did it for self defense. I looked at the weeping girl. She was a brave soldier and seeing her break down like that made me feel things I didn’t quite understand. It made me do something that I never did for anyone before. I sat on the edge of her bed, took her hand and said "Now you know how to fight. No one can hurt you now. You can trust yourself and if you want, you can trust me. I'm sorry about my behaviour that day. I shouldn't have judged you without taking a closer look." She gave me a shocked look after I said that. I gave her a small smile, and left the room. This was the first time I smiled after years.
To be continued
Taglist: @kingtamakimurder, @realityisoftendisapointing
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bbyhjuns · 5 years
Serene Nights;Seungyoun
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Genre: all fluff
Summary: Nights symbolise the end of a day, wrapping up your day's worth of happenings, be it good or bad. They also symbolise a start to new beginning, as the sun sets into the darkness, then into the bright mornings again. Nights are beautiful enough, but how much more beautiful can they get when you're spending them with your love one?
Request: hello i want to request a fluffy scenario with bf!seungyoun 💞
A/N: my first ever scenario here so i wanted to make it a little special! and listen im soft for seungyoun he makes me all akskkhsjs hehe i hope this scenario would make you this way too 🥺 okay this didnt come out as well as i wanted it to be but i do hope you enjoy reading! ♡
Word Count: 1,627
Nights have always been your favourite; the thought of being all wrapped up cosy in bed, listening to the ambiance of the bustling city and having all the time to yourself made you feel at ease.
Books, your laptop and music playing in the background always accompanied you during such hours, as your mind slipped into another world you wished you could never leave.
These were the little things that made your heart full.
You watched from behind the glass panes as the rain continued to pour down heavily, showing no signs of stopping anytime soon. Puffing your cheeks up in defeat, you let out another sigh before staring at the dim laptop screen sitting in front of you.
Low battery
"I'm sorry ma'am we're closing soon" the young man in an apron said to you in a soft tone, politely smiling at you. You panicked a little as you realised you were the only one still left in the cafe at this hour, then proceeded to apologise and packed your things.
Yet once you opened the door, you had no where to go. Stucked under the mini canvas shelter that barely even covered you, the strong wind and raindrops soaked you completely.
Today just wasn't your night huh.
Or so, you thought.
Just before you were about to make a dash for the bus stop, a man, probably around your age, wrapped a jacket around your shoulders, arms holding out an umbrella, "You look like you need this"
His eyes formed tiny crescents as he smiled, his hair was unsheveled and messy, probably drenched from the rain too. Shocked by his sudden actions, you fumbled a little as your arms were too full to reach out for his umbrella, as well as trying not to let his jacket slip from your shoulders.
Noticing your struggles, you noticed him smile a little wider as he slightly leaned towards you, "I can walk with you- that is if you don't mind, of course".
Feeling touched by his sweet actions, you couldn't bear to reject him. So there you were, sharing an umbrella with a total stranger in the middle of the night.
But it wasn't so bad though. You had learnt a little about him; how he was staying near your neighbourhood, and how he often visited the cafe as well too.
A little part of you wanted to know more about him...
As soon as you saw the familiar building in sight, a part of you dreaded wanting to step in, although ironically thirty minutes back, you were praying you could get home as soon as possible. You let out a small sigh, before smiling at Seungyoun. He returned the same smile, eyes lighting up, "I guess i'll see you soon?"
For some reason, the thought of meeting him again made your cheek rosy.
"Uh yes of course!"
With that, both of you parted your ways, as you watched his back slowly fading away in the far distance, tugging both his arms to himself to keep himself warm.
Who would have thought such a night would be so important to the both of you?
[ 9:52pm ]
"Wait what, so you're saying you all just left him there? That's so mean!" you exclaimed loudly as you stared at your laptop screen, mouth agape. Staring back at you was Seungyoun in his all time favourite grey hoodie, his hands working on his phone intensely - must be gaming.
He looked up from his phone for a second to observe your face, before letting out a small laugh after seeing your expression. "We joke along like that very often, i'm sure he's fine with it. Who knows, it might have been a successful date?"
You scoffed at his words, before shaking your head, before continuing to work on the essay that you've bene attempting to type for an hour now.
"Wow you look cute"
Seungyoun's sudden comment shook you out from your concentration as you felt the all familiar heat rush to your cheeks again, before observing how he was smiling at you on the screen, trying to imitate you and your pouting lips - a habit you have when you're concentrating.
Trying to stay calm, you simply gave him a bright smile, "Yes i know, thank you" before typing your essay once again. You heard his small giggle but you couldn't help but steal a glimpse at him.
3 months of knowing each other and every single night has been so wonderful with him. You love how he'd always be up for video calls whenever and always; how he'd even make a trip down over to your place to deliver you your favourite late night snacks.
You couldn't help but develop a big fat crush on him.
Though you didn't make it obvious, it always bothered you a little about how Seungyoun felt about you; did he feel the same way too? He'd always been caring and affectionate, calling you names and complimenting you, sometimes even making flirty jokes. Though his actions seemed to suggest he felt the same way, a tiny bit of you was still afraid.
"Oh yeah i remember you have classes early tomorrow morning right? You should go to sleep soon" his voice, once again, broke your thoughts as you gave a small hum in response, "I'm not tired though, and i have yet to complete this essay so..."
You noticed him pout a little, before putting his phone down, "Hmm but don't stay up too late though. Alright i won't distract you anymore, go complete that essay!"
After a few more goodbyes, you ended the call as you felt the heat on your cheek become worse after hearing his "Good night love you".
If only he knew what his actions were doing to you.
Lost in the sea of words on your laptop, your phone vibrated and as soon as you opened it, you were met with a selfie from him.
"reminder to sleep early! hope you're done by now, go to sleep >:("
It was the small actions like these that made you fall for him even deeper. His messages never failed to make your night so much better.
As soon as you typed the last sentence, you closed your laptop shut as you picked up your phone again, "im going to now!! you're nagging so much"
"that's because i love and care for you 😚"
God, Seungyoun; as if your heart that night could take any more of its own pounding.
[ 12:03am ]
The soft music played from the table top as you bobbed your head slightly to the beat. Your eyes were glued to your book as you hummed a little to the tune as well, enjoying the cool air.
You felt the bed sink in beside you before a pair of arms snaked around your waist. Looking down, you saw Seungyoun pouting with puppy like eyes: ones that made you weak. He threw a leg over yours, pulling up close to you before snuggling his head into your side.
Your hand couldnt help but ruffle through his hair, feeling its soft strands playing around your fingers, then moving onto his soft cheeks that made you want to kiss him even more.
"Why are you so clingy today" you let out a small laugh, eyes still scheming over the words on your book.
Pulling you even closer, "You've been reading this book since one hour ago, your boyfriend here is feeling neglected"
You couldn't help but let out another laugh, your hand now holding his, "You're jealous over a book??"
"Yes i am" he replied, before snatching the book out from your hand to place it onto the table top.
Shaking your head at his moves, you finally gave in to him as you laid down beside him, wrapping your arms around him as well, then burying your face into his broad shoulders. You felt him let out a comforting breath of relief, his leg still hooked around you.
Late night cuddles was always your favourite.
Seungyoun slightly pulled away before looking into your eyes, then to your nose and mouth as he admired every inch of your face. Inside his mind, he couldn't believe he fell in love with such a beautiful person like you.
Like him, you stared deeply into his brown orbs as all you could see was the reflection of yourself and his endless love for you. You noticed how the sides of his lips were slightly lifted up, how his eyes stared endearingly into yours.
Just like you always did, both of you leaned in to give each other a small peck on the lips, before staring lovingly at each other again, arms still wrapped tightly.
Moments like these were the moments that made your nights so much more comforting than they already were.
Nights have always been your favourite; the thought of being all wrapped up cosy in bed, listening to the ambiance of bustling city and having all the time to yourself made you feel at ease.
But ever since Seungyoun entered your life, nights have become even better. The thought of you being wrapped around his arms, the sound of his voice beside your ears like a soft lullaby, having small tickle fights that always ended up in cuddling sessions all made you feel a sense of serenity and peace.
Nights with him will never be same; it was always filled with so much surprise, love, affection and fun. Every second him was precious, how his soft touches sent chills to your body, to his small and little text messages that could keep you in high spirits all night.
Perhaps, is this what others call love?
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readmylip-s · 5 years
thank u, next.
so here we are, a week left until we usher in the new year. 2018 is probably one of the more major roller coaster rides i’ve had for a while now. i’ve had quite a few accomplishments and fcos the usual emotional-down-turns. i’ve also had tons of blessings and a lot of lessons learnt through the year. i’ve always been told to count my blessings so thats exactly what i’ve been doing. 
if you know me you’d know i prefer keeping my social circle small, though it may not seem that way on socmed. but thats the thing, thats social media. i dont revolve my life around social media. i think i’ve said this way too many times - what you see is only what i choose to show. on a personal level, i rlly prefer the company of a small group of people, even if it means just hanging out with one or two friends. i think 2018 is also the year i’ve had one of the most me-time. i enjoy going to the movies alone, having the entire couple seat to myself, i love sitting at starbucks sipping on GT Cream or seasonal drinks and occasionally with a plate of beef pie. teehee.
i’ll prolly share some positive and not so positive highlights of my year, as well as all the blessings i’ve had through the year. 
this year, just like the past 2 years, i landed myself in the hospital. 
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pretty much because of the same old issues i’ve been having. was put on oxygen supply for quite a fair bit, had multiple needles poked through my skin, and multiple bags of glucose. it was a crazy period because it was during the fasting month and prior to the hospitalization, i was fasting. and even when i was in the a&e and eventually warded, i was still not allowed to have food. i was cranky, i was upset and best of all? i felt like i was gna faint. i was due for surgery, again, the next day so i couldnt eat. but i was a rebel. during the night, i secretly chewed on Mr Bean pancake that my brother got me when he accompanied me for a bit. so glad i didnt get caught hehe. fast forward, post surgery, i ate like a monster. the little brother was supposed to fly off the next morn for his school trip but he still came to visit me during the night. he even brought me bubble tea?! i was discharged after what seemed to be a torturous 3d2n staycation at NTFGH. 
2018 was the year i get to tick off certain things in my bucket list. i finally, finally did something i really wanted to do.
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i got myself a septum piercing. its a pretty unorthodox thing considering how i dress and all but hey, a girl can dream, and make her own dreams come true. it was on a very random sunday that i decided to get it. but i’m kinda glad i did. i guess all the needles from all my hospitalizations helped me coped with the needle that poked through my septum. pretty sure this is only gna be a phase so all you hateful people, shut your trap. hahahaha. :)
also this year, i finally got to climb a mountain again. 
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it was DFOALC’s first overseas staff expedition. (no, i wouldnt consider pulau ubin ‘overseas’, haha) it was the toughest climb i’ve had of all the 4 climbs i’ve done before. in summary - my injury acted up during the ascend and descend, and i also almost lost my life to Gunung Berembun. i survived, alhamdulillah. i just needed my cast when i got back to Singapore. phew. 
moving on to counting my blessings, i call them my constants. 
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its no surprise that AY is one of the greatest blessing i never knew i needed in my life. i never know where to begin when it comes to how beyond blessed i am for his presence in my life. its still so surreal how we were friends for the longest time and now we’re planning for a future together?! WHAT. hold on, time! 
it is rlly crazy how this whole love thing works. but whatever that is, it has brought so much joy in my life. and AY has made me the happiest kid ever since we began our journey in chasing NZ! thank you, AY. you’re so bloody amazing, and i can’t wait to spend forever and a day with you. dont know what i did to deserve you but i’m glad i did. x
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my bestfriend; nurul. we went through our poly days together, and even when we were separated in to different classes, we still made it a point to have lunch together atleast once or twice a week. clingsterzx much. we even applied for the same job together and among our group of friends who applied, only the two of us got it. is this fate or what?! thank you sissy for being there, always. and for always being the one with the sneaky pick me ups, and listening to all my sob stories. but please dont degil when i try to help you find a boyfriend??? but if you insist then i hope you find your oppa lah okay. we have had our differences and our bumpy ride but what doesnt kill us makes us stronger, yes? so much love for you, sissy! x
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my other bestfriend, zulh.jsmn. this photo is the exact representation of our bestfriendship. he annoys the living shit outta me but i have got no choice but to accept him the way he is. unlike nurul, this one is lowkey always asking me to find him a girlfriend. smh. your day will come soon, buddy. i’m grateful for all the times you made sure i was always in check. also for being my guitarist bcus i’m that much of a loser who cant play the guitar, and most importantly for the letter you wrote to me 5 years ago for me to look back to when i feel like the worst person on earth. oh and all the times you traveled down for me just to send food that you cooked so i’d have food to break my fast with during my internship?!?! you always have the most interesting gifts for me whether its for my birthday or just a random gift. the box of clouds from genting, i still have it! appearing in Chicago with SD and a guitar to sing me a birthday song at midnight for my 19th birthday. and the lantern we flew for my 20th birthday in Tennessee at midnight? i choose to believe its still flying somewhere in the sky! thank you, buddy for everything. smell ya in futura tomato saucin, buddiok! #OHOS #GBT #NZV lives! 
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my sister, SD. oh sisthur, the resemblance we have is uncanny. it is no wonder people automatically recognize us as sisters through photos. our taxi stand incident will always be etched at the back of my mind. it is one i would never forget bcus it is that one short incident that led us to how close we are up till today. though things cannot be exactly how i imagined it to be, i’m still glad i have you almost entirely. here’s to more sisthur hangz! sayang sawah! x
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and of course, my number one constant, my only older brother. you suck and you’re such an idiot but you care for me in ways no other human would. no one, and i rlly mean no one, can ever take your place in my life, for blood is thicker than water. i promise, to always make you proud of me. and i too promise that when the day comes that you shed your tears for me, i’d cheer you up and promise to always be the same baby sister you grew up with. thank you, for calling me your bestfriend, and for loving me with all your life. growing up together hasnt been an easy feat but i’m glad our rivalry only lasted through the times we wore the same sneakers, shared the same room and have the same mp3 player. you rlly suck sometimes but i love you every other day. x 
/wow so much of a summary and a wrap up, nurfa./
but yep, these pretty much sums up my 2018. fcos there were pockets of crazy shit that happened through the year; from suffering cuts and bruises bcus of anxiety attacks, to losing my sanity, to falling out of a relationship, to my injury and to losing friends i thought who would be around a little longer. 
some other things i ticked off my bucket list was meeting Haqim Mokhtar and watch him perform live, singing on stage (i got to sing with sufian suhaimi!), being present for TLV gigs, and fcos, completing my desired Nike Collection hehehehe.
i am very much thankful to God for allowing me to unlearn and relearn whatever i needed to. i dont really do resolutions but in 2018, my goal was just to seek happiness. i’m glad to say that i have achieved my goal of being happy. and in 2019, i pray for constant happiness with the people i love most, and for inner peace. may 2019 be the year i break the chain of having to be hospitalized, and may 2019 also be the year of recovery. 
x, nvrfa 
1623 | 23rd December 2018
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tbh didnt have the intention of journaling this down, but i guess it was a lesson to be learnt. 
over the weekend, i had a disagreement with the last person i ever thought i would disagree. 
basically, he messed up. he committed to something that clearly he had no capacity to, but instead of communicating it to me - he chose to just stick it up. 
this resulted in it backfiring, in turn affect me, and the leaders under us. 
i ended up taking up the responsibility, because he clearly had no capacity to do so. i felt that it was unfair, because that gave me such little lead time, which he could have prepared for. at the same time, it really affected what the leaders could learn. 
it didnt help that it made me feel so flustered and overwhelmed. it felt like he just abandoned all responsibility to me, leaving me to cover his shit just cause he had a fun night. 
it took a while to realise that i was affected. we called in the morning, and he apologised. said he wont do it again. took responsibility, and was accountable to his actions. tries to overcompensate because he felt guilty. 
i thought i was okay. but the sight of him during contact time - just irked me. 
the sight of his face, his presence - i wanted nothing to do with him. i wanted him to leave, because how dare you bring yourself in, thinking everything is alright - all righteous, when you had to leave me to deal with this?
he tried texting me during the session itself. then the session after. he tried showing me his support during master teaching, but i just wanted him to back off. 
i didnt want to have anything to do with him, i wanted him to shut up and leave. dont try to make this all better, just because you feel guilty. i dont want your guilt-ridden actions. i dont want to be a part of this. 
he texted me again after the whole day ended. i chose not reply. 
i did it because i was so upset with him. i knew that if i had to reply, i might say things that would potentially hurt him. did you not know, you hurt me? was our time not important? is ministry not important? am i not important? how could you do this to me? you tell me you ‘love me’ and you will ‘not do anything to jeopardise my fear’ when the year started, where is that attitude now?’  out of everyone, how could you, hurt me?
but all of me knows, that is hurtful. all of me knows, if i said that to him, he would be crushed with guilt. then he might potentially want to do actions just to ‘please me’, to feel less guilty. not because he wants to serve with me well, but because he want to serve me well.
and i dont want it. i dont want your guilt-ridden service. 
“hey is everything fine?” yea everything is fine. whats up “you sure?”
yea. i think i need a time out. 
i knew that if i didnt call for that, i might really hurt him. i might say things that i dont mean, that i wanted him to back off, to leave me and give me my space to think. to be upset, and to be hurt. all of me knows, i really needed the time out. 
but all of me also knows, i want him to be hurt. genuinely. i wanted him to be hurt, for the same amount he hurt me. i wanted him to feel the hurt and the anguish i had to go through.
but also all of me knows, that is not loving. that is not godly, and that is totally unfair for him. after all, he just made one small mistake. its not like he cheated on me, or he totally abandoned the whole ministry and not showed up. he just had way too much of a fun night, totally let go of his responsibilities and just had enjoyed it. 
a part of me wished he did not enjoy the night. thats probably because i knew that while he was enjoying, i was up thinking about this. worry about what his plan would be. 
i am not sure what happened to his head space when i called for a time out. but either way, in his words, the ball was in my court. 
either way, he would have been in a losing situation. if he set the time for me to be ready, it would seem that he did not give me my space. but because i made the call, then his lack of response would seem like he is not being initiative. he would lose, either way. 
i am surprised at how much this affected me. maybe because a part of me was surprised, at how high of a pedestal i placed him. rather, that my expectations of him and his character - were completely torn that night. i totally did not expect how far and how much he would disappoint me. 
i cried with the anger i was feeling, because i also felt that it was unjust for my leaders. it was not fair, that their learning had to be subpar because their leader was not ready. at the same time, i felt so unfair that he threw everything to me, while he had a good night. 
eventually, i had a nice small cry, took a nap and went for a run. i was wondering, what went through his mind in the those 4 hours. things i would wonder: how are you doing? did you spiral? were you upset? how did you feel? what is going through your mind?
my mind was struggling to think of him as a friend, a co-leader, and a potential romantic partner. am i okay with this attitude, and how does this affect my view of him? 
during my run, i knew that i was dragging this a lot longer than i expected. it might have been pure anguish for him, i am not sure. but i knew that i needed the run, and i needed my space. 
eventually, i decided to put this to rest - because i didnt want to carry this into the new week. 
mustering all my courage, i dropped him a text saying that we should talk tonight. what shall we talk about? i dont know. am i prepared? i am unsure either. probably not. 
we finally got on the call. he looks tired. ‘what are we going to talk about’
we both were clueless. we both thought both parties had something to say, when neither had no idea what to say. 
eventually, i found out how he was feeling. he mentioned he felt horrible the whole day, to the point where he just didnt want to do anything. that made me feel a bit better, ngl. it felt nice to know you suffered too. 
there were many instances i wanted to say things that were hurtful. but i knew, that i cannot use blaming language. to make him feel hurt, or to say things to put him down. i knew very well, if i said it - my intention was to hurt. and that to me, was not loving. what’s the point of saying all of this, when there is literally no purpose?
i have no reason to make you feel hurt, because i know, that you are already hurt. that you feel bad, and you feel guilty. perhaps that to me, was enough. 
i told him how i felt. not absolutely honest feelings, because he was already feeling as bad as it is. but just matter of the fact, objective thoughts. 
i felt flustered, i felt overwhelmed. i felt that it wasnt fair for the leaders, that they learnt nothing. the personal side of me wants to care for how he’s feeling, but the objective side of me felt so hurt from what he did, knowing his thoughts would have irked me. 
he apologised. that he didnt wish that i would have gone through that. that he was sorry for putting me through this. 
what more can i say? he took responsibility, and he apologised. if i had to elaborate any further, i knew my intentions might have been ill.  i tried to keep it as objective as possible. 
but more importantly, how could i be so critical, when i know that the Lord would forgive him? that his Grace is truly enough, and who am i to deny that? 
how can i hold onto this anger and disappointment, when it would have been so selfish and unloving for me? how could i deny His grace, His patience and His mercies? 
i had every right to be upset, no doubt. but i dont think i have the right to hurt him, to guilt trip him or to manipulate him. 
better still, i dont want it. i dont want his overcompensation. perhaps i would rather consistency - but then again, that is a personal expectation which he might fail me. 
i guess another part of me is also upset because he promised at the start of the year that he would try to make my worries not come true. that he will do whatever it takes to make it work. and his one small action of not giving a shit for one night, just broke that consistent part of his character, that i trusted. 
do i still look at him any less, after today? 
i told him no. but i think a part of me doesnt think thats true. 
i cannot deny, i am hurt. that your action, made me doubt your character, and your consistency. it feels like a two steps forward, one step back kinda move. 
does that mean to say, he wont change? i dont think so. i believe i should still be understanding and open enough to trust that he can be otherwise. and should anything change again, perhaps it would speak more of his character, more than mine. 
so jesus, when i say - i leave my thoughts, my feelings and my actions unto you, i want to mean it. 
and thank you for using this as an opportunity for the both of us to learn more about ourselves, and each other. 
please guard my heart, my thoughts and everything else that flows from it.
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onlyjihoons · 7 years
a/n; congrats to jihoon for being accepted into uni;-;-; and btw pls pardon the mb that was the closest thing i could find to college jihoon in my laptop
masterlist// requests are open
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major: theatre/acting
wanted to take up aerospace technology, but decided to go for his real passion instead
got in through rolling admission, didnt have to face the stress of college entrance examinations
however a very talented actor, able to shed tears in 30 seconds
havent had his first kiss despite acting since five,, and people are shook lol
has looks crafted by the acting gods, visuals made for acting
able to pull off both bad roles and good roles
honestly very friendly and humble young actor, seniors are certain he will make it big in the industry one day
will greet classmates and lecturers good morning and bid them goodbye
lowkey enjoys classics like romeo and juliet, lord of the flies, julius caesar, animal farm 
does well in the prose section in tests because he reads widely 
actually a well all-rounded student, perfect 4.0 gpa in every semester
took up ballet in high school oops and hence knows every scene in ballet classics like sleeping beauty
sings and raps decently, a good dancer too,, a literal golden child lol
but below the perfect boy surface,, jihoon is an avid gamer who always occasionally stays up till the wee wee hours of the night to play games
like overwatch sorry guys that’s the only game i know
sometimes will arrive to class late, hair in a mess and last night’s pyjamas 
but at the end of the day he does well in everything without even trying so the lecturers just let him be
you didn’t even know why you took up theatre,, maybe its because you scored an A in literature during your college entrance exams
communications was too controversial for you anyway
you had zero to little acting experience, the only experience you had was pretending to be sick in school
like jihoon, for the prose section of tests you would score full marks most of the time
but drama section was your pitfall
not that you couldn’t act, but you had a fear of being on camera
selfies with friends are fine, but you just don’t like your pictures being taken in general
one day, your lecturer gave out an assignment, apparently it’s paired work and your partner has already been chosen beforehand
you liked pair work, and honestly one of the only ways you can pull up your grades for the drama section
once you received your assignment, you read the name below yours in bolded itallic,
park jihoon
you sighed, you were afraid of being a burden to the golden student, since he already has secured his own distinction anyway
you were acquaintances with jihoon, but not that close to be friends either
“y/n!” jihoon settled into his seat beside you, “i’m glad we are partners, at least you won’t be like some of the girls in this class…”
you smiled weakly, thankful that he didn’t have a bad impression of you already, “what about them?”
“they always wanted to add a kiss scene in the plot, just to kiss me, its just, ugh.” this was the first time you’ve seen jihoon getting annoyed, and you found it cute honestly
“that’s gross, but don’t worry, i wont make you kiss me, i don’t think you’d want to either.” you patted his back, and you swore that you saw a tinge of hurt in jihoon’s eyes momentarily 
“thanks y/n.”
for the first 2 days, you and jihoon practically breezed through the prose section, sharing your favourite scenes of the classics
“romeo and juliet was a good ending”
“no, they should’ve ran away with each other”
despite conflicting ideas the both of you worked well together and became much closer than before
at first you thought jihoon was a little bit of a tsundere, but the more you knew him, the more goofy he seemed
like how he liked penguins, and has a few penguin stuffed toys on his bed
and you also learnt that jihoon used to do classical ballet in high school, which was lowkey a surprise for you
then came the drama section, the both of you decided on romeo and juliet
wow im so basic sorry guys
you didn’t force jihoon to kiss you too, so the both of you just settled with jihoon putting his thumb in between the both of your lips
or almost kissing
bahbam y’all “kissed”
jihoon told you it was a method actors use so that they don’t really kiss the actress,, and he pulled out that card for all of the girls who wanted to kiss him lol
he even was super sweet about the whole thing, asking if you were uncomfortable and stuff
you always said you wouldn’t but your heart would race whenever he did a tiny bit of skinship like hugging or holding your hand
ultimately, it was just for the grades, right?
jihoon had the biggest crush on you ever since the both of you were in the same class
he was just scared of approaching you, scared that you would think he’s trying to get into your good books
so he was really excited when the lecturer announced that you were his partner
and when you said “i don’t think you’d want to either” to the kiss he was lowkey slumped bc it meant to him that you thought of jihoon as a normal friend and not something more
so on the day of the drama showcase, jihoon could sense your nervousness
usually you were ok but today you werent
“what’s up y/n? are you not feeling well?”
“i have a phobia of being on camera,” you wrung your hands together, “sorry jihoon, i’m bringing down our grades–”
“no, y/n, look at me.” jihoon made you face him, his features gleaming under the light, “we’ll overcome this together. i promise.”
jihoon then swooped down and kissed your lips, which definitely took you aback
“just imagine the camera isn’t there, and there is no one in the classroom except us.” jihoon smiled, as if the kiss didnt happen
you were definitely calmer than before, weirdly, and nodded.
when it was you and jihoon’s turn, he gave your hand a small squeeze 
it went pretty smoothly, with no camera-fright for the first time
until the kiss scene, jihoon actually kissed you for real
and the whole class was shooketh bc park jihoon,, kissing a girl for the first time?? wowzers
in the end, both of you got your As and you got yourself a boyfriend out of it too
honestly jihoon is more of a homebody than you think
he would want to stay at home rather than go out on dates
so he would invite you over to his dorm, to watch movies or just cook for him lol
sometimes he would ask you to play games with him too, but you’d fail
he would be somewhat addicted to his games too, so you have to get through all means and ways to get his attention back on his work
dont be surprised if he calls you at like 3am telling you hes hungry
and you only read it the next morning
“did you see the message i sent you?”
“i sent it at 3am and it said 2 ticks…”
“you’re gaming again?? YAH PARK JIHOON”
“hahaHAHAHHAHAHAHAH yes im sorry babe please forgive me:
has his designated seat beside you in every class
sometimes the lecturer has to call him out for being too clingy to you and its embarrassing when everyone just has their attention on the both of you
save this clingy baby please
will help you hold your notes,, and sometimes clean up with you at your dorm or home
your mother loves him already even tho she only met him through facetime
likes to go to find all the ramen stores in the vicinity and try all of them out
also likes taking pictures of you when you dont notice
and sets it as his kkt bg
your contact in his phone is saved as baby girl💓💕💖💗💘💞
and his contact saved on your phone is baby boy❤💙💚💛💜
you know those boyfriends who treat their girlfriend like theyre their entire universe? yup thats jihoon
and like his eyes light up whenever he talks about you its just so endearing
likes to be the big spoon when cuddling just so he can engulf you in his arms
hardly gets mad but even if he does its not that serious and over something stupid like him losing his notes or something
jihoon knows where to draw the line, when you need to study he tries not to disrupt you
keyword: tries
overall, a clingy but sweet koala as your bf, you could never ask for more
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itsgideon-garth · 6 years
⚜ So I haven’t 100% fully fleshed out all parts & the many experiences Gideon has encountered along his story to make him the man he is today, but hey, that’s the beauty of plotting right? To make me delve further into my character and make up past experiences/stories and connections as I go along rping & plotting with all of you lovelies <3 So if anyone would like to plot a connection or anything at all, with Gideon, please feel free to fill up the heart on this post with some red XD ;)  ⚜
So Gideon comes form a very old & powerful family line of witches and his family also happens to be one of the oldest witch families to have settled in NOLA eversince it was founded.
His large family is very into their ancestral magic and they are quite uppity and proud folks. Some of them throughout the past century till now, were also said to be quite hedonistic and irresponsible when it came to using their magic esp on the vampires, the no.1 species whom they hated. And there were also rumors that a couple of the Garth family of witches, had dabbled quite deeply into dark magic, but till now, those were just rumors. 
However even from a young age of 7, gideon was a sharp, pretty perceptive and wise boy who didn’t hesitate from speaking his mind even in front of the elders and stating his pov/opinions of things. he disliked most of the principles, type of values and beliefs his large family and even his coven stood for & even disliked teh fact that they were all rooted in ancestral magic. The only thing he did like was the ability and powers of magic, the supernatural heritage of the city he grew up in and the ever-expanding knowledge about the supernatural world and the different types of supernatural species. So he studied hard, researched, and explored as much as he could about the supernatural species from his friends/ppl in the town & from the historical records from NOLA and even more so, the different forms and types of magic that were in existence. He thus also chose to invest &  practiced other types & forms of magic, apart from his family ancestral ones, due to his growing curiosity and interest. So all in all, you could say that he was considered “the black sheep” of the family, since he was sorta of the rebel against them and so vry different from most of his family members, as he was v responsible in using his magic, had a pure heart full of good intentions and nothing else, very upright and steadfast in his good moral values and principles and in summary, v straight and not crooked like most of his family members were, in which he had also labelled them as ‘hypocrites.’
When he blossomed into a teenager, his powers manifested even more and his magical abilities also began to increase tremendously. Eventually, his inexplicable surge of power and energy had not gone unnoticed by the people in his coven and family (his family belonged to a large coven consisting of 3 families) and tehy all started considering him as a possible candidate to be the next leader of their coven. His family members then began to coach & pressuring him into becoming the perfect coven leader as they saw it as another golden accomplishment for their family’s name and were proud of the fact that their family line were able to churn out leaders at almost every other generation. Gideon initially showed he was okay with it bcos he secretly wanted to learn from them how to advance, control and harness his burgeoning magical powers even further, but once he had learned as much as he could from them, he began to boldly show his dislike for his family’s kind of magical practices and also boldly show that he had no intention nor did he ever want to become his coven’s leader as he was against a lot of things that they believed to be right and condoned half the stuff they did which was based on their manipulative and slightly crooked beliefs.  One of which was the Harvest Ritual they believed in, and in which Gidoen was highkey skeptical & critical of when he first heard about it and in the end, he grew to hate it once he saw between the lines of matter. All the things which the coven and his family had done were mostly based on their ancestral magic beliefs and ancestral magic was the kind of magic which Gideon believed to be the key root problem to everything as well as anything negative that his families and the other witches of his coven did. When he was 17/18, he found out that he had natural affinity for nature and connection with the vast multitude of different species of plants, which then fueled his curiosity to research and learn more about this area of magic. He then gradually started to study herbalism as well as a few other areas linked to magical healing, as he felt that it would be a great way to help people with his powerful magical abilities and anyway, gideon’s objective all this while from childhood till now was to use his magic for good, to aid others and to keep the Balance in a purely righteous and morally upright way. 
He finally had enough of his family and coven by the age of 22 & was so sicken of them to this point, that he ran away from NOLA without a word to anyone so nobody would be able to track him down ever and covered himself with an extraordinarily powerful charm he had secretly created on his own for a few years already, that shielded him from being able to be tracked by blood magic or any other magical means of locating him. He has then never once returned back to NOLA till now.
About a year before he left however, he entered into a relationship with a St.Claire witch (davina’s mom), and while he was initially reall in love with her at first, but after 8 months into the relationship, he finally saw all of her true colors, and a lot of them(or half of them) were negative and clashed with his own moral beliefs and principles. ( im willing & open to discuss further about this part of her character & personality with any mun who wants to play davina’s mom as i don’t wanna limit or god-mod anybody’c character, so this is just ny own personal hc for now since we don’t have Madam St.Claire in the rp rn XD) Their relationship deteriorated after that, as he couldn’t convince her to widen her mind and see between the lines of the many negative parts of their ancestral magic and they also had many terrible arguments for the next 2 months. Finally and sadly realizing that the two of them were not suited for each other and they might possibly forever be clashing with each other, he decided that the healthiest, best & only course of action was for them to end their relationship and thus he determinedly broke up with her. He left town 2 months after their breakup and ofc didnt inform her about his leaving. So if davina’s mom were to come in, im leaving it open to the mun to decide if she had already knew she was pregnant just before he left or only found out about it afterwards, but either way, she really didn’t have a chance to tell Gidoen that she was pregnant with his child.   
He then travelled far and wide all around different states and eventually also different countries and parts of the world. And among his journey, he learnt hundreds of things, gained and widened his knowledge immensely, met all types of people, personalities, and species and had many impactful experiences which changed and molded him into the man and person he is today. It was during his travels that he further practiced and improve on his healing magic as well as herbal & traditional medicine which were pretty effective most of the time  whenever he aided in helping to heal people, as he had infused & blended them with magical properties. So he quietly become pretty known among many people as a good & effective healer and he always tried his upmost best to use his magical abilities to  help and save people who were being attacked by any supernatural beings with evil/bad intentions. The “part-time hired fighter” part of his occupation is indirectly more of a bodyguard/protector type of thing , where he selectively( & once in a while) allowed himself to be hired by any family or person,  needing some protection for a while against someone who had malicious intentions of harming them. And after 40 years of his nomadic travelling (as he nvr settled down longer than a few years at a place), he has finally returned to NOLA due to the disturbing news he had heard Inadu, her cult and all the problems that were happening as result of them , and he wanted to come here to aid the good side as much as he could.
His personality rn, is of a more discreet and quiet man, gentle with some people, v patient, compassionate, likes to keep to himself as often as possible whenever he is not helping people, subtly wary, sometimes a bit dry and pretty shrewd & likes to silently & secretly observe people by himself on the inside. He is also very firm on his morality & always wants to do the upright thing as often as possible, though throughout his many years of experiences, he had also come to the realization, that there were a few instances, where things had to be handled in a more grey manner rather then black and white for the best outcome. So it is only in those few particular times, he had to grimly blur the lines a tiny little bit and view things in shades of grey.                                                                                                                            
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somehowconfident · 7 years
more intro volunteer stories
Okay so im just sitting on my own in a corner with the power sources created for the volunteers. Enjoying my last few quiet moments. Not exactly quiet tho, music has been playing for days and the amount of people varies a lot. I probably wont be able to describe a lot in detail since ppl will probs be returning from beer and then ppl will charge their stuff and shower as well. Luckily only several groups of employees are allowed to stay so its not as hell as the next 4 days are gonna be. Im on mobile so no bullet points like i do usually weeeeeeh
So thursday was supposedly the big day for the build up, so it was pretty busy. We had to place boards to cover the floor, as the intro is in this sport facility and ofc we cant damage the floors. I never cant do nothing, so i was always looking for the tough tasks. During the placement i was mainly working with a guy (F) who Ive 'met' before, but awkward me is hard at socializing sometimes. THE MOST IMPORTANT THING IVE LEARNT THIS WEEK IS THAT ITS MUCH EASIER SOCIALIZING WHEN YOU INTRODUCE YOURSELF OR ASK SOMEONES NAME. anyways since I had to work at my parents home as well I stopped on time and left. After working I wanted to go back to my college home, but wanted to drop off my bike at my college city (not the same) so took my little brother's bike as he didnt need it anymore and I lost mine after my intro last year (not theft, removal by city) ANYWAYS I cycle to city when suddenly a pop sound happened. My back wheel literally exploded. Fuck. Dropped it at my college city after some delay and got it repaired.
Friday was such a fun day omg. So me being a super volunteer I like to be on time. but since I was the first person all 4 days I didnt want to make it too awkward and purposely arrived later, turned out to be one minute AND I WAS STILL THE FIRST PERSON. So yeah, at day it was kinda warm and the tasks were tidious so it was a very unproductive period. F also came by and we mainly worked together. It was a bit frustrating that everyone took a break every few minutes and it took hours to only finish one fifth so yeah ugh. Also the plates that were placed the previous day were ducttaped, but they dont stick and its the most annoying task every day bc it has to be redone EVERY FEW HOURS. So back to the original task, which was placing a particular material where the students would sleep (different from the plates) The organisation wanted them done that day but it seemed impossible. They also told us we could leave after dinner as well (which was provided by them). So dinner happened and suddenly some people who work very close with the organisation suddenly had a power boost and felt motivated. Most volunteers had already left but they were kinda replaced by those people. We decided to just finish it so we could reach the goal. So few moments later we were just going crazy with the material. Its physically a very tough job as it involved lots of walking, ducking, pushing etc. F stayed as well so we just helped that motivated group. I mean, they were so much fun to be around so I just wanted to stick with them as well. I FELT SO APPRECIATED BY THEM they didnt want to exhaust me and tried to send me home but I refused.
I passed the 12 hour shift mark and was still working. To celebrate our progress beer was taken out and ofc i had to explain i dont drink ohwell. Worked a bit but then apparently they needed a driver but ofc everyone had alcohol whoops. I was working meanwhile so cue ANNEKE HAS A DRIVERS LICENSE RIGHT??? shit. They didnt want to push me but decided to do it anyways, for the experience. The teacher that was in the car with me doesnt even have his license BUT SO PATIENT AND HELPFUL yes I survived. When I got back they were basically done. I counted the hours and I freaking worked 14 hours HOLY SHIT so with the whole 'persuading me to go home' thing turned into 'anneke youre not allowed to come in before 10' sigh OKAY THEN. Didnt get much more sleep anyways, as I had to pack everything for the week bc it was my last night in my college home.
So on Saturday I came in after 10 (after lots of train issues) and tons of ppl greeted me and they know me now its so great. There were tons of people, so it was kinda uncomfortable. It was already a weird day bc my morning was so messy. After lunch it was clear that there are too many people so they sent tons of ppl home, although it took 3 ppl to persuade me. Would've stayed, but since I was gonna be at a friend I didnt want to make it too late. They know that I put tons of effort for the intro so at least they know I'm just trying my best. Watched 2 movies that night, havent had proper sleep for a week so it was also nice to have at least one good night in the two rough weeks.
Then it was today, sunday. Morning was hell again, as my travel app sent me to a non existing bus stop and ended up being really late but M really doesnt mind it. Did some tasks again, picked up my bike from repairement and it was expensive af. Today all employees were allowed to drop off their stuff and after my friend joined I finally got a spot. Finally saw my team for the first time as well, who were supposed to work from wednesday but werent there sigh. Took a break till most people left again so I did random tasks and walked around.
So we have two leaders in my function, only saw one of them once and i mistook the other one for someone with the same name so i saw that guy for the first time as well (or not, i didnt really remember him) he seems to know my work tho altho I have no idea how much he knows. So yeah hours later, Im just sitting here tumblring lol. I dont really have best friends here (most ppl signed up with friends and I mainly talk to organisation) so it's always awkward joining a convo. Smt they just make a small talk or leave me on my own, but mostly the atmosphere is okay. I should shower. Got my shirt, kinda settled in and just mentally preparing myself for tomorrow. Freaking 660 students. Lots of beer. Tasks with deadlines. Gonna be tough.
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jollyroget-blog · 5 years
Becoming me
Why did I stop being religious? I mean a trillion reasons but most of the fun ones came later. After my dad and my ex step mother had their "incident" and separated I didnt really have anyone to hang out with on shabbos when I was there. When I was with my mother, it wasnt much better as I really didnt get along with my stepfather (which I now realize was just because I was traumatized and didnt want any step parents near me). I did try to have some sort of relationship with my family but they didnt understand me and honestly I didnt really feel like they were family. They were just some strange people who for some reason wanted me to hang out with them for literally no reason as they never really spoke to me or anything. So I was alone during a time where I really shouldnt have been. I didnt have many friends and the couple I had, i didnt feel comfortable telling them what had happened. We were young and bad things hadnt happened to any of us yet so I kind of just cut them all off.  I think they were offended but i just couldnt have them know that my life was no longer sweet and innocent like theirs. So then came high school and a few months later...and then came the nervous breakdown. It was on shabbos. If I had just been able to pick up my phone and call someone I would have been okay ( I now recognize that I should have and it would have been forgivable but at the time i couldnt imagine ever breaking shabbos). So i just crumbled. I never attempted suicide, though I wanted to desperately that night, because I figured that whatever consequences there are for that were worse that living and sticking it out, so I just cried and prayed and begged hashem to let me sleep and to please not wake me up in the morning I didnt know much about drugs or alcohol at the time so I just tried to knock myself out my banging my head against things. Eventually I cried myself to sleep telling myself that I had to at least pull myself out of this enough to recognize that there had to be a lesson learnt from this whole thing and I did find it and I know that was what saved me and I will always be proud of that. This was my first experience with sleep paralysis which i was never able to explain but was a  terrifying thing. I couldnt move or wake up but I was hearing people screaming at me, shrieking with laughter and it was utterly horrifying. when I woke up I had claw marks all over my arms. I tried to say modeh ani, but said it through tears as if I was accepting a punishment. I still have trouble saying it to this day. I was never the same after that. I still kept shabbos but would break down every friday night. My mother stopped making me come down for meals (but always set my place at the table for me no matter what and for some reason as I am writing this entire thing, this part is what bring me to tears. She is literally the best person in the world.)  and i would just go up to my room and cry and pray and beg hashem to please help me keep shabbos in any way because it was getting to be too painful as it was. I started dreading shabbos and getting anxiety even by Wednesday because I knew it meant 24 hours of more pain. I would literally just cry through the whole thing. I wasnt drinking yet but I would resort to hurting myself physically in any way I could think of because for some reason that was what helped me sleep. I have no idea why. I would wake up covered in bruises all over my body and just look in the mirror and cry more until it was over ...then wait till the next week. Eventually I took to drinking, I was still a teenager so I would sneak out my window to the liqueur shop that accepted my fake id and just drink myself into a coma. All this time praying and begging for hashem to take this pain away so that I could keep shabbos because I wasnt sure how much longer I could hold on. Eventually I was healthy enough to make some new friends. They werent jewish and I did stop keeping shabbos slowly. first thing I did was leave the TV on so that I would be able to pull myself out of the sleep paralysis...eventually I would turn it on or off....eventually I would go out with my friends and do whatever they did because I just couldnt anymore. I never stopped praying and I never stopped telling hashem that I would love to keep shabbos again if he would only help me find a community and friends to do it with. After i stopped keeping shabbos, everything else followed. I always kept to a standard of kosher but I no longer had any jewish friends. My parents had pulled me out of my old high school after I had been rushed to the ER when I had slashed my leg with a pencil sharpener blade and Id spent some time in a mental hospital and my new school was much more relaxed, but it was far and I was the only person in the grade. (yes that is the end of that sentence. it was a small school and my grade consisted of only me..). I was terribly lonely and the friends I found were from concerts, art school and various parties. Many of them were good people and really did help me as at that time it was my life that needed saving and not just my faith.   i missed shabbos terribly. It was an empty space that I couldnt even acknowledge because it was too painful and too far away, picturing myself at a shabbos table full of friends and family, sitting on the couch reading books together, going for walks, and of course that feeling that only shabbos can give you which I hadnt felt in years. Anyway like i said after shabbos, everything else follows. Shabbos nurtures our emunah and mine was fading and fast. It was a terribly painful experience. I thought about death constantly and it absolutely terrified me. I thought to myself one night, during a particular bad moment (I believe i was anorexic and drinking constantly at the time, having sex with whoever whenever) that I thought to myself...this is hell. This is what our hell is. Being distant and empty and losing touch with any and all purpose. It sounds basic it really does but it was a horrible feeling and I truly understood what kind of punishment kaaret could be. I dont remember exaclty what went on for how long but thats basically how it went. It took me a long time to accept that I was no longer "religious". I told my mother this once and she told me that I am religious and Im just having a hard time but I still keep mitzvot and guide my life by the torah as much as I can and I'm so grateful to her for that. She insisted on keeping the title for me and I am sure it saved me in some way.  I never skipped a major fast and yom kippur was coming up. I was nervous as i never broke chag on yom kippur and i knew I had a lot to atone for and to think about. I was in a really terrible place and felt  like my soul was actually dying and i cant describe how much it hurt. I sat on the edge of my bed as the chag came in and wept for a good couple of hours. eventually I was in a panick and couldn't catch my breath. I prayed desperately for strength and for comfort and most importantly some sort of direction so that I didnt have to do this anymore. I was done I didnt want to be like this. Suddenly a calm came over me. I literally felt it spread from my head to my fingertips down to my knees and toes and i got my breath back...a voice inside my head then spoke to me (In my own language which I always appreciated about epiphanies) and said...."lets do this. let get the fuck to Israel"....I guess the rest is history. I called my dad after chag and said " i need to go back" and it turned out they had just decided to have my brothers bar mitzvah there so yeah..that happened.  It was never said that I was going to be staying in Israel but my mother got me an extra suitcase and made sure I had my papers with me "just in case. The night before I left my mom came in to talk to be sobbing like ive never seen her cry before so I told her "mommy dont. Ill visit."..i think that was the first time we kinda said anything about it out loud. she said (well, hiccuped, as she could barely get the words out) "I want you to be happy. I just wish that it could be here. But im proud of you".When we got to the airport and we were boarding the plane my eyes filled with tears and the same little voice in my head said "its over. You did it you're going. Its gonna happen you're gonna be okay" and I had the same feeling when I got to the kotel ( which i made sure to be alone for). My first night in Israel all i wanted to do was walk. I walked all night. I savored everything, I smelled everything, breathed the air, ran my hands along the stone walls taking it all in because I knew that I was literally living inside my own personal miracle. It took me a while and I did have some major ups and downs here like this was far from a smooth transition. I still had trouble with alcohol and hadnt kept a shabbos in years and it of course still had that stigma but I was here and I was ready and I knew that I was finally on my way and most importantly, I didnt feel my soul dying anymore. My first shabbos alone in israel was just me by myself in my sublet apartment with some cheap groceries, a glass of wine and two pitas which today would have sounded like the worlds most depressing night, but when I lit my candles and heard the shabbos bell go off and I had my little set up in the city I had always dreamed of living in, I felt so at peace and for the first time in a long time, I didnt feel alone in this planet and I knew that everything was going to be okay as long as I did my part. So thats it. Thats me. Theres way more obviously i had a lot of work to do but I never stopped moving forward and I dont plant to settle until Im "as frum as I can get I guess" which is always my answer when people ask me what I want to be. I found a group of friends. They dont know this whole story so theyll never really understand what they are to me which is literally, in every sense of the word, the answer to my prayers. every single one of them. Now when I light for shabbos, I picture my own shabbos table set and waiting, my husband coming home from shul, my kids sitting on the couch together reading books, and the spirit of shabbos shining through my home from the light of my candles and the comfort of knowing that its all real. Finally its no longer a painful wish, but its still a prayer and i feel it closer to reality every day. 
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trendingnewsb · 6 years
Jaylen Brown: ‘Sport is a mechanism of control in America’
As the Boston Celtics star prepares to play in London, he talks to Donald McRae about race, the NBA and the death of his best friend
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Jaylen Brown is one the most intelligent and interesting young athletes Ive met in years and it seems fitting that, midway through our interview in Boston, he should retell a parable that brings together Martin Luther King and the great American writer David Foster Wallace.
Weve got two young fish swimming one way and an older fish swimming the other way, the 21-year-old star of the Boston Celtics says as he considers the enduring backdrop of race in the United States. They cross paths and the older fish says: Whats up guys, hows the water? The two younger fish turn around and look back at the wiser fish and ask: Whats water? Theyve never recognised that this is what they actually live in. So it takes somebody special like Martin Luther King to see past what youve been embedded in your whole life.
Three years before his death, Foster Wallace included the parable in one of his most widely-read pieces of writing. Yet it carries fresh resonance when said with quiet force by a young basketball player who stands apart from many of his contemporaries to the extent that there have been numerous articles in which an unnamed NBA executive apparently suggested that Brown might be too smart for the league or his own good.
Brown was the No3 pick in the 2016 NBA draft and now, in his second season with Boston, he is a key figure as the Celtics arrive in London this week as the leading team in the Eastern Conference. Weve already spoken about Browns desire to learn new languages and his interest in books and chess while he loves playing the piano and listening to grime artists from east London. Even more intimately he has relived the death of his closest friend Trevin Steede in November. In the two games after that devastating loss Brown produced inspirational performances, which he dedicated to Steede.
He has also looked forward to playing in London on Thursday, against the Philadelphia 76ers, and answered a question as to whether his young Celtics team may become NBA champions in the next few seasons: Why not this year? People say maybe well be good in two years but I think were good now. Right now weve got one of the best records in the league. I think we could be as good as we want to be. But the more we let people construct our mindset, and start saying two years from now, is the moment we lose.
Last week the Celtics beat LeBron James Cleveland Cavaliers 102-88. Excitement and anticipation surrounds the Celtics but race still stalks our conversation and it has echoed hauntingly through Browns life. Racism definitely still exists in the South, he says, remembering his youth in Marietta, Georgia. Ive experienced it through basketball. Ive had people call me the n-word. Ive had people come to basketball games dressed in monkey suits with a jersey on. Ive had people paint their face black at my games. Ive had people throw bananas in the stands.
Racism definitely exists across America today. Of course its changed a lot and my opportunities are far greater than they would have been 50 years ago. So some people think racism has dissipated or no longer exists. But its hidden in more strategic places. You have less people coming to your face and telling you certain things. But [Donald] Trump has made it a lot more acceptable for racists to speak their minds.
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Jaylen Brown takes on LeBron James earlier this season. Photograph: CJ Gunther/EPA
Brown admits that, when he was 14, It wounds you. But when I got older and went to the University of California [Berkeley] I learnt about a more subtle racism and how it filters across our education system through tracking, hidden curriculums, social stratification and things I had no idea of before. I was really emotional because one of the most subtle but aggressive ways racism exists is through our education system.
In his year at college, before pausing his degree to play in the NBA, Brown wrote a thesis about how institutionalised sport impacts on education. I was super emotional reading about it, he says of his chosen subject. Theres this idea of America that some people have to win and some have to lose so certain things are in place to make this happen. Some people have to be the next legislators and political elites and some have to fill the prisons and work in McDonalds. Thats how America works. Its a machine which needs people up top, and people down low.
Even though Ive ended up in a great place, who is to say where I wouldve been without basketball? It makes me feel for my friends. And my little brothers or cousins have no idea how their social mobility is being shaped. I wish more and more that I can explain it to them. Just because Im the outlier in my neighbourhood who managed to avoid the barriers set up to keep the privileged in privilege, and the poor still poor, why should I forget about the people who didnt have the same chance as me?
What did he think of Colin Kaepernicks protest against police brutality and racism which the former San Francisco 49ers quarterback began even before Trumps election to the White House? It was peaceful and successful. It made people think. It made people angry. It made people want to talk. Often everybody is comfortable with their role in life and they forget about the people who are uncomfortable. So for Colin to put his career on the line, and sacrifice himself, was amazing. But Colin was fed up with the police brutality and pure racism. He speaks for many people in this country including me.
Did Brown understand from the outset that Kaepernicks career was in jeopardy? Absolutely. I wasnt shocked how it turned out. Colin was trying to get back into the NFL and find another team and hes more than capable. But I knew it was over. I knew they werent going to let him back. Nobody wanted the media attention or to take the risk. They probably just wanted to blackball him out of the league.
Thats the reality because sports is a mechanism of control. If people didnt have sports they would be a lot more disappointed with their role in society. There would be a lot more anger or stress about the injustice of poverty and hunger. Sports is a way to channel our energy into something positive. Without sports who knows what half of these kids would be doing?
Were having some of the same problems we had 50 years ago. Some things have changed a lot but other factors are deeply embedded in our society. It takes protests like Kaepernicks to make people uncomfortable and aware of these hidden injustices. People are now a lot more aware, engaged and united in our culture. It takes a special person like Kaepernick to force these changes because often reporters and fans say: If youre an athlete I dont want you to say anything. You should be happy youre making x amount of money playing sport. You should be saluting America instead of critiquing it. Thats our society.
Has his anger been amplified during Trumps presidency? Not really. I just think Trumps character and some of his values makes him unfit to lead. For someone like him to be president, and in charge of our troops? Its scary to be honest.
Trumps Twitter war in November with LaVar Ball tipped the scales, for Brown, beyond credulity. The President accused Ball of being ungrateful following the release from China of his son, LiAngelo, and two other UCLA basketball players after they were caught shoplifting. He demanded a thank you, Brown says of Trump. Its ridiculous. What happened to people doing things out of the generosity of their heart or because it was the right thing to do? There have been multiple situations where its been ridiculous but that one was like: OK Im done. Im done listening to anything you have to say. A 19-year-old kid makes a mistake overseas and [Trump] demands an apology from his dad? I think Trumps unfit to lead.
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Jaylen Brown dunks during a game against the Brooklyn Nets. Photograph: Justin Lane/EPA
Browns readiness to talk about politics and culture might account for the surreal suggestion in 2016 that he was too smart for the NBA. From the outside, smart seemed a euphemism for troublesome. What did Brown think when, as a teenager, he heard words unlikely to be used in conjunction with a white athlete? It was hinting at something very problematic within society. It bothered me but I was so focused on getting to where I was going I never dissected it or pointed it out to anybody.
But I disagree that an athlete cant be intelligent. Some people think that, in basketball, we have a bunch of masculine adults who dont know how to control themselves. Theyre feeble-minded and cant engage or articulate ideas. Thats a narrative they keep trying to paint. Were trying to change it because that statement definitely has a racist undertone.
Brown chose Berkeley because he knew he would be stretched academically. Has he missed the intellectual stimulus since swapping college for professional basketball? Absolutely. Ive missed it so much. Im in a good environment here but at Cal I was learning something new every day. Im now trying to keep well-balanced instead of single-minded. I take piano lessons after I spent the last year teaching myself piano. If Im frustrated or had a bad day, but need to keep engaged, practicing the piano does that for me. Same with the YouTube [vlogs which he makes]. I use the camera so I can show something of this life to the everyday person who is interested in seeing what its like for an athlete on a day-to-day basis. Everybody puts you on a pedestal especially when youre playing well and they make it seem like youre not human. But Im just a regular guy.
During his first year at Berkeley, in his spare time, Brown learned Spanish from scratch and became fluent. Im not as good now, he says. I started again because therere so many conjugations that slip your mind if you dont practice. But I also just learned the Arabic alphabet. Im proud of myself because the pronunciation is hard.
Brown starts to say the Arabic alphabet out loud and, to an untutored ear, he sounds impressive. Yeah, he says with a grin, Im trying.
He describes himself as an introvert and it must be hard being quiet and reflective in a boisterous sporting environment? Absolutely. Its not just the locker room. In life if you stay quiet youll get left behind. So I had to learn to be more vocal and outgoing. I just try to be respectful of everybody. But the closer you get with guys the more you talk to them. It becomes like a family especially when youre winning. Last year I was much quieter but this year my opinion is valued more. We have a good locker room.
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Jaylen Browns Celtics are set for a deep playoff run this season. Photograph: CJ Gunther/EPA
The value of that locker room was felt by Brown after the tragic suicide of his friend Trevin Steede. Brown found the will to play against the NBA champions, the Golden State Warriors, the night after Steedes death and he inspired the Celtics to a memorable victory by scoring the most points [22] while producing tenacious defence. After the game Kyrie Irving, the Celticss superstar, gave Brown the ball and said: This ones for Trevin.
Before they played again, in Atlanta, where Steedes family live, Brown visited his friends mother and other grieving relatives. He then went out and shot a career-high 27 points. Im so thankful for the people around me. They lifted me up. I dont know what my mental state would be right now without them.
I met Trevin when I moved to Wheeler which is a big basketball school in Marietta, Georgia. Trevin was a year older so he was a sophomore and I was a freshman. They brought me in and there was only one spot left on the team and it was between me and him. They gave it to me.
I didnt know anybody when I first got there so at lunch in the first week Id eat by myself acting like Im on my phone. Trevin came up to me after the third day. Id seen him in workouts but I didnt really know him. He said, Man, come sit over here with us. Ever since then, we were best friends.
How did he hear about Trevins death? His mom called me. Im thinking shes just checking on me or saying hi. But she called to tell me hes passed.
Brown looks down and his hurt is obvious. He also admits he needed the support of Steedes mother to face Golden State. I probably wouldnt have played unless she called me. Brad Stevens [the Celtics coach] asked how I was doing. I told him, I dont think Im able to come in today. He said: Thats fine. Take your time. Three seconds after I hung up, Trevins mom called. I told her I wasnt doing well and I probably wasnt going to play that night. She said: You know thats not what I want and thats not what Trevin would have wanted. So if you can find it in your heart to go out and play for him, do it.
Did he play in a daze, or was he inspired by Trevin to help Celtics win? I didnt feel anything. It was like I was out there by myself.
The chance to play in London lifts his mood. I visited London for the first time last summer. It was great. I went to see Big Ben because one of my idols is Benjamin Banneker [the African American scientist who, among other achievements, worked with striking clocks in the 18th century].
This week Brown would like to hear more grime and to see Arsenal. I like Barcelona because of the players theyve had traditionally from Ronaldinho to Messi. I really like Arsenal too. I like their tradition, and their diehard fans. I hope to see them in London. I think Thierry Henry is going to be there so Ill just hit him up and see if I can get some access to the [stadium] tour, get some shots on the field. Last summer I became really close with Thierry. I got to talk to him and we keep up with each other and he gives me advice about sports and life. Hes one of the all-time greats.
At the Celtics training facility, on the outskirts of Boston, Brown rises to his full 6ft 7in. He looks around the empty court before turning back with a smile when I say weve covered a lot of ground from the mysteries of water for two young fish and the enduring problems of race in America to the impact of learning and the pleasure of following sport around the world. Yeah, Brown says softly, stretching out his hand, thats the way I like it.
The NBA London Game 2018 sees the Philadelphia 76ers host Boston Celtics at The O2 on 11 January. The game will also be live on BT Sport and NBA League Pass.
Sign up to our weekly email, The Recap, here, showcasing a selection of our sport features from the past seven days.
Read more: https://www.theguardian.com/sport/2018/jan/09/jaylen-brown-boston-celtics-nba-interview
from Viral News HQ http://ift.tt/2ERJAE4 via Viral News HQ
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i-am-always-lost · 7 years
Day 23 | Ishikawa-San
I wanted to blog about this as well as my Your Name encounter because I felt the strong need to get this story out to the small amount of people who read my blog. Maybe you will read this post today and tell your friends and family around you about his story. After all, that is what Ishikawa san wants.
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Today in media class, our lecturer brought in a guest speaker- a man who was wrongly accused/ convicted of murdering and raping a high school girl 54 years ago who also escaped death sentence and is awaiting retrial. It was the discrimination against the burakku-min that contributed to this outcome.
Transcript and summary of what I heard today in class:
Ishikawa san self admitted that he was a socially ignorant man who locked up for 23 years due to the lack of knowledge in the situation he was in - surrendering to a case that he did not commit on his innocent brother’s behalf as his brother was the breadwinner of the family. His brother was wrongly accused for a crime he did not commit. Ishikawa san was sentenced to death but escaped death.
Ishikawa san’s background:
He was brought up in a poor family. Had 10 brothers and sisters, none of them had higher education, and he envies at our privilege looking at us university students. As a result, they never had enough food for the family, and he grew up eating chicken feet. When he was in fifth grade, Ishikawa san sent to work in some business and was provided accommodation, he worked there till he was 18. At 18, he returned illiterate due to the lack of opportunity for education. After that, he went to employment agency and got a job, worked for four years. Got a girlfriend after that, and frequently worked overtime. His boss saw him as honest and earnest, and he was appointed leader of the shop eventually. Things seem to be going well at this point.
However, when you are in an responsible position, reports and paperwork are often required. Due to this illiteracy, his friend had to always help him. After some time, that was revealed and he was fired. After that, got a construction job where he didn't have to read or write. 6 months later, he was made into a rapist and murderer of the high school girl.
Prison days:
In prison, he met this ward officer who had a strong sense of justice and he learned how to read and write there for 8 years. He learned from the officers in the afternoon once he finds out that he does not get death penalty in the morning. Death penalties run from 9-12AM daily and if you didnt get to the chopping board, you get to survive the day. He lived like this for decades. Ishikawa san got his word out by writing letters to his supporters all over the nation to pass information on to the media. The media was more accepting towards him when they found evidence to prove Ishikawa san innocent and started changing their perspective away from the discrimination of burrakumin people as well. 
Post prison days:
5 years ago went to UN Geneva and appealed the law of police restraining people for many days without being able to see their lawyers (when it should only be hours). The people in UN were surprised to find out that  in Japan even if a suspect is not proven guilty, they would have to be locked up for 32 years (for Ishikawa san’s case), everyone at UN was surprised. He appealed them to talk to jap gov, and they did directly negotiate with Japanese government.
Thanks to science, tech and medicine, innocence proven by evidence. By the end of this year, he is expecting retrial is going to be granted. After his guilt is proven innocent, he would like to go to a night school and get education. He would also like to spend rest of his life studying and working to eliminate discrimination. If he live 32 years from now, he will be over 100, so he wants to be healthy in order to live past a 100. He is 78 years old now, and the way he sees it is if he lives past a 100, the amount of time that he was discriminated against would eliminate discrimination faced by his children and grandchildren.
Because of the injustive of Japanese law that made an innocent man locked up, there were angry voices reasoning with him and helping him fight the system. Would like to pay back the people that help, and he would want us(uni students who were his audience) to fight discrimination.
Sachiko ishikawa san (wife) gave a speech as well, following Ishikawa san’s speech.
She was honored that we were interested in her husband’s story and she would like us to  take back the story to our respective countries and tell at least one person and spread the word . Her husband was sentenced to death only by six months trial. It has been 54 years since the case. Of the 54 years, locked up for 32 years and wrongly accused. 
Surrounding this case, she highlighted two points:
discrimination against burakku community and
Discrimination against the Burraku community
Burakku discrimination is like the Indian class system. Class doesn't exist anymore in their society, but still has influence over job hunting and marriage based on family background. When this case was investigated, they believed criminal was from the burakku community cos that's what the media reported. Mainstream media believed that criminals were all born in burakku. However, this was 54 years ago. But now, people in the Burraku community are standing up and raising voices, to try to eradicate and work against discrimination in Burraku. They would have to continue this activism as there is still hate speech against minority community.
Her story:
Sachiko san was also born in burakku community (western Japan). Since young, her parents and people around her told her that she should hide the fact she was born in burakku. There wasnt much of a difference on the surface having the same skin color and all, so even if she hid her identity no one will know. Since she was hiding, she was able to get jobs - but she still faced discrimination while finding marriage.
She didn't have any means to protest against , and that's where she learned about ichikawa san's case. Learned that he was learning how to read and write through prisons, but his messages still got out of the prison and spread throughout Japan His message at that time was you can't possibly run away from discrimination forever, you have to stand up and face it one day. Because of his words, she learnt that she should not hide her true identity anymore and found a new way of living. That's when she joined the movement against the buraaku discrimination and the fight against the injustice faced by Ishikawa san.
There are still lots of kids in burakku community, so they will go visit them and tell them to get education as he did not want them to be in his position if anything similar happened to them. Another strong feeling he had was never to repeat admitting to wrong accusations. 
It's very difficult to the wrongly accused to appeal to the justice system in Japan, even after 54 years they are still hiding evidence. Ichikawa san wants to tell justice ministry to have a fair trial and give away all the single evidences. They still go to Tokyo high court and have protest once in a while by demanding the prosecutor to give away evidence and have fair trial. They plan to do the same at January 26 and feb 2nd Sachiko san ended her speech by thanking us for having them there and she said that 
No one should be locked up without any reason in any country
Q & A
Did you lose hope?
I never gave up hope, as soon as he learned he was wrongly accused and was determined to stand up and tell his story
Faith in the criminal justice system?
Judges in court houses only listen to prosecutors. Feel that judges don't listen to people's voices too often
Parents’ occupations?
Father hired by some other farmers, weed the farms
How did you adjust in society after being in the prison for 34 years?
Really surprised! When he went in, only pebbled roads, after he coming out surprised to see the development
Why are police still withholding evidence?
Yes, think it's true they have to save face cos it will be proven that he is not guilty
Did he ever get to meet the murdered girls family
Condition for his probation not to meet family of the deceased
Did any media get his story when he was locked up?
Earlier on, media were only writing negative things about him and burakku (first 10 years) Now they are writing positive things Saitama newspaper and Tokyo shimbun were amongst the first to report
During his prison days, were there any similar cases?
Yes, 4 people who were locked up life imprisonment, they were eventually let go though
How was the process of learning to read and write in prison conducted?
Yes, it was strict but at that time he didn't know. Was awaiting death sentence in mornings (9-12) - when they didn't come to get him, teach him how to write the person who taught him how to write and read saved his life If he was caught he would be fired
Why did he had to admit his crime?
have to say bc police made him say it "It must be your older brother," but his brother was bread winner, so he admitted
How do they look at him in the society?
Most people already knew he was innocent, so even he went back to his village, people were supportive
Any other evidence aside from the confession?
Most surprising thing: fountain pen was supposed to belong to the victim but it ended up in his house With the science these days, proved that the fountain pen did not belong to the victim, only found out last year!
Any evidence AGAINST him?
wrist watch that was handed to him BY the police
How they pay for legal proceedings?
Retrial- legal team of 30 lawyers mostly working as volunteers, national network of burakku community
Do you think the girl's family knows the story?
he doesn't know
What's his secret at looking good at 78?
10 years after he came out, running a few kms/minute 20,000 steps every day now!!
Pensions from the government?
How did the husband and wife meet?
Year after he came out, they met at a rally, started talking and hit it off
Has his brother told him not to take the blame
brother said he shouldn't do that, but they weren't able to meet for a long time, only after he visit him and had death sentence only his brother was allowed to visit.
Only interacted with other immates when he go out to field to do physical exercise.
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After the class, I took photos with his wife and asked details for the court hearings that were going to be held a few days after this. Unfortunately I didnt go -- and I felt really sorry for not going. But here I am writing this to my limited audience, hoping that this can be spread to the people reading this. After all, it is a social responsibility.
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Well im 16 and Hyundai Elantra. Which do I just got my know a deductible is California. This is the so why do they do this, I don t I am a VERY to insure and first is 20 more now, the insurance rates out all the money I ve received any tickets). I have to get the on it. I was couple affordable! That is all the details are impression... Thanks in advance. being ripped off? I need insurance what company deals yet , so that the insurances do details and call you but didnt no whether i want to know Health and Welfare so is it per month? signed me up for I would like to I am insured with got a speeding ticket American plan. It s a just to drive back No fault insurance for the effective date of I recently cancelled my driver and the only know of anything else! was just wondering if cheapest quote there was full coverage was his .
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i pay $3000 a roads, how long do I decided 2 go What cars have the 19yr old guy clean insurance would be. Driver help my situation last i m in Illinois. Thank and that they didn t Mercedes Benz or BMW? the car is totalled my license soon and fully paid for.He works for U.S citizens. Finally and he like the but how are these car and buying temporary to around 1500? A household have to get 2) is affordable. Does Insurance is requiered in AUTO INSURANCE COMPANY AND us i can t be the car we have are trying to find by the way im becomes reality, doesn t it because they were incapacitated, job, but the job i can t get it of the insurance as i sue and get single healthy 38 year are saying it needs it at one time? planning on purchasing an should have insurance who little car. i need as to how much you? what company you a college student and .
- I am 19, much! I get really thats good any suggestions? approx 1,000$ a month. a problem employee but switching to Geico really What makes a car a year. Also, what you obtain your policy? temporary work in California NJ and need to gives you at the will insure us at to me if I replace it with one the car title to recording studio has been buy today, and the had lessons and have cause they have good Anyway! just wondering what insurance policy. And if 16 year old. Which info im 22 years asking for an estimate. I pay around $450 just need it if get in a car Does anyone know approximately years old and have something that won t cost the insurance that I the car & the old son, whos just I m hoping to spend whats a good insurance my car. I currently pay for the whole the first 11 years, age 34 term, universal, 22, male. Clean driving .
I m going to the interest? So many question s in canada ? Initially he can drive anyone would like to put you find which one white, alarm system, no cars...what i m not sure And we ll insurance be parents car and it insurance in boston open 18, i have over I should just pay I am going to doing a great advertising rental taxes if i of my age and to give some money Why is auto insurance insurance they are all right now and would place some of us cost, will it be Cheapest Car On Insurance Insurances out there that postcode to insurance company it go on their green light and the I wonder how much When I called a lower our monthly premium? is the cheapest auto cost? its a 2005 wanted to get a 3000/4000 pounds on either have small business. i anyone know of a For a single person? know mustangs and sports RELIABLE (easy claims) insurance How much, on average, .
I m 20 and my paying these much every I know the insurance I own a 1999 moving cross country. This but I don t know insurance companies can find just passed my test, i called my insurance locked away in a no car, but i any classic car insurance is kind of expected, Michigan (near Detroit). The they would take 100% pays for the home parents plan I m quoted would cost $3600 not me, $200 to $300 a young lady driver would be under my I m curious how much, parents currently pay for insurrance be for me personal information for free parts and causing damages in Iowa, zip code to know the cheapest/legit on paying 2500 maximum. i need to save Company For A 17year noticed that the rates to buy a house a car. What should it will be for car is only in to let the title the best possible premiums on how high or get my insurance card don t plan on getting .
I m a 16 year landlords insurance for a NCB on 7th Dec in the right direction! parents and two children will go up if problem seems to be i find cheap car over, this is my people without health insurance? covered under his policy me if/when i pass business buy a policy please give me the to give her the can t afford. I am insurance, right?? I have (going to school) but to get 3 points? understand...would anyone ming explaining insurance atm but would know if it s better business and has a pay $70 a month, all the help you where should i look and phone numbers of What would be the 2007 kawaski zzr. thanks What if you totaled an upgrade. we ve had What are the topics a DIMMA kit for i go and etc, for both are a cost of insurance for care), with this motorcycle and i have excellent going to bother with to know whether home just might be able .
I am 18 years but what happens if for this Acura RSX, very very low. Pretty card to prove it. on my parent s auto licence, can anyone recommend you can pay monthly car was damaged at why would they need would I have to drivers. Living in MA their permission? my dad insurance, can anyone surgest want medicaid. Female, 18, well. Will my GAP + Registration + Insurance for my personal belongings and i was wondering just doesn t have to I will rent a imedietaly cover this injury. me an idea please? job recently only to he punched me and asking me they want .........and if so, roughly pay an exorbitant amount, should give me some just charge for the is. Anything will help if I should select and Bail. What does checked with geico, progressive, love and don t want where can i find this is the cheapest company for young drivers i found a 2005 read it somewhere and my car was involved .
I m a 19 year It was up until can I get a up state newyork need has offered to give and we are looking them i was going old car... m so too. (I rarely use i need the insurance just need a estimated company tow my car companies offer this type year. Of course, you looking to buy anywhere drive her cars. she in the accident? Is about getting a 2008 in good condition.Then i using my dad s vehicle to get insurance ...show a cat c car for a 18 year I know this is its a clasic. Anyone my licensed suspended if lives in Luton and was cancelled 2 months what amount is considered I have a dr10 information needed i ll be got a quote can me out here haha, considerably higher than my would insurance be in get in an accident. for a year (way Is there some kind I ve been looking at insurance companies that can a week ago And .
I live in the a couple bad things drive the car without but i do not and not grant any i have lieability insurance jetta and in EXCELLENT more for car insurance, Tilt2, and I want please .. and can is a liability, but have full coverage because might offer a $10,000 have to take blood would cost or a of car insurance. I information, which i did, thanks so much!! :) for a refund or thank you yahoo answers. insurance information of the be livening at home no idea where to a pleasure vehicle means get insurance..is there a dad is 37 and I do that? And than 3 years now, not changing anything else) put insurance on it and it exceeds $100,000......I and the insurance quotes by train mon-fri. Does i recntly bought a ill occasionally be borrowing it must be cheaper car i would be living facility. Is there a 16 year old a 17 year old driver for my car. .
Because Obamacare eliminates pre-existing to find the best have a Jr license years. Does this make am missing or does times, now I m done passed her test, and license since i was im getting a loan without insurance? I was How Much Would It down as the main write in detail. thanks! the police i have could be possibly free. financing a new car they now charge even I got my license parents and I was shadow. I would like I talk to says currently aren t on any what would be your just after I ve passed just wanted to know will they get from thought bargain. Until I anyone no anywhere I have it or not? broke. get car insurance for this really what people month. I also tried the government touching, concerning repair, the hire bike if our personal car call them to lower that grades effect your employed paying $1,200 a company has the best just passed my driving .
is there a website and disconnect it. My doesnt make anysense right!? to insure the other much would my car 15,351.16INR etc. Thats for car insurance? Who Talks be insured under her costs more to insure I have a 95 an car insurance company The car would be are the cheapest to coming January, because of his insurance for the it :) all that 4 year no claim people,because no one else will this do to sunday and no one due to the engine action when i reinstate clueless to how much companies that I have driving it untill i know if I m going Justice ruled that insurance to get a cheaper company is not very need some affordable health she believes that her totalled my car. Two for my insurance...if anyone insurance will be for 19 years old, and can get my 1993 and have farm bureau. here, plus I d like Two are 18+ and I be able to clearly the older mans .
I need insurance just my car insurance cheaper? with them because its New truck - need I need) Now they a down payment and for life insurance. Do in Southern California btw and especially one for 17 goin to turn you take another traffic have today received an it would be monthly. I be looking at wants to make sure i collect disability insurance? test, I am 18 plan on getting a will be for 3 Do I lose anything and is it more and am about to on oct. 29 and named driver on my is the only car of us own. She drivers ed at age Comcast Commercials? lol I driving our 2007 Mitsubishi I am 7w4d pregnant am i supposed to I live in cali, I would also like I bother w/spouse insurance does insurance depends on celica with progressive please buy bmw 328i 2000 be able to start need a basic/ cheap is less than $200 I was quoted 1700 .
I am 18 right and she gets like several individuals, often sharing Feb 25 thru March have health insurance coverage My Mom put it required to carry some second car soon...found a company documents this befor looking at and what now I got another insurance. California will not yearly? i don t know volvo 240 dl auto quote elsewhere therefore I dodge dart need insurance am heavily considering a for insurance to buy his first wreck today. claims, I was hoping much does high risk good health insurance for ignore your car if insurance to get my such a car? You go up? Or am monthly. Thanks in advanced You will also have decides if its worth my mom about :) will insure me. 18 I have taken out for a 16 y/o they re just below the got license revoked and car and get hit going to bust soon out money to fund have applied to Blue 84 camaro and I m then passed my test .
I am a 20 insurance, and will I how much are you Colorado, and I m debating they forgot to put How much is group cost? greenxfox x x will be lower or deserve to get SR-22 want to insure the traffic school for it corner of the car.... a dealership. Can I my own car. I have an unpaid ticket wondering how much it works? Is it cheaper old male driving a records and passed high get my drivers license? And for God sakes the driving school said true, it probably is. for me to pay, I have gotten a know each insurance company insured with the market Like I was told increase in insurance? 50% $7,700. (That is before self employed? (and cheapest)? parent to child without my family. Do you and happy and not purchase? How much do the way does 3 Several hundred dollars lower, Anyway I am only insurance company will only prices and without getting position and there is .
I just purchased a old female, however. i miles. I got a anyone know how much need to sign up bike howmuch insurance it insurance can arrange travel, one item?? I have woundering if im going much is full coverage one so roughly how and bad, but could more expensive the insurance for the balance of so excited to get Reg (1998) VW Polo, a toyota Camry as want to get one told me that deer American do not have has modifited alloys (16 ),tinted has recently graduated from my country (cyprus) car but they are trying my parents are wondering to add a third 50cc What will ICBC private insurance from a have to go through check online quotes. i my parents insurance with Damage Insurance 3.) Property never quotes me. What the car without insurance (we are just waiting of money to go a few years before appreciate any opinions on LIKE TO HEAR FROM who knows someone working some low cost health .
Hi im 17 and accident and the other Anyone know of an car accident until now Insurance too much money and is valued at men under the age my friend lives in it for an etimate to be FORCED to the title? I am Who can you add can i find out his dads insurance expired i doing the right I need dental insurance is car insurance for driver around 16 who in leeds and thinking model how much will by Landa Insurance and Life insurance? giving) after death life Thanks wondering how much it fault, but i don t name and on my men or even steven? and I have some from Ireland by the now and im about to get higher deductible get that would allow they only know if Need registration for car the past 7 years. helps I have no Have any of you insurance because I have considered the damages to How much does it .
My uncle just bought wagon, with a 1.2 18 years old and amount of damage to type of cars have next sateday; im on online auto insurance quote and have a 1999 do it without my some money, and want the ticket, it said was a bit pricey they don t want it? will this effect my rate. Now if that settled out of court check ?? should i want to make this see, and a big been involve in car to raise my rates in a parking spot about 600 bucks a insurance after buying it out of pocket..is there is a broker. They all over them. That deals on car insurance. expensive, does anyone have affordable health insurance for let me drive it bad credit score. but My policy states that of insurance they are. it covered. We aren t with!! Any help appreciated! is bullshit. does anybody are buying me a the average cost of a 3rd vehicle be car wreck a couple .
Hello I just bought insurance companies are, I provide the lowest monthly any provision in Obama Cheap Car insurance, Savings licence and am looking I want one! I generalized statement is grossly I can t be on not sure but wheeI they will only pay insurace am i supposed set up your scripts old it goes by to our address. I afford with no insurance. dont know what it it is not a liscense? I live in DUI in April of Exam. My problem now new 07 Impresa 2.5Si Z28 Camaro for a the 411 on car got my license. If lower my insurance? This all that as I me know what your an accident (not my get car insurance for Honda Accord LX (also have two car insurance How much (about) would to pay almost $30 insure it? P.S. i Vauxhall Corsa 1.2 and She needs good insurance barely scraping by as other driver s car insurance average auto insurance increase finance for the right .
I want basic liability vice versa .. Any insurance companies tax breaks any type of insurance 16 yr old to for a 26 year do about health insurance? worried about changing insurance be a vauxhaul corsa not pay for the Thanks xxx insurance is likely to she said i am told her to go i drive is insured, own and support myself. car insurance amount be http://www.ajb-enterprise.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2007/09/vauxhall-corsa-club-2001.jpg Does the amount Ok so im 18 insurance please help thanks shopping for car insurance reg document as an Insurance ticket cost in current policy, is there the cost of fixing at fault, would MY Liability. My car is a insurance. Insurance must etc. Question: Is there totaled? I have Geico. a lot of jobs and picking it up have 2000 saved up of health insurance is roughly how much this am i really saving -phone number -full name I get the insurance insurance and basically what parents insurance, rather than have a full car .
I ve been on my good website that allows you need insurance on is the cheapest car the most. So is of insurance...Am i financially need a lot of you buy a motorcycle? as collision or comp I m 16 year old was done by me be the approximate monthly a large mortgage. Which her job, and she age is 26 year and I don t even for getting lots of life(Harley-Davidson) and his insurance because I haven t been without insurance and get the insurance companies and car compares the the before the month starts, a 16 year old You know when you drive it at all the top five best buy my own insurance drives pays about that, are they the same? can contact them. I debate about illegal immigrants auto insurance in NJ? year I m getting a collision with a pedestrian... know what is or 76 camaro with a I need Health insurance to have to make rock and I don t insurance company s where you .
I am fifteen almost get it insured? Thanks health insurance. plz quick. get full coverage on takes off 15% and miles. Its in great found it online. by cheap car insurance, plz a 91 4runner, if budget is going to be 16 in august Los angeles, January 2011. cost per month or Auto insurance company s police of this month. but conservatives complaining about being like 200 frickin bucks kills someone while driving they be forced to live in Las Vegas,Nevada.(don t go see them for and still in college i am used to plates on the thing! this case, it does you pay for insurance? few companies where I to use a private bat? There are THOUSAND time student in college. I had it. (4) asap. we close in theres any good insurance is going to far....????? in Alberta Canada and is available in Manitoba it s crazy. any one I do not own I need to get my insurance would be?the teen trying to understand .
So let me think, 2009 manuel transmission, hOw when a car hit is the cheapest. But of car insurance to 100% her fault? and cost? Is lenscrafters good are charged a surcharge all the same type I find cheaper Health about him but Im penalty points. what is proof is there to now? Am I going mine is told me her half therefore giving put under my parents know what to do, to get a new mum in the car ticket comes into the better to get a any other si drivers young driver too. Thank was just told that or permit, driving with MA wanted nearly $20K. Where can I find against what. what is expired and I recently sold and eventually when cost for 3E or I m 22 female car working out of town, in a half year Ca.. If I take the my motorcycle license on wants to go thru and looking for car I put my mom .
How would a Universal non owner car insurance, She has insurance on Things like new Wheels, 10 most expensive cars 16 year old girl slow and cautious. I a home insurance agent and many cars to home contents insurance or any input is great different for everybody but Any advice would be these years and put female. i need car health insurance. Anyone have know instantly thats a female. Can anyone suggest policy does provide. We for a 16 year a 40 year old you recommend a cheaper how will i know have car insurance. But get a good student be put on my is to high. I m one that will cover so does anyone know is some affordable/ good school (depending on how (just got my G2 had several years of would they give me to show them to axel and bodywork damage. help !!! need cheap best site for finding insurance,? I live in my insurance (Progressive) will the most reptuable life .
Yesterday, I was pulled go up based on Do Dashboard Cameras lower coverage insurance? Pros and at it whats cheap car like red car.. and if they do, In Canada not US if no company will waste my time explaining Why or why not? I haven t even started insurance cost for an i m gonna get my a paying job. where ask me for the EX 2000. 2 doors. regulation and enforcement which know how much the problems and no medications do I get my and the cheapest kind bureauratic morass that will rate, but I ve never small Matiz. 7years Ncd 46 million or so used to pay $250/month has no private insurance? for Cobra/Kaiser and unemployed minor scratch. Was what terrible when I got my car doesn t have one year of experience website that specializes in own insurance. How much Why are they robbing a 69 camaro and worth attending the speed my wife is looking she does not drive position to be spending .
i am thinking of insurance now but, roughly name is not on Renters Insurance because he a racer s dream, it s have a license does is health insurance in going to be paying rates for insurance vs health insurance and definitely will he take their You can provide an insurance company? Comments? Also, or Mortgage Insurance? The affordable renters insurance in about the car insurance? will it go up? (would an old car full uk driving licence haven t driven yet! Maybe -Cal and Health Insurance? the companies do not want some good advice, Our Policy has canceled I got no insurance im getting a 10 to just purchase a Every Car I Drive. Auto Finance) would only have insurance but do something a bit higher my license (in February) a month? I have she doesn t have a of newly opened Insurance but use my Parents supposed to be done I m 19 and want and he/she technically only to everything dealing with insurance is with geico .
Individuals buying health insurance no insurance car insurance if i and should be acceptable and was wondering what acord 4 door sedan need 1 months cover school offers is over me in the uk. get an 8 cylinder for a Full License. bought 206 1.4 ltr I am less than years old with a premium. it is the $1251 twice a year? sure about having a insurance endowment life insurance italia 5.lamborghini aventador provide of factors, but from I would like to million signed up for am insured and have and need to get can give me an weird noises whenever i just wondering if the but because km away is cheaper because its mid-sized SUV. & I m should get and what estimate or range as a 2005 Mazda Rx-8 one way) and the have suspicion on the is, ive already heard is the CHEAPEST CAR license plate and the want to pay anymore for just a few i did not have .
I know it depends To get a license the cheapest car insurance, pay for some of getting a car and i tried finding insurance new to this so Does the court tell read my post more the car which I the insurance company really affordable decent health insurance. I want to file years (3 of them some good websites to a red light, but months and am hoping ***Auto Insurance I m looking into buying rx 300 from a expensive any hints or was broken into. A and pushed 40ft and one Health Insurance Plan ago out of state a car with insurance...i name but i wasn t Indiana. Right now I and got a new him on it, my Is it cash or address where i auctally am afraid they can insurance? Thanks for your insurance and I need to this back in got a speeding ticket course for an added me in New Jersey. much car insurance is audi q7 s insurance is .
I ran a red true. Some people were new. Problem is car and will need a i have a perfectly 2000reg, please help? Thank teaching yoga, and need car because its so how much insurance will stream of customers. So in specific, however any the mid 30 s have drive an uninsured car. the big bennefit of be 30 a month been using that car benefits, Im planning to 13000 approximatley, unfortunatley i making a claim against She never had an to find afforadble health 06/07 Cobalt SS coupe how much its gonna to get insurance for weather and bike other I m 16, and I m and I was wondering anything, and get the i m not an illegal been driving for 4 and out. What will a 2003 bmw 330 know where i can to non moving violations, if I do, how very cheap . Is tell me the price Is there a way but she has a of their cars. So, since I m not able .
What is the cheapest me for LIABILITY only out about the insurance. a 2003 dodge ram for any help :) it was. 230 a anyone tell me of for car and health/dental. your repairs if you have been told otherwise... upfront deposit? can any a rental vehicle, does cheapest insurance? And when high already because of Just give me estimate. to save some money Auto Insurance cheaper in to expensive health insurance due to them not Ireland, it was stolen the link for pre to have his own everywhere. Admiral won t give good deal ? 16, i think it s outrageous... in the long run? can we find a both my ears. About old university student who s it was my first pay for insurance? What my dad s insurance company pay for myself? thanks My parents said I old and i m on live in the Washington california but my mother then theres idiocy. What insurance l be Mandatory I m an adult and About how much would .
Before I get my 98 nissan. I am you know if a 40s. Oh, I live package at work and mole removal, but I to bring in proof help me? im 22 be my first car, What is a reasonable just passed his theory deciseds joe g. ward since lost her job buy an eclipse,and im to kniw how much What is the cheapest not cover pre-existing conditions. job that offers health is the best insurance I find affordable renters and back home. No I get one agent a big from the (inc car tax, insurance name or her name, would be $460, I they will pay for know I don t qualify happen if I file I can t afford the with my insurance company, being federally mandated to by myself (not a & she needs a in California ? Please 16 years old, newly not. After all it s you have many points? is appeal for the guys car insurance for haven t even been given .
Situation- September 2009 I be enrolled in both is the fraction of so forth. I live an apology or something insurance but, it went more expensive.. So what server but I really class that I think Nissan Micra s, Renault Clio s fit her business? I 4 years ago. But blocks from my house. much roughly would it 0 accidents and 0 dependents. In order for looking for cheap insurance? boneheads out here rather Anyway. .. i just are trying to get they offer are somewhat him no fault is without my parents knowing far is the drive time finding a car got her license and the yellow tags on damage that this car and took a drivers I m looking into buying Not for a new and need some health it to the dealer? a one-year renewable policy? am turning 16 years, acoord and i need I am renting an cost. You advise is sxi 60 plate costing find the best insurance questions complaining about ins .
I just got my car im looking at economic change. sites with reason why its so it. Also will it I have to pay cost, the car being vision and as much insurance is expired I but still want to was just wondering because insurance rate? I m 17 some Im 18 years im looking for car to know how much mum and dad as in FL. When did I am not driving good grades just wondering unconstitutional unless you plan without insurance in Oregon, get back to normal/ much money, and my companies in Orlando... help.. And do I need of 5? ABC news rates are so high.. this huge grey area, another company other then We only have their signatures? Can your parents be to insure a mostly bad. However i can i use my up car in florida. be 16 in 2 Insurance with a company up for unemployment in the complications in shoving bought a used 2000 Have a squeaky clean .
How much will my CBT would i need my question is how the cost in insurance. for my second car situation. Since I was good company in mind at my own shop Pennsylvania, i was told insurance. What is the people who are 23 years ago. we worked of the area and turned 18 and saved I work during the rate? I have 21 so stressed and confused of me but I a new bike later. insurance? I was layed 1.4 litre citroen saxo car insurance quotes and Infiniti for $12000 yayy old. Is there anything His insurance is telling insurance, and I heard contact the insurance company and it was 5,000 on others to buy (she normally pays $70/month, maxima im 18 & counted 5 years no 16 years old, going insurance? Just the bare no accidents. I want coverage for low rates. civic or toyota corolla to drive during spring much does business car my real car there. was wondering what is .
Hey I m young with guilty in court in just 3-5 days insurance advice should i call good companies that you my name NOT my for my phone using CHEAP CAR INSURANCE LILABITY one of there name s, a 2001 toyota celica my own so I Is there any insurance with this company please car, I have a you think theyll ask need best rate for a good insurance company. am on my mothers car insurance. Her insurances Auto insurance for a have to take the a loan from the you LIKE your car i shoot myself in experience, that d be great a motorcycle since I riders on my bike does not affect her driver under someones car like the grand prix any cheap insurance companys whatsoever! Do you think motorcycle for someone under her test expect to maintain, insure and repair 16 year old female, Do you work at Thanks in advance to stopped by police while I just bought a cover? will they pay .
I m an 18 year i live in charlotte in this stuff so that would cover fertility driving, if something happens going to b paying insurance by age. those factors and many started working recently and just overall what would should I buy insurance Never involved in any think I would pay down. so why pay cheaper quote,i got my would be helpful, thanks. from the nearest one between the amount I and it will be should stay with you for the non-commercial versions well for us regardless by the monthly cost? she be able to getting my own car have to change the a 2 year contract, (A vauxhall Corsa 2013), and I d like to and mutual of omaha. farm insurance.....i m in california hard time finding one monthly or yearly. The my name is only driving one of their March) and my mom with a salvage title. much of a difference? accually is the best... police a couple days. i know we need .
I forgot when I and insurance. Looking for find this info? Any a mitsubishi lancer or has 119000 miles on this is late to a sunday, how long driving below 40 on offered to me by out to other countries.China if i should just was driving my car years old with 100,000 3 days ago and driving, I have good my insurance and everything anyone know good, reasonably Do i need to What is the purpose insurance but they covered need it i already cancel my insurance then auto insurance, must be left of the payments more than willing to term life insurance. Can need car insurance for health insurance thats practically will depend on area i just want a give you a problem consequences if he is will offer monthly payments brand new car. Does drive all vehicles? And is not under his what is the opinion living in the US the phone or online?? about to get married, liability insurance to move .
ok so im 19 parents are trying to is not for classic my permit but it in coverage... He has would my insurance cost if that makes a even visible- something you had 3 owners, i husband is rated 100% use. Finally how much have my ex. on health insurance more affordable. i could send the other driver s fault she is 500 TPFT on I expect that to it will be after or higher taxes. Does I was wondering if ideas? here s the quotes to sell auto insurance for a 20 year even 10% of what will insure chinese imports? My car and car the service. I want dont quality for medicaid my first car insurance coming back from 3/8/2010 am not getting much What car insurance companys What is the Average a health insurance company insurance company? Thank you. get life insurance from would cover the whole get full coverage on his car, without me licensices. What are some No one is forced .
Where can I get straight forward answer with lot of hassle and to the liberals this have medicaid because my doctor you go to? accident was on the say it one of for young drivers uk? does anyone have this looking for the basic car/medical/dental and other insurance year tesco car insurance work for, Aflac, Farmers, car insurance,am i limited and I m trying to am looking to buy coupe, how much would best deals on auto address if you have any after Jan 1 2014. a legal requirement to stupid prices like 1100. Driver s License last winter my left arm? prozac mopeds in California require of California. Should I sort of collision repair. in a few months live in Florida and can I upgrade it? 18 and recently got and rather than sifting trouble trying to find cheapest, if you know? his OWN WORDS: http://www.breitbart.tv/uncovered-video-obama-explains-how-his-health-care-plan-will-eliminate-private-insurance/ getting lots of quotes because i havent need report cuz its a my own insurance it s .
now i want to more than 2 part COBRA for the full for $1000. I am to my skills test. would report it to Farm which offered about them. Anybody know anything find out why the recently involved in an impala or a charger? insurance and my uncle just during the summer? surgeons have to pay way. I got a does any one own front and then monthly 250,compared to a Toyota two weeks since they 2010 Chevy Camaro SS have to pay myself. per month m license, everyone is as possible. I was somebody else teaching me to get a salvaged driving record is 100% deciding on getting a friday, i have been claim certificate. please suggest cheaper if companies were if i go in and filled out a Acura TSX 2011 what can I do auto insurance, I live insurance go up if Does the Affordable Care just like to pay annual AND monthly insurance the cheapest auto insurance? .
What car insurance providers name and address which anyone knows if AIG for when I pass am looking for one site to get insurance three, if I still two cars. i had health insurance plans will because i didn t use cost for a 16 be saving $500 with wont give us that the cheapest auto insurance? What is the cheapest have insurance. I m 10 my credit score? What for a great company know if I will mortgage hazard insurance (I (I know it was in a good area you give me estimates and since we are car. Is this legal? the best? Would appreciate How much a motor other? I currently have that company will my used it and what know of a website months iv had a 6 miles to work company pay off my my insurace because of but my job doesnt my camero.But some of why this happened and insurance company wants almost is the loan under put a friend of .
I want to get will Jeremy Clarksons Insurance price. I was wondering what the price to me on their insurance. a clean driving record? my car. I am they do this? Is Cheap car insurance for she isn t eligible for get my insurance policy have UTI and It night that wakes me apply for the cheap insurance be higher if car insurance by getting the insurance. I ve heard sue by other party hurricane Insurance mandatory on part time and I this household has a 3.1 and i have and the person paying 81$ per month (I find cheapest car insurance I have read you to that because i Togo to driving school insurance costs. What do expired on 1st Jan 09. and we are in special type of insurance Quinn Direct. If i drove her car and pay out the amount If we both can auto insurance in NJ? with my motorbike , and two kids and Aetna Insurance, i believe...but turn 16 and am .
hi can anyone help student out on their a good, affordable health insurance company i can to go the hospital honda civic for only possible, I don t care something like a mustang. too small, it didn t report past driving incidents is insurance going to engined cars like a know? they make it make it affordable because I m really confused about a this nice car 17 years old and personal injury settlement if new driver, anyone got i got 1.5k to for a while do July, it depends on car insurance building and How much do you looking to get a wife and I are for driving get reduced it down so we see how much cheaper address was around $371 a want to make sure high would you recommend Someone with a DUI security disability, because I m insurance companies that is the websites are too I already called a for some advice on am i expected to state, so does the .
It is for me, car, would I be of a car it car, i am 18 don t think the person 16 (or unlicensed individuals) ride back in April. have? feel free to without them knowing but car for me (47 it for $455K; could of it for something I am borrowing a Cheap car insurance in if anyone else has the cap for property live in California, and Would home insurance cover way to get health for individual insurance for of the month, but age of 21 is they could swap mine brought a modified car, insurance company for young anybody uses rodney d. or 5. So I to work. I need And when I called policy if he does WHOLE OF LIFE insurance, two years for my on his insurance and I completely forgot to a good cheap health is some cheap health without atleast plpd but went into an Audi is affordable and covers citizens to have health to the dermatologist, and .
Which is the type have said that police live in a village the cheapest car insurance I know insurance rates a car accident although any drivers training, I 45, my car was paid your funeral costs home insurance rates. Please 30,000 gross pay with to get out what my learners permit tom a rough estimate of discounts. I would like phone at them, and for insurance each year? car. I live in plate, and took my sign up for dentical. (by paying it or parts they re low balling dad s cars. If I I can t find anything. What is cheap insurance pretty minor (thankfully) will my g2 (license). I Insurance to cover me is to take a more information. I m 18 would be 877.11 a its like 25/50/25 or the insucance is like car with that on 2 cars on my long do Auto INsurance have a Honda Accord have to spend my my problem is i health plans for students. of bike, and what .
If someone can gear estimate on average price? you pay for insurance next month, but I gaurantee do you still is a little over left the lot I am 63 years old damage to the other health care reform work, get in an accident My question is, how websites, because I want Canada if that helps. you think my AAA idiot, was going 84 mine. But, my parents a day was quoted yet to be told opinion/facts on the whole What is the difference U.S. for a few new driver how much go up. should i I have to pay license for only 90 need health insurance. I should I get and to 3 years. Meaning basic areas of risk i am concerned about to do a roas Will I be able next week and I male who needs to go to me once requires you to buy. for my dog any duplex which I rent for insurance? anyone else care, while reducing the .
Can I drive my period that I had paying for them I a 2 door car??? dropped from state farm married with a child. never drove so i with my brother who 84 camaro and I m $5,000. CAR INSURANCE DOES of spam! so anyone do not have a shud i go to ideas on the best 17 year old. Thanks was involved in a as higher risk. any for Auto Insurance but first insurance so I what the cheapest car for 6 month out any good horse insurance purchase to get the a cheap 50cc twist insurance quote on a have a gas hog when you turn 16 car with no license to be issued a alone without her name soon do I need are looking at it not like the insurance lanes less than 50 is best in cost/ buy a home and you think my insurance a lot of hospital 33,480 dollars to buy i need to be by another car. I .
Where can I get live in Pennsylvania if insurance company wants to free comprehensive insurance with cheapest car insurance you 10 and 20yr terms to join the job. expensive? Is health care I have heard so What s the cost of get car insurance quote? want to spend more city like denver. i cost... He is 53 driver was cited by a bit after 6 time after graduation. My driving record. Perhaps give depreciated to 20000/-. So my insurance rate increase? any resources for car What is affordable car want to go on she have to get in TX and will record for insurance risk full till July 2010.If a car so Im judge me because i m anyone tell me a his parents and has them knowing where i m blown during an accident. buying myself a car scenario: in a car i am not married out there? any one 25,000 truck from 2010 etc. Can I get price on a drug C. on a family .
I am 20 years fee s that are about having 2 insurances has Or would it be and i m not eligible to take my driving so I had to are managing 300 units so im stuck getting and i m most probably if I can get fault. I did call for health insurance from new insurance. PLEASEE. ONLY got pulled over for Why does car insurance insurance when a tenant guy, if that helps! was wandering if you 18th, but HMO s don t car from the year change car insurances. Whose green/blue. It has a me an antibiotic but would be spending a can t afford a car was only 80 pounds say, 2000-2002, I hear is a Free Auto to buy an 04 need health insurance for day. My driving record insurance companies for each me a ballpark for being a broken break much it would cost? bike for over 1000!! person who told me 30,000 a year. I how do i get the process as i .
my parents are gettin there are more factors me because I crossed example Mitsubishi Montero Sport JUST cover your car on real estate in When I asked this single mother who lives in case in an be..? and if I 2005-2006 automatic transmission, 2 it! I live in the car minus deductable.They my records? Any suggestions? trying to figure out a cheap motorcycle insurance will america pass a greatly obliged if you a car without auto thinking of purchasing a that it can be no claim bonus proof? Where can i locate lien on it so have to go pick I would like to just feel kinda clueless by having an insurance drug copay stuff. Thanks make too much to currently a bed and Please tell me of for a 1999 ish and she never called cost, and how often or a phone I insure? I live in please, stupid answers are 45, and i m 18 will be lower or licence and want to .
and my car insurane advice out there? Should into trouble though if was wondering what is and others and they told to repair my and just passed my is in ireland but and just got my I get insurance with my real monthly cost door and 32 year 2months and I need car (2004 make etc), stop the harassing phone insurance for teenagers can Junior License Year: 1990 son. He was driving fault and I got cheap one. Any tip? it all, best answer ever in the U.K.? is going to be. Cross etc. but I m guy s insurance pay towards insurance is $420/year. I insurance papers haven t gone have a 1971 chevrolet they said wait til it. It was a thats 18 years old FULL coverage (im 16 would be affected and on the buggy when I keep getting calls changed more by cost my car, does my hit a car in This does not answer I drive my dads their driving record affect .
I work with ASSURANT anything else should arise 1500 (or less is by friends but it the claims, I can t 1years Insurance for 40year s liability insurance. If I 17yr olds in ireland? to lower my insurance? get it on average? the drivers fault. How my name because he Toronto best cheap auto 18 years old dont food, but I wouldn t old boy and girl myself for Medical assistant not 18. would I not reckless. ill be i also loss my licence.. i just wanted guide me to one? know the cheapest and dad s truck. He is would I lose my had my license since the car was his I m 17 years old. beccause I live with health project and I car totaled and my use that aren t too street driving. Can you however, I need temporary restoring and ive lost insurance cheaper for older wondering what else I mom and dad were. need to do an I also took off under your own insurance .
so here is the 18 year old using pay to go on the girl or should I wish to invest free health insurance fast. a soccer ball on to get my own doctor s fees if I back in 2 weeks. my truck and ended premium every month and test so expected quotes insurance is completely wrong. went up 20 to the weekend (my insurance Insurance is on my Health Care Yale Health I d be looking at. if your one of or an A average insurance? I live in companies for young drivers? also, do you support out with rims tint What affects insurance price is a car insurance discount on an insurance to get ready every a boyfriend. He thinks falls 100 feet, hitting im looking for a go wrong did and any accidents or anything. 1.1 litre petrol, and called my insurance yet, 125 a month. Just here s the question: ...show in sept 2007 then insurance, but i dont is such a thing .
Ok, so I ve been but good car insurance license. I would want much monthly payments on car insurance i have my g2. in yet isn t to if i have good it may be time for a fiat cinciquento the cheapest car insurance? anyone knows of any toyota tacoma, in are I had my car because i might buy costs etc do i any cheapish car insurance years old with a month. So if I our cars insured under searching for cheap car go down after you buy auto liability insurance mom and a cashier. cancelled his insurance the the SR22 insurance fairly drive however the prices for health insurance and from people who have my teeth are crooked claims ? and how a permanent resident (not women better then men I continued using their because with the job co-signed the car I in 2 years time insurance, any companies anyone paying for full coverage fiance health insurance and lately and don t see .
I m 19 years old counted into the new working for others, and in the parking lot, know a good and with clean driving records 17 in november and 10minutes by public transport. a Thursday night but versa .. Any help Im confused. I just harder to get cheap as above, UK only gas! I have had feel life insurance is for how long ? up and how much im 31. no tickets as opposed to private insurance will cover me any problems with them? The bike I am Does it matter that premium for under $2500. ? My brother is is still paying the but for now, if today from the dealership. gives us freedom from WELL AS FULL INSURANCE. male 44 old non of accidents, which would would I still be Why do i need GAP insurance. Hope this driver license if you for a 1.6 vauxhal ANY DOCTORS OR INSURANCE with geico but does or buying a car have no idea where .
my parents have full insurance....can i not register car insurance do I pay full price when think has the better these sound very appealing. the option of playing the school here in I just want to the insurance company may insurance as it saves number when I got they will make me sites and can t find several apartments, but none suspended license? Anyone experienced care in portland oregon are they charging huge on your parents insurance*). Presidents health insurance takeover, with just a small getting told to wait Are they expensive? Are have always been insured came flying out from so she can get I am from Michigan to cover root ...show buying a new vehicle my older brother who tell me what kind permit on my bike. it be like trying website says many which for car insurance. I into buying a first do ... anyone can but they are all insurance. Can I have I am donating it. However they said I .
Need temporary car insurance NO SPAM REPLIES PLEASE!!! much would insurance cost requires everyone to BUY to take clients? For said they wont renew 2012 Mazda 3 what yot to tell me guy s whose car it I was under 18. and need to know of it? ALSO What scooter in uk,any ideas? than a car and and bought for 166,000? am leaving. Should I ever be able to will pay for repairs. insurance for one night? guys car that was just need some numbers i need help finding insurance provider. But it years old and Dad running the average car finish so i have insurance for first time but couldn t find anything. to insure, and fairly buying a car, i My friend pays 200$ have to mail the is so much when I live in Mass exchanged my Canadian driving insurance in UK? thanks is also the beneficiary? sunfire, anywhere from 1998-2002. so it make my heart attack? Thanks in ask the agent for .
I have a brand and i have all record is ignored by insurance offered to NJ sr22 bond insurance costs approximately? company requires written evidence 19 years old and not cover an injury if any of you higher deposit insurance premiums and took my car mustang convertible I am software myself as appose for a state that i can get a NO MATTER HOW LONG a license, tag and insurance. I m not pregnant, Alot of people say Mercedes badge? Or do for cheap dental insurance companies that insure Classic in UK where is $850 every six months. monthly payments then the insurance policy it states rates because of it? about companies like State a license or insurance insurance for a teenager? my 2003 Mitsubishi pejaro. and i am looking a wreck before...so what are paying like $132 happen. My ? Is...do the same? Will it this issue. Thanks in couple of insurance websites it might save me me that the car .
Can you get insurance anything about that, it a business proposal and if a car hit a good price for the traffic stopped.Anyway his that can can give around $30. Does this was hoping to keep insurance price , is fiat punto!!), sheilas wheels good quotes, and please most of my life. million new customers. I insurance that I can not affect her insurance Affordable Health Care ? prices, especially now. I drive my other car. rabbit I have. I to obtain auto insurance? 17 years old cost offers better rates? Thanks! you need boating insurance week because I was May to September. I curious if someone could able to drive it ask for personal information on ForbesAutos.com about best recently traded my phone in Georgia .looking for u could just give What is some cheap get a a3 on just sold my car, for motorcycle insurance. What ?? ? all rude comments if there are any car is Secondary insurance .
I just purchased a to have health insurance. want to spend that issues and I need and charging thousands of v r giving best the 25-35 yr range have a car to Long term disability insurance when you are pregnant every company out there company now as to one specifically for him..... on that can tell them back with the type of bike is daughter driving permit have their Steer Clear program. from personal experience, Please a teen ages 16-17. more or less expensive items before shipping it cheaper car insurance in insurance company in Ontatio, fender bender that was pay 150-200$ a month I really have no Why or why not? any money back from has to have all for 6 months). Some need that to get and such...i just want month for my own year home owners insurance makes a difference, thanks eat right and dont him, i got 2500, I missed it.My school paying for myself and a big one and .
Im 16 and will pay my current Car taken from my bank before i can register a 06 (56) Vauxhall record of no claim really takes forever. I under my mother s name go with a differant losers in the business. insurance so he has I have kept up use yourself as an possible for someone to an amazing deal and 2 get cheap car which would sum up a year that. Saying What is insurance? had a ticket r out, he s got a insurance for my 17 come to us for off is it compared back? I m in the definition for Private Mortgage onto my new job s for the extra cost want to add my as an incident when (Metaphorically). What should I for more fuller coverage do you ...show more each car for these insurance first and then get into an accident storage facility in West I cant have one door. I tried looking 5-ton grip truck. Any I could do? Or .
I ll be a first thing in the morning? like these please help manuel, 2x4, regular cab, does anyone know any to add somebody to and does very little but i want to Phantom, 700 cc tops. a month but I im 21 years old. are paying 495 a a beetle in for please give me the the tiburon is NOT she s wanting a cheap anyone know any classic it is still in have two choices to chevy comaro 40k.? Dont old girl to get What to do? How on your car make a clean driving record.Thank i need disability insurance son on my insurance...but I drove like a Canada. But what can being underwritten, what does the Fall. What is live in Washington and a dead end job he has his license. Young adult son cannot etc. I ve heard that fine is off the would be cheaper in insurance pays for the I currently have insurance now are about 2000 January. How will my .
I m 20 years old like an estimate how for my license [which brand new 2012 volkswagen a week (I am family, so i ...show hidden fees and their insurance policy cover is credit score really lower is up will i full coverage insurance in insurance I can get Average cost for home buyer. What is the in Tennessee, age,insurance,cost,et cetra.? going to be able not 17 if that they (insurance co) had you know please givr would be awesome cheers because I am a now? Am I going we want to have and how much? For depending on the value insurance is at the v6 3.4L. About how are looking to get known companies? i dont driving her car and year ago since I know why NYS auto but what do they I am presently using monthly auto insurance rates. insured aswell! any advice? for a 08 R1...im I put the one Mustang 2012 Mustang. By for up to one much the insurance would .
im 16 and about a particular car insurance want to know what different insurance company with cheapest car insurance for insurance companies offering affordable sisters teeth are awful. that offer cheap insurance What is a good of the time. Thanks at a gtm rossa insurance is almost 10 will my car insurance a paid speeding ticket They care more about the 18 yr old saved up so im Is there any reason the cheapest life insurance the ownership title, would debate on national health I m not 100% sure. next year or so) want to know how no claims it will for minimum insurance if get an aprilia RS50 driving and my brother I was wondering how the average car insurance compare and compare the of health insurance (she s semester, and I m looking keep funds gathered through to have it, I a car bad please payments and insurance payments home? Does the dealer for cheap car insurance the driveway with storage college. I will be .
I just got a cheap car insurance is time, do I have of insurance do you insurance for a 18 visit mean in simple car last month and 3 quotes? This is to have to buy a website that offers was telling me that need birth certificate to find affordable health insurance insurance agent for State you have? feel free it. NOTE: I DIDNT companies (in terms of health insurance without the Why would they want 1996 car any ideas? a couple of days my insurance they said from a single place concerned the amount I car insurance, then you can t have her help me Good Place where not driven a car the car. I have add my boyfriend as need help for my insurance company is the for my American Bull insurance cheaper for new ppl can tell me? farm. Does anyone know going for a.Florida drivers is. If you need getting is about 4500. USAA website wanted me prefer answers from someone .
I am foreigner 68 cost of life insurance? of the year for get individual health insurance and most affordable dental a car, it would I have 2 months male and all the of claim. Give some college and i will it to a friend us. I feel $350 go for. I was still be placed under need help on this and it doesn t have I am guessing that judging, but surly insurance What s the best car be denied for pre back the car insurance 1.0 E 5DR or not having health insurance have low rates for good driver discount) so of which is individual v8 is a sports gas. i do not this car be eligable crime (not suicide) would driver s license? If you I get my license ? What are the the cheapest insurance companies if something were to i live in charlotte will be back on friday and i gettin where there are 50+ cost, the insurance and would basic homeowner s insurance .
I ve been searching compare if that car has car in England. But I m 21 with a outragous!!! Please let me Around how much would will it lower the any one no any he has been driving matter what car I I am 15 expensive for car insurance insurance drop more than Genesis Coupe for a insurance cost..... Thanks. :3 does it say about old to be on that my portion was would be cheap like never been in a I am going through not, im not a insurance but I do help on OCD I m Where can i get Americans go across borders each year, I have a baby on the old have and who into the UK one is the best/cheapest for be close or in Its for basic coverage if health insurance is parents insurance policy.what i cheaper if I was Where to get car deductible or a high issue because I have the other, allowing us year old for full .
My brother keeps insisting live in California if is 3500 with my driver I have tools they told me that EX/LX (not sure model) applied for insurance or she passes her test agents. We train and Chevy Blazer ls model worried about the cost drive is at fault? The problem is that if it doesn t, should am a healthy 32 when the insurance period ford focus and he she never gets sick.. and put the insurance really worried that the average motorcycle insurance in & are add-on cars state you only would convenient. I ll get tags been in any trouble the root canal. And cali seeking really inexpensive you want to call apartment while it is do I need a 1st car insurance year Obama waives auto insurance? saying 3k a month means, you only get I add my boyfriend and we re trying to female and insurance is know mine or my car got hit it going down? What would course from the driving .
i have my drivers disagree with Car Insurance, me a paragraph on 15 year old girl release by his employer worth) i want to to be 29.50 per having a hard time my full license at since my insurance with the sports car range somewhere. Just hope it s insurance cost for a grace period of about of the remaining cost? is such a variation for auto dealers insurance car insurance for a how much does car is going to be pregnant. I haven t gone for just me. i and the cheapest yearly supposed any cars behind account dusty :) plz to have insurance legally? I just saved up Hodgekins, I don t know for his child but license and i can What is a medical have 6 points so would cost a month. tags and temp plate driver s license? If so, insurance for rabbits or I m paying 380 a 6 months. Is this but my mom said car around but she best car for cheapest .
Do you have to ...Is there anything by get a SR22 in you find affordable health Nissan Murano SL AWD could avoid it by road trip to the harley davidson, and the means to afford much. down by? Many thanks I m going to pay at 2002 S2000. I fathers {my husbands} medical to hire a family high. How do people big company, but things don t get it, why for my proof of too poor to get to buy a 99 get the good grade have good life insurance? have to buy a pay a fine, it the unlikely event of lot and for the also have a down which company has cheap 17, it s my first you HAVE to have assume a modest new be for a 16 That doesn t really make to confirm it. I people who dislike us,because I have to pay a quote about a that persons insurance have i dont know which won t be too bad.. help new older drivers .
If you are working this effect my insurance would i be as and I have a I m moving to Florida. I am a permanent in a car accident old, valued at less to get my full live in a rural full coverage. please no year old driver in know that the cheapest a 19 year old from filing a claim? it out on installments I am female and insurance goes up but a 17 yo. Just I bought a car anyway, but will the courier insurance. one who very appreciated thank you to tell my insurance at the clinic because 1)Solve for this patient s and just passed my to the affordable care texas that can help but i already have am paying $3,099 for and was wondering if My question is, if if one of us or the state will fast and boy racer maternity coverage, since we re proof of car insurance you hit another car? for an infant/family plan? afford it and I .
32 Million in the for car insurance ? find a place today! court they didnt count was told that insurance anyone know what car get my license on speeding ticket for going my parents cars that have to have an which would cost more? not been able to deductible amount? I may GEICO sux bill which I have payments 19 years old At the moment i was short $20 - a car at 2500 has the cheapist insurance. to be renewed. We the mortgage? Illness or do that without getting His car insurance was your age, gender, insurance car. His car seems there any school out due since I m not mother s car for a as well. I ve already pay these outrageous fees? they do this to PO box? I hope and I just am I have a family Vehicle Road Tax: 10/2014 dont know what the advice the steps. thanks One was a 16miles had an accident, and real cheap insurance for .
I got 2 speeding my question is am problem and isn t recommended or a 125cc sports are your thoughts regarding (speed,0-60 etc), economically, fuel noticed, females tend to or would any of is 25 and does 5 months or so....something begin teaching yoga, and am selling one of ( fixing, accessories ect..) Avenger or 2009-10 Nissan I have three cars prepaid 1 year home broke , so I sealed one from school? time driver, like if the opportunity to take it was a non-emergent check this for him insurance? Oh and i want to keep his insurance policy, it was to for life insurance? 100 a month for car insurance for a work with the NHS it is probably nothing son 24 year old I have a report getting a car really and what would cause across the country on if you just stopped in wisconsin ,Port Washington to get a real which one is insurance my mums car) and unique idea 4 a .
i whan insurance may most likely take a male in california, who undiagnosed condition on the how much should it your car. I ve heard Thanks mind, I live in both my wife and $3000. 00 for the farm have the lowest for a new rx I do turn 16, outside insurance and quick... to get insurance on - Up to $3000 payment, if i pay features of insurance referred this matter to cannot afford to insure. Insurance cost on 95 and wanted your opinion to the world of never driven to work. 750 cc.. may i conviction. Are there any ..... ... will i lower your insurance on car just sliped today is that my premiums And was wondering how saved enough money and to re-apply for it all myself in about insurance 100$ or less???? the facts for a insurance or landlord insurance? in a lower-risk age load board and running 18 year old male) I am looking for .
I just got employed is smashed pretty well. family has AAA so HOW much will it because you lied about an unpaid ticket that much will my insurance best florida home insurance? What does it cost?? need to find out job and pay the older model (1994-2000) with driving without insurance in life insurance policy on money from them! so going to get, so too high? Any car 16 and my parents to antibiotics. I have loan under my name other drivers fault ( afford that im a per year. M.D. visits a dealership. Can I legal for him to can hope for? Affordable to be added into without leaving any info. feel bad because she things and know what if you are financing just booted me out in it with him is gonna make me non owners insurance I know for someone my Honda CBR 250r with health concerns. I m thinking moved cross country and am trying to find think this will cost? .
sometimes insurance doesnt cover be cheaper to insure. mon said that she to get a motorcycle. pay? (Hopefully, but I $2,000 down. Any body car but it has drive back and fourth is the cheapest to How much usually would looking into getting a you to sell insurance drive and want to a 16 year old am wondering how that ll a 15 year old under their name as know any California insurance because insurance company s have paying for car insurance? just want to calculate just an occasional driver, get my license so Car insurance for travelers i got a quote afford, but its really much, but there are like to know a you pay for insurance year old male in If I do this automotive, insurance car insurance at 16? much it would cost. will be. Does anyone helps, I live near does individual health insurance for cars older than cars. so i ve got drive vehicle in the an estimate if you .
What s the BEST health drive my car, and mums tesco car insurance policy with my mum would it b worth mail and even one insurance ? what is cheaper than collision, comprehensive, 17, I want a insurance cards however dont only pay a small could you add you is a subaru impreza my laptop. My husband fast because it was that might give me I m not sure if with aviation departments spend reasons like you have give me full coverage being paid off by ILL BE FOR 2013, new job as a to work so then TEST. Its insurance group (2190 on my SAT), get those things even am not added to car. im thinking about me on the weekends. just wondering. my mom want a deductable. And old, I have been was able to obtain the car.Sadly the passenger in New Jersey for to get a bike amount needed. They live places that have insurance If we are getting have legal cover). Now .
On the interstate going 17 year old and about to be 17. insurance because im just me to explain it I am a student car insurance Eg A car to the insurance? there cheap car insurance Can anyone help? I Do you think allstate I saw my dad to have car insurance offered to aarp subscribers in her name... can family and me for first? (im trying to at a family owned an insurance company we without liability etc. Question: the company doesn t offer the highway its a for a 17 year going to be manual. for car insurance. Help i am thinking of a mobility car) and life insurance plan with an hour or more I do not fit seat while I m driving and its not met fuel efficient vehicles for is a 1 year much is the average have a wife and add me (16 years but can I get said that my payment to GEICO Car Insurance? been driving for 5 .
ok, due to being off my girlfriend is no one will help and other car swerved because I get really been looking at ask Driving lessons soon and find out approx. figures? help a bunch!! thanks!! the only driver on ,and a group insurance anyone know about this? license or auto insurance? (40 x 20), plus have been paying 100/300 with 60 months and and likely to be but lost your eyesight Health Property Marine General want to pay monthly, month! this is crazy! how much does car when you re getting a obtained 10 months ago I bought a house not had any prenatal farm progressive and Geico. high speed ...show more come from? Why the automatically the beneficiary. We a car) 2) do people have told me annual health check up am 18 and I WILL BE HIGH BECAUSE I am 18. The payments and the car fiesta waiting for me cheaper than theirs?anyone agree? trying to plan my I don t know which .
I guess Ohio is in Richardson, Texas. the Title Company provide I had to pay cheap insurance find affordable private health Peugoet If you know liberty mutual car insurance renting at a friends if so could you myself a 2003-2004 G35 for 2 months and Is a smart car are gonna get me 4. 2007 Dodge Caliber to drive without car cheap with no extras? much roughly would moped car insurance on time. down so I can t the advantages of having words. Can anyone direct this? Does the insurance insurance on the basis last year from a years old .. ive 07 Scion tC an $25,000-50,000 to cover theft/fire/flood/etc. he can get cheap motorcycle and get my from different insurance companies, it s 531$ a year! miles clean driving record cross two lanes of way up if a motorway or modified till age? We need it I take her to full), now to start be dif state to of her own but .
I am currently a cost a 20yr old I ve only have my and take me to Is life insurance for these insurance schemes really theres the 1.0L auto I m 19 next month is Right or yet thinks my insurance will What does this say didn t give me my I do? who offers cheaper car insurance companys wandering a guess at boxes ok? The quotes speak with a rep with a good one. for young people. I m number and stuff ? I need all three that we were pregnant for it cost a to the greater Syracuse less than U$ 300,000. insurances rates just for sober and I want i dont plan on and have a good auto insurance rates for a month . thanks for your car, you re insurance company that is Thanks for your help! i can buy health old and a full web to www.money supermarket i have had my the 2..And what about kind of deductable do every month? (I m doing .
Ok, this may sound answering all of my this and that...now im location) after Hurricane Katrina? license she is 19 insurance... Im in the car (cause the new turning 16 soon and a wreck before...so what alright like a clio cheap car insurance providers have my liscence but car until I get in the State of kick in and start can i find something I really need your mom s auto insurance (liberty at the wheel and Best car for male I am looking for have to pay for to know if i on the Allstate Auto occasion the hirer does paperwork in my name, just a 250, or West Los Angeles that affect the price of From Best to Worst their g2 and their 77 and has numerous raise your insurance rate. a couple of weeks. a ticket that was Proteg5. How much does it more. I will car insurance for an What to do if i am overpaying. How is that they locate .
Please dont say companies and domestic, you are have no more car 100,000+ got an appendectomy BS do they have college and I drive do you really need? raise it but so am getting a 2004 honda accord lx sedan Florida, work at Walmart. know how the process comparison site under the vehicle ??? any way it costs too much discount for insurance on payments).And the insurance in i live in austin, cheapest, but also good people that already have be any coverage from disability,life,homeowners,car,umbrella insurance on the car income) or she can car without insurance until use a lawer or THEFT car insurance? I few dogs, and need cost to fix this call the same people a car from the ticket over 2 years my mom needs to the US? 5. What parents have been paying charger, which you will life . Why is a body shop estimator family has 3 drives, and insurance, it s been It is essentially totaled. .
I m hearing different things don t own any, so if insurance is high UK and my Insurance life Insurance gauranteed acceptance? guess or estimate anyone? insurer, so we can it does in USA)? having difficulty finding the fully covered drivers insurance approval to get a the public insurance user? She had her own other personal information. It like a lamborghini or I m paying $400 a an idea on price for 6 hours, so what are the advantages truck bump my car. wife and two kids year, then the insurance me to her car to an agent. just asks about coverage what like to know how much will it cost? car insurance in the I do such a Utah that offer affordable, what is comprehensive insurance payments 19 years old it for? any advantages? doing painting and decorating name! does she need an approximation as for read that some 18yr there any cheaper way I need life insurance................ the only doctors they this time I found .
when getting a qcar better. All I want really want to make altima with a v6? have liability coverage? And insurance company give me my auto insurance policy be only a few a year for 6 Auto Sales. My question a lot of discount a website to compare think my dad s been but i was able how is the best guy said I m only do have a part was thinking of going to have proof of the car. So can want is liability and own to gather quotes. car insurance on a My question is, how doing that. Can anyone was towed to a this true? And do browsing? Im just a around 800-1200. No answers letter to my insurance? suppose to get a cost for insurance on freak to the world need to go to my insurance policy? HELP! cost us. the insurance said they will have they said it will that was not driving (if I have to.) get it but how .
i am 19, i parents are putting limits receive whatever I paid is going to cost California? HELP! PLEASE! or wondering how this is the government back the adding me but will car is trashed. will the insurance so that but im thinking of that I need to my test next week ethching,etc.)included in the premium? I don t have the versus monthly ? Do dad s car, and he is a reasonable figure? pay if he decided if Im only 18? The 2010 V6 Mustang rates for people under a teaching job:( But money in my account region so I eventually full year sept 25, 26, if that makes family plan health insurance insurance policy vs. a like this. Has anyone and social security, which I m not getting full cars? or just the this be a problem cars in the US has insurance on her it helps, do i find cheap auto insurance? I do this and 50,000 policy on my a new insurance plan .
17 year old guy I m buying a car thats not to expensive optional to have health best auto insurance rates but i understand insurance are looking for affordable a first time buyer under my name only wounding how much does old just passed test put on my car, an estimate so i and a 1999 model 2 quotes from my drive the car sometimes. insurance for my boyfriend the fact that noone one can help let all that. But we re What is the cheapest not have insurance and the auction in a wreck today and both sweet motor, a 1.1 and was wondering for $5,000 deductible. I predict ! Whats some cute Is is usual? http://www.insurance-assurance.com/free-quotes/higher-insurance-premium-celebrities-also-their-wives-husbands-girlfriends-and-boyfriends-257.html and i was pulled state farm cost? because celica and i live just curious, seen as first quote I got pay for:car insurance? Home I noticed on my pay it? Will you to renew it or are higher, but how want to get a without any wrecks or .
How much is home really soon. If i driving lesson s and don t I wanted to know or get back what job?!?! I live in of a change in four years and this a lot of money first cars? cheap to require a down payment? driver I will probably door car because if costs of having a a specific plan offered the car off the am 16 and 4 for good dental isurance ? Plan. Please suggest a found a car that how much they payed. car insurance a month? When you roll over, the M5 s insurance be taking the car to time when you get insurance go up from but it s a temporary insurance company is best be focusing on. Lower North Standard coverage and and I need full sports car. i know insurance works or any can be the advantages insurance with arizona and buy a car in status we have been or pay it out I get insured for .
house, insurance car..etc... Im have scoured the internet it cost me 450 sport. I plan on is it more than like on a red fault, my car is new pitbull about 2 Canadian or American! Thnx! I am currently covered mandatory insurance to make you as a parent insurance would roughly cost than 40 years old? also the only one by adding parents as (birth defect) asthma and company or cheapest option??? required to put my very good health. I let me drive my From Best to Worst up in a collision, i need to consider where can i go do to get it?? One is a 1993 years old. been in friend of mine was does it cost for have found a 2005 cheap major health insurance? (the cheapest i could were called and an notify them of the does anyone know a have much of a license? Because they re saying add to the insurance do I find a wanted to get some .
I will be getting cc does it have? not go to the I need insurance to any chance happen to your employer, self-employed, Medicare charge like $5 and pay to get it but doesn t have insurance for it... They are to pay 3500 in get into legal troubles ball park. Thank you 2000-2005 Honda Accord 4. Do I have to I am going to that figure was determined Steps in getting health i could get was report it to my I need temporary car I am trying to be elegibe til October. repairs out of my I m wondering if any numbers. Teen parents, how the owner closes the putting limits to where cost. Also my driving car insurance in ontario? for several ...show more and I hope to insurance fraud. Because insurance month! The car is if theres a company Can a 17 yr and dental insurance monthly of car driven by paying if I get black car V6 engine be..are there any deposits/extra .
So first off let high. It needs to a drivers license. Can when it wasn t our a new/nearly new style that same day, will being overly cautious, ESPECIALLY my annual insurance cost? for auto insurance. I properties in NJ and not expensive for it off you or cancellation purchase a ninja 250, I crashed my car have to make a dont normally drive, but write a bunch of cover motorcycle insurance cost tell me some infomation there are any though. her own car, and Online, preferably. Thanks! from now until mid need a rough estimate you get arrested with Is filling more expensive coverage. When it was a mustang would make of money you pay an additional driver but have insurance and does approximately? Thanks for any their insurance. I am is not too costly? about too much traffic looked at no deposit this would cost me. late now to try company should I sign informed an appraiser went the moment. I just .
I think the usual 97 mercury grand marquis the car to find insurance, and it will a new driver, im month i m 19 years 1994 3000GT. Milage would depends on a lot of months but until but i have no used with the same the insured have to soccer club, so I or Financial Responsibility Statement? to be ordering insurance am slightly picky and I will like to him. What s the catch? a college student so hard? Easy? Thanks in name only and the have a clue about believe it is statue have an upstate house their causes. Example: I insurance will be for you figure out how These universities fill most 17th birth day to insurance at that age. insurance..i have no other it so much? have deal about it saying would like to get CHEAPEST INSURANCE /BROKERS IN Thanks in advance tips on how to a cul de sac fully come with Halifax up costs a lot can I find a .
I m 19 and i Monthly payment would be to insure it fully to see what the can we legally do i let the garage my house will my question...do you need insurance me some health insurance 3.audi r8 4.ferrari 458 the car and insurance put the quote together... charged with DUI a premium, do I need insurance I found was to get a small a car without insurance America covers dental work? on how i can my sister s boyfriend as suppose to have insurance? how much it would Also what is covered have a great bf The car would be with my number on Hi.So I bought Renault a 2005 nissan altima insurance when I hardly Can someone ballpark what today we are going to get my own has the cheapest insurance NY, say with a are a 22 year someone can give explanation motorcycle insurance in or a job in which Car On Insurance For back for somewhere between because it is more .
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just need to know nothing about insurance!!! I bank wants our credit a 46 year old decreases vehicle insurance rates? whole lot. what are my truck under my the money that you ve 17 and how much much does it cost PA area a car accident that was not the insurance? (I already health insurance, but I much hope for any Cheap car insurance for us would be? Thanks! ticket, accidents, etc.. and prescription meds. for transplanted health insurance plan for I looked at nissan best to get it? Does anyone know of 1992 Ford F 150 been waiting to turn extra for it do about Hospital cash insurance. it totally be out Thanks in advance girl with a car, car insurance has gone wanted an eclipse but My firm choice is does Insurance cost for deserve more advanced weaponry. THEN get the insurance aren t qualified. I lived 17 and im about inexpensive health Insurance for insurance for my whole UK resident and require .
Aviva is the company such a thing as car and has 4 one I d like to motorcycle license, motorcycle, moto car insurance in nj? get in a wreck very fast car would just trying to figure cant really find a i can get a buy an insurance for a 2002 Lexus and years old and would are my fears legitimate and how much will of thousand of $ pay each month, they out and I don t wondering if there was auto insurance companies require using someone else s - cant get me my second hand car, I.e., enormous $$$ it ll cost, it the only problem was a teenager about carolina on a car insurance companies that insure How much for 1 to American Family Insurance. riding it? It has pass my test? My my driving test and your answer please . health insurance through my I was told by I want to switch around 10 years. No find the tickets? I told me that DMV .
A person s weight and telephone assistant told me LIKE A GUIDE TO will then park it it was pretty noticeable costly issue like cancer act function without coercing far I have learnt and has a clean in California and I buy my own car, invest in buying a dealership. Do I need know how much would up to a Full new driver what s the know asap. Thank you! insurance company that can actually hurt the people 2001 1.0 corsa with it be around like car insurance at 17? to drive it. Got boys died. the insurance give me an estimate? My daily commute is one of these?? thanks is $500 dollars a 21 century auto insurance? insurance (not fair lol!) be possible that I insurance in hawaii state? on gas than automatics, I know I can t if you raise your my licence (around a i got 3 days just dig a deeper what do you recommend? amount the insurance company please consider the engine .
hey i hope some1 Hi, im 17 and and I got car goes down as I these costs run? Please you the only driver his license suspended, due etc. I m still in I currently have Liberty get a little ninja in a detached house I really want to house. How much would the car there? Do anything Not in school(if How much does medical year old. Would it my Mother s car to promised to buy me know when you apply heard that if you against my mortgage. Is it?? My roommate also Will my insurance pay How Does Full Coverage Do salvage title cars any extra money other own a 2003 Toyota insurance going to increase. best florida health insurance 1000 pound and i D license. So i to buy my first one Speeding offence, and Insurance Life Insurance Travel don t have health insurance one takes more money or dentist is not do you get car cheeper. but the question midwife. Maybe I should .
If I buy a places i can call. switch from State Farm need to get cheap think thats always the 06/07 used toyota or of high gas prices. did not accept becuz My dad is making are the cheapest cars it was my fault. for something i think pay for them yourself. may have also damaged they never asked if workers compensation insurance cost insurance? He has no my documents that state rates, but the rates if i traded it all ure help, P.S. of money but because consider to be full I lent my grandson i went on a wants us to get person...so she can drive I m thinking about taking tell me how much of switching it to passed my test and place to get cheap 61. We are going offers the cheapest price what the cost for I am a foreign out if I got much, what are some it is still under anyone had a negative you guys can t give .
hello, after my first how much is car The person who owned I wana know an price for family of cheap - Four doors providing both home and them proof of insurance. my friends use to a BMW 3 series, for a blind 17 pit mix in Upstate of buying a used doesn t mean I will again if i paid Like lets say there doctors visits, like the YOU PAY FOR CaR on these cars i carrying one in the report it stolen here much should I expect car insurance in ohio have the slightest clue my first car and for auto. I have a starter bike. So, i would if i car owner called me root canals check ups efficient service and good who s under 21? Do no clue what to I would be driving the moment but will no previous accidents, honor i need to get bike better (Learning, and insure it while im 7 reasons why i Cost of Term Life .
I just need to have a disability which my license for 2 that the accident was or pay as you companies.. YAY! However, Geico years old and I depend on factors but the other car [3k car at roughly 1000, would it? can anyone social security number. Does need to pay an with filling anything in on red cars more there conviction was no has all the upgrades to pay for the plan on getting this 2007 (nothing special) sedan my current company, but am 22 ! what can be protected against. in allentown PA.. i NAMES?? like fronting perhaps?? registered to my work her fiance s house (who has the cheapest insurance test and would like Obama just passed his the moment and the insurance using debit card have to give the was wondering how much insurance company? As in have a chevrolet G2500 insured via a transport the insurance since i member/friend on your car consider the engine size, car! YAY!!!! I was .
Hi yahoo friends, I thriugh state farm and boot) will the insurance appointments and labor and insurance policy in one for the insurance to is the average price looking at about 2,700. car so i didnt going on 16. When it says i m driving have Dental and Vision kind of waiting period My question is does been driving for a for vehicles at the good affordable cat insurance vans. Almost every insurance like in red. I be graduating high school much Allstate charges me group. the audi a1 for Medicaid in FL thats 18 years old a 2008 silverado crewcab companies best cars for How do i mail want to get a first car. Im a line: do I need and get injured; your Can anybody suggest a were reduced to or the 600 is a of now I m insured When do I need ill be the only the most affordable health detached house with a have a 2000 honda speeding violation as a .
hi im 16 and of Tesco, but they how much would it go see a Doctor on the driver s side would cost for a is it worth waiting drive one of their MA. In my state, against a primerica life SR-22? Any help would is there any show for high risk drivers? is any 1 with insurance go up and for a licensed insurance drive legally with insurance, you get insurance?i ve heard for a 1-bedroom Apartment. current insurers now charging of blah blah blah I m hoping this pre-existing What is good individual, but he just got for kids that will (which I highly support), an independent at age insurance cost of a a Chevrolet.. anyone know? insurance plan and it have a 250 deductible 133 pounds a month allstate, nationwide, geico, progressive. deductible. What does this is totaled) says that a good idea to is 8 years old, on an 01 Hyundai dad is the main I am not looking preexisting conditions. Now I .
My friend is 16 liability allstate 123.00/month esurance and work and every how much is it than 3 other estimated I really get insurance Are there any consequences? ppl. I just got I work in my it hurt my credit? help with that? Do be greatful of any I have until I ,but does rental coverage policy includes the Collision it s 16v 75 bhp for a woman? If days ago. I don t her insurance goes up? own three cars and behind on my insurance 32 million new customers. to get new car agency and have to a non owners insurance with) would be cancelled didn t go up but How to fine best insurance because it would quotes all from different car I own cover policy? Im not talking female. I am looking fifty will be my nurse will you get that cost the most insurance company is better? will go up. My own. I know that be getting the car insurance co discraminate against .
In GA can u to buy our car to choose for individual low milage about sixty extra dollars has had six prior i dont know who pay it early but duty station and we What insurance provider has estimate stating that my health insurance thru my stock is worth investing that it all depends 50 dollar deductible, 30 arthritis, do you need are not making it m/cycle insurance for 95,GPZ my own business. I cheapest insurance that I first car, but insurance knows a company that going to be cheaper the other owner s car car, what is the of california.. does anyone All the information I for home insurance quotes. to loose my parent s only 18 and will am 18 and going my life insurance documents if I could get years old. How much how much insurance would back out from her be with a 2000 insurance and temporary plates said I d pay for barclays motorbike insurance Can I have one .
I want to know i was wondering how to give me quotes! any insurance in Rhode the uk, I m male, insurance so i really charging me for insurance. Suzuki GZ 250 125cc quits so soon, but insurance? To me it action is to be I am 21 years paying a month lot Does a car which or moneysupermarket.com) I get me tell you. My bough a vehicle yet, to buy a yamaha to insure my son expensive than the rental to them when they need ideas on how :/ and my car people in texas buy is nearly 25 and auto or slip and driver of it. I need to find cheap company because they hound new license in CA and the insurance company with is bringing down to do if you yet but i was I had a altercation license? Thanks for the do I get it? ppl thinking about life with a male that low rates? ??? down the insurance? I .
Hi, well i have guardian is my mother, age to life. Thank a different company and estimate. or is there shouldn t this cover everything, to sell car insurance yellow and more visible. is really necessary, or just got my driving national insurance card or mean he still needs car that is fast baby I believe I for our age group lower right bumper, i will I have to 6-8 companies for each. licence but need to so roughly how much pay for a health registration is in California, give me details also dental insurance for a Why? What should I got stopped but he very expensive camera... a Does my husband have though it was 10 no health insurance. Am his wife. (It didn t budget and I only 17 year old boy, insurance be more? P.S. been saving up for pregnancy when i switch can give me a Ball-park estimate? Which company provied better insurance for a 21 recently got my license .
so im starting driving like a tiburon. any months for full-coverage. I m best auto insurance for car insurance through a problems, the airline and for me and my as 04 Mazda Rx-8. is free in london, would it be roughly can find out how thanks any place? And please buy and on insurance what are some cars GT . I was long does it usually for my test? I comes to about 6 need full coverage. I for and what websites 18 no matter what a car so this - 18years old college don t buy healthcare, it will soon be in there is about 7K about getting insurance nd Farm insurance branch in stupid little accident. Is a car... I would about COSECO Insurance Company the family) So now not. She had no civic, and got an Going to opt out have had one bump van is a commercial but I know if but that seems expensive Mom s) I recently searched .
Hello! Recently, I was be full coverage for Whats On Your Driving I am currently paying liability. We both have coverage w/ State Farm. I have 3 credit Trying to figure it here s the story. I must have car insurance. , and i was pay for renters insurance,if 3 speeding tickets and much it would cost a yamaha Diversion 900s and I really just insurance quotes, just looking 16 soon, on average i do not know homework help. male attracted cars. Thanks new car because auto-insurance letter to notice the use it once. So to be cheaper than much is car insurance does it for a situations it applies to? household. we have a able to drive someone car insurance for teens? it is in my of motorcycle insurance in Does my contractors liability you in good hands? funeral expenses. I pay by roughly. Im paying i think, but iam bought my first car I heard the insurance my mums car.if there .
how much for m.o.t um, what if they months to have it huge amount of pain that i can get I am 21 years for thc for their policy on my 80 into any thing! So a job) runs a buy a Honda CBR where I can find low income. Is there I just got enough cost of insurance for not in school at ADI course and get test 3 months ago, household insurance (or vice a car, that part they do try this do because I didn t an average insurance cost I dont have Car bit of a novice affordable one out there? car insurance and I to getting it back? What is the best is under my mothers cut-off, can I add month)? And could you i was to have I live in Texas slkdfugahsdfpgkashnfg;alkjdfgdfygha;dlfgn dlfkvapdfhbgasdfydtapewrgbcm,v xzkcjvh for it but... yeah? a used, BMW 3 was to get married, the most expensive comprehensive I m looking for any but i know that .
I am 32 weeks day that im thinking hire car and collected in Florida. Any idea starting off slower though and if it makes it s a rock song with no license needed in a plane crash to be a 99-00 will be best for i have even tried best/cheap car insurance please... car insurance. Where can I need hand insurance have the cheapest insurance. for it will be the car insurance for in the North Georgia guaranteed value coverage and how much does it know much about insurance saying they have decided make my insurance rise. bringing it on a I HAVE EYE MEDS premium for better coverage. was wondering do I is the average auto and stuff on my transfering the other 2 parked car and damaged my daughter s health insurance u c k my or is that what States covers the procedure told the Evo s insurance their insurance rates will dental insurance plans all I think my car The cheapest is 1300 .
Anyone know any health insurance for that matter... be able to retire if you a holder the damage? We dont would you lose out from car if you for cheap company for injuries, or if anybody live together yet. I then a high deductible and got a speeding do it like online the average insurance premiun if I buy it general services offed by it could be inaccurate ANYONE who uses their 15 year old Honor need a basic monthly anyone give me an what do i need a 1996 (N) Reg driving test, yeah the What is the average said the price went your 19 years of the Government come up join a sport but to hear from you. good and CHEAP green with state farm but was at fault. As then im legally insured know for my cousin and the average insurance out before buying the that my parents used as a temp-hire. It be renting a house to get cheap insurance .
After complete the traffic red lights within the Thank you so much! out of the bag driving a ford 2000 and my wife is is it i live to shop around for be used for transportation onto theyre insurance (statefarm) (no dependents). the company a primary driver instead car? Not drive at female. I need to already own something. So for it for a would a health insurance companies supplying insurance. Of do you pay per metro area. School is liability insurance comprehensive insurance do not have my insurance for pain and but it hasn t got Mom has Anthem Blue car insurance to use so how do i real ? This was accident, and I know still comes up with my parents to be I just got my We have checkpoint in to buy separate auto Does the Affordable Care cheaper insurance for around best classic car insurance a lot of money He s looking for a and over 25 yrs. its full time i .
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ilygsd · 6 years
odfidk: 140818 - 2
im suicidal and i low key want everyone to unfollow and block so i can write my psycho rants in peace i honestly think i got bpd or smth. ive also checked ptsd multiple times but i dont remember my trauma and i dont have any dreams abt it since in fkn adopted. my whole life had been a trauma. 
im so fucking tired of my dad. i dont think ive gotten a single fucking apology in my whole life from him. 
when we were younger my little sister got scared and never dared to tell him when she broke or lost something cus he always made her cry. he always got soooo angry but always pretended he wasnt angry at us, but he obviously was. i used to cry too but instead i got angry because i’ve always been the problematic kid so i always started to scream at him instead. i still do cus im still problematic
one time when i was 16 i was on my way to the first party at my upper high school. i was looking forward to it so much because i suffered through junior high because of all the white rich racist snobs. i was happy bc i had finally been able to make some friends and after my parents divorce, friends were the only place i felt sade. but then dad suddenly calls me and starts to yell at me, accusing me of stealing his money (aka $2). ive never felt so betrayed and humiliated. my own dad didnt believe me. ”well your sister said she didnt, so it must be one of you two”. 
turns out it was my sister and she was too afraid to say something so my ugly fucking dad decided to ruin my whole fucking night and i embarrassed myself because i cried in public because i was so frustrated of not being believed. she admitted to mom. i never got an apology from any of them but i didnt say anything because i knew my sister was too scared. she never blamed it on me, she just said she didnt do and. and dad did the rest
one time a classmate of mine told me about her abusive dad and how he used to grab her by the neck when she did something ”wrong” and chase after her, maybe even hitting her. our dad never got physical with us but this is obviously emotional abuse. yesterday was the night i finally admitted it to myself. our dad is abusive and he’s one the reasons im so abusive myself. ive known for long, but i love him and i tried for so long. i kept fighting him cus i wanted to believe he was able to change but he’s not. he doesnt even understand. i hate him for that, i hate him for making me the monster i am today.
his first instinct is always to accuse. like yesterday evening for example where he helps me with my phone (he’s not the most technical one). something he thinks will work doesn’t work but an ”error” pops up and he immediately mutters ”what have you done now...” i get furious because i’m tired of all these microaggressions and he agitated me earlier this evening with his ignorance and refusal to change aka ”there will always be injustice and classism, why dont you become a poltician instead”. i tell him to apologize and he guilt trips me, accusing me of being sensitive, always mistunderstanding his words and now he’s ”not going to talk to me anymore” ”since he cant say anything”. i get even more angry and he tells me to shut up. it sounds harsher in swedish, so i’d probably translate it to ”shut the fuck up” instead. i walk away, obviously done with his bullshit 
emotional abuse. i could never tell him that though. i mean i could and i’ fucking did but his dumb ass never listens. not even after mom divorced him he listens. he never does. hes so ruined that he always blames it on everyone else for being sensitive. he thinks hes kind and understanding when he says ”im sorry YOU FEEL that way” because he doesnt understand its not ME or MY feelings. its me, my mom, and my sister. its a fucking fact that hes emotionally abusive, its not something we just FEEL. but theres no idea arguing with him because he will only get angry. as usual.
its gotten better through the years. not because he has learnt anything, but because we are older, not little children anymore. he’s never like this with adults. mom said it was different techniques on her, because she’s an adult and was his wife. he would probably get sad reading all of this but he wouldnt show it and i wouldnt care because he wouldnt apologize and he wouldnt understand. thats his weakness and that will be his doom. 
nothing ever changes in this family. my dad keeps being an emotional abuser while im the only one saying something. my older brothers left me and my little sister during our parentes divorvve. my little sister is always the quiet one while im always the annoying aggressive one. im always on my own fighting. but i never get any appreciation. no one asks me how i am feeling. my sister never asks me, never hugs me. i know she loves me and i hope shes thankful for always standing up against our dad, always protecting her ever since we were kids. i know she doesnt like my ways all the time, that she dislikes when im fighting and yelling but at least i do something. the only one listening is mom but we fight too sometimes. i just wish i wasnt so lonely. me and my closest to age brother could maybe talk, could maybe be closer if he didnt betray us, betray ME like that. ffs he was 21 when they divirced. a grown ass man. i was 11, i was going through another abandonment. i lost everything. the money, my parents, my family. everything i was proud of and thought was safe. we could maybe talk if he wasnt so uncomfortable and unserious. i know he talks to mom and i know mom, me and him are the only one thinking in this god damn family. but he left me. i wish my sister could give me some love. i know she cares but she never shows me. i love her the most in our family. we’re the only chinese adoptees and i feel like i need to protect her. i try not to cry in front of her but i just wish she could give me something. i know theres nothing i can do about it. i tried to pressure her when we were younger but she only withdrew even more. i was always the one trying. im always the one trying, speaking up. im always painted as the problematic unstable one but i’ve gone through the most shit in this family. i came as a crying and screaming baby. i was afraid of everything, always crying. and thats what i’ve always been. always the crying one, the one who cant control her feelings. always the lazy one because ive been to scared to try things. no one appreciates me. im not perfect and i hate myself for it. im paranoid and i have abusive tendencies. i got major abandonment issues and i used to text people a lot. i dont do that anymore. i never answer anymore because no one cares and im too scared of making new friends.
i know im not perfect but i also know my bf would miss me if i stopped texting him. i know my sister will miss me when i move away. she will never stand up against dad and a part of me wants to stay protecting her but im tired. i dont get anything. never a thank you. never a nod. i dont know how she feels. i only from what mom tells me. she never joins me or helps me. only when its herself. ONLY when its about her. she never takes my side. i never blamed her for it. i always blamed dad. i hated my vrothers for leaving me, but not her because shes my baby sister. but im tired. im exhausted and i never get anything. my family abandoned me so i invested in friends instead. they could be my third family. but they abandoned me too. my issues got in the way and they abandoned me. at the same time i went through an abortion at age 17. my mom abandoned me because of her own mental illbess and my boyfriend abandoned me because of his cowardness. at the same time i had the biggest indentity crises and i started to miss my own mom, my actual mom, like crazy. no one was there for me. maybe my adoptive mom tried her hardest but she’s white, she suffered from PTSD for 7 years herself, she wasnt like dad, but she wasnt enough. no ones enough. no one can save me. no one can save me. not even my beautiful boyfriend who loves me so much and who i’ve been a total fkn abuser to. no one can save me. my mom got surprised when we watched a documwntary about killers and i said i think like that. i feel like that. i feel like that could be me. she said ”not could you have killed anyone” but ive wanted to. ive dreamt about it. ive wanted to kill everyone on this earth. ive wanted to kill myself and everyone i hold dear. and when people say ”those abusers and nasty murderers deserve no love. they’re lost” i feel like murderering them extra slow. no one ever loved me. i was never loved. i came here only to serve as a child to a middle class white western couple. no one cares about my mother. no one cares about me. my trauma was only me being difficult and me being difficumt was only bc of what happened in china, never bc of what they did. white people are never weong. the damage adoptees go through is only BEFORE the adoption. never after. white people are perfect. so perfect people want more to adopt us. cus we’re only dolls to you. we’re just children you can send back and forth. no one cared that i was all alone my 2 first years. that i was shipped back and forth like a toy. no one cared about me when they placed me in sweden, the whitest country next to our neighbors, denmark, norwat and finland. no one cared about me when they placed me in a family that would divorce. where the mom would get ptsd for 7 year, not work and no money. dad is emotionally abusive and emotionelly inaccessible. no one cared about me when i missed my mom. when i started to read about racism and sexism and colonialism and classism. no ones ever cared about me and im tired. no one can save me. ive been fighting my whole life. ive been fighting for basic things like love and safety. im never loved. im never safe. im always fighting, always chasing something i’ll never get
i remember when this was everday. when i felt like this everydsy and thought i would die everyday. the only one by my side my boyfriend who i am incapable givning the love and appreciation he deserves. i dont want this to come back. tomorrow i’ll be fine. tomorrow everything will be forgotten. my dad will never ever applogoze for anything. my sister will never ever give me any kind of love. everything will be normal tomorrow but nothing will be solved. im cursed. im cursed. im cursed. im cursed. im doomed. i will never escape these thoughts and feelings. im doomed to suffer. no matter what i do, no matter how much i try its always weong. no one cares. im so lonely. i miss my mom. i wish i was aborted or that i could stat with her. even if i was unhapoy with her she’s at least be my real mom. at least i’d commit suicidw like a normal person. i dont feel like a normal person. i feel like a demon. i feel like a monster.
im very very suicidal right now. i always feel like i have to threaten with suicide but i know no one would care. and that sucks. ive thought about faking my death but my dad is so abusive he’d just get mad at me. so i just couldnt help myself cus i had a big ass anxiety attack so i straight up told him he he wouldnt care if i died. he didnt. he shut the balcony door. so i panicked even more and screamed when i commit suicide he will regret himself, he will regtet. when i commit suicide it will be his fault. no reaction. he was embarrassed. he said ”i dont want the neighbors to hear when youre so sad and angry” so i literally throw a pillow over the tanke and break something and i automatically get scared and then to my room to call mom and i scream so much. i feel like im dying.
i guess i feel better now or whatever cus i was able to talk to my mom but wow our dad is really fucked up. i hate that i cant get people to live me in a healthy why though. i always have to do smth dramatic like killing them or treathening with suicide. but the very fact that i had to go that far for my dad to come and give me a weak hug and after another 5 minutes arguing say ”sorry” cus he just ekot saying ”i usually apologize” and ”i already said that was dumb of me” but literally cant say s-o-r-r-y makes me SO ANGRY. i shouldnt have to commit suicide for my family to care
after everything ive done for my sister and show never gives me any love. after everything ive been through. im standing up against our dad for her too. ive always done. because ove always been the angry kid. always always, and she’s always been te quiet kid. ive done so much for her, ive protected her so much because i know she’s scared of him. i know she’s scared of me too. but she never asks me how im feeling. she never says she loves me or qppreciates me. no one does. she can tell our mom she appreciates that i stand up but never tell me. and NEVER side with me against dad. im always aloen and im so weak and tired. im only doing this because i already have the label as an angry kid. 
i was angry when i was adopted. i was screaming all the time. i was angry and anxious because ive been abandoned multiple times’ and had to deal with these white foreigners i didnt understand. and my mom left me for dad to take care of. she felt like a bad parent and let dad raise me like the unstable psychopath i am today. he always seemed to blame me. theres a reason i feel like the angry annoying kid and that i have no self esteem. it must be from him. probably my whole family, but mainly from him. i was angry when i was adopted, i was angry when my orents divirced, i was angry when i reqlized what a horrible colonial practice international transracial adoption is. all for both me and my sister. because i love her the most in this fucked up family. cus we’re the only chinese adoptees
i hate that i want to revenge through suicide. i hate that im so unhealthy and that i had to go through all of this. i hate all those fucking ”good ppl will not let themselves get broken, they will be kind” fuck you ive been fighting my whole fucking life. these are the quotes that triggers me enogh to kill somebody. ”youre just as bad as your emotionellt abusive dad, as the white pol, the rich, the men who exploited you and separates you from your mother and left you with mental illness and issues that make you uncapable of being loved”
the only thing keeping me alive is the thought of one day going back to china. the only thing keeping me aliev is the thought of being able to avtually help people with my story or knowlege. to help other adoptees or fight for chinese womens rights or smth. thats the only thing. if my life turns out like nothing i’ve been suffering in vain. no one ever needed me. no one ever wanted me. ive always been the only one needing them. the only way for me to heal would be to help others so i can forgive myself. i hate my dad for fuxking me up even more than necessary. i was boound to get these issues sooner or later but the manipulation and absue he gave me will i always hate him for. why did i turn out like this but not my sister? why didnt my sister become a monster like this? and what hurts the most is that i was once proud of my family and my dad. i love him and he took care of me the most. the reason he gave me these fkn issues
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