#less a rant and more an art project but i got the rant out of the way last month
larytello · 1 month
I find it funny and sad how Tumblr users are SO CONDITIONED to English language as default they will just NOT interact with posts in other languages whatsoever, no matter how cool the thing is - not even a like and reblog without adding comments or tags to it
Small rant ahead with something that happened this week AND I SHOULD POST IT IN MY OWN LANGUAGE TO PROVE A POINT but I won't and it'll still prove a point.
I have a Paw Patrol sideblog. It's a very active blog where I post, reblog, receive lots of asks constantly, I post my art there, etc. I got more active followers there than here on my personal blog and that's saying something (my personal has over 10x more followers than the Paw Patrol one AND STILL that one is more active lmao). People are always liking the posts/reblogs, always adding a comment, always reblogging with comments and/or nice/funny tags, sending asks. Literally it's very active.
Last week I reblogged there a post I found, it was a video of a mom and her daughter playing together with Paw Patrol toys and a handcrafted Lookout Tower made out of cardboard. THAT TOWER LOOKS SO COOL. It's amazing and the mom made it herself for her daughter and they were playing together so happily. Naturally this reblog should get a lot of likes and some reblogs, right?
It didn't get any. It's the only reblog so far there that didn't get a single bit of interaction.
Do you know why?
The mom and daughter are Brazilians. They speak Brazilian Portuguese. The text in the post is in Brazilian Portuguese. I added a long comment myself ALSO in Brazilian Portuguese (it is my first language as I'm Brazilian too) saying how cool it was, joking about the prices of official Lookout Tower toys (absurdly expensive around here) and that I've been planning myself to also build the Lookout Tower and the Paw Patroller with cardboard as well but I'm still in the first sketching stages, but seeing her project really inspired me to go ahead and continue working on my own.
I even followed her blog and she followed me back too. She posts a bunch of cool stuff and toys and games she creates with her kids, it's really AWESOME. I could spend HOURS looking at their posts.
But as she posted in Brazilian Portuguese and I commented also in Brazilian Portuguese and added tags ALSO in Brazilian Portuguese, it looks like NO ONE BATTED AN EYE AT IT.
What, are y'all afraid of using GOOGLE TRANSLATE???? How the fuck do you think I learned English ON MY OWN to interact with people on the internet in the first place when I was like 13, 14 years old??? I didn't even have English teachers at school and high school, I legit learned on my own because the world wasn't interested in trying to communicate with me, I was the one who had to adapt to communicate with it all.
You don't even need to learn another language like I did! YOU HAVE ONLINE TRANSLATORS. Back in my time, Google Translate was ABSURDLY AWFUL when translating anything to Brazilian Portuguese and vice-versa (it still is, but way less awful now over the years it took to better itself about it).
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bingusbongu · 6 months
Dr Flug x Fem reader who is the head of the department of black arts and witchcraft? Like him having a crush on her, it would be kind of ironic him being the head of the department of science and technology
A/N: oooo another Flug request! I love writing for this silly little nerd guy!!! One of my favorite comfort characters<33 fyi: had a hard time writing this, especially with his crushing stage so i just did alittle for it, i hope this works!!! ty sm for requesting!!!! I hope you enjoy~! {May edit later, im tired rn}
Dr. Flug × Fem. Witch Reader!
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•i feel like this man would be a huge skeptic towards magic. I mean, sure his boss is a demon and all, but he believes more in scientific reasoning then he actually does Magic. He thinks that there is a reasoning behind everything. being the head of the scientific technology department, he tried his best to study magic, but found ut a huge waste of his time, and ended up going back to his on projects
• when he first met you, it was on one his missions with the gang, and it was not going well for them. The hero they were after easily out maneuvered their plans, and had them dangerouslh close to defeat
• Flug was a mess, panicked and unsure what to do. If he got caught by a hero, Blackhat would sure as hell just leave him there and not care to come and retreave him. Let alone, he didnt want to get punished anymore then he hast to endure
• Flug thought they were goners, before, lo and behold, before the hero could take them into custody, you appeared. Quickly catching the hero off gaurd with a blast of magic to his side
• of course, the hero ended up taunting you, and launched himself at you, only for you to easily knock him out of thd sky and to the concrete with the wave of your hand
• as you and the hero quarled, Flug couldnt help but watch. He would had been planning to get out, but he was observing the battle. How you easily threw the hero around liks a toy. The hero didnt even manage to hit you a single time and you already had him to the ground.
• you had freed the trio before they could be taken from authorities. Easily clipping the lock off. The two of you locked eyes for a moment, but before Flug could say thank you, you were gone.
• Flug was quite appalled, his curiosity peaked, as he abd his team fled from the scene. Though, he wasnt able to get you out of his head. He had never seen or heard anything about a villain who easily threw around Heros without even touching them, and Flug knew everthing about every Villain in the town.
• When he got back to his lab, he automatically started to look up things about you, desprately searching up something to ease his curiosity and get you out of his head
• there wasnt to much about you that he could find. He had figured out you were a 'in and out' villain, hardly giving people enough time to look at you before you disappeared into a puff of smoke.
• reading into some reports about you, of people writing nonsense about a powerful villain that wasn't Blackhat, and ranting in painful grammar about a 'witch villain'
• this made Flug laugh, obviously not believing it one bit. Rolling his eyes he got off his computer and went back to work.
• though, he still couldnt get you out of his head. Thinking back to the way how easily you handled that hero, and didnt even lay a finger on him. Now that Flug thought about it, he didnt even see you get close to him at all. Which made the doctor ponder about you even more
• it started driving him insane
• Flug, for the next few times had a hard time focusing on his projects, caught in his mind about what you were. It ended up getting him into trouble, why couldnt you just leave him alone? He had so many questions, but no you to answer them
• finally came his once a month trip of errands he ran for the crew. Heading out to collect food, or certain parts he could use to work on his projects. He never liked these days, but he endured it never the less
• just as he was walking by, looking for supplies, he bumped into you on accident. He frantically apologized, but once he noticed it was you, he froze in his tracks. Looking up at you, as you looked down at him and reasured him that it was okay
• all of a sudden, all his questions flooded his mind. He sure didnt expect to find you here of all places! What were you doing here? Were you here on some sort of mission? What did you even need here?
• His thoughts got interrupted as you finally voiced that you recognized him, sending Flug into a blushing frenzy as he tried to play it off, muttering a thank you to you as he cleared his throat
• though, when you commented that you knew who he was, it caught him off guard. You knew who he was? No one really ever recognized him other than the bag wearing villain. Being a scientist didnt really give him many looks of pride.
• he was geniunly suprised when you told him his name, and that yoi recognized him from tv adds and some of his work. He didnt know how to feel, but when you complemented him, he nearly collapsed into jelly. No one really ever complemented him, let alone someone as pretty as you! It made his face flush under his bag as he attempted to calm himself
• Though, when you introduced yourself, he must had made a face when you mentioned magic to him. Cause you quickly responded to demonstrate your magic to him.
• turning your gaze to the nearest tin can, without even touching it you beckoned it over, making it levitate over to you.
• Flug watched curiously, eyeing the tin can as if trying to find the strong attached to it to find an explanation. As it levitated for a moment, you flicked your hand, only for the can to fly past Flugs head and hit the worker nearby in the back of his head at full force
• Flug was now a little less of a skeptic
• after that, you and Flug chatted for awhile, happily demonstrating some more of your magic for him, who he would watch closely and eagerly, trying to study it every time. You found it quite funny the way his eyes widened in curiosity
• you two ended up spending the rest of the day together, you helping him with finding his supplies, which he was greatful for. Usually it took him until nightfall to get everything done, but with your help he was able to get back to the manor by noon
• not only that, but he learned alot about you, and how you were also the head of your specialties. That stunned Flug, that you were a head of magic, and he happened to be the head of sciece and technology! No wonder the two of you ended up getting along quite well
• Flug expected his thoughts of you to decrease now that he had answers, but they ended up worsening. Now finding himself wanting to spend more time with you, and for you to show him more of your magic
• Now, the two of you ended up meeting eachother every month on Flugs outing days, so you guys could chat together and spend time with one another. You helping him and showing him your magic, and him happily showing you some of his project ideas.
• Over time, he found himself wanting to spend more and more time with you, getting excited when the day would come to meet up with you! But he still craved more contact with you
• He ended up giving you the adress to the mansion, so you could come over and visit, which you happily took the opportunity
• your visits became more frequent, which Flug was always delighted to see you!
• you would chat with him as he worked on his machines, or let Flug study some more of your magic. And boy, Flug certainly enjoyed the company. More say your company, he goy so happy when you visited him. Even if it was for a few minutes, he always was glad you decided to drop in, no matter how busy you were
• He loved your visits, it made him all giddy and happy, which he hadnt felt in a long time until you came into the picture. He didnt like the way you made his body warm at first, ungil he spent more time with you, he ended up waiting every day in hopes that you would come visit him
• one day, when you made his favorite flowers appear for him out of thin air, he nearly passed out
• he definitely found a way to preserve those flowers forever
• you started to make him feel weird, especially when you came in abd smiled at him, saying your common hello just made his heart lurch out for you. Getting all flustered when you complimented his work, or stood close to him, or even feeling the slightest bit of touch from you would send him to the ground
• he loved watching the way you preform your magic for him. Sometimes, he ended up watching you instead of the trick you were showing him. And when you commented about it he got all shy and babbled an apology, while you giggled which sent him deeper into his flusterdness, you absolutely found this adorable
• you, the wonderful witch you are, ended up enchanting his heart
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bittersweetorpheus · 2 years
this idea has been boiling in my head for WEEKS I tell you WEEEEKSS so I thought I might as well just let it out:
what if you worked for the tsaritsa as just another fatui skirmisher or cicin mage and slowly climb the ranks until you manage to land a position as the personal assistant to the personal assistant to the harbingers! yay! a promotion! but also maybe not so yay since it’s highly likely you get killed in like the first week or so… but whatever, you’ll take what you can get.
they don’t pay much attention to you at first but they eventually warm up to you and even start seeking you out more as time goes on.
meanwhile, you, on the other hand, have started to notice this- how could you not when you could feel the captains gaze on you whenever youre bent down over paperwork and thinks you can’t see him or the way the balladeer always drags you away from whatever you were doing for something “urgent” when he really just wandered around somewhere while ranting about random things to you or the fiery red butterfly that’s seemed to take a liking to you and could almost always be found resting on your shoulder
…and well, there were less subtle ones too- like the random segment that would always be a few steps behind you no matter where you went or the almost weekly chess games that the jester kept invite you even though you kept losing miserably to him hey! it’s not you’re fault when you also have to focus on ignoring the suprising amount of sexual tension!
but even more suprising is the way damselette calls you over to just. lay her head in your lap and sing or doze off while you do your work.
however, unlike damselette, the marionette is one for more silent appreciation. she shows you the projects she’s working on and if you show interest in a particular thing, say, one of automaton she’s creating, she’ll take note of it and might even make a pocket sized version to give to you- something that you could put on your keychain or keep as a figurine if you’re into that type of stuff!
Speaking of gifts- the regrator. gives. you. so. many. at first, he gave you jewelry with a price tag that even glancing at would probably send someone into debt but if you don’t wear jewelry, he’ll probably take note of things you like or hobbies you have. you like drawing? prepare to have trouble opening the door with how many expensive art supplies are piled up infront of it. you like stuffed animals? BOOM!! Your bed is overflowing with so many stuffed animals! You’re hyperfixating on something? Don’t worry- hes got ya covered!
Now, if you ever wanted to get better in combat, who better to ask for help than the Knave herself? However busy she is with the orphanage, she can always find time to help you fix your posture or get better at using a different weapon or anything you might need help with. While she’s cold and straightforward to everyone else, she’s surprisingly patient when it comes to you and sometimes, on the particularly rough days, quietly reassures you that you did good.
And lastly, Childe. He’s one of the more openly friendly ones that you can have actual normal conversations with. He’s definitely more comfortable with showing affection because of the traveler and his family and such so he’s someone you could go to if you just need a hug and a headpat.
anyways so sorry that this turned into just me rambling or if this is incomprehensible or something 😭
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aristotels · 3 months
I would love to hear an extended rant about being an artist in a periphery country, if you're willing to say more.
sorry for this being late! but yes there are quite a few things to this.
when you are from a periphery country, the art education accessible to you is much worse than in the imperial core. yes, i know, you dont need to go to art school, you can be self-taught, you dont need a degree, but art school is about making potential job connections. in a country like croatia, you do not have access to those connections. you do not have ability to go out, show your portfolio, get reccommended by a professor for a listing. the education is stunted as well - the animation program here is atrocious, my building had an attic with dead pigeon corpses littering the room, there are no drawing tablets, computers are old, the building is leaking, but the lack of ability to make professional connections is the main concern.
also, your degree? people hear you got a degree from a balkans land and you are immediately less worthy in their eyes. your name, which is not anglo? crossed out, despite your skills. job offerings within your country? good luck, everyone lives in poverty, you are underpaid, and studios hiring can be named on fingers of one hand. you are left with earning online.
and you are left with earning illegally. making author contracts with pdv, taxes, etc is incredibly complicated when working over upwork, doing commissions etc. this does constitute as black market. we do not hand in our taxes like in the usa, theyre deducted from our salaries and contracts immediately. this means you are missing out on potential grants and statuses which require you to provide papers of your commissions. it also means that transfering money over paypal has to go into small amounts to your own account, to avoid suspicious activity.
a thing that is very frustrating. living in a periphery country? good luck getting anything. art shops are scarce. art shops do not carry the same amounts of items, and they are more expensive than in their mother countries. you are left with office supply stores. the quality of accessible paints and other tools is lower. its already been proven that products shipped to eastern europe are of lower quality and higher price than in the west; and this goes for paints too.
this means that, if you do traditional art of any kind, you are left with shopping online. this includes shipping - youre in a periphery country? congrats, often it does not ship to it, or the shipping is atrocious. your choices? mostly deutschland amazon - every item has 10€ shipping minimum. prices are not adjusted to your salary, they are adjusted to the german ones, which are much higher. i have to regularly order fillings for my brushpen. it is not available in my country. the price on amazon is significantly higher than on pentel website, and their usa based shipping. yes, just the price of the product. pentel does not ship this to my country btw. aliexpress is what you have, it takes 2 months to arrive, is frequently lost in mail, and even with it being cheaper - its still a bit more expensive than the original.
this is the third thing - algorithm works against you if you are not from the imperial core. of course, there are timezones, but also - your posts tend to be shown to people who live around you; meaning you have harder time breaking into the international market, and that market is the only viable one.
being eastern european (or asian or southern american or african or...) gets you lower salary. i indeed love my employers, i adore the comic i work on so much that its become my own project as well, theyve been nothing but kind to me - but the fact remains that i, as an eastern european, am and will always be paid much less than my usamerican counterparts.
adding this but: its hard to break into cartoon network/adult swim/etc without being presently there. you cannot get to conventions, you cannot have your portfolio checked, and you must speak english. yes. anglos take english-speaking for granted, and fail to realize that actually speaking english for us is not a privilege, its a necessity, and its a tool of imperialism. it is unfair that you cannot do ANYTHING without speaking english. you cannot get jobs, you cannot advance your career, and while i personally speak english quite well, not everyone does, not everyone should have to.
anyway sorry for the length
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imtrashraccoon · 22 days
Not sure what to do with myself at the moment. Slight rant post below so no hard feelings if you skip it.
I have been trying to split my attention between three wips. These are The Nightmare of Apathy: Chapter 5, Swarmed by Sirens: Chapter 4, and a special Dreamswap oneshot for The Nightmare of Apathy that is currently called To Defy A Dream.
The issue is I've had a rough week with work. I work as a customer service person in a corporate hardware store and while I mostly like my job, there are parts that are extremely stressful for me. I am in the middle of transitioning to another department that will likely be less stressful but the process is something I haven't done before. I'm confident everything will work out but at the same time I'm scared I'll be wrong and this will be worse. I have to keep telling myself that this is incorrect.
I want to write but I can't seem to motivate myself at the moment. I got back into playing some of my favourite games, Project Zomboid and also Stardew Valley, but it's keeping me from writing lol. I also would like to draw some more, whether that be more affirmation doodles or finishing more siren art.
This is a small problem I suppose, but I guess I just want to have a chat with you guys. Any ideas are appreciated since I'm trying to find a way to motivate myself to finish one of the above wips. I'd love to talk about my wips or OC's or just answer any random questions. You don't have to though, I'll breakthrough this slump eventually.
I'm getting close to 200 followers and I'm still trying to think what I want to do for that.
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roo-bastmoon · 1 year
Incredibly lucky to even be here
I just realized, exactly one year ago today (May 11th) I was diagnosed with endometrial stromal sarcoma and given less than a 34% chance of survival. I'm incredibly, miraculously lucky to be well and cancer-free today. I owe that to my amazing doctors, and also in a small way to BTS.
The moment I got told I had cancer, I immediately decided to only entertain thoughts of complete health and victory. It was a pure and immediate defense mechanism and I stuck to it. So no sad songs or movies or TV shows. No online drama. No negative nellies or naysayers. No stressful projects at work. No arguments, no entanglements, no regrets.
For months, I would focus only on laughter and quality time with loved ones and things that brought me joy, even as I had to deal with practical stuff like creating a will and a pet trust and filling out life insurance forms and undergoing test and surgeries.
BTS (and Jimin, as my "recruiter") gave me moments of grace and beauty and art and warmth and giggles--and kind ARMYs gave me a sense of belonging and community, especially during a dark and terrifying time, when in the quiet of the early morning hours, the sense that my own body was my worst enemy would eat at all my mental defenses. I could switch on my phone, go to the timeline, and ARMY and BTS would be there.
If I seem to be very Pollyanna-ish or boringly polite these days, it's because I decided one year ago to focus on what I want instead of giving energy to what I don't. I know bad things are very real and they need to be confronted--of course! But I also know that depression, anger, and fear can erode the myelin sheath wrapped around our nerve endings and weaken the walls in the chambers of our hearts; that toxic emotions can bleach our hair of color and rob our nails and skin of suppleness; that negativity can lengthen our immuno-response times to bruises and cuts.
So if other folks get a thrill, a hit of adrenaline, from drama and trash talking in our fandom, more power to them, I guess. It must serve them in some way I don't understand. Me? I find meanness and pettiness draining and damaging. So I'll never do that. I'll never rudely call someone out in public or go on their blog to rant or snipe openly about members or fellow ARMY. I will just keep myself to myself and do my best to be authentic and kind and hard working.
Doesn't always work. I'm human. I will absolutely make mistakes (case in point--the campaign idea yesterday that could have really harmed Jimin. I didn't think about all the consequences and I'm so grateful to the people who patiently set me straight.) Please know that if you ever feel strongly I'm going in the wrong direction, you can always speak to me--I'll ask a million questions, I'll hear you out, and I'll try to be flexible in my mindset. You don't have to hide behind throw-away accounts or talk to others about me. I will do my best to always be kind and act in good faith with everyone. (But I'll likely still make some mistakes, because my intentions are good but I myself am not perfect.)
By and large, I feel I'm just really astronomically lucky to be here. I know the kind of cancer I had is very sneaky and could come back at any time. So how I spend my time left in this life matters to me. I want to be a source of good in the world, help other people, experience bliss and celebrate good things. I don't want to be selfish or destructive. If I start to go that way, I know good friends will gently call me back.
Like BTS, I want to connect with people and help build something worthy. So if you're on board with that, let's be friends. And if you're not, let's part amicably.
I just... figured I should probably say that... out loud. So that's that on that.
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Love you guys,
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kaelio · 1 year
A few points for YA Authors:
1. People can have sex that they later wish they hadn't had, in the complete absence of any kind of abuse. I've ordered meals that I ended up not liking (or where I'd have preferred something else) and the restaurant did not wrong me or treat me inappropriately. Sometimes it just didn't work out with someone and sex was something you did in that relationship.
2. Things like colonialism and imperialism are complex and multifaceted, with many stakeholders with many different values. If you have an idea that will "solve" them, I recommend writing an academic paper so you can be showered in Nobel prizes instead of a story about a witch who works at the candy store.
3. If you are going to take a real stand, that means real consequences. You can't be like "But because Bopper's values were so good, it was actually fine to cede all agricultural land in the world of Frigno back to the singing butterflies. Grain fell from the sky now!" If you mean it, if you REALLY mean the stuff you're saying, your point is stronger for your willingness to show real consequences of that decision. Take your position seriously, or the readership should not be expected to take it seriously.
4. If you insist writers can only write "what they know" and anything else is problematic, you imply people should only really write autobiographies (dumb). However even a lesser version would make books whiter and more upper-middle-class because that's the commonest writer demo. This is true for a few largely unfair structural reasons, but it is true. If YA Writers were to only really write themselves for fear of overstepping, the genre gets less representative of the world because writers, as a group, are not representative of the world. Learn more and research more, talk to more people, and encourage other authors to do the same.
5. If you claim that it's super important that you research other cultures before writing about them (and I agree!), you must concede it is equally important to research business and economics and other things that affect the validity of the claims you are making.
6. Your characters' uniqueness should come from their personality and character not from demographic checkboxes. Tokenism is not just limp but indefensible when you control the entire narrative.
7. Let your characters make actual mistakes that are the result of their actual decisions which logically flow from their actual values. A character who is never really making decisions is basically just that art project robot that got its ass kicked in Philadelphia.
8. You don't have to always do a "twist on" a recognized thing. You can write werewolves that do not in any way challenge the normal perception of werewolfdom. Whatever you've landed on needs to serve the story first, not prove how clever and special you personally are.
9. If someone hates you personally, they will find a way to use your book as a conduit for that hatred and as an excuse for that hatred. You can't write a book where this isn't the case, so don't write your book with that expectation or as if you have any way to prevent this. Focus on writing a good book.
10. Whether you can use a fantasy/sci-fi element as a stand-in for a real world issue relies entirely on the competent execution of that idea. I know this sounds obvious, but yes, something might be outside your capacity to pull off (or in that story), but that is not inherent. In some cases it might be much harder, or too challenging to justify the attempt, but symbolism works to the extent that you make it work based on your capabilities as an author.
11. If half your book is basically just a thinly-disguised rant at how much you hate your parents... rip off that disguise! Don't be coy about it! If that's what you're writing about, just write about that. Why play games? If you think your parents could now read your book and not realize it's about them, you've also obscured your feelings for your audience. Do it or don't do it, but for the love of all things, don't half-ass it.
12. You do not solve any of the problems in your story by making your lead characters so pathetic that you can claim it's mean or unfair for the readership to "judge" them.
13. The only perfect metaphor for a thing is the thing itself, so test your metaphors and make sure they work, but do not hold them to the standard of translating perfectly, because they can't. That they are not 1:1 the thing is because they are metaphors for the thing.
14. Similarly, no fictional relationship can be held up to the standard of representing all relationships. You have to let this expectation go. People also need to be able to have relationships that are not framed as "lessons".
15. If you include warfare, research warfare enough that the conflicts are credible. If you don't want to do that, then the simple answer is don't put warfare in your books. It's YOUR book, YOU made that choice.
16. Overall, remember: your book exists to be a book first and foremost. It is not a treatise on you communicated via your book; if you want your book to be about yourself, write an autobiography. Otherwise, focus on telling a good story.
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parahumanzine · 6 months
FAQ: OC Fanzine
Wow! What a response! Thank you all so much for the lovely comments left on the document, we really weren't expecting this. We've noticed a few repeating questions popping up in responses, so here's a post designed to clarify some things. What will I actually be DOING? Fear not! All will be explained when we finalize the format. For now, this is what we have in mind: You would be given a blank template of a 'case file' that you would fill out with the information of your OC. So, all you'd need to do is provide some art and info that would fit what the template asks! Think less fanfiction, more character profile. We will allow for some artistic liberties and creative freedom to keep the pages from getting too stale, writing wise. As an example, think of an anecdote from disgruntled PRT employees ranting about how this one independent cape is so RUDE, or a few extra lines within personal history for a villain who's got a complicated history. As for artists who want to participate don't have OC's, you'd give us art depicting other scenes from Bet to provide contrast between the more structured case files versus the reality of life on a world with superheroes, or help provide the small mugshots for writers. What does adopting an artist/writer mean? It means you want to team up with someone to work on a submission! Do I NEED to adopt a writer or an artist? Of course not! While we encourage people to collaborate and assist each other, if you can handle both parts yourself, by all means, go ahead! What does needing help with a submission mean? If you checked one of those two boxes, it means you're an artist or writer who needs help either getting art or words down for your character. The artists would provide a mugshot or something similar to the writer- nothing too strenuous, as we're thin on artists as it is- and the writers would assist the artists will filling in character details, such as history or personal anecdotes. As it stands, we have about a 70/30 split between writers vs artists, so definitely share this project with any art friends who you think would be interested in participating! I know X person, can we be paired up together? If you two are both on board with working together, sure! In that case, don't ask for assistance, that's for people who need help getting one part of their piece done. Will this be one OC per person, or can you submit more then one? So long as you submit a completed piece before the deadline (and don't worry, a schedule will be posted), feel free to do more then one! Just don't overtax yourself or your potential partner- and keep in mind, we want quality over quantity! We'd much rather have one very well-written or drawn piece vs three mediocre ones. Can I use Picrew/Avatar Maker/ect to make my character's art? We're going to say no to this, sorry. Can I use my SI? We're going with a no on that one. And yes, that includes OCSI's. Can I use my alt!Taylor? Nope! OC's only. I have a character from Earth Aleph/Gimel/an AU. Can I use them? Since the format of the zine is going to be Bet's PRT personnel files, we're afraid not. Sorry! That's all for now, but as the interest check and time go on, we made update this post, so be sure to check in. And once again, thank you all for the enthusiasm!
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e-adlirez · 6 months
An Independent Callout Update
Hi everybody, this is uh, this is exactly what it says on the tin, and I figured I'd make one.
Last you saw me I was offering some appreciation for some funni Tumblr art, and sharing a project long-ish in the making (it was like two months it's not that long). I figured y'know, maybe we can let sleeping dogs lie, maybe I can work on other things and maybe take a br--
NOPE JUST KIDDING someone's still up and about and still trying to prove himself somewhere in the blameless route. I've genuinely never seen someone make this many backflips to make them look innocent since Grace Chastity, which is an accomplishment, by the way! Not a good one by any means, but an accomplishment nonetheless!
Let's dive into it, shall we?
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Here we have a Cadillac trying to claim that he was hacked. As you can see, he's failed miserably at trying to ping @2deadkat, @ratonahat and @bloombirdreads, in an attempt to call for help. He's failing to ping them because they blocked his ass a whiiiillleeeee ago. And of course, the "it wasn't his fault, it was someone else acting in my name!" excuse! This is peak "I can't be having impure thoughts! This is the other guy's fault for making me horny!" Cadillac is there something you wish to confess in front of the class?
Two holes in his excuse:
One, you didn't seem to have any issues when you were trying to convince me into thinking that you were trying even the tiniest modicum of owning up to your mistakes (which I have screenshotted here in case you think you can delete them and say I can't prove anything). It was really more of a "I'm changed in literally 2 days, I'm not like that anymore!", which is about as believable as falling into a black hole and coming out alive. In other words, not at all. Even less believable since your writing style doesn't seem to have changed from your older posts to your newer posts, hm....
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Two, Cadillac, even if you were telling the truth and got hacked, how did you not notice? Getting your account hacked is a very big deal! You could lose personal information, get doxxed, have your account become a mouthpiece for scams, and that's only the half of it! How did you only notice this just now, on December 22nd of 2023? This is a big affront to your internet safety! It would be impossible!
And if you want to say this is a recent development, then uh, buddy, I have some news for you.
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Here I have a screenshot from one of my personal Discords, and so far it's the earliest secondary record I have of Cadillac's shenaniganery.
And you can tell it's really early because a reply to the mini-rant around the same day mentions this funny little detail:
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This was back when Cadillac had only made two shirtless G posts on his blog. From July 26th, 2023 to December 22nd, 2023-- that's a five-month time period! Almost half a year of not realizing that you've been hacked! And the strangest thing is you haven't changed a bit before or after! This hacker must've done a very good job making your posts sound like your own by extrapolating your internet personality from-- and I counted-- eight bare-bones posts, hm? /sarcastic
Well okay, remember how I said Cadillac's been very consistent this whole time? Well, I lied. There's Cadillac's most recent post as well:
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Dear me, you're sounding awfully mature and respectful here! Is this a miracle? Could you possibly have actually been hacked and the person behind the screen is actually a decent person all alo--
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Buddy, I didn't even need to pull up GPTZero for this, you were sounding so corporate and so fake it wasn't even a contest. You ain't slick, Cadillac, not slick at all.
And for the record, I plugged my entries in the callout post in there too because why not
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Yep, a lotta hooman to go around with me, Cadillac. This one in I'm writing right now took about an hour :D Whether or not it's because of having to find sources or just to find a good way to say what I want to, I'll leave that for everyone else to decide.
Anyway, this is your Cadillac callout update, goodnight tristate area.
Yes Cadillac you can bet your ass that the only reason anyone would ever be unblocking you would be for no other reason but this: making callouts that aren't going any time soon. I will admit, one flaw in my original post was the fact that I hyperlinked more than I screenshotted, giving you an opportunity to wipe the evidence. Well, you've got nowhere to hide now, Cadillac. I've caught you in 4K, and these posts aren't going anywhere.
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styles-harriet · 2 months
***Long Rant***
- Art journey,
- Shoutout
- Sneak peak
This ask had me reflecting on my art style. So i pulled up some of my old and new work .
The first one is mini Bobby , i couldn't draw him at all, but i still wanted some sort of drawing so i decided to make a Gacha Bobby, I mean hey, something is better than nothing right ?
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Say what you want but I'm still very fond of this little guy.
Then I made a MC × Bobby fanart. But even in that, his face was no mucho gusto and it came out very blurry and the pens lines were too thick
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Then came Superman Bobby , better and more good looking than the previous crack Bobby but still very blurry.
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One of the reasons was , I was using a pen style that was too thick and that really defined the outlines rather than the actual picture and when resized , it got really blurry and the app that i was using had very limited resources .
Then I switched to the app im using now - Ibis paint. It's free , has tons of features and brushes , less precise and professional than procreate but it's still very much up there. I changed my brush from a drawing pen to a pencil which has thin strokes. The result is definitely better
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And I fell more in love as i drew him
@libelle949 : If you like love island, art and a great person to talk to, they have got the whole package. They have drawn many many character arts for love islands and other fandoms. They also have fanfic content on their blog and they are all about lifting other people up with them. Definitely check out their blog.
@ariendiel : Two words. Noah ,Aesthetic. That's what the blog is about. If you are a season two girlie who is in love with Noah, look no further. This blog has fanarts, fanfics , some of it being a non LI plot while others being alternate LI scenarios. And you'll also find a surprise....spicy 🍆🍑 edits of many islanders to get your heart racing.
------ Sneak peak ----
I have been working on this fanart for days. Not because it's very complex or has too much details , but because my final exams have commenced, so I only draw the FACE of the islander i have in mind for the project to reward myself at the end of the day.
Today I finished drawing the faces of my second last and last islander who are going to be featured on the fanart. I FINALLY LEARNED HOW TO DO HAIR HIGHLIGHTS. i basically never shade because I dont know how and I was planning on learning that during my vacation BUT I finally tried out hair shading for Jin and Bruno. And I'm loving the result.
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Tadaaaaaa!!!!!! Made my day tbh can't wait to include this in the final fanart with the other three boys ( can you take the vibe and guess who they are?)
Also, I can't believe im just 5 away from 50 followers!!?! Thankyou for the love and support ❤️
Main blog
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druvjelly · 2 months
More oc am I the asshole
AITA for telling the popular girl her life isn’t a tragedy
Okay so long story short, I (f16) is stuck with doing a group project with this girl, I will call Jupiter (f16) for privacy reasons. We are opposites, she is this popular really pretty girl who won the local county pageant and all that. She has several friends and was dating the quarterback until he came out as gay last week. (She is still in denial over that however). I’m not super pretty, at least compared to her, I would rate myself a 5/10 with hair, makeup, and outfit on. Also I am not really popular, I have two friends. But I’m the kid who eats lunch in the art classroom while watching anime. I’ve had people who have kept me around just to seem more normal and such. But back to our group project. I started to talk about a visual kei band I like and she went “wow, you must really like them,” i said without thinking “there is nothing wrong with being straight forward you know,”
I added baking soda to the science fair volcano with that one. She started ranting talking about how hard she had it, saying stuff like “sometimes people view me as a bitch if I’m honest,” and “at least people don’t only see you for your looks,” (I’m the only black student at our fancy private school in Washington). One thing that really got to me was when I told her “hey, I’m autistic, I don’t like it when people aren’t straight forward,” and she said
“You know, people at least allow you to be yourself,”
Never in my life had I met someone with less social intelligence than me. So I told her this. Because I had to interact with her family a few times due to the group project. She had photos of her up on the wall while her older sister was ignored, she always had the say in conversations. She owned luxury brands and everything.
“So you, have been raised with your parents giving you everything, you being their golden child, you are naturally social, and pretty, everyone likes you, you dated the hottest guy in our school before he came out, right,?”
She answered
“Yeah, but you see, sometimes,”
I told her everyone struggles sometimes, and her life isn’t a tragedy because I think she keeps overreacting to the smallest things. And now she’s mad and told me she wouldn’t mind swapping places with me.
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angelpuns · 10 months
Ranting anon is actually v interested in ur new au- so they are gonna make a lil list of questions-
Do any of the dudes have a specific thing abt their design that's special to them and like actually has a lil meaning
Does splinter particularly dislike anything about each of them
How often do you think they'd go out together
Do any of them have specially unhealthy and noticeable habits
Who's the quietest and loudest
Who spends the most time alone or with others
Who do u think is more willing to go out in public
Do any of them have a specific interest they can't seem to shake
Fav water brands (bc there is a difference! Nirvana and Aquafina SUCK!!!)
that's all for now :3 have a good day, drink some water, treat urself, don't forget to go outside every once in awhile <3 <3 (I am not rereading this so sorry for any mistakes, brain is still taking a vacation)
I'll go one by one for the first one ( they don't have super special meanings or anything, just things they like )
Leo ofc has his stars! He just really likes space and the star motif is super cute!! He also has his scarf, its just got all their colors on it - he sewed on the little bits himself.
Mikey likes to make bracelets and has a MASSIVE collection, so he's always wearing em.
DONNIE HAS A TOOLBELT!!! It holds all his stuffs!
Raph has his ripped pants - which he wears exclusively to spite Leo. Also has some dogtags that he found on the ground and decided he was gonna keep forever ( for funsies )
I think Splinter probably thinks that Leo is too...irresponsible? He expects a certain degree of responsibility that Leo doesn't really hit. He also is transphobic :)
For Mikey he definitely seems to blame him for things that aren't his fault. On the other hand, Mikey is also very messy, hates doing chores and Splinter can't stand that.
Same sort of thing for Donnie, but much less so. Excuses it away with compliments and stuff. He is the favorite child after all.
For Raph its like he doesn't even know he exists. He barely talks to Raph or really??? Worries about him?? He's just overlooked due to being the same age as Donnie ig
They go out together all the time! They usually end up arguing, but its always a lot of fun! Sometimes Raph n Donnie stay at home, but almost always its all four of em. Raph and Mikey also go out on their own ( separately ) a lot.
Uhhhhhhh I am actually gonna hold off on answering that cause I have a comic I wanna make about one of Leo's habits ( tee he its just one of my habits but anyway ).
Raph chews on his mask tails. Not really unhealthy but def noticeable. Mikey chews his nails like so so bad. I'll add more when I think of em :)
Quietist is Donnie for sure, Raph is the loudest. Mikey is the second loudest. Leo can be loud if he needs to.
Leo spends the most time alone, he doesn't really have much going on as far as a social life. Raph has a lot of friends and that's usually who he's hanging out when he's out.
Raph is the most likely to go out in public. Sometimes its to spite Leo and sometimes he just wants to go hang out in the city. Occasionally he'll drag Mikey out with him.
Leo has been into space since he was a kid and he hasn't been able to shake it since, Mikey n Raph ofc have their art. Donnie has his tech. The last three are more like just huge aspects of their personalities at this point. Mikey has been watching Project Runway nonstop for like 2 years ( Leo got him into it )
I don't know any water brands- Raph and Mikey are the only two that actually drink water and I think they drink a store brand? Leo drinks tap water :) Donnie is eternally dehydrated
I feel a LITTLE bad posting about them so much when Kid Leo isn't over but its my coping mechanism <3333
Enjoy my rambles haha
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blackstarchanx3new · 11 months
FSR rambles...THE FIFTH ONE???
It dawned on me while I work on the 2nd flashback comic in a row I could talk about the scene between Blue and Green. I will probably have less interesting/insightful things to say about this chapter since it was mostly "Aftercare" for all the BS I put yall through with the Link chapter. X'D
I actually EXTENDED this scene from it's OG length not sure how obvious that is though. We all needed to heal. UwU Mostly me actually lmfao. I write obnoxiously fluffy shit after dark shit to make me feel better. X'D
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Jumping into this page after the last one it gives the impression Blue talking yanked Green out of his thoughts about Link/the past few days leading up to Link pulling the sword.
Twice now someone has warded off Dark Link just by talking to the person he's affecting. Previous being Shadow not so elegantly yelling at Vio till he woke the hell up but he was way deeper in in than Green is here.
Onto the more pressing matter of this page though:
Green feels responsible for taking care of everyone and was worried about what Vio was going to go do once he left the house: Note, we SAW what Shadow and Vio were up too but Green has NO CLUE. If he knew I feel like he'd be more concerned about the freakin' panic attack oof.
Vio just said he was going for a walk and hasn't come back for presumably hours. Right after the split too and with someone who is DUBIOUS at best. The situation kinda just sucks.
Blue gets annoyed with Green's stubbornness offering to take his place in waiting for Vio. The millionth sign he cares about Vio a lot despite his previous ranting.
Dude just decides to concedes to sitting with Green cause it's easier than trying to get him to sleep. Despite him OBVIOUSLY needing it.
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Fair question to ask all things considered...
Not much to say story wise but art wise Blue is very cute and his super long side burns are one of my favorite things about him outside of his huge eyebrows. Yall will know weird eyebrows are a thing I enjoy drawing if you've seen my art for a long time. XD
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That hug went on a little too long lmao. Blue's kind of shy about physical affection and I think that's cute.
Blue doesn't wanna be Link, like at all. He must have also caught Vio staring at the sword's pedestal because he knows Vio had thoughts about placing it earlier and knew Green had paranoia about Vio putting the sword back while on the "Walk"
Blue's perceptive.
Green says the gayest thing he possibly could prompting one of my favorite lines from Blue in this entire comic "Why am I the only normal one???" He's projecting his own insecurities about being "weird" onto the Vio and Green.
He really wanted the split to be the key to solving all their/Link's problems. Unlucky for him it just makes 4 times more issues oop.
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Blue ain't an idiot. He can tell Green's not doing too well. UNLIKE VIO GREEN'S ACTUALLY HONEST RIGHT OFF THE BAT WITH HIS PROBLEMS/FEARS.
Blue decides he wants to be the 2nd most level headed character in this comic outside of Shadow Link.
Blue's a true bud.
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Blue how dare you capture Green's heart. X'D Vio and Green are both desperate for comfort. I find Green and Vio were the ones affected by Link's depression the most.
Vio harbors a LOT of regret and anxiety. Green feels overwhelming pressure to do what Link did before the split while being "Diet Link".
Vio's less good at dealing with and communicating emotions are hard for the purple boy. Green doesn't have this problem and is with someone who gets what he's going through right away while Shadow wasn't sure WHAT was the problem when Vio started to break down.
Green never gets to that point at least not here.
Green and Blue also don't have the utter BAGAGE Vio and Shadow do lmao so that probably helps.
Green and Vio got baggage together that will be unpacked later. ;)
Lol Green's confession is cute. Blue's a lot less comfortable saying stuff quite like that. Red's the MOST comfortable saying that kind of thing so maybe this scene is OOC but Green's insanely difficult to characterize so I'm doing whatever I want with him. X'D
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Blue hasn't been slick at all about his feelings towards Vio let's be real and Green calls him out.
Shadow Link pisses Blue off and I'm so giddy to show off more of WHY that is. (It's deeper than he's jealous which you can probably figure from his dialogue.)
Also just goes to show Link himself still harbored tough feelings around Shadow Link deeper than Vio's emotional baggage.
While Vio was in denial he was still alive despite the obvious fact he was there the whole time and the notion they could ever meet again, even HOPING they wouldn't, he still showed fondness towards Shadow and was happy to be around him.
Blue actively doesn't like Shadow and has been vocal about that fact. If Blue calling him a "Bitch" and a "Bastard" didn't make that clear enough.
Green you'll notice only at first mentions wanting Vio to come back but switches to mentioning them both in the next page. He also was the one who clarified Shadow was welcome to stay with them and was apart of their team. Showing a sort of neutral leaning on positive tone to Shadow's existence.
Red's relationship with Shadow is nonexistent at this point but will be explored later so I can't speak on it as of rn. Red hasn't had much of a role but I will point out I did like drawing him in the BG of these pages. XD He's still around just sleepy.
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Blue's ability to sense danger is such an interesting thing about him. Like, that's so useful I wish we got to see it more in the manga.
I appreciated Blue way more as a character after drawing these pages and it made me change how I wrote him in certain scenes in the script X'D
I want him to have just as much depth as Vio and Shadow, because while Vidow had a strong focus at the START the whole of the comic leans on: A sequel to FSA vibe.
We're left on a cliff hanger for what the hell Blue's afraid of...Vaati perhaps?
We'll see.
Blue being protective of Green was smth I thought would be cute, but Green also trusts his judgment.
Also smth that will be touched on btw and I'm sure yall have noticed is: Where the hell is Princess Zelda/what is she up too. Considering she got a letter from Link.
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thatninjacat27 · 1 year
This is short and sweet.
Summary: Sonic goes home to tell his brother that he’s quitting his job.
Inspired by this piece of art: https://at.tumblr.com/d0d0-b0i/eepy/8w9exd041ibk
(Same thing in the link as is below)
“Tails, that’s it. I’m done. I’m finished with doing this hero gig.”, Sonic announced as he stumbled and hit the doorframe of the living room. The blue hedgehog had very dark circles around his eyes. He looked dead tired and with crazed glint in his eyes.
‘Here we go again.’, the fox thought. Not exactly the first time Sonic has come to him forsaking his job. It’s happened more recently as they’ve grown older but Tails knew he didn’t really mean it. Especially when the blue hedgehog was like this. All it meant was that this interaction was going to end the same way as all the others.
“Oh come on, Sonic. We both know that’s not true.”, Tails said as he slowly walked towards to his brother. He needed to be close because Sonic would unintentional hurt himself and complain about it the next day.
“Nuh uh, Tails. I’m going to quit for reals. Then I’ll finally be free. Free to sleep in for the first time in months. And then I’ll-“, Tails caught him with ease before he could hit the floor. The blue hedgehog was knocked out cold. He was even drooling and making snoring sounds.
The fox slightly smiled good-naturedly. Well that rant had taken less time than he thought. “Don’t worry, bro. I got you.”, Tails said as he dragged his brother’s unconscious body to the nearby couch. Sonic looked at peace as he was laying there. The fox adjusts the blue hedgehog’s head and put a blanket over him.
“Good night and sleep well. Me and the gang will take care of any attacks tomorrow, okay?”
Sonic didn’t respond as he was heavily snoring and in a deep sleep. Tails smiled and went to flipped off the light switch.
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cellsshapedlikestars · 9 months
Thanks for sharing the books that inspired your fics!
Are you an autumn person? By that I mean not just aesthetic wise but also like spooky/scary vibes?
If so, any books/works that fit those vibes? Any plans for any autumn inspired fics?
Autumn is absolutely my favorite season, if you couldn't tell from the excessive amounts of ghost/supernatural/demon/horror fics I've written. Also shout out to my favorite witch hunt one shot
I do want to write something for autumn, and I got a prompt in my inbox for it, but I'm working on 3 different projects right now (though only one is a posted WIP) and there's no room in my brain for another. Maybe once I finish one of these, I'll get inspired, and I hope to participate in the Jonsa Halloween event.
book recs below the cut. Please note I'm only putting things here that I own physical copies of. Unfortunately, I did go through a book purge a few years ago.
I feel like I would categorize most of the books I recced in the last post as spooky autumn vibes, but here's some more that are less spooky vibes and more just mystery/autumn?
1. Let's start with a book I meant to include in the last post!! I was ranting about it in the tags bc I completely overlooked it last night
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2. Mysteries/thrillers/ghost stories:
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(not included: all the Swedish/Icelandic mystery authors I mentioned in the last post)
3. True crime:
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(while looking through my non-fiction, I forgot I had a weird obsession once with art history true crime lol. I'm not including those bc they aren't spooky or horror)
4. And lastly, another horror that I cannot fully recommend bc I haven't finished it:
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(this one is sort of depressing tbh, which is why I haven't finished it yet)
Please note that for a lot of these authors, I've read multiple of their works and those are also recommended, but I only wanted to include each author once
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nobodysdaydreams · 1 year
Okay listen: I know Show!Curtain adopting SQ leaves us with enough to talk about, but hear me out:
AU where all of the executives (Jackson, Jillson, Martina, and SQ) are Curtain’s adopted kids.
Because the way their characters act would fit perfectly in that context.
✨ Unhinged Rant Below: ✨
I think that you’d actually change very little about the show characters, and they would fit perfectly into the dynamic that would develop if Curtain adopted all of them:
SQ: SQ would be the favorite (because he reminds Curtain of Nicholas) and yet, this causes his siblings to resent him and SQ still feels inferior for not being as good as the rest of them at things he’s been taught to value (e.g., being strong, good at exams, emotionally invulnerable, etc.). It also makes his special moments with his dad (when they do art together) feel less special, because he wishes it didn’t come at the expense of his siblings. Curtain, because of his relationship and experience with Nicholas, tries to cultivate separate relationships with his children individually and does nothing to encourage them to bond with each other (because in his messed up worldview, Curtain actually believes that this is doing them a favor). This leaves SQ feeling even more guilty, misunderstood, and isolated. And yes, as a little kid, he did draw pictures for everyone in his family, and everyone (Curtain included) still has the crayon drawings little SQ made of the five of them together looking happy (though no one, Martina especially, would ever admit to saving the drawing or wishing that it could be their family’s dynamic in reality).
Martina: Martina, as the youngest, would constantly fight to be the best, be the favorite, and win her dad’s approval. Unfortunately for Martina, she’s the one Curtain relates to the most, so he unconsciously projects himself onto her, except Curtain hates himself, so he’s both proud of and disappointed in Martina but can’t articulate why (and he can’t tell Martina how proud he is of her without being vulnerable, so he never does). Martina is super jealous that SQ is clearly the favorite, and although she’s not as good at art, makes sure she’s better than him at everything else. Curtain recognizes her talent and has her in mind to be his successor, but ends up putting more pressure on her instead of giving positive feedback, which makes Martina more desperate to win his approval, and all the more devastated when she fails. Plus, Martina never gets the chance to question whether being Curtain’s successor and following in his footsteps is really what she wants, she just feels like it’s what her dad values her for so she’s afraid to let it go. So naturally, when Kate, Reynie, and Sticky get to the institute and start showing her up academically and athletically, she does not take it well (and might even actively try to sabotage SQ’s friendships with them, and have a very “I told you so” attitude when they are all revealed to be spies).
Jackson and Jillson: Jackson and Jillson don’t get projected on quite as strongly as Martina and SQ (although the fact that they are so close sometimes reminds Curtain of himself and Nicholas). They’re the oldest and technically adults at this point, so while they still try to win Curtain’s approval, they aren’t as desperate, plus they learned a long time ago that competing to be better than Martina or more beloved than SQ is a losing game, and there are benefits to staying out of the spotlight. They also have a close relationship because once Martina and SQ were adopted, Curtain started viewing Martina as the one best suited to be his successor, and SQ as his favorite, so they both got kinda ignored, but at least they had each other. Curtain’s not thrilled about how close Jackson and Jillson are because he assumes one will eventually betray the other, but he allows their dynamic to develop because it happened naturally, and he’s too focused on his other children to do anything about it. Plus, since they are older and not under so much pressure, Jackson and Jillson try to be good and encouraging older siblings to Martina and SQ, but it’s hard when Curtain has such a strong hold over them, and Jackson and Jillson themselves are still loyal to their father.
Now how did Curtain end up adopting not just one but FOUR children? Because he has the same adoptive instincts that Nicholas has, ESPECIALLY when it comes to children labeled as “unwanted” or “undesirable” or when they remind him of himself or Nicholas (but Curtain would never openly acknowledge that). So he sees Jackson and Jillson, and how all they have in the world is each other (just like him and Nicky once), he sees SQ, who is so sweet and kindhearted (like Nicky), and Martina, who insists on being the strongest and best at everything (like baby Nathaniel), and Curtain’s like: “hm. Yes. I see. These orphans are my children now.”
But even though it comes from a place of love, terribly misguided love as it is, Curtain still struggles to be a good dad. He obviously hasn’t gotten over his own past, and unlike Nicholas, who has Number Two, Rhonda, Milligan, and Miss. Perumal, all Curtain has for help is Garrison, who would probably feel too guilty to even want to get near those kids, and Jeffers, who I’m pretty sure would lose them all after five minutes of babysitting (which would result in Curtain screaming at him over the phone because there are four of them, how do you lose all four of them on an island, SQ is a wanderer, sure, but he can’t run that fast, and Jackson and Jillson are always together, so surely you could have just kept track of one of them? Ok, Martina is a troublemaker, but still, it’s an island, how can you not find her? And then I imagine Jeffers mumbling something about a game of hide-and-seek that got “out of hand”).
Now, of course, there would be a plot line where the siblings come together and actually start acting like a loving family (and Martina and SQ would parallel the twins FOR SURE if that wasn’t obvious already). And Jackson and Jillson, when push came to shove, would finally stand up to Curtain if it meant protecting their younger siblings. And Curtain, after some therapy and hard work (and a stern talking to from his brother) would realize that the way he treated his children was toxic for all of them, apologize, and work towards developing a healthier family dynamic with them. I apologize for all spelling and grammar mistakes. I typed this up very late at night. But I hope you enjoy my incoherent thoughts.
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