#lenny summers hc
spongeyspot · 5 months
Toxic Traits/Red Flags HC
Characters: Arthur, Javier, John, Lenny, Dutch, Micah, Charles, Sean, Hosea, Mary Beth, Abigail, Tilly, Karen, Sadie, Molly
(A/N): WE WERE JUST TALKING ABOUT THIS DAWG. I LOVED @cowboyfromh3ll 's take on that shit sm and these hcs have literally been swimming in my head for weeeeeeeeks bro
Edit: some of these were kinda hard because there's not a lot of bad in the characters themselves... I had trouble with specifically Charles, Lenny, Mary Beth, and Tilly. Sorry if they may be OOC. IM EVEN DOING THE GIRLS BECAUSE IM IN A SILLY GOOFY MOOD
Content Warning: female reader, jealousy, self hate, narcissism, gaslighting, physical abuse, verbal abuse, mental abuse, mentions of murder and violence, mentions of infidelity, mentions of sex (Sean, Micah, Sadie kind of) (MINORS DNI)
Not edited btw
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The boys
Arthur Morgan
- Honestly, I feel like Arthur would have this insane, crippling fear of rejection, especially when it comes to dating. - His self hate/deprecation plays a huge part in this, and quite honestly, him and Mary not working out probably also probably contributed to it. - Very emotionally distant. Has a hard time expressing his feelings openly due to that same fear of rejection.🚩 - Bottles shit up until he feels like he's gonna explode 🚩 - His impulse control is almost nonexistent 🚩 - Will resort to saying things that he doesn't even mean. He just says things when he's angry🚩 - Will hate himself even more if he makes you cry - Won't hesitate to run away from camp for a while to cool off. This isn't necessarily a bad thing per se, but he usually takes his time away to overthink the fuck out of everything - Prone to acting violent. (not to someone he cared about, but to other people, absolutely)Also due to his poor impulse control. 🚩
Javier Escuella
- Has a flirty personality, but around women, it just seems to get worse. 🚩 - Tells you you're overreacting if you tell him it bothers you🚩 - Overprotective of you. Always has his eyes on you, and practically orders you to stay in camp where it's safe. - As if you step one foot outside the camp without him, you'll spontaneously drop dead - Jealous asf. Are you laughing at what Bill just said? It wasn't even that funny. Why are you standing so close to him? You should be at least 6 feet away from him, not 5 and a half. 🚩 - Also has a problem with how you dress sometimes. God forbid your shirt is ever low cut. He'd probably ask you to change. 🚩 - And if you get offended or upset, he'll lie and tell you it's because he can't stop staring at your chest, and he'd like to focus of whatever it was he was doing.🚩
John Marston
- Stubborn as all hell. Doesn't listen to anybody for anything.🚩 - Commitment issues up the ass - Says mean things out of anger and sometimes actually means them 🚩 - Won't apologize half the time. He thinks kissing it better actually makes it better 🚩 - Regularly ignores his own bad habits instead of actually facing them 🚩 - Will run away from problems like Arthur, but worse. He'd be gone a really long time.🚩 - Gets annoyed with you if you get angry at him for leaving and staying away for a while. He told you he needed space, didn't he? What else do you need from him?? 🚩 - Ignorantly clueless half the time. Head empty, no thoughts.
Lenny Summers
- Not assertive in the slightest, and usually, respectfully, keeps to himself. -Takes orders without verbal complaints but inside he's annoyed as fuck 🚩 - Even if he hates doing something he'll probably just go "Okay" and do it anyway, and he'll sulk all day afterwards - Refuses to tell you what's wrong because he thinks he'll sound childish.🚩 - If you push the issue, he might snap at you out of annoyance like "Would you just let it be??" - Immediately feels guilty and shameful, and he'll hide away until he's ready to apologize and face you again - Also kind of a know-it-all... He'll correct you a LOT. It would get annoying 🚩 - Would blatantly tell you you're wrong before correcting you🚩 - Not necessarily an asshole about it but he still tends to get under your skin sometimes
Dutch Van Der Linde
- The BIGGEST Narcissist you'll ever meet.🚩 -He loses another piece of his mental state with every breath he takes. Slowly but surely losing his mind.🚩 - King of gaslighting🚩 - How could you even think that about him? He could never do anything wrong! You must be crazy...🚩 - Tries to recite his "pretty words" from Evelyn Miller to try and sound smarter than he actually is 🚩 - Expects you to just feed his ego without him actually doing anything to earn it🚩 - Will try to correct you even when he's wrong🚩 - Refuses to admit he's wrong. He can never be wrong. That word isn't even in his vocabulary unless he's talking about literally anyone but himself🚩
Micah Bell
- Where do I even start with this guy - Not above putting his hands on you if he doesn't get his way. Let's be honest here.🚩 - Mega Narccisist, almost as bad as Dutch 🚩 - Will brag and share every sexual encounter you've ever had with him like he's talking about the weather🚩 - VERY prone to Violence 🚩 - NO impulse control. Murders people for fun.🚩 - Backhanded and borderline abusive compliments 24/7 "You'd look so good if you weren't so fucking fat..." 🚩 - Selfish lover. Thinks just sticking it in will do the trick, and it does, for him at least.🚩 - Little to no affection. What are you? His girlfriend? Wait...🚩 -If he actually does show you affection, and you react in surprise, he'll tell you to go fuck yourself, and that that's the last time he ever does anything nice for you.🚩
Charles Smith
- Impossible to read sometimes - Like Arthur, Charles tends to keep a lot of his emotions bottled up until he feels like he's gonna pop 🚩 - Like most of the men in the Van Der Linde gang, Charles is also prone to acting violently. I mean, he started a bar fight with a fucking chair, and he fights in street fighting rings, let's be real for a second.🚩 - He's incredibly quiet and reserved a lot of the time, and sometimes you just assume that he's listening to you when you talk, but a lot of the time, he's lost in his own thoughts. - Will do everything anyone asks him to at the expense of his own free time and energy, and sometimes he works himself to exhaustion just to try and please everyone.🚩 - In doing so, he sometimes doesn't have time for himself at the end of the day. It also seems like you spend time together less and less as the days go on. - If he ever got himself hurt and you tried to help him, he'd decline any help with anything to save his own pride. The last thing he needs is you thinking he's weak. 🚩 - Extremely Overprotective. Like to the point where he'd beat the shit out of anybody you asked him to🚩
Sean Macguire
- An Alcoholic🚩 - horny 99% of the time, but half that time he probably has whiskey dick. Still asks you to try but doesn't understand that it's like trying to play pool with a rope... - If he can manage to be sober enough to actually get it up, and you're not in the mood, he'd get pissy and annoyed with you for "wasting his boner" 🚩 - Will probably also brag about having sex with you to everyone🚩 - Needy as all hell - Bro sulks on purpose - Low key loves the attention you give him when you continue to ask him what's wrong, but he never actually tells you and constantly says "I'm fine..." or "It's nothing..." 🚩 - But then sighs dramatically and continues sulking and dragging his feet so you keep giving him more attention 🚩
Hosea Matthews
- Ignores his physical health until he's practically dying. You've told him to get that cough looked at for literal years and he just says "I will" and does nothing 🚩 - sometimes talks to you as if you're a child especially if he's around Dutch -low key gaslights you sometimes 🚩 - and he says it with such a gentle tone, its hard to catch it 🚩
The girls
Mary Beth Gaskill
- Daydreams way too much - Likes to live in her romance novel fantasy land rather than face reality 🚩 - Cries a lot - Tries to be angry but can't help but cry instead - If crying makes you feel bad for her, she'll probably do it on purpose so you comfort her and give her attention🚩 -If you're in a fight, she'll turn on the crocodile tears to get you to stop being angry with her or whatever it is you're arguing about.🚩
Abigail Roberts
- She can be verbally abusive if she's pushed far enough 🚩 - Holds in a lot of her emotions🚩 - Neglectful of her own personal needs to make sure you or Jack are fully provided or cared for🚩 - a lot of the time, when she's upset with you, you're probably given the cold shoulder and the silent treatment - incredibly protective. Not necessarily a bad thing, but she can sometimes be super overbearing.
Tilly Jackson
- Tells it how she sees it, sometimes accidentally sounding a lot colder than she means to 🚩 - Too sarcastic for her own good 🚩 - Laughs a little too much sometimes when you tell a joke, and you can often tell it's actually incredibly fake🚩 - gets irritated really easily, especially if she's bothered while doing her chores. The last thing she needs is Grimshaw on her ass again.🚩 - irritable a lot of the time, unintentionally becoming short or snapping at you - like john, she also believes that kissing it better is better than actually apologizing
Karen Jones
- An alcoholic 🚩 - picks fights with you for fun, finds it entertaining to see how red your face can get from anger 🚩 - Screaming matches are a regular occurance between you guys, and she starts it almost every time 🚩 - Pretty jealous when it comes to the opposite sex🚩 - Has self doubt and believes that she can't give you everything a man probably could
Sadie Adler
- The nosiest woman in America. No chill. She reads everyone's mail. - Makes a lot of loose threats 🚩 - Anger issues🚩 - Low impulse control🚩 - Can be a little too rough sometimes 🚩 - If she's upset with you, she'll either yell or storm off. Sometimes both. 🚩 -(She tends to walk away a lot more often because she's actuall self aware that her anger issues are a problem) - She'd never admit that to you though.
Molly O'Shea
- Even more jealous than Javier🚩 - Glares at and envies anyone you talk to that isn't her🚩 - Has immaginary conversations with people in her head🚩 - Rubbing her hands together when the real life conversations are following the script she had planned out in her brain - Needs constant reassurance - "D'you even love me anymore?!"🚩 - Overthinks everything 🚩 - Paranoid as hell about infidelity - Gets mad at you when she dreams about you cheating on her🚩
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garfieldblunt · 9 days
Modern Jobs I think the VDL Gang would have
Dutch - Drug Lord Prolly - but as a real answer I feel like he would Definitely be the leader of a shitty MEGA church
Hosea - I imagine him either as a therapist or a preschool/elementary teacher - Or even better, Number one Bingo Player in the retirement home
Arthur - Funny enough, I can't see him being more than a ranch hand
John - He's a good ranch owner - He, Arthur, Abi, Jack, n a few others live on a big ranch and live happily ever after
Mary-Beth - She's a librarian, author, and frequent AO3 visitor - can't convince me other wise, She has one of the best fanfictions on WattPad I just know it
Abigail - My heart and soul tells me that Abi would be an illustrator for children's books - or a stay at home mom
Kieran - My little Princess Pupcup is getting his degree in Equine science and becoming a veterinarian for horsies
Micah - Hitman or Dishwasher no in between
Bill - Gas Station clerk - Or I can also imagine him working with Kieran with the horses
Javier - Performer, duh - He does a lot of side gigs and plays at cafes on the reg - I can also imagine him being a Spanish tutor for kids
Susan - Let's be honest, she's the principal of a high school or middle school - any other answer is wrong (/j)
Lenny - He's also a writer, but he's not a fanfiction writer like Mary-Beth - I can also imagine him visiting Mary-Beth's library and reading to the kids on Sundays <3
Sean - Youtuber/ Twitch Streamer - need I say more???
Swanson - AA leader - He's also probably trying to get people to stop joining Dutch's MEGA church
Pearson - He's a chef for the Retirement Home that Hosea is bound to - He also works for the local soup kitchen
Karen - I can see her being a dance performer - not like a stripper, but more like ballet or even musical theater
Charles - State trooper at a National Park - No further questions
Tilly - I just imagine her as such a good lawyer like her husband - She's defiantly someone who can talk her client out of the death penalty if needed
Uncle - His job is to park his ass in a rocking chair and Bother John til the day he dies
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nexionswild · 11 months
IN WHICH MANEATER!reader admits their feelings for the van der linde boys. [p.2] [p.1]
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includes: charles ∿ lenny ∿ sean ∿ bill
content warning: fluff, a little angsty in bill’s part, no pronouns [GN]
a/n: i think half of them are so ooc nd im so sorry omdgshjq i’m still trying to figure out how to write for lenny and sean but i promise i’ll get better with time 🦾
✦ ﹒ charles smith
you caught him off guard, that's for sure..
charles is used to being perceived as intimidating and scary, considering his origins and his size, but that's what you like about him.
he never noticed how you'd stare lovingly whenever he'd explain his cultural way of hunting down animals or practice some other things.
and you never noticed how much he had to turn his head away when he saw you flirting men according to dutch's plan. but charles have dignity, and would admit to have found himself jealous every time you'd coo love words out of those pretty lips of yours.
probably needs time to acknowledge that you're dead serious about this relationship, and really looking forward to it. he's not against it tho, he's just.. surprised.
be ready because those massive hands of his are never leaving your waist the moment he gracefully accepts your confession. like never ever. and he doesn't have any shame either, and maybe he'll refrain from being too much of a sweetie in camp for your sake, given you can be easily embarassed if he surprise you with his loving demeanour, but he won't hold back as soon as the gang members are away.
"my mother taught me all the ways to treat a lover.. i hope it'll meet your expectations."
unfiltered romantic. it makes you blush how much he says the most romantic thing out of pocket and pretend like that never happened.
your name is the only thing that comes out of his mouth every now and then, you know because arthur keeps mentioning how much charles talks about you as if you were the only beautiful thing that's plaguing his mind.
✦ ﹒ lenny summers
lenny is so flustered, i'm sorry, god, he's baby
he probably stammered like a fool after you confessed, why wouldn't he? you're perfect, so perfect and he's just some kid, trying to be a big bad outlaw. perhaps that's what you like about him. he's nervous like a little kitty, and lord knows how much nervous men makes your day.
"i- i.. ahem.. yes, yes, of course!"
you made him so embarassed, i hope you're proud of yourself.
he'll struggle telling you how jealous he felt, it didn't really struck his mind first before you even confessed, i mean, sure he did think you were charming, but he never really bat an eye at your work.
he only got feelings because you were fun to listen to, you didn’t notice how he’d watch you every time you went on your drunken rants. it’s only recently that you found out according to karen.
for most of the part, lenny would rely on you. i mean you can’t blame him, you’re popular. in a way, you are, you’re like dutch. you have a lot of contacts, and charisma, he’s been a bystander. he’s pretty awkward, he doesn’t know what to do, but you find it cute, somehow.
of course, he’ll start to man up eventually when he feels more confident by the time you’ve shown him what you’re most comfortable with in terms of love languages, and he easily adapts himself to it. i mean, he absolutely loves spending time with you, and the amount of patience you put in for him really melts his heart in a way, but he’ll never admit it. ever.
depending on what you’re most comfortable with, lenny would gladly ride all the way to saint-denis for the simple wish of getting you something expensive, or even bring you along with him so you get to choose what you want. something he didn’t expect to see is you using your flirtatious ways of getting an item for free.
“you really know how to fool a man.. please don’t make a fool out of me.”
✦ ﹒ sean macguire
“ha! i knew ya’d fall for me!”
absolutely did not know you’d fall for him.
sean likes to be confident, at least he likes to appear confident. but often mix things up with arrogance, and if you were to call him out on that, he would tone it down a little. he doesn’t mean to be rude to you, he’s genuinely happy, he just doesn’t know how to properly express it.
sean have a loud mouth, and he didn’t hide the fact that he was getting irritated when men were attracted to you, often times he’d be barked at by arthur or john for fucking up your plan for being jealous. he never understood it, he thought he was being a gentleman chasing those creeps away.
he’s a comedian, on accident. you don’t know how to describe it but there’s something really sweet in seeing him ramble to the point where he’s humorous like that. you guess that’s how you fell for him. sean is so honest. and so dumb, too.
what you most love, is when he gets drunk. that’s where he starts to be overwhelmingly affectionate. and the gang teases you about it, but you couldn’t care less. he’s adorable that way! why would you make fun of something as precious as his honesty? especially when he’s slurring on his words, too?
he’s not a charmer with words, and he knows it. that’s why the best he could do to prove his love is by teasing or joking around with you, he’s trying his best.
“these english men keeps bullyin’ ya… just tell me! i’ll shoot ‘em right between thei’ eyes, yeah?”
he wants to look strong and fearless for you, he wants to impress you in every way he can. sometimes, you’d see him getting angry about the fact that he lost something, wether i’d be a fist fight or a game, but the moment he sees you, he gets embarrassed.
you’re the only one who can reassure him that what he failed to achieve doesn’t matter much, the effort is more important.
✦ ﹒ bill williamson
doesn’t believe you. at all.
bill was always made fun of, or teased by others to get a rise out of him. and he doesn’t believe you, because he thinks it’s just another way to make him mad. but he can’t help and think how evil this is, using you, someone he truly admire, to pick on him?
when you insist that you’re not joking, bill starts to get angry. not at you, but it’s just the way he is, he’s trying his best but he’s still in doubt.
given your reputation with men, and how many times he have to ignore you on duty, he just think it’s purely for the entertainment of seeing him falling like a fool. williamson is someone who’s not joking around, and that you know.
“if you love me, why would you?” he snaps. then immediately regrets. he doesn’t wanna lash it out on you, and he’d drink himself to death if he’s actually convinced that you love him that way.
he wants to apologize, but no words are leaving his mouth. and there’s an unbearable amount of pressure on his shoulders by this point, but when you take your time and explain to him the reason behind your fondness, he softens up a tad.
you had the patience to deal with him, surely you were serious?
“fine. i believe you. but i’m warning you, if this is some sick joke, i’ll—… i’ll…”
he won’t do anything.
for the past few weeks, you’ve been awfully affectionate towards him to prove your point. and he complains about it, tho he secretly enjoy having your full undivided attention. every time dutch planned to take him for a mission, you’ve been prepping his saddle and equipments, and when he came back, you’ve welcome him back with your arms open.
and while you were acting like some kind of stay-at-home spouse, bill would be silently protective over you. when you have to talk to men and women and fake another of your identity to wrap them around your finger, bill would silently sit at a table nearby and watch carefully, making sure no one lays a finger on you.
and when you thank him for his care through kisses, all you hear are grumbling noises and a little “you’re welcome”.
he’s just an angry worked up man, but you love him for it. (surprisingly!)
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moonah-rose · 11 months
Sean, in chapter 6: We might be dead, but we can still help Old Englsh!
Lenny: How? He's trapped in that room, what could we do?!
Sean: We're ghosts, remember? We can just do this!
Sean: *breaks a window*
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evelynmiller · 9 months
Headcanons: what does the gang smell like? Part 3
Take these with a pinch of salt, we know they all smell like unwashed cowboy. All fragrances from Demeter because I've been buying most of my perfumes from them since I was 15.
Abigail: Licorice
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Karen: Black Russian
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Molly: Lilac
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Sadie: Bonfire
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Tilly: Sunshine
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A lot of these are fairly self explanatory but if you'd like to know my reasoning behind any of them, feel free to ask
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12timetraveler · 1 year
To Be Thankful
As strange as this is, this was actually inspired by an episode of Distractible, which is a podcast that I listen to. Their most recent episode was about being thankful for the small things. Just like... The little things that many people would think are meaningless and insignificant, but for some reason they just make someone so happy and sort of put the world into perspective for a moment.
So this idea is a little abstract but I thought I'd do like... If you were in a relationship with someone in the gang, what are some little things they might be thankful for that you do. Now obviously this sort of implies a lot about you, the reader, and things you might do, so if you can't quite relate I'm sorry. But I'm trying to find just little things that someone in a relationship with these characters might do for them that they're greatful for.
Confused? Good.
~ Arthur is thankful for the way you smile at him when he comes back after a long job. You just look so happy to see him, it makes him feel all warm and fuzzy. 
~ he's thankful for the way you steal his weapons to clean them when he comes back from his travels, making sure than next time he goes out he'll be safe from any misfiring weapons. 
~ he's thankful for the way you help him take care of himself when he likely wouldn't. How you help him cut his hair or trim his beard
~ he's thankful for the way you bring him food when he's too busy to remember to eat. Pearson's stew may not be gourmet but it helps keep him going. 
~ he's thankful for the way you lightly touch him as the two of you are drifting off to sleep, making sure he's there beside you. It makes him feel so loved. 
~ John is thankful for the way you never treat him like he's an idiot, even when he is one. 
~ he's thankful for the way you get along with Abigail and Jack, respecting his previous relationship
~ he may fuss about it, but he is very grateful for the way you make him take care of his hair, wishing and trimming it as needed so he looks less feral. 
~ he's thankful for the way the two of you laugh and play together, finding fun in the smallest of things. 
~ he's thankful for your idle attentions, the way you play with his hair while you read or lean against him while you craft something, or smile at him while he chops wood. 
~ he's thankful for the way you sit and listen as he vents, without trying to sway him any which way, but just to let him get it out. 
~ he's thankful for the deep conversations the two of you can have late at night. The intelligence and insight you bring. 
~ he's thankful for the way you keep his tobacco stores stocked. He never has to look for a fresh cigar or buy more pipe tobacco. You always make sure he has enough. 
~ he's thankful for the sweet nonsense you whisper in his ear as you're drifting off to sleep, almost like poems. They'd mean nothing to anyone else, but he knows what you mean. 
~ he's thankful for the way you can be independent from him, working your own jobs, not needing his attention all the time, but able to return to him just as easily and shower him in love. 
~ he's thankful for the way you always bring back herbs for him any time you leave camp. 
~ he's thankful for the reverent way you view Bessie, knowing you aren't competing with a ghost, you're just another chapter of his life. 
~ he's thankful for someone who will listen to him gripe without judgement, and when he's done complaining, you'll help him find a solution
~ he's thankful for how proudly you display your relationship. Not showing off or anything, but not hiding your affections simply because he's an old man. 
~ he's thankful for the little sounds you make when you grab onto him in your sleep, so happy and cute. 
~ he's thankful for the respect and genuine interest you show in his values. 
~ he's thankful for those quiet moments the two of you share, sitting on the edge of camp with nothing to be said. 
~ he's thankful for the way you make sure he always has what he needs to craft weapons
~ he's thankful for the way your eyes light up when he brings you back something from his hunts, be it a prime cut of meat or a nice little stone he found. 
~ he's thankful for the water that you bring him when he's been working on a hot day, making sure he stays hydrated. 
~ he's thankful for the way you always smile after he's finished playing, making him feel like he just played a concert at a theater. 
~ he's thankful for the little kisses you leave across his face. 
~ he's thankful for your willingness to go fishing, even if it isn't your favorite pastime (and if it is, he's thankful that you always invite him with you when you go out) 
~ he's thankful for those nights on the edge of camp just talking about everything and nothing. Sharing traumas or jokes or wishes. 
~ he's thankful for the way you look after his guitar when he's away, guarding it like it's a part of him 
~ he's thankful for the way you immediately calm his temper without judgement. 
~ he's thankful for the way you love him without shame, despite any teasing that may come your way. 
~ he's thankful for the way you listen to his ideas and give him suggestions without patronizing him. 
~ he's thankful for the way you tug lightly on his beard to urge him closer for a kiss
~ he's thankful for the way you sneak treats to Brown Jack when you think he's not looking. 
~ he's thankful for the way that you give as good as you take when it comes to teasing. 
~ he's thankful for the way you just roll your eyes when people ask why you're with him. 
~ he's thankful for the fact that you always bring him gun oil and a clean rag to take care of his guns 
~ he's thankful for the way that you come to him, sitting on his lap around the fire or seeking him out after a job, instead of him feeling like he's bothering you. 
~ he's thankful for the playful way you tug on his hair that lets him know you love him 
~ he's thankful for the way you listen to his stories about his da, even if you've heard them before. 
~he's thankful for the way you take his bottle, and he thinks you're about to lecture him on his drinking, only for you to take a swig and kiss him. 
~ he's thankful for the way that you laugh and tease him just as much as he teases you, if not more. 
~ he's thankful for how you took care of him when he returned to the gang, seeing how he was not the same Sean who left Blackwater. 
~ he's thankful for the way you leap into his arms whenever you go to hug him, even if you saw him just an hour prior. 
~ he's thankful for the books you bring him any time you find a new one for him to read. 
~ he's thankful for the careful way you handle his belongings, no matter how small. When you don't have much, everything counts. 
~ he's thankful for the way you listen when he's working out a new job or a new way to prove himself, even though you always tell him he proves himself every day. 
~ he's thankful for the way you lightly scratch his head as he's falling asleep beside you 
~ he's thankful for the proud way you talk about him, like he's the greatest man you know. 
~ he's thankful for your kind smile and easy laugh. 
~ he's thankful for the way you bring him food when he forgets to eat. 
~ he's thankful for the way you stand up to the others if they call him O'Driscoll
~ he's thankful for the way you cup his face, making him feel more special than anything
~ he's thankful for the way you pull him close at least once a day for a hug and a kiss, and damn anyone who's watching who may judge. 
~ she's thankful for the way you handle Jack when she's having a hard time 
~ she's thankful for the way you treat her as a person, not only as a mother
~ she's thankful for the way you help bridge the gap between her and John
~ she's thankful for the way you bring her flowers 
~ she's thankful for the way you support her, and help her to be stronger. 
Mary Beth
~ she's thankful for the way you cuddle with her as she reads to you from a book. 
~ she's thankful for the honest way you talk to her about her writing. 
~ she's thankful for the way you surprise her with long walks or trail rides to get out of camp and spend time together 
~ she's thankful for the way you help her with her hair every morning and night. 
~ she's thankful for the way you hold her close and dance with her whenever the mood strikes. 
~she's thankful for the little trinkets you bring her, knowing you're always thinking of her
~ she's thankful for the way you grab her hand and pull her along for a little stroll, even if it's just around camp. 
~ she's thankful for the way you hold her and nuzzle against her every evening 
~ she's thankful for the soft affections you give her throughout the day. 
~ she's thankful for the way you make her feel safe and comfortable
~ she's thankful for the way you keep her ammo stocked up so she never has to worry about being without 
~ she's thankful for the way you talk about Jake, on the rare occasion you do mention him, as Sadie likes to keep him close to her chest. But you never seem jealous or patronizing about him. You talk about him as if he were an old friend. 
~ she's thankful for the way you carefully patch her up if she bites off more than she can chew 
~ she's thankful for the way you always have an ear to the ground for any O'Driscolls
~ she's thankful that you let her go at her place and don't push her for anything she's not ready for, romantically. 
~ she's thankful for the way you always save her a special bottle of alcohol. 
~ she's thankful for the way you calmly counter her cynicism with something realistic but cheerful 
~ she's thankful for the way you see her as a human, not just a pair of boobs. 
~ she's thankful for the way you're always ready to sing with her, no matter the song. 
~ she's thankful for the way you hold her when she gets too drunk and tell her it's all going to be okay. 
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lovebytheoutlaw · 1 year
Hey, y'all! This blog is for RDR2 headcanons/imagines/small fanfics! I'm not the best writer in the world, and some characters, I'm not going to be great at writing for. How I imagine a character may not be to everyone's liking, but I will try my best!! I love doing this, and I'm confident enough in my writing to be able to pull it off, even just slightly.
Also want to put out there a trigger warning for this blog! Some things may be disturbing such as gore, violence, mentions of death, suicide, etc. And I'm putting an 18+ warning while we're at it! Some of these writings have a good chance of including sexual descriptions.
Sooo without further ado, let's get into it!
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- when requesting a headcanon/imagine, take into consideration I won't write about any of the following things; pedophilia, rape in most cases. There's not much I won't write about, but be respectful if I choose not to.
- if you have constructive criticism, please do tell me! I'm open to becoming a better writer, and expanding my writing boundaries. So if a character feels super off, or I used a word incorrectly, translated a word wrong, or something could've been better, I'd be happy to hear it!
- If you've requested something, and I haven't responded to it in 2 weeks, bug me about it. There's a good chance I didn't see it, or forgot! I most likely won't, but in case I do!
- oh and I'm also totally fine writing about these ships!!: jovier, charthur, vandermatthews, johnigail!
I think that's pretty much all I could think of right now! Thank you for reading if you did! I'm excited to write!!
A huge thanks to these people who helped me decide to make this blog: @photo1030, @southlandghost, @evercornelias, @elfyeet ♡ you guys are awesome!
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arthurmorgansclitorous · 10 months
I'm gonna write a Lenny X reader fanfic. Ill also do one shots and headcanons on Lenny and any other gang members! If anyone wants a specific ship or anything to be included or even just a one shot/hcs then just request it and I'll write it no matter what it is.
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cowboyfromh3ll · 6 months
you said to do headcannons right?
can you do sex headcannons for the members of the gang? Only ones you're comfortable with obv. Personally, I don't care much for Micah (I want to set him on fire) so feel free to leave him out if you don't feel like writing for him
But the usual Dutch, John, Javier, Arthur, Charles, and anybody else you feel like are just perfect. I love your writing, so I'm excited to see your take on these
Sex HC Ft. Van Der Linde Gang
(Dutch Van Der Linde, John Marston, Javier Escuella, Arthur Morgan, Charles Smith, Lenny Summers, Kieran Duffy, Micah Bell, Sean Macguire, Sadie Adler)
I should write for the girls more
Warnings: Smut, duh
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Dutch Van Der Linde
He probably loves roleplaying
Pretending he's the outlaw and you're the officer punishing him
But most times he loves being in control of you, thinks it's so attractive when you submit completely to him and become his pliable little servant
Likes it when you wear expensive jewelry and gifts he buys you with nothing else on
Definitely wants you to call him Sir
Says the most poetic and flowery things to you during
Probably enjoys receiving but LOVES giving head. Views it as another way to take control
Quickies with him are non existent. To him, sex and intimacy are an art, and he will take his time with every little detail and aspect of it
Enjoys playful brattiness, definitely a brat tamer
I can see him being into BDSM. Ball gags, leather crops, leashes, blindfolds, etc
John Marston
Super messy, super rough, super desperate
Pussy eating pro. I'm talking mind blowing, back arching, toe curling, sheet gripping head. ALWAYS asks if he can go down on you
Acts like every time you two have sex will be the last
On the contrary though, I feel like he'd be into edging
Also doesn't mind letting you be dominant, he has such submissive energy
Mayhaps a mommy kink, because I can also see him calling you mommy
Would let you tie him up, totally at your mercy
He loses any semblance of shame, will beg, cry, whimper, you name it
Could consent to just about anything, if you tell him to bark he'll bark
Gets carried away when during sex sometimes, just gets absolutely drunk from pleasure
Javier Escuella
Incredibly romantic and passionate
He can fuck, but he can also make love
So much sexual stamina, and makes every time you have sex absolutely unforgettable
Loves to make sure you are as comfortable as possible and feel as though you have enough privacy. Even if it means paying for a hotel, he'll do anything to ensure your comfort
But if you wanna have risky public sex he's more than willing to as well lmao
Holds you and whispers how much he loves you while he thrusts slowly
But if y'all are fucking he'll say the filthiest shit he can conjur up in his mind while thrusting as hard and fast as he can
Slaps and grips anything he can hold onto
Overwhelms all of your senses and stimulates you in multiple ways at once
Loves cumming inside you but if not inside then on your torso or face
Arthur Morgan
Loves putting his whole weight on you when y'all fuck
Just simply pinning you down with the size of him drives him crazy
Is such a gentleman even during sex. Always stops and asks how you are and if you like how he's doing
Insists you don't have to go down on him but secretly loves it when you do
His favorite positions are ones where you're totally helpless like mating presses or locking your arms behind you
Whenever he fucks you from behind he wraps his massive arm around your neck. Idly squeezes down on your neck
Enjoys sex totally naked, makes it feel more intimate exposing yourselves fully to each other
But he loves it if you wear cute outfits for him just so he can take it off you
But he absolutely loves quickies. Complains they're too risky but every time you suggest one he's unbuckling his belt before you can finish your sentence
Definitely does the knee thing
Charles Smith
He is a pure giver. You will always cum at least 3 times or else he won't feel like he did a thorough job.
Will ignore his own aching cock as long as he can see you squirm in ecstasy
Your pleasure is his pleasure
Doesn't care if he doesn't get to cum tbh
Definitely aware of his size and uses it to his advantage if you're into that
Cages you in his arms, holds you down, puts you in choke holds, etc
I feel like he'd be pretty vanilla and you'd be the one to bring kinks to the table if anything. Will honestly do most anything you want if it brings you pleasure
Soft but firm touches, like every touch is done with intent and thought
Type to make out with you for hours without any actual stimulation and be content. Will see you off with the bluest balls.
Lenny Summers
He's still pretty young so I believe his experience would be limited
You two are probably eachother's first everythings, atleast you're his
Probably cums real fast but makes up for it with enthusiam
Will try out so many things with you, the two of you will both bring ideas to the table
Tries to start things off slow but his excitement gets the best of him
SO MUCH communication and talking during (feedback, jokes, etc...)
Very forward with his needs
Asks for hand/blow jobs a lot to blow off some steam
Very fast learner, and probably very risky
I feel like he'd ask to finger you a lot in risky situations
There's been instances where he just forgets foreplay altogether and just wants to go at it
Kieran Duffy
Submissive as hell
Definitely whimpers
Let's you take the lead 99% of the time
Will cum within five minutes max, and it really takes it out of him
Super sensitive literally everything. Touch him anywhere and he's blushing and squirming
Loves it if you wrap your thighs around his head
That being said, enjoys face sitting
Feels reassured when you tell him what to do and help him in the process
Hands roam all over you, it's like he can't fathom that you're a real being that's actually doing this with him
Eyes roll back and his face goes red when he cums. He's super embarassed about it
Micah Bell
SO rough. Drags you into position and commands you to do certain things
Likes slapping, hair pulling, spitting, I feel like he'd even be into piss. All of the above would go both ways for him.
Hate sex with him goes crazy ong. And after arguments? Just fucking all your anger away
Into degrading for sure
Sex is definitely the best emotional release for the both of you without actually hurting eachother
He's into marks. That entails scratches, bites, bruises
Make him bleed, literally beat the shit out of him during sex and he'll let it slide
Sex is a constant battle for dominance
Probably makes you do embarassing things for him like bark
Also puts you in obscene and embarassing positions just for his own pleasure
If anyone ever heard y'all have sex they'd think it sounds more like an argument and a fist fight than love making
Sean Macguire
The goofiest man during sex, not even intentionally either. He'll say the stupidest thing you've ever heard with his whole chest and you'll have to ask if he's serious
"You ready for the Macguire special?"
Loud ass moans, cannot contain them. If you're into public sex you better either prepare to be caught or mentally prepare yourself for the influx of scoldings/questions that'll come later
LOVES playful brattiness or when you want to take control. He's all for it
Has fantasies of being woken up with head
Will do the same for you in return if that's what it takes to enact his fantasies
Also into roleplay but way cornier shit like you're a nurse and he's a patient. Indulges in costumes as well
Drunk sex is the best because it's combining two of his favorite things
Sadie Adler
Also definitely does the knee thing...
Genuinely one of the sweetest and more passionate lovers, and it will translate during sex
Super gentle and passionate
Lot's of "I love you"s exchanged
Never any space between you, your limbs constantly intertwined as you kiss and move against eachother
Either of you can take the role as dom, it doesn't matter to her
Smiles the whole time out of pure adoration for you
Can be super sultry and kinky when the time calls for it though
Not opposed to being a little rougher but I can't see her going too far with that
Thinks you're far too delicate and special to be treated in such a way
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tempting-andromeda · 8 months
Omg omg omg idk if your requests are opened but if they are then pleaseee accept this request. (It’s totally okay if you don’t want to though!)
Ok so Kieran, Charles, Sean, Bill, and Lenny and how they’d react to finding their s/o hidden somewhere crying. Like she’s (or they, whichever you prefer to write) overthinking and starts to wonder if they even actually love her.
Again, it’s completely fine if you don’t wanna write this but thank you so much if you do, and have a nice day! (Or night, whatever it is for you😭)
Hehe I love requests also Ngl I didn’t know people found Bill attractive…do I add him to the list of hc?
Kieran Duffy, Charles Smith, Sean MacGuire, Bill Williamson, Lenny Summers
Kieran Duffy
He kinda thinks you were ignoring him at first but after a while he goes searching for you and finds you kinda off somewhere away from camp
He’s super hesitant to interrupt you but the minute he hears you crying he’s immediately by your side trying to comfort you.
“H-hey…whatcha crying about?” He asks softly as he gently touched your arm to gain your attention.
He’s probably the most soft and comforting person even if he’s shaking from anxiety at the fact that you’re crying and he doesn’t know why. He overthinks a bit himself until you tell him how you feel
“I love you…really I do. I’m sorry if I didn’t show it but I’m showing’ ya now.” He mumbled softly as he moved closer to you and slowly began to rub your back, wanting to comfort you
He definitely bumps up his show of live for you afterwards by telling you he loves you, physical touch, helping you with your chores.
Charles Smith
At first he thinks you just need time away and he’s like “they weren’t in the best moods :/“ but still gives you space
After a while he realizes he should check on you so he finds you and once he notices you’re crying it’s a a switch flips
He gives you a soft “hey…what’s the matter?” And he crouched down in front of you and takes your hands
You don’t respond immediately but he’s not really that hurt by it. He knows you need time and he gives it to you but he doesn’t leave your side once
Once you tell him how you feel he lets out a small chuckle and pulls you to his chest.
“I promise you it’s just your mind telling you that. I love you and I’ll tell you every day if I have to.”
Sean MacGuire
Sean doesn’t even think twice about you walking off. He probably thinks you’re just going off to do your business but after a while he starts to realize you’re gone for a bit too long.
He follows you expecting to find you sneaking a nap or doing something you’re not supposed to but once he hears your stifled cries he panics
He’s immediately on his knees in front of you frantically touching and grabbing you, trying to figure out what’s wrong. It’s probably not the best way to comfort you but he’s trying and he’s worried about you.
“Hey, hey, hey why the tears?” He asks worriedly as he lifts your face to look at him, clearly concerned and confused.
Once you confess your worries he just blurts out “I like ya! I love ya even!” Because he wholeheartedly means it.
Bill Williamson
Okay I don’t think bill would be the best with pda so when you go off to let go of your emotions he watches you and just lets you go
But after a while he realizes it’s been a while and he reluctantly follows you, a little annoyed you haven’t gotten back yet
When he sees you crying he hesitantly makes his way to you and just tried to think of what he did or what anyone else did to make you cry.
He’s real awkward comforting you. He just pats your back and tries to think of what to say or do and kinda overthinks himself
“Sorry if I did anything…I’ll make it right.” He mumbles after a moment of silence and once you tell him how you feel he’s kinda taken back
“Course I love ya, wouldn’t be tryin to comfort you if I didn’t.” He grumbles, a bit offended you thought he didn’t like you.
He’s blunt about it but it’s also how you know he’s telling the truth.
Lenny Summers
He probably doesn’t realize you’ve been off for so long until he’s done with his chores and he’s like “hm where did they go?” And then goes to look for you
He finds you hiding somewhere and at first he’s a little amused because he doesn’t really notice your tears but once he sees them he’s instantly worried
“Hey…what’s with the tears?” He whispers as he brushed your tears from your face.
He doesn’t overthink too much but it’s obvious he’s worried about you. He gives you time to tell him how you feel and he presses a soft kiss to your forehead
“Don’t worry. I love you. If I could I’d spend everyday tellin’ you I love you. Might just make that the plan.” He says warmly, trying to boost your mood yet also telling you how he feels truthfully
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zanazirafanfic · 5 months
RDR Event Timeline (Canon + Headcanon)
This is the timeline I have constructed and use for all of my Red Dead writings. Canon event dates/ages are taken from the Red Dead Wiki, and headcanon estimations for more ambiguous events/characters are based on their approximate ages in-game by 1899 and what makes the most logical sense to me based on that timeline.
Please feel free to use this as a reference for your own works too, if it helps. (Canon events are noted as such, and my headcanons are labeled "HC.")
1839 - Uncle born (HC)
1844 - Hosea Matthews born (Canon)
1845 - Rains Fall born (HC)
1846 - Leopold Stauss born (HC)
1850 - Susan Grimshaw born (HC)
1853 - Orville Swanson born (HC)
1855 - Dutch Van der Linde born (Canon)
1857 - Josiah Trelawney born (HC)
1860 - Micah Bell III born (Canon) (newspaper clipping mentions Micah Bell Jr. robbing with his 17-year-old son in 1877)
1861 - Simon Pearson born (HC)
1863 - Arthur Morgan born (Canon)
1866 - Bill Williamson born (Canon)
1870 - Dutch leaves home aged 15 (Canon); Kieran Duffy born (HC)
1871 - Sadie Adler born (HC)
1872 - Charles Smith born (HC) (based on est. age of 27 in 1899)
1873 - John Marston born (Canon); Javier Escuella born (HC)
1874 - Lyle Morgan arrested and hanged, Arthur orphaned (Canon); Molly O'Shea born (HC)
1875 - Karen Jones born (HC)
1876 - Dutch and Hosea meet outside of Chicago, IL (Canon); Sean MacGuire born (HC)
1877 - Abigail Roberts born; Arthur joins the gang, aged 14 (Canon)
1878 - Eagle Flies born (HC)
1879 - Tilly Jackson and MaryBeth Gaskill born (HC)
1880 - Lenny Summers born (Canon)
1881 - John Marston's father dies, John orphaned (Canon)
1882- Annabelle and Bessie join the gang (HC)
1883 - Bessie and Hosea marry and leave the gang (Canon); Arthur meets and begins dating Mary Gillis (HC) (Jamie Gillis references both Annabelle and Bessie during the mission in Chapter 2, so IMO this would've been the most likely time for all 3 to have met one another.)
1884 - Dutch kills Colm O'Driscoll's unnamed brother, Annabelle killed by Colm in retaliation; Hosea returns to the gang (HC)
1885 - John Marston and Susan Grimshaw join the gang (Canon); Charles Smith leaves home, aged 13 (HC) (based on est. DOB 1872)
1886 - Arthur proposes to and subsequently breaks up with Mary in the springtime; Arthur meets Eliza (19) later in the year, and Isaac is conceived (HC)
1887 - Lee & Hoyt Bank Robbery, April (Canon); Isaac Morgan born (HC) (According to Arthur in-game, Eliza only knew who he was after she got pregnant. Based on this they most likely met in late 1886 or very early 1887, with the bank robbery in April '87 and Isaac born that autumn.)
1888 - Death of Bessie Matthews (HC) (based on the assumption that she passed some time before Arthur lost his son. Her cause of death is never specified in canon, but I HC it was a fairly quick battle with pneumonia over the winter.)
1891 - Isaac Morgan (4) and Eliza (23) killed in a home robbery (HC)
1892 - Bill Williamson dishonorably discharged from the U.S. Army (Canon); Uncle joins the gang (HC)
1893 - Bill Williamson joins the gang (Canon)
1894 - Abigail Roberts joins the gang, introduced to them by Uncle (Canon)
1895 - Jack Marston born; Javier joins the gang (Canon)
1896 - John Marston leaves the gang; Jake and Sadie Adler marry in September (Canon)
1897 - John Marston returns to the gang after a year (Canon)
1898 - Micah Bell, Charles Smith, Lenny Summers, and Jenny Kirk join the gang (Canon)
1899 - Blackwater Massacre; dissolving of the Van der Linde gang; deaths of Jenny Kirk, Mac and Davey Callender, Sean MacGuire, Kieran Duffy, Hosea Matthews, Lenny Summers, Molly O'Shea, Eagle Flies, Susan Grimshaw, and Arthur Morgan (Canon)
1907 - Construction of Beecher's Hope ranch; John and Abigail marry; death of Micah Bell III (Canon)
1911 - Kidnapping of Abigail and Jack Marston by the U.S. Government in exchange for John's cooperation; deaths of Bill Williamson, Javier Escuella, Dutch Van der Linde, Uncle, and John Marston (Canon)
1914 - Death of Abigail Marston; Jack Marston kills Edgar Ross to avenge his father's murder (Canon)
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spongeyspot · 5 months
Red Dead Redemption Masterlist
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Tags: [Smut 🔥] ; [Angst 🩹] ; [Fluff 🧸] ; [Dark Themes 🖤]
Arthur Morgan
Toxic Traits/ Red Flags HCs (Headcanons) (Fem! Reader)
1890s!Arthur in the Modern World HCs (Headcanons) (GN! Reader)
John Marston
Toxic Traits/ Red Flags HCs (Headcanons) (Fem! Reader)
General Modern Hcs (Headcanons)
Javier Escuella
Toxic Traits/ Red Flags HCs (Headcanons) (Fem! Reader)
General Modern HCs (Headcanons)
Charles Smith
Toxic Traits/ Red Flags HCs (Headcanons) (Fem! Reader)
Lenny Summers
Toxic Traits/ Red Flags HCs (Headcanons) (Fem! Reader)
Dutch Van Der Linde
Toxic Traits/ Red Flags HCs (Headcanons) (Fem! Reader)
Micah Bell
Toxic Traits/ Red Flags HCs (Headcanons) (Fem! Reader)
Sean Macguire
Toxic Traits/ Red Flags HCs (Headcanons) (Fem! Reader)
General Modern HCs (Headcanons)
Hosea Matthews
Toxic Traits/ Red Flags HCs (Headcanons) (Fem! Reader)
Bill Williamson
Nothing yet!
Kieran Duffy
Nothing yet!
Eagle Flies
Nothing yet!
Mary Beth Gaskill
Toxic Traits/ Red Flags HCs (Headcanons) (Fem! Reader)
Abigail Roberts
Toxic Traits/ Red Flags HCs (Headcanons) (Fem! Reader)
Sadie Adler
Toxic Traits/ Red Flags HCs (Headcanons) (Fem! Reader)
Tilly Jackson
Toxic Traits/ Red Flags HCs (Headcanons) (Fem! Reader)
Karen Jones
Toxic Traits/ Red Flags HCs (Headcanons) (Fem! Reader)
Molly O'Shea
Toxic Traits/ Red Flags HCs (Headcanons) (Fem! Reader)
Run Away With Me (Fem! Reader) 🧸
Poly Pairings
SWF/NSFW Poly Relationship HCs 🔥🧸
(John Marston/Fem!Reader/Abigail Marston)
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yanderes-galore · 4 months
Hello can I request gen hc of Lenny from RDR 2
Sure, I can try! Sorry if his character comes out wrong or something is off, like all my fics feedback is appreciated. You're both about 19 or around that, totally didn't do this because I'm also 19 along with him 😅
Yandere! Lenny Summers Concept
Pairing: Romantic/Platonic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Overprotective behavior, Violence, Some manipulation, Soft yandere, Slight found family dynamic mentioned a times, Paranoia, Fear of loss, Brief slavery mention (Game takes place in 1899, it's part of Lenny's backstory), Clingy behavior briefly mentioned, Dubious companionship.
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Just a warning, I'm really new to RDR2 and have only really seen cutscenes and interactions.
If his character is off, I'll try to get better as I'm more acquainted with the source material.
If anyone has any tips to write him or anyone better, I'll take them.
Lenny is the youngest member of the gang.
He's also one of the most educated members due to his upbringing.
I feel like you and Lenny would both be some of the younger members in the gang.
You joined for your own reasons, one way or another you became an outcast… a misfit….
But then you found the gang… your new family.
Lenny ends up becoming a close friend of yours due to your similar ages.
You two end up sharing a lot of conversation as you survive in the gang.
You learn of his past as a slave and what happened to his father… in return you tell him your past.
It's a bit surprising how fast you clicked.
You two would aid one another in robberies while watched with older members of the gang.
You'd often have long intellectual talks or just talks in general.
Lenny is sometimes cocky and confident due to being young, yet he's also intelligent and fun-loving.
He's confident and loyal, always wanting to help Dutch and the gang.
When it comes to you Lenny can see you in a few ways as the requester was not specific.
A close friend… a sibling… a lover… it doesn't really matter for the concept.
Lenny would have a close connection to you due to your shared struggles in the gang and life before it.
Yet you both find mutual comfort in each other.
Lenny would no doubt be very attentive towards you.
He makes sure you always have a serving of food, he even helps you with education if you never learned.
Honestly, Lenny seems like such a sweet character.
He cares for you like family one way or another.
With how he always sits by you and defends you, other members certainly think he's taken a liking to you.
They even assume he has a romantic attraction to you (unless he clears it up).
It's actually a bit cute to see the two younger members of the gang get along.
He's clearly quite fond of you in some way.
It's a bit hard for me to say what would be his yandere characteristics but I'd say Lenny is loyal, caring, and protective.
He's probably not the most possessive person although he will stand up for you.
For example, if someone in the gang was harassing you he'd step in quickly.
He'd probably try to be charming by pushing you behind him to deal with the issue.
Lenny probably wouldn't be quick to pull his gun but he definitely is quick to defend you.
He cares deeply for you.
While when you first met he was excited to go on robberies and look for supplies with you… it's soon replaced with hesitance.
Lenny never thought of this until he was closer to you… but it seems so easy to lose you.
The thought scares him late at night when you're asleep and he's up late on guard.
You're both young and devoted to the gang… but he can't help but wonder if you deserved better?
Lenny begins to think you should stay at the camp while he goes and gets money/supplies.
Surely that will not only impress you but keep you safe?
I feel if pushed to it, Lenny may kill for you.
However he'd primarily try to convince you to stay at the camp to keep you safe.
If you asked Lenny why he's so worried I feel he'd try to avoid the conversation before blurting out his worries.
He's just been thinking… wouldn't it be better if you stayed out of trouble?
Lenny is genuinely just looking out for you.
He wants to protect you like a man should but at the same time… he feels he should do more than that.
Lenny is certainly like a guard to you.
Too much pestering? Feeling sick? Need any help?
Lenny always seems to be there to help you, you're family after all.
I feel like Lenny is certainly a tame yandere but would do anything he can to keep you if pushed into a corner.
He's a good kid according to other members.
He wouldn't be too possessive, wouldn't be too ruthless, just genuinely caring.
He may go overboard with it at times but he means well.
He takes you dancing at the camp, he hugs you close to comfort you, sometimes it feels like he's using you to soothe his anxieties.
However, you may not mind as Lenny is so genuine.
He isn't overly manipulative and doesn't often try to deceive you.
He'll tell you the truth most of the time, even venting his worries to you.
The best part about his yandere is that there are minimal red flags.
He's a bit clingy and protective, yet it's not too suffocating.
Him keeping you in the camp is certainly an odd change… but nothing too out of the ordinary.
He does have a point… the camp is a bit safer.
Concerning behavior would be constant fist fights, attempted murder, isolation, stuff like that.
While that may be possible with Lenny, it's rare.
He'd only fight if someone got on his nerves or if he's forced to, even then he usually finds a way to fix the situation.
Isolation isn't something he really considers as he knows you both see the gang as family.
Overall I feel Lenny can be seen as an overly caring best friend, big brother, or potential boyfriend.
He means well and wants to keep you out of trouble.
He won't start fights over you, but he'll end them.
Even if it requires violence… He'll make sure you stay out of harm's way.
After all… he cares for you, doesn't he?
What kind of man would he be if he didn't look after you so closely?
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puzzled-pegasus · 5 months
Crackship Best Friends
Moonwatcher and Hazel Levesque would be best friends and have tea together.
Rachel Elizabeth Dare and Remus Sanders would be the scariest pair of friends istg
Joaquín Mondragon and Jake Peralta. Oh, my god.
Remy/Sleep Sanders and Gina Linetti would be horrible awful. Under no circumstances should they meet. Ever.
I think that Lenny Summers and Qibli the SandWing should vibe and I also hc that Qibli should have Lenny's voice
Weird vibe but Kinkajou the RainWing and Princess Poppy from Trolls.
Discord from MLP FIM and Darkstalker would be a sillygoofy duo and I love them
Glory the RainWing, and Alex Fierro.
Sadie Kane and Sadie Adler omfg
Janet from The Good Place and Logan Sanders
Jason Mendoza from TGP and Jambu the RainWing 😭
Clay the MudWing and Patton Sanders
Riptide the SeaWing and Percy Goddamn Jackson
Turtle the SeaWing and Wade Ripple (???)
Winter the IceWing and Nico Di Angelo yess
Dipper Pines and Starflight the NightWing woo
Spirit the stallion and Arion from HoO (they'd probably throw hooves actually but they're v similar)
Blackjack the pegasus and Donkey from shrek lmaoo
Richard from Unikitty! and Sour Bill from Wreck It Ralph
Ohh what if: Tom Lucitor from SVTFOE and Marceline the Vampire Queen. Both bi and goth/emo disaster
Judy Hopps and Amy Santiago
Additionally: Captain Holt and Chief Bogo
Ember Lumen and Rainbow Dash
Cricket the HiveWing and Mirabel Madrigal
Molly Finch and Antonio Madrigal
Luisa Madrigal and Lewis Finch
Isabela Madrigal and Barbara Finch
Honestly just need an AU where the Finches and Madrigals are neighbors or smth
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evelynmiller · 9 months
Headcanons: what does the gang smell like? Part 2
Take these with a pinch of salt, we know they all smell like unwashed cowboy. All fragrances from Demeter because I've been buying most of my perfumes from them since I was 15.
Hosea: Sage
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Kieran: Fresh Hay
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Lenny: Paperback
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Strauss: Folding Money
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Micah: Earthworm
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A lot of these are fairly self explanatory but if you'd like to know my reasoning behind any of them, feel free to ask
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hai….i’m back….here to give more modern (plus some general) hcs!! :3
⭑i like to think of john and abi as highschool sweethearts :) But they were pretty on and off, so everyone was surprised when they made it to senior prom (john wore those tuxedo t-shirts)and eventually graduation! they got pregnant with jack a few months after graduating
⭑when it’s time for spring cleaning, DUTCH IS THE LOUDEST MF IN THE HOUSE. he’s blasting the 70s music, waking up everyone in the house very loudly announcing that it’s spring cleaning day…poor hosea, john, and arthur
⭑i like to think charles makes these super pretty bracelets and sells them online :3 some of the gang members got some! they’re very meticulously crafted and he takes pride in his art!
⭑Karen is def a crazy cat lady. She has FOUR OF THEM!!! She’d give three of the cats really pretty names but let Sean name her most recent one…in which he named the poor cat “napkin” 💀
⭑Dutch and Hosea have an unreal amount of hawaiian pattern shirts..it’s crazy. hosea wears them in the spring and summer but dutch wears them year round
⭑For some reason, it’s tradition on Arthur’s birthday to go to Texas Roadhouse (I know he’d FUCK UP that bread they give as appetizers). He usually has his family, an s/o, and a couple friends there :)
⭑Speaking of fucking up rolls…I think Artie in general would just have a guilty soft spot to sweets. His s/o would come back with those rolls or just any pastry or candy and arthur will feel so special and spoiled! He’ll also do the same thing for them in return :) (Or just any kinda fave food they like)
⭑Lenny was a SUPER smart kid in school. I like to think in the modern au he just graduated outta highschool, but he got all of these scholarships and awards for being such a smart kid. He’d def major in some sort of writing or literacy thing in college
⭑Sadie can and will destroy anyone at those bull riding things at restaurants. she’s got a plaque of her name on it at a restaurant she won at!
⭑This is more of a general one, but seeing Arthur and John compared to eachother is so funny…Arthur is like this big bear while John is skinny and dorito shaped
⭑It’s also funny seeing the heights of the vandermatthews (name still in progress) family. From shortest to tallest it goes Dutch (5’8”…short dutch all the way), Hosea (5’10”), John (5’11”), and Arthur (6’2”)
⭑One time John borrowed Dutch’s laptop and clicked on a weird website, giving the laptop a virus. John was grounded for a few days and Arthur didn’t stop teasing him about it
OKAY!!! that’s all i have rn ^^ i think i might be saying too many hcs but i love making them…they’re too fun!! (sorry for showing my arthur favoritism again sighhhh 😭😭)
So sorry it took me several days to get to this, real life has had me busy 😔 but I’m here now and EEEEEEEE so fun and silly!!!!
-I’ve also always seen John and Abi as a high school sweethearts type of thing, I think they broke up and got back together so many times in that immature high school way until like senior year when they just stayed together
-Dutch is that one vine where the guy was dancing to Morning Train by Sheena Easton
-crying real tears rn imagining Charles crafting stuff for his pals🥹🥹🥹🥹 I could see him eventually getting into bigger crafts too
-Listen I’m gonna defend Sean bc I just KNOW that napkin the cat fits her namesake so well. It’s one of those skrunkly white kittens
-Arthur having a sweet tooth is canon in my heart sorry ladies, I think he’d enjoy baking goodies for his friends/partners bc he’s suchhhhh an acts of service/gift giver love language kinda guy
-I think Lenny was just one of those kids in high school that everyone loved. He was nice to everyone and genuinely really smart, sorry haters but he definitely got voted prom king or something. As he should!!!!!!
-Sadie drives a cool truck but not in a douchebag way, like that woman is hauling shit AROUND!!!!!!!!
These are all so fun and so silly! It’s been a rough week so I genuinely enjoyed getting to read these :) yall please never hesitate to blow up my inbox with thoughts like these!!
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